ABANDON_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG = table:0000012AADE1B6A0 (meta 0000012A41D7BBE8} ABANDON_HOME_CAMPAIGN_DIALOG = table:0000012AADE1FEA8 (meta 0000012A41D77E40} ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_ABILITY_NOT_KNOWN = 1 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_INVALID_LINE = 3 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 10 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 10 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_MORPH_CHOSEN = 6 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_MORPH_NOT_CHOSEN = 8 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 5 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NOT_HIGH_ENOUGH_LEVEL = 7 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NO_MORE_UPGRADES = 2 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NO_SKILL_POINTS = 10 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NO_VALID_UPGRADE = 9 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_TOO_LOW_LEVEL = 4 ABILITY_SLOT_TYPE_ACTIONBAR = 1 ABILITY_SLOT_TYPE_QUICKSLOT = 2 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_ABILITY_INFO = 10 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_BODY = 2 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ABILITY_TYPE_AVOIDDEATH = 86 ABILITY_TYPE_BASIC = 91 ABILITY_TYPE_BLADETURN = 40 ABILITY_TYPE_BLINK = 4 ABILITY_TYPE_BLOCK = 52 ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS = 5 ABILITY_TYPE_CHANGEAPPEARANCE = 64 ABILITY_TYPE_CHARGE = 18 ABILITY_TYPE_CHARM = 39 ABILITY_TYPE_CLAIRVOYANCE = 84 ABILITY_TYPE_CLIENTFX = 85 ABILITY_TYPE_COMBATRESOURCE = 14 ABILITY_TYPE_CREATEINTERACTABLE = 46 ABILITY_TYPE_CREATEINVENTORYITEM = 24 ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGE = 1 ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGELIMIT = 25 ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGESHIELD = 15 ABILITY_TYPE_DEFEND = 62 ABILITY_TYPE_DEPRECATED = 89 ABILITY_TYPE_DEPRECATED2 = 23 ABILITY_TYPE_DERIVEDSTATCACHE = 94 ABILITY_TYPE_DESPAWNOVERRIDE = 82 ABILITY_TYPE_DISARM = 67 ABILITY_TYPE_DISORIENT = 32 ABILITY_TYPE_DISPEL = 44 ABILITY_TYPE_DODGE = 56 ABILITY_TYPE_DOUBLEFIRE = 70 ABILITY_TYPE_EXHAUSTED = 54 ABILITY_TYPE_FEAR = 27 ABILITY_TYPE_FILLSOULGEM = 80 ABILITY_TYPE_FIREPROC = 71 ABILITY_TYPE_FLIGHT = 31 ABILITY_TYPE_FREECAST = 59 ABILITY_TYPE_FREEINTERACT = 63 ABILITY_TYPE_GRANTABILITY = 76 ABILITY_TYPE_HARDDISMOUNT = 99 ABILITY_TYPE_HEAL = 2 ABILITY_TYPE_HIDE = 77 ABILITY_TYPE_IMMUNITY = 19 ABILITY_TYPE_INTERCEPT = 20 ABILITY_TYPE_INTERRUPT = 51 ABILITY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ABILITY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 99 ABILITY_TYPE_JUMP = 35 ABILITY_TYPE_KNOCKBACK = 17 ABILITY_TYPE_LEAP = 72 ABILITY_TYPE_LEVITATE = 48 ABILITY_TYPE_LIGHTHEAVYATTACKOVERRIDE = 93 ABILITY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 99 ABILITY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ABILITY_TYPE_MISDIRECT = 58 ABILITY_TYPE_MODIFYCOOLDOWN = 47 ABILITY_TYPE_MODIFYDURATION = 55 ABILITY_TYPE_MOUNT = 38 ABILITY_TYPE_MOUNTBLOCK = 97 ABILITY_TYPE_MOVEPOSITION = 16 ABILITY_TYPE_NOAGGRO = 43 ABILITY_TYPE_NOKILL = 42 ABILITY_TYPE_NOLOCKPICK = 79 ABILITY_TYPE_NONCOMBATBONUS = 87 ABILITY_TYPE_NONE = 0 ABILITY_TYPE_NONEXISTENT = 41 ABILITY_TYPE_NOSEETARGET = 88 ABILITY_TYPE_OFFBALANCE = 53 ABILITY_TYPE_PACIFY = 49 ABILITY_TYPE_PARRY = 68 ABILITY_TYPE_PATHLINE = 69 ABILITY_TYPE_RANDOMBRANCH = 96 ABILITY_TYPE_RECALL = 75 ABILITY_TYPE_REFLECTION = 21 ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER = 6 ABILITY_TYPE_REMOVETYPE = 12 ABILITY_TYPE_RESURRECT = 3 ABILITY_TYPE_REVEAL = 73 ABILITY_TYPE_REWINDTIME = 92 ABILITY_TYPE_SEESTEALTH = 30 ABILITY_TYPE_SETCOOLDOWN = 13 ABILITY_TYPE_SETHOTBAR = 78 ABILITY_TYPE_SETPERSONALITY = 90 ABILITY_TYPE_SETTARGET = 7 ABILITY_TYPE_SHOWNON = 57 ABILITY_TYPE_SIEGEAREAEFFECT = 61 ABILITY_TYPE_SIEGECREATE = 60 ABILITY_TYPE_SIEGEPACKUP = 74 ABILITY_TYPE_SILENCE = 11 ABILITY_TYPE_SLOWFALL = 34 ABILITY_TYPE_SNARE = 10 ABILITY_TYPE_SOULGEMRESURRECT = 81 ABILITY_TYPE_STAGGER = 33 ABILITY_TYPE_STEALTH = 29 ABILITY_TYPE_STUN = 9 ABILITY_TYPE_SUMMON = 37 ABILITY_TYPE_THREAT = 8 ABILITY_TYPE_TRAUMA = 28 ABILITY_TYPE_UPDATEDEATHDIALOG = 83 ABILITY_TYPE_VAMPIRE = 45 ABILITY_TYPE_WIND = 36 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_BANNED = 12104 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_DELETED = 12101 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND = 12038 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_NOT_VERIFIED = 12102 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEDOUT = 3 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS = 12002 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_EMAIL_FORMAT_INVALID = 2 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_ALREADY_USED = 12034 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 12100 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM = 12004 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_TRANSFER_SKU = 12037 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_URL = 6000 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ITERATION_END = 12108 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_MAX_VALUE = 12108 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_NO_ERROR = 0 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_USERID_EXISTS = 12039 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_USER_ALREADY_LINKED = 12108 ACCOUNT_LABEL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACCOUNT_LABEL_ITERATION_END = 2 ACCOUNT_LABEL_MAX_VALUE = 2 ACCOUNT_LABEL_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACCOUNT_LABEL_PC = 2 ACCOUNT_LABEL_PS4 = 1 ACCOUNT_LABEL_XBOX = 0 ACCOUNT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 20 ACCOUNT_NAME_MIN_LENGTH = 3 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_INCORRECT_LENGTH = 1 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_INVALID_CHARACTERS = 7 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_ITERATION_END = 7 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_MAX_VALUE = 7 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_MUST_END_WITH_NUMBER_OR_LETTER = 5 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_MUST_START_WITH_LETTER = 4 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_NO_ERROR = 0 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_NO_SPACES = 6 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_TOO_MANY_IDENTICAL_ADJACENT_CHARACTERS = 2 ACCOUNT_NAME_RULE_TOO_MANY_PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS = 3 ACHIEVEMENTS = table:0000012A483818A0 (meta 0000012A67D85C08} ACHIEVEMENTS_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A5935BF00 (meta 0000012A97731170} ACHIEVEMENTS_GAMEPAD = table:00000129D7683E48 (meta 000001298B5252C8} ACHIEVEMENTS_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000129D7683E90 (meta 0000012A011592E0} ACHIEVEMENTS_MANAGER = table:0000012A00751120 (meta 0000012A00740AB0} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:0000012A4836F880 firstTable UpdateSearchResults = table:0000012A4836F2A0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0073E7B8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4836F510 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A00751168 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 searchResults = table:0000012A0073E860 firstTable searchString = ACHIEVEMENT_LINK_TYPE = achievement ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_HIGH = 15 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_ITERATION_END = 50 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_LEGENDARY_DEED = 0 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_LOW = 5 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_MAX_VALUE = 50 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_MEDIUM = 10 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_VERY_HIGH = 50 ACTION_BAR_ASSIGNMENT_MANAGER = table:00000129F7E86DC8 (meta 00000129F7E7EF20} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:0000012A83E86790 firstTable CurrentHotbarUpdated = table:0000012A6BBC33D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6BBC3470 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BBC3350 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A6BBC5970 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BBC5928 3 = false HotbarSwapVisibleStateChanged = table:0000012A6BBC3538 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6BBC3580 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BBC34F0 3 = false SlotUpdated = table:0000012A83E867D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A83E86820 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A83E86710 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A6BBC5880 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BBC5800 3 = false currentHotbarCategory = 0 dirtyEvents = table:00000129F7E86E10 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hotbars = table:00000129F7E873D8 firstTable 0 = table:00000129F7E86E58 (meta 0000012A83E88B10} firstTable hotbarCategory = 0 isInCycle = true overrideSlotSkillDatas = table:00000129F7E874C8 firstTable slots = table:00000129F7E87520 firstTable 3 = table:00000129F7E87610 (meta 0000012A6B76A6E0} firstTable firstMeta hotbarCategory = 0 skillData = table:0000012A833EBD78 (meta 0000012A785D0648} firstTable allocatorKey = 4 canBeMarkedAsUpdated = true currentMorphSlot = 2 hasUpdatedStatus = false isAutoGrant = false isPurchased = true isUltimate = false lineRankNeededToPurchase = 1 progressionId = 89 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table:0000012A6B76A698 (meta 00000129F7E75900} 8 = table:0000012A6B76A698 (meta 00000129F7E75900} 7 = table:00000129F7E88418 (meta 0000012A83E88B10} firstTable hotbarCategory = 7 isInCycle = false overrideSlotSkillDatas = table:00000129F7E88460 firstTable 8 = table:0000012A2855DF28 (meta 0000012A785D0648} firstTable allocatorKey = 2 canBeMarkedAsUpdated = true currentMorphSlot = 0 hasUpdatedStatus = false isAutoGrant = false isPurchased = false isUltimate = true lineRankNeededToPurchase = 12 progressionId = 54 progressionObjectMetaPool = table:0000012A2855F1A0 (meta 0000012AA8EF7B68} firstTable activeObjects = table:0000012A2855F908 firstTable 199 = table:0000012A28560008 (meta 0000012A833D62C0} 200 = table:0000012AAD6ABDF0 (meta 0000012A833D62C0} 201 = table:0000012A833DD598 (meta 0000012A833D62C0} sourcePool = table:0000012AAD6AA930 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} skillIndex = 1 skillLineData = table:0000012A28556608 (meta 0000012A68833A48} skillProgressions = table:0000012A2855E628 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= 2200 ACTION_RESULT_BEGIN_CHANNEL = 2210 ACTION_RESULT_BLADETURN = 2360 ACTION_RESULT_BLOCKED = 2150 ACTION_RESULT_BLOCKED_DAMAGE = 2151 ACTION_RESULT_BUSY = 2030 ACTION_RESULT_CANNOT_USE = 2290 ACTION_RESULT_CANT_SEE_TARGET = 2330 ACTION_RESULT_CANT_SWAP_HOTBAR_IS_OVERRIDDEN = 3450 ACTION_RESULT_CANT_SWAP_WHILE_CHANGING_GEAR = 3410 ACTION_RESULT_CASTER_DEAD = 2060 ACTION_RESULT_CRITICAL_DAMAGE = 2 ACTION_RESULT_CRITICAL_HEAL = 32 ACTION_RESULT_DAMAGE = 1 ACTION_RESULT_DAMAGE_SHIELDED = 2460 ACTION_RESULT_DEFENDED = 2190 ACTION_RESULT_DIED = 2260 ACTION_RESULT_DIED_XP = 2262 ACTION_RESULT_DISARMED = 2430 ACTION_RESULT_DISORIENTED = 2340 ACTION_RESULT_DODGED = 2140 ACTION_RESULT_DOT_TICK = 1073741825 ACTION_RESULT_DOT_TICK_CRITICAL = 1073741826 ACTION_RESULT_EFFECT_FADED = 2250 ACTION_RESULT_EFFECT_GAINED = 2240 ACTION_RESULT_EFFECT_GAINED_DURATION = 2245 ACTION_RESULT_FAILED = 2110 ACTION_RESULT_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS = 2310 ACTION_RESULT_FAILED_SIEGE_CREATION_REQUIREMENTS = 3100 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-1 ACTION_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 1073741856 ACTION_RESULT_KILLED_BY_SUBZONE = 3130 ACTION_RESULT_KILLING_BLOW = 2265 ACTION_RESULT_KNOCKBACK = 2475 ACTION_RESULT_LEVITATED = 2400 ACTION_RESULT_LINKED_CAST = 2392 ACTION_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 1073741856 ACTION_RESULT_MERCENARY_LIMIT = 3140 ACTION_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = -1 ACTION_RESULT_MISS = 2180 ACTION_RESULT_MISSING_EMPTY_SOUL_GEM = 3040 ACTION_RESULT_MISSING_FILLED_SOUL_GEM = 3060 ACTION_RESULT_MOBILE_GRAVEYARD_LIMIT = 3150 ACTION_RESULT_MOUNTED = 3070 ACTION_RESULT_MUST_BE_IN_OWN_KEEP = 2630 ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_INVENTORY_SPACE = 3430 ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_INVENTORY_SPACE_SOUL_GEM = 3050 ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_FOR_SIEGE = 3090 ACTION_RESULT_NO_LOCATION_FOUND = 2700 ACTION_RESULT_NO_RAM_ATTACKABLE_TARGET_WITHIN_RANGE = 2910 ACTION_RESULT_NO_WEAPONS_TO_SWAP_TO = 3400 ACTION_RESULT_NPC_TOO_CLOSE = 2640 ACTION_RESULT_OFFBALANCE = 2440 ACTION_RESULT_PACIFIED = 2390 ACTION_RESULT_PARRIED = 2130 ACTION_RESULT_PARTIAL_RESIST = 2170 ACTION_RESULT_POWER_DRAIN = 64 ACTION_RESULT_POWER_ENERGIZE = 128 ACTION_RESULT_PRECISE_DAMAGE = 4 ACTION_RESULT_QUEUED = 2350 ACTION_RESULT_RAM_ATTACKABLE_TARGETS_ALL_DESTROYED = 3120 ACTION_RESULT_RAM_ATTACKABLE_TARGETS_ALL_OCCUPIED = 3110 ACTION_RESULT_RECALLING = 2520 ACTION_RESULT_REFLECTED = 2111 ACTION_RESULT_REINCARNATING = 3020 ACTION_RESULT_RESIST = 2160 ACTION_RESULT_RESURRECT = 2490 ACTION_RESULT_ROOTED = 2480 ACTION_RESULT_SIEGE_LIMIT = 2620 ACTION_RESULT_SIEGE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_ZONE = 2605 ACTION_RESULT_SIEGE_TOO_CLOSE = 2600 ACTION_RESULT_SILENCED = 2010 ACTION_RESULT_SNARED = 2025 ACTION_RESULT_SPRINTING = 3000 ACTION_RESULT_STAGGERED = 2470 ACTION_RESULT_STUNNED = 2020 ACTION_RESULT_SWIMMING = 3010 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_DEAD = 2050 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_NOT_IN_VIEW = 2070 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_NOT_PVP_FLAGGED = 2391 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_OUT_OF_RANGE = 2100 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_TOO_CLOSE = 2370 ACTION_RESULT_UNEVEN_TERRAIN = 2900 ACTION_RESULT_WEAPONSWAP = 2450 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firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:0000012A79F763E0 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:0000012A79F76470 alwaysReapplyLayout = true backpackOffsetY = 96 emptyLabelOffsetY = 100 hiddenFilters = table:0000012A79F76428 firstTable 7 = true hideBankInfo = true hideCurrencyInfo = false inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 width = 565 BACKPACK_GUILD_BANK_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59331450 (meta 0000012A59334798} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000012A59330308 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:0000012A84E19080 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:0000012A84E19140 backpackOffsetY = 96 emptyLabelOffsetY = 100 hiddenFilters = table:0000012A84E190C8 firstTable 7 = true hideBankInfo = false hideCurrencyInfo = false inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 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firstTable 7 = true hideBankInfo = true hideCurrencyInfo = false inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 width = 565 BACKPACK_MAIL_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A79F75670 (meta 0000012A59334798} BACKPACK_MENU_BAR_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59334E58 (meta 0000012A59334798} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000012A59334EA0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:0000012A59334E10 firstTable backpackOffsetY = 96 emptyLabelOffsetY = 100 hideBankInfo = true hideCurrencyInfo = false inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 width = 565 BACKPACK_PLAYER_TRADE_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A79F75B30 (meta 0000012A59334798} BACKPACK_STORE_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A79F75FF0 (meta 0000012A59334798} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000012A79F76068 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:0000012A79F75F20 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:0000012A79F75FB0 alwaysReapplyLayout = true backpackOffsetY = 96 emptyLabelOffsetY = 100 hiddenFilters = table:0000012A79F75F68 firstTable 7 = true hideBankInfo = true hideCurrencyInfo = false inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryFilterDividerTopOffsetY = 105 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 width = 565 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden BACKPACK_TRADING_HOUSE_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A79F75410 (meta 0000012A59334798} BAG_BACKPACK = 1 BAG_BANK = 2 BAG_BUYBACK = 4 BAG_DELETE = 17 BAG_GUILDBANK = 3 BAG_HOUSE_BANK_EIGHT = 14 BAG_HOUSE_BANK_FIVE = 11 BAG_HOUSE_BANK_FOUR = 10 BAG_HOUSE_BANK_NINE = 15 BAG_HOUSE_BANK_ONE = 7 BAG_HOUSE_BANK_SEVEN = 13 BAG_HOUSE_BANK_SIX = 12 BAG_HOUSE_BANK_TEN = 16 BAG_HOUSE_BANK_THREE = 9 BAG_HOUSE_BANK_TWO = 8 BAG_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 BAG_ITERATION_END = 16 BAG_MAX_VALUE = 17 BAG_MIN_VALUE = 0 BAG_SUBSCRIBER_BANK = 6 BAG_VIRTUAL = 5 BAG_WORN = 0 BANKCurrencyTransferDialog = userdata:0000012A89240D28 (meta 000001298C541B38} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogBG = userdata:0000012A89240E18 (meta 000001298C540220} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:0000012A89240E98 (meta 000001298C565E60} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogCancel = userdata:0000012A89243168 (meta 0000012A892432C0} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:0000012A89243268 (meta 0000012A89243430} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A89243168 (meta 0000012A892432C0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A89243268 (meta 0000012A89243430} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A892431E8 (meta 0000012A89243518} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 BANKCurrencyTransferDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:0000012A892431E8 (meta 0000012A89243518} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainer = userdata:0000012A89241000 (meta 000001298C53A240} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmounts = userdata:0000012A892412A0 (meta 000001298C53A240} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsBanked = userdata:0000012A89242730 (meta 000001298C55E328} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsCarried = userdata:0000012A892427B8 (meta 000001298C55E328} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBox = userdata:0000012A89242840 (meta 0000012A89242CC8} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:0000012A2A577928 (meta 0000012983A8BD38} firstTable horizontalAlignment = 2 m_container = userdata:0000012A89242840 (meta 0000012A89242CC8} m_font = ZoFontWinT1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBox m_openDropdown = userdata:0000012A892429C0 (meta 000001298C54D798} m_selectedColor = table:0000012A2A5779F0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:0000012A89242928 (meta 000001298C55E328} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000012996DD3928 m_sortedItems = table:0000012A2A577B80 firstTable m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 15 BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBoxBG = userdata:0000012A892428C8 (meta 000001298C540220} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBoxBGMungeOverlay = userdata:0000012A892428F8 (meta 000001298C565E60} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBoxOpenDropdown = userdata:0000012A892429C0 (meta 000001298C54D798} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerAmountsComboBoxSelectedItemText = userdata:0000012A89242928 (meta 000001298C55E328} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerDepositWithdrawCurrency = userdata:0000012A89242E60 (meta 000001298C540220} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerDepositWithdrawCurrencyAmount = userdata:0000012A892430F0 (meta 000001298C55E328} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerHeaders = userdata:0000012A89241080 (meta 000001298C53A240} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerHeadersBanked = userdata:0000012A89241108 (meta 000001298C55E328} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerHeadersCarried = userdata:0000012A89241190 (meta 000001298C55E328} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogContainerHeadersWithdrawDeposit = userdata:0000012A89241220 (meta 000001298C55E328} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogDepositWithdraw = userdata:0000012A89243628 (meta 0000012A89243790} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A89243738 (meta 0000012A2A577238} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A89243628 (meta 0000012A89243790} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A892436B0 (meta 0000012A2A5775C0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false BANKCurrencyTransferDialogDepositWithdrawKeyLabel = userdata:0000012A89243738 (meta 0000012A2A577238} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogDepositWithdrawNameLabel = userdata:0000012A892436B0 (meta 0000012A2A5775C0} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogDivider = userdata:0000012A89240F88 (meta 000001298C565E60} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:0000012A89240DA8 (meta 000001298C565E60} BANKCurrencyTransferDialogTitle = userdata:0000012A89240F10 (meta 000001298C55E328} BANKING_GAMEPAD_MODE_DEPOSIT = 2 BANKING_GAMEPAD_MODE_WITHDRAW = 1 BANKING_INTERACTION = table:0000012A0774F730 firstTable interactTypes = table:0000012A0774F778 firstTable 1 = 6 type = Banking BANK_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A89240918 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A892409D8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A89240A60 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000012A89240B70 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A89240BB8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A89240C00 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A89240AF0 3 = false control = userdata:0000012A67DA1AB0 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A89240990 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden BANK_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68E3F90 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000129D68E47A0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000129D68E4828 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A07755560 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68E4758 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 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table:00000129A83560D0 (meta 0000012A7079A1D0} BATTLEGROUND_FINDER_MANAGER = table:00000129A834EF10 (meta 00000129A8350878} BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_CAPTURE_THE_FLAG = 1 BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_CRAZY_KING = 5 BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_DEATHMATCH = 2 BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_DOMINATION = 4 BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_KING_OF_THE_HILL = 3 BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_MURDERBALL = 6 BATTLEGROUND_GAME_TYPE_NONE = 0 BATTLEGROUND_HUD_ACTION_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59358EA0 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} BATTLEGROUND_HUD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A2DA69120 (meta 0000012A2DA635C0} BATTLEGROUND_KILL_TYPE_ASSIST = 1 BATTLEGROUND_KILL_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 BATTLEGROUND_KILL_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 4 BATTLEGROUND_KILL_TYPE_KILLED_BY_ENEMY_TEAM = 4 BATTLEGROUND_KILL_TYPE_KILLED_BY_MY_TEAM = 2 BATTLEGROUND_KILL_TYPE_KILLING_BLOW = 0 BATTLEGROUND_KILL_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 4 BATTLEGROUND_KILL_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 BATTLEGROUND_KILL_TYPE_STOLEN_BY_ENEMY_TEAM = 3 BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARDS = table:0000012A6CA7F000 (meta 0000012A6CA82918} BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_SYSTEM_NAME = battlegroundLeaderboards BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_TYPE_DEATHMATCH = 1 BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_TYPE_FLAG_GAMES = 3 BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_TYPE_LAND_GRAB = 2 BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_TYPE_NONE = 0 BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A93E01FB8 (meta 0000012A93E02B00} BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A93E047D8 (meta 0000012A97731170} BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A93DF5830 (meta 0000012A93DFDF48} BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_KEYBOARD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A93E001A0 (meta 0000012A97731170} BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_ACTION_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59359438 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_END_OF_GAME = table:0000012A79F93158 (meta 0000012A79F90D50} firstTable firstMeta closingTimerLabel = userdata:0000012A79F90E70 (meta 000001298C55E328} control = userdata:0000012A79F91278 (meta 000001298C541B38} keybindActionMap = table:0000012A79F93318 firstTable BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_NEXT = userdata:0000012A93DF2318 (meta 0000012A93DF24B8} BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PLAYER_OPTIONS = userdata:0000012A79F935B8 (meta 0000012A79F93848} BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_PREVIOUS = userdata:0000012A79F93218 (meta 0000012A93DF0438} LEAVE_BATTLEGROUND = userdata:0000012A79F92DB8 (meta 0000012A93DEF548} keybindNameTextMap = table:0000012A79F93228 firstTable userdata = 0000012A79F92DB8 = Leave Battleground 0000012A79F93218 = Previous 0000012A79F935B8 = Select 0000012A93DF2318 = Next leaveBattlegroundKeybind = userdata:0000012A79F92DB8 (meta 0000012A93DEF548} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012A79F93270 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A93DEF4F0 (meta 0000012A93DEF6B8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} keyBackdrops = table:0000012A93DF0828 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000012A93DF08F0 (meta 0000012A93DF0948} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A79F92DB8 (meta 0000012A93DEF548} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = LEAVE_BATTLEGROUND keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A93DEF360 (meta 0000012A93DEF3B8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false nextPlayerButton = userdata:0000012A93DF2318 (meta 0000012A93DF24B8} platformStyle = table:0000012A93DF3858 (meta 0000012A0ED49FC0} firstTable applyFunction() = function:0000012A93DF37D8 gamepadStyle = table:0000012A79F91118 firstTable hasPlayerOptionsButton = true keybindButtonTemplate = ZO_KeybindButton_Gamepad_Template timerFont = ZoFontGamepad42 keyboardStyle = table:0000012A79F91028 firstTable hasPlayerOptionsButton = false keybindButtonTemplate = ZO_KeybindButton_Keyboard_Template timerFont = ZoFontWinH2 playerOptionsButton = userdata:0000012A79F935B8 (meta 0000012A79F93848} previousPlayerButton = userdata:0000012A79F93218 (meta 0000012A93DF0438} scene = table:0000012A79F92D50 (meta 0000012A011592E0} BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_END_OF_GAME_OPTIONS = table:0000012A93DF3C58 (meta 0000012A97735930} 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callbackRegistry = table:0000012A59359610 firstTable Refreshed = table:0000012A59359658 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593596A0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A59359590 3 = false conditional() = function:0000012A59359510 dirtyEvents = table:0000012A59359480 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:0000012A593594C8 (meta 0000012A41815A80} firstTable sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 5 = table:0000012A79F8FA10 (meta 0000012A97726B38} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:0000012A79F8EED0 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A79F8FA58 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden name = battleground_scoreboard_in_game restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = true restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = true sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_IN_GAME_TIMER_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A79F8FA10 (meta 0000012A97726B38} BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_IN_GAME_UI_SCENE = table:0000012A79F8FE50 (meta 0000012A011592E0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000012A79F8FEC8 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A79F8F358 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2DA707E8 (meta 0000012A2DA6F460} firstTable firstMeta IsHiddenForReason() = function:0000012A97735858 SetHiddenForReason() = function:0000012A97735818 alliancePanels = table:0000012A2DA6F9E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2DA6FF00 (meta 0000012A59AFB2E8} firstTable firstMeta battlegroundAlliance = 1 bgControl = userdata:0000012A2DA70AC0 (meta 000001298C565E60} control = userdata:0000012A2DA70850 (meta 000001298C53A240} iconControl = userdata:0000012A2DA70AF0 (meta 000001298C565E60} nameControl = userdata:0000012A2DA6FE68 (meta 0000012A79F8EB18} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000012A07DEA278 fonts = table:0000012A2DA6F618 firstTable 1 = 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table:00000129A8CCDCE0 (meta 0000012A0ED401B8} 16 = table:00000129A8CCDBF0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 17 = table:0000012A59EFD2B0 (meta 0000012A59EFD088} 18 = table:0000012A742F3828 (meta 0000012A742F3588} 19 = table:00000129AC46E590 (meta 00000129F8558048} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000129AC46E5D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 76 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 2 = table:0000012A59357840 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 3 = table:0000012A89495BC0 (meta 0000012A89495E38} 4 = table:0000012A4F358FB0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 5 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 7 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 8 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 9 = table:0000012A59C3F220 (meta 0000012A59C3EF58} name = cadwellGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden CADWELL_PROGRESSION_LEVEL_BRONZE = 0 CADWELL_PROGRESSION_LEVEL_GOLD = 2 CADWELL_PROGRESSION_LEVEL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CADWELL_PROGRESSION_LEVEL_ITERATION_END = 2 CADWELL_PROGRESSION_LEVEL_MAX_VALUE = 2 CADWELL_PROGRESSION_LEVEL_MIN_VALUE = 0 CADWELL_PROGRESSION_LEVEL_SILVER = 1 CALLBACK_MANAGER = table:000001299714F2E0 (meta 0000012A0E886A08} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:000001298B74AB00 firstTable ActiveDisplayChanged = table:0000012A4B9CB7E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B74A4F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3EC12ED0 2 = userdata:000001298B74A768 (meta 000001298B747BB0} 3 = false AddOnEULAHidden = table:0000012A41D6BBC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A41D6BC10 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41D6BB78 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A6B72FEC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6B72FB80 3 = false AllBuffsDebuffsEnabled_Changed = table:0000012AA3D471F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA3D46458 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDBA30 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D2B468 (meta 0000012AA3D2AE70} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012AA3D27140 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDBAF8 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D262B0 (meta 0000012AA3D26FA0} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012AA3D2A000 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDBAF8 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D27360 (meta 0000012AA3D29E60} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012AA3D2AC08 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDBBC0 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D2A270 (meta 0000012AA3D2AB68} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A6698D4E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB968 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D268C8 (meta 0000012A6698D340} 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A6698F108 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB968 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D2A4E8 (meta 0000012A6698EF68} 3 = false AllHealthBars_Off = table:0000012A708D30B8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708D3100 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708D2348 (meta 0000012A708D2C30} 3 = false 10 = table:0000012A708DDC18 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708DD8D8 (meta 0000012A708DE8C8} 3 = false 11 = table:0000012A708DAEB8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9BE58 2 = userdata:0000012A708D19A0 (meta 0000012A708DA5B0} 3 = false 12 = table:0000012A42AB93E0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708DB0A0 (meta 0000012A708DCBE0} 3 = false 13 = table:0000012A42ABCE38 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9B188 2 = userdata:0000012A708DBFF0 (meta 0000012A42ABC6B8} 3 = false 14 = table:0000012A42ABE088 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A42AB7168 (meta 0000012A42ABD830} 3 = false 15 = table:0000012A42ABB470 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A708BFAB8 2 = userdata:0000012A42ABD938 (meta 0000012A42ABBE30} 3 = false 16 = table:0000012A4EA9B670 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A42ABB650 (meta 0000012A4EA9AE48} 3 = false 17 = table:0000012A4EA9C8D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A708C0608 2 = userdata:0000012A4EA980E0 (meta 0000012A4EA9C120} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A708D3A68 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708D32E0 (meta 0000012A708D3848} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A708D4358 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A42A9A120 (meta 0000012A708D40F0} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A708D5380 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708D4528 (meta 0000012A708D4DC8} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A708D6368 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F99CE0 2 = userdata:0000012A708D5558 (meta 0000012A708D5EA8} 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A708D75C0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708D6500 (meta 0000012A708D6DF0} 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A708D88D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9A7B8 2 = userdata:0000012A708D77A8 (meta 0000012A708D8120} 3 = false 8 = table:0000012A708D9BD0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708D8AB8 (meta 0000012A708D9400} 3 = false 9 = table:0000012A708DD6F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9B308 2 = userdata:0000012A708D9DB8 (meta 0000012A708DCF40} 3 = false AllHealthBars_On = table:0000012A708D2FF0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708D3038 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708D2348 (meta 0000012A708D2C30} 3 = false 10 = table:0000012A708D3508 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708DD8D8 (meta 0000012A708DE8C8} 3 = false 11 = table:0000012A708DAD70 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9BE58 2 = userdata:0000012A708D19A0 (meta 0000012A708DA5B0} 3 = false 12 = table:0000012A708DC3E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708DB0A0 (meta 0000012A708DCBE0} 3 = false 13 = table:0000012A42ABCCF0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9B188 2 = userdata:0000012A708DBFF0 (meta 0000012A42ABC6B8} 3 = false 14 = table:0000012A42ABDD20 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A42AB7168 (meta 0000012A42ABD830} 3 = false 15 = table:0000012A42ABB0A0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A708BFAB8 2 = userdata:0000012A42ABD938 (meta 0000012A42ABBE30} 3 = false 16 = table:0000012A4EA9B308 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A42ABB650 (meta 0000012A4EA9AE48} 3 = false 17 = table:0000012A4EA9C850 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A708C0608 2 = userdata:0000012A4EA980E0 (meta 0000012A4EA9C120} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A708D39E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708D32E0 (meta 0000012A708D3848} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A708D4290 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A42A9A120 (meta 0000012A708D40F0} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A708D5300 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708D4528 (meta 0000012A708D4DC8} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A708D6268 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F99CE0 2 = userdata:0000012A708D5558 (meta 0000012A708D5EA8} 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A708D72E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708D6500 (meta 0000012A708D6DF0} 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A708D8788 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9A7B8 2 = userdata:0000012A708D77A8 (meta 0000012A708D8120} 3 = false 8 = table:0000012A708D98F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708D8AB8 (meta 0000012A708D9400} 3 = false 9 = table:0000012A708DD5A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9B308 2 = userdata:0000012A708D9DB8 (meta 0000012A708DCF40} 3 = false AllNameplates_Off = table:0000012A708C4060 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708C40A8 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708C39A8 (meta 0000012A708C3EC0} 3 = false 10 = table:0000012A708CA630 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8F2F8 2 = userdata:0000012A42A954A0 (meta 0000012A708C9E70} 3 = false 11 = table:0000012A708C91A8 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708C3438 (meta 0000012A708C8CB8} 3 = false 12 = table:0000012A42A9B7D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8FE48 2 = userdata:0000012A708C96E8 (meta 0000012A42A9B168} 3 = false 13 = table:0000012A42A9DCE0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A42A9BAF0 (meta 0000012A42A9D7F0} 3 = false 14 = table:0000012A42A9C518 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8F180 2 = userdata:0000012A708C8590 (meta 0000012A42A993B8} 3 = false 15 = table:0000012A708CFBD0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A42A99768 (meta 0000012A708CF710} 3 = false 16 = table:0000012A708D1068 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F987F0 2 = userdata:0000012A42A9D6E8 (meta 0000012A708D0A00} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A708C4A00 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708C4348 (meta 0000012A708C4860} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A708C59D0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708C4C08 (meta 0000012A708C54C8} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A708C68F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A671E84A8 2 = userdata:0000012A708C2450 (meta 0000012A708C6530} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A708C7A48 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708C6C18 (meta 0000012A708C7558} 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A708CB658 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8DD38 2 = userdata:0000012A708C7E78 (meta 0000012A708CAFF0} 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A708CC7B0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708CB980 (meta 0000012A708CC2C0} 3 = false 8 = table:0000012A708CDC40 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8E7D8 2 = userdata:0000012A708CCC70 (meta 0000012A708CD5D8} 3 = false 9 = table:0000012A708C26E8 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A708CDF68 (meta 0000012A708C4520} 3 = false AllNameplates_On = table:0000012A708C4128 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708C4170 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708C39A8 (meta 0000012A708C3EC0} 3 = false 10 = table:0000012A708CA778 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8F2F8 2 = userdata:0000012A42A954A0 (meta 0000012A708C9E70} 3 = false 11 = table:0000012A708C9510 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708C3438 (meta 0000012A708C8CB8} 3 = false 12 = table:0000012A42A9B850 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8FE48 2 = userdata:0000012A708C96E8 (meta 0000012A42A9B168} 3 = false 13 = table:0000012A42A9DFC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A42A9BAF0 (meta 0000012A42A9D7F0} 3 = false 14 = table:0000012A42A9C598 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8F180 2 = userdata:0000012A708C8590 (meta 0000012A42A993B8} 3 = false 15 = table:0000012A708CFF38 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A42A99768 (meta 0000012A708CF710} 3 = false 16 = table:0000012A708D10E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F987F0 2 = userdata:0000012A42A9D6E8 (meta 0000012A708D0A00} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A708C4A80 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708C4348 (meta 0000012A708C4860} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A708C5A98 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708C4C08 (meta 0000012A708C54C8} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A708C6970 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A671E84A8 2 = userdata:0000012A708C2450 (meta 0000012A708C6530} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A708C5A50 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708C6C18 (meta 0000012A708C7558} 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A708CB6D8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8DD38 2 = userdata:0000012A708C7E78 (meta 0000012A708CAFF0} 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A708CCA90 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708CB980 (meta 0000012A708CC2C0} 3 = false 8 = table:0000012A708CDD88 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8E7D8 2 = userdata:0000012A708CCC70 (meta 0000012A708CD5D8} 3 = false 9 = table:0000012A42A97180 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A708CDF68 (meta 0000012A708C4520} 3 = false AutoLoot_Off = table:0000012A4FA96740 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4FA96788 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A56F1F300 (meta 0000012A4FA965A0} 3 = false AutoLoot_On = table:0000012A4FA96808 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4FA96850 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A56F1F300 (meta 0000012A4FA965A0} 3 = false Bestowers_Off = table:0000012A6C0612C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6C061308 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A6C060B40 (meta 0000012A6C061058} 3 = false Bestowers_On = table:0000012A6C0611F8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6C061240 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A6C060B40 (meta 0000012A6C061058} 3 = false BuffsEnabled_Changed = table:0000012AA3D2B688 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA3D2B6D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDBA30 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D2B468 (meta 0000012AA3D2AE70} 3 = false ChatBubbles_Off = table:0000012A6C064F78 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6C064FC0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A6C064998 (meta 0000012A6C064E50} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A6C065A50 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A6C065280 (meta 0000012A6C0658B0} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A6C0663E0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A6C065C18 (meta 0000012A6C066240} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A6C066DE8 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A6C066638 (meta 0000012A6C066BA8} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A6C067760 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A6C066FB0 (meta 0000012A6C067520} 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A6C068058 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A6C0678E0 (meta 0000012A6C067E18} 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A6C0689D8 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A6C068220 (meta 0000012A6C068798} 3 = false 8 = table:0000012A6C069358 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A6C068BA0 (meta 0000012A6C069118} 3 = false ChatBubbles_On = table:0000012A6C065040 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6C065088 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A6C064998 (meta 0000012A6C064E50} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A6C065AD0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A6C065280 (meta 0000012A6C0658B0} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A6C0664A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A6C065C18 (meta 0000012A6C066240} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A6C066E68 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A6C066638 (meta 0000012A6C066BA8} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A6C066460 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A6C066FB0 (meta 0000012A6C067520} 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A6C0680D8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A6C0678E0 (meta 0000012A6C067E18} 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A6C068A58 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A6C068220 (meta 0000012A6C068798} 3 = false 8 = table:0000012A6C0693D8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A6C068BA0 (meta 0000012A6C069118} 3 = false CompassActiveQuests_Focused = table:0000012A6C0627E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6C062830 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6C07D9A8 2 = userdata:0000012A6C061498 (meta 0000012A6C0621E8} 3 = false CompassActiveQuests_Off = table:0000012A6C062720 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6C062768 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6C07D968 2 = userdata:0000012A6C061498 (meta 0000012A6C0621E8} 3 = false CompassActiveQuests_On = table:0000012A6C0628B0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6C0628F8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2776CB98 2 = userdata:0000012A6C061498 (meta 0000012A6C0621E8} 3 = false CraftingAnimationsStarted = table:0000012A4B13AF70 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4B13BA90 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4B136EE8 3 = false 10 = table:0000012A2765FFE8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2765FF58 3 = false 11 = table:0000012A3F0132D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3F013208 3 = false 12 = table:0000012A5932AA30 firstTable 1() = function:0000012997CAC190 3 = false 13 = table:0000012A5932ABF8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A5932AB30 3 = false 14 = table:0000012A67D8F110 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A67D99708 3 = false 15 = table:0000012A2DA787E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3EFF66E0 3 = false 16 = table:0000012A96F996B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A96F8B888 3 = false 17 = table:0000012A839AF2D8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A839AF208 3 = false 18 = table:0000012A6FBC3358 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6FBC3310 3 = false 19 = table:000001298B4F6490 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B4F6448 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A3F00CEC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3F00CE78 3 = false 20 = table:0000012A8943CC48 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A8943CB48 3 = false 21 = table:0000012A4FA40098 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4FA3FF98 3 = false 22 = table:0000012A4FA40580 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4FA40500 3 = false 23 = table:0000012AA35B56E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA35B5618 3 = false 24 = table:0000012A741B7F90 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741B7F48 3 = false 25 = table:0000012A741BCAC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741BBF60 3 = false 26 = table:0000012A741BD188 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741BD088 3 = false 27 = table:0000012A741BDF30 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741BD448 3 = false 28 = table:0000012A741BE6C0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741BE640 3 = false 29 = table:0000012A741B8DA0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741B8D20 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A98AF3480 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A98AF33B8 3 = false 30 = table:0000012A84D87770 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D87728 3 = false 31 = table:0000012A84D88030 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D87F68 3 = false 32 = table:0000012A84D889A0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D87A78 3 = false 33 = table:0000012A84D8BB78 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8BAB0 3 = false 34 = table:0000012A84D8BD40 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8BC78 3 = false 35 = table:0000012A84D8BF08 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8BE40 3 = false 36 = table:0000012A84D8C050 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8C008 3 = false 37 = table:0000012A84D8D2E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8D218 3 = false 38 = table:0000012A84D8E5D8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8E510 3 = false 39 = table:0000012A84D90DB0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D90CE8 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A2838FE78 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B5283A8 3 = false 40 = table:0000012A84D914A0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D913D8 3 = false 41 = table:0000012A84D928F8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D92830 3 = false 42 = table:0000012A84D96510 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D96448 3 = false 43 = table:0000012A84D96A08 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D96908 3 = false 44 = table:0000012A84D97008 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D96F40 3 = false 45 = table:0000012A84D9A170 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D9A128 3 = false 46 = table:0000012A84D9ADE0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D9AD18 3 = false 47 = table:0000012A84D9DF50 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D9DF08 3 = false 48 = table:0000012A84D9E9D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D9E908 3 = false 49 = table:0000012A84DA11E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DA10E8 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A59ACB340 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A59ADFF90 3 = false 50 = table:0000012A84DA4BB8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DA4AF0 3 = false 51 = table:0000012A84DA73E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DA7320 3 = false 52 = table:0000012A84DA7F00 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DA7E80 3 = false 53 = table:0000012A84DA8780 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DA86B8 3 = false 54 = table:0000012A27A1C2F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A1C2A8 3 = false 55 = table:0000012A27A1C7F8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A1C6F8 3 = false 56 = table:0000012A27A1D648 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A1D600 3 = false 57 = table:0000012A27A1DAF8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A1DAB0 3 = false 58 = table:0000012A27A20120 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A20098 3 = false 59 = table:0000012A27A20690 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A20590 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A59C0EE80 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A59C0EDB8 3 = false 60 = table:0000012A27A20B28 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A20A60 3 = false 61 = table:0000012A279F2F70 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A279EEBE8 3 = false 62 = table:0000012A84D84430 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A279FFF30 3 = false 63 = table:0000012A70EF5238 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70EF51F0 3 = false 64 = table:0000012A4F051A30 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4F0519E8 3 = false 65 = table:0000012A4F0526A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4F0525A8 3 = false 66 = table:0000012A4F053E00 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4F053DB8 3 = false 67 = table:0000012A4F0542E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4F054298 3 = false 68 = table:0000012A7D9AF078 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9AF030 3 = false 69 = table:0000012A7D9AFD10 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9AFC48 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A298C01F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A298C01A8 3 = false 70 = table:0000012A7D9B3770 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9B36F0 3 = false 71 = table:0000012A7D9B3C80 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9ADCA8 3 = false 72 = table:0000012A7D9B4AE0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9B4A60 3 = false 73 = table:0000012A4F082E68 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4F05E8A0 3 = false 74 = table:0000012A6BFB6908 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BFB68C0 3 = false 75 = table:0000012A6BFB7BE8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BFB7B68 3 = false 76 = table:0000012A5935AC80 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A5935AC00 3 = false 8 = table:0000012A4837C5C0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A67D7E4E0 3 = false 9 = table:0000012A3F012D98 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3F0110E0 3 = false CraftingAnimationsStopped = table:0000012A298EDFD8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A298E6FE8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4B13C978 3 = false 10 = table:0000012A4837F690 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4837BCC8 3 = false 11 = table:0000012A27648A48 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A79F4FD78 3 = false 12 = table:0000012A84DF5AC8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DF90E0 3 = false 13 = table:0000012A4E2928E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3F0110E0 3 = false 14 = table:0000012A27660068 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2765FFA0 3 = false 15 = table:0000012A2765FDE8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3F013288 3 = false 16 = table:0000012A5932AAB0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A59326828 3 = false 17 = table:0000012A5932AC78 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A5932ABB0 3 = false 18 = table:0000012A3F0130F8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A67D99708 3 = false 19 = table:0000012A2DA78830 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2DA787A0 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A3F00CF40 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3F00CE78 3 = false 20 = table:0000012A839DE438 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BBB4868 3 = false 21 = table:0000012A96F99730 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A96F99668 3 = false 22 = table:0000012A839AF528 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A839AF208 3 = false 23 = table:0000012A6FBC3420 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6FBC33D8 3 = false 24 = table:000001298B4F6510 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B4F6448 3 = false 25 = table:0000012A8943CD10 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A8943CCC8 3 = false 26 = table:0000012A4FA40160 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4FA40118 3 = false 27 = table:0000012A4FA40600 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4FA40500 3 = false 28 = table:0000012AA35B5760 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA35B5698 3 = false 29 = table:0000012AA35B48B8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA35B4868 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A98AF3548 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A98AF3438 3 = false 30 = table:0000012A741B8010 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741B7F48 3 = false 31 = table:0000012A741BCB88 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741BCB40 3 = false 32 = table:0000012A741BD250 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741BD208 3 = false 33 = table:0000012A741BDFF8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741BDFB0 3 = false 34 = table:0000012A741BE740 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741BE640 3 = false 35 = table:0000012A741A2B08 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741A2AB8 3 = false 36 = table:0000012A741B8E68 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A741B8E20 3 = false 37 = table:0000012A84D877F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D87728 3 = false 38 = table:0000012A84D880B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D87FE8 3 = false 39 = table:0000012A84D88A68 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D88A20 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A2838FF40 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2838FEF8 3 = false 40 = table:0000012A84D8BBF8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8BB30 3 = false 41 = table:0000012A84D8BDC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8BCF8 3 = false 42 = table:0000012A84D8BF88 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8BEC0 3 = false 43 = table:0000012A84D8D360 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8D298 3 = false 44 = table:0000012A84D8E658 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D8E590 3 = false 45 = table:0000012A84D90E30 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D90D68 3 = false 46 = table:0000012A84D91520 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D91458 3 = false 47 = table:0000012A84D92978 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D928B0 3 = false 48 = table:0000012A84D96590 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D964C8 3 = false 49 = table:0000012A84D96AD0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D96A88 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A839DE4D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A839DE480 3 = false 50 = table:0000012A84D97088 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D96FC0 3 = false 51 = table:0000012A84D9A1F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D9A128 3 = false 52 = table:0000012A84D9AE60 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D9AD98 3 = false 53 = table:0000012A84D9DFD0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D9DF08 3 = false 54 = table:0000012A84D9EA50 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D9E988 3 = false 55 = table:0000012A84DA12B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DA1268 3 = false 56 = table:0000012A84DA4C38 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DA4B70 3 = false 57 = table:0000012A84DA7468 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DA73A0 3 = false 58 = table:0000012A84DA7F80 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DA7E80 3 = false 59 = table:0000012A84DA8800 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84DA8738 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A59ADFB18 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A839B1EB0 3 = false 60 = table:0000012A27A1C370 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A1C2A8 3 = false 61 = table:0000012A27A1C8C0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A1C878 3 = false 62 = table:0000012A27A1D6C8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A1D600 3 = false 63 = table:0000012A27A1DBC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A1DB78 3 = false 64 = table:0000012A27A201F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A201A0 3 = false 65 = table:0000012A27A20758 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A20710 3 = false 66 = table:0000012A27A20BA8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A20AE0 3 = false 67 = table:0000012A279F2FF0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A279EEBE8 3 = false 68 = table:0000012A279F89B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A279FFF30 3 = false 69 = table:0000012A27A1E7E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A27A1E798 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A98AF3500 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A59ADFF90 3 = false 70 = table:0000012A4F051AB0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4F0519E8 3 = false 71 = table:0000012A4F052F78 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4F052F30 3 = false 72 = table:0000012A4F053E80 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4F053DB8 3 = false 73 = table:0000012A4F0543A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4F054360 3 = false 74 = table:0000012A7D9AF0F8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9AF030 3 = false 75 = table:0000012A7D9AFD90 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9AFCC8 3 = false 76 = table:0000012A7D9B3838 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9B37F0 3 = false 77 = table:0000012A7D9B3D48 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9B3D00 3 = false 78 = table:0000012A7D9B4B60 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9B4A60 3 = false 79 = table:0000012A4F087DC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4F082E20 3 = false 8 = table:0000012A894401C0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A59C0EE38 3 = false 80 = table:0000012A6BFB6988 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BFB68C0 3 = false 81 = table:0000012A6BFB7CB0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BFB7C68 3 = false 82 = table:0000012A5935AD48 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A5935AD00 3 = false 9 = table:0000012A298C0270 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A298C01A8 3 = false DebuffsEnabledForTarget_Changed = table:0000012AA3D26628 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA3D26670 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDBBC0 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D2A270 (meta 0000012AA3D2AB68} 3 = false DebuffsEnabled_Changed = table:0000012AA3D27188 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA3D271D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDBAF8 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D262B0 (meta 0000012AA3D26FA0} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012AA3D2A0C8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDBAF8 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D27360 (meta 0000012AA3D29E60} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012AA3D266F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDBBC0 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D2A270 (meta 0000012AA3D2AB68} 3 = false DisplayModeExclusive = table:000001298B74A4A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B74A548 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:00000129AC55C958 (meta 000001298B74BF78} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A4B9CB868 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:000001298B74A768 (meta 000001298B747BB0} 3 = false DisplayModeNonExclusive = table:000001298B74ABF0 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B74AC38 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:00000129AC55C958 (meta 000001298B74BF78} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A4B9CB768 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:000001298B74A768 (meta 000001298B747BB0} 3 = false DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_Off = table:0000012A00634C00 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A00634C48 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A56581640 (meta 0000012A00634A10} 3 = false DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_On = table:0000012A00634B38 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A00634B80 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A56581640 (meta 0000012A00634A10} 3 = false GamepadChatSystemActiveOnScreen = table:0000012A66DD1B88 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66DD1BD0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DD1B08 3 = false HealthbarType11_Changed = table:0000012A708D4310 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708D62E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F99CE0 2 = userdata:0000012A708D5558 (meta 0000012A708D5EA8} 3 = false HealthbarType19_Changed = table:0000012A708D8808 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708D8850 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9A7B8 2 = userdata:0000012A708D77A8 (meta 0000012A708D8120} 3 = false HealthbarType1_Changed = table:0000012A708DD628 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708DD670 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9B308 2 = userdata:0000012A708D9DB8 (meta 0000012A708DCF40} 3 = false HealthbarType37_Changed = table:0000012A42ABCD70 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A42ABCDB8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9B188 2 = userdata:0000012A708DBFF0 (meta 0000012A42ABC6B8} 3 = false HealthbarType3_Changed = table:0000012A708DADF0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708DAE38 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F9BE58 2 = userdata:0000012A708D19A0 (meta 0000012A708DA5B0} 3 = false HealthbarType5_Changed = table:0000012A42ABB120 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A42ABB168 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A708BFAB8 2 = userdata:0000012A42ABD938 (meta 0000012A42ABBE30} 3 = false HealthbarType7_Changed = table:0000012A4EA9C788 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4EA9C7D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A708C0608 2 = userdata:0000012A4EA980E0 (meta 0000012A4EA9C120} 3 = false InteractableGlowEnabled_Off = table:0000012A4EABD1D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4EABD220 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A4EABC960 (meta 0000012A4EABCFE8} 3 = false InteractableGlowEnabled_On = table:0000012A4EABD110 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4EABD158 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A4EABC960 (meta 0000012A4EABCFE8} 3 = false InventorySlotUpdate = table:0000012AADE05F88 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AADE05FD0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA9172EE8 3 = false LAM = RefreshPanel = table:0000012A7E59FA30 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A89488A20 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BFFDE30 3 = false LeaderboardNotifications_Off = table:0000012A2967EEA8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2967EEF0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2967BEA8 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A96FB8020 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A79F8ABD0 3 = false LeaderboardNotifications_On = table:0000012A2967BF28 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2967EE60 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2967BEA8 3 = false 2 = table:00000129FEB09D98 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A79F8ABD0 3 = false MonsterTellsColorSwapEnabled_Changed = table:0000012A56F079A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A56F079F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:0000012A00633F88 (meta 0000012A7763C5E8} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A4FA9A270 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:00000129F7E63968 (meta 0000012A776216F0} 3 = false 3 = table:00000129F7E74EE0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:0000012A4FA9A468 (meta 00000129F7E692C0} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A4FA9A228 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:0000012A776209B8 (meta 00000129F7E681D0} 3 = false 5 = table:00000129A6D91178 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:00000129A8341CB0 (meta 00000129A6D91028} 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A56581750 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:0000012A4FAA5670 (meta 0000012A56581528} 3 = false MonsterTellsEnabled_Changed = table:00000129A834AE70 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A834AEB8 firstTable 1() = function:00000129A83391C0 2 = userdata:00000129A8337C78 (meta 00000129A834ACD0} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A7763C688 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:0000012A00633F88 (meta 0000012A7763C5E8} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A776209C8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:00000129F7E63968 (meta 0000012A776216F0} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A933F53D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:0000012A4FA9A468 (meta 00000129F7E692C0} 3 = false 5 = table:00000129F7E68E40 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:0000012A776209B8 (meta 00000129F7E681D0} 3 = false 6 = table:00000129A6D910F8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:00000129A8341CB0 (meta 00000129A6D91028} 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A565816D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A56F16288 2 = userdata:0000012A4FAA5670 (meta 0000012A56581528} 3 = false MusicEnabled_Off = table:0000012AA9188D18 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA9188D60 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A3EB3CFF0 (meta 0000012AA9188B28} 3 = false MusicEnabled_On = table:0000012AA9188C50 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA9188C98 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A3EB3CFF0 (meta 0000012AA9188B28} 3 = false NameplateType0_Changed = table:0000012A708CDCC0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708CDD08 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8E7D8 2 = userdata:0000012A708CCC70 (meta 0000012A708CD5D8} 3 = false NameplateType10_Changed = table:0000012A708C69F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708C6A38 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A671E84A8 2 = userdata:0000012A708C2450 (meta 0000012A708C6530} 3 = false NameplateType18_Changed = table:0000012A708CB758 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708CB7A0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8DD38 2 = userdata:0000012A708C7E78 (meta 0000012A708CAFF0} 3 = false NameplateType2_Changed = table:0000012A708CA6B0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708CA6F8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8F2F8 2 = userdata:0000012A42A954A0 (meta 0000012A708C9E70} 3 = false NameplateType36_Changed = table:0000012A42A9B8D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A42A9B918 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8FE48 2 = userdata:0000012A708C96E8 (meta 0000012A42A9B168} 3 = false NameplateType4_Changed = table:0000012A42A9C618 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A42A9D068 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F8F180 2 = userdata:0000012A708C8590 (meta 0000012A42A993B8} 3 = false NameplateType6_Changed = table:0000012A708D1168 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A708D11B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70F987F0 2 = userdata:0000012A42A9D6E8 (meta 0000012A708D0A00} 3 = false NotificationsGuildMotDRead = table:0000012A7089B2D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7089B320 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A83C5C768 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A70899F28 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66BE5690 3 = false OnChatSetChannel = table:0000012A04B9AA60 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A04B9AAA8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A04B9AA18 3 = false OnFormattedChatEvent = table:0000012A3EB35908 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A04B9A998 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3EB358C0 3 = false OnGamepadDialogHidden = table:0000012A7DC71D80 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7DC71DC8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7DC71D00 3 = false OnGuildSelected = table:0000012A4FA27AC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4FA27B10 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4FA27A80 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A59C01058 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A59C00F90 3 = false OnHideWorldMapTooltip = table:0000012A2A576190 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A5761D8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A576108 3 = false OnShowWorldMapTooltip = table:0000012A2A576040 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A576088 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A575F80 3 = false OnWorldMapCampaignChanged = table:0000012AA3D1C510 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA3D1C558 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA3D1C4C8 3 = false 2 = table:0000012AA3D1AFF0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA3D1AFA8 3 = false OnWorldMapChanged = table:0000012A4EAB5BD8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4EAB5C20 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4EAB5B90 3 = false 10 = table:0000012AA3D1C640 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA3D1C5F8 3 = false 11 = table:0000012AA3D21868 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA3D1B098 3 = false 12 = table:0000012A892C19B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A892C1968 3 = false 13 = table:0000012A423560B8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A42356030 3 = false 14 = table:0000012A7D9CB3C8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7D9CB350 3 = false 2 = table:00000129D76B7AC8 firstTable 1() = function:00000129D768C2B8 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A2A576D80 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A576D00 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A79B46AE8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A79B46AA0 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A98BF2A58 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A98BF2A10 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A2A5A41E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A5A4160 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A2A5AC1E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A5AC168 3 = false 8 = table:000001298B57F768 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B57F6E8 3 = false 9 = table:000001298B592D00 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B592C80 3 = false OnWorldMapKeepChanged = table:0000012AA3D3C100 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA3D3C148 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA3D3C078 3 = false 2 = table:0000012AA3D40770 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA3D406E8 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A2A58A090 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A589E08 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A42AAA380 firstTable 1() = function:00000129D7686760 3 = false OnWorldMapModeChanged = table:000001298B56EE50 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B56EE98 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B56EE08 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A2A58D4B8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A58D470 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A2A59D898 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A59D808 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A2A5A0EB8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A5A0E28 3 = false 5 = table:000001298B57F7E8 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B57F6E8 3 = false 6 = table:000001298B592D80 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B592C80 3 = false OnWorldMapQuestsDataRefresh = table:0000012A79B469D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A79B46A20 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A79B46990 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A98BF2990 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A98BF2948 3 = false OnWorldMapSavedVarsReady = table:000001298B57FC28 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B57FC70 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B57FBC0 3 = false 2 = table:000001298B593590 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B593528 3 = false ProfanityFilter_Off = table:0000012A3F2728D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3F272920 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3F272890 3 = false ProfanityFilter_On = table:0000012A3F2729E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3F272A30 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3F2729A0 3 = false SCTEnabled_Changed = table:0000012A2A5B0278 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A5B02C0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB608 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5AFBC8 (meta 0000012A2A5B00D8} 3 = false 10 = table:0000012A2A5B36E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B2828 (meta 0000012A2A5B3540} 3 = false 11 = table:0000012AA3D4B610 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB608 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5AE7E0 (meta 0000012AA3D4B470} 3 = false 12 = table:0000012AA3D4BA00 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5AF310 (meta 0000012A2A5B2A58} 3 = false 13 = table:0000012AA3D4ADA8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D4BFF8 (meta 0000012AA3D4AC08} 3 = false 14 = table:0000012AA3D4A208 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D4B948 (meta 0000012AA3D4A068} 3 = false 15 = table:0000012AA3D49870 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D4A418 (meta 0000012AA3D496D0} 3 = false 16 = table:0000012AA3D47B10 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D49A38 (meta 0000012AA3D47970} 3 = false 17 = table:0000012AA3D48BA0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D490A8 (meta 0000012AA3D48550} 3 = false 18 = table:0000012AA3D46E40 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D48FC0 (meta 0000012AA3D46C70} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A2A5B0B18 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B0408 (meta 0000012A2A5B0978} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A2A5B1428 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B0D70 (meta 0000012A2A5B1288} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A2A5B1D48 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B1638 (meta 0000012A2A5B1BA8} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A2A5B3A60 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B1FA0 (meta 0000012A2A5B38C0} 3 = false 6 = table:0000012A2A5ADAF0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B3BE0 (meta 0000012A2A5B0F48} 3 = false 7 = table:000001298B5963A0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B06B0 (meta 000001298B596200} 3 = false 8 = table:0000012A2A5AEE98 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:000001298B594590 (meta 0000012A2A5AECF8} 3 = false 9 = table:0000012A2A5B2698 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5AF060 (meta 0000012A2A5B24F8} 3 = false SCTIncomingEnabled_Changed = table:0000012AA3D4BA48 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA3D4BA90 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5AF310 (meta 0000012A2A5B2A58} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012AA3D4AE28 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D4BFF8 (meta 0000012AA3D4AC08} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012AA3D4A288 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D4B948 (meta 0000012AA3D4A068} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012AA3D498F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D4A418 (meta 0000012AA3D496D0} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012AA3D47B90 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D49A38 (meta 0000012AA3D47970} 3 = false 6 = table:0000012AA3D48E28 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D490A8 (meta 0000012AA3D48550} 3 = false 7 = table:0000012AA3D46EC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB798 2 = userdata:0000012AA3D48FC0 (meta 0000012AA3D46C70} 3 = false SCTOutgoingEnabled_Changed = table:0000012A2A5B0B98 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A5B0BE0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B0408 (meta 0000012A2A5B0978} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A2A5B14F0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B0D70 (meta 0000012A2A5B1288} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A2A5B1DC8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B1638 (meta 0000012A2A5B1BA8} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A2A5B14A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B1FA0 (meta 0000012A2A5B38C0} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A2A5B3E20 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B3BE0 (meta 0000012A2A5B0F48} 3 = false 6 = table:000001298B5963E8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B06B0 (meta 000001298B596200} 3 = false 7 = table:0000012A2A5AEF18 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:000001298B594590 (meta 0000012A2A5AECF8} 3 = false 8 = table:0000012A2A5B26E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5AF060 (meta 0000012A2A5B24F8} 3 = false 9 = table:0000012A2A5B3760 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66DDB6D0 2 = userdata:0000012A2A5B2828 (meta 0000012A2A5B3540} 3 = false ShowAddOnEULAIfNecessary = table:0000012A73FD53E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A73FD5428 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66475D60 3 = false SoundEnabled_Off = table:0000012A68CA8780 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A68CA87C8 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:000001298B71F678 (meta 0000012A68CA8688} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A68CA8D38 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A007308D0 (meta 0000012A68CA7FF8} 3 = false 3 = table:000001298B721BD8 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:000001298B722408 (meta 000001298B721AB0} 3 = false 4 = table:000001299763B1E8 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:000001298B721CC0 (meta 000001299763EE88} 3 = false 5 = table:0000012A0061BB08 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:000001298B722150 (meta 00000129F7E737B0} 3 = false SoundEnabled_On = table:0000012A68CA8810 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A68CA8858 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:000001298B71F678 (meta 0000012A68CA8688} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A68CA8D80 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A007308D0 (meta 0000012A68CA7FF8} 3 = false 3 = table:0000012A77635308 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:000001298B722408 (meta 000001298B721AB0} 3 = false 4 = table:0000012A7762FE00 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:000001298B721CC0 (meta 000001299763EE88} 3 = false 5 = table:000001298B721C58 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:000001298B722150 (meta 00000129F7E737B0} 3 = false TargetFrameCreated = table:0000012A2D129950 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2D129998 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2D1298B8 3 = false TargetGlowEnabled_Off = table:0000012A4EABBEE0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4EABBF28 firstTable 1() = function:000001298E62CD18 2 = userdata:0000012A4EABA358 (meta 0000012A4EABBDB8} 3 = false TargetGlowEnabled_On = table:0000012A4EABBFA8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4EABBFF0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41FDED98 2 = userdata:0000012A4EABA358 (meta 0000012A4EABBDB8} 3 = false TargetOfTargetEnabledChanged = table:0000012A2A54C6C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A54C708 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A54CE70 3 = false UnitFramesCreated = table:0000012A4838E9C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4838EA08 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4838E968 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A42CDB018 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A42CDAFD0 3 = false UseCustomScaleToggled = table:0000012A4FE800A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59FABAB0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A417FDFF0 2 = userdata:0000012A59FADD30 (meta 0000012A4FE7FEB0} 3 = false 2 = table:0000012983A753A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A4181AB70 2 = userdata:0000012A4FE7FF70 (meta 0000012A73FD3EF0} 3 = false WornSlotUpdate = table:0000012AADE06500 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AADE06548 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA9172EE8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:000001299714F328 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_FORCE_FIRST_PERSON = 2 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_FORCE_THIRD_PERSON = 1 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_ITERATION_END = 2 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_MAX_VALUE = 2 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_NONE = 0 CAMERA_SETTING_ASSASSINATION_CAMERA = 15 CAMERA_SETTING_DISTANCE = 4 CAMERA_SETTING_DISTANCE_SYNCED = 6 CAMERA_SETTING_DISTANCE_UNSHEATHED = 5 CAMERA_SETTING_FIRST_PERSON_FIELD_OF_VIEW = 7 CAMERA_SETTING_FIRST_PERSON_HEAD_BOB = 8 CAMERA_SETTING_FOV_CHANGES_ALLOWED = 13 CAMERA_SETTING_INVERT_Y = 0 CAMERA_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMERA_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 16 CAMERA_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 16 CAMERA_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMERA_SETTING_SCREEN_SHAKE = 16 CAMERA_SETTING_SENSITIVITY_FIRST_PERSON = 3 CAMERA_SETTING_SENSITIVITY_THIRD_PERSON = 2 CAMERA_SETTING_SMOOTHING = 1 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_FIELD_OF_VIEW = 12 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET = 10 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_HORIZONTAL_POSITION_MULTIPLIER = 9 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_SIEGE_WEAPONRY = 14 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_VERTICAL_OFFSET = 11 CAMPAIGNBUFF_DEFENSIVE_ARTIFACT = 1 CAMPAIGNBUFF_EMPEROR = 3 CAMPAIGNBUFF_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGNBUFF_ITERATION_END = 3 CAMPAIGNBUFF_KEEP = 2 CAMPAIGNBUFF_MAX_VALUE = 3 CAMPAIGNBUFF_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGNBUFF_OFFENSIVE_ARTIFACT = 0 CAMPAIGN_AVA_RANK_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68E7FB8 (meta 0000012A97731170} CAMPAIGN_AVA_RANK_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A6BBE3818 (meta 0000012A66BEAE60} firstTable firstMeta icon = userdata:0000012A6BBE3808 (meta 000001298C565E60} name = userdata:0000012AA8F75CD8 (meta 000001298C55E328} rank = userdata:0000012AA8F75C50 (meta 000001298C55E328} statusBar = userdata:0000012A00305B28 (meta 0000012A6BBE6490} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:0000012A00307980 (meta 000001298C55C318} CAMPAIGN_BONUSES = table:0000012A6FC0B200 (meta 0000012A6FC08068} CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A68CB2B20 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A68CB2E68 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A68CB2EF0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000012A68CB2F90 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A68CB2FD8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A68CB3020 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A68CB2F48 3 = false control = userdata:0000012A6FC08208 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A68CB2E20 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A41D82AD0 (meta 0000012A6FC032F0} firstTable firstMeta abilityList = table:0000012A41D83E60 (meta 00000129A82B9650} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000012A41D765C8 (meta 000001298C53A240} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:0000012A66BEE8C0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:0000012AADE21D20 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AADE21D68 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A66BEE878 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:0000012AADE1C540 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A41D7BDB8 (meta 00000129F7FB50A8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000012A41D81388 (meta 000001298C585C68} scrollList = table:0000012A41D83E60 (meta 00000129A82B9650} dataIndexToControl = table:00000129F8563098 firstTable dataList = table:0000012AADE22490 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000012AADE185A8 firstTable ZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplate = table:0000012A4F0ED6C0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000012A7F903648 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:0000012A66DADED8 pool = table:0000012A41D83CC0 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A4F0E97B0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:0000012A4F0ED470 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_CampaignBonus_GamepadMenuContainerListScrollZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplate parent = userdata:0000012A41D7E170 (meta 000001298C5722E0} templateName = ZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:0000012A593EF348 ZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:0000012A4F0EFB28 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000012A7F903648 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:0000012A593EF2C8 parametricFunction() = function:0000012A66DADED8 pool = table:0000012A4F0EFC88 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000012A66BEE7E0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:0000012A7DA351A8 customResetBehavior() = function:0000012A593F4BC0 m_Active = table:0000012A4F0EFD70 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:0000012A593ECE40 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_CampaignBonus_GamepadMenuContainerListScrollZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:0000012A41D7E170 (meta 000001298C5722E0} templateName = ZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:0000012A593EF348 defaultSelectedIndex = 1 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:0000012A41D847D0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:00000129F7FB5150 (meta 00000129F7F43D98} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000129F7F43EC8 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000012A41D81828 (meta 000001298C55E328} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:0000012A89293690 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000129A82B9610 postPadding = table:0000012AADE27320 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000012AADE24F78 firstTable prePadding = table:0000012AADE27218 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000012AADE24DB0 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:0000012A41D7E170 (meta 000001298C5722E0} selectedCenterOffset = table:0000012AADE26998 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:0000012AADE222E0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:00000129F855D4F8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = false visibleControls = table:0000012AADE20058 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A593EF3E8 (meta 000001298C541B38} CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012AADE21DE8 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000129F7FBD210 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000129F7FBD298 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:00000129F7FBD370 firstTable StateChange = table:00000129F7FBD3B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000129F7FBD400 firstTable 1() = function:00000129F7FBD328 3 = false control = userdata:0000012A593EF3E8 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:00000129F7FBD1C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_BROWSER = table:0000012A7DA39850 (meta 00000129F8562C90} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:0000012A283D0150 (meta 000001298C541B38} currentSortKey = name currentSortOrder = true filteredList = table:0000012A7DA43180 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7DA431C8 headersContainer = userdata:0000012AADE23948 (meta 000001298C53A240} keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000012A7DA43210 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66BE5998 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66BE8628 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name() = function:0000012A66BE85E0 visible() = function:0000012A66BE8670 2 = table:0000012A66BE86B8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66BEA580 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guest visible() = function:0000012A66BEA5C8 3 = table:0000012A66BEA610 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66BEA700 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Home visible() = function:0000012A66BEA748 4 = table:0000012A66BEA790 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66BEA8C8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:0000012A66BEA880 visible() = function:0000012A66BEA910 alignment = 3 list = userdata:0000012A7DA367E0 (meta 0000012A7DA38B28} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000012A7DA38D10 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000012A7DA38DE8 (meta 0000012A66BE7970} animation = userdata:0000012A7DA396E0 (meta 0000012A7DA39738} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000012A7DA367E0 (meta 0000012A7DA38B28} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000012A7DA38EE8 firstTable contents = userdata:0000012A7DA37300 (meta 000001298C5722E0} data = table:0000012A7DA38BC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7DA431C8 dataTypes = table:0000012A7DA38A98 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7DA3A698 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:0000012A7DA3A348 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A7DA3A390 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000012A7DA38DE8 (meta 0000012A66BE7970} m_Factory() = function:0000012A7DA399D8 m_Free = table:0000012A7DA3A408 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000012A56357808 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000012A7DA38E48 2 = table:0000012A7DA3AC90 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:0000012A7DA3A970 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A7DA3A9B8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A7DA3A870 m_Free = table:0000012A7DA3AA00 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A56357808 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000012A7DA3A828 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000012A7DA36660 (meta 000001298C54D798} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:0000012A7DA36460 (meta 0000012A7DA388E8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:0000012A7DA38890 (meta 000001298C586CF8} timeline = userdata:0000012A7DA38860 (meta 000001298C585C68} timeline = userdata:0000012A7DA389A8 (meta 000001298C585C68} uniformControlHeight = 30 upButton = userdata:0000012A7DA365E8 (meta 000001298C54D798} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000012A7DA38D58 firstTable 1 = 1 yDistanceFromEdgeWhereSelectionCausesScroll = 150 masterList = table:0000012A7DA3E1E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7DA3C6E0 firstTable alliancePopulation1 = 0 alliancePopulation2 = 0 alliancePopulation3 = 0 id = 80 name = Sotha Sil numFriends = 0 numGroupMembers = 0 numGuildMembers = 0 queuedGroupState = 3 queuedGroupType = 2 queuedIndividualState = 3 queuedIndividualType = 2 queues = table:0000012A7DA3C888 firstTable rulesetId = 22 rulesetType = 1 type = 1 2 = table:0000012A7DA3C760 firstTable alliancePopulation1 = 1 alliancePopulation2 = 0 alliancePopulation3 = 0 dataEntry = table:0000012A7DA431C8 firstTable bottom = 30 control = userdata:0000012A7DA38DE8 (meta 0000012A66BE7970} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:0000012A7DA431C8 index = 1 key = 1 data = table:0000012A7DA3C760 top = 0 typeId = 1 id = 81 name = Vivec numFriends = 0 numGroupMembers = 0 numGuildMembers = 0 queuedGroupState = 3 queuedGroupType = 2 queuedIndividualState = 3 queuedIndividualType = 2 queues = table:0000012A7DA3C8D0 firstTable rulesetId = 14 rulesetType = 1 sortIndex = 1 type = 1 3 = table:0000012A7DA3C7F8 firstTable alliancePopulation1 = 0 alliancePopulation2 = 0 alliancePopulation3 = 0 id = 82 name = Kyne numFriends = 0 numGroupMembers = 0 numGuildMembers = 0 queuedGroupState = 3 queuedGroupType = 2 queuedIndividualState = 3 queuedIndividualType = 2 queues = table:0000012A7DA3C918 firstTable rulesetId = 15 rulesetType = 1 type = 1 4 = table:0000012A7DA3E690 firstTable alliancePopulation1 = 0 alliancePopulation2 = 0 alliancePopulation3 = 0 id = 83 name = Shor numFriends = 0 numGroupMembers = 0 numGuildMembers = 0 queuedGroupState = 3 queuedGroupType = 2 queuedIndividualState = 3 queuedIndividualType = 2 queues = table:0000012A7DA3E700 firstTable rulesetId = 17 rulesetType = 1 type = 1 numConfirmingQueues = 0 rules = userdata:0000012AADE238D8 (meta 000001298C55E328} rulesetIdFilter = 14 rulesetTypes = table:0000012A7DA3ECB0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7DA3ED50 firstTable 1 = 14 2 = 22 3 = 15 4 = 17 sortFunction() = function:0000012A7DA3AE20 sortHeaderGroup = table:0000012A7DA39A48 (meta 0000012A83D27F30} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:0000012A7DA39AB0 (meta 000001298C565E60} callbackRegistry = table:0000012A7DA39B50 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:0000012A7DA39B98 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7DA38C58 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7DA39B08 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A7DA39AC0 firstTable disabledColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:0000012AADE23948 (meta 000001298C53A240} highlightColor = table:00000129AC5E60A8 (meta 00000129A8929028} movementController = table:0000012A7DA38C10 (meta 00000129F7F43D98} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000129F7F43EC8 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selectedColor = table:00000129AC5E6B30 (meta 00000129A8929028} selectedSortHeader = userdata:0000012AADE239B8 (meta 0000012AADE23320} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = name selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:0000012A7DA39A48 (meta 0000012A83D27F30} usesArrow = true showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:0000012A7DA38CB8 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000012AADE239B8 (meta 0000012AADE23320} 2 = userdata:0000012AADE23B50 (meta 0000012AADE23C68} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = numGroupMembers sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:0000012A7DA39A48 (meta 0000012A83D27F30} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Group Members Assigned to this Campaign 3 = userdata:0000012AADE23238 (meta 0000012A7DA355D8} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = numFriends sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:0000012A7DA39A48 (meta 0000012A83D27F30} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Friends Assigned to this Campaign 4 = userdata:0000012A7DA35110 (meta 0000012A7DA360D8} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = numGuildMembers sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:0000012A7DA39A48 (meta 0000012A83D27F30} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Guild Members in a Campaign 5 = userdata:0000012A7DA35BB8 (meta 0000012A7DA37800} firstMeta firstIndex arrowOffset = -5 icon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBrowser_columnHeader_AD.dds initialDirection = true isIconHeader = true key = alliancePopulation1 sortHeaderGroup = table:0000012A7DA39A48 (meta 0000012A83D27F30} tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Aldmeri Dominion Population usesArrow = true 6 = userdata:0000012A7DA357E8 (meta 0000012A7DA370A0} firstMeta firstIndex arrowOffset = -5 icon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBrowser_columnHeader_EP.dds initialDirection = true isIconHeader = true key = alliancePopulation2 sortHeaderGroup = table:0000012A7DA39A48 (meta 0000012A83D27F30} tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Ebonheart Pact Population usesArrow = true 7 = userdata:0000012A7DA37788 (meta 0000012A7DA371F8} firstMeta firstIndex arrowOffset = -5 icon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBrowser_columnHeader_DC.dds initialDirection = true isIconHeader = true key = alliancePopulation3 sortHeaderGroup = table:0000012A7DA39A48 (meta 0000012A83D27F30} tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Daggerfall Covenant Population usesArrow = true tree = table:0000012A7DA3B0F0 (meta 00000129FEE87808} CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68E7AA0 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000129D68E7B30 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000129D68E7760 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A283D0150 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68E7AE8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_SCENE = table:0000012A66BE8520 (meta 0000012A011592E0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A7DA3F350 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A7DA3F398 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7DA3F410 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7DA3F308 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A89404088 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A89403F08 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A66BE8598 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A66BE7A10 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 10 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} 11 = table:00000129D68E24D8 (meta 00000129A89BD098} 12 = table:00000129D68E2BD0 (meta 0000012A29CEAB40} 13 = table:00000129D68E7AA0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 14 = table:0000012A741D3770 (meta 0000012A97731170} 15 = table:000001298B534EB8 (meta 0000012A97731170} 16 = table:0000012A741D3890 (meta 0000012A97731170} 17 = table:00000129D68E76D0 (meta 0000012AADB021E8} 18 = table:00000129D68E8160 (meta 0000012A97731170} 19 = table:00000129D68E7FB8 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000129D68E8048 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000129D68E80D0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A66BEAF80 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68E8000 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 2 = table:0000012A59C3F580 (meta 0000012A59C3F358} 20 = table:0000012A9357E638 (meta 00000129F8558048} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A9357E680 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 73 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 21 = table:00000129D68F0BF0 (meta 0000012AADB02378} 22 = table:0000012A4E2C9668 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A4E2C96B0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 6 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 23 = table:0000012A41D6F7B8 (meta 0000012A97731170} 24 = table:0000012A41D6C128 (meta 0000012A97731170} 25 = table:0000012A741D3800 (meta 0000012A97731170} 26 = table:0000012A41D6F3D0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 3 = table:0000012A4F358C28 (meta 0000012A97731170} 4 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 5 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 7 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 8 = table:0000012A3F2987D8 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 9 = table:00000129FEB0D820 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} name = campaignBrowser restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000012A6CACF9F0 (meta 0000012A049E2220} firstTable activeScene = 1 callbackRegistry = table:0000012A894039C0 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A89403A08 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A89403A80 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A894036F0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A89403650 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:0000012A89403698 firstTable 1 = campaignOverview 2 = campaignBrowser state = scene_group_hidden sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR = table:0000012A68CB2668 (meta 0000012A593F38E8} CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A593FA048 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A593FA320 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A593FA3A8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000012A593FA480 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A593FA4C8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593FA510 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A593FA438 3 = false control = userdata:0000012A593F3A88 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A593FA090 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_GAMEPAD = table:0000012AA8506558 (meta 00000129FEB02530} firstTable firstMeta UpdateReignDuration() = function:0000012AA85065E8 automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:0000012A59CC0C98 (meta 000001298C541B38} emptyRow = userdata:0000012AA90E4DF0 (meta 000001298C53A240} imperialKeepPool = table:0000012AA90E4D40 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012AA90E4D88 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:0000012AA90E4E00 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_CampaignEmperor_GamepadKeepsImperialKeep parent = userdata:00000129AC4C20F8 (meta 000001298C53A240} templateName = ZO_CampaignImperialKeep_Gamepad imperialKeeps = userdata:00000129AC4C20F8 (meta 000001298C53A240} imperialKeepsRequired = userdata:0000012A59CBF7B8 (meta 000001298C55E328} imperialKeepsRequiredData = userdata:00000129FEB04B60 (meta 000001298C55E328} leaderboardAlliances = table:0000012A8399EAB8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA90E46C0 firstTable alliance = 2 allianceName = Ebonheart Pact isCurrent = true 2 = table:0000012A42CBDE20 firstTable alliance = 1 allianceName = Aldmeri Dominion isCurrent = false 3 = table:0000012AADAFA8A0 firstTable alliance = 3 allianceName = Daggerfall Covenant isCurrent = false list = userdata:0000012A59219A98 (meta 0000012AADAFA960} firstMeta firstIndex ScrollBarHiddenCallback() = function:0000012AA90E5368 activeControls = table:0000012AA8505968 firstTable animation = userdata:0000012AA8506368 (meta 0000012AA85063C0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000012A59219A98 (meta 0000012AADAFA960} autoSelect = true buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000012AA8505B40 firstTable contents = userdata:0000012AA8505618 (meta 000001298C5722E0} data = table:0000012A6F199660 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000012AADAFAC58 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA90E5608 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:0000012AA90E5530 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012AA90E5578 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012AA90E5430 m_Free = table:0000012AA90E55C0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A56357808 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000012AA90E53E8 2 = table:0000012AA90E5C00 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:0000012AA90E58E0 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012AA90E5928 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012AA90E57E0 m_Free = table:0000012AA90E5970 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A56357808 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000012AA90E5798 3 = table:0000012AA90E5FB0 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:0000012AA90E5ED8 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012AA90E5F20 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012AA90E5DD8 m_Free = table:0000012AA90E5F68 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A56357808 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000012AA90E5D90 4 = table:0000012AA90E7770 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:0000012AA90E5A60 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012AA90E76E0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012AA90E5020 m_Free = table:0000012AA90E7728 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A56357808 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000012AA90E4FD8 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000012AA85054A8 (meta 000001298C565E60} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:0000012A2857DBD0 (meta 0000012AA8505560} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:0000012AA8505508 (meta 000001298C586CF8} timeline = userdata:0000012AA85054D8 (meta 000001298C585C68} selectionCallback() = function:00000129FEB02608 timeline = userdata:0000012AA8506338 (meta 000001298C585C68} uniformControlHeight = 64 upButton = userdata:0000012AA8505428 (meta 000001298C565E60} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000012AA90E4BD8 firstTable yDistanceFromEdgeWhereSelectionCausesScroll = 150 listAlliance = 2 masterList = table:0000012AA90E4B90 firstTable maxAllowedRank = 10 menuEntries = table:0000012AA8505918 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA8505BF8 firstTable alliance = 1 callback() = function:0000012AA8505C98 textString = Aldmeri Dominion 2 = table:0000012AA8505DC8 firstTable alliance = 3 callback() = function:0000012AA90E48A0 textString = Daggerfall Covenant 3 = table:0000012AA90E49D0 firstTable alliance = 2 callback() = function:0000012AA90E4A18 textString = Ebonheart Pact playerRow = userdata:00000129FEB10468 (meta 0000012AA85065A0} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:0000012A97B0CB28 firstTable scrollIndicator = userdata:0000012AA8506548 (meta 000001298C565E60} shownAllianceIndex = 2 shownAllianceString = Ebonheart Pact CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012AA90E47F8 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A2A50B208 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012AADAFAAD0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000012AADAFA4F0 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A70EF7848 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AADB106D8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AADAFAE20 3 = false control = userdata:0000012A59CC0C98 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012AA90E4840 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARDS = table:0000012A84D97108 (meta 0000012A59F1A750} CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARD_SYSTEM_NAME = campaignLeaderboards CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_CHAMPION_RANK = 2 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_NONE = 0 CAMPAIGN_LEVEL_REQ_TYPE_PLAYER_LEVEL = 1 CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW = table:00000129A7EBEC08 (meta 00000129A7EBFD38} firstTable firstMeta campaignName = userdata:00000129A7EBEA98 (meta 000001298C55E328} control = userdata:00000129A7EC38D8 (meta 000001298C541B38} overviewType = 1 tree = table:00000129A7EBEF70 (meta 00000129FEE87808} firstTable autoSelectChildOnNodeOpen = false childContainerPool = table:00000129A7EBF310 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:00000129A7EBE040 m_Active = table:000001298B51B7A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000129A7EC4950 (meta 000001298C5722E0} m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:00000129A7EBF3A0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_CampaignOverviewCategoriesContainer parent = userdata:00000129A7EBEA20 (meta 000001298C53A240} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:00000129A7EBEA20 (meta 000001298C53A240} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:00000129A7EBF000 exclusivePath = table:00000129A7EC4640 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B51B838 (meta 00000129AC646360} 2 = table:000001298B51B4D8 (meta 00000129AC646360} rootNode = table:000001298B51B4D8 (meta 00000129AC646360} firstTable childContainer = userdata:00000129A7EC4950 (meta 000001298C5722E0} childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 children = table:00000129A7EC4898 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B51B838 (meta 00000129AC646360} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:000001298B51B928 (meta 00000129A7EC4458} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:00000129FEE7B238 OnMouseExit() = function:00000129FEE7B278 OnMouseUp() = function:0000012A4299BE58 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:000001298B51B9B8 (meta 00000129A7EC47C8} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:000001298B51B8A0 (meta 000001298C585C68} iconHighlight = userdata:000001298B51BA50 (meta 000001298C565E60} node = table:000001298B51B838 (meta 00000129AC646360} overviewType = 1 text = userdata:000001298B51BAE0 (meta 000001298B51BB38} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = true data = 1 enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:0000012A594254C8 nextNode = table:00000129A7EC4960 (meta 00000129AC646360} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:00000129A7EC4A50 (meta 00000129A7EC3C00} firstMeta firstIndex OnMouseEnter() = function:00000129FEE7B238 OnMouseExit() = function:00000129FEE7B278 OnMouseUp() = function:0000012A4299BE58 allowIconScaling = true animationTemplate = IconHeaderAnimation enabled = true icon = userdata:00000129A7EC4AE0 (meta 00000129A7EC4570} firstMeta firstIndex iconHighlight = userdata:00000129A7EC4B78 (meta 000001298C565E60} node = table:00000129A7EC4960 (meta 00000129AC646360} overviewType = 3 text = userdata:00000129A7EC4C08 (meta 00000129A7EC4C60} firstMeta firstIndex data = 3 enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:0000012A594254C8 open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001298B51B4D8 (meta 00000129AC646360} selectSound = Campaign_BladeSelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:00000129A7EBEF18 setupFunction() = function:000001298B51AB40 templateInfo = table:00000129A7EBE3F8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000012A594254C8 objectPool = table:00000129A7EBE440 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable selectionFunction() = function:00000129A7EBEF18 setupFunction() = function:000001298B51AB40 template = ZO_CampaignOverviewType tree = table:00000129A7EBEF70 (meta 00000129FEE87808} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:000001298B51B4D8 (meta 00000129AC646360} selectSound = Campaign_BladeSelected selected = true selectionFunction() = function:00000129A7EBEF18 setupFunction() = function:000001298B51AB40 templateInfo = table:00000129A7EBE3F8 tree = table:00000129A7EBEF70 (meta 00000129FEE87808} 2 = table:00000129A7EC4960 (meta 00000129AC646360} childrenCurrentHeight = 86 childrenHeight = 86 enabled = true open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:00000129A7EBEF70 (meta 00000129FEE87808} selectedNode = table:000001298B51B838 (meta 00000129AC646360} suspendAnimations = false templateInfo = table:00000129A7EBEFB8 firstTable ZO_CampaignOverviewType = table:00000129A7EBE3F8 width = 280 CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68E8508 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000129D68E8598 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000129D68E8620 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:00000129A7EC38D8 (meta 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table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 5 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 7 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 8 = table:0000012A3F2987D8 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 9 = table:00000129FEB0D820 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} name = campaignOverview restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000012A6CACF9F0 (meta 0000012A049E2220} sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden CAMPAIGN_POP_FULL = 3 CAMPAIGN_POP_HIGH = 2 CAMPAIGN_POP_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_POP_ITERATION_END = 3 CAMPAIGN_POP_LOW = 0 CAMPAIGN_POP_MAX_VALUE = 3 CAMPAIGN_POP_MEDIUM = 1 CAMPAIGN_POP_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_GROUP = true CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_INDIVIDUAL = false CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_CONFIRMING = 2 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_FINISHED = 3 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_ITERATION_END = 5 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 5 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_PENDING_ACCEPT = 5 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_PENDING_JOIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_PENDING_LEAVE = 4 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_REQUEST_STATE_WAITING = 1 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_CAMPAIGNS_DISABLED = 14 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_DISABLED = 4 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN_IN_CONFLICT = 5 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_GUESTING_NOT_CURRENTLY_ALLOWED = 11 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_GUEST_AND_ASSIGNED_EQUAL = 12 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_ERROR = 9 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS = 8 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_INVALID_DB_STATE = 6 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_INVALID_DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN = 1 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_ITERATION_END = 16 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_NOT_MET = 15 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_MAX_VALUE = 16 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_NONE = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_REASSIGNMENT_IN_PROGRESS = 7 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_REASSIGNMENT_ON_COOLDOWN = 3 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_REASSIGN_ON_END_INVALID = 16 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET = 13 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_UNCHANGED_DESTINATION_CAMPAIGN = 2 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_ERROR_UNCHANGED_DESTINATION_PENDING_CAMPAIGN = 10 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_GUEST = 2 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_IMMEDIATE = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CAMPAIGN_REASSIGN_TYPE_ON_END = 1 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_HARDCORE = 2 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_NORMAL = 1 CAMPAIGN_RULESET_TYPE_SPECIAL = 3 CAMPAIGN_SCORING = table:0000012A6FC06B80 (meta 00000129A7EC7A00} CAMPAIGN_SCORING_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A6FC07720 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A6FC07A28 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A6FC07A78 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000012A6FC07F58 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A6FC07FA0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6FC07FE8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6FC07ED8 3 = false control = userdata:00000129A7EC7C90 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A6FC07798 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_SCORING_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A4F0F5D70 (meta 0000012AA90E9CC8} firstTable firstMeta campaignId = 0 control = userdata:0000012AA90E9D78 (meta 000001298C541B38} scoreSections = table:0000012A4F0F5E38 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000012AA90E6B50 (meta 0000012A6FC078A8} 2 = userdata:0000012A6FC0F900 (meta 0000012A68CB4308} 3 = userdata:0000012A68CB3C30 (meta 0000012A68CC0DC0} shown = false tierProgressBar = userdata:0000012AA90E6238 (meta 0000012AA90E6A18} 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0 scoreSections = table:0000012A6FC06C20 firstTable 1 = userdata:00000129A7ECC2C8 (meta 00000129A7ECD4F0} 2 = userdata:0000012A6FC04890 (meta 0000012A6FC05180} 3 = userdata:0000012A6FC056E8 (meta 0000012A6FC06180} shown = false tierProgressBar = userdata:00000129A7ECBEC8 (meta 00000129A7ECC1D8} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:00000129A7ECAB60 (meta 000001298C55C318} tierProgressRank = userdata:00000129A7ECBDD0 (meta 000001298C55E328} 3 = table:0000012A68CB2668 (meta 0000012A593F38E8} firstTable firstMeta UpdateReignDuration() = function:0000012A593F5378 automaticallyColorRows = true campaignId = 0 control = userdata:0000012A593F3A88 (meta 000001298C541B38} emperorAlliance = userdata:0000012A593F3BA8 (meta 000001298C565E60} emperorName = userdata:0000012A593F0258 (meta 000001298C55E328} emperorReignDuration = userdata:0000012A593F02D0 (meta 000001298C55E328} imperialKeepPool = table:0000012A593F9930 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A3F02BC40 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:0000012A593F99C0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_CampaignEmperorKeepsImperialKeep parent = userdata:0000012A68CB37C0 (meta 000001298C53A240} templateName = ZO_CampaignImperialKeep imperialKeeps = userdata:0000012A68CB37C0 (meta 000001298C53A240} imperialKeepsRequired = userdata:0000012A68CB3750 (meta 000001298C55E328} list = userdata:0000012A68CB1AE8 (meta 0000012A68CB20D0} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000012A68CB22B8 firstTable animation = userdata:0000012A68CB24F8 (meta 0000012A68CB2550} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000012A68CB1AE8 (meta 0000012A68CB20D0} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000012A68CB2490 firstTable contents = userdata:0000012A68CB1B60 (meta 000001298C5722E0} data = table:0000012A68CB2170 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000012A68CB2040 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593F9C50 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:0000012A593F9B78 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A593F9BC0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A593F91E8 m_Free = table:0000012A593F9C08 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A56357808 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000012A593F9A50 2 = table:0000012A593F9EB8 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:0000012A593F9DE0 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A593F9E28 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A593F9CE0 m_Free = table:0000012A593F9E70 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A56357808 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000012A593F9C98 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000012A68CB1DD8 (meta 000001298C54D798} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:0000012A68CB1BD8 (meta 0000012A68CB1E90} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:0000012A68CB1E38 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0000012A6FC08068} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:0000012A6FC08208 (meta 000001298C541B38} list = userdata:0000012A6FC07B28 (meta 0000012A6FC0A248} shown = false comboBox = table:0000012A593F41C0 (meta 0000012983A8BD38} firstTable m_container = userdata:0000012A3F026F68 (meta 0000012A593FACE8} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:0000012A593F41C0 (meta 0000012983A8BD38} m_font = ZoFontHeader2 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_CampaignSelectorComboBox m_openDropdown = userdata:0000012A593F4130 (meta 000001298C54D798} m_selectedColor = table:0000012A593F4208 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:0000012A593F41B0 (meta 000001298C55E328} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000012996DD3928 m_sortedItems = table:0000012A593FADB8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593FB9C0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A593FAB58 name = Home Campaign selectedQueryType = 2 m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 8 control = userdata:0000012A3F026578 (meta 000001298C541B38} dataRegistration = table:0000012A593FBE68 (meta 0000012A7DC91548} firstTable needsData = false needsDataFunction() = function:0000012A593FBE20 scenesCreated = false selectedQueryType = 2 CAMPAIGN_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A593FB510 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A593FB7E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A593FB838 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000012A593FBCE0 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A593FBD28 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593FBDA0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A593FBC98 3 = false control = userdata:0000012A3F026578 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A593FB558 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGN_TYPE_GUEST = 2 CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGN_TYPE_HOME_USE_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 0 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CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RANK_UPDATE = 10 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED = 1 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ACTIVITY_COMPLETE = 54 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ARTIFACT_CONTROL_STATE = 2 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_AVENGE_KILL = 9 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_BAG_CAPACITY_CHANGED = 51 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_BANK_CAPACITY_CHANGED = 52 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND_MINUTE_WARNING = 46 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND_NEARING_VICTORY = 47 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND_OBJECTIVE = 48 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_CHAMPION_LEVEL_ACHIEVED = 24 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_CHAMPION_POINT_GAINED = 23 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_COLLECTIBLES_UPDATED = 38 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_CORONATE_EMPEROR = 3 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_COUNTDOWN = 45 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_CYRODIIL_KEEP_REWARD = 41 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_DAILY_LOGIN_REWARD_CLAIMED = 33 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_DEPOSE_EMPEROR = 4 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE = 22 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_DISPLAY_ANNOUNCEMENT = 55 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_DUEL_COUNTDOWN = 44 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_DUEL_FINISHED = 42 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_DUEL_NEAR_BOUNDARY = 43 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ENLIGHTENMENT_GAINED = 49 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ENLIGHTENMENT_LOST = 50 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ESO_PLUS_SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGED = 56 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_EXPERIENCE_GAIN = 25 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_FORCE_RESPEC = 53 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED = 5 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST = 6 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 57 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_JUSTICE_INFAMY_CHANGED = 34 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_JUSTICE_NOW_KOS = 35 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_JUSTICE_NO_LONGER_KOS = 36 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_KEEP_GATE_CHANGED = 7 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_LEVEL_GAIN = 26 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_LORE_BOOK_LEARNED = 17 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_LORE_BOOK_LEARNED_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 18 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_LORE_COLLECTION_COMPLETED = 15 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_LORE_COLLECTION_COMPLETED_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 16 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 57 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETED = 27 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_OUTFIT_CHANGES_APPLIED = 39 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_RESULT = 0 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_POI_DISCOVERED = 32 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_QUEST_ADDED = 31 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_QUEST_COMPLETED = 28 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_QUEST_CONDITION_COMPLETED = 30 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_QUEST_PROGRESSION_CHANGED = 29 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_RAID_TRIAL = 21 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_REVENGE_KILL = 8 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_RIDING_SKILL_IMPROVEMENT = 40 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SINGLE_COLLECTIBLE_UPDATED = 37 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SKILL_LINE_ADDED = 12 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SKILL_POINTS_GAINED = 20 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SKILL_POINTS_PARTIAL_GAINED = 19 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SKILL_RANK_UPDATE = 13 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SKILL_XP_UPDATE = 14 CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE_TYPE_SYSTEM_BROADCAST = 57 CHAMPION_KEYBIND_STRIP_FADE_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A89495800 (meta 0000012A894955C0} CHAMPION_PERKS = table:0000012997D181A0 (meta 00000129AC4CBBF8} firstTable firstMeta canvasControl = userdata:0000012A298CBD18 (meta 000001298C53A240} chosenAttributeTypeEarnedPointCounter = userdata:0000012AA3A224C8 (meta 0000012AA3A226C8} chosenAttributeTypePointCounter = userdata:0000012AA3A228B8 (meta 0000012A298DD008} control = userdata:0000012A70EFAC60 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirty = false gamepadChosenConstellationControl = userdata:0000012A98BFC5E8 (meta 000001298C53A240} gamepadChosenConstellationFragment = table:0000012A741A1550 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable 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CHATTER_END_PICKPOCKET = 4199 CHATTER_END_REPAIR_ALL = 4299 CHATTER_END_RETRAIT = 4719 CHATTER_END_SHOP = 699 CHATTER_END_SIEGE = 1199 CHATTER_END_SKILL_RESPEC = 4729 CHATTER_END_STABLE = 3199 CHATTER_END_STONE_MASON = 3799 CHATTER_END_TALK = 199 CHATTER_END_TRADINGHOUSE = 3499 CHATTER_END_USE_CLEMENCY = 4499 CHATTER_END_USE_FURNITURE = 4609 CHATTER_END_USE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS = 4509 CHATTER_EXIT_HIDEYHOLE = 4301 CHATTER_FEED_MOUNT = 3102 CHATTER_FISH_BITE = 3202 CHATTER_FISH_NIBBLE = 3203 CHATTER_FISH_REEL_IN = 3201 CHATTER_FORCE_LOCK = 2802 CHATTER_GENERIC_ACCEPT = 42 CHATTER_GIVE_ITEM_COMPLETE = 401 CHATTER_GOODBYE = 10000 CHATTER_GUILDKIOSK_IN_TRANSITION = 3902 CHATTER_IMPROVE_ITEM = 2905 CHATTER_INVALID = 0 CHATTER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHATTER_ITERATION_END = 10000 CHATTER_LOCK_PICK_BROKEN = 2804 CHATTER_LOOT_ADD_RADIUS_TARGET = 704 CHATTER_LOOT_ALL = 701 CHATTER_LOOT_ALL_NON_STOLEN = 702 CHATTER_LOOT_ITEM = 703 CHATTER_LOOT_REMOVE_RADIUS_TARGET = 705 CHATTER_LOOT_UPDATE = 707 CHATTER_MAX_VALUE = 10000 CHATTER_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHATTER_OFFER_QUEST_BESTOWAL = 201 CHATTER_OPEN_GUILDBANK = 3301 CHATTER_OPEN_HOOKPOINT_STORE = 1001 CHATTER_OPEN_MAIL = 901 CHATTER_OPEN_SKILL_RESPEC = 4721 CHATTER_OPEN_TRADINGHOUSE = 3401 CHATTER_OPTION_ERROR = table:0000012A6CD2E9B8 firstTable 102 = 6540 103 = 6541 104 = 6542 105 = 6540 107 = 6543 108 = 6544 111 = 6540 3902 = 6545 CHATTER_PACKUP_SIEGE = 1104 CHATTER_PICK_LOCK = 2803 CHATTER_PLACE_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 3801 CHATTER_PROMPT_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 1601 CHATTER_PROMPT_CRAFT = 2901 CHATTER_PROMPT_DYE_STATION = 801 CHATTER_PROMPT_LOCK = 2801 CHATTER_PROMPT_RETRAIT = 4701 CHATTER_PURCHASE_GUILDKIOSK = 3901 CHATTER_REPAIR_SIEGE = 1102 CHATTER_RESEARCH_ITEM = 2904 CHATTER_RESET = 2 CHATTER_RESET_DURATION = 3 CHATTER_SHOW_BOOK = 2501 CHATTER_SHOW_GRAVEYARD_TRAVEL = 2401 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 2601 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 3501 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_TRAVEL = 2101 CHATTER_SHOW_STONE_MASON = 3701 CHATTER_START_ADVANCE_COMPLETABLE_QUEST_CONDITIONS = 4000 CHATTER_START_BANK = 1200 CHATTER_START_BOOK = 2500 CHATTER_START_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 1600 CHATTER_START_COMPLETE_QUEST = 300 CHATTER_START_CRAFT = 2900 CHATTER_START_DOOR = 2700 CHATTER_START_DYE_STATION = 800 CHATTER_START_FISH = 3200 CHATTER_START_GIVE_ITEM = 400 CHATTER_START_GRAVEYARD_TRAVEL = 2400 CHATTER_START_GUILDBANK = 3300 CHATTER_START_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 3800 CHATTER_START_GUILDKIOSK_PURCHASE = 3900 CHATTER_START_HARVEST = 3000 CHATTER_START_HIDEYHOLE = 4300 CHATTER_START_KEEP = 2000 CHATTER_START_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 2600 CHATTER_START_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 3500 CHATTER_START_KEEP_PIECE = 1000 CHATTER_START_KEEP_TRAVEL = 2100 CHATTER_START_LEARN_TABLET = 3600 CHATTER_START_LOCK = 2800 CHATTER_START_LOOT = 700 CHATTER_START_MAIL = 900 CHATTER_START_NEW_QUEST_BESTOWAL = 200 CHATTER_START_PAY_BOUNTY = 500 CHATTER_START_PICKPOCKET = 4100 CHATTER_START_REPAIR_ALL = 4200 CHATTER_START_RETRAIT = 4700 CHATTER_START_SHOP = 600 CHATTER_START_SIEGE = 1100 CHATTER_START_SKILL_RESPEC = 4720 CHATTER_START_STABLE = 3100 CHATTER_START_STONE_MASON = 3700 CHATTER_START_TALK = 100 CHATTER_START_TRADINGHOUSE = 3400 CHATTER_START_USE_CLEMENCY = 4400 CHATTER_START_USE_FURNITURE = 4600 CHATTER_START_USE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS = 4500 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE = 101 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_BEGIN_SKILL_RESPEC = 111 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_CLEMENCY_COOLDOWN = 108 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_CLEMENCY_DISABLED = 107 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_INTIMIDATE_DISABLED = 103 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_MONEY = 102 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_PAY_BOUNTY = 105 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_PERSUADE_DISABLED = 104 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS_UNAVAILABLE = 110 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_USE_CLEMENCY = 106 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_USE_SHADOWY_CONNECTIONS = 109 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED = 0 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED_FOR_LOCAL_PLAYER = 1 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED_ONLY_FROM_CONTACTS = 2 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 3 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_SPEED_MODIFIER = 3 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 48 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_BLOCK_ABSORBED_DEFEND = 58 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DEATH = 61 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DIRECT_DAMAGE = 51 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DIRECT_HEAL = 53 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DODGE_PARRY_MISS = 57 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DOT = 52 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DRAIN = 56 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_ENERGIZE = 55 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_EXPERIENCE = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_GAINED_EFFECT = 49 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_HOT = 54 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_LOST_EFFECT = 50 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_OTHER = 60 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_RANK_POINTS = 47 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_RESIST = 59 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_TELVAR_STONES = 46 CHAT_CATEGORY_EMOTE = 8 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_1 = 10 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_2 = 11 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_3 = 12 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_4 = 13 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_5 = 14 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_CHANNELS = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_COMBAT = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_GUILDS = 10 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_ITERATION_END = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_MAX_VALUE = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 61 CHAT_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 61 CHAT_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_EMOTE = 44 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_SAY = 41 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_WHISPER = 43 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_YELL = 42 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_1 = 15 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_2 = 16 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_3 = 17 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_4 = 18 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_5 = 19 CHAT_CATEGORY_PARTY = 7 CHAT_CATEGORY_SAY = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_SYSTEM = 9 CHAT_CATEGORY_WHISPER_INCOMING = 3 CHAT_CATEGORY_WHISPER_OUTGOING = 4 CHAT_CATEGORY_YELL = 2 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE = 6 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_ENGLISH = 20 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_FRENCH = 21 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_GERMAN = 22 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_JAPANESE = 23 CHAT_CHANNEL_EMOTE = 6 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_1 = 12 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_2 = 13 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_3 = 14 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_4 = 15 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_5 = 16 CHAT_CHANNEL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHAT_CHANNEL_ITERATION_END = 35 CHAT_CHANNEL_MAX_VALUE = 35 CHAT_CHANNEL_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_EMOTE = 10 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_SAY = 7 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_WHISPER = 9 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_YELL = 8 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_1 = 17 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_2 = 18 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_3 = 19 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_4 = 20 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_5 = 21 CHAT_CHANNEL_PARTY = 3 CHAT_CHANNEL_SAY = 0 CHAT_CHANNEL_SYSTEM = 11 CHAT_CHANNEL_UNUSED_1 = 5 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_1 = 22 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_2 = 23 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_3 = 24 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_4 = 25 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_5 = 26 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_6 = 27 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_7 = 28 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_8 = 29 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_9 = 30 CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER = 2 CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER_SENT = 4 CHAT_CHANNEL_YELL = 1 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE = 31 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_1 = 32 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_2 = 33 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_3 = 34 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_4 = 35 CHAT_MENU_GAMEPAD = table:00000129A6D98038 (meta 0000012A4FAC1398} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = false channelControl = userdata:0000012AA9182030 (meta 000001298C53A240} channelDropdown = table:0000012A6F209600 (meta 0000012983AA25F0} chatEntryPanelFocalArea = table:0000012A3EB357E8 (meta 00000129AAF9BD98} firstTable activateCallback() = function:0000012A3EB35718 deactivateCallback() = function:0000012A3EB357A0 manager = table:00000129A6D98038 (meta 0000012A4FAC1398} nextFocus = table:0000012A3EB35558 (meta 00000129AAF9BD98} firstTable activateCallback() = function:0000012A3EB35490 deactivateCallback() = function:0000012A3EB35510 manager = table:00000129A6D98038 (meta 0000012A4FAC1398} previousFocus = table:0000012A3EB357E8 (meta 00000129AAF9BD98} conditionResults = table:0000012A4E4104B0 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4FAC1508 (meta 00000129A6D986A0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:0000012A933E5370 (meta 000001298C53A240} header = userdata:0000012A933E5490 (meta 00000129A6DA79C8} owner = table:00000129A6D98038 (meta 0000012A4FAC1398} currentLinkIndex = 1 dialogData = table:0000012A4E410A28 firstTable dirty = true focusAreas = table:0000012A00639F18 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3EB357E8 (meta 00000129AAF9BD98} 2 = table:0000012A3EB35558 (meta 00000129AAF9BD98} header = userdata:0000012A933E5490 (meta 00000129A6DA79C8} headerContainer = userdata:0000012A933E5400 (meta 0000012A68CA53D8} headerData = table:0000012A6B737B60 firstTable titleText = Text Chat headerFragment = table:00000129A6D98770 (meta 0000012A9753F530} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:00000129A6DA8058 control = userdata:0000012A933E5400 (meta 0000012A68CA53D8} dirtyEvents = table:00000129A6D987B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000129A6D98288 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000129A6D98318 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A6DA7980 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 1228 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000129A6DA7DF8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 1228 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000129A6DA7F70 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A6DA8010 firstTable xEndOffset = -1228 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000129A6DA8158 firstTable xEndOffset = -1228 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden horizontalFocusAreaMovementController = table:0000012A00639F60 (meta 00000129F7F43D98} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000129F7F43EC8 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 list = table:0000012A0063A600 (meta 0000012AA36C4510} lists = table:0000012A00639ED0 firstTable Main = table:0000012A0063A600 (meta 0000012AA36C4510} firstTable _fragment = table:00000129A7EB7468 (meta 0000012A9753F530} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000012A4E410330 control = userdata:00000129A6D980E8 (meta 0000012A0063A530} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:0000012A0063A268 (meta 0000012A00630888} dirtyEvents = table:00000129A7EB74B0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000129A7EB7740 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000129A7EB77D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A7EB7818 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 1228 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000129A7EB7860 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 1228 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000129A7EB75F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A7EB7640 firstTable xEndOffset = -1228 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000012A4E4102E8 firstTable xEndOffset = -1228 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000012A0063A448 (meta 000001298C53A240} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = true animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:00000129A7EB6F68 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:00000129A7EB6FB0 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A7EB6FF8 firstTable 1() = function:00000129A835D4B0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:00000129A7EB7380 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A7EB7420 firstTable 1() = function:00000129A7EB7338 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:0000012A00630FF0 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A0063A268 (meta 0000012A00630888} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000012A00630EC8 (meta 000001298C585C68} scrollList = table:0000012A0063A600 (meta 0000012AA36C4510} customDirectionalInputHandler() = function:00000129A835D458 dataIndexToControl = table:0000012A68ABC770 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000012A59C38A38 (meta 0000012A59C38A48} 2 = userdata:0000012A59F1F180 (meta 0000012A84DC2210} 3 = userdata:0000012A73FA4CD8 (meta 0000012A68A5FC80} dataList = table:0000012A8593EF40 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E6899F8 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} 2 = table:0000012A59F44498 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} 3 = table:0000012A89D6FD80 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} dataTypes = table:0000012A00630FA8 firstTable ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine = table:0000012A6B738408 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000012A3EB39D48 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:0000012A66DADED8 pool = table:0000012A6B738300 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A68ABC890 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000012A59C38A38 (meta 0000012A59C38A48} 2 = userdata:0000012A59F1F180 (meta 0000012A84DC2210} 3 = userdata:0000012A73FA4CD8 (meta 0000012A68A5FC80} m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:0000012A6B7383C0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine parent = userdata:0000012A0063A2F8 (meta 000001298C5722E0} templateName = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine setupFunction() = function:0000012A3EB39D00 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:00000129A835D858 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000012A7F903648 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:0000012A66DADED8 pool = table:0000012A006309B8 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A68ABC800 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:00000129A835D2C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:0000012A0063A2F8 (meta 000001298C5722E0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:0000012A892874C8 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:00000129A835D8D0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000012A7F903648 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:0000012A419F17C0 parametricFunction() = function:0000012A66DADED8 pool = table:00000129A835DA60 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:00000129A835DCA0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:0000012A00630A48 customResetBehavior() = function:00000129A835DC20 m_Active = table:0000012A68ABC848 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:00000129A835DB20 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_ChatMenu_GamepadTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:0000012A0063A2F8 (meta 000001298C5722E0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:0000012A892874C8 defaultSelectedIndex = 1 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:00000129A6D98140 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 0 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:0000012A00630F60 (meta 00000129F7F43D98} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000129F7F43EC8 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000012A0063A4D8 (meta 000001298C55E328} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:0000012A89293690 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000129A82B9610 postPadding = table:0000012A8593F018 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000012A8593F0A8 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false prePadding = table:0000012A8593EFD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000012A8593F060 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false scrollControl = userdata:0000012A0063A2F8 (meta 000001298C5722E0} selectedCenterOffset = table:0000012A8593F0F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 selectedData = table:0000012A4E6899F8 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} selectedIndex = 1 soundEnabled = false targetSelectedIndex = 3 templateList = table:0000012A8593EF88 firstTable 1 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 2 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine 3 = ZO_ChatMenu_Gamepad_LogLine universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:0000012A68ABC728 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:0000012A68ABC7B8 firstTable userdata = 0000012A59C38A38 = true 0000012A59F1F180 = true 0000012A73FA4CD8 = true mask = userdata:0000012A5658B918 (meta 000001298C5722E0} messageEntries = table:0000012A6B737BA8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E6899F8 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:00000129978508A8 firstTable category = 9 id = 1 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = uespLog v1.70 add-on initialized...debug output is currently on. 2 = table:0000012A59F44498 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000012A59F1EC58 firstTable category = 9 id = 2 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = UESP: Found no new guild sales since last save! 3 = table:0000012A89D6FD80 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false data = table:0000012A73FA4A50 firstTable category = 9 id = 3 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = false numIcons = 0 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Dumping global objects to a depth of 7... moreBelowTimeline = userdata:0000012A6B7383B0 (meta 000001298C585C68} nextMessageId = 4 onStateChangedCallback() = function:00000129A6D98820 optionTemplateGroups = table:0000012A4E410468 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E4104F8 firstTable headerFunction() = function:00000129A6DA6898 options = table:0000012A4E410598 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E4105E0 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000129A6DA70A0 conditionFunction() = function:0000012A79807620 2 = table:0000012A4E410680 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000129A6DA6FE0 conditionFunction() = function:00000129A6DA6F20 3 = table:0000012A4E410720 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000129A6DA6EE0 4 = table:0000012A4E410808 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000129A6DA7260 conditionFunction() = function:00000129A6DA7220 5 = table:0000012A4E4108A8 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000129A6DA6E60 conditionFunction() = function:00000129A6DA6E20 6 = table:0000012A4E4107C0 firstTable buildFunction() = function:00000129A6DA7120 conditionFunction() = function:00000129A6DA6818 scene = table:00000129A6D98080 (meta 0000012A011592E0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:00000129A6D98948 firstTable StateChange = table:00000129A6D98990 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A6D989D8 firstTable 1() = function:00000129A6D98820 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000129A6D980F8 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:00000129A6D98388 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A00639FF0 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A0063A080 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A0063A108 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A4FAC1508 (meta 00000129A6D986A0} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A0063A038 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 10 = table:0000012A59C3F220 (meta 0000012A59C3EF58} 11 = table:0000012A56E90968 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 12 = table:0000012A7DC84328 (meta 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keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000012A6F1FEE38 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6F1FEEC8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6F1FEFB8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:0000012A6F1FF038 2 = table:0000012A6F1FF078 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6F1FF0C0 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:0000012AA8EDEE18 3 = table:0000012A56599190 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A565991D8 enabled() = function:0000012A5658ADE8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000012A5658AE30 4 = table:0000012A5658AE70 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A5658B000 enabled() = function:0000012A5658B048 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000012AA8EDEE18 alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:0000012A56F1B5D0 (meta 0000012A56599030} m_dropdown = table:0000012983AA8B00 (meta 0000012983AA3490} m_focus = table:0000012A5658B318 (meta 0000012A0ED4EE58} firstTable active = false 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table:0000012A6BFE5660 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7D9E5588 data = table:0000012A892B6080 name = |cc5c29e/jpzone|r 6 = table:0000012A6BFE2448 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7D9E5588 data = table:0000012A892B5080 name = |cffffff/say|r 7 = table:0000012A6F1BF088 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7D9E5588 data = table:0000012A892B50C8 name = |cc64343/yell|r 8 = table:0000012A6F1A6980 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7D9E5588 data = table:0000012A892B5110 name = |cc5c29e/zone|r m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 minimumWidth = 95 highlight = userdata:0000012AA91820C0 (meta 000001298C540220} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:0000012A70F7EBA8 (meta 000001298C585C68} keybindText = Select 2 = table:0000012A3EB352F8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A3EB353E8 control = userdata:0000012A5658B0B0 (meta 000001298C556038} highlight = userdata:0000012A5658B3C8 (meta 000001298C540220} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:0000012A3EB35450 (meta 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allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000129F7F43EC8 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 CHAT_MENU_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:00000129A6D98080 (meta 0000012A011592E0} CHAT_OPTIONS = table:0000012A68CA9B28 (meta 0000012A6B744FC0} firstTable firstMeta CHAT_SYSTEM = table:0000012AA91860E0 (meta 0000012A70F6D660} CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_ADDITIVE = 1 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_COLOR_DODGE = 2 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_ITERATION_END = 2 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_BLEND_MODE_NORMAL = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_ANIMATED = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_FULL = 1 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_ITERATION_END = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_MAX_VALUE = 2 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_CUSTOM_EFFECT_GRID_STYLE_STATIC_CELLS = 0 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CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 3 CHROMA_HEADSET_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 2 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM_KEY = 8 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_REACTIVE = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_RESERVED = 7 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 5 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 6 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_A = 770 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_B = 1031 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_BACKSPACE = 270 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_C = 1029 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_CAPSLOCK = 769 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_D = 772 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_DELETE = 527 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_DOWN = 1296 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_E = 516 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_END = 528 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ENTER = 782 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ESC = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_EUR_1_KOR_2 = 781 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_EUR_2_KOR_3 = 1026 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F = 773 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F1 = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F10 = 12 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F11 = 13 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F12 = 14 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F2 = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F3 = 5 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F4 = 6 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F5 = 7 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F6 = 8 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F7 = 9 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F8 = 10 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_F9 = 11 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_FN = 1292 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_G = 774 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_H = 775 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_HOME = 272 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_I = 521 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_INSERT = 271 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_INVALID = 65535 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_ITERATION_END = 65535 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_J = 776 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_1_KOR_1 = 21 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_2_KOR_4 = 1037 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_3_KOR_5 = 1284 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_4_KOR_6 = 1289 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_JPN_5_KOR_7 = 1290 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_K = 777 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_L = 778 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LALT = 1283 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LCTRL = 1281 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LEFT = 1295 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LSHIFT = 1025 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_LWIN = 1282 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_M = 1033 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO1 = 256 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO2 = 512 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO3 = 768 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO4 = 1024 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MACRO5 = 1280 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MAX_VALUE = 65535 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_N = 1032 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM0 = 267 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM1 = 258 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM2 = 259 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM3 = 260 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM4 = 261 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM5 = 262 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM6 = 263 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM7 = 264 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM8 = 265 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUM9 = 266 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMLOCK = 274 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD0 = 1299 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD1 = 1042 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD2 = 1043 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD3 = 1044 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD4 = 786 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD5 = 787 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD6 = 788 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD7 = 530 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD8 = 531 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD9 = 532 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_ADD = 533 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_DECIMAL = 1300 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_DIVIDE = 275 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_ENTER = 1045 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY = 276 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT = 277 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_O = 522 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_1 = 257 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_10 = 1035 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_11 = 1036 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_2 = 268 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_3 = 269 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_4 = 524 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_5 = 525 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_6 = 526 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_7 = 779 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_8 = 780 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_OEM_9 = 1034 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_P = 523 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PAGEDOWN = 529 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PAGEUP = 273 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PAUSE = 17 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_PRINTSCREEN = 15 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_Q = 514 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_R = 517 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RALT = 1291 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RCTRL = 1294 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RIGHT = 1297 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RMENU = 1293 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_RSHIFT = 1038 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_S = 771 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_SCROLL = 16 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_SPACE = 1287 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_T = 518 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_TAB = 513 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_U = 520 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_UP = 1040 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_V = 1030 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_W = 515 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_X = 1028 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_Y = 519 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_KEY_Z = 1027 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_INVALID = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_END = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_LONG = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MAX_VALUE = 4 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MEDIUM = 2 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_SHORT = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYBOARD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 2 CHROMA_KEYPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 3 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CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_LONG = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MAX_VALUE = 4 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MEDIUM = 2 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_SHORT = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_KEYPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 2 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 2 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 6 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 4 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 5 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM1 = 1537 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM2 = 1538 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM3 = 1539 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM4 = 1540 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_BOTTOM5 = 1541 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_INVALID = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_ITERATION_END = 1541 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE1 = 256 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE2 = 512 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE3 = 768 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE4 = 1024 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_LEFT_SIDE5 = 1280 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_MAX_VALUE = 1541 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE1 = 262 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE2 = 518 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE3 = 774 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE4 = 1030 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_LED_RIGHT_SIDE5 = 1286 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_INVALID = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 1 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSEPAD_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_ONE_COLOR = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_RANDOM_COLORS = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_BREATHING_EFFECT_TYPE_TWO_COLORS = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_BLINKING = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_BREATHING = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_CUSTOM2 = 8 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_INVALID = 9 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 9 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 9 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_REACTIVE = 4 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_SPECTRUMCYCLING = 5 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_STATIC = 6 CHROMA_MOUSE_EFFECT_TYPE_WAVE = 7 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BACKLIGHT = 1027 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM1 = 2049 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM2 = 2050 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM3 = 2051 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM4 = 2052 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_BOTTOM5 = 2053 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_INVALID = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_ITERATION_END = 2053 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE1 = 256 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE2 = 512 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE3 = 768 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE4 = 1024 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE5 = 1280 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE6 = 1536 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LEFT_SIDE7 = 1792 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_LOGO = 1795 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_MAX_VALUE = 2053 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE1 = 262 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE2 = 518 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE3 = 774 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE4 = 1030 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE5 = 1286 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE6 = 1542 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_RIGHT_SIDE7 = 1798 CHROMA_MOUSE_LED2_SCROLLWHEEL = 515 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_ITERATION_END = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_LONG = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MEDIUM = 2 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_NONE = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_REACTIVE_EFFECT_DURATION_SHORT = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_BACK_TO_FRONT = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_FRONT_TO_BACK = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_ITERATION_END = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MAX_VALUE = 1 CHROMA_MOUSE_WAVE_EFFECT_DIRECTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_CAMPAIGN_NOT_READY = 4 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_DUPLICATE_CLAIM_IN_PROGRESS = 8 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_GUILD_ALREADY_HAS_KEEP = 16 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION = 11 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INTERNAL_ERROR = 12 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_WORLD = 3 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 16 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_ALREADY_CLAIMED = 7 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 5 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_CLAIMABLE = 6 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_OWNED_BY_ALLIANCE = 14 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_OWNED_BY_GUILD_ALLIANCE = 15 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 16 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 1 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_IN_CAMPAIGN = 2 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_IN_GUILD = 10 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_SOCIAL_DISABLED = 9 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_STILL_ON_COOLDOWN = 13 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS = 1 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_CHOICE_INVALID_DEFS = 11 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_CHOICE_INVALID_TYPE = 12 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_CHOICE_MISSING = 10 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_FAILED_REQ = 2 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_INVALID = 0 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_INVALID_CHOICE = 9 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_INVALID_LEVEL = 14 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITEM_INVALID_DEFS = 4 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITEM_INVALID_QUANTITY = 7 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITEM_INVALID_REQUIRED_LEVEL = 6 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE = 5 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITEM_UNIQUENESS_FAILURE = 8 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 14 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 14 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_NO_DAILY_LOGIN_REWARD_FOUND = 13 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_NO_PENDING_REWARD = 3 CLAIM_REWARD_RESULT_SUCCESS = 1 CLEAR_CURSOR_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} CLIENT_INPUT = table:000001298E6346C0 (meta 0000012AA8EE67C0} firstTable firstMeta CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_CANT_SWIM_AND_FISH = 7 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_DONT_OWN_HOUSE_BANK = 17 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_FAIL_DOOR_REQ = 8 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_FLAVOR_NPC = 5 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_INTERACT_DISABLED = 16 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_IN_COMBAT = 2 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 17 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_LOCK_TOO_DIFFICULT = 3 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 17 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_NO_LOCKPICKS = 4 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_NO_LURE = 6 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_PICKPOCKET_NO_INVENTORY_SPACE = 1 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_PICKPOCKET_ON_COOLDOWN = 11 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_PICKPOCKET_OUT_OF_POSITION = 10 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_PICKPOCKET_TOO_FAR = 9 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_SHUNNED = 13 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_SUSPICIOUS = 12 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_WEREWOLF = 14 CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT_WEREWOLF_UNABLE_TO_CRAFT = 15 CODEX_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:00000129D68EFE60 (meta 0000012AADB02378} COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_DLC = 1 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_HOUSING = 2 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_ITERATION_END = 3 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_MAX_VALUE = 3 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_NONE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_SPECIALIZATION_OUTFIT_STYLES = 3 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ABILITY_SKIN = 23 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ACCOUNT_SERVICE = 7 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ACCOUNT_UPGRADE = 6 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ASSISTANT = 8 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_BODY_MARKING = 18 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_CHAPTER = 22 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_COSTUME = 4 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_DLC = 1 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_EMOTE = 21 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_FACIAL_ACCESSORY = 15 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_FACIAL_HAIR_HORNS = 14 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_FURNITURE = 20 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HAIR = 13 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HAT = 10 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HEAD_MARKING = 17 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HOUSE = 19 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_HOUSE_BANK = 25 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_INVALID = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 25 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 25 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MEMENTO = 5 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MOUNT = 2 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_OUTFIT_STYLE = 24 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_PERSONALITY = 9 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_PIERCING_JEWELRY = 16 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_POLYMORPH = 12 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_SKIN = 11 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_TROPHY = 5 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_VANITY_PET = 3 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_ALWAYS = 1 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_ITERATION_END = 3 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 3 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_NONE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_WHEN_LOCKED = 2 COLLECTIBLE_HIDE_MODE_WHEN_LOCKED_REQUIREMENT = 3 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_FISH = 1 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 2 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 2 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_NONE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_TROPHY = 2 COLLECTIBLE_LINK_TYPE = collectible COLLECTIBLE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 20 COLLECTIBLE_NAME_MIN_LENGTH = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_ALLIANCE = 2 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_CLASS = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_GENDER = 0 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 3 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_RESTRICTION_TYPE_RACE = 1 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COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_ON_COOLDOWN = 9 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_ON_MOUNT = 12 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_PLACED_IN_HOUSE = 8 COLLECTIBLE_USAGE_BLOCK_REASON_TARGET_REQUIRED = 11 COLLECTIONS_BOOK = table:00000129D76A1848 (meta 0000012A42A86DE0} COLLECTIONS_BOOK_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68E3840 (meta 0000012A97731170} COLLECTIONS_BOOK_SCENE = table:0000012A6C06B850 (meta 0000012A011592E0} COLLECTIONS_BOOK_SINGLETON = table:0000012A42A7F3B8 (meta 0000012A42A7EE40} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:00000129D76C0B40 firstTable OnUpdateCooldowns = table:0000012A42A901E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A42A90230 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A42A8FB90 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A42A91498 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A42A90E40 3 = false 3 = table:0000012AA35BA660 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA35BA618 3 = false UpdateSearchResults = table:00000129D76BE010 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B576BB8 firstTable 1() = function:00000129D76BBF10 3 = false 2 = table:0000012AA35CA730 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA35CA598 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A42A7F400 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 ownedHouses = table:0000012A42A7F448 firstTable 1242 = table:0000012A68C96670 firstTable houseId = 42 searchChecksHidden = false searchResults = table:0000012A42A7F490 firstTable searchSpecializationFilters = table:0000012A42A7F4D8 firstTable searchString = COLLECTIONS_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68EEA50 (meta 0000012AADB021E8} COLLECTIONS_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000012A853DB090 (meta 0000012AADB02378} COLOR_PICKER = table:00000129A82BDF68 (meta 0000012A59FACEA8} COLOR_PICKER_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A4FE75060 (meta 0000012A3AF5FAE8} COMBAT_SETTING_CLAMP_GROUND_TARGET_ENABLED = 24 COMBAT_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COMBAT_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 31 COMBAT_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 31 COMBAT_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_COLOR_SWAP_ENABLED = 27 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_ENABLED = 20 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_ENEMY_BRIGHTNESS = 31 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_ENEMY_COLOR = 30 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_FRIENDLY_BRIGHTNESS = 29 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_FRIENDLY_COLOR = 28 COMBAT_SETTING_PREVENT_ATTACKING_INNOCENTS = 25 COMBAT_SETTING_QUICK_CAST_GROUND_ABILITIES = 26 COMBAT_SETTING_ROLL_DODGE_DOUBLE_TAP = 22 COMBAT_SETTING_ROLL_DODGE_WINDOW = 21 COMBAT_SETTING_SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_ENABLED = 0 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 12 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_DOT_ENABLED = 13 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_ENABLED = 11 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_HEALING_ENABLED = 14 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_HOT_ENABLED = 15 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_PET_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 18 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_PET_DOT_ENABLED = 19 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_POINT_GAINS_ENABLED = 17 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_INCOMING_STATUS_EFFECTS_ENABLED = 16 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 2 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_DOT_ENABLED = 3 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_ENABLED = 1 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_HEALING_ENABLED = 4 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_HOT_ENABLED = 5 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_DAMAGE_ENABLED = 7 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_DOT_ENABLED = 8 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_HEALING_ENABLED = 9 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_PET_HOT_ENABLED = 10 COMBAT_SETTING_SCT_OUTGOING_STATUS_EFFECTS_ENABLED = 6 COMBAT_SETTING_USE_BATTLE_LEVEL = 23 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_GROUP = 3 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 5 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 5 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_NONE = 0 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_OTHER = 5 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_PLAYER = 1 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_PLAYER_PET = 2 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_TARGET_DUMMY = 4 COMPASS = table:0000012A5950B908 (meta 0000012A59506D50} firstTable firstMeta areaAnimationPool = table:0000012A5950C700 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A5950C748 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A5950C5F8 m_Free = table:0000012A5950C790 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A5950C6C0 areaOverride = userdata:0000012A5950AB90 (meta 000001298C5722E0} areaOverrideAnimation = userdata:0000012A5950B970 (meta 000001298C585C68} areaOverrideLabel = userdata:0000012A5950AC00 (meta 000001298C55E328} centerOverPinLabel = userdata:0000012A5950AB20 (meta 000001298C55E328} centerOverPinLabelAnimation = userdata:0000012A5950BFE0 (meta 000001298C585C68} container = userdata:0000012A5950AC68 (meta 000001298C57F390} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:000001298C57D848 ClearAnchors() = function:000001298C57DB88 Convert3DLocalOrientationToWorldOrientation() = function:000001298C57F310 Convert3DLocalPositionToWorldPosition() = function:000001298C57F2A0 Convert3DWorldOrientationToLocalOrientation() = function:000001298C57F2D8 Convert3DWorldPositionToLocalPosition() = function:000001298C57F268 Create3DRenderSpace() = function:000001298C57D880 CreateControl() = function:000001298C57D298 Destroy3DRenderSpace() = function:000001298C57D8B8 Does3DRenderSpaceUseDepthBuffer() = function:000001298C57F1F8 Get3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:000001298C57DAE8 Get3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001298C57DA78 Get3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001298C57D928 Get3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001298C57D998 Get3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:000001298C57F188 Get3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001298C57DA08 GetAlpha() = function:000001298C57CFF8 GetAlphaCoefficients() = function:000001298C57C370 GetAnchor() = function:000001298C57DBF8 GetBottom() = function:000001298C57C838 GetCenter() = function:000001298C57C870 GetCenterOveredPinDescription() = function:000001298C57C988 GetCenterOveredPinDistance() = function:000001298C57C910 GetCenterOveredPinInfo() = function:000001298C57CA78 GetCenterOveredPinLayerAndLevel() = function:000001298C57C4D0 GetCenterOveredPinType() = function:000001298C57CA00 GetChild() = function:000001298C57CB28 GetClampedToScreen() = function:000001298C57D180 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001298C57D6C0 GetControlAlpha() = function:000001298C57DB50 GetControlScale() = function:000001298C57CF88 GetDesiredHeight() = function:000001298C57C758 GetDesiredWidth() = function:000001298C57C720 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001298C57D7A0 GetDimensions() = function:000001298C57C678 GetDrawLayer() = function:000001298C57CDC8 GetDrawLevel() = function:000001298C57CE38 GetDrawTier() = function:000001298C57CD20 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:000001298C57D538 GetHandler() = function:000001298C57CEA8 GetHeight() = function:000001298C57C6E8 GetHitInsets() = function:000001298C57D650 GetId() = function:000001298C57D458 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:000001298C57D378 GetInheritsScale() = function:000001298C57D3E8 GetLeft() = function:000001298C57C790 GetMinVisibleAlpha() = function:000001298C57C560 GetMinVisibleScale() = function:000001298C57C5D0 GetName() = function:000001298C57CBD0 GetNamedChild() = function:000001298C57CB60 GetNumCenterOveredPins() = function:000001298C57C3E0 GetNumChildren() = function:000001298C57D110 GetOwningWindow() = function:000001298C57CAF0 GetParent() = function:000001298C57D0A0 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:000001298C57D4C8 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001298C57D730 GetRight() = function:000001298C57C800 GetScale() = function:000001298C57CF50 GetScaleCoefficients() = function:000001298C57C220 GetScreenRect() = function:000001298C57DC30 GetTop() = function:000001298C57C7C8 GetType() = function:000001298C57CC08 GetWidth() = function:000001298C57C6B0 Has3DRenderSpace() = function:000001298C57D8F0 IsCenterOveredPinSuppressed() = function:000001298C57C458 IsChildOf() = function:000001298C57CB98 IsControlHidden() = function:000001298C57CCB0 IsHandlerSet() = function:000001298C57CEE0 IsHidden() = function:000001298C57CC78 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:000001298C57D260 IsMouseEnabled() = function:000001298C57D1F0 IsPointInside() = function:000001298C57DC68 RegisterForEvent() = function:000001298C57D7D8 Set3DRenderSpaceForward() = function:000001298C57F150 Set3DRenderSpaceOrientation() = function:000001298C57DAB0 Set3DRenderSpaceOrigin() = function:000001298C57D960 Set3DRenderSpaceRight() = function:000001298C57D9D0 Set3DRenderSpaceSystem() = function:000001298C57F1C0 Set3DRenderSpaceUp() = function:000001298C57DA40 Set3DRenderSpaceUsesDepthBuffer() = function:000001298C57F230 SetAlpha() = function:000001298C57CFC0 SetAlphaCoefficients() = function:000001298C57C1C8 SetAnchor() = function:000001298C57DBC0 SetAnchorFill() = function:000001298C57DCA0 SetCardinalDirection() = function:000001298C57C0E8 SetClampedToScreen() = function:000001298C57D148 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:000001298C57D688 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:000001298C57D768 SetDimensions() = function:000001298C57C640 SetDrawLayer() = function:000001298C57CD90 SetDrawLevel() = function:000001298C57CE00 SetDrawTier() = function:000001298C57CD58 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:000001298C57D500 SetHandler() = function:000001298C57CE70 SetHeight() = function:000001298C57D068 SetHidden() = function:000001298C57CC40 SetHitInsets() = function:000001298C57D618 SetId() = function:000001298C57D420 SetInheritAlpha() = function:000001298C57D340 SetInheritScale() = function:000001298C57D3B0 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:000001298C57D228 SetMinVisibleAlpha() = function:000001298C57C290 SetMinVisibleScale() = function:000001298C57C300 SetMouseEnabled() = function:000001298C57D1B8 SetMovable() = function:000001298C57D2D0 SetParent() = function:000001298C57D0D8 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:000001298C57D308 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:000001298C57D490 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:000001298C57D6F8 SetScale() = function:000001298C57CF18 SetScaleCoefficients() = function:000001298C57C158 SetShapeType() = function:000001298C57D570 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:000001298C57DCD8 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:000001298C57DD10 SetWidth() = function:000001298C57D030 StartMoving() = function:000001298C57D5A8 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:000001298C57D5E0 ToggleHidden() = function:000001298C57CCE8 UnregisterForEvent() = function:000001298C57D810 control = userdata:0000012A595080F0 (meta 000001298C53A240} nextLabelUpdateTime = 65577711 poiAnimationPool = table:0000012A5950C160 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A5950C1A8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A5950C0A0 m_Free = table:0000012A5950C220 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000012A6CD07420 (meta 000001298C585C68} m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:0000012A5950C120 poiIndex = 14 refreshingJournalIndex = false zoneIndex = 14 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_FOCUSED = 2 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_ITERATION_END = 2 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_MAX_VALUE = 2 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_MIN_VALUE = 0 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_OFF = 0 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_ON = 1 COMPASS_FRAME = table:0000012997850D08 (meta 000001299784D860} firstTable firstMeta bossBarActive = false bossBarHiddenReasons = table:0000012997850DD8 (meta 0000012A41815A80} firstTable bossBarReady = true compassHidden = false compassReady = true control = userdata:000001299784D980 (meta 000001298C541B38} crossFadeTimeline = userdata:0000012A685FBBC0 (meta 000001298C585C68} COMPASS_FRAME_FRAGMENT = table:0000012997850E20 (meta 0000012A97735930} CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_ENHANCED_1080 = 1 CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_FOUR_K = 0 CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_ITERATION_END = 1 CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_MAX_VALUE = 1 CONSOLE_ENHANCED_RENDER_QUALITY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_ACCOUNT_LINKING = 2 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_ITERATION_END = 3 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_LEGAL_DOCS = 3 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_LINKED_LOGIN = 1 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_MAX_VALUE = 3 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_MIN_VALUE = 1 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_ACCEPT_DOCS = 6 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_FETCH_DOCS = 5 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_ITERATION_END = 6 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LINK = 3 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LINK_PROGRESS = 4 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LOGIN = 2 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LOGIN_AUTH = 1 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 6 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0 CONSOLE_SERVER_EUROPE = 1 CONSOLE_SERVER_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CONSOLE_SERVER_ITERATION_END = 1 CONSOLE_SERVER_MAX_VALUE = 1 CONSOLE_SERVER_MIN_VALUE = 0 CONSOLE_SERVER_NORTH_AMERICA = 0 CONTACTS_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68E9ED0 (meta 0000012AADB021E8} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68E9F18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden title = Friends CONTACTS_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:00000129D68F0240 (meta 0000012AADB02378} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68F0288 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Contacts_Close sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} showSoundId = Contacts_Open state = hidden CONTEXTUAL_ACTION_BAR_AREA_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A4838E570 (meta 0000012A97735930} CONTROLLER_DISCONNECT_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A740368A8 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001298B743EB0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A296D51A0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A296D7488 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A74037B30 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CONTROL_ACCESS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CONTROL_ACCESS_ITERATION_END = 1 CONTROL_ACCESS_MAX_VALUE = 1 CONTROL_ACCESS_MIN_VALUE = 0 CONTROL_ACCESS_PRIVATE = 1 CONTROL_ACCESS_PUBLIC = 0 CONVERSATION_INTERACTION = table:0000012A283C4D40 CON_APPROPRIATE = 2 CON_DIFFICULT = 3 CON_EASY = 1 CON_IMPOSSIBLE = 4 CON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CON_ITERATION_END = 4 CON_MAX_VALUE = 4 CON_MIN_VALUE = 0 CON_TRIVIAL = 0 CRAFTING_PREVIEW_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A593603B8 (meta 00000129FF03DED8} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:0000012A59360400 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 options = table:0000012A59360170 firstTable dynamicFramingConsumedHeight = 300 dynamicFramingConsumedWidth = 1050 paddingLeft = 245 paddingRight = 605 previewInEmptyWorld = true CRAFTING_RESULTS = table:0000012AA90CE798 (meta 0000012A6FBE68C0} CRAFTING_RESULTS_FRAGMENT = table:0000012AA90C1900 (meta 0000012A97731170} CRAFTING_RESULT_ALREADY_RESEARCHING = 126 CRAFTING_RESULT_BUSY = 103 CRAFTING_RESULT_CANNOT_RESEARCH_RETRAITED_ITEM = 128 CRAFTING_RESULT_CANT_DECONSTRUCT_WORN = 127 CRAFTING_RESULT_CRAFT_SUCCESS = 1 CRAFTING_RESULT_DECONSTRUCT_BAD_QUANTITY = 116 CRAFTING_RESULT_DECONSTRUCT_SUCCESS = 2 CRAFTING_RESULT_FAIL_PATTERN_REQUIREMENTS = 124 CRAFTING_RESULT_IMPROVE_FAILED = 119 CRAFTING_RESULT_INTERRUPTED = 18 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_BASE = 104 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_MATERIAL = 112 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_PATTERN = 113 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_REAGENT = 106 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_RESEARCH = 122 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_RESEARCH_TRADESKILL = 121 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_RUNE = 109 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_STYLE_MATERIAL = 114 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_STYLE_REFORGE = 55 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_TRAIT_MATERIAL = 115 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_CRAFT_UNIQUE = 12 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_DECONSTRUCTABLE = 30 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_IMPROVABLE = 118 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_REFINEABLE = 70 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_RESEARCHABLE = 129 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 900 CRAFTING_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 900 CRAFTING_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 1 CRAFTING_RESULT_MUST_LEARN_TRAIT = 120 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_BASE_RANK = 105 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_COMPONENTS_FOR_CRAFT = 14 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_COMPONENTS_FOR_REFORGE = 56 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_DECONSTRUCT_RANK = 35 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_ENCHANTING_QUALITY_RANK = 111 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_ENCHANTING_RANK = 110 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_ITEM_TO_RESEARCH = 125 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RANK_FOR_CRAFT = 17 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RANK_FOR_REFORGE = 53 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RECIPE_QUALITY_RANK = 102 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RECIPE_RANK = 101 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_REFINE_RANK = 74 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_REQUIREMENTS_FOR_CRAFT = 16 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_SPACE_TO_CRAFT = 11 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_SPACE_TO_DECONSTRUCT = 36 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_SPACE_TO_REFINE = 76 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_UNLOCK_TO_DECONSTRUCT = 33 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_UNLOCK_TO_REFORGE = 58 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_UNLOCK_TO_RESEARCH = 131 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_VALID_DECONSTRUCTION = 900 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_ITEM_TO_DECONSTRUCT = 32 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_ITEM_TO_REFINE = 72 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_ITEM_TO_RESEARCH = 130 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_MATCH = 9 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_MONEY = 19 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_MONEY_REFORGE = 57 CRAFTING_RESULT_REFINE_SUCCESS = 3 CRAFTING_RESULT_REFORGE_SUCCESS = 4 CRAFTING_RESULT_SAME_STYLE_REFORGE = 52 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_FEW_REAGENTS = 107 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_REAGENTS = 108 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_RESEARCH = 123 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_RECIPE = 100 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_SKILL_DECONSTRUCT = 34 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_SKILL_REFINE = 73 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_ADDITIVE_CATEGORY = 10 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_BOOSTER = 117 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_STYLE_CRAFT = 21 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_STYLE_REFORGE = 54 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_CRAFT = 20 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_DECONSTRUCT = 31 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_REFINE = 71 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_REFORGE = 50 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TRADESKILL_FOR_CRAFT = 13 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TRADESKILL_FOR_REFORGE = 51 CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY = 4 CRAFTING_TYPE_BLACKSMITHING = 1 CRAFTING_TYPE_CLOTHIER = 2 CRAFTING_TYPE_ENCHANTING = 3 CRAFTING_TYPE_INVALID = 0 CRAFTING_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CRAFTING_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 7 CRAFTING_TYPE_JEWELRYCRAFTING = 7 CRAFTING_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 7 CRAFTING_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING = 5 CRAFTING_TYPE_WOODWORKING = 6 CRAFTING_WINDOW_KEYBIND_INTERCEPT_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A5935A610 (meta 0000012A5935A540} CRAFT_BAG_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A708E8870 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A8398D498 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A708E8900 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:0000012A8398D3A0 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A8398D3E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A8398D430 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A8398D2E0 3 = false control = userdata:0000012A98BDD730 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A708E88B8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CROWN_CRATES_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68ED168 (meta 0000012A97726B38} CROWN_CRATES_GEMIFICATION_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:0000012A853DA5B0 (meta 0000012AADB02378} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68F1790 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Window_Close showSoundId = Window_Open state = hidden CROWN_CRATE_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:0000012A96FB3280 (meta 0000012A29D043D0} CROWN_CRATE_GEMS_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A3F1EE868 (meta 0000012A97726B38} CROWN_CRATE_KEYBOARD_SCENE = table:0000012A96FB2F18 (meta 0000012A29D043D0} CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_ALL_CARDS_REVEALED_HAS_CRATES = 24 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_ALL_CARDS_REVEALED_NO_CRATES = 23 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_DEAL_BONUS_CARDS = 11 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_DEAL_PRIMARY_CARDS = 10 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_FAREWELL = 13 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_FLOURISH = 8 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_GEMS_AWARDED = 27 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_GREET_PLAYER = 7 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_IDLE_CHATTER = 19 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_INVALID = -1 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = -1 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 28 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_MANIFEST_ENTER_MULTI_CRATES = 22 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_MANIFEST_ENTER_NO_CRATES = 20 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_MANIFEST_ENTER_ONE_CRATES = 21 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 28 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = -1 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_NO_CRATES_WARNING = 28 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_POSTURE_ENTER = 16 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_POSTURE_EXIT = 18 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_POSTURE_FIDGET = 14 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_POSTURE_GROUP_FIDGET = 15 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_POSTURE_LOOP = 17 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_PRIMARY_CARDS_DEALT = 25 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_REVEAL_ALL_CARDS = 12 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_SHUFFLE_CARDS = 9 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_SWIPE_CARDS_AWAY = 6 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_FIVE_CARD = 4 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_FOUR_CARD = 3 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_ONE_CARD = 0 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_SIX_CARD = 5 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_THREE_CARD = 2 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_TIER_TWO_CARD = 1 CROWN_CRATE_NPC_ANIMATION_TYPE_UNDER_ATTACK = 26 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_BONUS = 0 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_GEMIFY = 1 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_ITERATION_END = 1 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_MAX_VALUE = 1 CROWN_CRATE_PARTICLES_MIN_VALUE = 0 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_ITERATION_END = 3 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_MAX_VALUE = 3 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_MIN_VALUE = 0 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_MYSTERY = 0 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_REVEAL = 1 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_REVEALED = 2 CROWN_CRATE_TIERED_PARTICLES_REVEALED_SELECTED = 3 CROWN_GEMIFICATION_MANAGER = table:0000012A00777870 (meta 0000012A0076F9C8} firstTable firstMeta IsItemGemmable() = function:0000012A007778B8 callbackRegistry = table:000001298B532FA8 firstTable GemifiableChanged = table:000001298B533100 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B5331A0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B5330B8 3 = false 2 = table:000001298B533EF8 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B533EB0 3 = false 3 = table:000001298B538BD0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B538B88 3 = false GemifiableListChanged = table:000001298B532FF0 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B533038 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B532F60 3 = false 2 = table:000001298B533E08 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B533D88 3 = false 3 = table:000001298B538AC0 firstTable 1() = function:000001298B538A40 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A00777B80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 gemifiableItems = table:0000012A00777BC8 firstTable gemifiables = table:0000012A00777C20 firstTable CROWN_STORE_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A5935EB10 (meta 0000012AADB021E8} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A5935EB58 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden title = Crown Store CSA_CATEGORY_COUNTDOWN_TEXT = 6 CSA_CATEGORY_INVALID = 0 CSA_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CSA_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 6 CSA_CATEGORY_LARGE_TEXT = 2 CSA_CATEGORY_MAJOR_TEXT = 5 CSA_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 6 CSA_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CSA_CATEGORY_NO_TEXT = 3 CSA_CATEGORY_RAID_COMPLETE_TEXT = 4 CSA_CATEGORY_SMALL_TEXT = 1 CT_BACKDROP = 14 CT_BUTTON = 7 CT_COLORSELECT = 16 CT_COMPASS = 18 CT_CONTROL = 0 CT_COOLDOWN = 10 CT_DEBUGTEXT = 2 CT_EDITBOX = 9 CT_INVALID_TYPE = -1 CT_ITERATION_BEGIN = -1 CT_ITERATION_END = 19 CT_LABEL = 1 CT_LINE = 17 CT_MAPDISPLAY = 15 CT_MAX_VALUE = 19 CT_MIN_VALUE = -1 CT_ROOT_WINDOW = 5 CT_SCROLL = 12 CT_SLIDER = 13 CT_STATUSBAR = 8 CT_TEXTBUFFER = 6 CT_TEXTURE = 3 CT_TEXTURECOMPOSITE = 19 CT_TOOLTIP = 11 CT_TOPLEVELCONTROL = 4 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ABILITY_UPGRADE_PURCHASE = 22 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ACHIEVEMENT = 26 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ACTION = 6 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BAGSPACE = 8 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANKSPACE = 9 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANK_DEPOSIT = 42 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANK_FEE = 66 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANK_WITHDRAWAL = 43 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BATTLEGROUND = 12 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BOUNTY_CONFISCATED = 57 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BOUNTY_PAID_FENCE = 56 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BOUNTY_PAID_GUARD = 47 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BUYBACK = 64 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CASH_ON_DELIVERY = 20 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_COMMAND = 7 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CONSUME_FOOD_DRINK = 37 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CONSUME_POTION = 38 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CONVERSATION = 5 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CRAFT = 24 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CROWNS_PURCHASED = 73 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CROWN_CRATE_DUPLICATE = 69 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_DEATH = 67 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_DECONSTRUCT = 16 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_DEFENSIVE_KEEP_REWARD = 75 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_DEPRECATED_0 = 14 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_EDIT_GUILD_HERALDRY = 49 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_FEED_MOUNT = 28 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_BANK_DEPOSIT = 51 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_BANK_WITHDRAWAL = 52 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_FORWARD_CAMP = 58 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_STANDARD = 53 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_TABARD = 50 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_HARVEST_REAGENT = 39 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_HOOKPOINT_STORE = 23 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ITEM_CONVERTED_TO_GEMS = 70 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ITERATION_END = 75 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_JUMP_FAILURE_REFUND = 54 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KEEP_REPAIR = 40 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KEEP_UPGRADE = 15 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KILL = 13 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_LOOT = 0 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_LOOT_STOLEN = 62 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_MAIL = 2 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 75 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_MEDAL = 21 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_OFFENSIVE_KEEP_REWARD = 74 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PICKPOCKET = 59 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PLAYER_INIT = 35 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PURCHASED_WITH_CROWNS = 72 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PURCHASED_WITH_GEMS = 71 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PVP_KILL_TRANSFER = 65 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PVP_RESURRECT = 41 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_QUESTREWARD = 4 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RECIPE = 36 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_REFORGE = 34 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESEARCH_TRAIT = 46 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_ATTRIBUTES = 45 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_CHAMPION = 61 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_MORPHS = 55 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_SKILLS = 44 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_REWARD = 27 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_SELL_STOLEN = 63 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_SOULWEARY = 10 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_SOUL_HEAL = 18 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_STABLESPACE = 25 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_STUCK = 48 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADE = 3 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADINGHOUSE_LISTING = 33 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADINGHOUSE_PURCHASE = 31 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADINGHOUSE_REFUND = 32 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRAIT_REVEAL = 30 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRAVEL_GRAVEYARD = 19 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_UNKNOWN = 68 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_VENDOR = 1 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_VENDOR_LAUNDER = 60 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_VENDOR_REPAIR = 29 CURRENCY_COLOR_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 1 CURRENCY_COLOR_GOLD = 0 CURRENCY_COLOR_INSPIRATION = 3 CURRENCY_COLOR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CURRENCY_COLOR_ITERATION_END = 5 CURRENCY_COLOR_MAX_VALUE = 5 CURRENCY_COLOR_MIN_VALUE = 0 CURRENCY_COLOR_RANK_POINTS = 4 CURRENCY_COLOR_TELVAR_STONES = 2 CURRENCY_COLOR_WRIT_VOUCHERS = 5 CURRENCY_DONT_SHOW_ALL = false CURRENCY_HAS_ENOUGH = false CURRENCY_IGNORE_HAS_ENOUGH = false CURRENCY_INPUT = table:0000012A3EB33DF0 (meta 0000012A3EB30E18} CURRENCY_LOCATION_ACCOUNT = 3 CURRENCY_LOCATION_BANK = 1 CURRENCY_LOCATION_CHARACTER = 0 CURRENCY_LOCATION_GUILD_BANK = 2 CURRENCY_LOCATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CURRENCY_LOCATION_ITERATION_END = 3 CURRENCY_LOCATION_MAX_VALUE = 3 CURRENCY_LOCATION_MIN_VALUE = 0 CURRENCY_NOT_ENOUGH = true CURRENCY_SHOW_ALL = true CURRENT_CAMPAIGNS_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68E8160 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000129D68E81F0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000129D68E86F8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A66BEF6E0 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68E81A8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden CURT_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 2 CURT_CHAOTIC_CREATIA = 5 CURT_CROWNS = 7 CURT_CROWN_GEMS = 6 CURT_EVENT_TICKETS = 9 CURT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 CURT_ITERATION_END = 11 CURT_MAX_VALUE = 11 CURT_MIN_VALUE = 0 CURT_MONEY = 1 CURT_NONE = 0 CURT_STYLE_STONES = 8 CURT_TELVAR_STONES = 3 CURT_WRIT_VOUCHERS = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CATEGORY_CHARACTER_ISSUE = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_CATEGORY_REPORT_PLAYER = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_CHEATING = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_HARASSMENT = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_INAPPROPRIATE_NAME = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ASK_FOR_HELP_REPORT_PLAYER_SUBCATEGORY_OTHER = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_CANT_ACQUIRE = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_DEPRECATED = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_FROM_CROWN_STORE = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_LOST = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MISSING_CROWNS = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ITEM_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITEM_MISSING = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_QUEST_ASSISTANCE_CATEGORY_NPC_MOBS = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_AUDIO = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_COMBAT = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_CRAFTING = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_CROWN_STORE = 6 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_DUNGEONS = 10 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_GRAPHICS = 7 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_HOUSING = 11 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_ITEMS = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 14 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_JUSTICE = 12 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 14 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_PERFORMANCE = 13 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_QUESTS = 8 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_TEXT = 9 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_CATEGORY_UI = 14 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_AWESOME = 7 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_COSMETIC = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_CRASH = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_DELAYS_PROGRESS = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_EXPLOIT = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_IMPAIR = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_ITERATION_END = 7 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_MAX_VALUE = 7 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_IMPACT_SURPRISE = 6 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_1 = 1 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_2 = 2 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_3 = 3 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_4 = 4 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_5 = 5 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ALLIANCE_WAR_END = 6 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_1 = 101 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_2 = 102 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_3 = 103 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_4 = 104 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_AUDIO_END = 105 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_1 = 301 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_2 = 302 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_3 = 303 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_COMBAT_END = 304 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_1 = 201 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_10 = 210 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_11 = 211 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_12 = 212 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_2 = 202 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_3 = 203 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_4 = 204 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_5 = 205 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_6 = 206 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_7 = 207 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_8 = 208 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_9 = 209 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CRAFTING_END = 213 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CROWN_STORE_1 = 901 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CROWN_STORE_2 = 902 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_CROWN_STORE_END = 903 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_DUNGEONS_1 = 501 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_DUNGEONS_2 = 502 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_DUNGEONS_3 = 503 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_DUNGEONS_4 = 504 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_DUNGEONS_END = 505 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_1 = 601 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_2 = 602 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_3 = 603 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_4 = 604 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_5 = 605 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_6 = 606 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_GRAPHICS_END = 607 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_HOUSING_1 = 1001 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_HOUSING_2 = 1002 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_HOUSING_3 = 1003 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_HOUSING_END = 1004 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_1 = 401 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_2 = 402 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_3 = 403 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_4 = 404 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_5 = 405 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_6 = 406 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITEMS_END = 407 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 100000 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_JUSTICE_1 = 1101 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_JUSTICE_2 = 1102 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_JUSTICE_3 = 1103 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_JUSTICE_END = 1104 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 100000 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_NONE = 0 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_OTHER = 100000 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_1 = 1201 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_2 = 1202 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_3 = 1203 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_PERFORMANCE_END = 1204 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_1 = 701 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_2 = 702 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_3 = 703 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_4 = 704 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_5 = 705 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_QUESTS_END = 706 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_1 = 801 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_2 = 802 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_3 = 803 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_TEXT_END = 804 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_1 = 1301 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_2 = 1302 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_3 = 1303 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_4 = 1304 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_5 = 1305 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_6 = 1306 CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBCATEGORY_UI_END = 1307 CUTSCENE = table:0000012A93E06340 (meta 0000012A93E075E8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000012A93E07708 (meta 000001298C541B38} C_MAP_HANDLERS = table:0000012A42A93490 (meta 0000012A42A93038} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:0000012A594F74D0 firstTable RefreshedAllQuestPins = table:0000012A594F9940 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A594F99E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A595013C0 3 = false RefreshedSingleQuestPins = table:0000012A595012F8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59501340 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A594F7488 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A42A934D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 refresh = table:0000012A42A93520 (meta 0000012A418053E0} firstTable currentlyRefreshing = false refreshGroups = table:0000012A42A93568 firstTable keep = table:0000012A42A93608 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:0000012A42A93650 RefreshSingle() = function:0000012A42A93698 allDirty = false dirtySingles = table:0000012A42A936E0 firstTable wasShown = false CalculateCubicBezierEase() = function:0000012A79803318 CallSecureProtected() = function:000001298C529788 CameraZoomIn() = function:0000012A6CAC4110 CameraZoomOut() = function:0000012A6CAC4178 CampaignAvARank = table:0000012A66BEAE60 (meta 0000012A66BEAEA8} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:0000012A66BEAF20 Refresh() = function:0000012A66BEAFD0 __index = 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function:0000012A79806740 CheckInventorySpaceAndWarn() = function:0000012A6CAD4258 CheckInventorySpaceSilently() = function:0000012A6CAD42D0 ChooseAbilityProgressionMorph() = function:0000012A6CAC2E90 ChooseSkillProgressionMorphSlot() = function:0000012997BE4348 ChromaApplyCustomEffectCellColor() = function:0000012A79809490 ChromaApplyCustomEffectColumnColor() = function:0000012A79809410 ChromaApplyCustomEffectFullColor() = function:0000012A79809310 ChromaApplyCustomEffectId() = function:0000012A79809510 ChromaApplyCustomEffectRowColor() = function:0000012A79809390 ChromaClearHeadsetEffect() = function:0000012A79808798 ChromaClearKeyboardEffect() = function:0000012A798085B8 ChromaClearKeypadEffect() = function:0000012A79808630 ChromaClearMouseEffect() = function:0000012A798086A8 ChromaClearMousepadEffect() = function:0000012A79808720 ChromaCreateHeadsetBreathingEffect() = function:0000012A79808C88 ChromaCreateHeadsetStaticEffect() = function:0000012A79808A08 ChromaCreateKeyboardBreathingEffect() = function:0000012A79808A88 ChromaCreateKeyboardReactiveEffect() = function:0000012A79808EF8 ChromaCreateKeyboardSpectrumCyclingEffect() = function:0000012A79809078 ChromaCreateKeyboardStaticEffect() = function:0000012A79808810 ChromaCreateKeyboardWaveEffect() = function:0000012A79808D08 ChromaCreateKeypadBreathingEffect() = function:0000012A79808B08 ChromaCreateKeypadReactiveEffect() = function:0000012A79808F78 ChromaCreateKeypadSpectrumCyclingEffect() = function:0000012A79809100 ChromaCreateKeypadStaticEffect() = function:0000012A79808890 ChromaCreateKeypadWaveEffect() = function:0000012A79808D88 ChromaCreateMouseBreathingEffect() = function:0000012A79808B88 ChromaCreateMouseReactiveEffect() = function:0000012A79808FF8 ChromaCreateMouseSpectrumCyclingEffect() = function:0000012A79809188 ChromaCreateMouseStaticEffect() = function:0000012A79808910 ChromaCreateMouseWaveEffect() = function:0000012A79808E00 ChromaCreateMousepadBreathingEffect() = function:0000012A79808C08 ChromaCreateMousepadSpectrumCyclingEffect() = function:0000012A79809210 ChromaCreateMousepadStaticEffect() = function:0000012A79808988 ChromaCreateMousepadWaveEffect() = function:0000012A79808E78 ChromaDeleteAllCustomEffectIds() = function:0000012A798099E8 ChromaDeleteCustomEffectById() = function:0000012A79809970 ChromaFinalizeCustomEffect() = function:0000012A79809688 ChromaGenerateCustomEffect() = function:0000012A798098F8 ChromaGetCustomEffectCellColor() = function:0000012A79809588 ChromaGetCustomEffectDimensions() = function:0000012A79809608 ChromaResetCustomEffectObject() = function:0000012A79809298 ChromaSetCustomEffectCellActive() = function:0000012A79809A68 ChromaSetCustomEffectSingleColorBlendMode() = function:0000012A79809B68 ChromaSetCustomEffectSingleColorRGBA() = function:0000012A79809AE8 ChromaSetCustomSingleColorFadingEffectUsesAlphaChannel() = function:0000012A79809C78 ChromaSetCustomSingleColorFadingEffectValue() = function:0000012A79809BF0 ClaimCurrentDailyLoginReward() = function:0000012A79800B50 ClaimInteractionKeepForGuild() = function:0000012A79806820 ClaimPendingLevelUpReward() = function:0000012996FC37C8 ClearActiveActionRequiredTutorial() = function:0000012AA3BB95D0 ClearAllOutfitSlotPreviewElementsFromPreviewCollection() = function:0000012AA3BC07F8 ClearAllTradingHouseSearchTerms() = function:0000012A6CAD5220 ClearAutoMapNavigationTarget() = function:0000012A6CAD6AB8 ClearCollectibleCategoryNewStatuses() = function:0000012AA3BBAB20 ClearCollectibleNewStatus() = function:0000012AA3BBAAA8 ClearCraftBagAutoTransferNotification() = function:0000012AA3BB8748 ClearCursor() = function:0000012AA3BC1DD0 ClearEsoPlusFreeTrialNotification() = function:0000012996FC32A0 ClearGameCameraPreferredTarget = function: Private ClearGiftingGracePeriodStartedNotification() = function:0000012996FC4F20 ClearGiftingUnlockedNotification() = function:0000012996FC5028 ClearGroupFinderSearch() = function:0000012996FB8E48 ClearHealthWarnings() = function:0000012997BE1E58 ClearLastSlottedItem() = function:0000012A6CACD628 ClearMenu() = function:0000012A83BD0D68 ClearOutfitSlotPreviewElementFromPreviewCollection() = function:0000012AA3BC0768 ClearPendingChampionPoints() = function:0000012996FBCC68 ClearPendingItemPurchase() = function:0000012A6CAD5130 ClearPreviewingOutfitIndexInPreviewCollection() = function:0000012AA3BC0650 ClearQueuedMail() = function:0000012997BE2308 ClearSCTCloudOffsets() = function:0000012996FBF278 ClearSCTSlotAllowedSourceTypes() = function:0000012996FBE480 ClearSCTSlotAllowedTargetTypes() = function:0000012996FBE1A0 ClearSCTSlotExcludedSourceTypes() = function:0000012996FBE5F0 ClearSCTSlotExcludedTargetTypes() = function:0000012996FBE310 ClearSessionIgnores() = function:0000012A6CAD3938 ClearSlot = function: Private ClearTooltip() = function:0000012A83BDD0C8 ClearTooltipImmediately() = function:0000012A83BDD148 CloseMailbox() = function:0000012997BE2378 CloseStore() = function:0000012997BDC780 ComparativeTooltip1 = userdata:0000012A48632AA0 (meta 0000012A31F3E140} firstMeta firstIndex topClampedToScreenInset = -24 ComparativeTooltip1BG = userdata:0000012A48632B08 (meta 000001298C540220} ComparativeTooltip1BGMungeOverlay = userdata:0000012A48632B80 (meta 000001298C565E60} ComparativeTooltip1Charges = userdata:0000012A48632BF0 (meta 000001298C53A240} ComparativeTooltip1ChargesBG = userdata:0000012A48632C60 (meta 000001298C565E60} ComparativeTooltip1ChargesBarLeft = userdata:0000012A48632CD8 (meta 0000012A48632DB0} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:0000012A48632D58 (meta 000001298C55C318} ComparativeTooltip1ChargesBarLeftGloss = userdata:0000012A48632D58 (meta 000001298C55C318} ComparativeTooltip1ChargesBarRight = userdata:0000012A48632EE8 (meta 0000012A48632FC0} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:0000012A48632F68 (meta 000001298C55C318} ComparativeTooltip1ChargesBarRightGloss = userdata:0000012A48632F68 (meta 000001298C55C318} 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function:0000012A59507CB8 GetAreaPinAnimationFromStorage() = function:0000012A59507BF8 Initialize() = function:0000012A59506FC0 InitializeCenterOveredPins() = function:0000012A59507040 InitializePoiPins() = function:0000012A59507128 InitializeQuestPins() = function:0000012A59504658 IsInsidePoi() = function:0000012A595073F0 New() = function:0000012A59506E10 OnGamepadPreferredModeChanged() = function:0000012A59507328 OnUpdate() = function:0000012A59507E10 OnZoneChanged() = function:0000012A59507430 PerformFullAreaQuestUpdate() = function:0000012A59507368 PlayAreaOverrideAnimation() = function:0000012A59507A78 PlayAreaPinOutAnimation() = function:0000012A59507AB8 PlayPoiPinOutAnimation() = function:0000012A595074B0 RemoveAreaPinAnimationFromStorage() = function:0000012A59507C38 RemoveAreaPinsByQuest() = function:0000012A59507C78 SetAreaTexturePlatformTextures() = function:0000012A595071A8 SetCardinalDirections() = function:0000012A59507258 StopAreaPinOutAnimation() = function:0000012A59507AF8 StoreAreaPinAnimation() = function:0000012A59507B78 TryPlayingAnimationOnAreaPin() = function:0000012A595079F8 TryPlayingAnimationOnSinglePoi() = function:0000012A59507470 UpdateInsidePoiState() = function:0000012A595073B0 __index = table:0000012A59506D50 (meta 0000012A59506D98} CompleteQuest() = function:0000012A6CAC07B8 ComposeGuildRankPermissions() = function:0000012A79805F08 ComputeDepthAtWhichWorldHeightRendersAsUIHeight() = function:0000012A79803760 ComputeDepthAtWhichWorldWidthRendersAsUIWidth() = function:0000012A798036D8 ComputeGuildHistoryEventSubcategory() = function:0000012A9353C850 ComputeScore() = function:0000012A42ABFB88 ComputeStringDistance() = function:0000012A79802100 ConfirmCampaignEntry() = function:0000012997BDBE90 ConfirmLogout() = function:0000012A6CAC8E48 ConfirmPendingItemPurchase() = function:0000012A6CAD51A8 ConvertHoldKeyPressToNonHold() = function:0000012A79807A78 ConvertKeyPressToHold() = function:0000012A79807A08 ConvertMouseButtonToKeyCode() = function:0000012A6CABEC08 CopyHousePermissions() = function:0000012996FBFAF0 CopyToClipboard = function: Private CouldAcquireMarketProduct = function: Private CouldGiftMarketProduct = function: Private CouldPurchaseMarketProduct = function: Private CraftAlchemyItem() = function:0000012997BE6730 CraftEnchantingItem() = function:0000012997BE7068 CraftProvisionerItem() = function:0000012997BE6F00 CraftSmithingItem() = function:0000012996FB6478 CreateBackgroundListFilter() = function:0000012A79809D10 CreateControl() = function:0000012A277708E8 CreateControlFromVirtual() = function:0000012A27770928 CreateControlRangeFromVirtual() = function:0000012A277709A8 CreateCrownCrateSpecificParticleEffect = function: Private CreateCrownCrateTierSpecificParticleEffect = function: Private CreateDefaultActionBind() = function:0000012A6CACA160 CreateFont() = function:000001298C52ADA8 CreateGammaSceneFragment() = function:0000012A59FB16E8 CreateNewSCTCloud() = function:0000012996FBF0B8 CreateNewSCTEventVisualInfo() = function:0000012996FBEB40 CreateNewSCTSlot() = function:0000012996FBDAB0 CreateSimpleAnimation() = function:0000012A27770A28 CreateTopLevelWindow() = function:0000012A277708A8 CurrentCampaigns = table:0000012A66BEF5C0 (meta 0000012A66BEF608} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:0000012A66BEF680 RefreshCampaign() = function:0000012A66BEF788 RefreshCampaigns() = function:0000012A66BEF6F0 __index = table:0000012A66BEF5C0 (meta 0000012A66BEF608} CycleGameCameraPreferredEnemyTarget = function: Private DAILY_LOGIN_REWARDS_KEYBOARD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A677A0558 (meta 0000012A97731170} DAILY_LOGIN_REWARDS_KEYBOARD_SCENE = table:0000012A677A0B30 (meta 0000012A011592E0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A677AB428 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A3DFAD7D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3DFAE3B8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A3DFA9300 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A708920D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A70895E50 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A677A0BE8 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A677A0D58 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 10 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} 11 = table:00000129D68E24D8 (meta 00000129A89BD098} 12 = table:00000129D68E2BD0 (meta 0000012A29CEAB40} 13 = table:0000012A677A0558 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012AA90F3F98 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A677A5100 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A8948A9C0 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A677AA858 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 14 = table:00000129FF0520D0 (meta 00000129FF03DED8} 15 = table:0000012A31F41598 (meta 0000012A97726B38} 16 = table:000001298B534EB8 (meta 0000012A97731170} 17 = table:0000012A741D3890 (meta 0000012A97731170} 18 = table:0000012A5935EB10 (meta 0000012AADB021E8} 19 = table:0000012A853DAEB8 (meta 0000012AADB02378} 2 = table:0000012A59C3F580 (meta 0000012A59C3F358} 20 = table:0000012A4F696350 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} 21 = table:0000012A41D70888 (meta 0000012A97731170} 22 = table:0000012A41D6C128 (meta 0000012A97731170} 23 = table:0000012A741D3800 (meta 0000012A97731170} 24 = table:0000012A70896600 (meta 0000012A97731170} 3 = table:0000012A4F358C28 (meta 0000012A97731170} 4 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 5 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 7 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 8 = table:0000012A3F2987D8 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 9 = table:00000129FEB0D820 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} name = dailyLoginRewards restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000012A4F357860 (meta 0000012A049E2220} sceneManager = 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table:0000012A66976D78 (meta 0000012A2A586DF8} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:0000012A66978048 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000012A79B4A4D8 (meta 0000012A594F7678} 2 = userdata:0000012A595160B0 (meta 0000012A5950F860} control = userdata:00000129F7FA7770 (meta 000001298C53A240} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:0000012997847188 (meta 0000012997838690} messageLabel = userdata:00000129F7FA77A0 (meta 000001298C55E328} timerCooldown = userdata:00000129F7FA77D0 (meta 0000012A59522058} waitingToShowPrompt = false DEATH_FRAGMENT = table:0000012AA3D449A0 (meta 0000012A97735930} DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_ITERATION_END = 2 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_MAX_VALUE = 2 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_MIN_VALUE = 0 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_BAR = 0 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_FILL_GAMEPAD = 1 DEATH_INTERFACE_COLORS_RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_FILL_KEYBOARD = 2 DEATH_RECAP = table:0000012A42CDD0D0 (meta 0000012AA3A1F208} firstTable firstMeta attackPool = table:0000012A42CDC8F8 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000012A42CDBA80 customFactoryBehavior() = function:0000012A42CDD428 customResetBehavior() = function:0000012A42CDBB00 m_Active = table:0000012A42CDD368 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:0000012A42CDD3E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_DeathRecapScrollContainerScrollChildAttacks parent = userdata:0000012A42CDEBB8 (meta 000001298C53A240} templateName = ZO_DeathRecapAttack attackTemplate = ZO_DeathRecapAttack_Keyboard_Template callbackRegistry = table:0000012A42CD9AC8 firstTable OnDeathRecapAvailableChanged = table:0000012A42CD9B10 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A42CD9370 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A42CD9A48 3 = false control = userdata:0000012A42CE2010 (meta 000001298C541B38} deathRecapAvailable = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A42CDD148 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hintPool = table:0000012A42CDB620 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:0000012A42CDADA0 customResetBehavior() = function:0000012A42CDADE8 m_Active = table:0000012A42CDB668 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:0000012A42CDB6B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_DeathRecapScrollContainerScrollChildHintsContainerHints parent = userdata:0000012A42CDE188 (meta 000001298C53A240} templateName = ZO_DeathRecapHint hintTemplate = ZO_DeathRecapHint_Keyboard_Template hintTimeline = userdata:0000012A42CDAE50 (meta 000001298C585C68} isPlayerDead = false killingBlowIcon = userdata:0000012A42CDEC48 (meta 000001298C565E60} killingBlowTimeline = userdata:0000012A42CDD138 (meta 000001298C585C68} savedVars = table:0000012A719DA748 (meta 0000012A719DA628} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:0000012A719D9848 default = table:0000012A719DA5B0 firstTable recapOn = true scrollContainer = userdata:0000012A42CE01B0 (meta 0000012A42CDE1E0} scrollControl = userdata:0000012A42CDFC40 (meta 000001298C53A240} telvarLossTimeline = userdata:0000012A42CDD3D0 (meta 000001298C585C68} telvarStoneLossControl = userdata:0000012A42CDECD8 (meta 000001298C53A240} telvarStoneLossIconControl = userdata:0000012A42CDE7E0 (meta 000001298C565E60} telvarStoneLossTemplate = ZO_DeathRecapTelvarStoneLoss_Keyboard_Template telvarStoneLossValueControl = userdata:0000012A42CDEDF8 (meta 000001298C55E328} waitingToShowPrompt = false windowOpen = true DEATH_RECAP_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A42CDC670 (meta 0000012A97735930} DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_ALWAYS_INCLUDE = 1 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_EXCLUSIVE = 2 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_ITERATION_END = 2 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_MAX_VALUE = 2 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_MIN_VALUE = 0 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL = 0 DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE = table:0000012A42CD9A00 (meta 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false inputObjects = table:0000012A85C00E08 firstTable 1 = table:000001298E6346C0 (meta 0000012AA8EE67C0} lastUpdateS = 65577.6484375 queuedActivationOperations = table:000001298E634678 firstTable updating = false DISGUISE_STATE_DANGER = 2 DISGUISE_STATE_DISCOVERED = 4 DISGUISE_STATE_DISGUISED = 1 DISGUISE_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DISGUISE_STATE_ITERATION_END = 4 DISGUISE_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 4 DISGUISE_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 DISGUISE_STATE_NONE = 0 DISGUISE_STATE_SUSPICIOUS = 3 DISPLAY_NAME_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68EA2F8 (meta 0000012A97731170} DISPLAY_NAME_LINK_TYPE = display DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX_BYTE = 64 DLC_BOOK_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A5935E200 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A5935E5D0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A5935E658 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A4F0D9C80 (meta 00000129A7EA8008} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A5935E248 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden DLC_BOOK_KEYBOARD = table:00000129A7EA7FC0 (meta 0000012A4F0D9B60} firstTable firstMeta categoryLayoutClass = table:0000012A671E5C90 (meta 0000012A42A98448} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:0000012A42A98490 RefreshCategorizedLists() = function:0000012A859416E0 __index = table:0000012A671E5C90 (meta 0000012A42A98448} categoryLayoutObject = table:00000129A7EA3C48 (meta 0000012A671E5C90} firstTable firstMeta categorizedLists = table:00000129A7EA70B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A7EA22C0 2 = table:00000129A7EA1D70 3 = table:00000129A7EA17F0 owner = table:00000129A7EA7FC0 (meta 0000012A4F0D9B60} chapterUpgrade = userdata:00000129A7EAA4D8 (meta 000001298C54D798} collectibleIdToTreeNode = table:00000129A7EA7148 firstTable 1165 = table:0000012AA9173210 (meta 00000129AC646360} 1240 = table:0000012A41D5FD00 (meta 00000129AC646360} 1331 = table:0000012AA9176BD8 (meta 00000129AC646360} 1355 = table:0000012AA9172368 (meta 00000129AC646360} 154 = table:0000012A892BA1B0 (meta 00000129AC646360} 215 = table:0000012A41D5E3A8 (meta 00000129AC646360} 254 = table:0000012A41D5D840 (meta 00000129AC646360} 306 = table:0000012A41D5EA20 (meta 00000129AC646360} 375 = table:0000012AADDFF7A8 (meta 00000129AC646360} 4703 = table:0000012AA9172888 (meta 00000129AC646360} 491 = table:0000012AADE041B0 (meta 00000129AC646360} 5008 = table:0000012AA9176568 (meta 00000129AC646360} 5009 = table:00000129A7E9E5B0 (meta 00000129AC646360} 5107 = table:0000012A892A3D40 (meta 00000129AC646360} 5755 = table:0000012A41D62430 (meta 00000129AC646360} firstTable childIndent = 60 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 control = userdata:0000012A41D62550 (meta 0000012A41D604F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true node = table:0000012A41D62430 (meta 00000129AC646360} normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false statusIcon = userdata:0000012A41D604A0 (meta 000001298C565E60} data = table:00000129AA2F8870 (meta 0000012A2D58DD08} firstTable categoryData = table:00000129AA2F5508 (meta 0000012A2D58A9E8} categoryType = 1 collectibleId = 5755 collectibleIndex = 7 hasVisualAppearence = false hideMode = 0 icon = /esoui/art/icons/store_murkmiredlc_collectable.dds isActive = false isNew = false isRenameable = false isSlottable = false name = Murkmire nickname = questDescription = An explorer named Famia Mercius is recruiting adventurers to join her on an expedition into a sunken Argonian xanmeer. Ancient treasures and mortal danger both await within this mysterious ruin. questName = Sunken Treasure referenceId = 7623 unlockState = 1 unlockedViaSubscription = true enabled = true equalityFunction() = function:0000012A4F0D84C0 nextNode = table:0000012A41D5FD00 (meta 00000129AC646360} open = false openPercentage = 0 parentNode = table:0000012A41D66758 (meta 00000129AC646360} selectSound = Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected selected = false selectionFunction() = function:0000012A4F0D8478 setupFunction() = function:0000012A4F0D8438 templateInfo = table:00000129A7EA5578 tree = table:00000129A7EA7798 (meta 00000129FEE87808} 593 = table:0000012A41D5F068 (meta 00000129AC646360} control = userdata:0000012A4F0D9C80 (meta 00000129A7EA8008} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:00000129A7EA7FC0 (meta 0000012A4F0D9B60} descriptionLabel = userdata:00000129A7EAE168 (meta 000001298C55E328} headerNodes = table:00000129A7EA7100 firstTable imageControl = userdata:0000012A4F0D5038 (meta 000001298C565E60} nameLabel = userdata:00000129A7EB0728 (meta 000001298C55E328} navigationList = userdata:0000012A565937A0 (meta 0000012A4F0D4DD0} navigationTree = table:00000129A7EA7798 (meta 00000129FEE87808} questAcceptButton = userdata:00000129A7EABDD8 (meta 000001298C54D798} questAvailableControl = userdata:00000129A7EAD800 (meta 000001298C55E328} questDescriptionControl = userdata:00000129A7EAD898 (meta 000001298C55E328} questStatusControl = userdata:00000129A7EAC658 (meta 000001298C55E328} refreshGroups = table:0000012A41D5AF40 (meta 0000012A418053E0} firstTable currentlyRefreshing = false refreshGroups = table:0000012A41D5AF88 firstTable CollectibleUpdated = table:0000012A41D58588 firstTable RefreshSingle() = function:0000012A41D58600 dirtySingles = table:0000012A41D58648 firstTable wasShown = false RefreshList = table:0000012A41D5B058 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:0000012A41D583F8 dirtySingles = table:0000012A41D58440 firstTable wasShown = false sceneName = dlcBook selectedId = 5107 subscribeButton = userdata:00000129A7EA9560 (meta 000001298C54D798} unlockPermanentlyButton = userdata:00000129A7EAADB0 (meta 000001298C54D798} unlockStatusControl = userdata:00000129A7EAC5C0 (meta 000001298C55E328} DLC_BOOK_SCENE = table:00000129A7EA76A0 (meta 0000012A011592E0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A41D5B130 firstTable StateChange = table:00000129A7EA7730 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A41D5AEC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A41D58C30 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A7089E808 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A7089E688 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:00000129A7EA76E8 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A41D5B0B0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 10 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} 11 = table:00000129D68E24D8 (meta 00000129A89BD098} 12 = table:00000129D68E2BD0 (meta 0000012A29CEAB40} 13 = table:0000012A5935E200 (meta 0000012A97731170} 14 = table:000001298B534EB8 (meta 0000012A97731170} 15 = table:0000012AA39F8E48 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} 16 = table:0000012A741D3770 (meta 0000012A97731170} 17 = table:0000012A853DB090 (meta 0000012AADB02378} 18 = table:0000012A741D3890 (meta 0000012A97731170} 19 = table:00000129D68EEA50 (meta 0000012AADB021E8} 2 = table:0000012A59C3F580 (meta 0000012A59C3F358} 20 = table:0000012A41D73F38 (meta 0000012A97731170} 21 = table:0000012A41D6C128 (meta 0000012A97731170} 22 = table:0000012A741D3800 (meta 0000012A97731170} 23 = table:0000012A7089F070 (meta 0000012A97731170} 3 = table:0000012A4F358C28 (meta 0000012A97731170} 4 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 5 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 7 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 8 = table:0000012A3F2987D8 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 9 = table:00000129FEB0D820 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} name = dlcBook restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000012A7089DC70 (meta 0000012A049E2220} sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden DL_BACKGROUND = 0 DL_CONTROLS = 1 DL_COUNT = 4 DL_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DL_ITERATION_END = 4 DL_MAX_VALUE = 4 DL_MIN_VALUE = 0 DL_OVERLAY = 3 DL_TEXT = 2 DONT_SAVE_CURRENT_VALUES = 2 DRESSING_OPTION_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DRESSING_OPTION_ITERATION_END = 4 DRESSING_OPTION_MAX_VALUE = 4 DRESSING_OPTION_MIN_VALUE = 0 DRESSING_OPTION_NUDE = 0 DRESSING_OPTION_STARTING_GEAR = 1 DRESSING_OPTION_WARDROBE_1 = 2 DRESSING_OPTION_YOUR_GEAR = 3 DRESSING_OPTION_YOUR_GEAR_AND_COLLECTIBLES = 4 DT_HIGH = 2 DT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DT_ITERATION_END = 999 DT_LOW = 0 DT_MAX_VALUE = 999 DT_MEDIUM = 1 DT_MIN_VALUE = 0 DT_PARENT = 999 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_INELIGIBLE_AREA = 19 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_ITERATION_END = 22 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 22 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_NONE = 0 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_NOT_FULL_HEALTH = 22 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_RECENTLY_DECLINED = 20 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_ACTIVE_DUEL = 7 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_CONSIDERING_INVITE = 6 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_CRAFTING = 17 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_DEAD = 11 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_IN_COMBAT = 15 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_PENDING_REQUEST = 5 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_SELF_SWIMMING = 13 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_ACTIVE_DUEL = 10 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_CONSIDERING_INVITE = 9 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_CRAFTING = 18 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_DEAD = 12 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_INVALID = 2 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_IN_COMBAT = 16 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_PENDING_REQUEST = 8 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_SELF = 3 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_SWIMMING = 14 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TARGET_UNAVAILABLE = 1 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TOO_FAR = 4 DUEL_INVITE_FAIL_REASON_TOO_MANY_NEARBY = 21 DUEL_RESULT_FORFEIT = 0 DUEL_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DUEL_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 1 DUEL_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 1 DUEL_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 DUEL_RESULT_WON = 1 DUEL_STATE_DUELING = 3 DUEL_STATE_DUEL_PENDING = 4 DUEL_STATE_DUEL_TERMINATING = 5 DUEL_STATE_IDLE = 0 DUEL_STATE_INVITE_CONSIDERING = 2 DUEL_STATE_INVITE_REQUESTING = 1 DUEL_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DUEL_STATE_ITERATION_END = 5 DUEL_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 5 DUEL_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_ITERATION_END = 2 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_MAX_VALUE = 2 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_MIN_VALUE = 0 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_NONE = 0 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL = 1 DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_VETERAN = 2 DUNGEON_FINDER_GAMEPAD = table:00000129F7E6CB58 (meta 0000012A4FAA1430} DUNGEON_FINDER_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A93404CE0 (meta 0000012A7079A1D0} DUNGEON_FINDER_MANAGER = table:0000012A4AEFF2C8 (meta 0000012A4AEFF0C0} DYESTAMP_CONFIRMATION_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A3F27C6A0 (meta 0000012A2DA90608} DYESTAMP_CONFIRMATION_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A2DA8E798 (meta 0000012A2DA8D290} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000012A2DA8D3B0 (meta 000001298C541B38} keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000012A2DA8EA08 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2DA8EAA0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2DA8EBB8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Apply Changes 2 = table:0000012A2DA8EC38 firstTable alignment = 3 callback() = function:0000012A2DA8ED28 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT name = Exit alignment = 2 rotationArea = userdata:0000012A2DA8D7D0 (meta 000001298C53A240} DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_BLUE = 3 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_BROWN = 5 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_GREEN = 2 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_GREY = 6 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 7 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 7 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_MIXED = 7 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_PURPLE = 4 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_RED = 0 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_YELLOW = 1 DYE_RARITY_COMMON = 0 DYE_RARITY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 DYE_RARITY_ITERATION_END = 3 DYE_RARITY_MATERIAL = 3 DYE_RARITY_MAX_VALUE = 3 DYE_RARITY_MIN_VALUE = 0 DYE_RARITY_RARE = 2 DYE_RARITY_UNCOMMON = 1 DYE_STAMP_CONFIRMATION_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:0000012A2DA90BE0 (meta 0000012A011592E0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A2DA910E8 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A2DA91130 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2DA91178 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2DA91068 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A2DA90C58 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A2DA90CA0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 10 = table:0000012A4E2C9978 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 11 = table:0000012A59C3FAF8 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000012A4E2CA390 allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A59C3FB40 firstTable eventNamespace = ZO_FramePlayerTargetFragment3 fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 12 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} 13 = table:0000012A4F6954D8 (meta 0000012A4F695398} firstTable firstMeta allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A89495F78 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 14 = table:0000012A59EFD2B0 (meta 0000012A59EFD088} 15 = table:0000012A59EFD610 (meta 0000012A59EFD3E8} 16 = table:0000012A59359FA8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 2 = table:0000012A59357840 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 3 = table:0000012A89495BC0 (meta 0000012A89495E38} 4 = table:0000012A4F358FB0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 5 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 7 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 8 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 9 = table:0000012A59C3F220 (meta 0000012A59C3EF58} name = dyeStampConfirmationGamepad restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 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function:0000012A6CAC7090 DeclineWorldEventInvite() = function:0000012997BE4880 DecorateDisplayName() = function:0000012A79804300 DeleteGift() = function:0000012996FC4E30 DeleteMail() = function:0000012997BE2450 DeleteWorldParticleEffect = function: Private DepositCurrencyIntoBank() = function:0000012A7E59C630 DepositCurrencyIntoGuildBank() = function:0000012A2767E538 DepositMoneyIntoBank() = function:0000012A79F982D0 DepositMoneyIntoGuildBank() = function:0000012A2767E4B8 DepositTelvarStonesIntoBank() = function:0000012A66BEDFB8 DescendStart = function: Private DescendStop = function: Private DestroyAllJunk() = function:0000012AA3BB54F8 DestroyBackgroundListFilter() = function:0000012A79809F70 DestroyItem() = function:0000012AA3BB3400 DidDeathCauseDurabilityDamage() = function:0000012997BDE8B0 DisablePreviewMode() = function:0000012AA3BBFE20 Disconnect = function: Private DisplayBankUpgrade() = function:0000012AA3BB3628 DoAllGroupMembersHavePreferredRole() = function:0000012A4B151C98 DoAllValidLevelUpRewardChoicesHaveSelections() = function:0000012996FC3930 DoBattlegroundContextsIntersect() = function:0000012997BDB818 DoCommand() = function:0000012A2A53E3D0 DoesAbilityExist() = function:0000012A6CACE6B8 DoesActivitySetHaveRewardData() = function:0000012996FB8600 DoesAllianceHaveImperialCityAccess() = function:0000012997BDB630 DoesBagHaveSpaceFor() = function:0000012AA3BB5650 DoesBagHaveSpaceForItemLink() = function:0000012AA3BB56C0 DoesBankHoldCurrency() = function:0000012996FC57A8 DoesCampaignHaveEmperor() = function:0000012997BD9B08 DoesCollectibleCategoryContainSlottableCollectibles() = function:0000012AA3BBB5E8 DoesCollectibleHaveVisibleAppearance() = function:0000012A6CAD46F0 DoesCollectibleRequireEntitlement() = function:0000012A7E042138 DoesCurrencyAmountMeetConfirmationThreshold() = function:0000012AA3BB3238 DoesCurrentCampaignRulesetAllowChampionPoints() = function:0000012997BDB340 DoesCurrentLanguageRequireIME() = function:0000012A79803500 DoesCurrentMapMatchMapForPlayerLocation() = function:0000012A6CAD5960 DoesCurrentMapShowPlayerWorld() = function:0000012A6CAD59E8 DoesCurrentZoneAllowBattleLevelScaling() = function:0000012A6CAD7828 DoesCurrentZoneAllowScalingByLevel() = function:0000012A6CAD7720 DoesCurrentZoneHaveTelvarStoneBehavior() = function:0000012A6CAD77A0 DoesESOPlusUnlockCollectible() = function:0000012AA3BBA4A0 DoesFurnitureThemeShowInBrowser() = function:0000012996FC0798 DoesGameHaveFocus() = function:0000012A6CABE970 DoesGroupMeetActivityLevelRequirements() = function:0000012996FB8868 DoesGroupMeetLFGLevelRequirements() = function:0000012A4E2B5F00 DoesGroupModificationRequireVote() = function:0000012A6CACB900 DoesGuildHaveClaimedKeep() = function:0000012A79806658 DoesGuildHavePrivilege() = function:0000012A798058B8 DoesGuildHistoryCategoryHaveMoreEvents() = function:0000012A79805FF8 DoesGuildRankHavePermission() = function:0000012A79805750 DoesHistoryRequireMapRebuild() = function:0000012997BDB5B8 DoesHousingUserGroupHaveAccess() = function:0000012996FBFBD8 DoesInventoryContainEmptySoulGem() = function:0000012A6CAC03A0 DoesItemFulfillJournalQuestCondition() = function:0000012A6CAC7680 DoesItemHaveDurability() = function:0000012AA3BB4048 DoesItemLinkFinishQuest() = function:0000012AA3BB71E8 DoesItemLinkFulfillJournalQuestCondition() = function:0000012A6CAC7700 DoesItemLinkHaveArmorDecay() = function:0000012AA3BB6158 DoesItemLinkHaveEnchantCharges() = function:0000012AA3BB62C0 DoesItemLinkStartQuest() = function:0000012AA3BB7170 DoesJournalQuestConditionHavePosition() = function:0000012A6CAC7B98 DoesKeepPassCompassVisibilitySubzoneCheck() = function:0000012997BDE280 DoesKeepTypeHaveSiegeLimit() = function:0000012997BDE098 DoesKillingAttackHaveAttacker() = function:0000012996FBA168 DoesLFGActivityHasAllOption() = function:00000129FEB0DD50 DoesMarketProductCategoryContainNewMarketProducts() = function:0000012AA3BBBA68 DoesMarketProductCategoryOrSubcategoriesContainEsoPlusMarketProducts() = function:0000012AA3BBBB98 DoesMarketProductCategoryOrSubcategoriesContainNewEsoPlusMarketProducts() = function:0000012AA3BBBC38 DoesMarketProductCategoryOrSubcategoriesContainNewMarketProducts() = function:0000012AA3BBBAF8 DoesMarketProductContainDLC = function: Private DoesObjectiveExist() = function:0000012997BD77E0 DoesObjectivePassCompassVisibilitySubzoneCheck() = function:0000012997BD8668 DoesPlayerHaveGuildPermission() = function:0000012A798057C8 DoesPlayerMeetActivityLevelRequirements() = function:0000012996FB87E0 DoesPlayerMeetCampaignRequirements() = function:0000012997BDAD60 DoesPlayerMeetLFGLevelRequirements() = function:0000012A4E2B5EB8 DoesRunePassRequirements() = function:0000012A6FBCBB48 DoesSCTSlotAllowSourceType() = function:0000012996FBE390 DoesSCTSlotAllowTargetType() = function:0000012996FBE0B0 DoesSCTSlotExcludeSourceType() = function:0000012996FBE500 DoesSCTSlotExcludeTargetType() = function:0000012996FBE220 DoesSmithingTypeIgnoreStyleItems() = function:0000012996FB6380 DoesSystemSupportConsoleEnhancedRenderQuality() = function:0000012A79803950 DoesSystemSupportHDR() = function:0000012A798039D8 DoesUnitExist() = function:0000012A6CABEDE8 DoesUnitHaveResurrectPending() = function:0000012A6CAC0DF0 EFFECT_RESULT_FADED = 2 EFFECT_RESULT_FULL_REFRESH = 4 EFFECT_RESULT_GAINED = 1 EFFECT_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 1 EFFECT_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 5 EFFECT_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 5 EFFECT_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 1 EFFECT_RESULT_TRANSFER = 5 EFFECT_RESULT_UPDATED = 3 EMOTE_CATEGORY_CEREMONIAL = 1 EMOTE_CATEGORY_CHEERS_AND_JEERS = 2 EMOTE_CATEGORY_COLLECTED = 14 EMOTE_CATEGORY_DEPRECATED = 3 EMOTE_CATEGORY_EMOTION = 4 EMOTE_CATEGORY_ENTERTAINMENT = 5 EMOTE_CATEGORY_FOOD_AND_DRINK = 6 EMOTE_CATEGORY_GIVE_DIRECTIONS = 7 EMOTE_CATEGORY_INVALID = 0 EMOTE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EMOTE_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 14 EMOTE_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 14 EMOTE_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PERPETUAL = 8 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PERSONALITY_OVERRIDE = 13 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PHYSICAL = 9 EMOTE_CATEGORY_POSES_AND_FIDGETS = 10 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PROP = 11 EMOTE_CATEGORY_SOCIAL = 12 ENCHANTING = table:0000012A7DA1C718 (meta 0000012A83C43370} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:000001298B4F0ED0 (meta 000001298C541B38} creationSlotAnimation = table:0000012A8943CAB8 (meta 0000012AA35A3F90} firstTable bursts = table:0000012A8943CD90 firstTable slots = table:0000012A8943CB00 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B4F73C8 (meta 0000012A96F85B10} 2 = table:000001298B4F7198 (meta 0000012A96F85B10} 3 = table:000001298B4F7518 (meta 0000012A96F85B10} extractionSlot = table:0000012A8943D100 (meta 0000012A4B10D778} extractionSlotAnimation = table:0000012A4FA3FF08 (meta 0000012AA8F545A0} firstTable firstMeta slots = table:0000012A4FA3FF50 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A8943D100 (meta 0000012A4B10D778} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000012A4B114968 (meta 0000012A4B114C80} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:0000012A4B114BF8 (meta 000001298C585C68} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 craftingInventory = table:0000012A7DA1C890 (meta 000001298B4F7B60} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000012A4B114DB8 (meta 0000012A7DA1CBD8} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:0000012A7DA1C890 (meta 000001298B4F7B60} dirty = true filterType = -1 itemCounts = table:0000012A7DA1CD00 firstTable list = userdata:0000012A59BFDFC8 (meta 0000012A59BFD2B8} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000012A59BFD3A0 firstTable animation = userdata:0000012A59BFE480 (meta 0000012A93DD89B0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000012A59BFDFC8 (meta 0000012A59BFD2B8} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000012A59BFD440 firstTable contents = userdata:0000012A59BFE050 (meta 000001298C5722E0} data = table:0000012A59BFD358 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000012A59BFD228 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7DA1D048 firstTable deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000012A59BFE308 (meta 000001298C54D798} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:0000012A59BFE0D8 (meta 0000012A59BFE3C0} timeline = userdata:0000012A59BFE508 (meta 000001298C585C68} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:0000012A59BFE280 (meta 000001298C54D798} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000012A93DD8A80 firstTable yDistanceFromEdgeWhereSelectionCausesScroll = 150 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000012A93DD8B38 (meta 000001298C55E328} owner = table:0000012A7DA1C718 (meta 0000012A83C43370} sortHeaders = table:000001298B4F6590 (meta 0000012A83D27F30} sortKey = name sortOrder = true dropCallout = userdata:0000012A4B114BC8 (meta 000001298C565E60} emptyTexture = itemInstanceId = 2911894693 owner = table:0000012A7DA1C718 (meta 0000012A83C43370} slotType = 25 extractionSlotContainer = userdata:0000012A4B114730 (meta 000001298C53A240} inventory = table:0000012A7DA1C890 (meta 000001298B4F7B60} inventoryControl = userdata:0000012A4B114DB8 (meta 0000012A7DA1CBD8} keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000012A4FA401E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4FA40228 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4FA40270 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Clear Selections visible() = function:0000012A4FA402F0 2 = table:0000012A4FA40338 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4FA40470 enabled() = function:0000012A4FA404B8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:0000012A4FA40428 alignment = 2 modeBar = userdata:0000012A4E13D348 (meta 0000012A4E13D4A8} modeBarLabel = userdata:0000012A4E13D3C0 (meta 000001298C55E328} resultTooltip = userdata:0000012A93DD93C0 (meta 000001298C56BE50} runeSlotContainer = userdata:0000012A4E1140C8 (meta 000001298C53A240} runeSlots = table:000001298B4F7380 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B4F7518 (meta 0000012A96F85B10} firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4B114280 (meta 0000012A4B1145F0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:0000012A4B114568 (meta 000001298C585C68} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 craftingInventory = table:0000012A7DA1C890 (meta 000001298B4F7B60} dropCallout = userdata:0000012A4B1144B0 (meta 000001298C565E60} dropCalloutTextureNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone01_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone01_drag.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone01_slot.dds itemInstanceId = 2911894693 nameLabel = userdata:0000012A4B114538 (meta 000001298C55E328} owner = table:0000012A7DA1C718 (meta 0000012A83C43370} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_AspectRune_Removed placeSound = Enchanting_AspectRune_Placed runeType = 1 slotType = 25 2 = table:000001298B4F7198 (meta 0000012A96F85B10} firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4E114258 (meta 0000012A4E1131A0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:0000012A4E113118 (meta 000001298C585C68} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 craftingInventory = table:0000012A7DA1C890 (meta 000001298B4F7B60} dropCallout = userdata:0000012A4E114488 (meta 000001298C565E60} dropCalloutTextureNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone02_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone02_drag.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone02_slot.dds itemInstanceId = 2911894693 nameLabel = userdata:0000012A6BBB7690 (meta 000001298C55E328} owner = table:0000012A7DA1C718 (meta 0000012A83C43370} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Removed placeSound = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Placed runeType = 2 slotType = 25 3 = table:000001298B4F73C8 (meta 0000012A96F85B10} firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4E113430 (meta 0000012A4B114138} craftingInventory = table:0000012A7DA1C890 (meta 000001298B4F7B60} dropCallout = userdata:0000012A4B113FF8 (meta 000001298C565E60} dropCalloutTextureNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone03_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone03_drag.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/crafting_runestone03_slot.dds itemInstanceId = 2911894693 nameLabel = userdata:0000012A4B114080 (meta 000001298C55E328} owner = table:0000012A7DA1C718 (meta 0000012A83C43370} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Removed placeSound = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Placed runeType = 3 slotType = 25 skillInfo = userdata:0000012A4E13D9F8 (meta 0000012A4E13E388} slotCreationAnimationName = enchanting ENCHANTING_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68EDFE8 (meta 0000012A97731170} ENCHANTING_MODE_CREATION = 1 ENCHANTING_MODE_EXTRACTION = 2 ENCHANTING_MODE_NONE = 0 ENCHANTING_MODE_RECIPES = 3 ENCHANTING_RUNE_ASPECT = 1 ENCHANTING_RUNE_ESSENCE = 2 ENCHANTING_RUNE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ENCHANTING_RUNE_ITERATION_END = 3 ENCHANTING_RUNE_MAX_VALUE = 3 ENCHANTING_RUNE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ENCHANTING_RUNE_NONE = 0 ENCHANTING_RUNE_POTENCY = 3 ENCHANTING_SCENE = table:0000012997D003C8 (meta 0000012A320EFD98} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012997D00AC8 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012997D00B10 firstTable 1 = table:0000012997D00B58 firstTable 1() = function:0000012997D00A48 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012997D00410 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012997D006A0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 10 = table:000001298B534728 (meta 0000012A97731170} 11 = table:0000012A9357E488 (meta 0000012AADB02378} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A9357E4D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideSoundId = Enchanting_Closed sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} showSoundId = Enchanting_Opened state = hidden 12 = table:00000129D68E24D8 (meta 00000129A89BD098} 2 = table:0000012A59C3F580 (meta 0000012A59C3F358} 3 = table:0000012A4F358C28 (meta 0000012A97731170} 4 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 5 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 7 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 8 = table:00000129D68EDFE8 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000129D68EE168 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000129D68EE1F0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:000001298B4F0ED0 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68EE030 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 9 = table:0000012AA90C1900 (meta 0000012A97731170} interactionInfo = table:0000012997D00250 firstTable End() = function:0000012997D00340 interactTypes = table:0000012997D00380 firstTable 1 = 23 type = Enchanting Station name = enchanting restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ABSORB_HEALTH = 20 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ABSORB_MAGICKA = 23 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ABSORB_STAMINA = 22 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_BEFOULED_WEAPON = 1 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_BERSERKER = 2 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_CHARGED_WEAPON = 3 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DAMAGE_HEALTH = 24 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DAMAGE_SHIELD = 10 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DECREASE_PHYSICAL_DAMAGE = 33 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DECREASE_SPELL_DAMAGE = 34 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DISEASE_RESISTANT = 5 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FIERY_WEAPON = 6 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FIRE_RESISTANT = 7 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FROST_RESISTANT = 8 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FROZEN_WEAPON = 9 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_HEALTH = 11 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_HEALTH_REGEN = 12 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_BASH_DAMAGE = 27 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_PHYSICAL_DAMAGE = 31 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_POTION_EFFECTIVENESS = 29 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_SPELL_DAMAGE = 32 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 35 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_MAGICKA = 13 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_MAGICKA_REGEN = 14 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 35 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_OTHER = 35 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_POISONED_WEAPON = 16 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_POISON_RESISTANT = 15 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_ARMOR = 4 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_BLOCK_AND_BASH = 28 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_FEAT_COST = 26 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_POTION_COOLDOWN = 30 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_POWER = 19 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_SPELL_COST = 25 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_SHOCK_RESISTANT = 21 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_STAMINA = 17 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_STAMINA_REGEN = 18 END_CAST_REASON_COMPLETED = 0 END_CAST_REASON_FAILED = 1 END_CAST_REASON_INTERRUPTED = 3 END_CAST_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 END_CAST_REASON_ITERATION_END = 3 END_CAST_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 3 END_CAST_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 END_CAST_REASON_PLAYER_CANCELLED = 2 END_IN_WORLD_INTERACTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} EQUIPMENT_BONUS_AVERAGE = 1 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_EXTRAORDINARY = 5 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_FAIR = 2 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_HIGH = 3 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_ITERATION_END = 5 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_LOW = 0 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_MAX_VALUE = 5 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_MIN_VALUE = 0 EQUIPMENT_BONUS_SUPERIOR = 4 EQUIP_OUTFIT_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EQUIP_OUTFIT_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 4 EQUIP_OUTFIT_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 4 EQUIP_OUTFIT_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 EQUIP_OUTFIT_RESULT_OUTFIT_ALREADY_EQUIPPED = 4 EQUIP_OUTFIT_RESULT_OUTFIT_INVALID = 1 EQUIP_OUTFIT_RESULT_OUTFIT_LOCKED = 2 EQUIP_OUTFIT_RESULT_OUTFIT_SWITCHING_UNAVAILABLE = 3 EQUIP_OUTFIT_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_BACKUP_MAIN = 20 EQUIP_SLOT_BACKUP_OFF = 21 EQUIP_SLOT_BACKUP_POISON = 14 EQUIP_SLOT_CHEST = 2 EQUIP_SLOT_CLASS1 = 17 EQUIP_SLOT_CLASS2 = 18 EQUIP_SLOT_CLASS3 = 19 EQUIP_SLOT_COSTUME = 10 EQUIP_SLOT_FEET = 9 EQUIP_SLOT_HAND = 16 EQUIP_SLOT_HEAD = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_ITERATION_END = 21 EQUIP_SLOT_LEGS = 8 EQUIP_SLOT_MAIN_HAND = 4 EQUIP_SLOT_MAX_VALUE = 21 EQUIP_SLOT_MIN_VALUE = -1 EQUIP_SLOT_NECK = 1 EQUIP_SLOT_NONE = -1 EQUIP_SLOT_OFF_HAND = 5 EQUIP_SLOT_POISON = 13 EQUIP_SLOT_RANGED = 15 EQUIP_SLOT_RING1 = 11 EQUIP_SLOT_RING2 = 12 EQUIP_SLOT_SHOULDERS = 3 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_ACCESSORIES = 3 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_APPAREL = 2 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_ITERATION_END = 3 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_MAX_VALUE = 3 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_MIN_VALUE = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_VISUAL_CATEGORY_WEAPONS = 1 EQUIP_SLOT_WAIST = 6 EQUIP_SLOT_WRIST = 7 EQUIP_TYPE_CHEST = 3 EQUIP_TYPE_COSTUME = 11 EQUIP_TYPE_FEET = 10 EQUIP_TYPE_HAND = 13 EQUIP_TYPE_HEAD = 1 EQUIP_TYPE_INVALID = 0 EQUIP_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EQUIP_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 15 EQUIP_TYPE_LEGS = 9 EQUIP_TYPE_MAIN_HAND = 14 EQUIP_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 15 EQUIP_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 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function:0000012A42990388 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AC30 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000012A0E88A9F0 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012A84C6AD58 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AD18 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A84C6AEE0 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012AADE19480 (meta 0000012AADE1A050} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000129F7FBFC30 (meta 0000012AADE194D8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012AADE191F8 (meta 0000012AADE1A5B8} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 242 2 = table:0000012AADE1B4C0 firstTable control = userdata:00000129F7FC0A28 (meta 00000129F7FBFF18} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AB98 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000012A84C6ABD8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AC30 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000012A0E88A9F0 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012A84C6AD58 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AD18 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A84C6AEE0 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000129F7FBFC00 (meta 0000012AADE19090} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000129F7FC0A28 (meta 00000129F7FBFF18} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000129F7FBFB78 (meta 0000012AADE193C0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 3 = table:0000012AADE1B5B0 firstTable control = userdata:00000129F7FC0640 (meta 00000129F7FC07A8} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 customControl = userdata:00000129F7FC1E38 (meta 0000012AADE17DD0} setup() = function:0000012AADE1B6E8 updateFn() = function:0000012AADE1B768 ABANDON_HOME_CAMPAIGN = table:0000012AADE1FAB0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012AADE1FB50 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AADE1FB98 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AADE1FC88 control = userdata:0000012AADE1E778 (meta 0000012AADE1E8E0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AB98 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000012A84C6ABD8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AC30 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000012A0E88A9F0 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012A84C6AD58 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AD18 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A84C6AEE0 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012AADE1E888 (meta 0000012AADE1E430} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012AADE1E778 (meta 0000012AADE1E8E0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012AADE1E800 (meta 0000012AADE1D658} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 242 2 = table:0000012AADE1FCC8 firstTable control = userdata:0000012AADE1E0B8 (meta 0000012AADE1E220} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 3 = table:0000012AADE1FDB8 firstTable control = userdata:0000012AADE18C88 (meta 0000012AADE18DF0} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 customControl = userdata:0000012AADE17ED0 (meta 0000012AADE1FFC8} firstMeta firstIndex timeLockedDialog = table:0000012AADE1FEA8 (meta 0000012A41D77E40} firstTable firstMeta accept = userdata:0000012AADE1E778 (meta 0000012AADE1E8E0} alliancePoints = userdata:0000012AADE1DD58 (meta 000001298C53A240} balance = userdata:0000012AADE1DFA8 (meta 000001298C55E328} control = userdata:0000012AADE17ED0 (meta 0000012AADE1FFC8} cooldownFunction() = function:0000012997BDA1A0 dialogName = ABANDON_HOME_CAMPAIGN free = userdata:0000012AADE1DCC8 (meta 000001298C55E328} locked = userdata:0000012AADE18B88 (meta 000001298C53A240} lockedMessage = userdata:0000012AADE18C08 (meta 000001298C55E328} price = userdata:0000012AADE1E038 (meta 000001298C55E328} radioButtonGroup = table:0000012AADE207A0 (meta 000001298C19D790} firstTable labelColorDisabled = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} labelColorEnabled = table:00000129AC5E6B30 (meta 00000129A8929028} m_buttons = table:0000012AADE207E8 firstTable userdata = 0000012AADE18598 = table:0000012AADE20930 firstTable isValidOption = true originalHandler() = function:0000012AADE1C740 0000012AADE1C530 = table:0000012AADE20A38 firstTable isValidOption = true originalHandler() = function:0000012AADE1DB10 m_enabled = true title = userdata:0000012AADE180C0 (meta 000001298C55E328} unlocked = userdata:0000012AADE18488 (meta 000001298C53A240} unlockedQuery = userdata:0000012AADE18508 (meta 000001298C55E328} useAlliancePointsButton = userdata:0000012AADE18598 (meta 000001298C54D798} useAlliancePointsLabel = userdata:0000012AADE18168 (meta 000001298C55E328} useGoldButton = userdata:0000012AADE1C530 (meta 000001298C54D798} useGoldLabel = userdata:0000012AADE1DBC8 (meta 000001298C55E328} setup() = function:0000012AADE1FEF0 updateFn() = function:0000012AADE1FF38 ABANDON_QUEST = table:0000012A29658EB0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A291A7B30 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7058DB80 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A31F3AC18 text = 3993 2 = table:0000012A31F3AC58 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:00000129FF04AA00 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A291A7AB8 firstTable text = 3992 title = table:0000012A291A7A70 firstTable text = 4764 ADD_IGNORE = table:0000012A0ED4A5D0 firstTable buttons = table:00000129A88793A0 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A8879440 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A59FB2610 requiresTextInput = true text = 4902 2 = table:00000129A8584B58 firstTable text = 246 editBox = table:0000012A83D1F908 firstTable autoComplete = table:0000012A83D1F9A8 firstTable excludeFlags = table:00000129A8879358 firstTable 1 = 1 includeFlags = table:0000012A83D1F9F0 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 3 3 = 4 4 = 5 onlineOnly = false defaultText = 170 mainText = table:0000012A83D1F890 firstTable text = 258 title = table:0000012A83D1F818 firstTable text = 6277 ALCHEMY_TRAITS_LEARNED = table:0000012AA90C1DB8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012AA90C1770 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA90C17B8 firstTable control = userdata:0000012AA90D1450 (meta 0000012AA90D0B48} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 194 customControl = userdata:0000012A6FBC4398 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012AA90C1CF8 title = table:0000012AA90C1728 firstTable text = 4551 ALLOW_OVERWRITE = table:0000012A97733350 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4887BAE0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4887BB80 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A97733648 text = 244 2 = table:0000012A4887BC20 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4887BCC0 text = 245 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A977334E0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A977335D0 firstTable text = 3389 mustChoose = true title = table:0000012A97733558 firstTable text = 3380 BANK_DEPOSIT_GOLD = table:0000012A2A578288 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A2A5784E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A5785A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2A578700 control = userdata:0000012A89243628 (meta 0000012A89243790} text = 6744 2 = table:0000012A2A5787C8 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A89243168 (meta 0000012A892432C0} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A89240D28 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A2A578418 title = table:0000012A2A578350 firstTable text = 6746 BANK_WITHDRAW_GOLD = table:0000012A2A577C48 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A2A577EA0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A577F68 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2A578030 control = userdata:0000012A89243628 (meta 0000012A89243790} text = 6745 2 = table:0000012A2A5780F8 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A89243168 (meta 0000012A892432C0} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A89240D28 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A2A577DD8 title = table:0000012A2A577D10 firstTable text = 6747 BID_ON_KIOSK = table:0000012AADADA060 BINDINGS = table:0000012A4FA9BDF8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4FA9A128 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4FA95DB0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4FA95630 control = userdata:0000012A4FAABD90 (meta 0000012A4FAAA6D8} keybind = false text = 4100 2 = table:0000012A4FA9A170 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4FA929B8 control = userdata:00000129A6D98020 (meta 0000012A4FAAA638} keybind = false text = 4101 3 = table:00000129A6DA83A0 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4FAAA080 (meta 0000012A4FAAA1C8} keybind = false text = 246 customControl() = function:0000012A4FA9C0D8 setup() = function:0000012A4FA9BE40 title = table:0000012A4FA9A0E0 firstTable text = 4099 BUY_BAG_SPACE = table:00000129FF045A10 firstTable buttons = table:00000129FF0371F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000129FF037298 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FF037338 text = 242 2 = table:00000129FF037378 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66DBA318 text = 243 mainText = table:00000129FF03BC90 firstTable text = Increase your Inventory size by 10 more slots? noChoiceCallback() = function:00000129FF0371B8 title = table:00000129FF045A58 firstTable text = 6353 updateFn() = function:0000012A66DBA358 BUY_BANK_SPACE = table:0000012A48887108 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A7F8FE938 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7F8FE9D8 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FF045918 text = 242 2 = table:00000129FF045958 firstTable text = 243 mainText = table:0000012A7F8FE830 firstTable text = Increase your Bank size to 10 more slots?\n\nNote: An ESO Plus membership doubles your bank space while active. title = table:0000012A488871F8 firstTable text = 6356 updateFn() = function:00000129FF0459D0 BUY_BANK_SPACE_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A2A5321D8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A2A5323B0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A532420 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2A532510 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 243 2 = table:0000012A2A532590 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2A5326C8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text() = function:0000012A2A532680 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A2A532220 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A2A532310 firstTable text = Increase your Bank size to 10 more slots?\n\nNote: An ESO Plus membership doubles your bank space while active. title = table:0000012A2A532298 firstTable text = 6356 BUY_MULTIPLE = table:0000012A4FA5E9F8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4FA5EB30 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4FA5EBD0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4FA5ECC0 control = userdata:0000012A8397FC58 (meta 0000012A8397FDA0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A8397FD48 (meta 0000012A8397FF10} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A8397FC58 (meta 0000012A8397FDA0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A8397FCD0 (meta 0000012A83980A00} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 3552 2 = table:0000012A4FA5ED00 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A8397E3B0 (meta 0000012A8397E4F8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A8397E4A0 (meta 0000012A8397E668} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A8397E3B0 (meta 0000012A8397E4F8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A8397E428 (meta 0000012A8397FB58} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A8397DC10 (meta 000001298C541B38} title = table:0000012A4FA5EAE8 firstTable text = 4782 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE = table:0000012A4FE82A88 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A59FAC160 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59FAC200 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A59FAC2A0 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A59FAC2E0 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true mainText = table:0000012A4FE836C0 firstTable text = 6897 radioButtons = table:0000012A4FE83738 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4FE837D8 firstTable data = true text = Group 2 = table:0000012A4FE83878 firstTable data = false text = Solo title = table:0000012A4FE82C18 firstTable text = 6894 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_KICKING_FROM_LFG_GROUP_WARNING = table:0000012A742EF788 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6CE96688 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6CE966D0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6CE967C0 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 242 2 = table:0000012A6CE96800 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A742EF878 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A742EF968 firstTable text = 6441 title = table:0000012A742EF8F0 firstTable text = 6440 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_READY = table:0000012A4FE7B188 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4FE82208 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4FE822A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4FE7B318 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A4FE82A40 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4FE820A0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A4FE82190 firstTable text = 6884 title = table:0000012A4FE82118 firstTable text = 6883 updateFn() = function:0000012A4FE7B148 CANT_BUYBACK_FROM_FENCE = table:0000012A0E76F770 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A0E76EFE0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0E76F080 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0E76BB18 text = 7368 2 = table:0000012A0E76BB58 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0E76F900 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A0E76EF68 firstTable text = 5992 title = table:0000012A0E76EEF0 firstTable text = 5991 updateFn() = function:0000012A0E76BBD0 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESPEC = table:0000012A3EC1A570 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A73F9D308 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A73F9D3A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A73F9D448 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A73F9D488 firstTable text = 4013 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A3EC1A660 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A73F9D268 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to cancel? All your changes will be reverted. title = table:0000012A3EC1A6D8 firstTable text = 6492 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_CHANGES = table:0000012A6C14CB30 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A56B12918 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A56B129B8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56B12A58 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A56B12A98 firstTable text = 4013 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A6C14CC20 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A6C14CD10 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to commit your points? title = table:0000012A6C14CC98 firstTable text = 6494 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_COST = table:0000012A2A50D590 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A67D9C908 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0073C0A0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0073C268 control = userdata:0000012A70635AC8 (meta 0000012A70635C30} text = 250 2 = table:0000012A4E29F1E8 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A7E201168 (meta 0000012A7E2012D0} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012AA3A227E0 (meta 000001298C541B38} gamepadInfo = table:0000012A2A4F9B78 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A7087A6A8 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to commit your points? setup() = function:0000012A6FBD8930 title = table:0000012A70F05760 firstTable text = 6494 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_ENTER_RESPEC = table:0000012A73F9E590 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A83BCDC98 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A83BCDD38 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A73F9E680 text = 250 2 = table:0000012A3EC1A528 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A83BCDB30 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A83BCDC20 firstTable text = 6491 title = table:0000012A83BCDBA8 firstTable text = 6490 CHANGE_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS = table:0000012A4B1696F0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4B1697B0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4B1697F8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4B1698E8 control = userdata:0000012A4B162F10 (meta 0000012A4B1658F0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A4B165898 (meta 0000012A4B165370} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A4B162F10 (meta 0000012A4B1658F0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A4B165810 (meta 0000012A4B165458} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 7494 2 = table:0000012A4B169928 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4B162D88 (meta 0000012A4B163000} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A4B162EE0 (meta 0000012A4B163140} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A4B162D88 (meta 0000012A4B163000} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A4B162E58 (meta 0000012A4B1652E0} text = 246 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:0000012A4B163940 (meta 0000012A4B169A10} firstMeta firstIndex presetsComboBox = table:0000012A4B164F98 (meta 0000012983A8BD38} firstTable m_container = userdata:0000012A4B164D60 (meta 0000012A283BC3A8} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:0000012A4B164F98 (meta 0000012983A8BD38} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_ChangeHousingPermissionsDialogPresets m_openDropdown = userdata:0000012A4B164F88 (meta 000001298C54D798} m_selectedColor = table:0000012A283BC228 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:0000012A4B164F00 (meta 000001298C55E328} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000012996DD3928 m_sortedItems = table:0000012A283BC5C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4B168BC8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4B168B48 name = Decorator presetIndex = 1 2 = table:0000012A4B168D10 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4B168B48 name = Visitor presetIndex = 2 3 = table:0000012A4B168E00 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4B168B48 name = Limited Visitor presetIndex = 3 m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 setup() = function:0000012A8960A820 title = table:0000012A4B169738 firstTable text = 7492 CHAPTER_UPGRADE_STORE = table:0000012A56B0D0F8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A56B10BC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A56B13BF0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56B13C90 text = 253 2 = table:0000012A56B13CD0 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A56B0D140 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A56B10B40 firstTable text() = function:0000012A56B10B88 title = table:0000012A56B0D1B8 firstTable text() = function:0000012A56B10B00 CHARGE_ITEM = table:0000012A6F177100 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6F177248 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6F177290 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6F177080 clickSound = InventoryItem_ApplyCharge control = userdata:0000012A4AF74590 (meta 0000012A4AF746D0} text = 7039 2 = table:0000012A6F177380 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4AF74138 (meta 0000012A4AF74278} text = 246 customControl() = function:0000012A6F177148 setup() = function:0000012A6F177188 title = table:0000012A6F1771D0 firstTable text = 7038 CHAT_OPTIONS_DIALOG = table:0000012A68CA9698 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A68CA9880 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A68CA98C8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A68CA99B8 control = userdata:0000012A6B731318 (meta 0000012A6B731460} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A6B731408 (meta 0000012A6B7315D0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A6B731318 (meta 0000012A6B731460} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A6B731390 (meta 0000012A68CA8F90} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 2 = table:0000012A68CA99F8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A68CA9AE8 control = userdata:0000012A68CA9090 (meta 0000012A68CA91D8} keybind = DIALOG_RESET text = 267 customControl = userdata:0000012A6B738658 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A68CA9800 title = table:0000012A68CA9788 firstTable text = 3475 CHAT_TAB_REMOVE = table:0000012A66D81858 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A291A85A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A31F388A0 firstTable callback() = function:000001299832F9B0 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A2817BAA8 firstTable text = 243 mainText = table:0000012A66D819C0 firstTable text = 3524 title = table:0000012A66D81948 firstTable text = 4783 CHAT_TAB_RESET = table:0000012A66DB5060 firstTable buttons = table:00000129FF03AA48 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA3D047B0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6CE8CDF8 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A291A7CD8 firstTable text = 243 canQueue = true mainText = table:0000012A66DBDD10 firstTable text = 3525 title = table:0000012A59FAADF8 firstTable text = 4784 CLAIM_GIFT_NOTICE_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A4E2B0C80 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4E2B07F8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E2B0878 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4E2AF368 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Continue 2 = table:0000012A4E2AF3A8 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 3 = table:0000012A4E2AF448 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4E2B0CC8 keybind = DIALOG_TERTIARY text = More Info visible() = function:0000012A4E2AF538 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4E2B06C0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A4E2B0780 firstTable text = 7687 title = table:0000012A4E2B0708 firstTable text = 7708 CLAIM_GIFT_NOTICE_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A96FB94C0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A96FB57F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A96FB5838 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A96FB88F0 control = userdata:0000012A96FC3840 (meta 0000012A96FBCA10} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A96FBCA00 (meta 0000012A96FC1638} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A96FC3840 (meta 0000012A96FBCA10} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A96FBC978 (meta 0000012A96FBC2E8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Continue 2 = table:0000012A96FB8930 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A96FC4BE0 (meta 0000012A96FC3728} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel customControl = userdata:0000012A96FCEBE0 (meta 000001298C541B38} mainText = table:0000012A96FB5778 firstTable text = 7687 setup() = function:0000012A96FBC330 title = table:0000012A96FB5730 firstTable text = 7708 COLLECTIBLE_REQUIREMENT_FAILED = table:0000012A66D79520 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66D7F368 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A73FA0440 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A73FA0570 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text() = function:0000012A73FA0530 2 = table:0000012A73FA05B0 firstTable text = 248 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A66D79568 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A66D7F2B0 firstTable text() = function:0000012A66D7F328 title = table:0000012A66D79608 firstTable text = 7023 COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_RENAME_COLLECTIBLE = table:0000012A56B12B10 firstTable buttons = table:00000129A8581378 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A8581418 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66D75668 noReleaseOnClick = true requiresTextInput = true text = 256 2 = table:0000012A66D756A8 firstTable text = 246 editBox = table:0000012A7F908228 firstTable defaultText = maxInputCharacters = 20 selectAll = true specialCharacters = table:0000012A7F908270 firstTable 1 = ' 2 = - 3 = textType = 0 validatesText = true validator() = function:0000012AA3BBA860 mainText = table:0000012A7F9081B0 firstTable text = 7004 title = table:0000012A7F908138 firstTable text = 7003 COLOR_PICKER = table:0000012A59FB92B0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A59FB9418 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59FB9488 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A59FB4738 control = userdata:0000012A77B127A8 (meta 0000012A77B128C8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A77B128B8 (meta 0000012A4FE76E98} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A77B127A8 (meta 0000012A77B128C8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A77B12830 (meta 0000012A4FE76F80} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 242 2 = table:0000012A59FB4780 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A59FB4870 control = userdata:0000012A4FE77F80 (meta 0000012A4FE78590} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A59FACFC8 (meta 000001298C541B38} title = table:0000012A59FB93A0 firstTable text = 3845 CONFIRM_APPLY_DYE = table:0000012A41816B40 firstTable buttons = table:000001298E045328 firstTable 1 = table:000001298E045398 firstTable callback() = function:000001298E045488 clickSound = Dyeing_Apply_Changes text = 242 2 = table:0000012A780E7240 firstTable text = 243 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A41816C30 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001298E0452B0 firstTable text = 4679 title = table:000001298E045268 firstTable text = 4678 CONFIRM_APPLY_OUTFIT_STYLE = table:00000129F81901F8 firstTable buttons = table:00000129F818A7E0 firstTable 1 = table:00000129F818A880 firstTable callback() = function:00000129F818A970 onShowCooldown = 2000 text = 242 2 = table:00000129F818A9B0 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000129F8190240 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129F818A798 firstTable text = 6851 title = table:00000129F81902B8 firstTable text = 6850 CONFIRM_BUY_HOUSE_FOR_GOLD = table:00000129FF036E68 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66DB5AC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66DB5B10 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FF036F50 text = 250 2 = table:0000012A89290B38 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:00000129FF036E28 gamepadInfo = table:00000129FF036EB0 firstTable dialogType = 1 dontEndInWorldInteractions = true mainText = table:0000012A66DB5A50 firstTable text = 7536 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000129FF036E28 title = table:0000012A66DB59D8 firstTable text = 7535 CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESEARCH = table:0000012A4B9C4A10 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4B9C6278 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4B9C6318 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4B9C6A80 requiresTextInput = true text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A4B9C6AC0 firstTable text = 4013 canQueue = true editBox = table:0000012A4B9C6188 firstTable matchingString = CONFIRM gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4B9C4BA0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A4B9C6110 firstTable text = 4536 title = table:0000012A4B9C6098 firstTable text = 7267 warning = table:0000012A4B9C6200 firstTable text = 4537 CONFIRM_CLAIM_GIFT_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A6FFDFEE8 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A6FFE5260 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7E03F828 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7E03F918 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:0000012A7E03F958 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7E03F9A0 clickSound = GiftInventory_ActionClaim enabled() = function:0000012A56E925B8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select 3 = table:0000012A4E2B4AA8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4E2B4BD8 keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = 7751 visible() = function:0000012A4E2B4B98 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000129FEA6D978 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:0000012A6FFE0018 firstTable text() = function:0000012A7E0544F8 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A4E2B4C18 parametricList = table:0000012A702A7500 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2991A8C8 firstTable entryData = table:0000012A7E059518 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true messageEntry = true numIcons = 0 setup() = function:0000012A6FFDC600 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain textChangedCallback() = function:0000012A6FFDC5B8 template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem_Multiline 2 = table:0000012A6FFDC648 firstTable entryData = table:0000012A6FFE51D0 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false confirmEntry = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Accept template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem setup() = function:0000012A6FFDFF60 title = table:0000012A6FFDFFA0 firstTable text = 7680 CONFIRM_CLAIM_GIFT_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A6BFCB2B0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A96FD19A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A96FD19F0 firstTable control = userdata:000001298B513E18 (meta 0000012AA84FEAB0} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:0000012A96FD13E0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A96FD1570 clickSound = GiftInventory_ActionClaim control = userdata:0000012A97ADDAA0 (meta 0000012A59659E08} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Confirm canQueue = true customControl = userdata:0000012A5965A108 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A96FD1968 title = table:0000012A6BFCB2F8 firstTable text = 7680 CONFIRM_CLEAR_MAIL_COMPOSE = table:0000012A77B12B68 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A59FB4E20 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59FB4EC0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A59FB4F60 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A59FB4FA0 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A77B12C58 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A77B12D48 firstTable text = 7109 title = table:0000012A77B12CD0 firstTable text = 7108 CONFIRM_CREATE_NONSET_ITEM = table:0000012A4B9CA7B8 firstTable buttons = table:000001298B745670 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B745710 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4B9C3018 text = 242 2 = table:000001298B7457B0 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4B9CA948 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001298B7455F8 firstTable text = 4615 title = table:0000012A4B9CA9C0 firstTable text = 4614 CONFIRM_DELETE_GIFT_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A4E2B0EF8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4E2B0A68 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E2B0AB0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4E2B0BA0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Confirm 2 = table:0000012A4E2B0BE0 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4E2B0FE8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A4E2B10D8 firstTable text = 7686 title = table:0000012A4E2B1060 firstTable text = 7685 CONFIRM_DELETE_GIFT_KEYBOARD = table:000001298B51ADC8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A0030DA40 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0030DA88 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FEB111E8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Confirm 2 = table:0000012A6BBE4C70 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel mainText = table:0000012A0030D9C8 firstTable text = 7686 title = table:000001298B51AE10 firstTable text = 7685 CONFIRM_DESTROY_ITEM_PROMPT = table:00000129FF038720 firstTable buttons = table:00000129FF048510 firstTable 1 = table:00000129FF048558 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FF0485A0 requiresTextInput = true text = 6707 2 = table:0000012A73FA6658 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A296D7280 text = 246 editBox = table:0000012AA36CDC00 firstTable matchingString = DESTROY mainText = table:0000012AA36CDB88 firstTable text = 6710 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000129FF0484D0 title = table:00000129FF038768 firstTable text = 6708 CONFIRM_ENCHANT_LOCKED_ITEM = table:0000012A66D7F6B0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66D80A00 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66D80AA0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A296CD590 requiresTextInput = true text = 242 2 = table:0000012A296CD5D0 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true editBox = table:0000012A66D7F7B8 firstTable matchingString = CONFIRM mainText = table:0000012A66D7F740 firstTable text = 4586 title = table:0000012A66D7F6F8 firstTable text = 4585 CONFIRM_EQUIP_ITEM = table:0000012A73FA4780 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A73FA42E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A73FA4358 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A73FA3980 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 242 2 = table:0000012A73FA39C0 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A73FA47C8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A73FA71A0 firstTable text = 6714 title = table:0000012A73FA4840 firstTable text = 6713 CONFIRM_IGNORE_FRIEND = table:0000012A420D5CF0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012AA8EDAF78 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA8EDAFC0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8EDB060 text = 6283 2 = table:0000012AA8EDB0A0 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A420D5E80 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012AA8EDAF00 firstTable text = 6282 title = table:0000012AA8EDAEB8 firstTable text = 6281 CONFIRM_IMPROVE_ITEM = table:0000012A59FB8290 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A296CEF60 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66D7AA20 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4FE80380 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A59FB5D50 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001298B742A08 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A66D77538 firstTable text = 4640 title = table:000001298B743110 firstTable text = 4639 warning = table:0000012A66D7EF38 firstTable text() = function:0000012A74038488 CONFIRM_IMPROVE_LOCKED_ITEM = table:0000012A29698788 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A56024230 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3E2FA9A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66D76C58 requiresTextInput = true text = 242 2 = table:0000012A66D76D38 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true editBox = table:0000012A29699C98 firstTable matchingString = CONFIRM mainText = table:0000012A2969C760 firstTable text = 4641 title = table:0000012A2969B5E8 firstTable text = 4639 warning = table:0000012A56023418 firstTable text() = function:0000012A56024088 CONFIRM_INTERACTION = table:0000012A0ED45158 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A41805700 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A41805748 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A418057E8 text = 4933 2 = table:0000012A41805828 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A780E5708 text = 4934 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0ED452E8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A41805648 firstTable text = <<1>> noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A418056C0 title = table:0000012A0ED45360 firstTable text = <<1>> updateFn() = function:0000012A780E5748 CONFIRM_LEAVE_BATTLEGROUND = table:0000012A89290BB0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A2969B240 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2969B2E0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4B9C4958 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A4B9C4998 firstTable text = 4013 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A2969B0D8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A2969B1C8 firstTable text = 7626 title = table:0000012A2969B150 firstTable text = 7625 CONFIRM_MODIFY_TRADE_BOP = table:0000012A77B14408 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A73FA70E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A73FA7158 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A73FA46C8 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 242 2 = table:0000012A73FA4708 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A77B14450 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A73FA7070 firstTable text = 6715 title = table:0000012A77B144C8 firstTable text = 6713 CONFIRM_OPEN_URL_BY_TYPE = table:0000012A48884C40 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A48886B38 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A56B0CF90 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56B0D030 text = 187 2 = table:0000012A56B0D070 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:0000012A56B0D0B8 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A48884C88 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A48886A80 firstTable text() = function:0000012A48886AF8 title = table:0000012A48884D00 firstTable text = 185 CONFIRM_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE = table:0000012A7402CDD0 firstTable buttons = table:00000129FF03B8B8 firstTable 1 = table:00000129FF03B900 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FF036D70 text = 4012 2 = table:00000129FF036DB0 firstTable text = 4013 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A7402CE18 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129FF03B840 firstTable text = 7532 title = table:00000129FF03B7C8 firstTable text = 7531 CONFIRM_PURCHASE = table:0000012AA36CB880 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AAF9BA18 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AAF9BAB8 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AAF9BB00 text = 250 2 = table:0000012A48887090 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012AA36CBA10 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AAF9B9A0 firstTable text = 6237 title = table:00000129AAF9B928 firstTable text = 6238 CONFIRM_RELEASE_KEEP_OWNERSHIP = table:0000012A59FAC358 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A59FB1C78 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59FB1D18 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A59FB1DB8 text = 6154 2 = table:0000012A59FB1DF8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A59FB1E98 text = 246 mainText = table:0000012A59FB0300 firstTable text = 6157 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A59FB0378 title = table:0000012A59FB0288 firstTable text = 6156 updateFn() = function:0000012A77B12B28 CONFIRM_REMOVE_FRIEND = table:00000129F7F2DFF8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012983A7DFC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012983A7E010 firstTable callback() = function:00000129F7F2E188 text = 6280 2 = table:0000012A420D5CA8 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012983A7DE60 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012983A7DF50 firstTable text = 6279 title = table:0000012983A7DED8 firstTable text = 6278 CONFIRM_REMOVE_PERMISSIONS = table:0000012A04D99250 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A04D99340 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A04D99388 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04D99708 control = userdata:0000012A4B168498 (meta 0000012A4B168600} text = 250 2 = table:0000012A04D99748 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4B167A08 (meta 0000012A4B167B70} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A4B167B18 (meta 0000012A4B167CE0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A4B167A08 (meta 0000012A4B167B70} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A4B167A90 (meta 0000012A4B167FB8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A4B168F10 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A89604A68 CONFIRM_RESET_TUTORIALS = table:0000012A3EC18EA8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A418357A0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A41835840 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA3BB9330 text = 266 2 = table:0000012A418358E0 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A3EC18F98 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A41835758 firstTable text = 7201 title = table:0000012A3EC19010 firstTable text = 7200 CONFIRM_RETRAIT_ITEM = table:0000012A4862B708 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A296D9768 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A296D9808 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A296D98F8 clickSound = Retraiting_Start_Retrait text = 242 2 = table:0000012A296D9938 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4862B898 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A296D96B0 firstTable text() = function:0000012A296D9728 title = table:0000012A4862B910 firstTable text = 7300 CONFIRM_RETRAIT_LOCKED_ITEM = table:00000129A830C430 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6F58C078 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6F58C118 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6F58C208 clickSound = Retraiting_Start_Retrait requiresTextInput = true text = 242 2 = table:0000012A6F58C248 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true editBox = table:00000129A830C6F0 firstTable matchingString = CONFIRM mainText = table:00000129A830C638 firstTable text() = function:00000129A830C6B0 title = table:00000129A830C5C0 firstTable text = 7300 CONFIRM_RETURN_GIFT_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A4E2B4C58 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A4E2B26D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E2B2718 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4E2B2EF0 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:0000012A4E2B2808 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4E2B2938 enabled() = function:0000012A4E2B28F8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4E2B4CA0 firstTable dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A4E2B0EB8 parametricList = table:0000012A4E2B4688 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E2B46D0 firstTable entryData = table:0000012A4E2B4770 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true messageEntry = true numIcons = 0 setup() = function:0000012A4E2B3FF8 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain textChangedCallback() = function:0000012A4E2B3F78 template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem_Multiline 2 = table:0000012A4E2B4040 firstTable entryData = table:0000012A4E2B40E0 (meta 0000012A97730EE0} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false confirmEntry = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 subLabelTemplate = ZO_GamepadMenuEntrySubLabelTemplateMain text = Accept template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem setup() = function:0000012A4E2B4CE8 title = table:0000012A4E2B4D28 firstTable text = 7683 CONFIRM_RETURN_GIFT_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A96FC60A0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A96FC5F58 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A96FC5FA0 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A96FD00A0 (meta 0000012A96FCFA58} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:0000012A96FC51E0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A96FC52D0 control = userdata:0000012A96FCFB70 (meta 0000012A96FCEAC8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A96FCEAB8 (meta 0000012A96FCEC38} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A96FCFB70 (meta 0000012A96FCEAC8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A96FCFC88 (meta 0000012A96FCDC10} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Confirm customControl = userdata:0000012A59659F20 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A96FC5F18 title = table:0000012A96FC6190 firstTable text = 7683 CONFIRM_REVERT_CHANGES = table:000001298B749DF8 firstTable buttons = table:00000129F818FFC8 firstTable 1 = table:00000129F8190038 firstTable callback() = function:00000129F81900D8 text = 242 2 = table:00000129F8190118 firstTable callback() = function:00000129F81901B8 text = 243 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001298B749F88 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AC556638 firstTable text = 6863 mustChoose = true title = table:000001298B74A000 firstTable text = 6862 CONFIRM_REVERT_OUTFIT_CHANGES = table:0000012A04E33308 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A892915F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A89291638 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A892916D8 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A89291718 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A892917B8 text = 243 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A04E33498 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A04E33588 firstTable text = 6856 title = table:0000012A04E33510 firstTable text = 6855 CONFIRM_REVERT_OUTFIT_ON_CHANGE = table:0000012A74DDE228 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A74DDE520 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A74DDE568 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04E331E8 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A04E33228 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04E332C8 text = 243 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A74DDE3B8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A74DDE4A8 firstTable text = 6854 title = table:0000012A74DDE430 firstTable text = 6853 CONFIRM_STOW_ALL_GEMIFIABLE = table:0000012A7E765570 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A7402CBD8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7402CC78 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7402CD18 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A7402CD58 firstTable text = 4013 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A6C146CD0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A6C146DC0 firstTable text = 7440 title = table:0000012A6C146D48 firstTable text = 7439 CONFIRM_STOW_GEMIFIABLE = table:0000012A73F9F5B0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A7E765378 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7E765418 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7E7654B8 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A7E7654F8 firstTable text = 4013 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A73F9F740 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A7E765300 firstTable text = 7438 title = table:0000012A73F9F7B8 firstTable text = 7437 CONSOLE_BUY_ESO_PLUS = table:0000012A73FA05F8 firstTable buttons = table:00000129F7F61348 firstTable 1 = table:00000129F7F613E8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A3EC18DF0 text = 7745 2 = table:0000012A3EC18E30 firstTable text = 248 gamepadInfo = table:00000129F7F611E0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129F7F612D0 firstTable text = 7744 title = table:00000129F7F61258 firstTable text = 7743 CONSOLE_COMMUNICATION_PERMISSION_ERROR = table:0000012A740355C8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A74037E58 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A740385B0 firstTable clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 256 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A74035610 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A74037DB8 firstTable align = 1 text = 257 title = table:0000012A74037D70 firstTable text = 179 CONVERT_STYLE_MOVED = table:000001298B745828 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AC55D5D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AC55D648 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 256 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:000001298B74B900 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AC55D558 firstTable text = 7388 title = table:000001298B74B9A0 firstTable text = 7387 COPY_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS = table:0000012A04DB3BA8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A04DB3D80 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A04DB3DC8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04DB3EB8 control = userdata:0000012A04DAFE00 (meta 0000012A04DAFF68} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A04DAFF10 (meta 0000012A04DB00D8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A04DAFE00 (meta 0000012A04DAFF68} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A04DAFE88 (meta 0000012A04DB01C0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 250 2 = table:0000012A04DB3EF8 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A04DAF378 (meta 0000012A04DAF4D8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A04DAF480 (meta 0000012A04DAF648} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A04DAF378 (meta 0000012A04DAF4D8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A04DAF400 (meta 0000012A04DAF920} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 246 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:0000012A04DAD6C8 (meta 0000012A04DB5B00} firstMeta firstIndex confirmButton = userdata:0000012A04DAFE00 (meta 0000012A04DAFF68} housesComboBox = table:0000012A04DB0F48 (meta 0000012983A8C2F0} setup() = function:0000012A896067A0 title = table:0000012A04DB3D38 firstTable text = 7495 CORRUPT_SAVE = table:0000012A77B154A0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A73FD3710 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A73FD37B0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A73FD3850 text = 244 2 = table:0000012A73FD3890 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56B0BE78 text = 245 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A6C14DBE8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A6C14DC78 firstTable text = 3383 mustChoose = true title = table:0000012A6C14DC30 firstTable text = 3380 CRAFT_CONFIRM_UNIVERSAL_STYLE_ITEM = table:0000012A41835958 firstTable buttons = table:0000012AA36C5280 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA36C52C8 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 2 = table:00000129A82B48E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000129A82B49D0 keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = 4528 gamepadInfo = table:0000012AA36C50F0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012AA36C51E0 firstTable align = 1 text = 4534 title = table:0000012AA36C5168 firstTable text = 4533 CREATE_GUILD = table:0000012A565912E8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A56595A48 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A56587EA8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56590E48 control = userdata:0000012A565910B8 (meta 0000012A56591200} text = 247 2 = table:00000129A833DCB0 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A56590C18 (meta 0000012A56590D60} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A5658CA48 (meta 00000129A6D9CD20} setup() = function:0000012A56585E20 title = table:0000012A5657C2C8 firstTable text = 6144 DELETE_MAIL = table:0000012A0E7630E0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A988398A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A98839948 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0E7632C0 text = 7102 2 = table:0000012A988399E8 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0E7631D0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A98839830 firstTable text = 7101 title = table:0000012A0E763248 firstTable text = 7100 DELETE_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS = table:0000012A48633D88 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A29EFB9D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A29EFBA70 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A29EFBB10 text = 244 2 = table:0000012A29EFBB50 firstTable text = 245 mainText = table:0000012A48633EF0 firstTable text = 3719 title = table:0000012A48633E78 firstTable text = 4776 DELETE_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS_AND_MONEY = table:0000012A296584E8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6CE90318 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6CE903B8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A89287A08 text = 244 2 = table:0000012A89287A48 firstTable text = 245 mainText = table:0000012A6CE902A0 firstTable text = 3721 title = table:0000012A6CE90228 firstTable text = 4776 DELETE_MAIL_MONEY = table:0000012A2919A9A0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A29658330 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A296583D0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2919AB80 text = 244 2 = table:0000012A29658470 firstTable text = 245 mainText = table:0000012A2919AB08 firstTable text = 3720 title = table:0000012A2919AA90 firstTable text = 4777 DESTROY_ALL_JUNK = table:00000129ABD848E0 firstTable buttons = table:00000129ABD83518 firstTable 1 = table:00000129ABD835B8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA3BB54F8 clickSound = Inventory_DestroyJunk text = 4379 2 = table:00000129ABD836A8 firstTable text = 243 mainText = table:00000129ABD84A48 firstTable text = 4378 title = table:00000129ABD849D0 firstTable text = 4772 DESTROY_ITEM_PROMPT = table:0000012A04E2C8D8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66DB70A0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66DB7140 firstTable callback() = function:00000129F818C3F0 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A66DBB120 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FF0386E0 text = 4013 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A560297C0 firstTable allowRightStickPassThrough = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129F818C368 firstTable text = 6709 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000129F818C3B0 title = table:00000129F818C320 firstTable text = 6708 DYE_STAMP_CONFIRM_USE = table:0000012A77B17A18 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A77B17C40 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A77B14290 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A77B14380 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 242 2 = table:0000012A77B143C0 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A77B17B08 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A77B17BC8 firstTable text = 6832 title = table:0000012A77B17B50 firstTable text = 6831 EDIT_NOTE = table:0000012A5658C618 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A5658C780 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A5658C820 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A5658C910 control = userdata:0000012A5658ADD8 (meta 0000012A5658C320} text = 255 2 = table:0000012A5658C950 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A5658A978 (meta 0000012A5658AAC0} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A56589C58 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A56585D20 title = table:0000012A5658C708 firstTable text = 6271 ENCHANTING = table:0000012A7D9B3900 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A59312EA8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A97AFF6F0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012997CA5978 clickSound = InventoryItem_ApplyEnchant control = userdata:0000012A4AF74590 (meta 0000012A4AF746D0} text = 7044 2 = table:0000012A97B11C30 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4AF74138 (meta 0000012A4AF74278} text = 246 canQueue = true customControl() = function:0000012A59ABD110 setup() = function:0000012997CAD0D8 title = table:0000012A59312E60 firstTable text = 7043 ENCHANT_TRANSLATION_LEARNED = table:0000012AA90C30E0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012AA90C2298 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA90C22E0 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A6FBCF408 (meta 0000012A6FBCEE08} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A6FBCF290 (meta 0000012A6FBCEF78} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A6FBCF408 (meta 0000012A6FBCEE08} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A6FBCF488 (meta 0000012A6FBCF018} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 194 customControl = userdata:0000012A7DA08D20 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012AA90C3058 title = table:0000012AA90C2250 firstTable text = 4583 EXIT_DYE_UI_DISCARD_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A780E72B8 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AAF92FE8 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AAF93058 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AAF930F8 text = 4012 2 = table:00000129AAF93138 firstTable text = 4013 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A780E7448 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AAF92F70 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to exit?\n\nAll of your changes will be discarded. noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A780E7F08 title = table:00000129AAF92EF8 firstTable text = 5713 EXTRACT_ALL_PROMPT = table:0000012A049E54C8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A3EC0D1F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3EC0D290 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A3EC0D330 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A3EC0D370 firstTable text = 4013 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A049E55B8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A3EC0D178 firstTable text = 7435 title = table:0000012A3EC0D100 firstTable text = 7434 FAILED_LOAD = table:0000012A97734CD8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A56B0C020 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A857FF68 firstTable callback() = function:00000129A8580008 text = 244 2 = table:00000129A8580048 firstTable callback() = function:00000129A85800E8 text = 245 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A56B0BEB8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A56B0BFA8 firstTable text = 3384 mustChoose = true title = table:0000012A56B0BF30 firstTable text = 3381 FAILED_SAVE = table:00000129A8580128 firstTable buttons = table:0000012AA3D01DE8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA3D01E88 firstTable callback() = function:00000129A82BEBA8 text = 244 2 = table:00000129A82BEBE8 firstTable callback() = function:00000129A82BEC88 text = 245 gamepadInfo = table:00000129A8580170 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012AA3D01D70 firstTable text = 3385 mustChoose = true title = table:00000129A85801B8 firstTable text = 3380 FAST_TRAVEL_CONFIRM = table:0000012A3E2F97A8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A56022658 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A560226C8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56022768 text = 250 2 = table:0000012A560227A8 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A3E2F9938 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A560225E0 firstTable text = 3554 title = table:0000012A3E2F99B0 firstTable text = 4778 FIXING_STUCK = table:0000012A780E5788 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A41816AF8 firstTable mainText = table:0000012A41816A58 firstTable align = 1 text = 4050 mustChoose = true showLoadingIcon = true title = table:0000012A780E5918 firstTable text = 4049 GAMEPAD_CHANGE_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS = table:0000012A29916E88 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000129FE8F6B00 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A29917018 firstTable dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000129FE8F3170 parametricList = table:0000012A29917118 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E2BD350 2 = table:00000129FE8F45E0 3 = table:0000012A29917198 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A29917238 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A29917328 setup() = function:0000012A4E2B9E88 text = Confirm setup() = function:0000012A29917090 GAMEPAD_CHAPTER_UPGRADE_CHOOSE_EDITION = table:0000012A00758B30 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A00756228 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A00756270 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A00756360 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012A007563A0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A00755DE0 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0075AC70 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012A007584C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A00758508 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:0000012A007585A8 firstTable isCollectorsEdition = true setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 text = Collector's Upgrade 2 = table:0000012A00758698 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:0000012A00758738 firstTable isCollectorsEdition = false setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 text = Standard Upgrade setup() = function:0000012A0075AAB8 title = table:0000012A0075ACB8 firstTable text = 5859 GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_ACTIONS_DIALOG = table:0000012AA35B8B68 firstTable buttons = table:0000012AA35B9550 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA35B9598 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA35B9688 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 256 2 = table:0000012AA35B96C8 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012AA35B8BB0 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012AA35B8C80 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA35B8D10 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:0000012AA35B8D58 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA35B8E48 setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 text = Link in Chat visible() = function:0000012A6CAD3840 2 = table:0000012AA35B8E88 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:0000012AA35B8F28 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA35B9018 setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 text = Rename visible() = function:0000012AA35B9060 3 = table:0000012AA35B90E0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:0000012AA35B9180 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA35B9270 setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 text = Open Crown Store visible() = function:0000012AA35B92F0 4 = table:0000012AA35B9338 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:0000012AA35B93D8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA35B94C8 setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 text = Upgrade visible() = function:0000012AA35B9508 setup() = function:0000012AA35B8BF8 title = table:0000012AA35B8C38 firstTable text = 5088 GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_RENAME_COLLECTIBLE = table:0000012AA35B9968 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012AA35B9D98 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA35B9E18 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA35B9F08 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012AA35B9F88 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA35B9FD0 clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = 5806 visible() = function:0000012AA35BA058 3 = table:0000012AA35BA0A0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA35BA190 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012AA35B99B0 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:0000012AA35B9AB0 firstTable text = 7004 parametricList = table:0000012AA35B9B28 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA35B9B70 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldItem templateData = table:0000012AA35B9C10 firstTable nameField = true setup() = function:0000012AA35B9D50 textChangedCallback() = function:0000012AA35B9D00 setup() = function:0000012AA35B99F8 title = table:0000012AA35B9A38 firstTable text = 7003 GAMEPAD_COLOR_PICKER = table:0000012A3AF66A50 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true blockDirectionalInput = true buttons = table:0000012A3AF66DF8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3AF66E98 firstTable alignment = 2 callback() = function:0000012A3AF67028 clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 242 2 = table:0000012A3AF67070 firstTable alignment = 2 callback() = function:0000012A3AF67200 clickSound = Dialog_Decline keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:0000012A3AF5FC08 (meta 0000012A3AF64F00} finishedCallback() = function:0000012A3AF66A08 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A3AF66D68 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 7 dontEndInWorldInteractions = true noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A3AF66A08 setup() = function:0000012A3AF66DB0 title = table:0000012A3AF66D20 firstTable text = 3845 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_BUY_MOUNT = table:0000012A56B0E998 firstTable buttons = table:00000129F7F46D80 firstTable 1 = table:00000129F7F46E20 firstTable callback() = function:00000129F7F2DF40 text = 6185 2 = table:00000129F7F2DF80 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A56B0EA88 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129F7F46D08 firstTable text = 5418 title = table:00000129F7F46C90 firstTable text = 5417 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_ENCHANT_LOCKED_ITEM = table:0000012A296CD648 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66D80B30 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4181DFB8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4181E0A8 onShowCooldown = 2000 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A4862B690 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A296CD690 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A66D80AE8 firstTable text = 5428 title = table:0000012A296CD708 firstTable text = 4585 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_IMPROVE_LOCKED_ITEM = table:0000012A4FE3A968 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4B9C2DD0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4B9C2E70 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4B9C2F60 onShowCooldown = 2000 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A4B9C2FA0 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A6CE8DFF8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A4B9C8E50 firstTable text = 5046 title = table:00000129AC5574F0 firstTable text = 4639 warning = table:0000012A4B9C8EC8 firstTable text() = function:0000012A4B9C8F40 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_REMOVE_PERMISSIONS = table:0000012A299169D8 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000129FE8F6B00 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A29916B68 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012A29916C68 firstTable 1 = table:00000129FE8F45E0 2 = table:0000012A29916CB0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A29916D50 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A29916E40 setup() = function:0000012A4E2B9E88 text = Confirm setup() = function:0000012A29916BE0 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_RESEARCH_ITEM = table:0000012A4B9CD138 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A3AF6B0F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B73ED50 firstTable callback() = function:000001298B73EDF0 text = 242 2 = table:000001298B73EE30 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A3AF6AF90 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A3AF6B080 firstTable text = 5444 title = table:0000012A3AF6B008 firstTable text = 5443 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_RETRAIT_LOCKED_ITEM = table:0000012A6F58C2C0 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AC556520 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AC5565C0 firstTable callback() = function:000001298B749D40 clickSound = Retraiting_Start_Retrait onShowCooldown = 2000 text = 242 2 = table:000001298B749D80 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A6F58C308 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AC556468 firstTable text() = function:00000129AC5564E0 title = table:00000129AC556420 firstTable text = 7300 GAMEPAD_COPY_HOUSE_PERMISSIONS = table:0000012A29917370 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000129FE8F6B00 firstTable 1 = table:00000129FE8F6B48 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56E87A60 enabled() = function:0000012A56E87AA0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012A56E87AE0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56E87BD0 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A29917500 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000129FE8F3170 parametricList = table:0000012A29917628 firstTable 1 = table:00000129FE8F68E8 firstTable header = Select House template = ZO_GamepadDropdownItem templateData = table:00000129FE8F69D8 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FE8F6AC0 setup() = function:00000129FE8F6A78 2 = table:0000012A29917670 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A29917710 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A29917800 setup() = function:0000012A4E2B9E88 text = Confirm validInput() = function:0000012A29917848 setup() = function:0000012A299175A0 GAMEPAD_GENERIC_WAIT = table:000001298B73FB40 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A74035460 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A740354D8 firstTable clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000129AC559BB0 firstTable dialogType = 3 loading = table:00000129AC559C28 firstTable text = Waiting... mustChoose = true setup() = function:00000129AC559B70 GAMEPAD_GROUP_INVITE_DIALOG = table:0000012A0062C3F8 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A0062CAE0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0062CB28 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062CC18 enabled() = function:0000012A0062CC60 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012A0062CCB0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062CDA0 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0062C440 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012A0062C5B0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0062C5F8 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:0000012A0062C698 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062C820 setup() = function:0000012A0062C7D0 textChangedCallback() = function:0000012A0062C788 2 = table:0000012A0062C868 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A0062C908 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062C9F8 setup() = function:0000012A00628E28 text = Request validInput() = function:0000012A0062CA90 setup() = function:0000012A0062C4B8 title = table:0000012A0062C538 firstTable text = 6369 GAMEPAD_GUILD_INVITE_DIALOG = table:0000012A0062BA00 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A0062C0E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0062C130 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062C220 enabled() = function:0000012A0062C268 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012A0062C2B8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062C3A8 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0062BA48 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012A0062BBB8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0062BC00 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:0000012A0062BCA0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062BE28 setup() = function:0000012A0062BDD8 textChangedCallback() = function:0000012A0062BD90 2 = table:0000012A0062BE70 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A0062BF10 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062C000 setup() = function:0000012A00628E28 text = Request validInput() = function:0000012A0062C098 setup() = function:0000012A0062BAC0 title = table:0000012A0062BB40 firstTable text = 6161 GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ACTIONS_DIALOG = table:0000012A73FA3A78 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A83BD7708 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A83BD7750 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:0000012A049E5370 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A049E5488 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select finishedCallback() = function:0000012A83BD76C8 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A83BD7590 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012A83BD7680 firstTable setup() = function:0000012A73FA3C08 title = table:0000012A83BD7608 firstTable text = 5088 GAMEPAD_KEEP_CLAIM_DIALOG = table:0000012A89242598 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A66982990 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66982A10 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66982B00 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:0000012A66982B80 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7F3FEAA0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select visible() = function:0000012A7F3FEA60 3 = table:0000012A7F3FEB28 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7F3FEC60 keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = Accept visible() = function:0000012A7F3FEC18 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A892425E0 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:0000012A669825B8 firstTable text() = function:0000012A66982630 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A89242448 parametricList = table:0000012A669826D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66982718 firstTable header = 5603 template = ZO_GamepadDropdownItem templateData = table:0000012A66982808 firstTable rankSelector = true setup() = function:0000012A66982938 visible() = function:0000012A669828F8 setup() = function:0000012A89242658 title = table:0000012A66982540 firstTable text = Claim Ownership updateFn() = function:0000012A66982678 GAMEPAD_KEEP_RELEASE_DIALOG = table:0000012A7F405FA8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A7F3F20C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A89241F98 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A89242088 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 6154 visible() = function:0000012A892420C8 2 = table:0000012A89242148 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A89242238 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A7F4056F8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A7F405650 firstTable text = 6157 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A7F3F2080 title = table:0000012A7F405608 firstTable text = 6156 updateFn() = function:0000012A89242278 GAMEPAD_LOG_OUT = table:0000012A0062D8F0 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A0062DAB0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0062DB30 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062DC20 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 5899 2 = table:0000012A0063E980 3 = table:0000012A0062DC60 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062DD50 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:00000129A6D82F78 (meta 0000012A0063FE50} gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0062D938 firstTable dialogType = 7 setup() = function:00000129A6D82E58 title = table:0000012A0062DA38 firstTable text = 4779 updateFn() = function:0000012A0062D9B0 GAMEPAD_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHMENT_COD = table:0000012A4B9C3488 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66D82DC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66D82E10 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AC55B6F8 text = 242 2 = table:00000129AC55B738 firstTable text = 243 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A66D82C90 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A66D82D50 firstTable text = 7104 title = table:0000012A66D82CD8 firstTable text = 7103 GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_RESET_TO_DEFAULTS = table:0000012A0ED45708 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AAF94778 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A488816A0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A48881740 text = 266 2 = table:0000012A48881780 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0ED45750 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A4887AB00 firstTable text() = function:00000129AAF94738 mustChoose = true title = table:0000012A4887AA88 firstTable text = 263 GAMEPAD_OUTFIT_ITEM_MATERIAL_OPTIONS = table:0000012AA8F47C30 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012AA8F47E60 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA8F47ED0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8F47F18 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012AA8F47FA0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8F48090 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 206 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012AA8F47C78 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012AA8F47DD0 firstTable parametricListOnSelectionChangedCallback() = function:0000012AA8F47E18 setup() = function:0000012AA8F47D90 title = table:0000012AA8F47CF0 firstTable text = Select Material GAMEPAD_REQUEST_ADD_GUILD_PERMISSION = table:0000012A29914488 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000129FE8F6B00 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A29914618 firstTable dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000129FE8F3170 parametricList = table:0000012A29914718 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E2C71C0 2 = table:00000129FE8F31B0 3 = table:0000012A4E2BD350 firstTable header = Select Preset template = ZO_GamepadDropdownItem templateData = table:0000012A4E2BD440 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4E2C7180 setup() = function:0000012A4E2C7140 4 = table:00000129FE8F45E0 5 = table:0000012A299147B8 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A29914858 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A29914948 setup() = function:0000012A4E2B9E88 text = Confirm validInput() = function:0000012A29914998 setup() = function:0000012A29914690 GAMEPAD_REQUEST_ADD_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = table:0000012A29913F40 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A56E87D80 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A299140D0 firstTable dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000129FE8F3170 parametricList = table:0000012A299141D0 firstTable 1 = table:00000129FE8F31B0 2 = table:0000012A4E2BD350 3 = table:00000129FE8F45E0 4 = table:0000012A29914260 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A29914300 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A299143F0 setup() = function:0000012A4E2B9E88 text = Confirm validInput() = function:0000012A29914440 setup() = function:0000012A29914148 GAMEPAD_REQUEST_BAN_GUILD_PERMISSION = table:0000012A29914F18 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:00000129FE8F6B00 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A299150A8 firstTable dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:00000129FE8F3170 parametricList = table:0000012A299151A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E2C71C0 firstTable header = Select Guild template = ZO_GamepadDropdownItem templateData = table:0000012A4E2C72B0 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FE8F68A8 setup() = function:00000129FE8F6868 2 = table:00000129FE8F31B0 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:00000129FE8F8E38 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FE8F5FA8 setup() = function:00000129FE8F5F28 visible() = function:00000129FE8F5F68 3 = table:00000129FE8F45E0 firstTable template = ZO_CheckBoxTemplate_WithoutIndent_Gamepad templateData = table:00000129FE8FB868 firstTable callback() = function:00000129FE8FB948 setup() = function:00000129FE8FB908 text = Apply to all houses. 4 = table:0000012A29915238 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A299152D8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A29916940 setup() = function:0000012A4E2B9E88 text = Confirm validInput() = function:0000012A29916990 setup() = function:0000012A29915120 GAMEPAD_REQUEST_BAN_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = table:0000012A299149E0 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A56E87D80 firstTable 1 = table:00000129FE8F6B48 2 = table:0000012A56E87AE0 3 = table:0000012A56E87C10 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56E87D00 keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = 7753 visible() = function:0000012A56E87D40 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A29914B70 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012A29914C70 firstTable 1 = table:00000129FE8F31B0 2 = table:00000129FE8F45E0 3 = table:0000012A29914CF0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A29914D90 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A29914E80 setup() = function:0000012A4E2B9E88 text = Confirm validInput() = function:0000012A29914ED0 setup() = function:0000012A29914BE8 GAMEPAD_RESTYLE_STATION_CONFIRM_APPLY = table:0000012AA8F3DB20 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012AA8F3DED8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA8F3DF58 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8F3E0E8 enabled() = function:0000012AA8F3E130 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY onShowCooldown = 2000 text = 204 2 = table:0000012AA8F3E178 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8F3E268 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 206 3 = table:0000012AA8F3E2A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8F3E438 keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = Buy outfit change token gamepadInfo = table:0000012AA8F3DCB0 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012AA8F3DE48 firstTable parametricListOnSelectionChangedCallback() = function:0000012AA8F3DE90 setup() = function:0000012A740C97D8 title = table:0000012AA8F3DD28 firstTable text = 6850 GAMEPAD_RESTYLE_STATION_OPTIONS = table:0000012AA8F3D408 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012AA8F3D710 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA8F3D780 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8F3D870 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012AA8F3D8B0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8F3D9A0 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 206 gamepadInfo = table:0000012AA8F3D598 firstTable dialogType = 2 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012AA8F3D9E0 parametricList = table:0000012AA8F3D6C8 firstTable setup() = function:0000012AA8F3D688 title = table:0000012AA8F3D610 firstTable text = 5831 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_ADD_FRIEND_DIALOG = table:0000012A0062AB48 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A0062ACC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0062AD10 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062AE00 enabled() = function:0000012A0062AE48 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012A0062AE98 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062AF88 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0062AB90 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012A0062A2A0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0062A2E8 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:0000012A0062A388 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062A548 setup() = function:0000012A0062A4F8 textChangedCallback() = function:0000012A0062A478 2 = table:0000012A0062A840 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:0000012A0062A930 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062AAB8 setup() = function:0000012A0062AA68 textChangedCallback() = function:0000012A0062AA20 visible() = function:0000012A79807620 3 = table:0000012A0062A590 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A0062A630 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062A720 setup() = function:0000012A00628E28 text = Request validInput() = function:0000012A0062A7F0 setup() = function:0000012A0062AC08 title = table:0000012A0062AC50 firstTable text = 6273 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_ADD_IGNORE_DIALOG = table:0000012A0062AFD0 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A0062B6F0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0062B738 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062B828 enabled() = function:0000012A0062B870 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012A0062B8C0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062B9B0 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0062B018 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012A0062B148 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0062B190 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:0000012A0062B230 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062B430 nameField = true setup() = function:0000012A0062B3A0 textChangedCallback() = function:0000012A0062B320 2 = table:0000012A0062B478 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A0062B518 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062B608 setup() = function:0000012A00628E28 text = Ignore validInput() = function:0000012A0062B6A0 setup() = function:0000012A0062B090 title = table:0000012A0062B0D0 firstTable text = 6277 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_EDIT_NOTE_DIALOG = table:0000012A00629860 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A00629ED8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A00629F20 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062A010 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012A0062A058 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0062A148 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A006298A8 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012A006299D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A00629A20 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:0000012A00629AC0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A00629C78 nameField = true setup() = function:0000012A00629C30 textChangedCallback() = function:0000012A00629BB0 2 = table:0000012A00629CC0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:0000012A00629D60 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A00629E50 setup() = function:0000012A00628E28 text = Save setup() = function:0000012A00629920 title = table:0000012A00629960 firstTable text = 6271 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_DIALOG = table:0000012A00629488 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:0000012A00629658 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A006296A0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A00612428 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 204 2 = table:0000012A00629720 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A00629810 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 finishedCallback() = function:0000012A00629598 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A006294D0 firstTable dialogType = 2 setup() = function:0000012A00629518 title = table:0000012A006295E0 firstTable text = 5145 GAMEPAD_SPLIT_STACK = table:0000012A41D1AA40 firstTable OnSliderValueChanged() = function:0000012A41D267E0 blockDirectionalInput = true buttons = table:0000012A41D1A5A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A41D1A5F0 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:0000012A41D1A690 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A41D26998 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A41D26798 firstTable dialogType = 6 mainText = table:0000012A41D1A530 firstTable text = 5107 setup() = function:0000012A41D1ABD0 title = table:0000012A41D1A4B8 firstTable text = 5106 GAMERCARD_UNAVAILABLE = table:0000012A66D75720 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66D76288 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66D76300 firstTable text = 256 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A66D75768 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A66D76210 firstTable text = 5781 title = table:0000012A66D757E0 firstTable GROUP_DISBAND_DIALOG = table:0000012A3F376210 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A0ED460A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7E768EF0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7E768F90 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A7E768FD0 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0ED45F30 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A0ED45FF0 firstTable text() = function:0000012A0ED46068 title = table:0000012A0ED45F78 firstTable text = 6372 GROUP_INVITE = table:00000129F7F42FF8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A41811750 firstTable 1 = table:000001298E044FB0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A41816190 requiresTextInput = true text = 256 2 = table:0000012A780E70A0 firstTable text = 246 editBox = table:0000012A3EC158D0 firstTable autoComplete = table:0000012A3EC11FE8 firstTable excludeFlags = table:000001298E03C0B0 firstTable 1 = 6 includeFlags = table:000001298E03EA88 firstTable 1 = -1 defaultText = 170 mainText = table:0000012A417FA660 firstTable text = 258 title = table:0000012A83D255E0 firstTable text = 6369 GROUP_LEAVE_DIALOG = table:0000012A7E769048 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A7E769090 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7E7690D8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A3EC15F20 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A3EC15F60 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A7E76C370 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A7E76C460 firstTable text() = function:0000012A7E76C4D8 title = table:0000012A7E76C3E8 firstTable text = 6376 GUILD_ADD_RANK = table:0000012A2A507988 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A2A507B08 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A507BA8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2A507C98 control = userdata:0000012A84DA5550 (meta 0000012A70F25BB0} text = 247 2 = table:0000012A2A507CE0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7D993EB8 control = userdata:0000012A84DA5910 (meta 0000012A84DA5218} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A298BCF58 (meta 0000012A7D994218} setup() = function:0000012A2A507A78 title = table:0000012A2A507AC0 firstTable text = 3945 GUILD_BANK_DEPOSIT_GOLD = table:0000012A4E6688F0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4E65F340 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E65F388 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2DA9E0F8 control = userdata:0000012A7F409BA0 (meta 0000012A4E678B80} text = 6744 2 = table:0000012A2DA9E140 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A7F413970 (meta 0000012A7F409618} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A41D20658 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A4E65F2F8 title = table:0000012A4E6689E0 firstTable text = 6746 GUILD_BANK_GAMEPAD_CHANGE_ACTIVE_GUILD = table:0000012A79B4CC88 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A98B1F448 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A98B1F490 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A3F024240 text = 204 2 = table:0000012A98B1F530 firstTable text = 248 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A3F0241F8 firstTable dialogType = 2 setup() = function:0000012A98B1FD40 title = table:0000012A79B4CCD0 firstTable text = 5188 GUILD_BANK_WITHDRAW_GOLD = table:0000012A4E6714E8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4E67C2A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E677950 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4E6665A8 control = userdata:0000012A7F409BA0 (meta 0000012A4E678B80} text = 6745 2 = table:0000012A4E6665F0 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A7F413970 (meta 0000012A7F409618} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A41D20658 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A4E671F78 title = table:0000012A4E6715D8 firstTable text = 6747 GUILD_DISBAND = table:0000012A3EC121F8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A3EC19428 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3EC194C8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A3EC19568 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A3EC195A8 firstTable text = 243 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:0000012A73FD2530 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A3EC12388 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A3EC193B0 firstTable text = 6141 title = table:0000012A3EC12400 firstTable text = 6143 GUILD_INVITE = table:00000129A8584D30 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A77B0A168 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A41811A10 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4FE44000 requiresTextInput = true text = 256 2 = table:0000012983A90858 firstTable text = 246 editBox = table:0000012A6C144858 firstTable autoComplete = table:0000012A3EC19EA0 firstTable includeFlags = table:0000012A6646A740 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 3 3 = 4 4 = 5 onlineOnly = false defaultText = 170 mainText = table:0000012A705811B0 firstTable text = 258 title = table:0000012A4FE3FF00 firstTable text = 6161 GUILD_LEAVE = table:0000012A59FB5260 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A59FABB08 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4FE831D0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4FE82598 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A4FE7E9C8 firstTable text = 243 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:0000012A049E7750 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4FE78170 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A59FB0728 firstTable text = 6138 title = table:0000012A59FB2300 firstTable text = 6142 GUILD_LEAVE_LEADER = table:0000012A01150148 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A3F371680 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3F371720 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A7F904158 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A7F904198 firstTable text = 243 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:0000012A7F9041E0 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A742F6B08 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A48883148 firstTable text = 6140 title = table:0000012A488830D0 firstTable text = 6142 GUILD_RANK_SAVE_CHANGES = table:0000012A3EC0CC08 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A56B18C28 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A56B189A0 firstTable callback() = function:00000129A8871FD0 text = 3946 2 = table:00000129A8872128 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A77B111E8 text = 3947 mainText = table:0000012A73FDB150 firstTable text = 3958 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A77B10F00 title = table:0000012A73FD3D48 firstTable text = 3957 GUILD_REMOVE_MEMBER = table:0000012A417F81C0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4B9CA1C8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4B9CA390 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4B9CAEA8 text = 249 2 = table:0000012A4B9C1648 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A560255B0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001298B748A28 firstTable text = 6230 title = table:00000129AC55ED18 firstTable text = 6137 GUILD_REMOVE_RANK_WARNING = table:00000129AAF8EE30 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A3F376128 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3F376170 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 256 gamepadInfo = table:00000129AAF8EF20 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A3F3760B0 firstTable text = 6168 title = table:0000012A3F376038 firstTable text = 6167 GamepadNotificationsConfirmDecline = table:0000012A2768B2F8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A2768B5E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2768B628 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2768B718 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 256 2 = table:0000012A2768B758 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A2768B488 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:0000012A2768B558 firstTable text() = function:0000012A2768B5A0 parametricList = table:0000012A2768B268 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7E1FD550 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:0000012A66BE5128 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66BE5218 setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 text = Decline 2 = table:0000012AADB0A450 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:0000012AADB0A4F0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AADB0A5E0 setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 text = Ignore Player 3 = table:0000012AADB0A620 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:0000012A2768B138 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2768B228 setup() = function:0000012A892874C8 text = Report Spamming setup() = function:0000012A2768B4D0 title = table:0000012A2768B510 firstTable text = 5111 HELP_ASK_FOR_HELP_SUBMIT_TICKET_SUCCESSFUL_DIALOG = table:0000012A59AEFC90 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A59AEFDC0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59AEFE08 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 canQueue = true mainText = table:0000012A59AEFD20 firstTable text = <<1>> mustChoose = true title = table:0000012A59AEFCD8 firstTable text = Confirmation HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_GAMEPAD_SUBMITTING_TICKET = table:0000012A29699D68 firstTable canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A29699F38 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 3 loading = table:0000012A4FE744C8 firstTable text = Submitting... setup() = function:0000012A29699EF8 showLoadingIcon = true title = table:0000012A4FE74450 firstTable text = Submitting Ticket HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_GAMEPAD_TICKET_SUBMITTED = table:0000012A4FE74568 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A59FB6168 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59FB61E0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A59FB65E8 text = 5475 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4FE745B0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A59FB6120 firstTable text = 5518 title = table:0000012A4FE74628 firstTable text = 5515 HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMITTING_TICKET_DIALOG = table:000001298B51DE18 firstTable mainText = table:000001298B51DFA8 firstTable align = 1 text = Submitting... modal = false showLoadingIcon = true title = table:000001298B51DF08 firstTable text = Submitting Ticket HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_SUBMIT_TICKET_ERROR_DIALOG = table:000001298B51E070 firstTable buttons = table:000001298B51E2C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B51E330 firstTable callback() = function:000001298B51E420 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 7341 2 = table:000001298B51E4E0 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 canQueue = true mainText = table:000001298B51E158 firstTable text = There has been an error in your ticket submission. Please try again in a few minutes.\n\nYou can also visit |c2e86b8https://help.elderscrollsonline.com|r for support. mustChoose = true title = table:000001298B51E0B8 firstTable text = Failed To Submit HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_TICKET_FAILED_REASON = table:0000012A66D806D0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A7402D908 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7402D980 firstTable clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 256 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A66D807C0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A7402D868 firstTable align = 1 text = 257 title = table:0000012A7402D7F0 firstTable text = 179 HELP_SUBMIT_FEEDBACK_SUBMIT_TICKET_SUCCESSFUL_DIALOG = table:0000012A59FB6628 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4B9CD050 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4B9CD098 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A59FB67B8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A4B9CCFB0 firstTable text = <<1>> mustChoose = true title = table:0000012A4B9CCF10 firstTable text = Confirmation HOUSE_PREVIEW_PURCHASE = table:0000012A6FFE22C8 HOUSE_PREVIEW_PURCHASE_GAMEPAD = table:00000129FE6760D0 ITEM_TRANSFER_ADD_TO_CRAFT_BAG_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A671D3F80 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A671D4058 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A671D40A0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A671D3F38 text = 7395 2 = table:0000012A671D40E8 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A671D3FC8 firstTable dialogType = 6 setup() = function:0000012A671D3EF8 title = table:0000012A671D4010 firstTable text = 7419 ITEM_TRANSFER_ADD_TO_CRAFT_BAG_KEYBOARD = table:00000129F7E8B8E0 firstTable buttons = table:000001298B578398 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B576060 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A83E88250 control = userdata:0000012A671D2E40 (meta 0000012A671D2F90} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A671D2F38 (meta 0000012A671D3100} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A671D2E40 (meta 0000012A671D2F90} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A671D2EC0 (meta 0000012A671D31E8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 7395 2 = table:0000012A6C074058 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A671D29A0 (meta 0000012A671D2AE8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A671D2A90 (meta 0000012A671D2C58} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A671D29A0 (meta 0000012A671D2AE8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A671D2A18 (meta 0000012A671D2D40} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 246 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:00000129A7EB1FA8 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A68CA88D8 title = table:00000129A6D9B078 firstTable text = 7419 ITEM_TRANSFER_REMOVE_FROM_CRAFT_BAG_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A671D4130 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A671D4208 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A671D4250 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A671D3F38 text = 7396 2 = table:0000012A671D42F0 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A671D4178 firstTable dialogType = 6 setup() = function:0000012A671D3EF8 title = table:0000012A671D41C0 firstTable text = 7420 ITEM_TRANSFER_REMOVE_FROM_CRAFT_BAG_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A708EE970 firstTable buttons = table:00000129A8348848 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B720E60 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A83E88250 control = userdata:0000012A671D2E40 (meta 0000012A671D2F90} text = 7396 2 = table:0000012A708CCB10 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A671D29A0 (meta 0000012A671D2AE8} text = 246 customControl = userdata:00000129A7EB1FA8 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A68CA88D8 title = table:0000012A708E7CA8 firstTable text = 7420 JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_OCCURANCE_PROMPT = table:0000012A3EC15FA8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A418175D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A41817648 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A418176E8 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A4183B440 firstTable text = 243 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A3EC16098 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A41817560 firstTable text = 6380 title = table:0000012A418174E8 firstTable text = 6379 JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_WORLD_PROMPT = table:0000012A4183B4B8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6C144B68 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6C144BD8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6C144C78 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A6C144CB8 firstTable text = 243 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4183B5A8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A6C144B20 firstTable text = 6381 title = table:0000012A4183B620 firstTable text = 6379 KEEP_CLAIM_NOT_IN_GUILD = table:0000012A419F1E10 firstTable buttons = table:00000129FF04A578 firstTable 1 = table:00000129FF04A5F0 firstTable text = 256 mainText = table:0000012AA36CBE08 firstTable text = 3645 KEEP_CLAIM_WRONG_ALLIANCE = table:0000012A296D72C0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A29D0BF08 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A419F1D98 firstTable text = 256 mainText = table:0000012A29D0BEC0 firstTable text = 3644 KEYBINDINGS_RESET_GAMEPAD_TO_DEFAULTS = table:0000012A672FC540 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A672FC720 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A672FC768 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66D79468 text = 266 2 = table:0000012A66D794A8 firstTable text = 246 mainText = table:0000012A672FC6A8 firstTable text = 17 title = table:0000012A672FC630 firstTable text = 16 KEYBINDINGS_RESET_KEYBOARD_TO_DEFAULTS = table:0000012A740386A0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A740397E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A74039880 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A74039920 text = 266 2 = table:0000012A74039960 firstTable text = 246 mainText = table:0000012A74039740 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to reset your keyboard keybinds to default settings? title = table:0000012A74038790 firstTable text = 14 KEYBIND_STRIP_DISABLED_DIALOG = table:0000012A6CE96878 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6CE8BD18 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6CE8BD60 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 256 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A6CE8BBB0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A6CE8BCA0 firstTable text = 443 title = table:0000012A6CE8BC28 firstTable text = 442 LARGE_GROUP_INVITE_WARNING = table:0000012A77B0FF18 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A41838DB0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3EC137A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A77B0E7F0 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A417F7F80 firstTable text = 4013 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A77B0B0D8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A4FE80DA0 firstTable text = 4008 title = table:0000012A7E76B0A0 firstTable text = 4781 LFG_LEAVE_QUEUE_CONFIRMATION = table:0000012A6C144D30 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A73F9BE38 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A73F9E438 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A73F9E4D8 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A73F9E518 firstTable text = 4013 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A73F9BD00 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A73F9BDC0 firstTable text = 6412 title = table:0000012A73F9BD48 firstTable text = 6411 LOGOUT_DEFERRED = table:0000012A77B0FCE0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A7E770400 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A56B0E868 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56B0E958 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 4929 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A77B0FD28 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A7E770310 firstTable text = 4928 timer = 1 verboseTimer = true noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A7E76B478 onlyQueueOnce = true title = table:0000012A77B0FDC8 firstTable text = 4927 updateFn() = function:00000129AC560068 LOG_OUT = table:00000129A6D80280 firstTable buttons = table:00000129A6D80388 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A6D803D0 firstTable callback() = function:00000129A6D80418 control = userdata:0000012A56592CD0 (meta 0000012A56592E28} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A56592DD0 (meta 0000012A56592658} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A56592CD0 (meta 0000012A56592E28} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A56592D50 (meta 0000012A56591380} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 5899 2 = table:00000129A6D80458 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A56594FB0 (meta 0000012A56593E88} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A565A3B60 (meta 0000012A006203C0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A56594FB0 (meta 0000012A56593E88} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A56592710 (meta 0000012A56592BC8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 246 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:0000012A56594C70 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A56594B50 title = table:00000129A6D802C8 firstTable text = 4779 updateFn() = function:00000129A6D80340 MAIL_ATTACHMENTS_CHANGED = table:0000012A780E7F48 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AAF8ED48 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AAF8ED90 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A780E8038 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AAF8ED00 firstTable text = 3736 title = table:0000012A780E80B0 firstTable text = 3735 MAIL_RETURN_ATTACHMENTS = table:00000129AC55B7B0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A07B4F898 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A07B4F908 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A07B4F9A8 text = 7107 2 = table:0000012A07B4F9E8 firstTable text = 246 finishedCallback() = function:00000129A887D3A0 gamepadInfo = table:00000129AC55B940 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A07B4F820 firstTable text = 7106 title = table:0000012A07B4F7A8 firstTable text = 7105 MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHMENT_COD = table:0000012A89287AC0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4B9C32A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4B9C32F0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4B9C3390 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A4B9C33D0 firstTable text = 243 mainText = table:0000012A4B9C3230 firstTable text = 7104 title = table:0000012A89287BB0 firstTable text = 7103 updateFn() = function:0000012A4B9C3448 MORPH_ABILITY_CONFIRM = table:0000012A6BBCAD00 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6BBCAD90 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6BBCAE30 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6BBCAF20 control = userdata:0000012A6BBAFB00 (meta 0000012A6BBAFC48} text = 4066 2 = table:0000012A6BBCAF60 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A6BBAE258 (meta 0000012A6BBAE3A0} text = 254 customControl = userdata:0000012A6BBAD8E0 (meta 0000012A6BBCA498} setup() = function:0000012A6BBCABE8 title = table:0000012A6BBCAD48 firstTable text = 4059 NO_SAVE_CONTINUE = table:0000012A419EB648 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A42ACAF18 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A42ACAFB8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A42ACB058 text = 244 2 = table:0000012A42ACB098 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A42ACB138 text = 245 gamepadInfo = table:000001298E04A420 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001298E04A510 firstTable text = 3387 mustChoose = true title = table:000001298E04A498 firstTable text = 3380 NO_SAVE_DEVICE = table:0000012A42ACB178 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A73FA14B8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A73FA1558 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A73FA15F8 text = 244 2 = table:0000012A73FA1638 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A97733310 text = 245 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A42ACB1C0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A73FA1440 firstTable text = 3388 mustChoose = true title = table:0000012A42ACB238 firstTable text = 3380 OPTIONS_RESET_TO_DEFAULTS = table:0000012A0ED40FA8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A0ED410E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0ED41128 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0ED41170 text = 266 2 = table:0000012A488831E0 firstTable text = 246 mainText = table:0000012A0ED41068 firstTable text = 264 mustChoose = true title = table:0000012A0ED40FF0 firstTable text = 263 OUTFIT_CONFIRM_COST_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A67D7A3C8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A67D7A4A0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A67D7A4E8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A67D7A620 control = userdata:0000012A67D79960 (meta 0000012A67D79AD8} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AB98 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000012A84C6ABD8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AC30 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000012A0E88A9F0 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012A84C6AD58 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AD18 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A84C6AEE0 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A67D79A80 (meta 0000012A67D79C48} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A67D79960 (meta 0000012A67D79AD8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A67D799F0 (meta 0000012A67D79D30} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text() = function:0000012A67D7A5D8 2 = table:0000012A67D7A668 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A67D79478 (meta 0000012A67D795F0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AB98 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000012A84C6ABD8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AC30 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000012A0E88A9F0 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012A84C6AD58 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AD18 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A84C6AEE0 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A67D79598 (meta 0000012A67D79760} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A67D79478 (meta 0000012A67D795F0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A67D79508 (meta 0000012A67D79848} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A79F521A0 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A67D7A458 title = table:0000012A67D7A410 firstTable text = 6850 OUT_OF_SPACE = table:0000012A77B165C0 firstTable buttons = table:000001298E047E68 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A417FF618 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A417FF6B8 text = 244 2 = table:0000012A77B153C0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A77B15460 text = 245 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A77B16608 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A742F00D8 firstTable text = 3382 mustChoose = true title = table:0000012A42ACADB8 firstTable text = 3380 PAY_FOR_CONVERSATION = table:0000012A29697808 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A83BCC2C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A83BCC360 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4862D118 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A83BCC400 firstTable text = 4013 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4862D028 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A83BCC248 firstTable text = 6699 title = table:0000012A4862D0A0 firstTable text = 6698 PROMOTE_TO_GUILDMASTER = table:0000012A73FD2570 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A5941DDA8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A5941DE48 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A73FD2778 clickSound = GuildRoster_Promote text = 242 2 = table:0000012A4FE7B0D0 firstTable text = 243 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A73FD2700 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A5941DD30 firstTable text = 6231 title = table:0000012A5941DCB8 firstTable text = 6134 PROMPT_FOR_LFM_REQUEST = table:00000129A82B4A10 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A89289A88 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A89289AD0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A89289BC0 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 6416 2 = table:0000012A89289C00 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A742EF748 text = 3960 gamepadInfo = table:00000129A82B4B00 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A89289A10 firstTable text = 6418 title = table:0000012A89289998 firstTable text = 6417 PTP_TIMED_RESPONSE_PROMPT = table:0000012A4B9C6B38 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66D781D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66D78220 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66D799A0 gamepadPreferredKeybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY keybind = DIALOG_TERTIARY onShowCooldown = 2000 text() = function:0000012A66D79960 2 = table:0000012A66D799E0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66D79A68 gamepadPreferredKeybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE keybind = DIALOG_RESET onShowCooldown = 2000 text() = function:0000012A66D79A28 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A4B9C6B80 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A66D78150 firstTable text() = function:0000012A66D78198 title = table:0000012A4B9C6BF8 firstTable text() = function:0000012A66D78110 updateFn() = function:0000012A66D79AA8 PURCHASE_ABILITY_CONFIRM = table:0000012A6BBCB368 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6BBCB4D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6BBCB518 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6BBCB608 control = userdata:0000012A6BBAD478 (meta 0000012A6BBAD5C8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A6BBAD570 (meta 0000012A6BBAD738} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A6BBAD478 (meta 0000012A6BBAD5C8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A6BBAD4F8 (meta 0000012A6BBAD820} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 4067 2 = table:0000012A6BBCB648 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A6BBABD08 (meta 0000012A6BBABE50} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A6BBABDF8 (meta 0000012A6BBABEE0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A6BBABD08 (meta 0000012A6BBABE50} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A6BBABD80 (meta 0000012A6BBAD3D0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 254 customControl = userdata:0000012A6BBA7310 (meta 0000012A6BBCB048} firstMeta firstIndex ability = userdata:0000012A6BBAA108 (meta 0000012A6BBCB1B8} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:0000012A6BBAB908 (meta 000001298C565E60} abilityName = userdata:0000012A6BBABB70 (meta 000001298C55E328} advisementLabel = userdata:0000012A6BBABC58 (meta 000001298C55E328} setup() = function:0000012A6BBCB328 title = table:0000012A6BBCB458 firstTable text = 4061 PURCHASE_KIOSK = table:0000012AADAD5398 firstTable buttons = table:0000012AADAD5508 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AADAD55A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AADAD5958 control = userdata:0000012AADAC9B18 (meta 0000012AADAC8F20} text = Hire 2 = table:0000012AADAD59A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AADAD6990 control = userdata:0000012AADAC9660 (meta 0000012AADAC97B8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012AADAC9760 (meta 0000012AADAC9928} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012AADAC9660 (meta 0000012AADAC97B8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012AADAC96E0 (meta 0000012AADAC9A10} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012AADACF548 (meta 000001298C541B38} noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012AADAD6990 setup() = function:0000012AADAD5488 title = table:0000012AADAD5D48 firstTable text = Hire Guild Trader updateFn() = function:0000012AADAD62A0 QUIT = table:00000129A6D87018 firstTable buttons = table:00000129A6D87120 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A6D87168 firstTable callback() = function:00000129A6D871B0 control = userdata:00000129A6D83D80 (meta 00000129A6D852D8} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 4785 2 = table:00000129A6D871F0 firstTable control = userdata:00000129A6D824D8 (meta 00000129A6D82620} text = 246 canQueue = true customControl = userdata:00000129A6D80DA8 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:00000129A6D80C88 title = table:00000129A6D87060 firstTable text = 4780 updateFn() = function:00000129A6D870D8 QUIT_DEFERRED = table:0000012A7E76B4B8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6C14EF10 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6C14EFB0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A77B0FBC0 text = 4925 2 = table:0000012A77B0FC00 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A77B0FCA0 text = 4926 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A7E76B648 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A6C14EE20 firstTable text = 4924 timer = 1 verboseTimer = true noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A7E76B478 onlyQueueOnce = true title = table:0000012A6C14EDD8 firstTable text = 4922 updateFn() = function:00000129AC560068 QUIT_PREVENTED = table:00000129AC55D6E8 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AC55FAE0 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AC55FEA8 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AC55FF48 text = 4925 2 = table:00000129AC55FF88 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AC560028 text = 4926 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000129AC55D730 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AC55FA68 firstTable text = 4923 onlyQueueOnce = true title = table:00000129AC55F9F0 firstTable text = 4922 RECALL_CONFIRM = table:0000012A56022820 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A0ED4A360 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0ED4A3A8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0ED4A498 text = 250 visible() = function:0000012A0ED4A4D8 2 = table:0000012A0ED4A518 firstTable text = 246 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A56022868 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A66D74CA8 firstTable text() = function:0000012A66D74D20 title = table:0000012A66D74C30 firstTable text = 4778 updateFn() = function:0000012A0ED4A590 RENAME_OUFIT = table:0000012A892917F8 firstTable buttons = table:00000129F818E140 firstTable 1 = table:00000129F818E1E0 firstTable callback() = function:00000129F818E2D0 noReleaseOnClick = true requiresTextInput = true text = 256 2 = table:00000129F818E310 firstTable text = 246 editBox = table:00000129F818DF68 firstTable defaultText = maxInputCharacters = 20 selectAll = true specialCharacters = table:00000129F818E0F8 firstTable 1 = ' 2 = - 3 = textType = 0 validatesText = true validator() = function:0000012996FBAB30 mainText = table:0000012A89291960 firstTable text = 6842 title = table:0000012A892918E8 firstTable text = 6841 REPAIR_ALL = table:0000012A66DBA398 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66DB6DD0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66DB4AF0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66DB4BE0 enabled() = function:0000012A66DB4C20 text = 242 2 = table:0000012A66DB4C60 firstTable callback() = function:00000129F818A2E0 text = 243 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A66DBA3E0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A66DB6D58 firstTable text = 4380 title = table:0000012A66DBA458 firstTable text = 4770 updateFn() = function:00000129F818A320 REPAIR_ITEM = table:0000012A6F1805D8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6BFC6320 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6BFC6468 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6F180590 clickSound = InventoryItem_Repair control = userdata:0000012A4AF74590 (meta 0000012A4AF746D0} text = 7053 2 = table:0000012A6BFC69A8 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4AF74138 (meta 0000012A4AF74278} text = 246 customControl() = function:0000012A6F180620 setup() = function:0000012A6F180660 title = table:0000012A6F1806A8 firstTable text = 7052 REQUEST_ADD_GUILD_PERMISSION = table:0000012A04DA8BA0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A04DA8BE8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A04DA8C30 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04DA8D20 control = userdata:0000012A04DA1D90 (meta 0000012A04DA1EF8} text = 250 2 = table:0000012A04DA8D68 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A04DA13C0 (meta 0000012A04DA1528} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A04DA0F90 (meta 0000012A04DA8E50} setup() = function:0000012A89604B28 REQUEST_ADD_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = table:0000012A04DA08B8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A04DA0900 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A04DA0948 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04DA0A38 control = userdata:0000012A04D9A240 (meta 0000012A04D9A3B8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:0000012A04D9A360 (meta 0000012A04D99F38} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A04D9A240 (meta 0000012A04D9A3B8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A04D9A2D0 (meta 0000012A04D9D480} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 250 2 = table:0000012A04DA0A80 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A04D99B70 (meta 0000012A04D99CE0} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A04D99858 (meta 0000012A04D9FBE8} firstMeta firstIndex presetsComboBox = table:0000012A04D9FBA0 (meta 0000012983A8BD38} firstTable m_container = userdata:0000012A04D9F950 (meta 0000012A04D9FE98} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:0000012A04D9FBA0 (meta 0000012983A8BD38} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_name = ZO_RequestAddIndividualPermissionDialogPresets m_openDropdown = userdata:0000012A04D9FB90 (meta 000001298C54D798} m_selectedColor = table:0000012A04D9FD18 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:0000012A04D9FB00 (meta 000001298C55E328} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:0000012996DD3928 m_sortedItems = table:0000012A04DA00B0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A04D9FFA0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04D9FCB8 name = Decorator presetIndex = 1 2 = table:0000012A04DA0C60 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04D9FCB8 name = Visitor presetIndex = 2 3 = table:0000012A04DA0DA8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04D9FCB8 name = Limited Visitor presetIndex = 3 m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 setup() = function:0000012A89604B28 REQUEST_BAN_GUILD_PERMISSION = table:0000012A04DAD2E0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A04DAD3D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A04DAD440 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04DAD530 control = userdata:0000012A04DABC20 (meta 0000012A04DABD88} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:0000012A04DABD30 (meta 0000012A04DABEF8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A04DABC20 (meta 0000012A04DABD88} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A04DABCA8 (meta 0000012A04DABFE0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 250 2 = table:0000012A04DAD578 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A04DAB190 (meta 0000012A04DAB2F8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A04DAB2A0 (meta 0000012A04DAB468} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A04DAB190 (meta 0000012A04DAB2F8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A04DAB218 (meta 0000012A04DAB740} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A04DA6C38 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A89604B28 REQUEST_BAN_INDIVIDUAL_PERMISSION = table:0000012A04DA64C8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A04DA6940 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A04DA69B0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04DA6AA0 control = userdata:0000012A04DA8488 (meta 0000012A04DA8600} text = 250 2 = table:0000012A04DA6AE8 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A04DA79E8 (meta 0000012A04DA7B58} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A04DA57E8 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A89604B28 REQUEST_FRIEND = table:0000012A565897D0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A56589938 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A565899D8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A56589AC8 control = userdata:0000012A56577EA0 (meta 0000012A565894D8} text = 6275 2 = table:0000012A56589B08 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A56588F60 (meta 0000012A565890A8} text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A4FABC2C8 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A56585C60 title = table:0000012A565898C0 firstTable text = 6273 RITUAL_OF_MARA_PROMPT = table:0000012A31F3ACD0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A0E769408 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0E7694A8 firstTable callback() = function:00000129ABD83A90 text = 4012 2 = table:00000129ABD83AD0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A04E2C898 text = 4013 gamepadInfo = table:00000129FF04A070 firstTable dialogType = 1 hideSound = Dialog_Decline mainText = table:0000012A98839ED0 firstTable text = 6345 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A98839F48 title = table:00000129FF04A0E8 firstTable text = 6344 SAVE_DEST_REMOVED_STORAGE = table:00000129A82BECC8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A419EB588 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A419EB600 firstTable callback() = function:000001298E04A298 text = 256 gamepadInfo = table:00000129A82BED10 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A419EB510 firstTable text = 3386 mustChoose = true title = table:00000129A82BED88 firstTable text = 3380 SCRIPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION = table:0000012A0E76BC10 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A0E768750 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0E76BC58 firstTable text = 256 mainText = table:0000012A0E7686D8 firstTable text = 4726 title = table:0000012A0E768660 firstTable text = 4773 SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN = table:00000129F7FBB780 firstTable buttons = table:00000129F7FBB820 firstTable 1 = table:00000129F7FBB910 firstTable callback() = function:0000012997D36440 control = userdata:00000129F7FB9110 (meta 00000129F7FBA680} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AB98 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000012A84C6ABD8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AC30 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000012A0E88A9F0 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012A84C6AD58 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AD18 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A84C6AEE0 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000129F7FBA628 (meta 00000129F7FB8C68} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000129F7FB9110 (meta 00000129F7FBA680} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000129F7FBA5A0 (meta 00000129F7FB8D50} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 242 2 = table:00000129F7FBBA00 firstTable control = userdata:00000129F7FB7D80 (meta 0000012997D36358} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 3 = table:00000129F7FBBA48 firstTable control = userdata:0000012997D36DC8 (meta 0000012997D36F30} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 customControl = userdata:0000012A41D77F40 (meta 00000129F7FB93E8} setup() = function:00000129F7FB9310 updateFn() = function:00000129F7FB9358 SELECT_GUILD_BANK = table:0000012A98BDD160 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A98BDD228 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A98BDD2C8 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A98BDD3B8 control = userdata:0000012A00765850 (meta 0000012A98BDB808} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A98BDB7B0 (meta 0000012A98BDB978} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A00765850 (meta 0000012A98BDB808} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A98BDB730 (meta 0000012A98BDBA60} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 242 2 = table:0000012A98BDD440 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A98BDB228 (meta 0000012A98BDB380} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A98BDB328 (meta 0000012A98BDB4F0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A98BDB228 (meta 0000012A98BDB380} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A98BDB2A8 (meta 0000012A98BDB5D8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A594F1790 (meta 000001298C541B38} setup() = function:0000012A98BDD1A8 title = table:0000012A98BDD698 firstTable text = Select Guild Bank SELECT_GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM = table:0000012A7F4056B0 SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN = table:00000129F7FC2BE0 firstTable buttons = table:00000129F7FC2C28 firstTable 1 = table:00000129F7FC2C70 firstTable callback() = function:00000129F7FBD188 control = userdata:00000129F7FBE4E8 (meta 00000129F7FBF4F0} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 242 2 = table:00000129F7FC2D60 firstTable control = userdata:00000129F7FBE180 (meta 00000129F7FBE358} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AB98 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000012A84C6ABD8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AC30 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000012A0E88A9F0 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012A84C6AD58 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AD18 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A84C6AEE0 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000129F7FBC6B8 (meta 00000129F7FBCDC0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000129F7FBE180 (meta 00000129F7FBE358} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000129F7FBE1B0 (meta 00000129F7FBD098} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 3 = table:00000129F7FC2E50 firstTable control = userdata:00000129F7FB92B0 (meta 00000129F7FBC5A0} firstMeta firstIndex AddChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AB98 AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 AreChromaEffectsEnabled() = function:0000012A84C6ABD8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 RemoveChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AC30 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetChromaEnabled() = function:0000012A0E88A9F0 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012A84C6AD58 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateChromaEffect() = function:0000012A84C6AD18 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A84C6AEE0 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 chromaEnabled = true enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:00000129F7FBC548 (meta 00000129F7FBC710} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:00000129F7FB92B0 (meta 00000129F7FBC5A0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:00000129F7FBC518 (meta 00000129F7FBC7F8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 customControl = userdata:00000129F7FBA468 (meta 00000129F7FC20D0} setup() = function:00000129F7FC1F18 updateFn() = function:00000129F7FC1F98 SELL_ALL_JUNK = table:00000129F818A360 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A04E2DEA0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A04E2DF40 firstTable callback() = function:0000012997BDC718 text = 4376 2 = table:00000129ABD84898 firstTable text = 243 mainText = table:0000012A04E2DE28 firstTable text = 4375 title = table:00000129F818A450 firstTable text = 4771 SHOW_REDEEM_CODE = table:0000012A56B159D0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A56B15BF8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A77B11B70 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A77B11C10 text = 252 2 = table:0000012A77B11C50 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A56B15AC0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A56B15B80 firstTable text = 192 title = table:0000012A56B15B08 firstTable text = 237 SHOW_REDEEM_CODE_CONSOLE = table:0000012A77B11CC8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A77B11770 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A77B11810 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A77B118B0 text = 252 2 = table:0000012A77B118F0 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A77B11DB8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A77B116F8 firstTable text = 238 title = table:0000012A77B11680 firstTable text = 237 SKILL_RESPEC_CONFIRM_CLEAR_ALL_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A6BBCCA38 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6BBCCBF0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6BBCCC60 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6BBCCD50 control = userdata:0000012A6BBBA398 (meta 0000012A6BBBA500} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A6BBBA4A8 (meta 0000012A6BBBA670} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A6BBBA398 (meta 0000012A6BBBA500} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A6BBBA420 (meta 0000012A6BBBBB60} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 250 2 = table:0000012A6BBCCD98 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A6BBB8AC0 (meta 0000012A6BBB8C28} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012A6BBB8BD0 (meta 0000012A6BBB8D98} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012A6BBB8AC0 (meta 0000012A6BBB8C28} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012A6BBB8B48 (meta 0000012A6BBBA288} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A6BBB82F8 (meta 0000012A6BBCC898} firstMeta firstIndex radioButtonGroup = table:0000012A6BBCC348 (meta 000001298C19D790} firstTable labelColorDisabled = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} labelColorEnabled = table:00000129AC5E6B30 (meta 00000129A8929028} m_buttons = table:0000012A6BBCC390 firstTable userdata = 0000012A6BBB8670 = table:0000012A6BBCC508 firstTable isValidOption = true 0000012A6BBB88A0 = table:0000012A6BBCC698 firstTable isValidOption = true m_enabled = true mainText = table:0000012A6BBCCB38 firstTable text() = function:0000012A6BBCCBB0 setup() = function:0000012A6BBCC938 title = table:0000012A6BBCCA80 firstTable text() = function:0000012A6BBCCAF8 SKILL_RESPEC_CONFIRM_FREE = table:00000129ABD88AC8 firstTable buttons = table:00000129ABD88D30 firstTable 1 = table:00000129ABD88DD0 firstTable callback() = function:00000129ABD88E70 text = 250 2 = table:0000012A0E765470 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:00000129ABD88BB8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129ABD88C78 firstTable text() = function:00000129ABD88CF0 title = table:00000129ABD88C00 firstTable text = 7063 SKILL_RESPEC_CONFIRM_GOLD_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A6BBCBF80 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6BBCC0B8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6BBCC128 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6BBCC218 control = userdata:0000012A6BBB6A70 (meta 0000012A6BBB6BD8} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 250 2 = table:0000012A6BBCC258 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A6BBB5198 (meta 0000012A6BBB5300} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 246 customControl = userdata:0000012A6BBB4BF8 (meta 000001298C541B38} mainText = table:0000012A6BBCC040 firstTable text = 7064 setup() = function:0000012A6BBCBF00 title = table:0000012A6BBCBFC8 firstTable text = 7063 SKILL_RESPEC_CONFIRM_SCROLL = table:0000012A0E7654B8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A0E765750 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A0E7657F0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A0E763AB8 text = 250 2 = table:0000012A0E763AF8 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A0E7655A8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A0E765698 firstTable text() = function:0000012A0E765710 title = table:0000012A0E765620 firstTable text = 7063 SMITHING_RESEARCH_SELECT = table:0000012A4AF72BA0 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A4AF72DC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4AF72E10 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A4AF74EC8 clickSound = Smithing_Start_Research control = userdata:0000012A4AF74590 (meta 0000012A4AF746D0} text = 4630 2 = table:0000012A4AF74F08 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A4AF74138 (meta 0000012A4AF74278} text = 246 customControl() = function:0000012A4AF72C90 setup() = function:0000012A4AF72CD0 title = table:0000012A4AF72D50 firstTable text = 4629 SPAM_WARNING = table:0000012A66D7B2F8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66D805B8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66D80630 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 256 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A66D7B340 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A66D7C7D8 firstTable text = 7194 title = table:0000012A66D7C760 firstTable text = 7193 SPLIT_STACK = table:00000129D769FC30 firstTable buttons = table:00000129D76C19C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4EA9E530 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A669B0D90 control = userdata:0000012A6C06BDF8 (meta 0000012A2A58EF08} text = 3576 2 = table:0000012A669B0DD0 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A6C064420 (meta 00000129D76BBC90} text = 246 customControl = userdata:00000129D76BE990 (meta 0000012A04B8A3A0} setup() = function:0000012A6C064020 title = table:0000012A4EA9F660 firstTable text = 3575 TOO_FREQUENT_BUG_SCREENSHOT = table:00000129A887D3E0 firstTable buttons = table:00000129A887D5C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3E2F9760 firstTable text = 256 gamepadInfo = table:00000129A887D4D0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129A887D548 firstTable text = 4727 TRADE_CANCEL_TRADE = table:0000012A66D7AB40 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A66D7B100 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A66D7B1A0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A66D7B240 text = 4012 2 = table:0000012A66D7B280 firstTable text = 4013 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A66D7AC30 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:0000012A66D7AD20 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to cancel the trade? title = table:0000012A66D7ACA8 firstTable text = 5301 TRADING_HOUSE_CHANGE_ACTIVE_GUILD = table:00000129AC4CE0E8 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AC4CE2C8 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AC4CE368 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AC4CE408 text = 204 2 = table:00000129AC4CE448 firstTable text = 248 gamepadInfo = table:00000129AC4CE1D8 firstTable dialogType = 2 setup() = function:00000129AC4CE020 title = table:00000129AC4CE250 firstTable text = 5394 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_BUY_GUILD_SPECIFIC_ITEM = table:00000129AC4CDAD0 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AC4CDD28 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AC4CDDC8 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AC4CDE68 text = 6185 2 = table:00000129AC4CDEA8 firstTable text = 6186 gamepadInfo = table:00000129AC4CDBC0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AC4CDCB0 firstTable text = 5392 title = table:00000129AC4CDC38 firstTable text = 5391 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_BUY_ITEM = table:00000129AC4C4EA0 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AC4C50F8 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AC4C5140 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AC4C8778 text = 6185 2 = table:00000129AC4CD9F0 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AC4CDA90 text = 6186 gamepadInfo = table:00000129AC4C4F90 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AC4C5080 firstTable text = 5392 title = table:00000129AC4C5008 firstTable text = 5391 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_REMOVE_LISTING = table:00000129AC4CB1A0 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AC4CC728 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AC4CC770 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AC4CB4D0 text = 249 2 = table:00000129AC4C8DE0 firstTable text = 246 gamepadInfo = table:00000129AC4CB290 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AC4CC6B0 firstTable text = 5388 title = table:00000129AC4CB308 firstTable text = 5387 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_SELL_ITEM = table:00000129AC4C8E58 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AC4C8690 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AC4C8730 firstTable callback() = function:00000129AC4C4DE0 text = 244 2 = table:00000129AC4C4E28 firstTable text = 245 finishedCallback() = function:00000129AC4C8648 gamepadInfo = table:00000129AC4C8EA0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AC4C2728 firstTable text = 5390 setup() = function:00000129AC4C85C8 title = table:00000129AC4C26B0 firstTable text = 5389 TRADING_HOUSE_DISPLAY_ERROR = table:00000129AC4CE4C0 firstTable buttons = table:00000129AC4CE718 firstTable 1 = table:00000129AC4CE790 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 206 gamepadInfo = table:00000129AC4CE5B0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129AC4CE6A0 firstTable text = 5393 title = table:00000129AC4CE628 firstTable text = 179 TRIAL_ACCOUNT_SPLASH_GAMEPAD = table:000001298B4F4298 firstTable buttons = table:000001298B4F4518 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B4F45B8 firstTable callback() = function:000001298B4F4058 clickSound = Dialog_Accept ethereal = true keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY name = Free Trial Close Dialog 1 2 = table:000001298B4F4600 firstTable callback() = function:000001298B4F4058 clickSound = Dialog_Accept ethereal = true keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE name = Free Trial Close Dialog 2 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:000001298B4F4058 gamepadInfo = table:000001298B4F4320 firstTable dialogType = 4 mainText = table:000001298B4F4458 firstTable text() = function:000001298B4F44D0 noChoiceCallback() = function:000001298B4F4058 removedFromQueueCallback() = function:000001298B4F4058 setup() = function:000001298B4F42E0 title = table:000001298B4F4398 firstTable text() = function:000001298B4F4410 TRIAL_ACCOUNT_SPLASH_KEYBOARD = table:000001298B4F40A0 firstTable buttons = table:000001298B4F41D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B4F4250 firstTable callback() = function:000001298B4F4058 clickSound = Dialog_Accept control = userdata:000001298B4F26B8 (meta 000001298B4F2810} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 248 customControl = userdata:000001298B4EEB18 (meta 000001298C541B38} noChoiceCallback() = function:000001298B4F4058 title = table:000001298B4F4190 firstTable UI_TUTORIAL = table:0000012A6FBCA528 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6FBCA6A8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6FBCA6F0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6FBCA738 clickSound = Dialog_Accept control = userdata:0000012AA90CA450 (meta 0000012AA90CA598} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001298E6462A8 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E6B0 GetKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E630 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:0000012A42990308 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:0000012A7E28E670 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:0000012AA8EE7C98 HideKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E990 IsEnabled() = function:0000012997155AD0 OnClicked() = function:0000012A42990388 SetCallback() = function:0000012AA8EE7D60 SetClickSound() = function:0000012A7E28E6F0 SetCooldown() = function:000001298C1A4800 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E910 SetCustomKeyText() = function:0000012A7980E8D0 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A9788E438 SetKeyFont() = function:000001298E646268 SetKeybind() = function:0000012AA8EE7D18 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:0000012A42990348 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:0000012A85C05400 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:0000012A7E283338 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:0000012A7E283378 SetNameFont() = function:000001298E646228 SetNormalTextColor() = function:0000012A7E2833B8 SetState() = function:0000012A97892D10 SetText() = function:0000012A7E28E730 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001298E6462E8 SetupStyle() = function:0000012A7E2832F8 ShowKeyIcon() = function:0000012A7980E950 UpdateEnabledState() = function:0000012A7E28E798 callback() = function:0000012983A74538 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:0000012AA90CA540 (meta 0000012AA90CA708} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:00000129AC5E6A40 (meta 00000129A8929028} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:0000012AA90CA450 (meta 0000012AA90CA598} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:0000012AA90CA4C8 (meta 0000012AA90CBBF8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B60 IsSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9AA0 RefreshTextColor() = function:0000012A07DE9B20 SetEnabled() = function:0000012A07DE9AE0 SetSelected() = function:0000012A07DE9A60 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:00000129AC5E6198 (meta 00000129A8929028} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 194 customControl = userdata:0000012AA90C6C38 (meta 000001298C541B38} noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A6FBCA660 title = table:0000012A6FBCA618 firstTable UI_TUTORIAL_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A6FBCA780 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6FBCAA38 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6FBCAAB0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6FBCAAF8 clickSound = Dialog_Accept ethereal = true keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY name = Gamepad Tutorial Accept canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:0000012A6FBCAB88 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A6FBCA808 firstTable dialogType = 4 mainText = table:0000012A6FBCA978 firstTable text() = function:0000012A6FBCA9F0 noChoiceCallback() = function:0000012A6FBCAB40 removedFromQueueCallback() = function:0000012A6FBCABC8 setup() = function:0000012A6FBCA7C8 title = table:0000012A6FBCA880 firstTable text() = function:0000012A6FBCA8F8 UNABLE_TO_CLAIM_GIFT = table:00000129F818AB60 firstTable buttons = table:00000129F818AED0 firstTable 1 = table:00000129F818AF18 firstTable text = 248 gamepadInfo = table:00000129F818ACF0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129F818ADE0 firstTable text = 7701 title = table:00000129F818AD68 firstTable text = 7699 warning = table:00000129F818AE58 firstTable text = 7700 UPGRADE_ABILITY_CONFIRM = table:0000012A6BBCBB28 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A6BBCBC90 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6BBCBD30 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6BBCBE20 control = userdata:0000012A6BBB3388 (meta 0000012A6BBB34D8} text = 4068 2 = table:0000012A6BBCBE60 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A6BBB1AE0 (meta 0000012A6BBB1C28} text = 254 customControl = userdata:0000012A6BBB1368 (meta 0000012A6BBCB730} firstMeta firstIndex baseAbility = userdata:0000012A6BBB1708 (meta 0000012A6BBCB8A0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:0000012A6BBB1780 (meta 000001298C565E60} desc = userdata:0000012A6BBB1620 (meta 000001298C55E328} upgradeAbility = userdata:0000012A6BBB1880 (meta 0000012A6BBCBA30} setup() = function:0000012A6BBCBAA8 title = table:0000012A6BBCBC18 firstTable text = 4063 WAIT_FOR_CONSOLE_CHARACTER_INFO = table:000001298B73EE78 firstTable buttons = table:000001298B73FAF8 firstTable gamepadInfo = table:000001298B73EEC0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:000001298B73FA80 firstTable text = 5789 mustChoose = true showLoadingIcon = true title = table:000001298B73EF38 firstTable text = 5788 WAIT_FOR_CONSOLE_NAME_VALIDATION = table:0000012A48884000 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A48884B50 firstTable canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:0000012A488841D0 firstTable dialogType = 3 loading = table:0000012A48884AD8 firstTable text = Please wait... mustChoose = true setup() = function:0000012A48884190 title = table:0000012A48884A90 firstTable text = 231 WORLD_MAP_CHOICE_FAILED = table:00000129ABD8E630 firstTable buttons = table:00000129ABD8E928 firstTable 1 = table:00000129ABD8E970 firstTable text = 242 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:00000129ABD8E7C0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:00000129ABD8E8B0 firstTable text = 5954 title = table:00000129ABD8E838 firstTable text = 5953 WORLD_MAP_CHOICE_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A98B0F2A8 firstTable buttons = table:0000012A98B0F478 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A98B0F4C0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A98B0F548 enabled() = function:0000012A98B0F508 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select 2 = table:0000012A98B0F588 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 206 gamepadInfo = table:0000012A98B0F370 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:0000012A98B0F430 firstTable setup() = function:0000012A98B0F2F0 title = table:0000012A98B0F3B8 firstTable text = 5010 ESO_NumberFormats = table:00000129AA26A5A8 firstTable 3915 = table:0000012A296629B8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A29662C60 firstTable digits = 1 4711 = table:0000012A29662ED0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A29663098 firstTable unsigned = true 6007 = table:0000012A296629B8 EULA_TYPE_ADDON_EULA = 1 EULA_TYPE_CODE_OF_CONDUCT = 4 EULA_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EULA_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 5 EULA_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 5 EULA_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 EULA_TYPE_NON_DISCLOSURE_AGREEMENT = 5 EULA_TYPE_PREGAME_EULA = 0 EULA_TYPE_PRIVACY_POLICY = 3 EULA_TYPE_TERMS_OF_SERVICE = 2 EVENT_ABILITY_COOLDOWN_UPDATED = 131181 EVENT_ABILITY_LIST_CHANGED = 131172 EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RANK_UPDATE = 131174 EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT = 131299 EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_XP_UPDATE = 131175 EVENT_ABILITY_REQUIREMENTS_FAIL = 131107 EVENT_ACHIEVEMENTS_SEARCH_RESULTS_READY = 131446 EVENT_ACHIEVEMENTS_UPDATED = 131445 EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED = 131447 EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_UPDATED = 131448 EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_POPPED = 65553 EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_PUSHED = 65552 EVENT_ACTION_SLOTS_ACTIVE_HOTBAR_UPDATED = 131179 EVENT_ACTION_SLOTS_ALL_HOTBARS_UPDATED = 131180 EVENT_ACTION_SLOTS_FULL_UPDATE = 131179 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_SLOTTED = 131183 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_USED = 131185 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_USED_WRONG_WEAPON = 131186 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_STATE_UPDATED = 131177 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_UPDATED = 131176 EVENT_ACTION_UPDATE_COOLDOWNS = 131182 EVENT_ACTIVE_MOUNT_CHANGED = 131211 EVENT_ACTIVE_QUEST_TOOL_CHANGED = 131098 EVENT_ACTIVE_QUEST_TOOL_CLEARED = 131099 EVENT_ACTIVE_QUICKSLOT_CHANGED = 131184 EVENT_ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_CHANGED = 131246 EVENT_ACTIVITY_FINDER_ACTIVITY_COMPLETE = 131171 EVENT_ACTIVITY_FINDER_COOLDOWNS_UPDATE = 131169 EVENT_ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_UPDATE = 131170 EVENT_ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT = 131164 EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED = 65536 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_ACCEPTED = 131513 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_DECLINED = 131514 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_FORCED = 131515 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_REQUESTED = 131512 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_TERMINATED = 131516 EVENT_ALLIANCE_POINT_UPDATE = 131227 EVENT_ALL_GUI_SCREENS_RESIZED = 65539 EVENT_ALL_GUI_SCREENS_RESIZE_STARTED = 65538 EVENT_ANIMATION_NOTE = 131616 EVENT_ARTIFACT_CONTROL_STATE = 131283 EVENT_ARTIFACT_SCROLL_STATE_CHANGED = 131281 EVENT_ARTIFICIAL_EFFECT_ADDED = 131622 EVENT_ARTIFICIAL_EFFECT_REMOVED = 131623 EVENT_ASSIGNED_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131300 EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_RESPEC = 131462 EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_UPGRADE_UPDATED = 131461 EVENT_AUTO_MAP_NAVIGATION_TARGET_SET = 131266 EVENT_AVAILABLE_DISPLAY_DEVICES_CHANGED = 327735 EVENT_AVENGE_KILL = 131484 EVENT_BACKGROUND_LIST_FILTER_COMPLETE = 327743 EVENT_BANKED_CURRENCY_UPDATE = 131224 EVENT_BANKED_MONEY_UPDATE = 131225 EVENT_BANK_DEPOSIT_NOT_ALLOWED = 131245 EVENT_BANK_IS_FULL = 131244 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_INACTIVITY_WARNING = 131287 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_KILL = 131270 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_LEADERBOARD_DATA_CHANGED = 131284 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_RULESET_CHANGED = 131285 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_UPDATED = 131268 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_SHUTDOWN_TIMER = 131288 EVENT_BATTLEGROUND_STATE_CHANGED = 131286 EVENT_BATTLE_STANDARDS_UPDATED = 131273 EVENT_BEGIN_CUTSCENE = 131624 EVENT_BEGIN_LOCKPICK = 131506 EVENT_BEGIN_SIEGE_CONTROL = 131338 EVENT_BEGIN_SIEGE_UPGRADE = 131346 EVENT_BOSSES_CHANGED = 131131 EVENT_BROADCAST = 131409 EVENT_BUYBACK_RECEIPT = 131294 EVENT_BUY_RECEIPT = 131292 EVENT_CADWELL_PROGRESSION_LEVEL_CHANGED = 131215 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_ASSIGNMENT_RESULT = 131314 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_CHANGED = 131307 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_HISTORY_WINDOW_CHANGED = 131322 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARD_DATA_CHANGED = 131304 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_JOINED = 131318 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_LEFT = 131319 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_POSITION_CHANGED = 131321 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_STATE_CHANGED = 131320 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_SCORE_DATA_CHANGED = 131305 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_SELECTION_DATA_CHANGED = 131303 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_STATE_INITIALIZED = 131308 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_UNASSIGNMENT_RESULT = 131315 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EVENT_CLIENT_INTERACT_RESULT = 131078 EVENT_CLOSE_BANK = 131406 EVENT_CLOSE_GUILD_BANK = 131537 EVENT_CLOSE_STORE = 131290 EVENT_CLOSE_TRADING_HOUSE = 131548 EVENT_COLLECTIBLES_SEARCH_RESULTS_READY = 131450 EVENT_COLLECTIBLES_UPDATED = 327741 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_NEW_STATUS_CLEARED = 131460 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_DYE_DATA_UPDATED = 131571 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_NEW_STATUS_CLEARED = 131459 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_NOTIFICATION_NEW = 131453 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131454 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_ON_COOLDOWN = 131457 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_RENAME_ERROR = 131451 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_REQUEST_BROWSE_TO = 131455 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_SET_IN_WATER_ALERT = 131452 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_UPDATED = 327740 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_BLOCKED = 131457 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_USE_RESULT = 131457 EVENT_COLLECTION_UPDATED = 131449 EVENT_COMBAT_EVENT = 131102 EVENT_CONFIRM_INTERACT = 131077 EVENT_CONSOLE_TEXT_VALIDATION_RESULT = 393243 EVENT_CONTROLLER_CONNECTED = 393237 EVENT_CONTROLLER_DISCONNECTED = 393236 EVENT_CONVERSATION_FAILED_INVENTORY_FULL = 131217 EVENT_CONVERSATION_FAILED_UNIQUE_ITEM = 131218 EVENT_CONVERSATION_UPDATED = 131115 EVENT_CORONATE_EMPEROR_NOTIFICATION = 131309 EVENT_CRAFTING_STATION_INTERACT = 131517 EVENT_CRAFT_BAG_AUTO_TRANSFER_NOTIFICATION_CLEARED = 131254 EVENT_CRAFT_COMPLETED = 131524 EVENT_CRAFT_FAILED = 131525 EVENT_CRAFT_STARTED = 131523 EVENT_CROWN_CRATES_SYSTEM_STATE_CHANGED = 131620 EVENT_CROWN_CRATE_INVENTORY_UPDATED = 131618 EVENT_CROWN_CRATE_OPEN_RESPONSE = 131617 EVENT_CROWN_CRATE_QUANTITY_UPDATE = 131619 EVENT_CROWN_GEM_UPDATE = 589829 EVENT_CROWN_UPDATE = 589828 EVENT_CURRENCY_CAPS_CHANGED = 131221 EVENT_CURRENCY_UPDATE = 131220 EVENT_CURRENT_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131302 EVENT_CURRENT_SUBZONE_LIST_CHANGED = 131258 EVENT_CURSOR_DROPPED = 131420 EVENT_CURSOR_PICKUP = 131419 EVENT_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_FEEDBACK_SUBMITTED = 131504 EVENT_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_TICKET_SUBMITTED = 131505 EVENT_DAILY_LOGIN_MONTH_CHANGED = 131644 EVENT_DAILY_LOGIN_REWARDS_CLAIMED = 589838 EVENT_DAILY_LOGIN_REWARDS_UPDATED = 589836 EVENT_DEPOSE_EMPEROR_NOTIFICATION = 131310 EVENT_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHANGED = 131215 EVENT_DISABLE_SIEGE_AIM_ABILITY = 131343 EVENT_DISABLE_SIEGE_FIRE_ABILITY = 131341 EVENT_DISABLE_SIEGE_PACKUP_ABILITY = 131345 EVENT_DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE = 131109 EVENT_DISGUISE_STATE_CHANGED = 131154 EVENT_DISPLAY_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP = 131495 EVENT_DISPLAY_ALERT = 131466 EVENT_DISPLAY_ANNOUNCEMENT = 131465 EVENT_DISPLAY_TUTORIAL = 131497 EVENT_DISPOSITION_UPDATE = 131130 EVENT_DUEL_COUNTDOWN = 131402 EVENT_DUEL_FINISHED = 131400 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_ACCEPTED = 131397 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_CANCELED = 131399 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_DECLINED = 131398 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_FAILED = 131401 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_RECEIVED = 131395 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_REMOVED = 131396 EVENT_DUEL_INVITE_SENT = 131394 EVENT_DUEL_NEAR_BOUNDARY = 131403 EVENT_DUEL_STARTED = 131404 EVENT_DURANGO_ACCOUNT_PICKER_RETURNED = 393242 EVENT_DYEING_STATION_INTERACT_END = 131567 EVENT_DYEING_STATION_INTERACT_START = 131566 EVENT_DYES_SEARCH_RESULTS_READY = 131570 EVENT_DYE_STAMP_USE_FAIL = 131569 EVENT_EFFECTS_FULL_UPDATE = 131151 EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED = 131150 EVENT_ENABLE_SIEGE_AIM_ABILITY = 131342 EVENT_ENABLE_SIEGE_FIRE_ABILITY = 131340 EVENT_ENABLE_SIEGE_PACKUP_ABILITY = 131344 EVENT_END_CRAFTING_STATION_INTERACT = 131518 EVENT_END_CUTSCENE = 131625 EVENT_END_FAST_TRAVEL_INTERACTION = 131482 EVENT_END_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_INTERACTION = 131478 EVENT_END_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM_INTERACTION = 131333 EVENT_END_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE_INTERACTION = 131335 EVENT_END_SIEGE_CONTROL = 131339 EVENT_END_SOUL_GEM_RESURRECTION = 131370 EVENT_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_GAINED = 131127 EVENT_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_LOST = 131128 EVENT_ENTER_GROUND_TARGET_MODE = 131491 EVENT_ESO_PLUS_FREE_TRIAL_NOTIFICATION_CLEARED = 131626 EVENT_ESO_PLUS_FREE_TRIAL_STATUS_CHANGED = 589833 EVENT_EXPERIENCE_GAIN = 131148 EVENT_EXPERIENCE_UPDATE = 131149 EVENT_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_NETWORK_LINK_CHANGED = 131476 EVENT_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_NETWORK_UPDATED = 131475 EVENT_FAST_TRAVEL_NETWORK_UPDATED = 131480 EVENT_FEEDBACK_REQUESTED = 131510 EVENT_FEEDBACK_TOO_FREQUENT_SCREENSHOT = 131511 EVENT_FINESSE_RANK_CHANGED = 131152 EVENT_FISHING_LURE_CLEARED = 131531 EVENT_FISHING_LURE_SET = 131530 EVENT_FOLLOWER_SCENE_FINISHED_FRAGMENT_TRANSITION = 327739 EVENT_FORWARD_CAMPS_UPDATED = 131272 EVENT_FORWARD_CAMP_RESPAWN_TIMER_BEGINS = 131265 EVENT_FRIEND_ADDED = 327681 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_CHAMPION_POINTS_CHANGED = 327686 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_LEVEL_CHANGED = 327685 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_UPDATED = 327687 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_VETERAN_RANK_CHANGED = 327686 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_ZONE_CHANGED = 327684 EVENT_FRIEND_DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGED = 327688 EVENT_FRIEND_NOTE_UPDATED = 327689 EVENT_FRIEND_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGED = 327683 EVENT_FRIEND_REMOVED = 327682 EVENT_FULLSCREEN_MODE_CHANGED = 327734 EVENT_GAMEPAD_PREFERRED_MODE_CHANGED = 65554 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_ACTIVATED = 131486 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_CHARACTER_FRAMING_STARTED = 131493 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_DEACTIVATED = 131487 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_UI_MODE_CHANGED = 131485 EVENT_GAME_CREDITS_READY = 327733 EVENT_GAME_FOCUS_CHANGED = 131490 EVENT_GIFTING_GRACE_PERIOD_STARTED = 131638 EVENT_GIFTING_GRACE_PERIOD_STARTED_NOTIFICATION_CLEARED = 131639 EVENT_GIFTING_UNLOCKED_NOTIFICATION_CLEARED = 131640 EVENT_GIFTING_UNLOCKED_STATUS_CHANGED = 131641 EVENT_GIFTS_UPDATED = 131637 EVENT_GIFT_ACTION_RESULT = 589835 EVENT_GLOBAL_MOUSE_DOWN = 65545 EVENT_GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP = 65546 EVENT_GRAVEYARD_USAGE_FAILURE = 131365 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_FIND_REPLACEMENT_NOTIFICATION_NEW = 131167 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_FIND_REPLACEMENT_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131168 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_LFG_JOINED = 131162 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_NO_LONGER_LFG = 131163 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_READY_CHECK_CANCELLED = 131166 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_READY_CHECK_UPDATED = 131165 EVENT_GROUP_CAMPAIGN_ASSIGNMENTS_CHANGED = 131306 EVENT_GROUP_ELECTION_FAILED = 131205 EVENT_GROUP_ELECTION_NOTIFICATION_ADDED = 131203 EVENT_GROUP_ELECTION_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131204 EVENT_GROUP_ELECTION_REQUESTED = 131207 EVENT_GROUP_ELECTION_RESULT = 131206 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_ACCEPT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 131196 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_RECEIVED = 131189 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_REMOVED = 131190 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE = 131191 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_CONNECTED_STATUS = 131193 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_IN_REMOTE_REGION = 131195 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED = 131199 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT = 131198 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_ROLE_CHANGED = 131194 EVENT_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE = 131192 EVENT_GROUP_SUPPORT_RANGE_UPDATE = 131197 EVENT_GROUP_TYPE_CHANGED = 131200 EVENT_GROUP_UPDATE = 131202 EVENT_GROUP_VETERAN_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED = 131201 EVENT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131301 EVENT_GUILD_BANKED_MONEY_UPDATE = 131226 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_DESELECTED = 131539 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_ITEMS_READY = 131540 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_ITEM_ADDED = 131541 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_ITEM_REMOVED = 131542 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_OPEN_ERROR = 131543 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_SELECTED = 131538 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_TRANSFER_ERROR = 131544 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_UPDATED_QUANTITY = 131545 EVENT_GUILD_CLAIM_KEEP_CAMPAIGN_NOTIFICATION = 327730 EVENT_GUILD_CLAIM_KEEP_RESPONSE = 327729 EVENT_GUILD_DATA_LOADED = 327701 EVENT_GUILD_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED = 327716 EVENT_GUILD_HISTORY_CATEGORY_UPDATED = 327723 EVENT_GUILD_HISTORY_REFRESHED = 327714 EVENT_GUILD_HISTORY_RESPONSE_RECEIVED = 327724 EVENT_GUILD_ID_CHANGED = 131160 EVENT_GUILD_INVITES_INITIALIZED = 327720 EVENT_GUILD_INVITE_ADDED = 327721 EVENT_GUILD_INVITE_REMOVED = 327722 EVENT_GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM_UPDATED = 327725 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_BID_START = 131586 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_BID_STOP = 131587 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_PURCHASE_START = 131588 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_PURCHASE_STOP = 131589 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_ERROR = 131546 EVENT_GUILD_LEVEL_CHANGED = 327705 EVENT_GUILD_LOST_KEEP_CAMPAIGN_NOTIFICATION = 327732 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_ADDED = 327706 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_CHAMPION_POINTS_CHANGED = 327712 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_LEVEL_CHANGED = 327711 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_UPDATED = 327709 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_VETERAN_RANK_CHANGED = 327712 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_ZONE_CHANGED = 327710 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_NOTE_CHANGED = 327708 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGED = 327704 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_RANK_CHANGED = 327713 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVED = 327707 EVENT_GUILD_MOTD_CHANGED = 327715 EVENT_GUILD_NAME_AVAILABLE = 327727 EVENT_GUILD_RANKS_CHANGED = 327717 EVENT_GUILD_RANK_CHANGED = 327718 EVENT_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP_CAMPAIGN_NOTIFICATION = 327731 EVENT_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP_RESPONSE = 327728 EVENT_GUILD_SELF_JOINED_GUILD = 327702 EVENT_GUILD_SELF_LEFT_GUILD = 327703 EVENT_GUILD_TRADER_HIRED_UPDATED = 327726 EVENT_GUI_HIDDEN = 65543 EVENT_GUI_WORLD_PARTICLE_EFFECT_READY = 131621 EVENT_HELP_INITIALIZED = 131501 EVENT_HELP_SEARCH_RESULTS_READY = 131502 EVENT_HELP_SHOW_SPECIFIC_PAGE = 131503 EVENT_HERALDRY_CUSTOMIZATION_END = 131573 EVENT_HERALDRY_CUSTOMIZATION_START = 131572 EVENT_HERALDRY_FUNDS_UPDATED = 131575 EVENT_HERALDRY_SAVED = 131574 EVENT_HIDE_BOOK = 131474 EVENT_HIDE_OBJECTIVE_STATUS = 131282 EVENT_HIGH_FALL_DAMAGE = 131103 EVENT_HOME_SHOW_LEADERBOARD_DATA_CHANGED = 131612 EVENT_HOT_BAR_RESULT = 131298 EVENT_HOUSING_ADD_PERMISSIONS_CANT_ADD_SELF = 131615 EVENT_HOUSING_ADD_PERMISSIONS_FAILED = 131614 EVENT_HOUSING_EDITOR_COMMAND_RESULT = 131610 EVENT_HOUSING_EDITOR_LINK_TARGET_CHANGED = 131611 EVENT_HOUSING_EDITOR_MODE_CHANGED = 131601 EVENT_HOUSING_EDITOR_REQUEST_RESULT = 131608 EVENT_HOUSING_FURNITURE_MOVED = 131603 EVENT_HOUSING_FURNITURE_PLACED = 131602 EVENT_HOUSING_FURNITURE_REMOVED = 131604 EVENT_HOUSING_LOAD_PERMISSIONS_RESULT = 131606 EVENT_HOUSING_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED = 131613 EVENT_HOUSING_PLAYER_INFO_CHANGED = 131607 EVENT_HOUSING_POPULATION_CHANGED = 131609 EVENT_HOUSING_PRIMARY_RESIDENCE_SET = 131605 EVENT_IGNORE_ADDED = 327690 EVENT_IGNORE_NOTE_UPDATED = 327693 EVENT_IGNORE_ONLINE_CHARACTER_CHANGED = 327692 EVENT_IGNORE_REMOVED = 327691 EVENT_IMPACTFUL_HIT = 131105 EVENT_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED_NOTIFICATION = 131311 EVENT_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST_NOTIFICATION = 131312 EVENT_INCOMING_FRIEND_INVITE_ADDED = 327694 EVENT_INCOMING_FRIEND_INVITE_NOTE_UPDATED = 327696 EVENT_INCOMING_FRIEND_INVITE_REMOVED = 327695 EVENT_INPUT_LANGUAGE_CHANGED = 65548 EVENT_INSTANCE_KICK_TIME_UPDATE = 131133 EVENT_INTERACT_BUSY = 131075 EVENT_INTERFACE_SETTING_CHANGED = 131494 EVENT_INVENTORY_BAG_CAPACITY_CHANGED = 131251 EVENT_INVENTORY_BANK_CAPACITY_CHANGED = 131252 EVENT_INVENTORY_BOUGHT_BAG_SPACE = 131235 EVENT_INVENTORY_BOUGHT_BANK_SPACE = 131236 EVENT_INVENTORY_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 131232 EVENT_INVENTORY_BUY_BANK_SPACE = 131233 EVENT_INVENTORY_CLOSE_BUY_SPACE = 131234 EVENT_INVENTORY_FULL_UPDATE = 131216 EVENT_INVENTORY_IS_FULL = 131243 EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEMS_AUTO_TRANSFERRED_TO_CRAFT_BAG = 131253 EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEM_DESTROYED = 131241 EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEM_USED = 131242 EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE = 131219 EVENT_INVENTORY_SLOT_LOCKED = 131230 EVENT_INVENTORY_SLOT_UNLOCKED = 131231 EVENT_ITEM_COMBINATION_RESULT = 131647 EVENT_ITEM_LAUNDER_RESULT = 131249 EVENT_ITEM_ON_COOLDOWN = 131408 EVENT_ITEM_PREVIEW_READY = 589831 EVENT_ITEM_REPAIR_FAILURE = 131248 EVENT_ITEM_SLOT_CHANGED = 131178 EVENT_JUMP_FAILED = 131410 EVENT_JUSTICE_BEING_ARRESTED = 131585 EVENT_JUSTICE_BOUNTY_PAYOFF_AMOUNT_UPDATED = 131577 EVENT_JUSTICE_FENCE_UPDATE = 131584 EVENT_JUSTICE_GOLD_PICKPOCKETED = 131582 EVENT_JUSTICE_GOLD_REMOVED = 131580 EVENT_JUSTICE_INFAMY_UPDATED = 131576 EVENT_JUSTICE_NOW_KOS = 131578 EVENT_JUSTICE_NO_LONGER_KOS = 131579 EVENT_JUSTICE_PICKPOCKET_FAILED = 131583 EVENT_JUSTICE_STOLEN_ITEMS_REMOVED = 131581 EVENT_KEEPS_INITIALIZED = 131330 EVENT_KEEP_ALLIANCE_OWNER_CHANGED = 131324 EVENT_KEEP_END_INTERACTION = 131329 EVENT_KEEP_GATE_STATE_CHANGED = 131327 EVENT_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM_UPDATE = 131326 EVENT_KEEP_INITIALIZED = 131331 EVENT_KEEP_IS_PASSABLE_CHANGED = 131336 EVENT_KEEP_PIECE_DIRECTIONAL_ACCESS_CHANGED = 131337 EVENT_KEEP_RESOURCE_UPDATE = 131323 EVENT_KEEP_START_INTERACTION = 131328 EVENT_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK_CHANGED = 131325 EVENT_KEYBINDINGS_LOADED = 65551 EVENT_KEYBINDING_CLEARED = 65550 EVENT_KEYBINDING_SET = 65549 EVENT_KILL_LOCATIONS_UPDATED = 131271 EVENT_LEADER_TO_FOLLOWER_SYNC = 327737 EVENT_LEADER_UPDATE = 131132 EVENT_LEAVE_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_RESPONSE = 131317 EVENT_LEAVE_RAM_ESCORT = 131348 EVENT_LEVEL_UPDATE = 131125 EVENT_LEVEL_UP_REWARD_CHOICE_UPDATED = 131636 EVENT_LEVEL_UP_REWARD_UPDATED = 131635 EVENT_LINKED_WORLD_POSITION_CHANGED = 131259 EVENT_LOCKPICK_BROKE = 131509 EVENT_LOCKPICK_FAILED = 131507 EVENT_LOCKPICK_SUCCESS = 131508 EVENT_LOGOUT_DEFERRED = 131411 EVENT_LOGOUT_DISALLOWED = 131412 EVENT_LOOT_CLOSED = 131358 EVENT_LOOT_ITEM_FAILED = 131188 EVENT_LOOT_RECEIVED = 131187 EVENT_LOOT_UPDATED = 131357 EVENT_LORE_BOOK_ALREADY_KNOWN = 131472 EVENT_LORE_BOOK_LEARNED = 131468 EVENT_LORE_BOOK_LEARNED_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 131469 EVENT_LORE_COLLECTION_COMPLETED = 131470 EVENT_LORE_COLLECTION_COMPLETED_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 131471 EVENT_LORE_LIBRARY_INITIALIZED = 131467 EVENT_LOW_FALL_DAMAGE = 131104 EVENT_LUA_ERROR = 65540 EVENT_LUA_LOW_MEMORY = 65541 EVENT_MAIL_ATTACHED_MONEY_CHANGED = 131438 EVENT_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_ADDED = 131436 EVENT_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_REMOVED = 131437 EVENT_MAIL_CLOSE_MAILBOX = 131444 EVENT_MAIL_COD_CHANGED = 131439 EVENT_MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE = 131431 EVENT_MAIL_NUM_UNREAD_CHANGED = 131432 EVENT_MAIL_OPEN_MAILBOX = 131443 EVENT_MAIL_READABLE = 131433 EVENT_MAIL_REMOVED = 131440 EVENT_MAIL_SEND_FAILED = 131435 EVENT_MAIL_SEND_SUCCESS = 131434 EVENT_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHED_ITEM_SUCCESS = 131441 EVENT_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHED_MONEY_SUCCESS = 131442 EVENT_MANAGER = userdata:000001298C534A60 (meta 000001298C534F78} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:000001298C535138 RegisterForAllEvents() = function:000001298C534CA0 RegisterForEvent() = function:000001298C534C00 RegisterForPostEffectsUpdate() = function:000001298C534E50 RegisterForUpdate() = function:000001298C534EC0 UnregisterForAllEvents() = function:000001298C534D68 UnregisterForEvent() = function:000001298C534D10 UnregisterForPostEffectsUpdate() = function:000001298C5350B8 UnregisterForUpdate() = function:000001298C534DE0 EVENT_MAP_PING = 131263 EVENT_MARKET_PURCHASE_RESULT = 589827 EVENT_MARKET_STATE_UPDATED = 589826 EVENT_MEDAL_AWARDED = 131269 EVENT_MONEY_UPDATE = 131222 EVENT_MOUNTED_STATE_CHANGED = 131210 EVENT_MOUNT_FAILURE = 131214 EVENT_MOUNT_INFO_UPDATED = 131208 EVENT_MOUSE_REQUEST_ABANDON_QUEST = 131418 EVENT_MOUSE_REQUEST_DESTROY_ITEM = 131415 EVENT_MOUSE_REQUEST_DESTROY_ITEM_FAILED = 131416 EVENT_MURDERBALL_STATE_CHANGED = 131280 EVENT_NEW_DAILY_LOGIN_REWARD_AVAILABLE = 589837 EVENT_NEW_MOVEMENT_IN_UI_MODE = 131489 EVENT_NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CHANGED = 131558 EVENT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 131237 EVENT_NO_INTERACT_TARGET = 131076 EVENT_OBJECTIVES_UPDATED = 131274 EVENT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETED = 131095 EVENT_OBJECTIVE_CONTROL_STATE = 131275 EVENT_OPEN_BANK = 131405 EVENT_OPEN_FENCE = 131296 EVENT_OPEN_GUILD_BANK = 131536 EVENT_OPEN_HOUSE_STORE = 131297 EVENT_OPEN_STORE = 131289 EVENT_OPEN_TRADING_HOUSE = 131547 EVENT_OUTFITS_INITIALIZED = 131630 EVENT_OUTFIT_CHANGE_RESPONSE = 131631 EVENT_OUTFIT_EQUIP_RESPONSE = 131632 EVENT_OUTFIT_RENAME_RESPONSE = 131633 EVENT_OUTGOING_FRIEND_INVITE_ADDED = 327697 EVENT_OUTGOING_FRIEND_INVITE_REMOVED = 327698 EVENT_PATH_FINDING_NETWORK_LINK_CHANGED = 131646 EVENT_PENDING_INTERACTION_CANCELLED = 131074 EVENT_PERSONALITY_CHANGED = 131458 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_STATE_UPDATED = 131591 EVENT_PLATFORMS_LIST_LOADED = 393238 EVENT_PLATFORM_ACHIEVEMENT_TRIGGERED = 393234 EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED = 589824 EVENT_PLAYER_ALIVE = 131360 EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE = 131430 EVENT_PLAYER_DEACTIVATED = 589825 EVENT_PLAYER_DEAD = 131359 EVENT_PLAYER_DEATH_INFO_UPDATE = 131363 EVENT_PLAYER_DEATH_REQUEST_FAILURE = 131362 EVENT_PLAYER_EMOTE_FAILED_PLAY = 131598 EVENT_PLAYER_IN_PIN_AREA_CHANGED = 131264 EVENT_PLAYER_NOT_SWIMMING = 131372 EVENT_PLAYER_QUEUED_FOR_CYCLIC_RESPAWN = 131364 EVENT_PLAYER_REINCARNATED = 131361 EVENT_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGED = 327700 EVENT_PLAYER_STUNNED_STATE_CHANGED = 131156 EVENT_PLAYER_SWIMMING = 131371 EVENT_PLAYER_TITLES_UPDATE = 131147 EVENT_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_OFFER = 131374 EVENT_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_OFFER_REMOVED = 131375 EVENT_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_RESULT = 131373 EVENT_POIS_INITIALIZED = 131260 EVENT_POI_DISCOVERED = 131261 EVENT_POI_UPDATED = 131262 EVENT_POWER_UPDATE = 131123 EVENT_PROFILE_CARD_DIALOG_CLOSED = 393226 EVENT_PROFILE_CARD_DIALOG_OPENED = 393225 EVENT_PROFILE_DURANGO_SIGNED_OUT = 393220 EVENT_PROFILE_EMAIL_ID_RECEIVED = 393235 EVENT_PROFILE_LOGIN_REQUESTED = 393217 EVENT_PROFILE_LOGIN_RESULT = 393218 EVENT_PROFILE_ORBIS_SIGNED_OUT = 393219 EVENT_PROFILE_SAVELOAD_FAIL = 393223 EVENT_PROFILE_SAVELOAD_REQUESTED = 393222 EVENT_PROFILE_SAVELOAD_SUCCESSFUL = 393224 EVENT_QUEST_ADDED = 131079 EVENT_QUEST_ADVANCED = 131090 EVENT_QUEST_COMPLETE = 131093 EVENT_QUEST_COMPLETE_ATTEMPT_FAILED_INVENTORY_FULL = 131094 EVENT_QUEST_COMPLETE_DIALOG = 131089 EVENT_QUEST_CONDITION_COUNTER_CHANGED = 131085 EVENT_QUEST_LIST_UPDATED = 131083 EVENT_QUEST_LOG_IS_FULL = 131084 EVENT_QUEST_OFFERED = 131080 EVENT_QUEST_OPTIONAL_STEP_ADVANCED = 131091 EVENT_QUEST_POSITION_REQUEST_COMPLETE = 131100 EVENT_QUEST_REMOVED = 131092 EVENT_QUEST_SHARED = 131081 EVENT_QUEST_SHARE_REMOVED = 131082 EVENT_QUEST_SHOW_JOURNAL_ENTRY = 131097 EVENT_QUEST_TIMER_PAUSED = 131087 EVENT_QUEST_TIMER_UPDATED = 131088 EVENT_QUEST_TOOL_UPDATED = 131086 EVENT_QUEUE_FOR_CAMPAIGN_RESPONSE = 131316 EVENT_RAID_LEADERBOARD_DATA_CHANGED = 131143 EVENT_RAID_LEADERBOARD_PLAYER_DATA_CHANGED = 131144 EVENT_RAID_PARTICIPATION_UPDATE = 131141 EVENT_RAID_REVIVE_COUNTER_UPDATE = 131140 EVENT_RAID_SCORE_NOTIFICATION_ADDED = 131145 EVENT_RAID_SCORE_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131146 EVENT_RAID_TIMER_STATE_UPDATE = 131142 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_COMPLETE = 131135 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_FAILED = 131136 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_NEW_BEST_SCORE = 131137 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_RESET_BEST_SCORE = 131138 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_UPDATE = 131139 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_STARTED = 131134 EVENT_RAM_ESCORT_COUNT_UPDATE = 131347 EVENT_RANK_POINT_UPDATE = 131157 EVENT_REASON_HARDWARE = 0 EVENT_REASON_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EVENT_REASON_ITERATION_END = 1 EVENT_REASON_MAX_VALUE = 1 EVENT_REASON_MIN_VALUE = 0 EVENT_REASON_SOFTWARE = 1 EVENT_RECALL_KEEP_USE_RESULT = 131479 EVENT_RECIPE_ALREADY_KNOWN = 131521 EVENT_RECIPE_LEARNED = 131520 EVENT_REMOTE_SCENE_REQUEST = 327736 EVENT_REMOTE_TOP_LEVEL_CHANGE = 327738 EVENT_REMOVE_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP = 131496 EVENT_REMOVE_TUTORIAL = 131498 EVENT_REQUEST_ALERT = 131645 EVENT_REQUEST_CROWN_GEM_TUTORIAL = 589830 EVENT_REQUEST_SHOW_GAMEPAD_CHAPTER_UPGRADE = 589834 EVENT_REQUEST_SHOW_GIFT_INVENTORY = 131642 EVENT_REQUIREMENTS_FAIL = 131106 EVENT_RESEND_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_RESULT = 393221 EVENT_RESURRECT_FAILURE = 131368 EVENT_RESURRECT_REQUEST = 131366 EVENT_RESURRECT_REQUEST_REMOVED = 131367 EVENT_RESURRECT_RESULT = 131368 EVENT_RETICLE_HIDDEN_UPDATE = 131488 EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED = 131118 EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_PLAYER_CHANGED = 131119 EVENT_RETRAIT_RESPONSE = 131629 EVENT_RETRAIT_STARTED = 131628 EVENT_RETRAIT_STATION_INTERACT_START = 131627 EVENT_REVENGE_KILL = 131483 EVENT_RIDING_SKILL_IMPROVEMENT = 131209 EVENT_SAVE_DATA_COMPLETE = 393240 EVENT_SAVE_DATA_START = 393239 EVENT_SAVE_GUILD_RANKS_RESPONSE = 327719 EVENT_SCREENSHOT_SAVED = 131413 EVENT_SCREEN_RESIZED = 65537 EVENT_SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT_INVITE = 131463 EVENT_SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT_INVITE_REMOVED = 131464 EVENT_SCRIPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION = 65555 EVENT_SECURE_3D_RENDER_MODE_CHANGED = 65557 EVENT_SECURE_RENDER_MODE_CHANGED = 65556 EVENT_SELECT_FROM_USER_LIST_DIALOG_RESULT = 393241 EVENT_SELL_RECEIPT = 131293 EVENT_SET_SUBTITLE = 327748 EVENT_SHOW_BOOK = 131473 EVENT_SHOW_DAILY_LOGIN_REWARDS_SCENE = 131643 EVENT_SHOW_PREGAME_GUI_IN_STATE = 65542 EVENT_SHOW_SUBTITLE = 131114 EVENT_SHOW_TREASURE_MAP = 131532 EVENT_SIEGE_BUSY = 131355 EVENT_SIEGE_CONTROL_ANOTHER_PLAYER = 131356 EVENT_SIEGE_CREATION_FAILED_CLOSEST_DOOR_ALREADY_HAS_RAM = 131349 EVENT_SIEGE_CREATION_FAILED_NO_VALID_DOOR = 131350 EVENT_SIEGE_FIRE_FAILED_COOLDOWN = 131352 EVENT_SIEGE_FIRE_FAILED_RETARGETING = 131353 EVENT_SIEGE_PACK_FAILED_INVENTORY_FULL = 131351 EVENT_SIEGE_PACK_FAILED_NOT_CREATOR = 131354 EVENT_SKILLS_FULL_UPDATE = 131421 EVENT_SKILL_ABILITY_PROGRESSIONS_UPDATED = 131421 EVENT_SKILL_BUILD_SELECTION_UPDATED = 131427 EVENT_SKILL_FORCE_RESPEC = 131426 EVENT_SKILL_LINE_ADDED = 131423 EVENT_SKILL_POINTS_CHANGED = 131422 EVENT_SKILL_RANK_UPDATE = 131424 EVENT_SKILL_RESPEC_RESULT = 131429 EVENT_SKILL_XP_UPDATE = 131425 EVENT_SLD_SAVE_LOAD_ERROR = 393216 EVENT_SLOT_IS_LOCKED_FAILURE = 131238 EVENT_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH_CANCELED = 131528 EVENT_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH_COMPLETED = 131527 EVENT_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH_STARTED = 131526 EVENT_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH_TIMES_UPDATED = 131529 EVENT_SOCIAL_DATA_LOADED = 327680 EVENT_SOCIAL_ERROR = 327699 EVENT_SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGE_FAILURE = 131250 EVENT_SPAM_WARNING = 131414 EVENT_STABLE_INTERACT_END = 131213 EVENT_STABLE_INTERACT_START = 131212 EVENT_STACKED_ALL_ITEMS_IN_BAG = 131255 EVENT_START_FAST_TRAVEL_INTERACTION = 131481 EVENT_START_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_INTERACTION = 131477 EVENT_START_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM_INTERACTION = 131332 EVENT_START_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE_INTERACTION = 131334 EVENT_START_SKILL_RESPEC = 131428 EVENT_START_SOUL_GEM_RESURRECTION = 131369 EVENT_START_WAIT_SPINNER = 393232 EVENT_STATS_UPDATED = 131129 EVENT_STEALTH_STATE_CHANGED = 131153 EVENT_STOP_WAIT_SPINNER = 393233 EVENT_STORE_FAILURE = 131295 EVENT_STUCK_BEGIN = 131559 EVENT_STUCK_CANCELED = 131560 EVENT_STUCK_COMPLETE = 131565 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS = 131562 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_INVALID_LOCATION = 131564 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_IN_COMBAT = 131563 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_ON_COOLDOWN = 131561 EVENT_STYLE_LEARNED = 131522 EVENT_SUBSCRIBER_BANK_IS_LOCKED = 131239 EVENT_SYNERGY_ABILITY_CHANGED = 131173 EVENT_SYSTEM_HELP_OPENED = 393229 EVENT_SYSTEM_MENU_CLOSED = 393231 EVENT_SYSTEM_MENU_OPENED = 393230 EVENT_TARGET_CHANGED = 131116 EVENT_TELVAR_STONE_UPDATE = 131228 EVENT_TITLE_UPDATE = 131158 EVENT_TRACKING_UPDATE = 131096 EVENT_TRADE_ACCEPT_FAILED_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 131393 EVENT_TRADE_CANCELED = 131384 EVENT_TRADE_CONFIRMATION_CHANGED = 131385 EVENT_TRADE_ELEVATION_FAILED = 131387 EVENT_TRADE_FAILED = 131391 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_ACCEPTED = 131382 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_CANCELED = 131381 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_CONSIDERING = 131377 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_DECLINED = 131380 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_FAILED = 131376 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_REMOVED = 131378 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_WAITING = 131379 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_ADDED = 131386 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_ADD_FAILED = 131388 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_REMOVED = 131389 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_UPDATED = 131390 EVENT_TRADE_MONEY_CHANGED = 131383 EVENT_TRADE_SUCCEEDED = 131392 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_AWAITING_RESPONSE = 131551 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_ITEM_PURCHASE = 131554 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_ERROR = 131555 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_OPERATION_TIME_OUT = 131556 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_PENDING_ITEM_UPDATE = 131550 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED = 131552 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_SEARCH_COOLDOWN_UPDATE = 131557 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_SEARCH_RESULTS_RECEIVED = 131553 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_STATUS_RECEIVED = 131549 EVENT_TRAIT_LEARNED = 131519 EVENT_TRIAL_FEATURE_RESTRICTED = 131597 EVENT_TUTORIALS_RESET = 131500 EVENT_TUTORIAL_HIDDEN = 589832 EVENT_TUTORIAL_SYSTEM_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED = 131499 EVENT_UI_ERROR = 131407 EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_ADDED = 131533 EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_REMOVED = 131534 EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_UPDATED = 131535 EVENT_UNIT_CREATED = 131120 EVENT_UNIT_DEATH_STATE_CHANGED = 131122 EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED = 131121 EVENT_UNIT_FRAME_UPDATE = 131117 EVENT_UNLOCKED_DYES_UPDATED = 131568 EVENT_UNSPENT_CHAMPION_POINTS_CHANGED = 131592 EVENT_UPDATE_BUYBACK = 131291 EVENT_UPDATE_GUI_LOADING_PROGRESS = 65544 EVENT_VETERAN_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED = 131159 EVENT_VIBRATION = 131590 EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_CANCEL_STARTED = 327747 EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE = 327744 EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_CONFIRM_CANCEL = 327746 EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_ERROR = 327745 EVENT_VISUAL_LAYER_CHANGED = 131161 EVENT_WEAPON_PAIR_LOCK_CHANGED = 131247 EVENT_WEAPON_SWAP_LOCKED = 131240 EVENT_WEB_BROWSER_CLOSED = 393228 EVENT_WEB_BROWSER_OPENED = 393227 EVENT_WEREWOLF_STATE_CHANGED = 131155 EVENT_WRIT_VOUCHER_UPDATE = 131229 EVENT_ZONE_CHANGED = 131257 EVENT_ZONE_CHANNEL_CHANGED = 131113 EVENT_ZONE_COLLECTIBLE_REQUIREMENT_FAILED = 131456 EVENT_ZONE_SCORING_CHANGED = 131267 EVENT_ZONE_UPDATE = 131124 EXTRACTION_FILTER = -2 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_FAILED_SAVE = 3 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_INTERNAL_ONLY = 2 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_INVALID_REWARD = 1 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_ITERATION_END = 3 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_MAX_VALUE = 3 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_MIN_VALUE = 0 EXT_GRANT_RESPONSE_SUCCESS = 0 EnablePreviewMode() = function:0000012AA3BBFDB0 EnchantItem() = function:0000012AA3BB3D38 EndCurrentItemPreview() = function:0000012AA3BC0170 EndHeraldryCustomization() = function:0000012996FBC368 EndInteractCameraSpin() = function:0000012A6CAC3370 EndInteraction() = function:0000012A6CAC4778 EndItemPreviewSpin() = function:0000012AA3BC0250 EndLooting() = function:0000012997BDCC78 EndPendingInteraction() = function:0000012A6CAD3EC0 EndRestyling() = function:0000012AA3BBF458 EquipItem() = function:0000012A6CAC4EF0 EquipOutfit() = function:0000012996FBA588 EsoStringVersions = table:000001298E648F90 firstTable 1001 = 1 1002 = 1 1003 = 1 1004 = 1 1005 = 1 1006 = 1 1007 = 1 1008 = 2 1009 = 1 1010 = 1 1011 = 1 1012 = 1 1013 = 1 1014 = 1 1015 = 1 1016 = 1 1017 = 1 1018 = 1 1019 = 1 102 = 2 1020 = 1 1021 = 1 1022 = 1 1023 = 1 1024 = 1 1025 = 1 1026 = 1 1027 = 1 1028 = 1 1029 = 1 103 = 1 1030 = 1 1031 = 1 1032 = 1 1033 = 1 1034 = 1 1035 = 1 1037 = 1 1038 = 1 1039 = 1 105 = 2 106 = 1 1064 = 1 1066 = 1 1067 = 1 1083 = 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= 1 2747 = 2 2748 = 1 2749 = 1 2750 = 1 2751 = 1 2752 = 1 2767 = 1 2796 = 1 285 = 1 2859 = 1 286 = 1 2868 = 2 2869 = 1 287 = 1 2882 = 1 2886 = 1 2887 = 1 2890 = 1 2894 = 1 2897 = 2 2898 = 2 2899 = 2 2900 = 3 2901 = 2 2902 = 2 2903 = 3 2904 = 3 2905 = 2 2906 = 2 2912 = 1 2916 = 1 293 = 1 2936 = 1 294 = 1 2943 = 1 2967 = 1 2984 = 1 2985 = 1 2997 = 1 2998 = 1 2999 = 1 3000 = 1 3001 = 1 3002 = 1 3003 = 1 3004 = 1 3005 = 1 3006 = 1 3007 = 1 3008 = 1 3009 = 1 3037 = 1 3038 = 1 3039 = 1 3046 = 2 3047 = 1 3048 = 1 3052 = 2 3058 = 1 3065 = 1 3066 = 1 3067 = 1 3068 = 1 3069 = 1 307 = 1 3070 = 1 3071 = 1 3072 = 1 3073 = 1 3074 = 1 308 = 3 309 = 1 310 = 1 3106 = 1 3107 = 1 3110 = 1 3114 = 1 3115 = 1 314 = 1 3143 = 2 315 = 1 3153 = 1 3158 = 1 3159 = 1 316 = 1 317 = 1 323 = 4 324 = 1 325 = 5 333 = 1 334 = 2 335 = 4 3357 = 1 3358 = 1 3368 = 5 3369 = 3 3372 = 1 3379 = 1 3380 = 1 3381 = 1 3382 = 1 3383 = 1 3384 = 1 3385 = 1 3386 = 1 3387 = 1 3388 = 1 3389 = 1 3390 = 2 3391 = 1 3392 = 1 3393 = 1 3394 = 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1 3753 = 1 3755 = 1 3756 = 1 3759 = 2 3760 = 1 3761 = 2 3764 = 1 3773 = 1 3780 = 2 3789 = 1 3790 = 1 3792 = 1 3795 = 1 3797 = 1 3803 = 2 3812 = 1 3816 = 2 382 = 1 3823 = 1 3824 = 1 3825 = 2 3830 = 1 3851 = 1 3852 = 1 3853 = 1 3862 = 1 3883 = 1 3891 = 1 3893 = 1 3895 = 1 3896 = 1 3897 = 1 3898 = 1 3899 = 1 3900 = 1 3902 = 1 3906 = 1 3916 = 2 3917 = 3 3918 = 3 3919 = 2 3920 = 3 3921 = 3 3922 = 2 3923 = 3 3924 = 3 3925 = 2 3926 = 2 3927 = 2 3928 = 2 3929 = 3 3930 = 2 3931 = 2 3932 = 2 3933 = 3 3934 = 2 3935 = 1 3936 = 1 3937 = 1 3938 = 1 3940 = 1 3943 = 1 3952 = 1 3970 = 1 3975 = 1 3979 = 1 398 = 1 3981 = 1 3985 = 1 3990 = 1 3992 = 1 4008 = 1 4017 = 1 4018 = 1 4019 = 1 4023 = 1 4025 = 1 4027 = 3 4028 = 3 4040 = 1 4043 = 1 4044 = 1 4045 = 1 4047 = 1 4051 = 1 4060 = 5 4070 = 1 4085 = 1 4086 = 1 4087 = 1 4088 = 1 4095 = 1 4096 = 1 4103 = 2 4114 = 1 4120 = 1 4121 = 1 4161 = 1 4163 = 1 4165 = 2 4167 = 2 4171 = 2 4173 = 1 4191 = 1 4195 = 1 4197 = 1 4199 = 1 4201 = 1 4203 = 1 4204 = 1 4209 = 1 4210 = 1 4217 = 1 4218 = 1 4222 = 2 4224 = 2 4228 = 1 4229 = 1 4232 = 1 424 = 1 4244 = 1 4245 = 1 4264 = 1 4265 = 1 4275 = 1 4279 = 1 4283 = 1 4291 = 1 4293 = 1 4295 = 1 4297 = 1 4301 = 1 4303 = 2 4304 = 1 4360 = 2 4361 = 3 4382 = 1 4384 = 1 4394 = 2 4399 = 2 4411 = 2 4414 = 1 4416 = 1 4418 = 2 4420 = 2 4421 = 1 4427 = 1 4428 = 2 4430 = 3 4431 = 3 4433 = 3 4435 = 1 4439 = 1 4440 = 1 4441 = 3 4443 = 1 4447 = 6 4448 = 7 4449 = 6 445 = 2 4450 = 6 4451 = 5 4452 = 6 4453 = 1 4454 = 1 4455 = 1 4456 = 1 4457 = 1 4458 = 1 446 = 1 4466 = 1 4477 = 2 4478 = 2 4479 = 2 448 = 2 4481 = 1 4482 = 1 4485 = 3 4486 = 2 4487 = 2 449 = 2 4496 = 1 450 = 2 4503 = 1 4504 = 1 4505 = 2 4509 = 1 451 = 3 4510 = 1 4515 = 1 452 = 2 4524 = 3 4526 = 1 4527 = 2 453 = 1 4531 = 2 4532 = 2 4533 = 2 4534 = 1 4535 = 3 4536 = 2 4539 = 1 454 = 1 4545 = 2 4547 = 1 4548 = 1 4549 = 1 455 = 1 4558 = 2 456 = 1 4565 = 1 4566 = 1 4567 = 1 4568 = 1 4569 = 1 457 = 1 4577 = 3 4578 = 1 458 = 5 4580 = 1 4589 = 1 459 = 2 4593 = 1 4595 = 3 4596 = 3 4597 = 4 460 = 5 461 = 1 4610 = 1 4611 = 1 4612 = 1 4616 = 1 4617 = 1 4618 = 1 462 = 6 4620 = 1 4624 = 3 463 = 1 4632 = 1 4636 = 1 464 = 6 4640 = 3 4641 = 1 4644 = 1 4645 = 1 465 = 1 466 = 5 4661 = 3 4662 = 3 467 = 1 468 = 1 469 = 1 471 = 1 4714 = 1 4718 = 1 4719 = 1 472 = 2 473 = 1 4733 = 1 4742 = 1 4744 = 1 475 = 1 4759 = 1 476 = 2 477 = 1 478 = 1 4787 = 1 479 = 1 4790 = 1 4793 = 1 480 = 1 481 = 2 482 = 2 4821 = 2 483 = 2 4830 = 1 484 = 1 4840 = 1 4841 = 1 4842 = 1 485 = 3 4850 = 1 4851 = 1 486 = 3 4861 = 2 4862 = 1 4863 = 1 4864 = 1 4868 = 1 487 = 2 4897 = 1 4903 = 1 4904 = 1 4905 = 1 4907 = 1 4915 = 1 4918 = 1 4928 = 1 4935 = 1 4937 = 1 4938 = 1 4939 = 1 4940 = 1 4941 = 1 4942 = 1 4958 = 2 497 = 2 4974 = 3 4975 = 3 498 = 2 499 = 1 4995 = 1 502 = 2 5020 = 3 5029 = 1 503 = 2 5030 = 1 504 = 1 5043 = 1 5044 = 1 5046 = 1 5047 = 1 505 = 2 5053 = 1 5054 = 1 5055 = 1 5056 = 1 506 = 2 5065 = 1 5071 = 1 5072 = 1 5075 = 3 5089 = 1 5102 = 1 5113 = 1 5114 = 1 5116 = 1 5133 = 1 5140 = 1 5149 = 2 5150 = 2 5151 = 1 5152 = 2 5153 = 1 5154 = 1 5174 = 3 5175 = 3 5177 = 2 5189 = 1 5242 = 1 5243 = 1 5244 = 2 5264 = 1 5268 = 2 5288 = 1 5291 = 1 5292 = 1 5293 = 1 5306 = 2 5308 = 2 5309 = 1 5310 = 3 5325 = 1 5327 = 1 5338 = 3 5358 = 1 5359 = 1 5360 = 1 5361 = 1 5365 = 1 5370 = 1 5371 = 1 5383 = 1 5385 = 1 5386 = 1 540 = 1 542 = 2 5425 = 1 5427 = 1 5428 = 1 543 = 1 5435 = 3 5438 = 1 544 = 1 5440 = 1 5441 = 1 5442 = 1 5449 = 2 545 = 2 5450 = 1 5451 = 3 5452 = 3 5454 = 1 546 = 1 547 = 1 548 = 1 5484 = 1 5485 = 1 5494 = 1 5497 = 1 5498 = 1 5499 = 1 550 = 1 5501 = 1 5502 = 1 553 = 1 5530 = 1 5541 = 1 555 = 2 5557 = 2 5558 = 1 5559 = 1 5566 = 1 5579 = 1 558 = 1 5585 = 1 5587 = 1 5593 = 1 5594 = 1 560 = 2 5600 = 1 5601 = 1 5602 = 2 561 = 1 562 = 1 5632 = 2 564 = 1 5643 = 1 5644 = 2 565 = 1 5651 = 1 5652 = 1 5655 = 1 5659 = 1 566 = 3 5660 = 3 5668 = 1 5669 = 1 5671 = 1 5674 = 2 5675 = 1 5676 = 1 5677 = 1 5683 = 2 5684 = 1 5720 = 1 5737 = 2 5747 = 1 5753 = 1 5754 = 1 5761 = 1 5762 = 1 5763 = 1 5764 = 1 5781 = 1 5782 = 2 5794 = 1 5854 = 1 5864 = 4 5865 = 2 5867 = 1 5912 = 1 5925 = 1 5926 = 1 5927 = 1 5936 = 1 5938 = 1 5948 = 1 5949 = 1 5955 = 1 5960 = 1 5965 = 1 5970 = 1 5971 = 1 5972 = 1 5994 = 1 5996 = 1 6004 = 3 6023 = 2 6025 = 1 6028 = 1 603 = 1 6033 = 1 6036 = 1 6041 = 1 6046 = 1 606 = 1 6078 = 2 6083 = 1 6099 = 1 61 = 1 6118 = 1 6119 = 1 612 = 1 6122 = 1 6124 = 2 6125 = 1 6126 = 4 613 = 1 6133 = 1 6138 = 1 614 = 1 6140 = 1 6141 = 3 615 = 1 6153 = 1 616 = 1 6160 = 2 6161 = 1 6169 = 1 617 = 1 6170 = 1 6178 = 1 618 = 1 619 = 1 6190 = 1 620 = 1 621 = 1 622 = 1 623 = 1 6230 = 1 6231 = 2 6232 = 1 6233 = 1 6235 = 1 6236 = 2 6237 = 3 624 = 1 625 = 1 626 = 1 6260 = 1 6263 = 2 627 = 1 6273 = 1 6274 = 1 628 = 1 6286 = 1 6287 = 1 6289 = 1 629 = 1 6290 = 1 6292 = 1 6293 = 1 6296 = 1 6297 = 1 630 = 1 6300 = 1 631 = 1 632 = 1 6322 = 1 6323 = 1 6325 = 1 6326 = 1 6327 = 1 6328 = 1 6329 = 1 633 = 1 6330 = 1 634 = 1 6340 = 1 6345 = 2 6347 = 1 6348 = 1 6351 = 1 6354 = 2 6357 = 4 6373 = 2 6382 = 2 6396 = 1 6397 = 1 6398 = 1 6399 = 1 6408 = 1 6414 = 2 6415 = 1 642 = 2 6426 = 2 643 = 1 6441 = 1 6461 = 1 6462 = 1 6467 = 1 6468 = 1 6469 = 1 6473 = 1 6474 = 1 6481 = 1 6482 = 1 6483 = 1 6487 = 1 6491 = 2 6494 = 1 6495 = 1 651 = 2 6512 = 1 652 = 1 6521 = 1 6522 = 1 6528 = 2 6529 = 2 653 = 1 6530 = 2 6532 = 1 6533 = 2 6534 = 4 6545 = 1 6568 = 1 6573 = 2 6584 = 1 6588 = 1 6589 = 1 6602 = 4 6603 = 4 6604 = 4 6605 = 4 6606 = 5 6607 = 5 6608 = 4 6610 = 1 6621 = 1 6622 = 2 6640 = 2 6641 = 1 6642 = 1 6648 = 1 6649 = 1 6669 = 2 667 = 1 6689 = 1 669 = 2 6699 = 4 67 = 1 6702 = 1 6704 = 1 6705 = 1 6709 = 3 6710 = 2 6716 = 1 6717 = 1 6718 = 1 6719 = 1 6720 = 1 6721 = 1 6722 = 1 6723 = 2 6724 = 3 6725 = 1 6726 = 1 6727 = 1 6728 = 1 6729 = 1 6730 = 1 6731 = 1 6732 = 1 6733 = 1 6734 = 1 6735 = 1 6736 = 1 6737 = 1 6738 = 1 674 = 1 6753 = 2 6754 = 1 6755 = 1 6758 = 1 6759 = 1 6779 = 1 679 = 1 6796 = 2 680 = 1 6800 = 1 6801 = 1 6817 = 1 6826 = 1 6836 = 1 6837 = 2 6840 = 1 6850 = 1 6851 = 1 6854 = 1 688 = 1 6883 = 1 6884 = 2 6885 = 1 6893 = 1 6894 = 1 6897 = 1 6898 = 1 6903 = 1 6905 = 1 6908 = 1 6910 = 1 6913 = 1 6926 = 1 6928 = 1 6939 = 1 6955 = 1 6970 = 1 6986 = 3 699 = 1 6993 = 1 6995 = 1 700 = 2 7038 = 2 7039 = 2 7040 = 1 7041 = 1 7042 = 1 7043 = 2 7044 = 2 7045 = 1 7046 = 1 7047 = 1 705 = 1 7050 = 1 7051 = 1 7060 = 1 7062 = 1 7071 = 1 7084 = 1 7086 = 1 7087 = 1 709 = 1 7093 = 1 7096 = 1 7110 = 1 7112 = 1 7116 = 1 7117 = 1 712 = 2 7124 = 2 7126 = 2 713 = 2 7136 = 2 7137 = 2 7138 = 1 714 = 2 7140 = 1 7154 = 1 716 = 1 7173 = 2 7179 = 2 7181 = 2 7194 = 1 7196 = 2 7211 = 2 7219 = 4 7220 = 3 7224 = 1 7227 = 1 7236 = 1 7246 = 3 7247 = 1 7248 = 1 7255 = 1 7262 = 1 7277 = 1 728 = 1 7285 = 1 7286 = 1 729 = 1 7294 = 1 7295 = 1 7298 = 1 7299 = 1 7300 = 1 7307 = 1 7318 = 1 732 = 1 7323 = 1 7324 = 1 733 = 2 734 = 2 7340 = 1 7346 = 1 7348 = 1 735 = 3 7350 = 1 7351 = 1 736 = 3 7364 = 1 7365 = 1 737 = 1 7371 = 1 7374 = 1 7375 = 1 738 = 1 7381 = 1 7382 = 1 7383 = 1 739 = 1 740 = 1 7402 = 1 7403 = 1 7404 = 1 7405 = 1 7407 = 1 7409 = 1 741 = 1 7411 = 1 7412 = 1 7413 = 2 7414 = 1 7429 = 1 7442 = 1 746 = 1 747 = 1 748 = 1 749 = 1 7494 = 1 75 = 1 750 = 1 7504 = 1 751 = 1 7511 = 1 7512 = 1 7513 = 1 7514 = 1 752 = 1 7520 = 1 7521 = 1 7522 = 1 7523 = 1 7524 = 1 7525 = 1 753 = 1 7537 = 1 7538 = 1 754 = 1 7540 = 1 7541 = 1 7542 = 1 755 = 1 7550 = 1 7551 = 1 7559 = 1 756 = 1 7560 = 1 7561 = 1 757 = 1 758 = 1 759 = 1 7590 = 1 7592 = 1 7599 = 1 760 = 1 7601 = 1 7602 = 1 7603 = 1 7604 = 1 7605 = 1 7606 = 1 7607 = 1 761 = 1 7614 = 1 7616 = 1 762 = 1 763 = 1 7630 = 1 764 = 1 7641 = 1 765 = 1 766 = 1 7665 = 1 7667 = 2 7669 = 1 7708 = 1 771 = 2 7713 = 1 7714 = 1 7718 = 1 7723 = 2 7728 = 1 7734 = 1 774 = 2 775 = 2 777 = 2 778 = 1 779 = 1 780 = 1 781 = 1 782 = 1 783 = 1 784 = 2 785 = 1 804 = 2 818 = 1 819 = 1 82 = 2 820 = 1 841 = 1 848 = 1 856 = 1 858 = 3 859 = 1 86 = 1 860 = 1 861 = 4 878 = 1 879 = 1 88 = 1 880 = 1 881 = 1 882 = 1 883 = 1 884 = 1 885 = 1 886 = 1 887 = 1 888 = 1 889 = 1 890 = 1 891 = 1 892 = 1 893 = 1 894 = 1 895 = 1 896 = 1 897 = 1 898 = 1 899 = 1 900 = 1 901 = 1 902 = 1 903 = 1 904 = 1 905 = 1 906 = 1 907 = 1 908 = 1 909 = 1 91 = 1 910 = 1 911 = 1 912 = 1 913 = 1 914 = 1 915 = 1 916 = 1 917 = 1 918 = 1 919 = 1 920 = 1 921 = 1 922 = 1 924 = 1 925 = 1 926 = 1 927 = 1 931 = 1 948 = 1 949 = 1 960 = 1 966 = 1 98 = 1 981 = 1 983 = 1 984 = 1 986 = 1 987 = 1 996 = 1 997 = 1 998 = 1 999 = 1 EsoStrings = table:0000012A77DEBFD0 firstTable 1 = 10 = Low 100 = Graphics 1000 = Battlegrounds 1001 = Music 1002 = Ambient Audio 1003 = Sound Effects 1004 = Voiceover 1005 = Alchemy 1006 = Dyes 1007 = Enchanting 1008 = Equipment Crafting 1009 = Furnishing Crafting 101 = Controls the quality of rendering. 1010 = Harvesting. 1011 = Outfit System 1012 = Provisioning 1013 = Refining / Deconstruction 1014 = Research 1015 = Transmutation 1016 = Writs 1017 = Active or Passive Abilities 1018 = Animation / Visual Effects 1019 = Buffs / Debuffs 102 = Maximum Particle Systems 1020 = Equipment (Armor, Jewelry, & Weapons) 1021 = Potions & Poisons 1022 = Food & Drinks 1023 = Art & Visuals 1024 = Item Sets 1025 = Containers 1026 = Bossses 1027 = Dungeon-Related Combat 1028 = Loot 1029 = Art / Worldbuilding 103 = Determines the total number of particle systems that are shown in the world at any given time. Decreasing this setting will reduce the number of particle systems shown, but may improve performance. 1030 = Animations 1031 = Environment / Terrain 1032 = Lighting 1033 = Fixtures 1034 = Visual Effects 1035 = Weather 1036 = Dialog / Voiceover 1037 = Quest-Related Gameplay 1038 = Grammar / Spelling 1039 = NPCs or Monsters 104 = This setting will only be applied after you logout or change locations. 1040 = Rewards 1041 = Dialog / Voiceover 1042 = Localization 1043 = Books 1044 = Art / Visuals 1045 = Crown Crates 1046 = Houses 1047 = Furnishings 1048 = Housing Editor 1049 = Guards / Bounty 105 = Particle Suppression Distance 1050 = Outlaw Refuges 1051 = Stealing 1052 = Crash 1053 = Framerate 1054 = Latency / Lag 1055 = Chat Box 1056 = Ability Bar / Keybinds 1057 = Inventory 1058 = Maps / Compass 1059 = Settings 106 = Adjusts the distance at which non critical particles are no longer visible. Increasing this will show more of these types of particles, further out in the world at the expense of performance. 1060 = Tooltips 1061 = Other 1062 = Select Category 1063 = Character Issue 1064 = Report Player 1065 = Select Category 1066 = NPC/mobs 1067 = Item missing 1068 = Select Category 1069 = I am missing Crowns 107 = HDR Brightness 1070 = I have a problem with a Crown Store item 1071 = I lost my item 1072 = I can't get the item I need/want 1073 = Select Subcategory 1074 = Inappropriate Name 1075 = Harassment 1076 = Cheating 1077 = Other 1078 = Champion Point bonuses are disabled in this Alliance War campaign. 1079 = Champion Point bonuses are disabled in this Battleground. 108 = Sets the HDR brightness. 1080 = Normal 1081 = Silver 1082 = Gold 1083 = Sony Entertainment Network 1084 = Xbox Live 1085 = DMM 1086 = Steam 1087 = 1088 = The Elder Scrolls Online PC/MAC Store 1089 = PlayStation®Store 109 = Show Additional Ally Effects 1090 = Xbox Store 1091 = DMM Store 1092 = Steam® store 1093 = 1094 = None 1095 = Fire Drakes 1096 = Pit Daemons 1097 = Storm Lords 1098 = <> finished off <<2>> 1099 = <> helped kill <<2>> 11 = High 110 = Displays all persistent ally offensive abilities when in dungeon and overland zones. Disabling this may increase performance. 1100 = <> killed <<2>> 1101 = <> stole the kill on <<2>> 1102 = <> killed <<2>> 1103 = Requires |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r. 1104 = You do not have permission to use this. 1105 = Cannot play emote at this time. 1106 = This emote is locked. 1107 = Explicit Standard Loc 1108 = Implicit Standard Loc 1109 = Explicit Multi Loc 111 = Show Title 1110 = Explicit Multi Loc Descriptor One 1111 = Explicit Multi Loc Descriptor Two 1112 = Implicit Standard Loc (w/ Multi) 1113 = Implicit Multi Loc No Primary Descriptor One 1114 = Implicit Multi Loc No Primary Descriptor Two 1115 = Implicit Multi Loc No Primary Descriptor One 1116 = Implicit Multi Loc No Primary Descriptor Two 1117 = You do not have enough space in your inventory to pickpocket. 1118 = You are in combat. 1119 = <<1>> is locked and it is too difficult to pick. 112 = Controls if a player's title is shown as part of their name. 1120 = <<1>> is locked, but you don't have the key or any lockpicks. 1121 = You don't have any bait. 1122 = You cannot fish while swimming. 1123 = You are too far away to pickpocket. 1124 = You are not in position to pickpocket. 1125 = You cannot pickpocket. The mark has nothing of value. 1126 = The mark is suspicious of you. 1127 = They want nothing to do with you. 1128 = You can't do that while in werewolf form. 1129 = You cannot open home storage that you don't own. 113 = Show Guild (Equipped Tabard) 1130 = 1131 = 1132 = You can't use this collectible in this zone. 1133 = You can't use this collectible while swimming. 1134 = You can't use collectibles while dead. 1135 = You can't use this collectible. 1136 = You are the wrong gender to use this collectible. 1137 = You are the wrong race to use this collectible. 1138 = You are the wrong alliance to use this collectible. 1139 = Your collectible cannot be used while placed in your house. 114 = Controls if the guild matching a player's tabard is shown under their name. 1140 = This collectible is not ready yet. 1141 = You're the wrong class to use this collectible. 1142 = You need a target to use this collectible. 1143 = You can't use this collectible while mounted. 1144 = Gender 1145 = Race 1146 = Alliance 1147 = Class 1148 = Invalid 1149 = DLC 115 = Friendly NPCs (Show) 1150 = Mount 1151 = Non-Combat Pet 1152 = Costume 1153 = Memento 1154 = Upgrade 1155 = Service 1156 = Assistant 1157 = Personality 1158 = Hat 1159 = Skin 116 = Displays the name of friendly creatures and non player characters as overhead text. 1160 = Polymorph 1161 = Hair 1162 = Facial Hair / Horns 1163 = Major Adornment 1164 = Minor Adornment 1165 = Head Marking 1166 = Body Marking 1167 = House 1168 = Furniture 1169 = Emote 117 = Friendly Players (Show) 1170 = Chapter 1171 = Ability Skin 1172 = Outfit Style 1173 = Home Storage 1174 = Bust 1175 = Not Collected 1176 = ESO Plus Unlocked 1177 = Collected 1178 = Trial Unlocked 1179 = Pre-Purchase Available 118 = Displays the name of friendly players as overhead text. 1180 = Upgrade Available 1181 = Purchased 1182 = 1183 = 1184 = Common 1185 = Uncommon 1186 = Rare 1187 = Material 1188 = Red 1189 = Yellow 119 = Enemy NPCs (Show) 1190 = Green 1191 = Blue 1192 = Purple 1193 = Brown 1194 = Gray 1195 = Mixed 1196 = This Dye Stamp has the same dyes as your current equipment. 1197 = This Dye Stamp has no equipment it can affect. 1198 = This Dye Stamp has the same dyes as your current costume and hat. 1199 = This Dye Stamp has no costume or hat to affect. 12 = Adjust Brightness 120 = Displays the name of enemy creatures and non player characters as overhead text. 1200 = This Dye Stamp does not exist. 1201 = This Dye Stamp cannot be used on a hidden costume or hat. 1202 = 1203 = 1204 = 1205 = 1206 = None 1207 = Staple 1208 = Classic 1209 = Notable 121 = Neutral NPCs (Show) 1210 = Custom 1211 = Decorator 1212 = Visitor 1213 = Limited Visitor 1214 = No Access 1215 = Other players cannot visit this house unless added to the visitor or guild visitor list. 1216 = Limited Visitor 1217 = Other players can visit this house, but cannot adjust your lights or other adjustable furnishings. 1218 = Visitor 1219 = Other players can visit this house and interact with everything. 122 = Displays the name of neutral non-player characters as overhead text. 1220 = Decorator 1221 = Other players can visit this house and move your furniture around. 1222 = Use Objects 1223 = Use Assistants 1224 = Use Interactable Furniture 1225 = Move Furniture 1226 = Place Temporary Items 1227 = Link Furniture 1228 = Social Options 1229 = General 123 = Enemy Players (Show) 1230 = Visitors 1231 = Banlist 1232 = Guild Visitors 1233 = Guild Banlist 1234 = Templates 1235 = Traditional Furnishings 1236 = Special Furnishings 1237 = Collectible Furnishings 1238 = Special Collectibles 1239 = This house already has these permissions. 124 = Displays the name of enemy players as overhead text. 1240 = Permissions loaded successfully. 1241 = All Themes 1242 = Other 1243 = Breton 1244 = High Elf 1245 = Argonian 1246 = Wood Elf 1247 = Dark Elf 1248 = Khajiit 1249 = Nord 125 = Self (Show) 1250 = Orc 1251 = Redguard 1252 = Imperial 1253 = Dwarven 1254 = Daedric 1255 = Ayleid 1256 = Primal 1257 = Clockwork 1258 = Unused 6 1259 = Unused 7 126 = Displays the name of your character as overhead text. 1260 = Unused 8 1261 = Unused 9 1262 = Unused 10 1263 = Unused 11 1264 = Unused 12 1265 = Unused 13 1266 = Unused 14 1267 = Unused 15 1268 = Unused 16 1269 = Unused 17 127 = Nameplates 1270 = Unused 18 1271 = Unused 19 1272 = Unused 20 1273 = The furnishing failed to be placed. 1274 = The furnishing could not be removed from your inventory. 1275 = The furnishing could not be put back in your bag. 1276 = The furnishing could not be moved. 1277 = The furnishing could not be removed. 1278 = You do not have permission to do that in this house. 1279 = You do not have room for any more Traditional Furnishings in this house. 128 = Enables the overhead name system that appears above creatures, non player characters and players. 1280 = This home is listed in the Home Show. 1281 = You are not currently touring in the Home Show. 1282 = That furnishing is currently being moved by another player. 1283 = You do not have room for any more Collectible Furnishings in this house. 1284 = You do not have room for any more Special Collectibles in this house. 1285 = You do not have enough furnishings in your home to list in the Home Show. 1286 = You cannot place furnishing by the entrance. 1287 = A furnishing is already being placed. 1288 = You cannot have more than one of this furnishing in your house. 1289 = You already have a furnishing selected. 129 = Group Members (Show) 1290 = The furnishing could not be put back in your bag because it is full. 1291 = You cannot edit a house while in combat. 1292 = You are not in a house. 1293 = You cannot edit a house while dead. 1294 = You must launder that item before placing. 1295 = You do not have room for any more Special Furnishings in this house. 1296 = Metrics limit hit. 1297 = You can only have one copy of that item in your inventory. 1298 = You cannot parent these furnishings together. 1299 = You cannot parent a furnishing to itself. 13 = The middle logo above should be barely visible. 130 = Displays the names of your group members as overhead text. 1300 = This furnishing linkage would cause an infinite loop. 1301 = This furnishing is already the child of this furniture. 1302 = This furnishing already has a parent. 1303 = This furnishing does not have a parent. 1304 = This furnishing does not have any children. 1305 = This furnishing cannot have any more children. 1306 = There is nothing wrong with this link. 1307 = Metrics are within safe limits 1308 = Metrics are becoming close to the limits 1309 = Metrics are at the limits 131 = Self (Highlight) 1310 = Move 1311 = Place 1312 = Remove 1313 = Link 1314 = Unlink 1315 = Unlink All 1316 = The last command failed. 1317 = The furnishing is currently being moved by another player. 1318 = The furniture item no longer exists. 1319 = Inventory is full. 132 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above yourself. 1320 = You can only have one copy of that item in your inventory. 1321 = Metrics are in CRITICAL state. 1322 = Furniture link is no longer valid. 1323 = 1324 = 1325 = None 1326 = Light 1327 = Medium 1328 = Heavy 1329 = Light 133 = Friendly NPCs (Highlight) 1330 = Medium 1331 = Heavy 1332 = Undaunted 1333 = Clothing 1334 = Signature 1335 = Head 1336 = Neck 1337 = Chest 1338 = Shoulders 1339 = One-Handed 134 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above friendly non-player characters. 1340 = Two-Handed 1341 = Off Hand 1342 = Waist 1343 = Legs 1344 = Feet 1345 = Appearance 1346 = Ring 1347 = Hands 1348 = Main Hand 1349 = Poison 135 = Friendly Players (Highlight) 1350 = Head 1351 = Neck 1352 = Chest 1353 = Shoulders 1354 = Main Hand 1355 = Off Hand 1356 = Waist 1357 = Wrist 1358 = Legs 1359 = Feet 136 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above friendly players. 1360 = Appearance 1361 = Ring 1 1362 = Ring 2 1363 = Poison 1364 = Poison Back-Up 1365 = Ranged 1366 = Hands 1367 = Class 1 1368 = Class 2 1369 = Class 3 137 = Neutral NPCs (Highlight) 1370 = Main Hand Backup 1371 = Off-Hand Backup 1372 = Weapons 1373 = Apparel 1374 = Accessories 1375 = Low 1376 = Average 1377 = Fair 1378 = High 1379 = Superior 138 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above neutral non-player characters. 1380 = Extraordinary 1381 = None 1382 = Weapon 1383 = Apparel 1384 = Enchantment 1385 = Food 1386 = Trophy 1387 = Siege 1388 = Potion 1389 = Motif 139 = Enemy NPCs (Highlight) 1390 = Tool 1391 = Ingredient 1392 = Additive 1393 = Drink 1394 = Costume 1395 = Disguise 1396 = Tabard 1397 = Lure 1398 = Raw Material 1399 = Container 14 = Reset Keyboard Bindings to Defaults 140 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above enemy non-player characters. 1400 = Soul Gem 1401 = Weapon Glyph 1402 = Armor Glyph 1403 = Lockpick 1404 = Weapon Booster 1405 = Armor Booster 1406 = Enchantment Booster 1407 = Jewelry Glyph 1408 = Spice 1409 = Flavoring 141 = Enemy Players (Highlight) 1410 = Recipe 1411 = Poison 1412 = Reagent 1413 = Deprecated 1414 = Potion Solvent 1415 = Collectible 1416 = Raw Material 1417 = Material 1418 = Raw Material 1419 = Material 142 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above enemy players. 1420 = Raw Material 1421 = Material 1422 = Temper 1423 = Resin 1424 = Tannin 1425 = Style Material 1426 = Armor Trait 1427 = Weapon Trait 1428 = Alliance War Repair 1429 = Trash 143 = Group Members (Highlight) 1430 = Tablet 1431 = Mount 1432 = Potency Runestone 1433 = Aspect Runestone 1434 = Essence Runestone 1435 = Fish 1436 = Crown Repair 1437 = Treasure 1438 = Crown Item 1439 = Poison Solvent 144 = Controls the transparency of the overhead text above group members. 1440 = Dye Stamp 1441 = Master Writ 1442 = Furnishing 1443 = Furnishing Material 1444 = Raw Material 1445 = Material 1446 = Plating 1447 = Jewelry Trait 1448 = Raw Plating 1449 = Raw Trait 145 = This setting will not take effect until the game is restarted. 1450 = Recall Stone 1451 = Weapon 1452 = Armor 1453 = Augment 1454 = Meat Dish 1455 = Fruit Dish 1456 = Vegetable Dish 1457 = Savoury Dish 1458 = Ragout Dish 1459 = Entremet Dish 146 = This setting must be applied and may result in a load screen. 1460 = Gourmet Dish 1461 = Unique Dish 1462 = Treasure Map 1463 = Survey Report 1464 = Key Fragment 1465 = Museum Piece 1466 = Recipe Fragment 1467 = Scroll 1468 = Material Upgrader 1469 = Key 147 = Settings 1470 = Runebox Fragment 1471 = Collectible Fragment 1472 = Upgrade Fragment 1473 = Trebuchet 1474 = Ballista 1475 = Ram 1476 = Universal Siege 1477 = Catapult 1478 = Forward Camp 1479 = Monster 148 = Controls 1480 = Oil 1481 = Battle Standard 1482 = Potion 1483 = Motif Book 1484 = Motif Chapter 1485 = Tool 1486 = Meat Ingredient 1487 = Vegetable Ingredient 1488 = Fruit Ingredient 1489 = Food Additive 149 = Add-Ons 1490 = Alcohol Ingredient 1491 = Tea Ingredient 1492 = Tonic Ingredient 1493 = Drink Additive 1494 = Rare Ingredient 1495 = Additive 1496 = Alcoholic Beverage 1497 = Tea Beverage 1498 = Tonic Beverage 1499 = Liqueur Beverage 15 = Are you sure you want to reset your keyboard keybinds to default settings? 150 = Quit 1500 = Tincture Beverage 1501 = Cordial Tea Beverage 1502 = Distillate Beverage 1503 = Drink 1504 = Costume 1505 = Disguise 1506 = Tabard 1507 = Lure 1508 = Raw Material 1509 = Container 151 = Add-Ons 1510 = Event Container 1511 = Style Page Container 1512 = Soul Gem 1513 = Weapon Glyph 1514 = Armor Glyph 1515 = Lockpick 1516 = Weapon Booster 1517 = Armor Booster 1518 = Enchantment Booster 1519 = Jewelry Glyph 152 = Name 1520 = Spice 1521 = Flavoring 1522 = Food Recipe 1523 = Drink Recipe 1524 = Furnishing Diagram 1525 = Furnishing Pattern 1526 = Furnishing Schematic 1527 = Furnishing Formula 1528 = Furnishing Design 1529 = Furnishing Blueprint 153 = Enabled 1530 = Furnishing Sketch 1531 = Poison 1532 = Herb 1533 = Fungus 1534 = Animal Parts 1535 = Potion Solvent 1536 = Furnishing Material 1537 = Furnishing Material 1538 = Furnishing Material 1539 = Furnishing Material 154 = Notes 1540 = Furnishing Material 1541 = Furnishing Material 1542 = Furnishing Material 1543 = Rare Fish 1544 = Monster Trophy 1545 = Raw Material 1546 = Material 1547 = Raw Material 1548 = Material 1549 = Raw Material 155 = Author 1550 = Material 1551 = Temper 1552 = Resin 1553 = Tannin 1554 = Style Material 1555 = Armor Trait 1556 = Weapon Trait 1557 = AvA Repair 1558 = Trash 1559 = Tablet 156 = Configure for: 1560 = Mount 1561 = Potency Runestone 1562 = Aspect Runestone 1563 = Essence Runestone 1564 = Fish 1565 = Crown Repair 1566 = Treasure 1567 = Crown Item 1568 = Poison Solvent 1569 = Dye Stamp 157 = All Characters 1570 = Master Writ 1571 = Holiday Writ 1572 = Furnishing 1573 = Light 1574 = Seating 1575 = Crafting Station 1576 = Target Dummy 1577 = Attunable Station 1578 = Raw Material 1579 = Material 158 = Allow out of date add-ons 1580 = Plating 1581 = Jewelry Trait 1582 = Raw Plating 1583 = Raw Trait 1584 = Keep Recall Stone 1585 = All 1586 = Weapon 1587 = Apparel 1588 = Consumable 1589 = Materials 159 = Required Add-Ons: <<1>> 1590 = Miscellaneous 1591 = Slottable Items 1592 = Quest 1593 = Buyback 1594 = Junk 1595 = Damaged Equipment 1596 = Collectible 1597 = Blacksmithing 1598 = Clothing 1599 = Woodworking 16 = Reset Gamepad Bindings to Defaults 160 = Dependency 1600 = Alchemy 1601 = Enchanting 1602 = Provisioning 1603 = Style Materials 1604 = Trait Items 1605 = Furnishings 1606 = House with Template 1607 = Sellable On Trading House 1608 = Jewelry Crafting 1609 = Jewelry 161 = <<1>>, <<2>> 1610 = Slottable Quest Items 1611 = Raw Materials 1612 = Refine Material 1613 = No Materials to refine. 1614 = Weapons 1615 = No Weapon Types Found 1616 = Deconstruct Weapons 1617 = No Weapons to deconstruct. 1618 = Awaiting Weapons 1619 = No Weapons to improve. 162 = This add-on is enabled for all your characters. 1620 = Set Weapons 1621 = No Set Weapon Types Found 1622 = Apparel 1623 = No Apparel Types Found 1624 = Deconstruct Apparel 1625 = No Apparel to deconstruct. 1626 = Awaiting Apparel 1627 = No Apparel to improve. 1628 = Set Apparel 1629 = No Set Apparel Types Found 163 = This add-on is not enabled for any of your characters. 1630 = Jewelry 1631 = No Jewelry Types Found 1632 = Deconstruct Jewelry 1633 = No Jewelry to deconstruct. 1634 = Awaiting Jewelry 1635 = No Jewelry to improve. 1636 = Set Jewelry 1637 = No Set Jewelry Types Found 1638 = No trait 1639 = Powered 164 = This add-on is enabled for some of your characters. 1640 = Charged 1641 = Precise 1642 = Infused 1643 = Defending 1644 = Training 1645 = Sharpened 1646 = Decisive 1647 = Intricate 1648 = Ornate 1649 = Sturdy 165 = Reload UI 1650 = Impenetrable 1651 = Reinforced 1652 = Well-fitted 1653 = Training 1654 = Infused 1655 = Invigorating 1656 = Divines 1657 = Ornate 1658 = Intricate 1659 = Healthy 166 = View EULA 1660 = Arcane 1661 = Robust 1662 = Ornate 1663 = Nirnhoned 1664 = Nirnhoned 1665 = Intricate 1666 = Swift 1667 = Harmony 1668 = Triune 1669 = Bloodthirsty 167 = AddOn End User License Agreement 1670 = Protective 1671 = Infused 1672 = Aspect 1673 = Essence 1674 = Potency 1675 = Bind On Pickup 1676 = Bind On Equip 1677 = Character Bind On Pickup 1678 = Worn 1679 = Normal 168 = <<1>> 1680 = Fine 1681 = Superior 1682 = Epic 1683 = Legendary 1684 = None 1685 = Befouled Weapon 1686 = Berserker 1687 = Charged Weapon 1688 = Reduce Armor 1689 = Disease Resistant 169 = UserID: 1690 = Flame Weapon 1691 = Fire Resistant 1692 = Frost Resistant 1693 = Frost Weapon 1694 = Damage Shield 1695 = Health 1696 = Health Regen 1697 = Magicka 1698 = Magicka Recovery 1699 = Poison Resistant 17 = Are you sure you want to reset your gamepad keybinds to default settings? 170 = ex. Queen Ayrenn or @Ayren1234 1700 = Poisoned Weapon 1701 = Stamina 1702 = Stamina Regen 1703 = Reduce Power 1704 = Absorb Health 1705 = Shock Resistant 1706 = Absorb Stamina 1707 = Absorb Magicka 1708 = Damage Health 1709 = Reduce Spell Cost 171 = ex. @Ayrenn1234 1710 = Reduce Feat Cost 1711 = Increase Bash Damage 1712 = Reduce Block And Bash 1713 = Increase Potion Effectiveness 1714 = Reduce Potion Cooldown 1715 = Increase Physical Damage 1716 = Increase Spell Damage 1717 = Decrease Physical Damage 1718 = Decrease Spell Damage 1719 = Other 172 = UI Error 1720 = do not translate 1721 = Axe 1722 = Mace 1723 = Sword 1724 = Sword 1725 = Axe 1726 = Mace 1727 = do not translate 1728 = Bow 1729 = Healing Staff 173 = Dismiss Error 1730 = Rune 1731 = Dagger 1732 = Flame Staff 1733 = Frost Staff 1734 = Shield 1735 = Lightning Staff 1736 = Axe 1737 = Hammer 1738 = Sword 1739 = Dagger 174 = More Info 1740 = Bow 1741 = Staff 1742 = Shield 1743 = Rune 1744 = do not translate 1745 = One-Handed Melee 1746 = Two-Handed Melee 1747 = Bow 1748 = Destruction Staff 1749 = Restoration Staff 175 = <<1>> 1750 = Not Slottable 1751 = Slottable 1752 = Alchemy 1753 = Amulet 1754 = Axe 1755 = Bait 1756 = Blacksmith 1757 = Bow 1758 = Chest 1759 = Clothier 176 = <<1>> 1760 = Consumable 1761 = Costume 1762 = Dagger 1763 = Enchanting 1764 = Feet 1765 = Glyphs 1766 = Hammer 1767 = Hands 1768 = Head 1769 = Legs 177 = <<1>> 1770 = Potion 1771 = Provisioning 1772 = Ring 1773 = Shield 1774 = Shoulders 1775 = Siege 1776 = Spellcrafting 1777 = Staff 1778 = Material 1779 = Soul Gem 178 = <<1>> 1780 = Sword 1781 = Tool 1782 = Trait Item 1783 = Trophy 1784 = Waist 1785 = Woodworking 1786 = Weapons 1787 = Heavy Armor 1788 = Medium Armor 1789 = Light Armor 179 = Error 1790 = Jewelry 1791 = Jewelry Crafting 1792 = 1793 = Helmet 1794 = Glove 1795 = Boot 1796 = Legs 1797 = Chest 1798 = Belt 1799 = Shoulder 18 = Interface 180 = • <<1>> 1800 = Sword 1801 = Mace 1802 = Axe 1803 = Dagger 1804 = Staff 1805 = Shield 1806 = Bow 1807 = One Hand and Shield 1808 = Dual Wield 1809 = Two-Handed 181 = • 1810 = Bow 1811 = Destruction Staff 1812 = Restoration Staff 1813 = Fire Staff 1814 = Frost Staff 1815 = Lightning Staff 1816 = One Handed 1817 = Unarmed 1818 = Treasure Type 1819 = Furnishing Behavior 182 = • 1820 = Sources 1821 = Increased Inspiration 1822 = Increased Sell Value 1823 = Can Research 1824 = Transmuted 1825 = Sell to a Merchant 1826 = Increased Inspiration 1827 = Can Research 1828 = Cannot Sell 1829 = Invalid Item. 183 = web browser 1830 = Your inventory is full. 1831 = Already have unique item. 1832 = 1833 = 1834 = 1835 = 1836 = 1837 = 1838 = 1839 = 184 = email client 1840 = 1841 = 1842 = 1843 = 1844 = 1845 = 1846 = 1847 = Combination failed. 1848 = You already have this collectible. 1849 = You do not have every item needed to complete this combination. 185 = Open URL 1850 = You cannot use this in combat. 1851 = You cannot use this in a PvP area. 1852 = You cannot use this while mounted. 1853 = You cannot use this while moving. 1854 = 1855 = 1856 = January 1857 = Morning Star 1858 = February 1859 = Sun's Dawn 186 = This will open |c76BCC3<>|r in your default <<2>> outside of the game. Are you sure you want to continue? 1860 = March 1861 = First Seed 1862 = April 1863 = Rain's Hand 1864 = May 1865 = Second Seed 1866 = June 1867 = Mid Year 1868 = July 1869 = Sun's Height 187 = Open 1870 = August 1871 = Last Seed 1872 = September 1873 = Hearthfire 1874 = October 1875 = Frost Fall 1876 = November 1877 = Sun's Dusk 1878 = December 1879 = Evening Star 188 = This will open the Steam® store in the Steam® overlay. Are you sure you want to continue? 1880 = 1881 = 1882 = 1883 = 1884 = Alliance War 1885 = Normal 1886 = Veteran 1887 = Trial 1888 = |t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t Champion 1889 = Home Show 189 = This will open |c76BCC3<<1>>|r in your default web browser outside of the game.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r 1890 = Non-Champion 1891 = Below Level 50 1892 = Damage 1893 = Tank 1894 = Healer 1895 = Undaunted Exploration Supplies 1896 = Premium Undaunted Exploration Supplies 1897 = You are not the group leader. 1898 = Your group is too large. 1899 = You or members of your group are not within the correct level range. 19 = Custom Scale 190 = This will open |c76BCC3<<1>>|r in your default web browser outside of the game. Are you sure you want to continue? 1900 = You or members of your group are not in the correct location to queue for that activity. 1901 = You or members of your group do not have the DLC unlocked for that activity. 1902 = That option is not yet supported. 1903 = You must select at least one activity to queue for. 1904 = The members of this group are role incompatible. 1905 = Cannot determine compatible region 1906 = You cannot LFM solo. 1907 = You or a member of your group queued too recently. 1908 = Unable to queue at this time. 1909 = One or more members are offline. 191 = This will open the Steam® store in the Steam® overlay.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r 1910 = Your place in the LFG queue has expired. 1911 = Your desired LFG location is no longer valid. 1912 = The locations of one or more members are no longer LFG compatible. 1913 = Current campaign and active campaign don't match. 1914 = One or more members cancelled Ready Check. 1915 = The structure of the group changed. 1916 = A different LFG search was initiated. 1917 = Cannot queue for LFG while inside battleground. 1918 = Not Queued 1919 = Queued 192 = This will open |c76BCC3<<1>>|r in your default web browser outside of the game. Are you sure you want to continue?\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r 1920 = In Progress 1921 = Activity Complete 1922 = Ready Check 1923 = Forming Group 1924 = Someone declined the invite. You were placed at the front of the queue. 1925 = Ready check canceled, group was not viable. 1926 = You or someone in your group declined the invite. You have exited the queue. 1927 = Ready check succeeded, group formed! 1928 = Activity no longer valid. 1929 = 193 = Dialogs 1930 = 1931 = 1932 = 1933 = Talk in Guild Chat 1934 = Invite Members 1935 = Remove Members 1936 = Promote Members 1937 = Demote Members 1938 = Edit Message of the Day 1939 = Read Member Notes 194 = Exit 1940 = Edit Member Notes 1941 = Claim Alliance Resources 1942 = Release Alliance Resources 1943 = Read Officer Chat 1944 = Talk in Officer Chat 1945 = Edit About Us 1946 = Edit Recruitment 1947 = Deposit in Guild Bank 1948 = Withdraw from Guild Bank 1949 = Buy from Guild Store 195 = Character logout in <<1>> seconds. 1950 = Sell in Guild Store 1951 = Edit Guild Permissions 1952 = Use Battle Standards 1953 = Hire Guild Traders 1954 = Edit Guild Heraldry 1955 = Withdraw Guild Bank Gold 1956 = View Guild Bank Gold 1957 = View Withdraw History of Guild Bank 1958 = View Deposit History of Guild Bank 1959 = Guild 196 = You cannot logout while in combat. 1960 = Bank 1961 = Sales 1962 = Campaign 1963 = Alliance War 1964 = Roster 1965 = Customization 1966 = Unlocks 1967 = Deposits 1968 = Withdrawals 1969 = Purchases 197 = You can't access this right now. 1970 = Hired Trader 1971 = Ownership 1972 = <<1>> invited <<2>> to the guild. 1973 = <<1>> promoted <<2>> to <<3>>. 1974 = <<1>> demoted <<2>> to <<3>>. 1975 = <<1>> created the guild. 1976 = <<1>> joined the guild (invited by <<2>>). 1977 = <<1>> left the guild. 1978 = <<1>> kicked <<2>> from the guild. 1979 = <<1>> deposited <<2>> <>. 198 = <> 1980 = <<1>> withdrew <<2>> <>. 1981 = <<1>> sold <<3>> <> to <<2>> for <<5>>. <<6>> in taxes collected. 1982 = <<1>> claimed <<2>> in <<3>> campaign. 1983 = Guild lost <<1>> in <<2>> campaign. 1984 = <<1>> released <<2>> in <<3>> campaign. 1985 = <<1>> edited guild's heraldry for <<2>>. 1986 = <<1>> deposited <<2>>. 1987 = <<1>> withdrew <<2>>. 1988 = Lost bid to hire <<1>>. <<2>> refunded. 1989 = <<1>> bid <<2>> to hire <<3>>. 199 = <<1>> 1990 = <<1>> hired <<3>> for <<2>>. 1991 = <<1>> picked up a battle standard. 1992 = <<1>> put down a battle standard. 1993 = <<1>> edited Message of the Day text. 1994 = <<1>> edited the About Us text. 1995 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Store! 1996 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Store. 1997 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Bank! 1998 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Bank. 1999 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Standard! 2 = English 20 = Adjusts the scale of the interface, including all windows and the Heads-Up Display. 200 = <><<2[// ($d)]>> 2000 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Standard. 2001 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Tabard! 2002 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Tabard. 2003 = You have reached enough members to unlock hiring Guild Traders! 2004 = Guild no longer has enough members to hire Guild Traders. 2005 = Invited 2006 = Recruit 2007 = Member 2008 = Officer 2009 = Guildmaster 201 = 2010 = 2011 = 2012 = Repeatable 2013 = Daily 2014 = Group 2015 = Main Quest 2016 = Guild 2017 = Crafting 2018 = Dungeon 2019 = Raid 202 = 2020 = Alliance War 2021 = Class 2022 = QA Test 2023 = Group Alliance War 2024 = Grand Alliance War 2025 = Holiday Event 2026 = Battleground 2027 = 2028 = 2029 = 203 = Gamepad 2030 = 2031 = 2032 = 2033 = 2034 = You need <<1>> additional open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>. 2035 = The pack was not opened properly. 2036 = This crate is invalid. 2037 = This crate is invalid. 2038 = This crate is invalid. 2039 = You do not have any more crates of this type left. 204 = Select 2040 = The system is currently unavailable. 2041 = You do not have any crates to open. You can purchase more in the Crown Store. 2042 = All 2043 = 2044 = 2045 = 2046 = 2047 = Enemy 2048 = Ally 2049 = Self 205 = Toggle 2050 = 2051 = 2052 = Health 2053 = Error: invalid mechanic 2054 = Magicka 2055 = Werewolf 2056 = Stamina 2057 = Ultimate 2058 = Mount Stamina 2059 = Health Bonus 206 = Back 2060 = None 2061 = Generic 2062 = Physical 2063 = Flame 2064 = Shock 2065 = Daedric 2066 = Frost 2067 = Earth 2068 = Magic 2069 = Drowning 207 = Options 2070 = Disease 2071 = Poison 2072 = Normal 2073 = Vulnerable 2074 = Resistant 2075 = 2076 = 2077 = 2078 = 2079 = Local Campaign 208 = Back (Saving) 2080 = Home Campaign 2081 = Home and Local Campaign 2082 = Low 2083 = Medium 2084 = High 2085 = Full 2086 = None 2087 = Wood 2088 = Food 2089 = Ore 209 = Accept 2090 = Production 2091 = Defense 2092 = None 2093 = Trebuchet 2094 = Ballista 2095 = Ram 2096 = Universal Siege 2097 = Catapult 2098 = Forward Camp 2099 = Monster 21 = This option can only be changed when logged into the world with a character. 210 = Invert Y 2100 = Oil 2101 = Battle Standard 2102 = Normal 2103 = Hardcore 2104 = Special Events 2105 = None 2106 = Player Level 2107 = Champion Points 2108 = Majority control of Cyrodiil unlocks the gates to Imperial City. 2109 = Unlocking the gates requires control of |cffffff<<1>>|r home keeps. 211 = Templates 2110 = Unlocking the gates requires control of |cffffff<<1>>|r home keeps and at least |cffffff1|r enemy keep. 2111 = The gates of Imperial City are open to all alliances. 2112 = Cannot use keep recall right now. 2113 = Can only use keep recall in Cyrodiil. 2114 = Cannot use keep recall while near a keep. 2115 = Cannot use keep recall while in combat. 2116 = You need a keep recall stone. 2117 = Cannot use keep recall while dead. 2118 = Cannot use keep recall while carrying an artifact. 2119 = Cannot use keep recall while already recalling. 212 = Gamepad Mode 2120 = 2121 = 2122 = Audio 2123 = Video 2124 = Camera 2125 = Interface 2126 = Gameplay 2127 = Social 2128 = Debug 2129 = Cinematic 213 = Switches controls and the interface to be utilized by a gamepad. 2130 = Nameplates 2131 = Combat 2132 = High 2133 = Medium 2134 = Low 2135 = do not translate 2136 = Never 2137 = Always 2138 = Injured 2139 = All 214 = Camera Sensitivity 2140 = None 2141 = Enemy 2142 = Ally 2143 = Targeted 2144 = Injured or Targeted 2145 = Left 2146 = Center 2147 = Don't Show 2148 = Always Show 2149 = Automatic 215 = Vibration 2150 = Off 2151 = On 2152 = Focused 2153 = Don't Show 2154 = Always Show 2155 = Automatic 2156 = Don't Show 2157 = Always Show 2158 = Automatic 2159 = Don't Show 216 = Third Person FOV 2160 = Always Show 2161 = Automatic 2162 = Don't Show 2163 = Always Show 2164 = Automatic 2165 = Free 2166 = Constrained 2167 = Off 2168 = On 2169 = Automatic 217 = First Person FOV 2170 = |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t Gold Purchased 2171 = |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_crown.dds|t Crown Purchased 2172 = Prefer <<1>> 2173 = Prefer Character Name 2174 = Off 2175 = Number Only 2176 = Percent Only 2177 = Number and Percent 2178 = Small 2179 = Medium 218 = First Person Head Bob 2180 = Large 2181 = Off 2182 = Low 2183 = Medium 2184 = High 2185 = Ultra 2186 = PS4 2187 = XB1 2188 = Off 2189 = Low 219 = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/gamepad/gp_gold.dds|t Gold Purchased 2190 = Medium 2191 = High 2192 = Scorpio 2193 = None 2194 = SSAO 2195 = HBAO 2196 = 2197 = 2198 = 2199 = 22 = Use Custom Scale 220 = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_crown.dds|t Crown Purchased 2200 = 2201 = 2202 = Character 2203 = Bank 2204 = Guild Bank 2205 = Account 2206 = 2207 = 2208 = Head 2209 = Chest 221 = Player Voice 2210 = Shoulders 2211 = Hands 2212 = Waist 2213 = Legs 2214 = Feet 2215 = Main Hand 2216 = Off Hand 2217 = Two Handed 2218 = Staff 2219 = Bow 222 = Controller Disconnected 2220 = Shield 2221 = Costume 2222 = Hat 2223 = Skin 2224 = Mount 2225 = Personality 2226 = Hair 2227 = Facial Hair / Horns 2228 = Major Adornment 2229 = Minor Adornment 223 = The connection to the controller has been lost or has been disconnected. Please reconnect the controller for <<1>>. 2230 = Head Marking 2231 = Body Marking 2232 = Main Hand 2233 = Off Hand 2234 = Two Handed 2235 = Staff 2236 = Bow 2237 = Shield 2238 = Pet 2239 = Polymorph 224 = The connection to the controller has been lost or has been disconnected. Please reconnect controller for <<1>>. 2240 = 2241 = 2242 = 2243 = 2244 = 2245 = 2246 = 2247 = 2248 = 2249 = 225 = <<1>> Continue 2250 = Successfully claimed reward 2251 = You do not meet the requirements for this reward 2252 = You do not have a pending reward 2253 = Cannot claim the reward at this time 2254 = You do not have enough room in your inventory to claim this reward 2255 = Cannot claim the reward at this time 2256 = Cannot claim the reward at this time 2257 = You cannot have more than one of the same unique item 2258 = You must make a valid choice for this reward 2259 = You must choose a reward 226 = Failed to find a user with that account name. Please try again later. 2260 = Cannot claim the reward at this time 2261 = Cannot claim the reward at this time 2262 = No Daily Reward Is Claimable 2263 = Cannot claim the reward at this time 2264 = 2265 = 2266 = Class 2267 = Weapon 2268 = Armor 2269 = World 227 = <<1>>\n\n 2270 = Guild 2271 = Alliance War 2272 = Racial 2273 = Craft 2274 = Champion 2275 = Purchase Only 2276 = Morphs Only 2277 = Clear Morphs 2278 = Morphs: Make a donation 2279 = Clear morphs in: 228 = Invalid Name 2280 = Clear morphs in 2281 = Full 2282 = Clear All 2283 = Skills: Make a donation 2284 = Clear points in: 2285 = Clear points in 2286 = You do not have enough gold. 2287 = You do not have enough skill points. 2288 = Ability not found. 2289 = You do not have access to that skill line. 229 = Inventory Capacity 2290 = You cannot refund non-morphs now. 2291 = Invalid ability. 2292 = Cannot choose morph. 2293 = You need a respec scroll to complete this action. 2294 = You need a morph respec scroll to complete this action. 2295 = You do not meet the requirements for that ability. 2296 = Hotbar not found. 2297 = You can only slot abilities right now. 2298 = You can only slot into ability slots. 2299 = You cannot respec for gold outside of a shrine. 23 = When this setting is enabled you can determine the UI scale using the slider below. When this setting is disabled, the game will automatically scale the UI to make it as sharp as possible. 230 = <<1>>/<<2>> 2300 = You cannot change skills while in combat. 2301 = You have not made any changes. 2302 = Hotbar ability not found. 2303 = A hotbar ability has been refunded. 2304 = A hotbar ability has not been purchased. 2305 = A hotbar ability can never be used. 2306 = A hotbar slot can not be changed now. 2307 = Ability not found. 2308 = Ability can not be removed before being purchased. 2309 = Ability is autogranted. 231 = Validating Name 2310 = You do not meet the requirements for that ability. 2311 = Ability can not be removed before being purchased. 2312 = Ability is autogranted. 2313 = You can not refund abilities now. 2314 = You do not have enough gold. 2315 = Hotbar cannot be changed. 2316 = Primary 2317 = Backup 2318 = Overload 2319 = Werewolf 232 = Please wait... 2320 = Special 2321 = 2322 = 2323 = Crowns 2324 = Crown Gems 2325 = Purchase Successful 2326 = You do not have enough crowns to make this purchase. 2327 = You do not have enough room in your inventory to purchase this for yourself. 2328 = We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist. 2329 = You cannot have more than one of the same unique item. 233 = Waiting... 2330 = We're sorry, you cannot purchase this item. 2331 = Cannot complete the purchase at this time. Please try again later. 2332 = We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist. 2333 = You already own this collectible. 2334 = We're sorry, you cannot purchase this item at this time. 2335 = We're sorry, you cannot purchase that item at this time. 2336 = You've already fully unlocked this item. 2337 = This product is coming soon. 2338 = You do not have enough Crown Gems to make this purchase. 2339 = We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist. 234 = Open <<1>> 2340 = You already own this item! 2341 = That product is not available. 2342 = You cannot give gifts. 2343 = You cannot gift this product. 2344 = This player cannot accept this gift. 2345 = This product cannot be purchased here. 2346 = You cannot gift products using Crown Gems. 2347 = You already have this product in your Gift Inventory. 2348 = You cannot give gifts yet. 2349 = This player could not be found. 235 = This will open the <<1>>.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r 2350 = Gifting is currently locked. Please try again later. 2351 = This player already owns this collectible. 2352 = You must have |ceeca2aESO Plus|r to purchase this product. 2353 = View All 2354 = View Purchased 2355 = View Not Purchased 2356 = Name Change 2357 = Race Change 2358 = Appearance Change 2359 = Gift Successful 236 = This will open the <<1>>.\nAre you sure you want to continue? 2360 = Operation failed. 2361 = This player cannot accept this gift. 2362 = You cannot send a gift to <<1>> because you are ignoring them. 2363 = You must enter a recipient. 2364 = The UserID must start with \"@\". 2365 = This player could not be found. 2366 = This player already owns this collectible. 2367 = 2368 = 2369 = 237 = Enter Code 2370 = 2371 = Points of Interest 2372 = Alliance War Objectives 2373 = Battles 2374 = Quests 2375 = Resources 2376 = Forward Camp Ranges 2377 = Forward Camps 2378 = Wayshrines 2379 = Group Members 238 = This will open the Redeem Codes window.\n\n|cc16403This will also log you out of the game.|r 2380 = Transit Lines 2381 = Imperial City Entrances 2382 = All Alliances 2383 = My Alliance 2384 = 2385 = 2386 = 2387 = 2388 = 2389 = 239 = Open Window 2390 = 2391 = 2392 = 2393 = 2394 = 2395 = 2396 = 2397 = 2398 = 2399 = 24 = Calibrate 240 = 2400 = 2401 = 2402 = 2403 = 2404 = 2405 = 2406 = 2407 = 2408 = 2409 = 241 = 2410 = 2411 = 2412 = 2413 = 2414 = 2415 = 2416 = 2417 = 2418 = 2419 = 242 = Accept 2420 = 2421 = 2422 = 2423 = 2424 = 2425 = 2426 = 2427 = 2428 = Default 2429 = Mono 243 = Decline 2430 = Stereo 2431 = 2.1 2432 = Quad 2433 = 4.1 2434 = 5.0 2435 = Surround 2436 = 7.1 2437 = 2438 = 2439 = Could not find a player named \"<<1>>\" to invite. 244 = Yes 2440 = <<1>> accepted your invitation. 2441 = <<1>> declined your group invitation. 2442 = <<1>> is ignoring you. You cannot extend a group invitation. 2443 = <<1>> is considering another invite. You cannot extend a group invitation. 2444 = <<1>> is already in a group. You cannot extend a group invitation. 2445 = This group is already full. 2446 = You cannot invite yourself. 2447 = Only group leaders can invite others to group. 2448 = You or <<1>> are in an area that does not permit cross-alliance grouping. 2449 = You have invited <<1>> to the group. 245 = No 2450 = Account type is not set to allow group creation. 2451 = Failed to join the group. 2452 = Unable to join <<1>>. The group is full. 2453 = Unable to join <<1>>. You are already in a group. 2454 = <<1>> is currently in a battleground. 2455 = Target is immune. 2456 = You are busy. 2457 = You can't do that while dead. 2458 = The target is out of range. 2459 = You cannot do that while recalling. 246 = Cancel 2460 = You're too close to other siege engines. 2461 = You cannot place this here. 2462 = You're too close to an enemy keep. 2463 = You are too close to an enemy town. 2464 = You are too close to an enemy resource. 2465 = You are too close to an enemy outpost. 2466 = Over the siege limit. 2467 = You must be near a friendly keep. 2468 = Too close to other deployed mercenaries. 2469 = Invalid location 247 = Create 2470 = This must be placed on land. 2471 = Can't be placed on this structure. 2472 = This terrain is not flat enough. 2473 = Not close enough to enemy keep door. 2474 = You're too close to another friendly Forward Camp. 2475 = You must have a valid empty Soul Gem. 2476 = You don't have enough inventory space to add a filled Soul Gem. 2477 = You must have a valid filled Soul Gem. 2478 = You are mounted. 2479 = Graveyards are not usable inside dungeons. 248 = Exit 2480 = Not enough space to create siege engine. 2481 = You do not meet the requirements to do that. 2482 = All nearby doors are currently under attack by rams. 2483 = All nearby doors are already destroyed. 2484 = Over the mercenary limit. 2485 = Your alliance has reached the maximum number of Forward Camps. 2486 = Your alliance has reached the maximum number of Battle Standards. 2487 = Your must be wearing the tabard of the guild for which you are placing a Battle Standard. 2488 = A Battle Standard belonging to your guild already has already been placed. 2489 = You are too close to a capture point. 249 = Remove 2490 = You do not have permission to use Battle Standards for that guild. 2491 = Battle Standards are currently disabled. 2492 = You must be wearing the tabard of the guild for which you are placing a forward camp. 2493 = A forward camp belonging to your guild has already been placed. 2494 = You do not have permission to use forward camps for that guild. 2495 = No weapons to swap to. 2496 = Cannot weapon swap while changing gear. 2497 = You cannot attack this target because of the prevent attacking innocents option. 2498 = You do not have enough inventory space. 2499 = You can't do that while hiding. 25 = General 250 = Confirm 2500 = Cannot weapon swap from this hotbar. 2501 = Invalid character name. 2502 = Unknown error. 2503 = Name already in use. 2504 = Name too short. 2505 = Name too long. 2506 = Server locked. 2507 = No global character data. 2508 = No template creation allowed. 2509 = Invalid template. 251 = Close 2510 = You must select a template. 2511 = Invalid class. 2512 = Invalid race. 2513 = You must select a race whose alliance matches that of the selected template. 2514 = Invalid hair option. 2515 = Invalid hair tint. 2516 = Invalid skin tint. 2517 = Invalid adornment option. 2518 = Invalid head marking option. 2519 = Invalid body marking option. 252 = Log Out & Enter Code 2520 = Invalid eye tint. 2521 = Invalid age. 2522 = Invalid eyebrow. 2523 = Invalid gender. 2524 = Invalid model data. 2525 = No free character slots. 2526 = No valid entitlements. 2527 = You must choose an alliance. 2528 = Save failure. 2529 = Character list not received. 253 = Log Out & Upgrade 2530 = An unknown system error occurred. 2531 = You don't have any tokens. 2532 = No changes made. 2533 = Invalid Name 2534 = Duplicate Name 2535 = Too few characters. 2536 = Too many characters. 2537 = No adjacent punctuation characters. 2538 = Must end with a letter. 2539 = No more than two of the same letter in a row. 254 = Cancel 2540 = Four hyphens, apostrophes, or spaces at most. 2541 = Name cannot start with a space. 2542 = There was a system error. 2543 = Cannot currently change name. 2544 = No numbers. 2545 = Invalid characters. 2546 = Must contain 3 to 20 characters. 2547 = No more than three of the same characters in a row. 2548 = One period, hyphen, apostrophe, and underscore at most. 2549 = Must start with a letter. 255 = Save 2550 = Must end with a number or valid letter. 2551 = No spaces. 2552 = Invalid characters. 2553 = 2554 = Female 2555 = Male 2556 = Internal error 2557 = Unknown player 2558 = Recipient's Inbox is full 2559 = You cannot send mail to that recipient. 256 = OK 2560 = Not enough gold 2561 = Invalid attached item 2562 = This mail is lacking a subject, body, or attachments. 2563 = You cannot send gold as Cash On Delivery. 2564 = You must attach at least one item for Cash on Delivery mail. 2565 = Please wait: processing prior request. 2566 = You cannot send mail to yourself. 2567 = Sending mail is currently disabled. 2568 = Mail not open. 2569 = Too many items attached. 257 = <<1>> 2570 = Recipient not found. 2571 = User Canceled 2572 = Your inventory is full. 2573 = Your inventory is full. 2574 = That item is no longer available. 2575 = You are unable to loot <<1>> because it is unique and you already have one. 2576 = At least one item could not be looted because it's unique and you already have one. 2577 = Invalid slot number 2578 = You can't place items in weapon attack slots. 2579 = You don't know that ability. 258 = Enter character name or UserID. 2580 = You can't put that item in that slot. 2581 = You don't have that item. 2582 = You can't swap these in combat. 2583 = This ability is from an inactive skill line. 2584 = You haven't unlocked that collectible. 2585 = You may only use Werewolf abilities right now. 2586 = You cannot change abilities on that hotbar. 2587 = Only ultimate abilities can be placed in that slot. 2588 = Only normal abilities can be placed in that slot. 2589 = You cannot change the ability in this slot. 259 = Enter <<1>>. 2590 = You don't know that ability. 2591 = That ability can't be upgraded further. 2592 = Invalid progression line 2593 = You can't purchase more upgrades for that ability. Your level isn't high enough. 2594 = You don't have enough gold to upgrade that. 2595 = You've already morphed this ability. You must respec first. 2596 = You haven't progressed this ability enough to morph it. 2597 = You haven't morphed this ability yet. 2598 = This ability doesn't have a valid upgrade. 2599 = You don't have any skill points. 26 = Combat 260 = <<1>> 2600 = You can't fast travel because you're engaged in combat. 2601 = You can't fast travel because there isn't a valid fast travel path to the desired destination. 2602 = You can't fast travel because the starting keep's alliance differs from yours. 2603 = You can't fast travel because the starting keep is currently under attack. 2604 = You can't fast travel because the destination keep's alliance differs from yours. 2605 = You can't fast travel because the destination keep is currently under attack. 2606 = You can't fast travel because the destination keep has at least one resource in enemy hands. 2607 = You can't fast travel because you're too far away from the starting keep. 2608 = Your fast travel attempt failed. 2609 = You must talk to a keep travel master. 261 = By: <<1>> 2610 = You can't fast travel because you're carrying a Scroll. 2611 = You can't fast travel. 2612 = You can't fast travel because the starting keep has too few resources in allied hands. 2613 = No recall stone. 2614 = You cannot use a recall stone from within or close to a keep. 2615 = You are unable to unassign yourself from a campaign while in a campaign. 2616 = You do not have enough gold to unassign yourself from a campaign. 2617 = You do not have enough AP to unassign yourself from a campaign. 2618 = You are not currently assigned to a campaign. 2619 = You cannot unassign from a campaign because your cooldown has not expired. 262 = Log Out 2620 = You cannot unassign from a campaign at this time. 2621 = Character 2622 = Combat 2623 = Crafting 2624 = Crash 2625 = Items 2626 = MonsterNPC 2627 = Quest 2628 = TextLocalization 2629 = UI 263 = Reset to Defaults 2630 = Visuals 2631 = Other 2632 = That item cannot be sold. 2633 = You cannot sell items when you are at the gold cap. 2634 = You don't need that quest item. 2635 = You can only buy one of those. 2636 = You don't need that many quest items. 2637 = You don't meet the purchase requirements. 2638 = You can only have one of those items. 2639 = You can't afford that item. 264 = Are you sure you want to reset this options panel to its default settings? 2640 = You need more Alliance Points to buy that. 2641 = You need more Inspiration Points to buy that. 2642 = You need more Tel Var Stones to buy that. 2643 = This hookpoint is not active. 2644 = You do not have enough stable space to purchase this mount. 2645 = You can't sell stolen items here. 2646 = Fences only deal with stolen items. 2647 = That item is worthless. 2648 = You have reached your daily limit for selling stolen goods. 2649 = You already have that collectible. 265 = Are you sure you want to reset all options panels to their default settings? 2650 = You need more Writ Vouchers to buy that. 2651 = You need more Chaos Creatia to buy that. 2652 = You need more Style Stones to buy that. 2653 = You need more Event Tickets to buy that. 2654 = <<1>> has declined your resurrection request. 2655 = <<1>> is already considering a resurrection request. 2656 = You can not resurrect <<1>>. You are already attempting to resurrect someone else with a soul gem. 2657 = You can not resurrect <<1>>. You do not have a filled soul gem. 2658 = You can not resurrect <<1>>. They are in a bad location. 2659 = You must have a valid Soul Gem to charge your weapon. 266 = Reset 2660 = This weapon is already fully charged. 2661 = You must have valid repair kit to repair this item. 2662 = This item is already at full durability. 2663 = You cannot afford to repair this item. 2664 = Item Laundered 2665 = Invalid request. 2666 = This item is not stolen. 2667 = You cannot afford to launder this item. 2668 = You do not have enough room in your inventory to do that. 2669 = That item may not be laundered at a fence. 267 = Defaults 2670 = You have reached your daily limit for laundering stolen goods. 2671 = You cannot mount right now. 2672 = You cannot mount in this location. 2673 = You need <<1>> more open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>. 2674 = You can not swap mounts while an inventory item is locked. 2675 = You have not set an active mount. 2676 = You can not mount in combat. 2677 = Your paws are too clumsy to handle reins. 2678 = You can not mount while blocking. 2679 = You can not mount while carrying an objective. 268 = Off 2680 = <<1>> is too busy to pledge with. 2681 = <<1>> can't begin Ritual of Mara with a player who is dead. 2682 = Beginning Ritual of Mara with <<1>>. 2683 = <<1>> has been joined with you in the Ritual of Mara. 2684 = <<1>> has declined your Ritual of Mara request. 2685 = The Ritual of Mara has been cancelled. 2686 = <<1>> is not eligible for the Ritual of Mara. 2687 = You are too far away from <<1>> to perform the Ritual of Mara. 2688 = <<1>> is not available to duel. 2689 = Not a valid duel target. 269 = On 2690 = You cannot duel yourself. 2691 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are too far away. 2692 = You cannot invite another to duel while you have challenged <<1>>. 2693 = You cannot invite another to duel while responding to a duel challenge from <<1>>. 2694 = You cannot invite another to duel while you are already dueling <<1>>. 2695 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they have challenged someone else to a duel. 2696 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are considering another duel challenge. 2697 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are dueling another player. 2698 = You cannot duel when you are dead. 2699 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are dead. 27 = Output 270 = Disabled 2700 = You cannot duel while swimming. 2701 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are swimming. 2702 = You cannot duel while in combat. 2703 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are in combat. 2704 = You cannot duel while crafting. 2705 = <<1>> is not available to duel because they are crafting. 2706 = You cannot duel here. 2707 = You cannot challenge a player to duel who has recently declined your duel invitation. 2708 = You cannot duel here, there are too many duels nearby. 2709 = Cannot duel unless both duelists are at full health. 271 = , 2710 = You already have a trade invite pending. 2711 = <<1>> is ignoring you. 2712 = You must respond to your current trade invite first. 2713 = You are already trading. 2714 = You must have a target to trade with. 2715 = You cannot trade with yourself. 2716 = You must be closer to trade. 2717 = You can only trade with your own alliance. 2718 = Your target is already trading. 2719 = Your trade invite failed. 272 = <<1>> 2720 = You are too busy to trade. 2721 = Dead players cannot trade. 2722 = You don't have enough gold to complete that trade. 2723 = Your trade partner no longer has enough gold to complete this trade. 2724 = You have too much gold to complete this trade. 2725 = Your trade partner has too much gold to complete this trade. 2726 = You are unable to trade for <> because it's unique and you already have one. 2727 = You don't have enough empty slots to accept the offered items. 2728 = That item is locked. 2729 = That item is bound. 273 = , 2730 = There are no open trade slots. 2731 = You are already trading <>. 2732 = That item is stolen. 2733 = Trading is currently disabled 2734 = You can't make anything with these materials. 2735 = You can't use these additives with these materials. 2736 = Your inventory is full. 2737 = You already have that unique item. 2738 = You are not trained in that craft. 2739 = You are missing crafting components. 274 = , and 2740 = You don't meet the requirements to craft that. 2741 = Your rank is too low to craft that. 2742 = Interrupted 2743 = You can't afford to craft that. 2744 = You must be at a crafting station to craft. 2745 = You are not trained to craft in that racial style. 2746 = Item is not deconstructable 2747 = You must be at a crafting station to deconstruct 2748 = You must deconstruct an item 2749 = Cannot deconstruct an item that is locked 275 = and 2750 = You are not trained in the correct tradeskill to deconstruct that 2751 = Your rank is too low to research that. 2752 = Your inventory is full. 2753 = Item cannot be reforged. 2754 = You are not trained in that craft. 2755 = This item is already in that style. 2756 = Your rank is too low to reforge that. 2757 = You are not trained in that racial style. 2758 = That is not a valid racial style for this item. 2759 = You are missing the racial crafting component. 276 = <<1>> 2760 = You can't afford to reforge that. 2761 = You cannot reforge an item that is locked. 2762 = This item can't be refined. 2763 = You must be at a crafting station to refine this. 2764 = You don't have enough to refine. 2765 = You aren't trained in the correct craft to refine that. 2766 = Your rank is too low to refine that. 2767 = Your inventory is full. 2768 = Recipe Unknown 2769 = Insufficient Rank 277 = Alters the <<1>> <<2[emote/emotes]>>. 2770 = Insufficient Quality Rank 2771 = Can't Craft Yet 2772 = Invalid Alchemy Base 2773 = Insufficient Rank 2774 = Invalid Alchemy Reagent 2775 = Not Enough Alchemy Reagents 2776 = Too Many Alchemy Reagents 2777 = Invalid Rune 2778 = Insufficient Rank 2779 = Insufficient Quality Rank 278 = Alters the <> <<2[emote/emotes]>>. 2780 = Invalid Crafting Material 2781 = Invalid Crafting Pattern 2782 = Invalid Style Material 2783 = Invalid Trait Material 2784 = Insufficient Quantity 2785 = Invalid Improvement Material 2786 = Item Not Improvable 2787 = Improvement Failed 2788 = Trait Not Learned Yet 2789 = Invalid Tradeskill 279 = Grants the <<1>> <<2[emote/emotes]>>. 2790 = Invalid Trait 2791 = No Available Research Slots 2792 = Not Enough Traits Researched 2793 = Invalid Item 2794 = Already Researching Trait Line 2795 = You can't deconstruct an item that you are wearing. 2796 = Cannot research an item that is transmuted. 2797 = Item is not researchable 2798 = You must research an item 2799 = Cannot research an item that is locked 28 = Master Volume 280 = Grants the <<1>> emote. 2800 = Error <<1>>\nNo error. 2801 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while waiting for the realm directory service. 2802 = Error <<1>>\nFailed to obtain a list of realms from the directory service. 2803 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while trying to obtain server connection information. 2804 = Error <<1>>\nFailed to obtain server connection information. 2805 = Error <<1>>\nServer is currently full. Please try again later. 2806 = Error <<1>>\nServer is currently full. Please try again later. 2807 = Error <<1>>\nServices are busy. Please try again later. 2808 = Error <<1>>\nServices are busy. Please try again later. 2809 = Error <<1>>\nLogin failed. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 281 = <<1>>: <<2>> 2810 = Error <<1>>\nServer is currently unavailable. Please try again later. 2811 = Error <<1>>\nYou are not entitled to play on this realm. 2812 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout without a response from the authentication service. Please check the server's status at the Service Alerts page: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2813 = Error <<1>>\nLogin failed. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2814 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout attempting to cancel login. 2815 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to cancel login. 2816 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while sending Access Code submission. 2817 = Error <<1>>\nYou have provided the incorrect Access Code too many times. Your Account has been locked for 10 minutes. 2818 = Error <<1>>\nYou have provided incorrect credentials too many times. Your client has been locked for 10 minutes. 2819 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to server. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support:\n\nhelp.elderscrollsonline.com 282 = Your current character cannot use this. 2820 = Error <<1>>\nConnection to the server has been lost. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2821 = Error <<1>>\nConnection to the server has timed out. 2822 = Error <<1>>\nThis account is already logged in. 2823 = Error <<1>>\nProtocol mismatch. 2824 = Error <<1>>\nThe realm has been shutdown. 2825 = Error <<1>>\nBooted from server. 2826 = Error <<1>>\nLost connection due to inactivity. Please log in again to reconnect. 2827 = Error <<1>>\nIP address mismatch. 2828 = Error <<1>>\nTransfer Failed. Please try to reconnect. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2829 = Error <<1>>\nBandwidth cap reached. 283 = Purchased in Crown Store 2830 = Error <<1>>\nInvalid session id. 2831 = Error <<1>>\nAccount name mismatch. 2832 = Error <<1>>\nServer data not ready. 2833 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to the lobby. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2834 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to lobby-e. 2835 = Error <<1>>\nPending connection for account on global lobby router. 2836 = Error <<1>>\nYou have been dropped from the server because you hit the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging (i.e. spamming). 2837 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 2838 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 2839 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 284 = Equipped 2840 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 2841 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 2842 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 2843 = Error <<1>>\nInsufficient permissions for world. 2844 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter is currently locked. 2845 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter requires a rename. 2846 = Error <<1>>\nThe server is either down, or you are not entitled to play on this realm. 2847 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to server. 2848 = Error <<1>>\nFailed to log in dev. 2849 = Error <<1>>\nLogin Service has failed. 285 = <<1>> 2850 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter is still in game. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 2851 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter currently unavailable. 2852 = Error <<1>>\nLost lobby connection. 2853 = Error <<1>>\nLost heartbeat. 2854 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while waiting for character list. 2855 = Email address format is invalid. 2856 = Connection to server timed out. Please try again later. 2857 = This feature is not available on your current game realm. 2858 = That email address has already been used to create an account. Please choose a different email to create a new account. 2859 = That screen name is invalid or is already in use. Please choose a different screen name to create a new account. 286 = (Unique-Equipped) 2860 = Invalid transfer sku 2861 = That account does not exist. Please enter a valid ESO account. 2862 = That User ID has already been used to create an account. Please choose a different User ID. 2863 = Incorrect UserID or Password. 2864 = That account has been deactivated. Please contact customer service at <<1>> or link to a different account. 2865 = Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process. 2866 = That account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information or link to a different account. 2867 = Connection to server timed out. Please try again later. 2868 = Unable to connect to the PlayStation™Network. Please confirm you are connected to the PlayStation™Network or try again later. 2869 = Unable to connect to Xbox Live. Please confirm you are connected to Xbox Live or try again later. 287 = (Unique) 2870 = Unable to initialize connection to Steam. Please ensure the game was launched through Steam or try again later. 2871 = Unable to initialize connection to Heron. 2872 = The servers are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later. 2873 = Your account has been suspended. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 2874 = Your account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 2875 = Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process. 2876 = Game Account Not Found 2877 = Your account has been suspended. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 2878 = Your account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 2879 = Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process. 288 = (Use from Quickslot) 2880 = Your account has restricted authentication. Please contact customer service at <<1>>. 2881 = The servers are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later. 2882 = Could not connect to XBL. 2883 = Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 2884 = Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 2885 = Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 2886 = Could not connect to The PlayStation™Network. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 2887 = Could not connect to The PlayStation™Network. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 2888 = Required credentials are missing. Please relaunch the game from the launcher. 2889 = Incorrect token, please relaunch the game from the launcher. 289 = Bound 2890 = You must be logged into a Sony Entertainment Network account to play ESO. 2891 = You Must Be Signed In To An Xbox Live Profile To Play ESO 2892 = Unable to connect to Xbox Live. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection. 2893 = ESO servers are down for maintenance. Please try again later or visit <<1>> for more information 2894 = Unable to connect to PlayStation™Network. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection. 2895 = Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection. 2896 = Patch required. Please download and install to access online features. 2897 = Selected user profile age does not meet the requirements for playing this game. 2898 = Selected user profile is a guest account. 2899 = You do not currently have network connectivity. This title requires Xbox Live and a network connection. 29 = Adjusts the volume of all sound in the game. 290 = Character Bound 2900 = You do not currently have network connectivity. This title requires a Sony Entertainment Network Account and a network connection. 2901 = The Xbox Live Account selected does not have Multiplayer privileges. Please select an account with Xbox Live Gold, or update your permissions. 2902 = A user profile was not selected. 2903 = The Sony Entertainment Network account selected does not have realtime multiplayer privileges. Please select another account, or update your permissions. 2904 = Selected Sony Entertainment Network sub-account does not have access to user-generated content. 2905 = Patch required. Please download and install to access online features. 2906 = The Xbox Live Account selected does not have user-generated content privileges. Please select another account, or update your permissions. 2907 = There is not enough free space to create save data. Please free up additional space. 2908 = Local transfer successful. 2909 = Remote transfer initiated. 291 = Trash 2910 = You lack the correct permissions to transfer there. 2911 = Your attempted transfer failed. 2912 = Your attempted jump failed because you don't have an assigned Alliance War campaign yet. 2913 = Your attempted jump failed because the destination Alliance War campaign is disabled. 2914 = Your attempted jump failed because you have not unlocked that difficulty level. 2915 = Your attempted jump failed. 2916 = Your attempted jump failed because you are not max level or you do not have enough champion points. 2917 = Your attempted jump failed because your destination does not allow social jumps. 2918 = Jump failed. Instance is full. 2919 = Jump failed. Existing jump in progress. 292 = <<1>> 2920 = No free instances available, please try later. 2921 = You do not meet the requirement to jump there. 2922 = You do not have the collectible needed to jump there. 2923 = Your attempted jump failed because your location does not allow recalling. 2924 = You must be level 50 to enter a veteran instance. 2925 = You do not own this house. 2926 = You don't have permission to visit this house. 2927 = The house you attempted to visit is unavailable. 2928 = Destination not found. 2929 = Destination unavailable. 293 = <<2>> <<1>> 2930 = Cannot enter battleground. 2931 = Cannot switch campaign while dead. 2932 = Account not found. 2933 = You have already invited this player to be your friend. 2934 = You have already listed this player as your friend. 2935 = This account is already ignored. 2936 = Social systems are busy. Please try later. 2937 = You can't add your own account as a friend. 2938 = You can't ignore your own account. 2939 = You can't lead any additional guilds. 294 = <<1>> 2940 = You can't join another guild without leaving one first. 2941 = Could not find the specified guild 2942 = You're not the guild leader. 2943 = This guild is full. 2944 = This player is already a member of this guild. 2945 = You are not a member of this guild. 2946 = That guild name is already in use. 2947 = Invalid guild name 2948 = You are not permitted to invite members to this guild. 2949 = You are not permitted to kick members from this guild. 295 = <<1>> - <<2>> 2950 = You are not permitted to kick the leader from this guild. 2951 = You cannot promote this player. 2952 = You cannot demote this player. 2953 = You cannot set the Message of the Day. 2954 = You cannot set the guild description. 2955 = An error has occurred with the social request. 2956 = You are being ignored by that account. 2957 = You can't add any more friends. 2958 = You can't ignore any more accounts. 2959 = That was an unrecognized request. 296 = <<1>> 2960 = That account cannot have any more friends. 2961 = You must wait longer before using that operation. 2962 = Social and display name functions are disabled on this server. 2963 = Character not found. 2964 = You are not grouped. 2965 = Cannot jump to yourself. 2966 = No suitable location found to jump to. 2967 = You cannot jump to that player right now. 2968 = You cannot jump while in combat. 2969 = Not in same group. 297 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 2970 = Can't mix alliances. 2971 = Not been invited. 2972 = Not online. 2973 = You do not have permission to edit guild member notes. 2974 = You do not have permission to use the guild bank. 2975 = You do not have permission to edit recruitment information. 2976 = You do not have permission to sell via the guild store. 2977 = You do not have permission to buy from the guild store. 2978 = You do not have permission to claim a keep. 2979 = Cannot jump out of this area. 298 = <<1>> (<<2>> - <<3>>) 2980 = No guild leader rank defined. 2981 = No recruit rank defined. 2982 = You do not have permission to edit guild ranks. 2983 = The guild could not be deleted because its claimed keep could not be released. 2984 = You must be level 50 to travel to that location. 2985 = This area is not accessible via jumping. 2986 = You must be in the same group to travel to that location. 2987 = You cannot jump within the same campaign. 2988 = You do not have permission to enter that campaign. 2989 = This player is already leading another guild. 299 = Known <<1>> 2990 = You are not allowed to promote players. 2991 = You are not allowed to demote players. 2992 = That is not a valid guild rank. 2993 = You are not allowed to have that many guild ranks. 2994 = You are not allowed to have that few guild ranks. 2995 = Only the guild leader rank can edit permissions. 2996 = A guild rank must be empty before it can be deleted. 2997 = Only the guild leader rank can edit heraldry. 2998 = Guild leader permissions cannot be modified. 2999 = You don't have permission to modify heraldry. 3 = German 30 = Sound 300 = <<1>> 3000 = Not enough gold in the Guild Bank. 3001 = You cannot edit heraldry information while guild banks are disabled. 3002 = You must wait longer before editing heraldry again. 3003 = You don't have enough money to buy a tabard. 3004 = You don't have room for a tabard. 3005 = Your guild has not created its heraldry yet. 3006 = That is not a valid heraldry standard. 3007 = You don't have enough money to buy a standard. 3008 = You don't have room for a standard. 3009 = You don't have permission to use the guild's battle standard. 301 = Enchantment 3010 = Heraldry is currently disabled. 3011 = You don't have enough alliance points to buy a forward camp. 3012 = You don't have room for a forward camp. 3013 = The player you invited can't join another guild without leaving one first. 3014 = You can't social jump while being arrested. 3015 = You cannot jump to that player. 3016 = You cannot jump to that player while they are previewing a house. 3017 = You cannot jump to that player while they are in the home show. 3018 = Failed to save housing permissions. 3019 = You don't have permission to visit this house. 302 = <<1>> Upgrade 3020 = You are already queued for that campaign. 3021 = You don't have permission to queue for that campaign. 3022 = Unable to queue for campaign: internal error. 3023 = You are already in that campaign. 3024 = Unable to queue for campaign: invalid group. 3025 = No one in your group is assigned to that campaign. 3026 = You are already in that campaign. 3027 = Unable to queue for campaign: invalid campaign. 3028 = Only the group leader can queue for a campaign. 3029 = Unable to login to campaign: internal error. 303 = Can only be applied to an item of level <<1>> or more. 3030 = Invalid campaign destination. 3031 = The destination is full. 3032 = Players not all online. 3033 = The campaign is full. 3034 = Your faction does not control the Imperial City. 3035 = The destination is not active yet. 3036 = Campaigns are disabled on this server. 3037 = Your level is not high enough to queue for a campaign. 3038 = A group member's level is not high enough to queue for a campaign. 3039 = Cannot queue for campaign from inside a battleground. 304 = Required armor type: <<1>> 3040 = Cannot queue for campaign from this location. 3041 = You are not queued for that campaign. 3042 = Unable to leave queue: internal error. 3043 = You are not queued for anything. 3044 = Unable to leave queue: invalid campaign. 3045 = Only the group leader can leave a campaign queue. 3046 = Opposing alliance character already assigned to this campaign. 3047 = You do not meet the requirements to join this campaign. 3048 = Campaigns are disabled on this server. 3049 = You do not meet the level requirement to join this campaign. 305 = Required weapon type: <<1>> 3050 = Not a member of a guild. 3051 = Item cannot be stored in the Guild Bank. 3052 = Your guild bank is full. 3053 = Bank currently unavailable. 3054 = Not interacting with the Guild Bank. 3055 = Invalid item. 3056 = Not a member of any guild. 3057 = Waiting on previous request. 3058 = Your guild must have at least <<1>> members to enable depositing to the Guild Bank. 3059 = You do not have permission to withdraw. 306 = Required equip type: <<1>> 3060 = You do not have permission to deposit. 3061 = You do not have that much gold to deposit. 3062 = You can not add that much gold to your guild bank. 3063 = You can not withdraw that much gold from your guild bank. 3064 = You cannot deposit stolen items. 3065 = You are not a member of the guild. 3066 = Not enough gold in the Guild Bank. 3067 = A bid has already been placed at another location. 3068 = New bid must be higher than the current bid. 3069 = You do not have guild permissions. 307 = Level 3070 = You are not a member of a guild. 3071 = Bidding has already closed for this time slot. 3072 = This Guild Trader is currently unavailable. 3073 = This Guild Trader is already hired. 3074 = Your Guild needs <<1>> members to hire Guild Traders. 3075 = Your Guild may only hire one Guild Trader at a time. 3076 = Guild store not opened. 3077 = You are not a member of that guild. 3078 = You can not put any more items up for sale. 3079 = Wait for prior item to complete. 308 = Armor 3080 = Could not find specified item. 3081 = You can not sell bound items to other players. 3082 = You can not afford this posting fee. 3083 = Too many searches in rapid succession. 3084 = Only Backpack items can be posted. 3085 = You must select a valid guild. 3086 = No permission. 3087 = Guild too small for new posts. 3088 = Cannot afford that item. 3089 = Please wait for your current search to complete. 309 = Damage 3090 = Please wait for your current listings request to complete. 3091 = Please wait for your current request to complete before switching guilds. 3092 = Please wait for the initial guild store status update. 3093 = Please wait for your current purchase request to complete. 3094 = You cannot buy your own items. 3095 = Please wait for your current cancellation request to complete. 3096 = You cannot post an item for free. 3097 = You cannot post an item for more than <<1>> gold. 3098 = You cannot sell stolen items to other players. 3099 = Not a member of any guild. 31 = Enables game sounds. 310 = Adds |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>>. 3100 = You must unlock this item before you can list it. 3101 = You must be in a campaign to claim a keep. 3102 = You must be in Cyrodiil to claim a keep. 3103 = Keeps are not claimable yet. 3104 = That keep does not exist. 3105 = That keep is not claimable. 3106 = |cffffff<<1>>|r is already claimed by another guild in your alliance. 3107 = A member of your guild is presently claiming another keep. 3108 = Guild operations are currently disabled. 3109 = You are not a member of that guild. 311 = Adds up to |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>>. 3110 = This guild has not granted you permission to claim ownership. 3111 = Keep claim failed. 3112 = You are not allowed to do that right now. 3113 = Your alliance does not own that keep. 3114 = You may only claim ownership for a guild that matches your character's alliance. 3115 = This guild already has ownership of another location. 3116 = You are not a member of that guild. 3117 = You do not have permission to do that. 3118 = Keep release failed. 3119 = Guild operations are currently disabled. 312 = Adds <<1>> <<2>>. 3120 = You are not allowed to do that right now. 3121 = Invalid release operation. 3122 = That guild does not have a keep claimed. 3123 = That guild does not own this keep. 3124 = That keep does not exist. 3125 = Disabled on trial accounts. 3126 = Whispering disabled on Trial accounts. 3127 = Trial accounts may only whisper to friends. 3128 = Guilds disabled on trial accounts. 3129 = Could not find specified item. 313 = Only fits in an enchantment slot 3130 = You cannot perform that action now. 3131 = Invalid trait for item. 3132 = Insufficient funds. 3133 = Item already has that trait. 3134 = Cannot change the trait of this item. 3135 = You must research that trait first. 3136 = That is not a valid outfit. 3137 = That outfit is locked. 3138 = You cannot switch outfits right now. 3139 = You're already wearing that outfit. 314 = Only fits in Toughness slot 3140 = <<1>> has been updated! 3141 = That is not a valid outfit configuration. 3142 = You cannot alter outfits right now. 3143 = You cannot afford to apply these changes. 3144 = You cannot apply a locked collectible to an outfit. 3145 = That is not a valid outfit. 3146 = That is not a valid outfit name. 3147 = That is already the name of the outfit. 3148 = 3149 = 315 = Only fits in Ammo slot 3150 = Harvest Nodes 3151 = Merchants 3152 = Trainers 3153 = NPC Followers 3154 = 3155 = 3156 = Enabled 3157 = Disabled 3158 = Out of Date 3159 = Dependency 316 = Only fits in Precision slot 3160 = 3161 = No Key 3162 = Backspace 3163 = Tab 3164 = Enter 3165 = Ctrl 3166 = Alt 3167 = Command 3168 = Shift 3169 = Left Windows 317 = Only fits in Launch Velocity slot 3170 = Right Windows 3171 = Pause / Break 3172 = Caps Lock 3173 = Esc 3174 = Space 3175 = Page Up 3176 = Page Down 3177 = End 3178 = Home 3179 = Insert 318 = Enchantment slot 3180 = Delete 3181 = Print Screen 3182 = Scroll Lock 3183 = 0 3184 = 1 3185 = 2 3186 = 3 3187 = 4 3188 = 5 3189 = 6 319 = Precision Notch 3190 = 7 3191 = 8 3192 = 9 3193 = A 3194 = B 3195 = C 3196 = D 3197 = E 3198 = F 3199 = G 32 = Music 320 = Range Notch 3200 = H 3201 = I 3202 = J 3203 = K 3204 = L 3205 = M 3206 = N 3207 = O 3208 = P 3209 = Q 321 = Toughness Notch 3210 = R 3211 = S 3212 = T 3213 = U 3214 = V 3215 = W 3216 = X 3217 = Y 3218 = Z 3219 = NumPad 0 322 = Ammo Notch 3220 = NumPad 1 3221 = NumPad 2 3222 = NumPad 3 3223 = NumPad 4 3224 = NumPad 5 3225 = NumPad 6 3226 = NumPad 7 3227 = NumPad 8 3228 = NumPad 9 3229 = Num Lock 323 = <> 3230 = NumPad Asterisk 3231 = NumPad Dash 3232 = NumPad Slash 3233 = NumPad Period 3234 = NumPad Plus 3235 = NumPad Enter 3236 = F1 3237 = F2 3238 = F3 3239 = F4 324 = <> 3240 = F5 3241 = F6 3242 = F7 3243 = F8 3244 = F9 3245 = F10 3246 = F11 3247 = F12 3248 = F13 3249 = F14 325 = <> (|cffffff<<2>>|r cooldown) 3250 = F15 3251 = F16 3252 = F17 3253 = F18 3254 = F19 3255 = F20 3256 = F21 3257 = F22 3258 = F23 3259 = F24 326 = Available in: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3260 = - 3261 = = 3262 = [ 3263 = ] 3264 = \\ 3265 = ; 3266 = ' 3267 = , 3268 = . 3269 = / 327 = <<1>> 3270 = ` 3271 = Left Arrow 3272 = Right Arrow 3273 = Up Arrow 3274 = Down Arrow 3275 = LMB 3276 = RMB 3277 = MMB 3278 = MB4 3279 = MB5 328 = (This enchantment cannot be replaced.) 3280 = LMB + RMB 3281 = Mousewheel Down 3282 = Mousewheel Up 3283 = < 3284 = D-Pad Up 3285 = D-Pad Down 3286 = D-Pad Left 3287 = D-Pad Right 3288 = Start 3289 = Back 329 = Enchantment 3290 = Left Stick 3291 = Right Stick 3292 = Left Shoulder 3293 = Right Shoulder 3294 = Gamepad Button 1 3295 = Gamepad Button 2 3296 = Gamepad Button 3 3297 = Gamepad Button 4 3298 = Left Trigger 3299 = Right Trigger 33 = Enables game music. 330 = <<1>> Enchantment 3300 = Left Stick Up 3301 = Left Stick Down 3302 = Left Stick Left 3303 = Left Stick Right 3304 = Right Stick Up 3305 = Right Stick Down 3306 = Right Stick Left 3307 = Right Stick Right 3308 = Left + Right Shoulders 3309 = Left + Right Triggers 331 = Multi-Effect Enchantment 3310 = Left + Right Sticks 3311 = RB + Button 1 3312 = RB + Button 2 3313 = RB + Button 3 3314 = RB + Button 4 3315 = LB + Button 1 3316 = LB + Button 2 3317 = LB + Button 3 3318 = LB + Button 4 3319 = LB + LS 332 = <<1>> 3320 = LB + RS 3321 = LB + D-Pad Left 3322 = LT + Button 1 3323 = Button 1 + Button 4 3324 = Button 2 + Button 3 3325 = Button 1 + Button 4 3326 = Back + Start 3327 = Touchpad Press + Start 3328 = D-Pad Right + Button 2 3329 = Hold Left Shoulder 333 = <<1>> <<2>> 3330 = Hold Right Shoulder 3331 = Hold Gamepad Button 1 3332 = Hold Gamepad Button 2 3333 = Hold Gamepad Button 3 3334 = Hold Gamepad Button 4 3335 = Hold Left Trigger 3336 = Hold Right Trigger 3337 = Hold D-Pad Up 3338 = Hold D-Pad Down 3339 = Hold D-Pad Left 334 = <<1>> 3340 = Hold D-Pad Right 3341 = Hold Start 3342 = Hold Back 3343 = Hold Left Stick 3344 = Hold Right Stick 3345 = Hold Touchpad 3346 = Touchpad Touch 3347 = Touchpad Press 3348 = Touchpad Swipe Up 3349 = Touchpad Swipe Down 335 = Created by: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3350 = Touchpad Swipe Left 3351 = Touchpad Swipe Right 3352 = 3353 = 3354 = Minimum 3355 = Low 3356 = Medium 3357 = High 3358 = Ultra-High 3359 = PS4 336 = Represents: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3360 = XB1 3361 = Custom 3362 = PS4PLUS1080P 3363 = PS4PLUS4K 3364 = SCORPIO 3365 = 4K 3366 = 1080p Enhanced 3367 = Windowed 3368 = Windowed (Fullscreen) 3369 = Fullscreen 337 = Quest Item 3370 = Low 3371 = Medium 3372 = High 3373 = Low 3374 = Medium 3375 = High 3376 = Ultra 3377 = 3378 = 3379 = Log In 338 = Collectible 3380 = Save Error 3381 = Load Error 3382 = There is not enough free space to save. Do you want to continue without saving? 3383 = The auto save file cannot be used because the data is corrupted. Do you want to overwrite it? Selecting \"no\" will disable saves. 3384 = The auto save file failed to load correctly. Would you like to try again? 3385 = The auto save file failed to save correctly. Would you like to try again? If not, saving will be disabled. 3386 = The auto save's storage device has been removed. Saving will be disabled and game progress may be lost. 3387 = No save was created so game progress will not be saved. Continue without saving? 3388 = No save device was selected so game progress will not be saved. Continue without saving? 3389 = You already have save data on this storage device. Do you want to overwrite it? 339 = Locked 3390 = The Xbox Live Account selected does not have Multiplayer privileges. Please select an account with Xbox Live Gold, or update your permissions. 3391 = Cannot Enter World - Game Install In Progress 3392 = Installation Progress: <<1>> % 3393 = Loading Profile Failed 3394 = Full Name 3395 = Loading Profile 3396 = Currently Loading Profile 3397 = Level <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> 3398 = Champion Rank <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> 3399 = In <<1>> 34 = Music Volume 340 = Item not ready yet 3400 = Logging in 3401 = Launch Game 3402 = Lancer le jeu 3403 = Spiel starten 3404 = Invite To Play 3405 = Invite To Join Game 3406 = Hey, come join me in game. 3407 = Gameplay 3408 = All Nameplates 3409 = All Health Bars 341 = Item can only be used from a quickslot. 3410 = Your Nameplate 3411 = Your Health Bar 3412 = Friendly NPC Nameplates 3413 = Friendly NPC Health Bars 3414 = Friendly Player Nameplates 3415 = Friendly Player Health Bars 3416 = Enemy NPC Nameplates 3417 = Enemy NPC Health Bars 3418 = Enemy Player Nameplates 3419 = Enemy Player Health Bars 342 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds |cffffff<<2>>|r <<3>> 3420 = Enable Voice Chat 3421 = ESO Store 3422 = Glow 3423 = Lock Combat Values 3424 = Combat Distance 3425 = Non-Combat Distance 3426 = Vibration 3427 = Audio/Video 3428 = Target Glow Intensity 3429 = Interactables Glow Intensity 343 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds |cffffff<<2>>|r% <<3>> 3430 = Voice 3431 = Camera 3432 = First Person Rotation Speed 3433 = Third Person Rotation Speed 3434 = Login Failed 3435 = Account Creation/Linking Failed 3436 = An unexpected internal error has occurred. Please contact customer service at <<1>> 3437 = Group Members 3438 = Talked To 3439 = Traded With 344 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds <<2>> <<3>> 3440 = Killed or Killed By 3441 = Dueled With 3442 = ex. Ayren1234 3443 = There is no player with that name. 3444 = You cannot communicate with that player. 3445 = You cannot communicate with other players. 3446 = 3447 = 3448 = You cannot use /stuck in this location. Please contact customer service via /help. 3449 = Guild <<1>> 345 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds <<2>>% <<3>> 3450 = Officer <<1>> 3451 = You do not have a guild <<1>>. 3452 = You don't have permission to talk in guild chat for <<1>>. 3453 = You don't have permission to talk in officer chat for <<1>>. 3454 = /say /s 3455 = /group /g /party /p 3456 = /yell /y 3457 = /zone /z 3458 = /enzone /enz 3459 = /frzone /frz 346 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) <<2>> 3460 = /dezone /dez 3461 = /jpzone /jpz 3462 = /tell /t /w /whisper 3463 = /reply /respond /r 3464 = /guild1 /g1 3465 = /guild2 /g2 3466 = /guild3 /g3 3467 = /guild4 /g4 3468 = /guild5 /g5 3469 = /officer1 /o1 347 = Part of the <<1>> set (<<2>>/<<3>> items) 3470 = /officer2 /o2 3471 = /officer3 /o3 3472 = /officer4 /o4 3473 = /officer5 /o5 3474 = /emote /e /me 3475 = Chat Tab Options 3476 = Chat Color Options 3477 = Tab Name 3478 = Filters 3479 = Guild Channels 348 = Crafted 3480 = Font Size: 3481 = Background Color: 3482 = Window Options 3483 = Color Options 3484 = To change Combat Log filters, use the buttons labeled <<1>>, <<2>>, and <<3>> on the Combat Log. 3485 = <<1>>: 3486 = <<1>> to <<2>>: 3487 = Say 3488 = Group 3489 = Yell 349 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3490 = Zone 3491 = Zone - English 3492 = Zone - French 3493 = Zone - German 3494 = Zone - Japanese 3495 = Tell 3496 = Emote 3497 = NPC 3498 = Social 3499 = Chat 35 = Adjusts the volume of music. 350 = Makes a level |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> 3500 = You have joined the <<1>> (/<<2>>) channel. 3501 = You have left the <<1>> (/<<2>>) channel. 3502 = <<3>><<1>> says: <> 3503 = <<3>><<1>> whispers: <> 3504 = <<1>> <<2>>: <> 3505 = <<3>><<1>> yells: <> 3506 = <<3>><<1>> zone: <> 3507 = <<3>><<1>> zone - English: <> 3508 = <<3>><<1>> zone - French: <> 3509 = <<3>><<1>> zone - German: <> 351 = Makes a |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> 3510 = <<3>><<1>> zone - Japanese: <> 3511 = To <<1>>: <> 3512 = <<1>> <> 3513 = <> whispers: <<2>> 3514 = <> says: <<2>> 3515 = <> yells: <<2>> 3516 = <> <<2>> 3517 = <<3>>[<<1>>] <> 3518 = <<1>> <<2>>: <> 3519 = <<1>> <<2>>: <> 352 = An ingredient for crafting in the |cffffff<>|r style. 3520 = You have played <<1>> for <<2>>. 3521 = Your group is now a large group. 3522 = Your group is no longer a large group. 3523 = New Tab 3524 = Remove Tab: <<1>>? 3525 = Reset tab <<1>> to defaults? 3526 = A server shutdown has been scheduled. The server will shutdown in <<1>>. 3527 = The server shutdown has been canceled. 3528 = The server shutdown has been rescheduled. The server will shutdown in <<1>>. 3529 = The server will shut down now. 353 = Used to create Shields, Staffs, and Bows of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3530 = The server will shut down in <<1>>. 3531 = Show Timestamps 3532 = Hide Timestamps 3533 = Lock Window 3534 = Unlock Window 3535 = Make Non-Interactive 3536 = Make Interactive 3537 = Create New Tab 3538 = Remove Tab 3539 = Options 354 = Used to create Shields, Staffs, and Bows of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r. 3540 = Whisper 3541 = Invite to Group 3542 = Remove from Group 3543 = Ignore 3544 = Add to Friends 3545 = Report for Spam 3546 = Report Player 3547 = Logging Chat to Logs\\ChatLog.txt 3548 = No longer logging chat. 3549 = Complete Quest. 355 = Used to create Light Armor of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3550 = Never mind. 3551 = Quests: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 3552 = Purchase 3553 = How many <> do you wish to buy? 3554 = Travel to <<1>>? 3555 = You have recently recalled. You must pay a fee to recall again this soon.\n\nPay the fee and travel to <<1>>? 3556 = You have recently recalled. You must pay a fee to recall again this soon.\nHowever, you can't afford the fee to travel to <<1>>. 3557 = You can't afford to travel to <<1>>. 3558 = You must wait <<2>> to recall again. 3559 = Goodbye. 356 = Used to create Light Armor of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r. 3560 = This item is new. 3561 = This item is stolen. 3562 = This item is locked. 3563 = This item is temporarily tradable. 3564 = This item can be converted to Crown Gems in the Crown Crates UI. 3565 = This item is currently equipped. 3566 = <<1>>: <<2>> 3567 = This item cannot be researched because it has been transmuted. 3568 = Click here to move an item to an empty Bank slot 3569 = Click here to move item to empty Backpack slot 357 = Used to create Medium Armor of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3570 = Click here to buy an item from the store 3571 = Click here to sell an item 3572 = Click here to buy back the item you sold 3573 = Switch to ascending sort 3574 = Switch to descending sort 3575 = Split Stack 3576 = Split 3577 = Are you sure you want to split <> into two stacks? 3578 = Name 3579 = Value 358 = Used to create Medium Armor of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r. 3580 = Damage 3581 = Armor 3582 = Status 3583 = Trait Information 3584 = Sell Information 3585 = Active 3586 = Inventory Space: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>> 3587 = Inventory Space: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>> 3588 = Bank Space: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>> 3589 = Bank Space: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>> 359 = Used to create Heavy Armor and Metal Weapons of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3590 = Storage: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>> 3591 = Storage: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>> 3592 = View Quickslots 3593 = Retrieving Items... 3594 = Items 3595 = Quickslots 3596 = Currency 3597 = Craft Items 3598 = Craft Bag: <<1>> 3599 = All 36 = Sound Effects 360 = Used to create Heavy Armor and Metal Weapons of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r. 3600 = Price 3601 = Condition 3602 = Cost 3603 = <<1>>% 3604 = Cost 3605 = |cC5C29EHaggling Bonus:|r |cEECA2A<<1>>%|r 3606 = Buy 3607 = Sell 3608 = Repair 3609 = Buy Back 361 = Used to create Jewelry of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3610 = Remove 3611 = Add to Empty Slot 3612 = Add to Ultimate Slot 3613 = Add to Slot <<1>> 3614 = You recently upgraded a riding skill. You can train again in <<1>>. 3615 = Each day you can upgrade a riding skill for <<1>>. 3616 = <<1>> 3617 = Your guild rank does not permit item deposits into the guild bank. 3618 = Your guild does not have enough members to deposit in the guild bank. <<1>> guild members are required. 3619 = The guild bank inventory is empty 362 = Used to create Jewelry of |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r to |t90%:90%:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r. 3620 = Your inventory is empty. 3621 = No items to show. 3622 = You can't put quest items in the Bank 3623 = You cannot stack items in the Guild Bank. 3624 = Select Guild Bank 3625 = Choose a guild to view its bank: 3626 = Select Guild Store 3627 = Choose a guild to view its store: 3628 = Claim |cffffff<<1>>|r in the name of: 3629 = <<1>> 363 = An ingredient for crafting armor with an intrinsic trait. 3630 = No items found. Modify your search and try again. 3631 = No items found 3632 = You don't have enough gold. 3633 = Item Enchantment 3634 = Reset 3635 = Install Enchantment 3636 = Equipped 3637 = <<1>> 3638 = Empty 3639 = Skills 364 = An ingredient for crafting weapons with an intrinsic trait. 3640 = Are you sure you want to refund all your skill points? 3641 = <<1>> 3642 = Unclaimed 3643 = Upgrade Level: <<1>> 3644 = Your alliance must control this keep to claim it. 3645 = You must be a member of a guild to claim a keep. 3646 = Level <<1>> 3647 = <<1>> is under attack! 3648 = Guild Owner: 3649 = N/A 365 = An ingredient for crafting jewelry with an intrinsic trait. 3650 = Time to next level: |cffffffN/A|r 3651 = Time to next level: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3652 = Maximum Level 3653 = Enemy Controlled 3654 = <> is open! 3655 = <> is closed. 3656 = You earned <<2>> Experience and <<3[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>> for capturing <<1>>! 3657 = You earned <<2>> Experience and <<3[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>> for defending <<1>>! 3658 = Level <<1>> 3659 = Click to view <<1>>. 366 = Unknown Recipe 3660 = The <<1>> controls the link from <<2>> to <<3>>. 3661 = The <<1>> lost the link from <<2>> to <<3>>. 3662 = You cannot use the fast travel network while carrying an Elder Scroll. 3663 = The forces of <<1>> have captured <<2>> from <<3>>! 3664 = (<<4>>) The forces of <<1>> have captured <<2>> from <<3>>! 3665 = (<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has been crowned emperor! 3666 = (<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has been deposed as emperor! 3667 = (<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has abdicated their claim to emperor! 3668 = (<<1>>) Player <<4>> has claimed <<2>> for <<3>>! 3669 = (<<1>>) <<3>> has lost their claim to <<2>>! 367 = potion 3670 = (<<1>>) Player <<4>> has relinquished the claim of <<3>> on <<2>>! 3671 = (<<1>>) <<2>> has gained access to Imperial City! 3672 = (<<1>>) <<2>> has lost access to Imperial City! 3673 = Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 3674 = Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 3675 = Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 3676 = Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 3677 = Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 3678 = Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 3679 = Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 368 = poison 3680 = Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 3681 = Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 3682 = Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 3683 = Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 3684 = Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 3685 = <<1>> of <<2>> has taken <<3>> from <<4>>. 3686 = <<1>> of <<2>> has picked up <<3>>. 3687 = <<1>> of <<2>> has secured <<3>> at <<4>>. 3688 = <<1>> of <<2>> has returned <<3>> to <<4>>. 3689 = <<1>> has returned to <<2>>. 369 = CP 3690 = <<1>> of <<2>> has dropped <<3>>. 3691 = (<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has taken <<3>> from <<4>>. 3692 = (<<4>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has picked up <<3>>. 3693 = (<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has secured <<3>> at <<4>>. 3694 = (<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has returned <<3>> to <<4>>. 3695 = (<<3>>) <<1>> has returned to <<2>>. 3696 = (<<4>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has dropped <<3>>. 3697 = Mail 3698 = From: 3699 = Received: 37 = Toggle sound effects such as footsteps and attack sounds. 370 = <<1>> 3700 = <<1>> <<1[day/days]>> 3701 = < 1 day 3702 = |cff0000Returned:|r <<1>> 3703 = This mail was sent Cash On Delivery. You may take the attachments and pay the indicated price, or return this mail to the sender at no cost. 3704 = You have no mail. 3705 = Your inbox is full. Delete some mail to receive more. 3706 = Received 3707 = Expires In: 3708 = From 3709 = Subject 371 = Tradable For 3710 = Reply 3711 = You can't afford to accept the C.O.D. charges. 3712 = Previous 3713 = Next 3714 = To: 3715 = Subject: 3716 = Postage: 3717 = C.O.D. 3718 = You must set the Cash on Delivery amount 3719 = Do you really want to destroy the attachments? 372 = Eligible Players 3720 = Do you really want to destroy the attached gold? 3721 = Do you really want to destroy the attachments and attached gold? 3722 = You have no unread messages. 3723 = You have <<1>> unread <<1[message/messages]>>. 3724 = <<1>> 3725 = Item already attached 3726 = Item is bound 3727 = Item is locked 3728 = Item not found 3729 = You may not have more than one of each unique item. 373 = <<1>>: |cffffff<<2>>|r 3730 = Clear 3731 = You cannot attach any more items. 3732 = RE: <<1>> 3733 = Undeliverable: <<1>> 3734 = You must pay a postage fee to send attached items. This fee is based on the value of the items and the COD price. 3735 = Attachments Changed 3736 = Your pending mail attachments have changed. 3737 = |cffc100 Completed: <<1>> - <<2>> (+<<3>> XP) 3738 = |cffc100 Discovered: <<1>> - <<2>> 3739 = <<1>> Discovered 374 = This cannot be deconstructed. 3740 = Map Updated 3741 = Level Up 3742 = You are now Level <<1>>! 3743 = You are enlightened 3744 = Champion Points gained at an accelerated rate. 3745 = You are no longer enlightened 3746 = New 3747 = <<1>> can now be morphed 3748 = <<1>> Increased to Rank <> 3749 = <<1>> increased to <<2>> 375 = Sell to a merchant for gold. 3750 = Gained <<1>> skill <<1[point/points]>> 3751 = Skyshard Absorbed 3752 = Pieces Collected <<1>>/<<2>> 3753 = Skill line gained: <<1>> <<2>> 3754 = <<1>> wants to trade. 3755 = Submit Offer 3756 = Cancel Offer 3757 = <<1>> has invited you to trade. 3758 = You've invited <<1>> to trade. 3759 = Trade invite declined. 376 = <<1>> 3760 = Trade invite canceled. 3761 = Trade canceled. 3762 = Trade complete. 3763 = Trade failed. 3764 = Trade failed, insufficient gold. 3765 = YOUR OFFER 3766 = <<1>>'s OFFER 3767 = Ready 3768 = <> 3769 = Take 377 = <<1>> 3770 = Take All 3771 = <<1[1 pt/$d pts]>>. 3772 = points 3773 = Achievement Points: |cffffff<<1>> 3774 = Achievement Points Earned 3775 = Completed 3776 = You have earned the <<1>> achievement . 3777 = Achievement Unlocked 3778 = [Guild] <> has earned the <<2>> achievement. 3779 = Search 378 = Bait 3780 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3781 = <<1>> 3782 = <<1>>: <<2>> 3783 = General 3784 = All Collections 3785 = All Collectibles 3786 = Show Unlocked 3787 = Show Locked 3788 = Show Usable 3789 = Search 379 = Book 3790 = No matching collectibles found. 3791 = Quickslot 3792 = Quest: |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r 3793 = Lore Library 3794 = Books: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 3795 = <<1>> |cffffff<<2>>/<<3>>|r 3796 = You already know <<1>>. 3797 = You added <<1>> to your lore library. 3798 = Lorebook Discovered 3799 = <<1>> Added to Library 38 = Effects Volume 380 = Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped |cffffffEquipment|r even when hidden by a costume or hat. This includes shields equipped in either slot. 3800 = Collection Completed 3801 = Found all lorebooks in <<1>> 3802 = Read 3803 = Turn Page 3804 = Previous Page 3805 = Next Page 3806 = <<1>> increases constantly as long as this resource is controlled. 3807 = Mousewheel 3808 = <<1>> 3809 = <<1>> 381 = Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped |cffffffCostume|r and |cffffffHat|r. 3810 = Abandon 3811 = Share 3812 = Focus on this quest. 3813 = Show on map 3814 = Interface Options 3815 = Trade 3816 = <<1>> Campaign Bonuses 3817 = Friends 3818 = Your Group 3819 = Cancel Search 382 = Requires an active Costume or Hat that can be dyed. 3820 = Searching for Members... 3821 = Group Members: 3822 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3823 = Soul Reservoir: 3824 = The total number of souls your group has left in the Soul Reservoir for this Trial. 3825 = Role 3826 = <<1>>. <<2>> 3827 = Character Name 3828 = Class 3829 = Lvl 383 = Requires Equipment that can be dyed. 3830 = Role 3831 = Group Leader 3832 = Disabled 3833 = Current Campaign: 3834 = Dungeon Mode: 3835 = Normal 3836 = Veteran 3837 = Your group leader has chosen this as the mode of group dungeons. 3838 = Dungeon difficulty changed to Normal. 3839 = Dungeon difficulty changed to Veteran. 384 = Already Applied 3840 = <<1>>: <>|cffffff<<3>>|r 3841 = Average dungeon queue: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3842 = Removing from area... 3843 = You are not in your group’s instance. 3844 = You are no longer in a group. 3845 = Color Picker 3846 = Opacity 3847 = New 3848 = Current 3849 = |cff0000You don't have enough inspiration points to learn that recipe 385 = Cannot apply at this time. 3850 = |cff0000That item has no slots available 3851 = <<1>> receives<<3[ 1/ $d]>> <>. 3852 = You receive<<2[ 1/ $d]>> <>. 3853 = You receive <<1>> gold. 3854 = Warning: <> is a bind-on-pickup item. Are you sure you want to loot it? 3855 = Warning: This contains one or more bind-on-pickup items. Are you sure you want to loot all? 3856 = <> 3857 = <<1>> / <<2>> 3858 = Empty Slot 3859 = Offline 386 = Costume or Hat is being hidden. 3860 = Dead 3861 = This quest is meant to be completed by yourself. 3862 = This quest is meant to be completed with the help of other players. 3863 = This quest is located in a Dungeon and is meant to be completed by a 4 player group. 3864 = This quest is meant to be completed by a 12 player trial group. 3865 = This quest takes place in a public dungeon. 3866 = This quest takes place in a delve. 3867 = This quest takes place in a player house. 3868 = 3869 = Level <<1>> 387 = Increases Quality from <<1>> to <<2>> 3870 = Repeatable 3871 = <<1>> 3872 = Skills 3873 = Stats 3874 = Inventory 3875 = Quests 3876 = Lore Library 3877 = Cadwell's Almanac 3878 = Leaderboards 3879 = World Map 388 = <> of these items can be refined into <>, which increases Quality from <<3>> to <<4>>. 3880 = Mail 3881 = Guilds 3882 = Notifications 3883 = Group & Activity Finder 3884 = <<1>> <<2>> 3885 = Background 3886 = You are ready to train a riding skill. Visit a stable master to train. 3887 = Alliance Rank 3888 = Bounty 3889 = Commit Points 389 = Already in your library. 3890 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3891 = Attribute Points: 3892 = You have attribute points to spend. Use these to increase your health, magicka, and stamina. 3893 = Equipment Bonus 3894 = Lowest Piece: <> 3895 = Health Idle Regen: 3896 = Health Combat Regen: 3897 = Magicka Idle Regen: 3898 = Magicka Combat Regen: 3899 = Stamina Idle Regen: 39 = Adjusts the volume of sound effects. 390 = You do not own this book. 3900 = Stamina Combat Regen: 3901 = Spell Power: 3902 = Spell Penetration: 3903 = Magicka Max: 3904 = Spell Critical: 3905 = Attack Power: 3906 = Pierce Rating 3907 = Stamina Max: 3908 = Critical Strike: 3909 = Weapon Resistance 391 = Use to add to your lore library. 3910 = Spell Resistance: 3911 = Health Max: 3912 = Critical Resistance: 3913 = Craft: 3914 = Rank: 3915 = <<1>> 3916 = Affects the amount of Damage you can take before dying. 3917 = When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Health every two seconds. 3918 = When in combat, you recover <<1>> Health every two seconds. 3919 = Affects how many Magicka abilities you can cast and how effective those abilities will be. Stave Weapon damage is based on your Maximum Magicka. 392 = Upgrade 3920 = When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Magicka every two seconds. 3921 = When in combat, you recover <<1>> Magicka every two seconds. 3922 = Affects how many Stamina abilities you can use and how effective those abilities will be. Sword, shield, axe, mace, bow and dagger Weapon Damage is based on your Maximum Stamina. 3923 = When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Stamina every two seconds. 3924 = When in combat, you recover <<1>> Stamina every two seconds. 3925 = Affects how much Damage or Healing your Magicka-based abilities and weapons cause. 3926 = Makes your spell attacks bypass your target's spell resist. 3927 = Gives your Magicka-based abilities and weapons a chance to do Critical Damage. 3928 = Affects how much Damage you deal with physical attacks. 3929 = Makes your physical attacks bypass your target's armor. 393 = Bundle 3930 = Gives your Physical Attacks a chance to do Critical Damage. 3931 = Decreases the amount of Damage you take from Physical Attacks. 3932 = Decreases the amount of Damage you take from Magical Attacks. 3933 = Decreases the damage you will take when you are the victim of a Critical Strike. 3934 = Affects how much Damage or Healing your Stamina-based abilities and weapons cause. 3935 = Resistance 3936 = Reduces the Damage you take from Spells. 3937 = Reduces the Damage you take from Physical Attacks. 3938 = Affects how much Damage or Healing your Stamina-based abilities and weapons cause. 3939 = Attributes Reset 394 = DLC 3940 = <<1>> 3941 = Updates 3942 = Background Information 3943 = Guildmaster: 3944 = Members Online: 3945 = Add Rank 3946 = Save 3947 = Cancel 3948 = Founded: 3949 = Guild Bank is enabled.\n\nVisit a Banker to access the contents of the guild's bank. 395 = Unlocked 3950 = Guild Bank is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. You may still withdraw items from the guild bank.|r 3951 = Guild Store is enabled. 3952 = Guild Store is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. You may still purchase from the store and cancel your listings. 3953 = Guild Heraldry is enabled. 3954 = Guild Heraldry is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. 3955 = |t24:24:<>|t (<<2>>) <<3>> 3956 = Guild Trader 3957 = Confirm Changes 3958 = Save the changes to your guild's ranks? 3959 = Accept 396 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3960 = Decline 3961 = Ignore Player 3962 = Report Spamming 3963 = Delete 3964 = Open Leaderboard 3965 = <<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. Click the <> to the right learn more about it. 3966 = Click for more information. 3967 = Edit 3968 = Cancel 3969 = Save 397 = This increases your inventory capacity by |cffffff<<1>>|r slots, though it can’t exceed the maximum size available from Pack Merchants. 3970 = \"<>\" 3971 = Show my location 3972 = Browse maps 3973 = Go up a floor 3974 = Go down a floor 3975 = Mark on map 3976 = Abandon 3977 = Share 3978 = Show on Map 3979 = Show Details 398 = This increases your bank capacity by |cffffff<<1>>|r slots, though it can’t exceed the maximum size available from Bankers.\n\nNote: An ESO Plus membership doubles your bank space while active. 3980 = Sharing quest with your group. 3981 = Complete one: 3982 = Optional Steps: 3983 = Hints: 3984 = *<<1>> 3985 = • <<1>> 3986 = <<1>> 3987 = Your quest log is full 3988 = You do not meet the requirements for this quest 3989 = You have reached the maximum number of daily quests for today 399 = This unlocks |cffffff<<1>>|r additional character <<1[slot/slots]>> in character creation. 3990 = You can only have one Grand Alliance War quest at a time 3991 = |cff0000Tracker full: Cease tracking a quest to make room 3992 = Are you sure you want to abandon <<1>>? 3993 = Abandon 3994 = (<<1>>) 3995 = Complete 3996 = Group Options 3997 = Leader: 3998 = Layout Options 3999 = Four columns 4 = French 40 = Ambient Sounds 400 = This unlocks |cffffff<<1>>|r additional <<1[outfit/outfits]>>. Outfits can be modified at any Outfit Station. 4000 = Two columns 4001 = Only show my group 4002 = You must be in a group to do that. 4003 = You must be the group leader to do that. 4004 = That person is not a member of your group. 4005 = Group leader changed to <<1>>. 4006 = You have been removed from the group. 4007 = <<1>> wants to group. Do you accept? 4008 = Some Dungeons only allow groups of <<1>> or fewer to enter. Inviting this player will convert this group to a large group and prevent access.\nAre you sure you want to extend this invitation? 4009 = Guild MOTD: <> 401 = Deal for ESO Plus members 4010 = Loot 4011 = Apply 4012 = Yes 4013 = No 4014 = <<1>> gold 4015 = <<1>> Tel Var Stones 4016 = <<1>> Writ Vouchers 4017 = <>: <<2>> / <<3>> 4018 = Completed: <> 4019 = Failed: <>: <<2>> / <<3>> 402 = Exclusive offer for ESO Plus members 4020 = Failed: <> 4021 = |cffc100Quest Completed: <> 4022 = |cffc100Quest Accepted: <> 4023 = Completed: <<1>> 4024 = Completed: <<1>><<2>> 4025 = Started: <<1>> 4026 = Started: <<1>><<2>> 4027 = <<1>> 4028 = Completed: <<1>> 4029 = Champion Point 403 = Service 4030 = Champion 4031 = You gain <<1>> experience. 4032 = Discovered: <>. You gain <<2>> experience. 4033 = You gain <<1[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>>. 4034 = You gain <<1[1 Rank Point/$d Rank Points]>>. 4035 = <<1>> 4036 = <<1>> <<2>> 4037 = You gain <<1>> Tel Var Stones. 4038 = Group Leader 4039 = Group <<1>> 404 = <<1>> 4040 = Keep Score Bonuses (<<1[1 Keep/$d Keeps]>> Held) 4041 = Hold all home keeps 4042 = +<<1>> Keep Score 4043 = Defensive Elder Scroll Bonuses (<<1>> Defensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> Held) 4044 = +<<1>> Enemy Defensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> 4045 = Offensive Elder Scroll Bonuses (<<1>> Offensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> Held) 4046 = Hold the <<1>> 4047 = +<<1>> Enemy Offensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> 4048 = Stuck 4049 = Stuck 405 = This token allows you to change the name of |cffffff1|r character. 4050 = Moving to a safe location... 4051 = /stuck is on cooldown, please try again in <<1>>. 4052 = You are already in the process of being moved. 4053 = You cannot use /stuck while in combat. 4054 = Skill Points: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4055 = Skyshards: |cffffff<<1>>/3|r 4056 = Active Abilities 4057 = Passive Abilities 4058 = Ultimate Abilities 4059 = Morph Ability 406 = This token allows you to change the race and appearance of |cffffff1|r character. 4060 = Choose an ability to morph |cffffff<<1>>|r into: 4061 = Purchase Ability 4062 = Are you sure you want to purchase 4063 = Upgrade Ability 4064 = Are you sure you want to upgrade |cffffff<<1>>|r? 4065 = This costs |cffffff1|r skill point. 4066 = Morph 4067 = Unlock 4068 = Upgrade 4069 = Skills Reset 407 = This token allows you to change the appearance of |cffffff1|r character. 4070 = <<1>> 4071 = <<1>> 4072 = Balance: 4073 = Cost: 4074 = Your alliance must hold your own Elder Scroll before you can capture an enemy Elder Scroll. 4075 = Your alliance already holds this Elder Scroll. 4076 = There is no Elder Scroll to interact with here. 4077 = You're already carrying an Elder Scroll. 4078 = This is not a valid capture location for an Elder Scroll. 4079 = This is a capture location for an enemy Elder Scroll. 408 = You have |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> <<1[Token/Tokens]>>. 4080 = You can only capture an Elder Scroll at a keep in your home territory. 4081 = There's already an Elder Scroll here. 4082 = This location is already home to another captured Elder Scroll. 4083 = You can only return this Elder Scroll to its starting temple. 4084 = You've been awarded a medal: <<1>> 4085 = The |cffffff<>|r event is starting. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 4086 = The |cffffff<>|r event is starting which will grant you the |cffffff<>|r quest. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<3>>|r. 4087 = |cffffff<<1>>|r is starting the |cffffff<>|r event. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<3>>|r. 4088 = |cffffff<<1>>|r is starting the |cffffff<>|r event which will grant you the |cffffff<>|r quest. Would you like to join?\nExpires in |cffffff<<4>>|r. 4089 = Press a key or click in the box below to set the <<1>> bind for <<2>>. 409 = This token can only be used on the character select screen. 4090 = Primary 4091 = Secondary 4092 = Tertiary 4093 = Quaternary 4094 = Special Keys: 4095 = First Bind 4096 = Second Bind 4097 = Third Bind 4098 = Fourth Bind 4099 = Bindings 41 = Toggle ambient sounds. 410 = \"<<1>>\" 4100 = Bind 4101 = Unbind 4102 = This is already the <<1>> bind for <<2>>. 4103 = Setting this bind will unbind it from <<1>>. 4104 = This is already bound to <<1>> and it cannot be unbound. 4105 = Load Keyboard Defaults 4106 = Load Gamepad Defaults 4107 = In-World 4108 = Items 4109 = Tutorials 411 = Application Cost 4110 = General 4111 = Nameplates 4112 = Healthbars 4113 = Indicators 4114 = Combat Text 4115 = Heads-Up Display 4116 = Performance 4117 = Tooltips 4118 = Ability Bar 4119 = Controls the visibility of the Ability Bar. When automatic display is selected, the Ability Bar will only appear in useful situations like combat and targeting an enemy. 412 = Application Cost: |cffffff<<1>>|r <> 4120 = Group Revive Counter 4121 = Controls the display of the group revive counter. When automatic display is selected the revive counter only appears when a group member revives. 4122 = Display Name (Keyboard) 4123 = Determines which name should be displayed most prominently when viewing other players. (Gamepad mode can be changed separately in Gamepad settings) 4124 = Attribute Bars 4125 = Controls the visibility of the player Attribute Bars. When automatic display is selected, the Attribute Bars will only appear in useful situations like combat. 4126 = Incoming Requests 4127 = Alerts 4128 = Chat Settings 4129 = Notifications 413 = Application Cost: <<1>> 4130 = <<1>> (Incoming) 4131 = <<1>> (Outgoing) 4132 = Adjusts the color of messages that are said locally. 4133 = Adjusts the color of messages that are yelled. 4134 = Adjusts the color of incoming whispers. 4135 = Adjusts the color of outgoing whispers. 4136 = Adjusts the color of group messages. 4137 = Adjusts the color of the zone chat channel text. 4138 = Adjusts the color of the English zone chat channel text. 4139 = Adjusts the color of the French zone chat channel text. 414 = <<1>> 4140 = Adjusts the color of the German zone chat channel text. 4141 = Adjusts the color of the Japanese zone chat channel text. 4142 = Adjusts the color of non player character messages. 4143 = Adjusts the color of emote messages. 4144 = Adjusts the color of system messages. 4145 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 1. 4146 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 1. 4147 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 2. 4148 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 2. 4149 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 3. 415 = <<1>> - \"<<2>>\" 4150 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 3. 4151 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 4. 4152 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 4. 4153 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 5. 4154 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 5. 4155 = Global 4156 = First Person 4157 = Third Person 4158 = Reset to Default 4159 = Healthbars 416 = <> - \"<>\" 4160 = Enables the healthbar system that appears above creatures, non player characters and players. 4161 = Self (Show) 4162 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above your character. 4163 = Group Members (Show) 4164 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above group members. 4165 = Friendly NPCs (Show) 4166 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above friendly non player characters. 4167 = Friendly Players (Show) 4168 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above friendly players. 4169 = Neutral NPCs (Show) 417 = Adjust the area so that the corners are still visible on your screen. 4170 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above neutral non-player characters. 4171 = Enemy NPCs (Show) 4172 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy non player characters. 4173 = Enemy Players (Show) 4174 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy players. 4175 = Self (Highlight) 4176 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above yourself. 4177 = Group Members (Highlight) 4178 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above group members. 4179 = Friendly NPCs (Highlight) 418 = Adjust 4180 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above friendly non-player characters. 4181 = Friendly Players (Highlight) 4182 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above friendly players. 4183 = Neutral NPCs (Highlight) 4184 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above neutral non-player characters. 4185 = Enemy NPCs (Highlight) 4186 = Controls the transparency of the overhead healthbar above enemy non-player characters. 4187 = Enemy Players (Highlight) 4188 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy players. 4189 = Alignment 419 = Adjust Screen 4190 = Sets the alignment of the health bar within the frame. 4191 = Damage Taken Indicator 4192 = Adds a segment to the healthbar that shows recent damage done. 4193 = Frame Border 4194 = Adds a bright border to the healthbar, helping it stand out more in dark areas. 4195 = Alliance Indicators 4196 = Controls the display of an alliance icon above players that signifies their alliance association. 4197 = Group Members 4198 = Displays a group member icon above players that are in your group. 4199 = Resurrectable Players 42 = Ambience Volume 420 = Adjusting Screen... 4200 = Displays a resurrectable icon above friendly players that are dead. 4201 = Followers 4202 = Displays a follower icon above creatures and non player characters that are following your character. 4203 = Auto Loot 4204 = Automatically takes all items when looting corpses and containers. 4205 = Auto Loot Stolen Items 4206 = If this option is off, auto-loot will not steal items; they must be manually taken. Otherwise, auto-loot will work on owned items the same way it works on unowned items. Note that this will still incur a bounty if you're seen. 4207 = Auto-Add to Craft Bag 4208 = Controls whether crafting materials will be automatically transferred to the Craft Bag.\n\nThe Craft Bag requires an active ESO Plus membership. 4209 = Consolidate Area Loot 421 = Accept 4210 = Combines the items of all nearby corpses into one window when bringing up a loot window. 4211 = Quest Tracker 4212 = Displays the Quest Tracker on the right side of the Heads Up Display. 4213 = Compass Quest Givers 4214 = Controls the display of quest givers on the compass. 4215 = Compass Active Quests 4216 = Controls the display of active quests on the compass. 4217 = Quest Giver Icons 4218 = Shows icons for quest givers. 4219 = In world indicators over quest objects will still show up for all quests. Indicators that guide you through passageways and doors will only show up for your focused quest. 422 = Back 4220 = In world indicators over quest objects will still show up for all quests. Indicators that guide you through passageways and doors will not show up. 4221 = <<1>>ms 4222 = Double Tap Speed 4223 = Adjusts the length of the time period in which you must press the movement key twice, before having your character perform the dodge. 4224 = Double Tap to Dodge 4225 = Allows you to double tap a movement key to dodge in that direction. 4226 = Ground Targeting Range Lock 4227 = When enabled, ground targeted abilities cannot be aimed beyond their maximum range. 4228 = Prevent Attacking Innocents 4229 = Prevents your attacks and spells from damaging innocents. 423 = Calibrate Brightness 4230 = Quick Cast Ground Abilities 4231 = Toggle whether all ground targeted abilities are cast instantly or if they require a second confirmation with the location indicator displayed. Automatic defaults each ground targeted ability to its own pre-defined setting. 4232 = All 4233 = Shows damage and healing amounts in the world near their targets. 4234 = Outgoing 4235 = Shows damage and healing amounts on your targets. 4236 = Outgoing Damage 4237 = Shows damage amounts on your targets. 4238 = Outgoing Damage Over Time 4239 = Shows damage over time amounts on your targets. 424 = This may be an unusually long load time. 4240 = Outgoing Healing 4241 = Shows healing amounts on your targets. 4242 = Outgoing Healing Over Time 4243 = Shows healing over time amounts on your targets. 4244 = Outgoing Crowd Control 4245 = Shows crowd control on your targets. 4246 = Outgoing Pet Damage 4247 = Shows damage amounts on your pets' targets. 4248 = Outgoing Pet Damage Over Time 4249 = Shows damage over time amounts on your pets' targets. 425 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 4250 = Outgoing Pet Healing 4251 = Shows healing amounts on your pets' targets. 4252 = Outgoing Pet Healing Over Time 4253 = Shows healing over time amounts on your pets' targets. 4254 = Incoming 4255 = Shows damage and healing amounts on you. 4256 = Incoming Damage 4257 = Shows damage amounts on you. 4258 = Incoming Damage Over Time 4259 = Shows damage over time amounts on you. 426 = You cannot carry any more <<1>>. 4260 = Incoming Healing 4261 = Shows healing amounts on you. 4262 = Incoming Healing Over Time 4263 = Shows healing over time amounts on you. 4264 = Incoming Crowd Control 4265 = Shows crowd control on you. 4266 = Incoming Point Gains 4267 = Shows point gains on you. 4268 = Incoming Pet Damage 4269 = Shows damage amounts on your pets. 427 = General 4270 = Incoming Pet Damage Over Time 4271 = Shows damage over time amounts on your pets. 4272 = Battle Level 4273 = Automatically adjusts the stats of your character to be competitive with other players in the Alliance War. 4274 = This setting may only be changed in locations that do not use Battle Levels. 4275 = Combat Cues 4276 = Displays certain visual effects on creatures and non player characters, calling out behaviors that are applied to and from them. 4277 = Custom Colors 4278 = Enable this option to change the colors of combat cues. 4279 = Friendly Color 428 = User Interface Shortcuts 4280 = The color of visual effects for friendly abilities. 4281 = Friendly Brightness 4282 = The brightness of visual effects for friendly abilities. 4283 = Enemy Color 4284 = The color of visual effects for enemy abilities. 4285 = Enemy Brightness 4286 = The brightness of visual effects for enemy abilities. 4287 = Test Friendly 4288 = Creates a friendly combat cue for testing. 4289 = Test Enemy 429 = Siege 4290 = Creates an enemy combat cue for testing. 4291 = Target Glow 4292 = Displays a glow around your target. The color of the glow represents their disposition towards you. 4293 = Glow Intensity 4294 = Adjusts the intensity of the glow around your target. 4295 = Interactables Glow 4296 = Displays a glow around certain interactable objects. 4297 = Glow Intensity 4298 = Adjusts the intensity of the glow around interactable objects. 4299 = Glow Thickness 43 = Adjusts the volume of ambient environmental sound. 430 = Notifications 4300 = Adjusts the thickness of target and interactable glows. 4301 = Active Combat Tips 4302 = Controls the display of helpful combat tips at the bottom of the Heads Up Display. When automatic display is chosen, it will only be shown when necessary to learn the core mechanics of combat. 4303 = Tutorials 4304 = Enables helpful tutorial alerts. 4305 = Reset Tutorials 4306 = Profanity Filter 4307 = Filters out profanity in all player-written text in chat, email subjects and bodies, guild messages, and more. 4308 = Hide Polymorph Helmet 4309 = Hides your collectible Polymorph helmets that can be hidden. Your equipment helmet can be hidden by a Hat collectible or at an Outfit Station. 431 = Housing Editor 4310 = Hide Mount Stamina Upgrade 4311 = Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in stamina to everybody, even though the stamina upgrade is still applied. 4312 = Hide Mount Speed Upgrade 4313 = Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in speed to everybody, even though the speed upgrade is still applied. 4314 = Hide Mount Capacity Upgrade 4315 = Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in capacity to everybody, even though the capacity upgrade is still applied. 4316 = Hide Loin Cloth 4317 = Determines if this character will appear as though not wearing a loin cloth to everybody. 4318 = Hide Tassets 4319 = Determines if this character will appear as though not wearing tassets to everybody. 432 = Housing Editor Placement Mode 4320 = HUD Cursor On Entry 4321 = Displays the cursor on the Heads Up Display whenever you are typing. 4322 = Framerate 4323 = Enables an indicator on the interface showing the game's framerate in real time. Higher values indicate a smoother experience. 4324 = Latency 4325 = Enables a network latency indicator on the interface. Higher values can result in decreased responsiveness while playing. 4326 = Framerate/Latency Position Lock 4327 = Locks the Framerate and Latency indicators to their current position on the interface. 4328 = Reset Position 4329 = /say 433 = Housing HUD 4330 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /say. 4331 = /yell 4332 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /yell. 4333 = /tell 4334 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /tell. 4335 = /group 4336 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /group. 4337 = /emote 4338 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /emote. 4339 = Very Slow 434 = Battlegrounds 4340 = Slow 4341 = Average 4342 = Fast 4343 = Very Fast 4344 = FPS: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4345 = <<1>>+ 4346 = Frames per second. Higher values indicate a smoother experience. 4347 = Your latency to the server in milliseconds. Higher values can result in decreased responsiveness while playing. 4348 = Resume 4349 = Keybindings 435 = Movement 4350 = More Info 4351 = <<1>> 4352 = <> 4353 = <<1>> points 4354 = <<1>>: |cffffff<<2>>|r 4355 = <<1>> 4356 = <<1>> Base 4357 = <<1>> Spawn 4358 = Started: <<1>> Trial 4359 = Failed: <<1>> Trial 436 = Combat 4360 = Completed: <<1>> 4361 = Final Score: <<1>>\nTotal Time: <<2>> 4362 = |t64:64:<<1>>|t<<2>> Points Rewarded 4363 = Your current score is <<1>> points. 4364 = New Best Score for Weekly (<<1>>) 4365 = New Best Score for <<1>> 4366 = Help 4367 = Tutorials 4368 = Customer Support 4369 = Emotes 437 = Targeting 4370 = Enter a keyword 4371 = Filter by: 4372 = No matching tutorials found. 4373 = Loading... 4374 = Sell All Junk 4375 = Are you sure you want to sell all items marked as junk from your inventory? 4376 = Sell 4377 = Destroy All Junk 4378 = Are you sure you want to destroy all items marked as junk from your inventory? 4379 = Destroy 438 = Interaction 4380 = Repair all your damaged equipment? 4381 = You cannot afford to repair all of your equipment. 4382 = <>: <<2>> / <<3>> 4383 = <> 4384 = Completed: <<1>> 4385 = <<1>> has logged on. 4386 = <<1>> has logged on with <<2>>. 4387 = <<1>> has logged off. 4388 = <<1>> has logged off with <<2>>. 4389 = <<1>> added to Ignore List. 439 = Camera 4390 = <<1>> removed from Ignored List. 4391 = Busy processing social requests. Please try again in a few seconds. 4392 = You are set to: <<1>> 4393 = Friends Online: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r 4394 = You have been invited to join <>|cffffff<<2>>|r by |cffffff<<3>>|r. 4395 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. 4396 = Notifications (<<1>>) 4397 = You have |cffffff<<1>>|r pending <<1[notification/notifications]>>. 4398 = You do not have any notifications. 4399 = You Have No Pending Notifications 44 = User Interface 440 = User Interface 4400 = Toggles between your Primary and Backup Weapon Sets. 4401 = Unlocked at Level <<1>> 4402 = Cannot weapon swap in your current state. 4403 = <<1>> 4404 = +<<1>>% 4405 = +<<1>> 4406 = <<1>> Aiming Arrow Length 4407 = <<1>> Scatter Reduction 4408 = <<1>> Range 4409 = <<1>> Max HP 441 = General 4410 = Toughness 4411 = <<1>><<2>> HP 4412 = <<1>><<2>>/<<3>><<4>> HP 4413 = Siege Bonus: <<1>> 4414 = <<1>> (<<2>> / <<3>>) 4415 = <<1>> 4416 = <<1>> 4417 = Cast Time 4418 = <<1[$d second/$d seconds]>> 4419 = Channel Time 442 = Disabled 4420 = <<1[$d second/$d seconds]>> 4421 = Instant 4422 = Target 4423 = Ground 4424 = Cone 4425 = Area 4426 = Cost 4427 = <<1>> <<2>> 4428 = None 4429 = Range 443 = <<1>> 4430 = <<1>> meters 4431 = <<1>> - <<2>> meters 4432 = Radius 4433 = <<1>> meters 4434 = Area 4435 = <<1>> x <<2>> meters 4436 = Duration 4437 = <<1[$d second/$d seconds]>> 4438 = No Duration 4439 = Passive 444 = Not Bound 4440 = Self 4441 = <<1>> cooldown 4442 = |cff0000<<1>>|r remaining 4443 = Requires: <> 4444 = Bronze Rank 4445 = Silver Rank 4446 = Gold Rank 4447 = |cffffff<>|r 4448 = |cffffff<>|r% 4449 = |cffffff<>|r damage 445 = < 1 minute ago. 4450 = |cffffff<>|r magic damage 4451 = |cffffff<>|r <<2>> Damage 4452 = |cffffff<>|r <<1[meter/meters]>> 4453 = <> 4454 = <>% 4455 = <> damage 4456 = <> magic damage 4457 = <> <<2>> damage 4458 = <> <<1[meter/meters]>> 4459 = Requires 1 Skill Point 446 = <> ago. 4460 = <<1>> : |cffffff<<2>> / <<3>>|r 4461 = Skyshards can be found throughout the world. Collecting three Skyshards grants an extra skill point. 4462 = |cffffff<<1>>|r 4463 = |cffffff<<1>>|r% 4464 = <<1>> 4465 = <<1>> 4466 = <<1[/$d/$d]>> 4467 = <<1>> 4468 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 4469 = Map Ping: <<1>> 447 = <> LEFT 4470 = Group Rally Point 4471 = Your Set Destination 4472 = <<1>> 4473 = Level <<1>> <<2>> (Player) 4474 = Level <<1>> 4475 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 4476 = <<1>> 4477 = Requires <<1>> 4478 = <<1>> |c7fa4c5(Above)|r 4479 = <<1>> |c7fa4c5(Below)|r 448 = <>mo 4480 = Undiscovered Quest 4481 = Alliance Owner: <<1>> 4482 = <<1>>: <<2>> 4483 = Access: <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> 4484 = No Alliances 4485 = Guild Owner: <<1>> 4486 = Left-click to travel here. 4487 = This keep is inaccessible. 4488 = Your alliance does not own this keep. 4489 = This keep is under attack. 449 = <>d 4490 = This keep has too many resources under enemy control. 4491 = This keep is not connected to your current keep. 4492 = Your current keep is under attack. 4493 = Your current keep has too many resources under enemy control. 4494 = Left-click to respawn here. 4495 = You cannot respawn here. 4496 = You are at this keep. 4497 = Left-click to fast travel here. 4498 = Left-click to recall to here. 4499 = Left-click to open the Crown Store. 45 = Toggle user interface sounds such as button clicks. 450 = <>h 4500 = Left-click to preview house. 4501 = Left-click to upgrade. 4502 = Cost to Recall: 4503 = Elder Scroll Type: |c7fa4c5Offensive|r 4504 = Elder Scroll Type: |c7fa4c5Defensive|r 4505 = Elder Scroll Stolen! 4506 = Only the <<1>> can use this link 4507 = Forward Camp 4508 = Left-click to respawn here. 4509 = |c7fa4c5<<1>> : Siege Weapons (<<2>> / <<3>>) 451 = <>m 4510 = |c7fa4c5<<1>> : Siege NPC (<<2>> / <<3>>) 4511 = Status: <<1>> 4512 = <<1>> 4513 = Level <<1>> 4514 = <<1>> 4515 = Capture Bonus: <> <>|r 4516 = <>|cffffff<<2>>|r 4517 = <<1>> <<2>> 4518 = Advisor Settings 4519 = Advisor List 452 = <>s 4520 = Capture Bonus: <> <>|r 4521 = Open Skills Advisor 4522 = Close Skills Advisor 4523 = Unclaimed 4524 = Unknown 4525 = Traits 4526 = ? 4527 = Craft (<<1>>) 4528 = Craft 4529 = Extract 453 = <> month 4530 = Clear Selections 4531 = Buy Crown Mimic Stone 4532 = Crown Mimic Stone (<<1>>) 4533 = Use Crown Mimic Stone 4534 = You are about to create an item using a Crown Mimic Stone.\n\n This cannot be undone. 4535 = |cffffff<<1>>|r (|cEECA2ACrown Mimic Stone|r) 4536 = Do you really want to cancel researching |cffffff<<1>>: <<2>>|r? Type <<3>> to verify. 4537 = The item used will not be returned. 4538 = <> changed to |cffffff<<2>>|r 4539 = Requires Solvent Proficiency <<1>> 454 = <> day 4540 = Creation 4541 = Solvent 4542 = Reagents 4543 = Solvent 4544 = Reagents 4545 = Makes a level <<1>> <<2>> 4546 = Makes a |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t<<1>> <<2>> 4547 = No solvents or reagents found. 4548 = No solvents found. 4549 = No reagents found. 455 = <> hour 4550 = Alchemical reaction yielded no results. 4551 = Traits Discovered 4552 = You have discovered the following traits: 4553 = <<1>> 4554 = Options 4555 = Use <<1>> 4556 = <> |cffffff(<<2>>)|r 4557 = Nothing found that matches your filters. 4558 = Discovered trait <<2>> on <> 4559 = Learned the <<1>> crafting style. 456 = <> min 4560 = Learned the <<1>> <<2>> crafting style. 4561 = Finished researching trait <<1>> for <<2>> 4562 = You learned how to make <> 4563 = Recipe already known. 4564 = Unknown Runestone 4565 = No runestones found. 4566 = No Aspect runestones found. 4567 = No Essence runestones found. 4568 = No Potency runestones found. 4569 = No Glyphs to extract. 457 = <> sec 4570 = Rune Phrase 4571 = Glyph to Extract 4572 = Creation 4573 = Extraction 4574 = Requires Potency Improvement <<1>> 4575 = Requires Aspect Improvement <<1>> 4576 = Translation 4577 = ? 4578 = <<1>> 4579 = Can only be applied to an item between |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r and |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<2>>|r 458 = <> <<1[month/months]>> 4580 = Minimum Level: |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t|cffffff<<1>>|r 4581 = Unknown Glyph 4582 = Unknown Effects 4583 = Runes Translated 4584 = You have translated the following runes: 4585 = Confirm Enchant Item 4586 = The item being enchanted is locked, type <<1>> to verify. 4587 = Gained inspiration: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4588 = Gained inspiration: |cffffff<<1>>|r |c7fa4c5(+ <<2>>)|r 4589 = Type 459 = |cffffff<>|r <<1[month/months]>> 4590 = Material 4591 = Style 4592 = Trait 4593 = |cffffff<<1>>|r (|cffffff<<2>>|r <<2[Trait/Traits]>>) 4594 = <<1>> 4595 = |cffffff<<2>>|r - |cffffff<<3>>|r <> 4596 = |cffffff<<2>>|r (<>) 4597 = |cffffff<<2>>|r (<>) 4598 = Buy Crafting Items 4599 = Have items 46 = Interface Volume 460 = <> <<1[day/days]>> 4600 = Have knowledge 4601 = Creation 4602 = Improvement 4603 = Research 4604 = Refine 4605 = Deconstruct 4606 = No Materials Found 4607 = No Styles Found 4608 = Learn the <<1>> Crafting Style to Unlock 4609 = Research <<1>> <<2>> Traits to Unlock 461 = |cffffff<>|r <<1[day/days]>> 4610 = Research to Unlock 4611 = |cff00000|r 4612 = Learn Style to Unlock 4613 = Requires <<1>> <<2>> 4614 = Craft Non-Set Item 4615 = Are you sure you want to create <>? This item will not benefit from the set bonus available at this station. 4616 = Trait Line 4617 = <> 4618 = Trait Progress 4619 = Unknown 462 = <> <<1[hour/hours]>> 4620 = Researching… 4621 = Researchable 4622 = Researching: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 4623 = Researching: |cff0000<<1>>/<<1>>|r 4624 = |cffffff<<1>>|r Available (|t100%:100%:EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/timer_32.dds|tTakes |cffffff<<2>>|r) 4625 = |cff00000|r Traits Researchable 4626 = The <<1>> trait line is already being researched. 4627 = All traits researched. 4628 = All <<1>> research slots are in use. 4629 = Research Trait from Item 463 = |cffffff<>|r <<1[hour/hours]>> 4630 = Research Trait 4631 = Select an item from which to research the trait. 4632 = Researching an item will destroy it. This process will take |cffffff<<1>>|r. 4633 = Refine 4634 = Deconstruct 4635 = Refine Material 4636 = Minimum of |cffffff<<1>>|r needed. 4637 = You lack the skill to recover all the materials from this item. 4638 = Improve 4639 = Attempt Item Improvement 464 = <> <<1[minute/minutes]>> 4640 = You have |cFFFFFF<>|r% chance to improve <>. 4641 = You have |cFFFFFF<>|r% chance to improve <>. This item is locked, type <<3>> to verify. 4642 = If this attempt fails, <> will be destroyed in the process! 4643 = Chance 4644 = Improve 4645 = Chance <<1>>% 4646 = No usable items found 4647 = Tempers Chart 4648 = Resins Chart 4649 = Tannins Chart 465 = |cffffff<>|r <<1[minute/minutes]>> 4650 = Platings chart 4651 = Pattern 4652 = Design 4653 = Type 4654 = Background 4655 = Crest 4656 = Finalize 4657 = Style 4658 = Primary Color 4659 = Secondary Color 466 = <> <<1[second/seconds]>> 4660 = Color 4661 = Apply Changes (Guild Bank: <<1>>) 4662 = Purchase Heraldry (Guild Bank: <<1>>) 4663 = Undo Changes 4664 = The Gold Coast Trading Company 4665 = Once purchased, this guild's design will show up on the guild's tabard.\n\nMembers can purchase a tabard by visiting the guild's store. 4666 = Guild Balance: 4667 = Cost: 4668 = Guild Cost: 4669 = Purchase 467 = |cffffff<>|r <<1[second/seconds]>> 4670 = Cancel 4671 = Accept 4672 = Apply Changes 4673 = Applying changes to the guild's heraldry will update the design shown on the guild's tabard. The change will be reflected immediately and cannot be reversed.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 4674 = You are attempting to exit before applying your changes.\n\nApplying changes to the guild's heraldry will update the design shown on the guild's tabard. The change will be reflected immediately and cannot be reversed.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 4675 = Not enough gold in Guild Bank. 4676 = Tools 4677 = Saved Sets 4678 = Bind Items 4679 = Dyeing your equipped items will bind them to your account. Once bound, you will no longer be able to trade or mail them to other players.\n\nAre you sure you want to apply your changes? 468 = <>:<>:<>:<> 4680 = Active 4681 = Costume and Hat Dyeing: <<1>> 4682 = Dyes 4683 = Enter a keyword 4684 = Select Outfit: 4685 = |cffffff<<1>>|r category unlock progress 4686 = <<1>> / <<2>> 4687 = Cost: <<1>> OR <<2>> 4688 = You have no weapons equipped to override. 4689 = Cost: 469 = <>d <>h <>m <>s 4690 = Current Balance: 4691 = |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_crown.dds|t Unlock New Outfit 4692 = <<1>> 4693 = Stow Siege Weapon 4694 = Fire 4695 = Zoom Out Camera 4696 = The <<1>> is busy. 4697 = Cannot fire while on cooldown 4698 = Cannot fire while retargeting 4699 = The <<1>> is under another player's control. 47 = Adjusts the volume of sounds from interface elements, such as buttons and windows. 470 = <>d <>h <>m 4700 = Unable to a create siege object because the closest keep door already has a ram. 4701 = Unable to a create siege object because a keep door isn't within range. 4702 = Only the creator is allowed to pack up a siege weapon. 4703 = Requires the <<1>> crafting skill to harvest 4704 = You cannot resurrect at a keep while it's under attack. 4705 = You can only resurrect at a keep your alliance owns. 4706 = You cannot resurrect in the Imperial City from the outside. 4707 = You cannot resurrect at a forward camp while it's under attack. 4708 = The forward camp has been depleted, you cannot resurrect there. 4709 = You are not in range of the forward camp so you cannot resurrect there. 471 = <>d <>h <>m <>s <>ms 4710 = You must wait for the respawn timer to expire before resurrecting at a forward camp. 4711 = +<<1>> XP 4712 = +<<1>> AP 4713 = Crafting ... 4714 = Researching ... 4715 = Refining... 4716 = Harvesting ... 4717 = Grappling ... 4718 = Destroying <<1>>... 4719 = Repairing <<1>>... 472 = <>:<>:<> 4720 = Disarming... 4721 = Fishing... 4722 = Packing Up <<1>>... 4723 = , <<1>> <<2>> 4724 = , and <<1>> <<2>> 4725 = <<1>> <<2>> 4726 = An Add-On attempted to illegally call [<<1>>]. 4727 = You must wait 30 seconds before submitting this bug. 4728 = Screenshot saved as: <> 4729 = You have taken your revenge against <<1>>! 473 = <>h <>m <>s 4730 = You have avenged the death of <<1>> by killing <<2>>! 4731 = <<1>> killed <<2>> in <<3>>. 4732 = <<1>> killed <<2>>. 4733 = <<1[/$d bonus XP!/$d bonus XP!]>> 4734 = Finesse Bonus 4735 = Hidden 4736 = Detected 4737 = Disguised 4738 = Danger 4739 = Suspicious 474 = <>h <>m 4740 = Discovered 4741 = Time until drowning 4742 = Lockpicks remaining: <<1>> 4743 = Lock Level: <<1>> 4744 = Force Lock (<<1>>%) 4745 = Depress Pin 4746 = Clear the slot. 4747 = You cannot afford this upgrade. 4748 = <<1>> Wall 4749 = Upgrades Selected: 475 = <>h <>m <>s <>ms 4750 = <<1>> / <<2>> 4751 = Remaining: 4752 = Cost: 4753 = Purchase 4754 = Reset 4755 = x <<1>> 4756 = Repair Kits: 4757 = Repair 4758 = Wall Upgrades: 4759 = There are no available hook points. 476 = <>:<> 4760 = You must have a valid filled Soul Gem to charge this weapon. 4761 = This weapon is already fully charged. 4762 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. Click to open the chat. 4763 = Use <<1>> 4764 = Abandon Quest 4765 = Bind on Pickup 4766 = Group Invite 4767 = Event Invite 4768 = Trade Invite 4769 = Destroy Augment 477 = <>m <>s 4770 = Repair All 4771 = Sell Items 4772 = Destroy Items 4773 = Script Violation 4774 = Reset Skills 4775 = Quest Share 4776 = Destroy Attachments 4777 = Destroy Gold 4778 = Fast Travel 4779 = Log Out 478 = <>m <>s <>ms 4780 = Quit 4781 = Large Group Conversion 4782 = Buy Multiple 4783 = Remove Tab 4784 = Reset Tab 4785 = Quit 4786 = Do you want to quit the game? 4787 = Need Bait 4788 = Empty 4789 = Guild Store 479 = <>s <>ms 4790 = List Item 4791 = Add to Listing 4792 = Start Search 4793 = Remove from Listing 4794 = Select an item in your inventory to list it for sale. 4795 = Listing |cffffff<<1>>|r of |cffffff<<2>>|r 4796 = Listing |cff0000<<1>>|r of |cff0000<<2>>|r 4797 = Quantity 4798 = Total Price: 4799 = Price Range: 48 = Voice Over 480 = <>s 4800 = Level Range: 4801 = 4802 = Champion Points Range: 4803 = 4804 = Search Store For 4805 = 4806 = 4807 = Any Quality 4808 = Normal 4809 = Fine 481 = 0:<> 4810 = Superior 4811 = Epic 4812 = Legendary 4813 = Seller: |cffffff<<1>> 4814 = <<1>> 4815 = Name 4816 = Time Left 4817 = Price 4818 = Buy Item 4819 = Buy Item 482 = <> <<1[second/seconds]>> 4820 = Are you sure you want to buy this item? 4821 = This will cost <<1>> 4822 = Items On Page: |cffffff<<1>> 4823 = Next 4824 = Previous 4825 = Cancel Listing 4826 = Cancel Listing 4827 = Are you sure you want to cancel this listing? You will not be refunded the listing fee. 4828 = Yes 4829 = No 483 = <> sec 4830 = You don't have enough gold. 4831 = Filter by text search 4832 = Cancel Listing 4833 = Alliance War 4834 = Rank Points: <<1>> / <<2>>\n\nGain rank points by participating in activities for your alliance in Cyrodiil campaigns. 4835 = <<1>> <<2>> 4836 = Unassigned 4837 = Home 4838 = Guest 4839 = Name 484 = <>s 4840 = Group Members Assigned to this Campaign 4841 = Friends Assigned to this Campaign 4842 = Guild Members in a Campaign 4843 = Aldmeri Dominion Population 4844 = Ebonheart Pact Population 4845 = Daggerfall Covenant Population 4846 = Estimated Wait: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4847 = Your Home Campaign 4848 = Your Guest Campaign 4849 = <<1[$d Group Member/$d Group Members]>> 485 = <<1[/1 minute/$d minutes]>><<2[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>> 4850 = <<1[$d Friend/$d Friends]>> 4851 = <<1[$d Guild Member/$d Guild Members]>> 4852 = In Queue For: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4853 = Rules 4854 = Are you sure you wish to select |cffffff<<1>>|r as your guest campaign? While guesting this campaign: 4855 = Cost: 4856 = Balance: 4857 = Set now. 4858 = Set when current campaign ends. 4859 = Keeps required for Emperor: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 486 = <<1[/1 min./$d min.]>><<2[/ and 1 sec./ and $d sec.]>> 4860 = Reigning For: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4861 = Leaderboard rankings take some time to update and may not immediately reflect your current rank. 4862 = You have joined a Trial already in progress and are not eligible to be placed in this leaderboard. 4863 = Shows how long until the Weekly Trial is over. 4864 = Shows how long until the Weekly Trial starts. 4865 = Campaign Duration Remaining: 4866 = Next Score Evaluation in: 4867 = Potential Points: 4868 = <<1>> 4869 = x<<1>> 487 = <<1[/1 min./$d min.]>> <<2>> sec. 4870 = End Of Campaign Reward Tier 4871 = Keeps Held 4872 = Outposts Held 4873 = Resources Held 4874 = Scrolls Held 4875 = Low Score Bonus 4876 = This bonus applies to an alliance with significantly fewer points than the leading alliance. 4877 = Low Population Bonus 4878 = This bonus is applied when an alliance continually has significantly fewer participants than competing Alliances. 4879 = N 488 = <<1>>m <<2>>s 4880 = S 4881 = W 4882 = E 4883 = <> 4884 = Categories 4885 = All 4886 = Show More 4887 = Customer Service 4888 = Retrieving history... 4889 = Activity Log 489 = <<1>>m<<2[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 4890 = Unknown 4891 = Last Online: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4892 = Class 4893 = Alliance 4894 = Level 4895 = Player Status 4896 = Friends Online: 4897 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4898 = Filter By: 4899 = Add Friend 49 = Toggle voice over sound. 490 = Unknown 4900 = Invite to Group 4901 = Rank 4902 = Add Ignore 4903 = Add Ignore 4904 = Ignored 4905 = Stop Ignoring 4906 = There are no players in your ignore list. 4907 = Your guild may hire this trader for immediate use. Once hired, your guild's store will be made available to the general public through this trader for the next |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\n|cffffffNOTE:|r Only one trader can be hired at a time for a guild. 4908 = Hire for Guild: 4909 = Guild Bank Balance: 491 = < 1 min 4910 = Hiring Cost: 4911 = Hire 4912 = Bid for Guild: 4913 = Bidding Closes In: 4914 = New Bid: 4915 = Current Bid: 4916 = Minimum Bid: 4917 = Update Bid 4918 = Guilds may only have one bid out until bidding has closed. This guild has already placed a bid on |cffffff<<1>>|r. 4919 = Bid rate exceeded. 492 = <1m 4920 = Guilds must have unlocked Guild Stores to bid on a Guild Trader. This guild does not have the required |cffffff<<1>>|r members. 4921 = Guild Trader (<<1>>) 4922 = Quit Game 4923 = You are not allowed to quit at this time. You will remain logged in on the server if you force quit. 4924 = You will quit automatically in <<1>>. You will remain logged in on the server if you force quit. 4925 = Quit Now 4926 = Cancel 4927 = Logout 4928 = You will logout in <<1>>. 4929 = Cancel 493 = > 1 hour 4930 = <> 4931 = <<1>> 4932 = Mundus Stone 4933 = Accept Sign 4934 = Cancel 4935 = Those under the sign of |cffffff<>|r will have a boon that |cffffff<>|r.\n\nYou may only have one boon at a time. 4936 = <<1>>. <> 4937 = [<>] 4938 = [<<1>>] 4939 = <<1>> 494 = >1h 4940 = <> 4941 = <<1>> 4942 = <> 4943 = Trial Account 4944 = ex. Eternal Servitude 4945 = <<1>> |cC5C29EIs Ignored|r 4946 = Housing 4947 = Filter By 4948 = You must choose a furnishing to set its location on the compass. 4949 = You must choose a furnishing to put it away. 495 = 1 hour + 4950 = You must choose a furnishing to modify it. 4951 = You must choose a furnishing to place it. 4952 = You must choose a furnishing to purchase it. 4953 = Name: 4954 = Location: 4955 = House Type: 4956 = Primary Residence: 4957 = Template: 4958 = Location: |cffffff<>|r 4959 = House Type: |cffffff<<1>>|r 496 = 1h+ 4960 = Primary Residence: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4961 = <<1>>m 4962 = Gem Total 4963 = <<1>> <><> 4964 = <<1>>\n<<2>> 4965 = Banked: 4966 = Player: 4967 = Withdraw: 4968 = Deposit: 4969 = Filter By 497 = <<1[/1 hour/$d hours]>>, <<2[/1 minute/$d minutes]>>,<<3[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>> 4970 = Claim 4971 = Congratulations! 4972 = |cffffff<<1>>:|r <<2>> 4973 = You must choose one of the above rewards before you can claim this level's rewards. 4974 = Resets in: <<1>> 4975 = Rewards Claimed: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r 4976 = End Preview 4977 = Next Reward: <<1>> 4978 = Available in: |cffffff<<1>>|r 4979 = Sender 498 = <<1[/1 hr/$d hrs]>>, <<2[/1 min/$d min]>>,<<3[/ and 1 sec/ and $d sec]>> 4980 = To 4981 = Expires 4982 = Gift 4983 = <<1>> has sent you a thank you message. 4984 = Crown Store 4985 = Store 4986 = ESO Plus 4987 = Gift Inventory 4988 = Daily Rewards 4989 = 499 = <<1[/1 hr/$d hrs]>> <<2[/1 min/$d min]>> <<3>> sec 4990 = 4991 = Fast Travel 4992 = Options 4993 = Legend 4994 = Points of Interest 4995 = <<1>> <<2>> 4996 = Set Active Quest 4997 = Choose Active Quest 4998 = Travel 4999 = Choose Destination 5 = Japanese 50 = Dialogue Volume 500 = <<1>>h <<2>>m<<3[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 5000 = Revive 5001 = Cannot Revive Here 5002 = Choose Revive Location 5003 = Fast Travel 5004 = Select Your Destination 5005 = Cost To Recall <<1>><> 5006 = Tasks 5007 = Choose Active Quest 5008 = Select a quest 5009 = Choose Respawn Location 501 = <<1>>h<<2[/ $dm/ $dm]>><<3[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 5010 = Make a Choice 5011 = Travel 5012 = Set Active Quest 5013 = Destination 5014 = Players 5015 = Alliance 5016 = Guild 5017 = Cost To Recall 5018 = Siege Weapons 5019 = Siege NPCs 502 = <<1[/1 day/$d days]>>, <<2[/1 hour/$d hours]>>, <<3[/1 minute/$d minutes]>>,<<4[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>> 5020 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5021 = Elder Scroll Type 5022 = Elder Scroll 5023 = Offensive 5024 = Defensive 5025 = Press <> to travel here. 5026 = Press <> to respawn here. 5027 = Access 5028 = Only the <<1>> can use this link. 5029 = Capture Bonus 503 = <<1[/1 day/$d days]>>, <<2[/1 hr/$d hrs]>>, <<3[/1 min/$d min]>>,<<4[/ and 1 sec/ and $d sec]>> 5030 = <> <> 5031 = Capture Bonus 5032 = <> <> 5033 = Status 5034 = Close 5035 = Switch Elevation 5036 = Switch Level 5037 = Press <<1>> to fast travel to here. 5038 = Press <<1>> to recall to here. 5039 = Press <<1>> to preview this house. 504 = <<1[/1 day/$d days]>> <<2[/1 hr/$d hrs]>> <<3[/1 min/$d min]>> <<4>> sec 5040 = <<1>><<2>> 5041 = Use from quickslot. 5042 = Stolen 5043 = Item Created 5044 = Materials Recovered 5045 = Do you really want to cancel researching |cffffff<<1>>: <<2>>|r?\n\n|cE60000The item used will not be returned.|r 5046 = You have |cFFFFFF<>|r% chance to improve <>. This item is locked, are you sure you want to continue? 5047 = Item Transmuted 5048 = Crafting has revealed the following traits: 5049 = Lockpicks 505 = <<1>>d <<2>>h<<3[/ $dm/ $dm]>><<4[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 5050 = Difficulty 5051 = Move Lockpick 5052 = Equipped 5053 = Main Hand 5054 = Off Hand 5055 = Main Hand Backup 5056 = Off Hand Backup 5057 = Request 5058 = Sort 5059 = Purchase Ability 506 = <<1>>d<<2[/ $dh/ $dh]>><<3[/ $dm/ $dm]>><<4[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 5060 = Upgrade Ability 5061 = Morph Ability 5062 = Purchase 5063 = Morph 5064 = Ability Bar 5065 = Points 5066 = Skyshards 5067 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5068 = Ability Bar 5069 = Morph 1 507 = [<<1>>:<<2>>:<<3>>] 5070 = Morph 2 5071 = Are you sure you want to purchase |cffffff<>|r? This costs |cffffff1|r skill point. 5072 = Are you sure you want to upgrade |cffffff<>|r? This costs |cffffff1|r skill point. 5073 = Assign 5074 = Manage Ability Bar 5075 = (<<2>>/<<3>>) <<1>> 5076 = No Abilities Available for Assignment 5077 = Balance 5078 = Cost 5079 = Morph Cost 508 = <<1>>:<<2>> A.M. 5080 = Ability 5081 = <<1>> 5082 = Ready 5083 = <<1>> Increase 5084 = Champion 5085 = Inventory 5086 = Craft Bag 5087 = Choose a Hand 5088 = Actions 5089 = Player Capacity 509 = <<1>>:<<2>> P.M. 5090 = One-Handed Melee 5091 = Two-Handed Melee 5092 = Destruction Staff 5093 = Restoration Staff 5094 = Bow 5095 = Consumables 5096 = Quest Items 5097 = Your inventory is empty. 5098 = Equipped - More Actions 5099 = Nothing Equipped 51 = Adjusts the volume of dialogue. 510 = <<1>>:<<2>> 5100 = Alliance Points 5101 = Tel Var Stones 5102 = Gold 5103 = No player funds. 5104 = No bank funds. 5105 = Confirm 5106 = Split 5107 = Distribute the items into a new stack 5108 = Character Attributes 5109 = Toggle View 511 = <<1>> <<2>>, <<3>> 5110 = Notifications (<<1>>) 5111 = Decline Invite 5112 = Decline the Friend Invite from |cffffff<<1>>|r. 5113 = You have been invited to join |cffffff<<1>>|r by |cffffff<<2>>|r. 5114 = Decline the Invite to join |cffffff<<1>>|r from |cffffff<<2>>|r. 5115 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. 5116 = You Have No Pending Notifications 5117 = The message of the day for |cffffff<<1>>|r has changed. 5118 = Notifications 5119 = Accept 512 = K 5120 = Decline 5121 = Remove 5122 = Show Leaderboard 5123 = Ignore Player 5124 = Block Player 5125 = Report Spamming 5126 = Later 5127 = <<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. Press <> to learn more about it. 5128 = Friends Online 5129 = Character 513 = -K 5130 = <<1>>: 5131 = Character name or UserID. 5132 = <<1>> 5133 = Last Online 5134 = Friends Online: 5135 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5136 = Status 5137 = Alliance 5138 = Class 5139 = Level 514 = M 5140 = Friends 5141 = Ignored 5142 = Add Friend 5143 = Add Ignore 5144 = Options 5145 = Options 5146 = My Options 5147 = Friends Options 5148 = Whisper 5149 = Status 515 = -M 5150 = Filter 5151 = None 5152 = online ID 5153 = Remove <<1>>? 5154 = Ignore <<1>>? 5155 = Online 5156 = Away 5157 = Do Not Disturb 5158 = Offline 5159 = Add to Friends List 516 = B 5160 = Optional Note 5161 = Send an optional message 5162 = Add to Ignore List 5163 = Notes 5164 = Save 5165 = Add an optional note 5166 = Notes 5167 = Note Saved 5168 = Block 5169 = No Friends 517 = k 5170 = No Ignored Players 5171 = Invite To Guild 5172 = Bank Capacity 5173 = Bank 5174 = Deposited |cffffff<<1>>|r 5175 = Withdrew |cffffff<<1>>|r 5176 = Bank Space Bought 5177 = Accept (<<1>><>) 5178 = Bank Funds 5179 = Player Funds 518 = -k 5180 = Bank Capacity 5181 = Storage Capacity 5182 = Player Capacity 5183 = Deposit Gold 5184 = Withdraw Gold 5185 = Guild Bank 5186 = Available Funds 5187 = No Permission 5188 = Guild Selection 5189 = No Items To Withdraw 519 = m 5190 = No permission. (Your Guild Rank does not permit withdrawals from the Guild Bank.) 5191 = No permission. (The Guild must have <> members to deposit to the Guild Bank.) 5192 = Guild 5193 = Cannot change this permission 5194 = All items repaired. 5195 = <> repaired. 5196 = No damaged items. 5197 = Nothing to sell. 5198 = Nothing to buy back. 5199 = No stolen items to sell. 52 = Plays in Background 520 = -m 5200 = No stolen items to launder. 5201 = Vendor 5202 = Supplies - <<1>> 5203 = Materials - <<1>> 5204 = Quick Slots - <<1>> 5205 = Collectibles - <<1>> 5206 = Items Sold 5207 = Items Laundered 5208 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5209 = Haggling Bonus 521 = b 5210 = <<1>>% 5211 = Player 5212 = Voice Chat 5213 = Communications 5214 = Group 5215 = Miscellaneous 5216 = Supplies 5217 = <<1>> 5218 = Currencies 5219 = Assign 522 = The Elder Scrolls Online PC/MAC Store 5220 = Send 5221 = Voice Channels 5222 = Speaker History 5223 = Participants 5224 = Join Channel 5225 = Leave Channel 5226 = Enable Voice 5227 = View Participants 5228 = Participants List 5229 = Main Channels 523 = The Elder Scrolls Online Account Page 5230 = Area 5231 = Group 5232 = <<1>> Channels 5233 = Join this channel to chat with players around you. 5234 = Join this channel to chat with players in your group. 5235 = Join this channel to chat with players in your guild. 5236 = Join this channel to chat with officers in your guild. 5237 = <<1>> - <<2>> 5238 = All Members <<1>> 5239 = Officers 524 = Chapters 5240 = Channel 5241 = Last Heard 5242 = Participants 5243 = <<1>> - <<2>> 5244 = Your PlayStation™Network reputation restricts you from speaking in this channel. Raising your reputation will remove this restriction. 5245 = Your Xbox Live reputation restricts you from speaking in this channel. Raising your reputation will remove this restriction. 5246 = <<1>> 5247 = Please wait a moment before making another voice chat request. 5248 = Voice chat is unavailable. This could be due to routine server maintenance or a configuration issue. Visit |cffffff<<1>>|r for additional support. 5249 = Voice channel changed to <<1>> 525 = Upgrade 5250 = Quests 5251 = Lore Library 5252 = Cadwell's Almanac 5253 = Achievements 5254 = Race 5255 = Class 5256 = Champion Points 5257 = <<1>> 5258 = <<1>> 5259 = Bounty 526 = Prepurchase 5260 = Alliance 5261 = Rank 5262 = Infamy 5263 = Character Sheet 5264 = Attribute Points 5265 = Grade 5266 = Change Attributes 5267 = Commit Points? 5268 = Commit Points 5269 = Confirm Changes 527 = Standard Upgrade 5270 = Cancel 5271 = Overcharged 5272 = Time Remaining 5273 = No Active Effects 5274 = Remove Effect 5275 = Riding Speed 5276 = Riding Stamina 5277 = Riding Capacity 5278 = Riding Training 5279 = XP Progress 528 = Collector's Upgrade 5280 = Description 5281 = Lowest Piece 5282 = View Attributes 5283 = Ready 5284 = Name 5285 = <<1>> 5286 = Capacity 5287 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5288 = Available 5289 = Gold Offered 529 = Release 5290 = Add Gold 5291 = Attach Items 5292 = (Empty Slot) 5293 = Submit 5294 = Accept Trade 5295 = Accept 5296 = Add 5297 = Remove 5298 = Review 5299 = Cancel Trade 53 = Allows game audio to continue playing in the background, even when the game window is not in focus. 530 = Standard 5300 = Cancel Offer 5301 = Cancel Trade 5302 = Are you sure you want to cancel the trade? 5303 = No Items Offered 5304 = Waiting for 5305 = Edit the selected rank 5306 = Membership 5307 = New 5308 = Guilds 5309 = Members Online: 531 = Collector's 5310 = Guildmaster: 5311 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5312 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5313 = Services: 5314 = <> <> <> 5315 = Guild Bank 5316 = Guild Heraldry 5317 = Guild Store 5318 = Guild Name 5319 = Guildmaster 532 = Pre-purchase now and receive today 5320 = Members Online 5321 = Bank 5322 = Heraldry 5323 = Store 5324 = Features 5325 = Options 5326 = Options 5327 = Create New Guild 5328 = My Status 5329 = Add Friend 533 = Choose your edition 5330 = Guild Roster 5331 = Apply Changes (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 5332 = |c666666Apply Changes|r (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 5333 = Purchase Heraldry (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 5334 = |c666666Purchase Heraldry|r (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 5335 = Customize Background 5336 = Customize Crest 5337 = Feature Cost: 5338 = |t50:50:<<1>>|t<<2>> 5339 = |t50:50:<<1>>|t <<2>> 534 = 5340 = Create New 5341 = Options 5342 = Reorder 5343 = Add Rank 5344 = Edit Rank 5345 = Rename 5346 = Delete 5347 = Change Icon 5348 = Change Permissions 5349 = Delete Rank 535 = 5350 = Reorder Up 5351 = Reorder Down 5352 = Rename Rank 5353 = Rank: 5354 = Enter a Name for this Rank 5355 = Rank 5356 = Customize Your Guild's Heraldry With The Selected Features 5357 = Enter Message of the Day 5358 = Change MOTD 5359 = Change About Us 536 = Health 5360 = Promoted to <<1>> <<2>> 5361 = Demoted to <<1>> <<2>> 5362 = \n<<1>> 5363 = Ownership 5364 = Chat 5365 = Voice & Text 5366 = Edit 5367 = Members 5368 = Alliance War 5369 = Commerce 537 = Magicka 5370 = Join Officer Chats 5371 = Join Guild Chats 5372 = Choose Alliance 5373 = 5374 = Finish 5375 = Details 5376 = Heraldry Updated 5377 = Loading Data 5378 = Page <<1>> 5379 = Next 538 = Stamina 5380 = Previous 5381 = Show All 5382 = <<1>> <<2>> 5383 = |cffffff<>|r<> 5384 = Remove 5385 = Create Listing |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 5386 = Create Listing |cff0000<<1>>/<<2>>|r 5387 = Remove Listing 5388 = \n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to remove your listing of <<2>> for <<3>>? You will not be refunded the listing fee. 5389 = List For Sale 539 = Attack Power 5390 = \n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to list <<2>> for <<3>>? 5391 = Purchase 5392 = \n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to buy <<2>>? This will cost you <<3>>. 5393 = <<1>> 5394 = Guild Selection 5395 = Category 5396 = Min Price 5397 = Max Price 5398 = Min Level 5399 = Max Level 54 = Speaker Setup 540 = Weapon and Spell Damage 5400 = Quality 5401 = Name 5402 = Cost 5403 = Listing Created 5404 = Confirm 5405 = Create Listing 5406 = Total Price 5407 = Level Type 5408 = Player Level 5409 = Champion Points 541 = Armor 5410 = All 5411 = Please wait, processing prior request. 5412 = Sort By <<1>> 5413 = No Permission (You are not a member of this Guild) 5414 = No permission. (The Guild must have <> members to post to the Guild Store.) 5415 = No permission. (Your Guild Rank does not permit posting to the Guild Store.) 5416 = Item Price Range 5417 = Buy Mount 5418 = Confirm Purchase 5419 = Train 542 = Maximum Magicka 5420 = Training Cost 5421 = Trainable 5422 = Ready 5423 = You can train one riding skill per day. 5424 = You have already fully upgraded this skill. 5425 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 5426 = Can only be applied to an item between <<1>>|cffffff<<2>>|r and <<1>>|cffffff<<3>>|r 5427 = Minimum Level: <<1>>|cffffff<<2>>|r 5428 = The item being enchanted is locked, are you sure you want to continue? 5429 = <> <<2>> 543 = Magicka Recovery 5430 = (<>) 5431 = <<1>> 5432 = Equipped <<1>> 5433 = Options 5434 = Use to learn recipe. 5435 = Options 5436 = Select trait line 5437 = Choose an item to research: 5438 = <<1>> (<<2[$d Trait/$d Traits]>>) 5439 = <<2>> - <<3>> <> 544 = Magicka Recovery Idle 5440 = <<2>> (<>) 5441 = <<2>> (<>) 5442 = <<1>> Available <<2>> 5443 = Confirm Research 5444 = |cff0000Researching an item will destroy it|r. This process will take |cffffff<<1>>|r. Are you sure you want to continue? 5445 = Researching 5446 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5447 = Quality 5448 = <<1>> (<<2>> <<3>>) 5449 = Crown Mimic Stone 545 = Maximum Health 5450 = |cEECA2A<<1>>|r (<<2>>) 5451 = |cffffff<<1>>|r (|cEECA2ACrown Mimic Stone|r) 5452 = Toggle |cEECA2ACrown Mimic Stone|r <<1>> 5453 = (<<1>>) 5454 = Open Crown Store 5455 = Text Chat 5456 = Text Chat (Pinned) 5457 = Pin Chat Window 5458 = Unpin Chat Window 5459 = Enter Text 546 = Health Recovery 5460 = Toggle Chat Window 5461 = Close Chat Window 5462 = Cycle Tooltip 5463 = Open Collection 5464 = Books 5465 = |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 5466 = Details 5467 = Search 5468 = Search - <<1>> 5469 = Enter Search Text 547 = Health Recovery Idle 5470 = Customer Service 5471 = Get Me Unstuck 5472 = Information about the most common issues can be found at 5473 = help.elderscrollsonline.com 5474 = Please describe the issue below. 5475 = Close 5476 = You may be able to find answers more quickly with our online self-service Knowledge Base. 5477 = \nYour contact email is <<1>>. 5478 = There has been an error in your ticket submission. Please try again in a few minutes. 5479 = Submitting Ticket 548 = Healing Taken 5480 = Please wait while your ticket is submitted. 5481 = Please provide details below. 5482 = You can only use the unstuck functionality once every hour. Please try again in: 5483 = Teleport 5484 = Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r<>, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. \n\nPress <> to teleport to the nearest Wayshrine. 5485 = Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r<>, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. You will also lose |cffffff<<4>>%|r of your currently held Tel Var stones. \n\nPress <> to teleport to the nearest Wayshrine. 5486 = You cannot use \"Get Me Unstuck\" in this location. Please contact customer service. 5487 = You cannot use \"Get Me Unstuck\" while in combat. 5488 = Submit 5489 = Go to Journal 549 = Dodge 5490 = Go to Inventory 5491 = Ticket Submitted 5492 = Character Issue 5493 = Report Player 5494 = Submit Feedback 5495 = Customer Service Tool Disabled 5496 = The Customer Service tool is disabled in PC Gamepad mode. Please switch back to keyboard mode to report an issue. 5497 = Player Has An Inappropriate Name 5498 = Harassing Me 5499 = Cheating 55 = Sets the audio output to Stereo, Mono, or Surround. This setting should match your speaker setup. 550 = Healing Done 5500 = Email Address 5501 = Issue Category 5502 = Issue Subcategory 5503 = Required Information 5504 = Additional Information (optional) 5505 = You must provide a contact email to submit a ticket. 5506 = Offending Character Name 5507 = Offending <<1>> 5508 = You must provide a character name if you wish to report a player. 5509 = You must provide a <<1>> if you wish to report a player. 551 = Spell Resistance 5510 = You must provide a name to submit a ticket. 5511 = You must select a category to submit a ticket. 5512 = You must provide a description to submit this ticket. 5513 = You must provide an impact to submit this ticket. 5514 = Enter email address 5515 = <<1>> 5516 = Thank You 5517 = Error 5518 = <<1>>\n\n<<2>>\n\n<<3>> 5519 = account.elderscrollsonline.com/terms-of-service 552 = Block 5520 = Terms of Use 5521 = Legal 5522 = Information about our terms of service and related documents can be found at 5523 = Name 5524 = Location 5525 = Unknown Zone 5526 = Yes 5527 = No 5528 = Accept 5529 = Group Actions 553 = Weapon Critical 5530 = Group Role 5531 = Current Group 5532 = Dungeon Difficulty 5533 = Group Members 5534 = Soul Reservoir 5535 = <<1>>|t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Trials/VitalityDepletion.dds|t 5536 = # 5537 = Normal 5538 = Veteran 5539 = <<1>> 554 = Resistance 5540 = Offline Member 5541 = Group Roles 5542 = Role Override 5543 = Queued Activities 5544 = Estimated 5545 = Actual 5546 = Average dungeon queue 5547 = Veteran <<1>> 5548 = Use the Dungeon Finder to find a group for a dungeon and get bonus rewards! 5549 = Queueing for Alliance War will match you with other players in Cyrodiil and Imperial City. 555 = Physical Resistance 5550 = Queueing for Battlegrounds will match you with other players and take you to a battleground. 5551 = Queueing for Home Show will take you to player houses at random to vote on. 5552 = 5553 = Locked 5554 = Join 5555 = Full 5556 = Server Population 5557 = Join Campaign 5558 = Set Home 5559 = Set Guest 556 = Spell Critical 5560 = Home Campaign 5561 = Confirm 5562 = <<1>>\n\n<<2>> 5563 = This change will cost:\n<<1>> 5564 = Confirm 5565 = Unassigned 5566 = <><> 5567 = Group Members 5568 = Friends 5569 = Guild Members 557 = Critical Resistance 5570 = <<1>> 5571 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 5572 = Leave Campaign 5573 = Estimated Wait 5574 = You must enter the campaign to see this information. 5575 = Campaigns 5576 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5577 = Queue Position 5578 = Queue Countdown 5579 = Campaign Ends 558 = Spell Damage 5580 = Done 5581 = Next Score Evaluation 5582 = Home Campaign 5583 = Guest Campaign 5584 = Locked 5585 = Emperor Leaderboard (<<1>>) 5586 = Leaderboard Empty 5587 = Reigning Time 5588 = Done 5589 = Keeps Required for Emperor 559 = Spell Resistance 5590 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5591 = |t32:32:<<1>>|t<<2>> 5592 = View Bonuses 5593 = Bonus <> x <<2>> 5594 = Bonus <> 5595 = Home Keeps 5596 = Enemy Keeps 5597 = Defensive Scrolls 5598 = Offensive Scrolls 5599 = <<1>>/<<2>> 56 = Footsteps Volume 560 = Maximum Stamina 5600 = Join Now 5601 = Join Later 5602 = When current campaign ends 5603 = Select Guild 5604 = Claim |cffffff<<1>>|r in the name of 5605 = Subject 5606 = Message 5607 = From 5608 = You Have No Mail 5609 = None 561 = Stamina Recovery 5610 = None 5611 = Options 5612 = View Attachments 5613 = Loading... 5614 = This mail cannot be reported. 5615 = This mail cannot be returned to sender. 5616 = Received <<1>> 5617 = Expires in <<1>> 5618 = This mail was sent cash on delivery. You may take the attachments and pay the indicated price, or return this mail to the sender at no cost. 5619 = C.O.D. Free (No Funds Available) 562 = Stamina Recovery Idle 5620 = Available 5621 = Inventory Space 5622 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5623 = Enter <<1>> 5624 = <<1>>(<<2>>) 5625 = Full 5626 = Sending... 5627 = To 5628 = Attach Items 5629 = Add 563 = Miss 5630 = Remove 5631 = Clear 5632 = Clear Mail 5633 = Accept 5634 = Attach Gold 5635 = Request Gold 5636 = Postage 5637 = Gold 5638 = Items 5639 = Enter Name 564 = Physical Penetration 5640 = Recent Contacts 5641 = Recipient 5642 = Hold to Respond 5643 = View Gamercard 5644 = View Profile 5645 = <<1>> |cC5C29EIs Blocked|r 5646 = Ability 1 5647 = Ability 2 5648 = Ability 3 5649 = Ability 4 565 = Spell Penetration 5650 = Ability 5 5651 = Ultimate 5652 = Use Quickslot 5653 = Assign Quickslot 5654 = Menu 5655 = Interact/Jump 5656 = Cycle Quest 5657 = Sheathe 5658 = Interact 5659 = Toggle Camera 566 = Weapon Damage 5660 = Gamepad Camera Zoom 5661 = Sprint 5662 = Jump 5663 = Quickslot Menu 5664 = Emote Menu 5665 = Cycle Enemy 5666 = Synergy 5667 = Player Interact 5668 = <<1>> |cC5C29E(Hold)|r 5669 = <<1>> |t80:40:<<2>>|t 567 = Generic Resistance 5670 = |cC5C29E(Tap)|r <<1>> 5671 = |cC5C29E(Hold)|r <<1>> 5672 = |t80:40:<<2>>|t <<1>> 5673 = Scroll Leaderboard 5674 = <<1>> Rank 5675 = Reopens In 5676 = Closes In 5677 = Updates In 5678 = <<1>> 5679 = Character Name 568 = Physical Resistance 5680 = Best Score 5681 = Current Score 5682 = Switch Campaign 5683 = Earned AP 5684 = <> <<2>> 5685 = <<1>> (Not Eligible) 5686 = Guild 5687 = Hire For Gold 5688 = Hire 5689 = Hiring 569 = Flame Resistance 5690 = Are you sure you want to hire this trader for <<1>>? 5691 = Hire Trader 5692 = Guild Trader Acquired 5693 = Hire Cost 5694 = Bid for Gold 5695 = Minimum Bid 5696 = Bidding closes 5697 = Bid 5698 = Bid on a Trader 5699 = Are you sure you want to update your bid for <<1>>? 57 = Adjusts the volume of footsteps. 570 = Shock Resistance 5700 = Update Bid 5701 = Guild Bank Balance 5702 = Bid updated 5703 = Bidding 5704 = Trader 5705 = Return 5706 = Options 5707 = Dye Options 5708 = Color Presets 5709 = Edit Color Preset 571 = Oblivion Resistance 5710 = Edit Color Presets 5711 = Edit Armor 5712 = Apply the selected color preset to armor. 5713 = Discard Changes 5714 = Are you sure you want to exit?\n\nAll of your changes will be discarded. 5715 = Set Preset 5716 = Preset A 5717 = Preset B 5718 = Preset C 5719 = Preset D 572 = Frost Resistance 5720 = Customize the appearance of your equipment with your unlocked dyes and Outfit Styles. 5721 = Sorting 5722 = Equipment 5723 = Styles 5724 = Dyes 5725 = You must have an outfit selected to modify it. 5726 = Dyes a single dye channel on a slot or preset. 5727 = Dyes a single dye channel on all slots. 5728 = Erases a single dye channel on a slot or preset. 5729 = Copies the color from a dye channel on a slot or preset. 573 = Earth Resistance 5730 = Dyes all channels of a slot based on a preset. 5731 = This channel is not dyeable. 5732 = Use Set 5733 = Options 5734 = Achievements Options 5735 = Achievement Points 5736 = Rewards 5737 = Item: 5738 = <> <<2>> 5739 = Title 574 = Magic Resistance 5740 = Dye 5741 = Criteria 5742 = No achievements match your filters. 5743 = No Recent Achievement 5744 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5745 = Level 5746 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5747 = Repeatable|t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Repeat.dds|t 5748 = Optional Steps 5749 = Hints 575 = Drowning Resistance 5750 = Options 5751 = Complete One 5752 = No Quests 5753 = <>Dungeon 5754 = <>Group 5755 = <>Trial 5756 = <>Solo 5757 = <>Public Dungeon 5758 = <>Delve 5759 = <>Housing 576 = Disease Resistance 5760 = 5761 = <> <> 5762 = <> 5763 = <> <> <> 5764 = <> <> 5765 = Allocate Points 5766 = <<1>><> 5767 = Available 5768 = Allocated 5769 = Emotes 577 = Poison Resistance 5770 = Use 5771 = Assign 5772 = Category 5773 = Page 5774 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5775 = <<1>> 5776 = <<1>> 5777 = Choose a slot for the selected emote: 5778 = Cannot play emote at this time. 5779 = Personality 578 = Mount Stamina 5780 = Quantity 5781 = That Gamercard is not available at the moment. Please try again later. 5782 = That profile is not available at the moment. Please try again later. 5783 = Inventory space increased by <<1>> 5784 = Cost 5785 = Crown Store 5786 = Store 5787 = Balance 5788 = Retrieving Character Info 5789 = Please Wait... 579 = Mount Stamina Regen Combat 5790 = Select Player to Friend 5791 = Select Player to Invite 5792 = Select Player to Mail 5793 = Find Player 5794 = <<1>> Continue 5795 = Quick Chat 5796 = Quick Chat Enabled 5797 = Quick Chat 5798 = Available Funds 5799 = Screenshot Mode 58 = Display 580 = Mount Stamina Regen Moving 5800 = Hides the interface to allow taking screenshots. 5801 = Player Inventory 5802 = Quest: 5803 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 5804 = Open Crown Store 5805 = Cooldown 5806 = Save Name 5807 = Display Name 5808 = Determines which name should be displayed most prominently when viewing other players. 5809 = More Below 581 = Age 5810 = HUD Chat Display 5811 = Displays the HUD chat frame. 5812 = Disabled due to your chat restrictions. 5813 = Open Crown Store 5814 = <<1>><> Total 5815 = Select Preset 5816 = Select 5817 = You don't have any entries in this list. 5818 = Guild 5819 = Select Guild 582 = Body 5820 = Other 5821 = Search 5822 = Select House 5823 = <<1>>m away. 5824 = Toggle View 5825 = Points 5826 = Banked <<1>> 5827 = Carried <<1>> 5828 = Use unlocked visual styles to change the visual appearance of your armor 5829 = Outfits (<<1>>/<<2>>) 583 = Face 5830 = Outfit Selection 5831 = Options 5832 = No Outfits Available 5833 = Slot Options 5834 = Select Material 5835 = Search 5836 = This outfit style is currently locked and cannot be equipped. 5837 = No Outfit Equipped 5838 = An outfit needs to be equipped in order to change outfit styles.\n\nYou can change outfits using the outfit selector above. 5839 = Balance 584 = Body Type 5840 = Select Currency 5841 = Outfit Hidden 5842 = Attribute Points 5843 = Skill Points 5844 = +<> 5845 = Level Up Rewards 5846 = Claim Rewards 5847 = Tip 5848 = Reward 5849 = Rewards 585 = Features 5850 = Rewards Claimed 5851 = Continue 5852 = If you would like guidance as you build your character, select the type of player you want to be and we will make suggestions as you level up. 5853 = As an advanced player the advisor is disabled. 5854 = Change Build 5855 = Advised Skill 5856 = Advisor: <<1>> 5857 = Pre-Purchase 5858 = Upgrade 5859 = Select Edition 586 = Upper Body 5860 = Collector's Upgrade 5861 = Standard Upgrade 5862 = |cc16403This will log you out of the game.|r 5863 = Daily Rewards 5864 = Resets in 5865 = Rewards Claimed 5866 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5867 = Next Reward 5868 = Available in 5869 = To: <<1>> 587 = Lower Body 5870 = From: <<1>> 5871 = Sender: <<1>> 5872 = Expires: <<1>> 5873 = Returned Gift 5874 = From 5875 = View Tooltip 5876 = 5877 = 5878 = /logout 5879 = /camp 588 = Face Type 5880 = /quit 5881 = /script 5882 = /chatlog 5883 = /invite 5884 = /jumptoleader 5885 = /jumptogroupmember 5886 = /jumptofriend 5887 = /jumptoguildmember 5888 = /reloadui 5889 = /fps 589 = Hair 5890 = /latency 5891 = /stuck 5892 = /bug 5893 = /feedback 5894 = /help 5895 = /chat 5896 = /played 5897 = /readycheck 5898 = /duel 5899 = Log out 59 = Graphics 590 = Features 5900 = Do you want to log out to character select? 5901 = Locations 5902 = Quests 5903 = Key 5904 = Filters 5905 = Houses 5906 = You haven't discovered any houses yet. 5907 = Current Location 5908 = You do not have any quests here. 5909 = Zoom in to a smaller map to see quests. 591 = Face 5910 = This map does not have a key. 5911 = This quest cannot be shown on a map. 5912 = <> 5913 = Show Details 5914 = Show Alliance 5915 = Zoom 5916 = Summary 5917 = Wood 5918 = Food 5919 = Ore 592 = Eyes 5920 = Production 5921 = Defense 5922 = Passable 5923 = Destroyed 5924 = Center Gate Destroyed 5925 = Forward Camp Respawn in 5926 = <> 5927 = <> (<>) 5928 = <> (<>) 5929 = World Map: Unknown Zone 593 = Brow 5930 = Pop-Out Map Options 5931 = Configure map 5932 = Force map to be square 5933 = Transparency: 5934 = Show quest list 5935 = Points of Interest 5936 = Forward Camp Areas 5937 = Player vs. Player Pins: 5938 = Set Focused: <<1>> 5939 = Remove Rally Point 594 = Mouth 5940 = Set Destination 5941 = Remove Destination 5942 = Travel to Keep 5943 = You can no longer travel to that keep. 5944 = Respawn at Keep 5945 = You can no longer respawn at that keep. 5946 = Show Information 5947 = Hide Information 5948 = Recall to <<1>> 5949 = Travel to <<1>> 595 = Ears 5950 = Respawn at Forward Camp 5951 = Open Crown Store 5952 = Upgrade 5953 = Failed 5954 = <<1>> 5955 = <> 5956 = <<1>> is produced by <<2>>. The rate upgrades automatically as long as your alliance continues to own it. 5957 = To produce <<1>>, take control of <<2>>. 5958 = <<1>> is produced for this enemy keep by <<2>>. To decrease <<1>> production, kill the workers at <<2>> or capture it for your alliance. 5959 = <<1>> is not being produced for this enemy keep because they do not control <<2>>. 596 = Nose 5960 = <> 5961 = You cannot recall in an Alliance War area. Visit the wayshrine to travel. 5962 = You are at this wayshrine. 5963 = You can recall to a wayshrine in <<1>>. 5964 = You can unlock this area with an ESO Plus membership, or by purchasing |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r, available in the Crown Store! 5965 = You can unlock this area by upgrading to |cffffff<<1>> (Chapter)|r. 5966 = You cannot recall from an Outlaws Refuge. 5967 = You cannot recall from this location. 5968 = You cannot recall while dead. 5969 = Plus <<1>> more quest locations. 597 = Voice 5970 = <<1>> bounty added. 5971 = Bounty cleared. 5972 = Your bounty is now <<1>> gold. 5973 = <<1>> gold removed. 5974 = All stolen items removed. 5975 = You Are Now <<1>> 5976 = Fugitive From Justice 5977 = You will now be killed on sight by the law. 5978 = You will no longer be attacked by the law. 5979 = Trespassing 598 = Eye Height 5980 = You are in a restricted area 5981 = No Longer Trespassing 5982 = You have left a restricted area 5983 = <<1>> gold stolen. 5984 = You've been caught pickpocketing. 5985 = You cannot logout while being arrested. 5986 = Your total infamy. 5987 = You cannot deposit stolen items. 5988 = You cannot send stolen items. 5989 = You cannot trade stolen items. 599 = Eye Size 5990 = You cannot list stolen items. 5991 = Sale is Final 5992 = You are attempting to sell a high quality stolen item. Unlike other vendors, the Fence does not let you purchase back the items you've sold.\n\nAre you sure you want to sell <>? 5993 = Launder 5994 = Items Sold: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r 5995 = Items Sold: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>>|r 5996 = Items Laundered: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r 5997 = Items Laundered: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>>|r 5998 = Daily sell limit resets in 5999 = Daily launder limit resets in 6 = Unknown 60 = Ability 600 = Eye Separation 6000 = Duel Starts in <<1>> 6001 = You are close to the edge of the Duel Area! 6002 = Attributes 6003 = Level Up 6004 = |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/Stats/diminishingReturns_icon.dds|tWhen a stat is overcharged it becomes increasingly difficult to raise it further. Consider changing your equipment, skills or attributes to distribute your stats more evenly. 6005 = Riding Skill 6006 = Active Effects 6007 = <<1>>% 6008 = +<<1>> 6009 = <<1>> 601 = Eye Angle 6010 = <> 6011 = Title 6012 = Character 6013 = No Title 6014 = Scaled Level 6015 = Equipment Bonus 6016 = High level and quality equipment provides the greatest combat bonus. 6017 = Missing <<1>> 6018 = Determines the amount of Damage you can take in combat and how much Healing you can receive. Health recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. 6019 = Determines how many Magicka abilities you can cast and how effective those abilities are. Magicka recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. Staff Weapon Damage is based on Magicka. 602 = Mouth Height 6020 = Determines how many Stamina abilities you can use and how effective those abilities will be. Sprint, Bash, Sneak, Roll Dodge and Break Free all consume Stamina. Stamina recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. Sword, shield, axe, mace, bow and dagger Weapon Damage is based on your Stamina. 6021 = <<1>> <<2>>% 6022 = <<1>> 6023 = Your character is enlightened and will earn the next |cFFFFFF<<1>>|r XP at an accelerated rate. 6024 = Your character is enlightened. 6025 = <<1>>/<<2>> XP 6026 = <<1>>/<<2>> XP (<<3>>%) 6027 = Max XP 6028 = <> 6029 = <<1>> 603 = Lip Fullness 6030 = <<1>> <> 6031 = Role 6032 = Upgrade 6033 = New Effect 6034 = Next Rank 6035 = <<1>> improves from <<2>> to <<3>> 6036 = Ability Morph Available For 1 Skill Point 6037 = Unlocked at <<1>> <<2>> 6038 = Purchase for 1 Skill Point 6039 = Upgrade for 1 Skill Point 604 = Mouth Curve 6040 = Advised Morph 6041 = Respec to purchase the advised morph for your build. 6042 = <<1>> Morph 6043 = Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 6044 = Next Upgrade Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 6045 = Your riding skill stats will not apply until you have acquired and activated at least one mount. 6046 = Riding Trainer 6047 = <<1>>% 6048 = <<1>> 6049 = Increases your movement speed while mounted, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r%. 605 = Nose Height 6050 = Increases your stamina while mounted, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r, allowing your mount to sprint longer and take more hits before you become dismounted. 6051 = Increases your carrying capacity, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6052 = Riding Skill Increased 6053 = Your <<1>> riding skill has increased from <<2>> to <<3>>. 6054 = Your <<1>> riding skill has increased. 6055 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 6056 = Journal 6057 = Character 6058 = Skills 6059 = Champion 606 = Nose Width 6060 = Crown Store 6061 = Inventory 6062 = Social 6063 = Alliance War 6064 = Map 6065 = Friends 6066 = Guilds 6067 = Mail 6068 = Notifications 6069 = Help 607 = Ear Height 6070 = Group 6071 = Collections 6072 = Activity Finder 6073 = Crown Crates 6074 = Announcements 6075 = Gift Inventory 6076 = Multiplayer 6077 = Campaigns 6078 = Level 6079 = Summary 608 = Ear Size 6080 = Quest Journal 6081 = <<1>> <<2>> 6082 = <<1>> would like to share [<>] with you. Will you accept the quest? 6083 = Miscellaneous 6084 = <<1>> 6085 = <<1>> 6086 = <<1>> 6087 = <<1>> 6088 = Unknown Quest 6089 = Tasks 609 = Eyebrow Height 6090 = Hint: 6091 = Abandon 6092 = Share 6093 = Show On Map 6094 = Cycle Focused Quest 6095 = Get Help 6096 = Inspiration 6097 = Alliance Points 6098 = Tel Var Stones 6099 = Partial Skill Point 61 = Texture Quality 610 = Eyebrow Angle 6100 = <<1>> Partial Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>> 6101 = <<1>> Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>> 6102 = <<1>> Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>> and <<2>> Partial Skill <<2[Points/Point/Points]>> 6103 = Writ Vouchers 6104 = Skill Line: <<1>> 6105 = Event Tickets 6106 = <<1>>/<<2>> 6107 = Create Guild 6108 = Leave Guild 6109 = Home 611 = Chin Height 6110 = Roster 6111 = Ranks 6112 = Heraldry 6113 = History 6114 = <<1>> joined the guild. 6115 = Nothing Owned 6116 = <<1>> 6117 = None Hired 6118 = Message of the Day 6119 = About Us 612 = Chin Size 6120 = Enter a message of the day that you would like your guild members to see. 6121 = A message of the day is not set for this guild. 6122 = Enter information about the guild that you would like your guild members to see. 6123 = There is no description set for this guild. 6124 = Guilds are a great way to team up with other travelers you come across while exploring the world of Tamriel! These large, permanent groups allow players to band together, work towards common goals, and unlock special perks like Guild Stores. 6125 = Utilize ranks to make your guild as structured or free-form as you like!\nCoordinate with your guildmates and fight in large scale battles against others as part of the Alliance Wars!\nAnd much more! 6126 = Guild membership is tied to your <<1>> and is limited to 5 guilds total. All characters under your <<1>> will have access to all of your guilds.\n\nJoin an existing guild or start one of your own to invite others! 6127 = You cannot create a guild because you are already leading a guild 6128 = You cannot create a guild because you are already in <<1>> guilds 6129 = You must be at least level <<1>> to create a guild 613 = Jaw Size 6130 = Creating and Joining Guilds 6131 = Permissions 6132 = Logo 6133 = Add Member 6134 = Promote 6135 = Demote 6136 = Remove from Guild 6137 = Remove from Guild 6138 = Are you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r? 6139 = Are you sure you want to delete rank: |cffffff<<1>>|r? 614 = Forehead Slope 6140 = You are the Guildmaster. Leaving will assign Guildmaster to the highest ranked player that has been in the guild longest.\n\nAre you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r? 6141 = You are the last member of the guild. Leaving will disband the guild and allow others to use this guild's name. It will also destroy all items stored in the guild bank.\n\nAre you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r? 6142 = Leave Guild 6143 = Disband Guild 6144 = Create Guild 6145 = Your character's alliance is <<1>>. Your guild can only fight for its designated alliance in the Alliance War. 6146 = Guild Alliance: 6147 = Guild Name: 6148 = Enter a name for your guild. 6149 = Delete Rank 615 = Nose Shape 6150 = Rank Name: 6151 = Copy Permissions From: 6152 = None 6153 = Alliance War\nOwnership 6154 = Release 6155 = Release Ownership 6156 = Release Ownership 6157 = Releasing ownership of |cffffff<<1>>|r will result in your guild having to reclaim it. Are you sure you want to release ownership? 6158 = |cffffff<<1>>|r has recently changed ownership. You must wait |cffffff<<2>>|r before attempting to release ownership. 6159 = Claim 616 = Nose Length 6160 = |cffffff<<1>>|r has recently changed ownership. You must wait |cffffff<<2>>|r before attempting to claim it. 6161 = Add Member 6162 = Your guild may bid to hire this trader for future use. The winning guild's store will be made available to the general public through this trader for a total of |cffffff7 days|r. Hiring period does not begin until a winner has been determined at the close of bidding.\n\n|cffffffNOTE:|r Placed bids are final and the winning bid will not be refunded. Only one trader can be bid on at a time for a guild. 6163 = Hire Guild Trader 6164 = Guilds may only hire one guild trader at a time. This guild has already hired |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6165 = Guilds must have unlocked Guild Stores to hire a Guild Trader. This guild does not have the required |cffffff<<1>>|r members. 6166 = Bid On Guild Trader 6167 = Cannot Delete Rank 6168 = You cannot delete a rank if there are players still holding that rank in the guild. Promote them or demote them to another rank first. 6169 = Purchase Heraldry 617 = Eye Squint 6170 = <><> 6171 = <<1>> 6172 = Hide Offline 6173 = Show Offline 6174 = Enter guild name 6175 = You don't have permission to view this. 6176 = There are no entries in this list. 6177 = Enabling this permission will automatically enable |cffffff<<1>>|r 6178 = Disabling this permission will remove all guild bank gold events from the Guild History Logs for this rank. 6179 = Disabling this permission will remove all guild trader bid events from the Guild History Logs for this rank. 618 = Eyebrow Skew 6180 = Guild 6181 = Browse 6182 = Sell 6183 = Listings 6184 = Guild 6185 = Buy 6186 = Cancel 6187 = Listing Fee 6188 = House Cut 6189 = Profit 619 = Eyebrow Depth 6190 = Posting an item on the guild store costs <<1>>% of the posting price immediately. 6191 = When the item sells, <<1>>% of the sale price is kept by the guild store. If the item does not sell you are not charged this fee. 6192 = Reset Search 6193 = All Items 6194 = Weapon 6195 = Apparel 6196 = Furnishings 6197 = Soul Gems & Glyphs 6198 = Crafting 6199 = Consumables 62 = Controls the quality of textures used in the world by changing the size of textures used. Higher settings will provide more detail on objects, character models and the environment, but require more video memory to run smoothly. 620 = Ear Tip Flare 6200 = Other 6201 = All One-Handed 6202 = All Two-Handed 6203 = All Pieces 6204 = All Traits 6205 = All Enchantments 6206 = All Furnishings 6207 = Items and Recipes 6208 = Items Only 6209 = Recipes Only 621 = Ear Rotation 6210 = All 6211 = Guild Items 6212 = Light Armor 6213 = Medium Armor 6214 = Heavy Armor 6215 = Shield 6216 = Accessory 6217 = All Accessories 6218 = All Consumables 6219 = All Materials 622 = Cheekbone Size 6220 = All Component Types 6221 = All Ingredients 6222 = Food Ingredients 6223 = Drink Ingredients 6224 = Rare Ingredients 6225 = 6226 = 6227 = 6228 = 6229 = 623 = Cheekbone Height 6230 = Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r from <>|cffffff<<3>>|r? Once removed, this player will no longer have access to any of the Guild's features. 6231 = Are you sure you want to set <<1>> as the new Guildmaster of <>|cffffff<<3>>|r? Doing so will demote you to <<4>>. 6232 = <<1>> joined <<2>>. 6233 = <<1>> left <<2>>. 6234 = You have been removed from <<1>>. 6235 = You have invited |cffffff<<1>>|r to join |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6236 = Repair All (<<1>>) 6237 = Are you sure you want to purchase <<1[/$d ]>><<2>>?\n\n This will cost <<3>><<4>><<5>>. 6238 = Purchase 6239 = <<1>> 624 = Waist Size 6240 = +<<1>>% 6241 = Bonus applies only in the districts. 6242 = Unlocked 6243 = Locked 6244 = <><<2>>: <<3>> 6245 = <<1>>: <<2>><> 6246 = Ten of these items can be refined into |cffffff<<1>>|r to |cffffff<<2>>|r <>. 6247 = Suppressed by equipped Poison. 6248 = +<<1>>% 6249 = Under Attack! 625 = Torso Size 6250 = Outer Wall Breached! 6251 = Inner Wall Breached! 6252 = Wall Breached! 6253 = Friends 6254 = Edit Note 6255 = Travel to Player 6256 = Invite to Group 6257 = Send Mail 6258 = Add Friend 6259 = Invite to <<1>> 626 = Neck Size 6260 = Visit Primary Residence 6261 = Whisper 6262 = Whisper 6263 = UserID 6264 = Character Name 6265 = Location 6266 = There are no players in your friends list. 6267 = All of your friends are offline. 6268 = Remove Friend 6269 = Ignore 627 = Leg Size 6270 = Stop Ignoring 6271 = Edit Note 6272 = Type a note here 6273 = Add Friend 6274 = Send an optional message 6275 = Request 6276 = Type a custom message here 6277 = Add Ignore 6278 = Remove Friend 6279 = Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r from your friends list? 628 = Hip Size 6280 = Remove 6281 = Ignore Friend 6282 = Are you sure you want to ignore <<1>>? 6283 = Ignore 6284 = Filter returned no results. 6285 = <<1>> 6286 = Your <<3[friend/friends]>> completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6287 = Your <<3[guild mate/guild mates]>> completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6288 = Your friends and guild mates completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6289 = <<1[Friend/Friends]>>: 629 = Hand Size 6290 = <<1[Guild Mate/Guild Mates]>>: 6291 = <<1>> 6292 = Your attributes have been refunded; you will need to go set them again. 6293 = Your skill points have been refunded; you will need to go set them again. 6294 = All crafting materials stored in your bank and inventory have been transferred to your craft bag. 6295 = <<1>> 6296 = ESO Plus is now active on your account. View the in-game help to see how you can take advantage of all the ESO Plus benefits. 6297 = Your ESO Plus free trial has concluded. Continue enjoying the benefits of ESO Plus by purchasing your subscription today. 6298 = View ESO Plus Benefits 6299 = More Info 63 = View Distance 630 = Gut Size 6300 = You have received a gift from <<1>>! 6301 = You have had a gift returned from <<1>>. 6302 = <<1>> claimed your gift! 6303 = View 6304 = Gifting has been unlocked on your account. You may now gift items from the Crown Store to other players. 6305 = Open Crown Store 6306 = Gifting will be unlocked on your account in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6307 = < 1 day 6308 = Unlock Period 6309 = The message of the day for <>|cffffff<<2>>|r has changed. 631 = Foot Size 6310 = <<1>> accepted. 6311 = <<1>> declined. 6312 = Friend Invite 6313 = Guild Invite 6314 = Group Invite 6315 = Duel Invite 6316 = Share Quest 6317 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6318 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r, with your group. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6319 = New Daily Reward 632 = Posterior Dimensions 6320 = You have a new reward that is waiting to be claimed! 6321 = Open Daily Rewards 6322 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6323 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r, with your group. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6324 = Entering Cyrodiil... 6325 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to be your friend. 6326 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to resurrect you. Expires in <<2>>. 6327 = |cffffff<<1>>|r has invited you to join a group. 6328 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to trade with you. 6329 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to share |cffffff<<2>>|r. 633 = Arm Size 6330 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to duel with you. 6331 = Group Election 6332 = A vote to kick |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r from the group has started. Expires in |cffffff<<3>>|r. 6333 = A vote to promote |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r to group leader has been started. Expires in |cffffff<<3>>|r. 6334 = Ready Check 6335 = Are you ready? 6336 = <<1>> Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6337 = A vote to kick |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r from the group has passed. 6338 = A vote to kick |cffffff<<1>>(<<2>>)|r from the group has failed. 6339 = Your group members voted to kick you from the group. 634 = Chest Size 6340 = You have initiated a vote... 6341 = You have initiated a ready check... 6342 = Everyone in your group is ready! 6343 = Someone in your group is not ready. 6344 = Ritual Of Mara 6345 = By accepting the pledge of Mara you will receive a ring inscribed with the name of the <<1>> character <<3>>. When you wear the ring and group with <<3>> you will gain <<2>>% bonus experience.\n\nDo you pledge commitment to <<3>>? 6346 = Ritual of Mara Completed 6347 = You have been joined with <<1>> (<<2>>) 6348 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to join with you in the Ritual of Mara. 6349 = Join |cffffff<<1>>|r in the Ritual of Mara. 635 = Tooth/Fang Size 6350 = Begin Ritual 6351 = Increase your Inventory size by <<1[$d more slot/$d more slots]>>? 6352 = You can't afford to increase the size of your Inventory. 6353 = Buy Bag Space 6354 = Increase your Bank size to <<1>> more slots?\n\nNote: An ESO Plus membership doubles your bank space while active. 6355 = You can't afford to increase the size of your Bank. 6356 = Buy Bank Space 6357 = Buy Bank Space (<<1>>) 6358 = Inventory Capacity Increased 6359 = Your inventory capacity has increased from <<1>> to <<2>>. 636 = Tail Size 6360 = Bank Capacity Increased 6361 = Your bank capacity has increased from <<1>> to <<2>>. 6362 = Are you sure you want to disband the group? 6363 = Are you sure you want to disband the group? Everyone in your group will be removed from the instance. 6364 = Are you sure you want to leave the group? 6365 = Are you sure you want to leave the group? You will be removed from the instance. 6366 = Are you sure you want to leave the group? You will be removed from the battleground and unable to return. 6367 = This player is already in your group. 6368 = You have blocked that player. 6369 = Invite Player 637 = Height 6370 = Invite Friend 6371 = Leave Group 6372 = Disband Group 6373 = Invite a player or use an activity finder to organize or join a group. 6374 = Kick From Group 6375 = Vote to Kick 6376 = Leave Group 6377 = Promote to Leader 6378 = Ready Check 6379 = Travel to Leader 638 = Mouth Width 6380 = This group's leader is located in a different version of |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nWould you like to travel to their version, which will place you at the wayshrine nearest to them? 6381 = This group's leader is located in |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nWould you like to travel to their zone, which will place you at the wayshrine nearest to them? 6382 = This setting is used in determining the difficulty of group dungeons. When joining a group, only the group leader's setting will be used. 6383 = <<1>> 6384 = Any Dungeon 6385 = Any Veteran Dungeon 6386 = Choosing \"Any Dungeon\" is the quickest way to find a dungeon group. 6387 = Choosing \"Any Veteran Dungeon\" is the quickest way to find a veteran dungeon group. 6388 = This is a <<1>> player activity. 6389 = Status 639 = Hair Style 6390 = Join Queue 6391 = Leave Queue 6392 = Unlocked at Level <<1>>. 6393 = Locked after Level <<1>>. 6394 = Unlocked at Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t<<1>>. 6395 = Locked after Level 50 |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Champion/champion_icon.dds|t<<1>>. 6396 = Not all group members meet the location's level requirements. 6397 = Party is already full for this location. 6398 = Party is too large for this location. 6399 = You cannot queue for this activity type while in an AVA location. 64 = Adjusts the distance at which certain objects in the game will no longer be visible. Increasing this will provide a richer and more realistic environment at the expense of performance. 640 = Hair Color 6400 = You cannot queue while you are in a battleground. 6401 = You must be in an AVA location to queue for Alliance War. 6402 = Only the group leader can join the queue. 6403 = This activity requires |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r. 6404 = This activity requires |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r from the Crown Store. 6405 = This activity requires the |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r upgrade. 6406 = Cross alliance groups cannot queue together for AVA. 6407 = You have queued too recently. 6408 = You have queued too recently. You can queue again in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6409 = You have the battleground deserter penalty. 641 = Skin Color 6410 = You have the battleground deserter penalty. You can queue again in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6411 = Leave Queue 6412 = Are you sure you want to leave the queue? 6413 = Ready 6414 = Your |cffffff<<1>> <<2>>|r is ready. Your role: <>|cffffff<<4>>|r\nExpires in |cffffff<<5>>|r. 6415 = Your |cffffff<<1>> <<2>>|r is ready.\nExpires in |cffffff<<3>>|r. 6416 = Find Replacement 6417 = Group Member Left 6418 = A group member has left your |cffffff<<1>>|r group. 6419 = <> There are currently no activities available. 642 = Adornment 6420 = <> Unlocked at level |cffffff<<2>>|r 6421 = <> Unlocked at <>|cffffff<<3>>|r 6422 = Dungeon 6423 = Battleground 6424 = Daily Bonus Rewards 6425 = Standard Rewards (Daily Complete) 6426 = <<1>> XP 6427 = <<1>><> 6428 = <<1>> - <<2>><> 6429 = Team Size <<1>><> 643 = Head Marking 6430 = Dungeon Finder 6431 = Alliance War 6432 = Battlegrounds 6433 = Home Show 6434 = 6435 = Specific Dungeons 6436 = Specific Battlegrounds 6437 = Random Dungeons 6438 = Random Battlegrounds 6439 = You must be group leader to use an activity finder. 644 = Body Marking 6440 = Joining Campaign 6441 = You're currently participating in a non-Alliance War activity. You will be removed from your group upon traveling to the campaign. 6442 = Game Modes 6443 = Roles are used to create balanced groups for certain activities. 6444 = Focuses on dealing damage against enemies that pose a threat. 6445 = Heals and protects allies, keeping them alive throughout the battle. 6446 = Absorbs damage from enemies and prevents allies from being attacked. 6447 = Activity Complete! 6448 = Waiting for players: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6449 = 645 = Eye Color 6450 = 6451 = 6452 = 6453 = 6454 = 6455 = 6456 = 6457 = 6458 = 6459 = 646 = Age 6460 = 6461 = Confirm 6462 = Confirm Points (<<1>> <<2>>) 6463 = <<1>> 6464 = <<1>> 6465 = Zoom In 6466 = Zoom Out 6467 = Redistribute 6468 = Cancel Redistribute 6469 = Available: 647 = Eyebrows 6470 = Earned: 6471 = <<1>>/<<2>> 6472 = Spent Points: 6473 = Gained <<1[$d Champion Point/$d Champion Points]>> 6474 = <<1>> |t32:32:<>|t <<3>> <<1[Point/Points]>> 6475 = <<1>> 6476 = <<1>> 6477 = Warrior 6478 = Thief 6479 = Mage 648 = Voice 6480 = Champion Progression Unlocked 6481 = Clear 6482 = |cffffff<>|r% 6483 = |cffffff<>|r 6484 = Next Point 6485 = Upgrade for 1 |t32:32:<>|t 6486 = Requires 1 |t32:32:<>|t 6487 = You cannot spend more than <<1>> points in constellations under the |t32:32:<>|t <<3>>. 6488 = Unlocks at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 6489 = Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 649 = No Gear 6490 = Redistribute Points 6491 = You are attempting to redistribute the points spent in ALL Constellations. Any pending changes you currently have will be reverted.\n\nYou will be charged <<1>> <<2>> if you commit your changes. You will not be charged if you do not confirm your changes. 6492 = Cancel Redistribute 6493 = Are you sure you want to cancel? All your changes will be reverted. 6494 = Confirm Changes 6495 = Are you sure you want to commit your points? 6496 = Balance 6497 = Redistribution Cost 6498 = You have exited the Champion Screen without committing all your points. 6499 = Your unsaved champion points have been reset. 65 = Gamma Adjustment 650 = Novice Gear 6500 = <<1>>Champion Level Achieved 6501 = You do not currently know <<1>>. 6502 = Steal 6503 = Steal All 6504 = <<1>> 6505 = Store 6506 = Store (<<1>>) 6507 = Store (<<1>>), Smuggler's Fee <<2>>% 6508 = Loot 6509 = Bank 651 = Champion Gear 6510 = Buy Backpack Upgrade 6511 = View Stable 6512 = Inspect Keep 6513 = Travel to another keep 6514 = Travel to a wayshrine 6515 = Soul Healing 6516 = Bind Corpse Summoner 6517 = Guild Bank 6518 = Guild Store 6519 = Guild Store (<<1>>) 652 = No Collectibles 6520 = -<<1>>- 6521 = You will receive: 6522 = Someone is using that. 6523 = You must wait a few seconds to attempt to pick another lock. 6524 = You cannot abandon the main quest. 6525 = Claim ownership of <<1>>. 6526 = Release ownership of <<1>>. 6527 = Create Spellcrafting Tablet 6528 = Bid on Guild Trader 6529 = Hire Guild Trader 653 = Current Appearance 6530 = [Pay] Here's <<1>> gold. Clear my bounty. 6531 = [Pay] Here's <<1>> gold. Clear my bounty. 6532 = [Pay] Here's <<1>> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty. 6533 = [Flee in <<1>> sec] I won't pay the bounty. 6534 = <<1>> [<<2>>] 6535 = Dismiss <<1>> 6536 = I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered. 6537 = <<1>> (<<2>> Cooldown) 6538 = <<1>> 6539 = <<1>> (<<2>> Cooldown) 654 = Overall 6540 = You don't have enough gold 6541 = You need the Intimidate Perk before you can choose this option 6542 = You need the Persuasion Perk before you can choose this option 6543 = You need the Clemency Perk before you can use this option. 6544 = You must wait to use this option again. 6545 = Bidding closed while traders change ownership. 6546 = <<<1>>> 6547 = Lockpick failed 6548 = You have invited <<1>> to duel. 6549 = <<1>> has invited you to duel. 655 = Class 6550 = Duel invitation accepted. 6551 = Duel invitation declined. 6552 = Duel invitation canceled. 6553 = Hold to Interact 6554 = Filled 6555 = Hold to Resurrect (<> <>) 6556 = Hold to Resurrect (<> <> + <>) 6557 = Hold to Resurrect |cff0000(|r<> <>|cff0000)|r 6558 = Hold to Resurrect |cff0000(|r<> <> |cff0000+|r <>|cff0000)|r 6559 = Being Resurrected... 656 = Alliance 6560 = Resurrection Pending... 6561 = <<1>> 6562 = Send Whisper 6563 = Invite to Trade 6564 = Invite to Group 6565 = Remove from Group 6566 = You do not have permission to do that. 6567 = Add as Friend 6568 = You are already friends. 6569 = Invite to Duel 657 = House 6570 = <<1>> wants to duel. 6571 = <<1>> wants to trade. 6572 = <<1>> wants to group. 6573 = <<1>> wants to share the quest <<2>> with you 6574 = <<1>> wants to join with you in the Ritual of Mara. 6575 = Join <<1>> in the Ritual of Mara. 6576 = <<1>> wants to be your friend 6577 = <<1>> wants you to join <<2>> 6578 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. 6579 = <<1>> sent you a gift! 658 = Battleground 6580 = Player is Ignored 6581 = Player is Blocked 6582 = Cancel 6583 = <<1>> - <<2>> 6584 = <<1>> (<>) 6585 = Move Forward 6586 = Move Backward 6587 = Toggle Walk / Run 6588 = Move Left 6589 = Move Right 659 = None 6590 = Jump 6591 = Autorun 6592 = Roll Dodge 6593 = Use Synergy 6594 = Attack 6595 = Block 6596 = Sprint 6597 = Crouch 6598 = Interrupt 6599 = Weapon Swap 66 = Adjusts the overall gamma (brightness) setting of the game with no impact to performance. Change this setting if the game appears too bright or dark on your display. 660 = Aldmeri Dominion 6600 = Weapon Swap To Set 1 6601 = Weapon Swap To Set 2 6602 = Ability 1 6603 = Ability 2 6604 = Ability 3 6605 = Ability 4 6606 = Ability 5 6607 = Ultimate Ability 6608 = Quickslot Item 6609 = Toggle Mount 661 = Ebonheart Pact 6610 = Sheathe/Unsheathe 6611 = Select 6612 = Mouse Steer 6613 = Activate 6614 = Zoom Camera Out 6615 = Zoom Camera In 6616 = Toggle Fullscreen Mode 6617 = Take Screenshot 6618 = Start Chat 6619 = Start Chat Slash 662 = Daggerfall Covenant 6620 = Reply to Whisper 6621 = UI On/Off 6622 = Character Windows 6623 = Crown Store 6624 = Crown Crates 6625 = Inventory 6626 = Character 6627 = Skills 6628 = Champion 6629 = Quest Journal 663 = Damage 6630 = Collections 6631 = Map 6632 = Group 6633 = Friends 6634 = Guilds 6635 = Alliance War 6636 = Mail 6637 = Notifications 6638 = Activity Finder 6639 = System 664 = Healing 6640 = Help 6641 = Interact With Environment 6642 = Interact With Player 6643 = Accept Notification 6644 = Decline Notification 6645 = Mouse Freelook 6646 = Cycle Preferred Enemy Target 6647 = Clear Preferred Enemy Target 6648 = Cycle Focused Quest 6649 = First/Third Person 665 = Medal Score 6650 = Fire Siege Weapon 6651 = Exit Siege Weapon 6652 = Stow Siege Weapon 6653 = Primary Action/Accept 6654 = Secondary Action 6655 = Tertiary Action 6656 = Decline/Negative/Abandon Action 6657 = View Quickslots (From Inventory) 6658 = Show On Map (From Quest Journal) 6659 = Quaternary Action 666 = Trials 6660 = Report a Player 6661 = Stack All Items 6662 = Primary Dialog Action 6663 = Secondary Dialog Action 6664 = Tertiary dialog action 6665 = Negative/Decline Dialog Action 6666 = Reset dialog action 6667 = Close Dialog 6668 = Help 6669 = Toggle In-Game Cursor 667 = Solo 6670 = Toggle Gamepad Mode 6671 = Toggle Nameplates 6672 = Toggle Healthbars 6673 = Command Pet 6674 = Show Housing Panel 6675 = Primary Action 6676 = Negative Action 6677 = Secondary Action 6678 = Teritary Action 6679 = Quaternary Action 668 = None 6680 = Yaw Right 6681 = Yaw Left 6682 = Pitch Forward 6683 = Pitch Backward 6684 = Roll Right 6685 = Roll Left 6686 = Push Forward 6687 = Pull Backward 6688 = Surface Align 6689 = Go to Entrance 669 = Capture the Relic 6690 = Undo Action 6691 = Redo Action 6692 = Toggle Scoreboard 6693 = Leave Battleground 6694 = Scoreboard Previous Player 6695 = Scoreboard Next Player 6696 = Scoreboard Player Options 6697 = <<1>> (<<2>>s) 6698 = <<1>> 6699 = <<1>> <<2>>? 67 = Shadow Quality 670 = Deathmatch 6700 = Pay 6701 = Give Gold 6702 = [<<1>>] <<2>> 6703 = |cFF0000[<<1>>]|r <<2>> 6704 = Intimidate 6705 = Persuade 6706 = Clemency 6707 = Destroy Item 6708 = Destroy Item 6709 = Do you really want to destroy<<2[// $d]>> <>? 671 = King of the Hill 6710 = Do you really want to destroy<<2[// $d]>> <>? Type <<3>> to confirm. 6711 = DESTROY 6712 = CONFIRM 6713 = Binding Item 6714 = Equipping <> will permanently bind it to your account. 6715 = Modifying <<1>> will permanently bind it to your account. 6716 = Your craft bag is empty. 6717 = You cannot swap items during combat. 6718 = Item cannot be equipped 6719 = Item cannot be equipped in that slot 672 = Domination 6720 = No item found to unequip 6721 = No item found to destroy 6722 = That's more than you have of that item 6723 = Your inventory is full. 6724 = You need <<1>> additional open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>. 6725 = Enchantments can't be equipped. 6726 = You're not high enough level to equip that item. 6727 = You do not have enough champion points to equip that item. 6728 = Your class isn't allowed to equip that item. 6729 = You can't equip that type of armor. 673 = Crazy King 6730 = You can equip only one of that item, and you already have one equipped. 6731 = This item already has a unique enchantment installed. You can't add another. 6732 = You can't equip that type of weapon 6733 = You cannot trade quest items. 6734 = You can only trade items from your backpack. 6735 = You can only carry one of that item, and already have one in your backpack. 6736 = You can only deposit one of that item, and already have one in your bank. 6737 = You are not a member of that guild. 6738 = You already have this unique item. 6739 = That item cannot be moved to the craft bag. 674 = Chaosball 6740 = Your items have been stacked. 6741 = Currency 6742 = Deposit 6743 = Withdraw 6744 = Deposit 6745 = Withdraw 6746 = Deposit Currency 6747 = Withdraw Currency 6748 = Deposit Currency 6749 = Withdraw Currency 675 = None 6750 = -- 6751 = You have nothing stored in your <<1>>. 6752 = You have nothing stored in your <<1>> \"<<2>>\". 6753 = Your bank is full. 6754 = There is no space in your <<1>>. 6755 = There is no space in your <<1>> \"<<2>>\". 6756 = You may not deposit that item in your <<1>>. 6757 = You may not deposit that item in your <<1>> \"<<2>>\". 6758 = You may not deposit that item in your bank. 6759 = Your bank is empty 676 = Deathmatch 6760 = No Rankings Found 6761 = # 6762 = Name 6763 = Alliance 6764 = Class 6765 = Score 6766 = Points 6767 = All Classes 6768 = <<1>> Rank: |cffffff<<2>>|r 6769 = -- 677 = Land Grab 6770 = Not Ranked 6771 = Not Recorded 6772 = No Score 6773 = Reopens In: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6774 = Closes In: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6775 = Best Score: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6776 = Current Score: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6777 = Alliance War 6778 = Overall 6779 = Current Earned AP: |cffffff<<1>>|r 678 = Flag Games 6780 = Scoring Closed 6781 = Scoring Open 6782 = Scoring Not Available 6783 = <<1>> 6784 = Weekly 6785 = Weekly (<<1>>) 6786 = Current Score: |cffffff<<1>> (Not Eligible)|r 6787 = Home Show 6788 = <<1>> 6789 = <<1>>: <<2>> Homes 679 = Vote failed; please try again later. 6790 = All 6791 = Next Home Show Update: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6792 = House 6793 = Travel to House 6794 = Battlegrounds 6795 = Your selected costume will not appear until you remove your current disguise. 6796 = Outfit Station 6797 = Apparel 6798 = Weapon Set 1 6799 = Weapon Set 2 68 = Determines the quality of shadows seen in the world. Higher settings increase the shadow's draw distance, sharpness and the number of objects in the world that cast shadows. Decreasing this quality may help improve performance. 680 = Vote failed; please try again later. 6800 = Apply Changes 6801 = Randomize Dyes 6802 = Undo Changes 6803 = Show Locked 6804 = Sort by Rarity 6805 = Sort by Hue 6806 = Dye 6807 = Clear Color 6808 = Dye All 6809 = Copy Color 681 = Could not find target player to start the voting process. 6810 = Set Fill 6811 = Clear Color 6812 = Cannot sample non-dyed color. 6813 = Cannot sample a color that has not been achieved yet. 6814 = Cannot sample a color that is not obtainable through the achievement system. 6815 = No dyes found that match your filters 6816 = <<1>> 6817 = Right-Click to view Achievement. 6818 = View Achievement 6819 = Unlocked by the <<1>> Achievement 682 = Unable to process that vote. 6820 = Unlocked via Hidden Achievement 6821 = Unlocked via Hidden Achievement 6822 = Unlocked by the <<1>> Achievement 6823 = This dye is not obtainable from the achievement system 6824 = Equipment 6825 = Costume and Hat 6826 = Outfit Styles 6827 = Applying dyes to your costume and hat is currently not available. This feature can be unlocked with an ESO Plus membership. 6828 = You can access the collection appearance tab and apply dyes to your costume and hat while you are an ESO Plus Member. 6829 = Dye Items 683 = You cannot initiate a vote when the voting process is already in progress. 6830 = You are attempting to exit before applying your changes. If you do not apply your changes, they will be discarded.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 6831 = Use Dye Stamp 6832 = Applying your changes will consume |cffffff1 <<1>>|r 6833 = No Outfit 6834 = Unlock New Outfit 6835 = Outfit <<1>> 6836 = Rename Outfit 6837 = Apply (<<1>> OR <<2>>) 6838 = No equipment styles found that match your filters 6839 = All Types 684 = You cannot use that type of vote on yourself. 6840 = |cC5C29EAvailable in:|r <> 6841 = Rename 6842 = Enter new outfit name 6843 = Unable to rename outfit <<1>> 6844 = <> 6845 = Open Crown Store 6846 = Clear 6847 = Undo 6848 = Hide 6849 = Select Material 685 = There are not enough members to start the voting process. 6850 = Confirm Changes 6851 = Are you sure you want to apply your changes? 6852 = Select Currency 6853 = Discard Changes 6854 = Are you sure you want to change outfits?\n\nAll your changes will be lost if you continue. 6855 = Discard Changes 6856 = Are you sure?\n\nAll your changes will be lost if you continue. 6857 = Equip 6858 = Clear Slot 6859 = Clears the current outfit slot, showing your currently equipped armor instead. 686 = You are not currently in a group. 6860 = Outfit 6861 = Randomize Styles 6862 = Discard Changes 6863 = Are you sure you want to leave?\n\nAll your changes will be lost if you continue. 6864 = In Progress 6865 = Incomplete 6866 = Title: 6867 = <<1>> 6868 = <<1>> 6869 = Dye: 687 = There is nothing currently being voted on. 6870 = <<1>> 6871 = <<1>>: 6872 = Recent Achievements 6873 = <<1>> 6874 = All Achievements 6875 = Show Earned 6876 = Show Unearned 6877 = Achievements 6878 = Objectives 6879 = <<1>> 688 = Your vote has already been cast. 6880 = <<1>> 6881 = <<1>> - <<2>> 6882 = <<1>> 6883 = Travel to Campaign 6884 = Are you sure you want to leave your current location and travel to the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r?\n\nExpires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 6885 = Enter Campaign 6886 = Overview 6887 = Scoring 6888 = Bonuses 6889 = Emperorship 689 = Your vote has already been cast. 6890 = Current Emperor 6891 = No Emperor 6892 = Imperial Keep Status 6893 = Emperor Leaderboard - <<1>> 6894 = Enter Campaign 6895 = Group 6896 = Solo 6897 = You are attempting to enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Would you like to enter as a group or solo? 6898 = Please wait... 6899 = Leaving queue... 69 = Distortion 690 = You initiated an election too recently. 6900 = Entering Cyrodiil... 6901 = Your campaign invite has expired. 6902 = Solo Queue Position: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6903 = Solo Access Available. Expires in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6904 = Group Queue Position: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6905 = Group Access Available. Expires in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 6906 = Queue Paused: Group member offline. 6907 = Abandon Campaign 6908 = After entering this campaign, you will be restricted from changing it again for a period of time. 6909 = Home Campaign Locked 691 = One or more group members is in a battleground. 6910 = Your home campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered recently.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to change it again. 6911 = Your home campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered recently.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to abandon it. 6912 = Guest Campaign Locked 6913 = Your guest campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered within the past 24 hours.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to change it again. 6914 = Your guest campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered recently.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to abandon it. 6915 = Set Guest Campaign 6916 = World effects will not apply outside of Cyrodiil. 6917 = Leaderboard ranking will be disabled. 6918 = Alliance Points gained will not count towards campaign rewards. 6919 = Set Home Campaign 692 = The vote did not pass. 6920 = Are you sure you wish to set your home campaign to |cffffff<<1>>|r? 6921 = This change is free, however, future changes will incur a cost in Alliance Points. 6922 = Are you sure you wish to abandon your home campaign |cffffff<<1>>|r? 6923 = Are you sure you wish to abandon your guest campaign |cffffff<<1>>|r? 6924 = Use Gold 6925 = Use Alliance Points 6926 = This change is free, however, future changes may incur a cost in Alliance Points or gold. 6927 = Campaigns 6928 = Travel to Campaign 6929 = Leave Queue 693 = The vote did not pass. 6930 = Claim Ownership 6931 = Home Keep Score Bonuses 6932 = Enemy Keeps Owned Bonuses 6933 = Defensive Elder Scroll Bonuses 6934 = Offensive Elder Scroll Bonuses 6935 = Emperorship Bonuses 6936 = All Home Keeps Held 6937 = All Home Keeps Not Held 6938 = All 6939 = Enemy Keeps Held: |cffffff<<1>>|r 694 = The voting process has been cancelled. 6940 = All home keeps must be held to gain these bonuses. 6941 = Enemy Scrolls Held: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6942 = All home scrolls must be held to gain these bonuses. 6943 = No Emperor 6944 = Emperor Within Alliance 6945 = Emperor Not Within Alliance 6946 = <<1>> 6947 = Edge Keep Score Bonus 6948 = Edge Keeps Held: |cffffff<<1>>|r 6949 = You don't meet the requirements to buy this. 695 = The vote passed! 6950 = You must face the player you wish to commit to. 6951 = You must be near a Shrine of Mara. 6952 = Your level isn't high enough to use this item 6953 = You cannot use this item while swimming. 6954 = You cannot use this item while sprinting. 6955 = You cannot use this item while moving. 6956 = You cannot use this item while dodging. 6957 = This item is locked. 6958 = This item is bound to you. 6959 = Passive abilities can't be placed in Action Bars. 696 = The vote did not pass. 6960 = That action button cannot be moved. 6961 = Invalid slot 6962 = You've already unlocked that collectible. 6963 = Invalid Command 6964 = Banking is disabled. See forums for details. 6965 = Guild banking is disabled. See forums for details. 6966 = Guild stores are disabled. See forums for details. 6967 = Campaigns are disabled on this server. 6968 = Only enchantments can be placed in slots. 6969 = Enchantments cannot be added to enchantments. 697 = Vote Kick 6970 = This enchantment requires an item with a higher Power rating. 6971 = This enchantment requires a different item equip type. 6972 = You need more souls to enchant that item. 6973 = This enchantment requires a different item armor type. 6974 = This enchantment requires a different item weapon type. 6975 = This enchantment requires a different slot type. 6976 = Invalid enchantment. 6977 = This upgrade's level is too high for this siege weapon. 6978 = You cannot modify this enchantment. 6979 = You cannot use this enchantment on a siege of this type. 698 = Vote To Promote 6980 = You can't do that while dead. 6981 = You can't do that while in combat. 6982 = You can't do that while reviving. 6983 = You can't do that while swimming. 6984 = You can't do that while in werewolf form. 6985 = Your paws are too clumsy. 6986 = You cannot summon a non-combat pet in an Alliance War location. 6987 = You have too much money to take these attachments. 6988 = That person is busy. 6989 = <<1>> prevents you from sneaking. 699 = <<1>>(<<2>>) has left the group. 6990 = Ability requires <<1>> 6991 = Collections 6992 = Collectibles 6993 = Stories 6994 = Housing 6995 = Outfit Styles 6996 = Unlock Permanently 6997 = Subscribe Now 6998 = Upgrade 6999 = Accept Quest 7 = Input Language Changed to: <<1>> 70 = Causes certain objects in the world to display distortion effects in their vicinity. Disabling this may improve performance. 700 = <<1>>(<<2>>) removed from the group. 7000 = Quest Accepted 7001 = Accepted 7002 = Not Accepted 7003 = Rename 7004 = Enter New Nickname 7005 = Set Active 7006 = Put Away 7007 = Rename 7008 = Use 7009 = Dismiss 701 = <<1>>(<<2>>) has disbanded the group. 7010 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 7011 = Go to Collection Book 7012 = Collection Updated 7013 = <<1>> added to <<2>> 7014 = <<1>> new <<1[collectible/collectibles]>> unlocked 7015 = <<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. 7016 = Collectible is not ready yet. 7017 = Collectible is blocked from use. 7018 = Collectible is invalid for this character. 7019 = Collectible will appear when you get out of the water. 702 = <<1>>(<<2>>) has left the battleground. 7020 = Quest available! 7021 = Available in Crown Store or with an ESO Plus subscription. 7022 = Upgrade available. 7023 = Locked Content 7024 = <<1>>\n\nYou can unlock this content by purchasing |cffffff<<2>> (<<3>>)|r or an ESO Plus membership in the Crown Store! 7025 = <<1>>\n\nYou can unlock this content by upgrading to |cffffff<<2>> (Chapter)|r. 7026 = Open Crown Store 7027 = You are unable to travel to this player because they are in a locked area. 7028 = This group's leader is located in |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nYou are unable to travel to this player because they are in a locked area. 7029 = Requires <<1>> (<<2>>). 703 = Diagrams 7030 = Requires <<1>> (<<2>>) from the Crown Store. 7031 = Requires <<1>> (<<2>>) upgrade. 7032 = Travel to House 7033 = Preview House 7034 = Available for purchase! 7035 = Preview 7036 = End Preview 7037 = End All Previews 7038 = Charge Weapon 7039 = Charge 704 = Patterns 7040 = Select a Soul Gem to charge this weapon. 7041 = Charging this weapon will consume the Soul Gem. 7042 = You do not have any filled Soul Gems to charge this weapon. 7043 = Enchant Item 7044 = Enchant 7045 = Select an enchantment to apply to this item. 7046 = Enchanting this item will consume the enchantment. 7047 = You do not have any enchantments that can be applied to this item. 7048 = Deconstruction yielded no results. 7049 = Craft was not completed. 705 = Praxis 7050 = Can only be applied to an item between levels |cffffff<<1>>|r and |cffffff<<2>>|r 7051 = Minimum Level: |cffffff<<1>>|r 7052 = Repair Item 7053 = Repair 7054 = Select a Repair Kit to repair this item. 7055 = Repairing this item will consume the Repair Kit. 7056 = You do not have any Repair Kits to repair this item. 7057 = No items to repair. 7058 = <<1>> 7059 = <<1>> 706 = Formulae 7060 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 7061 = Skills cannot be modified while your character has special abilities. 7062 = Confirm 7063 = Confirm Changes 7064 = Are you sure you want to commit your points? 7065 = This has no cost because you did not refund any points from previously learned abilities 7066 = This will consume |cffffff1x|r <<1>>. 7067 = All skill lines 7068 = You cannot refund base abilities while respeccing your morphs. 7069 = Skills Advisor 707 = Designs 7070 = Select the type of player you want to be and we will help guide your choices by giving you hints as you progress. 7071 = Turn off Skills Advisor 7072 = Disable advisor. 7073 = Purchased 7074 = Advised Abilities 7075 = You have learned all the abilities for this build. 7076 = <<1>> 7077 = <<1>> 7078 = This build is recommended for New Players. 7079 = This is an advised skill. 708 = Blueprints 7080 = This is not an advised skill. 7081 = <<1>> 7082 = <<1>> 7083 = <<1>> <> 7084 = Roles: 7085 = Role: <> 7086 = Inbox 7087 = Send 7088 = Attachments 7089 = (No subject) 709 = Sketches 7090 = (No message) 7091 = C.O.D. Fee: 7092 = Sent Gold: 7093 = Take Attachments 7094 = Delete 7095 = Report Player 7096 = Return to Sender 7097 = Send 7098 = Send Gold 7099 = Enter Subject 71 = Depth of Field 710 = You cannot destroy items while crafting. 7100 = Delete Mail 7101 = Are you sure you want to delete this mail? Once deleted, you will no longer have access to it. 7102 = Delete 7103 = Pay C.O.D. 7104 = Taking this item will require you to pay the COD amount. Are you sure? 7105 = Return to Sender 7106 = Are you sure you want to return this mail to |cffffff<<1>>|r? You will no longer have access to the attachments. 7107 = Return 7108 = Clear Mail 7109 = Are you sure you want to clear out the contents of this mail? 711 = You cannot destroy locked items. 7110 = <> 7111 = (Data not available) 7112 = Leaderboard Notifications 7113 = Show leaderboard notifications of guild members and friends. 7114 = Text Size 7115 = Adjusts the size of messages in the chat window. 7116 = Minimum Transparency 7117 = Adjusts the amount of transparency to which the chat window will fade when not in use. 7118 = Auto-Decline Duels 7119 = Automatically decline all incoming duel invitations. 712 = Solo 7120 = AvA Announcements 7121 = Displays AvA announcements related to your current home campaign. When automatic display is selected, AvA announcements will only show while in an Alliance War area. 7122 = Invert Y-Axis 7123 = Inverts the vertical direction in which the mouse moves the camera. 7124 = Rotation Speed 7125 = Adjusts the sensitivity of the mouse when moving the camera in 3rd person mode. 7126 = Rotation Speed 7127 = Adjusts the sensitivity of the mouse when moving the camera in 1st person mode. 7128 = Field of View 7129 = Adjusts the field of view while in 1st person mode. 713 = Group 7130 = Head Bob 7131 = Adjusts the magnitude of head bob while moving in 1st person view. 7132 = Screen Shake 7133 = Adjusts the magnitude of screen shake from various in-game sources. 7134 = Smoothing 7135 = Smoothens the motion of the camera when looking around in the world. 7136 = Horizontal Position 7137 = Adjusts the base horizontal position while in 3rd person mode. 7138 = Horizontal Offset 7139 = Additional horizontal offset while in 3rd person mode. 714 = Trial 7140 = Vertical Offset 7141 = Additional vertical offset while in 3rd person mode. 7142 = Field of View 7143 = Adjusts the field of view while in 3rd person mode. 7144 = Field of View Changes 7145 = Allows field of view changes from sprinting and ability use. 7146 = Siege Weaponry 7147 = Controls the camera mode used when aiming Siege Weapons. Free Mode provides a more open feel while aiming, while Constrained Mode limits the camera to the area at which you are aiming. 7148 = Assassination Camera 7149 = Enables usage of cinematic kill camera during assassinations. 715 = Solo 7150 = Subtitles 7151 = Determines if subtitles will be displayed for NPCs or not. 7152 = Foot Inverse Kinematics 7153 = Enabling this will have feet perform inverse kinematics so that they rest more naturally on the terrain. 7154 = Chat Bubbles 7155 = Displays a chat bubble above a player's head when they are speaking. 7156 = Fade Rate 7157 = Controls how quickly a chat bubble will fade after appearing. 7158 = Only Known Players 7159 = Displays a chat bubble only for players that are in any of your guilds, in your contact list, or in your group. 716 = Dungeon 7160 = Self 7161 = Displays a dialogue bubble for yourself when you speak. 7162 = Loot History 7163 = Provides a visual history of loot, rewards and currency you've acquired as you play. 7164 = Resource Numbers 7165 = Controls the visibility of health, stamina, and magicka numbers on the player unit frame, and health numbers on the target unit frame. 7166 = Ultimate Number 7167 = Shows your current Ultimate in the ability bar. 7168 = Buffs & Debuffs 7169 = All 717 = Trial 7170 = Enables the buff & debuff system that shows buff and debuff effects on you and your target. 7171 = Buffs 7172 = Shows buff (positive) effects. 7173 = Self Buffs 7174 = Shows buff effects on you. 7175 = Target 7176 = Shows buff effects on your target. 7177 = Debuffs 7178 = Shows debuff (negative) effects. 7179 = Self Debuffs 718 = Group Delve 7180 = Shows debuff effects on you. 7181 = Target Debuffs 7182 = Shows debuff effects on your target. 7183 = Long Effects 7184 = Shows effects with a duration longer than 1 minute. 7185 = Permanent Effects 7186 = Shows effects with an infinite duration. 7187 = From Others 7188 = Shows debuffs applied by other players on your target. 7189 = Default Soul Gem 719 = Group 7190 = Your default soul gem will be used first when reviving yourself or another player. 7191 = Subtitles 7192 = Chat Colors 7193 = Excessive Message Warning 7194 = You are sending a lot of messages rapidly. Be advised that continuing to do so may drop you from the server. 7195 = <<1>> 7196 = online ID 7197 = Xbox Live gamertag 7198 = UserID 7199 = Your Tutorials Have Been Reset 72 = Simulates the photographic effect that causes distant objects to appear out of focus based on the distance they are from objects in the foreground. Does not impact conversation scenes. 720 = Public Dungeon 7200 = Reset Tutorials 7201 = Are you sure you want to reset tutorials? 7202 = Scales from level <<1>> to <<2>>. 7203 = Scales from <><<2>> to <><<3>> 7204 = Here 7205 = Here (<> <>) 7206 = Here (<>) 7207 = Here (<> <> + <>) 7208 = Here |cff0000(|r<> <>|cff0000)|r 7209 = Here |cff0000(|r<>|cff0000)|r 721 = Delve 7210 = Here |cff0000(|r<> <> |cff0000+|r <>|cff0000)|r 7211 = Wayshrine 7212 = Wayshrine (<>) 7213 = Release 7214 = No Valid Soul Gems Found 7215 = No <<1>> found. 7216 = Costs |cffffff1|r <<1>> 7217 = Choose Revive Location 7218 = Join Queue 7219 = Automatically Reviving... 722 = Housing 7220 = Join the respawn queue? 7221 = <<1>> wants to resurrect you. 7222 = Waiting for the battle to end... 7223 = Your equipped items have lost durability. 7224 = Revive at Entrance 7225 = Lives: <<1>> 7226 = Revive 7227 = Releasing in |cffffff<<1>>|r 7228 = Toggle Recap 7229 = Death Recap 723 = Battleground 7230 = Recent Damage 7231 = Hints 7232 = No Hints Available 7233 = <<1>> 7234 = <<1>>'s <<2>> 7235 = <> |cffffff<<2>>|r|u10:0::|u<<3>> 7236 = <> |cffffff<<2>>|r|u10:0::|u<>'s <<4>> 7237 = <> <<2>> 7238 = <> <>'s <<3>> 7239 = dmg 724 = Say 7240 = <<1>> 7241 = Tel Var Stones: 7242 = -<<1>> 7243 = x 7244 = <<1>> 7245 = .<<1>> 7246 = <>: |cffffff<>|r 7247 = <> 7248 = ESO PLUS 7249 = Locked 725 = Yell 7250 = ESO Plus Unlocked 7251 = <<1>>/<<2>> 7252 = Vitality Bonus 7253 = Score 7254 = Final Score 7255 = |t64:64:<<1>>|tVitality Bonus Decreased 7256 = The bonus has dropped to <<1>> points 7257 = Final Score 7258 = Total Time 7259 = Vitality Bonus 726 = Incoming Whispers 7260 = Show only the items that can be created based on what is available in inventory. 7261 = Show only the items that can be created based on learned knowledge. 7262 = Substitute for an already-known style's material. \nCraft new weapons and armor in any style. 7263 = Purchase more in the Crown Store. 7264 = <> (<<2>>) 7265 = Preview 7266 = End Preview 7267 = Cancel Research 7268 = Cancel Research 7269 = Improving a locked item requires a 100% chance. 727 = Outgoing Whispers 7270 = None 7271 = Level <<1>> 7272 = <>CP <<2>> 7273 = <> (Levels <<2>> - <<3>>) 7274 = <> (<><<3>> - <><<5>>) 7275 = Requires <<1>> <> 7276 = Requires <<1>> <> 7277 = Research <<1>> more <<1[trait/traits]>> to unlock this. 7278 = Crown Mimic Stone 7279 = Improving this item will make it no longer tradeable. 728 = Zone 7280 = Researchable From: <<1>> 7281 = Trait Material From: <<1>> 7282 = Have Skills 7283 = Have Ingredients 7284 = Furnishings 7285 = Drinks 7286 = Food 7287 = Requires Recipe Quality <<1>> 7288 = Requires <<1>> <<2>> 7289 = To Create 729 = Group 7290 = Ingredients 7291 = You have not learned any of these. 7292 = <> 7293 = Transmuting 7294 = Transmute 7295 = Transmute 7296 = Cost 7297 = Select Trait 7298 = Transmute 7299 = Transmute (<<1>>) 73 = Bloom 730 = Emote 7300 = Confirm Transmute 7301 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>. 7302 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nTransmuting this item will permanently bind it to your account. 7303 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nThis item is locked, type <<4>> to verify. 7304 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nTransmuting this item will permanently bind it to your account.\n\nThis item is locked, type <<4>> to verify. 7305 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nThis item is locked, are you sure you want to continue? 7306 = You are changing the trait on <> to <<2>>. This will consume <<3>>.\n\nTransmuting this item will permanently bind it to your account.\n\nThis item is locked, are you sure you want to continue? 7307 = Research at a <<1>> station to unlock 7308 = Experience 7309 = <<1>> 731 = System 7310 = +<<1>> 7311 = Leaderboard Score 7312 = <<1>> Defense 7313 = You successfully defended an attack on <<1>> 7314 = <<1>> Captured 7315 = You successfully captured <<1>> 7316 = Overview 7317 = Character Stuck 7318 = Feedback / Bug 7319 = Ask For Help 732 = Guild 1 7320 = Quest Assistance 7321 = Item Assistance 7322 = Get Me Unstuck 7323 = Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. 7324 = Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. You will also lose |cffffff<<2>>%|r of your currently held Tel Var stones. 7325 = Using Get Me Unstuck will kill you so that you can respawn. 7326 = Impact 7327 = Category 7328 = Subcategory 7329 = Description 733 = Guild 2 7330 = Attach Screenshot 7331 = Enter Name 7332 = Quest Name 7333 = Item Name 7334 = The Elder Scrolls Online Forums 7335 = The Elder Scrolls Online Support 7336 = Submitting Ticket 7337 = Submitting... 7338 = Confirmation 7339 = Failed To Submit 734 = Guild 3 7340 = There has been an error in your ticket submission. Please try again in a few minutes.\n\nYou can also visit |c2e86b8<<1>>|r for support. 7341 = Open Web Browser 7342 = Include the following details:\nWhat were you doing?\nWhat did you expect to happen?\nWhat actually happened? 7343 = Please include any details you feel are important. 7344 = Submit 7345 = Common Questions 7346 = <<1>> 7347 = Player Name 7348 = Customer Support is unable to provide quest hints. If you are looking for help or tips on how to complete a quest, your fellow players on the forums at |c2e86b8<<1>>|r are a great source of information. Additionally, you can consult one of the many ESO community Wikis. 7349 = <<1>> 735 = Guild 4 7350 = In order to help us resolve your issue, please provide us with your quest details and information by navigating to your Journal and selecting \"Get Help\" from the options menu for the quest. 7351 = In order to help us resolve your issue, please provide us with your item details and information by navigating to your Inventory and selecting \"Get Help\" from the options menu for the item. 7352 = <<1>> 7353 = Crafting Item 7354 = Crown Crate 7355 = Outfit Currency 7356 = Outfit Slot 7357 = Buy <<1>> 7358 = Use 7359 = Equip 736 = Guild 5 7360 = Unequip 7361 = Add to Mail 7362 = Remove from Mail 7363 = Take 7364 = Deposit 7365 = Withdraw 7366 = Add to Offer 7367 = Remove from Offer 7368 = Sell 7369 = Launder 737 = Officer 1 7370 = Buy 7371 = Buy Multiple 7372 = Buy 7373 = Take 7374 = Split Stack 7375 = Destroy 7376 = Link in Chat 7377 = Lock 7378 = Unlock 7379 = Mark as Junk 738 = Officer 2 7380 = Unmark as Junk 7381 = Enchant 7382 = Charge 7383 = Add to Quickslot 7384 = Remove from Quickslot 7385 = Convert to Imperial Style 7386 = Convert to Morag Tong Style 7387 = Convert to <<1>> style has moved 7388 = The interface for converting to <<1>> Style has been integrated into the Outfit System. Please go to an Outfit Station to edit your character's style. 7389 = Repair 739 = Officer 3 7390 = Add 7391 = Remove 7392 = Get Help 7393 = Research 7394 = Stack All Items 7395 = Stow 7396 = Retrieve 7397 = Preview Dye Stamp 7398 = Show Map 7399 = Stow Materials 74 = Increases the intensity of the glow surrounding light sources. Toggling this off will increase performance. 740 = Officer 4 7400 = Preview 7401 = Open Skills 7402 = Hidden 7403 = Hidden By Lycanthropy 7404 = Hidden By Polymorph 7405 = Hidden By Costume 7406 = Hidden By Hat 7407 = Hidden By Disguise 7408 = Hide Polymorph Helmet is active 7409 = Hidden By Skin 741 = Officer 5 7410 = Hidden By Outfit 7411 = Polymorphs hide costumes, hats and skins 7412 = Unknown <<1>>. 7413 = A <<1>> with unknown effects. 7414 = Inert <<1>> 7415 = These reagents will not react. 7416 = All Poisons are applied 20% of the time on Light Attacks, Heavy Attacks, or Weapon Abilities. While slotted, this poison suppresses your weapon enchantments. 7417 = Crafting Materials can be withdrawn but not deposited. The Craft Bag can be unlocked by becoming an ESO Plus member. 7418 = Crafting Materials can be withdrawn and deposited freely while you are an ESO Plus member. 7419 = Stow Items 742 = Zone - English 7420 = Retrieve Items 7421 = Armor Indicator 7422 = Weapon Indicator 7423 = Displays an indicator when a piece of equipped armor is fully damaged. 7424 = Displays an indicator when the charge of a weapon is fully depleted and no poisons are equipped. 7425 = A piece of equipped armor is fully damaged. 7426 = The charge of an equipped weapon is fully depleted and no poisons are equipped. 7427 = Gem Extraction 7428 = Extract 7429 = Extract All<<1[/ ($d)/ ($d)]>> 743 = Zone - French 7430 = Select something to extract gems from. 7431 = Select 7432 = You need at least <<1>> <<2>> to begin extracting gems. 7433 = <<1>><<2[/ ($d)/ ($d)]>> 7434 = Extract All 7435 = Are you sure you want to destroy|cffffff<<1[// $d]>>|r <> to produce |cffffff<<3>>|r crown gems? 7436 = You have nothing to extract gems from. 7437 = Confirm Stow Gemifiable 7438 = Stowing this material in the craft bag will prevent you from converting it into Crown Gems. Are you sure you want to continue? 7439 = Confirm Stow Materials 744 = Zone - German 7440 = You have a material that can be converted to Crown Gems. By stowing it in the craft bag you will no longer be able to convert it. Are you sure you want to continue? 7441 = Housing Editor 7442 = Purchase Options 7443 = Vote 7444 = Place 7445 = Purchase 7446 = Retrieve 7447 = Settings 7448 = Uncategorized 7449 = Home Show 745 = Zone - Japanese 7450 = Unlist 7451 = List 7452 = The Home Show is a showcase of the most extravagant player houses. Players can tour random houses and vote on their favorites. The top ranking houses will be eligible for weekly leaderboard rewards. 7453 = Primary Residence 7454 = Make Primary Residence 7455 = Your primary residence can be visited by those with permission even when you are offline. 7456 = Default Visitor Access 7457 = Controls the level of access for everyone not on a visitor list or banlist. 7458 = Permissions 7459 = Guild 746 = Monster Say 7460 = Purchase 7461 = Gift 7462 = Search 7463 = You have no furnishings to place. 7464 = You have no furnishings to retrieve. 7465 = There are no furnishings available for purchase. 7466 = No furnishings match the search. 7467 = The location of the furnishing has been marked on your compass. 7468 = Items in <<1>> will be inaccessible until it is placed again. 7469 = Furniture 747 = Monster Yell 7470 = Use 7471 = Remove From Banlist 7472 = Enter guild name 7473 = Permissions 7474 = Add Player 7475 = Add Guild 7476 = Load Permissions 7477 = House Information 7478 = <<1>>/<<2>> 7479 = Remove Visitor 748 = Monster Whisper 7480 = Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r as a visitor? 7481 = Remove Ban 7482 = Are you sure you want to remove the ban on |cffffff<<1>>|r? 7483 = Remove Guild Visitor 7484 = Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r as a visitor? 7485 = Remove Guild Ban 7486 = Are you sure you want to remove the ban on |cffffff<<1>>|r? 7487 = Confirm 7488 = Add Visitor 7489 = Ban Player 749 = Monster Emote 7490 = Add Guild Visitor 7491 = Ban Guild 7492 = Change Permissions 7493 = Edit the permissions of |cffffff<<1>>|r 7494 = Commit 7495 = Load Permissions 7496 = Load visitor lists and ban lists from: 7497 = Select One 7498 = You need more than one house to share permissions between them. 7499 = Apply to all houses. 75 = Graphics Quality 750 = Experience 7500 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 7501 = <<1>> 7502 = No Access 7503 = Cancel 7504 = Go to Entrance 7505 = Place 7506 = Place (|cffffff<<1>>|r) 7507 = Select 7508 = Put Away 7509 = Modify 751 = Tel Var Stones 7510 = Browse 7511 = Surface Drag On 7512 = Surface Drag Off 7513 = Push 7514 = Pull 7515 = Align 7516 = Cursor Mode 7517 = Undo 7518 = Redo 7519 = Link 752 = Rank Points 7520 = Confirm 7521 = Link Child 7522 = Unlink Child 7523 = Unlink Parent 7524 = Link Child 7525 = Unlink All Children 7526 = Could not find player <<1>>. 7527 = Could not find guild <<1>>. 7528 = You can't add yourself to your own housing permissions. 7529 = Remove 753 = Alliance Points 7530 = Change Permissions 7531 = Primary Residence 7532 = Setting this house as your Primary Residence will unset your current one - |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r 7533 = Your permissions for this house have changed. 7534 = This house is not currently for sale. 7535 = Confirm Purchase 7536 = Are you sure you want to buy |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r for |cffffff<<3>>|r? 7537 = Name 7538 = Location 7539 = Owner 754 = Gained Effect 7540 = House Type 7541 = Template 7542 = Primary Residence 7543 = Population 7544 = House owners can still enter their house when it's full. 7545 = Preview 7546 = <<1>> 7547 = Requirements Not Met 7548 = <<1>>: <<2>> 7549 = History 755 = Lost Effect 7550 = Open <<1>> (<<2>>) 7551 = Back 7552 = Buy Crates 7553 = Open a Crate 7554 = Open 7555 = Reveal Next 7556 = Reveal Selected 7557 = Reveal All 7558 = x<<1>> 7559 = <> 756 = Direct Damage 7560 = <> (<<2>>) 7561 = <<1>><<2>> (<<3>>) 7562 = Item 7563 = Crown Gems: 7564 = <<1>> 7565 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 7566 = +<<1>><<2>> 7567 = Back 7568 = Page: 7569 = <<1>>/<<2>> 757 = Damage over Time 7570 = Quality 7571 = Trait 7572 = Set 7573 = Style 7574 = Craft a <<1>> with the following properties:<<2>><<3>><<4>><<5>>\n• Progress 7575 = Craft a <<1>> with the following traits:<<2>><<3>><<4>>\n• Progress 7576 = Craft a <<1>><<2>>\n• Progress 7577 = Craft a <<1>>\n• Progress 7578 = \n• <<1>>: <<2>> 7579 = \n• <<1>> 758 = Direct Heal 7580 = Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>><<2>><<3>><<4>><<5>> 7581 = Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>> with the following properties: <<2>><<3>><<4>> 7582 = Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>><<2>> 7583 = Consume to start quest:\nCraft a <<1>> 7584 = , <<1>> 7585 = ; <<1>>: <<2>> 7586 = Result: <<1>> DPS, <<2>> (<<3>>) 7587 = Reward: <<1>><> Writ Vouchers 7588 = Scoreboard 7589 = Team Score 759 = Heal over Time 7590 = K 7591 = A 7592 = D 7593 = Closing |cffffff<<1>>|r 7594 = Leave Battleground 7595 = Match Breakdown 7596 = Top Medals 7597 = No Medals Earned 7598 = You 7599 = Your Team 76 = Sets the overall graphics quality of the game, adjusting all advanced options below. 760 = Power Energize 7600 = Enemy Team 7601 = <> grabbed<> 7602 = <> dropped<> 7603 = <> controls<> 7604 = <> grabbed<> 7605 = <> dropped<> 7606 = <>has returned! 7607 = <> captured<> 7608 = <<1>> are nearing victory! 7609 = <> is nearing victory! 761 = Power Drain 7610 = <>has spawned! 7611 = <>has moved! 7612 = Battlegrounds 7613 = Waiting for players... 7614 = <<1>>\nStarts in: <<2>> 7615 = Starting... 7616 = <<1>> <<2>> 7617 = Ends in: <<1>> 7618 = You will be removed from the battleground if you remain inactive. 7619 = Not enough players. The battleground will close in <<1>> seconds. 762 = Dodge/Parry/Miss 7620 = Close 7621 = Leave Battleground 7622 = Select 7623 = Previous 7624 = Next 7625 = Leave Battleground 7626 = Leaving a battleground early temporarily inflicts you with a |cffffffDeserter|r debuff. 7627 = Ends In 7628 = ONE MINUTE REMAINING! 7629 = <>\n<<2>> 763 = Block/Absorb/Defend 7630 = <<1>>\n\"<<2>>\" 7631 = Use <<1>> 7632 = Empty 7633 = <<1>> 7634 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 7635 = <<1>> (<>) 7636 = <<1>> (requires <>) 7637 = <<1>> (will consume <>) 7638 = Exit 7639 = <<1>>% Chance 764 = Resist 7640 = Empty 7641 = Hold to Select Bait 7642 = Convert to <> 7643 = Converting this item to the <> style will make it bound to your account, preventing other accounts from being able to use it.\n\nOnce converted, the item cannot be returned to its original style.\n\nAre you sure you want to convert the style of <>? 7644 = Convert 7645 = Your ESO Plus Free Trial Has Begun 7646 = Your ESO Plus Free Trial Has Ended 7647 = Level <> Rewards 7648 = Choose One 7649 = <> <<1[Attribute Point/Attribute Points]>> 765 = Other 7650 = <> <<1[Skill Point/Skill Points]>> 7651 = Next Level 7652 = Next Milestone - Level <> 7653 = Future Rewards 7654 = Your |cffffffLevel <<1>>|r rewards are available! 7655 = Claim Now 7656 = Dismiss 7657 = Attribute Points 7658 = Attribute Points are used to increase your Magicka, Health, or Stamina. They can be assigned in the Character window. 7659 = Skill Points 766 = Death 7660 = Skill Points are used to unlock, upgrade, or morph Skills for your character. They can be spent in the Skills window. 7661 = More Info 7662 = Claim 7663 = Preview 7664 = Daily Reward Claimed 7665 = Daily Rewards are currently unavailable. Please check again later! 7666 = A new month with new rewards will start in |cffffff<<1>>|r! 7667 = <<1>> Rewards (<<2>>) 7668 = |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/status_locked.dds|t The month will reset before you can claim this. 7669 = Received 767 = Channels 7670 = Returns 7671 = Sent 7672 = Unclaimed 7673 = Claimed 7674 = Gifts sent by other players will display here 7675 = Gifts you send to other players will display here if they are returned to you 7676 = Gifts you have sent to other players will display here 7677 = Open 7678 = View 7679 = Delete 768 = Guilds 7680 = Claim Gift 7681 = Are you sure you want to claim this gift? 7682 = Include a thank you message for <<1>> 7683 = Decline Gift 7684 = Are you sure you want to decline this gift? 7685 = Delete Gift 7686 = Are you sure you want to delete the response to this gift? 7687 = <<1>> 7688 = More Info 7689 = Continue 769 = Combat 7690 = <<1>> sent you a gift! 7691 = <<1>> claimed your gift! 7692 = Claim Gift 7693 = Return Gift 7694 = Preview Gift 7695 = End Preview 7696 = Open 7697 = View 7698 = Dismiss 7699 = <<1>> 77 = Display Mode 770 = You are in control of the dungeon mode. 7700 = <<1>> 7701 = You are not eligible to claim this gift. 7702 = You need <<1>> more open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>> to claim this gift. 7703 = You cannot claim this gift because you already have this collectible. 7704 = You cannot claim this gift because you are already afflicted. 7705 = You cannot claim this gift because you are already fully upgraded. 7706 = 7707 = 7708 = <> 7709 = <<1>> 771 = Unlocked once your character reaches Level 50. 7710 = Buy Crowns 7711 = Your Total Crowns 7712 = Your Total Crown Gems 7713 = New 7714 = Sale 7715 = -<>% 7716 = <>-<>% off 7717 = ESO Plus Free Trial Available 7718 = Enjoy the benefits of ESO Plus through |cffffff<<1>>|r for free (Crown Stipend not included). 7719 = Press <> to start your free trial. 772 = Only the group leader may change the mode of group dungeons. 7720 = Active 7721 = Not Active 7722 = Free Trial |cffffff(<>)|r 7723 = <<2>> <> 7724 = Claim 7725 = View All 7726 = 7727 = Crown Crate 7728 = This item allows you to craft items in any known style. 7729 = |cffffffSeller:|r <<1>> 773 = Cannot change dungeon mode while you are in a dungeon. 7730 = <<1>> 7731 = <<1>> 7732 = Type a custom message here 7733 = Send 7734 = Next Reward in: <> 7735 = Daily Rewards 7736 = A New Month Begins 7737 = View Rewards 7738 = 7739 = 774 = Cannot change dungeon mode while in a group created by an activity finder. 7740 = Send an optional message 7741 = 7742 = 7743 = Buy ESO Plus 7744 = A window with the ESO Plus offer will open.\n\nAfter buying ESO Plus, you will have to relog to receive your ESO Plus benefits. 7745 = Open Window 7746 = Buy ESO Plus 7747 = Next 7748 = Previous 7749 = ESO Plus Membership 775 = Don't Show 7750 = Membership 7751 = Generate Message 7752 = Select Player to Gift 7753 = Choose Friend 7754 = 776 = Automatic 777 = Always Show 778 = Simple 779 = Intermediate 78 = Sets the game's primary display mode. 780 = Advanced 781 = Master 782 = Impossible 783 = Trivial 784 = Trivial 785 = Search 786 = Talk 787 = Harvest 788 = Disarm 789 = Use 79 = Active Display 790 = Read 791 = Take 792 = Destroy 793 = Repair 794 = Inspect 795 = Repair 796 = Unlock 797 = Open 798 = Examine 799 = Fish 8 = Current Keyboard Layout: <<1>> 80 = Sets the display device on which to run the game. 800 = Reel In 801 = Pack Up 802 = Steal 803 = Steal From 804 = Pickpocket 805 = Trespass 806 = Hide 807 = Preview 808 = Exit 809 = Have any poisons or potions today? 81 = Display <<1>> 810 = Have anything that can help make me less noticeable? 811 = Have any equipment today? 812 = gamertag 813 = Online ID 814 = UserID 815 = Speed 816 = Carry Capacity 817 = Stamina 818 = Online 819 = Away 82 = Resolution 820 = Do Not Disturb 821 = Offline 822 = You are currently waiting for a duel invite response from <<1>>. 823 = You are currently considering a duel invite from <<1>>. 824 = You are currently dueling <<1>>. 825 = Your duel with <<1>> is about to start. 826 = Your prior duel is shutting down. 827 = <<1>> forfeited the duel. 828 = <<1>> won the duel. 829 = Friend Invite 83 = Specifies the overall resolution in which the game will run. Increasing the resolution will provide a higher fidelity image at the expense of performance. The resolution chosen should match the aspect ratio of your monitor. 830 = Guild Invite 831 = Campaign Ready 832 = Resurrect Available 833 = Group Invite 834 = Trade Invite 835 = Share Quest 836 = Pledge of Mara 837 = Customer Service 838 = Leaderboard 839 = Guild MotD 84 = <<1>>x<<2>> 840 = Collections 841 = Activity Finder 842 = Points Reset 843 = Craft Bag 844 = Group Election 845 = Duel Invitation 846 = ESO Plus 847 = Event 848 = Gifting Unlocked 849 = Daily Reward 85 = <<1>>x<<2>> (Wide) 850 = Gift Received 851 = Gift Claimed 852 = Gift Returned 853 = Gifting 854 = Privacy Policy 855 = The Zenimax Media Privacy Policy has been updated 856 = Template A 857 = Southpaw 858 = Hardcore 859 = Attack on Button 86 = SubSampling Quality 860 = Template B 861 = Template C 862 = Weapon Swap Right Stick 863 = Weapon Swap Face Button 864 = Invalid 865 = Easy 866 = Medium 867 = Hard 868 = Suspicious 869 = Too Far 87 = Determines the resolution in which the game will render the world. The interface is not affected by this setting. Decreasing the quality may help improve performance. 870 = Aware 871 = Inventory Full 872 = Upstanding 873 = Disreputable 874 = Notorious 875 = Fugitive 876 = Enforcer 877 = Criminal 878 = Alchemist 879 = Artisan 88 = Vertical Sync 880 = Assassin 881 = Bard 882 = Beggar 883 = Chef 884 = Civil Servant 885 = Clothier 886 = Commoner 887 = Crafter 888 = Cultist 889 = Drunkard 89 = Helps to eliminate tearing artifacts by synchronizing the framerate with the refresh rate of your monitor. 890 = Farmer 891 = Fighter 892 = Fisher 893 = Gatherer 894 = Ghost 895 = Guard 896 = Healer 897 = Hunter 898 = Laborer 899 = Mage 9 = Graphics Options 90 = Ambient Occlusion 900 = Merchant 901 = Noble 902 = Nude 903 = Ordinator 904 = Outlaw 905 = Pilgrim 906 = Priest 907 = Prisoner 908 = Provisioner 909 = Sailor 91 = Enhances the fidelity of shadows and lighting by taking into account objects blocking light. HBAO is more expensive than SSAO but provides a more realistic result. Disabling this setting may help improve performance. 910 = Scholar 911 = Servant 912 = Skeleton 913 = Slave 914 = Smith 915 = Soldier 916 = Student 917 = Thief 918 = Vampire 919 = Warrior 92 = Anti-Aliasing 920 = Watchmen 921 = Werewolf 922 = Woodworker 923 = Invalid 924 = Ceremonial 925 = Cheers and Jeers 926 = Deprecated 927 = Emotion 928 = Entertainment 929 = Food and Drink 93 = Smoothens the edges of objects in the world. Disabling this option may increase performance at the expense of displaying a harsher edge to objects. 930 = Give Directions 931 = Perpetual 932 = Physical 933 = Poses and Fidgets 934 = Prop 935 = Social 936 = Personality Only 937 = Collected 938 = Pregame 939 = Ingame 94 = Sunlight Rays 940 = Internal 941 = None 942 = NA 943 = EU 944 = North America 945 = Europe 946 = http://www.elderscrollsonline.com 947 = https://account.elderscrollsonline.com 948 = https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store?utm_source=ESO%20in-game%20Crown%20Store&utm_campaign=Buy%20Crowns&utm_content=In-Game%20Buy%20Crowns 949 = https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store/product/eso_plus?utm_source=ESO%20In-Game&utm_campaign=ESO%20Plus 95 = Causes the sun to display rays of light depending on its angle relative to the camera. Disabling this may improve performance. 950 = https://help.elderscrollsonline.com 951 = http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com 952 = http://eso.dmm.com/ 953 = https://www.dmm.com/my/-/top/ 954 = http://eso.dmm.com/store/#crownpack 955 = http://eso.dmm.com/store/esoplus/ESO_PLUS_3 956 = http://help-jp.elderscrollsonline.com/ 957 = http://eso.dmm.com/community 958 = http://www.elderscrollsonline.com 959 = https://account.elderscrollsonline.com 96 = Grass 960 = http://store.steampowered.com/app/306130/ 961 = http://store.steampowered.com/app/306130/ 962 = https://help.elderscrollsonline.com 963 = http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com 964 = http://www.elderscrollsonline.com 965 = https://account.elderscrollsonline.com 966 = http://notimplementedyet.com/ 967 = http://notimplementedyet.com/ 968 = https://help.elderscrollsonline.com 969 = http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com 97 = Displays additional grass in the world, giving the environment a richer and more realistic appearance. Disabling this may improve performance. 970 = Normal 971 = Veteran 972 = Select Impact 973 = Crash / Blocks Progress 974 = Exploit 975 = Impairs Functionality 976 = Delays Progress 977 = Cosmetic 978 = Pleasant Surprise 979 = That's Awesome! 98 = Water Reflection Quality 980 = Select Category 981 = Alliance War & PvP 982 = Audio 983 = Crafting & Harvesting 984 = Combat Abilities & Monsters 985 = Items & Equipment 986 = Crown Store 987 = Art, Animation, & Graphics 988 = Quests 989 = Text / Localizations 99 = Determines the quality of reflections shown on the surface of water. Decreasing this setting may increase performance, but may cause distortion artifacts in the reflections that are displayed. 990 = Dungeons, Trials, & Arenas 991 = Housing 992 = Justice & Stealing 993 = Performance / Crashing 994 = UI 995 = Select Subcategory 996 = Keeps & Siege 997 = PvP Combat 998 = Campaigns & Leaderboard 999 = Imperial city ExecuteChatCommand() = function:0000012A6CABE6D0 ExecutePatternedChatCommand() = function:0000012A420E0EB8 ExecuteTradingHouseSearch() = function:0000012A6CAD5408 ExtractEnchantingItem() = function:0000012997BE70A0 ExtractOrRefineSmithingItem() = function:0000012996FB7760 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED = 12 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_CANT_RECALL_FROM_KEEP_SUBZONE = 16 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_DESTINATION_KEEP_ALLIANCE = 5 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_DESTINATION_KEEP_ALLIED_RESOURCE = 7 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_DESTINATION_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK = 6 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_INTERACT_REQUIREMENT = 10 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_INVALID_DESTINATION_WAYPOINT = 9 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_NO_RECALL_ITEM = 15 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_NO_VALID_PATH = 2 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_ORIGIN_KEEP_ALLIANCE = 3 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_ORIGIN_KEEP_ALLIED_RESOURCE = 14 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_ORIGIN_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK = 4 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_PLAYER_CARRYING_ARTIFACT = 11 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_PLAYER_IN_COMBAT = 1 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_PLAYER_TOO_FAR_AWAY_FROM_ORIGIN_KEEP = 8 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 17 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 17 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_PENDING_REMOTE_JUMP_RESPONSE = 13 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_PENDING_TRAVEL_QUERY = 17 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_ACTIVE = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_INACTIVE = 2 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_IN_COMBAT = 1 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_ITERATION_END = 2 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_MAX_VALUE = 2 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_MIN_VALUE = 0 FCB_PUSH_DIRECTION_DOWN = 1 FCB_PUSH_DIRECTION_UP = -1 FEEDBACK_TYPE_INVALID = 0 FEEDBACK_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FEEDBACK_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 1 FEEDBACK_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 1 FEEDBACK_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 FEEDBACK_TYPE_QUEST = 1 FENCE_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A28578190 (meta 0000012A28573580} FENCE_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A853E1298 (meta 0000012A671E8860} FENCE_LAUNDER_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A285787B8 (meta 0000012A7E207468} FENCE_MANAGER = table:0000012A7062F9D0 (meta 0000012AADB13CC8} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:0000012A853E1490 firstTable FenceClosed = table:0000012A853E1618 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A853E16B8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A853E15D0 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A285783A8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A28578360 3 = false FenceEnterLaunder = table:0000012A853E1DD8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A853E1E20 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A853E1D90 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A285785F8 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A285785B0 3 = false FenceEnterSell = table:0000012A853E1CA8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A853E1CF0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A853E1C60 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A28578530 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A285784E8 3 = false FenceInventoryUpdated = table:0000012A853E1A48 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A853E1A90 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A853E1A00 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A285776D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A28577688 3 = false FenceLaunderSuccess = table:0000012A853E1938 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A853E1980 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A853E18F0 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A28577608 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A285775C0 3 = false FenceOpened = table:0000012A853E14D8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A853E1550 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A853E1410 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A285782E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A28578260 3 = false FenceSellSuccess = table:0000012A853E1780 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A853E1870 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A853E1738 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A28577540 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A28578428 3 = false FenceUpdated = table:0000012A853E1B78 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A853E1BC0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A853E1B30 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A28577798 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A28577750 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A7062FA18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 laundersUsed = 0 sellsUsed = 0 totalLaunders = 50 totalSells = 50 FENCE_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68E6130 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000129D68E6500 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000129D68E6588 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A671E8980 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68E6178 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden FENCE_SCENE = table:0000012A853E1F08 (meta 0000012A320EFD98} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A853E2150 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A853E2198 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A853E21E0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A853E20D0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A853E1F80 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A853E1FC8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 10 = table:00000129D68F13B0 (meta 0000012AADB02378} 11 = table:00000129D68E24D8 (meta 00000129A89BD098} 2 = table:0000012A59C3F580 (meta 0000012A59C3F358} 3 = table:0000012A4F358C28 (meta 0000012A97731170} 4 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 5 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 7 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 8 = table:000001298B534728 (meta 0000012A97731170} 9 = table:00000129D68E6130 (meta 0000012A97731170} interactionInfo = table:0000012A6BBDA0E0 name = fence_keyboard restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden FENCE_SELL_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A2857D958 (meta 0000012A7E201940} FISHING_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A59F0DD70 (meta 0000012A741B3C90} firstTable menu = table:0000012A59F0DDE8 (meta 0000012A73FDD850} firstTable actionLabel = userdata:0000012A59F0DD60 (meta 000001298C55E328} actionLayerName = RadialMenu activateOnShow = true animation = userdata:0000012A4F064430 (meta 000001298C585C68} control = userdata:0000012A59F0DBF0 (meta 000001298C53A240} directionInputs = table:0000012A73FDD980 enableMouse = true entries = table:0000012A2A52E760 firstTable entryPool = table:0000012A59F0E0D0 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A59F0E118 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A59F0DFD0 m_Free = table:0000012A97B0B778 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A59F0DF90 onClearCallback() = function:0000012A59F0E280 onSelectionChangedCallback() = function:0000012A59F0E1F0 selectIfCentered = true selectedBackground = userdata:0000012A59F0DCE8 (meta 000001298C565E60} setupFunction() = function:0000012A59F0E1A8 menuControl = userdata:0000012A59F0DBF0 (meta 000001298C53A240} FISHING_KEYBOARD = table:0000012A59F0CF78 (meta 0000012A741B3C90} firstTable firstMeta menu = table:0000012A59F0CFF0 (meta 0000012A73FDD850} firstTable actionLabel = userdata:0000012A59F0CF68 (meta 000001298C55E328} actionLayerName = RadialMenu activateOnShow = true animation = userdata:0000012A59F0D2A8 (meta 000001298C585C68} control = userdata:0000012A59F0CDE0 (meta 000001298C53A240} directionInputs = table:0000012A73FDD980 enableMouse = true entries = table:0000012A59F0D300 firstTable entryPool = table:0000012A59F0D1F8 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A59F0D240 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A59F0D0F8 m_Free = table:0000012A59F0D2B8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A59F0D0B8 onClearCallback() = function:0000012A59F0D590 onSelectionChangedCallback() = function:0000012A59F0D4C8 selectIfCentered = true selectedBackground = userdata:0000012A59F0CE68 (meta 000001298C565E60} setupFunction() = function:0000012A59F0D448 unselectedBackground = userdata:0000012A59F0CEF0 (meta 000001298C565E60} menuControl = userdata:0000012A59F0CDE0 (meta 000001298C53A240} FISHING_MANAGER = table:0000012A59F09BD8 (meta 0000012A59F099B0} firstTable firstMeta FOCUSED_QUEST_TRACKER = table:0000012A0061F4D8 (meta 0000012A859496C8} FOCUSED_QUEST_TRACKER_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A66DD1CE0 (meta 0000012A97735930} FONT_STYLE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FONT_STYLE_ITERATION_END = 5 FONT_STYLE_MAX_VALUE = 5 FONT_STYLE_MIN_VALUE = 0 FONT_STYLE_NORMAL = 0 FONT_STYLE_OUTLINE = 2 FONT_STYLE_OUTLINE_THICK = 3 FONT_STYLE_SHADOW = 1 FONT_STYLE_SOFT_SHADOW_THICK = 5 FONT_STYLE_SOFT_SHADOW_THIN = 4 FORCE_INIT_SMOOTH_STATUS_BAR = true FRAGMENT_GROUP = table:0000012A8377EE58 firstTable BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_GAMEPAD_GROUP = table:0000012A8377E948 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A93E047D8 (meta 0000012A97731170} 2 = table:00000129A8CCEB48 (meta 0000012A97731170} BATTLEGROUND_MATCH_INFO_KEYBOARD_GROUP = table:0000012A8377E900 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A93E001A0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 2 = table:000001298B5367D8 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A4F358D60 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A4F358DE8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A04E2A610 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:000001298B536820 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden BATTLEGROUND_SCOREBOARD_GROUP = table:0000012A8377E880 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2DA707E8 (meta 0000012A2DA6F460} 2 = table:0000012A6860C780 (meta 0000012A97735930} 3 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED = table:0000012A8377DFB0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E2C9978 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A59C3FAF8 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 3 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED_NO_BLUR = table:0000012A8377DFF8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E2C9978 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED_UNIFORM_BLUR = table:0000012A8377F980 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4E2C9978 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} 3 = table:0000012A56E91130 (meta 0000012A56E90ED8} FRAME_TARGET_FURNITURE_BROWSER_NO_BLUR = table:0000012A8377F938 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59EFC870 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A8377FBE8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59C3FA28 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A59C40368 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 3 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_LEFT = table:0000012A8377FD30 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4F6957C8 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A708706A0 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 3 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS = table:0000012A8377FCE8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59C40818 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_RIGHT = table:0000012A8377FFD0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A56E90968 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A7DC84328 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 3 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_FURTHER_AWAY = table:0000012A83780050 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A56E90968 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A7DC843B8 (meta 0000012A56E91C08} 3 = table:0000012A7DC84328 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 4 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_OPTIONS = table:0000012A8377FA00 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59C3FB88 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL = table:0000012A8377F838 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A3F2987D8 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:00000129FEB0D820 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 3 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL_MEDIUM_LEFT_PANEL = table:0000012A8377F8B8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A98B224F0 (meta 0000012A56E91820} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000012A89259E90 allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A89259E48 firstTable eventNamespace = ZO_FramePlayerTargetFragment1 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 2 = table:0000012A70307140 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 3 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_TARGET_TRADING_HOUSE_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A8377FC68 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59C3FF70 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 2 = table:0000012A59AFA628 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 3 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_DEPENDENCIES = table:0000012A837800E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012997646CC0 (meta 0000012A9753F530} 2 = table:00000129A8CCDCE0 (meta 0000012A0ED401B8} 3 = table:0000012A59EFD2B0 (meta 0000012A59EFD088} 4 = table:0000012A742F3828 (meta 0000012A742F3588} 5 = table:0000012A4FA95850 (meta 0000012A97731170} 6 = table:00000129D68E20A8 (meta 0000012A97731170} GAMEPAD_DRIVEN_UI_NO_KEYBIND_BACKGROUND_WINDOW = table:0000012A8377F118 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 2 = table:0000012A59357840 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 3 = table:0000012A89495BC0 (meta 0000012A89495E38} 4 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 5 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 7 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 8 = table:0000012A59C3F220 (meta 0000012A59C3EF58} GAMEPAD_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW = table:0000012A8377FB40 GAMEPAD_KEYBIND_STRIP_GROUP = table:0000012A8377E730 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4F358FB0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 2 = table:0000012A89495BC0 (meta 0000012A89495E38} HOUSING_EDITOR_HUD = table:0000012A83780190 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59357DD8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} firstTable IsHiddenForReason() = function:0000012A97735858 SetHiddenForReason() = function:0000012A97735818 actionLayerName = Housing Editor allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false callbackRegistry = table:0000012A59357FB0 firstTable Refreshed = table:0000012A59357FF8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59358040 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A59357F30 3 = false conditional() = function:0000012A59357EB0 dirtyEvents = table:0000012A59357E20 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:0000012A59357E68 (meta 0000012A41815A80} firstTable sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 2 = table:0000012A6860C780 (meta 0000012A97735930} 3 = table:0000012997850E20 (meta 0000012A97735930} KEYBOARD_KEYBIND_STRIP_GROUP = table:0000012A8377E6E8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4F358C28 (meta 0000012A97731170} 2 = table:0000012A59C3F580 (meta 0000012A59C3F358} MOUSE_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW = table:0000012A8377EEA0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 2 = table:0000012A59C3F580 (meta 0000012A59C3F358} 3 = table:0000012A4F358C28 (meta 0000012A97731170} 4 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 5 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 7 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} MOUSE_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW_NO_COMBAT_OVERLAY = table:0000012A8377EF60 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 2 = table:0000012A59C3F580 (meta 0000012A59C3F358} 3 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 4 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 5 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} MOUSE_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW_NO_KEYBIND_STRIP = table:0000012A8377FAA0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 2 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 3 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 4 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 5 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_GAMEPAD = table:0000012A8377FF08 firstTable 1 = table:00000129D68E24D8 (meta 00000129A89BD098} 2 = table:00000129D68E2F00 (meta 0000012A97735E00} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_GAMEPAD_CURRENT = table:0000012A8377FF50 firstTable 1 = table:00000129D68E24D8 (meta 00000129A89BD098} 2 = table:00000129D68E2BD0 (meta 0000012A29CEAB40} 3 = table:00000129D68E2F00 (meta 0000012A97735E00} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_KEYBOARD_CURRENT = table:0000012A8377FEC0 firstTable 1 = table:00000129D68E24D8 (meta 00000129A89BD098} 2 = table:00000129D68E2BD0 (meta 0000012A29CEAB40} READ_ONLY_EQUIPPED_ITEMS = table:0000012A8377FDB0 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B5363A8 (meta 0000012A97731170} 2 = table:00000129D68E1AD8 (meta 00000129F85586C0} SIEGE_BAR_GROUP = table:0000012A8377E7C0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A59356778 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 2 = table:0000012A41D1CB10 (meta 0000012A41D1C8B8} 3 = table:00000129D68E24D8 (meta 00000129A89BD098} 4 = table:0000012A6860C780 (meta 0000012A97735930} 5 = table:0000012A2DAA0780 (meta 0000012A97735930} 6 = table:0000012997850E20 (meta 0000012A97735930} 7 = table:0000012AA90A7F18 (meta 0000012A97735930} SUPRESS_COLLECTIBLES_GROUP = table:0000012A8377E778 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4F3581B0 (meta 0000012A4F357F88} 2 = table:0000012A4F358510 (meta 0000012A4F3582E8} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_AVA = table:0000012A4E2C9668 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_CHAMPION = table:0000012A4E2CABC8 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_CROWN_CRATES = table:0000012A4F6963E0 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_CROWN_STORE = table:0000012A4F696350 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_INVENTORY = table:0000012AA39F8D28 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_JOURNAL = table:0000012AA39F8E48 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_LOOT = table:0000012A4E2CAB38 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_MAP = table:0000012A89258E30 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A89258E78 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 framingType = 4 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_SKILLS = table:0000012AA39F8DB8 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_SOCIAL = table:0000012A89258EC0 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_SYSTEM = table:0000012A4E2C96F8 (meta 0000012A2767BBF8} FRAME_PLAYER_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} FRAME_PLAYER_ON_SCENE_HIDDEN_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A56E91790 (meta 0000012A56E91568} firstTable firstMeta allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A56E917D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_CENTERED_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59C3FAF8 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_FULLSCREEN_FRAGMENT = table:00000129FEB057C0 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000012A2767BB70 allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:00000129FEB05808 firstTable eventNamespace = ZO_FramePlayerTargetFragment9 fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59C40368 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A7DC84328 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:00000129FEB0D820 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL_MEDIUM_LEFT_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A70307140 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000012A89496C00 allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A70307188 firstTable eventNamespace = ZO_FramePlayerTargetFragment2 fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_STORE_WINDOW_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59EFCA88 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000012A7E594D10 allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A59C3F9E0 firstTable eventNamespace = ZO_FramePlayerTargetFragment4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A4E2C9978 (meta 0000012A56E91820} FRAME_TARGET_CRAFTING_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A7E595780 (meta 0000012A56E91820} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000012A4F695E98 allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A7E5957C8 firstTable eventNamespace = ZO_FramePlayerTargetFragment3 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_CRAFTING_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59EFD940 (meta 0000012A56E91820} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000012A59EFCD30 allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A59EFCCE8 firstTable eventNamespace = ZO_FramePlayerTargetFragment4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_DISTANCE_GAMEPAD_FAR_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A7DC843B8 (meta 0000012A56E91C08} firstTable firstMeta allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A59C40508 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true lookAtDistanceFactor = 1.9 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_FURNITURE_BROWSER_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59EFC870 (meta 0000012A56E91820} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59C3FA28 (meta 0000012A56E91820} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59C40818 (meta 0000012A56E91820} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A56E90968 (meta 0000012A56E91820} FRAME_TARGET_LEFT_BLUR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A708706A0 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} FRAME_TARGET_LEFT_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A4F6957C8 (meta 0000012A56E91820} FRAME_TARGET_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59C3FB88 (meta 0000012A56E91820} FRAME_TARGET_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A3F2987D8 (meta 0000012A56E91820} FRAME_TARGET_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL_MEDIUM_LEFT_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A98B224F0 (meta 0000012A56E91820} FRAME_TARGET_STORE_WINDOW_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A4E2C9AD0 (meta 0000012A56E91820} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000012A4E2CA7D8 allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A4E2CA790 firstTable eventNamespace = ZO_FramePlayerTargetFragment7 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_TRADING_HOUSE_BLUR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59AFA628 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000012AA39F92E8 allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A56E90920 firstTable eventNamespace = ZO_FramePlayerTargetFragment7 fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true state = hidden FRAME_TARGET_TRADING_HOUSE_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A59C3FF70 (meta 0000012A56E91820} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:0000012A89496468 allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A89496420 firstTable eventNamespace = ZO_FramePlayerTargetFragment11 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden FRAMING_SCREEN_AVA = 6 FRAMING_SCREEN_CHAMPION = 9 FRAMING_SCREEN_CROWN_CRATES = 11 FRAMING_SCREEN_CROWN_STORE = 10 FRAMING_SCREEN_DEFAULT = 0 FRAMING_SCREEN_INVENTORY = 2 FRAMING_SCREEN_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FRAMING_SCREEN_ITERATION_END = 11 FRAMING_SCREEN_JOURNAL = 3 FRAMING_SCREEN_LOOT = 8 FRAMING_SCREEN_MAP = 4 FRAMING_SCREEN_MAX_VALUE = 11 FRAMING_SCREEN_MIN_VALUE = 0 FRAMING_SCREEN_SKILLS = 1 FRAMING_SCREEN_SOCIAL = 5 FRAMING_SCREEN_SYSTEM = 7 FRIENDS_LIST = table:0000012A483798D8 (meta 0000012A93553F00} FRIENDS_LIST_ENTRY_SORT_KEYS = table:0000012A70F13668 FRIENDS_LIST_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68E97D8 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000129D68E9868 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000129D68E98F0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A6F18CDF8 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68E9820 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden FRIENDS_LIST_MANAGER = table:0000012A70F22568 (meta 0000012A97AE01C0} firstTable firstMeta lastUpdateTime = 0 lists = table:0000012A70F23960 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A483798D8 (meta 0000012A93553F00} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true automaticallyColorRows = true control = userdata:0000012A6F18CDF8 (meta 000001298C541B38} currentSortKey = status currentSortOrder = true emptyRow = userdata:0000012A6F18F498 (meta 000001298C53A240} emptyRowMessage = userdata:0000012A6F18F518 (meta 000001298C55E328} headersContainer = userdata:0000012A6F18D858 (meta 000001298C53A240} hideOfflineCheckBox = userdata:0000012A6F18D408 (meta 0000012A2DA2CCC8} firstMeta firstIndex label = userdata:0000012A6F18D5E0 (meta 000001298C55E328} toggleFunction() = function:0000012A6F18CD58 lastUpdateTime = 0 list = userdata:0000012A6F18EE78 (meta 0000012A59C06A78} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000012A839C5D28 firstTable animation = userdata:0000012A6F18F1C0 (meta 000001298B4F8610} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000012A6F18EE78 (meta 0000012A59C06A78} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000012A839C5AD0 firstTable contents = userdata:0000012A6F18EEA8 (meta 000001298C5722E0} data = table:0000012A839C5C20 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000012A839CB148 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A8944FC48 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:0000012A4FA25750 (meta 0000012A77DF75D8} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012A4FA26298 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A6F18F5E0 m_Free = table:0000012A4FA3DA00 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:0000012A56357808 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:0000012997D00628 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:0000012A6F18EFF8 (meta 000001298C54D798} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:0000012A6F18EED8 (meta 0000012A6BBA7030} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:0000012A6F18F058 (meta 000001298C586CF8} timeline = userdata:0000012A6F18F028 (meta 000001298C585C68} timeline = userdata:0000012A6F18F0E0 (meta 000001298C585C68} uniformControlHeight = 30 upButton = userdata:0000012A6F18EFC8 (meta 000001298C54D798} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:0000012997D01120 firstTable yDistanceFromEdgeWhereSelectionCausesScroll = 150 searchBox = userdata:0000012A6F18D098 (meta 0000012A7419B7A0} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true sortFunction() = function:0000012A89455B00 sortHeaderGroup = table:0000012A6BBA3D00 (meta 0000012A83D27F30} 2 = table:0000012A6F198AD8 (meta 0000012A4E291C08} firstTable firstMeta automaticallyColorRows = true conditionResults = table:0000012A6F19C290 firstTable container = userdata:0000012A6F1944D0 (meta 000001298C53A240} contentHeader = userdata:0000012A6F194550 (meta 0000012A6F1997C8} contentHeaderData = table:0000012A6F1998C0 firstTable titleText = Friends titleTextAlignment = 1 control = userdata:0000012A6F1944D0 (meta 000001298C53A240} currentSortKey = status currentSortOrder = true dialogData = table:0000012A6F196398 firstTable emptyRow = userdata:0000012A6F196718 (meta 000001298C53A240} emptyRowMessage = userdata:0000012A6F196798 (meta 000001298C55E328} emptyText = No Friends filterDropdown = table:0000012A70860020 (meta 0000012983AA25F0} firstTable firstMeta deactivatedCallback() = function:0000012A6F199F18 dirtyEvents = table:0000012A708602F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000012A6F194EC0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6F194F50 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6F195040 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:0000012A6F1950C0 2 = table:0000012A6F195100 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6F1951F0 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE name = Back visible() = function:0000012AA8EDEE18 3 = table:0000012A6F195238 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6F195280 enabled() = function:0000012A6F1952C8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000012A6F195310 4 = table:0000012A6F195350 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6F195398 enabled() = function:0000012A6F1953E0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000012AA8EDEE18 alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:0000012A6F194B68 (meta 0000012A6F194D50} m_dropdown = table:0000012983AA8B00 (meta 0000012983AA3490} firstTable firstMeta backgroundControl = userdata:0000012983AA8AF0 (meta 000001298C540220} borderPadding = 16 dropdownControl = userdata:0000012983AA3580 (meta 000001298C541B38} height = 0 maxY = 1291.9998779297 minY = 70 padding = 0 pool = table:0000012983AA8B48 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable m_Active = table:0000012983AA8B90 firstTable m_Factory() = function:0000012A77DECE88 m_Free = table:0000012983AA8BD8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:00000129D6FB6878 name = ZO_ComboBox_Gamepad_DropdownScrollZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad parent = userdata:0000012983AA8A70 (meta 000001298C5722E0} templateName = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad scrollControl = userdata:0000012983AA8A70 (meta 000001298C5722E0} templateName = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_focus = table:0000012A6F195428 (meta 0000012A0ED4EE58} firstTable active = false control = userdata:0000012A6F194B68 (meta 0000012A6F194D50} firstMeta firstIndex comboBoxObject = table:0000012A70860020 (meta 0000012983AA25F0} m_comboBox = table:0000012A70860020 (meta 0000012983AA25F0} data = table:0000012A6F195470 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:0000012A6F1955E8 (meta 00000129F7F43D98} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 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000001298C53A240} headersFocalArea = table:0000012A6F19ADF0 (meta 0000012983A96B10} horizontalFocusAreaMovementController = table:0000012A6F199388 (meta 00000129F7F43D98} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000129F7F43EC8 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 isActive = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000012A6F19B288 list = userdata:0000012A6F195C40 (meta 0000012A6F196228} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:0000012A6F196440 firstTable animation = userdata:0000012A6F196538 (meta 0000012A6F196590} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:0000012A6F195C40 (meta 0000012A6F196228} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:0000012A6F1964D0 firstTable contents = userdata:0000012A6F196058 (meta 000001298C5722E0} data = table:0000012A6F1962F8 firstTable dataTypes = 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1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000129F7F43EC8 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 masterList = table:0000012A70F24F98 noteEditedFunction() = function:0000012A84D7AE20 numOnlineFriends = 0 search = table:0000012A84D752E8 (meta 00000129F7F43980} firstTable cache = false data = table:0000012A84D76A48 firstTable processors = table:0000012A84D76C08 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A84D7AC18 FRIENDS_LIST_SCENE = table:0000012A283883C8 (meta 0000012A011592E0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A74192520 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A74197788 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A74198290 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A74191B78 3 = false 2 = table:0000012A708A05D0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A708A0450 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A283890E8 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A74190B70 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 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0000012A97731170} 24 = table:0000012A741D3800 (meta 0000012A97731170} 25 = table:0000012A708A0990 (meta 0000012A97731170} 3 = table:0000012A4F358C28 (meta 0000012A97731170} 4 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 5 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 7 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 8 = table:0000012A3F2987D8 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 9 = table:00000129FEB0D820 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} name = friendsList restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneGroup = table:0000012A7089FA20 (meta 0000012A049E2220} sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden FRIENDS_ONLINE = table:0000012A7D9A66B8 (meta 0000012A7D9A0878} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000012A6BFA2AC0 (meta 000001298C541B38} FRIENDS_ONLINE_FRAGMENT = table:00000129D68E9FE8 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:00000129D68EA858 animationReverseOnStop() = function:00000129D68EA8E0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A6BFA2AC0 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:00000129D68EA810 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden FRIEND_DATA = 1 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_CHARACTER_FRAMING_BLUR = 1 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_ITERATION_END = 2 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_MAX_VALUE = 2 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_MIN_VALUE = 0 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_NONE = 0 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_UNIFORM_BLUR = 2 FULLSCREEN_MODE_FULLSCREEN_EXCLUSIVE = 2 FULLSCREEN_MODE_FULLSCREEN_WINDOWED = 1 FULLSCREEN_MODE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FULLSCREEN_MODE_ITERATION_END = 2 FULLSCREEN_MODE_MAX_VALUE = 2 FULLSCREEN_MODE_MIN_VALUE = 0 FULLSCREEN_MODE_WINDOWED = 0 FURNITURE_BROWSER_GAMEPAD_ITEM_PREVIEW_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:00000129A8CCEE18 (meta 00000129FF03DED8} FURNITURE_BROWSER_ITEM_PREVIEW_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A593600E0 (meta 00000129FF03DED8} FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_ALL = 0 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_ARGONIAN = 4 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_AYLEID = 14 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_BRETON = 2 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_CLOCKWORK = 16 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_DAEDRIC = 13 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_DARK_ELF = 6 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_DWARVEN = 12 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_GENERIC = 1 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_HIGH_ELF = 3 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_IMPERIAL = 11 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 31 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_KHAJIIT = 7 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 31 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_NORD = 8 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_ORC = 9 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_PRIMAL = 15 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_REDGUARD = 10 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED10 = 21 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED11 = 22 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED12 = 23 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED13 = 24 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED14 = 25 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED15 = 26 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED16 = 27 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED17 = 28 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED18 = 29 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED19 = 30 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED20 = 31 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED6 = 17 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED7 = 18 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED8 = 19 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_UNUSED9 = 20 FURNITURE_THEME_TYPE_WOOD_ELF = 5 FastTravelToNode() = function:0000012997BD75B0 FindActionSlotMatchingItem() = function:0000012A6CAC51A0 FindActionSlotMatchingSimpleAction() = function:0000012A6CAC5218 FindFirstEmptySlotInBag() = function:0000012AA3BB38C8 FireTutorialHiddenEvent() = function:0000012AA3BB92B8 FlashHealthWarningStage() = function:0000012997BE1DE0 ForceCancelMounted = function: Private FormatAchievementLinkTimestamp() = function:0000012A6CAC2D30 FormatFloatRelevantFraction() = function:0000012A6CAC6DD8 FormatIntegerWithDigitGrouping() = function:0000012A79803480 FormatTimeMilliseconds() = function:0000012A79802EF8 FormatTimeSeconds() = function:0000012A79802E88 GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_FOOTER_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A837735C8 (meta 0000012A97731170} GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A83773538 (meta 0000012A97726B38} GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_FRAGMENT = table:00000129A8CD9500 (meta 0000012A97726B38} GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_ROOT_SCENE = table:0000012A9340B0F8 (meta 0000012A011592E0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A9340A7B8 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A4FA9E738 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A4FA9E780 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A9340AAA8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A9340B170 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A9340B1B8 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 10 = table:0000012A56E90968 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 11 = table:0000012A7DC84328 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 12 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} 13 = table:0000012997646CC0 (meta 0000012A9753F530} 14 = table:00000129A8CCDCE0 (meta 0000012A0ED401B8} 15 = table:0000012A59EFD2B0 (meta 0000012A59EFD088} 16 = table:0000012A742F3828 (meta 0000012A742F3588} 17 = table:0000012A4FA95850 (meta 0000012A97731170} 18 = table:00000129D68E20A8 (meta 0000012A97731170} 19 = table:00000129A8CD9500 (meta 0000012A97726B38} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:00000129A6D83AB8 (meta 00000129F7E6EE68} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:0000012A70790628 (meta 000001298C53A240} header = userdata:0000012A70790178 (meta 0000012A4FA9F4C0} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:0000012A4FA9F3C0 firstTable 1 = userdata:0000012A7079C8D8 (meta 000001298C53A240} 10 = userdata:0000012A4FAC0BC8 (meta 000001298C55E328} 11 = userdata:0000012A4FAC0D98 (meta 000001298C55E328} 12 = userdata:0000012A4FAC0D00 (meta 000001298C55E328} 13 = userdata:0000012A9340A510 (meta 000001298C55E328} 14 = userdata:0000012A9340A478 (meta 000001298C55E328} 15 = userdata:0000012A9340A5B0 (meta 000001298C55E328} 16 = userdata:0000012A00617288 (meta 000001298C55E328} 2 = userdata:0000012A4FAC0FE8 (meta 0000012A006171C8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000012A07DEA278 fonts = table:0000012A00620CB0 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:0000012A4FAC0F40 (meta 000001298C53A240} 5 = userdata:0000012A4FABFF18 (meta 000001298C53A240} 6 = userdata:0000012A4FAC0270 (meta 000001298C53A240} 7 = userdata:0000012A4FAC0B28 (meta 000001298C55E328} 8 = userdata:0000012A4FAC0A90 (meta 000001298C55E328} 9 = userdata:0000012A4FAC0C60 (meta 000001298C55E328} layout = 1 owner = table:0000012A9340B0B0 (meta 0000012A4FAC1B78} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = true control = userdata:00000129A6D83AB8 (meta 00000129F7E6EE68} dirty = true header = userdata:0000012A70790178 (meta 0000012A4FA9F4C0} headerContainer = userdata:0000012A707906B8 (meta 0000012A9340A608} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:0000012A70790178 (meta 0000012A4FA9F4C0} headerFragment = table:0000012A4FA9E910 (meta 0000012A9753F530} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000012A4FA9F160 control = userdata:0000012A707906B8 (meta 0000012A9340A608} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A4FA9E958 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000012A4FA9EB90 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000012A4FA9EEA8 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000012A4FA9F0D0 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000012A93408E48 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A93408E90 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A93408F80 enabled() = function:0000012A93409000 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select 2 = table:0000012A93409048 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:00000129AC5E18B0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:0000012A798076F8 alignment = 1 lists = table:0000012A4FA9F5B8 firstTable Main = table:0000012A4FAA0068 (meta 0000012AA36C4510} onStateChangedCallback() = function:0000012A9340AAA8 scene = table:0000012A9340B0F8 (meta 0000012A011592E0} updateCooldownMS = 0 dirtyEvents = table:00000129A8CD9548 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 2 = table:0000012A59357840 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 3 = table:0000012A89495BC0 (meta 0000012A89495E38} 4 = table:0000012A4F358FB0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 5 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 7 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 8 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 9 = table:0000012A59C3F220 (meta 0000012A59C3EF58} name = gamepad_activity_finder_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_QUEUE_DATA = table:0000012A4FABF250 (meta 0000012A4FABF570} firstTable firstMeta footerData = table:00000129A6D88170 firstTable GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_QUEUE_DATA_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A4FA95850 (meta 0000012A97731170} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY = table:0000012A3EFF54C0 (meta 0000012A89476AB8} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_CREATION_SCENE = table:0000012A59325D98 (meta 0000012A320EFD98} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A5931DA58 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A59317C28 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593156B0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A5931A818 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A5931F428 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A59324B98 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A79F60638 (meta 0000012A97731170} 10 = table:0000012A59C3F220 (meta 0000012A59C3EF58} 11 = table:0000012A7DA14D58 (meta 0000012A97731170} 12 = table:00000129A8CD9CE8 (meta 0000012A97726B38} 13 = table:00000129A8CDA850 (meta 0000012A9753F530} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A83768208 control = userdata:0000012A4E132138 (meta 0000012A3EFF5620} dirtyEvents = table:00000129A8CDA898 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:00000129A8CDA8E0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:00000129A8CDAFD8 firstTable 1 = table:00000129A8CDB020 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:00000129A8CDB168 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:00000129A8CDB068 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A837680C0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000012A83768108 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 14 = table:0000012A83767F20 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A83767FB0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A83768600 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A4B13BE80 (meta 000001298C53A240} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A83767F68 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 15 = table:00000129A8CCDCE0 (meta 0000012A0ED401B8} 16 = table:0000012A59EFD2B0 (meta 0000012A59EFD088} 17 = table:0000012A742F3828 (meta 0000012A742F3588} 18 = table:0000012A5935A610 (meta 0000012A5935A540} 2 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 3 = table:0000012A59357840 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 4 = table:0000012A89495BC0 (meta 0000012A89495E38} 5 = table:0000012A4F358FB0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 6 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 7 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 8 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 9 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} interactionInfo = table:0000012A67D898E0 name = gamepad_alchemy_creation restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_FRAGMENT = table:00000129A8CD9CE8 (meta 0000012A97726B38} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:00000129A8CDA850 (meta 0000012A9753F530} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_MODE_FRAGMENT = table:00000129A8CD9D78 (meta 0000012A9753F530} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_ROOT_SCENE = table:0000012A79F5A260 (meta 0000012A320EFD98} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_SLOTS_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A83767F20 (meta 0000012A97731170} GAMEPAD_ALLIANCE_WAR_FINDER_SCENE = table:00000129A8350B28 (meta 0000012A011592E0} GAMEPAD_APPLY_ENCHANT_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A83774700 (meta 0000012A9753F530} GAMEPAD_AVA_BROWSER = table:0000012AADAFAD30 (meta 0000012A6BBE4A70} GAMEPAD_AVA_CAMPAIGN_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A83776258 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A837762E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A83776370 animationTemplate = 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2 = userdata:0000012A0030DFF0 (meta 0000012A6BBE1F30} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000012A07DEA278 fonts = table:0000012AA84FE478 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA84FE4F8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:0000012AA84FE570 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:0000012AA84FE5E8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:0000012A0030DF40 (meta 000001298C53A240} 5 = userdata:0000012A6BBE2438 (meta 000001298C53A240} 6 = userdata:0000012A6BBE27A8 (meta 000001298C53A240} 7 = userdata:0000012A59219658 (meta 000001298C55E328} 8 = userdata:0000012A59CCBB68 (meta 000001298C55E328} 9 = userdata:0000012A70F208C0 (meta 000001298C55E328} layout = 1 owner = table:0000012AADAFAD30 (meta 0000012A6BBE4A70} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = false campaignBrowser = table:0000012AA85072E8 (meta 0000012A487F1F08} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:0000012A0030DC60 (meta 0000012A42CBBE88} currentMode = 1 dirty = true header = userdata:0000012A0030DE98 (meta 0000012AA8502560} headerContainer = userdata:0000012A0030DE00 (meta 0000012A3F02BCB0} headerFragment = table:0000012AADADE188 (meta 0000012A9753F530} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000012AADAFAB30 control = userdata:0000012A0030DE00 (meta 0000012A3F02BCB0} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:0000012A0030DE98 (meta 0000012AA8502560} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A6F183B88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000012AA8501878 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000012AA8501908 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA8501980 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000012AA8501BA0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000012AA8501F70 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA8501FB8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:0000012AA85020A8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden keybindStripDescriptor = table:0000012A83C63820 firstTable 1 = table:0000012AA8506968 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8506AF8 enabled() = function:0000012AA8506BE0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:0000012AA8506B88 2 = table:0000012AA8506C30 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8506D20 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back 3 = table:0000012AA8506D78 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8506EC0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Join visible() = function:0000012AA8506E68 4 = table:0000012AA8506F58 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA85070C8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER name() = function:0000012AA8507048 5 = table:0000012AA8507158 firstTable callback() = function:0000012AA8507290 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER name() = function:0000012AA8507248 alignment = 1 lists = table:0000012AA85025A8 firstTable Main = table:0000012AA8502C78 (meta 0000012AA36C4510} firstTable _fragment = table:0000012A595EB560 (meta 0000012A9753F530} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000012A83C63BB0 control = userdata:0000012AA8501970 (meta 0000012AA8502BA8} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:0000012AA8502950 (meta 0000012AA8502E80} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A83C64550 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000012AA8504830 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000012AA85048C0 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000012AA8504DF0 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000012AA8502AB8 (meta 000001298C53A240} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 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function:0000012A892874C8 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:0000012AA8503710 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000012A7F903648 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:0000012A419F17C0 parametricFunction() = function:0000012A66DADED8 pool = table:0000012AA85038A0 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable setupFunction() = function:0000012A892874C8 defaultSelectedIndex = 1 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:0000012AA8502CF0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:0000012AA8503210 (meta 00000129F7F43D98} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000129F7F43EC8 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000012AA8502B50 (meta 000001298C55E328} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:0000012A89293690 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000129A82B9610 postPadding = table:0000012AA8503440 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000012AA85034D0 firstTable prePadding = table:0000012AA85033F8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000012AA8503488 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:0000012AA85029E0 (meta 000001298C5722E0} selectedCenterOffset = table:0000012AA8503518 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:0000012AA85033B0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:0000012AA85035F0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = false visibleControls = table:0000012AA8503560 firstTable onStateChangedCallback() = function:0000012AA8500838 scene = table:0000012A3F247F08 (meta 0000012A011592E0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A6F199728 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A83C64AA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001298B513C38 firstTable 1() = function:0000012AA8500838 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A3F2615F8 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A3F2642E0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 10 = table:0000012A56E90968 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 11 = table:0000012A7DC84328 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 12 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} 13 = table:0000012A837761C8 (meta 0000012A97726B38} 14 = table:0000012A83776400 (meta 0000012A97731170} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:0000012A83776870 animationReverseOnStop() = function:0000012A837768F8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:0000012A00304068 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A83776828 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 15 = table:00000129A8CCDCE0 (meta 0000012A0ED401B8} 16 = table:00000129A8CCDBF0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 17 = table:0000012A59EFD2B0 (meta 0000012A59EFD088} 18 = table:0000012A8940BB18 (meta 00000129F8558048} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A8940CF20 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 onShowTutorialTriggerType = 73 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden 19 = table:0000012A742F3828 (meta 0000012A742F3588} 2 = table:0000012A59357840 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 3 = table:0000012A89495BC0 (meta 0000012A89495E38} 4 = table:0000012A4F358FB0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 5 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 7 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 8 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 9 = table:0000012A59C3F220 (meta 0000012A59C3EF58} name = gamepad_campaign_root restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false 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function:0000012A2A5304D8 order = 500 visible() = function:0000012A2A5305E8 activateCallback() = function:0000012A2A530680 hasBind() = function:0000012A2A530638 slotActions = table:0000012A2A530288 (meta 0000012A04B817B8} firstTable firstMeta m_contextMenuMode = false m_keybindActions = table:0000012A2A530348 firstTable m_numContextMenuActions = 0 m_slotActions = table:0000012A2A5302D0 firstTable useKeybindStrip = true lists = table:0000012A2A531C40 firstTable Main = table:0000012A2A5334C8 (meta 0000012AA36C4510} firstTable _fragment = table:0000012A7D9B1EA8 (meta 0000012A9753F530} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:0000012A6BFCCB88 control = userdata:0000012A2A531CA8 (meta 0000012A2A5333F8} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:0000012A2A533138 (meta 0000012A2A5336D0} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A7D9B1F20 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:0000012A7D9B1F68 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:0000012A6BFD1F60 firstTable ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:0000012A2A4F54A8 firstTable outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:0000012A2A533310 (meta 000001298C53A240} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 anchorOppositeSide = false animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:0000012A2A513D30 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:0000012A2A50BC50 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A50BC98 firstTable TargetDataChanged = table:0000012A7D981640 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A7D9816E0 firstTable centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:0000012A2A533CA8 firstTable control = userdata:0000012A2A533138 (meta 0000012A2A5336D0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:0000012A2A533B80 (meta 000001298C585C68} scrollList = table:0000012A2A5334C8 (meta 0000012AA36C4510} dataIndexToControl = table:0000012A2A5229B8 firstTable dataList = table:0000012A2A533D70 firstTable dataTypes = table:0000012A2A533C60 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:0000012A2A516700 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000012A7F903648 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:0000012A66DADED8 pool = table:0000012A2A5230A0 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable setupFunction() = function:0000012A892874C8 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:0000012A2A516748 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:0000012A7F903648 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:0000012A419F17C0 parametricFunction() = function:0000012A66DADED8 pool = table:0000012A2A520D00 (meta 0000012A77DECE40} firstTable setupFunction() = function:0000012A892874C8 defaultSelectedIndex = 1 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:0000012A2A533540 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:0000012A2A533C18 (meta 00000129F7F43D98} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:00000129F7F43EC8 numAccumulationTicks = 0 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:0000012A2A5333A0 (meta 000001298C55E328} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:0000012A89293690 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:00000129A82B9610 postPadding = table:0000012A2A533628 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000012A2A522428 firstTable prePadding = table:0000012A2A5335E0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:0000012A2A5223E0 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:0000012A2A5331C0 (meta 000001298C5722E0} selectedCenterOffset = table:0000012A2A522928 firstTable soundEnabled = true templateList = table:0000012A2A533DB8 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table:0000012A59357840 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 3 = table:0000012A89495BC0 (meta 0000012A89495E38} 4 = table:0000012A4F358FB0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 5 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 7 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 8 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 9 = table:0000012A59C3F220 (meta 0000012A59C3EF58} interactionInfo = table:0000012A0774F730 name = gamepad_banking restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden updateCooldownMS = 0 withdrawDepositFundsKeybind = table:0000012A6BFAA090 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:0000012A2A528D78 enabled() = function:0000012A2A52BEC0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:0000012A2A52BE40 visible() = function:0000012A2A52BF08 withdrawKeybindStripDescriptor = table:0000012A2A528DC0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A528E90 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2A528F98 enabled() = function:0000012A2A528F58 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name() = function:0000012A2A528ED8 visible() = function:0000012A2A528F18 2 = table:0000012A2A527460 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6BFCC570 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Rename visible() = function:0000012A6BFCC530 3 = table:0000012A6BFCC5B0 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6BFCC6E8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Actions visible() = function:0000012A6BFCC6A0 4 = table:0000012A6BFCC730 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A6BFCC778 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_STICK name = Stack All Items visible() = function:0000012A2A52F930 5 = table:0000012A2A52F978 firstTable callback() = function:0000012A2A52FA68 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back alignment = 1 dirtyEvents = table:0000012A8377A478 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden GAMEPAD_BANKING_SCENE = 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(meta 000001298C55E328} 11 = userdata:0000012A27665578 (meta 000001298C55E328} 12 = userdata:0000012A276654E8 (meta 000001298C55E328} 13 = userdata:0000012A4836AF98 (meta 000001298C55E328} 14 = userdata:0000012A4836AF08 (meta 000001298C55E328} 15 = userdata:0000012A4836B028 (meta 000001298C55E328} 16 = userdata:0000012A839EE0E8 (meta 000001298C55E328} 2 = userdata:0000012A839EDCD0 (meta 0000012A839EDF10} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:0000012A07DEA278 fonts = table:0000012A839EDCE0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A839EDD60 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:0000012A839EDDD8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:0000012A839EDE50 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 4 = userdata:0000012A839EDC30 (meta 000001298C53A240} 5 = userdata:0000012A839EE2A8 (meta 000001298C53A240} 6 = userdata:0000012A839EE5C8 (meta 000001298C53A240} 7 = userdata:0000012997D2DE68 (meta 000001298C55E328} 8 = userdata:0000012997D2DDD8 (meta 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table:000001298B522460 firstTable callback() = function:000001298B522598 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER name() = function:000001298B522550 alignment = 1 lists = table:0000012A483693D0 firstTable Main = table:0000012A93DEC310 (meta 0000012AA36C4510} updateCooldownMS = 0 dirtyEvents = table:0000012A83772440 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A83778500 (meta 0000012A97726B38} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:0000012A6BFCB5D0 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A83778548 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_SCENE = table:0000012A6BFD06A0 (meta 0000012A320EFD98} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A6BFD0910 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A6BFD0958 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A6BFD09A0 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A6BFD0890 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A6BFD06E8 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A6BFD0730 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 10 = table:0000012A59C3FA28 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 11 = table:0000012A59C40368 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 12 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} 13 = table:0000012A83778500 (meta 0000012A97726B38} 14 = table:00000129A8CCDCE0 (meta 0000012A0ED401B8} 15 = table:0000012A59EFD2B0 (meta 0000012A59EFD088} 16 = table:0000012A742F3828 (meta 0000012A742F3588} 2 = table:0000012A59357840 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 3 = table:0000012A89495BC0 (meta 0000012A89495E38} 4 = table:0000012A4F358FB0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 5 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 7 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 8 = table:0000012A59EFCEF8 (meta 0000012A4E2CAC58} 9 = table:0000012A59C3F220 (meta 0000012A59C3EF58} interactionInfo = table:0000012A07750E18 firstTable interactTypes = table:0000012A07750E60 firstTable 1 = 19 type = Buy Bag Space name = gamepad_buy_bag_space restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = false restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = false sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_buy_bag_space GAMEPAD_BUY_BANK_SPACE_FRAGMENT = table:0000012A83778590 (meta 0000012A97726B38} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:0000012A2A530338 (meta 000001298C541B38} dirtyEvents = table:0000012A837785D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:0000012A28172FF0 (meta 000001298B7468B0} state = hidden GAMEPAD_BUY_BANK_SPACE_SCENE = table:0000012A2A532710 (meta 0000012A320EFD98} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:0000012A2A532C00 firstTable StateChange = table:0000012A2A532C48 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A2A532C90 firstTable 1() = function:0000012A2A532BB8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:0000012A2A532788 firstTable disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:0000012A2A5327D0 firstTable 1 = table:0000012A593572A8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 10 = table:0000012A59C3FA28 (meta 0000012A56E91820} 11 = table:0000012A59C40368 (meta 0000012A56E91A48} 12 = table:0000012A56E91430 (meta 0000012A56E91208} 13 = table:0000012A8377A430 (meta 0000012A97726B38} 14 = table:0000012A83778590 (meta 0000012A97726B38} 15 = table:00000129A8CCDCE0 (meta 0000012A0ED401B8} 16 = table:0000012A59EFD2B0 (meta 0000012A59EFD088} 17 = table:0000012A742F3828 (meta 0000012A742F3588} 2 = table:0000012A59357840 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 3 = table:0000012A89495BC0 (meta 0000012A89495E38} 4 = table:0000012A4F358FB0 (meta 0000012A97731170} 5 = table:00000129D68F17D8 (meta 0000012A0ED469A8} 6 = table:0000012A4F358B08 (meta 00000129F8558270} 7 = table:0000012A4F358B98 (meta 00000129F8558498} 8 = 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