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ADD_ON_MANAGER = table:000002AFC16BD650 (meta 000002AFBF6E31F0} ADVANCED_STATS_FRAGMENT = table:000002AFC2A30210 (meta 000002AFBF3BE198} ADVANCED_STATS_FRAGMENT_GROUP = table:000002AF3BFE69B8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC2A30210 (meta 000002AFBF3BE198} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000002AFC2A30258 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000002AFC2A30438 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000002AFC2A30548 firstTable StateChange = table:000002AFC2A30590 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC2A305D8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2A304C8 4 = false control = userdata:000002AFC2A2CBD0 (meta 000002AFBEB9FA38} duration = 200 state = hidden 2 = table:000002AFC659C218 (meta 000002AFBF3BE198} ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_FORMAT_FLAT = 1 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_FORMAT_FLAT_AND_PERCENT = 3 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_FORMAT_FLAT_OR_PERCENT = 4 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_FORMAT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_FORMAT_ITERATION_END = 4 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_FORMAT_MAX_VALUE = 4 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_FORMAT_MIN_VALUE = 0 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_FORMAT_NONE = 0 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_FORMAT_PERCENT = 2 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_ALL_XP = 49 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_ARMOR = 29 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_BASH_COST = 2 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_BASH_DAMAGE = 3 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_BLEED_DAMAGE = 19 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_BLEED_RESIST = 27 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_BLOCK_COST = 1 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_BLOCK_MITIGATION = 7 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_BLOCK_SPEED = 45 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CC_BREAK_COST = 8 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_COLD_DAMAGE = 10 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_COLD_RESIST = 40 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CRITICAL_CHANCE = 25 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CRITICAL_DAMAGE = 23 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CRITICAL_HEALING = 22 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CRITICAL_PERCENT = 21 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CRITICAL_RESIST = 34 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_DISEASE_DAMAGE = 11 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_DISEASE_RESIST = 33 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_DODGE_COST = 4 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_EARTH_DAMAGE = 12 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_EARTH_RESIST = 39 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_FIRE_DAMAGE = 13 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_FIRE_RESIST = 31 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_FROST_RESIST = 36 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_GENERIC_DAMAGE = 20 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_GENERIC_RESIST = 42 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_HEALING_DONE = 43 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_HEALING_DONE_BONUSES = 51 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_HEALING_TAKEN = 44 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_HEALING_TAKEN_BONUSES = 50 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 51 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_MAGIC_DAMAGE = 14 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_MAGIC_RESIST = 41 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 51 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_MONSTER_KILL_XP = 47 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_NONE = 0 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_OBLIVION_DAMAGE = 15 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_OBLIVION_RESIST = 38 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DAMAGE = 16 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_PHYSICAL_PENETRATION = 28 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_PHYSICAL_RESIST = 35 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_PLAYER_KILL_XP = 48 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_POISON_DAMAGE = 17 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_POISON_RESIST = 37 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SHOCK_DAMAGE = 18 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SHOCK_RESIST = 32 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SNEAK_COST = 5 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SNEAK_SPEED_REDUCTION = 6 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SPELL_PENETRATION = 26 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SPELL_RESIST = 30 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SPRINT_COST = 24 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SPRINT_SPEED = 9 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_ULTIMATE_REGEN_COMBAT = 46 ALCHEMY = table:000002AFC2CFCAC8 (meta 000002AFC2CECCE0} ALCHEMY_FRAGMENT = table:000002AF3BFC8CE8 (meta 000002AFBF3BE198} ALCHEMY_SCENE = table:000002AFC2D05DE0 (meta 000002AFBF926F98} ALCHEMY_TRAIT_STRIDE = 5 ALERT_EVENT_MANAGER = table:000002AFC23AF1C0 (meta 000002AFC23AED10} firstTable firstMeta recentMessages = table:000002AFC23AEDF0 (meta 000002AFBEF2E3D0} firstTable firstMeta expiryDelayMilliseconds = 3000 recentMessages = table:000002AFC23AEE38 firstTable ALERT_MESSAGES = table:000002AFC23F43F8 (meta 000002AFC23AFF70} firstTable firstMeta alerts = table:000002AFC23F5970 (meta 000002AFBEED6008} firstTable activeEntries = table:000002AFC23F5C50 firstTable additionalVerticalSpacing = 0 anchor = table:000002AFC23F5848 (meta 000002AFBF04BEE8} firstTable data = table:000002AFC23F5890 firstTable 1 = 9 2 = userdata:000002AFBEC350F8 (meta 000002AFBEB94F30} 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 control = userdata:000002AFC23AFFD8 (meta 000002AFBEB9FA38} currentNumDisplayedEntries = 0 currentlyFadingEntries = 0 currentlyMovingEntries = 0 entryPools = table:000002AFC23F59E8 firstTable fadeAnimationName = AlertFade fadesInImmediately = false headerPools = table:000002AFC23F5A88 firstTable holdDisplayingEntries = false holdTimes = 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ALLOW_MARKUP_TYPE_COLOR_ONLY = 1 ALLOW_MARKUP_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ALLOW_MARKUP_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 ALLOW_MARKUP_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 ALLOW_MARKUP_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ALLOW_MARKUP_TYPE_NONE = 0 AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_TYPE_HBAO = 2 AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 4 AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_TYPE_LSAO = 3 AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 4 AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_TYPE_NONE = 0 AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_TYPE_SSAO = 1 AMBIENT_OCCLUSION_TYPE_SSGI = 4 ANCHOR_CONSTRAINS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ANCHOR_CONSTRAINS_ITERATION_END = 2 ANCHOR_CONSTRAINS_MAX_VALUE = 2 ANCHOR_CONSTRAINS_MIN_VALUE = 0 ANCHOR_CONSTRAINS_X = 1 ANCHOR_CONSTRAINS_XY = 0 ANCHOR_CONSTRAINS_Y = 2 ANIMATION_ALPHA = 2 ANIMATION_COLOR = 8 ANIMATION_CUSTOM = 9 ANIMATION_INSTANT = true ANIMATION_INVALID = -1 ANIMATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = -1 ANIMATION_ITERATION_END = 15 ANIMATION_MANAGER = userdata:000002AFBEC33BA0 (meta 000002AFBEB8DE88} firstMeta firstIndex 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ANTIALIASING_TYPE_TAA = 2 ANTIQUITY_ABANDON_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ANTIQUITY_ABANDON_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 1 ANTIQUITY_ABANDON_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 1 ANTIQUITY_ABANDON_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 ANTIQUITY_ABANDON_RESULT_NOT_IN_PROGRESS = 1 ANTIQUITY_ABANDON_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 ANTIQUITY_DATA_MANAGER = table:000002AFC117BC38 (meta 000002AFC116F220} firstTable firstMeta antiquities = table:000002AFC117BC80 firstTable 100 = table:000002AFC11A1F50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 101 = table:000002AFC11C72F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 102 = table:000002AFC11C8198 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C0D88 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 102 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/emote_alinorallemande.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11C81E0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C8370 firstTable antiquityId = 102 description = An ancient dance, eh? Judging by the spacing and the painstaking notation, it's definitely a High Elf creation. Ugh. We're so stuffy! Remind me to show you some real dancing once I grease the rear axle of my chair! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Alinor Allemande needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2167 zoneId = 1011 103 = table:000002AFC11C83B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 104 = table:000002AFC11C8A18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 105 = table:000002AFC11C9B88 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 106 = table:000002AFC11C9DC8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 107 = table:000002AFC11CA1B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 108 = table:000002AFC11CAA00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 109 = table:000002AFC11CB2E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 111 = table:000002AFC11CAA48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 112 = table:000002AFC11CCA80 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 113 = table:000002AFC11CE1C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 114 = table:000002AFC11CE210 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 115 = table:000002AFC11CFB38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 116 = table:000002AFC11D14A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 117 = table:000002AFC11D2348 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 118 = table:000002AFC11D3430 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 119 = table:000002AFC11D42D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 120 = table:000002AFC11D5198 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 121 = table:000002AFC11D5228 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 122 = table:000002AFC11D6010 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 123 = table:000002AFC11D80D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 124 = table:000002AFC11D8F20 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 125 = table:000002AFC11D9D70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 126 = table:000002AFC11DAB88 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 127 = table:000002AFC11DB2A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 128 = table:000002AFC11DB2E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 129 = table:000002AFC11DD150 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 130 = table:000002AFC11DE6B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 131 = table:000002AFC11DF4C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 132 = table:000002AFC11E0450 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 133 = table:000002AFC11E1480 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 134 = table:000002AFC11E03A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 135 = table:000002AFC11E31B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 136 = table:000002AFC11E40F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 137 = table:000002AFC11E4F90 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 138 = table:000002AFC11E22A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 139 = table:000002AFC11E6ED8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 140 = table:000002AFC11E7F08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 141 = table:000002AFC11E8D08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 142 = table:000002AFC11E9C28 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 143 = table:000002AFC11EAA20 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 144 = table:000002AFC11EB2D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 145 = table:000002AFC11EC8E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 146 = table:000002AFC11ED070 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 147 = table:000002AFC11ED8C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 148 = table:000002AFC11EE340 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 149 = table:000002AFC11EF900 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 150 = table:000002AFC11F01B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 151 = table:000002AFC11F0950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 152 = table:000002AFC11F1850 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 153 = table:000002AFC11F1A70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 154 = table:000002AFC11F3E88 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 155 = table:000002AFC11F4618 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 156 = table:000002AFC11F47F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 157 = table:000002AFC11F57A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 158 = table:000002AFC11F6C48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 159 = table:000002AFC11F7570 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 160 = table:000002AFC11F7B30 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 161 = table:000002AFC11F8500 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 162 = table:000002AFC11F9B00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1196A38 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 162 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_waterskin_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F9BA0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F9D00 firstTable antiquityId = 162 description = While certainly brittle from lack of care over the centuries, I'm impressed by how well the skin held together. The Nedes were accomplished leatherworkers, perhaps due to a nomadic nature. Though I'm curious about the quality of their wine. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11FA420 firstTable antiquityId = 162 description = Note the shape of the neck and design of the strap. This is a warrior's wineskin. The owner may have raided Stonefalls during the Nedic campaign against the Chimer in this area. Such brutal work would require easy access to intoxicants. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11FA5B0 firstTable antiquityId = 162 description = Yes, brutal indeed. These faded symbols on the sides are marks of the Rontha, the largest of the tribes to invade Stonefalls. Uniquely vicious, they branded items or people captured from battle. I suspect they were not this skin's original crafters. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Nedic Wineskin needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2210 zoneId = 41 163 = table:000002AFC11FA640 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1196A38 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 163 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_unique_sled_horn.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11EDE90 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11EDFC8 firstTable antiquityId = 163 description = A delightful instrument. This is Nord made, probably from a mammoth tusk considering the size. The bronze bands are scuffed and without decoration, suggesting this was a practical item and not decorative. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11C6A90 firstTable antiquityId = 163 description = I believe this dates to sometime early in the First Era. Stonefalls endured an invasion by the First Empire of the Nords in that time. It seems likely that this horn heralded the army's rampage upon the land. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11C6AD8 firstTable antiquityId = 163 description = Yes, perhaps a blast from this announced Vrage the Butcher himself. We know he enjoyed traveling to survey his conquered territory. I gave the horn a small toot and it has quite a nice tone. Sounded regal, and not terrifying as I imagined. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Bronzed War Horn needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2211 zoneId = 41 164 = table:000002AFC11EE010 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1196A38 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 164 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_adornment_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11C66C8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C6710 firstTable antiquityId = 164 description = Chimer military insignia stand out as unique among Mer since their designs didn't incorporate House sigils. Nonetheless, I can determine this belonged to the legendary General Balreth by the striking flourishes of color that signify unparalleled honors. I must admit to feeling some sadness while holding these badges. Balreth sacrificed everything to protect his people from the Nede hoard. These represent the last remnants of his life before his transformation. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Chimer Military Insignia needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2212 zoneId = 41 165 = table:000002AFC11C6758 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1195790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 165 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_candlestick_holder_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11C67A0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C67E8 firstTable antiquityId = 165 description = The bronze work and distinct etched patterns point to a First Era Dunmer creation. I'd guess the three prominent figures on its base almost confirm it. But its spiraling snake design is unlike any I've seen from the Dark Elves. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11C65C8 firstTable antiquityId = 165 description = My apologies Reginus, but I don't think the figures represent the Tribunal. See the postures? These are the \"Good Daedra\" as Ashlanders call them. But why would nomads from the last era have such intricate metalwork? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11C6610 firstTable antiquityId = 165 description = Fine eye, Amalien! An Ashlander work with this snake design points to one answer: the Mabrigash tribe. Amazing that they already occupied Deshaan so soon after the split. Perhaps they believed lit candle fixtures would placate their angry Ghost Snake. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Coiled Snake Candlestick needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2213 zoneId = 57 166 = table:000002AFC11FCF38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1195790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 166 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_mask_full_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11FCFD8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11FD138 firstTable antiquityId = 166 description = Such a grotesque visage. The sharp features resemble a Mer, and the crude leather-wrapped wood construction suggest Ashlander work. I don't recognize the syntax of the Daedric script on the forehead. Clearly, this is more than a simple war mask. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11FE5D8 firstTable antiquityId = 166 description = These aren't full Daedric sentences; they're more like words of power. An attempt to infuse the mask with healing hedge magic. Seems this was a shamanic medicine mask. However, words like \"stasis,\" \"wither,\" and \"barren\" confuse me. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11FE888 firstTable antiquityId = 166 description = Daedric meanings often shift over time. Given the context, these words hew closer to \"return,\" \"deflate,\" and \"dry out\". Could be references to the Thrassian Plague? We know it reached this far east, so I'd guess tribes used the mask to heal victims. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Torn Netch-leather Mask needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2214 zoneId = 57 167 = table:000002AFC11FE350 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1195790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 167 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_map_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11FE3F0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11FE540 firstTable antiquityId = 167 description = At first I wondered why this specific slice of Tamriel would be painted in such detail. With Gabrielle's help, I discovered someone magically marked a trail on it from Summerset to Morrowind. This could be the precise path that Saint Veloth himself walked on his pilgrimage! Such fortune that some early Dunmer used linen instead of parchment or it may not have survived the centuries. We placed it in a stasis spell to prevent further degradation, which sadly means no one may touch it. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Brittle Linen Pilgrimage Map needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2215 zoneId = 57 168 = table:000002AFC11FE588 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 169 = table:000002AFC11AD548 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 170 = table:000002AFC1200470 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 171 = table:000002AFC12012D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 172 = table:000002AFC1202930 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 173 = table:000002AFC12030C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 174 = table:000002AFC1203950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 175 = table:000002AFC1204F28 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 176 = table:000002AFC12056B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 177 = table:000002AFC1205E78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1193DD8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 177 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_wand_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12068F0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1206938 firstTable antiquityId = 177 description = A longship's steering oar, early 2E 1st century. This one belonged to a successful raiding captain, I think. The runes spell out boasts about the plunder they took during each of the captain's voyages. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1206568 firstTable antiquityId = 177 description = Curious that a wooden artifact of this age is in such good condition. These are no common runes—an ancient enchantment clings to the oar. Perhaps the oar's owner followed the Old Ways of the Nords and sought the blessing of their animal gods? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12065B0 firstTable antiquityId = 177 description = Nord captains of the time often took their steering oar from ship to ship. A carved oar was the emblem of an experienced navigator, something that showed other Nord warriors that they could trust the captain's ability to find a way across the seas. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Rune-carved Steering Oar needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2225 zoneId = 280 178 = table:000002AFC1206640 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1193DD8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 178 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_mask_full_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1206688 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11D3560 firstTable antiquityId = 178 description = Here's a real find! This was a Dragon Cult mask. Dragon Priests believed that they became living vessels of their Dragon-gods' spirits and spoke with divine authority when they donned these masks. An oaken one like this probably belonged to lesser clergy. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1206880 firstTable antiquityId = 178 description = Of course it's a Dragon Cult mask—anyone can see that. Let me offer a more scholarly assessment: The mask's warlike design suggests a more aggressive posture—something that a Dragon worshiper might wear into battle. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1205EC0 firstTable antiquityId = 178 description = As Verita notes, this is a Dragon Faithful's war-mask. I'm no carpenter, but the way it's been hewn right down the center might indicate a sword stroke. Perhaps this fellow met his end under the blade of a rebelling Nord. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Cloven Ritual Mask needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2226 zoneId = 280 179 = table:000002AFC12074A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1193DD8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 179 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_gem_002.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1207540 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1207588 firstTable antiquityId = 179 description = What have we here? The old sagas of the proto-Nords describe glass-like sunstones that allowed a longship captain to see the sun's location even on a cloudy day, but their secret was lost long ago. Yet here we have a stone as clear as glass--just as the legends claim. The mighty Ysgramor himself was said to have used a stone such as this in his voyages! And these runes inscribed around the stone's perimeter identify it as a gift of great favor from a Nord High King. Truly, a remarkable find! displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = High King Sunstone needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2227 zoneId = 280 18 = table:000002AFC1177B60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 180 = table:000002AFC1208420 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11946B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 180 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_game_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12089F0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1208B58 firstTable antiquityId = 180 description = A traditional Dematah gaming set, eh? Incomplete, but still lovely. Basalt is a rather heavy and coarse stone for delicate work such as this, but the carver chose a deliberately abstract style for the pieces. Not uncommon in early Dunmer craftsmanship. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1209620 firstTable antiquityId = 180 description = The pieces look so oddly proportioned! I suppose these smaller tokens represent slave races? Argonians have complained about Dematah's troubling themes for centuries. I'd say this vindicates those claims! Is it just me, or is this board larger than usual? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12098D8 firstTable antiquityId = 180 description = Each side has an extra token because this set is a variation known as Traitor's Dematah. A very popular variant among Dunmer nobles in the middle of the First Era. You could replace an opponent's \"slave\" with one of your own—\"turning a traitor,\" you see? displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Basalt Table-Game Set needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2228 zoneId = 281 181 = table:000002AFC1208BA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11946B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 181 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_goblet_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1208C40 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11E2438 firstTable antiquityId = 181 description = A sinister motif rendered in such a lovely medium! The chalice is exquisite, as you can see; Dunmeri work of the highest quality. But if you look closely at these figures depicted around the base, you can see the collars and chains. They're slaves. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1208E30 firstTable antiquityId = 181 description = Figures of Dark Elves at ease repose around the upper rim, supported in their indolence by those whom they have enslaved. Rather cynical, in its way. Likely this great cup graced the table of a high-ranked noble from one of the Dunmeri Great Houses. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC120A708 firstTable antiquityId = 181 description = House Dres, I believe. They have been at the forefront of the Dunmeri slave trade since the middle of the First Era; here is the House Dres linked-chain symbol. And these slave figures appear to be laboring in a saltrice field. 1E, 26th century. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Great House Gold Chalice needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2229 zoneId = 281 182 = table:000002AFC1209AB0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11946B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 182 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_ring_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1209AF8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1209B40 firstTable antiquityId = 182 description = A rare find. The ring bears two emblems: one Dwemeri, one Chimeri. This, then, is a token of high office from the short-lived peace of Resdayn, in the days of the First Council. Lord Indoril Nerevar and the Dwarf-King Dumac ruled jointly and wisely … for a time. Soon enough Dwemer and Chimer turned against each other in a bitter war, to no one's surprise. Ah, well. The size of this signet and the royal flourishes show that this ring belonged to a high councilor of the realm. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Resdayni Signet Ring needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2230 zoneId = 281 183 = table:000002AFC1209CD0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EF08 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 183 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_token_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC120B4E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC120B530 firstTable antiquityId = 183 description = Well, this is an easy one: the token itself proclaims it to be from the Festival of Defiance, which clearly references Skywatch's celebration of freedom from the Sload. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC120AAE8 firstTable antiquityId = 183 description = Perhaps a favor from the very first one? In 1E 2260? I read a journal account from that very festival stating that several different favors passed around, including ribbons for those whose families served in the All Flags Navy. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC120BE38 firstTable antiquityId = 183 description = I have to disagree, Amalien. The ship portrayed on one side exhibits a later art style, as does the lettering on the other. I'd say more like early 2E given the lettering style alone. I know that disappoints you, but I do know my engraving history. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Festival of Defiance Token needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2231 zoneId = 381 184 = table:000002AFC120B260 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EF08 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 184 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_pipe_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC120B300 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC120B468 firstTable antiquityId = 184 description = The scales on this snake pipe possess so much detail, but who would want to press their lips to it, unless … Maormer? That explains the shape—a snake—but what kind? The blue and green bands shift into each other hypnotically. Does it charm people? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC120CA28 firstTable antiquityId = 184 description = Charm people? Hardly. That feeling you have is natural reaction to peerless craftsmanship. And the presence of a snake does not always mean Maormer were involved. I could see a Mer crafting this elegant item simply because they like snakes! displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC120CCD8 firstTable antiquityId = 184 description = Don't be dense! Look at the contours of the face, and this salt-glazing technique! You're just being contrary. The residue inside looks green and flaky--perhaps the ashy remains of some seaweed they find particularly aromatic. I bet it smelled terrible! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Scale-Etched Slither Pipe needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2232 zoneId = 381 185 = table:000002AFC120C7A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EF08 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 185 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_gem_002.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC120C7E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC120C830 firstTable antiquityId = 185 description = I can't overstate the magnitude of this discovery. An aetherquartz sphere like this--also known as a calian--is the physical embodiment of a High Elf's honor and status in the High Elf community. I keep mine in a small willow wood box, but it's a fraction of the size and it's completely transparent. Whoever created this one managed to embed a translucent eagle in the rose-colored glass! This had to belong to a Grand Athelan or similarly important religious figure. Marvelous! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Aquiline Calian Sphere needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2233 zoneId = 381 186 = table:000002AFC120C9C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EEC0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 186 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_unique_sled_horn.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC120DAB8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC120DB00 firstTable antiquityId = 186 description = Wood Elf work, this. The horn is made from the end of a timber-mammoth tusk, and the mouth-piece is carved bone. The inscribed image depicts a hunting scene, of course. Likely the owner sounded it to mark the start of the chase. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC120D0B8 firstTable antiquityId = 186 description = A hunting scene, or a scene of the Wild Hunt? It seems to me that the monstrous figures are chasing the human-shaped figures, not the other way around. The Bosmer rarely depict their ancient ritual--this is an unusual find! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = true 3 = table:000002AFC120D748 firstTable antiquityId = 186 description = Sounding a horn to commence a hunt? I doubt it. The last thing a Wood Elf would do is announce the beginning of a hunt to the whole forest. Nor do the Bosmer use the Wild Hunt for mere decoration. No, this horn is blown to signal the end of the hunt. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = true name = Bosmer Hunting Horn needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 3 numRecovered = 3 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2234 zoneId = 383 187 = table:000002AFC120D7D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EEC0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 187 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_figurine_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC120D820 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC120D980 firstTable antiquityId = 187 description = Interesting. This gold statuette appears to be a representation of the Daedric Prince Meridia--the personification of the element of light, at least to the Ayleids. A small sculpture such as this probably resided in a noble's house shrine. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC120D9C8 firstTable antiquityId = 187 description = The figure lacks the cowl and wings often seen in Meridia's depictions. That would seem to date it to the waning days of the Ayleid Empire, when Elves like the Barsaebics distanced themselves from their Heartland kin who served darker masters. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC120DA10 firstTable antiquityId = 187 description = Many Ayleid clans fled to the Valenwood in the aftermath of the Alessian Rebellion. I believe this to be a Bawn or Anutwyll heirloom carried away from one of those fallen strongholds around 1E 243. That means it could date back to the Merethic Era! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Ayleid Statuette needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2235 zoneId = 383 188 = table:000002AFC120E658 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EEC0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 188 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_jewelry_004.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC120E6E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC120E730 firstTable antiquityId = 188 description = Don't be deceived by the common materials of this headpiece—it's a Wood Elf treasure. This is a crown of the Camoran Dynasty, rulers of the \"walking city\" of Falinesti. From season to season the great Elden Tree moves to different sites within the Valenwood, although no one seems to have seen it in some time. Naturally, the Wood Elf monarchs had a different crown for each of Falinesti's seasons. This is a winter crown, which would have been worn when Falinesti took its rest in Grahtwood. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Shattered Camoran Antler Crown needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2236 zoneId = 383 189 = table:000002AFC120F610 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A1078 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 189 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_figurine_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC120FB88 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11BC260 firstTable antiquityId = 189 description = This looks Ayleid, and given the area it was found, it makes sense. Though, there are a few Bosmer touches to the design that make me think this was some kind of collaboration. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC120FD30 firstTable antiquityId = 189 description = As I understand it, these totems in Ayleid culture were only used as a last resort. It wasn't common practice to have one unless a couple was truly having trouble conceiving. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC120FD78 firstTable antiquityId = 189 description = There's a theory that Ayleid culture died out in this area because they became unable to reproduce with one another, and mated with the local Bosmer instead. I wonder if this was a gradual shift that was met with resistance? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Ancient Fertility Totem needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2237 zoneId = 108 19 = table:000002AFC117CCF0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 190 = table:000002AFC1210BA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A1078 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 190 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_stormhaven_003.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1210C40 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1210DA8 firstTable antiquityId = 190 description = I've never seen a Bosmer sigil like this. It seems like a mark of protection made with graht-oak, but it looks sinister in nature, as though whatever it was protecting the wearer from was a great evil. This would have been worn with serious intent. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1210000 firstTable antiquityId = 190 description = The talisman itself is made out of tar. We might be looking at something from the tar-pit burial sites in Ouze where the Bosmer who were rejected from the Green Pact were buried. Some say alive. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1210048 firstTable antiquityId = 190 description = It's said the spirits of Ouze were restless ... maybe that means they haunted the surrounding area? These could have been talismans the locals wore to ward off ghosts! Or to keep the spirits from crawling back out of those creepy tar-pits. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Protective Tar Warding Sigil needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2238 zoneId = 108 191 = table:000002AFC1211330 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A1078 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 191 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_clothing_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12113D0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1211418 firstTable antiquityId = 191 description = There are a great many tales about the Eldest and the pilgrims of Valenwood. One describes a mother and her young daughter seeking refuge in the Den of the Eldest. As promised, the mother bequeaths her firstborn to the Eldest in exchange for wisdom. It is said that the daughter stays there for many years until she is a woman grown. She buries her childhood shoes in the soil in hopes they will help the Eldest grow. Could the tales be true? Are these the shoes of the girl raised by the Eldest? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Den of the Eldest Shoes needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2239 zoneId = 108 192 = table:000002AFC1211BC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119F750 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 192 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_gems_cyclops_bone.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1212138 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11BD0B8 firstTable antiquityId = 192 description = Wood elf priests have venerated Y'ffre through song and story since time immemorial. The images inscribed on this bone illustrate an ancient Bosmer tale--and the hollowed-out bone can be played like an instrument, a traditional accompaniment. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1212320 firstTable antiquityId = 192 description = Gryphon or harpy bone, perhaps? It resembles a large bird's femur, but it's much too big for any ordinary avian. I suspect that the creature whose bone this was may have played an important part in the story inscribed here. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1212FF0 firstTable antiquityId = 192 description = You're close, Amalien. It's the femur of a terror bird, more commonly found in the plains east of the Valenwood. I recognize the story: It's the account of a bold chief's raid against the khajiit of Anequina, 6th century 1E. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Spinner's Singing Bone needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2240 zoneId = 58 193 = table:000002AFC12131C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119F750 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 193 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_glenumbra_004.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1213268 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12133B0 firstTable antiquityId = 193 description = This is no Bosmeri work. See, the scabbard is made of thin wood staves beneath the fine leather, and the gemstones are precisely faceted in a style commonly found in Ayleid jewelry. Not very practical for a weapon of war. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC12133F8 firstTable antiquityId = 193 description = Many Ayleid clans fled to the Valenwood during the collapse of their empire, but the style is representative of the height of their civilization: ME 850 or 900, I think. Most likely this was a noble's treasure carried away into exile. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12125D8 firstTable antiquityId = 193 description = Perhaps, but some Ayleid ruins in these lands predate the collapse of their empire. This storm-cloud emblem, here, belongs to the lords of Ilayas, a stronghold founded centuries before the empire's decline. This scabbard has been here a long time! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Jeweled Ayleid Scabbard needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2241 zoneId = 58 194 = table:000002AFC1213958 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119F750 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 194 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_wand_002.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1213AE8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1213B30 firstTable antiquityId = 194 description = Throughout the centuries, the Silvenars of the Bosmer have worn no special badge of office; every Wood Elf of the Valenwood knows the Silvenar on sight. But from time to time, Silvenars find it useful to carry some token of authority that outsiders can easily recognize. The extravagant carving of this bone scepter shows that a Wood Elf artisan crafted this to impress foreigners. The leaves in the scrollwork are actually stranglers--a subtle warning, it would seem. A truly unique find. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Silvenar's Scepter needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2242 zoneId = 58 195 = table:000002AFC1213B78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A2DB8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 195 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_censer_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12141E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11BDEC0 firstTable antiquityId = 195 description = Khajiiti work, for certain--brass, with silver filigree. This is a temple censer, used to burn aromatic incense pleasing to the divinity or spirit being honored. The figures in the decorative scrollwork appear to be priests greeting the moons. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC12153E8 firstTable antiquityId = 195 description = Priests? No, these figures are warrior-monks, not priests. I think this censer comes from one of the temples of the Two-Moons Dance. The prominence of the moons in the design and the martial poses of the Khajiit would seem to make that pretty clear. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1215698 firstTable antiquityId = 195 description = I believe this censer hung in the temple at Rawl'kha--the very place where Rid-Thar-ri'Datta revealed his epiphany. You can tell by the alignment of Jone and Jode in the scrollwork. Could it have been hanging in the sacred hall at that very hour? displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Two Moons Censer needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2243 zoneId = 382 196 = table:000002AFC1214B38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A2DB8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 196 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_outfitter_dagger_vendor_component_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1214CE8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1214D30 firstTable antiquityId = 196 description = A Khajiiti djerid, 1E, twelfth or thirteen century. It's a hunting dart--more of a small javelin, really. This one is noteworthy for the exceptional decorative carving of the shaft and the colorful streamers affixed just behind the barbed head. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1214D78 firstTable antiquityId = 196 description = This djerid belonged to a very important Khajiit; the streamers are a badge of high rank. I believe this was the weapon of a hunt-lord, leader of one of the March's nomadic tribes. Naturally, skill in the hunt was a vital test of fitness to lead. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1214B80 firstTable antiquityId = 196 description = Hunt-lords were skilled hunters, but the nomadic tribes saw war as a hunt, too. A great hunt-lord was a warrior of high renown as well as a provider for the people--leader of a fierce army and master of wide lands. A king, in other words. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Hunt-Lord's Djerid needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2244 zoneId = 382 197 = table:000002AFC1214C10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A2DB8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 197 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_trash_002.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1216000 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1216200 firstTable antiquityId = 197 description = Incredible! This is the ceremonial headdress of an ancient Mane of the Khajiit. Each single braid comes from a highly honored Khajiit warrior or clan-mother; when the Mane put on this crown, he figuratively donned the strength and wisdom of an entire people. Pity that some of the hair is lost, and the silver clasps have dulled somewhat. Still, it's astonishingly well preserved! A rare find, indeed! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Mane's Frayed Crown needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2245 zoneId = 382 198 = table:000002AFC1216750 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119D598 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 198 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_pipe_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1216798 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12168B8 firstTable antiquityId = 198 description = A beautiful piece. Someone very meticuously carved this to resemble a winged-cat, but still took the time to make it a functioning pipe, though it's thicker than most modern ones. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1216900 firstTable antiquityId = 198 description = This has to be Khenarthi, right? I wonder if all pipes made around this time were modeled after her. Or if they started as idols and then turned into pipes along the way? It looks like this one is holding something in its claws. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1216948 firstTable antiquityId = 198 description = Upon closer inspection, I wonder if these were made ironically. Khenarthi is said to carry the souls to the Sands Behind the Stars. Perhaps she's carrying the soul of someone who indulged a bit too much. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Khenarthi Skooma Pipe needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2246 zoneId = 537 199 = table:000002AFC12177B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119D598 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 199 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_stickwithstring.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1217800 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1217950 firstTable antiquityId = 199 description = Despite its age, this design doesn't look too different from modern day fishing rods. The embellishments are certainly unique, though. A lot of Khenarthi specific imagery. I doubt the additional weight made it any easier to fish. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1217998 firstTable antiquityId = 199 description = Keep in mind, the Khajiit of this area were renowned fishermen. Their innovations vastly exceeded others of the time, and they took it very seriously. These embellishments were likely a token of respect and reverence rather than functionality. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12179E0 firstTable antiquityId = 199 description = There are stories of a famous fisherman around this time named Fazjum. In one of them, he caught a Desert Sucker the size of a horse that was terrorizing the waters. He was said to have a fishing rod exactly like this! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Ancient Fishing Rod needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2247 zoneId = 537 20 = table:000002AFC117CFB0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 200 = table:000002AFC1218550 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119D598 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 200 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_sword_002.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1218598 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12185E0 firstTable antiquityId = 200 description = Pilazjo was a legendary Khenarthian Rawlith Khaj master who trained from an early age on the Isle of Three Temples. A jealous king traded him to Ne Quin-al as part of a pact of friendship between their two kingdoms. Common practice at the time, but very difficult for Pilazjo himself. The warrior left a collection of blunted training swords in his home adeptorium as a reminder to the hadaliit he left behind. These swords became precious heirlooms—locked away in adeptoriums throughout Elsweyr. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Pilazjo's Training Blade needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2248 zoneId = 537 204 = table:000002AFC1218770 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD5E0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 204 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_contraption_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12197B8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1219800 firstTable antiquityId = 204 description = This is incredible! Dark and horrible, of course, but still incredible! Given the markings, this could have been part of a torture rack within Heart's Grief itself. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1218DC8 firstTable antiquityId = 204 description = I don't like the look of this. While I agree with Amalien on it being part of a rack, I think it's more likely it came from the Vile Laboratory. The material on the ends mimics Dwarven metal - but it's colder and lighter or something. Daedric simulacra? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC121A0D0 firstTable antiquityId = 204 description = Oh, you're right! How did I not see that? It's so obvious when you look closely. That mechanism is incredibly sophisticated. In that case, perhaps it belonged to a Xivilai torturer. How exciting! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Tormentor's Roller needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2252 zoneId = 347 205 = table:000002AFC1219530 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD5E0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 205 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_daedricshackles.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12195D0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11E5078 firstTable antiquityId = 205 description = Strange. These are magically inert and without mechanical locks, leading me to believe they were ensorcelled shackles. They're also quite fashionable, don't you think? If I had to be imprisoned I wouldn't be too unhappy about these. Any thoughts? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC121ACC0 firstTable antiquityId = 205 description = Given where this was found, I wonder if we should consider the possibility of this being from the Lightless Oubliette. The blue crystal residue might be a clue! There were no white or gold colored crystals allowed inside the prison. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC121AF70 firstTable antiquityId = 205 description = While I agree these are from Coldharbour itself, I'm hesitant to jump to conclusions based on mere residue. The Lightless Oubliette was a detention facility for servants of Meridia. Manacles seem too kind a punishment for what goes on in that place. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Inert Daedric Manacles needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2253 zoneId = 347 206 = table:000002AFC121AA38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD5E0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 206 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_obsidianpieces.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC121AAD8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC121AB20 firstTable antiquityId = 206 description = Torture devices recovered from Coldharbour aren't unexpected. To find one so well preserved, however, is exciting. But that's not the most astounding part about this piece. It's what's inside that really boggles the mind. (Nothing gruesome, don't worry, Amalien). It seems to be a scrap of regalia, one that would only be found on the uniforms of commanding officers aboard the All Flags Navy. Perhaps one of the captains that was brought into Coldharbour was tortured in this device. Ghastly. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Shattered Iron Maiden needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2254 zoneId = 347 207 = table:000002AFC121B358 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 208 = table:000002AFC121BAE8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 209 = table:000002AFC121C9A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 21 = table:000002AFC0EE7730 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 213 = table:000002AFC121CBC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BED60 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 213 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_figurine_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC121C9E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC121CA78 firstTable antiquityId = 213 description = The face is worn off which makes it difficult to determine who the artist was attempting to depict. Given that it came from Wrothgar, it might be some totem or figure from the first Orcs? Ugron can shed some light on it this, I'm sure. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC121D928 firstTable antiquityId = 213 description = The size and weight seem wrong. Orcish effigies are heavier--more roughly hewn. Judging by the figure's attire, it could be a tiny depiction of King Thagore. Though even that feels like a stretch. One of the arms is missing. I wonder what it carried. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC121D970 firstTable antiquityId = 213 description = Looks like a little Diagna to me. Redguard sword-god. Apparently, fighters from the Order of Diagna kept totems like this for luck during the siege of Orsinium. It probably fell from the purse of a Redguard warrior as an Orcish warrior struck them down. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Armless Stone Effigy needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2261 zoneId = 684 214 = table:000002AFC121E2B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BED60 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 214 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_chamberpot_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC121E358 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC121E4B8 firstTable antiquityId = 214 description = Judging by rugged styling and extreme aging, I'd pin this as early First Era. Definitely Orcish, but I'm not sure if any of it is distinctive enough to determine which area it's from, or which clan. It is quite large, even by Orc standards. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC121F978 firstTable antiquityId = 214 description = Yes, definitely Orcish make. The material looks like coal-hardened potash. According to Thugbo gro-Thutt's \"History of the 13 Clans\" map, clan Nazhag was closest to reported deposits at the time. It must be from them. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC121FC30 firstTable antiquityId = 214 description = More likely, it's from the Barzanakh clan. According to the stronghold tales, the entire Barzanakh clan ate out of a single bowl. The tradition supposedly ensured that everyone took their share, and no more. Always assumed that was metaphorical. Fascinating. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Worn Orcish Cauldron needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2262 zoneId = 684 215 = table:000002AFC121F6F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BED60 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 215 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_bell_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC121F790 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC121CA30 firstTable antiquityId = 215 description = Much of the archeological evidence of the first Orsinium vanished during the thirty-year siege, but this looks like a relic of Chieftain Torug gro-Igron to me. Torug died long before the siege began, but I've read numerous accounts describing a bell he erected in the gathering-place of that first modest village that eventually became Orsinium. The chief rang this bell to gather the clan for fellowship at first. Later, they rang it to gather the clan for war. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Orsinium Cracked Iron Bell needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2263 zoneId = 684 216 = table:000002AFC121F860 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC12206D8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 216 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_wig_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1220690 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1220048 firstTable antiquityId = 216 description = What an incredible piece! I'm sure the lion hair was incredibly expensive, especially at the time. This probably belonged to one of the powerful merchant families of Hew's Bane. Maybe a symbol of their power passed down through generations! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11C26A0 firstTable antiquityId = 216 description = This thing is hideous. I don't think any self-respecting merchant lord would wear this, much less have it specifically made for them. There has to be something more to this. Look at the stitching! That kind of detail would take months to perfect. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1220598 firstTable antiquityId = 216 description = Music rarely offers a true account, but one Redguard folksong describes several bizarre costuming fads that took hold in Prince Hubalajad's court. Fake beards, not wigs, were briefly in fashion. Sadly, tailors often died trying to procure the materials. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Halved Lion's Mane Wig Piece needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2264 zoneId = 816 217 = table:000002AFC1220720 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC12206D8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 217 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_vvardenfell_manual_clockwork_shaft.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC121F8A8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1220A58 firstTable antiquityId = 217 description = More snakes! Honestly, it seems like they appear in every corner of Tamriel! I don't recognize the aesthetic here. It certainly isn't Yokudan. The locking mechanism seems quite sophisticated, though. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1220768 firstTable antiquityId = 217 description = Look closer. These snakes bear all the traits of early Maormer craftsmanship. In fact, I think it would be more accurate to call them sea serpents. You can tell from the shape of the snout and that distinctive head-frill. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC121F8F0 firstTable antiquityId = 217 description = The hinterlands of Hew's Bane crawled with Maomer slavers in the latter years of the First Era. According to local legends, one group used \"snake magic\" and ensorcelled locks when capturing slaves to ensure that they remained docile and compliant. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Coiled Serpent Lock needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2265 zoneId = 816 218 = table:000002AFC1221BF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC12206D8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 218 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_portrait_002.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1221C40 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1221CD0 firstTable antiquityId = 218 description = You may have discovered the spoils of the fledgling Thieves Guild's first heist in Abah's Landing! Few families could match the power of the Vadaya family during the high days of merchant rule. Lady Vadaya commissioned an elaborate portrait of herself, only to have it stolen out from under her nose and replaced with a fake. Unwilling to lose face, the Vadayas accused the rival Mizh family of orchestrating the theft, pitting the two houses against one another to this very day. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Portrait of Lady Vadaya needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2266 zoneId = 816 219 = table:000002AFC1222A88 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1223058 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 219 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_ring_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1223010 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12230E8 firstTable antiquityId = 219 description = Here's a pretty thing. This resembles the rings one might find in the nose of an unruly bull. Far more ornate, though. Much larger, too. This is an odd discovery. The rocky terrain around Kvatch is better suited for goats than cattle. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1223130 firstTable antiquityId = 219 description = Let's not sidestep the obvious, Reginus. This clearly hung from the snout of an ancient minotaur. It displays a level of craftsmanship we don't typically see in Minotaur attire, though. And what are these etchings. Clasped hands? displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1223178 firstTable antiquityId = 219 description = Not clasped, Verita. The hands seem to be struggling over the same object--trying to steal it from one another. Is it the Amulet of Kings? Might this imply some discontent about Imperial governance? Or even stand as a call to rebellion? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Ornate Nose Ring needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2267 zoneId = 823 22 = table:000002AFC0EE77F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 220 = table:000002AFC1224430 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1223058 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 220 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_statue_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12244D0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1224620 firstTable antiquityId = 220 description = According to Imperial histories, Anvil enjoyed a rich statuary tradition in the early years of the First Empire--before the Alessian Order made such artistic expression more difficult. This face appears very eroded, though. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1224668 firstTable antiquityId = 220 description = Look at the position of the neck. It seems to be looking up, to me. Fishermen in Anvil swear that broken statues rest at the bottom of the pond under the famous mermaid. Could something or someone be looking up at her? I'd check, but I can't swim! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12234A0 firstTable antiquityId = 220 description = We don't have nearly enough evidence to be able to associate this disembodied head with the Mermaid of Anvil. I'll grant you, the stone appears similar in composition, but the face looks like statues of regent council lords in nearby Kvatch to me. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Water-worn Anvil Bust needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2268 zoneId = 823 221 = table:000002AFC1224BC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1223058 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 221 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_book_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1224C08 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1224C98 firstTable antiquityId = 221 description = We've stumbled upon something truly dangerous here. The cover should serve as your first clue; black leather that seems to shiver into goosebumps at the slightest touch. And the contents are no better. Page after blood-stained page depicting murders of every variety. What I find most disturbing is this \"Rite of Penance.\" It's not like the Black Sacrament. The sigils and physical components feel consistent with a summoning ritual. But what could an assassin summon that's worse than himself? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Book of Dark Rites needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2269 zoneId = 823 222 = table:000002AFC1225458 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BFBE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 222 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_deshaan_dwemer_control_rod.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12259D0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1225B28 firstTable antiquityId = 222 description = This definitely seems Dwemeric in origin, but it's not something I recognize. As you all know, discerning the function of Dwarven machines is thirsty work. It looks like someone repurposed it, though. Some ancient scavenger, perhaps. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1225B70 firstTable antiquityId = 222 description = I think this used to be a Dwarven rod of some kind; a device used to direct animunculi, or inscribe their strange maths on hard surfaces. These modifications don't appear to incorporate any of the devices complex machinery, though. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1225BB8 firstTable antiquityId = 222 description = Chimer fell into a real rut in the latter days of the Merethic. You don't often see Chimer-modified tools like this, but my best guess is that some opportunistic herder repurposed the rod's shaft as a simple nix-prod. Probably blasphemous, but effective. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Refitted Dwarven Rod needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2270 zoneId = 849 223 = table:000002AFC1226A40 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BFBE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 223 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_trinket.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1226A88 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1226BE0 firstTable antiquityId = 223 description = Not really sure what I'm looking at here. Seems like some kind of rough-forged grappling hook, but judging by the size, it could probably bear a mammoth's weight. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1226C28 firstTable antiquityId = 223 description = Crabs, Ugron! Chimer used these to guide the movements of truly massive creatures. Sure, places like Ald'ruhn make it seem like Ashlanders simply killed giant crabs like Skar, but who's to say these creatures weren't used for transportation as well? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1226C70 firstTable antiquityId = 223 description = Dark Elves do have a long (and disturbing) tradition of bizarre animal husbandry. My question would be, where's the evidence of similar creatures? Ald'ruhn proves the crabs' remains last a long time. I've never seen any remains that approach that size. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Massive Ash-herder Grapnel needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2271 zoneId = 849 224 = table:000002AFC12271D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BFBE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 224 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_fishing_beetle.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1227270 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12272B8 firstTable antiquityId = 224 description = Tribunal priests and religious enforcers make it very difficult to learn much about the mysterious Sixth House. From what little information we can find, this noble house played a major role in the War of the First Council between the Chimer and the Dwarves. Always a secretive group, House Dagoth deployed these strange, beetle-shaped locks on their doors to taste the blood of those who sought entry--a valuable precaution in wartime, and consistent with the Dark Elves' inherent wariness. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Bleeding Beetle Door Lock needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2272 zoneId = 849 225 = table:000002AFC1227A18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1228038 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 225 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_soulgemgreat001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1227FF0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1228110 firstTable antiquityId = 225 description = For once in my august career, I am at a loss. This object clearly performs some vital function in Sotha Sil's secret lair. Beyond that, I have no idea. I hope you won't try to regale me with tales of his fanciful \"clockwork kingdom.\" It's preposterous. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1228158 firstTable antiquityId = 225 description = Don't be so quick to dismiss such things, Verita. The Clockwork City is a very real place. I think. In any case, this looks like some sort of ancient vessel. I see a crystaline residue inside. Residual accumulation from some kind of alchemical solution? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1228AD0 firstTable antiquityId = 225 description = Just so, Gabrielle! Sotha Sil borrowed all manner of ideas from the dwarves. This vessel is his answer to the Dwemeric dynamo core. If you conducted a test on that residue, I think you'll find it shares many of the same properties as soul gems! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Series Two Animo Core needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2273 zoneId = 980 226 = table:000002AFC1229438 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1228038 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 226 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_stickwithstring.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1229480 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12295E0 firstTable antiquityId = 226 description = Some kind of religious scourge. Used for self-flagellation no doubt. Mauloch's jawbone, this tool is ancient. The Daedric script here--see how it gives way to these more geometric runes? What were these Dark Elves punishing themselves for? displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1229628 firstTable antiquityId = 226 description = I know precious little about Sotha Sil's followers, but a mad mage I spoke to insisted that Sotha Sil's followers--the Clockwork Apostles--worship Sotha Sil, obviously, but they've also turned their back on Daedra-worship entirely! Can you imagine? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1229670 firstTable antiquityId = 226 description = I can't. No matter who they worship now, the Dark Elves are still children of the Velothi tradition. Then again, if a living god tells you to abandon a belief, who would refuse? Present day apostles probably can't even remember the Good Daedra's names. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Apostle's Scourge needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2274 zoneId = 980 227 = table:000002AFC1228450 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1228038 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 227 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_jar_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1229BC8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1229C58 firstTable antiquityId = 227 description = Is this a pot? Or a vase? Or an urn of some kind? I've never seen such an oddly shaped vessel. It appears to be made of some strange, striated stone. Something artificial no doubt. It's almost like the craftsman built it in layers—one on top of the other. And what's inside? Roland's Tear flowers, perfectly preserved. And a note, as well? It simply says, \"Forgive me.\" How perplexing. Nonetheless, this would likely fetch a king's ransom in a Vvardenfell auction house. Quite a find! displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Elegiac Vessel needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2275 zoneId = 980 228 = table:000002AFC1229DE8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C0D88 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 228 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_jug_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC122A258 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C8228 firstTable antiquityId = 228 description = Can't say as I've ever seen an object like this in Summerset. Everything there is so pristine. This vessel appears misshapen and cheap. Even so, the glass appears almost iridescent. Why would someone use such beautiful materials for something so hideous? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC122B568 firstTable antiquityId = 228 description = Yeah, looks like aetherquartz to me. High Elf aldarchs use it in their sacred chalices, and the like. I doubt this started as a shoddy decanter. Someone melted an object down and reshaped it into this. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC122B818 firstTable antiquityId = 228 description = It was a calian--one of the precious spheres we High Elves receive as youths. If we commit a grave offense, an ascendent curate smashes it and demands we repair it. Seems an apraxic mer chose to make a decanter of it instead. It's ... disheartening. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Apraxic Decanter needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2276 zoneId = 1011 229 = table:000002AFC122ABA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C0D88 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 229 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_symbol_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC122AC40 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC122AD80 firstTable antiquityId = 229 description = This appears to be an ancient badge of office. And what's this symbol? A great eye with three ebony pupils floating in a viridian iris. I suppose it could be literal. What creature in Summerset has three eyes? displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC122ADC8 firstTable antiquityId = 229 description = It's not literal. High Elf jurisreeves—inspectors of a sort—travel in groups of three, just as they have since the Aldmer first arrived on Summerset Isle. One member of a quorum is called the admanen, or \"listening eye.\" I've never seen one wear a badge. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC122C670 firstTable antiquityId = 229 description = I beg your pardon, Amalien, but I don't think this belonged to a jurisreeve. At least not a jurisreeve as we currently understand the term. This looks like a religious talisman of some kind. Perhaps the jurisreeve tradition began as a religious order? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Jurisreeve's Eye needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2277 zoneId = 1011 23 = table:000002AFC117D310 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 230 = table:000002AFC122C180 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C0D88 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 230 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_trinket.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC122C1C8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC122C210 firstTable antiquityId = 230 description = I can scarcely believe it. This is a genuine kinlord's tree! This grand document details the bloodline of a High Elf calan, all the way back to the first Aldmer ancestor who stepped foot on Tamriel's shores! Notice the Jephrine motifs and twisting branches? Very few High Elves can trace their lineage back this far. The resources that went into creating a chart like this ... let's just say it would take far more gold than I'm likely to see in this lifetime. And we High Elves live a long time! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Kinlord's Tree of Aldmeris needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2278 zoneId = 1011 231 = table:000002AFC122C3A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 232 = table:000002AFC122D190 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 233 = table:000002AFC122E010 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 234 = table:000002AFC122E180 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C3020 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 234 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_monster_claw_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC122F6D8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC122F820 firstTable antiquityId = 234 description = If you look close, you can tell this is a fabrication. A real claw would have faded over time. This looks made out of some kind of stone, and though the inscription is faded, there's definitely something written on it. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC122F060 firstTable antiquityId = 234 description = When Elsweyr was divided, Anequina had a reputation for being a land of warriors. But Pellitine had money, and they could hire the muscle they needed. This may have been a calling card of sorts. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC122F5E0 firstTable antiquityId = 234 description = Could this be a famed killing claw of Vashrjo the Killer? He was a famed Pellitine assassin that was rumored to have killed high ranking officials in Anequina. Apparently he'd leave a fake claw by the body so they knew who committed the deed. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Faded Khajiit Claw needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2282 zoneId = 1086 235 = table:000002AFC122E1C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C3020 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 235 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_mask_full_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC122F9B0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC122FB18 firstTable antiquityId = 235 description = Interesting design here, it's made for a Khajiit face certainly but it doesn't look all that well constructed. There are inadequacies there that can't be attributed to just time. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC122FB60 firstTable antiquityId = 235 description = The Thrassian Plague came down along trade routes in Elsweyr. It's likely they didn't have any means to combat it, and even once they started, by then it was already too late. This may have been an early attempt at protection. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC122FBA8 firstTable antiquityId = 235 description = In the earliest days of the Thrassian Plague, Khajiit healers started with simple masks like these to prevent the spread of infection. It quickly became evident that they were not sufficient, however, so they were abandoned and never iterated on. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Khajiit Plague Mask needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2283 zoneId = 1086 236 = table:000002AFC122E210 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C3020 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 236 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_cloth_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1230770 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12307B8 firstTable antiquityId = 236 description = While I'm sure this would be a controversial opinion, I feel in my gut that this cloth belonged to Queen Anequina Sharp-Tongue. It's widely agreed upon that the queen spent time meditating in the temple of Jode's Light during her time. Many times her story is overshadowed by Khunzar-ri, but she was an equal force, one that is awe-inspiring even today! If the stories are to be believed, this cloth holds the tears of the queen, when she returned to her temple after Khunzar-ri's death. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Khajiit Prayer Cloth needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2284 zoneId = 1086 237 = table:000002AFC1230948 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 238 = table:000002AFC1231E48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 239 = table:000002AFC1233378 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 24 = table:000002AFC117D448 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 240 = table:000002AFC12335B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 241 = table:000002AFC12345E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 242 = table:000002AFC0FE6F50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 243 = table:000002AFC0FE88C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11CE400 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 243 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_book_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FE9730 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0FECC40 firstTable antiquityId = 243 description = Is this some kind of Psijic folio? At last! A chance to reveal their shrouded mysteries! Their hidden truths! Wait—why is it blank? Is this a joke? An unused booklet? An Elf tries not to get her hopes up …. How depressing. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC0FED398 firstTable antiquityId = 243 description = Giving up so soon? That's hardly the Amalien I know. Look closer. Just there, near the spine and along the edges. See those glyphs? Barely visible to the eye? This book may have played a role in secret Psijic correspondence. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = true 3 = table:000002AFC1235C78 firstTable antiquityId = 243 description = Of course! A group as powerful and secretive as the Psijic Order wouldn't just set ink to parchment like some common mage. I only wonder how they managed to make these markings. A magic plume, or do they simply will the glyphs into being? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = true name = Faded Psijic Folio needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 3 numRecovered = 21 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2291 zoneId = 1027 244 = table:000002AFC1236948 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11CE400 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 244 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_spoon_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12369E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1236B70 firstTable antiquityId = 244 description = Appears to be some kind of wand. Beech or Hickory, I think. So plain in appearance that some might use it in a game of fetch with the family dog. But I'd advise against that. There's a powerful magic at its core. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1237FE8 firstTable antiquityId = 244 description = Old Elves and their crazy magic. It reminds me of a pestle of some kind. For dipping, stirring, or crushing. I hear the Psijics can read water. Some kind of powerful augury based on watching ripples. Maybe they make the ripples with this? displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = true 3 = table:000002AFC1238290 firstTable antiquityId = 244 description = You may be right, Ugron. The tip of the wand seems darker and more gnarled than the rest. I suspect the Order's scryers tap the surface of their basins with this ensorcelled tool to get a better view of the world, and perhaps even the future! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = true name = Warped Scrying Dipper needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 3 numRecovered = 17 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2292 zoneId = 1027 245 = table:000002AFC1237D60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11CE400 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 245 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_trinket.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1237DA8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1238468 firstTable antiquityId = 245 description = I've never seen one of these! A famed Ritemaster's Slate. According to Psijic tomes, Ritemasters like Iachesis used these unassuming objects to write theorems and spells, then store them in a harmless demi-plane for later use. A journal unlike any other! I only wish I could travel to the strange realm these theorems reside in. Do the thoughts move, or talk? Are they reduced to ash, then reassembled? I fear we'll never know. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ritemaster's Slate needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2293 zoneId = 1027 246 = table:000002AFC12385F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 247 = table:000002AFC1238D58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 248 = table:000002AFC1239C10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 249 = table:000002AFC1239E48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BED60 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 249 difficulty = 5 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antaviloforsinium001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1239C58 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC123B2B8 firstTable antiquityId = 249 description = This is a beauty. Most of the free-standing anvils in Old Orsinium melted into slag or still gather dust in Redguard treasure vaults. To see one in such great condition ... it melts this tusker's heart! displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1239CA0 firstTable antiquityId = 249 description = Just look at those hammer-strike indentations. It seems like 1E Orcish smiths wielded tools even larger than those used by Orcs today. I've never lifted hammer or tong personally, but I don't see how tools that size would allow for finer touches. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1239CE8 firstTable antiquityId = 249 description = Orcs of the First Era knew orichalc better than Argonians know mud. If they used larger tools, they definitely had a reason. In any event, I wager an anvil this big found more use in siegecraft fabrication than armorsmithing. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Anvil of Old Orsinium needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2300 zoneId = 684 25 = table:000002AFC118EE00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 250 = table:000002AFC123B598 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD5E0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 250 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antblackfragmentoflyg001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC123B740 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC123B788 firstTable antiquityId = 250 description = I've only seen something like this once--an artist's rendering we found in a Worm Cult hideout. It's radiating ... something. I can't really explain it, but I'm detecting a gap in the flow of natural magicka. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC123B7D0 firstTable antiquityId = 250 description = Fascinating! Makes one wonder how the Antiquarian's Eye managed to find it. It clearly comes from Oblivion. The question is, what part of Oblivion? The connection to Molag Bal seems clear enough, but the shapes resemble crystals from the Spiral Skein. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = true 3 = table:000002AFC123CEA8 firstTable antiquityId = 250 description = Molag Bal practices all sorts of bizarre alchemy in his Vile Laboratory. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to pry some facet of Mephala's realm into his own. Corrupting the essence of another Prince would be difficult, but not impossible. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = true name = Void-Crystal Anomaly needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 3 numRecovered = 5 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2301 zoneId = 347 251 = table:000002AFC123C9B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A1078 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 251 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antbranchoffalinesti001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC123CB60 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC123CBA8 firstTable antiquityId = 251 description = Difficult to say with certainty where this throne came from, but I think we can safely assume Wood Elves created it. Even a master carpenter couldn't achieve results like the draping under the seat with conventional tools and methods. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC123CBF0 firstTable antiquityId = 251 description = Too right, Ugron. I spent some time in Elden Root recently, and I saw all manner of Green-wrought marvels there. Only thing that puzzles me is the shade and the grain. It doesn't resemble any of the furniture I saw in Grahtwood. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC123CA00 firstTable antiquityId = 251 description = I can explain that easily enough. This seat didn't come from Elden Root. It came from Falinesti--the walking city, and true home of the Wood Elves! Trust me on this one. Once you run your hand over the wide grain of Falinesti, you never forget it. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Branch of Falinesti needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2302 zoneId = 108 252 = table:000002AFC123CA90 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119F750 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 252 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_anthollowbonewindchimes001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC123D978 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC123D9C0 firstTable antiquityId = 252 description = Well, this is unmistakably Wood Elf craft. Granted, I haven't spent as much time around the Bosmer as Ugron and Amalien, but I'm fairly certain you can find chimes like this in present day settlements. Still ... I sense something peculiar here. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC123DA08 firstTable antiquityId = 252 description = It's the teeth, Verita! I've never seen fangs like that on a Wood Elf chime. Did you notice those brass rings? Why use metal to hang something when gut and sinew would do? I wager those teeth belong to rare quarry. A long extinct beast, perhaps! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC123DA50 firstTable antiquityId = 252 description = Yeah, I'm no naturalist, but those teeth look closer to swamp leviathan fangs than sabre cat cuspids. We might have proof of an Oddoak—ugly shape-shifting beasts that Y'ffre charged the Wood Elves with slaying back in the Merethic. Good find. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Hollowbone Wind Chimes needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2303 zoneId = 58 253 = table:000002AFC123D858 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 254 = table:000002AFC0F52028 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 255 = table:000002AFC0F0EC10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C0D88 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 255 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antprismaticfeather001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0EFCBC8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0EFD2F0 firstTable antiquityId = 255 description = I've seen a few weathered mosaics depicting a feather like this alongside strange Aldmeri triremes, but I've never seen the genuine article. Looks like some kind of meteoric substance to me, but the color's unique. Gabrielle can probably speak to that. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC0EFDDB8 firstTable antiquityId = 255 description = By all the stars ... it's a Sun Bird relic! Back in the Merethic, an order of Aldmeri explorers managed to pierce the veil between Mundus and Aetherius using raw magic of the Ehlnofey. Or something. This might have been a focus--an orienteering tool! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FA6738 firstTable antiquityId = 255 description = Yeah, I've read about them. I even traveled to Alinor to investigate. I'm sorry, Amalien, but I didn't find any proof of a successful journey to Aetherius. It makes sense for the Aldmer to have tried, but we need more proof than a beautiful glass feather. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Prismatic Sunbird Feather needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2306 zoneId = 1011 256 = table:000002AFC0FA79B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 257 = table:000002AFC0FAEA88 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119F750 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 257 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antsilvenarisapstone001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FAF198 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0FAF8F0 firstTable antiquityId = 257 description = A sap relic that didn't come from Black Marsh? What a welcome surprise! I've never seen such a beautiful Wood Elf antiquity. I associate the Bosmer so much with bone, and rotmeth, and insect parts that I forget what wonders the Green Pact can produce! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC0FB0408 firstTable antiquityId = 257 description = Yes. Almost makes one wonder why the Wood Elves don't request other things, like clothes that don't smell like old mammoth cheese. I've never seen a tree in Malabal Tor leak sap like this. Could it have come from Falinesti? displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FB0B10 firstTable antiquityId = 257 description = The graht-oak of Silvenar produces objects like this from time to time, but only at the urging of the Silvenar himself. Someone well-attuned to the Green could probably coax some Y'ffrine miracle out of it, but that's well outside our capabilities! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Silvenari Sap-Stone needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2308 zoneId = 58 258 = table:000002AFC0FB1D48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A2DB8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 258 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antsorcererkingblade001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FB2450 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0FB2B50 firstTable antiquityId = 258 description = An Ayleid sword, eh? Truly wondrous craftsmanship. Pity they probably used it to slaughter any of our ancestors who defied their supremacy. Odd that they would venerate this broken blade. Whoever wielded it must have commanded a great deal of respect. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC0FB3678 firstTable antiquityId = 258 description = I still detect some residual magic swimming between the shards. Difficult to determine the nature of the enchantment after all this time, but it definitely feels tied to the illusory school ... something to do with minds and mortal will. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FB3D88 firstTable antiquityId = 258 description = Makes sense that Ayleid sorcerer kings would wield weapons capable of bending their subjects' minds—especially during the civilization's latter days when their appetites turned dark as coal. No race, no matter how depraved, will stand for that forever. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Sorcerer-King's Blade needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2309 zoneId = 382 259 = table:000002AFC0F7CAC8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 26 = table:000002AFC118F590 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 260 = table:000002AFC0FBAF00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC12206D8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 260 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antyokudanskystonescabbard001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1241600 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0FBB608 firstTable antiquityId = 260 description = What a gorgeous scabbard. I suspect this belonged to a high-ranking Yokudan warrior—perhaps even a sword saint! I'm especially intrigued by this array of stones. They must be aetherial fragments of some kind. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC0FBBD08 firstTable antiquityId = 260 description = You're likely right, Amalien. Yokudans wielded powerful magic where stones were concerned. The Redguards' distaste for magic makes discussing it a little awkward. But these stones absolutely possessed some magical potency. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FBC878 firstTable antiquityId = 260 description = Sort of begs the question: why did a Yokudan warrior who could call a magical sword to hand at will need a scabbard? I guess this could have been purely ornamental. Or maybe having a physical anchor made summoning the weapon easier. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Yokudan Skystone Scabbard needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2311 zoneId = 816 261 = table:000002AFC0FBD680 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11946B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 261 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_triangledtruthaltar001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FBE178 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0FBE8E0 firstTable antiquityId = 261 description = Wow! Given the iconography on this pyramid, I think we can safely assume this object predates the rise of the Tribunal! See how there's no reference to Almsivi? These marks venerate the old gods: Boethiah, Mephala, and Azura. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC0FBEFE8 firstTable antiquityId = 261 description = Exactly right, Amalien. Odd to find such a fine, polished object carved in the Chimeric tradition. Velothi asceticism and Boethian values drove them to work in unconventional materials, even during their Golden Age. This feels modern. Overly geometric. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FBFB18 firstTable antiquityId = 261 description = Nerevar and Dumac's warm relationship likely led to some cultural exchange. Dwemer society was too intransigent to absorb traditions from other cultures, but even the most pious Chimer probably wanted a break from stone and chitin-carving at some point. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Tri-Angled Truth Altar needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2312 zoneId = 281 262 = table:000002AFC0FC0970 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 263 = table:000002AFC0FC3D38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 264 = table:000002AFC0FC99D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 265 = table:000002AFC0FCCCE8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EF08 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 265 difficulty = 5 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antechoesofaldmeris001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FCD8B8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC123E740 firstTable antiquityId = 265 description = What a gorgeous triptych. Someone clearly placed a fixative spell on the frame. The painting itself is probably far older than it looks. I have no idea what place it's meant to depict, though. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC0FCE018 firstTable antiquityId = 265 description = I do. Home. Aldmeris. The beginning place for all the mer of Tamriel. I doubt the real Aldmeris looked anything like this. But just looking at it stirs up a feeling in me ... like entering my father's house after a long journey abroad. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FCE720 firstTable antiquityId = 265 description = It pains me to admit that I don't recognize this school of painting. It's so vague, yet evocative. Proud spires, floating obelisks, wispy, concentric clouds .... The artist really made an effort to capture Elven majesty there. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Echoes of Aldmeris needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2316 zoneId = 381 266 = table:000002AFC0FCF990 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1228038 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 266 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antmnemonicsphere001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FD0098 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0FD35B8 firstTable antiquityId = 266 description = I've seen a little bit of everything, and I can say with total certainty, I have never seen anything like this. I haven't the foggiest idea how it operates, what it's made of, or what it does. You have my deepest apologies. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC0FD3D08 firstTable antiquityId = 266 description = That's your problem, Reginus. You have no imagination! This came from the Clockwork City—a world of arcane wonders where anything is possible! Based on these \"exodromal notes\" we received, it seems this is some sort of remembering-device. I guess? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FD4410 firstTable antiquityId = 266 description = Exactly right! I have it on good authority that Sotha Sil (one of the Dark Elf gods) keeps his memories stored away in a great orrery full of stars. Another name for manufactured memory stones, I suppose. Who knows what memories this contains! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Mnemonic Star-Sphere needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2317 zoneId = 980 267 = table:000002AFC0FD56E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BFBE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 267 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antsixthhouseritualtable001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FD5DF0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1226AD0 firstTable antiquityId = 267 description = It's been quite some time since I've seen such a well-preserved Chimer table. The volcanic rock seems consistent with the pre-Tribunal aesthetic. The sigil in the center is particularly noteworthy. Could this really have belonged to the Sixth House? displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC0FD6928 firstTable antiquityId = 267 description = Yes, this is definitely First Council-era craftsmanship. Note the script surrounding the seal. Dagoth written in Daedric runes. The other Houses went to great lengths to scrub House Dagoth's legacy from the history books. This is quite a discovery! displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FD7078 firstTable antiquityId = 267 description = Really makes you wonder--what threat did Dagoth pose to the Tribunal? I try to avoid Dark Elf politics, personally, but to wipe all mention of the Sixth House from the record seems excessive to the point of suspicious. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Sixth House Ritual Table needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2318 zoneId = 849 268 = table:000002AFC0FD82A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BFBE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 268 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antstnerevarmoonandstar001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FD8A00 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0FD9108 firstTable antiquityId = 268 description = A bust of Saint Nerevar. A worthy discovery, to be sure. You don't often find such realistic depictions of Dunmer religious figures. The sculptor may have spent some time in the Imperial City. I see similarities to Bruma School works. 1E 2800's perhaps? displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC0FD9C80 firstTable antiquityId = 268 description = The shapes featured in his panoply definitely match some of the pieces in the Gwylim First Council collection. Bit more conservative than I'd expect, though. I always had the sense that Chimer armor favored form over function. More exposed skin, etc. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FDA3E0 firstTable antiquityId = 268 description = Speaking of skin, I wish this bust included color! Dark Elf portraiture leans toward monochromatic, abstract compositions. I'm desperate to know if they conceptualize Nerevar with gold or ashen skin. I bet it's gray. Dark Elves are master revisionists. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = St. Nerevar, Moon-and-Star needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2319 zoneId = 849 269 = table:000002AFC0FDB608 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 27 = table:000002AFC118F5D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 270 = table:000002AFC0FE07D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 271 = table:000002AFC0FE4A50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 272 = table:000002AFC124D9B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 273 = table:000002AFC124D9F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1193DD8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 273 difficulty = 5 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antbrazieroffrozenflame001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC124EFE0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC124EED0 firstTable antiquityId = 273 description = What a find! I'd have to take a closer look, but the body of the brazier looks like stalhrim! Can you imagine? Ice infused with divine power, making it hard as steel! I've only ever seen it employed in arms, armor, and burial rituals. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC124EF18 firstTable antiquityId = 273 description = I assume you're citing old Skaal stories, Amalien? Personally, I've never seen any compelling evidence of a godly connection to this material. The world is full of naturally occurring substances with fantastical origin stories. Stalhrim is no different. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC124DA40 firstTable antiquityId = 273 description = Stalhrim is undeniably mortal-made. Focus on the brazier. I don't recognize any of these markings as burial motifs, but stalhrim was traditionally used in funerary rituals. I know Nords abhor spellcraft, but this looks like an arcane focus to me. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Brazier of Frozen Flame needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2324 zoneId = 280 274 = table:000002AFC124F768 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 275 = table:000002AFC124F840 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11946B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 275 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antdutifulguar001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1248BE8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1248C30 firstTable antiquityId = 275 description = I've got to say, the realism of this guar statue is positively uncanny! Sculpting busts of famous saints is one thing, but sculpting a beast like this in such vivid detail is pretty remarkable for ancient Dark Elf statuary. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1248C78 firstTable antiquityId = 275 description = There's a reason for that, Gabrielle. This isn't a sculpture at all. I'm surprised that you--a mage--haven't considered the possibility that this is a real guar magically transformed into metal. Probably the work of some Telvanni apprentice! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1248CC0 firstTable antiquityId = 275 description = There's a far more plausible--albeit less palatable--explanation for this. I've found several bronzed beetles in Dunmeri ancestral tombs. This beast likely suffered a similar fate. We can only hope it wasn't still breathing when they sealed it in metal. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = The Dutiful Guar needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2326 zoneId = 281 276 = table:000002AFC1248AD0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EEC0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 276 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_anteightstarchandelier001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1251E10 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11D6A00 firstTable antiquityId = 276 description = You don't see many of these. An Ayleid light fixture like this probably shed light over the banquet hall of some cruel sorcerer king. That's definitely meteoric iron, and the welkynd stones are in fine condition. On the whole, a worthy discovery. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1252F58 firstTable antiquityId = 276 description = Take note of the number of sconces in the chandelier--eight welkynd stones in all to honor the Eight Divines. This lends credence to my theory that Elven numerology played a role in Ayleid civilization, just as it does in modern High Elf culture. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12531F8 firstTable antiquityId = 276 description = You give the Ayleids too much credit, Reginus. The Heartland Elves turned to Daedra-worship long before Ayleid ironsmiths crafted this chandelier. If anything, it should feature sixteen stones to honor their cursed Daedric pantheon! displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Eight-Star Chandelier needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2327 zoneId = 383 277 = table:000002AFC1252560 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1223058 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 277 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antgoldenidolofmorihaus001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1252710 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1252758 firstTable antiquityId = 277 description = Gilded, Imperial bust depicting a winged bull? It's got to be Morihaus, the bull-faced lover of Alessia. The questions with Morihaus is always, \"How literal is too literal?\" and \"Is this literal enough?\" I'm sure Reginus and Amalien have opinions …. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC12527A0 firstTable antiquityId = 277 description = The sculptor clearly did not intend for the viewer to take this as a literal depiction. The vacant, bovine affect on the subject's face reveals no heroic personality, and the wings are far too small. This is a symbolic representation of the subject. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12525A8 firstTable antiquityId = 277 description = Obviously, the bust is symbolic. But that does nothing to prove Morihaus looked like you, Reginus! Surely, the existence of minotaurs is proof enough that chimeric creatures exist. A demigod exhibiting those traits is well within the realm of possibility! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Golden Idol of Morihaus needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2328 zoneId = 823 278 = table:000002AFC1252638 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C3020 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 278 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antmothpriestscleansingbowl001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1253CC8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC122F9F8 firstTable antiquityId = 278 description = I've seen one of these before. In the stacks, back in the Imperial City. The Moth Priests used it for ritual washing, or something. I assume clean hands are preferred when handling an Elder Scroll! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1253D98 firstTable antiquityId = 278 description = Yes, I met several Moth Priests during my years in university. The older priests made a point of washing their hands before, after, and sometimes during a reading. This residue in the bowl is interesting. Some kind of cleaning agent, perhaps? displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1254F40 firstTable antiquityId = 278 description = Sure, keeping the scrolls clean makes sense. But have you considered the possibility that they were scrubbing off something from the scrolls? Some aetherial residue that could deaden their fingers like the scrolls deaden the eyes? Think about it! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2329 zoneId = 1086 279 = table:000002AFC1254A50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EEC0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 279 difficulty = 5 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antstalessiaparavant001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1254BF8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1254C40 firstTable antiquityId = 279 description = I can scarcely believe I'm saying this, but you may have discovered a sculpture of the mother of the First Empire, Saint Alessia. You see? She still bears the shackles of Ayleid enslavement, and holds the Amulet of Kings aloft. It's her. It's Paravant. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1254C88 firstTable antiquityId = 279 description = I suspect this is a Bretonic work--perhaps given to Hestra as a gift after High Rock's admission to the Empire. As you know, the Alessian Order placed tight restrictions on graven images of Alessia. We'll likely never know what she really looked like. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1254A98 firstTable antiquityId = 279 description = Mara's mercy, Reginus! For once in your life, can you just appreciate the majesty of what our friend uncovered? Obviously, the sculptor did not have the benefit of firsthand knowledge, but this is the truest depiction of Alessia we've ever seen! displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = St. Alessia, Paravant needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2330 zoneId = 383 28 = table:000002AFC1191BC8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 280 = table:000002AFC1254B28 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1195790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 280 difficulty = 5 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antdaismothermorrowind001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1255A10 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1255A58 firstTable antiquityId = 280 description = What a spectacular example of early-Tribunal sacerdotal architecture! Few races take their religious designs more seriously than the Dark Elves. The Hand of the Tribunal decorates the central dais, but this clearly honors one over the other two. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1255AA0 firstTable antiquityId = 280 description = Yes, the Mournhold aesthetic is difficult to miss. And as you all know, Almalexia serves as that city's patron deity. While all the Tribunes are the subjects of religious adoration, Almalexia-worship cleaves closest to Tamrielic norms, stylistically. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1255AE8 firstTable antiquityId = 280 description = By \"Tamrielic norms,\" I assume you mean worship of the Eight Divines? You might consider Orc and Argonian religious practice before swinging the word \"norm\" around. Anyway, it's a remarkable altar—especially considering it's all in one piece. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Blessed Dais of Almalexia needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2331 zoneId = 57 281 = table:000002AFC12558F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 282 = table:000002AFC1256ED8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1196A38 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 282 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antasheninfernacegate001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1257080 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12570C8 firstTable antiquityId = 282 description = I've seen markings like this before, on the walls of Yasammidan. These etchings appear inert, but I'd still mind how you speak around it. Ensorcelled gates—even long abandoned ones—aren't something to tinker with. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1257110 firstTable antiquityId = 282 description = Ugron, always the worrier! As you said, any magic this gate might have harnessed dissipated centuries ago! The structure doesn't conform to any Chimeric aesthetic I'm aware of. It almost seems like something conceived in Oblivion itself! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11DE7D0 firstTable antiquityId = 282 description = The inscription reads, Infernace. A command word, perhaps? Or simply the name of the realm it led to? With the appropriate ritual, an ancient Chimer might have been able to coax an atronach out of this thing. Fascinating. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Ashen Infernace Gate needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2333 zoneId = 41 283 = table:000002AFC1258450 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119D598 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 283 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antcatseye001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12584F0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1258640 firstTable antiquityId = 283 description = From the design of the plinth, I'd date this back to early First Era—at least a millennia before the Thrassian illness laid Elsweyr low. I doubt any of the sixteen kingdoms outside Pellitine would have had the resources to craft something like this. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1258688 firstTable antiquityId = 283 description = Odd to find it in Khenarthi's Roost, unless Khenarthia was a client state of Pa'alatiin by that point. As for the crystal itself, I've never seen the like. I've found similar opal spheres used in Magrus worship. Perhaps a meteoric ritual object? displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11E7F50 firstTable antiquityId = 283 description = The hue seems too dark for meteoric glass. This metallic banding is curious too. It's almost like they were trying to keep something contained in the sphere. Seers might have used it as a scrying stone. It follows, given the Magrus connection. Curious. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Cat's Eye Prism needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2334 zoneId = 537 284 = table:000002AFC1259350 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A2DB8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 284 difficulty = 5 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antmoonlightmirror001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12594F8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1259540 firstTable antiquityId = 284 description = A Khajiiti ornamental mirror. Interesting. You'd expect to find an object like this in one of the grand palaces of Anequina or Pellitine. The fact that it survived in such a war-torn region speaks to its quality, I think. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1259588 firstTable antiquityId = 284 description = The image is really something, eh? Masser and Secunda--or Jone and Jode--swimming in wispy clouds .... It's sort of romantic, I think. I could weave a glamour like this for a moment or two, but to set an image in glass permanently? That's rare spellcraft. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12139A0 firstTable antiquityId = 284 description = Am I the only one who noticed the third moon in the background? Enduring magical images are all well and good, but a genuine artistic expression of the Dark Moon? That makes me think this mirror might be a little more sinister than it looks. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Moonlight Mirror needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2335 zoneId = 382 285 = table:000002AFC125A278 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EF08 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 285 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antmaormeriserpentshrine001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC125A428 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC125A470 firstTable antiquityId = 285 description = We don't often see renderings of sea serpents. Fascinating! It's a bit difficult to determine the age given the corrosion, but we can deduce its origin easily enough: Pyandonea. The Sea Elves do love their snakes! displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC125A4B8 firstTable antiquityId = 285 description = Excellent deduction, Reginus! You might be missing something, though. As you know, tapestries featuring the Sea Elf king, Orgnum, often depict him with three hands. You see? Three hands--three coils. This might be a sculpture of Orgnum himself! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC125B698 firstTable antiquityId = 285 description = I guess that's plausible if we're just speaking metaphorically. I've tried to turn myself into a horse more than once and never met with much success. For a mage--even an immortal one--to turn himself into a gigantic sea monster? That's a stretch. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Maormeri Serpent Shrine needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2336 zoneId = 381 286 = table:000002AFC125B1A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD5E0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 286 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antdaedricpillaroftorment001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC125B358 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC125B3A0 firstTable antiquityId = 286 description = Don't know if we can call this an antiquity. Age doesn't mean anything in Oblivion, and this is definitely Daedric Prince-craft. A display piece of some kind. Or a warning to keep the servants in line. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC125B3E8 firstTable antiquityId = 286 description = This has all the hallmarks of Molag Bal. Torture, exhibitionism, the sharp-edged aesthetic, and so on. I doubt he uses it to motivate by fear. His whole realm of Coldharbour is a manifestation of fear and exploitation. This is something else. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = true 3 = table:000002AFC125C4F0 firstTable antiquityId = 286 description = It may be hard to believe, but this is what passes for art in Coldharbour. Some people insist that lesser Daedra are incapable of creative expression and appreciation for art, but I can definitely imagine a Dremora Kynreeve staring at this for hours. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Daedric Pillar of Torment needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 2 numRecovered = 2 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2337 zoneId = 347 287 = table:000002AFC125C000 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 288 = table:000002AFC125C0D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C3020 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 288 difficulty = 5 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antstainedglasslunarphases001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC125CFC0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC125D008 firstTable antiquityId = 288 description = A fully intact stained glass window? Simply remarkable! Someone clearly packed it away with great care. One can't help but wonder why they squirreled such a masterpiece away. I've never seen a window like this in the Khajiiti temples I've visited. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC125D050 firstTable antiquityId = 288 description = That's because the Khajiit never placed this window in one of their ancestral temples. See the similarities to Imperial glasswork? Clearly, Khajiiti glassworkers made this for a converted temple. Perhaps the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC125D098 firstTable antiquityId = 288 description = Makes sense. Bruk'ra wander-kings all but annexed the city after Darloc Brae's conquests. It's possible that the Imperials finished construction on the Chapel of Zenithar by then. But if the Khajiit did convert it, Imperial histories would never admit it. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Stained Glass of Lunar Phases needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2339 zoneId = 1086 289 = table:000002AFC125CEA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1223058 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 289 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antmeridiansconce001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC125DE40 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1224C50 firstTable antiquityId = 289 description = To the untrained eye, this sconce might appear to portray Kynareth, but it depicts nothing of the sort. This is a votive chandelier to the Daedric Prince, Meridia, guaranteed. Hardly the sort of thing you'd want lighting your dining room table. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC125DF10 firstTable antiquityId = 289 description = As Daedric Princes go, she's not all that bad. What interests me is the craftsmanship. Someone built a shrine to her in Skyrim, granted. But this hardly seems Nord-inspired. Those curled arms feel Nibenese to me. Odd to find it in Colovia. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC125DF58 firstTable antiquityId = 289 description = If there's a difference between Nibenese and Colovians, you would barely notice. In any case, I'd date this back to 1E 1900's. Some Daedra-worshiper probably took it to the coast to escape the Alessian Order's inquisitors. Guess it didn't work out. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Meridian Sconce needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2340 zoneId = 823 29 = table:000002AFC11922E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 290 = table:000002AFC125DD38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 291 = table:000002AFC1251128 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 292 = table:000002AFC125F390 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1193DD8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 292 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_rubydragon001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC125F3D8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11FBA90 firstTable antiquityId = 292 description = You find quite a few jeweled eyes in the dungeoneering business, but an entire skull fashioned from precious stones? That's a true prize. Shows all the signs of a Dragon Cult relic. Probably some sort of ritual focus used during sacrifices. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11FBAD8 firstTable antiquityId = 292 description = Not just any sacrifices. Given the scarcity of Atmoran jewelry, I have a hunch that precious stones are far less common there--or perhaps just more difficult to excavate. Ruby effigies would be reserved for extremely important services only. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1262740 firstTable antiquityId = 292 description = But why a Dragon skull? Prior to the Dragon War, those brutes had little cause to contemplate their own mortality. Unless ... a Dragon itself suffered the sacrifice? Maybe Dragon Priests gathered to watch Alduin administer such a rite. A ghastly thought! displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Ruby Dragon Skull needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2343 zoneId = 280 293 = table:000002AFC1261C28 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 294 = table:000002AFC12630A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 295 = table:000002AFC1263F00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 296 = table:000002AFC1263FD8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119D598 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 296 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antsweetkhenarthisong001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1264EB8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1264F00 firstTable antiquityId = 296 description = I've always loved Khajiiti needlework. The color and texture on this tapestry are tremendous, despite its age. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I suspect that winged figure is an artist's depiction of Khenarthi--the Khajiiti goddess of the wind. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1264F48 firstTable antiquityId = 296 description = Yeah, it's Khenarthi. She seems to be ushering that spectral Khajiit somewhere--presumably the Sands Behind the Stars. Khajiiti and Nord theology both present Kynareth as a guide to paradise. Odd considering how remote each civilization is from the other. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1264F90 firstTable antiquityId = 296 description = It's not odd at all! Choice plays a central role in the process of death and rebirth for both Nords and Khajiit. Both have to earn their way to paradise. Kyne and Khenarthi reward courage and faithfulness respectively. A personal escort makes sense. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Sweet Khenarthi's Song needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2347 zoneId = 537 297 = table:000002AFC1264DA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 298 = table:000002AFC12663A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 299 = table:000002AFC1267910 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BED60 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 299 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_anttuskoforcfather001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1267AB8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1267B00 firstTable antiquityId = 299 description = Always good to see a relic from the homeland. A tusk arrangement like this usually marks an entrance of a chief or forge-wife's longhouse. The scale of these tusks is pretty damned impressive. Haven't seen a mammoth that size in my lifetime. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1267B48 firstTable antiquityId = 299 description = Alas, I think the Bretons plundered most of these monolithic ivories after the sack of Orsinium in 1E 980. The Daggerfall ivory trade helped fuel the Bjoulsae economic expansion that catapulted High Rock to prominence in the centuries that followed. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1267958 firstTable antiquityId = 299 description = No need to remind me. From what I hear, ivory restitution was one of Kurog's demands when Emeric invited him to join the Daggerfall Covenant. We took tusks as part of our Ranser's War spoils, too. We Orcs always get what we're owed ... eventually. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Tusks of the Orc-Father needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2350 zoneId = 684 30 = table:000002AFC1191C10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 300 = table:000002AFC12679E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 301 = table:000002AFC11E60B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 302 = table:000002AFC12687E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC12206D8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 302 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antmorwhasblessing001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC126A028 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1221C88 firstTable antiquityId = 302 description = It's rare to find a Yokudan statue that isn't wielding a sword. Well done. This looks like a depiction of Morwha—the fertility goddess. Based on the items she's holding, I'd say this statue came from Yokuda itself. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC126A0F8 firstTable antiquityId = 302 description = A fair observation, Ugron. Ra Gada-era sculptors rarely took the time to render softer details like those flowers. Bloody conquest took priority. The lack of orichalc does give me pause, though. Yokudan statuary normally features a metallic element. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC126B8F0 firstTable antiquityId = 302 description = Look at the stone. This Morwha's rendered in gypsum alabaster--a favored material of the Yokudans' hated enemies, the Sinistral Mer. The sculptor probably acquired the stone during the early days of the Ra Gada, thus explaining the lack of orichalc. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Morwha's Blessing needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2353 zoneId = 816 303 = table:000002AFC126B400 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A1078 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 303 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antgreensonggathering001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC126B5A8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC126B5F0 firstTable antiquityId = 303 description = A Wood Elf ritual cauldron, eh? I find Bosmer magic absolutely fascinating! This is the first Wood Elf spell-focus I've seen, though. I was under the impression they could weave their magic with singing alone. What did they put in this bowl? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC126B638 firstTable antiquityId = 303 description = I've traveled with enough Wood Elves to know you should never ask what they put in their pots. If I had to guess, I'd say they probably filled it with bones and viscera. Blood to please Hircine, and bones to honor Y'ffre. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC126BCE8 firstTable antiquityId = 303 description = I'm not so sure, Ugron. I've seen etchings like this in Wood Elf wild patches and sapling-chapels. I think they refer to growth and abundance. They may have filled it with soil and summoned Green Pact relics out of it. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Greensong Gathering Circle needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2354 zoneId = 108 304 = table:000002AFC126C258 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 305 = table:000002AFC126D148 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1196A38 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 305 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_crate_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC126D190 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC126D2F0 firstTable antiquityId = 305 description = This looks like some kind of shimmer-thrower--you know, like the ones the Baandari use during festivals? We haven't seen much in the way of Dwemer frivolity but if this was a kind of firelight show, that could prove everyone wrong! How exciting! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC126D338 firstTable antiquityId = 305 description = Amalien gives the Dwarves too much credit. As usual. This looks more like a weapon to me. Some kind of complex ballista that could fling projectiles at a distance. This could change the war in Cyrodiil if someone managed to rebuild it. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC126D380 firstTable antiquityId = 305 description = I'm no metallurgist, but this metal could likely endure tremendous heat; so I agree with Amalien on that. To Ugron's point, yes, I strongly suspect this is a weapon of war. Something used to rain fire down upon one's enemies. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Fire Lancer needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2355 zoneId = 41 306 = table:000002AFC126DF80 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A2DB8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 306 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_crate_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC126DFC8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC126E0F8 firstTable antiquityId = 306 description = Even after all this time, this still carries traces of magical energy. You can feel the hairs on your arm rising whenever you touch it. Can you imagine harnessing this sort of power during a siege? displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC126E820 firstTable antiquityId = 306 description = Yes, quintessentially Dwemer in its design and application. They were so much more technologically advanced than other races, their mastery over the arcane allowed them to fire shocking projectiles. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC126E140 firstTable antiquityId = 306 description = If it's shock value we're going for here (and no, I won't apologize for that) I'd like to throw in the possibility of this being a component of a security system. The Dwarves were extremely talented at keeping people out of places. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Shock Lancer needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2357 zoneId = 382 307 = table:000002AFC126ED78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 308 = table:000002AFC11B4EA8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 31 = table:000002AFC1192508 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 310 = table:000002AFC126EE50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 312 = table:000002AFC1271290 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1223058 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 312 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsgoldcoastscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1271440 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12712D8 firstTable antiquityId = 312 description = I think it's fairly obvious that this is a depiction of the Gold Coast. A beautifully rendered one at that. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1271DC0 firstTable antiquityId = 312 description = It's interesting to think about maps drawn before and after the construction of Varen's Wall. Each tell quite a different story about the land and its people! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1271320 firstTable antiquityId = 312 description = I'd be curious to see a map of this area from the First Era, if such a thing could ever be found. All that remains of the great Ayleid settlements is broken marble and subterranean dangers. A fitting end for such a terrible people. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of the Gold Coast needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2412 zoneId = 823 313 = table:000002AFC1272340 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 314 = table:000002AFC12730F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD5E0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 314 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropscoldharborscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12732A8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12731E8 firstTable antiquityId = 314 description = I think we're all in agreement that this is a map of Coldharbour, yes? Take it from someone who knows: Coldharbour is hard to forget. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1219618 firstTable antiquityId = 314 description = Coldharbour is supposed to emulate Nirn itself, but it always surprises me how innocuous it looks when depicted in a map. Those brave enough to document it did so with little bias, it seems. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12732F0 firstTable antiquityId = 314 description = I can't imagine this map will stay accurate for long. Correct me if I'm wrong, Gabrielle, but I believe Daedric realms change as often as their ruling Prince's mood. Who knows what Coldharbour will look like in centuries to come. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Coldharbour needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2414 zoneId = 347 315 = table:000002AFC1273E80 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC12206D8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 315 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropshewsbanescroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1274030 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1273F60 firstTable antiquityId = 315 description = I believe this is a map of Hew's Bane. It has a very distinctive shape. Does anyone else think it looks like a horse? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1274078 firstTable antiquityId = 315 description = Prince Hew set up the first semblances of a city near the harbor on the east side of the peninsula. It wasn't much at first, but over time it transformed into a sprawling commercial port, despite the harsh environment. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12740C0 firstTable antiquityId = 315 description = You make it sound so glorious, Reginus! The truth is that Price Hew was a irresponsible clod. This map doesn't tell the full tale of his blundering. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Hew's Bane needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2416 zoneId = 816 316 = table:000002AFC1274D18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 317 = table:000002AFC1275508 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 318 = table:000002AFC1275C58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 319 = table:000002AFC12761B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 32 = table:000002AFC1193680 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1193DD8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 32 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1193D90 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC117D0E8 firstTable antiquityId = 32 description = Despite Harald's desire for a uniform army in Skyrim, sagas from this period still revolve around grandiose warriors with storied weapons. Either exceptions were made for those who could provide their own equipment, or the skald took creative liberties. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Nord: Axes needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2109 zoneId = 280 320 = table:000002AFC1275CA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 321 = table:000002AFC1277360 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 322 = table:000002AFC1277AB8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 323 = table:000002AFC1278388 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 324 = table:000002AFC1278C68 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 325 = table:000002AFC12773A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 326 = table:000002AFC1279E00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 327 = table:000002AFC127A6F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 328 = table:000002AFC127B050 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 329 = table:000002AFC1278CF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 33 = table:000002AFC117D130 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11946B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 33 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1194668 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1194E80 firstTable antiquityId = 33 description = The author omits the fact that insignias had to be approved by the king himself and were withheld from those who were in Harald's poor graces. Though this occasionally resulted in exacerbating feuds, the social pressure brought many rivals in line. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Nord: Belts needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2110 zoneId = 281 335 = table:000002AFC12783D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 336 = table:000002AFC127CDA8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 337 = table:000002AFC127E490 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 338 = table:000002AFC127F330 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 339 = table:000002AFC1280200 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 34 = table:000002AFC1195700 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1195790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 34 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1195748 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1194DF8 firstTable antiquityId = 34 description = There are quite a few comedic works featuring a blustery, madcap brawler named Korm No-Toes. This is the first historic mention I've seen of him. Makes me wonder if some of his unlikely feats and misfortunes are based on true events. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral Nord: Boots needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2111 zoneId = 57 340 = table:000002AFC1281058 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 341 = table:000002AFC1281F00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 342 = table:000002AFC1282F78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 343 = table:000002AFC1283E18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 344 = table:000002AFC1284C70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 345 = table:000002AFC1285B10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 346 = table:000002AFC12793E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 347 = table:000002AFC12863F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 348 = table:000002AFC12870D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 349 = table:000002AFC12878C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 35 = table:000002AFC117D040 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1196A38 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 35 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11969F0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC117D088 firstTable antiquityId = 35 description = Many of Skyrim's pre-Imperial forts were built during this period since the lack of infighting allowed for more substantial construction to proceed unmolested. Blocks were chiseled from catapult stone as they were whittling palisades down to arrows. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Nord: Bows needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2112 zoneId = 41 350 = table:000002AFC12881C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 351 = table:000002AFC1279470 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 352 = table:000002AFC12891E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 353 = table:000002AFC12888C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 354 = table:000002AFC128A398 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 355 = table:000002AFC128C290 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 356 = table:000002AFC128D090 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 357 = table:000002AFC128DF20 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 358 = table:000002AFC128ED78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 359 = table:000002AFC128F698 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 36 = table:000002AFC1191020 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1196A38 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 36 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1197048 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11971D8 firstTable antiquityId = 36 description = While minting the royal insignia in steel might appear to be a needless extravagance during a period of material shortages, Ugron assures me that the placement of the medallion is one of the most commonly struck locations on the body during a melee. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Nord: Chests needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2113 zoneId = 41 360 = table:000002AFC128FC98 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 361 = table:000002AFC1290D70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 362 = table:000002AFC1290F58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 363 = table:000002AFC1291AF0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 364 = table:000002AFC1292388 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 365 = table:000002AFC1292C10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 366 = table:000002AFC1292C98 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 367 = table:000002AFC1293E08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 368 = table:000002AFC1294540 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 369 = table:000002AFC1292AC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 37 = table:000002AFC1197220 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 370 = table:000002AFC12956B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 371 = table:000002AFC1296018 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 372 = table:000002AFC1296870 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 373 = table:000002AFC1297000 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 374 = table:000002AFC12970D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 375 = table:000002AFC1296940 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 376 = table:000002AFC12990C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 377 = table:000002AFC1299150 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 378 = table:000002AFC129B3F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 379 = table:000002AFC129C7F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 38 = table:000002AFC11910F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 380 = table:000002AFC129CFF0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 381 = table:000002AFC129C8B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 382 = table:000002AFC129EE78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 383 = table:000002AFC129EF50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 384 = table:000002AFC12A0D78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 385 = table:000002AFC12A1C08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 386 = table:000002AFC12A2A60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 387 = table:000002AFC12A38C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 388 = table:000002AFC12A4950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 389 = table:000002AFC12A5778 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 39 = table:000002AFC1197268 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1193DD8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 39 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11993A0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11994D0 firstTable antiquityId = 39 description = Nord helmets in theatrical productions tend to be woefully inaccurate representations of their traditional designs, much to the chagrin of the Bards College. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Nord: Helmets needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2116 zoneId = 280 390 = table:000002AFC12A6640 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 391 = table:000002AFC12A7508 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 392 = table:000002AFC12A7CD0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 393 = table:000002AFC12A9500 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 394 = table:000002AFC12AA580 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 395 = table:000002AFC12AA658 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 396 = table:000002AFC12AB4F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 397 = table:000002AFC12AC3A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 398 = table:000002AFC12ADC00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 399 = table:000002AFC12AF140 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 40 = table:000002AFC1199518 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 400 = table:000002AFC12AF218 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 401 = table:000002AFC12B0EF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 402 = table:000002AFC12B17D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 403 = table:000002AFC12B1DD0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 404 = table:000002AFC12B21E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 405 = table:000002AFC12B2A78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 406 = table:000002AFC12B3528 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 407 = table:000002AFC12B1818 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 408 = table:000002AFC12B4718 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 409 = table:000002AFC12B4D60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 41 = table:000002AFC1199F90 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1195790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 41 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1199FD8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC119A8A8 firstTable antiquityId = 41 description = This movement toward common fittings didn't entirely carry on in the weaponsmithing trade, but was embraced by blacksmiths for the manufacture of common tools and hardware. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral Nord: Maces needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2118 zoneId = 57 410 = table:000002AFC12B5F10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 411 = table:000002AFC12B6148 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 412 = table:000002AFC12B72F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 413 = table:000002AFC12B71C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 414 = table:000002AFC12B79D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 415 = table:000002AFC12B8180 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 416 = table:000002AFC12B7A68 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 417 = table:000002AFC12B9A58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 418 = table:000002AFC12B9C58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 419 = table:000002AFC12BA7D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 42 = table:000002AFC119A0C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 420 = table:000002AFC12BB030 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 421 = table:000002AFC12BB950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 422 = table:000002AFC12BC1E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 423 = table:000002AFC12BCAC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 424 = table:000002AFC12BD348 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 425 = table:000002AFC12BD420 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 426 = table:000002AFC12BE538 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 427 = table:000002AFC12BEE18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 428 = table:000002AFC12BF6F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 429 = table:000002AFC12BFFB0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 43 = table:000002AFC119A110 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 430 = table:000002AFC12C0898 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 431 = table:000002AFC12BEEA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 432 = table:000002AFC12BDCE8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 433 = table:000002AFC12BB7A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 434 = table:000002AFC12BDAC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 435 = table:000002AFC12C3F18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 436 = table:000002AFC12C57A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 437 = table:000002AFC12C5998 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 438 = table:000002AFC12C6DF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 439 = table:000002AFC12C6ED0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 44 = table:000002AFC119BDC8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11946B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 44 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC119C3A0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC119C518 firstTable antiquityId = 44 description = It's unclear how commonly Nords employed magic in war. Clever Men and Women likely assumed advisory roles to rulers far more often than they were seen on the battlefield, but this does present evidence that such things occurred. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Nord: Staves needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2121 zoneId = 281 440 = table:000002AFC12C8CC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 441 = table:000002AFC12CA2B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 442 = table:000002AFC12CB110 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 443 = table:000002AFC12CBFF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 444 = table:000002AFC12CCFE0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 445 = table:000002AFC12CDE30 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 446 = table:000002AFC12CED38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 447 = table:000002AFC12CFB40 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 448 = table:000002AFC12D09F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 449 = table:000002AFC12D1A90 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 45 = table:000002AFC119C560 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 450 = table:000002AFC12D2B10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 451 = table:000002AFC12D3A40 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 452 = table:000002AFC12D4890 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 453 = table:000002AFC12D4AD0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 46 = table:000002AFC119CE38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119D598 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 46 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC119D550 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC119E6A8 firstTable antiquityId = 46 description = This book has some kind of material spread on it. It's almost waxy in appearance. It must have been some kind of resin to preserve the pages … and it seems to have done the job! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral High Elf: Axes needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2123 zoneId = 537 460 = table:000002AFC12D4910 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 461 = table:000002AFC12D6428 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 462 = table:000002AFC12D7DA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 463 = table:000002AFC12D8B48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 464 = table:000002AFC12D99E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 465 = table:000002AFC12DA858 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 466 = table:000002AFC12DAA40 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 467 = table:000002AFC12DC0A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 468 = table:000002AFC12DD5C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 469 = table:000002AFC12DE4A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 47 = table:000002AFC1196438 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119D598 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 47 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC119DE28 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC119DF50 firstTable antiquityId = 47 description = I love the sass in this entry! I don't think it was necessarily meant to be funny, but the \"needlessly large buckle\" part made me laugh out loud! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral High Elf: Belts needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2124 zoneId = 537 470 = table:000002AFC12DF388 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 471 = table:000002AFC12E01B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 472 = table:000002AFC12E1260 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 473 = table:000002AFC12E20F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 474 = table:000002AFC12E2FC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 475 = table:000002AFC12E3E00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 476 = table:000002AFC12E4550 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 477 = table:000002AFC12E5640 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 478 = table:000002AFC12E6CF0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 479 = table:000002AFC12E7C18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 48 = table:000002AFC119DF98 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EEC0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 48 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC119EE78 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC119F068 firstTable antiquityId = 48 description = The leather on the binding of this book is hard as stone! I nearly dropped it and was terrified it would shatter into a thousand pieces! We should take extra care with this one. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral High Elf: Boots needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2125 zoneId = 383 480 = table:000002AFC12E8AB8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 481 = table:000002AFC12E9950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 482 = table:000002AFC12EAA38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 483 = table:000002AFC12EB880 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 484 = table:000002AFC12EC748 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 485 = table:000002AFC12ED5E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 486 = table:000002AFC12ED7C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 487 = table:000002AFC12EE890 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 488 = table:000002AFC12EE750 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 489 = table:000002AFC12EF030 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 49 = table:000002AFC119E5B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EF08 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 49 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC119E600 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC119F988 firstTable antiquityId = 49 description = This is an interesting read! It's as much a comment on the history of the time as well as an insight into what these Elves valued in their weaponry. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral High Elf: Bows needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2126 zoneId = 381 490 = table:000002AFC12EF8D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 491 = table:000002AFC12F01C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 492 = table:000002AFC12F0AB0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 493 = table:000002AFC12F1358 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 494 = table:000002AFC12F1D08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 495 = table:000002AFC12EE918 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 496 = table:000002AFC12F3020 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 497 = table:000002AFC12F36F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 498 = table:000002AFC12F3EA8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 499 = table:000002AFC12F4788 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 50 = table:000002AFC119EF50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EF08 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 50 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC119DFE0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A05C0 firstTable antiquityId = 50 description = This book has a strange, golden hue to it. Or maybe I'm imagining things? There's a lot of golden imagery in this book, it made my heart all ... fluttery! I may have stared at this for a bit too long. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral High Elf: Chests needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2127 zoneId = 381 500 = table:000002AFC12E5F58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 501 = table:000002AFC12F4EC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 502 = table:000002AFC12F6A48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 503 = table:000002AFC12F6C80 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 504 = table:000002AFC12F7AF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 505 = table:000002AFC12F8818 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 506 = table:000002AFC12F90E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 507 = table:000002AFC12F8F78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 508 = table:000002AFC12F99E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 509 = table:000002AFC12F9888 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 51 = table:000002AFC119E050 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A1078 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 51 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11A1030 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1197C60 firstTable antiquityId = 51 description = It makes me sad to see the state of this one. The pages are all torn up, the binding came unraveled and some of the ink is in danger of fading. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral High Elf: Daggers needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2128 zoneId = 108 510 = table:000002AFC12FB380 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 511 = table:000002AFC12FC3E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 512 = table:000002AFC12FD240 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 513 = table:000002AFC12FE0A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 514 = table:000002AFC12FEF18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 515 = table:000002AFC12FFDA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 516 = table:000002AFC12FFF78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 52 = table:000002AFC11A1218 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119F750 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 52 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11A1260 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC119F888 firstTable antiquityId = 52 description = I would give anything to hear about the favored killing moves of the Elves that wore these gloves. How fascinating! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral High Elf: Gloves needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2129 zoneId = 58 53 = table:000002AFC119F798 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119D598 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 53 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11A2358 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A24C0 firstTable antiquityId = 53 description = It must have been so beautiful to see the sun gleaming off the eagle-like helms of this army. While reading this, I could picture it with such clarity! I wonder what that means …. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral High Elf: Helmets needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2130 zoneId = 537 54 = table:000002AFC11A2508 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A2DB8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 54 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11A2D70 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A3EC0 firstTable antiquityId = 54 description = I think some heavy restoration went into this book. The binding certainly isn't the original material. Not that I'm complaining! At least the text is authentic, that's really the part that matters. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral High Elf: Legs needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2131 zoneId = 382 55 = table:000002AFC11A2550 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EEC0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 55 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11A2598 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A3720 firstTable antiquityId = 55 description = I think someone with a mace beat this book thoroughly before it came into our hands. This poor thing is so mangled it's barely legible! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral High Elf: Maces needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2132 zoneId = 383 56 = table:000002AFC11A41A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A2DB8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 56 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11A41F0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A4328 firstTable antiquityId = 56 description = The author writes about felling enemies with such beautiful language. It practically reads like poetry! It must have been inspiring for the warriors reading it. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral High Elf: Shields needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2133 zoneId = 382 57 = table:000002AFC11A4370 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A1078 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 57 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11A4A80 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A43B8 firstTable antiquityId = 57 description = This book looks like it will crumble to dust at the slightest provocation. We should be extremely careful when handling it, if we need to handle it at all! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral High Elf: Shoulders needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2134 zoneId = 108 58 = table:000002AFC11A5AE0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119D598 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 58 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11A5B28 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A5C58 firstTable antiquityId = 58 description = I like to imagine myself as a smith during this time, following these directions. It must have been terrifying to try and make something to these grand specifications. The pressure is unimaginable! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral High Elf: Staves needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2135 zoneId = 537 59 = table:000002AFC11A5CC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119F750 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 59 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11A5358 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A5460 firstTable antiquityId = 59 description = The ink in this book is remarkably well preserved. It almost looks as though someone just penned it moments ago! I wonder how it remained so well preserved. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral High Elf: Swords needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2136 zoneId = 58 60 = table:000002AFC11A54A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 61 = table:000002AFC11A6738 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 62 = table:000002AFC11A6E60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 63 = table:000002AFC11A7780 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 64 = table:000002AFC11A8010 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 65 = table:000002AFC11A8948 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 66 = table:000002AFC11A92B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 67 = table:000002AFC11A9AA8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 68 = table:000002AFC11AAAE0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 69 = table:000002AFC11AAC78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 70 = table:000002AFC11AAA38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 71 = table:000002AFC11ABFD8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 72 = table:000002AFC11AE050 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 73 = table:000002AFC11AE890 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 74 = table:000002AFC11AF030 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 75 = table:000002AFC11AB1C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 76 = table:000002AFC11B03D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 77 = table:000002AFC11AAC20 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 78 = table:000002AFC11B1B68 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 79 = table:000002AFC11B2818 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 80 = table:000002AFC11B3D80 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 81 = table:000002AFC11B4C68 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 82 = table:000002AFC11B5AC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1196A38 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 82 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsstonefallsscroll002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11B5C70 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11B5CB8 firstTable antiquityId = 82 description = Stonefall's early history is replete with tales of struggle and invasion. The borders shifted a lot during the Merethic and First Eras. This map displays a fleeting moment in time when ancient borders resembled those of the present day. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11B5D00 firstTable antiquityId = 82 description = Indeed. Only a cartographer in service to the First Empire of the Nords would draft such a map. I'd date this to around the year 400 in the First Era. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11B70C0 firstTable antiquityId = 82 description = If that's true, then pity the poor cartographer who needed to redraw this map only a few years later. Morrowind pushed hard to expel the Nords. Empires based on brutality rarely last long. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Stonefalls needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2142 zoneId = 41 83 = table:000002AFC11AD358 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1195790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 83 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsdeshaanscroll002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11AD500 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11AB2B8 firstTable antiquityId = 83 description = From the dark shading in the northern region, it seems likely this map dates to soon after the first eruption of Red Mountain. Sometime very soon after 1E 668. Deshaan experienced significant climate disruption during this period. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11B7CB0 firstTable antiquityId = 83 description = Ah yes. The Sun's Death! I see several roads leading away from the darkened areas. Perhaps these were Dunmer escape routes, showing the way to new settlements? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11B7F60 firstTable antiquityId = 83 description = The idea that a cartographer managed to create a map in these conditions defies credulity. Red Mountain's eruption, the end of the First Council's war, the curse of Azura .... An artist probably rendered this as a historical map a hundred years later. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Deshaan needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2143 zoneId = 57 84 = table:000002AFC11B7A28 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 85 = table:000002AFC11B88C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 86 = table:000002AFC11B9700 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 87 = table:000002AFC11BA498 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EF08 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 87 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsauridonscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11BA640 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11BA6D0 firstTable antiquityId = 87 description = Oh! Clearly this is one of the Summerset Isles! Auridon, in fact. Nine Prows Landing is marked on it, too, which makes me think it's an early map. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11BA598 firstTable antiquityId = 87 description = Or perhaps someone chose to note that location on this map since it is culturally significant, Amalien. Haven't I seen you do that yourself when you're sketching out your own maps? displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11BAD28 firstTable antiquityId = 87 description = Hmmm ... you're right. I definitely do that. And I see that there's a note about potential locations for the Mages Guild, which puts this at around 2E 230, so much later than I had hoped! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Auridon needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2147 zoneId = 381 88 = table:000002AFC11BB298 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EEC0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 88 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsgrahtwoodscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11BB448 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11BB4D8 firstTable antiquityId = 88 description = Hmm, this is difficult to read, but I believe it's a map of the southeast Valenwood. This region is known as the Grahtwood, after the graht-oaks that are found in great numbers there. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11BBB08 firstTable antiquityId = 88 description = Curious--Falinesti is marked on the map. I know that the city hasn't been seen in many years, but even in the days when it was accessible, I thought that the Walking City's location was uncertain. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11BC558 firstTable antiquityId = 88 description = Uncertain? No, although I can understand why you might think so. Falinesti moved with the seasons, traveling to different parts of the Valenwood. From year to year, it took root in the same spot during each season--this map marks its winter site. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Grahtwood needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2148 zoneId = 383 89 = table:000002AFC11BC068 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A1078 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 89 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsgreenshadescroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11BC218 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11BC2A8 firstTable antiquityId = 89 description = This looks like southwestern Valenwood to me. Yes, this must be Greenshade. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11BC120 firstTable antiquityId = 89 description = Yes, this seems quite old. Modern maps of the region evince High Elf influence. Remember, the Dominion has tried to influence Greenshade both culturally and architecturally. This map seems to predate their concerted attempts to do so. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11BC168 firstTable antiquityId = 89 description = Yes, the Bosmer only barely tolerate my people. Hard to blame them. Travelers don't know the true layout of the area because they stick to the cities for trade and travel. This is detailed enough that it might be from the Wood Elves themselves! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Greenshade needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2149 zoneId = 108 90 = table:000002AFC11BCEC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119F750 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 90 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsmalabaltorscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11BD070 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11BD100 firstTable antiquityId = 90 description = An old depiction of Malabal Tor, the Bosmeri heartland. See, here's Silvenar, and over here is Falinesti--the summer site, I believe. Of course, no one's seen it in a very long time. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11BDF50 firstTable antiquityId = 90 description = Interesting. Several Ayleid holds and cities are marked on the map: Abamath, Belarata, Ilayas. This map must have been made early in the First Era, shortly after the Ayleids withdrew to the Valenwood. Some of these sites were lost for centuries. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11BE200 firstTable antiquityId = 90 description = More likely the map was created by a cartographer working from older source material--mapmakers often incorporate the work of their predecessors into new maps, correcting and improving it. This parchment is old, but it's not three thousand years old. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Malabal Tor needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2150 zoneId = 58 91 = table:000002AFC11BDCC8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11A2DB8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 91 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsreapersmarchscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11BDE78 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11BDF08 firstTable antiquityId = 91 description = A map of the March. This land I know well. Bosmer, Khajiit, Colovians, and Imperials have fought over this place for centuries uncounted. The battles I could tell you of! displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11BEDF0 firstTable antiquityId = 91 description = The region's history of conflict no doubt shaped the warrior cultures of the nomadic Khajiit tribes. The rest of Tamriel knows the Khajiit as traveling merchants, but Anequina--the northern Khajiit realm--has always been a martial kingdom. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11BF080 firstTable antiquityId = 91 description = Despite the name, the Reaper's March is more than just a battlefield. It's a melting pot of cultures. Yes, the Khajiit fought bloody wars here, but they also traded with other peoples and prospered in peaceful times. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Reaper's March needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2151 zoneId = 382 93 = table:000002AFC11BEB68 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BED60 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 93 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropswrothgarscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11BED18 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11BF420 firstTable antiquityId = 93 description = An aged depiction of Wrothgar if my eyes aren't mistaken. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11BF468 firstTable antiquityId = 93 description = I don't see any references to the original thirteen strongholds. Of course, Imperial cartographers never spent much time digging into the details of Orcish stronghold-law. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11C0270 firstTable antiquityId = 93 description = Not Imperial, Ugron. I detect a Breton influence on this. It seems overwrought to me--almost florid. A High Rock artist likely designed this as a commemoration of the first sack of Orsinium. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Wrothgar needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2153 zoneId = 684 94 = table:000002AFC11BF9E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11BFBE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 94 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsvvardenfellscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11BFB98 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C05A0 firstTable antiquityId = 94 description = Vvardenfell's unique, volcanic geography makes Vvardenfell one of the most difficult places in Tamriel to map. The island's silhouette, however, is unmistakable. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11C05E8 firstTable antiquityId = 94 description = Ha! Tribunal priests are the true impediments to cartography in the region. I can scarcely believe how often the island is locked away, reopened, and so on. Travel to the island is quite simple nowadays, but you'll find many doors closed to outsiders. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11BFAD8 firstTable antiquityId = 94 description = As you well know, few maps are original works. I'd wager this is a composite of several different maps -- perhaps even Dwemer ones! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Vvardenfell needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2154 zoneId = 849 95 = table:000002AFC11C0678 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C0D88 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 95 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropssummersetscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11C0D40 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C17F8 firstTable antiquityId = 95 description = I'd recognize this map anywhere. Home. Summerset Isle. This map is old, but it's not too old. I've seen maps drafted by the Aldmer, and honestly, the landmarks are barely recognizable. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11C0C90 firstTable antiquityId = 95 description = Amalien has the right of it. This map seems more utilitarian than strictly decorative. Something belonging to a ship's captain or a trader perhaps. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11C0DD0 firstTable antiquityId = 95 description = Odd that it doesn't include Auridon or Artaeum. I guess the cartographer wanted to express Summerset's primacy in the region. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Summerset needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2155 zoneId = 1011 96 = table:000002AFC11C1D70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 97 = table:000002AFC11C2DE8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C3020 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 97 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropselsweyrscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11C2FD8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C3900 firstTable antiquityId = 97 description = Ah! Hard to mistake this map, given the recent troubles in the region. It's Anequina sure enough. Northern Elsweyr, I mean. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11C3948 firstTable antiquityId = 97 description = Hmm. It's clearly quite old, but the cartographer didn't include the boundaries of Elsweyr's sixteen kingdoms. I suppose the artist rendered it shortly after the northern half of the province consolidated under the Anequine banner. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11C3990 firstTable antiquityId = 97 description = Yes, this clearly depicts the region just after the Thrassian Plague. It's quite odd to see a fully rendered map of the province. Travel in Elsweyr leans heavily upon word of mouth—mostly to keep Baandari caravaners employed. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Northern Elsweyr needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2157 zoneId = 1086 98 = table:000002AFC11C2E78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 99 = table:000002AFC11AB788 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquityCategories = table:000002AFC117BCC8 firstTable 10 = table:000002AFC1195790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 11 = table:000002AFC11910B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC1198100 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11FE588 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11910B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 168 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_toy_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11FF2E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11B7C20 firstTable antiquityId = 168 description = How adorable! The doll resembles the mysterious Hist trees found in Black Marsh. Don't dolls usually look like the children they're intended for? Perhaps this is hard evidence that Argonian children start off as Hist saplings? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11FF3B8 firstTable antiquityId = 168 description = An interesting idea, but we may not need to go that far. I surmise these dolls were used to imprint a connection between Argonian hatchlings and the Hist. Notice how the bark still feels tacky? Perhaps it was once covered in sap for early exposure. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11FF400 firstTable antiquityId = 168 description = Magical analysis dates the doll to sometime in the Merethic. I exposed the doll to a vial of Hist sap and the leaves grew iridescent. Perhaps if we had a Circle member more knowledgeable in Argonian history, they could help explain these mysteries. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Child's Ragged Tree Doll needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2216 zoneId = 117 2 = table:000002AFC11AD548 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11910B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 169 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_plate_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11AD590 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11FF6D8 firstTable antiquityId = 169 description = At first glance, I thought this was an oversized coin. Clavicus Vile's unmistakable image often appears on early currency intended as an offering to the Daedra. But the hinged clasp shows it was meant to be worn. What is this other figure here? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11FF1F0 firstTable antiquityId = 169 description = Based on the region, the posture of supplication to Vile, and the obvious lack of any clothing, I believe the figure to be Kothringi. This must date to before their shift to worship of Z'en. Or belong to a lone cult that held on to the old ways. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11FF238 firstTable antiquityId = 169 description = Analysis shows that the medallion is extremely old—early Merethic era or even perhaps before. But that makes no sense so perhaps my ritual was faulty. Also, despite appearances this isn't silver. It's some other metal I haven't seen before. Strange. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Silver Wish Medallion needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2217 zoneId = 117 3 = table:000002AFC1200470 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11910B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 170 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_trinket.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12004B8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1201140 firstTable antiquityId = 170 description = A most curious scroll case. One single piece of carved onyx with no apparent way of opening the cylinder to remove its contents. Sigils etched in silver suggest some connection to ancient Argonian royalty. The few texts we have about Shadowscale mention a protection compact for the old rulers. Such an ornate case could indeed carry such a document. I won't destroy such a unique case, but I see no other way of getting inside. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Onyx Shadowscale Scroll Case needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2218 zoneId = 117 4 = table:000002AFC1197220 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11910B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 37 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1191068 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11963F0 firstTable antiquityId = 37 description = Perhaps it's due to their stature, but historically Nords do possess a predilection for enormity, whether it be for mugs, cheese wheels, mounts, daggers, or anything really. Not a people fond of half-measures. I can respect that. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Nord: Daggers needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2114 zoneId = 117 5 = table:000002AFC11B7A28 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11910B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 84 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsshadowfenscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11B7BD8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11B7C68 firstTable antiquityId = 84 description = This is a treat! An Ayleid map of the Shadowfen region from very early in the First Era. The rendering of Stormhold looks almost aspirational. Several marks on here imply they had planned several locations for settlement. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11B8370 firstTable antiquityId = 84 description = These marks don't necessarily imply settlement locations. I suggest they could be warnings. The Argonian population would not take kindly to encroachment in this era. They were much more isolated then. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11B8D98 firstTable antiquityId = 84 description = You may be right. There are stories of an enormous battle between local Argonians and the Barsaebic Ayleids for control of the land where they'd construct Silyanorn. A shame that they could not live together in peace. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Shadowfen needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2144 zoneId = 117 6 = table:000002AFC119A110 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11910B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 43 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC119BC10 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC119BD80 firstTable antiquityId = 43 description = Imposing features are common in armor design. Imperial cuirasses have, at times, been molded into the shape of a powerful physique. Both the Aylieds and the Akaviri employed Daedra-like masks to inspire fear, with the former going so far as to wear wings. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Nord: Shoulders needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2120 zoneId = 117 7 = table:000002AFC0F52028 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11910B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 254 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antnestofshadows001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0F55AF8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0F5AC00 firstTable antiquityId = 254 description = There's old magic clinging to this statue. No great surprise there. Ancient Argonian statuary always seems to carry some vaguely malignant power. Not an out-and-out curse, mind you! But something on that creepy spectrum. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC0F4D0A8 firstTable antiquityId = 254 description = A result of the lizard-people's close ties to Sithis, no doubt. What I find odd is the more realistic aesthetic. Most Argonian stone-carvings appear blockier. More abstract. And what of this polished stone? It lacks the texture of an Argonian egg. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0F23E38 firstTable antiquityId = 254 description = Cultural exchange with the Kothringi, maybe? But that would set the origins of Kothringi culture farther back than we thought. As for the egg, it's metaphorical. Eggs represent beginnings. So, a depiction of Sithis consuming some origin? Tough to say. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Nest of Shadows needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2305 zoneId = 117 8 = table:000002AFC11E6ED8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquityCategoryId = 11 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Shadowfen parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC1192550 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11951C8 firstTable antiquityCategoryId = 42 categoryOrder = 1 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/charactercreate/gamepad/charactercreate_ebonhearticon_down.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/charactercreate/charactercreate_ebonhearticon_over.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/charactercreate/charactercreate_ebonhearticon_up.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/charactercreate/charactercreate_ebonhearticon_down.dds name = Ebonheart Pact subcategories = table:000002AFC1191C58 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11946B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 2 = table:000002AFC1193DD8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 3 = table:000002AFC1195790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 4 = table:000002AFC1199F48 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC119A080 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1203950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 10 = table:000002AFC119A0C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC1204F28 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC12056B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC124D9B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC11A7780 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 6 = table:000002AFC125C000 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 7 = table:000002AFC11D14A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 8 = table:000002AFC1199518 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 9 = table:000002AFC11B88C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryId = 13 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Eastmarch parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC1192550 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC119A038 firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC11910B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 6 = table:000002AFC1196A38 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 7 = table:000002AFC1198888 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC1198A68 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12012D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 10 = table:000002AFC123D858 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC1202930 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC12630A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC12030C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC11A92B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 6 = table:000002AFC11D2348 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 7 = table:000002AFC11910F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 8 = table:000002AFC11B9700 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 9 = table:000002AFC119C560 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryId = 12 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = The Rift parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC1192550 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC1198A20 firstTable subcategories = table:000002AFC11980B8 firstTable 12 = table:000002AFC1198888 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 13 = table:000002AFC1199F48 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 14 = table:000002AFC1193DD8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 15 = table:000002AFC11946B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 16 = table:000002AFC119EF08 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 17 = table:000002AFC119EEC0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 18 = table:000002AFC11A1078 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 19 = table:000002AFC119F750 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 2 = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC117D230 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11E8D08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable firstMeta antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 141 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_figurine_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11E8DA8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11E8EB8 firstTable antiquityId = 141 description = How odd. This figure of an Elven woman bears hallmarks of Aldmeri depictions of Mara, but it's too rudimentary. Was it the work of a child? Maybe it was unfinished. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11E8F00 firstTable antiquityId = 141 description = That's Nedic sculpting, actually. Devotional idols were common, though I've never seen one depicting an Elven Divine before. Her pose suggests she's in a lover's embrace. It's clear that there's another piece to this figure. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11E8F48 firstTable antiquityId = 141 description = You were right! This new figure fits snugly with the Mara, but I never expected her lover to be a Man! Is he meant to be Lorkhan? I don't think I've ever seen evidence of Aldmeri culture being welcomed with such open ... arms. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Manmer Coupled Idol needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2189 zoneId = 3 10 = table:000002AFC11E22A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 138 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11E4188 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11E4278 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11E40F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC11E4F90 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC11E22A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC11E6ED8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC11E7F08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquitySetId = 13 icon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_bloodchest_a.dds name = Bloodlord's Embrace quality = 5 rewardId = 2187 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_murkmire_argonian_charm_necklace.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11E67A8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11B1AD8 firstTable antiquityId = 138 description = Typically, a gorget would sit closer to the throat and fully encompass the neck. This wide scoop would offer limited protection from anything other than arrows deflected upward after striking the carapace. It would provide ample room for a bulky helmet. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog fragmentName = Goblet Gorget loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11E22F0 firstTable antiquityId = 138 description = It's not my area of expertise, I know, but it seems that there is a deliberate gap between the plating and where it would sit on the collar. Honestly, it reminds me of a drain basin. What purpose would that serve? displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Goblet Gorget loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11E2338 firstTable antiquityId = 138 description = I just cleaned some rust out of that channel, Reginus, and it turned out to be dried blood. Finding it on bits of used armor isn't unusual, but what if it really is a drain? If the owner was a vampire, feeding in battle would be messy business, I think. displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Goblet Gorget loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Goblet Gorget needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 3 11 = table:000002AFC127CDA8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 336 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC1279E90 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC127C708 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12783D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC127CDA8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 3 = table:000002AFC127E490 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC127F330 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC1280200 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquitySetId = 15 icon = /esoui/art/icons/antiquities_ornate_ring_4.dds name = Ring of the Pale Order quality = 5 rewardId = 2545 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_cwc_inc_standsmall001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC127CE88 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC127CFE0 firstTable antiquityId = 336 description = This looks like a jewelry setting for precious stones and signets. Breton by the looks of it. Late fifth century, 1E. But there's something else — an engraving that reads, \"Vigor through Blood.\" Gracious. That's a bit unsettling. displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Order-Etched Gallery Rail loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC127E718 firstTable antiquityId = 336 description = \"Vigor through Blood\" was a lesser-known credo of the Pale Order. Their popular motto was, \"victory unaided, death unsung.\" Still severe, but it allowed them to sidestep accusations of vampirism — a common charge for vassals of the Spenard dynasty. displayName = Gabrielle Benele fragmentName = Order-Etched Gallery Rail loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC127E9C8 firstTable antiquityId = 336 description = We shouldn't rule out the possibility they were vampires, Gabrielle! I found eye-witness accounts of Pale Order Knights awash in blood who somehow grew stronger as battles wore on. Even if they weren't vampires, I'd wager some dark magic was at play! displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Order-Etched Gallery Rail loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Order-Etched Gallery Rail needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 3 2 = table:000002AFC11E9C28 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 142 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_portrait_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11E9CC8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11E9E20 firstTable antiquityId = 142 description = I'm intrigued by the religious overtones in this depiction of Rislav smiting his brother Dorald. I'd always assumed the appellation \"Rislav the Righteous\" was ascribed to him by historians, but this panel dates to the time of his rule. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11E9E68 firstTable antiquityId = 142 description = Your penchant for assumption is intolerable, Reginus. Dorald was a priest of the Alessian Order who attempted to impose a theocracy on the Colovians. Rislav's defiance of the Empire was seen as the rebuke of a tyrannical cult. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11EAF08 firstTable antiquityId = 142 description = So Dorald's hirsute appearance is symbolic, as a stand in for Marukh. I suppose Rislav's unlikely victory over Emperor Gorieus's legions were viewed as divine favor. Did you notice Queen Belene's resemblance to Gabreille in the coronation panel? displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Rislav Tryptic Panel needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2190 zoneId = 3 3 = table:000002AFC0EE77F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 22 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0EE7838 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC117D188 firstTable antiquityId = 22 description = Orcs are just rediscovering these kind of precise metalwork techniques. They were lost to us during the fall of Orsinium in 1E 980, and it is only by historical accounts such as these that we're able to reclaim them. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral Orc: Chests needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2045 zoneId = 3 4 = table:000002AFC125DD38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 290 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antjeweledayelskull001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC125E490 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC125E5D8 firstTable antiquityId = 290 description = Well, this is quite a discovery! Ayleid, by the looks of it. Sorcerer kings ruled the Tamrielic heartlands for centuries, but I've never seen one of their crowns. It seems fixed onto the skull, but I don't see any rivets. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1250DE8 firstTable antiquityId = 290 description = I doubt any amount of strength could yank that crown off, Reginus. It's spell-locked. Tight. It probably has to do with all this meteoric glass. Do you see the inset stones? They're exerting force on the iron. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1251098 firstTable antiquityId = 290 description = No great surprise there. The Saliache were a proud and possessive people. Reign rarely passed to heirs without some kind of arcane intrigue. Perhaps this king suffered a devious, over-ambitious son and sealed the crown onto his head as a final insult. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Jeweled Skull of Ayleid Kings needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2341 zoneId = 3 5 = table:000002AFC11EAA20 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 143 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_trinket.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11EAAC0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11EAB08 firstTable antiquityId = 143 description = Direnni scholars have long held the belief that Prince Aiden's brilliance as a strategist was what carried the day for his vastly outnumbered forces, but a controversial theory speculates that the Direnni army's movements on the battlefield bordered on prophetic and attributes their success to superior methods of communication. The enchantments on this case suggest it is an anchor for some form of teleportation. If only I had another to test the idea. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Phynastic Scroll Case needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2191 zoneId = 3 6 = table:000002AFC0FC0970 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 262 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antkingsmakertrove001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FC14E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0FC1C40 firstTable antiquityId = 262 description = King Emeric has a trove quite similar to this. Most people never get to see it, of course. But you'd be surprised how far a well-placed invisibility spell can get you in Wayrest Castle! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC0FC2350 firstTable antiquityId = 262 description = Judging by the filigrees, I'd date it back to the 1E 2200's. I've seen paintings of Bretonic All-Flags warships with similar patterning around the prow. This coffer may have contained a bounty for a captain who participated in the attack on Thras. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = true 3 = table:000002AFC0FC2E78 firstTable antiquityId = 262 description = I've seen the paintings you're referring to Ugron. I agree, the patterning is similar. But this tree-shaped relief gives me pause. I wonder if this contained a bribe for nobles who helped Merchant-Lord Etien Lenac claim the throne of Wayrest in 1E 1270. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Kingmaker's Trove needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 2 numRecovered = 2 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2313 zoneId = 3 7 = table:000002AFC11D80D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 123 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11D6118 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable firstMeta antiquities = table:000002AFC11D6160 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11D5228 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC11D6010 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC11D80D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC11D8F20 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC11D9D70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquitySetId = 10 icon = /esoui/art/icons/antiquities_ring_of_the_wild_hunt.dds name = Ring of the Wild Hunt quality = 5 rewardId = 2184 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_ring_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11D8178 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11D8308 firstTable antiquityId = 123 description = Too small to be a ring. It almost looks like a ring's ring, as odd as that sounds. It seems like it's made from the same material as the other charms from the area. Does this have anything to do with the Wild Hunt? displayName = Gabrielle Benele fragmentName = Band of Water loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11D91A8 firstTable antiquityId = 123 description = Wood Elves caught up in a Wild Hunt ritual supposedly change into strange animals, but some say turning into water is also one of their capabilities. This might be a depiction of a Bosmer that has become ... liquified. displayName = Verita Numida fragmentName = Band of Water loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11D9408 firstTable antiquityId = 123 description = Yes! I've heard of Bosmer changing into fearsome waves of blood instead of animals! Wouldn't that be amazing to see? I mean ... horrifying, yes. But still, what a sight! displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Band of Water loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Band of Water needsCombination = true numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 3 8 = table:000002AFC0EE7730 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 21 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC117C6A8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0EE7BC8 firstTable antiquityId = 21 description = If stories are to be believed, Torug gro-Igron loved bows and became proficient while hunting game. Most of the time he's depicted wielding dual axes, but that might be artistic interpretation. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Orc: Bows needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2044 zoneId = 3 9 = table:000002AFC11AAC20 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C6F0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 77 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsglenumbrascroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11B1A90 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11B1B20 firstTable antiquityId = 77 description = Map of the Direnni Hegemony, circa 1E 484. I note some discrepancies in the topography. There are some, shall we say, natural borders that don't align with the current lay of the land, or maps drawn a mere twenty years after. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11B0830 firstTable antiquityId = 77 description = I concur. These irregularities are taking great liberties with the region. This map from the same year omits Camlorn entirely. This hardly seems like a mere oversight. I believe this was a deliberate attempt to obfuscate their shrinking territories. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11B1928 firstTable antiquityId = 77 description = The Direnni had some of the most powerful mages in the world at the height of their reign. Maybe they weren't just changing the maps? What if their Camlorn really did disappear? Like the Dwemer? Or Artaeum? Maybe we'll find it! Wouldn't that be something? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Glenumbra needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2137 zoneId = 3 antiquityCategoryId = 2 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Glenumbra parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC114E138 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC117CFF8 firstTable 20 = table:000002AFC11A2DB8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 21 = table:000002AFC119D598 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 25 = table:000002AFC11AD5E0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 26 = table:000002AFC11AA2B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11AA1C0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC121B358 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AA2B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 207 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_cape_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC121B930 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11AAB70 firstTable antiquityId = 207 description = Looks Nedic to me. The stitching makes it irrefutable. The design suggests whoever wore this was important, in a position of power or worship. Maybe it belonged to a member of the Perena's clergy? displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC121C548 firstTable antiquityId = 207 description = I'd defer to you and Verita on matters Nedic, but this cloth seems saturated in arcane residue. I've seen the work of hedge mages trying to master \"soul magic.\" This bears all the telltale signs. Did any of the Nedes meddle with anima? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC121C7C8 firstTable antiquityId = 207 description = Meddle? I suppose. Based on my research, a sect of Nedic mages called the Eternal Watchers, used their souls as a means to lock away a lich called Virmaril the Betrayer. This could belong to one of them. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Watcher's Ritual Stole needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2255 zoneId = 888 10 = table:000002AFC11DD150 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC121BAE8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AA2B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 208 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_jewelry_006.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC121BB88 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC121BCE0 firstTable antiquityId = 208 description = There doesn't look to be anything inherently magical about this, but this is no ordinary piece of jewelry. If I had to guess, I'd say it's Nedic. The serpent cradling the stone seems reminiscent of the ones I've seen in Craglorn's ruins. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC121BD28 firstTable antiquityId = 208 description = Yes, a prime example of Nedic stonecraft-jewelry! A stonesmith likely created it for a Nede of high station--a queen, or a princess perhaps? You're right to point out that serpents often appear in Nedic ruins, but I've never seen one in their jewelry. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC121BD70 firstTable antiquityId = 208 description = Yes, many Nedes wisely kept their reverence for the Serpent constellation at arm's length. Recent events in Craglorn make the dangers of flirting with such a powerful entity abundantly clear. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Cracked Serpent Pendant needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2256 zoneId = 888 3 = table:000002AFC121C9A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AA2B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 209 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_trash_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC121CB30 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC121CB78 firstTable antiquityId = 209 description = Mamireh, Akamon, Roshadon, and Rok'dun the Flame, referred to as the Four, were among the most prominent Yokudan warriors of the first invasion of the Nedic homelands. They were Ansei of the first rank, of course, and before undergoing initiation they were required to give up their most treasured weapons. Supposedly, Akamon's sandal-bearer carried the shards of his master's first dagger as a daily reminder of his sacrifice. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Sacrificed Weapon of the Four needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2257 zoneId = 888 4 = table:000002AFC0F7CAC8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AA2B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 259 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antspellscarshard001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FB5B00 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0FB6208 firstTable antiquityId = 259 description = This isn't particularly old, but it's still noteworthy. We don't fully understand where it came from, but that obelisk in Craglorn stirred up all sorts of arcane mischief. Looks like it even managed to bend natural law here. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC0FB6D30 firstTable antiquityId = 259 description = Yes indeed! It's difficult to determine if this is Tamrielic matter transformed by the obelisk's impact, or some fragment of the obelisk itself. I'd like to conduct some experiments on it. Those striations seem overloaded with magicka! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FB7438 firstTable antiquityId = 259 description = I think the magicka stored in this fragment is largely spent at this point. Removing it from the crash-site might have diminished its connection to the obelisk, resulting in a slow degradation of its potency. It's inert, yes, but still beautiful! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Spellscar Shard needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2310 zoneId = 888 5 = table:000002AFC11A9AA8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 6 = table:000002AFC11B03D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 7 = table:000002AFC11AB1C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 8 = table:000002AFC1272340 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AA2B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 313 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropscraglornscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12724F0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1272420 firstTable antiquityId = 313 description = Given the relative position of the land to the Dragontail Mountains, this has to be a map of Craglorn. Marvelous! displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1272B90 firstTable antiquityId = 313 description = Few places in Tamriel have changed hands more than Craglorn. Just by the sheer amount of different ruins that can be found there, it's hard to tell what perspective this was drawn from. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1272538 firstTable antiquityId = 313 description = Yes. Nedes, Orcs, Yokudans, Ayleids, Dwarves ... the list goes on and on! It's almost comforting to know that despite its tumultuous history, the land itself remains largely unchanged. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Craglorn needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2413 zoneId = 888 9 = table:000002AFC11B4EA8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AA2B0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 308 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antaltarcelestial001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC126FC38 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC121B978 firstTable antiquityId = 308 description = Nedic architecture--my specialty! This shrine conforms to the Nedic architectural aesthetics we found in Craglorn, with a few notable exceptions. The central element strongly resembles a Mundus Stone, but I don't recognize the constellation. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC126FB30 firstTable antiquityId = 308 description = For once, we agree! Culturally distinct constellations do exist, but the Nedes' conception of the stars mirrors our own in more ways than I can count. Perhaps they meant to re-write the stars in some way? To merge traditional archetypes into new wholes? displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC126FB78 firstTable antiquityId = 308 description = Seems pretty hubristic for the Nedes, don't you think? In any event, I don't detect any significant magical potency here. If they were trying to channel aetherial energy through this altar, it's all but faded now. Still a beautiful piece, though! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Altar of Celestial Convergence needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2359 zoneId = 888 antiquityCategoryId = 26 categoryOrder = 4 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/gamepad/gp_codextype_craglorn.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/antiquities_tabicon_craglorn_over.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/antiquities_tabicon_craglorn_up.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/antiquities_tabicon_craglorn_down.dds name = Craglorn subcategories = table:000002AFC11AA3A0 firstTable 28 = table:000002AFC11BED60 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 29 = table:000002AFC12206D8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 3 = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC117D400 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11EB2D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 144 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_case_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11EB870 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11EB9D0 firstTable antiquityId = 144 description = Unfinished wood block, stained black with ink. Circa 2300 of the First Era. Took a rubbing of the carved face. It is a diatribe calling citizens of Wayrest to demand secession from the Alessian Empire, citing prejudice against Elven heritage. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11EBA18 firstTable antiquityId = 144 description = An expert, if dry, assessment, Ugron. This sort of vague, incendiary language smacks of propaganda meant to weaponize the populace for private interest. It strains credulity that Wayrest endured a thousand years of oppression before revolting. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11EBA60 firstTable antiquityId = 144 description = Then you might find Lost Orsinium and The Pig Children enlightening. You'd be surprised the number of indignities people are willing to suffer. The emphasis on increasing Imperial tithes does support your assertion money was behind this movement. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Secession Stamp Block needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2192 zoneId = 19 10 = table:000002AFC11E1480 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 133 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11DF6F8 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11DF608 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11DF4C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC11E0450 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC11E1480 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC11E03A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC11E31B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquitySetId = 11 icon = /esoui/art/icons/antiquities_malacaths_band_of_brutality.dds name = Malacath's Band of Brutality quality = 5 rewardId = 2185 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_vase_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11E1520 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11AE710 firstTable antiquityId = 133 description = This ritual urn bears the mark of the Brutal Breed. An Orc named Borug gro-Bashnarz founded the cult and served as its head supplicant. Legends attribute him as the one who received the Brutal Bands from Malacath himself. Hard to believe, even for an Orc. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog fragmentName = Malacath's Brutal Ritual Oil loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11E1638 firstTable antiquityId = 133 description = Right. I remember that story. From the Orsinimum Codex. Malacath appeared before him and gifted him with a ring for every member of the cult--after they sacrificed an entire village of Bretons to the Ashpit. Ghastly. displayName = Gabrielle Benele fragmentName = Malacath's Brutal Ritual Oil loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11E1680 firstTable antiquityId = 133 description = And you're certain this urn contains the ritual oil used to anoint the Brutal Bands? It is believed that every cultist carried the oil to apply to their rings as a sort of prayer or request for perseverance in the face of endless adversity. displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Malacath's Brutal Ritual Oil loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Malacath's Brutal Ritual Oil needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 19 2 = table:000002AFC11EC8E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 145 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_figurine_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11EC928 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11ECA88 firstTable antiquityId = 145 description = This wooden figure appears to be an Orc, but its features are greatly exaggerated to appear menacing. Based on the deliberate defacement and hostile appearance, I believe the Nedes did not have a friendly relationship with local Orc clans. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11ECAD0 firstTable antiquityId = 145 description = It depends on the clan. There's ample evidence of harmony between Nedes and Orcs in Craglorn. But you're right—clans in Stormhaven tended to take a more offensive posture against non-Orc neighbors and each other. We hadn't learned the value of unity yet. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11ECB18 firstTable antiquityId = 145 description = I believe the metal objects protruding from this effigy was stabbed into the figure with ritual intent, for cursing, if you will, but I've found no evidence of spellcraft. It might have been used in prayers to Daedra though, or simply just cathartic. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Nedic Hex Totem needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2193 zoneId = 19 3 = table:000002AFC11ED070 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 146 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_portrait_002.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11ED110 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11ED158 firstTable antiquityId = 146 description = A palatial portrait of the Direnni royal family! This likely would have hung in the halls of the Adamantine Tower at the heights of their rule. I'd love to know more of who's depicted here, but there's a lack of distinguishing features. In fact, the family resemblance borders on simulacra. It's hard to believe a royal artist would be so lazy. Though, despite mingling with Nedes, only pureblooded Direnni rose to power. That would mean ... ew, no. Maybe they really did reproduce through sorcery? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Direnni Palatial Art needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2194 zoneId = 19 4 = table:000002AFC0FE4A50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 271 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antnobleknightsrest001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0F80F18 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11E15B0 firstTable antiquityId = 271 description = Ah, a relic from the homeland! It's clearly a sarcophagus. The question is, who's buried inside? Judging by the state of the stone, I'd say late first Era. A servant of one of the pretender-kings that took power after the Alessian secession, perhaps? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC124A5A8 firstTable antiquityId = 271 description = Undoubtedly. The Alessian collapse struck High Rock harder than most, given the Bretons' natural stubbornness and distaste for a unified governing structure. Warring fiefs sprung up all over the peninsula in the centuries that followed. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = true 3 = table:000002AFC124A5F0 firstTable antiquityId = 271 description = We Bretons are a stubborn lot, it's true. I did some digging, and it looks like those seals on the side derive from House Moorcroft heraldry. This knight might have died in the Gavaudon Troubles, just before the flight from Wayrest. Fascinating! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Noble Knight's Rest needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 2 numRecovered = 2 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2322 zoneId = 19 5 = table:000002AFC11AE050 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 72 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11A5538 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11A6640 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A54A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 10 = table:000002AFC11AAC78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 11 = table:000002AFC11AAA38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 12 = table:000002AFC11ABFD8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 13 = table:000002AFC11AE050 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 14 = table:000002AFC11AE890 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 15 = table:000002AFC11AF030 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 16 = table:000002AFC11AB1C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 17 = table:000002AFC11B03D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC11A6738 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC11A6E60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC11A7780 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC11A8010 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 6 = table:000002AFC11A8948 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 7 = table:000002AFC11A92B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 8 = table:000002AFC11A9AA8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 9 = table:000002AFC11AAAE0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquitySetId = 6 icon = /esoui/art/icons/mounticon_dwarven_ebon_wolf.dds name = Ebon Dwarven Wolf quality = 4 rewardId = 458 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_metals_dwarven_scrap.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11AE6C8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11AE848 firstTable antiquityId = 72 description = This plate clearly connects to a spinal and neck structure that holds inner workings of a vamidium's shoulder-machinery. It lacks some sort of stone, though. Perhaps a resonator sockets in there somehow. displayName = Gabrielle Benele fragmentName = Dwarven Breastguard loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Dwarven Breastguard needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 19 6 = table:000002AFC12558F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 281 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antbeacontowerzero001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1256890 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1255938 firstTable antiquityId = 281 description = What’s this? The White-Gold Tower rendered in miniature? Odd that it doesn't include the city itself. Doubly odd that it's giving off such a strong magical aura. What function did this serve? And what's this light radiating from the top? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1256788 firstTable antiquityId = 281 description = This isn't the White-Gold Tower. It's the Direnni Tower. Surely you can recognize the differences between the two? The light is a puzzle, though. Judging by the weight, this stone might house a metal core, just like the genuine article. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12567D0 firstTable antiquityId = 281 description = Well, it's not a simple lamp to read by, I can tell you that! It seems like a beacon of some kind—something to be seen at a great distance. The Direnni might have used it as a geographic marker to gauge the distance of objects from the Adamantine Tower! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Beacon of Tower Zero needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2332 zoneId = 19 7 = table:000002AFC117CFB0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 20 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC117D280 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC117C388 firstTable antiquityId = 20 description = This book smells like some Orc stuffed it in his boot and kept it there for the last few centuries. Still, a good read. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Orc: Boots needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2043 zoneId = 19 8 = table:000002AFC11B1B68 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 78 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsstormhavenscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11B20B8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11B2210 firstTable antiquityId = 78 description = This is an Orcish map. Hard to believe it's real. Hardly anything from the time of first Orsinium survived the war that broke it. This map outlines the territory claimed around the Bjoulsae River. There's a settlement marked: Golkarr. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11B2258 firstTable antiquityId = 78 description = Wasn't that the name of the Orc king from the thirty-year siege? I'd read that he invaded Stormhaven and blockaded Wayrest's trade lanes. There wasn't any mention of an Orc settlement. Was Golkarr an early casualty of the war? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11B22C8 firstTable antiquityId = 78 description = It may never have been built. I doubt a treacherous ruler like Jolie would have tolerated Orcs for neighbors even if Golkarr was established peacefully. The justification for the razing of Orsinium was likely just the first of Jolie's many betrayals. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Stormhaven needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2138 zoneId = 19 9 = table:000002AFC118F5D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117D2C8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 27 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC118E670 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1191A38 firstTable antiquityId = 27 description = Maces are an Orc favorite, always have been. The ones addressed in this book seem particularly brutal. Maces with pointed heads are an entirely different breed of weapon. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Orc: Maces needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2050 zoneId = 19 antiquityCategoryId = 3 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Stormhaven parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC114E138 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC117D3B8 firstTable 30 = table:000002AFC1223058 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 31 = table:000002AFC11BFBE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 32 = table:000002AFC1228038 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 33 = table:000002AFC11C0D88 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 34 = table:000002AFC11C1F68 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11C2658 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC122C3A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C1F68 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 231 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_contraption_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC122D450 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC122CA60 firstTable antiquityId = 231 description = Some kind of trap. Difficult to say if it's for animals or people. Knowing Nagas, it's the latter. Looks like they repurposed a crocodile's skull so it latches onto the torso of any who trigger it. Look at the size of it. Never seen a crocodile that size. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC122D100 firstTable antiquityId = 231 description = A member of an extinct species, if memory serves. Helstrom crocodiles died out during the Second Empire's march on Black Marsh and the subsequent environmental disaster called the \"Great Burn\" in 1E 2828. Good riddance. Today's crocodiles are big enough! displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC122D148 firstTable antiquityId = 231 description = Pretty remarkable that it's lasted this long! I believe it's the work of the Dead-Water tribe. No tribe in Black Marsh comes close when it comes to carcass dressing and taxidermy. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Naga Skull-Trap needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2279 zoneId = 726 2 = table:000002AFC122D190 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C1F68 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 232 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_murkmire_xal_toh_tablet.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC122D230 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC122D398 firstTable antiquityId = 232 description = What a beautiful stone-carving! Argonians don't often dwell on death, but they do like to commemorate it with one of these grave stakes (or xul-vaat's in the lizards' native tongue). When an Argonian dies, their kin plant this stake as a memorial. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC122D3E0 firstTable antiquityId = 232 description = Try again, Reginus. Argonians use their grave stakes to pin down their dead so they don't rise again as bog blights. But that's not all that noteworthy. What is interesting is the material. Argonians rarely work in stone. This xul-vaat is clearly ancient. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC122EC78 firstTable antiquityId = 232 description = Yes, Argonians abandoned stonework millennia ago, making this stake a true oddity. Apparently, ancient and modern Argonians exercised similar burial traditions. It's really too bad that the Argonians will react to this insight with a collective shrug. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Stone-Chief's Xul-Vaat needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2280 zoneId = 726 3 = table:000002AFC0FE07D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C1F68 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 270 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antnisswosoultender001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FE12F8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0F92908 firstTable antiquityId = 270 description = I find Argonian relics endlessly fascinating—particularly those from their \"stone nest\" period. This appears to be some sort of basin. Best not to assume, where Argonians are involved, but it stands to reason they'd use this for Hist sap rituals. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC0F93028 firstTable antiquityId = 270 description = Look again. I've seen enough executioners' axes to know old blood when I see it. The Argonians worship Sithis. They used to have a whole school of priests dedicated to the dark. Nisswos they were called. This looks like their handiwork. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FE3C40 firstTable antiquityId = 270 description = I assume you haven't visited Black Marsh recently. The Nothing-Speaker tradition is still very much alive in the southern and central regions of the province. I've even met one. He seemed cheerful enough ... but I wouldn't put blood rituals past him. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Nisswo's Soul Tender needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2321 zoneId = 726 4 = table:000002AFC122E010 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C1F68 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 233 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_bowl_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC122E0B0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC122D498 firstTable antiquityId = 233 description = By Auri-El, look at this crystal bowl! Difficult, given those shimmering facets in the glass. It seems to gather up sunlight, doesn't it? I can barely look at it without squinting! Legends tell of a tribe of Argonians who could wield the power of Magnus with precious stones. The sheer radiance of this crystal makes me think those stories are true. I just can't believe they fashioned it into a bowl. Not a weapon, jewelry, or armor. A bowl. It must have contained something truly marvelous. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Vakka Bok Sun Bowl needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2281 zoneId = 726 5 = table:000002AFC11D9D70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 6 = table:000002AFC11C1D70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C1F68 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 96 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsmurkmirescroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11C1F20 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C0490 firstTable antiquityId = 96 description = Difficult to say with certainty since its shores change so often, but I'm fairly confident this map depicts southern Black Marsh. Specifically the Murkmire region. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11C1DB8 firstTable antiquityId = 96 description = You're right, Verita. And you certainly weren't exaggerating when you spoke about the shores and terrain shifting. Just look where the cartographer placed Blackrose Prison and Lilmoth. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11C1E00 firstTable antiquityId = 96 description = Black Marsh is virtually impossible to map effectively. Just ask any Imperial cartographer who's tried it. Very few make it back out of that gods-forsaken place alive, and those that do are always disappointed. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Murkmire needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2156 zoneId = 726 antiquityCategoryId = 34 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Murkmire parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD280 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11AD310 firstTable antiquityCategoryId = 44 categoryOrder = 3 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/gamepad/gp_store_indexicon_dlc.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_over.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_up.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/store_indexicon_dlc_down.dds name = DLC Areas subcategories = table:000002AFC11AD2C8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11CE400 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 10 = table:000002AFC11C3FA0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11C4180 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1230948 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC1231E48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC1233378 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC11C2E78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC0FDB608 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 6 = table:000002AFC1263F00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryId = 36 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Southern Elsweyr parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD280 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC11C4138 firstTable 11 = table:000002AFC11C0D88 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 12 = table:000002AFC1274DA8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC1275478 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC128D090 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 10 = table:000002AFC1277AB8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 11 = table:000002AFC1278388 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 12 = table:000002AFC1278C68 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 13 = table:000002AFC12773A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 14 = table:000002AFC1279E00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 15 = table:000002AFC127A6F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 16 = table:000002AFC127B050 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 17 = table:000002AFC1278CF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 18 = table:000002AFC128C290 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 19 = table:000002AFC12888C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC128DF20 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 20 = table:000002AFC12870D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 21 = table:000002AFC1279470 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 22 = table:000002AFC12881C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 23 = table:000002AFC12878C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 24 = table:000002AFC12863F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 25 = table:000002AFC12793E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 26 = table:000002AFC1285B10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 27 = table:000002AFC12891E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 28 = table:000002AFC128A398 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 29 = table:000002AFC1281058 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 3 = table:000002AFC128ED78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 30 = table:000002AFC12783D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC1274D18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC1275508 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 6 = table:000002AFC1275C58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 7 = table:000002AFC12761B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 8 = table:000002AFC1275CA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 9 = table:000002AFC1277360 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryId = 46 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = The Reach parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD280 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC1274F40 firstTable 13 = table:000002AFC11BFBE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 14 = table:000002AFC11BED60 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 15 = table:000002AFC11AC378 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11ADC98 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C83B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 10 = table:000002AFC0FE6F50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 11 = table:000002AFC12663A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 12 = table:000002AFC11ABFD8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 13 = table:000002AFC11D5198 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 14 = table:000002AFC128F698 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 15 = table:000002AFC126EE50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 16 = table:000002AFC0FC99D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC12335B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC11CAA00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC11CB2E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC12345E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 6 = table:000002AFC11C9B88 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 7 = table:000002AFC11C9DC8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 8 = table:000002AFC11C8A18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 9 = table:000002AFC11CA1B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryId = 37 categoryOrder = 2 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/gamepad/gp_tutorial_indexicon_greymoor.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/tutorial_indexicon_greymoor_over.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/tutorial_indexicon_greymoor_up.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/tutorial_indexicon_greymoor_down.dds name = Western Skyrim parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD280 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC11AD650 firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC1290670 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC1290850 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1299150 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 10 = table:000002AFC12AF140 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 11 = table:000002AFC12AC3A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 12 = table:000002AFC12ADC00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 13 = table:000002AFC12A7CD0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 14 = table:000002AFC12A7508 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 15 = table:000002AFC12AA658 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 16 = table:000002AFC12A9500 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 17 = table:000002AFC12AA580 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 18 = table:000002AFC128FC98 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 19 = table:000002AFC1290D70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC1296940 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 20 = table:000002AFC1290F58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 21 = table:000002AFC1291AF0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 22 = table:000002AFC1292C10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 23 = table:000002AFC1292C98 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 24 = table:000002AFC1294540 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 25 = table:000002AFC129CFF0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 26 = table:000002AFC1293E08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 27 = table:000002AFC1292AC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 28 = table:000002AFC1296018 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 29 = table:000002AFC1296870 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC129EE78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 30 = table:000002AFC129B3F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 31 = table:000002AFC1292388 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 32 = table:000002AFC12956B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 33 = table:000002AFC1297000 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 34 = table:000002AFC12970D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 35 = table:000002AFC129C7F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 36 = table:000002AFC12B5F10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 37 = table:000002AFC12B6148 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 38 = table:000002AFC12B17D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 39 = table:000002AFC12B4D60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC12A0D78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 40 = table:000002AFC12B72F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 41 = table:000002AFC12B79D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 42 = table:000002AFC12B1818 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 43 = table:000002AFC12B8180 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 44 = table:000002AFC12B4718 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 45 = table:000002AFC12B0EF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 46 = table:000002AFC12B1DD0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 47 = table:000002AFC12B71C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 48 = table:000002AFC12B2A78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 49 = table:000002AFC12B3528 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC129C8B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 50 = table:000002AFC12B21E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 51 = table:000002AFC12990C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 52 = table:000002AFC12A2A60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 53 = table:000002AFC12A38C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 54 = table:000002AFC12A4950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 55 = table:000002AFC12A5778 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 56 = table:000002AFC12A6640 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 6 = table:000002AFC129EF50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 7 = table:000002AFC12A1C08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 8 = table:000002AFC12AB4F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 9 = table:000002AFC12AF218 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryId = 47 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Blackwood parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD280 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC1290808 firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC1228038 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 4 = table:000002AFC12B9310 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC12B94F0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12C0898 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 10 = table:000002AFC12C3F18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 11 = table:000002AFC12BCAC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 12 = table:000002AFC12BD420 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 13 = table:000002AFC12BEE18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 14 = table:000002AFC12BF6F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 15 = table:000002AFC12BEEA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 16 = table:000002AFC12BB030 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 17 = table:000002AFC12BE538 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 18 = table:000002AFC12BFFB0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 19 = table:000002AFC12BDCE8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC12B7A68 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 20 = table:000002AFC12BDAC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 21 = table:000002AFC12C57A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 22 = table:000002AFC12D4890 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 23 = table:000002AFC12BB7A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 24 = table:000002AFC12D4AD0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 25 = table:000002AFC12D3A40 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 26 = table:000002AFC12CFB40 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 27 = table:000002AFC12D09F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 28 = table:000002AFC12D2B10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 29 = table:000002AFC12D1A90 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC12B9A58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 30 = table:000002AFC12CCFE0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 31 = table:000002AFC12CB110 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 32 = table:000002AFC12CED38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 33 = table:000002AFC12CBFF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 34 = table:000002AFC12CDE30 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 35 = table:000002AFC12C8CC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 36 = table:000002AFC12CA2B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 37 = table:000002AFC12C5998 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 38 = table:000002AFC12C6ED0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 39 = table:000002AFC12C6DF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC12B9C58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC12BA7D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 6 = table:000002AFC12BB950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 7 = table:000002AFC12BC1E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 8 = table:000002AFC12BD348 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 9 = table:000002AFC12FFF78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryId = 48 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Deadlands parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD280 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC12B94A8 firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC1223058 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 6 = table:000002AFC12206D8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 7 = table:000002AFC12D5978 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC12D63E0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12FE0A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 10 = table:000002AFC12F0AB0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 11 = table:000002AFC12F1D08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 12 = table:000002AFC12F3020 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 13 = table:000002AFC12F36F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 14 = table:000002AFC12FEF18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 15 = table:000002AFC12EF030 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 16 = table:000002AFC12EE918 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 17 = table:000002AFC12F3EA8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 18 = table:000002AFC12FB380 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 19 = table:000002AFC12F9888 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC12ED5E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 20 = table:000002AFC12FFDA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 21 = table:000002AFC12FC3E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 22 = table:000002AFC12F8F78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 23 = table:000002AFC12F99E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 24 = table:000002AFC12F4EC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 25 = table:000002AFC12F6C80 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 26 = table:000002AFC12E5F58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 27 = table:000002AFC12F4788 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 28 = table:000002AFC12F90E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 29 = table:000002AFC12F6A48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC12ED7C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 30 = table:000002AFC12F8818 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 31 = table:000002AFC12F7AF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 32 = table:000002AFC12D99E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 33 = table:000002AFC12D7DA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 34 = table:000002AFC12D6428 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 35 = table:000002AFC12D8B48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 36 = table:000002AFC12D4910 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 37 = table:000002AFC12E20F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 38 = table:000002AFC12E1260 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 39 = table:000002AFC12DF388 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC12EE890 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 40 = table:000002AFC12E2FC0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 41 = table:000002AFC12E01B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 42 = table:000002AFC12DD5C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 43 = table:000002AFC12DE4A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 44 = table:000002AFC12DA858 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 45 = table:000002AFC12DC0A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 46 = table:000002AFC12DAA40 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 47 = table:000002AFC12EC748 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 48 = table:000002AFC12E9950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 49 = table:000002AFC12E8AB8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC12EE750 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 50 = table:000002AFC12EB880 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 51 = table:000002AFC12EAA38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 52 = table:000002AFC12E5640 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 53 = table:000002AFC12E7C18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 54 = table:000002AFC12E6CF0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 55 = table:000002AFC12E4550 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 56 = table:000002AFC12E3E00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 6 = table:000002AFC12EF8D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 7 = table:000002AFC12F01C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 8 = table:000002AFC12F1358 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 9 = table:000002AFC12FD240 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryId = 49 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = High Isle parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD280 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC12D6398 firstTable 8 = table:000002AFC11C1F68 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 9 = table:000002AFC11C3020 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC11C1FB0 firstTable 35 = table:000002AFC11C3020 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 36 = table:000002AFC11C3FA0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 37 = table:000002AFC11AC378 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 38 = table:000002AFC11CE400 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 39 = table:000002AFC11CF158 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11CF078 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12385F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11CF158 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 246 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_trinket.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1239070 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12390B8 firstTable antiquityId = 246 description = Ha! Do you know what this is? It's no treasure from a clam, I can tell you that. This is a genuine grummite pearl! According to Divayth Fyr's tome of oddities, these creatures lurk in bogs all over Sheogorath's realm, the Shivering Isles. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1238640 firstTable antiquityId = 246 description = The works of Divayth Fyr aren't exactly the most reliable books on the subject, Amalien. Even so, this doesn't resemble any pearl I've seen before. Was it always this yellow? Is that a unique property of grummite pearls? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1238688 firstTable antiquityId = 246 description = I read about some mage from High Rock who tried to transport grummites to Tamriel so he could harvest them for pearls. Locals razed his tower to the ground, with him inside. Good thing too. Can you imagine creatures like that making it into our waterways? displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Yellowed Grummite Pearl needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2294 zoneId = 267 2 = table:000002AFC1238D58 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11CF158 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 247 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_dice_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1238DF8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1238FB0 firstTable antiquityId = 247 description = Even a paradise holds danger--especially one that once resided in a Daedric realm. Notice the six equal sides, each marked with a different symbol. Disturbing, yes? And don't roll it! That way lies madness. Literally. We should lock this away immediately. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1238FF8 firstTable antiquityId = 247 description = A Sheogorath relic? Maybe, but it may relate to the Altmer. This could be a meditation hexahedron. They considered the numbers 3, 5, and 8 to be sacred. Hmm. In retrospect, they used meditation octagons. Very well. A Madness Cube it is. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC123A860 firstTable antiquityId = 247 description = You and your fancies. This is made of bone. From a sea animal. And the age places it in the First Era, when the Altmer ruled the island. It's a chance cube, used in the ancient Altmer practice of creating stories in a group. Harmless, but entertaining. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Sheogorath Madness Cube needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2295 zoneId = 267 3 = table:000002AFC1239C10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11CF158 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 248 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_unique_dwemer_puzzle_cube.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1239DB8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1239E00 firstTable antiquityId = 248 description = I've read about objects like this, but I've never actually seen one. The great mage, Shalidor, apparently traveled to several planes of Oblivion, gathering crystals from at least five different realms. Using an exceedingly dangerous transmutation spell, he managed to merge these crystals into an alloyed spell-focus like this. Centuries of neglect have left this one inert, but you're not likely to find a denser agglomeration of Padomaic matter. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Inert Daedric Spellstone needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2296 zoneId = 267 4 = table:000002AFC11CE210 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquityCategoryId = 39 categoryOrder = 5 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/gamepad/gp_codextype_eyevea.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/antiquities_tabicon_eyevea_over.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/antiquities_tabicon_eyevea_up.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/treeicons/antiquities_tabicon_eyevea_down.dds name = Eyevea subcategories = table:000002AFC11CF248 firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC117C738 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC118EEF0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC117D310 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C738 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 23 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC117D358 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC118E898 firstTable antiquityId = 23 description = This book looks like it went through the jaws of a sabre cat and then came out the other end. A few of the words were hard to make out, but with a little effort you can parse it out. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral Orc: Daggers needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2046 zoneId = 20 10 = table:000002AFC1281F00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C738 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 341 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC1281128 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC1281170 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1281058 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC1281F00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 3 = table:000002AFC1282F78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC1283E18 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC1284C70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquitySetId = 16 icon = /esoui/art/icons/antiquities_ornate_necklace_3.dds name = Pearls of Ehlnofey quality = 5 rewardId = 2546 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/treasure_maw_moon_pearl.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1281FA0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1282100 firstTable antiquityId = 341 description = I don't think I've ever seen a pearl this large and lustrous--and believe me, I attended more than my fair share of soirees in the Imperial City's Nobles District. I'm no naturalist, but it must come from a deep sea shellfish of some variety. displayName = Verita Numida fragmentName = Great Eltheric Pearl loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1283200 firstTable antiquityId = 341 description = Ouster troubadours sing songs about great Eltheric clams found out in the reefs near Thras and sea-dwelling Ehlnofey with hearts made of pearl. Reginus will claim it's bawdy metaphor, but I think pearls like this might hold real Aurbic power! displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Great Eltheric Pearl loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC12834B0 firstTable antiquityId = 341 description = I don't dispute the arcane potential of pearls. Unlike most stones, they have living origins. This makes them unique in the world of enchantment. Even so, to claim they share some special connection with basic physical laws seems a bit far-fetched. displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Great Eltheric Pearl loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Great Eltheric Pearl needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 20 2 = table:000002AFC11ED8C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C738 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 147 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_seal_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11E6068 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11B2A10 firstTable antiquityId = 147 description = It's remarkable how little the Tamrith house seal has changed over the course of centuries. It makes this hard to date, but it's real and it's old. Impressive, since these were widely counterfeited during King Ranser's war to falsify correspondence. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11EED18 firstTable antiquityId = 147 description = The telltale mark of authenticity here is the inscription. It's written in Aldmeris, signifying pride in their Elven heritage. Breton nobility ceased the practice around the time that High Rock joined the Alessian Empire. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11EEF98 firstTable antiquityId = 147 description = The inscription appears to be: \"By Arkay's grace we live and die, but there is no end to the Tamrith line.\" I'd say they were tempting fate with that credo, but they've made good on their word thus far. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = House Tamrith Official Seal needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2195 zoneId = 20 3 = table:000002AFC11922E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C738 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 29 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11925B8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1192E08 firstTable antiquityId = 29 description = This book looks ... flat. The text is still legible, but it looks like a mammoth stepped on it. The binding is crushed, the pages thinned, and the cover is almost comically stretched out. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral Orc: Shoulders needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2052 zoneId = 20 4 = table:000002AFC11EE340 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C738 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 148 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_coin_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11EE3E0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11EE538 firstTable antiquityId = 148 description = Now these are quite hard to come by. Yric Flowdys had these gold coins specially minted to commemorate the completion of Northpoint's construction in c.1E 900. Only a few hundred were stamped and most remain in private collections. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11EE580 firstTable antiquityId = 148 description = Incorrect. Those figures were a deliberate attempt by unscrupulous archeologists to inflate their value. My own research suggests Flowdys circulated these coins through all Northpoint's trade to spread word of his new trade port. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11EFDE0 firstTable antiquityId = 148 description = The archeologist weren't the only ones. These coins are a little on the light side. The difference in gold weight wouldn't have been noticeable without finer instruments than were commonly employed by traders in the middle-First Era. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Northpoint Founding Coin needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2196 zoneId = 20 5 = table:000002AFC12679E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C738 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 300 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antrivenkingsthrone001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12688B8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1268900 firstTable antiquityId = 300 description = No great mystery who this belonged to. Every Breton knows those motifs! It's a throne of House Spenard. Good riddance to poor sovereigns! Rivenspire's suffered more than its fair share of despots, but the Spenards put the others to shame. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1268948 firstTable antiquityId = 300 description = Yes, prior to its dissolution by House Dorell, House Spenard's territory was in a perpetual state of famine. Frestrien Spenard I to Frestrien Spenard VI maintained an era of misrule that lasted for one-hundred eighty-six years. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1268990 firstTable antiquityId = 300 description = That's because all six rulers were the same person! I've found a wealth of documents that describe the rulers' appearance and manner as identical. \"The line of Frestrien bore stern features that appeared wrought from pale marble ….\" He was a vampire! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Riven King's Throne needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2351 zoneId = 20 6 = table:000002AFC11EF900 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C738 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 149 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_painting_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11EF9A0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11EF9E8 firstTable antiquityId = 149 description = It's so rare to find Ayleid architectural art still intact! The Alessian Order took a special glee in wiping out Elven culture. I think the only reason there's any left at all was because they were more interested in wiping out the Elves themselves. This beautiful relief pictures the legendary Spire of Erokii while it still stood. Now the inglorious ruins are simply known as Doomcrag. One day I'll convince someone to carry me to the summit to study the spire's remains. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Spire of Erokii Frieze needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2197 zoneId = 20 7 = table:000002AFC0FA79B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C738 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 256 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antremnantofthefalsetower001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0F76250 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0F76920 firstTable antiquityId = 256 description = You found this in Rivenspire? Hardly a surprise there. That region attracts unsettling relics like a sweet roll attracts children. The crystal clearly has Ayleid origins, but I've never seen a Varla or Welkynd stone with such an angry hue. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC0F773E0 firstTable antiquityId = 256 description = I met a band of explorers in Shornhelm a few years back. They swore up and down that a red crystal lies at the heart of the Doomcrag. I did some digging in Erokii afterward. Found a broken fresco depicting the creation of a crystal, but nothing else. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0F77A60 firstTable antiquityId = 256 description = It's definitely Ayleid-make, but I doubt they meant for it to look like this. Something corrupted its Aetherial resonance. This band ... it almost feels diagnostic in design. Perhaps this was their attempt to understand the red crystal. To fix it even? displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Remnant of the False Tower needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2307 zoneId = 20 8 = table:000002AFC11B2818 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117C738 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 79 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsrivenspirescroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11B29C8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11B2A58 firstTable antiquityId = 79 description = An annotated draft of the political map of the kingdom of Rivenspire once belonging to the royal cartographer of Shornhelm. The lines have been redrawn numerous times in varying colors of ink. It seems the nobility was quite divided on the matter. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11B2860 firstTable antiquityId = 79 description = If they were anything like their descendants, then I'd say that's an understatement. The three major houses are constantly vying for control. It's a miracle that the kingdom isn't in a constant state of civil war, especially without a king on the throne. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11B28A8 firstTable antiquityId = 79 description = The stewardship of these assorted baronies and counties was at the pleasure of the king. Holdings of the nobility would have shifted constantly as individuals gained or fell out of favor. These drafts may be as close to final as was possible. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Rivenspire needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2139 zoneId = 20 9 = table:000002AFC11E40F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquityCategoryId = 4 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Rivenspire parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC114E138 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC118EEA8 firstTable 40 = table:000002AFC119CE80 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 41 = table:000002AFC114E138 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 42 = table:000002AFC1192550 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 44 = table:000002AFC11AD280 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 46 = table:000002AFC1274DA8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 47 = table:000002AFC1290670 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 48 = table:000002AFC12B9310 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 49 = table:000002AFC12D5978 (meta 000002AFC116B610} 5 = table:000002AFC118EFE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC118F7C8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F01B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC118EFE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 150 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_tool_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F07A0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F0908 firstTable antiquityId = 150 description = The tip of this spade-shaped tool forks like the tongue of a serpent, but the only sharpened edge sits along a slot at the base, facing the handle. I can't help but liken it to the cheese servers of Wayrest, but religious engravings suggest otherwise. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11F13C0 firstTable antiquityId = 150 description = It's safe to say that the serpent imagery throughout this piece represents the First Serpent, Satakal, in Redguard mythology, best known for devouring itself. Modern devotees are said to shed their skin in gruesome rituals with winding daggers. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11F1678 firstTable antiquityId = 150 description = Testing on a moist—but firm—cheddar, showed that even this long-dull edge can slice a layer thin enough for light to pass through, suggesting that the flensing rituals of Satakal were more restrained in earlier eras. Self-consumption remains unconfirmed. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Satakal Skinrazer needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2198 zoneId = 104 10 = table:000002AFC1264DA0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC118EFE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 297 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antheartland001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1265D40 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1264DE8 firstTable antiquityId = 297 description = What a stirring landscape! It resembles the work of Reman II's court painter, Emilia Polus. She revolutionized the art of landscape painting--serving as a bridge between dreamy Alessian scenery-painting and the stark realism of early Potentate works. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1265C40 firstTable antiquityId = 297 description = It might be an early Laenius. I'm no artist, but as far as I'm concerned, Gavros Laenius doesn't get anywhere near the credit he deserves. No one renders water like him. The Niben seems to wash across the canvas! Gorgeous! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1265C88 firstTable antiquityId = 297 description = I find this work puzzling. The Alessians placed severe restrictions on artists prior to their decline which grew into cultural taboos. Imperial painters didn't resume painting the Imperial City in its entirety until the final years of the First Era. Odd. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = The Heartland needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2348 zoneId = 104 11 = table:000002AFC124F768 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC118EFE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 274 difficulty = 5 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antcoilofsatakal001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC124F910 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC124F958 firstTable antiquityId = 274 description = A Na-Totambu ceremonial gong! I've only ever seen the disc--never the frame. Looks like they fashioned it to resemble their everything-deity: Satakal. According to myth, the snake devours itself in a never-ending cycle of rebirth. Brilliant, eh? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC124F9A0 firstTable antiquityId = 274 description = Yeah, a handful of Crowns in Bergama tried to bring me into the fold. Just trust me on this: nothing good ever comes from snake worship. People bound to this idea of death and rebirth always wind up as wild-eyed cultists. Just the way of the world. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC124F7B0 firstTable antiquityId = 274 description = Honestly, Ugron. Satakal is not a sinister deity. It's the personification of a timeless theme. What I find most astounding is the scale. Many Tamrielic religions profess belief in reincarnation. But reincarnation of Mundus itself? That's truly something. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Coil of Satakal needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2325 zoneId = 104 12 = table:000002AFC127F330 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 13 = table:000002AFC11DAB88 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC118EFE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 126 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11DAC70 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11DB490 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11DAB88 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC11DB2A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC11DB2E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC11DD150 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC11DE6B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquitySetId = 12 icon = /esoui/art/icons/antiquities_torc_of_tonal_constancy_icon.dds name = Torc of Tonal Constancy quality = 5 rewardId = 2186 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_deshaan_dwemer_control_rod.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11DAC28 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11DB4D8 firstTable antiquityId = 126 description = Unusual--this metal band is about the size of a neck-ring, but I have a sense that it's incomplete. Dwarven work, for sure; the geometric design is quite common in Dwemer artifice. If it's a torc, where's the rest of it? displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Torc Strand of Lore loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11DACB8 firstTable antiquityId = 126 description = The torc seems incomplete because it is incomplete. Dwarves probably forged jewelry like this from several different strands braided together. Makes sense. Metallurgists tell me the Dwemer combined different metals to make their eponymous alloy. displayName = Gabrielle Benele fragmentName = Torc Strand of Lore loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11DAD70 firstTable antiquityId = 126 description = But what magic does is possess? These tiny notches in the strand are undoubtedly aligned with Dwemeris script. I believe they stand for knowledge; this strand shapes and binds the magic of the torc with Dwemer lore. Knowledge is the foundation, you see. displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Torc Strand of Lore loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Torc Strand of Lore needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 104 2 = table:000002AFC11F0950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC118EFE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 151 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_cartographers_gloves.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F09E0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A7E38 firstTable antiquityId = 151 description = What exquisite steel. Dark whorls of gray flow through a sea of silver like the Ra Gada themselves. I've seen the stylistic elements etched in this metal worn by members of the Crowns in Sentinel, but this nominal gauntlet is clearly ceremonial. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11F2220 firstTable antiquityId = 151 description = Not necessarily. Stories of the Firehide clan's battles with the Yokudans in Alik'r persist in the oral tradition. They describe warriors for whom war was a dance and could turn aside a blade with two fingers. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11F24B8 firstTable antiquityId = 151 description = This steel is nearly as strong as orichalcum, but it still wouldn't survive the full force of a blow. If there's truth to the stories of Yokudan's catching swords with their fingers, it wasn't due to the strength of their armor. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Na-Totambu Two-Finger Gauntlet needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2199 zoneId = 104 3 = table:000002AFC11AAAE0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC11A54A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 5 = table:000002AFC11A8010 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 6 = table:000002AFC117D448 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC118EFE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 24 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC117C780 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC118F028 firstTable antiquityId = 24 description = There's an old folktale about a warrior named Urzatash the Bloody who picked a bar fight with the wrong Orc and got his face punched in. In the story, he has to live with a concave face for the rest of his life. Maybe it was based on some truth. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Orc: Gloves needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2047 zoneId = 104 7 = table:000002AFC11B3D80 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC118EFE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 80 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsalikrscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11B3F28 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11B3F70 firstTable antiquityId = 80 description = An Alik'r nomad tribe's map with a sparse frame of reference and no borders to speak of. Sentinel appears to be the only significant settlement of note. Instead, there is a focus on landmarks and hazards. A giant serpent's body is woven throughout. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11B3FB8 firstTable antiquityId = 80 description = Not unlike the sea serpents scrawled in naval charts, eh? This must be Satakal, the Yokudan serpent god. They believed we all dwell upon the serpent, so it's safe to assume that this is a symbolic representation. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11B5158 firstTable antiquityId = 80 description = I've spoken at length with nomad tribal chieftains. Most claim that the dunerippers we see now are a fraction of the size of those the first Ra Gada encountered. Could be a correlation, but any evidence has long been weathered away by shifting sands. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Alik'r Desert needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2140 zoneId = 104 8 = table:000002AFC1192508 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC118EFE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 31 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11934B8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1193638 firstTable antiquityId = 31 description = A good read. The author posits some theories that I've not heard debated, but perhaps they were at the time it was written. I don't think it matters nearly as much as the design itself. Note that Turog is featured once again here. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Orc: Swords needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2054 zoneId = 104 9 = table:000002AFC11F1850 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC118EFE0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 152 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_stickwithstring.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F1898 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F18E0 firstTable antiquityId = 152 description = I'm amazed this glass rod has survived intact for thousands of years. It's light as a feather and remarkably hard, thanks to the magicka still clinging to it. It vibrates when stuck into sand. After some experimenting, I determined the intensity would rise and fall in proximity to water. Ancient Elves must have used these to travel safely across the Alik'r Desert. Well, as safely as would be possible, there would still need to be water within a half-day's travel for this to detect it. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Hegathe Divining Rod needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2200 zoneId = 104 antiquityCategoryId = 5 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Alik'r parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC114E138 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC118F638 firstTable 6 = table:000002AFC1190790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC1190970 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC118F590 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1190790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 26 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1190748 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1191750 firstTable antiquityId = 26 description = The leather binding on this book is odd. It's soft, but hasn't completely disintegrated over time. Someone might have replaced it early on, or tried to pretty it up to make it part of a display. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral Orc: Legs needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2049 zoneId = 92 10 = table:000002AFC126C258 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1190790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 304 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_crate_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC126C3E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC126C430 firstTable antiquityId = 304 description = This is fascinating. You don't see a lot of frost weaponry with the Dwemer. I don't know why. Maybe it's because they hated the cold? They lived underground and relied on thermal heat from the earth to power their society. Naturally averse? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC126C478 firstTable antiquityId = 304 description = It's possible, I suppose. They did spend quite a lot of time around volcanoes and heated geysers. Even so, if anyone could learn to harness the power of the cold during wartime, it would be the Dwarves. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC126D618 firstTable antiquityId = 304 description = Frost magic can do a lot of good during a siege. Freeze the enemy, glaze the gates and parapets, etc. Even so, I'd hate to see one of these deployed in the field. The last thing Cyrodiil needs right now is an arms race. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Frost Lancer needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2356 zoneId = 92 11 = table:000002AFC127E490 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 12 = table:000002AFC11DB2A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC11F1A70 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1190790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 153 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_gems_carnelian.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F32E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F28A0 firstTable antiquityId = 153 description = What could rightly be confused for an ugly, ruddy gemstone appears to be a lacquered clod of reddish-brown dirt. The insignia of the Knights of St. Pelin is pressed into the surface. This could be a relic of the late Pelin's martyrdom. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11F2E20 firstTable antiquityId = 153 description = I think the symbolism is clear, but my research indicates that these were carried by the entire Bangkorai Garrison in the decades following his self-sacrifice. Given their penchant for bloodletting rites, these were likely created by the knightly order. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11F2E68 firstTable antiquityId = 153 description = I can confirm that the dirt within the lacquer is from Bangkorai and that the blood soaked into it came from the same person, but I can't identify who that would have been. Unfortunately, this new information could support either theory. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = St. Pelin's Clod needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2201 zoneId = 92 3 = table:000002AFC11F3E88 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1190790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 154 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_figurine_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F3ED0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F4028 firstTable antiquityId = 154 description = This tree root has been shaped, by unconventional means, into the appearance of a woman with stag horns and cloven feet. The wood is unmarred by tool marks and the bark remains intact. This was likely a work of magic by a local wyrd. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11F4070 firstTable antiquityId = 154 description = This root is similar to the one Verita studied, though it depicts a scaled woman similar to a Lamia, but retaining more human qualities than any of the beastfolk I've seen. I can't tell if these figures are different aspects of one woman or several. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11F40B8 firstTable antiquityId = 154 description = Another figure, another animal. This one is a wolf woman with six breasts. My theory was that these figures were representations of Hircine, but this latest one casts doubt on that. Perhaps these are totemic Divines, like the Atmorans worshiped? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Wyrd Root Figure needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2202 zoneId = 92 4 = table:000002AFC1191BC8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1190790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 28 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1192640 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11922A0 firstTable antiquityId = 28 description = It's rare to find descriptions of Orc craftsmanship that include the word beautiful. The author seems to have great reverence for the detail found in the shields they describe. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ancestral Orc: Shields needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2051 zoneId = 92 5 = table:000002AFC11F4618 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1190790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 155 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_trinket.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F4660 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F47B0 firstTable antiquityId = 155 description = For such a far flung and advanced civilization, we know very little about Dwemer daily life. While they were notoriously reclusive, it's presumed that they engaged in some form of commerce, if only with each other. This bar of Dwarven metal is more than a simple ingot. It has a band of beautiful blue crystal through it with the name Arkngthamz-Phng inlaid and a series of Dwarven numerals. These could represent the volume, or weight, or identifier, or its harmonic resonance, or even a secret code! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Dwemer Trade Bar needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2203 zoneId = 92 6 = table:000002AFC11E60B0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1190790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 301 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_anttallpapalamp001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC12696A0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1269808 firstTable antiquityId = 301 description = Ah, this exhibits the masterful craftsmanship one would expect from a Na-Totambu relic! These gold motifs seem consistent with Ra Gada heraldry, but the purple interior matches the hue of Ruptga prayer beads. The lack of star motifs seems odd, too. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC1269850 firstTable antiquityId = 301 description = Is tethering military pomp to religious expression really that odd? For the Yokudans, warfare and religion were practically synonymous! Your comment about the stars does raise questions, though. Ruptga without stars is like Akatosh without a Dragon. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = true 3 = table:000002AFC1268758 firstTable antiquityId = 301 description = The lack of stars on the relic itself doesn't necessarily mean it didn't feature stars in another way. The oil reservoir has a layer of crystalline build-up--some kind of meteoric fuel, I bet. The light this lamp shed probably resembled starlight! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Tall Papa's Lamp needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 2 numRecovered = 2 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2352 zoneId = 92 7 = table:000002AFC11A6E60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 8 = table:000002AFC11AAA38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 9 = table:000002AFC11B4C68 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1190790 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 81 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_gen_inc_mappropsbangkoraiscroll001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11B4E18 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A75F0 firstTable antiquityId = 81 description = I'd date this around the early to mid First Era. The kingdom of Ojwambu occupies the southern half of Bangkorai. It was sacked by the warlord Mahgzoor Rockhand, likely in retribution for driving the Goblins from their lands in Hammerfell. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11B4CB0 firstTable antiquityId = 81 description = Attacks like these were used to justify the sacking of Orsinium, despite the fact that Goblins did not occupy the city. According to oral histories, the Orc clans and Goblin tribes maintained a truce within the Dragontail Mountains, but did not mingle. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11B4CF8 firstTable antiquityId = 81 description = If it was prior to the Siege of Orsinium, it was probably after the exodus of Orcs and Goblins in 1E 874. That narrows the fall of Ojwambu and establishment of Hallin's Stand to the seventy-four years between! We're close! displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Antique Map of Bangkorai needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2141 zoneId = 92 antiquityCategoryId = 6 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Bangkorai parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC114E138 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC1190928 firstTable 7 = table:000002AFC0EEB348 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC114E0F0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F47F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC0EEB348 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 156 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_unique_bendu_oles_sextant.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F53D8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A9140 firstTable antiquityId = 156 description = A bit rusty, but still in good condition. Late First-Era by the look of it. These appear to be modeled after the designs of the Dwemer observatory found on Stros M'kai. The Hunding name is inscribed, but this device is far younger than that bloodline. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11F4E60 firstTable antiquityId = 156 description = Frandar Hunding was a master navigator. He'd have to be to guide a fleet the size of the first Ra Gada to undiscovered lands without losing any ships. It may bear his name in honor of his legacy, even if he had nothing to do with its creation. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11F62E0 firstTable antiquityId = 156 description = I wouldn't be too quick to rule out Frandar's influence. The Yokudans were advanced enough to have their own navigational devices prior to encountering the observatory. It's entirely possible that Frandar was the first to adopt this design. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Hunding Sextant needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2204 zoneId = 534 2 = table:000002AFC11F57A8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC0EEB348 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 157 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_contraption_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F5848 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F59B0 firstTable antiquityId = 157 description = It resembles a tiny waterwheel made from iron and the flexible bark of tropical trees. It would have crumbled to dust long ago if not for a thick grease smeared over everything. It looks just the right size to fit on the end of a Dwemer steam pipe! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11F6ED0 firstTable antiquityId = 157 description = It does appear to be Goblin in make, though the markings are different from the Dogeater tribe who currently reside here. Goblins were likely the only inhabitants of these isles between the Dwemer's disappearance and the Redguard colonization. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11F7180 firstTable antiquityId = 157 description = I was skeptical, but I decided to test Amalien's theory and sure enough the wheel fit over the end of a broken steam pipe. It's a bit unstable, but the moving parts whir around at a surprising speed. This mechanism could easily power a number of tools. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Goblin Steam Mill needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2205 zoneId = 534 3 = table:000002AFC11F6C48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC0EEB348 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 158 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_cwc_inc_bookplate001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F6CE8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F6D30 firstTable antiquityId = 158 description = I first thought all the divots on these Dwarven metal plates to be more of their typically abstract art or the result of some sort of projectile testing, but I finally figured it out! They're plots of stars in the night sky! I was thrown off by the sheer volume of points on each plate compared to what I can observe by the naked eye. Perhaps their observatory is powerful enough to peer through to Aetherius itself? Could it have guided the Dwemer there and that's why they left Tamriel behind? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Dwemer Astrological Charts needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2206 zoneId = 534 4 = table:000002AFC11A8948 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 5 = table:000002AFC11CFB38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC0EEB348 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 115 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11CC338 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11CC430 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11CAA48 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 2 = table:000002AFC11CCA80 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 3 = table:000002AFC11CE1C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 4 = table:000002AFC11CE210 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable 5 = table:000002AFC11CFB38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquitySetId = 8 icon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_thrassianstranglers_a.dds name = Thrassian Stranglers quality = 5 rewardId = 2182 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_platinum_raw.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11CFBD8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11CE3B8 firstTable antiquityId = 115 description = Was there any metal in Thras? If not, I'm curious how this metal came into their possession. It's not as if they had a flourishing trade relationship with the peoples of Tamriel. displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Buoyant Steel loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11D1728 firstTable antiquityId = 115 description = They likely gathered it from the bottom of the sea—from shipwrecks and the like. Maormer that strayed too close. Maybe even Yokudans or Lefthanded Elves. Even so, this metal feels lighter than most. Buoyant even. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog fragmentName = Buoyant Steel loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11D19E0 firstTable antiquityId = 115 description = Ha! I've got it! Frog-Metal! Syrabane discovered an alchemical alloy in the mid-First Era to provide armor for early Elven marines. It prevented them from sinking to the bottom if they fell overboard. The Sload would take a keen interest in such a thing! displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Buoyant Steel loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Buoyant Steel needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 534 6 = table:000002AFC1177B60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC0EEB348 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 18 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0EEB300 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC117C4F8 firstTable antiquityId = 18 description = Time nearly disintegrated this book. I'm surprised the contents are still legible. We should handle this with care, the binding won't last much longer unless we take precautions. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Orc: Axes needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2041 zoneId = 534 7 = table:000002AFC118EE00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC0EEB348 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 25 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC118EE48 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC118FCD8 firstTable antiquityId = 25 description = This is in great condition. Someone took great efforts to preserve this book. It looks as though there was a bit of restoration done to the inside binding but otherwise, this has all the original material. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Orc: Helmets needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2048 zoneId = 534 8 = table:000002AFC1261C28 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC0EEB348 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 293 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antdwarvenpuzzlebox001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1261DD0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1261E18 firstTable antiquityId = 293 description = What a fascinating bauble! Dwarven-make, obviously. But what does it do? Those circular elements at the center of each facet might fit into some secondary device. I've never see a Dwarven key that actually looks like a key! displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC1261E60 firstTable antiquityId = 293 description = No. Look at the seams and gears. This thing comes apart somehow, guaranteed. I'd bet my left tusk that it's a coffer of some kind. No idea what we might find inside, though. Maybe a specialized dynamo? A gem of some kind? displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC1263598 firstTable antiquityId = 293 description = A coffer? Come on! The Dwarves would never use a device like this for something so prosaic! This is a testing device--a puzzle. And judging by the number of pinions, cylinders, and junction-points, I'd say it's a test none of us are likely to pass. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Dwarven Puzzle Box needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2344 zoneId = 534 9 = table:000002AFC126ED78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC0EEB348 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 307 difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antdwemerstarchart001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC126EF20 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC126EF68 firstTable antiquityId = 307 description = A Dwarven star chart! Marvelous! I think Guildmaster Vanus has one like this in his private study, but I doubt he has any clear idea of what it actually depicts. The key constellations appear on one of the discs, obviously. Beyond that? I'm not sure. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC126EFB0 firstTable antiquityId = 307 description = Open your eyes, Gabrielle! This is a treasure trove of Dwarven astronomical scholarship! The three orbiting spheres could be guardian equation-bodies, but we should at least consider the possibility that they are Dwemeric Aetherbell beacons. Right? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC126F5C8 firstTable antiquityId = 307 description = Aetherbells? You mean Dwarven vessels that \"dive\" through the realms of Aetherius and Oblivion? Honestly, Amalien, do you have even a shred of evidence to support the idea that those even exist? These are clearly constellation markers. Nothing more. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Dwemer Star Chart needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2358 zoneId = 534 antiquityCategoryId = 7 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Stros M'Kai parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC114E138 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC114D3A0 firstTable 8 = table:000002AFC117CD80 (meta 000002AFC116B610} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC117CEB8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F7570 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117CD80 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 159 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_shadowfen_alchemical_device.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F7C48 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11F7DA8 firstTable antiquityId = 159 description = Sapping tools from the Seamount clan's conquest of Betnikh, formerly Betony. Contrary to claims by the current chief, Stonetooth Fortress was likely built on the bones of Breton defenses. This chisel could split a keystone if properly applied. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11F7F38 firstTable antiquityId = 159 description = Heavy, orichalc screws with a ring for attaching rope or chain. These would have been driven into wood gates and palisades under cover of darkness to allow the Orcs to pull down barricades from a safe distance prior to an attack. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11F7F80 firstTable antiquityId = 159 description = Whale-bridle, from the clan's seafaring days. Their stories claim their ancestors tamed killer whales in the Abecean Sea and trained them for war. Riders could harpoon ships and steer them using the whales' strength. Evidence of a long-lost tradition. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Orcish Siege Gear needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2207 zoneId = 535 2 = table:000002AFC11F7B30 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117CD80 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 160 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_paperweight_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F8600 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11DFE08 firstTable antiquityId = 160 description = This spherical stone eye has numerous winding tendrils curving out from its surface. I've counted them eight times and gotten eight different results. It does faintly emit a Daedric energy, but there's no enchantment that would alter its shape. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11F86D0 firstTable antiquityId = 160 description = Given the Ayleid's enthusiastic veneration of Daedra, this eye probably represents Hermaeus Mora, Daedric Prince of knowledge. He's not often idolized. Maybe because he's reclusive compared to so many of the Princes ... or because he's hard to depict. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11F8718 firstTable antiquityId = 160 description = Third time's a charm! And a pattern! The Ayleids here must have considered Hermaeus Mora their patron. If they held knowledge in such high regard, some of these ruins may have been part of a college. I can practically hear the library calling! Can you? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Ayleid Tendrilled Eye needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2208 zoneId = 535 3 = table:000002AFC11F8500 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117CD80 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 161 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_imp_duc_wallbrick001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11F8C40 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11FA290 firstTable antiquityId = 161 description = This lends a shred of credence to the so-called Almanac of Betony as more than florid Breton embellishment. While I've seen little evidence of an impregnable fortress carved from this island's imposing cliffs, this foundation block proves the Empire did construct fortifications here during Reman II's reign. If Skyspire Keep did exist, it was likely constructed according to conventional legion codices. I suspect most of the keep's stone was used to create Stonetooth Fortress. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Cornerstone of Reman II needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2209 zoneId = 535 4 = table:000002AFC117CCF0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117CD80 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 19 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC117CD38 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC117CF48 firstTable antiquityId = 19 description = Orcs of the past depicted historical figures in their armor. It's a practice we're only just now rediscovering. I'm sure the origins go back even farther, too. This was just the first one produced with some kind of consistency. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Orc: Belts needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 1 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2042 zoneId = 535 5 = table:000002AFC1191C10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117CD80 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 30 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_letter_002.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC1192330 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11924C0 firstTable antiquityId = 30 description = I've never known an Orc to carry a staff that didn't look like it could double as a bludgeoning weapon if push came to shove. Even though many of these practices were lost to history, it seems as though instinct carried this one through to present day. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Ancestral Orc: Staves needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2053 zoneId = 535 6 = table:000002AFC1251128 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117CD80 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 291 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antayleidlightwell001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC125F4A8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC125F4F0 firstTable antiquityId = 291 description = Ah, an Ayleid sconce of some variety. I can't imagine it's a lightwell. Far too small for Aetherial conduction. And this glass fragment at the center--is it a broken Welkynd Stone? It certainly does resemble a lightwell. Curious. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC125F538 firstTable antiquityId = 291 description = I've seen something like this before in a Barsaebic ruin down south. You're right about the size, Reginus. I think the Ayleids used that stone in conjunction with the meteoric iron to help it function at reduced size. I'm no mage, though. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC125F580 firstTable antiquityId = 291 description = It's certainly a lightwell, but our focus should be the crystal. The magicka it's radiating feels less manufactured than a Welkynd Stone. This is a raw Aetherial Fragment. Untamed. The way it resonates with the iron ... let's not jostle it too hard. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Ayleid Lightwell needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2342 zoneId = 535 7 = table:000002AFC0FC3D38 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC117CD80 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 263 difficulty = 5 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_antwarcallerspainteddrum001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC0FC71A8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC0FC78F8 firstTable antiquityId = 263 description = What a prime example of Orcish musical craftsmanship. People tend not to associate music with Orcs, but we have a deep cultural investment in percussion instruments. I can pretty much guarantee this served as a war drum. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC0FC8000 firstTable antiquityId = 263 description = I sense some faded magic here. Did your people enchant these drums, Ugron? It's something in the runes. there's an intention there that seems ... well, it seems very angry, to be perfectly honest. Sorry! displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC0FC8B78 firstTable antiquityId = 263 description = No need to apologize, Gabrielle. Orcs worship Malacath. My people's connections with Daedric ritual ran twice as deep when they stretched this drum. The runes are Malacath devotionals. Grudge-marks. When the warcaller beat this drum, battle was certain. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Warcaller's Painted Drum needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2314 zoneId = 535 8 = table:000002AFC11DF4C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquityCategoryId = 8 categoryOrder = 0 gamepadIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardMousedOverIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardNormalIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds keyboardPressedIcon = /esoui/art/icons/icon_missing.dds name = Betnikh parentCategoryData = table:000002AFC114E138 (meta 000002AFC116B610} subcategories = table:000002AFC117CE70 firstTable 9 = table:000002AFC1196A38 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquitySets = table:000002AFC117BD68 firstTable 10 = table:000002AFC11D6118 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} 11 = table:000002AFC11DF6F8 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} 12 = table:000002AFC11DAC70 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} 13 = table:000002AFC11E4188 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} 15 = table:000002AFC1279E90 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} 16 = table:000002AFC1281128 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} 17 = table:000002AFC1285BA0 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC1285BE8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1285B10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC12793E0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 3 = table:000002AFC12863F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC12870D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 5 = table:000002AFC12878C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 6 = table:000002AFC12881C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 7 = table:000002AFC1279470 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquitySetId = 17 icon = /esoui/art/icons/pet_dwarvenscarab.dds name = Dwarven Scarab quality = 4 rewardId = 2510 18 = table:000002AFC129DAE8 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC129DB30 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC129C8B8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC129EE78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 3 = table:000002AFC129EF50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC12A0D78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 5 = table:000002AFC12A1C08 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquitySetId = 18 icon = /esoui/art/icons/antiquities_u30_mythic_ring02.dds name = Death Dealer's Fete quality = 5 rewardId = 2723 19 = table:000002AFC12A2C90 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC12A2B98 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12A2A60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC12A38C0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 3 = table:000002AFC12A4950 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC12A5778 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 5 = table:000002AFC12A6640 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquitySetId = 19 icon = /esoui/art/icons/antiquities_u30_mythic_neck.dds name = Shapeshifter's Chain quality = 5 rewardId = 2724 20 = table:000002AFC12A76F8 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC12A7E78 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12A7508 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC12A7CD0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 3 = table:000002AFC12A9500 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC12AA580 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 5 = table:000002AFC12AA658 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquitySetId = 20 icon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_kothringikilt_a.dds name = Harpooner's Wading Kilt quality = 5 rewardId = 2725 21 = table:000002AFC12AC4F0 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC12AC538 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12AB4F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC12AC3A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 3 = table:000002AFC12ADC00 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC12AF140 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 5 = table:000002AFC12AF218 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquitySetId = 21 icon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_sithisargonian_head_a.dds name = Gaze of Sithis quality = 5 rewardId = 2726 22 = table:000002AFC12B10E8 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC12B1130 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12B0EF8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 10 = table:000002AFC12B5F10 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 11 = table:000002AFC12B6148 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 12 = table:000002AFC12B72F0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 13 = table:000002AFC12B71C8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 14 = table:000002AFC12B79D8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 15 = table:000002AFC12B8180 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC12B17D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 3 = table:000002AFC12B1DD0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 4 = table:000002AFC12B21E8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 5 = table:000002AFC12B2A78 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 6 = table:000002AFC12B3528 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 7 = table:000002AFC12B1818 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 8 = table:000002AFC12B4718 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 9 = table:000002AFC12B4D60 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquitySetId = 22 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_bad_inc_leyblackwoodtapestry001.dds name = Blackwood Tapestry quality = 4 rewardId = 2872 23 = table:000002AFC12C66B0 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC12C7080 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC12C5998 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC12C6DF8 (meta 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3759 6 = table:000002AFC11A5538 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} 7 = table:000002AFC11C4C08 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11C4A58 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11AB788 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11C0D88 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 99 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11C4C08 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_musicboxaldmerisymphonia001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11C4BC0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C4AF8 firstTable antiquityId = 99 description = You can tell from the grain pattern here, the person who made this repurposed wood from another object. These minor warps make it no less beautiful. Hard to believe, given its finish, but I think this box used to be part of a ship. displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Lacquered Wooden Tone-Box loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11C4C50 firstTable antiquityId = 99 description = Some of the oldest wooden relics on Summerset have a similar appearance. If they managed to turn something utilitarian like a boat into a magnificent object like this ... well, I would hate to be a woodworker looking at this. displayName = Gabrielle Benele fragmentName = Lacquered Wooden Tone-Box loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11C4C98 firstTable antiquityId = 99 description = Maybe they took it from High Lord Torinaan's flag-swan! A lesser-known prophesy foretold that the lost children of Aldmeris would \"make of their branches a new home on distant shores.\" The branches bit never made sense. Maybe they meant wooden ships! displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Lacquered Wooden Tone-Box loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Lacquered Wooden Tone-Box needsCombination = true numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 1011 2 = table:000002AFC11A1F50 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EF08 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 100 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11C4C08 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_goldenseal001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11A1FF0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11A2150 firstTable antiquityId = 100 description = Much of the imagery from the Aldmer carried over into the descending cultures, like the High Elves. Amalien knows how fond her people are of aquiline imagery. That might explain the bird figurine. The Magnus connection is a bit puzzling, though. displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Aldmeri Golden Embellishments loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000002AFC11C7580 firstTable antiquityId = 100 description = I assume you're talking about the sun marking? I've seen it in some of the mosaics in Firsthold. Particularly around Torinaan's ruin. It looks more like heraldry than religion iconography to me. Maybe Torinaan's calan-sigil. displayName = Gabrielle Benele fragmentName = Aldmeri Golden Embellishments loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11C7830 firstTable antiquityId = 100 description = Could this be a symbol from Aldmeris itself? We High Elves like to pretend we know everything about our place of origin, but what little we do know feels like wild conjecture to me. What if this is what they saw in their sky? A sun unlike any other! displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Aldmeri Golden Embellishments loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Aldmeri Golden Embellishments needsCombination = true numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 381 3 = table:000002AFC11C72F8 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC119EEC0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 101 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11C4C08 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_metals_dwarven_scrap.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11C7340 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11C74C0 firstTable antiquityId = 101 description = Despite the object's age, the miniscule aspects of this music box seem to be in perfect working order. We should take care when handling it, though. Amalien, please resist the urge to take it apart. displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Preserved Music Box Mechanism loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11C7508 firstTable antiquityId = 101 description = Legends speak of Aldmeri music that could ease the mind and ward off grief entirely. A valuable property for such a long-lived race. Obviously, this mechanism isn't capable of such things, but hearing an Aldmeri melody would likely bring joy to any Elf. displayName = Verita Numida fragmentName = Preserved Music Box Mechanism loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11C8658 firstTable antiquityId = 101 description = I'm not so sure. This sounds like a mourning song. The sting of death was far more acute for my ancient kin since it reminded them of their mortal curse. I reminds me of traditional High Elf requiems. displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Preserved Music Box Mechanism loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Preserved Music Box Mechanism needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 383 antiquitySetId = 7 icon = /esoui/art/icons/housing_uni_inc_musicboxaldmerisymphonia001.dds name = Aldmeri Symphonia quality = 4 rewardId = 2166 8 = table:000002AFC11CC338 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} 9 = table:000002AFC11D1690 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} firstTable antiquities = table:000002AFC11D14E8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11D14A0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 2 = table:000002AFC11D2348 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} 3 = table:000002AFC11D3430 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC1193DD8 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 118 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11D1690 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_token_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11D34D0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11D3B40 firstTable antiquityId = 118 description = These carvings appear to venerate Auri-El. My research indicates he occupied a place of special significance for Snow Elves. This metal is quite flexible, too. I'm not sure what the original purpose of this was. displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Auri-El Metal Carvings loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11D3CD0 firstTable antiquityId = 118 description = Many worshiped Auri-El at the time, and still do! Not just the Snow Elves. We know so little of their history, even that may be a matter of debate. Though I will concede the area that this was found supports the theory. displayName = Verita Numida fragmentName = Auri-El Metal Carvings loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11D3D18 firstTable antiquityId = 118 description = Since this is so flexible, even after all this time, I wonder if it was some kind of wearable display of worship. Something emblazoned on different surfaces, either on armor or someone's shield. They could have even worn it over their regular clothes! displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Auri-El Metal Carvings loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Auri-El Metal Carvings needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 280 4 = table:000002AFC11D42D0 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000002AFC11AD5E0 (meta 000002AFC116B610} antiquityId = 119 antiquitySetData = table:000002AFC11D1690 (meta 000002AFC116BDA0} difficulty = 4 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_plate_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 118.42046356201 loreEntries = table:000002AFC11D4370 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC11D44C0 firstTable antiquityId = 119 description = These are inert now, but I see evidence of magicka smelted into the metal itself. The scorch marks suggest it was fire magic, or at least a very mild form of it. These marks are from use, not from a singular blast of heat. displayName = Gabrielle Benele fragmentName = Magicka-Imbued Metal Plates loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false 2 = table:000002AFC11D4508 firstTable antiquityId = 119 description = The shape is a little vague, but these almost seem like the soles of shoes to me. They would be the right length for an Altmer foot, if we're going with the theory that this is Snow Elf in origin. I suppose it could just as easily be a cooking utensil. displayName = Reginus Buca fragmentName = Magicka-Imbued Metal Plates loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000002AFC11D5660 firstTable antiquityId = 119 description = Oh! Maybe the Snow Elves figured out a way to make traversing the snow easier. Metal soles that melt the snow while you walk! Or for recreation? How fun would it be to glide along freshly melted tracks of snow? displayName = Amalien fragmentName = Magicka-Imbued Metal Plates loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Magicka-Imbued Metal Plates needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 0 zoneId = 347 5 = table:000002AFC11D5198 (meta 000002AFC1166C88} antiquitySetId = 9 icon = /esoui/art/icons/gear_snowtreaders_feet_a.dds name = Snow Treaders quality = 5 rewardId = 2183 callbackRegistry = table:000002AFC117D8D8 firstTable AntiquitiesUpdated = table:000002AFC1CB5D00 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1CB5DA0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1CB5CB8 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1CBA3B0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1CBA368 4 = false 3 = table:000002AF51108810 firstTable 1() = function:000002AF51108710 4 = false 4 = table:000002AFD226FF10 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFD226FEC8 4 = false 5 = table:000002AFD2284C20 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= function:000002AFBF3BFDD0 SetHiddenForReason() = function:000002AFBF3BFD90 actionLayerName = AntiquityDiggingActions allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false callbackRegistry = table:000002AF6172CDF0 firstTable Refreshed = table:000002AF6172CE38 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF6172CEB0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AF6172CD70 4 = false conditional() = function:000002AF6172CCF0 hiddenReasons = table:000002AF6172CCA8 (meta 000002AFBEF2ED80} firstTable state = hidden ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_COLORS_DIG_POWER_END = 3 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_COLORS_DIG_POWER_START = 2 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_COLORS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_COLORS_ITERATION_END = 3 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_COLORS_MAX_VALUE = 3 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_COLORS_MIN_VALUE = 0 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_COLORS_STABILITY_END = 1 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_COLORS_STABILITY_START = 0 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_FRAGMENT = table:000002AF6172CF60 (meta 000002AFBF3BE198} ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_GAME_OVER_FLAGS_ABORTED = 4 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_GAME_OVER_FLAGS_ANTIQUITY_BROKEN = 1 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_GAME_OVER_FLAGS_ANTIQUITY_BROKEN_AND_OUT_OF_TIME = 3 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_GAME_OVER_FLAGS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_GAME_OVER_FLAGS_ITERATION_END = 4 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_GAME_OVER_FLAGS_MAX_VALUE = 4 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_GAME_OVER_FLAGS_MIN_VALUE = 0 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_GAME_OVER_FLAGS_OUT_OF_TIME = 2 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_GAME_OVER_FLAGS_VICTORY = 0 ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_SCENE = table:000002AF6172C2B8 (meta 000002AFBF927108} ANTIQUITY_FILTER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ANTIQUITY_FILTER_ITERATION_END = 3 ANTIQUITY_FILTER_MAX_VALUE = 3 ANTIQUITY_FILTER_MIN_VALUE = 0 ANTIQUITY_FILTER_SHOW_ALL = 0 ANTIQUITY_FILTER_SHOW_COMPLETED = 1 ANTIQUITY_FILTER_SHOW_IN_PROGRESS = 2 ANTIQUITY_FILTER_SHOW_NOT_STARTED = 3 ANTIQUITY_JOURNAL_FRAGMENT = table:000002AF3BFD3760 (meta 000002AFBF3BE198} ANTIQUITY_JOURNAL_GAMEPAD = table:000002AFD225FF58 (meta 000002AFD225B678} ANTIQUITY_JOURNAL_KEYBOARD = table:000002AF51101950 (meta 000002AFA184CCE0} ANTIQUITY_JOURNAL_KEYBOARD_SCENE = 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table:000002AFD22765C8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFD2276920 firstTable callback() = function:000002AFD2276AF8 enabled() = function:000002AFD2276B40 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:000002AFD2276AB0 order = 10 visible() = function:000002AFD2276B88 2 = table:000002AFD2276BD0 firstTable callback() = function:000002AFD2276D60 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Fragments order = 20 visible() = function:000002AFD2276DA8 3 = table:000002AFD2276DF0 firstTable callback() = function:000002AFD2276F80 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Options order = 30 visible() = function:000002AFD2276FC8 4 = table:000002AFD2277010 firstTable callback() = function:000002AFD2277100 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER name = Gamepad Antiquity Journal Top of List 5 = table:000002AFD2277148 firstTable callback() = function:000002AFD2277238 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER name = Gamepad Antiquity Journal Bottom of List 6 = table:000002AFD2277280 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:000002AFD2276580 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:000002AFBEE2C540 alignment = 1 list = userdata:000002AFD226F388 (meta 000002AFD22706B0} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:000002AFD22708C8 firstTable animation = userdata:000002AFD2271298 (meta 000002AFD22712F0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000002AFD226F388 (meta 000002AFD22706B0} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:000002AFD2270AA0 firstTable contents = userdata:000002AFD2270428 (meta 000002AFBEBE4AC8} data = table:000002AFD2270780 firstTable dataTypes = table:000002AFD2270620 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFD2272E60 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000002AFBA0EAD68 height = 153 pool = table:000002AFD2270D20 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFD2270AE8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFD2273578 m_Free = table:000002AFD2270B30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFD22734F8 10 = table:000002AFD2276538 firstTable categoryHeader = true height = 50 pool = table:000002AFD2276460 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFD22764A8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFD2276058 m_Free = table:000002AFD22764F0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = false setupCallback() = function:000002AFD2276010 2 = table:000002AFD2273BE8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000002AFBA0EAD68 height = 184 pool = table:000002AFD2270BE8 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFD2273B58 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFD2272EF0 m_Free = table:000002AFD2273BA0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFD2272EA8 3 = table:000002AFD2274160 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000002AFBA0EAD68 height = 110 pool = table:000002AFD2274088 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFD22740D0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFD2273FC0 m_Free = table:000002AFD2274118 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFD2273F78 4 = table:000002AFD22746C8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000002AFBA0EAD68 height = 144 pool = table:000002AFD22745F0 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFD2274638 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFD22744F0 m_Free = table:000002AFD2274680 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFD22741F0 5 = table:000002AFD2274BD8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000002AFBA0EAD68 height = 85 pool = table:000002AFD2274B00 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFD2274B48 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFD2274758 m_Free = table:000002AFD2274B90 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFD2274710 6 = table:000002AFD2275140 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000002AFBA0EAD68 height = 182 pool = table:000002AFD2275068 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFD22750B0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFD2274F68 m_Free = table:000002AFD22750F8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFD22741A8 7 = table:000002AFD2275618 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000002AFBA0EAD68 height = 242 pool = table:000002AFD2275540 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFD2275588 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFD2275188 m_Free = table:000002AFD22755D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFD22741A8 8 = table:000002AFD2275AF0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000002AFBA0EAD68 height = 302 pool = table:000002AFD2275A18 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFD2275A60 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFD2275660 m_Free = table:000002AFD2275AA8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFD22741A8 9 = table:000002AFD2275FC8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:000002AFBA0EAD68 height = 362 pool = table:000002AFD2275EF0 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFD2275F38 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFD2275B38 m_Free = table:000002AFD2275F80 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFD22741A8 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = 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function:000002AFBED96F10 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 progressIconControlPool = table:000002AFD2273108 (meta 000002AFBF17FD20} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:000002AFD22730C8 m_Active = table:000002AFD2273150 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFBEEA2A48 m_Free = table:000002AFD22731C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF17FDB0 name = ZO_AntiquityJournalList_GamepadAntiquityProgressIconGamepad parent = userdata:000002AFD226EFF8 (meta 000002AFD2271480} templateName = ZO_AntiquityJournalAntiquityProgressIconTexture_Gamepad titleLabel = userdata:000002AFD226FA48 (meta 000002AFBEBC86A8} ANTIQUITY_JOURNAL_SCENE_GAMEPAD = table:000002AFD2260028 (meta 000002AFBF391D08} ANTIQUITY_LORE_DOCUMENT_MANAGER = table:000002AFBF7CBFF8 (meta 000002AFBF7F2E40} firstTable firstMeta standardControlAcquisitionDescriptor = table:000002AFBF7F44A8 firstTable fileFormatter = 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000002AFBF3BE198} ANTIQUITY_LORE_GAMEPAD = table:000002AFD227EC38 (meta 000002AFD22782E0} ANTIQUITY_LORE_KEYBOARD = table:000002AFC449B630 (meta 000002AFC44A1718} ANTIQUITY_LORE_KEYBOARD_SCENE = table:000002AFBA0DE6B8 (meta 000002AFBF391D08} ANTIQUITY_LORE_READER_FRAGMENT = table:000002AF3BFD3D40 (meta 000002AFBF3BE198} ANTIQUITY_LORE_READER_KEYBOARD = table:000002AFBA0DDE08 (meta 000002AFC449D3F8} ANTIQUITY_LORE_SCENE_GAMEPAD = table:000002AFD227ECF8 (meta 000002AFBF391D08} ANTIQUITY_MANAGER = table:000002AFA1820500 (meta 000002AFA1817100} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:000002AF51108AB0 firstTable OnContentLockChanged = table:000002AF51108B28 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF51108BA0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AF51108710 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1CBA4F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFD226FEC8 4 = false ANTIQUITY_QUALITY_BLUE = 2 ANTIQUITY_QUALITY_GOLD = 4 ANTIQUITY_QUALITY_GREEN = 1 ANTIQUITY_QUALITY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ANTIQUITY_QUALITY_ITERATION_END = 5 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= table:000002AFC1391F38 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1736B48 2 = userdata:000002AFC1394B58 (meta 000002AFC1392C50} 4 = false 9 = table:000002AFC138E7D8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF4FF078 2 = userdata:000002AFC1391BB0 (meta 000002AFC138F8D0} 4 = false AutoLoot_Off = table:000002AFC1788DE8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1788E30 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF549E88 2 = userdata:000002AFC13BCDC0 (meta 000002AFC1788C48} 4 = false AutoLoot_On = table:000002AFC1788EC0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1788F08 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF4FF078 2 = userdata:000002AFC13BCDC0 (meta 000002AFC1788C48} 4 = false Bestowers_Off = table:000002AFC13BA128 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC13BA170 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF549E88 2 = userdata:000002AFC13BA7A0 (meta 000002AFC13BA268} 4 = false Bestowers_On = table:000002AFC13BA4F0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC13BA360 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF4FF078 2 = userdata:000002AFC13BA7A0 (meta 000002AFC13BA268} 4 = false 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function:000002AFC29BB678 4 = false 109 = table:000002AFC2CC5098 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2CC5018 4 = false 11 = table:000002AFC2D07A40 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D079C0 4 = false 110 = table:000002AFC2CEFEB0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2CEFE20 4 = false 111 = table:000002AF3BFCF940 firstTable 1() = function:000002AF3BFCF8C0 4 = false 12 = table:000002AFC2D08870 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D087A8 4 = false 13 = table:000002AFC2D1D118 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D1D0D0 4 = false 14 = table:000002AFC00A3A48 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00A3948 4 = false 15 = table:000002AFC0062D88 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0062D08 4 = false 16 = table:000002AFC0090570 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00904E0 4 = false 17 = table:000002AFC0091048 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0090F80 4 = false 18 = table:000002AFC00911E8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0091120 4 = false 19 = table:000002AFC0093F20 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0093E58 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC2C19DD8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2C19D58 4 = false 20 = table:000002AFC0094108 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0094040 4 = false 21 = table:000002AFC00942F0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0094228 4 = false 22 = table:000002AFC0094770 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00946F0 4 = false 23 = table:000002AFC0095380 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00952B8 4 = false 24 = table:000002AFC00C1940 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00C18B0 4 = false 25 = table:000002AFC00C43F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00C3C00 4 = false 26 = table:000002AFC00C6290 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00C6248 4 = false 27 = table:000002AFC00F4508 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F44C0 4 = false 28 = table:000002AFC00F54C0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F5478 4 = false 29 = table:000002AFC00F5618 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F5550 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFC2C1E120 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2C1E058 4 = false 30 = table:000002AFC00F7A88 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F7988 4 = false 31 = table:000002AFC00F7FD0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F7F08 4 = false 32 = table:000002AFC00F8758 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F8658 4 = false 33 = table:000002AFC00F8EB0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F8E30 4 = false 34 = table:000002AFC00FB770 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00FB6A8 4 = false 35 = table:000002AFC000BAD8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC000BA90 4 = false 36 = table:000002AFC000E720 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC000D8A8 4 = false 37 = table:000002AFC000EEB0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC000EDB0 4 = false 38 = table:000002AFC000FF10 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC000F148 4 = false 39 = table:000002AFC0010A08 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0010988 4 = false 4 = table:000002AFC2C267F0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2C26728 4 = false 40 = table:000002AFC0014F58 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0014ED8 4 = false 41 = table:000002AFBFFC36F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC36B0 4 = false 42 = table:000002AFBFFC40F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC4030 4 = false 43 = table:000002AFBFFC6088 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC29F0 4 = false 44 = table:000002AFBFFC6600 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC6580 4 = false 45 = table:000002AFBFFC91D0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC9188 4 = false 46 = table:000002AFBFFC9328 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC9260 4 = false 47 = table:000002AFBFFC9510 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC9448 4 = false 48 = table:000002AFBFFC96F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC9630 4 = false 49 = table:000002AFBFFC98E0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC9818 4 = false 5 = table:000002AFC2CFDC20 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2CFDBD8 4 = false 50 = table:000002AFBFFCC3A0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFCC2D8 4 = false 51 = table:000002AFBFFCDAB0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFCD9E8 4 = false 52 = table:000002AFBFFCF240 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFCF178 4 = false 53 = table:000002AFBFFCF920 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFCF858 4 = false 54 = table:000002AFBFFD24B8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFD23F0 4 = false 55 = table:000002AFBFFD6808 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFD6740 4 = false 56 = table:000002AFBFFD6C68 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFD6BA0 4 = false 57 = table:000002AFBFFD7490 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFD7210 4 = false 58 = table:000002AFBFFD7A78 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFD79B0 4 = false 59 = table:000002AFBFFDAF70 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFDAF28 4 = false 6 = table:000002AFC2D00080 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D00038 4 = false 60 = table:000002AFBFFDBA38 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFDB970 4 = false 61 = table:000002AFBFFDEDC8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFDED80 4 = false 62 = table:000002AFBFFDF928 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFDF860 4 = false 63 = table:000002AFBFFE24E8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE23E8 4 = false 64 = table:000002AFBFFE4228 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE41E0 4 = false 65 = table:000002AFBFFE4380 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE42B8 4 = false 66 = table:000002AFBFFE80D0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE8008 4 = false 67 = table:000002AFBFFE9468 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE93A0 4 = false 68 = table:000002AFBFFE9CE8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE9CA0 4 = false 69 = table:000002AFBFFE9E40 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE9D78 4 = false 7 = table:000002AFC2D001D8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D00110 4 = false 70 = table:000002AFBFFEA478 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFEA3F8 4 = false 71 = table:000002AFBFFEAD18 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFEAC50 4 = false 72 = table:000002AFC2DAC338 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DAC2F0 4 = false 73 = table:000002AFC2DAD628 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DACE38 4 = false 74 = table:000002AFC2DB21D8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB20D8 4 = false 75 = table:000002AFC2DB2B18 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB2AD0 4 = false 76 = table:000002AFC2DB3450 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB2F88 4 = false 77 = table:000002AFC2DB3638 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB3570 4 = false 78 = table:000002AFC2DB38A0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB37D8 4 = false 79 = table:000002AFC2DB3E90 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB3E10 4 = false 8 = table:000002AFC2D006E8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D00620 4 = false 80 = table:000002AFC2DFF540 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DFF4F8 4 = false 81 = table:000002AFC2DFFD10 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DFFC10 4 = false 82 = table:000002AFC2E00A50 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E009D0 4 = false 83 = table:000002AFC2E00F48 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E00F00 4 = false 84 = table:000002AFC2E01928 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E018A0 4 = false 85 = table:000002AFC2E02210 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E01F90 4 = false 86 = table:000002AFC2E026C0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E025F8 4 = false 87 = table:000002AFC2E05FF0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E05FA8 4 = false 88 = table:000002AFC2E06F58 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E06ED8 4 = false 89 = table:000002AFC2E078F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E078B0 4 = false 9 = table:000002AFC2D04F10 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D04E48 4 = false 90 = table:000002AFC2E0A500 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E0A4B8 4 = false 91 = table:000002AFC2E0AC90 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E0AB90 4 = false 92 = table:000002AFC2E0CF48 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E0CEC8 4 = false 93 = table:000002AFC2E0D408 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E0D3C0 4 = false 94 = table:000002AFC2D022E0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D04248 4 = false 95 = table:000002AFC0065B50 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D33310 4 = false 96 = table:000002AFC2D36F60 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D36F18 4 = false 97 = table:000002AFC2D37398 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D37350 4 = false 98 = table:000002AFC2D9C128 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D9C0E0 4 = false 99 = table:000002AFC2D9CBD0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D9CB08 4 = false CraftingAnimationsStopped = table:000002AFC2CAA818 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC2CAA860 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2CAA7D0 4 = false 10 = table:000002AFC2D052C8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D05280 4 = false 100 = table:000002AFC2D9C1B8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D9C0E0 4 = false 101 = table:000002AFC2D9CC60 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D9CB88 4 = false 102 = table:000002AFC2D9E280 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D9E238 4 = false 103 = table:000002AFC2D9ED00 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D9ECB8 4 = false 104 = table:000002AFC2DA1220 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DA1148 4 = false 105 = table:000002AFC2DA3980 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DA38A8 4 = false 106 = table:000002AFC2DA4F90 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DA4E80 4 = false 107 = table:000002AFC2DA5250 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DA5178 4 = false 108 = table:000002AFC2DA56F0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DA5618 4 = false 109 = table:000002AFC1D45F88 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1D45EB0 4 = false 11 = table:000002AFC2D05B50 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D05B00 4 = false 110 = table:000002AFC2C88A88 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC29BB788 4 = false 111 = table:000002AFC2CC5128 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2CC5018 4 = false 112 = table:000002AFC2CEFF40 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2CEFE68 4 = false 113 = table:000002AF3BFCFA18 firstTable 1() = function:000002AF3BFCF9D0 4 = false 12 = table:000002AFC2D07638 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D075B8 4 = false 13 = table:000002AFC2D07AD0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D079C0 4 = false 14 = table:000002AFC2D08900 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D08828 4 = false 15 = table:000002AFC2D1D1A8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D1D0D0 4 = false 16 = table:000002AFC00A3B20 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00A3AD8 4 = false 17 = table:000002AFC0060150 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0060100 4 = false 18 = table:000002AFC0060C28 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0060BA8 4 = false 19 = table:000002AFC0062E18 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0062D08 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC2C19E68 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2C19D58 4 = false 20 = table:000002AFC0090600 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0090528 4 = false 21 = table:000002AFC008A828 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0091000 4 = false 22 = table:000002AFC0091278 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00911A0 4 = false 23 = table:000002AFC0093FB0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0093ED8 4 = false 24 = table:000002AFC0094198 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00940C0 4 = false 25 = table:000002AFC0094380 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00942A8 4 = false 26 = table:000002AFC0094800 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00946F0 4 = false 27 = table:000002AFC0095410 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0095338 4 = false 28 = table:000002AFC009B438 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC009B3E8 4 = false 29 = table:000002AFC00C19D0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00C18F8 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFC2C1E1F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2C1E0D8 4 = false 30 = table:000002AFC00C4488 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00C3C00 4 = false 31 = table:000002AFC00C6368 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00C6320 4 = false 32 = table:000002AFC00F4598 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F44C0 4 = false 33 = table:000002AFC00F56A8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F55D0 4 = false 34 = table:000002AFC00F7B60 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F7B18 4 = false 35 = table:000002AFC00F8060 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F7F88 4 = false 36 = table:000002AFC00F8830 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F87E8 4 = false 37 = table:000002AFC00F8F40 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00F8E30 4 = false 38 = table:000002AFC00FB800 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00FB728 4 = false 39 = table:000002AFC00600B8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC00FBB70 4 = false 4 = table:000002AFC2C26880 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2C267A8 4 = false 40 = table:000002AFC000BB68 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC000BA90 4 = false 41 = table:000002AFC000E7F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC000E7B0 4 = false 42 = table:000002AFC000EF88 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC000EF40 4 = false 43 = table:000002AFC000FFE8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC000FFA0 4 = false 44 = table:000002AFC0010A98 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0010988 4 = false 45 = table:000002AFC0013F08 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0013EB8 4 = false 46 = table:000002AFC0015030 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC0014FE8 4 = false 47 = table:000002AFBFFC3788 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC36B0 4 = false 48 = table:000002AFBFFC4188 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC40B0 4 = false 49 = table:000002AFBFFC6160 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC6118 4 = false 5 = table:000002AFC2C26BF0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2C26BA8 4 = false 50 = table:000002AFBFFC6690 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC6580 4 = false 51 = table:000002AFBFFC93B8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC92E0 4 = false 52 = table:000002AFBFFC95A0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC94C8 4 = false 53 = table:000002AFBFFC9788 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC96B0 4 = false 54 = table:000002AFBFFC9970 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFC9898 4 = false 55 = table:000002AFBFFCC430 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFCC358 4 = false 56 = table:000002AFBFFCDB40 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFCDA68 4 = false 57 = table:000002AFBFFCF2D0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFCF1F8 4 = false 58 = table:000002AFBFFCF9B0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFCF8D8 4 = false 59 = table:000002AFBFFD2548 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFD2470 4 = false 6 = table:000002AFC2C1E1B0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2CFDBD8 4 = false 60 = table:000002AFBFFD6898 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFD67C0 4 = false 61 = table:000002AFBFFD6CF8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFD6C20 4 = false 62 = table:000002AFBFFD7568 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFD7520 4 = false 63 = table:000002AFBFFD7B08 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFD7A30 4 = false 64 = table:000002AFBFFDB000 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFDAF28 4 = false 65 = table:000002AFBFFDBAC8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFDB9F0 4 = false 66 = table:000002AFBFFDEE58 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFDED80 4 = false 67 = table:000002AFBFFDF9B8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFDF8E0 4 = false 68 = table:000002AFBFFE25C0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE2578 4 = false 69 = table:000002AFBFFE4410 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE4338 4 = false 7 = table:000002AFC2D00268 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D00190 4 = false 70 = table:000002AFBFFE8160 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE8088 4 = false 71 = table:000002AFBFFE94F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE9420 4 = false 72 = table:000002AFBFFE9ED0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFE9DF8 4 = false 73 = table:000002AFBFFEA508 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFEA3F8 4 = false 74 = table:000002AFBFFEADA8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBFFEACD0 4 = false 75 = table:000002AFC2DAC3C8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DAC2F0 4 = false 76 = table:000002AFC2DAD6B8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DAD5E0 4 = false 77 = table:000002AFC2DB22B0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB2268 4 = false 78 = table:000002AFC2DB34E0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB3408 4 = false 79 = table:000002AFC2DB36C8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB35F0 4 = false 8 = table:000002AFC2D00778 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D006A0 4 = false 80 = table:000002AFC2DB3930 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB3858 4 = false 81 = table:000002AFC2DB3F20 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DB3E10 4 = false 82 = table:000002AFC2DFF5D0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DFF4F8 4 = false 83 = table:000002AFC2DFFDE8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DFFDA0 4 = false 84 = table:000002AFC2E00AE0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E009D0 4 = false 85 = table:000002AFC2E01020 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E00FD8 4 = false 86 = table:000002AFC2E01A08 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E019B8 4 = false 87 = table:000002AFC2E022E8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E022A0 4 = false 88 = table:000002AFC2E02750 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E02678 4 = false 89 = table:000002AFC2E06080 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E05FA8 4 = false 9 = table:000002AFC2D04FA0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D04EC8 4 = false 90 = table:000002AFC2E06FE8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E06ED8 4 = false 91 = table:000002AFC2E079D0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E07988 4 = false 92 = table:000002AFC2E0A590 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E0A4B8 4 = false 93 = table:000002AFC2E0AD68 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E0AD20 4 = false 94 = table:000002AFC2E0CFD8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E0CEC8 4 = false 95 = table:000002AFC2E0D4E0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E0D498 4 = false 96 = table:000002AFC2AFD8B0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D04248 4 = false 97 = table:000002AFC0068A70 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC017CCE0 4 = false 98 = table:000002AFC2D36FF0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D36F18 4 = false 99 = table:000002AFC2D37470 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D37428 4 = false DLSSDisabled = table:000002AFBF6C1830 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFBF6C1C00 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF66D678 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6B7538 (meta 000002AFBF6C1228} 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFBF6C65F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF4FF078 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6C12E8 (meta 000002AFBF6C5E40} 4 = false DLSSEnabled = table:000002AFBF6C1C90 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFBF6C1CD8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF66D638 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6B7538 (meta 000002AFBF6C1228} 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFBF6C66B0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF549E88 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6C12E8 (meta 000002AFBF6C5E40} 4 = false DebuffsEnabledForTarget_Changed = table:000002AFC1775F50 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1775F98 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1703778 2 = userdata:000002AFC1775BB0 (meta 000002AFC1775DB0} 4 = false DebuffsEnabled_Changed = table:000002AFC1775278 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC17752C0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC17036B0 2 = userdata:000002AFC1774E38 (meta 000002AFC17750D8} 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1775938 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC17036B0 2 = userdata:000002AFC17754F0 (meta 000002AFC1775798} 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFC1776028 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1703778 2 = userdata:000002AFC1775BB0 (meta 000002AFC1775DB0} 4 = false DisplayModeExclusive = table:000002AFBF6A1950 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFBF6A7490 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF4FF078 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6A68A0 (meta 000002AFBF6A9450} 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFBF6AFE98 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF4FF078 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6A60F8 (meta 000002AFBF6A8308} 4 = false DisplayModeNonExclusive = table:000002AFBF6A9C28 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFBF6A3250 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF549E88 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6A68A0 (meta 000002AFBF6A9450} 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFBF6AFE08 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF549E88 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6A60F8 (meta 000002AFBF6A8308} 4 = false DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_Off = table:000002AFC1689950 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1675CF0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF549E88 2 = userdata:000002AFC17823A8 (meta 000002AFC167AF20} 4 = false DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_On = table:000002AFC167C5E0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC167E838 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF4FF078 2 = userdata:000002AFC17823A8 (meta 000002AFC167AF20} 4 = false FSRDisabled = table:000002AFBF6C6520 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFBF6C6568 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF4FF078 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6C12E8 (meta 000002AFBF6C5E40} 4 = false FSREnabled = table:000002AFBF6B72B8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFBF6B7300 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF67C2D8 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6BDDC0 (meta 000002AFBF6B6D38} 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFBF6C6490 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF549E88 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6C12E8 (meta 000002AFBF6C5E40} 4 = false HealthbarType11_Changed = table:000002AFC13728C0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC136BE88 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC173ADF0 2 = userdata:000002AFC136F4C8 (meta 000002AFC136CA48} 4 = false HealthbarType19_Changed = table:000002AFC13658F8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1365940 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC173B940 2 = userdata:000002AFC13661A0 (meta 000002AFC1366360} 4 = false HealthbarType1_Changed = table:000002AFC136BE00 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC135EA68 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC173C4B0 2 = userdata:000002AFC1362E90 (meta 000002AFC135F5D8} 4 = false HealthbarType37_Changed = table:000002AFC1351C88 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1351CD0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC173DB90 2 = userdata:000002AFC1354BB0 (meta 000002AFC1352890} 4 = false HealthbarType3_Changed = table:000002AFC1358450 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1358498 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC173D020 2 = userdata:000002AFC1360C38 (meta 000002AFC1358D00} 4 = false HealthbarType5_Changed = table:000002AFC134B810 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC134B858 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC173E700 2 = userdata:000002AFC134F5F0 (meta 000002AFC134C7E8} 4 = false HealthbarType7_Changed = table:000002AFC1344D98 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1344DE0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC173F270 2 = userdata:000002AFC1348D18 (meta 000002AFC1345648} 4 = false InteractableGlowEnabled_Off = table:000002AFC133D950 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC133D998 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF549E88 2 = userdata:000002AFC133E180 (meta 000002AFC133DAA8} 4 = false InteractableGlowEnabled_On = table:000002AFC133D878 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC133D8C0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF4FF078 2 = userdata:000002AFC133E180 (meta 000002AFC133DAA8} 4 = false InventorySlotUpdate = table:000002AFBF224958 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFBF2249A0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF2233A8 4 = false LAM = RefreshPanel = table:000002AF51E918A0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF51E918E8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFD2AFA080 4 = false LeaderboardNotifications_Off = table:000002AF3B7D5D40 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF3B7D5D88 firstTable 1() = function:000002AF3B7D5BE8 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC3DDD6D0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC3DDD5C0 4 = false LeaderboardNotifications_On = table:000002AF3B7D5C68 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF3B7D5CB0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AF3B7D5BE8 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC3DDD640 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC3DDD5C0 4 = false MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed = table:000002AFC17030B8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1730CC8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC1780488 (meta 000002AFC16E6718} 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1780B90 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC17807E0 (meta 000002AFC1780A68} 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFC17810C0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC1780E08 (meta 000002AFC1780F18} 4 = false 4 = table:000002AFC1781768 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC17813E0 (meta 000002AFC1781640} 4 = false 5 = table:000002AFC1781D58 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC17819A8 (meta 000002AFC1781C30} 4 = false 6 = table:000002AFC1636DB0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC1781F98 (meta 000002AFC162E8C0} 4 = false MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed = table:000002AFC17802A0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC17802E8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC170BB88 2 = userdata:000002AFC177FE50 (meta 000002AFC1780100} 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC17033D0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC1780488 (meta 000002AFC16E6718} 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFC1780C20 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC17807E0 (meta 000002AFC1780A68} 4 = false 4 = table:000002AFC1781198 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC1780E08 (meta 000002AFC1780F18} 4 = false 5 = table:000002AFC17817F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC17813E0 (meta 000002AFC1781640} 4 = false 6 = table:000002AFC1781150 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC17819A8 (meta 000002AFC1781C30} 4 = false 7 = table:000002AFC1638D28 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC171B890 2 = userdata:000002AFC1781F98 (meta 000002AFC162E8C0} 4 = false MusicEnabled_Off = table:000002AFBF68EC70 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFBF68ED60 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFBF549E88 2 = userdata:000002AFBF6938B8 (meta 000002AFBF68E9F0} 4 = false MusicEnabled_On = table:000002AFBF68EB40 firstTable 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= table:000002AFC1B982D8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1B981D0 4 = false OnWorldMapCampaignChanged = table:000002AFC1BED600 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC132E788 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BED5B8 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1C09FD8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1C09F90 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFC1CC2CC0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1CC2BF0 4 = false OnWorldMapChanged = table:000002AFC1B68528 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1B68570 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1B684E0 4 = false 10 = table:000002AFC1BA6870 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1781E30 4 = false 11 = table:000002AFC1C0A0B0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1C0A068 4 = false 12 = table:000002AFC1C28A18 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1C28940 4 = false 13 = table:000002AFC1C2C698 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1C2C5C0 4 = false 14 = table:000002AFC1CB3528 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1CB34E0 4 = false 15 = table:000002AFC1CB5F70 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1CB5F28 4 = false 16 = table:000002AFC1CA8C28 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1CC2BF0 4 = false 17 = table:000002AFC2A6E6B8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2A6E638 4 = false 18 = table:000002AFC2A7DB10 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2A7DA90 4 = false 19 = table:000002AFC2A81220 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2A811A0 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1B7F5E8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1B7F568 4 = false 20 = table:000002AF2F99B208 firstTable 1() = function:000002AF2F99B198 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFC1B98F98 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1B98F18 4 = false 4 = table:000002AFC1BB23C0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BB2378 4 = false 5 = table:000002AFC1BBD898 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BBD850 4 = false 6 = table:000002AFC1331AD0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1A77B80 4 = false 7 = table:000002AFC1BDD2F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BDD2B0 4 = false 8 = table:000002AFC1BE7F78 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BE7EF8 4 = false 9 = table:000002AFC1BEF510 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BEF490 4 = false OnWorldMapKeepChanged = table:000002AFC1B14958 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1B15F48 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1C0CE48 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1C0DF30 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1C0DEA8 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFBF22D5F8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1C12F68 4 = false 4 = table:000002AFC1C20CA0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1C20C50 4 = false OnWorldMapModeChanged = table:000002AFC1B94268 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1B942B0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1B94220 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1BB0AC8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BB0A80 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFC1BCCB38 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BCCAA8 4 = false 4 = table:000002AFC1BD1EE0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1785828 4 = false 5 = table:000002AFC1BE8008 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BE7EF8 4 = false 6 = table:000002AFC1BEF5A0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BEF490 4 = false 7 = table:000002AFC1C28988 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1C288F8 4 = false 8 = table:000002AFC1C2C608 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1C2C578 4 = false OnWorldMapQuestsDataRefresh = table:000002AFC1BB22A0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC1BB22E8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BB2258 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1BBD7C0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BBD778 4 = false OnWorldMapSavedVarsReady = table:000002AFC1344A28 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC133ACA0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC13250E0 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1BEFD40 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1BAB410 4 = false ProfanityFilter_Off = table:000002AFC2F68F30 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC2F68F78 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2F68EE8 4 = false ProfanityFilter_On = table:000002AFC2F69070 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFC2F690B8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2F69028 4 = false SCTEnabled_Changed = table:000002AFBF6B1910 firstTable 1 = table:000002AFBF6B1958 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC17031C0 2 = 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false 17 = table:000002AFC17711D8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1703350 2 = userdata:000002AFC1612850 (meta 000002AFC1770FA8} 4 = false 18 = table:000002AFC1771488 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1703350 2 = userdata:000002AFC160A6D0 (meta 000002AFC1771358} 4 = false 19 = table:000002AFC17719C8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC17031C0 2 = userdata:000002AFC173F048 (meta 000002AFC1771828} 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC1749C20 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1703288 2 = userdata:000002AFC1612408 (meta 000002AFC1670840} 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFC1758270 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1703288 2 = userdata:000002AFC16107B0 (meta 000002AFC175C4E0} 4 = false 4 = table:000002AFC1758850 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1703288 2 = userdata:000002AFC17585A0 (meta 000002AFC14653C8} 4 = false 5 = table:000002AFC1651D58 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC1703288 2 = userdata:000002AFC172F760 (meta 000002AFC1758CC8} 4 = false 6 = table:000002AFC14D5DF0 firstTable 1() = 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CHATTER_END_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 3899 CHATTER_END_GUILDKIOSK_PURCHASE = 3999 CHATTER_END_HARVEST = 3099 CHATTER_END_HIDEYHOLE = 4399 CHATTER_END_KEEP = 2099 CHATTER_END_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 2699 CHATTER_END_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 3599 CHATTER_END_KEEP_PIECE = 1099 CHATTER_END_KEEP_TRAVEL = 2199 CHATTER_END_LOCK = 2899 CHATTER_END_LOOT = 799 CHATTER_END_MAIL = 999 CHATTER_END_NEW_QUEST_BESTOWAL = 299 CHATTER_END_PAY_BOUNTY = 599 CHATTER_END_PICKPOCKET = 4199 CHATTER_END_REPAIR_ALL = 4299 CHATTER_END_RETRAIT = 4719 CHATTER_END_SHOP = 699 CHATTER_END_SIEGE = 1199 CHATTER_END_SKILL_RESPEC = 4729 CHATTER_END_STABLE = 3199 CHATTER_END_TALK = 199 CHATTER_END_TRADINGHOUSE = 3499 CHATTER_END_TREASURE_MAP = 4749 CHATTER_END_TRIBUTE = 4799 CHATTER_END_USE_CLEMENCY = 4499 CHATTER_END_USE_FURNITURE = 4609 CHATTER_END_USE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS = 4509 CHATTER_EXIT_HIDEYHOLE = 4301 CHATTER_FEED_MOUNT = 3102 CHATTER_FISH_BITE = 3202 CHATTER_FISH_NIBBLE = 3203 CHATTER_FISH_REEL_IN = 3201 CHATTER_FORCE_LOCK = 2802 CHATTER_GENERIC_ACCEPT = 42 CHATTER_GIVE_ITEM_COMPLETE = 401 CHATTER_GOODBYE = 10000 CHATTER_GUILDKIOSK_IN_TRANSITION = 3902 CHATTER_IMPROVE_ITEM = 2905 CHATTER_INVALID = 0 CHATTER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHATTER_ITERATION_END = 10000 CHATTER_LOCK_PICK_BROKEN = 2804 CHATTER_LOOT_ADD_RADIUS_TARGET = 704 CHATTER_LOOT_ALL = 701 CHATTER_LOOT_ALL_NON_STOLEN = 702 CHATTER_LOOT_ITEM = 703 CHATTER_LOOT_REMOVE_RADIUS_TARGET = 705 CHATTER_LOOT_UPDATE = 707 CHATTER_MAX_VALUE = 10000 CHATTER_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHATTER_OFFER_QUEST_BESTOWAL = 201 CHATTER_OPEN_GUILDBANK = 3301 CHATTER_OPEN_MAIL = 901 CHATTER_OPEN_SKILL_RESPEC = 4721 CHATTER_OPEN_TRADINGHOUSE = 3401 CHATTER_OPTION_ERROR = table:000002AFC23619C8 firstTable 102 = 7857 103 = 7858 104 = 7859 105 = 7857 107 = 7860 108 = 7861 111 = 7857 112 = 7857 3902 = 7862 CHATTER_PACKUP_SIEGE = 1104 CHATTER_PICK_LOCK = 2803 CHATTER_PLACE_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 3801 CHATTER_PROMPT_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 1601 CHATTER_PROMPT_CRAFT = 2901 CHATTER_PROMPT_DYE_STATION = 801 CHATTER_PROMPT_LOCK = 2801 CHATTER_PROMPT_RETRAIT = 4701 CHATTER_PURCHASE_GUILDKIOSK = 3901 CHATTER_REPAIR_SIEGE = 1102 CHATTER_RESEARCH_ITEM = 2904 CHATTER_RESET = 2 CHATTER_RESET_DURATION = 3 CHATTER_SHOW_BOOK = 2501 CHATTER_SHOW_GRAVEYARD_TRAVEL = 2401 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 2601 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 3501 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_TRAVEL = 2101 CHATTER_SHOW_TREASURE_MAP = 4741 CHATTER_START_ADVANCE_COMPLETABLE_QUEST_CONDITIONS = 4000 CHATTER_START_ANTIQUITY_DIG_SPOT = 4750 CHATTER_START_ANTIQUITY_SCRYING = 4760 CHATTER_START_ARMORY = 4780 CHATTER_START_ATTRIBUTE_RESPEC = 4730 CHATTER_START_BANK = 1200 CHATTER_START_BOOK = 2500 CHATTER_START_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 1600 CHATTER_START_COMPANION_MENU = 4770 CHATTER_START_COMPLETE_QUEST = 300 CHATTER_START_CRAFT = 2900 CHATTER_START_DOOR = 2700 CHATTER_START_DYE_STATION = 800 CHATTER_START_FISH = 3200 CHATTER_START_GIVE_ITEM = 400 CHATTER_START_GRAVEYARD_TRAVEL = 2400 CHATTER_START_GUILDBANK = 3300 CHATTER_START_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 3800 CHATTER_START_GUILDKIOSK_PURCHASE = 3900 CHATTER_START_HARVEST = 3000 CHATTER_START_HIDEYHOLE = 4300 CHATTER_START_KEEP = 2000 CHATTER_START_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 2600 CHATTER_START_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 3500 CHATTER_START_KEEP_PIECE = 1000 CHATTER_START_KEEP_TRAVEL = 2100 CHATTER_START_LOCK = 2800 CHATTER_START_LOOT = 700 CHATTER_START_MAIL = 900 CHATTER_START_NEW_QUEST_BESTOWAL = 200 CHATTER_START_PAY_BOUNTY = 500 CHATTER_START_PICKPOCKET = 4100 CHATTER_START_REPAIR_ALL = 4200 CHATTER_START_RETRAIT = 4700 CHATTER_START_SHOP = 600 CHATTER_START_SIEGE = 1100 CHATTER_START_SKILL_RESPEC = 4720 CHATTER_START_STABLE = 3100 CHATTER_START_TALK = 100 CHATTER_START_TRADINGHOUSE = 3400 CHATTER_START_TREASURE_MAP = 4740 CHATTER_START_TRIBUTE = 4790 CHATTER_START_USE_CLEMENCY = 4400 CHATTER_START_USE_FURNITURE = 4600 CHATTER_START_USE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS = 4500 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE = 101 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_ATTRIBUTE_RESPEC = 112 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_BEGIN_SKILL_RESPEC = 111 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_CLEMENCY_COOLDOWN = 108 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_CLEMENCY_DISABLED = 107 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_INTIMIDATE_DISABLED = 103 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_MONEY = 102 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_PAY_BOUNTY = 105 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_PERSUADE_DISABLED = 104 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS_UNAVAILABLE = 110 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_USE_CLEMENCY = 106 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_USE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS = 109 CHATTER_USE_COLLECTIBLE_ON_COMPANION = 4771 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED = 0 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED_FOR_LOCAL_PLAYER = 1 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED_ONLY_FROM_CONTACTS = 2 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 3 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_SPEED_MODIFIER = 3 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 48 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_BLOCK_ABSORBED_DEFEND = 58 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DEATH = 61 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DIRECT_DAMAGE = 51 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DIRECT_HEAL = 53 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DODGE_PARRY_MISS = 57 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DOT = 52 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DRAIN = 56 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_ENERGIZE = 55 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_EXPERIENCE = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_GAINED_EFFECT = 49 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_HOT = 54 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_LOST_EFFECT = 50 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_OTHER = 60 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_RANK_POINTS = 47 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_RESIST = 59 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_TELVAR_STONES = 46 CHAT_CATEGORY_EMOTE = 8 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_1 = 10 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_2 = 11 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_3 = 12 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_4 = 13 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_5 = 14 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_CHANNELS = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_COMBAT = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_GUILDS = 10 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_ITERATION_END = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_MAX_VALUE = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 61 CHAT_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 61 CHAT_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_EMOTE = 44 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_SAY = 41 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_WHISPER = 43 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_YELL = 42 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_1 = 15 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_2 = 16 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_3 = 17 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_4 = 18 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_5 = 19 CHAT_CATEGORY_PARTY = 7 CHAT_CATEGORY_SAY = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_SYSTEM = 9 CHAT_CATEGORY_WHISPER_INCOMING = 3 CHAT_CATEGORY_WHISPER_OUTGOING = 4 CHAT_CATEGORY_YELL = 2 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE = 6 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_ENGLISH = 20 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_FRENCH = 21 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_GERMAN = 22 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_JAPANESE = 23 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_RUSSIAN = 24 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_SPANISH = 25 CHAT_CHANNEL_EMOTE = 6 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_1 = 12 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_2 = 13 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_3 = 14 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_4 = 15 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_5 = 16 CHAT_CHANNEL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHAT_CHANNEL_ITERATION_END = 37 CHAT_CHANNEL_MAX_VALUE = 37 CHAT_CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_EMOTE = 10 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_SAY = 7 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_WHISPER = 9 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_YELL = 8 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_1 = 17 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_2 = 18 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_3 = 19 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_4 = 20 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_5 = 21 CHAT_CHANNEL_PARTY = 3 CHAT_CHANNEL_SAY = 0 CHAT_CHANNEL_SYSTEM = 11 CHAT_CHANNEL_UNUSED_1 = 5 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_1 = 22 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_2 = 23 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_3 = 24 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_4 = 25 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_5 = 26 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_6 = 27 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_7 = 28 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_8 = 29 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_9 = 30 CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER = 2 CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER_SENT = 4 CHAT_CHANNEL_YELL = 1 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE = 31 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_1 = 32 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_2 = 33 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_3 = 34 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_4 = 35 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_5 = 36 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_6 = 37 CHAT_MENU_GAMEPAD = table:000002AFD3300F90 (meta 000002AFD32DFD70} CHAT_MENU_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:000002AFD3300FD8 (meta 000002AFBF391D08} CHAT_OPTIONS = table:000002AFBF8611E8 (meta 000002AFBF875518} firstTable firstMeta CHAT_ROUTER = table:000002AFBF88B4D0 (meta 000002AFBF88AA60} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:000002AEA61A2EB8 firstTable AddCommandPrefix = table:000002AEA61A3170 firstTable 1 = table:000002AEA61A3260 firstTable 1() = function:000002AEA61A3128 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC47EC7A0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC47EC758 4 = false FormattedChatMessage = table:000002AEA61A2F00 firstTable 1 = table:000002AEA61A2F78 firstTable 1() = function:000002AEA61A2E70 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC47EC5F0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC47EC5A8 4 = false 3 = table:000002AFD3308268 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFD3308080 4 = false TargetAddedToChannel = table:000002AEA61A3050 firstTable 1 = table:000002AEA61A3098 firstTable 1() = function:000002AEA61A3008 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC47EC6C8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC47EC680 4 = false currentChannel = table:000002AFBF866DB0 dirtyEvents = table:000002AFD3313F10 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hasRegisteredEvent = table:000002AFBF88B560 firstTable 131105 = true 131199 = true 131206 = true 131208 = true 131300 = true 131421 = true 131618 = true 327683 = true 327691 = true 327692 = true 327700 = true registeredMessageFormatters = table:000002AFBF88B518 firstTable 131105() = function:000002AFBF886F50 131199() = function:000002AFBF88A820 131206() = function:000002AFBF88A960 131208() = function:000002AFBF88A7E0 131300() = function:000002AFBF88A9A0 131421() = function:000002AFBF88A6E0 131618() = function:000002AFBF88A920 327683() = function:000002AFBF88A720 327691() = function:000002AFBF88A760 327692() = function:000002AFBF88A7A0 327700() = function:000002AFBF88A8A0 AddSystemMessage() = function:000002AFBF88A9E0 AddTranscriptMessage() = function:000002AFBF88AA20 CHAT_SYSTEM = table:000002AEA61A1168 (meta 000002AEA6190530} CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_ADDITIVE = 1 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_COLOR_DODGE = 2 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_ITERATION_END = 2 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_NORMAL = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_ANIMATED = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_FULL = 1 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_ITERATION_END = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_STATIC_CELLS = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_RING = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE_COLOR = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE_COLOR_FADING = 1 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_HEADSET = 3 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_INVALID = 7 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 7 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD = 1 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_KEYPAD = 5 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 7 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_MOUSE = 2 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_MOUSEPAD = 4 CHROMA_DEVICE_TYPE_SYSTEM = 6 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 2 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 4 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 5 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 5 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 5 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 3 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 2 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM_KEY = 8 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_REACTIVE = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_RESERVED = 7 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 5 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 6 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_A = 770 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_B = 1031 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_BACKSPACE = 270 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_C = 1029 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_CAPSLOCK = 769 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_D = 772 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_DELETE = 527 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_DOWN = 1296 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_E = 516 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_END = 528 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ENTER = 782 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ESC = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_EUR_1_KOR_2 = 781 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_EUR_2_KOR_3 = 1026 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F = 773 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F1 = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F10 = 12 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F11 = 13 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F12 = 14 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F2 = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F3 = 5 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F4 = 6 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F5 = 7 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F6 = 8 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F7 = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F8 = 10 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F9 = 11 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_FN = 1292 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_G = 774 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_H = 775 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_HOME = 272 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_I = 521 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_INSERT = 271 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_INVALID = 65535 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ITERATION_END = 65535 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_J = 776 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_1_KOR_1 = 21 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_2_KOR_4 = 1037 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_3_KOR_5 = 1284 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_4_KOR_6 = 1289 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_5_KOR_7 = 1290 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_K = 777 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_L = 778 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LALT = 1283 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LCTRL = 1281 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT = 1295 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LSHIFT = 1025 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LWIN = 1282 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_M = 1033 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO1 = 256 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO2 = 512 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO3 = 768 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO4 = 1024 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO5 = 1280 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MAX_VALUE = 65535 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_N = 1032 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM0 = 267 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM1 = 258 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM2 = 259 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM3 = 260 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM4 = 261 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM5 = 262 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM6 = 263 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM7 = 264 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM8 = 265 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM9 = 266 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMLOCK = 274 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD0 = 1299 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD1 = 1042 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD2 = 1043 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD3 = 1044 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD4 = 786 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD5 = 787 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD6 = 788 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD7 = 530 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD8 = 531 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD9 = 532 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_ADD = 533 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_DECIMAL = 1300 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_DIVIDE = 275 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_ENTER = 1045 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY = 276 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT = 277 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_O = 522 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_1 = 257 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_10 = 1035 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_11 = 1036 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_2 = 268 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_3 = 269 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_4 = 524 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_5 = 525 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_6 = 526 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_7 = 779 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_8 = 780 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_9 = 1034 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_P = 523 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PAGEDOWN = 529 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PAGEUP = 273 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PAUSE = 17 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PRINTSCREEN = 15 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_Q = 514 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_R = 517 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RALT = 1291 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RCTRL = 1294 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT = 1297 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RMENU = 1293 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RSHIFT = 1038 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_S = 771 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_SCROLL = 16 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_SPACE = 1287 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_T = 518 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_TAB = 513 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_U = 520 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_UP = 1040 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_V = 1030 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_W = 515 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_X = 1028 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_Y = 519 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_Z = 1027 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_INVALID = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_END = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_LONG = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MAX_VALUE = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MEDIUM = 2 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_SHORT = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 2 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 2 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 7 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 7 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 7 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_REACTIVE = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 4 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 5 CHROMA_KEYPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 6 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_INVALID = 4 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_END = 4 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_LONG = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MAX_VALUE = 4 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MEDIUM = 2 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_SHORT = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 2 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 2 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 6 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 4 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 5 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM1 = 1537 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM2 = 1538 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM3 = 1539 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM4 = 1540 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM5 = 1541 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_INVALID = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_ITERATION_END = 1541 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE1 = 256 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE2 = 512 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE3 = 768 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE4 = 1024 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE5 = 1280 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_MAX_VALUE = 1541 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE1 = 262 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE2 = 518 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE3 = 774 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE4 = 1030 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE5 = 1286 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ONE_COLOR = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_BLINKING = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM2 = 8 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 9 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 9 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 9 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_REACTIVE = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 5 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 6 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 7 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BACKLIGHT = 1027 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM1 = 2049 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM2 = 2050 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM3 = 2051 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM4 = 2052 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM5 = 2053 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_INVALID = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_ITERATION_END = 2053 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE1 = 256 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE2 = 512 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE3 = 768 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE4 = 1024 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE5 = 1280 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE6 = 1536 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE7 = 1792 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LOGO = 1795 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_MAX_VALUE = 2053 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE1 = 262 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE2 = 518 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE3 = 774 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE4 = 1030 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE5 = 1286 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE6 = 1542 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE7 = 1798 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_SCROLLWHEEL = 515 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_LONG = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MEDIUM = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_SHORT = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_BACK_TO_FRONT = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_FRONT_TO_BACK = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_CAMPAIGN_NOT_READY = 4 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_DUPLICATE_CLAIM_IN_PROGRESS = 8 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_GUILD_ALREADY_HAS_KEEP = 16 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION = 11 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INTERNAL_ERROR = 12 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_WORLD = 3 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 16 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_ALREADY_CLAIMED = 7 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 5 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_CLAIMABLE = 6 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_OWNED_BY_ALLIANCE = 14 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_OWNED_BY_GUILD_ALLIANCE = 15 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 16 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_IN_CAMPAIGN = 2 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_IN_GUILD = 10 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_SOCIAL_DISABLED = 9 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_STILL_ON_COOLDOWN = 13 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS = 1 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_CHOICE_INVALID_DEFS = 11 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_CHOICE_INVALID_TYPE = 12 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_CHOICE_MISSING = 10 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_FAILED_REQ = 2 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_INVALID = 0 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_INVALID_CHOICE = 9 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_INVALID_LEVEL = 14 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITEM_INVALID_DEFS = 4 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITEM_INVALID_QUANTITY = 7 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITEM_INVALID_REQUIRED_LEVEL = 6 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE = 5 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITEM_UNIQUENESS_FAILURE = 8 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 14 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 14 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_NO_DAILY_LOGIN_REWARD_FOUND = 13 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_NO_PENDING_REWARD = 3 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_SUCCESS = 1 CLEAR_CURSOR_FRAGMENT = table:000002AFC1F67F28 (meta 000002AE851C9EF8} CLIENT_INPUT = table:000002AFBED6B2C0 (meta 000002AFBED67CB0} CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_ANTIQUITY_DIGGING_NO_INVENTORY_SPACE = 18 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_CANT_SWIM_AND_FISH = 7 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_CANT_WHILE_FALLING = 25 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_CANT_WHILE_SWIMMING = 24 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_DONT_OWN_HOUSE_BANK = 17 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_FAIL_DOOR_REQ = 8 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CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_SUSPICIOUS = 12 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_WEREWOLF = 14 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_WEREWOLF_UNABLE_TO_CRAFT = 15 CLOSE_ACTIONS_INTERCEPT_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:000002AF3BFCFC00 (meta 000002AF3BFCFAE8} CLUTTER_QUALITY_HIGH = 3 CLUTTER_QUALITY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CLUTTER_QUALITY_ITERATION_END = 4 CLUTTER_QUALITY_LOW = 1 CLUTTER_QUALITY_MAX_VALUE = 4 CLUTTER_QUALITY_MEDIUM = 2 CLUTTER_QUALITY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CLUTTER_QUALITY_OFF = 0 CLUTTER_QUALITY_ULTRA = 4 CODEX_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:000002AF3BFCA598 (meta 000002AE851C9918} COLLECTIBLE_ASSOCIATED_QUEST_STATE_ACCEPTED = 2 COLLECTIBLE_ASSOCIATED_QUEST_STATE_COMPLETED = 3 COLLECTIBLE_ASSOCIATED_QUEST_STATE_INACTIVE = 1 COLLECTIBLE_ASSOCIATED_QUEST_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ASSOCIATED_QUEST_STATE_ITERATION_END = 3 COLLECTIBLE_ASSOCIATED_QUEST_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 3 COLLECTIBLE_ASSOCIATED_QUEST_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ASSOCIATED_QUEST_STATE_NO_QUEST = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_DLC = 1 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_HOUSING = 2 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_ITERATION_END = 4 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_MAX_VALUE = 4 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_NONE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_OUTFIT_STYLES = 3 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_TRIBUTE_PATRONS = 4 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ABILITY_SKIN = 23 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ACCOUNT_SERVICE = 7 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ACCOUNT_UPGRADE = 6 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ASSISTANT = 8 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_BODY_MARKING = 18 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_CHAPTER = 22 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_COMBINATION_FRAGMENT = 26 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_COMPANION = 27 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_COSTUME = 4 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_DLC = 1 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_EMOTE = 21 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_FACIAL_ACCESSORY = 15 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_FACIAL_HAIR_HORNS = 14 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_FURNITURE = 20 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HAIR = 13 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HAT = 10 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HEAD_MARKING = 17 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HOUSE = 19 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HOUSE_BANK = 25 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_INVALID = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 28 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 28 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MEMENTO = 5 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MOUNT = 2 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_OUTFIT_STYLE = 24 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_PERSONALITY = 9 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_PIERCING_JEWELRY = 16 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_POLYMORPH = 12 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_SKIN = 11 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_TRIBUTE_PATRON = 28 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_TROPHY = 5 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_VANITY_PET = 3 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_ALWAYS = 1 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_ITERATION_END = 3 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 3 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_NONE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_WHEN_LOCKED = 2 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_WHEN_LOCKED_REQUIREMENT = 3 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_FISH = 1 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_NONE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_TROPHY = 2 COLLECTIBLE_LINK_TYPE = collectible COLLECTIBLE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 20 COLLECTIBLE_NAME_MIN_LENGTH = 1 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_ALLIANCE = 2 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_CLASS = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_GENDER = 0 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_RACE = 1 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_ITERATION_END = 3 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_LOCKED = 0 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table:000002AEE756D3C8 60 = table:000002AE8608EB98 firstTable bottom = 2635 data = table:000002AE8608E918 (meta 000002AFBEDC2EC0} firstTable actorCategory = 1 dataEntry = table:000002AE8608EB98 dataSource = table:000002AFBFB445E8 (meta 000002AFBF99B520} gridHeaderName = Not Collected gridHeaderTemplate = ZO_GridScrollList_Entry_Header_Keyboard left = 370 right = 545 top = 2510 typeId = 1 61 = table:000002AE8608EE70 firstTable bottom = 2770 data = table:000002AE8608EBF0 (meta 000002AFBEDC2EC0} firstTable actorCategory = 1 dataEntry = table:000002AE8608EE70 dataSource = table:000002AFBFBA9208 (meta 000002AFBF99B520} gridHeaderName = Not Collected gridHeaderTemplate = ZO_GridScrollList_Entry_Header_Keyboard left = 0 right = 175 top = 2645 typeId = 1 62 = table:000002AE8608F148 firstTable bottom = 2770 data = table:000002AE8608EEC8 (meta 000002AFBEDC2EC0} firstTable actorCategory = 1 dataEntry = table:000002AE8608F148 dataSource = table:000002AFBFBA45A0 (meta 000002AFBF99B520} gridHeaderName = Not Collected gridHeaderTemplate = ZO_GridScrollList_Entry_Header_Keyboard left = 185 right = 360 top = 2645 typeId = 1 63 = table:000002AE8608F420 firstTable bottom = 2770 data = table:000002AE8608F1A0 (meta 000002AFBEDC2EC0} firstTable actorCategory = 1 dataEntry = table:000002AE8608F420 dataSource = table:000002AFBFAD0498 (meta 000002AFBF99B520} gridHeaderName = Not Collected gridHeaderTemplate = ZO_GridScrollList_Entry_Header_Keyboard left = 370 right = 545 top = 2645 typeId = 1 64 = table:000002AE8608F6F8 firstTable bottom = 2905 data = table:000002AE8608F478 (meta 000002AFBEDC2EC0} firstTable actorCategory = 1 dataEntry = table:000002AE8608F6F8 dataSource = table:000002AFBFAD1298 (meta 000002AFBF99B520} gridHeaderName = Not Collected gridHeaderTemplate = ZO_GridScrollList_Entry_Header_Keyboard left = 0 right = 175 top = 2780 typeId = 1 65 = table:000002AE8608F9D0 firstTable bottom = 2905 data = table:000002AE8608F750 (meta 000002AFBEDC2EC0} firstTable actorCategory = 1 dataEntry = table:000002AE8608F9D0 dataSource = table:000002AFBFBA1D08 (meta 000002AFBF99B520} gridHeaderName = Not Collected gridHeaderTemplate = ZO_GridScrollList_Entry_Header_Keyboard left = 185 right = 360 top = 2780 typeId = 1 66 = table:000002AEE7574158 firstTable bottom = 2905 data = table:000002AE8608FA28 (meta 000002AFBEDC2EC0} firstTable actorCategory = 1 dataEntry = table:000002AEE7574158 dataSource = table:000002AFBFBAC310 (meta 000002AFBF99B520} gridHeaderName = Not Collected gridHeaderTemplate = ZO_GridScrollList_Entry_Header_Keyboard left = 370 right = 545 top = 2780 typeId = 1 67 = table:000002AEE75743B0 firstTable bottom = 3040 data = table:000002AEE75742E8 (meta 000002AFBEDC2EC0} firstTable actorCategory = 1 dataEntry = table:000002AEE75743B0 dataSource = table:000002AFBFAD13C8 (meta 000002AFBF99B520} gridHeaderName = Not Collected gridHeaderTemplate = ZO_GridScrollList_Entry_Header_Keyboard left = 0 right = 175 top = 2915 typeId = 1 68 = table:000002AE86090618 firstTable bottom = 3040 data = table:000002AEE75740B0 firstTable dataEntry = table:000002AE86090618 gridHeaderData = Not Collected isEmptyCell = true left = 185 right = 360 top = 2915 typeId = 1 69 = table:000002AE860907B8 firstTable bottom = 3040 data = table:000002AEE75740F8 firstTable dataEntry = table:000002AE860907B8 gridHeaderData = Not Collected isEmptyCell = true left = 370 right = 545 top = 2915 typeId = 1 7 = table:000002AEE756D4A0 8 = table:000002AEE756F3A0 9 = table:000002AEE756F678 dataTypes = table:000002AEE7558E40 firstTable 1 = table:000002AEE7559380 (meta 000002AFBEE56EF8} firstTable controlHeight = 125 controlWidth = 175 indentX = 0 pool = table:000002AEE755B5F0 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AEE755B638 firstTable 1 = userdata:000002AEE7574418 (meta 000002AEE756E5E0} 10 = userdata:000002AE860A23D0 (meta 000002AE860A3D28} 11 = userdata:000002AE860A3DE8 (meta 000002AE860A58A0} 12 = userdata:000002AE860A5960 (meta 000002AE860A7358} 13 = userdata:000002AE860A7418 (meta 000002AE860A8E10} 14 = userdata:000002AE860A8ED0 (meta 000002AE860AA8C8} 15 = userdata:000002AE860AA988 (meta 000002AE860ADE00} 2 = userdata:000002AEE756E648 (meta 000002AE86097C58} 3 = userdata:000002AE86097CC0 (meta 000002AE86099208} 4 = userdata:000002AE86099270 (meta 000002AE8609AB18} 5 = userdata:000002AE8609AB80 (meta 000002AE8609DDC0} 6 = userdata:000002AE8609DE28 (meta 000002AEE75735F8} 7 = userdata:000002AEE756F4C0 (meta 000002AE8609EDF0} 8 = userdata:000002AE8609EE58 (meta 000002AE860A08B0} 9 = userdata:000002AE860A0918 (meta 000002AE860A2310} m_Factory() = function:000002AEE75593C8 m_Free = table:000002AEE755B680 firstTable m_NextControlId = 15 m_NextFree = 16 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF4FE048 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFBF4FE008 spacingX = 10 spacingY = 10 templateName = ZO_CollectibleTile_Keyboard_Control 2 = table:000002AEE755B6C8 (meta 000002AFBEE56EF8} firstTable controlHeight = 125 controlWidth = 175 indentX = 0 pool = table:000002AEE755BD28 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AEE755BD70 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AEE755B710 m_Free = table:000002AEE755BDB8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF4FE048 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000002AFBF4FE008 spacingX = 10 spacingY = 10 templateName = ZO_CollectibleSetDefaultTile_Keyboard_Control 3 = table:000002AEE755C730 (meta 000002AFBEE56630} firstTable categoryHeader = true controlHeight = 30 indentX = 0 pool = table:000002AEE755C840 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AEE755C888 firstTable 1 = userdata:000002AE86093CA0 (meta 000002AE86090660} m_Factory() = function:000002AEE755C778 m_Free = table:000002AEE755C8D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:000002AFBF1F0CB0 selectable = false setupCallback() = function:000002AFBEF39190 spacingX = 0 spacingY = 0 templateName = ZO_GridScrollList_Entry_Header_Keyboard deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000002AEE7558BD8 (meta 000002AFBEBB0BC8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false isScrollBarEthereal = false mode = 3 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000002AEE7558970 (meta 000002AEE7558C30} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000002AEE7558CF8 (meta 000002AFBEC09D50} targetAlpha = 0.5 timeline = userdata:000002AEE7558CC8 (meta 000002AFBEB90828} timeline = userdata:000002AEE7558C98 (meta 000002AFBEB90828} uniformControlHeight = -1 upButton = userdata:000002AEE7558B38 (meta 000002AFBEBB0BC8} useFadeGradient = true useScrollbar = true visibleData = table:000002AEE7559248 firstTable 1 = 1 10 = 10 11 = 11 12 = 12 13 = 13 14 = 14 15 = 15 16 = 16 17 = 17 18 = 18 19 = 19 2 = 2 20 = 20 21 = 21 22 = 22 23 = 23 24 = 24 25 = 25 26 = 26 27 = 27 28 = 28 29 = 29 3 = 3 30 = 30 31 = 31 32 = 32 33 = 33 34 = 34 35 = 35 36 = 36 37 = 37 38 = 38 39 = 39 4 = 4 40 = 40 41 = 41 42 = 42 43 = 43 44 = 44 45 = 45 46 = 46 47 = 47 48 = 48 49 = 49 5 = 5 50 = 50 51 = 51 52 = 52 53 = 53 54 = 54 55 = 55 56 = 56 57 = 57 58 = 58 59 = 59 6 = 6 60 = 60 61 = 61 62 = 62 63 = 63 64 = 64 65 = 65 66 = 66 67 = 67 68 = 68 69 = 69 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 = 9 yDistanceFromEdgeWhereSelectionCausesScroll = 150 nextOperationId = 4 numCellsPerRow = 3 scrollbar = userdata:000002AEE7558970 (meta 000002AEE7558C30} templateOperationIds = table:000002AEE755E510 firstTable ZO_CollectibleSetDefaultTile_Keyboard_Control = 2 ZO_CollectibleTile_Keyboard_Control = 1 ZO_GridScrollList_Entry_Header_Keyboard = 3 noMatches = userdata:000002AEE7559038 (meta 000002AFBEBC86A8} refreshGroups = table:000002AEE755A3C8 (meta 000002AFBEF27CF8} firstTable currentlyRefreshing = false refreshGroups = table:000002AEE755A410 firstTable CollectibleUpdated = table:000002AEE755A688 firstTable RefreshSingle() = function:000002AEE755A6D0 dirtySingles = table:000002AEE755A718 firstTable wasShown = false FullUpdate = table:000002AEE755A4B0 firstTable 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table:000002AF994E6488 firstTable font = ZoFontHeader 3 = table:000002AF994E6500 firstTable font = ZoFontGameSmall forceUpdate = true categoryFlashAnimationTimeline = userdata:000002AF51618558 (meta 000002AFBEB90828} control = userdata:000002AF51613CD8 (meta 000002AFBEB9FA38} currentFilter = table:000002AF5161C1C8 currentSubFilter = table:000002AF5161C8B8 emptyLabel = userdata:000002AF51617430 (meta 000002AFBEBC86A8} filters = table:000002AF5161B440 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF5161B578 2 = table:000002AF51619FA0 3 = table:000002AF5161AB38 4 = table:000002AF5161C1C8 flashingSlots = table:000002AF51617928 firstTable freeSlotsLabel = userdata:000002AF51616D50 (meta 000002AFBEBC86A8} landingAreaControl = userdata:000002AF51619738 (meta 000002AF516174D0} list = userdata:000002AF51615038 (meta 000002AF51615DD0} listeningControls = table:000002AF51617C58 firstTable newItemData = table:000002AF5161EBD0 firstTable playerGoldLabel = userdata:000002AF51616DD8 (meta 000002AF51617718} searchBox = userdata:000002AF994E3F10 (meta 000002AF994E2DE0} sortFunction() = function:000002AF51622550 sortHeaders = table:000002AF51617888 (meta 000002AFBF3DF050} sortHeadersControl = userdata:000002AF51616070 (meta 000002AFBEB85080} subFilters = table:000002AF5161BBF0 firstTable 0 = table:000002AF5161BC38 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF5161C8B8 1 = table:000002AF5161D2D8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF5161D440 firstTable activeTabText = Restoration Staff callback() = function:000002AF5161D710 descriptor = 10 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_healStaff_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_healStaff_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_healStaff_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = Restoration Staff 2 = table:000002AF5161D880 firstTable activeTabText = Destruction Staff callback() = function:000002AF5161DB50 descriptor = 9 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_damageStaff_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_damageStaff_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_damageStaff_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = Destruction Staff 3 = table:000002AF5161DCC0 firstTable activeTabText = Bow callback() = function:000002AF5161DF90 descriptor = 11 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_bow_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_bow_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_bow_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = Bow 4 = table:000002AF5161E148 firstTable activeTabText = Two-Handed Melee callback() = function:000002AF5161E190 descriptor = 8 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_2handed_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_2handed_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_2handed_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = Two-Handed Melee 5 = table:000002AF5161E300 firstTable activeTabText = One-Handed Melee callback() = function:000002AF5161E348 descriptor = 6 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_1handed_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_1handed_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_1handed_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = One-Handed Melee 6 = table:000002AF5161FE58 firstTable activeTabText = All callback() = function:000002AF51620128 descriptor = 0 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = All 2 = table:000002AF516201A8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF516202E0 firstTable activeTabText = Shield callback() = function:000002AF516205B0 descriptor = 7 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_shield_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_shield_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_shield_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = Shield 2 = table:000002AF51620720 firstTable activeTabText = Heavy Armor callback() = function:000002AF516209F0 descriptor = 3 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armorHeavy_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armorHeavy_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armorHeavy_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = Heavy Armor 3 = table:000002AF51620B60 firstTable activeTabText = Medium Armor callback() = function:000002AF51620E30 descriptor = 2 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armorMedium_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armorMedium_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armorMedium_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = Medium Armor 4 = table:000002AF51620FE8 firstTable activeTabText = Light Armor callback() = function:000002AF516212B8 descriptor = 1 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armorLight_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armorLight_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_armorLight_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = Light Armor 5 = table:000002AF51621428 firstTable activeTabText = All callback() = function:000002AF516216F8 descriptor = 0 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = All 3 = table:000002AF51620EB0 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF51621938 firstTable activeTabText = Ring callback() = function:000002AF51621C08 descriptor = 5 highlight = EsoUI/Art/TradingHouse/Tradinghouse_Apparel_Accessories_Ring_Over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/TradingHouse/Tradinghouse_Apparel_Accessories_Ring_Up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/TradingHouse/Tradinghouse_Apparel_Accessories_Ring_Down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = Ring 2 = table:000002AF51621D78 firstTable activeTabText = Neck callback() = function:000002AF51622048 descriptor = 4 highlight = EsoUI/Art/TradingHouse/Tradinghouse_Apparel_Accessories_Necklace_Over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/TradingHouse/Tradinghouse_Apparel_Accessories_Necklace_Up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/TradingHouse/Tradinghouse_Apparel_Accessories_Necklace_Down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = Neck 3 = table:000002AF516221B8 firstTable activeTabText = All callback() = function:000002AF51622488 descriptor = 0 highlight = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_over.dds isSubFilter = true normal = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_all_down.dds sortKey = statusSortOrder sortOrder = false tooltipText = All subTabs = userdata:000002AF994E31A0 (meta 000002AF51614B48} tabs = userdata:000002AF994E63C0 (meta 000002AF51614258} COMPANION_EQUIPMENT_KEYBOARD_FRAGMENT = table:000002AF5161EFE0 (meta 000002AFBF3BE198} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000002AF5161F158 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000002AF5161F288 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000002AF5161F360 firstTable StateChange = table:000002AF5161F3A8 firstTable 1 = table:000002AF5161F420 firstTable 1() = function:000002AF5161F318 4 = false control = userdata:000002AF51613CD8 (meta 000002AFBEB9FA38} duration = 200 state = hidden COMPANION_FOOTER_GAMEPAD = table:000002AE860C7568 (meta 000002AE860C6298} firstTable firstMeta companionIcon = userdata:000002AE860C7C08 (meta 000002AFBEBD4760} companionNameLabel = userdata:000002AE860C8520 (meta 000002AE860C7438} firstMeta firstIndex GetFonts() = function:000002AFBF43F680 MarkDirty() = function:000002AFBF43C2C0 SetText() = function:000002AFBF1CD158 fonts = table:000002AE860C8530 firstTable 1 = table:000002AE860C71C0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad42 lineLimit = 1 2 = table:000002AE860C7260 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 lineLimit = 1 3 = table:000002AE860C7300 firstTable dontUseForAdjusting = true font = ZoFontGamepad34 lineLimit = 1 forceUpdate = true control = userdata:000002AE860C71B0 (meta 000002AFBEB9FA38} levelLabel = userdata:000002AE860C7C98 (meta 000002AFBEBC86A8} xpBar = table:000002AE860C8E48 (meta 000002AFBEE6A9B0} firstTable onAnimationFinishedCallback() = function:000002AE860C8F18 onLevelChangedCallback() = function:000002AE860C75B0 statusBar = userdata:000002AE860C7D28 (meta 000002AE860C82C0} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:000002AE860C7DB8 (meta 000002AFBEBC2BC0} COMPANION_FOOTER_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:000002AE860C91D0 (meta 000002AFBF3BE198} COMPANION_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:000002AF60C7C818 (meta 000002AFBF3BE198} COMPANION_KEYBOARD = table:000002AE860BE810 (meta 000002AE860BEDF0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000002AE860C3E18 (meta 000002AFBEB9FA38} iconData = table:000002AE860C4E68 firstTable 1 = table:000002AE860C4EE8 firstTable categoryName = 9311 descriptor = companionCharacterKeyboard disabled = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_character_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_character_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_character_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_character_down.dds statusIcon() = function:000002AE860C5078 2 = table:000002AE860C50B8 firstTable categoryName = 9314 descriptor = companionSkillsKeyboard disabled = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_skills_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_skills_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_skills_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_skills_down.dds statusIcon() = function:000002AE860C3E70 3 = table:000002AE860C5248 firstTable categoryName = 9315 descriptor = companionCollectionBookKeyboard disabled = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_collections_disabled.dds highlight = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_collections_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_collections_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/Companion/Keyboard/companion_collections_down.dds statusIcon() = function:000002AE860C53D8 menuBar = userdata:000002AE860C20C8 (meta 000002AE860C2238} menuHeader = userdata:000002AE860C2048 (meta 000002AFBEB85080} tabs = table:000002AE860C4D80 (meta 000002AFBF474208} firstTable firstMeta buttonData = table:000002AE860C55B0 firstTable label = userdata:000002AE860C2150 (meta 000002AFBEBC86A8} menuBarControl = userdata:000002AE860C20C8 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table:000002AFC1D9E698 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFC1D9E588 m_Free = table:000002AFC1D9E6E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 areaQuestPins = table:000002AFC1D9D8B0 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFC1D9D8F8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFC1D9D7E8 m_Free = table:000002AFC1D9D940 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 areaZoneStorySuggestionPins = table:000002AFC1D9E220 (meta 000002AFBF1E7438} firstTable m_Active = table:000002AFC1D9E268 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000002AFC1D9E158 m_Free = table:000002AFC1D9E2B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 areaOverride = userdata:000002AFC1D9B1E8 (meta 000002AFBEBE4AC8} areaOverrideAnimation = userdata:000002AFC1D9BAE8 (meta 000002AFBEB90828} areaOverrideLabel = userdata:000002AFC1D9B258 (meta 000002AFBEBC86A8} centerOverPinLabel = userdata:000002AFC1D9B178 (meta 000002AFBEBC86A8} centerOverPinLabelAnimation = userdata:000002AFC1D9D2D8 (meta 000002AFBEB90828} 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function:000002AFBEBF9BA8 GetBottom() = function:000002AFBEBF8810 GetCaustic() = function:000002AFBEBFA2E0 GetCausticOffset() = function:000002AFBEBFA350 GetCenter() = function:000002AFBEBF8848 GetCenterOveredPinDescription() = function:000002AFBEBF83D0 GetCenterOveredPinDistance() = function:000002AFBEBF8610 GetCenterOveredPinInfo() = function:000002AFBEBF84C0 GetCenterOveredPinLayerAndLevel() = function:000002AFBEBF8590 GetCenterOveredPinType() = function:000002AFBEBF8448 GetChild() = function:000002AFBEBF8A68 GetClampedToScreen() = function:000002AFBEBF9248 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000002AFBEBF9788 GetControlAlpha() = function:000002AFBEBF9A90 GetControlScale() = function:000002AFBEBF8EC8 GetControlSpace() = function:000002AFBEBFA3F8 GetDesiredHeight() = function:000002AFBEBF8730 GetDesiredWidth() = function:000002AFBEBF86F8 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:000002AFBEBF9868 GetDimensions() = function:000002AFBEBF89F8 GetDrawLayer() = function:000002AFBEBF8D08 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CRAFTING_RESULT_REFINE_SUCCESS = 3 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_FEW_REAGENTS = 107 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_LOW_LEVEL_FOR_STYLE = 139 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_CRAFTING_INPUTS = 135 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_CRAFTING_ITERATIONS = 134 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_CRAFTING_RESULTS = 136 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_REAGENTS = 108 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_RESEARCH = 123 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_RECIPE = 100 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_SKILL_DECONSTRUCT = 34 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_SKILL_REFINE = 73 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_ADDITIVE_CATEGORY = 10 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_BOOSTER = 117 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_STYLE_CRAFT = 21 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_CRAFT = 20 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_DECONSTRUCT = 31 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_REFINE = 71 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TRADESKILL_FOR_CRAFT = 13 CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY = 4 CRAFTING_TYPE_BLACKSMITHING = 1 CRAFTING_TYPE_CLOTHIER = 2 CRAFTING_TYPE_ENCHANTING = 3 CRAFTING_TYPE_INVALID = 0 CRAFTING_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CRAFTING_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 7 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4 = false 15 = table:000002AFC2DAC4A0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DAC458 4 = false 16 = table:000002AFC2DFCA48 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DFC9C8 4 = false 17 = table:000002AFC2DFE108 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DFE088 4 = false 18 = table:000002AFC2DFF6A8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DFF660 4 = false 19 = table:000002AFC2E016D8 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E01650 4 = false 2 = table:000002AFC2D1D280 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D1D238 4 = false 20 = table:000002AFC2E06158 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E06110 4 = false 21 = table:000002AFC2E07B28 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E07AA8 4 = false 22 = table:000002AFC2E0A668 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2E0A620 4 = false 23 = table:000002AFC2DECA10 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2DEC990 4 = false 24 = table:000002AFC2C5C3B0 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2B7BBA8 4 = false 25 = table:000002AFC2D9C290 firstTable 1() = function:000002AFC2D9C248 4 = false 26 = 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CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CHARACTER_ISSUE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CHARACTER_ISSUE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CHARACTER_ISSUE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CHARACTER_ISSUE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CHARACTER_ISSUE_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CHARACTER_ISSUE_CATEGORY_SKILLS_AND_ACHIEVEMENTS = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_IMPACT_CHARACTER_ISSUE = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_IMPACT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_IMPACT_ITERATION_END = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_IMPACT_MAX_VALUE = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_IMPACT_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_IMPACT_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_IMPACT_REPORT_GUILD = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_IMPACT_REPORT_PLAYER = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_GUILD_CATEGORY_INAPPROPRIATE_DECLINE = 3 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CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_CATEGORY_REAL_WORLD_THREATS = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_BAD_ACTIONS_BEGIN = 300 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_BAD_ACTIONS_END = 305 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_BAD_LANGUAGE_BEGIN = 200 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_BAD_LANGUAGE_END = 206 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_CHEATING = 303 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_CHILD_ABUSE = 101 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_DOXING = 302 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_HARASSMENT = 304 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_HARM_TO_OTHERS = 104 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH = 201 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 305 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 305 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_PROFANE_NAME = 205 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_PROFANE_VOICE_CHAT = 204 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_REAL_WORLD_THREATS_BEGIN = 100 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_REAL_WORLD_THREATS_END = 105 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_SCAMMING = 301 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_SELF_HARM = 103 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_SPAM = 203 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_TERRORISM = 102 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_TROLLING = 202 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_CANT_ACQUIRE = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_DEPRECATED = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_FROM_CROWN_STORE = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_LOST = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MISSING_CROWNS = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITEM_MISSING = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_NPC_MOBS = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_AUDIO = 2 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CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_COSMETIC = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_CRASH = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_DELAYS_PROGRESS = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_EXPLOIT = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_IMPAIR = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_ITERATION_END = 7 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_MAX_VALUE = 7 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_SURPRISE = 6 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_1 = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_2 = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_3 = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_4 = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_5 = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_END = 6 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_1 = 101 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_2 = 102 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_3 = 103 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_4 = 104 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_END = 105 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_1 = 301 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_2 = 302 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_3 = 303 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_END = 304 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_1 = 201 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_10 = 210 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_11 = 211 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_12 = 212 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_2 = 202 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_3 = 203 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_4 = 204 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_5 = 205 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_6 = 206 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_7 = 207 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_8 = 208 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_9 = 209 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_END = 213 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CROWN_STORE_1 = 901 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CROWN_STORE_2 = 902 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CROWN_STORE_END = 903 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_DUNGEONS_1 = 501 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_DUNGEONS_2 = 502 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_DUNGEONS_3 = 503 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_DUNGEONS_4 = 504 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_DUNGEONS_END = 505 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_1 = 601 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_2 = 602 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_3 = 603 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_4 = 604 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_5 = 605 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_6 = 606 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_END = 607 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_HOUSING_1 = 1001 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_HOUSING_2 = 1002 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_HOUSING_3 = 1003 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_HOUSING_END = 1004 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_1 = 401 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_2 = 402 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_3 = 403 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_4 = 404 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_5 = 405 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_6 = 406 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_END = 407 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 100000 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_JUSTICE_1 = 1101 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_JUSTICE_2 = 1102 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_JUSTICE_3 = 1103 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_JUSTICE_END = 1104 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 100000 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_OTHER = 100000 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_1 = 1201 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_2 = 1202 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_3 = 1203 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_END = 1204 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_1 = 701 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_2 = 702 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_3 = 703 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_4 = 704 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_5 = 705 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_END = 706 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_1 = 801 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_2 = 802 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_3 = 803 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_END = 804 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_1 = 1301 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_2 = 1302 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_3 = 1303 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_4 = 1304 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_5 = 1305 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_6 = 1306 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_END = 1307 CUTSCENE = table:000002AFC6ABCCB0 (meta 000002AFC6ABBB20} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000002AFC6AB9CE0 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