libraries/zo_parametricscrolllist/zo_parametricscrolllist.lua:1380 -- self.scrollControl:SetHandler("OnRectChanged", function(scrollControl, newLeft, newTop, newRight, newBottom, oldLeft, oldTop, oldRight, oldBottom)
--if the edges of the scroll area changed we need to fix up the gradients
if not zo_floatsAreEqual(newTop, oldTop) or not zo_floatsAreEqual(newBottom, oldBottom) then
--If the list has less than ZO_VERTICAL_PARAMETRIC_LIST_DEFAULT_FADE_GRADIENT_SIZE UI units from its center control to the scroll top or bottom then automatically size the fade gradients to not overlap the center control.
self.validGradientDirty = true
--If the list changes height we need to update anchors because that function is responsible for hiding controls that went out of view or showing controls that are now in view.