1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 |
EVENT_MANAGER : RegisterForEvent ( "KeybindingsManager" , EVENT_KEYBINDINGS_LOADED , function ( eventCode , ... ) self : OnKeybindingsLoaded ( ... ) end )
EVENT_MANAGER : RegisterForEvent ( "KeybindingsManager" , EVENT_KEYBINDING_SET , function ( eventCode , ... ) self : OnKeybindingSet ( ... ) end )
EVENT_MANAGER : RegisterForEvent ( "KeybindingsManager" , EVENT_KEYBINDING_CLEARED , function ( eventCode , ... ) self : OnKeybindingCleared ( ... ) end )
EVENT_MANAGER : RegisterForEvent ( "KeybindingsManager" , EVENT_INPUT_LANGUAGE_CHANGED , function ( eventCode , ... ) self : OnInputLanguageChanged ( ... ) end )
local categoryList = { }
for categoryIndex = 1 , numCategories do
local actionList = { }
for actionIndex = 1 , numActions do
if not isHidden then
if localizedActionName ~= "" then
actionName = actionName ,
localizedActionName = localizedActionName ,
isRebindable = isRebindable ,
layerIndex = layerIndex ,
categoryIndex = categoryIndex ,
actionIndex = actionIndex ,
if # actionList > 0 then
local categoryData = ZO_EntryData : New ( { layerIndex = layerIndex , categoryIndex = categoryIndex , categoryName = categoryName , actions = actionList } )
if # categoryList > 0 then
local layerData = ZO_EntryData : New ( { layerIndex = layerIndex , layerName = layerName , categories = categoryList } )
if key ~= KEY_LWINDOWS and key ~= KEY_RWINDOWS then
return true
return false
function KeybindingsManager : GetNumChangedSavedKeybindings ( layerIndex , categoryIndex , actionIndex , bindingIndex , pendingKey , pendingMod1 , pendingMod2 , pendingMod3 , pendingMod4 )
local numChangedSavedKeybinds = 0
-- first check how changing the current keybind to the pending keybind will change what's saved
local currentKey , currentMod1 , currentMod2 , currentMod3 , currentMod4 = GetActionBindingInfo ( layerIndex , categoryIndex , actionIndex , bindingIndex )
local defaultKey , defaultMod1 , defaultMod2 , defaultMod3 , defaultMod4 = GetActionDefaultBindingInfo ( layerIndex , categoryIndex , actionIndex , bindingIndex )
local isCurrentDefault = currentKey == defaultKey and currentMod1 == defaultMod1 and currentMod2 == defaultMod2 and currentMod3 == defaultMod3 and currentMod4 == defaultMod4
local isPendingDefault = pendingKey == defaultKey and pendingMod1 == defaultMod1 and pendingMod2 == defaultMod2 and pendingMod3 == defaultMod3 and pendingMod4 == defaultMod4
if isCurrentDefault and not isPendingDefault then
-- current key was default, and setting it to pending will cause a save
numChangedSavedKeybinds = numChangedSavedKeybinds + 1
elseif not isCurrentDefault and isPendingDefault then
-- current key is not defualt, but pending key is, so we won't have to save it anymore
numChangedSavedKeybinds = numChangedSavedKeybinds - 1
-- then check if the pending key is already bound somewhere else and how unbinding it will affect what's saved
local existingCategoryIndex , existingActionIndex , existingBindingIndex = GetBindingIndicesFromKeys ( layerIndex , pendingKey , pendingMod1 , pendingMod2 , pendingMod3 , pendingMod4 )
if existingCategoryIndex and existingActionIndex and existingBindingIndex and ( existingCategoryIndex ~= categoryIndex or existingActionIndex ~= actionIndex or existingBindingIndex ~= bindingIndex ) then
local existingDefaultKey , existingDefaultMod1 , existingDefaultMod2 , existingDefaultMod3 , existingDefaultMod4 = GetActionDefaultBindingInfo ( layerIndex , existingCategoryIndex , existingActionIndex , existingBindingIndex )
local isExistingDefault = pendingKey == existingDefaultKey and pendingMod1 == existingDefaultMod1 and pendingMod2 == existingDefaultMod2 and pendingMod3 == existingDefaultMod3 and pendingMod4 == existingDefaultMod4
if isExistingDefault then
-- The pending key is already bound as the default of something else, so unbinding it will increase the number of saved binds
numChangedSavedKeybinds = numChangedSavedKeybinds + 1
local isDefaultUnbound = existingDefaultKey == KEY_INVALID
if isDefaultUnbound then
-- Unbinding the pending key from the existing will set it to not bound, which is the default, removing a save
numChangedSavedKeybinds = numChangedSavedKeybinds - 1
return numChangedSavedKeybinds
function KeybindingsManager : GetNumChangedSavedKeybindingsIfUnbound ( layerIndex , categoryIndex , actionIndex , bindingIndex )
return self : GetNumChangedSavedKeybindings ( layerIndex , categoryIndex , actionIndex , bindingIndex , KEY_INVALID , KEY_INVALID , KEY_INVALID , KEY_INVALID , KEY_INVALID )
internalassert ( GetMaxBindingsPerAction ( ) == 4 , "Max bindings per action changes, update KeybindingsManager:GetBindTypeTextFromIndex" )
if bindingIndex == 1 then
elseif bindingIndex == 2 then
elseif bindingIndex == 3 then