ABILITY_MORPH_RANK = 4 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_ABILITY_NOT_KNOWN = 1 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_INVALID_LINE = 3 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_MORPH_CHOSEN = 6 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_MORPH_NOT_CHOSEN = 8 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 5 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NOT_HIGH_ENOUGH_LEVEL = 7 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NO_MORE_UPGRADES = 2 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NO_SKILL_POINTS = 10 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_NO_VALID_UPGRADE = 9 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT_TOO_LOW_LEVEL = 4 ABILITY_SLOT_TYPE_ACTIONBAR = 1 ABILITY_SLOT_TYPE_QUICKSLOT = 2 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_ABILITY_INFO = 10 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_BODY = 2 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_BRONZE_ABILITY = 6 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_DEFAULT = 0 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_FAILED_REQUIREMENT = 4 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_GOLD_ABILITY = 8 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_NAME = 1 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_NEW_EFFECT = 14 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_SILVER_ABILITY = 7 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_SPECIAL_HEADER = 5 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_UPGRADES = 15 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_UPGRADE_TO_ABILITY = 9 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_USE_INFO_TYPE1 = 11 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_USE_INFO_TYPE2 = 12 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_USE_INFO_TYPE3 = 13 ABILITY_TOOLTIP_TEXT_COLOR_VALID_REQUIREMENT = 3 ABILITY_TYPE_ACTIONLIST = 50 ABILITY_TYPE_AREAEFFECT = 22 ABILITY_TYPE_AREATELEPORT = 26 ABILITY_TYPE_ATTACKERINTERCEPT = 66 ABILITY_TYPE_ATTACKERREFLECT = 65 ABILITY_TYPE_AVOIDDEATH = 86 ABILITY_TYPE_BLADETURN = 40 ABILITY_TYPE_BLINK = 4 ABILITY_TYPE_BLOCK = 52 ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS = 5 ABILITY_TYPE_CHANGEAPPEARANCE = 64 ABILITY_TYPE_CHARGE = 18 ABILITY_TYPE_CHARM = 39 ABILITY_TYPE_CLAIRVOYANCE = 84 ABILITY_TYPE_CLIENTFX = 85 ABILITY_TYPE_COMBATRESOURCE = 14 ABILITY_TYPE_CREATEINTERACTABLE = 46 ABILITY_TYPE_CREATEINVENTORYITEM = 24 ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGE = 1 ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGELIMIT = 25 ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGESHIELD = 15 ABILITY_TYPE_DEFEND = 62 ABILITY_TYPE_DESPAWNOVERRIDE = 82 ABILITY_TYPE_DISARM = 67 ABILITY_TYPE_DISORIENT = 32 ABILITY_TYPE_DISPEL = 44 ABILITY_TYPE_DODGE = 56 ABILITY_TYPE_DOUBLEFIRE = 70 ABILITY_TYPE_EXHAUSTED = 54 ABILITY_TYPE_FEAR = 27 ABILITY_TYPE_FILLSOULGEM = 80 ABILITY_TYPE_FIREPROC = 71 ABILITY_TYPE_FLIGHT = 31 ABILITY_TYPE_FREECAST = 59 ABILITY_TYPE_FREEINTERACT = 63 ABILITY_TYPE_GRANTABILITY = 76 ABILITY_TYPE_HEAL = 2 ABILITY_TYPE_HIDE = 77 ABILITY_TYPE_IMMUNITY = 19 ABILITY_TYPE_INTERCEPT = 20 ABILITY_TYPE_INTERRUPT = 51 ABILITY_TYPE_JUMP = 35 ABILITY_TYPE_KNOCKBACK = 17 ABILITY_TYPE_LEAP = 72 ABILITY_TYPE_LEVITATE = 48 ABILITY_TYPE_MISDIRECT = 58 ABILITY_TYPE_MODIFYCOOLDOWN = 47 ABILITY_TYPE_MODIFYDURATION = 55 ABILITY_TYPE_MODIFYSPECIALSTAT = 89 ABILITY_TYPE_MOUNT = 38 ABILITY_TYPE_MOVEPOSITION = 16 ABILITY_TYPE_NOAGGRO = 43 ABILITY_TYPE_NOKILL = 42 ABILITY_TYPE_NOLOCKPICK = 79 ABILITY_TYPE_NONCOMBATBONUS = 87 ABILITY_TYPE_NONE = 0 ABILITY_TYPE_NONEXISTENT = 41 ABILITY_TYPE_NOSEETARGET = 88 ABILITY_TYPE_OFFBALANCE = 53 ABILITY_TYPE_PACIFY = 49 ABILITY_TYPE_PARRY = 68 ABILITY_TYPE_PATHLINE = 69 ABILITY_TYPE_RECALL = 75 ABILITY_TYPE_REFLECTION = 21 ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER = 6 ABILITY_TYPE_REMOVETYPE = 12 ABILITY_TYPE_RESURRECT = 3 ABILITY_TYPE_REVEAL = 73 ABILITY_TYPE_SEESTEALTH = 30 ABILITY_TYPE_SETCOOLDOWN = 13 ABILITY_TYPE_SETHOTBAR = 78 ABILITY_TYPE_SETPERSONALITY = 90 ABILITY_TYPE_SETTARGET = 7 ABILITY_TYPE_SHOWNON = 57 ABILITY_TYPE_SIEGEAREAEFFECT = 61 ABILITY_TYPE_SIEGECREATE = 60 ABILITY_TYPE_SIEGEPACKUP = 74 ABILITY_TYPE_SILENCE = 11 ABILITY_TYPE_SLOWFALL = 34 ABILITY_TYPE_SNARE = 10 ABILITY_TYPE_SOULGEMRESURRECT = 81 ABILITY_TYPE_SPELLSTEAL = 23 ABILITY_TYPE_STAGGER = 33 ABILITY_TYPE_STEALTH = 29 ABILITY_TYPE_STUN = 9 ABILITY_TYPE_SUMMON = 37 ABILITY_TYPE_THREAT = 8 ABILITY_TYPE_TRAUMA = 28 ABILITY_TYPE_UPDATEDEATHDIALOG = 83 ABILITY_TYPE_VAMPIRE = 45 ABILITY_TYPE_WIND = 36 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_BANNED = 12104 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_DELETED = 12101 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND = 12038 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_ACCOUNT_NOT_VERIFIED = 12102 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_CONNECTION_TIMEDOUT = 5 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS = 12002 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_EMAIL_FORMAT_INVALID = 2 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 12100 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM = 12004 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_INVALID_TRANSFER_SKU = 12037 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_NO_ERROR = 0 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_USER_ALREADY_LINKED1 = 12034 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_USER_ALREADY_LINKED2 = 12108 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_USER_ALREADY_LINKED_PSN = 3 ACCOUNT_CREATE_LINK_ERROR_USER_ALREADY_LINKED_XBL = 4 ACCOUNT_LABEL_PC = 2 ACCOUNT_LABEL_PS4 = 1 ACCOUNT_LABEL_XBOX = 0 ACHIEVEMENTS = table:2A9F7FB8 (meta 7EB766C0} ACHIEVEMENTS_FRAGMENT = table:77FD7258 (meta 78D8C658} ACHIEVEMENTS_GAMEPAD = table:4CC3DBA0 (meta 7F3AEA20} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = false control = userdata:7B291CE0 (meta 4CC3DCB8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:7F3A5A48 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:7F3AAF78 (meta 4CC3E640} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:4CC3E598 firstTable 1 = userdata:7F3ABE90 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:8BC3E950 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:4CC3C2B0 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:4CC3B038 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:4CC3C390 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:4CC3C320 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:4CC3C400 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:8E708830 (meta 7F3A7ED8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:7F3AE2B8 firstTable 1 = table:7F3A7950 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:7F3A79C8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:7F3A7E38 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 4 = userdata:7F3AAF90 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:7F3A7F10 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:7F3ACB30 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:8BC3E8E0 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:8BC3E870 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:8BC3E9C0 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 owner = table:4CC3DBA0 (meta 7F3AEA20} dirty = true filterType = 5338 footerBarBar = userdata:7F3AF848 (meta 70D75D00} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:7F3AF8A0 (meta 397FFB50} footerBarName = userdata:7F3AF7A0 (meta 39801FE0} footerBarValue = userdata:7F3AF7F0 (meta 39801FE0} header = userdata:7F3AAF78 (meta 4CC3E640} headerData = table:4CC41458 firstTable titleText = Achievements headerFragment = table:4CC3DF38 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:4CC3E518 control = userdata:7F3A5A60 (meta 7F3A2F08} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:7F3AAF78 (meta 4CC3E640} dirtyEvents = table:4CC3DF60 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:4CC3DF88 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:4CC3E000 firstTable 1 = table:4CC3E028 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:4CC3E1A0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:4CC3E328 firstTable 1 = table:4CC3E3A0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:4CC3E3E0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden itemList = table:4CC3E9E8 (meta 4E015478} firstTable _fragment = table:4CC408C0 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:4CC40EF0 control = userdata:4CC3E3D8 (meta 4CC3E920} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:4CC3E770 (meta 4CC3EAB0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:4CC3EC90 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:4CC3E9E8 (meta 4E015478} dirtyEvents = table:4CC40938 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:4CC40960 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:4CC409D8 firstTable 1 = table:4CC40A00 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:4CC40B78 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:4CC40D00 firstTable 1 = table:4CC40D78 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:4CC40DB8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:4CC3E888 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:4CC40730 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:4CC40758 firstTable 1 = table:4CC40780 firstTable 1() = function:4CC406E0 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:4CC40820 firstTable 1 = table:4CC40848 firstTable 1() = function:4CC407F8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:4CC3FF58 firstTable control = userdata:4CC3E770 (meta 4CC3EAB0} dataIndexToControl = table:4CC40110 firstTable dataList = table:4CC3FFD0 firstTable dataTypes = table:4CC3FF30 firstTable ZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplate = table:4CC40188 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:4CC401B0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:4CC401D8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:4CC40200 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplate parent = userdata:4CC3E788 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:4CC40290 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:4CC402B8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:4CC404A0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:4CC403F8 customResetBehavior() = function:4CC40478 m_Active = table:4CC402E0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:4CC40358 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:4CC3E788 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadAchievementsEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryExpandingWithOneSubLabel = table:4CC405D0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:4CC405F8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:4CC40620 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:4CC40648 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryExpandingWithOneSubLabel parent = userdata:4CC3E788 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryExpandingWithOneSubLabel setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryWithBarTemplate = table:4CC404C8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:4CC404F0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:4CC40518 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:4CC40540 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_Gamepad_AchievementsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryWithBarTemplate parent = userdata:4CC3E788 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryWithBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:4CC40160 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:4CC3EA60 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:4CC3FF08 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:4CC3E8F0 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:4CC40048 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:4CC40098 firstTable prePadding = table:4CC40020 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:4CC40070 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:4CC3E788 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:4CC400C0 firstTable templateList = table:4CC3FFF8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:4CC40138 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:4CC400E8 firstTable keybindStripDescriptor = table:4CC40F70 firstTable 1 = table:4CC41020 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:4CC40FD0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1000 2 = table:4CC41048 firstTable callback() = function:4CC41088 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward visible() = function:4CC410B0 3 = table:4CC410D8 firstTable callback() = function:4CC411B0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Options visible() = function:4CC411D8 4 = table:4CC41200 firstTable callback() = function:4CC412C0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 5 = table:4CC41340 firstTable callback() = function:4CC41400 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 lists = table:4CC3E6B8 firstTable Main = table:4CC3E9E8 (meta 4E015478} onStateChangedCallback() = function:4CC3DDD0 scene = table:4CC3DBC8 (meta 3987DBF0} selectedAchievementIndices = table:4CC41430 firstTable updateCooldownMS = 0 ACHIEVEMENTS_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:4CC3DBC8 (meta 3987DBF0} ACHIEVEMENT_LINK_TYPE = achievement ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_HIGH = 15 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_LEGENDARY_DEED = 0 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_LOW = 5 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_MEDIUM = 10 ACHIEVEMENT_POINT_VERY_HIGH = 50 ACHIEVEMENT_REWARD_TYPE_DYE = 4 ACHIEVEMENT_REWARD_TYPE_ITEM = 3 ACHIEVEMENT_REWARD_TYPE_NONE = 0 ACHIEVEMENT_REWARD_TYPE_POINTS = 1 ACHIEVEMENT_REWARD_TYPE_TITLE = 2 ACTION_BAR_CLASS_BAR_SIZE = 4 ACTION_BAR_EMOTE_QUICK_SLOT_SIZE = 8 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_CLASS_BAR_SLOT = 120 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_EMOTE_QUICK_SLOT_INDEX = 16 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_LOCKED_SLOT = 120 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_NORMAL_SLOT_INDEX = 2 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_SIEGE_BAR_SLOT = 124 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_UTILITY_BAR_SLOT = 8 ACTION_BAR_FIRST_WEAPON_SLOT_INDEX = 0 ACTION_BAR_FRAGMENT = table:796D53A8 (meta 7BA300C8} ACTION_BAR_LAST_MAIN_BAR_SLOT = 41 ACTION_BAR_LAST_WEAPON_SLOT_INDEX = 1 ACTION_BAR_NUM_PAGES = 20 ACTION_BAR_NUM_SLOTS = 140 ACTION_BAR_QUICK_SLOT_INDEX = 8 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_CHOICE_AUTOMATIC = 2 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_CHOICE_OFF = 0 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_CHOICE_ON = 1 ACTION_BAR_SETTING_LOCK_ACTION_BARS = 0 ACTION_BAR_SIEGE_BAR_SIZE = 5 ACTION_BAR_SLOTS_PER_PAGE = 6 ACTION_BAR_ULTIMATE_SLOT_INDEX = 7 ACTION_BAR_UTILITY_BAR_SIZE = 8 ACTION_BUTTON_TYPE_HIDDEN = 2 ACTION_BUTTON_TYPE_LOCKED = 3 ACTION_BUTTON_TYPE_VISIBLE = 1 ACTION_RESULT_ABILITY_ON_COOLDOWN = 2080 ACTION_RESULT_ABSORBED = 2120 ACTION_RESULT_BAD_TARGET = 2040 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARDS_DISABLED = 3210 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARD_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_GUILD = 3180 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARD_LIMIT = 3160 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARD_NO_PERMISSION = 3200 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARD_TABARD_MISMATCH = 3170 ACTION_RESULT_BATTLE_STANDARD_TOO_CLOSE_TO_CAPTURABLE = 3190 ACTION_RESULT_BEGIN = 2200 ACTION_RESULT_BEGIN_CHANNEL = 2210 ACTION_RESULT_BLADETURN = 2360 ACTION_RESULT_BLOCKED = 2150 ACTION_RESULT_BLOCKED_DAMAGE = 2151 ACTION_RESULT_BUSY = 2030 ACTION_RESULT_CANNOT_USE = 2290 ACTION_RESULT_CANT_SEE_TARGET = 2330 ACTION_RESULT_CANT_SWAP_WHILE_CHANGING_GEAR = 3410 ACTION_RESULT_CASTER_DEAD = 2060 ACTION_RESULT_CRITICAL_DAMAGE = 2 ACTION_RESULT_CRITICAL_HEAL = 32 ACTION_RESULT_DAMAGE = 1 ACTION_RESULT_DAMAGE_SHIELDED = 2460 ACTION_RESULT_DEFENDED = 2190 ACTION_RESULT_DIED = 2260 ACTION_RESULT_DIED_XP = 2262 ACTION_RESULT_DISARMED = 2430 ACTION_RESULT_DISORIENTED = 2340 ACTION_RESULT_DODGED = 2140 ACTION_RESULT_DOT_TICK = 1073741825 ACTION_RESULT_DOT_TICK_CRITICAL = 1073741826 ACTION_RESULT_EFFECT_FADED = 2250 ACTION_RESULT_EFFECT_GAINED = 2240 ACTION_RESULT_EFFECT_GAINED_DURATION = 2245 ACTION_RESULT_FAILED = 2110 ACTION_RESULT_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS = 2310 ACTION_RESULT_FAILED_SIEGE_CREATION_REQUIREMENTS = 3100 ACTION_RESULT_FALLING = 2500 ACTION_RESULT_FALL_DAMAGE = 2420 ACTION_RESULT_FEARED = 2320 ACTION_RESULT_FORWARD_CAMP_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_GUILD = 3230 ACTION_RESULT_FORWARD_CAMP_NO_PERMISSION = 3240 ACTION_RESULT_FORWARD_CAMP_TABARD_MISMATCH = 3220 ACTION_RESULT_GRAVEYARD_DISALLOWED_IN_INSTANCE = 3080 ACTION_RESULT_GRAVEYARD_TOO_CLOSE = 3030 ACTION_RESULT_HEAL = 16 ACTION_RESULT_HOT_TICK = 1073741840 ACTION_RESULT_HOT_TICK_CRITICAL = 1073741856 ACTION_RESULT_IMMUNE = 2000 ACTION_RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCE = 2090 ACTION_RESULT_INTERCEPTED = 2410 ACTION_RESULT_INTERRUPT = 2230 ACTION_RESULT_INVALID = -1 ACTION_RESULT_INVALID_FIXTURE = 2810 ACTION_RESULT_INVALID_JUSTICE_TARGET = 3420 ACTION_RESULT_INVALID_TERRAIN = 2800 ACTION_RESULT_IN_AIR = 2510 ACTION_RESULT_IN_COMBAT = 2300 ACTION_RESULT_IN_ENEMY_KEEP = 2610 ACTION_RESULT_KILLED_BY_SUBZONE = 3130 ACTION_RESULT_KILLING_BLOW = 2265 ACTION_RESULT_KNOCKBACK = 2475 ACTION_RESULT_LEVITATED = 2400 ACTION_RESULT_LINKED_CAST = 2392 ACTION_RESULT_MERCENARY_LIMIT = 3140 ACTION_RESULT_MISS = 2180 ACTION_RESULT_MISSING_EMPTY_SOUL_GEM = 3040 ACTION_RESULT_MISSING_FILLED_SOUL_GEM = 3060 ACTION_RESULT_MOBILE_GRAVEYARD_LIMIT = 3150 ACTION_RESULT_MOUNTED = 3070 ACTION_RESULT_MUST_BE_IN_OWN_KEEP = 2630 ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_INVENTORY_SPACE = 3050 ACTION_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_FOR_SIEGE = 3090 ACTION_RESULT_NO_LOCATION_FOUND = 2700 ACTION_RESULT_NO_RAM_ATTACKABLE_TARGET_WITHIN_RANGE = 2910 ACTION_RESULT_NO_WEAPONS_TO_SWAP_TO = 3400 ACTION_RESULT_NPC_TOO_CLOSE = 2640 ACTION_RESULT_OFFBALANCE = 2440 ACTION_RESULT_PACIFIED = 2390 ACTION_RESULT_PARRIED = 2130 ACTION_RESULT_PARTIAL_RESIST = 2170 ACTION_RESULT_POWER_DRAIN = 64 ACTION_RESULT_POWER_ENERGIZE = 128 ACTION_RESULT_PRECISE_DAMAGE = 4 ACTION_RESULT_QUEUED = 2350 ACTION_RESULT_RAM_ATTACKABLE_TARGETS_ALL_DESTROYED = 3120 ACTION_RESULT_RAM_ATTACKABLE_TARGETS_ALL_OCCUPIED = 3110 ACTION_RESULT_RECALLING = 2520 ACTION_RESULT_REFLECTED = 2111 ACTION_RESULT_REINCARNATING = 3020 ACTION_RESULT_RESIST = 2160 ACTION_RESULT_RESURRECT = 2490 ACTION_RESULT_ROOTED = 2480 ACTION_RESULT_SIEGE_LIMIT = 2620 ACTION_RESULT_SIEGE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_ZONE = 2605 ACTION_RESULT_SIEGE_TOO_CLOSE = 2600 ACTION_RESULT_SILENCED = 2010 ACTION_RESULT_SPRINTING = 3000 ACTION_RESULT_STAGGERED = 2470 ACTION_RESULT_STUNNED = 2020 ACTION_RESULT_SWIMMING = 3010 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_DEAD = 2050 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_NOT_IN_VIEW = 2070 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_NOT_PVP_FLAGGED = 2391 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_OUT_OF_RANGE = 2100 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_TOO_CLOSE = 2370 ACTION_RESULT_UNEVEN_TERRAIN = 2900 ACTION_RESULT_WEAPONSWAP = 2450 ACTION_RESULT_WRECKING_DAMAGE = 8 ACTION_RESULT_WRONG_WEAPON = 2380 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_BLOCK = 4 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_HEAVY_ATTACK = 6 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_LIGHT_ATTACK = 5 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_NORMAL_ABILITY = 0 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_OTHER = 3 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_ULTIMATE = 2 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_WEAPON_ATTACK = 1 ACTION_TYPE_ABILITY = 1 ACTION_TYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 7 ACTION_TYPE_COUNT = 10 ACTION_TYPE_DEPRECATED1 = 3 ACTION_TYPE_DEPRECATED2 = 4 ACTION_TYPE_DEPRECATED3 = 6 ACTION_TYPE_EMOTE = 8 ACTION_TYPE_ITEM = 2 ACTION_TYPE_NOTHING = 0 ACTION_TYPE_QUICK_CHAT = 9 ACTION_TYPE_SIEGE_ACTION = 5 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_AUTOMATIC_VISIBILITY_SETTING_ID = 63 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_COLOR_FAILURE = 1 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_COLOR_NORMAL = 2 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_COLOR_SUCCESS = 0 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_ENABLED_SETTING_ID = 64 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_RESULT_FAILURE = 1 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_RESULT_NO_ACTION = 2 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_SYSTEM = table:91D5AF00 (meta 91D51C18} firstTable firstMeta animation = userdata:91D5AF38 (meta 3981BF40} control = userdata:91D51F20 (meta 397F1208} icon = userdata:91D5AEB0 (meta 398062A0} supressionTime = 0 tip = userdata:91D5AE68 (meta 397EAE80} tipText = userdata:91D5AEF8 (meta 39801FE0} ACTIVE_QUEST_TOOL_MONITOR_SYSTEM = table:91D5C118 (meta 91D5BCF0} firstTable firstMeta prompt = userdata:91D5C110 (meta 39801FE0} ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_BACKUP = 2 ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_MAIN = 1 ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_NONE = 0 ACT_SETTING_ALWAYS = 2 ACT_SETTING_AUTO = 1 ACT_SETTING_OFF = 0 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_EMPTY = 2 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_FISHING_NODE = 3 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_INSTANCE_TYPE = 4 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_LOCKED = 1 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_NONE = 0 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_PICKPOCKET_CHANCE = 6 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_REQUIRES_KEY = 5 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_WEREWOLF_ACTIVE_WHILE_ATTEMPTING_TO_CRAFT = 7 ADDONS_FRAGMENT = table:8237B3F0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:8237B418 animationReverseOnStop() = function:70CE8A70 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:70CE8AF0 firstTable StateChange = table:8E9DD808 firstTable 1 = table:8E9DD830 firstTable 1() = function:70CE8AC8 3 = false control = userdata:71ED6980 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:8E9DD858 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden ADDON_STATE_DEPENDENCIES_DISABLED = 5 ADDON_STATE_DISABLED = 3 ADDON_STATE_ENABLED = 2 ADDON_STATE_ERROR_STATE_UNABLE_TO_LOAD = 6 ADDON_STATE_NO_STATE = 0 ADDON_STATE_TOC_LOADED = 1 ADDON_STATE_VERSION_MISMATCH = 4 ADD_ON_MANAGER = table:4D892110 (meta 3EA2C380} firstTable firstMeta allowReload = true characterDropdown = table:4D892278 (meta 919734A0} control = userdata:71ED6980 (meta 397F1208} list = userdata:4D891898 (meta 6A1ED4C8} sizerLabel = userdata:4D892170 (meta 39801FE0} ALCHEMY = table:802A7CF0 (meta 7E42A098} firstTable firstMeta cancelledTraits = table:78E9DF28 firstTable control = userdata:4CC44898 (meta 397F1208} inventory = table:802A7E50 (meta 7E42A188} keybindStripDescriptor = table:7E438B10 firstTable 1 = table:7E438B60 firstTable callback() = function:7E438C38 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Clear Selections visible() = function:7E438C88 2 = table:7E438CB0 firstTable callback() = function:7E438D98 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:7E438D70 visible() = function:7E438DC0 alignment = 2 matchingTraits = table:78E9DA70 firstTable modeBar = userdata:91D48CF0 (meta 91D48EE8} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:91D48D48 (meta 91972030} firstTable m_animationDuration = 200 m_buttonPadding = 20 m_buttons = table:91D48D70 firstTable 1 = table:7E4392D8 firstTable 1 = userdata:7E4391C0 (meta 7E439248} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:7E4391F8 (meta 7BD5CFE8} firstTable m_anim = userdata:7E432C08 (meta 398212C0} m_button = userdata:7E4391C0 (meta 7E439248} m_buttonData = table:7E438FD0 firstTable m_highlight = userdata:7E4391F0 (meta 398062A0} m_highlightHidden = false m_image = userdata:7E4391D8 (meta 398062A0} m_locked = true m_menuBar = table:91D48D48 (meta 91972030} m_state = 1 2 = 1 m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_clickedButton = table:7E4391F8 (meta 7BD5CFE8} m_control = userdata:91D48CF0 (meta 91D48EE8} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 2 m_pool = table:91D490B0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:91D49520 m_Active = table:91D490D8 firstTable 1 = userdata:7E4391C0 (meta 7E439248} m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:91D49150 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_AlchemyTopLevelModeMenuBarButton parent = userdata:91D48CF0 (meta 91D48EE8} templateName = ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton m_relativePoint = 8 modeBarLabel = userdata:91D48D40 (meta 39801FE0} reagentSlots = table:3EAFF988 firstTable 1 = table:4CC60E20 (meta 77B06950} 2 = table:77A696D8 (meta 77B06950} 3 = table:77A69748 (meta 77B06950} sceneName = alchemy skillInfo = userdata:4CC443A0 (meta 91D50078} firstMeta firstIndex glowContainer = userdata:91D4FEB0 (meta 397EAE80} increaseAnimation = userdata:802A7E48 (meta 3981BF40} name = userdata:77B14460 (meta 39801FE0} rank = userdata:7E423090 (meta 7E42E9C8} firstMeta firstIndex lineRank = 50 xpBar = table:91D50190 (meta 398C4028} firstTable level = 50 onAnimationFinishedCallback() = function:91D50208 onLevelChangedCallback() = function:77FDE9C8 statusBar = userdata:91D4AC38 (meta 7E43F5E0} slotAnimation = table:3EAFF9B0 (meta 3EAFC8A8} firstTable bursts = table:78E9D9A8 firstTable slots = table:4CC60E80 firstTable 1 = table:77A69668 (meta 77B06950} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:3EAFF710 (meta 3EAFF910} craftingInventory = table:802A7E50 (meta 7E42A188} firstTable firstMeta activeTab = userdata:77B12760 (meta 39801FE0} control = userdata:3EAFF9E8 (meta 802A7EF0} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:802A7E50 (meta 7E42A188} dirty = true itemCounts = table:802A8008 firstTable list = userdata:91D537C8 (meta 91D53E08} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:91D53F90 firstTable animation = userdata:91D54158 (meta 91D54188} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:91D537C8 (meta 91D53E08} autoSelect = false categories = table:91D54108 firstTable contents = userdata:91D53820 (meta 3980C1B0} data = table:91D53E80 firstTable dataTypes = table:91D53DB8 firstTable 1 = table:802A78C0 firstTable 2 = table:4CC3F450 firstTable deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:91D53C40 (meta 397F7458} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 2 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:91D53878 (meta 91D53CA0} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:91D53C70 (meta 3981D540} timeline = userdata:91D53C58 (meta 3981BF40} timeline = userdata:91D54140 (meta 3981BF40} upButton = userdata:91D53BE0 (meta 397F7458} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:4CC3F5C8 firstTable noSolventOrReagentsLabel = userdata:91D54090 (meta 39801FE0} owner = table:802A7CF0 (meta 7E42A098} sortHeaders = table:4CC3FA88 (meta 7BEAAA40} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:4CC419F8 (meta 398062A0} callbackRegistry = table:4CC3FAD8 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:4CC3F240 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:4CC3FB00 firstTable disabledColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:77B12C58 (meta 397EAE80} highlightColor = table:39883328 (meta 398AF370} movementController = table:4CC3FDF8 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selectedColor = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} selectedSortHeader = userdata:77B12CA8 (meta 77B12D08} showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:4CC3FCA8 firstTable 1 = userdata:77B12CA8 (meta 77B12D08} firstMeta firstIndex 2 = userdata:77B128E8 (meta 77B13128} firstMeta firstIndex 3 = userdata:91D53668 (meta 91D53708} firstMeta firstIndex sortKey = name sortOrder = true tabs = userdata:3EAFFA38 (meta 77B12A40} firstMeta firstIndex m_object = table:77B12768 (meta 91972030} firstTable m_animationDuration = 180 m_buttonPadding = -15 m_buttons = table:77B12790 firstTable m_clickSound = Click_MenuBar m_control = userdata:3EAFFA38 (meta 77B12A40} m_downSize = 64 m_normalSize = 51 m_point = 8 m_pool = table:802A7D68 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_relativePoint = 2 createsLevelLabel = userdata:3EAFF8B0 (meta 39801FE0} dropCallout = userdata:3EAFF848 (meta 398062A0} emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_emptySlot_solvent.dds itemInstanceId = 713780008 owner = table:802A7CF0 (meta 7E42A098} placeSound = Alchemy_Solvent_Placed removeSound = Alchemy_Solvent_Removed slotType = 25 2 = table:4CC60E20 (meta 77B06950} firstTable control = userdata:91D48E38 (meta 7092A678} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:7092A750 (meta 3981BF40} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 traits = table:7092A5A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:4DF0F098 (meta 78E9DFC8} 2 = userdata:7092A4E0 (meta 77A69568} firstMeta firstIndex 3 = userdata:7092A540 (meta 7E42DBF0} 4 = userdata:7092A5A0 (meta 7E42DCE0} firstMeta firstIndex craftingInventory = table:802A7E50 (meta 7E42A188} dropCallout = userdata:4DF0EBF0 (meta 398062A0} emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_emptySlot_reagent.dds itemInstanceId = 713780008 owner = table:802A7CF0 (meta 7E42A098} placeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Placed removeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Removed slotType = 25 3 = table:77A696D8 (meta 77B06950} firstTable control = userdata:7092A810 (meta 7092AB70} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:7092AC48 (meta 3981BF40} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 traits = table:7092AAD8 firstTable 1 = userdata:7092A9B0 (meta 7E42DDD0} firstMeta firstIndex 2 = userdata:7092AA10 (meta 7E42DEC0} firstMeta firstIndex 3 = userdata:7092AA70 (meta 7E42DFB0} firstMeta firstIndex 4 = userdata:7092AAD0 (meta 7E42E0A0} craftingInventory = table:802A7E50 (meta 7E42A188} dropCallout = userdata:7092A950 (meta 398062A0} emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_emptySlot_reagent.dds itemInstanceId = 713780008 owner = table:802A7CF0 (meta 7E42A098} placeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Placed removeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Removed slotType = 25 4 = table:77A69748 (meta 77B06950} firstTable control = userdata:7092AD08 (meta 7092B068} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:7092B0A0 (meta 3981BF40} slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 traits = table:7092AFD0 firstTable 1 = userdata:7092AEA8 (meta 7E42E190} firstMeta firstIndex 2 = userdata:7092AF08 (meta 7E42E280} 3 = userdata:7092AF68 (meta 7E42E370} firstMeta firstIndex 4 = userdata:7092AFC8 (meta 7E42E460} firstMeta firstIndex craftingInventory = table:802A7E50 (meta 7E42A188} dropCallout = userdata:7092AE48 (meta 398062A0} emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/alchemy_emptySlot_reagent.dds itemInstanceId = 713780008 owner = table:802A7CF0 (meta 7E42A098} placeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Placed removeSound = Alchemy_Reagent_Removed slotType = 25 usabilityPredicate() = function:942274F0 solventSlot = table:77A69668 (meta 77B06950} tooltip = userdata:91D540A8 (meta 3980B638} ALCHEMY_FRAGMENT = table:6F0617D8 (meta 78D8C658} ALCHEMY_SCENE = table:7E438990 (meta 7DB3BD48} ALCHEMY_TRAIT_STRIDE = 5 ALERT_EVENT_MANAGER = table:8D394BD8 (meta 8D394980} firstTable firstMeta recentMessages = table:8D389988 (meta 532170E8} firstTable expiryDelayMilliseconds = 3000 recentMessages = table:8D395E08 firstTable ALERT_MESSAGES = table:8D38AE70 (meta 8D387878} firstTable firstMeta alerts = table:8D38AEE8 (meta 77996BA0} firstTable activeEntries = table:9422F4F0 firstTable additionalVerticalSpacing = 0 anchor = table:8D38AE98 (meta 7E6B9CD0} firstTable data = table:8D38AEC0 firstTable 1 = 9 2 = userdata:39831B08 (meta 397ED088} 4 = 0 5 = 0 control = userdata:8D378200 (meta 397F1208} currentNumDisplayedEntries = 0 currentlyFadingEntries = 0 currentlyMovingEntries = 0 entryPools = table:8D38B898 firstTable fadeAnimationName = AlertFade fadesInImmediately = false headerPools = table:9422F3B8 firstTable holdDisplayingEntries = false holdTimes = table:7BEB8F28 firstTable 1 = 6000 2 = 4000 3 = 2000 linePools = table:9422F478 firstTable maxDisplayedEntries = 3 pushDirection = 1 queue = table:9422F4A0 firstTable templates = table:9422F4C8 firstTable ZO_AlertLine = table:9422F430 firstTable setup() = function:8D387968 translateAnimationName = AlertTranslate translateDuration = 500 ALERT_MESSAGES_GAMEPAD = table:94226768 (meta 94225028} firstTable firstMeta alerts = table:94227A40 (meta 77996BA0} firstTable activeEntries = table:94227BD0 firstTable additionalVerticalSpacing = 9 anchor = table:94227998 (meta 7E6B9CD0} firstTable data = table:942279C0 firstTable 1 = 9 2 = userdata:39831B08 (meta 397ED088} 3 = 9 4 = -96 5 = 54 control = userdata:792C1058 (meta 397F1208} currentNumDisplayedEntries = 0 currentlyFadingEntries = 0 currentlyMovingEntries = 0 entryPools = table:94227AB8 firstTable fadeAnimationName = AlertFadeGamepad fadesInImmediately = true headerPools = table:94227B30 firstTable holdDisplayingEntries = false holdTimes = table:94227C70 firstTable 1 = 6000 linePools = table:94227B58 firstTable maxDisplayedEntries = 2 pushDirection = 1 queue = table:94227B80 firstTable templates = table:94227BA8 firstTable ZO_AlertLineGamepad = table:94227BF8 firstTable setup() = function:94225280 ZO_GamepadCraftingResultsTemplate = table:7E4A59C0 firstTable equalityCheck() = function:70D5C5E8 equalitySetup() = function:70D8E030 headerEqualityCheck() = function:77FF8128 headerSetup() = function:70D5C598 headerTemplateName = ZO_GamepadCraftingResultsHeaderTemplate setup() = function:70D5C5C0 translateAnimationName = AlertTranslateGamepad translateDuration = 1500 ALLIANCE_ALDMERI_DOMINION = 1 ALLIANCE_DAGGERFALL_COVENANT = 3 ALLIANCE_EBONHEART_PACT = 2 ALLIANCE_NONE = 0 ALLIANCE_WAR_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:80B23F80 (meta 8F20A3E0} ALLIANCE_WAR_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:7E42D038 (meta 8F20A5B8} ANIMATION_ALPHA = 2 ANIMATION_COLOR = 8 ANIMATION_CUSTOM = 9 ANIMATION_INSTANT = true ANIMATION_INVALID = -1 ANIMATION_MANAGER = userdata:398307F8 (meta 3981B540} firstMeta firstIndex CreateTimeline() = function:3981B408 CreateTimelineFromVirtual() = function:3981B4A0 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_INVALID = -1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_LOOP = 1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_ONE_SHOT = 0 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_PING_PONG = 2 ANIMATION_SCALE = 1 ANIMATION_SCROLL = 4 ANIMATION_SIZE = 5 ANIMATION_TEXTURE = 3 ANIMATION_TEXTUREROTATE = 6 ANIMATION_TEXTURESLIDE = 7 ANIMATION_TRANSLATE = 0 APPEARANCE_NAME_ACCESSORY = 3 APPEARANCE_NAME_AGE = 7 APPEARANCE_NAME_BODY_MARKING = 5 APPEARANCE_NAME_EYEBROW = 8 APPEARANCE_NAME_EYE_TINT = 6 APPEARANCE_NAME_HAIR_STYLE = 0 APPEARANCE_NAME_HAIR_TINT = 1 APPEARANCE_NAME_HEAD_MARKING = 4 APPEARANCE_NAME_SKIN_TINT = 2 APPEARANCE_NAME_VOICE = 9 APPLY_ENCHANT = table:7B286BB8 (meta 91D651D0} APPLY_ENCHANT_GAMEPAD = table:919E8E58 (meta 7F3833B8} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = false confirmString = Enchant control = userdata:70D244C8 (meta 91D6FFF0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:70D4E5F0 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:91D70078 (meta 7D943228} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:7D942DF0 firstTable 1 = userdata:7F3A9020 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:7F376CE8 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:7F376E38 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:7F376DC8 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:7F376F18 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:7F376EA8 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:783B7E70 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:7F3836A8 (meta 7D935BD8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:77B25D68 firstTable 1 = table:725270C0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:7F3834A8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:91D70080 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:7F383630 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:7F3A9108 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:7F3A9378 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:7F376C78 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:7F376C08 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:7F376D58 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 owner = table:919E8E58 (meta 7F3833B8} dirty = true header = userdata:91D70078 (meta 7D943228} headerData = table:919E91A0 firstTable messageText = Select an enchantment to apply to this item. titleText = Enchant Item headerFragment = table:919E90E0 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:7D942D70 control = userdata:77B25D60 (meta 783B7EA0} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:91D70078 (meta 7D943228} dirtyEvents = table:919E9108 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:7D942E98 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:7D943038 firstTable 1 = table:7D943060 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7D9431D8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:7D943360 firstTable 1 = table:7D943388 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:919E8F40 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden improvementKitPredicate() = function:919E8E80 improvementSound = InventoryItem_ApplyEnchant isInitialized = false itemList = table:7D93FA30 (meta 4E015478} keybindStripDescriptor = table:725326D8 firstTable 1 = table:72532750 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:72532728 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1000 2 = table:72532778 firstTable callback() = function:72532838 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Enchant visible() = function:7252B010 3 = table:4CC47008 firstTable callback() = function:4CC470C8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:4CC47148 firstTable callback() = function:4CC47208 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 lists = table:7D9432A0 firstTable Main = table:7D93FA30 (meta 4E015478} message = Select an enchantment to apply to this item. noItemMessage = You do not have any enchantments that can be applied to this item. onStateChangedCallback() = function:919E8F90 scene = table:919E9218 (meta 3987DBF0} sceneName = enchantGamepad sortComparator() = function:919E8ED0 updateCooldownMS = 0 APPLY_ENCHANT_SCENE_GAMEPAD = table:919E9218 (meta 3987DBF0} ARMORDAMAGESTYLE_FABRIC = 0 ARMORDAMAGESTYLE_GENERIC = 2 ARMORDAMAGESTYLE_METAL = 1 ARMORTYPE_HEAVY = 3 ARMORTYPE_LIGHT = 1 ARMORTYPE_MEDIUM = 2 ARMORTYPE_NONE = 0 ASSIGNABLE_ACTION_BAR_LOCK_MODE_ACTIVE = 3 ASSIGNABLE_ACTION_BAR_LOCK_MODE_NONE = 1 ASSIGNABLE_ACTION_BAR_LOCK_MODE_ULTIMATE = 2 ATTRIBUTE_BAR_STATE_EXPANDED = 2 ATTRIBUTE_BAR_STATE_NORMAL = 1 ATTRIBUTE_BAR_STATE_SHRUNK = 3 ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH = 1 ATTRIBUTE_MAGICKA = 2 ATTRIBUTE_NONE = 0 ATTRIBUTE_STAMINA = 3 ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_COLOR_CURRENT_VALUE = 1 ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_COLOR_EFFECT = 2 ATTRIBUTE_TOOLTIP_COLOR_NAME = 0 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_AUTOMATIC = 0 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_DECREASED_MAX_POWER = 2 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_DECREASED_REGEN_POWER = 4 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_DECREASED_STAT = 8 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_INCREASED_MAX_POWER = 1 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_INCREASED_REGEN_POWER = 3 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_INCREASED_STAT = 7 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_NONE = -1 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_POSSESSION = 9 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_POWER_SHIELDING = 5 ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_UNWAVERING_POWER = 6 AUDIO_SETTING_AMBIENT_ENABLED = 6 AUDIO_SETTING_AMBIENT_VOLUME = 7 AUDIO_SETTING_AUDIO_ENABLED = 0 AUDIO_SETTING_AUDIO_VOLUME = 1 AUDIO_SETTING_BACKGROUND_AUDIO = 12 AUDIO_SETTING_FOOTSTEPS_ENABLED = 14 AUDIO_SETTING_FOOTSTEPS_VOLUME = 15 AUDIO_SETTING_MUSIC_ENABLED = 2 AUDIO_SETTING_MUSIC_VOLUME = 3 AUDIO_SETTING_SFX_ENABLED = 4 AUDIO_SETTING_SFX_VOLUME = 5 AUDIO_SETTING_SOUND_ENABLED = 16 AUDIO_SETTING_SPEAKER_SETUP = 13 AUDIO_SETTING_UI_ENABLED = 8 AUDIO_SETTING_UI_VOLUME = 9 AUDIO_SETTING_VOICE_CHAT_VOLUME = 17 AUDIO_SETTING_VO_ENABLED = 10 AUDIO_SETTING_VO_VOLUME = 11 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_FIVE_POINT_ONE = 7 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_FIVE_POINT_ZERO = 6 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_FOUR_POINT_ONE = 5 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_FOUR_POINT_ZERO = 4 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_MONO = 1 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_SEVEN_POINT_ONE = 8 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_STEREO = 2 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_TWO_POINT_ONE = 3 AUDIO_SPEAKER_CONFIG_USE_WINDOWS_SETTING = 0 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_RESTRICTED = 6 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_ACCOUNT_BANNED = 4 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_ACCOUNT_NOT_VERIFIED = 5 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_ACCOUNT_SUSPENDED = 3 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_BAD_CLIENT_VERSION = 9 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_BAD_CREDENTIALS = 1 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_GAME_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND = 7 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_GAME_ACCOUNT_NO_PERMISSION = 8 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_NO_ERROR = 0 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_PAYMENT_EXPIRED = 2 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_ALL = 6 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_FRIEND = 1 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_GUILD = 2 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_NONE = 0 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_RECENT = 3 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_RECENT_CHAT = 5 AUTO_COMPLETE_FLAG_RECENT_TARGET = 4 AUTO_COMPLETION_ANCHOR_BOTTOM = 1 AUTO_COMPLETION_ANCHOR_TOP = 0 AUTO_COMPLETION_AUTOMATIC_MODE = true AUTO_COMPLETION_CALL_HOOKED_HANDLERS = false AUTO_COMPLETION_DONT_CALL_HOOKED_HANDLERS = true AUTO_COMPLETION_DONT_USE_ARROWS = false AUTO_COMPLETION_MANUAL_MODE = false AUTO_COMPLETION_ONLINE_ONLY = true AUTO_COMPLETION_ONLINE_OR_OFFLINE = false AUTO_COMPLETION_SELECTED_BY_CLICK = 2 AUTO_COMPLETION_SELECTED_BY_ENTER = 1 AUTO_COMPLETION_SELECTED_BY_SPACE = 0 AUTO_COMPLETION_SELECTED_BY_TAB = 3 AUTO_COMPLETION_USE_ARROWS = true AbandonQuest() = function:39860060 AbilityTooltip = userdata:8F113AA8 (meta 3980B638} AbilityTooltipBG = userdata:8F113AE8 (meta 397EF288} AbilityTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:8F113B30 (meta 398062A0} AbilityTooltipProgression = userdata:8F112A48 (meta 42554408} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:8F1135C8 (meta 397FFB50} AbilityTooltipProgressionBG = userdata:8F113610 (meta 397EAE80} AbilityTooltipProgressionBGLeft = userdata:8F113660 (meta 398062A0} AbilityTooltipProgressionBGMiddle = userdata:7788FF78 (meta 398062A0} AbilityTooltipProgressionBGRight = userdata:8F1136B0 (meta 398062A0} AbilityTooltipProgressionGloss = userdata:8F1135C8 (meta 397FFB50} AbilityTooltipProgressionOverlay = userdata:7788FFC8 (meta 397EAE80} AbilityTooltipProgressionOverlayLeft = userdata:42554358 (meta 398062A0} AbilityTooltipProgressionOverlayMiddle = userdata:42554400 (meta 398062A0} AbilityTooltipProgressionOverlayRight = userdata:425543A8 (meta 398062A0} AbilityTooltipTopLevel = userdata:8F113A90 (meta 397F1208} AcceptAgentChat() = function:39887A48 AcceptFriendRequest() = function:3988B8E0 AcceptGroupInvite() = function:39865AA8 AcceptGuildInvite() = function:3988C8D8 AcceptLFGFindReplacementNotification() = function:398876B0 AcceptLFGJumpNotification() = function:398875B0 AcceptOfferedQuest() = function:398678D8 AcceptResurrect() = function:39872F18 AcceptSharedQuest() = function:39867920 AcceptWorldEventInvite() = function:39875F40 AchievementTooltip = userdata:796564F0 (meta 3980B638} AchievementTooltipBG = userdata:79656530 (meta 397EF288} AchievementTooltipBGMungeOverlay = userdata:79656580 (meta 398062A0} AchievementTooltipTopLevel = userdata:8D4EDE20 (meta 397F1208} ActionButton = table:4CC77B18 (meta 4CC77B40} firstTable firstMeta AnchorKeysIn() = function:4D892888 AnchorKeysOut() = function:80C735D0 ApplyAnchor() = function:7BE90930 ApplyFlipAnimationStyle() = function:4CE3B968 ApplyStyle() = function:7B8D0B30 Clear() = function:4CC96FC0 GetButtonType() = function:4CC7AB90 GetSlot() = function:779245F0 HandlePress() = function:4CC793D8 HandlePressAndRelease() = function:853496F8 HandleRelease() = function:77E9EF00 HandleSlotChanged() = function:4CC96F98 HasAction() = function:82E49C38 HideKeys() = function:80C736F8 IsClassBarButton() = function:8534FF30 IsSiegeBarButton() = function:8534AB98 New() = function:85350380 PlayAbilityUsedBounce() = function:77DAE0A8 PlayGlow() = function:77DBF018 RefreshCooldown() = function:4CE36D38 ResetVisualState() = function:82E43540 SetBounceAnimationParameters() = function:77DA65C8 SetCooldownHeight() = function:4CC89360 SetCooldownIconAnchors() = function:4CC89338 SetNeedsAnimationParameterUpdate() = function:77DB04C0 SetShowBindingText() = function:4CB6A3B8 SetupBounceAnimation() = function:77DAD260 SetupCount() = function:7DF25E98 SetupFlipAnimation() = function:77DB3128 SetupKeySlideAnimation() = function:77DAB128 SlideKeysIn() = function:797863F0 SlideKeysOut() = function:71C3A388 UpdateActivationHighlight() = function:4CC96FE8 UpdateCooldown() = function:42AE7D60 UpdateState() = function:4CC7AAD8 UpdateUsable() = function:4CC89310 UpdateUseFailure() = function:4CC7AB28 __index = table:4CC77B18 (meta 4CC77B40} ActionButton3 = userdata:77E981E8 (meta 77E9B808} firstMeta firstIndex slotNum = 3 ActionButton3ActivationHighlight = userdata:77E98EB8 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton3BG = userdata:77E98E28 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton3Backdrop = userdata:77E9B7D8 (meta 397EF288} ActionButton3Button = userdata:77E98228 (meta 78F32990} firstMeta firstIndex actionId = 46505 slotNum = 3 slotType = 1 tooltip = userdata:8F113AA8 (meta 3980B638} ActionButton3ButtonText = userdata:77E9B708 (meta 39801FE0} ActionButton3Cooldown = userdata:77E98F38 (meta 397F5378} ActionButton3CooldownCompleteAnimation = userdata:77E98F90 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton3CooldownEdge = userdata:77E9B6C0 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton3CooldownIcon = userdata:77E98DE8 (meta 398062A0} 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= userdata:4CB89470 (meta 91CDABB8} firstMeta firstIndex percentComplete = 1 ActionButton5Status = userdata:4CB88D08 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton6 = userdata:4CC973C8 (meta 77924108} firstMeta firstIndex slotNum = 6 ActionButton6ActivationHighlight = userdata:4CC7A698 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton6BG = userdata:4CC974E8 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton6Backdrop = userdata:77923FA0 (meta 397EF288} ActionButton6Button = userdata:4CC97408 (meta 77924020} firstMeta firstIndex actionId = 24222 slotNum = 6 slotType = 1 tooltip = userdata:8F113AA8 (meta 3980B638} ActionButton6ButtonText = userdata:4CC7A800 (meta 39801FE0} ActionButton6Cooldown = userdata:4CC7A718 (meta 397F5378} ActionButton6CooldownCompleteAnimation = userdata:4CC7A770 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton6CooldownEdge = userdata:4CC7A7B8 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton6CooldownIcon = userdata:4CC974D0 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton6CountText = userdata:4CC7A848 (meta 39801FE0} ActionButton6DropCallout = userdata:77923F60 (meta 398062A0} 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397EF288} ActionButton8Button = userdata:4CE32C90 (meta 7B2648A8} firstMeta firstIndex actionId = 24301 slotNum = 8 slotType = 1 tooltip = userdata:8F113AA8 (meta 3980B638} ActionButton8ButtonText = userdata:79797DE0 (meta 39801FE0} ActionButton8Cooldown = userdata:4CE37490 (meta 397F5378} ActionButton8CooldownCompleteAnimation = userdata:4CE374E8 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton8CooldownEdge = userdata:4CE37530 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton8CooldownIcon = userdata:4CE37340 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton8CountText = userdata:79797E28 (meta 39801FE0} ActionButton8Decoration = userdata:796DD188 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton8DropCallout = userdata:79797E70 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton8FillAnimationLeft = userdata:79797FD0 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton8FillAnimationRight = userdata:79798020 (meta 398062A0} ActionButton8FlipCard = userdata:4CE32CD0 (meta 397EAE80} ActionButton8Frame = userdata:79797F80 (meta 397EF288} ActionButton8Glow = userdata:4CE37450 (meta 77E9F178} firstMeta firstIndex 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function:39887E50 ApplyPendingHeraldryChanges() = function:39888458 ApplySettings() = function:39889DD8 ApplySoftCapToStat() = function:39865830 ApplyTemplateToControl() = function:7E6B5EB8 AreActionBarsLocked() = function:78F32198 AreAnyItemsStolen() = function:3986C0D8 AreId64sEqual() = function:397E1DB8 AreUnitsEqual() = function:3985D240 AscendStop = function: Private AssignCampaignToPlayer() = function:39870A60 AttemptForceLock = function: Private BACKPACK_BANK_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = table:7EB83438 (meta 7EB830C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:7EB83460 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:7EB833C0 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:7EB83410 backpackOffsetY = 96 bankInfoBarVisibilityOption = 2 hiddenFilters = table:7EB833E8 firstTable 7 = true inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 width = 565 state = hidden BACKPACK_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = 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= false dirtyEvents = table:7EB83578 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:7EB83488 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:7EB834D8 backpackOffsetY = 96 bankInfoBarVisibilityOption = 3 hiddenFilters = table:7EB834B0 firstTable 7 = true inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 width = 565 state = hidden BACKPACK_LAUNDER_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = table:7EB83B18 (meta 7EB830C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:7EB83B90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 layoutData = table:7EB83AA0 firstTable additionalFilter() = function:7EB83AF0 alwaysReapplyLayout = true backpackOffsetY = 96 bankInfoBarVisibilityOption = 1 hiddenFilters = table:7EB83AC8 firstTable 7 = true inventoryBottomOffsetY = -30 inventoryTopOffsetY = 45 sortByHeaderWidth = 576 sortByNameWidth = 241 sortByOffsetY = 63 width = 565 state = hidden BACKPACK_MAIL_LAYOUT_FRAGMENT = table:7EB836B8 (meta 7EB830C8} 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77A56338} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:77A55F50 firstTable 1 = table:77A55FA0 firstTable amount = 0 isUsed = true notEnough = false type = 1 numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:79661CA0 type = 1 currencyType = 1 currentCurrencyAmount = 0 usePlayerCurrencyAsMax = false BIND_KEY_DIALOG = table:70C08710 (meta 71F165F0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:70BFC038 (meta 70C08698} firstMeta firstIndex bindBox = userdata:70BFDD00 (meta 398062A0} bindButton = userdata:8BE80A78 (meta 6E8DD060} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 customButtonIndex = 3 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:6E8DD030 (meta 70924E70} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:8BE80A78 (meta 6E8DD060} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:6E8DCFE8 (meta 70C083B0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false currentBindLabel = userdata:7DB3D060 (meta 39801FE0} instructionsLabel = userdata:8BE86CB0 (meta 39801FE0} overwriteWarning1 = userdata:70BFEC70 (meta 39801FE0} overwriteWarning2 = userdata:70BFECC0 (meta 39801FE0} owner = table:70C08710 (meta 71F165F0} unbindButton = userdata:80B79A80 (meta 80B79B50} BIND_TYPE_NONE = 0 BIND_TYPE_ON_EQUIP = 2 BIND_TYPE_ON_PICKUP = 1 BIND_TYPE_ON_PICKUP_BACKPACK = 3 BIND_TYPE_UNSET = -1 BOOKSET_SCENE_GAMEPAD = table:78E954A0 (meta 3987DBF0} BOOK_LINK_TYPE = book BOOK_MEDIUM_ANIMAL_SKIN = 1 BOOK_MEDIUM_LETTER = 3 BOOK_MEDIUM_NOTE = 4 BOOK_MEDIUM_RUBBING_PAPER = 2 BOOK_MEDIUM_SCROLL = 5 BOOK_MEDIUM_STONE_TABLET = 6 BOOK_MEDIUM_YELLOWED_PAPER = 0 BOOK_SET_GAMEPAD = table:7E43F0D0 (meta 7E4409F8} BOSS_BAR = table:91E322A0 (meta 7DE0F600} firstTable firstMeta bars = table:91E322C8 firstTable 1 = userdata:420C8850 (meta 91E31BF0} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:7DE0F920 (meta 397FFB50} max = 0 2 = userdata:91E31F38 (meta 91E31FB0} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:91E31F80 (meta 397FFB50} max = 0 bossHealthValues = table:91E32380 firstTable bossUnitTags = table:91E32440 firstTable boss1 = true boss2 = true boss3 = true boss4 = true boss5 = true boss6 = true control = userdata:420C87E0 (meta 397EAE80} BOSS_RANK_EXTRA = 7 BOSS_RANK_FIVE = 5 BOSS_RANK_FOUR = 4 BOSS_RANK_NOT_A_BOSS = 0 BOSS_RANK_ONE = 1 BOSS_RANK_SIX = 6 BOSS_RANK_THREE = 3 BOSS_RANK_TWO = 2 BOTTOM = 4 BOTTOMLEFT = 6 BOTTOMRIGHT = 12 BROWSER_OPEN_TYPE_BUG = 1 BROWSER_OPEN_TYPE_FEEDBACK = 0 BROWSER_OPEN_TYPE_LOGOUT = 2 BROWSER_TYPE_AGENT_CHAT = 5 BROWSER_TYPE_BUG = 0 BROWSER_TYPE_QA_BUG = 1 BROWSER_TYPE_USER_CHAT = 4 BROWSER_TYPE_USER_FEEDBACK = 2 BROWSER_TYPE_USER_HELP = 3 BROWSER_TYPE_USER_ITEM_BUG = 8 BROWSER_TYPE_USER_QUEST_HELP = 7 BROWSER_TYPE_USER_REPORT = 6 BSTATE_DISABLED = 2 BSTATE_DISABLED_PRESSED = 3 BSTATE_NORMAL = 0 BSTATE_PRESSED = 1 BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF = 1 BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF = 2 BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_NOT_AN_EFFECT = 0 BUFF_TYPE_COLOR_BUFF = 0 BUFF_TYPE_COLOR_DEBUFF = 1 BUFF_TYPE_EMPOWER = 37 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_BERSERK = 43 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_BRUTALITY = 2 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_DEFILE = 32 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_ENDURANCE = 16 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_EROSION = 47 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_EVASION = 26 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_EXPEDITION = 36 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_FORCE = 45 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_FORTITUDE = 14 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_FRACTURE = 39 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_HEROISM = 20 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_INTELLECT = 18 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_MAIM = 30 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_MANGLE = 34 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_MENDING = 22 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_PROPHECY = 8 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_PROTECTION = 28 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_RESOLVE = 10 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_SAVAGERY = 4 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_SORCERY = 6 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_SPELL_SHATTER = 41 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_VITALITY = 24 BUFF_TYPE_MAJOR_WARD = 12 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_BERSERK = 42 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_BRUTALITY = 1 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_DEFILE = 31 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_ENDURANCE = 15 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_EROSION = 46 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_EVASION = 25 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_EXPEDITION = 35 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_FORCE = 44 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_FORTITUDE = 13 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_FRACTURE = 38 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_HEROISM = 19 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_INTELLECT = 17 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_MAIM = 29 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_MANGLE = 33 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_MENDING = 21 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_PROPHECY = 7 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_PROTECTION = 27 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_RESOLVE = 9 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_SAVAGERY = 3 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_SORCERY = 5 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_SPELL_SHATTER = 40 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_VITALITY = 23 BUFF_TYPE_MINOR_WARD = 11 BUFF_TYPE_NONE = 0 BUG_CATEGORY_CHARACTER = 0 BUG_CATEGORY_COMBAT = 1 BUG_CATEGORY_CRAFTING = 2 BUG_CATEGORY_CRASH = 3 BUG_CATEGORY_ITEMS = 4 BUG_CATEGORY_MONSTERNPC = 5 BUG_CATEGORY_OTHER = 10 BUG_CATEGORY_QUEST = 6 BUG_CATEGORY_TEXTLOCALIZATION = 7 BUG_CATEGORY_UI = 8 BUG_CATEGORY_VISUALS = 9 BUY_BACK_FRAGMENT = table:8BFAA778 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:8BFAA818 animationReverseOnStop() = function:8BFAA870 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:420800A0 (meta 8BFAA6B0} dirtyEvents = table:8BFAA7F0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden BUY_BACK_WINDOW = table:8BFAA610 (meta 8BFBCF38} BUY_BAG_SPACE_GAMEPAD = table:2B13CB70 (meta 2B13B290} firstTable firstMeta buySpace = table:2B13CC18 (meta 2B13A5E8} firstTable firstMeta buyFunc() = function:2B13B3A8 control = userdata:2B13C8E0 (meta 397EAE80} infoTextCanAfford = Increase your Inventory size by 10 more slots? infoTextCanNotAfford = You can't afford to increase the size of your Inventory. isInitialized = false control = userdata:2B13B528 (meta 397F1208} header = userdata:2B13B730 (meta 2B13CCE8} headerData = table:2B13CDB0 firstTable titleText = Buy Bag Space BUY_BAG_SPACE_INTERACTION = table:2A9EE540 BUY_BANK_SPACE_GAMEPAD = table:7B32A800 (meta 78E88DD8} firstTable firstMeta BeginInteractCameraSpin() = function:39863EB8 BeginItemPreview = function: Private BeginItemPreviewSpin = function: Private BindKeyToAction = function: Private BuyBagSpace() = function:39869E28 BuyBankSpace() = function:39869DE8 BuyGuildSpecificItem() = function:3988CCB8 BuyStoreItem() = function:39871ED8 BuybackItem() = function:39871F18 CADWELLS_ALMANAC = table:82E41578 (meta 4CE448D8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:796D4390 (meta 397F1208} currentDifficultyLevel = 2 descriptionText = userdata:7BE90928 (meta 39801FE0} dirty = true navigationTree = table:796D70F8 (meta 71F5BDD0} firstTable childContainerPool = table:796D74C0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:796D7880 m_Active = table:796D7AD0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:796D77D0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CadwellNavigationContainerScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:796D1850 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:796D1850 (meta 397EAE80} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:7BE8E368 openAnimationPool = table:796DF500 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:796CE700 firstTable m_Factory() = function:4CE38008 m_Free = table:796CEA50 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7B271E00 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:796D7988 (meta 7E6DA1C0} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:796D70F8 (meta 71F5BDD0} suspendAnimations = true templateInfo = table:796D7198 firstTable ZO_CadwellNavigationEntry = table:796DB9D0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:796DB868 objectPool = table:796DBB70 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:796DBCB8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:796DBEF8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CadwellNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_CadwellNavigationEntry parent = userdata:796D1850 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_CadwellNavigationEntry selectionFunction() = function:796D90F8 setupFunction() = function:4CE38528 ZO_IconHeader = table:796D8958 firstTable childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:4E013DE8 objectPool = table:796D8B58 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:796D8D70 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:796D8DF0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CadwellNavigationContainerScrollChildZO_IconHeader parent = userdata:796D1850 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_IconHeader setupFunction() = function:796D8510 width = 300 objectiveLinePool = table:796D6848 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:796D6CF8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:796D6DD8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CadwellObjective parent = userdata:796D4390 (meta 397F1208} templateName = ZO_Cadwell_ObjectiveLine objectivesText = userdata:7BE90E20 (meta 39801FE0} titleText = userdata:7BE90758 (meta 39801FE0} zoneInfoContainer = userdata:71C2B5F8 (meta 7BE905D8} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:7BE90628 (meta 7BE90658} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:71C2B5F8 (meta 7BE905D8} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:784067A0 (meta 3980C1B0} scrollDownButton = userdata:7BE903E0 (meta 397F7458} scrollUpButton = userdata:7BE90388 (meta 397F7458} scrollbar = userdata:7BE90288 (meta 7BE90440} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:7BE90410 (meta 3981D540} timeline = userdata:7BE903F8 (meta 3981BF40} timeline = userdata:7BE90610 (meta 3981BF40} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 zoneStepContainer = userdata:7BE90A20 (meta 784142A0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:7BE90C38 (meta 78414EB0} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:7BE90A20 (meta 784142A0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true scroll = userdata:783FB098 (meta 3980C1B0} scrollDownButton = userdata:7BE90B80 (meta 397F7458} scrollUpButton = userdata:7BE90B28 (meta 397F7458} scrollbar = userdata:7BE90A70 (meta 784140E0} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:7BE90BB0 (meta 3981D540} timeline = userdata:7BE90B98 (meta 3981BF40} timeline = userdata:7BE90C20 (meta 3981BF40} useFadeGradient = true verticalExtents = 0 CADWELLS_ALMANAC_FRAGMENT = table:3EB00E68 (meta 78D8C658} CADWELLS_ALMANAC_GAMEPAD = table:80C7A928 (meta 77DB35B0} CADWELLS_ALMANAC_GAMEPAD_SCENE = table:78F3EC40 (meta 3987DBF0} CALLBACK_MANAGER = table:398990C0 (meta 39899130} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:7BD3DE60 firstTable AddOnEULAHidden = table:9170D828 firstTable 1 = table:917130A8 firstTable 1() = function:91705BA0 3 = false 2 = table:7B8D3D98 firstTable 1() = function:7B8D3D48 3 = false AllHealthBars_Off = table:4E0350F0 firstTable 1 = table:4E035118 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:8ECBEB60 (meta 4E034620} 3 = false 2 = table:7B8DB6A0 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:4E037400 (meta 4E038208} 3 = false 3 = table:7B8DB678 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:4E035188 (meta 71B5F1E8} 3 = false 4 = table:80C79FA0 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:71B5F098 (meta 70927820} 3 = false 5 = table:4E03C5B0 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:7B8DAAC8 (meta 71F129A0} 3 = false AllHealthBars_On = table:4E034F50 firstTable 1 = table:4E035090 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:8ECBEB60 (meta 4E034620} 3 = false 2 = table:7B8DB618 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:4E037400 (meta 4E038208} 3 = false 3 = table:52CC6178 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:4E035188 (meta 71B5F1E8} 3 = false 4 = table:80C79E70 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:71B5F098 (meta 70927820} 3 = false 5 = table:4E03C3B0 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:7B8DAAC8 (meta 71F129A0} 3 = false AutoLoot_Off = table:4E03A370 firstTable 1 = table:4E0372A0 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:4E037750 (meta 4E038A48} 3 = false AutoLoot_On = table:4E03A2D0 firstTable 1 = table:4E03A2F8 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:4E037750 (meta 4E038A48} 3 = false Bestowers_Off = table:77AD5830 firstTable 1 = table:77AD5858 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:6A1F2D88 (meta 77AD61B0} 3 = false Bestowers_On = table:77AD5790 firstTable 1 = table:77AD57B8 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:6A1F2D88 (meta 77AD61B0} 3 = false ChatBubbles_Off = table:7B8D5E00 firstTable 1 = table:77AC1750 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:8ECC55D8 (meta 77AC16D8} 3 = false 2 = table:7832DB60 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:7B8D5F58 (meta 7832DE40} 3 = false 3 = table:6A1EF438 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:7832DEB0 (meta 7831B970} 3 = false 4 = table:6A1EF730 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:6A1EF520 (meta 42B44A80} 3 = false 5 = table:71ECA4B0 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:71F18BF0 (meta 42B47480} 3 = false 6 = table:42B48590 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:71ECA690 (meta 42B46090} 3 = false 7 = table:8ECC7548 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:42B48628 (meta 42B48730} 3 = false 8 = table:8ECC5E80 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:6A1F3390 (meta 52CC1310} 3 = false ChatBubbles_On = table:7B8D5E70 firstTable 1 = table:7B8D5E98 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:8ECC55D8 (meta 77AC16D8} 3 = false 2 = table:7831FD18 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:7B8D5F58 (meta 7832DE40} 3 = false 3 = table:7832DB88 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:7832DEB0 (meta 7831B970} 3 = false 4 = table:71F18B40 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:6A1EF520 (meta 42B44A80} 3 = false 5 = table:71ECA598 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:71F18BF0 (meta 42B47480} 3 = false 6 = table:42B485B8 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:71ECA690 (meta 42B46090} 3 = false 7 = table:8ECC75A8 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:42B48628 (meta 42B48730} 3 = false 8 = table:8ECC5EA8 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:6A1F3390 (meta 52CC1310} 3 = false CompassActiveQuests_Focused = table:77AC7C18 firstTable 1 = table:77AC7C40 firstTable 1() = function:78329E78 2 = userdata:77AD5918 (meta 77AD4E78} 3 = false CompassActiveQuests_Off = table:77AC8118 firstTable 1 = table:77AC7BB8 firstTable 1() = function:7832D418 2 = userdata:77AD5918 (meta 77AD4E78} 3 = false CompassActiveQuests_On = table:77AC7CB8 firstTable 1 = table:77AC7CE0 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C40B8 2 = userdata:77AD5918 (meta 77AD4E78} 3 = false CraftingAnimationsStarted = table:7EB78880 firstTable 1 = table:7EB788A8 firstTable 1() = function:7E491098 3 = false 10 = table:7B32F968 firstTable 1() = function:7B32F918 3 = false 11 = table:7B3301A8 firstTable 1() = function:7B330130 3 = false 12 = table:7B330728 firstTable 1() = function:7B3306B0 3 = false 13 = table:7B330860 firstTable 1() = function:7B3307E8 3 = false 14 = table:7B330A78 firstTable 1() = function:7B330A28 3 = false 15 = table:7B331218 firstTable 1() = function:7B3311A0 3 = false 16 = table:7B33FA90 firstTable 1() = function:7B33FA40 3 = false 17 = table:7F397FA8 firstTable 1() = function:7F397F80 3 = false 18 = table:7F398A80 firstTable 1() = function:7F3989D8 3 = false 19 = table:7F398D58 firstTable 1() = function:7F398CB0 3 = false 2 = table:4CC3F978 firstTable 1() = function:4CC3F950 3 = false 20 = table:7F399120 firstTable 1() = function:7F3990D0 3 = false 21 = table:7F399988 firstTable 1() = function:7F399910 3 = false 22 = table:78E74A20 firstTable 1() = function:78E749F8 3 = false 23 = table:78E75E80 firstTable 1() = function:78E75DD8 3 = false 24 = table:78E76358 firstTable 1() = function:78E762B0 3 = false 25 = table:78E76EF8 firstTable 1() = function:78E76EA8 3 = false 26 = table:78E785F8 firstTable 1() = function:78E785A8 3 = false 27 = table:91A11BF8 firstTable 1() = function:91A11BD0 3 = false 28 = table:91A12478 firstTable 1() = function:91A12400 3 = false 29 = table:91A12A00 firstTable 1() = function:91A12958 3 = false 3 = table:7E423910 firstTable 1() = function:7E423898 3 = false 30 = table:91A13360 firstTable 1() = function:91A132E8 3 = false 31 = table:91A13498 firstTable 1() = function:91A13420 3 = false 32 = table:91A142A0 firstTable 1() = function:91A14228 3 = false 33 = table:91A15028 firstTable 1() = function:91A14FB0 3 = false 34 = table:91A15DE0 firstTable 1() = function:91A15D68 3 = false 35 = table:91A161C8 firstTable 1() = function:91A16150 3 = false 36 = table:91A16F78 firstTable 1() = function:91A16F00 3 = false 37 = table:91A17F58 firstTable 1() = function:91A17EE0 3 = false 38 = table:91A18230 firstTable 1() = function:91A18188 3 = false 39 = table:91A185F8 firstTable 1() = function:91A18580 3 = false 4 = table:78E9D678 firstTable 1() = function:802A7E08 3 = false 40 = table:919F26A8 firstTable 1() = function:919F2680 3 = false 41 = table:80B56550 firstTable 1() = function:80B564D8 3 = false 42 = table:91A19648 firstTable 1() = function:91A19620 3 = false 43 = table:8F20DD70 firstTable 1() = function:8F20DCF8 3 = false 44 = table:9103DA60 firstTable 1() = function:783B85D0 3 = false 45 = table:91D526E8 firstTable 1() = function:91D52670 3 = false 46 = table:8E139D50 firstTable 1() = function:8E139CD8 3 = false 47 = table:919EE600 firstTable 1() = function:919EE5B0 3 = false 48 = table:919F0228 firstTable 1() = function:919F01B0 3 = false 49 = table:7B334900 firstTable 1() = function:78E894E8 3 = false 5 = table:7E438E38 firstTable 1() = function:7E438DE8 3 = false 50 = table:7B3403B0 firstTable 1() = function:7B335880 3 = false 51 = table:7F38FA48 firstTable 1() = function:7F38F5D8 3 = false 52 = table:7F39C4E8 firstTable 1() = function:2B129510 3 = false 53 = table:78E91960 firstTable 1() = function:2B1296D0 3 = false 54 = table:70D23530 firstTable 1() = function:78E6D888 3 = false 55 = table:7B332780 firstTable 1() = function:7B332730 3 = false 56 = table:4CC683B8 firstTable 1() = function:7E492168 3 = false 57 = table:720C63A0 firstTable 1() = function:4CC5E238 3 = false 58 = table:70D82D18 firstTable 1() = function:70D82398 3 = false 59 = table:7E420EC8 firstTable 1() = function:77B151E0 3 = false 6 = table:7E432B20 firstTable 1() = function:7E439350 3 = false 60 = table:91A1B2A0 firstTable 1() = function:91A17038 3 = false 61 = table:91A24158 firstTable 1() = function:91A24108 3 = false 7 = table:91D58590 firstTable 1() = function:91D58238 3 = false 8 = table:77B27170 firstTable 1() = function:3EAFE018 3 = false 9 = table:802AD0A8 firstTable 1() = function:802AD000 3 = false CraftingAnimationsStopped = table:70D804D0 firstTable 1 = table:70D804F8 firstTable 1() = function:7EB788D0 3 = false 10 = table:802AD130 firstTable 1() = function:802AD108 3 = false 11 = table:91D56158 firstTable 1() = function:91D56100 3 = false 12 = table:7B32F778 firstTable 1() = function:7B32F720 3 = false 13 = table:7B32F9C8 firstTable 1() = function:7B32F940 3 = false 14 = table:7B330208 firstTable 1() = function:7B330180 3 = false 15 = table:7B330788 firstTable 1() = function:7B330700 3 = false 16 = table:7B3308C0 firstTable 1() = function:7B330838 3 = false 17 = table:7B330AD8 firstTable 1() = function:7B330A28 3 = false 18 = table:7B331278 firstTable 1() = function:7B3311F0 3 = false 19 = table:7B33F8F0 firstTable 1() = function:7B33F898 3 = false 2 = table:4CC3FA00 firstTable 1() = function:4CC3F950 3 = false 20 = table:7B33FAF0 firstTable 1() = function:7B33FA68 3 = false 21 = table:7F398008 firstTable 1() = function:7F397F80 3 = false 22 = table:7F398B08 firstTable 1() = function:7F398AE0 3 = false 23 = table:7F398DE0 firstTable 1() = function:7F398DB8 3 = false 24 = table:7F399180 firstTable 1() = function:7F3990D0 3 = false 25 = table:7F3999E8 firstTable 1() = function:7F399960 3 = false 26 = table:7F399BE8 firstTable 1() = function:7F399B90 3 = false 27 = table:78E74A80 firstTable 1() = function:78E749F8 3 = false 28 = table:78E75F08 firstTable 1() = function:78E75EE0 3 = false 29 = table:78E763E0 firstTable 1() = function:78E763B8 3 = false 3 = table:4CC3F9D8 firstTable 1() = function:7E4238E8 3 = false 30 = table:78E76F58 firstTable 1() = function:78E76EA8 3 = false 31 = table:78E77A78 firstTable 1() = function:78E77A20 3 = false 32 = table:78E78680 firstTable 1() = function:78E78658 3 = false 33 = table:91A11C58 firstTable 1() = function:91A11BD0 3 = false 34 = table:91A124D8 firstTable 1() = function:91A12450 3 = false 35 = table:91A12A88 firstTable 1() = function:91A12A60 3 = false 36 = table:91A133C0 firstTable 1() = function:91A13338 3 = false 37 = table:91A134F8 firstTable 1() = function:91A13470 3 = false 38 = table:91A14300 firstTable 1() = function:91A14278 3 = false 39 = table:91A15088 firstTable 1() = function:91A15000 3 = false 4 = table:78E9D700 firstTable 1() = function:78E9D6D8 3 = false 40 = table:91A15E40 firstTable 1() = function:91A15DB8 3 = false 41 = table:91A16228 firstTable 1() = function:91A161A0 3 = false 42 = table:91A16FD8 firstTable 1() = function:91A16F50 3 = false 43 = table:91A17FB8 firstTable 1() = function:91A17F30 3 = false 44 = table:91A182B8 firstTable 1() = function:91A18290 3 = false 45 = table:91A18658 firstTable 1() = function:91A185D0 3 = false 46 = table:919EA288 firstTable 1() = function:919F2680 3 = false 47 = table:80B565B0 firstTable 1() = function:80B56528 3 = false 48 = table:91A196A8 firstTable 1() = function:91A19620 3 = false 49 = table:8F20DDD0 firstTable 1() = function:8F20DD48 3 = false 5 = table:7E42E8A0 firstTable 1() = function:7E42E848 3 = false 50 = table:9103DAE8 firstTable 1() = function:9103DAC0 3 = false 51 = table:91D52748 firstTable 1() = function:91D526C0 3 = false 52 = table:919EDF30 firstTable 1() = function:8E139D28 3 = false 53 = table:919EE660 firstTable 1() = function:919EE5B0 3 = false 54 = table:919F0288 firstTable 1() = function:919F0200 3 = false 55 = table:7B334C68 firstTable 1() = function:78E894E8 3 = false 56 = table:7B3428F0 firstTable 1() = function:7B3416E0 3 = false 57 = table:7F38FB78 firstTable 1() = function:7F38F5D8 3 = false 58 = table:7F39A1A8 firstTable 1() = function:7F39A028 3 = false 59 = table:78E8A1E0 firstTable 1() = function:2B129578 3 = false 6 = table:7E438F20 firstTable 1() = function:7E438DE8 3 = false 60 = table:78E91AD8 firstTable 1() = function:78E91A80 3 = false 61 = table:70D25BC8 firstTable 1() = function:70D213C0 3 = false 62 = table:7B332918 firstTable 1() = function:7B332730 3 = false 63 = table:792A2AC8 firstTable 1() = function:7E492168 3 = false 64 = table:77FD9250 firstTable 1() = function:77FD9020 3 = false 65 = table:7E4A3D80 firstTable 1() = function:70D82398 3 = false 66 = table:7E422110 firstTable 1() = function:7E421BC0 3 = false 67 = table:91A120D0 firstTable 1() = function:91A17038 3 = false 68 = table:7253C8D0 firstTable 1() = function:7253C668 3 = false 69 = table:91A241E0 firstTable 1() = function:91A241B8 3 = false 7 = table:7E432B80 firstTable 1() = function:7E432AF8 3 = false 8 = table:91D585B8 firstTable 1() = function:91D58238 3 = false 9 = table:77B271D0 firstTable 1() = function:3EAFE018 3 = false DisplayModeExclusive = table:7BD3DF20 firstTable 1 = table:7BD3DF48 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:71F58140 (meta 77995738} 3 = false DisplayModeNonExclusive = table:85D72EB8 firstTable 1 = table:3987C488 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:71F58140 (meta 77995738} 3 = false DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_Off = table:8BE7F160 firstTable 1 = table:8BE7F188 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:8E9E0DF8 (meta 91AB5F48} 3 = false DoubleTapRollDodgeEnabled_On = table:91AB5F70 firstTable 1 = table:8BE7F0A8 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:8E9E0DF8 (meta 91AB5F48} 3 = false GamepadChatSystemActiveOnScreen = table:77DAAD70 firstTable 1 = table:82E35510 firstTable 1() = function:77DAAD20 3 = false InteractableGlowEnabled_Off = table:91AABA00 firstTable 1 = table:782BC7F8 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:709EA3E8 (meta 91AAB970} 3 = false InteractableGlowEnabled_On = table:91AABAA0 firstTable 1 = table:91AABAC8 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:709EA3E8 (meta 91AAB970} 3 = false InventorySlotUpdate = table:42ADD330 firstTable 1 = table:42ADD358 firstTable 1() = function:42ADD210 3 = false LAM = RefreshPanel = table:8EB653E8 firstTable 1 = table:8EB65410 firstTable 1() = function:4EDE2D30 3 = false LeaderboardNotifications_Off = table:77EADB48 firstTable 1 = table:77EADB70 firstTable 1() = function:77EADA70 3 = false 2 = table:80C7BF70 firstTable 1() = function:80C814F0 3 = false LeaderboardNotifications_On = table:77EADAC0 firstTable 1 = table:77EADAE8 firstTable 1() = function:77EADA70 3 = false 2 = table:80C83510 firstTable 1() = function:80C814F0 3 = false MusicEnabled_Off = table:52CBCCF8 firstTable 1 = table:52CBCD20 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:71B647F0 (meta 71B62170} 3 = false MusicEnabled_On = table:52CBCC58 firstTable 1 = table:52CBCC80 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:71B647F0 (meta 71B62170} 3 = false NotificationsGuildMotDRead = table:91032680 firstTable 1 = table:910326A8 firstTable 1() = function:77EACC48 3 = false 2 = table:77EACC00 firstTable 1() = function:80B7D530 3 = false OnGamepadDialogHidden = table:4DF13090 firstTable 1 = table:4DF130B8 firstTable 1() = function:4DF13040 3 = false OnGroupStatusChange = table:70CE62F0 firstTable 1 = table:70CE6318 firstTable 1() = function:72131F60 3 = false OnGuildSelected = table:6A0819E0 firstTable 1 = table:6A081A08 firstTable 1() = function:6A0819B8 3 = false 2 = table:6A07E2A0 firstTable 1() = function:6A07E220 3 = false OnHideWorldMapTooltip = table:42ACD5F0 firstTable 1 = table:42ACD618 firstTable 1() = function:42ACD598 3 = false OnLeaderboardMasterListUpdated = table:6F066AD8 firstTable 1 = table:6F066B00 firstTable 1() = function:6F066A58 3 = false 2 = table:4EDDB5C8 firstTable 1() = function:4EDDB548 3 = false OnShowWorldMapTooltip = table:42ACDAA8 firstTable 1 = table:42ACDAD0 firstTable 1() = function:42ACDA28 3 = false OnWorldMapCampaignChanged = table:82E32F90 firstTable 1 = table:82E32FB8 firstTable 1() = function:82E32F40 3 = false 2 = table:4CB6E858 firstTable 1() = function:4CB6E808 3 = false OnWorldMapChanged = table:77EA4038 firstTable 1 = table:77EA3E88 firstTable 1() = function:77EA3FE8 3 = false 2 = table:7DCCD700 firstTable 1() = function:71C26620 3 = false 3 = table:7B275778 firstTable 1() = function:42B50118 3 = false 4 = table:71C2E2B8 firstTable 1() = function:79796968 3 = false 5 = table:42ADA670 firstTable 1() = function:7978D9B8 3 = false 6 = table:77DC0880 firstTable 1() = function:77DC0830 3 = false 7 = table:4CE390B8 firstTable 1() = function:4CE39068 3 = false 8 = table:78414088 firstTable 1() = function:42AD4970 3 = false 9 = table:826FB878 firstTable 1() = function:826FB840 3 = false OnWorldMapKeepChanged = table:4CB7D918 firstTable 1 = table:4CB7D940 firstTable 1() = function:4CB7D8C0 3 = false 2 = table:4CB802A8 firstTable 1() = function:4CB80250 3 = false 3 = table:77934630 firstTable 1() = function:77934600 3 = false 4 = table:779375D0 firstTable 1() = function:779375A0 3 = false OnWorldMapModeChanged = table:77DBA2C8 firstTable 1 = table:77DBA2F0 firstTable 1() = function:77DBA2A0 3 = false 2 = table:42ADB3C8 firstTable 1() = function:7DCD24D8 3 = false 3 = table:77DC08A8 firstTable 1() = function:77DC0830 3 = false 4 = table:4CE39118 firstTable 1() = function:4CE39068 3 = false 5 = table:826FBA08 firstTable 1() = function:826FB9E0 3 = false OnWorldMapQuestsDataRefresh = table:7B2758C0 firstTable 1 = table:7B2758E8 firstTable 1() = function:7B275898 3 = false 2 = table:79799B98 firstTable 1() = function:79799B70 3 = false OnWorldMapSavedVarsReady = table:796E7EF8 firstTable 1 = table:796E7F20 firstTable 1() = function:796E7EC0 3 = false 2 = table:797A0DE0 firstTable 1() = function:42AD2AE0 3 = false ProfanityFilter_Off = table:77A39498 firstTable 1 = table:77A394C0 firstTable 1() = function:77A39470 3 = false ProfanityFilter_On = table:77A39560 firstTable 1 = table:77A39588 firstTable 1() = function:77A39538 3 = false ShowAddOnEULAIfNecessary = table:8EF26038 firstTable 1 = table:8237B450 firstTable 1() = function:4BEECBB8 3 = false SoundEnabled_Off = table:77AE05C0 firstTable 1 = table:77AE05E8 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:8620F168 (meta 80C66440} 3 = false 2 = table:77ADE7A0 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:77AE06E0 (meta 77ADE670} 3 = false 3 = table:77ADC9B8 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:77AE0698 (meta 77ADD4A8} 3 = false 4 = table:77AD9D38 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:77ADCAB8 (meta 77ADA638} 3 = false 5 = table:77AD9A78 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:77AD9E38 (meta 77AD91A8} 3 = false SoundEnabled_On = table:77AE0628 firstTable 1 = table:77ADF518 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:8620F168 (meta 80C66440} 3 = false 2 = table:77ADE828 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:77AE06E0 (meta 77ADE670} 3 = false 3 = table:77ADE800 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:77AE0698 (meta 77ADD4A8} 3 = false 4 = table:77AD9D98 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:77ADCAB8 (meta 77ADA638} 3 = false 5 = table:42B64500 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:77AD9E38 (meta 77AD91A8} 3 = false TargetGlowEnabled_Off = table:4D8BA418 firstTable 1 = table:4D8BA440 firstTable 1() = function:7E6C0B90 2 = userdata:8620E570 (meta 4D8BA2E8} 3 = false TargetGlowEnabled_On = table:4D8BA4B8 firstTable 1 = table:4D8BA360 firstTable 1() = function:809C7B18 2 = userdata:8620E570 (meta 4D8BA2E8} 3 = false TargetOfTargetEnabledChanged = table:826FBDD0 firstTable 1 = table:826FBDF8 firstTable 1() = function:826FBDA8 3 = false UnitFramesCreated = table:77922CF0 firstTable 1 = table:7B26B818 firstTable 1() = function:77922CC0 3 = false 2 = table:80B43D18 firstTable 1() = function:80B43CF0 3 = false WornSlotUpdate = table:42ADD290 firstTable 1 = table:42ADD2B8 firstTable 1() = function:42ADD210 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:39898128 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_FORCE_FIRST_PERSON = 2 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_FORCE_THIRD_PERSON = 1 CAMERA_OPTIONS_PREVIEW_NONE = 0 CAMERA_SETTING_DISTANCE = 4 CAMERA_SETTING_DISTANCE_SYNCED = 6 CAMERA_SETTING_DISTANCE_UNSHEATHED = 5 CAMERA_SETTING_FIRST_PERSON_FIELD_OF_VIEW = 7 CAMERA_SETTING_FIRST_PERSON_HEAD_BOB = 8 CAMERA_SETTING_FOV_CHANGES_ALLOWED = 13 CAMERA_SETTING_INVERT_Y = 0 CAMERA_SETTING_SENSITIVITY_FIRST_PERSON = 3 CAMERA_SETTING_SENSITIVITY_THIRD_PERSON = 2 CAMERA_SETTING_SMOOTHING = 1 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_FIELD_OF_VIEW = 12 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET = 10 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_HORIZONTAL_POSITION_MULTIPLIER = 9 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_SIEGE_WEAPONRY = 14 CAMERA_SETTING_THIRD_PERSON_VERTICAL_OFFSET = 11 CAMPAIGNBUFF_DEFENSIVE_ARTIFACT = 1 CAMPAIGNBUFF_EMPEROR = 3 CAMPAIGNBUFF_KEEP = 2 CAMPAIGNBUFF_OFFENSIVE_ARTIFACT = 0 CAMPAIGN_AVA_RANK_FRAGMENT = table:4EDCF9A8 (meta 78D8C658} CAMPAIGN_AVA_RANK_GAMEPAD = table:783B5DC8 (meta 91AE43D8} firstTable firstMeta icon = userdata:783B5DC0 (meta 398062A0} name = userdata:783AC6D0 (meta 39801FE0} rank = userdata:783AC730 (meta 39801FE0} statusBar = userdata:783AC790 (meta 783ACD50} CAMPAIGN_BONUSES = table:78C6F020 (meta 78C65808} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:78C65C08 (meta 397F1208} list = userdata:78C6EAB8 (meta 78C6EE10} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:78C6EEB0 firstTable 1 = userdata:7838A720 (meta 7838AA08} firstMeta firstIndex countInfoLabel = userdata:7838A7C0 (meta 7838AAA8} dataEntry = table:783899B8 headerLabel = userdata:7838A770 (meta 39801FE0} index = 1 key = 1 2 = userdata:7838AC10 (meta 7838B090} firstMeta firstIndex ability = userdata:7838AD00 (meta 7838B130} count = userdata:7838ACB0 (meta 39801FE0} dataEntry = table:78389A90 icon = userdata:7838AFF8 (meta 398062A0} index = 2 key = 1 nameLabel = userdata:7838B048 (meta 39801FE0} typeIcon = userdata:7838AC60 (meta 398062A0} 3 = userdata:7838AB80 (meta 7838B3A8} firstMeta firstIndex countInfoLabel = userdata:7838B350 (meta 7838B3F8} firstMeta firstIndex bonusType = 2 dataEntry = table:78389AE0 headerLabel = userdata:7838B300 (meta 39801FE0} index = 3 key = 2 4 = userdata:7838A9D8 (meta 7838B6F8} 5 = userdata:7838B060 (meta 7838BA78} 6 = userdata:7838BC70 (meta 7838BDF8} firstMeta firstIndex ability = userdata:7838BD60 (meta 7838BE48} count = userdata:7838BD10 (meta 39801FE0} dataEntry = table:78389BC8 icon = userdata:7838BD78 (meta 398062A0} index = 6 key = 4 nameLabel = userdata:7838BDC8 (meta 39801FE0} typeIcon = userdata:7838BCC0 (meta 398062A0} 7 = userdata:7838BFB8 (meta 7838C180} 8 = userdata:7838C2F0 (meta 7838C4B8} animation = userdata:78C6EF50 (meta 78C6EF80} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:78C6EAB8 (meta 78C6EE10} autoSelect = false categories = table:78C6EF00 firstTable contents = userdata:78C6EB08 (meta 3980C1B0} data = table:78C6EE88 firstTable 1 = table:783899B8 firstTable bottom = 50 data = table:783885F8 firstTable bonusType = 1 dataEntry = table:783899B8 headerString = Home Keep Score Bonuses infoString = All Home Keeps Held isHeader = true sortIndex = 1 top = 0 typeId = 1 10 = table:78389EC8 firstTable bottom = 740 data = table:78389068 firstTable active = false bonusType = 2 countText = 7 dataEntry = table:78389EC8 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 13%. Increase Weapon Critical and Spell Critical by 6% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_weapon_001.dds index = 8 isHeader = false name = Enemy Keep Bonus VII sortIndex = 10 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 660 typeId = 2 11 = table:78389F88 firstTable bottom = 820 data = table:783891A0 firstTable active = false bonusType = 2 countText = 8 dataEntry = table:78389F88 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 13%. Increase Weapon Critical and Spell Critical by 8% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_weapon_002.dds index = 9 isHeader = false name = Enemy Keep Bonus VIII sortIndex = 11 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 740 typeId = 2 12 = table:7838A048 firstTable bottom = 900 data = table:783892D8 firstTable active = false bonusType = 2 countText = 9 dataEntry = table:7838A048 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 15%. Increase Weapon Critical and Spell Critical by 8% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_weapon_003.dds index = 10 isHeader = false name = Enemy Keep Bonus IX sortIndex = 12 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 820 typeId = 2 13 = table:7838A108 firstTable bottom = 950 data = table:78389300 firstTable bonusType = 3 dataEntry = table:7838A108 headerString = Defensive Elder Scroll Bonuses infoString = Enemy Scrolls Held: |cffffff0|r isHeader = true sortIndex = 13 top = 900 typeId = 1 14 = table:7838A1C8 firstTable bottom = 1030 data = table:78389480 firstTable active = false bonusType = 3 countText = 1 dataEntry = table:7838A1C8 description = Increases Armor Rating by 5% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_dragonknight_020.dds index = 1 isHeader = false name = Defensive Scroll Bonus I sortIndex = 14 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_scrollIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_scrolls.dds top = 950 typeId = 2 15 = table:7838A1F0 firstTable bottom = 1110 data = table:78389588 firstTable active = false bonusType = 3 countText = 2 dataEntry = table:7838A1F0 description = Increases Spell Resistance and Armor Rating by 5% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_weapon_009.dds index = 2 isHeader = false name = Defensive Scroll Bonus II sortIndex = 15 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_scrollIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_scrolls.dds top = 1030 typeId = 2 16 = table:7838A2B0 firstTable bottom = 1160 data = table:783895B0 firstTable bonusType = 4 dataEntry = table:7838A2B0 headerString = Offensive Elder Scroll Bonuses infoString = Enemy Scrolls Held: |cffffff0|r isHeader = true sortIndex = 16 top = 1110 typeId = 1 17 = table:7838A370 firstTable bottom = 1240 data = table:78389738 firstTable active = false bonusType = 4 countText = 1 dataEntry = table:7838A370 description = Increases Spell Power by 5% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_armor_005.dds index = 1 isHeader = false name = Offensive Scroll Bonus I sortIndex = 17 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_scrollIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_scrolls.dds top = 1160 typeId = 2 18 = table:7838A398 firstTable bottom = 1320 data = table:783897F8 firstTable active = false bonusType = 4 countText = 2 dataEntry = table:7838A398 description = Increases Weapon Power and Spell Power by 5% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_armor_004.dds index = 2 isHeader = false name = Offensive Scroll Bonus II sortIndex = 18 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_scrollIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_scrolls.dds top = 1240 typeId = 2 19 = table:7838A458 firstTable bottom = 1370 data = table:78389820 firstTable bonusType = 5 dataEntry = table:7838A458 headerString = Emperorship Bonuses infoString = No Emperor isHeader = true sortIndex = 19 top = 1320 typeId = 1 2 = table:78389A90 firstTable bottom = 130 data = table:78388728 firstTable active = true bonusType = 1 countText = All dataEntry = table:78389A90 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 5% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_armor_004.dds index = 1 isHeader = false name = Home Keep Bonus sortIndex = 2 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 50 typeId = 2 20 = table:7838A518 firstTable bottom = 1450 data = table:78389990 firstTable active = false bonusType = 5 dataEntry = table:7838A518 description = Increase Max Health by +35 per character level while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_dragonknight_024.dds index = 1 isHeader = false name = Emperorship Alliance Bonus sortIndex = 20 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_emporershipIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_emperor.dds top = 1370 typeId = 2 3 = table:78389AE0 firstTable bottom = 180 data = table:78388778 firstTable bonusType = 2 dataEntry = table:78389AE0 headerString = Enemy Keeps Owned Bonuses infoString = Enemy Keeps Held: |cffffff0|r isHeader = true sortIndex = 3 top = 130 typeId = 1 4 = table:78389AB8 5 = table:78389B08 6 = table:78389BC8 firstTable bottom = 420 data = table:78388B88 firstTable active = false bonusType = 2 countText = 3 dataEntry = table:78389BC8 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 9%. Increase Weapon Critical and Spell Critical by 2% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_dragonknight_028.dds index = 4 isHeader = false name = Enemy Keep Bonus III sortIndex = 6 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 340 typeId = 2 7 = table:78389C88 8 = table:78389D48 9 = table:78389E08 firstTable bottom = 660 data = table:78388F30 firstTable active = false bonusType = 2 countText = 6 dataEntry = table:78389E08 description = Increases experience, alliance points, and gold by 11%. Increase Weapon Critical and Spell Critical by 6% while in player vs. player locations. icon = /esoui/art/icons/ability_weapon_004.dds index = 7 isHeader = false name = Enemy Keep Bonus VI sortIndex = 9 typeIcon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBonus_keepIcon.dds typeIconGamepad = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/Gamepad/gp_bonusIcon_keeps.dds top = 580 typeId = 2 dataTypes = table:78C6EDC0 firstTable 1 = table:78C6F350 firstTable height = 50 pool = table:78C6F288 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:78C6F2B0 firstTable 1 = userdata:7838A720 (meta 7838AA08} 2 = userdata:7838AB80 (meta 7838B3A8} m_Factory() = function:78C6F1E0 m_Free = table:78C6F328 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:78C6F190 2 = table:78C6F4D8 firstTable height = 80 pool = table:78C6F460 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:78C6F488 firstTable 1 = userdata:7838AC10 (meta 7838B090} 2 = userdata:7838A9D8 (meta 7838B6F8} 3 = userdata:7838B060 (meta 7838BA78} 4 = userdata:7838BC70 (meta 7838BDF8} 5 = userdata:7838BFB8 (meta 7838C180} 6 = userdata:7838C2F0 (meta 7838C4B8} m_Factory() = function:78C6F3B8 m_Free = table:78C6F4B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 6 m_NextFree = 7 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:78C6F390 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:78C6EC98 (meta 397F7458} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 2 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:78C6EB58 (meta 78C6ECF8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:78C6ECC8 (meta 3981D540} timeline = userdata:78C6ECB0 (meta 3981BF40} timeline = userdata:78C6EF38 (meta 3981BF40} upButton = userdata:78C6EC48 (meta 397F7458} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:7838A540 firstTable 1 = 1 10 = 10 11 = 11 12 = 12 13 = 13 14 = 14 15 = 15 16 = 16 17 = 17 18 = 18 19 = 19 2 = 2 20 = 20 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 = 9 shown = false CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_FRAGMENT = table:78C6F550 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:78C6F5A0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:78C6F5F8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:78C6F678 firstTable StateChange = table:78C6F6A0 firstTable 1 = table:78C6F6C8 firstTable 1() = function:78C6F650 3 = false control = userdata:78C65C08 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:78C6F578 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_GAMEPAD = table:6F0578D8 (meta 6F04E498} firstTable firstMeta abilityList = table:6F057950 (meta 5320EC00} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:6F057870 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:6F058278 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:6F0582A0 firstTable 1 = table:6F0582C8 firstTable 1() = function:6F058228 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:6F057CB0 firstTable control = userdata:6F0577C0 (meta 6F057A18} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:6F057BF0 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:6F057950 (meta 5320EC00} dataIndexToControl = table:6F057E68 firstTable dataList = table:6F057D28 firstTable dataTypes = table:6F057C88 firstTable ZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplate = table:6F057EB8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:6F057EE0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:6F057F08 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:6F057F30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CampaignBonus_GamepadMenuContainerListScrollZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplate parent = userdata:6F0577D8 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:6F04E7E0 ZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:6F057FF8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:6F04E790 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:6F058020 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:6F058200 customFactoryBehavior() = function:6F058158 customResetBehavior() = function:6F0581D8 m_Active = table:6F058048 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:6F0580C0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CampaignBonus_GamepadMenuContainerListScrollZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:6F0577D8 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_CampaignBonusEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:6F04E7E0 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:6F0579C8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:6F057C60 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:6F0578D0 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:6F057DA0 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:6F057DF0 firstTable prePadding = table:6F057D78 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:6F057DC8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:6F0577D8 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:6F057E18 firstTable templateList = table:6F057D50 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:6F057E90 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:6F057E40 firstTable control = userdata:6F04E868 (meta 397F1208} CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:6F058340 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:6F0583E0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:6F058438 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:6F0584B8 firstTable StateChange = table:6F0584E0 firstTable 1 = table:6F058508 firstTable 1() = function:6F058490 3 = false control = userdata:6F04E868 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:6F0583B8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_BROWSER = table:91B129E8 (meta 91B0A0E8} firstTable firstMeta alternateRowBackgrounds = true control = userdata:91B0BF40 (meta 397F1208} currentSortKey = name currentSortOrder = true filteredList = table:91AE0158 firstTable headersContainer = userdata:91B0D6D0 (meta 397EAE80} keybindStripDescriptor = table:91AE1730 firstTable 1 = table:91AE1758 firstTable callback() = function:91AE1780 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guest visible() = function:91AE17D0 2 = table:91AE17F8 firstTable callback() = function:91AE1820 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Home visible() = function:91AE1848 3 = table:91AE1870 firstTable callback() = function:91AE1958 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:91AE1930 visible() = function:91AE1980 4 = table:91AE19A8 firstTable callback() = function:91AE1A68 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Leave Queue visible() = function:91AE1A90 alignment = 3 list = userdata:91B12430 (meta 91B127D8} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:91B12878 firstTable animation = userdata:91B12918 (meta 91B12948} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:91B12430 (meta 91B127D8} autoSelect = false categories = table:91B128C8 firstTable contents = userdata:91B12480 (meta 3980C1B0} controlHeight = 30 data = table:91B12850 firstTable dataTypes = table:91B12788 firstTable 1 = table:7F501560 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:91B09148 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:91B09170 firstTable m_Factory() = function:91AF7F80 m_Free = table:7F502BD0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:91AFAC60 2 = table:91AF7E50 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:7F502BA8 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:91AEA718 firstTable m_Factory() = function:91B09198 m_Free = table:91B0C298 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:7F501588 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:91B12610 (meta 397F7458} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false highlightTemplate = ZO_ThinListHighlight mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:91B124D0 (meta 91B12670} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:91B12640 (meta 3981D540} timeline = userdata:91B12628 (meta 3981BF40} timeline = userdata:91B12900 (meta 3981BF40} upButton = userdata:91B125C0 (meta 397F7458} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:91AE02D0 firstTable masterList = table:91ADFE78 firstTable numConfirmingQueues = 0 rules = userdata:91B0D6B8 (meta 39801FE0} rulesetTypes = table:91ADFEC8 firstTable sortFunction() = function:91AF7EA0 sortHeaderGroup = table:7F502568 (meta 7BEAAA40} firstTable arrowTexture = userdata:91ADB8E0 (meta 398062A0} callbackRegistry = table:91AF63F0 firstTable HeaderClicked = table:91ADB8E8 firstTable 1 = table:91AF3180 firstTable 1() = function:91AF63A0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:7F502590 firstTable disabledColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerContainer = userdata:91B0D6D0 (meta 397EAE80} highlightColor = table:39883328 (meta 398AF370} movementController = table:91B0CB88 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selectedColor = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} selectedSortHeader = userdata:91B0D718 (meta 91B0EAA8} showArrows = true sortDirection = true sortHeaders = table:91B0CB60 firstTable 1 = userdata:91B0D718 (meta 91B0EAA8} firstMeta firstIndex initialDirection = true key = name selected = true sortHeaderGroup = table:7F502568 (meta 7BEAAA40} usesArrow = true 2 = userdata:91B0EB68 (meta 91B0EDE0} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = numGroupMembers sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:7F502568 (meta 7BEAAA40} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Group Members Assigned to this Campaign 3 = userdata:91B0EEB8 (meta 91B0F088} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = numFriends sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:7F502568 (meta 7BEAAA40} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Friends Assigned to this Campaign 4 = userdata:91B0F160 (meta 91B10548} firstMeta firstIndex icon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_neutral.dds initialDirection = false isIconHeader = true key = numGuildMembers sortDownIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortDown.dds sortHeaderGroup = table:7F502568 (meta 7BEAAA40} sortUpIcon = EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/list_sortHeader_icon_sortUp.dds tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Guild Members in a Campaign 5 = userdata:91B10628 (meta 91B108B8} firstMeta firstIndex arrowOffset = -5 icon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBrowser_columnHeader_AD.dds initialDirection = true isIconHeader = true key = alliancePopulation1 sortHeaderGroup = table:7F502568 (meta 7BEAAA40} tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Aldmeri Dominion Population usesArrow = true 6 = userdata:91B10998 (meta 91B10CB8} firstMeta firstIndex arrowOffset = -5 icon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBrowser_columnHeader_EP.dds initialDirection = true isIconHeader = true key = alliancePopulation2 sortHeaderGroup = table:7F502568 (meta 7BEAAA40} tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Ebonheart Pact Population usesArrow = true 7 = userdata:91B10D98 (meta 91B122C0} firstMeta firstIndex arrowOffset = -5 icon = EsoUI/Art/Campaign/campaignBrowser_columnHeader_DC.dds initialDirection = true isIconHeader = true key = alliancePopulation3 sortHeaderGroup = table:7F502568 (meta 7BEAAA40} tooltipOffsetX = 0 tooltipOffsetY = -5 tooltipPoint = 4 tooltipText = Daggerfall Covenant Population usesArrow = true tree = table:91AF7EC8 (meta 71F5BDD0} firstTable childContainerPool = table:91AF9878 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:91B0D078 m_Active = table:91AE0090 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:91B0C310 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildContainer parent = userdata:91B0D500 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_TreeChildContainer control = userdata:91B0D500 (meta 397EAE80} defaultIndent = 60 defaultSpacing = -10 enabled = true exclusive = true exclusiveCloseNodeFunction() = function:91AF9820 openAnimationPool = table:91B101E0 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:91AE0130 firstTable m_Factory() = function:91B10168 m_Free = table:91B10230 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:91B101B8 openAnimationTemplate = ZO_TreeOpenAnimation rootNode = table:91ADFF40 (meta 7E6DA1C0} firstTable childIndent = 0 childSpacing = -10 childrenCurrentHeight = 0 childrenHeight = 0 open = true openPercentage = 1 selected = false tree = table:91AF7EC8 (meta 71F5BDD0} suspendAnimations = false templateInfo = table:91AF97F8 firstTable ZO_RulesetEntry = table:91B03940 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:91B03918 objectPool = table:91B0ABC0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:91AE00B8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:91B0E9D8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetEntry parent = userdata:91B0D500 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_RulesetEntry selectionFunction() = function:91B038F0 setupFunction() = function:91B038C8 ZO_RulesetTypeEntry = table:91B0D118 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:91B0D0F0 objectPool = table:91AF4D58 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:91AE00E0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:91AF4DF8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetTypeEntry parent = userdata:91B0D500 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_RulesetTypeEntry selectionFunction() = function:91B0AC38 setupFunction() = function:91B0AC10 ZO_RulesetTypeHeader = table:91B0C2C0 firstTable childSpacing = 0 equalityFunction() = function:4E013DE8 objectPool = table:91B0C2E8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:91AE0108 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:91AF4D30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CampaignBrowserCategoriesScrollChildZO_RulesetTypeHeader parent = userdata:91B0D500 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_RulesetTypeHeader setupFunction() = function:7F5030F8 width = 255 CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_FRAGMENT = table:4D8F8750 (meta 78D8C658} CAMPAIGN_BROWSER_SCENE = table:91AE16B8 (meta 3987DBF0} CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR = table:78C73C38 (meta 78C803D8} firstTable firstMeta UpdateReignDuration() = function:78C73ED0 campaignId = 12 control = userdata:78C80758 (meta 397F1208} emperorAlliance = userdata:78C808B8 (meta 398062A0} emperorName = userdata:78C80900 (meta 39801FE0} emperorReignDuration = userdata:78C80950 (meta 39801FE0} imperialKeepPool = table:78C74460 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:78387A18 firstTable 1 = userdata:783879E8 (meta 78387D80} 2 = userdata:78387EE0 (meta 78387F38} 3 = userdata:78387D50 (meta 78388038} 4 = userdata:78388198 (meta 783881C8} 5 = userdata:783882D8 (meta 78388308} 6 = userdata:783883C8 (meta 783883F8} m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:78C744B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 6 m_NextFree = 7 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CampaignEmperorKeepsImperialKeep parent = userdata:78C80B18 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_CampaignImperialKeep imperialKeeps = userdata:78C80B18 (meta 397EAE80} imperialKeepsRequired = userdata:78C80AD0 (meta 39801FE0} list = userdata:78C72478 (meta 78C72820} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:78C728C0 firstTable animation = userdata:78C73B68 (meta 78C73B98} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:78C72478 (meta 78C72820} autoSelect = false categories = table:78C72910 firstTable contents = userdata:78C724C8 (meta 3980C1B0} controlHeight = 30 data = table:78C72898 firstTable dataTypes = table:78C727D0 firstTable 1 = table:78C74680 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:78C74608 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:78C74630 firstTable m_Factory() = function:78C74560 m_Free = table:78C74658 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:78C74510 2 = table:78C74808 firstTable height = 30 pool = table:78C74790 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:78C747B8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:78C746E8 m_Free = table:78C747E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:78C746C0 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:78C72658 (meta 397F7458} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:78C72518 (meta 78C726B8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:78C72688 (meta 3981D540} timeline = userdata:78C72670 (meta 3981BF40} timeline = userdata:78C72948 (meta 3981BF40} upButton = userdata:78C72608 (meta 397F7458} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:78388558 firstTable listAlliance = 3 masterList = table:78388530 firstTable maxAllowedRank = 10 menuEntries = table:78C73F20 firstTable 1 = table:78C74018 firstTable alliance = 1 callback() = function:78C74090 textString = Aldmeri Dominion 2 = table:78C74100 firstTable alliance = 3 callback() = function:78C74128 textString = Daggerfall Covenant 3 = table:78C74238 firstTable alliance = 2 callback() = function:78C74260 textString = Ebonheart Pact playerRow = userdata:78C721E8 (meta 78C73E08} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:78C73DB8 firstTable queryType = 2 shownAllianceString = Daggerfall Covenant CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_FRAGMENT = table:78C74858 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:78C748A8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:78C74900 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:78C74980 firstTable StateChange = table:78C749A8 firstTable 1 = table:78C749D0 firstTable 1() = function:78C74958 3 = false control = userdata:78C80758 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:78C74880 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_GAMEPAD = table:6F046CF8 (meta 6F03CF08} firstTable firstMeta UpdateReignDuration() = function:6F047038 control = userdata:6F03D440 (meta 397F1208} emptyRow = userdata:6F047C08 (meta 397EAE80} imperialKeepPool = table:6F0474F0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:6F047518 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:6F047540 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_CampaignEmperor_GamepadKeepsImperialKeep parent = userdata:6F0463F8 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_CampaignImperialKeep_Gamepad imperialKeeps = userdata:6F0463F8 (meta 397EAE80} imperialKeepsRequired = userdata:6F046300 (meta 39801FE0} imperialKeepsRequiredData = userdata:6F046358 (meta 39801FE0} leaderboardAlliances = table:6F047CC8 firstTable 1 = table:6F047D30 firstTable alliance = 3 allianceName = Daggerfall Covenant isCurrent = true 2 = table:6F047CF0 firstTable alliance = 1 allianceName = Aldmeri Dominion isCurrent = false 3 = table:6F047E18 firstTable alliance = 2 allianceName = Ebonheart Pact isCurrent = false list = userdata:6F0466C0 (meta 6F046A90} firstMeta firstIndex ScrollBarHiddenCallback() = function:6F0475A8 activeControls = table:6F046B30 firstTable animation = userdata:6F046BD0 (meta 6F046C00} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:6F0466C0 (meta 6F046A90} autoSelect = true categories = table:6F046B80 firstTable contents = userdata:6F046A38 (meta 3980C1B0} controlHeight = 64 data = table:6F046B08 firstTable dataTypes = table:6F046A40 firstTable 1 = table:6F047740 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:6F0476C8 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:6F0476F0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:6F047620 m_Free = table:6F047718 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:6F0475F8 2 = table:6F0478B0 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:6F047838 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:6F047860 firstTable m_Factory() = function:6F047790 m_Free = table:6F047888 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:6F047768 3 = table:6F047A48 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:6F0479D0 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:6F0479F8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:6F047928 m_Free = table:6F047A20 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:6F047900 4 = table:6F047B90 firstTable height = 64 pool = table:6F047B18 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:6F047B40 firstTable m_Factory() = function:6F047A70 m_Free = table:6F047B68 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:6F0478D8 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:6F046870 (meta 398062A0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:6F046718 (meta 6F0468D0} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:6F0468A0 (meta 3981D540} timeline = userdata:6F046888 (meta 3981BF40} selectionCallback() = function:6F03D020 timeline = userdata:6F046BB8 (meta 3981BF40} upButton = userdata:6F046818 (meta 398062A0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:6F047338 firstTable listAlliance = 3 masterList = table:6F047310 firstTable maxAllowedRank = 10 menuEntries = table:6F047088 firstTable 1 = table:6F047180 firstTable alliance = 1 callback() = function:6F0471F8 textString = Aldmeri Dominion 2 = table:6F047268 firstTable alliance = 3 callback() = function:6F047290 textString = Daggerfall Covenant 3 = table:6F047360 firstTable alliance = 2 callback() = function:6F047388 textString = Ebonheart Pact movementController = table:6F046E48 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 6 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:6F03CFF8 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 2 totalAccumulation = 0 playerRow = userdata:6F046448 (meta 6F046F70} firstMeta firstIndex dataEntry = table:6F046F20 firstTable scrollIndicator = userdata:6F046CF0 (meta 398062A0} scrollListAsBlock = true shownAllianceIndex = 3 shownAllianceString = Daggerfall Covenant CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:6F047DF0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true 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firstIndex nameLabel = userdata:8F1E2EC0 (meta 39801FE0} pointsSpinner = table:7F055420 (meta 6A1E27C0} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 constrainRangeFunc() = function:854AC4E8 control = userdata:8F1E2F20 (meta 397EAE80} decreaseButton = userdata:8F1E2F88 (meta 397F7458} dirtyEvents = table:7F055F88 firstTable display = userdata:8F1E3128 (meta 39801FE0} enabled = true errorColor = table:39886378 (meta 398AF370} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:8F1E2FF0 (meta 397F7458} max = 1.#INF min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} spinnerDownSound = Champion_SpinnerDown spinnerUpSound = Champion_SpinnerUp step = 1 value = 1.#INF 24 = userdata:78E6B110 (meta 7F056AB0} firstMeta firstIndex nameLabel = userdata:2B12FBF0 (meta 39801FE0} pointsSpinner = table:7F056C00 (meta 6A1E27C0} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 constrainRangeFunc() = function:854AC4E8 control = userdata:70D49B28 (meta 397EAE80} decreaseButton = userdata:6A0B05F0 (meta 397F7458} 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(meta 398AF370} spinnerDownSound = Champion_SpinnerDown spinnerUpSound = Champion_SpinnerUp step = 1 value = 1.#INF m_NextControlId = 24 m_NextFree = 25 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_ChampionPerksCanvasZO_ChampionStarText parent = userdata:8F1DD130 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_ChampionStarText unspentPoints = table:91AE2610 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 0 3 = 0 CHAMPION_PERKS_CHOSEN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_EARNED_POINT_COUNTER_FRAGMENT = table:7F057DD8 (meta 7B9A92C8} CHAMPION_PERKS_CHOSEN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_POINT_COUNTER_FRAGMENT = table:7F057730 (meta 7B9A92C8} CHAMPION_PERKS_CONSTELLATIONS_FRAGMENT = table:7B319D20 (meta 78D8C658} CHAMPION_PERKS_SCENE = table:7F05DAB8 (meta 3987DBF0} CHAMPION_PURCHASE_ALL_BUYS_INVALID = 2 CHAMPION_PURCHASE_RESPEC_FAILED = 1 CHAMPION_PURCHASE_SOME_BUYS_INVALID = 3 CHAMPION_PURCHASE_SUCCESS = 0 CHAMPION_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:77FD7188 (meta 8F20A5B8} CHANNEL_LINK_TYPE = channel CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_DUPLICATENAME = 2 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDACCESSORY = 16 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDAGE = 20 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDALLIANCE = 27 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDBODYMARKING = 18 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDCLASS = 10 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDEYEBROW = 21 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDEYETINT = 19 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDGENDER = 22 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDHAIR = 13 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDHAIRTINT = 14 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDHEADMARKING = 17 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDMODELDATA = 23 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDNAME = 0 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDRACE = 11 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDRACEFORALLIANCE = 12 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDSKINTINT = 15 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_INVALIDTEMPLATE = 8 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_NAMETOOLONG = 4 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_NAMETOOSHORT = 3 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_NOCHARACTERDATABASE = 1 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_NOCHARACTERLIST = 29 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_NOFREECHARACTERSLOTS = 25 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_NOGLOBALCREATIONDEF = 6 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_NOGLOBALENTITLEMENTSDEF = 26 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_SAVEFAILURE = 28 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_SERVERLOCKED = 5 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_TEMPLATECREATIONBLOCKED = 7 CHARACTER_CREATE_ERROR_TEMPLATECREATIONREQUIRED = 9 CHARACTER_LINK_TYPE = character CHARACTER_MODE_CREATION = 0 CHARACTER_MODE_SELECTION = 1 CHARACTER_WINDOW_FRAGMENT = table:4D922170 (meta 8F20AC78} CHARACTER_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:420BCDA8 (meta 8F20A5B8} CHARACTER_WINDOW_STATS_FRAGMENT = table:4D9225D0 (meta 78D8C658} CHARNAME_MAX_LENGTH = 25 CHARNAME_MIN_LENGTH = 3 CHATTER_ACCEPT_QUEST_BESTOWAL = 202 CHATTER_ADVANCE_COMPLETABLE_QUEST_CONDITIONS_COMPLETE = 4001 CHATTER_BEGIN = 1 CHATTER_BEGIN_INTERACT_NODE = 4 CHATTER_COMPLETE_QUEST = 43 CHATTER_COMPLETE_QUEST_CONFIRM = 302 CHATTER_COMPLETE_QUEST_DIALOG = 301 CHATTER_CONFIRM_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 1602 CHATTER_CONFIRM_BUY_BANK_SPACE = 1201 CHATTER_CONFIRM_MAKE_TABLET = 3702 CHATTER_CONTROL_SIEGE = 1103 CHATTER_CORPSE_SUMMONER_CONFIRM = 2302 CHATTER_CRAFT_ITEM = 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CHATTER_END_REPAIR_ALL = 4299 CHATTER_END_SHOP = 699 CHATTER_END_SIEGE = 1199 CHATTER_END_SOUL_HEAL = 2299 CHATTER_END_STABLE = 3199 CHATTER_END_STONE_MASON = 3799 CHATTER_END_TALK = 199 CHATTER_END_TRADINGHOUSE = 3499 CHATTER_FEED_MOUNT = 3102 CHATTER_FISH_BITE = 3202 CHATTER_FISH_NIBBLE = 3203 CHATTER_FISH_REEL_IN = 3201 CHATTER_FORCE_LOCK = 2802 CHATTER_GENERIC_ACCEPT = 42 CHATTER_GIVE_ITEM_COMPLETE = 401 CHATTER_GOODBYE = 10000 CHATTER_GUILDKIOSK_IN_TRANSITION = 3902 CHATTER_IMPROVE_ITEM = 2905 CHATTER_INVALID = 0 CHATTER_LOCK_PICK_BROKEN = 2804 CHATTER_LOOT_ADD_RADIUS_TARGET = 704 CHATTER_LOOT_ALL = 701 CHATTER_LOOT_ALL_NON_STOLEN = 702 CHATTER_LOOT_ITEM = 703 CHATTER_LOOT_REMOVE_RADIUS_TARGET = 705 CHATTER_LOOT_UPDATE = 707 CHATTER_OFFER_QUEST_BESTOWAL = 201 CHATTER_OPEN_GUILDBANK = 3301 CHATTER_OPEN_HOOKPOINT_STORE = 1001 CHATTER_OPEN_MAIL = 901 CHATTER_OPEN_TRADINGHOUSE = 3401 CHATTER_PACKUP_SIEGE = 1104 CHATTER_PICK_LOCK = 2803 CHATTER_PLACE_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 3801 CHATTER_PROMPT_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 1601 CHATTER_PROMPT_CORPSE_SUMMONER = 2301 CHATTER_PROMPT_CRAFT = 2901 CHATTER_PROMPT_DYE_STATION = 801 CHATTER_PROMPT_LOCK = 2801 CHATTER_PROMPT_SOUL_HEAL = 2201 CHATTER_PURCHASE_GUILDKIOSK = 3901 CHATTER_REPAIR_SIEGE = 1102 CHATTER_RESEARCH_ITEM = 2904 CHATTER_RESET = 2 CHATTER_RESET_DURATION = 3 CHATTER_SHOW_BOOK = 2501 CHATTER_SHOW_GRAVEYARD_TRAVEL = 2401 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 2601 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 3501 CHATTER_SHOW_KEEP_TRAVEL = 2101 CHATTER_SHOW_STONE_MASON = 3701 CHATTER_SOUL_HEAL_CONFIRM = 2202 CHATTER_START_ADVANCE_COMPLETABLE_QUEST_CONDITIONS = 4000 CHATTER_START_BANK = 1200 CHATTER_START_BOOK = 2500 CHATTER_START_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 1600 CHATTER_START_COMPLETE_QUEST = 300 CHATTER_START_CORPSE_SUMMONER = 2300 CHATTER_START_CRAFT = 2900 CHATTER_START_DOOR = 2700 CHATTER_START_DYE_STATION = 800 CHATTER_START_FISH = 3200 CHATTER_START_GIVE_ITEM = 400 CHATTER_START_GRAVEYARD_TRAVEL = 2400 CHATTER_START_GUILDBANK = 3300 CHATTER_START_GUILDKIOSK_BID = 3800 CHATTER_START_GUILDKIOSK_PURCHASE = 3900 CHATTER_START_HARVEST = 3000 CHATTER_START_KEEP = 2000 CHATTER_START_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM = 2600 CHATTER_START_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE = 3500 CHATTER_START_KEEP_PIECE = 1000 CHATTER_START_KEEP_TRAVEL = 2100 CHATTER_START_LEARN_TABLET = 3600 CHATTER_START_LOCK = 2800 CHATTER_START_LOOT = 700 CHATTER_START_MAIL = 900 CHATTER_START_NEW_QUEST_BESTOWAL = 200 CHATTER_START_PAY_BOUNTY = 500 CHATTER_START_PICKPOCKET = 4100 CHATTER_START_REPAIR_ALL = 4200 CHATTER_START_SHOP = 600 CHATTER_START_SIEGE = 1100 CHATTER_START_SOUL_HEAL = 2200 CHATTER_START_STABLE = 3100 CHATTER_START_STONE_MASON = 3700 CHATTER_START_TALK = 100 CHATTER_START_TRADINGHOUSE = 3400 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE = 101 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_INTIMIDATE_DISABLED = 103 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_MONEY = 102 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_PAY_BOUNTY = 105 CHATTER_TALK_CHOICE_PERSUADE_DISABLED = 104 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED = 0 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED_FOR_LOCAL_PLAYER = 1 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_ENABLED_ONLY_FROM_CONTACTS = 2 CHAT_BUBBLE_SETTING_SPEED_MODIFIER = 3 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 48 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_BLOCK_ABSORBED_DEFEND = 58 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DEATH = 61 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DIRECT_DAMAGE = 51 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DIRECT_HEAL = 53 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DODGE_PARRY_MISS = 57 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DOT = 52 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_DRAIN = 56 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_ENERGIZE = 55 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_EXPERIENCE = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_GAINED_EFFECT = 49 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_HOT = 54 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_LOST_EFFECT = 50 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_OTHER = 60 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_RANK_POINTS = 47 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_RESIST = 59 CHAT_CATEGORY_COMBAT_TELVAR_STONES = 46 CHAT_CATEGORY_EMOTE = 8 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_1 = 10 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_2 = 11 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_3 = 12 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_4 = 13 CHAT_CATEGORY_GUILD_5 = 14 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_CHANNELS = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_COMBAT = 45 CHAT_CATEGORY_HEADER_GUILDS = 10 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_EMOTE = 44 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_SAY = 41 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_WHISPER = 43 CHAT_CATEGORY_MONSTER_YELL = 42 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_1 = 15 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_2 = 16 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_3 = 17 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_4 = 18 CHAT_CATEGORY_OFFICER_5 = 19 CHAT_CATEGORY_PARTY = 7 CHAT_CATEGORY_SAY = 1 CHAT_CATEGORY_SYSTEM = 9 CHAT_CATEGORY_WHISPER_INCOMING = 3 CHAT_CATEGORY_WHISPER_OUTGOING = 4 CHAT_CATEGORY_YELL = 2 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE = 6 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_ENGLISH = 20 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_FRENCH = 21 CHAT_CATEGORY_ZONE_GERMAN = 22 CHAT_CHANNEL_EMOTE = 6 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_1 = 12 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_2 = 13 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_3 = 14 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_4 = 15 CHAT_CHANNEL_GUILD_5 = 16 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_EMOTE = 10 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_SAY = 7 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_WHISPER = 9 CHAT_CHANNEL_MONSTER_YELL = 8 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_1 = 17 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_2 = 18 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_3 = 19 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_4 = 20 CHAT_CHANNEL_OFFICER_5 = 21 CHAT_CHANNEL_PARTY = 3 CHAT_CHANNEL_SAY = 0 CHAT_CHANNEL_SYSTEM = 11 CHAT_CHANNEL_UNUSED_1 = 5 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_1 = 22 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_2 = 23 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_3 = 24 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_4 = 25 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_5 = 26 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_6 = 27 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_7 = 28 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_8 = 29 CHAT_CHANNEL_USER_CHANNEL_9 = 30 CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER = 2 CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER_SENT = 4 CHAT_CHANNEL_YELL = 1 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE = 31 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_1 = 32 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_2 = 33 CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE_LANGUAGE_3 = 34 CHAT_OPTIONS = table:78328C48 (meta 7831DE98} firstTable firstMeta CHAT_SYSTEM = table:8E9DFE58 (meta 77AE09A0} CHECK_MOVEMENT_BEFORE_INTERACT_OR_ACTION = false CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_CAMPAIGN_NOT_READY = 4 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_DUPLICATE_CLAIM_IN_PROGRESS = 8 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_GUILD_ALREADY_HAS_KEEP = 16 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION = 11 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INTERNAL_ERROR = 12 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_INVALID_WORLD = 3 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_ALREADY_CLAIMED = 7 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 5 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_CLAIMABLE = 6 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_OWNED_BY_ALLIANCE = 14 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_KEEP_NOT_OWNED_BY_GUILD_ALLIANCE = 15 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_IN_CAMPAIGN = 2 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_NOT_IN_GUILD = 10 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_SOCIAL_DISABLED = 9 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_STILL_ON_COOLDOWN = 13 CLAIM_KEEP_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS = 1 CLEAR_CURSOR_FRAGMENT = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} CLIENT_INPUT = table:7BA28EF8 (meta 7BA28478} CODEX_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:70B9CB60 (meta 8F20A5B8} COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ACCOUNT_SERVICE = 7 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_ACCOUNT_UPGRADE = 6 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_COSTUME = 4 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_DLC = 1 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_INVALID = 0 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_MOUNT = 2 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_TROPHY = 5 COLLECTIBLE_CATEGORY_TYPE_VANITY_PET = 3 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_FISH = 1 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_NONE = 0 COLLECTIBLE_ITEM_TYPE_TROPHY = 2 COLLECTIBLE_LINK_TYPE = collectible COLLECTIBLE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 20 COLLECTIBLE_NAME_MIN_LENGTH = 3 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_LOCKED = 0 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_UNLOCKED_OWNED = 2 COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCK_STATE_UNLOCKED_SUBSCRIPTION = 1 COLLECTIONS_BOOK = table:71C25988 (meta 7B25FCD8} COLLECTIONS_BOOK_FRAGMENT = table:80B243C0 (meta 78D8C658} COLLECTIONS_BOOK_SCENE = table:71C35B28 (meta 3987DBF0} COLLECTIONS_BOOK_SINGLETON = table:91CE6578 (meta 91CE5B20} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:7B269168 firstTable OnCollectibleUpdated = table:7B269228 firstTable 1 = table:7B269250 firstTable 1() = function:7B269140 3 = false 2 = table:42AC8DD8 firstTable 1() = function:42AC8D88 3 = false OnCollectionUpdated = table:7B2692F0 firstTable 1 = table:7B269368 firstTable 1() = function:7B2692C8 3 = false 2 = table:42AC8E88 firstTable 1() = function:42AC8E60 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:78F36C48 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_SINGLETON = table:42AE7E80 (meta 42AE7DB8} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:77B8ED70 firstTable CollectionsInventoryUpdate = table:77B8ED98 firstTable 1 = table:77B8EE10 firstTable 1() = function:91E298C0 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:42AE7EA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 quickslotData = table:91CE1650 firstTable 1 = table:42AE7408 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 34 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_gemstoneofskeletalvisage.dds name = Skeleton Polymorph stackSellPrice = -1 10 = table:42B58F08 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 229 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_orcbear_03.dds name = Trinimac's Penitent Knight stackSellPrice = -1 11 = table:42B58570 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 230 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_orcbear_02.dds name = Old Orsinium Sentry stackSellPrice = -1 12 = table:42B58160 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 7 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_015.dds name = Nibenay Mudcrab - \"Scissors\" stackSellPrice = -1 13 = table:42B57EA8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 8 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/quest_dungeons_razaks_opus.dds name = Razak's Opus - \"Cogbucket\" stackSellPrice = -1 14 = table:42B57B50 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 11 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_013.dds name = Imgakin Monkey - \"Raisins\" stackSellPrice = -1 15 = table:42B55A18 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 13 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_001.dds name = Rufous Mudcrab - \"Crabcakes\" stackSellPrice = -1 16 = table:783368D8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 16 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_018.dds name = High Hrothgar Wraith - \"Tinsel\" stackSellPrice = -1 17 = table:78334AB8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 17 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_020.dds name = Loyal Dwarven Sphere - \"Gyro\" stackSellPrice = -1 18 = table:78334C60 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 3 collectibleId = 28 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/pet_005.dds name = Vermilion Scuttler - \"Warty\" stackSellPrice = -1 2 = table:42AE69D0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 44 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_highchancellor.dds name = Imperial Chancellor stackSellPrice = -1 3 = table:42AE66F0 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 48 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_darkseducercostume.dds name = Dark Seducer stackSellPrice = -1 4 = table:42AE6B20 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 49 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_goldensaintcostume.dds name = Golden Saint stackSellPrice = -1 5 = table:91CEB368 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 50 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_mannimarcocostume.dds name = Mannimarco stackSellPrice = -1 6 = table:91CEB570 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 87 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_unclesheojester.dds name = Mask of Cheerful Slaughter stackSellPrice = -1 7 = table:91CE8C00 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 206 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_wrothgarking_01.dds name = Regalia of the Orsimer King stackSellPrice = -1 8 = table:91CE80C8 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 220 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_auricmask_01.dds name = Vosh Rakh Ceremonial Mask stackSellPrice = -1 9 = table:42B58D38 firstTable active = false age = -1 categoryType = 4 collectibleId = 228 iconFile = /esoui/art/icons/costume_orcbear_01.dds name = Cavalier of the Sworn Oath stackSellPrice = -1 COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_VALID_CATEGORY_TYPES = table:42AE7D90 firstTable 2 = true 3 = true 4 = true COLLECTIONS_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:7252AF70 (meta 8F20A3E0} COLLECTIONS_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:7D948FD8 (meta 8F20A5B8} COLOR_PICKER = table:7BA14C98 (meta 7BA3A650} firstTable firstMeta alphaLabel = userdata:7BA18228 (meta 39801FE0} alphaSlider = userdata:7BA1A778 (meta 39810B38} alphaSpinner = table:398C2648 (meta 6A1E27C0} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:7196E620 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:7196E6A8 firstTable 1 = table:71970358 firstTable 1() = function:7BA129B8 3 = false constrainRangeFunc() = function:854AC4E8 control = userdata:7BEC7548 (meta 397EAE80} decreaseButton = userdata:7BEC75A8 (meta 397F7458} dirtyEvents = table:398C2698 firstTable display = userdata:7BA17560 (meta 397FD708} enabled = true errorColor = table:39886378 (meta 398AF370} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:7BEC7608 (meta 397F7458} max = 255 min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 255 alphaTexture = userdata:7BA19630 (meta 398062A0} blueSpinner = table:7B9A2770 (meta 6A1E27C0} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:7B9A70A8 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:7B9A9DD0 firstTable 1 = table:398C1D98 firstTable 1() = function:7BA13D30 3 = false constrainRangeFunc() = function:854AC4E8 control = userdata:7BA17998 (meta 397EAE80} decreaseButton = userdata:7BA179F8 (meta 397F7458} dirtyEvents = table:7B9A32A8 firstTable display = userdata:7BEC74C0 (meta 397FD708} enabled = true errorColor = table:39886378 (meta 398AF370} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:7BA17A58 (meta 397F7458} max = 255 min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:398C2088 (meta 398AF370} firstTable a = 1 b = 1 g = 0.2 r = 0.2 spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 255 colorSelect = userdata:85336C18 (meta 39812BD8} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:39812B80 ClearAnchors() = function:39812680 CreateControl() = function:39812840 GetAlpha() = function:39812640 GetAnchor() = function:398126C0 GetBottom() = function:398112D8 GetCenter() = function:39810DA8 GetChild() = function:39810E88 GetClampedToScreen() = function:398127A0 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:39812AA0 GetColorAsHSV() = function:39811088 GetColorAsRGB() = function:39810EE0 GetColorWheelTextureControl() = function:39810DF8 GetColorWheelThumbTextureControl() = function:39810D50 GetControlAlpha() = function:39812660 GetDesiredHeight() = function:39811258 GetDesiredWidth() = function:39811238 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:39812B20 GetDimensions() = function:398111D8 GetDrawLayer() = function:39812520 GetDrawLevel() = function:39812560 GetDrawTier() = function:39811040 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:398129C0 GetFullValuedColorAsRGB() = function:39811148 GetHandler() = function:398125A0 GetHeight() = function:39811218 GetHitInsets() = function:39812A60 GetId() = function:39812940 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:398128C0 GetInheritsScale() = function:39812900 GetLeft() = function:39811278 GetName() = function:39810F80 GetNamedChild() = function:39810EA8 GetNumChildren() = function:39810E68 GetOwningWindow() = function:39811198 GetParent() = function:39810D20 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:39812980 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:39812AE0 GetRight() = function:398112B8 GetScale() = function:39812600 GetScreenRect() = function:398126E0 GetTop() = function:39811298 GetType() = function:39810FA0 GetValue() = function:39811128 GetWidth() = function:398111F8 IsChildOf() = function:39810F60 IsControlHidden() = function:39811000 IsHandlerSet() = function:398125C0 IsHidden() = function:39810FE0 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:39812820 IsMouseEnabled() = function:398127E0 IsPointInside() = function:39812700 RegisterForEvent() = function:39812B40 SetAlpha() = function:39812620 SetAnchor() = function:398126A0 SetAnchorFill() = function:39812720 SetClampedToScreen() = function:39812780 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:39812A80 SetColorAsHSV() = function:398110C8 SetColorAsRGB() = function:39810F20 SetColorWheelThumbTextureControl() = function:39810CA8 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:39812B00 SetDimensions() = function:398111B8 SetDrawLayer() = function:39812500 SetDrawLevel() = function:39812540 SetDrawTier() = function:39811060 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:398129A0 SetHandler() = function:39812580 SetHeight() = function:39810D00 SetHidden() = function:39810FC0 SetHitInsets() = function:39812A40 SetId() = function:39812920 SetInheritAlpha() = function:398128A0 SetInheritScale() = function:398128E0 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:39812800 SetMouseEnabled() = function:398127C0 SetMovable() = function:39812860 SetParent() = function:39810E48 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:39812880 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:39812960 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:39812AC0 SetScale() = function:398125E0 SetShapeType() = function:398129E0 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:39812740 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:39812760 SetValue() = function:39811108 SetWidth() = function:39810DC8 StartMoving() = function:39812A00 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:39812A20 ToggleHidden() = function:39811020 UnregisterForEvent() = function:39812B60 colorSelectThumb = userdata:7BA2E9E8 (meta 398062A0} content = userdata:7BA39660 (meta 397EAE80} control = userdata:7BD3B5D0 (meta 397F1208} greenSpinner = table:7B998280 (meta 6A1E27C0} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:7B99A750 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:7B99F638 firstTable 1 = table:7B99F7A8 firstTable 1() = function:7BA12CE0 3 = false constrainRangeFunc() = function:854AC4E8 control = userdata:7BA17EB0 (meta 397EAE80} decreaseButton = userdata:7BA17F10 (meta 397F7458} dirtyEvents = table:7B998948 firstTable display = userdata:7BA17910 (meta 397FD708} enabled = true errorColor = table:39886378 (meta 398AF370} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:7BA17F70 (meta 397F7458} max = 255 min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:7B9A0828 (meta 398AF370} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.2 g = 1 r = 0.2 spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 255 previewCurrentTexture = userdata:7BA2AA50 (meta 398062A0} previewInitialTexture = userdata:7BA2E920 (meta 398062A0} redSpinner = table:7B9919A0 (meta 6A1E27C0} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:7B995D18 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:7B9969D0 firstTable 1 = table:7B996ED0 firstTable 1() = function:397D56F8 3 = false constrainRangeFunc() = function:854AC4E8 control = userdata:7BA182D0 (meta 397EAE80} decreaseButton = userdata:7BA18330 (meta 397F7458} dirtyEvents = table:7B98D360 firstTable display = userdata:7BA17E28 (meta 397FD708} enabled = true errorColor = table:39886378 (meta 398AF370} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:7BA18390 (meta 397F7458} max = 255 min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:7B996F40 (meta 398AF370} firstTable a = 1 b = 0.2 g = 0.2 r = 1 spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 255 valueSlider = userdata:7BA2E998 (meta 39810B38} valueTexture = userdata:8533D6D0 (meta 398062A0} COMBAT_SETTING_CLAMP_GROUND_TARGET_ENABLED = 5 COMBAT_SETTING_MONSTER_TELLS_ENABLED = 1 COMBAT_SETTING_PREVENT_ATTACKING_INNOCENTS = 6 COMBAT_SETTING_ROLL_DODGE_DOUBLE_TAP = 3 COMBAT_SETTING_ROLL_DODGE_WINDOW = 2 COMBAT_SETTING_SCROLLING_COMBAT_TEXT_ENABLED = 0 COMBAT_SETTING_USE_BATTLE_LEVEL = 4 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_GROUP = 3 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_NONE = 0 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_OTHER = 4 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_PLAYER = 1 COMBAT_UNIT_TYPE_PLAYER_PET = 2 COMPASS = table:7DE0FF48 (meta 7DE0C9E0} firstTable firstMeta areaAnimationPool = table:7DE10730 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:7DE10758 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7DE10688 m_Free = table:7DE10780 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7DE10708 areaOverride = userdata:7DE0E9B0 (meta 3980C1B0} areaOverrideAnimation = userdata:7DE0FF80 (meta 3981BF40} areaOverrideLabel = userdata:7DE0FC00 (meta 39801FE0} centerOverPinLabel = userdata:7DE0D760 (meta 39801FE0} centerOverPinLabelAnimation = userdata:7DE102B8 (meta 3981BF40} container = userdata:7DE0FC40 (meta 39816D70} control = userdata:7DE0D648 (meta 397EAE80} nextLabelUpdateTime = 3455295 poiAnimationPool = table:7DE103A0 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:7DE103C8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7DE10328 m_Free = table:7DE10440 firstTable 1 = userdata:8F1E9460 (meta 3981BF40} m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 3 m_Reset() = function:7DE10378 poiIndex = 34 zoneIndex = 395 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_FOCUSED = 2 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_OFF = 0 COMPASS_ACTIVE_QUESTS_CHOICE_ON = 1 COMPASS_FRAME = table:7DE00138 (meta 7DDF6B38} firstTable firstMeta bossBarActive = false bossBarHiddenReasons = table:7DE001B0 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable bossBarReady = true compassHidden = false compassReady = true control = userdata:7DDF6EE0 (meta 397F1208} crossFadeTimeline = userdata:8F1E60F0 (meta 3981BF40} COMPASS_FRAME_FRAGMENT = table:7DE001D8 (meta 7BA300C8} CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_ACCOUNT_LINKING = 2 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_LEGAL_DOCS = 3 CONSOLE_ERROR_ORIGIN_LINKED_LOGIN = 1 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_ACCEPT_DOCS = 6 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_FETCH_DOCS = 5 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LINK = 3 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LINK_PROGRESS = 4 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LOGIN = 2 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_LOGIN_AUTH = 1 CONSOLE_LOGIN_STATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0 CONSOLE_SERVER_EUROPE = 1 CONSOLE_SERVER_NORTH_AMERICA = 0 CONTACTS_TITLE_FRAGMENT = table:4EDCA610 (meta 8F20A3E0} CONTACTS_WINDOW_SOUNDS = table:8BC46FA0 (meta 8F20A5B8} CONTEXTUAL_ACTION_BAR_AREA_FRAGMENT = table:77922908 (meta 7BA300C8} CONTROLLER_DISCONNECT_FRAGMENT = table:7BEA9500 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:8EF23F18 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7DB5C010 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:39870118 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:8EF248A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden CONTROL_ACCESS_PRIVATE = 1 CONTROL_ACCESS_PUBLIC = 0 CONVERSATION_INTERACTION = table:94237738 CON_APPROPRIATE = 2 CON_DIFFICULT = 3 CON_EASY = 1 CON_IMPOSSIBLE = 4 CON_TRIVIAL = 0 CRAFTING_ADVANCE_MODE_DELEVEL = 2 CRAFTING_ADVANCE_MODE_FREEZE = 0 CRAFTING_ADVANCE_MODE_LEVEL = 1 CRAFTING_ADVANCE_MODE_LOCKED = 3 CRAFTING_RESULTS = table:7EB76518 (meta 77B25FD8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:7EB76378 (meta 397F1208} enchantSoundPlayer = table:7E49B270 (meta 7BA3A0C8} firstTable firstMeta OnUpdateFunction() = function:7E49AE80 finishedAllSoundsCallback() = function:6A0B11E8 id = ZO_QueuedSoundPlayer2 queue = table:7E49B298 firstTable soundPaddingMs = 0 notifier = table:7EB763D0 (meta 77996BA0} firstTable firstMeta activeEntries = table:7E49B180 firstTable additionalVerticalSpacing = 5 anchor = table:7EB76590 (meta 7E6B9CD0} firstTable firstMeta data = table:7EB765B8 firstTable 1 = 1 4 = 0 5 = 0 control = userdata:7EB76378 (meta 397F1208} currentNumDisplayedEntries = 0 currentlyFadingEntries = 0 currentlyMovingEntries = 0 entryPools = table:7E49AEA8 firstTable fadeAnimationName = CraftingResultFade fadesInImmediately = true headerPools = table:7E49AF20 firstTable holdDisplayingEntries = false holdTimes = table:7E49B1A8 firstTable 1 = 5000 linePools = table:7E49AFE0 firstTable maxDisplayedEntries = 5 pushDirection = 1 queue = table:7E49B008 firstTable templates = table:7E49B158 firstTable ZO_CraftingResultItem = table:7E49B1D0 firstTable equalityCheck() = function:77B260A0 equalitySetup() = function:78E92A88 setup() = function:78E92A60 translateAnimationName = CraftingResultTranslate translateDuration = 500 CRAFTING_RESULTS_FRAGMENT = table:77FDE468 (meta 78D8C658} CRAFTING_RESULT_ALREADY_RESEARCHING = 126 CRAFTING_RESULT_BUSY = 103 CRAFTING_RESULT_CRAFT_SUCCESS = 1 CRAFTING_RESULT_DECONSTRUCT_BAD_QUANTITY = 116 CRAFTING_RESULT_DECONSTRUCT_SUCCESS = 2 CRAFTING_RESULT_FAIL_PATTERN_REQUIREMENTS = 124 CRAFTING_RESULT_IMPROVE_FAILED = 119 CRAFTING_RESULT_INTERRUPTED = 18 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_BASE = 104 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_MATERIAL = 112 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_PATTERN = 113 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_REAGENT = 106 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_RESEARCH = 122 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_RESEARCH_TRADESKILL = 121 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_RUNE = 109 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_STYLE_MATERIAL = 114 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_STYLE_REFORGE = 55 CRAFTING_RESULT_INVALID_TRAIT_MATERIAL = 115 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_CRAFT_UNIQUE = 12 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_DECONSTRUCTABLE = 30 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_IMPROVABLE = 118 CRAFTING_RESULT_ITEM_NOT_REFINEABLE = 70 CRAFTING_RESULT_MUST_LEARN_TRAIT = 120 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_BASE_RANK = 105 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_COMPONENTS_FOR_CRAFT = 14 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_COMPONENTS_FOR_REFORGE = 56 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_DECONSTRUCT_RANK = 35 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_ENCHANTING_QUALITY_RANK = 111 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_ENCHANTING_RANK = 110 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_ITEM_TO_RESEARCH = 125 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RANK_FOR_CRAFT = 17 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RANK_FOR_REFORGE = 53 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RECIPE_QUALITY_RANK = 102 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_RECIPE_RANK = 101 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_REFINE_RANK = 74 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_REQUIREMENTS_FOR_CRAFT = 16 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_SPACE_TO_CRAFT = 11 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_SPACE_TO_DECONSTRUCT = 36 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_SPACE_TO_REFINE = 76 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_UNLOCK_TO_DECONSTRUCT = 33 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_UNLOCK_TO_REFORGE = 58 CRAFTING_RESULT_NEED_VALID_DECONSTRUCTION = 900 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_ITEM_TO_DECONSTRUCT = 32 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_ITEM_TO_REFINE = 72 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_MATCH = 9 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_MONEY = 19 CRAFTING_RESULT_NO_MONEY_REFORGE = 57 CRAFTING_RESULT_REFINE_SUCCESS = 3 CRAFTING_RESULT_REFORGE_SUCCESS = 4 CRAFTING_RESULT_SAME_STYLE_REFORGE = 52 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_FEW_REAGENTS = 107 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_REAGENTS = 108 CRAFTING_RESULT_TOO_MANY_RESEARCH = 123 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_RECIPE = 100 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_SKILL_DECONSTRUCT = 34 CRAFTING_RESULT_UNKNOWN_SKILL_REFINE = 73 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_ADDITIVE_CATEGORY = 10 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_BOOSTER = 117 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_STYLE_CRAFT = 21 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_STYLE_REFORGE = 54 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_CRAFT = 20 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_DECONSTRUCT = 31 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_REFINE = 71 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TARGET_REFORGE = 50 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TRADESKILL_FOR_CRAFT = 13 CRAFTING_RESULT_WRONG_TRADESKILL_FOR_REFORGE = 51 CRAFTING_TYPE_ALCHEMY = 4 CRAFTING_TYPE_BLACKSMITHING = 1 CRAFTING_TYPE_CLOTHIER = 2 CRAFTING_TYPE_ENCHANTING = 3 CRAFTING_TYPE_INVALID = 0 CRAFTING_TYPE_PROVISIONING = 5 CRAFTING_TYPE_WOODWORKING = 6 CRAFTING_WINDOW_KEYBIND_INTERCEPT_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:91A24688 (meta 91A24610} CSA_EVENT_COMBINED_TEXT = 3 CSA_EVENT_LARGE_TEXT = 2 CSA_EVENT_NO_TEXT = 4 CSA_EVENT_SMALL_TEXT = 1 CSA_OPTION_SUPPRESS_ICON_FRAME = true CT_BACKDROP = 14 CT_BROWSER = 18 CT_BUTTON = 7 CT_COLORSELECT = 16 CT_COMPASS = 19 CT_CONTROL = 0 CT_COOLDOWN = 10 CT_DEBUGTEXT = 2 CT_EDITBOX = 9 CT_INVALID_TYPE = -1 CT_LABEL = 1 CT_LINE = 17 CT_MAPDISPLAY = 15 CT_ROOT_WINDOW = 5 CT_SCROLL = 12 CT_SLIDER = 13 CT_STATUSBAR = 8 CT_TEXTBUFFER = 6 CT_TEXTURE = 3 CT_TEXTURECOMPOSITE = 20 CT_TOOLTIP = 11 CT_TOPLEVELCONTROL = 4 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ABILITY_UPGRADE_PURCHASE = 22 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ACHIEVEMENT = 26 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_ACTION = 6 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BAGSPACE = 8 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANKSPACE = 9 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANK_DEPOSIT = 42 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANK_FEE = 66 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANK_WITHDRAWAL = 43 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BATTLEGROUND = 12 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BOUNTY_CONFISCATED = 57 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BOUNTY_PAID_FENCE = 56 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BOUNTY_PAID_GUARD = 47 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BUYBACK = 64 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CASH_ON_DELIVERY = 20 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_COMMAND = 7 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CONSUME_FOOD_DRINK = 37 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CONSUME_POTION = 38 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CONVERSATION = 5 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_CRAFT = 24 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_DEATH = 67 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_DECONSTRUCT = 16 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_EDIT_GUILD_HERALDRY = 49 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_FEED_MOUNT = 28 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_BANK_DEPOSIT = 51 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_BANK_WITHDRAWAL = 52 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_FORWARD_CAMP = 58 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_STANDARD = 53 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_GUILD_TABARD = 50 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_HARVEST_REAGENT = 39 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_HOOKPOINT_STORE = 23 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_JUMP_FAILURE_REFUND = 54 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KEEP_REPAIR = 40 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KEEP_REWARD = 14 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KEEP_UPGRADE = 15 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_KILL = 13 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_LOOT = 0 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_LOOT_STOLEN = 62 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_MAIL = 2 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_MEDAL = 21 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PICKPOCKET = 59 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PLAYER_INIT = 35 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PVP_KILL_TRANSFER = 65 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_PVP_RESURRECT = 41 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_QUESTREWARD = 4 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RECIPE = 36 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_REFORGE = 34 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESEARCH_TRAIT = 46 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_ATTRIBUTES = 45 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_CHAMPION = 61 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_MORPHS = 55 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_RESPEC_SKILLS = 44 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_REWARD = 27 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_SELL_STOLEN = 63 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_SOULWEARY = 10 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_SOUL_HEAL = 18 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_STABLESPACE = 25 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_STUCK = 48 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADE = 3 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADINGHOUSE_LISTING = 33 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADINGHOUSE_PURCHASE = 31 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRADINGHOUSE_REFUND = 32 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRAIT_REVEAL = 30 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_TRAVEL_GRAVEYARD = 19 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_VENDOR = 1 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_VENDOR_LAUNDER = 60 CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_VENDOR_REPAIR = 29 CURRENCY_COLOR_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 1 CURRENCY_COLOR_GOLD = 0 CURRENCY_COLOR_INSPIRATION = 3 CURRENCY_COLOR_RANK_POINTS = 4 CURRENCY_COLOR_TELVAR_STONES = 2 CURRENCY_DONT_SHOW_ALL = false CURRENCY_HAS_ENOUGH = false CURRENCY_IGNORE_HAS_ENOUGH = false CURRENCY_INPUT = table:42B59F08 (meta 91CECB38} CURRENCY_NOT_ENOUGH = true CURRENCY_SHOW_ALL = true CURRENT_CAMPAIGNS_FRAGMENT = table:4EDCF258 (meta 78D8C658} CURT_ALLIANCE_POINTS = 2 CURT_MONEY = 1 CURT_NONE = 0 CURT_TELVAR_STONES = 3 C_MAP_HANDLERS = table:72489AA0 (meta 70C492D0} firstTable firstMeta refresh = table:70C57B78 (meta 4E015248} firstTable currentlyRefreshing = false refreshGroups = table:7248BD28 firstTable avaObjectives = table:72492C78 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:72493808 dirtySingles = table:724938D0 firstTable wasShown = false keep = table:7248BE80 firstTable RefreshAll() = function:7248BF40 RefreshSingle() = function:7248EFA8 dirtySingles = table:72490BE8 firstTable wasShown = false CalculateCubicBezierEase() = function:3988AF40 CallSecureProtected() = function:397E1D30 CameraZoomIn() = function:39860B28 CameraZoomOut() = function:39860B68 CampaignAvARank = table:91AE43D8 (meta 91AE4400} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:91AE4478 Refresh() = function:91AE4518 __index = table:91AE43D8 (meta 91AE4400} CampaignEmperor_Shared = table:78C7B028 (meta 78C7B050} firstTable firstMeta AddAllianceToMasterList() = function:78C7B938 BuildImperialKeeps() = function:78C7B230 BuildMasterList() = function:78C7B960 ChangeAlliance() = function:78C7B1E0 ColorRow() = function:78C7B9B0 CommitScrollList() = function:78C7B910 CreateImperialKeepControl() = function:78C7B208 FilterScrollList() = function:78C7B8E8 GetRowColors() = function:78C7B988 Initialize() = function:78C7B140 InitializeMenu() = function:78C7B1B8 New() = function:78C7B0C8 OnCampaignEmperorChanged() = function:78C7B9D8 OnCampaignStateInitialized() = function:78C7BA00 RefreshAll() = function:78C7B370 RefreshEmperor() = function:78C7B2A8 RefreshImperialKeeps() = function:78C7B2F8 SetCampaignAndQueryType() = function:78C7B258 SetKeepAllianceNoneStatus() = function:78C7B348 SetReignDurationEnabled() = function:78C7B280 SetupBackgroundForEntry() = function:78C7B398 SetupLeaderboardEntry() = function:78C7B3C0 SetupLeaderboardNonPlayerEntry() = function:78C7B3E8 SetupPlayerRow() = function:78C7B410 SortScrollList() = function:78C7B438 CanBuyFromTradingHouse() = function:3986C650 CanChangeBattleLevelPreference() = function:39864A40 CanConvertItemStyleToImperial() = function:3986A2A0 CanEditGuildRankPermission() = function:3988C0B8 CanInteractWithItem() = function:39869CD0 CanItemBeSmithingExtractedOrRefined() = function:39886938 CanItemBeSmithingImproved() = function:39886AF0 CanItemBeSmithingTraitResearched() = function:39886898 CanItemTakeEnchantment() = function:3986A210 CanJumpToGroupMember() = function:39865D60 CanQueueItemAttachment() = function:39874268 CanRespawnAtKeep() = function:39862FE0 CanSellOnTradingHouse() = function:3986C6A0 CanSiegeWeaponAim() = function:398636A8 CanSiegeWeaponFire() = function:39863660 CanSiegeWeaponPackUp() = function:39863618 CanSmithingApparelPatternsBeCraftedHere() = function:3985EF40 CanSmithingSetPatternsBeCraftedHere() = function:3985EFA0 CanSmithingStyleBeUsedOnPattern() = function:3985F430 CanSmithingWeaponPatternsBeCraftedHere() = function:3985EEE0 CanSpinPreviewCharacter = function: Private CanTutorialBeSeen() = function:398765B8 CanUnitTrade() = function:3985D200 CanUseQuestItem() = function:39867E18 CanUseQuestTool() = function:39867E60 CanUseStuck() = function:39888380 CanWriteGuildChannel() = function:39868438 CancelBuff() = function:3985E338 CancelCast() = function:3985DEF8 CancelFriendRequest() = function:3988B970 CancelGroupSearches() = function:39887398 CancelKeepGuildClaimInteraction() = function:39872998 CancelKeepGuildReleaseInteraction() = function:398729F0 CancelLogout() = function:39864880 CancelSoulGemResurrection = function: Private CancelTradingHouseListing() = function:3986CD38 ChangeRemoteSceneVisibility() = function:3988D758 ChargeItemWithSoulGem() = function:3986A3E0 ChatContainer = table:77ACFF08 (meta 77ACFFD8} firstTable firstMeta GetChatFont() = function:77ADFC18 Initialize() = function:77AD12A0 LoadSettings() = function:77ADFA10 New() = function:77AD11C0 PerformLayout() = function:77ADAD70 SaveSettings() = function:77ADDC80 ShowRemoveTabDialog() = function:77ADB878 UpdateInteractivity() = function:77AD07C0 UpdateNewWindowTab() = function:77ADAFB8 __index = table:77ACFF08 (meta 77ACFFD8} ChatReplyToLastWhisper() = function:80C79830 CheckGuildKeepClaim() = function:3988CA48 CheckGuildKeepRelease() = function:3988CA90 CheckInventorySpaceAndWarn() = function:39861508 CheckInventorySpaceSilently() = function:39861558 ChooseAbilityProgressionMorph() = function:39863B70 ClaimInteractionKeepForGuild() = function:3988CB20 ClearActiveActionRequiredTutorial() = function:398766D8 ClearAllTradingHouseSearchTerms() = function:3986CAA8 ClearCursor() = function:39864A98 ClearGameCameraPreferredTarget = function: Private ClearGroupFinderSearch() = function:398871D8 ClearHealthWarnings() = function:398638C0 ClearLastSlottedItem() = function:39866E88 ClearMenu() = function:7BD3F6F8 ClearPendingChampionPoints() = function:39889108 ClearPendingItemPurchase() = function:3986CA08 ClearQueuedMail() = function:39874008 ClearSessionIgnores() = function:39868CD8 ClearSlot = function: Private ClearTooltip() = function:809C64B0 ClearTooltipImmediately() = function:809C6500 CloseMailbox() = function:39874050 CloseStore() = function:39871FE0 ComparativeTooltip1 = userdata:8D4EC428 (meta 8D4ECF40} firstMeta firstIndex topClampedToScreenInset = -24 ComparativeTooltip1BG = userdata:8D4EC468 (meta 397EF288} ComparativeTooltip1BGMungeOverlay = userdata:8D4EC4B8 (meta 398062A0} ComparativeTooltip1Charges = userdata:8D4EC500 (meta 397EAE80} ComparativeTooltip1ChargesBG = userdata:8D4EC548 (meta 398062A0} ComparativeTooltip1ChargesBarLeft = userdata:8D4EC598 (meta 8D4EC620} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:8D4EC5F0 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip1ChargesBarLeftGloss = userdata:8D4EC5F0 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip1ChargesBarRight = userdata:8D4EC730 (meta 8D4EC7B8} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:8D4EC788 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip1ChargesBarRightGloss = userdata:8D4EC788 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip1Condition = userdata:8D4EC8C0 (meta 397EAE80} ComparativeTooltip1ConditionBG = userdata:8D4EC910 (meta 398062A0} ComparativeTooltip1ConditionBarLeft = userdata:8D4EC960 (meta 8D4EC9E8} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:8D4EC9B8 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip1ConditionBarLeftGloss = userdata:8D4EC9B8 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip1ConditionBarRight = userdata:8D4ECAF8 (meta 8D4ECB80} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:8D4ECB50 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip1ConditionBarRightGloss = userdata:8D4ECB50 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip1EquippedInfo = userdata:8D4ECE70 (meta 397EAE80} ComparativeTooltip1EquippedInfoBG = userdata:8D4ECEC0 (meta 398062A0} ComparativeTooltip1EquippedInfoText = userdata:8D4ECF10 (meta 39801FE0} ComparativeTooltip1SellPrice = userdata:8D4ECC88 (meta 397EAE80} ComparativeTooltip1SellPriceCurrency = userdata:8D4ECD28 (meta 39801FE0} ComparativeTooltip1SellPriceReason = userdata:8D4ECCD8 (meta 39801FE0} ComparativeTooltip1TopLevel = userdata:8D4EC410 (meta 397F1208} ComparativeTooltip2 = userdata:8D4ED060 (meta 8D4E8B78} firstMeta firstIndex topClampedToScreenInset = -24 ComparativeTooltip2BG = userdata:8D4ED0A0 (meta 397EF288} ComparativeTooltip2BGMungeOverlay = userdata:8D4ED0F0 (meta 398062A0} ComparativeTooltip2Charges = userdata:8D4ED138 (meta 397EAE80} ComparativeTooltip2ChargesBG = userdata:8D4ED180 (meta 398062A0} ComparativeTooltip2ChargesBarLeft = userdata:8D4ED1D0 (meta 8D4ED258} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:8D4ED228 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip2ChargesBarLeftGloss = userdata:8D4ED228 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip2ChargesBarRight = userdata:8D4ED368 (meta 8D4ED3F0} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:8D4ED3C0 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip2ChargesBarRightGloss = userdata:8D4ED3C0 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip2Condition = userdata:8D4ED4F8 (meta 397EAE80} ComparativeTooltip2ConditionBG = userdata:8D4ED548 (meta 398062A0} ComparativeTooltip2ConditionBarLeft = userdata:8D4ED598 (meta 8D4ED620} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:8D4ED5F0 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip2ConditionBarLeftGloss = userdata:8D4ED5F0 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip2ConditionBarRight = userdata:8D4ED730 (meta 8D4ED7B8} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:8D4ED788 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip2ConditionBarRightGloss = userdata:8D4ED788 (meta 397FFB50} ComparativeTooltip2EquippedInfo = userdata:8D4EDD40 (meta 397EAE80} ComparativeTooltip2EquippedInfoBG = userdata:8D4EDD90 (meta 398062A0} ComparativeTooltip2EquippedInfoText = userdata:8D4EDDE0 (meta 39801FE0} ComparativeTooltip2SellPrice = userdata:8D4ED8C0 (meta 397EAE80} ComparativeTooltip2SellPriceCurrency = userdata:8D4ED960 (meta 39801FE0} ComparativeTooltip2SellPriceReason = userdata:8D4ED910 (meta 39801FE0} ComparativeTooltip2TopLevel = userdata:8D4ED048 (meta 397F1208} CompareBagItemToCurrentlyEquipped() = function:3986C2B8 CompareId64s() = function:397E1DF8 CompareItemLinkToCurrentlyEquipped() = function:3986C310 Compass = table:7DE0C9E0 (meta 7DE0CA08} firstTable firstMeta ApplyGamepadStyle() = function:7DE0CD78 ApplyKeyboardStyle() = function:7DE0CD50 ApplyTemplateToAreaTexture() = function:7DE0CC88 ApplyTemplateToAreaTextures() = function:7DE0D4F8 GetAreaPinAnimationFromStorage() = function:7DE0D480 Initialize() = function:7DE0CB98 InitializeCenterOveredPins() = function:7DE0CC38 InitializePoiPins() = function:7DE0CC60 InitializeQuestPins() = function:7DE08310 IsInsidePoi() = function:7DE0CE18 New() = function:7DE0CA80 OnGamepadPreferredModeChanged() = function:7DE0CDA0 OnUpdate() = function:7DE050B8 OnZoneChanged() = function:7DE0CE40 PerformFullAreaQuestUpdate() = function:7DE0CDC8 PlayAreaOverrideAnimation() = function:7DE0D390 PlayAreaPinOutAnimation() = function:7DE0D3B8 PlayPoiPinOutAnimation() = function:7DE0CE90 RemoveAreaPinAnimationFromStorage() = function:7DE0D4A8 RemoveAreaPinsByQuest() = function:7DE0D4D0 SetAreaTexturePlatformTextures() = function:7DE0CCB0 SetCardinalDirections() = function:7DE0CD28 StopAreaPinOutAnimation() = function:7DE0D3E0 StoreAreaPinAnimation() = function:7DE0D430 TryPlayingAnimationOnAreaPin() = function:7DE0D340 TryPlayingAnimationOnSinglePoi() = function:7DE0CE68 UpdateInsidePoiState() = function:7DE0CDF0 __index = table:7DE0C9E0 (meta 7DE0CA08} CompleteQuest() = function:39860020 ComposeGuildRankPermissions() = function:3988C528 ComputeGuildHistoryEventSubcategory() = function:80285C20 ComputeScore() = function:3EA2BC30 ComputeStringDistance() = function:3985C438 ConfirmCampaignEntry() = function:39871B08 ConfirmLogout() = function:39864840 ConfirmPendingItemPurchase() = function:3986CA58 ConvertHoldKeyPressToNonHold() = function:3988D500 ConvertItemStyleToImperial() = function:3986A2F0 ConvertKeyPressToHold() = function:3988D4B8 ConvertMouseButtonToKeyCode() = function:3985C8F8 CraftAlchemyItem() = function:3981AED0 CraftEnchantingItem() = function:3985EBC8 CraftProvisionerItem() = function:3985EAD8 CraftSmithingItem() = function:3985EE48 CreateControl() = function:7E6B5E68 CreateControlFromVirtual() = function:7E6B5E90 CreateControlRangeFromVirtual() = function:398B0140 CreateDefaultActionBind() = function:398653A8 CreateFont() = function:397E61F8 CreateGammaSceneFragment() = function:71F67068 CreateNewSCTSlot() = function:398899D8 CreateSimpleAnimation() = function:7E6BBE68 CreateTopLevelWindow() = function:7E6B5E40 CurrentCampaigns = table:91AE5AA8 (meta 91AE5AD0} firstTable firstMeta New() = function:91AE5B48 RefreshCampaign() = function:91AE5C38 RefreshCampaigns() = function:91AE5BC0 __index = table:91AE5AA8 (meta 91AE5AD0} CycleGameCameraPreferredEnemyTarget = function: Private DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD = 6 DAMAGE_TYPE_DISEASE = 10 DAMAGE_TYPE_DROWN = 9 DAMAGE_TYPE_EARTH = 7 DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE = 3 DAMAGE_TYPE_GENERIC = 1 DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC = 8 DAMAGE_TYPE_NONE = 0 DAMAGE_TYPE_OBLIVION = 5 DAMAGE_TYPE_PHYSICAL = 2 DAMAGE_TYPE_POISON = 11 DAMAGE_TYPE_SHOCK = 4 DEATH = table:70D9D450 (meta 7EB71380} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:7EB71B90 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:70D9D4C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 isPlayerDead = false raidLifeCounterControl = userdata:7B2B3770 (meta 7B2B42C8} firstMeta firstIndex object = table:7B2B3808 (meta 7979B268} firstTable control = userdata:7B2B3770 (meta 7B2B42C8} count = 0 hidden = true hiddenReasons = table:7B2B3D98 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hiddenReasons = table:7B2B41D8 firstTable applicable = true deathHidden = true labelTimeline = userdata:7B2B4150 (meta 3981BF40} lifeCountLabel = userdata:7B2B3800 (meta 39801FE0} reticleTargetChangedCallback() = function:7B2B4000 updateCallback() = function:7B2B3E88 updateRegistrationName = ZO_DeathRaidLifeCounterUpdate types = table:70D9CA28 firstTable AvA = table:70D9CA50 (meta 7EB708F0} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:70D9CA78 firstTable 1 = userdata:7EB7D290 (meta 7EB7D3F0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:70D9CE98 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:7EB7D3C0 (meta 7EB7D530} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:70D9CCB0 firstTable 1 = userdata:70D9CD28 (meta 70D9CD58} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7EB7D290 (meta 7EB7D3F0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7EB7D2D8 (meta 7EB7D308} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false control = userdata:7EB7ACF0 (meta 397EAE80} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:7EB7D5A0 (meta 7EB7EA18} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7EB719F0 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:7EB7D6A0 (meta 7EB7EB58} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:7EB7ED68 firstTable 1 = userdata:7EB7EDE0 (meta 7EB7EE10} firstMeta firstIndex key = 21 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7EB7D5A0 (meta 7EB7EA18} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7EB7D5F8 (meta 7EB7D628} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false messageHidden = true messageLabel = userdata:7EB7AD30 (meta 39801FE0} timerCooldown = userdata:7EB7BF78 (meta 7EB7D1F0} firstMeta firstIndex SetNumWarningSounds() = function:7B9892F0 Start() = function:7B9892A0 Stop() = function:7B9892C8 numWarningSounds = 5 BG = table:70DA0850 (meta 7EB70CB0} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:70DA0878 firstTable 1 = userdata:7EB7F0B0 (meta 7EB7F210} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:70D9E498 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:7EB7F1E0 (meta 7EB7F350} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:70D9E260 firstTable 1 = userdata:70D9E2D8 (meta 70D9E358} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7EB7F0B0 (meta 7EB7F210} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7EB7F0F8 (meta 7EB7F128} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false control = userdata:7EB7EED0 (meta 397EAE80} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:7EB7F3C0 (meta 7EB7F4F0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7EB719F0 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:7EB7F4C0 (meta 7EB7F630} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:7EB7F7E0 firstTable 1 = userdata:7EB7F840 (meta 7EB80A78} firstMeta firstIndex key = 22 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7EB7F3C0 (meta 7EB7F4F0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7EB7F418 (meta 7EB7F448} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false messageLabel = userdata:7EB7EF10 (meta 39801FE0} timerCooldown = userdata:7EB7EF50 (meta 7EB7EFC0} firstMeta firstIndex SetNumWarningSounds() = function:7B9892F0 Start() = function:7B9892A0 Stop() = function:7B9892C8 numWarningSounds = 0 Death = table:70D9EC50 (meta 7EB70F50} firstTable firstMeta UPDATE_RATE = 1000 buttons = table:70D9EC78 firstTable 1 = userdata:7EB631E0 (meta 7EB7BCA0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:39873080 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:7EB7BC48 (meta 7EB7BDE0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:70D9EEE0 firstTable 1 = userdata:70D9EF58 (meta 70D9EF88} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7EB631E0 (meta 7EB7BCA0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7EB7C378 (meta 7EB65F88} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false 2 = userdata:7EB6A340 (meta 7EB7C2F0} control = userdata:7EB66130 (meta 397EAE80} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:7EB7BD78 (meta 7EB7E8A8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7EB719F0 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:7EB64AE8 (meta 7EB7E920} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:8BFB0F58 firstTable 1 = userdata:8BFB0FB8 (meta 8BFB0FE8} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7EB7BD78 (meta 7EB7E8A8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7EB64AA8 (meta 7EB7BD80} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false lastUpdate = 0 ImperialPvE = table:70D9FF18 (meta 7EB70B48} firstTable firstMeta UPDATE_RATE = 1000 buttons = table:70D9FF40 firstTable 1 = userdata:7B2B52F8 (meta 7B2B28F8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:39873080 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:7B2B5720 (meta 7B2B5468} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:70DA01A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:70DA0220 (meta 70DA0250} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7B2B52F8 (meta 7B2B28F8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7B2B5348 (meta 7B2B5378} 2 = userdata:70D9E258 (meta 70D9F598} control = userdata:7B2B5268 (meta 397EAE80} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:70D9F750 (meta 70DA0CE8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7EB719F0 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:70DA0CB8 (meta 70DA0E28} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:70D9D2E0 firstTable 1 = userdata:70D9D340 (meta 70D9D370} firstMeta firstIndex key = 28 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:70D9F750 (meta 70DA0CE8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:70DA0970 (meta 70DA09A0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false lastUpdate = 0 ImperialPvP = table:70D9D078 (meta 7EB70A08} firstTable firstMeta UPDATE_RATE = 1000 buttons = table:70D9D0A0 firstTable 1 = userdata:7B2B2080 (meta 7B2B25F8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:70D9FE60 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:7B2B25C8 (meta 7B2B26E8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:70D9F800 firstTable 1 = userdata:70D9F878 (meta 70D9FAB0} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7B2B2080 (meta 7B2B25F8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7B2B20D0 (meta 7B2B2100} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false 2 = userdata:7B2B27D8 (meta 7B2B50C8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:398730C0 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:7B2B5048 (meta 7B2B5208} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:70D9FCD8 firstTable 1 = userdata:70D9FD50 (meta 70D9FD80} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7B2B27D8 (meta 7B2B50C8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_SECONDARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7B2B2828 (meta 7B2B2858} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false control = userdata:7B2B43C8 (meta 397EAE80} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:7B2B2E40 (meta 7B2B2F88} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7EB719F0 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:7B2B2F58 (meta 7B2B30C8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:7B2B4680 firstTable 1 = userdata:7B2B46E0 (meta 7B2B4710} firstMeta firstIndex key = 27 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7B2B2E40 (meta 7B2B2F88} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7B2B2E58 (meta 7B2B2E88} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false lastUpdate = 0 messageHidden = true messageLabel = userdata:7B2B4410 (meta 39801FE0} timerCooldown = userdata:7B2B4458 (meta 7B2B3DE8} firstMeta firstIndex SetNumWarningSounds() = function:7B9892F0 Start() = function:7B9892A0 Stop() = function:7B9892C8 numWarningSounds = 5 InEncounter = table:4CC6AEB0 (meta 7EB71240} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:4CC6AF70 firstTable control = userdata:7B2B1628 (meta 397EAE80} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:7B2B57C8 (meta 7B2B5BA0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7EB719F0 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:7B2B5B70 (meta 7B2B5CE0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:7B2B35A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:7B2B3620 (meta 7B2B3650} firstMeta firstIndex key = 26 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7B2B57C8 (meta 7B2B5BA0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7B2B5828 (meta 7B2B5858} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false message = userdata:7B2B1670 (meta 7B2B1A28} firstMeta firstIndex ApplyTemplateToLabel() = function:8228BF10 Hide() = function:8228BEC0 SetText() = function:8228BEE8 Show() = function:8228BE68 animation = userdata:7B2B1700 (meta 3981BF40} createdIcon = true label = userdata:7B2B4520 (meta 39801FE0} labelTemplate = ZO_DeathInEncouterLoadingLabel_Keyboard_Template loadingIcon = userdata:7B2B16C0 (meta 398062A0} text = Waiting for the battle to end... ReleaseOnly = table:70D9E6A0 (meta 7EB70E60} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:70D9E6C8 firstTable 1 = userdata:7EB80BD0 (meta 7EB80FD8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:398730C0 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:7EB80F58 (meta 7EB81118} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:70D9E910 firstTable 1 = userdata:70D9E988 (meta 70D9EA50} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7EB80BD0 (meta 7EB80FD8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7EB80C20 (meta 7EB80C50} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false control = userdata:7EB80B40 (meta 397EAE80} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:7EB81190 (meta 7EB81520} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7EB719F0 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:7EB814F0 (meta 7EB81598} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:8BC44D48 firstTable 1 = userdata:7EB81670 (meta 8BC49660} firstMeta firstIndex key = 23 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7EB81190 (meta 7EB81520} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7EB811A8 (meta 7EB811D8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false Resurrect = table:70D9E990 (meta 7EB71150} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:70D9E9B8 firstTable 1 = userdata:7EB808F8 (meta 7EB80A18} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:39872F18 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:7EB809E8 (meta 7EB80210} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:4CC6AA00 firstTable 1 = userdata:4CC6AA60 (meta 4CC6AA90} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7EB808F8 (meta 7EB80A18} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_PRIMARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7EB80948 (meta 7EB80978} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false 2 = userdata:7EB7FB50 (meta 7EB80030} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:39872F60 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:7EB80000 (meta 7EB80170} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:4CC6ACA8 firstTable 1 = userdata:4CC6AD20 (meta 4CC6AD50} firstMeta firstIndex leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7EB7FB50 (meta 7EB80030} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = DEATH_SECONDARY keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7EB7FBA0 (meta 7EB7FBD0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false control = userdata:8BFB1100 (meta 397EAE80} deathRecapToggleButton = userdata:7EB80408 (meta 7B2B0AA8} messageLabel = userdata:7EB7F858 (meta 39801FE0} timerCooldown = userdata:7EB7F8A0 (meta 7EB7F918} firstMeta firstIndex SetNumWarningSounds() = function:7B9892F0 Start() = function:7B9892A0 Stop() = function:7B9892C8 numWarningSounds = 5 waitingToShowPrompt = false DEATH_FRAGMENT = table:4CC69898 (meta 7BA300C8} DEATH_RECAP = table:80B43620 (meta 80B39208} firstTable firstMeta attackPool = table:80B43720 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:80B437F8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:80B437D0 customResetBehavior() = function:80B43848 m_Active = table:80B43748 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:80B43770 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_DeathRecapScrollContainerScrollChildAttacks parent = userdata:80B42D20 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_DeathRecapAttack attackTemplate = ZO_DeathRecapAttack_Keyboard_Template callbackRegistry = table:80B44148 firstTable OnDeathRecapAvailableChanged = table:80B44170 firstTable 1 = table:80B441E8 firstTable 1() = function:80B440F8 3 = false control = userdata:80B39830 (meta 397F1208} deathRecapAvailable = false dirtyEvents = table:80B43698 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hintPool = table:80B43A90 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:80B43B90 customResetBehavior() = function:80B43BE0 m_Active = table:80B43AB8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:80B43B30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_DeathRecapScrollContainerScrollChildHintsContainerHints parent = userdata:80B43238 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_DeathRecapHint hintTemplate = ZO_DeathRecapHint_Keyboard_Template hintTimeline = userdata:80B43C18 (meta 3981BF40} killingBlowIcon = userdata:80B42D88 (meta 398062A0} killingBlowTimeline = userdata:80B436D0 (meta 3981BF40} savedVars = table:8EB5B820 (meta 8EB5B758} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:8EB5B8C0 default = table:8EB5B6E0 firstTable recapOn = true scrollContainer = userdata:80B42868 (meta 80B43268} scrollControl = userdata:80B42968 (meta 397EAE80} telvarLossTimeline = userdata:80B43880 (meta 3981BF40} telvarStoneLossControl = userdata:80B42DF0 (meta 397EAE80} telvarStoneLossTemplate = ZO_DeathRecapTelvarStoneLoss_Keyboard_Template telvarStoneLossValueControl = userdata:80B42EC0 (meta 39801FE0} waitingToShowPrompt = false windowOpen = true DEATH_RECAP_FRAGMENT = table:80B43DA0 (meta 7BA300C8} DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_ALWAYS_INCLUDE = 1 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_EXCLUSIVE = 2 DEATH_RECAP_HINT_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL = 0 DEATH_RECAP_TOGGLE = table:80B440D0 (meta 80B39000} firstTable firstMeta enabled = false DEFAULT_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 28 DEFAULT_GUILD_LEADER_RANK = 255 DEFAULT_HUD_DURATION = 250 DEFAULT_INVITED_RANK = 0 DEFAULT_MEMBER_RANK = 2 DEFAULT_OFFICER_RANK = 254 DEFAULT_RECRUIT_RANK = 1 DEFAULT_SCENE_TRANSITION_TIME = 200 DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_CHOICE_CROWN = 1 DEFAULT_SOUL_GEM_CHOICE_GOLD = 0 DIRECTIONAL_INPUT = table:7BA28D20 (meta 7BA286C8} firstTable firstMeta allInputDevices = table:7BA28E58 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 3 = 3 inputControls = table:7BA28D70 firstTable 1 = userdata:39831B08 (meta 397ED088} inputDeviceConsumed = table:7BA28D98 firstTable 1 = true 2 = true 3 = false inputObjects = table:7BA28D48 firstTable 1 = table:7BA28EF8 (meta 7BA28478} firstTable firstMeta queuedActivationOperations = table:7BA28ED0 firstTable updating = false DISGUISE_STATE_DANGER = 2 DISGUISE_STATE_DISCOVERED = 4 DISGUISE_STATE_DISGUISED = 1 DISGUISE_STATE_NONE = 0 DISGUISE_STATE_SUSPICIOUS = 3 DISPLAY_NAME_FRAGMENT = table:77A63EA0 (meta 78D8C658} DISPLAY_NAME_LINK_TYPE = display DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX_BYTE = 64 DL_BACKGROUND = 0 DL_CONTROLS = 1 DL_COUNT = 4 DL_OVERLAY = 3 DL_TEXT = 2 DONT_SAVE_CURRENT_VALUES = 2 DRESSING_OPTION_NUDE = 0 DRESSING_OPTION_STARTING_GEAR = 1 DRESSING_OPTION_WARDROBE_1 = 2 DT_HIGH = 2 DT_LOW = 0 DT_MEDIUM = 1 DT_PARENT = 999 DYEING = table:70B91BB8 (meta 7B28FC50} DYEING_FRAGMENT = table:720CC120 (meta 78D8C658} DYEING_GAMEPAD = table:42070218 (meta 7EC08D60} DYEING_SCENE = table:7B2981F0 (meta 7DB3BD48} DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_BLUE = 3 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_BROWN = 5 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_GREEN = 2 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_GREY = 6 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_PURPLE = 4 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_RED = 0 DYE_HUE_CATEGORY_YELLOW = 1 DYE_RARITY_COMMON = 0 DYE_RARITY_RARE = 2 DYE_RARITY_UNCOMMON = 1 DeclineAgentChat() = function:39887A90 DeclineGroupInvite() = function:39865AF0 DeclineLFGFindReplacementNotification() = function:39887708 DeclineResurrect() = function:39872F60 DeclineSharedQuest() = function:39867968 DeclineWorldEventInvite() = function:39875F90 DecorateDisplayName() = function:3988B368 DeleteMail() = function:398740D8 DepositCurrencyIntoBank() = function:39869578 DepositCurrencyIntoGuildBank() = function:398699A8 DepositMoneyIntoBank() = function:398696A8 DepositMoneyIntoGuildBank() = function:39869908 DepositTelvarStonesIntoBank() = function:39869780 DescendStart = function: Private DescendStop = function: Private DestroyAllJunk() = function:3986AD48 DestroyItem() = function:39869D58 DisplayBankUpgrade() = function:39869E68 DoBattlegroundContextsIntersect() = function:398717F8 DoCommand() = function:724A2910 DoesAbilityExist() = function:398672B0 DoesAllianceHaveImperialCityAccess() = function:398716B0 DoesBagHaveSpaceFor() = function:3986AD90 DoesCampaignHaveEmperor() = function:39870578 DoesCurrentZoneAllowScalingByLevel() = function:3986DF40 DoesCurrentZoneHaveTelvarStoneBehavior() = function:3986DF98 DoesGameHaveFocus() = function:3985C750 DoesGroupMeetLFGLevelRequirements() = function:39887050 DoesGuildHaveClaimedKeep() = function:3988C9F8 DoesGuildHavePrivilege() = function:3988C108 DoesGuildHistoryCategoryHaveMoreEvents() = function:3988C5C8 DoesGuildRankHavePermission() = function:3988C018 DoesHistoryRequireMapRebuild() = function:39871660 DoesInventoryContainEmptySoulGem() = function:3985FC70 DoesItemHaveDurability() = function:3986A4B0 DoesItemLinkFinishQuest() = function:3986BB38 DoesItemLinkHaveArmorDecay() = function:3986B190 DoesItemLinkHaveEnchantCharges() = function:3986B280 DoesItemLinkStartQuest() = function:3986BAE8 DoesJournalQuestConditionHavePosition() = function:39867F00 DoesKillingAttackHaveAttacker() = function:39887B68 DoesLFGActivityHasAllOption() = function:39887138 DoesPlayerHaveGuildPermission() = function:3988C068 DoesPlayerMeetCampaignRequirements() = function:39871110 DoesPlayerMeetLFGLevelRequirements() = function:39886FF8 DoesRunePassRequirements() = function:7F3874B0 DoesUnitExist() = function:3985CA38 DoesUnitHaveResurrectPending() = function:3985DA58 EFFECT_RESULT_FADED = 2 EFFECT_RESULT_FULL_REFRESH = 4 EFFECT_RESULT_GAINED = 1 EFFECT_RESULT_TRANSFER = 5 EFFECT_RESULT_UPDATED = 3 EMOTE_CATEGORY_CEREMONIAL = 1 EMOTE_CATEGORY_CHEERS_AND_JEERS = 2 EMOTE_CATEGORY_DEPRECATED = 3 EMOTE_CATEGORY_EMOTION = 4 EMOTE_CATEGORY_ENTERTAINMENT = 5 EMOTE_CATEGORY_FOOD_AND_DRINK = 6 EMOTE_CATEGORY_GIVE_DIRECTIONS = 7 EMOTE_CATEGORY_INVALID = 0 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PERPETUAL = 8 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PHYSICAL = 9 EMOTE_CATEGORY_POSES_AND_FIDGETS = 10 EMOTE_CATEGORY_PROP = 11 EMOTE_CATEGORY_SOCIAL = 12 ENCHANTING = table:7F397780 (meta 7F3936D0} ENCHANTING_FRAGMENT = table:6F061218 (meta 78D8C658} ENCHANTING_MODE_CREATION = 1 ENCHANTING_MODE_EXTRACTION = 2 ENCHANTING_MODE_NONE = 0 ENCHANTING_RUNE_ASPECT = 1 ENCHANTING_RUNE_ESSENCE = 2 ENCHANTING_RUNE_NONE = 0 ENCHANTING_RUNE_POTENCY = 3 ENCHANTING_SCENE = table:7F399DC8 (meta 7DB3BD48} ENCHANTMENT_CATEGORY_ARMOR = 2 ENCHANTMENT_CATEGORY_JEWELRY = 3 ENCHANTMENT_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 ENCHANTMENT_CATEGORY_WEAPON = 1 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ABSORB_HEALTH = 20 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ABSORB_MAGICKA = 23 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_ABSORB_STAMINA = 22 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_BEFOULED_WEAPON = 1 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_BERSERKER = 2 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_CHARGED_WEAPON = 3 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DAMAGE_HEALTH = 24 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DAMAGE_SHIELD = 10 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DECREASE_PHYSICAL_DAMAGE = 33 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DECREASE_SPELL_DAMAGE = 34 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_DISEASE_RESISTANT = 5 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FIERY_WEAPON = 6 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FIRE_RESISTANT = 7 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FROST_RESISTANT = 8 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_FROZEN_WEAPON = 9 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_HEALTH = 11 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_HEALTH_REGEN = 12 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_BASH_DAMAGE = 27 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_PHYSICAL_DAMAGE = 31 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_POTION_EFFECTIVENESS = 29 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_INCREASE_SPELL_DAMAGE = 32 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_MAGICKA = 13 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_MAGICKA_REGEN = 14 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_NONE = 0 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_OTHER = 35 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_POISONED_WEAPON = 16 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_POISON_RESISTANT = 15 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_ARMOR = 4 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_BLOCK_AND_BASH = 28 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_FEAT_COST = 26 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_POTION_COOLDOWN = 30 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_POWER = 19 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_REDUCE_SPELL_COST = 25 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_SHOCK_RESISTANT = 21 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_STAMINA = 17 ENCHANTMENT_SEARCH_CATEGORY_STAMINA_REGEN = 18 END_CAST_REASON_COMPLETED = 0 END_CAST_REASON_FAILED = 1 END_CAST_REASON_INTERRUPTED = 3 END_CAST_REASON_PLAYER_CANCELLED = 2 END_IN_WORLD_INTERACTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} EQUIP_SLOT_BACKUP_MAIN = 20 EQUIP_SLOT_BACKUP_OFF = 21 EQUIP_SLOT_CHEST = 2 EQUIP_SLOT_CLASS1 = 17 EQUIP_SLOT_CLASS2 = 18 EQUIP_SLOT_CLASS3 = 19 EQUIP_SLOT_COSTUME = 10 EQUIP_SLOT_FEET = 9 EQUIP_SLOT_HAND = 16 EQUIP_SLOT_HEAD = 0 EQUIP_SLOT_LEGS = 8 EQUIP_SLOT_MAIN_HAND = 4 EQUIP_SLOT_NECK = 1 EQUIP_SLOT_NONE = -1 EQUIP_SLOT_OFF_HAND = 5 EQUIP_SLOT_RANGED = 15 EQUIP_SLOT_RING1 = 11 EQUIP_SLOT_RING2 = 12 EQUIP_SLOT_SHOULDERS = 3 EQUIP_SLOT_TRINKET1 = 13 EQUIP_SLOT_TRINKET2 = 14 EQUIP_SLOT_WAIST = 6 EQUIP_SLOT_WRIST = 7 EQUIP_TYPE_CHEST = 3 EQUIP_TYPE_COSTUME = 11 EQUIP_TYPE_FEET = 10 EQUIP_TYPE_HAND = 13 EQUIP_TYPE_HEAD = 1 EQUIP_TYPE_INVALID = 0 EQUIP_TYPE_LEGS = 9 EQUIP_TYPE_MAIN_HAND = 14 EQUIP_TYPE_NECK = 2 EQUIP_TYPE_OFF_HAND = 7 EQUIP_TYPE_ONE_HAND = 5 EQUIP_TYPE_RING = 12 EQUIP_TYPE_SHOULDERS = 4 EQUIP_TYPE_TWO_HAND = 6 EQUIP_TYPE_WAIST = 8 ESO_Dialogs = table:7E6B5220 firstTable ABANDON_QUEST = table:70CEB8C8 firstTable buttons = table:70CEBAF0 firstTable 1 = table:70CEBB68 firstTable callback() = function:70CEBBE0 text = 2880 2 = table:70CEBC08 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:70CEB988 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70CEBA78 firstTable text = 2879 title = table:70CEBA00 firstTable text = 3685 ADD_IGNORE = table:822481F0 firstTable buttons = table:82248570 firstTable 1 = table:822485E8 firstTable callback() = function:822486A8 requiresTextInput = true text = 3863 2 = table:822486D0 firstTable text = 202 editBox = table:822483A0 firstTable autoComplete = table:82248418 firstTable excludeFlags = table:82248548 firstTable 1 = 1 includeFlags = table:822484D8 firstTable 1 = 2 2 = 3 3 = 4 4 = 5 onlineOnly = false defaultText = 139 mainText = table:82248328 firstTable text = 211 title = table:822482B0 firstTable text = 4966 ALCHEMY_TRAITS_LEARNED = table:77FDE1F8 firstTable buttons = table:77FDE330 firstTable 1 = table:77FDE358 firstTable control = userdata:720C2E88 (meta 720C2F68} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 155 customControl = userdata:3EAF88C0 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:77FDE178 title = table:77FDE2B8 firstTable text = 3428 ALLOW_OVERWRITE = table:72658BF8 firstTable buttons = table:72658EB0 firstTable 1 = table:72658F28 firstTable callback() = function:72658FA0 text = 200 2 = table:72658FC8 firstTable callback() = function:72659040 text = 201 gamepadInfo = table:72658D48 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:72658E38 firstTable text = 2119 mustChoose = true title = table:72658DC0 firstTable text = 2110 BANK_DEPOSIT_GOLD = table:70C3C0C0 firstTable buttons = table:70C3C220 firstTable 1 = table:70C3C270 firstTable callback() = function:70C40978 control = userdata:2A9FB548 (meta 420BF700} text = 5274 2 = table:70C409D0 firstTable control = userdata:2A9FB338 (meta 78B3B7E8} text = 202 customControl = userdata:2A9FAE00 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:70C3C1F8 title = table:70C3C180 firstTable text = 5266 BANK_WITHDRAW_GOLD = table:7DD81B80 firstTable buttons = table:70C3A4A8 firstTable 1 = table:70C3A4F8 firstTable callback() = function:70C3A5B8 control = userdata:2A9FB548 (meta 420BF700} text = 5275 2 = table:7DD6E4C0 firstTable control = userdata:2A9FB338 (meta 78B3B7E8} text = 202 customControl = userdata:2A9FAE00 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:70C3A480 title = table:70C3A458 firstTable text = 5267 BID_ON_KIOSK = table:77A535C0 BINDINGS = table:70C08788 firstTable buttons = table:7DB3CC98 firstTable 1 = table:4E03EE58 firstTable callback() = function:7DB3CCC0 control = userdata:8BE80A78 (meta 6E8DD060} keybind = false text = 2994 2 = table:4D89D520 firstTable callback() = function:4D89D5E0 control = userdata:80B79A80 (meta 80B79B50} keybind = false text = 2995 3 = table:4D89D608 firstTable control = userdata:70BFED08 (meta 70BFEDD8} keybind = false text = 202 customControl() = function:70C08848 setup() = function:6E8DD128 title = table:7DB3CC20 firstTable text = 2993 BUY_BAG_SPACE = table:6E9D20F0 firstTable buttons = table:8F10FF70 firstTable 1 = table:4255E0F0 firstTable callback() = function:4255E168 text = 198 2 = table:8D4E3550 firstTable callback() = function:7965B3C0 text = 199 mainText = table:70CE75D0 firstTable text = Increase your Inventory size by 10 more slots? noChoiceCallback() = function:77892C88 title = table:6E9CF708 firstTable text = 4991 updateFn() = function:7965B3E8 BUY_BANK_SPACE = table:4D8BE448 firstTable buttons = table:7092C310 firstTable 1 = table:8F1108C8 firstTable callback() = function:6E9D0720 text = 198 2 = table:6E9D3E58 firstTable text = 199 mainText = table:80C1B380 firstTable text = Increase your Bank size to 10 more slots? title = table:80C1B358 firstTable text = 4994 updateFn() = function:70CE6418 BUY_BANK_SPACE_GAMEPAD = table:7B32A828 firstTable buttons = table:7B3294A0 firstTable 1 = table:7B3294F0 firstTable callback() = function:7B329078 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 199 2 = table:7B3290C8 firstTable callback() = function:7B3291B8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text() = function:7B329188 gamepadInfo = table:7B32A850 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7B32A700 firstTable text = Increase your Bank size to 10 more slots? title = table:7B32A8C8 firstTable text = 4994 BUY_MULTIPLE = table:7B090918 firstTable buttons = table:420BD0D8 firstTable 1 = table:78B41168 firstTable callback() = function:78B411B8 control = userdata:42076F00 (meta 70B9AF30} text = 2367 2 = table:420C5218 firstTable control = userdata:8BC51EC8 (meta 8D396A28} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:8BC51F68 (meta 70B9AA58} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:8BC51EC8 (meta 8D396A28} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:8BC51F18 (meta 70B9ACB8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false text = 202 customControl = userdata:8F5DBB68 (meta 397F1208} title = table:7257AE20 firstTable text = 3704 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE = table:70927FF0 firstTable buttons = table:7092D170 firstTable 1 = table:7092D1E8 firstTable callback() = function:7092D260 text = 198 2 = table:7092D288 firstTable text = 202 mainText = table:70928128 firstTable text = 5362 radioButtons = table:709281A0 firstTable 1 = table:70928218 firstTable data = true text = Group 2 = table:70928290 firstTable data = false text = Solo title = table:709280B0 firstTable text = 5359 CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_READY = table:70927C38 firstTable buttons = table:70927E60 firstTable 1 = table:70927ED8 firstTable callback() = function:70927F50 text = 198 2 = table:70927F78 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:70927CF8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70927DE8 firstTable text = 5349 title = table:70927D70 firstTable text = 5348 CANT_BUYBACK_FROM_FENCE = table:7788BB68 firstTable buttons = table:6E9D1358 firstTable 1 = table:6E9D13D0 firstTable callback() = function:6E9D1448 text = 2422 2 = table:6E9D1470 firstTable text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:77992740 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:6E9CF958 firstTable text = 4762 title = table:6E9CF8E0 firstTable text = 4761 updateFn() = function:6E9D14E8 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_CANCEL_RESPEC = table:4D8B48E0 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B4B08 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B4B80 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B4BF8 text = 2900 2 = table:4D8B4C20 firstTable text = 2901 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B49A0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B4A90 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to cancel? All your changes will be reverted. title = table:4D8B4A18 firstTable text = 5077 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_CHANGES = table:4D8B4C98 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B4EC0 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B4F38 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B4FB0 text = 2900 2 = table:4D8B4FD8 firstTable text = 2901 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B4D58 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B4E48 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to commit your points? title = table:4D8B4DD0 firstTable text = 5079 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_COST = table:91B0D770 firstTable buttons = table:91B10E60 firstTable 1 = table:91B129C0 firstTable callback() = function:91AEA740 control = userdata:8F1DAAB0 (meta 4EDDF208} text = 206 2 = table:7F5030A8 firstTable control = userdata:8F1DA8A8 (meta 4EDDEBD8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:8F1DA968 (meta 4EDDED70} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:8F1DA8A8 (meta 4EDDEBD8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:8F1DA908 (meta 4EDDF040} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false text = 202 customControl = userdata:7E929918 (meta 397F1208} gamepadInfo = table:91B0ECC0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:91B0F220 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to commit your points? setup() = function:8F1DD610 title = table:91B0EF68 firstTable text = 5079 CHAMPION_CONFIRM_ENTER_RESPEC = table:4D8B4528 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B4750 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B47C8 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B4840 text = 206 2 = table:4D8B4868 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B45E8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B46D8 firstTable text = 5076 title = table:4D8B4660 firstTable text = 5075 CHARGE_ITEM = table:3EAEA4F0 firstTable buttons = table:3EAEA678 firstTable 1 = table:77B26668 firstTable callback() = function:3EAEA4A0 clickSound = InventoryItem_ApplyCharge control = userdata:70D53558 (meta 70D53118} text = 5445 2 = table:77B26728 firstTable control = userdata:70D52490 (meta 70D52558} text = 202 customControl() = function:3EAEA5B0 setup() = function:3EAEA5D8 title = table:3EAEA600 firstTable text = 5444 CHAT_OPTIONS_DIALOG = table:42B646E0 firstTable buttons = table:78328AC0 firstTable 1 = table:78328B10 firstTable callback() = function:78328B38 control = userdata:7831F228 (meta 7831F2F8} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 204 2 = table:78328B60 firstTable callback() = function:78328C20 control = userdata:7831F4A0 (meta 7831F570} keybind = DIALOG_RESET text = 220 customControl = userdata:7831E5F0 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:78328A70 title = table:783289F8 firstTable text = 2286 CHAT_TAB_REMOVE = table:70CEB378 firstTable buttons = table:70CEB490 firstTable 1 = table:70CEB508 firstTable callback() = function:70CEB580 text = 198 2 = table:70CEB5A8 firstTable text = 199 mainText = table:70CEB418 firstTable text = 2333 title = table:70CEB3A0 firstTable text = 3705 CHAT_TAB_RESET = table:70CEB620 firstTable buttons = table:70CEB738 firstTable 1 = table:70CEB7B0 firstTable callback() = function:70CEB828 text = 198 2 = table:70CEB850 firstTable text = 199 canQueue = true mainText = table:70CEB6C0 firstTable text = 2334 title = table:70CEB648 firstTable text = 3706 COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_RENAME_COLLECTIBLE = table:4D8B5050 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B53B0 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B5428 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B54E8 noReleaseOnClick = true requiresTextInput = true text = 209 2 = table:4D8B5510 firstTable text = 202 editBox = table:4D8B5200 firstTable defaultText = maxInputCharacters = 20 specialCharacters = table:4D8B5350 firstTable 1 = ' 2 = - 3 = textType = 4 validatesText = true validator() = function:39874D60 mainText = table:4D8B5188 firstTable text = 5429 title = table:4D8B5110 firstTable text = 5428 COLOR_PICKER = table:719703D8 firstTable buttons = table:71970A08 firstTable 1 = table:719742F8 firstTable callback() = function:6A1D54E8 control = userdata:7BA15B48 (meta 7BA159B8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:7BA15BE8 (meta 7B98BAE8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:7BA15B48 (meta 7BA159B8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:7BA15B98 (meta 7B98C688} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:6A1D5530 firstTable callback() = function:6A1D6AB8 control = userdata:7BA175A8 (meta 82287E50} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 customControl = userdata:7BD3B5D0 (meta 397F1208} title = table:7196F430 firstTable text = 2738 CONFIRM_APPLY_DYE = table:8F111240 firstTable buttons = table:8F111468 firstTable 1 = table:8F1114B8 firstTable callback() = function:8F111578 clickSound = Dyeing_Apply_Changes text = 198 2 = table:8F1115A0 firstTable text = 199 gamepadInfo = table:8F111300 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:8F1113F0 firstTable text = 3592 title = table:8F111378 firstTable text = 3591 CONFIRM_CLEAR_MAIL_COMPOSE = table:7092D748 firstTable buttons = table:7092D970 firstTable 1 = table:70CE45D0 firstTable callback() = function:70CE4648 text = 198 2 = table:70CE4670 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:7092D808 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7092D8F8 firstTable text = 5490 title = table:7092D880 firstTable text = 5489 CONFIRM_CONVERT_IMPERIAL_STYLE = table:70CE4AA0 firstTable buttons = table:70CE4CC8 firstTable 1 = table:70CE4D18 firstTable callback() = function:70CE4D90 text = 3560 2 = table:70CE4DB8 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:70CE4B60 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70CE4C50 firstTable text = 3559 title = table:70CE4BD8 firstTable text = 3558 CONFIRM_DESTROY_ITEM_PROMPT = table:70CEC360 firstTable buttons = table:70CEC530 firstTable 1 = table:70CEC580 firstTable callback() = function:70CEC640 requiresTextInput = true text = 5254 2 = table:70CEC668 firstTable callback() = function:70CEC6E0 text = 202 editBox = table:70CEC478 firstTable matchingString = DESTROY mainText = table:70CEC400 firstTable text = 5257 noChoiceCallback() = function:70CEC508 title = table:70CEC388 firstTable text = 5255 CONFIRM_IGNORE_FRIEND = table:70929668 firstTable buttons = table:70929920 firstTable 1 = table:70929970 firstTable callback() = function:709299E8 text = 4972 2 = table:70929A10 firstTable text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:709297B8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:709298A8 firstTable text = 4971 title = table:70929830 firstTable text = 4970 CONFIRM_IMPROVE_ITEM = table:70CE46E8 firstTable buttons = table:70CE4910 firstTable 1 = table:70CE4988 firstTable callback() = function:70CE4A00 text = 198 2 = table:70CE4A28 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:70CE47A8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70CE4898 firstTable text = 3542 title = table:70CE4820 firstTable text = 3541 CONFIRM_INTERACTION = table:70929A88 firstTable buttons = table:70929D68 firstTable 1 = table:70929DB8 firstTable callback() = function:70929E30 text = 3894 2 = table:70929E58 firstTable callback() = function:70929ED0 text = 3895 gamepadInfo = table:70929BD8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70929CC8 firstTable text = <<1>> noChoiceCallback() = function:70929D40 title = table:70929C50 firstTable text = <<1>> CONFIRM_PURCHASE = table:42563A98 firstTable buttons = table:80C1B698 firstTable 1 = table:77893730 firstTable callback() = function:4255C8E0 text = 206 2 = table:7788BC10 firstTable text = 202 mainText = table:80C1B5F0 firstTable text = 3634 title = table:80C1B5C8 firstTable text = 3691 CONFIRM_RELEASE_KEEP_OWNERSHIP = table:7092D300 firstTable buttons = table:7092D568 firstTable 1 = table:7092D5E0 firstTable callback() = function:7092D658 text = 4901 2 = table:7092D680 firstTable callback() = function:7092D6F8 text = 202 mainText = table:7092D4C8 firstTable text = 4904 noChoiceCallback() = function:7092D540 title = table:7092D450 firstTable text = 4903 updateFn() = function:7092D720 CONFIRM_REMOVE_FRIEND = table:70929248 firstTable buttons = table:70929500 firstTable 1 = table:70929550 firstTable callback() = function:709295C8 text = 4969 2 = table:709295F0 firstTable text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:70929398 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70929488 firstTable text = 4968 title = table:70929410 firstTable text = 4967 CONFIRM_RESET_TUTORIALS = table:4D8B8020 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B8248 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B82C0 firstTable callback() = function:39876528 text = 219 2 = table:4D8B8338 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B80E0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B81D0 firstTable text = 5534 title = table:4D8B8158 firstTable text = 5533 CONFIRM_STUCK = table:7092B100 firstTable buttons = table:7092B2B0 firstTable 1 = table:7092B300 firstTable callback() = function:7092B378 text = 198 2 = table:7092B3A0 firstTable text = 202 mainText = table:7092B238 firstTable text = 5463 title = table:7092B1C0 firstTable text = 2944 CONFIRM_STUCK_WITH_TELVAR_COST = table:7092B418 firstTable buttons = table:7092B5C8 firstTable 1 = table:7092B618 firstTable callback() = function:7092B690 text = 198 2 = table:7092B6B8 firstTable text = 202 mainText = table:7092B550 firstTable text = 5464 title = table:7092B4D8 firstTable text = 2944 CONSOLE_COMMUNICATION_PERMISSION_ERROR = table:4D8B7168 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B7420 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B7498 firstTable clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 209 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:4D8B72B8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B73A8 firstTable align = 1 text = 210 title = table:4D8B7330 firstTable text = 145 CORRUPT_SAVE = table:7265C270 firstTable buttons = table:7265C400 firstTable 1 = table:7265C478 firstTable callback() = function:7265C4F0 text = 200 2 = table:7265C518 firstTable callback() = function:7265C590 text = 201 gamepadInfo = table:7265C298 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7265C388 firstTable text = 2113 mustChoose = true title = table:7265C310 firstTable text = 2110 CREATE_GUILD = table:6A1E9A30 firstTable buttons = table:6A1E9AD0 firstTable 1 = table:6A1E9B48 firstTable callback() = function:6A1E9B70 control = userdata:6A1E97A8 (meta 6A1E9878} text = 203 2 = table:6A1E9B98 firstTable control = userdata:6A1E94E0 (meta 6A1E95B0} text = 202 customControl = userdata:42B790D8 (meta 6A1E9C38} setup() = function:71F0EDF0 title = table:6A1E9A58 firstTable text = 4891 DELETE_MAIL = table:70CE5268 firstTable buttons = table:70CE5FE8 firstTable 1 = table:70CE6060 firstTable callback() = function:70CE60D8 text = 5483 2 = table:70CE6100 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:70CE5328 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70CE5F70 firstTable text = 5482 title = table:6E9D5D68 firstTable text = 5481 DELETE_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS = table:70CE7058 firstTable buttons = table:70927430 firstTable 1 = table:709274A8 firstTable callback() = function:70927520 text = 200 2 = table:70927548 firstTable text = 201 mainText = table:70CE7190 firstTable text = 2587 title = table:70CE7118 firstTable text = 3698 DELETE_MAIL_ATTACHMENTS_AND_MONEY = table:7788ED08 firstTable buttons = table:42563578 firstTable 1 = table:425635F0 firstTable callback() = function:42563668 text = 200 2 = table:42563690 firstTable text = 201 mainText = table:42563500 firstTable text = 2589 title = table:7788EDC8 firstTable text = 3698 DELETE_MAIL_MONEY = table:709275C0 firstTable buttons = table:709286D8 firstTable 1 = table:709275E8 firstTable callback() = function:7788EC68 text = 200 2 = table:7788EC90 firstTable text = 201 mainText = table:70928660 firstTable text = 2588 title = table:709285E8 firstTable text = 3699 DESTROY_ALL_JUNK = table:7092CC68 firstTable buttons = table:80C26200 firstTable 1 = table:80C26278 firstTable callback() = function:3986AD48 clickSound = Inventory_DestroyJunk text = 3254 2 = table:80C26338 firstTable text = 199 mainText = table:79657510 firstTable text = 3253 title = table:7092CD28 firstTable text = 3694 DESTROY_ITEM_PROMPT = table:70CEBFF0 firstTable buttons = table:70CEC1A8 firstTable 1 = table:70CEC220 firstTable callback() = function:70CEC298 text = 2900 2 = table:70CEC2C0 firstTable callback() = function:70CEC338 text = 2901 gamepadInfo = table:70CEC018 firstTable allowRightStickPassThrough = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70CEC108 firstTable text = 5256 noChoiceCallback() = function:70CEC180 title = table:70CEC090 firstTable text = 5255 EDIT_NOTE = table:782C87F0 firstTable buttons = table:782C8890 firstTable 1 = table:782C8908 firstTable callback() = function:782C89C8 control = userdata:782C8570 (meta 782C8638} text = 208 2 = table:782C89F0 firstTable control = userdata:782C70A8 (meta 782C7178} text = 202 customControl = userdata:782C6980 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:71F0ED50 title = table:782C8818 firstTable text = 4960 ENCHANTING = table:7B286F20 firstTable buttons = table:7B286CF0 firstTable 1 = table:91D6FE68 firstTable callback() = function:7B286ED0 clickSound = InventoryItem_ApplyEnchant control = userdata:70D53558 (meta 70D53118} text = 5450 2 = table:91D6FF28 firstTable control = userdata:70D52490 (meta 70D52558} text = 202 customControl() = function:7B286C78 setup() = function:7B286CA0 title = table:7B286CC8 firstTable text = 5449 ENCHANT_TRANSLATION_LEARNED = table:6A0B1390 firstTable buttons = table:6A0B13E0 firstTable 1 = table:6A0B1420 firstTable control = userdata:77FCF358 (meta 3EAF84B0} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 155 customControl = userdata:4CC62318 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:6A0B1338 title = table:6A0B13B8 firstTable text = 3478 EXIT_DYE_UI = table:4D8B21F0 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B23A0 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B23F0 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B2468 text = 198 2 = table:4D8B2490 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B2508 text = 199 mainText = table:4D8B2328 firstTable text = 3596 title = table:4D8B22B0 firstTable text = 3595 EXIT_DYE_UI_BIND = table:8F111618 firstTable buttons = table:8F1117C8 firstTable 1 = table:8F111818 firstTable callback() = function:8F111890 text = 198 2 = table:8F1118B8 firstTable callback() = function:8F111930 text = 199 mainText = table:8F111750 firstTable text = 3594 noChoiceCallback() = function:4D8B18E8 title = table:8F1116D8 firstTable text = 3593 EXIT_DYE_UI_DISCARD_GAMEPAD = table:4D8B1910 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B1BC8 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B1C18 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B1C90 text = 2900 2 = table:4D8B1CB8 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B1D30 text = 2901 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:4D8B1A60 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B1B50 firstTable text = 4619 noChoiceCallback() = function:4D8B1D58 title = table:4D8B1AD8 firstTable text = 4618 EXIT_DYE_UI_TO_ACHIEVEMENT = table:4D8B2530 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B27E8 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B2838 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B28B0 text = 198 2 = table:4D8B28D8 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B2950 text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:4D8B2680 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B2770 firstTable text = 3596 title = table:4D8B26F8 firstTable text = 3595 EXIT_DYE_UI_TO_ACHIEVEMENT_BIND = table:4D8B1D80 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B2038 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B2088 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B2100 text = 198 2 = table:4D8B2128 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B21A0 text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:4D8B1ED0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B1FC0 firstTable text = 3594 noChoiceCallback() = function:4D8B21C8 title = table:4D8B1F48 firstTable text = 3593 FAILED_LOAD = table:7265C5B8 firstTable buttons = table:7265C748 firstTable 1 = table:7265C7C0 firstTable callback() = function:7265C838 text = 200 2 = table:7265C860 firstTable callback() = function:7265C8D8 text = 201 gamepadInfo = table:7265C5E0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7265C6D0 firstTable text = 2114 mustChoose = true title = table:7265C658 firstTable text = 2111 FAILED_SAVE = table:7265C900 firstTable buttons = table:7265CA90 firstTable 1 = table:7265CB08 firstTable callback() = function:7265CB80 text = 200 2 = table:7265CBA8 firstTable callback() = function:7265CC20 text = 201 gamepadInfo = table:7265C928 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7265CA18 firstTable text = 2115 mustChoose = true title = table:7265C9A0 firstTable text = 2110 FAST_TRAVEL_CONFIRM = table:79656B68 firstTable buttons = table:7265B8E0 firstTable 1 = table:7265B930 firstTable callback() = function:7265B9A8 text = 206 2 = table:7265B9D0 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:79656C28 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7265B868 firstTable text = 2369 title = table:7265B7F0 firstTable text = 3700 FIXING_STUCK = table:7092B730 firstTable buttons = table:8F111218 firstTable mainText = table:7092B780 firstTable align = 1 text = 2946 mustChoose = true showLoadingIcon = true title = table:7092B758 firstTable text = 2945 GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_ACTIONS_DIALOG = table:42B63150 firstTable buttons = table:42B63550 firstTable 1 = table:42B635A0 firstTable callback() = function:42B635C8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 209 2 = table:42B635F0 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:42B632A0 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:42B63340 firstTable 1 = table:42B63390 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:42B63408 firstTable callback() = function:42B63430 setup() = function:3EA23D18 text = Link in Chat 2 = table:42B63458 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:42B634D0 firstTable callback() = function:42B634F8 setup() = function:3EA23D18 text = Rename visible() = function:42B63528 setup() = function:42B632C8 title = table:42B63318 firstTable text = 3994 GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_INVENTORY_RENAME_COLLECTIBLE = table:42B637B8 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:42B63C68 firstTable 1 = table:42B63CC8 firstTable callback() = function:42B63D88 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 162 2 = table:42B63DD8 firstTable callback() = function:42B63F28 clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = 183 visible() = function:42B63F80 3 = table:42B63FA8 firstTable callback() = function:42B64068 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:42B63908 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:42B63A20 firstTable text = 5429 parametricList = table:42B63A98 firstTable 1 = table:42B63AD8 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldItem templateData = table:42B63B50 firstTable nameField = true setup() = function:42B63C40 textChangedCallback() = function:42B63C10 setup() = function:42B63980 title = table:42B639A8 firstTable text = 5428 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_BUY_MOUNT = table:70928E90 firstTable buttons = table:709290B8 firstTable 1 = table:70929130 firstTable callback() = function:709291A8 text = 4924 2 = table:709291D0 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:70928F50 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70929040 firstTable text = 4333 title = table:70928FC8 firstTable text = 4332 GAMEPAD_CONFIRM_RESEARCH_ITEM = table:4D8B6730 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B6958 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B69D0 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B6A48 text = 198 2 = table:4D8B6A70 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B67F0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B68E0 firstTable text = 4356 title = table:4D8B6868 firstTable text = 4355 GAMEPAD_GENERIC_WAIT = table:4D8B6DC8 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B7030 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B70A8 firstTable clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:4D8B6F40 firstTable dialogType = 3 loading = table:4D8B6FB8 firstTable text = Waiting... mustChoose = true setup() = function:4D8B6F18 GAMEPAD_GROUP_INVITE_DIALOG = table:91BCA1F0 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:91BCA880 firstTable 1 = table:91BCA8D0 firstTable callback() = function:91BCA990 enabled() = function:91BCA9B8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 162 2 = table:91BCA9E8 firstTable callback() = function:91BCAAA8 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:91BCA340 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:91BCA4B0 firstTable 1 = table:91BCA500 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:91BCA578 firstTable callback() = function:91BCA690 setup() = function:91BCA660 textChangedCallback() = function:91BCA638 2 = table:91BCA6B8 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:91BCA730 firstTable callback() = function:91BCA7F0 setup() = function:91BC75C8 text = Request validInput() = function:91BCA850 setup() = function:91BCA3B8 title = table:91BCA438 firstTable text = 5008 GAMEPAD_GUILD_INVITE_DIALOG = table:91BC9908 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:91BC9F98 firstTable 1 = table:91BC9FE8 firstTable callback() = function:91BCA0A8 enabled() = function:91BCA0D0 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 162 2 = table:91BCA100 firstTable callback() = function:91BCA1C0 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:91BC9A58 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:91BC9BC8 firstTable 1 = table:91BC9C18 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:91BC9C90 firstTable callback() = function:91BC9DA8 setup() = function:91BC9D78 textChangedCallback() = function:91BC9D50 2 = table:91BC9DD0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:91BC9E48 firstTable callback() = function:91BC9F08 setup() = function:91BC75C8 text = Request validInput() = function:91BC9F68 setup() = function:91BC9AD0 title = table:91BC9B50 firstTable text = 4908 GAMEPAD_KEEP_CLAIM_DIALOG = table:8ED47B38 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:8ED47FE8 firstTable 1 = table:8ED48048 firstTable callback() = function:8ED48108 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:8ED48158 firstTable callback() = function:8ED48240 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select visible() = function:8ED48218 3 = table:8ED48298 firstTable callback() = function:8ED48398 keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = Accept visible() = function:8ED48370 gamepadInfo = table:8ED47B60 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:8ED47D00 firstTable text() = function:8ED47D78 noChoiceCallback() = function:8ED47A68 parametricList = table:8ED47DD0 firstTable 1 = table:8ED47E10 firstTable header = 4507 template = ZO_GamepadDropdownItem templateData = table:8ED47ED0 firstTable rankSelector = true setup() = function:8ED47FB8 visible() = function:8ED47F90 setup() = function:8ED47BD8 title = table:8ED47C88 firstTable text = Claim Ownership updateFn() = function:8ED47DA0 GAMEPAD_KEEP_RELEASE_DIALOG = table:8ED47628 firstTable buttons = table:8ED477E0 firstTable 1 = table:8ED47858 firstTable callback() = function:8ED47880 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 4901 visible() = function:8ED478A8 2 = table:8ED478F8 firstTable callback() = function:8ED47920 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:8ED47650 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:8ED47740 firstTable text = 4904 noChoiceCallback() = function:8ED477B8 title = table:8ED476C8 firstTable text = 4903 updateFn() = function:8ED47948 GAMEPAD_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHMENT_COD = table:8F111A70 firstTable buttons = table:4CC09A08 firstTable 1 = table:4CC09A58 firstTable callback() = function:4CC09A80 text = 198 2 = table:8BE7CCB0 firstTable text = 199 gamepadInfo = table:4CC098A0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4CC09990 firstTable text = 5485 title = table:4CC09918 firstTable text = 5484 GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_RESET_TO_DEFAULTS = table:7DB59168 firstTable buttons = table:8237D0D8 firstTable 1 = table:8237D150 firstTable callback() = function:8237D1C8 text = 219 2 = table:8237D1F0 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:7DB59190 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7DB5A1F8 firstTable text() = function:8237D0B0 mustChoose = true title = table:7DB59208 firstTable text = 216 GAMEPAD_REPORT_PLAYER_DIALOG = table:91BCAAD8 firstTable buttons = table:91BCB000 firstTable 1 = table:91BCB078 firstTable callback() = function:91BCB0F0 text = 162 2 = table:91BCB118 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:91BCACA8 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:91BCADB0 firstTable text = <<1>> parametricList = table:91BCAE40 firstTable 1 = table:91BCAE80 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:91BCAEF8 firstTable callback() = function:91BCAFD0 setup() = function:91BC7B40 text = Report tooltip = If you would like to report this player for a non spam-related issue, this will open the Ticket Creation page. setup() = function:91BCAC28 title = table:91BCAD20 firstTable text = Report Player GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_ADD_FRIEND_DIALOG = table:91BC8740 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:91BC8EE0 firstTable 1 = table:91BC8F30 firstTable callback() = function:91BC8FF0 enabled() = function:91BC9018 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 162 2 = table:91BC9048 firstTable callback() = function:91BC9108 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:91BC8D98 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:91BC8718 firstTable 1 = table:91BC8768 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:91BC87E0 firstTable callback() = function:91BC8920 setup() = function:91BC88F0 textChangedCallback() = function:91BC88A0 2 = table:91BC8B50 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:91BC8C10 firstTable callback() = function:91BC8D28 setup() = function:91BC8CF8 textChangedCallback() = function:91BC8CD0 visible() = function:3988D280 3 = table:91BC8948 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:91BC89C0 firstTable callback() = function:91BC8A98 setup() = function:91BC75C8 text = Request validInput() = function:91BC8B20 setup() = function:91BC8E10 title = table:91BC8E68 firstTable text = 4962 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_ADD_IGNORE_DIALOG = table:91BC9130 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:91BC96B0 firstTable 1 = table:91BC9700 firstTable callback() = function:91BC97C0 enabled() = function:91BC97E8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 162 2 = table:91BC9818 firstTable callback() = function:91BC98D8 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:91BC9158 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:91BC9298 firstTable 1 = table:91BC92E8 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:91BC9360 firstTable callback() = function:91BC94A8 nameField = true setup() = function:91BC9470 textChangedCallback() = function:91BC9420 2 = table:91BC94D0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:91BC9548 firstTable callback() = function:91BC9620 setup() = function:91BC75C8 text = Ignore validInput() = function:91BC9680 setup() = function:91BC91D0 title = table:91BC9220 firstTable text = 4966 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_EDIT_NOTE_DIALOG = table:91BC7F30 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:91BC8440 firstTable 1 = table:91BC8490 firstTable callback() = function:91BC8550 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 162 2 = table:91BC8578 firstTable callback() = function:91BC8638 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:91BC7F58 firstTable dialogType = 2 parametricList = table:91BC8098 firstTable 1 = table:91BC80E8 firstTable template = ZO_Gamepad_GenericDialog_Parametric_TextFieldItem templateData = table:91BC8160 firstTable callback() = function:91BC8270 nameField = true setup() = function:91BC8248 textChangedCallback() = function:91BC8220 2 = table:91BC8298 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadTextFieldSubmitItem templateData = table:91BC8310 firstTable callback() = function:91BC83E8 setup() = function:91BC75C8 text = Save setup() = function:91BC7FD0 title = table:91BC8020 firstTable text = 4960 GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_OPTIONS_DIALOG = table:6A1F0178 firstTable blockDialogReleaseOnPress = true buttons = table:91BC7D70 firstTable 1 = table:91BC7DC0 firstTable callback() = function:91BC7DE8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 162 2 = table:91BC7E40 firstTable callback() = function:91BC7F00 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 finishedCallback() = function:91BC7CD0 gamepadInfo = table:91BC7C58 firstTable dialogType = 2 setup() = function:91BC7C80 title = table:91BC7CF8 firstTable text = 4060 GAMEPAD_SPLIT_STACK = table:84EE7D88 firstTable blockDirectionalInput = true buttons = table:84EE8010 firstTable 1 = table:84EE8060 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = Cancel 2 = table:84EE80F0 firstTable callback() = function:84EE8130 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = Select gamepadInfo = table:84EE7DB0 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:84EE7E00 firstTable text = 4011 parametricList = table:84EE7E78 firstTable 1 = table:84EE7EA0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadSliderItem templateData = table:84EE7F18 firstTable setup() = function:84EE7F90 setup() = function:84EE7D10 title = table:84EE7DD8 firstTable text = 4010 GAMERCARD_UNAVAILABLE = table:4D8B5588 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B5840 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B58B8 firstTable text = 209 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:4D8B56D8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B57C8 firstTable text = 4668 title = table:4D8B5750 firstTable GROUP_DISBAND_DIALOG = table:4D8B2F08 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B3130 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B31A8 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B3220 text = 198 2 = table:4D8B3248 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B2FC8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B30B8 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to disband the group? title = table:4D8B3040 firstTable text = 5011 GROUP_INVITE = table:7965B018 firstTable buttons = table:82248770 firstTable 1 = table:80C22520 firstTable callback() = function:80C225E0 requiresTextInput = true text = 209 2 = table:80C22608 firstTable text = 202 editBox = table:7965B1C8 firstTable autoComplete = table:7965B240 firstTable includeFlags = table:7965B300 firstTable 1 = 6 defaultText = 139 mainText = table:7965B150 firstTable text = 211 title = table:7965B0D8 firstTable text = 5008 GROUP_LEAVE_DIALOG = table:4D8B32C0 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B34E8 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B3560 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B35D8 text = 198 2 = table:4D8B3600 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B3380 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B3470 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to leave the group? title = table:4D8B33F8 firstTable text = 2707 GUILD_ADD_RANK = table:4227DDC8 firstTable buttons = table:4227DEB8 firstTable 1 = table:4227DF30 firstTable callback() = function:4227DF58 control = userdata:42273920 (meta 422739F0} text = 203 2 = table:4227DF80 firstTable callback() = function:4227DFA8 control = userdata:42273658 (meta 42273728} text = 202 customControl = userdata:42272FA8 (meta 4227E1B8} setup() = function:4227DDF0 title = table:4227DE40 firstTable text = 2831 GUILD_BANK_DEPOSIT_GOLD = table:724975D0 firstTable buttons = table:72497CE8 firstTable 1 = table:72498660 firstTable callback() = function:72498720 control = userdata:2A9FAC28 (meta 8E717690} text = 5274 2 = table:72498778 firstTable control = userdata:2A9FAA18 (meta 78B49208} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:2A9FAAD8 (meta 78B4C558} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:2A9FAA18 (meta 78B49208} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:2A9FAA78 (meta 78B44DE8} text = 202 customControl = userdata:2A9FA758 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:724961B8 title = table:72497CC0 firstTable text = 5266 GUILD_BANK_ERROR = table:80C22680 firstTable buttons = table:80C22830 firstTable 1 = table:80C228A8 firstTable text = 209 mainText = table:80C227B8 firstTable text = <<1>> title = table:80C22740 firstTable text = <<1>> GUILD_BANK_GAMEPAD_CHANGE_ACTIVE_GUILD = table:4D91DAE0 firstTable buttons = table:4D91DBF8 firstTable 1 = table:4D91DC48 firstTable callback() = function:4D91DCC0 text = 162 2 = table:4D91DCE8 firstTable text = 204 gamepadInfo = table:4D91DB08 firstTable dialogType = 2 setup() = function:4D91DA60 title = table:4D91DB80 firstTable text = 4108 GUILD_BANK_WITHDRAW_GOLD = table:72496140 firstTable buttons = table:72497C48 firstTable 1 = table:72497C98 firstTable callback() = function:72497500 control = userdata:2A9FAC28 (meta 8E717690} text = 5275 2 = table:72497558 firstTable control = userdata:2A9FAA18 (meta 78B49208} text = 202 customControl = userdata:2A9FA758 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:72497BF8 title = table:72497B80 firstTable text = 5267 GUILD_DISBAND = table:70CE6828 firstTable buttons = table:70CE6AE0 firstTable 1 = table:70CE6B58 firstTable callback() = function:70CE6BD0 text = 198 2 = table:70CE6BF8 firstTable text = 199 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:70CE6C70 gamepadInfo = table:70CE6978 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70CE6A68 firstTable text = 4888 title = table:70CE69F0 firstTable text = 4890 GUILD_INVITE = table:82248748 firstTable buttons = table:7965AE40 firstTable 1 = table:7965AEB8 firstTable callback() = function:7965AF78 requiresTextInput = true text = 209 2 = table:7965AFA0 firstTable text = 202 editBox = table:7965AC98 firstTable autoComplete = table:7965AD10 firstTable includeFlags = table:7965ADD0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 3 3 = 4 4 = 5 onlineOnly = false defaultText = 139 mainText = table:7965AC20 firstTable text = 211 title = table:7965ABA8 firstTable text = 4908 GUILD_LEAVE = table:8D4E30D0 firstTable buttons = table:6E9D0D18 firstTable 1 = table:6E9D0D90 firstTable callback() = function:6E9D0E08 text = 198 2 = table:6E9D0E30 firstTable text = 199 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:6E9D0EA8 gamepadInfo = table:8D4E30F8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:6E9D0CA0 firstTable text = 4885 title = table:6E9D0C28 firstTable text = 4889 GUILD_LEAVE_LEADER = table:6E9D0ED0 firstTable buttons = table:6E9D1188 firstTable 1 = table:6E9D1200 firstTable callback() = function:6E9D1278 text = 198 2 = table:6E9D12A0 firstTable text = 199 canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:70CE6800 gamepadInfo = table:6E9D1020 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:6E9D1110 firstTable text = 4887 title = table:6E9D1098 firstTable text = 4889 GUILD_RANK_SAVE_CHANGES = table:80C22920 firstTable buttons = table:80C22AD0 firstTable 1 = table:80C22B20 firstTable callback() = function:80C22B98 text = 2832 2 = table:80C22BC0 firstTable callback() = function:80C22C38 text = 2833 mainText = table:80C22A58 firstTable text = 2844 noChoiceCallback() = function:80C22C60 title = table:80C229E0 firstTable text = 2843 GUILD_REMOVE_MEMBER = table:8D4E2C88 firstTable buttons = table:8D4E2F40 firstTable 1 = table:8D4E2FB8 firstTable callback() = function:8D4E3030 text = 205 2 = table:8D4E3058 firstTable text = 202 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:8D4E2DD8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:8D4E2EC8 firstTable text = 4931 title = table:8D4E2E50 firstTable text = 4884 GUILD_REMOVE_RANK_WARNING = table:4D8B2C40 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B2E68 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B2E90 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 209 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B2D00 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B2DF0 firstTable text = 4915 title = table:4D8B2D78 firstTable text = 4914 GamepadNotificationsConfirmDecline = table:77AC24D0 firstTable buttons = table:77AC2CC0 firstTable 1 = table:77AC2D10 firstTable callback() = function:77AD79A8 keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 209 2 = table:77AD79D0 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:77AC2B08 firstTable dialogType = 2 mainText = table:77AC2C20 firstTable text() = function:77AC2C98 parametricList = table:77AC24A8 firstTable 1 = table:7DCCEC78 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:42B524E8 firstTable callback() = function:42B525A8 setup() = function:3EA23D18 text = Decline 2 = table:42B52F80 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:42B52FF8 firstTable callback() = function:42B530B8 setup() = function:3EA23D18 text = Ignore Player 3 = table:42B530E0 firstTable template = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate templateData = table:42B53158 firstTable callback() = function:77AC2480 setup() = function:3EA23D18 text = Report Spamming setup() = function:77AC2B80 title = table:77AC2BA8 firstTable text = 4015 HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_GAMEPAD_TICKET_SUBMITTED = table:4D8B63F0 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B6618 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B6690 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B6708 text = 4380 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B64B0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B65A0 firstTable text = 4423 title = table:4D8B6528 firstTable text = 4420 HELP_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_TICKET_FAILED_REASON = table:4D8B6090 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B62B8 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B6330 firstTable clickSound = Dialog_Accept keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 209 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B6150 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B6240 firstTable align = 1 text = 210 title = table:4D8B61C8 firstTable text = 145 JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_OCCURANCE_PROMPT = table:4D8B3678 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B38A0 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B38F0 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B3968 text = 198 2 = table:4D8B3990 firstTable text = 199 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B3738 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B3828 firstTable text = 2711 title = table:4D8B37B0 firstTable text = 2709 JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_WORLD_COLLECTIBLE_LOCKED_PROMPT = table:4D8B3D98 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B3FC0 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B4010 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B40D0 clickSound = Dialog_Accept text = 5443 2 = table:4D8B40F8 firstTable text = 204 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B3E58 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B3F48 firstTable text = 2713 title = table:4D8B3ED0 firstTable text = 2710 JUMP_TO_GROUP_LEADER_WORLD_PROMPT = table:4D8B3A08 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B3C30 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B3C80 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B3CF8 text = 198 2 = table:4D8B3D20 firstTable text = 199 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B3AC8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B3BB8 firstTable text = 2712 title = table:4D8B3B40 firstTable text = 2709 KEEP_CLAIM_NOT_IN_GUILD = table:70CEC8E8 firstTable buttons = table:70CEC9D8 firstTable 1 = table:70CECA50 firstTable text = 209 mainText = table:70CEC960 firstTable text = 2501 KEEP_CLAIM_WRONG_ALLIANCE = table:70CEC708 firstTable buttons = table:70CEC7F8 firstTable 1 = table:70CEC870 firstTable text = 209 mainText = table:70CEC780 firstTable text = 2500 KEYBINDINGS_RESET_GAMEPAD_TO_DEFAULTS = table:4D8B7898 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B7A48 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B7AC0 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B7B38 text = 219 2 = table:4D8B7B60 firstTable text = 202 mainText = table:4D8B79D0 firstTable text = 17 title = table:4D8B7958 firstTable text = 16 KEYBINDINGS_RESET_KEYBOARD_TO_DEFAULTS = table:4D8B7558 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B7708 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B7780 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B77F8 text = 219 2 = table:4D8B7820 firstTable text = 202 mainText = table:4D8B7690 firstTable text = 15 title = table:4D8B7618 firstTable text = 14 LAM_DEFAULTS = table:783956B0 firstTable buttons = table:4EDE2EE0 firstTable 1 = table:7F4EDF38 firstTable callback() = function:7F4EDFB0 text = 219 2 = table:78395700 firstTable text = 202 mainText = table:4EDE2B58 firstTable align = 1 text = 217 title = table:783956D8 firstTable text = 216 LARGE_GROUP_INVITE_WARNING = table:80C22C88 firstTable buttons = table:8D4E2AF8 firstTable 1 = table:8D4E2B70 firstTable callback() = function:8D4E2BE8 text = 2900 2 = table:8D4E2C10 firstTable text = 2901 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:80C22CB0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:8D4E2A80 firstTable text = 2896 title = table:80C22D28 firstTable text = 3703 LFG_LEAVE_QUEUE_CONFIRMATION = table:4D8B4170 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B4398 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B4410 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B4488 text = 2900 2 = table:4D8B44B0 firstTable text = 2901 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B4230 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B4320 firstTable text = 5042 title = table:4D8B42A8 firstTable text = 5041 LOGOUT_DEFERRED = table:6E9D52E8 firstTable buttons = table:70928D80 firstTable 1 = table:70928DA8 firstTable callback() = function:70928E68 keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 3890 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:6E9D5438 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70928CC0 firstTable text = 3889 timer = 1 verboseTimer = true noChoiceCallback() = function:6E9D4E08 onlyQueueOnce = true title = table:70928C48 firstTable text = 3888 updateFn() = function:6E9D4DE0 LOG_OUT = table:80C21DD8 firstTable buttons = table:80C22000 firstTable 1 = table:80C22050 firstTable callback() = function:80C220C8 text = 200 2 = table:80C220F0 firstTable text = 201 gamepadInfo = table:80C21E98 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:80C21F88 firstTable text = 3707 title = table:80C21F10 firstTable text = 3701 MAIL_ATTACHMENTS_CHANGED = table:4D8B2978 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B2BA0 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B2BC8 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 204 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B2A38 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B2B28 firstTable text = 2604 title = table:4D8B2AB0 firstTable text = 2603 MAIL_RETURN_ATTACHMENTS = table:8BE7CD28 firstTable buttons = table:8BE7CFE0 firstTable 1 = table:8BE7D030 firstTable callback() = function:796568C0 text = 5488 2 = table:796568E8 firstTable text = 202 finishedCallback() = function:79656960 gamepadInfo = table:8BE7CE78 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:8BE7CF68 firstTable text = 5487 title = table:8BE7CEF0 firstTable text = 5486 MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHMENT_COD = table:72664158 firstTable buttons = table:72664308 firstTable 1 = table:7788EDF0 firstTable callback() = function:8F1119A8 text = 198 2 = table:8F1119D0 firstTable text = 199 mainText = table:72664290 firstTable text = 5485 title = table:72664218 firstTable text = 5484 updateFn() = function:8F111A48 MORPH_ABILITY_CONFIRM = table:77B1C5A8 firstTable buttons = table:77B1C648 firstTable 1 = table:77B1C6C0 firstTable callback() = function:77B1C6E8 control = userdata:77B18900 (meta 77B189D0} text = 2964 2 = table:77B1C710 firstTable control = userdata:77B18638 (meta 77B18708} text = 207 customControl = userdata:77B17E98 (meta 77B1C328} setup() = function:77B1C580 title = table:77B1C5D0 firstTable text = 2955 NO_SAVE_CONTINUE = table:72663070 firstTable buttons = table:72655860 firstTable 1 = table:726558D8 firstTable callback() = function:72656478 text = 200 2 = table:726564A0 firstTable callback() = function:72656518 text = 201 gamepadInfo = table:72664350 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:72655160 firstTable text = 2117 mustChoose = true title = table:726550E8 firstTable text = 2110 NO_SAVE_DEVICE = table:72656540 firstTable buttons = table:72657438 firstTable 1 = table:72658AB8 firstTable callback() = function:72658B30 text = 200 2 = table:72658B58 firstTable callback() = function:72658BD0 text = 201 gamepadInfo = table:72656568 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:72657410 firstTable text = 2118 mustChoose = true title = table:72657398 firstTable text = 2110 OPTIONS_RESET_TO_DEFAULTS = table:7DB597F0 firstTable buttons = table:7DB59908 firstTable 1 = table:7DB5A120 firstTable callback() = function:7DB59078 text = 219 2 = table:7DB590A0 firstTable text = 202 mainText = table:7DB59890 firstTable text = 217 mustChoose = true title = table:7DB59818 firstTable text = 216 OUT_OF_SPACE = table:7265BF28 firstTable buttons = table:7265C0B8 firstTable 1 = table:7265C130 firstTable callback() = function:7265C1A8 text = 200 2 = table:7265C1D0 firstTable callback() = function:7265C248 text = 201 gamepadInfo = table:7265BF50 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7265C040 firstTable text = 2112 mustChoose = true title = table:7265BFC8 firstTable text = 2110 PAY_FOR_CONVERSATION = table:70CECAC8 firstTable buttons = table:70CECCF0 firstTable 1 = table:70CE7778 firstTable callback() = function:6E9D6860 text = 2900 2 = table:70CE4518 firstTable text = 2901 gamepadInfo = table:70CECB88 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70CECC78 firstTable text = 5251 title = table:70CECC00 firstTable text = 5250 PROMOTE_TO_GUILDMASTER = table:70CE6C98 firstTable buttons = table:70CE6F50 firstTable 1 = table:70927AD8 firstTable callback() = function:70927B98 clickSound = GuildRoster_Promote text = 198 2 = table:70927BC0 firstTable text = 199 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:70CE6DE8 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:70CE6ED8 firstTable text = 4932 title = table:70CE6E60 firstTable text = 4881 PURCHASE_ABILITY_CONFIRM = table:77B1C990 firstTable buttons = table:77B1CA30 firstTable 1 = table:77B1CAA8 firstTable callback() = function:77B1CB68 control = userdata:77B17BF8 (meta 77B17CD0} text = 2965 2 = table:77B1CB90 firstTable control = userdata:77B17930 (meta 77B17A00} text = 207 customControl = userdata:77B04718 (meta 77B1C7B0} setup() = function:77B1C968 title = table:77B1C9B8 firstTable text = 2958 PURCHASE_KIOSK = table:6A0A7248 firstTable buttons = table:6A080AD8 firstTable 1 = table:6A081C18 firstTable callback() = function:6A080D18 control = userdata:7E928380 (meta 8051E3C8} text = Hire 2 = table:6A082018 firstTable callback() = function:6A0A6108 control = userdata:7E928190 (meta 8051DAA0} text = 202 customControl = userdata:80510568 (meta 397F1208} noChoiceCallback() = function:6A0A6108 setup() = function:6A07DB08 title = table:42255658 firstTable text = Hire Guild Trader updateFn() = function:4225D870 QUIT = table:80C22168 firstTable buttons = table:82248088 firstTable 1 = table:822480D8 firstTable callback() = function:82248150 text = 200 2 = table:82248178 firstTable text = 201 mainText = table:82248010 firstTable text = 3708 title = table:80C22228 firstTable text = 3702 QUIT_DEFERRED = table:6E9D4E30 firstTable buttons = table:6E9D5130 firstTable 1 = table:6E9D51A8 firstTable callback() = function:6E9D5220 text = 3886 2 = table:6E9D5248 firstTable callback() = function:6E9D52C0 text = 3887 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:6E9D4F80 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:6E9D5070 firstTable text = 3885 timer = 1 verboseTimer = true noChoiceCallback() = function:6E9D4E08 onlyQueueOnce = true title = table:6E9D4FF8 firstTable text = 3883 updateFn() = function:6E9D4DE0 QUIT_PREVENTED = table:7092D998 firstTable buttons = table:6E9D4C28 firstTable 1 = table:6E9D4CA0 firstTable callback() = function:6E9D4D18 text = 3886 2 = table:6E9D4D40 firstTable callback() = function:6E9D4DB8 text = 3887 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:6E9D4AC0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:6E9D4BB0 firstTable text = 3884 onlyQueueOnce = true title = table:6E9D4B38 firstTable text = 3883 RECALL_CONFIRM = table:7265BA48 firstTable buttons = table:80C21BD8 firstTable 1 = table:80C21C28 firstTable callback() = function:80C21CE8 text = 206 visible() = function:80C21D10 2 = table:80C21D38 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:79656C50 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:80C21B60 firstTable text = 2369 title = table:80C21AE8 firstTable text = 3700 updateFn() = function:80C21DB0 REPAIR_ALL = table:7965B410 firstTable buttons = table:7965CF80 firstTable 1 = table:7965CFF8 firstTable callback() = function:39872020 text = 198 2 = table:7965D070 firstTable text = 199 mainText = table:7965B548 firstTable text = 3255 title = table:7965B4D0 firstTable text = 3692 updateFn() = function:7965D0E8 REPAIR_ITEM = table:78E81600 firstTable buttons = table:78E81788 firstTable 1 = table:78E817D8 firstTable callback() = function:78E815B0 clickSound = InventoryItem_Repair control = userdata:70D53558 (meta 70D53118} text = 5458 2 = table:78E81898 firstTable control = userdata:70D52490 (meta 70D52558} text = 202 customControl() = function:78E816C0 setup() = function:78E816E8 title = table:78E81710 firstTable text = 5457 REPORT_PLAYER = table:782CA8B0 firstTable buttons = table:42B79040 firstTable 1 = table:42B790A0 firstTable callback() = function:6E8D6C38 control = userdata:782CA3C8 (meta 782CA4A8} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:782CA478 (meta 782CA5E8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:782CA3C8 (meta 782CA4A8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:782CA420 (meta 782CA638} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false usingCustomAnchors = true keybind = DIALOG_SECONDARY text = Report 2 = table:6E8D6C60 firstTable callback() = function:782C84B0 control = userdata:782C8E98 (meta 782C8F78} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY 3 = table:782C84D8 firstTable control = userdata:782CA6F0 (meta 782CA7C0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:782CA790 (meta 782CA900} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:782CA6F0 (meta 782CA7C0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:782CA740 (meta 782CA888} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 2359 customControl = userdata:782C8AA0 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:71F0F248 title = table:42B79018 firstTable text = 5247 REQUEST_FRIEND = table:6E8D7C50 firstTable buttons = table:782C64C0 firstTable 1 = table:782C6538 firstTable callback() = function:782C65F8 control = userdata:782C61B8 (meta 782C6290} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = false keyLabel = userdata:782C6260 (meta 782C63D0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:782C61B8 (meta 782C6290} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:782C6210 (meta 782C6420} text = 4964 2 = table:782C6620 firstTable control = userdata:782C4CE8 (meta 782C4DB8} text = 202 customControl = userdata:782C12C8 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:71F0ECD8 title = table:782C6448 firstTable text = 4962 RITUAL_OF_MARA_PROMPT = table:70CEBC80 firstTable buttons = table:70CEBE38 firstTable 1 = table:70CEBEB0 firstTable callback() = function:70CEBF28 text = 2900 2 = table:70CEBF50 firstTable callback() = function:70CEBFC8 text = 2901 gamepadInfo = table:70CEBCA8 firstTable dialogType = 1 hideSound = Dialog_Decline mainText = table:70CEBD98 firstTable text = 4983 noChoiceCallback() = function:70CEBE10 title = table:70CEBD20 firstTable text = 4982 SAVE_DEST_REMOVED_STORAGE = table:7265CC48 firstTable buttons = table:72656B28 firstTable 1 = table:8237D2B8 firstTable callback() = function:7265CE10 text = 209 gamepadInfo = table:7265CC70 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7265A0B0 firstTable text = 2116 mustChoose = true title = table:7265CCE8 firstTable text = 2110 SCRIPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION = table:6E9D5B90 firstTable buttons = table:6E9D5D40 firstTable 1 = table:70CE51F0 firstTable text = 209 mainText = table:6E9D5CC8 firstTable text = 3638 title = table:6E9D5C50 firstTable text = 3695 SELECT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN = table:91ADF168 firstTable buttons = table:91ADF1E0 firstTable 1 = table:91ADF208 firstTable callback() = function:91ADF230 control = userdata:91ADEEC0 (meta 91ADEFB0} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:91ADF258 firstTable control = userdata:91ADEBC8 (meta 91ADECB8} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 204 3 = table:91ADF318 firstTable control = userdata:91ADE768 (meta 91ADE858} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 204 customControl = userdata:91ADDFC0 (meta 91ADF538} setup() = function:91ADF400 SELECT_GUILD_BANK = table:77DC16C0 firstTable buttons = table:78F35588 firstTable 1 = table:78F35600 firstTable callback() = function:78F356C0 control = userdata:80C7D860 (meta 797853D0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:80C7D910 (meta 7832A3F0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:80C7D860 (meta 797853D0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:80C7D8B8 (meta 77E9D840} text = 198 2 = table:78F35718 firstTable control = userdata:8F114EC0 (meta 79785330} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:8F114D30 (meta 7832A2D8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:8F114EC0 (meta 79785330} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:8F114CD8 (meta 7832A378} text = 202 customControl = userdata:724A2900 (meta 397F1208} setup() = function:77DC1780 title = table:77E9D8B8 firstTable text = Select Guild Bank SELECT_GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM = table:8ED47278 SELECT_HOME_CAMPAIGN = table:91AE9FE8 firstTable buttons = table:91AEA060 firstTable 1 = table:91AEA088 firstTable callback() = function:91AEA0B0 control = userdata:91AE9D40 (meta 91AE9E30} keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY text = 198 2 = table:91AEA0D8 firstTable control = userdata:91AE9A48 (meta 91AE9B38} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 204 3 = table:91AEA100 firstTable control = userdata:91AE8E98 (meta 91AE8F80} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:91AE8F50 (meta 91AE90C0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:91AE8E98 (meta 91AE8F80} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:91AE8EF8 (meta 91AE9110} keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 204 customControl = userdata:91ADFB18 (meta 91AEA320} setup() = function:91AEA1E8 SELL_ALL_JUNK = table:7965D110 firstTable buttons = table:8D4E3F90 firstTable 1 = table:4D8BD448 firstTable callback() = function:39871FA0 text = 3251 2 = table:7092CBF0 firstTable text = 199 mainText = table:8D4E3F18 firstTable text = 3250 title = table:8D4E3EA0 firstTable text = 3693 SMITHING_RESEARCH_SELECT = table:70D538B0 firstTable buttons = table:70D23348 firstTable 1 = table:70D23398 firstTable callback() = function:70D44420 clickSound = Smithing_Start_Research control = userdata:70D53558 (meta 70D53118} text = 3526 2 = table:70D44448 firstTable control = userdata:70D52490 (meta 70D52558} text = 202 customControl() = function:70D4F6B8 setup() = function:70D4F6E0 title = table:3EACA7D8 firstTable text = 3525 SPAM_WARNING = table:4D8B5CE8 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B5FA0 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B6018 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 209 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:4D8B5E38 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B5F28 firstTable text = 5527 title = table:4D8B5EB0 firstTable text = 5526 SPLIT_STACK = table:797A2980 firstTable buttons = table:797A2A20 firstTable 1 = table:797A3298 firstTable callback() = function:797A3358 control = userdata:42ADE5E0 (meta 42ADE6A0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 callback() = function:7BA2A0A8 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:42ADE670 (meta 42ADE7E0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:42ADE5E0 (meta 42ADE6A0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:42ADE628 (meta 42ADE830} text = 2386 2 = table:797A3380 firstTable control = userdata:91CDEE70 (meta 91CDEF30} text = 202 customControl = userdata:42ADEDE0 (meta 797A38A0} firstMeta firstIndex spinner = table:797A36D8 (meta 6A1E27C0} firstTable accelerationTime = 350 callbackRegistry = table:797A23A0 firstTable OnValueChanged = table:797A23C8 firstTable 1 = table:797A2440 firstTable 1() = function:797A3680 3 = false constrainRangeFunc() = function:854AC4E8 control = userdata:91CDEC98 (meta 397EAE80} decreaseButton = userdata:91CDECE0 (meta 397F7458} dirtyEvents = table:797A3750 firstTable display = userdata:91CDEE00 (meta 397FD708} enabled = true errorColor = table:39886378 (meta 398AF370} fireCallbackDepth = 0 increaseButton = userdata:91CDED28 (meta 397F7458} max = 1.#INF min = 0 mouseEnabled = true normalColor = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} spinnerDownSound = Spinner_Down spinnerUpSound = Spinner_Up step = 1 value = 1.#INF setup() = function:42AE2358 title = table:797A29A8 firstTable text = 2385 TOO_FREQUENT_BUG_SCREENSHOT = table:79656988 firstTable buttons = table:79656A78 firstTable 1 = table:79656AF0 firstTable text = 209 mainText = table:79656A00 firstTable text = 3639 TRADE_CANCEL_TRADE = table:4D8B5930 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B5B58 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B5BD0 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B5C48 text = 2900 2 = table:4D8B5C70 firstTable text = 2901 gamepadInfo = table:4D8B59F0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B5AE0 firstTable text = Are you sure you want to cancel the trade? title = table:4D8B5A68 firstTable text = 4214 TRADING_HOUSE_CHANGE_ACTIVE_GUILD = table:93C8BE20 firstTable buttons = table:93C8BFD0 firstTable 1 = table:93C8C048 firstTable callback() = function:93C8C0C0 text = 162 2 = table:422713F0 firstTable text = 204 gamepadInfo = table:93C8BEE0 firstTable dialogType = 2 setup() = function:93C8BD70 title = table:93C8BF58 firstTable text = 4309 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_BUY_GUILD_SPECIFIC_ITEM = table:7DE49698 firstTable buttons = table:93C8BB40 firstTable 1 = table:93C8BBB8 firstTable callback() = function:93C8BC30 text = 4924 2 = table:93C8BC58 firstTable text = 4925 gamepadInfo = table:7DE49758 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7DE497F8 firstTable text = 4307 title = table:7DE497D0 firstTable text = 4306 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_BUY_ITEM = table:78E80720 firstTable buttons = table:7DE494E0 firstTable 1 = table:7DE49558 firstTable callback() = function:7DE495D0 text = 4924 2 = table:7DE495F8 firstTable callback() = function:7DE49670 text = 4925 gamepadInfo = table:78E807E0 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:7DE49468 firstTable text = 4307 title = table:78E80858 firstTable text = 4306 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_REMOVE_LISTING = table:6A0AD928 firstTable buttons = table:802805D0 firstTable 1 = table:802791B0 firstTable callback() = function:80279298 text = 205 2 = table:6A0AA230 firstTable text = 202 gamepadInfo = table:6A0AD950 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:6A0ADA40 firstTable text = 4303 title = table:6A0AD9C8 firstTable text = 4302 TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_SELL_ITEM = table:6A0ADB70 firstTable buttons = table:78E80590 firstTable 1 = table:78E80608 firstTable callback() = function:78E80680 text = 200 2 = table:78E806A8 firstTable text = 201 finishedCallback() = function:78E80568 gamepadInfo = table:6A0AA110 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:80279048 firstTable text = 4305 setup() = function:78E80518 title = table:80278FD0 firstTable text = 4304 TRADING_HOUSE_DISPLAY_ERROR = table:42271468 firstTable buttons = table:42271690 firstTable 1 = table:42271708 firstTable keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE text = 163 gamepadInfo = table:42271528 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:42271618 firstTable text = 4308 title = table:422715A0 firstTable text = 145 TRIAL_ACCOUNT_SPLASH_GAMEPAD = table:7251A7D0 firstTable buttons = table:7251A9D8 firstTable 1 = table:7251AA50 firstTable callback() = function:7251A690 clickSound = Dialog_Accept ethereal = true keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY 2 = table:7251AA78 firstTable callback() = function:7251A690 clickSound = Dialog_Accept ethereal = true keybind = DIALOG_NEGATIVE canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:7251A690 gamepadInfo = table:7251A820 firstTable dialogType = 5 mainText = table:7251A938 firstTable text() = function:7251A9B0 noChoiceCallback() = function:7251A690 removedFromQueueCallback() = function:7251A690 setup() = function:7251A7F8 title = table:7251A898 firstTable text() = function:7251A910 TRIAL_ACCOUNT_SPLASH_KEYBOARD = table:7251A6E0 UI_TUTORIAL = table:2B146568 UI_TUTORIAL_GAMEPAD = table:2B1466F0 firstTable buttons = table:2B1468D0 firstTable 1 = table:2B146948 firstTable callback() = function:2B146A08 clickSound = Dialog_Accept ethereal = true keybind = DIALOG_PRIMARY canQueue = true finishedCallback() = function:2B146A58 gamepadInfo = table:2B146740 firstTable dialogType = 5 mainText = table:2B146830 firstTable text() = function:2B1468A8 noChoiceCallback() = function:2B146A30 removedFromQueueCallback() = function:2B146A80 setup() = function:2B146718 title = table:2B146768 firstTable text() = function:2B1467E0 UPGRADE_ABILITY_CONFIRM = table:77B1CF48 firstTable buttons = table:77B1D080 firstTable 1 = table:77B1D0F8 firstTable callback() = function:77B1D1B8 control = userdata:77B194E8 (meta 77B195C0} text = 2966 2 = table:77B1D1E0 firstTable control = userdata:77B19220 (meta 77B192F0} text = 207 customControl = userdata:77B18B98 (meta 77B1CC30} setup() = function:77B1CF20 title = table:77B1D008 firstTable text = 2961 WAIT_FOR_CONSOLE_CHARACTER_INFO = table:4D8B6AE8 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B6DA0 firstTable gamepadInfo = table:4D8B6C38 firstTable dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B6D28 firstTable text = 4675 mustChoose = true showLoadingIcon = true title = table:4D8B6CB0 firstTable text = 4674 WAIT_FOR_CONSOLE_NAME_VALIDATION = table:8237D300 firstTable buttons = table:80C1B988 firstTable canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:7DB59140 firstTable dialogType = 3 loading = table:80C1B910 firstTable text = Please wait... mustChoose = true setup() = function:7DB59118 title = table:80C1B898 firstTable text = 193 ZONE_COLLECTIBLE_REQUIREMENT_FAILED = table:4D8B7BD8 firstTable buttons = table:4D8B7E90 firstTable 1 = table:4D8B7F08 firstTable callback() = function:4D8B7F80 text = 5443 2 = table:4D8B7FA8 firstTable text = 204 canQueue = true gamepadInfo = table:4D8B7D28 firstTable allowShowOnNextScene = true dialogType = 1 mainText = table:4D8B7E18 firstTable text = 5439 title = table:4D8B7DA0 firstTable text = 5438 ESO_NumberFormats = table:4BEFC438 firstTable 2801 = table:79663F40 firstTable 1 = table:82383C68 firstTable digits = 1 3616 = table:82383D80 firstTable 1 = table:82383DA8 firstTable unsigned = true 4775 = table:79663F40 EULA_TYPE_ADDON_EULA = 1 EULA_TYPE_CODE_OF_CONDUCT = 4 EULA_TYPE_PREGAME_EULA = 0 EULA_TYPE_PRIVACY_POLICY = 3 EULA_TYPE_TERMS_OF_SERVICE = 2 EVENT_ABILITY_COOLDOWN_UPDATED = 131177 EVENT_ABILITY_LIST_CHANGED = 131169 EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RANK_UPDATE = 131171 EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT = 131263 EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_XP_UPDATE = 131172 EVENT_ABILITY_REQUIREMENTS_FAIL = 131107 EVENT_ACCOUNT_CREATE_FAIL = 393226 EVENT_ACCOUNT_CREATE_REQUESTED = 393225 EVENT_ACCOUNT_CREATE_SUCCESSFUL = 393227 EVENT_ACCOUNT_LINK_FAIL = 393223 EVENT_ACCOUNT_LINK_REQUESTED = 393222 EVENT_ACCOUNT_LINK_SUCCESSFUL = 393224 EVENT_ACHIEVEMENTS_UPDATED = 131395 EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED = 131396 EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_UPDATED = 131397 EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_POPPED = 65553 EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_PUSHED = 65552 EVENT_ACTION_SLOTS_FULL_UPDATE = 131176 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_SLOTTED = 131179 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_USED = 131181 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_STATE_UPDATED = 131174 EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_UPDATED = 131173 EVENT_ACTION_UPDATE_COOLDOWNS = 131178 EVENT_ACTIVE_MOUNT_CHANGED = 131200 EVENT_ACTIVE_QUEST_TOOL_CHANGED = 131098 EVENT_ACTIVE_QUEST_TOOL_CLEARED = 131099 EVENT_ACTIVE_QUICKSLOT_CHANGED = 131180 EVENT_ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_CHANGED = 131229 EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED = 65536 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_ACCEPTED = 131454 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_DECLINED = 131455 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_FORCED = 131456 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_REQUESTED = 131453 EVENT_AGENT_CHAT_TERMINATED = 131457 EVENT_ALLIANCE_POINT_UPDATE = 131213 EVENT_ALL_GUI_SCREENS_RESIZED = 65539 EVENT_ALL_GUI_SCREENS_RESIZE_STARTED = 65538 EVENT_ARTIFACT_CONTROL_STATE = 131252 EVENT_ASSIGNED_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131264 EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_RESPEC = 131406 EVENT_ATTRIBUTE_UPGRADE_UPDATED = 131405 EVENT_AVENGE_KILL = 131427 EVENT_BANKED_MONEY_UPDATE = 131210 EVENT_BANKED_TELVAR_STONES_UPDATE = 131211 EVENT_BANK_IS_FULL = 131228 EVENT_BATTLE_STANDARDS_UPDATED = 131247 EVENT_BEGIN_LOCKPICK = 131445 EVENT_BEGIN_SIEGE_CONTROL = 131301 EVENT_BEGIN_SIEGE_UPGRADE = 131309 EVENT_BOSSES_CHANGED = 131131 EVENT_BROADCAST = 131362 EVENT_BUYBACK_RECEIPT = 131258 EVENT_BUY_RECEIPT = 131256 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_ASSIGNMENT_RESULT = 131279 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_CHANGED = 131271 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_HISTORY_WINDOW_CHANGED = 131286 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARD_DATA_CHANGED = 131268 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_JOINED = 131282 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_LEFT = 131283 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_POSITION_CHANGED = 131285 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_STATE_CHANGED = 131284 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_SCORE_DATA_CHANGED = 131269 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_SELECTION_DATA_CHANGED = 131267 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_STATE_INITIALIZED = 131272 EVENT_CAMPAIGN_UNDERPOP_BONUS_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION = 131278 EVENT_CANCEL_MOUSE_REQUEST_DESTROY_ITEM = 131370 EVENT_CANNOT_DO_THAT_WHILE_DEAD = 131544 EVENT_CANNOT_FISH_WHILE_SWIMMING = 131473 EVENT_CAPS_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED = 65547 EVENT_CAPTURE_AREA_STATUS = 131250 EVENT_CHAMPION_POINT_GAINED = 131539 EVENT_CHAMPION_PURCHASE_RESULT = 131540 EVENT_CHAMPION_SYSTEM_UNLOCKED = 131541 EVENT_CHATTER_BEGIN = 131074 EVENT_CHATTER_END = 131075 EVENT_CHAT_CHANNEL_INVITE = 131110 EVENT_CHAT_CHANNEL_JOIN = 131111 EVENT_CHAT_CHANNEL_LEAVE = 131112 EVENT_CHAT_LOG_TOGGLED = 131108 EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL = 131101 EVENT_CLOSE_BANK = 131358 EVENT_CLOSE_FENCE = 131261 EVENT_CLOSE_GUILD_BANK = 131479 EVENT_CLOSE_STORE = 131254 EVENT_CLOSE_TRADING_HOUSE = 131490 EVENT_COLLECTIBLES_SEARCH_RESULTS_READY = 131399 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_NOTIFICATION_NEW = 131401 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131402 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_ON_COOLDOWN = 131361 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_RENAME_ERROR = 131400 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_REQUEST_BROWSE_TO = 131403 EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_UPDATED = 327736 EVENT_COLLECTION_UPDATED = 131398 EVENT_COMBAT_EVENT = 131102 EVENT_CONFIRM_INTERACT = 131078 EVENT_CONSOLE_TEXT_VALIDATION_RESULT = 393252 EVENT_CONTROLLER_CONNECTED = 393246 EVENT_CONTROLLER_DISCONNECTED = 393245 EVENT_CONVERSATION_FAILED_INVENTORY_FULL = 131206 EVENT_CONVERSATION_FAILED_UNIQUE_ITEM = 131207 EVENT_CONVERSATION_UPDATED = 131115 EVENT_CORONATE_EMPEROR_NOTIFICATION = 131273 EVENT_CRAFTING_STATION_INTERACT = 131460 EVENT_CRAFT_COMPLETED = 131467 EVENT_CRAFT_STARTED = 131466 EVENT_CREATE_LINK_LOADING_ERROR = 393228 EVENT_CURRENT_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131266 EVENT_CURSOR_DROPPED = 131373 EVENT_CURSOR_PICKUP = 131372 EVENT_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_TICKET_SUBMITTED = 393244 EVENT_DEPOSE_EMPEROR_NOTIFICATION = 131274 EVENT_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_CHANGED = 131204 EVENT_DISABLE_SIEGE_AIM_ABILITY = 131306 EVENT_DISABLE_SIEGE_FIRE_ABILITY = 131304 EVENT_DISABLE_SIEGE_PACKUP_ABILITY = 131308 EVENT_DISCOVERY_EXPERIENCE = 131109 EVENT_DISGUISE_STATE_CHANGED = 131156 EVENT_DISPLAY_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP = 131436 EVENT_DISPLAY_ALERT = 131410 EVENT_DISPLAY_ANNOUNCEMENT = 131409 EVENT_DISPLAY_TUTORIAL = 131438 EVENT_DISPOSITION_UPDATE = 131130 EVENT_DURANGO_ACCOUNT_PICKER_RETURNED = 393251 EVENT_DYEING_STATION_INTERACT_END = 131509 EVENT_DYEING_STATION_INTERACT_START = 131508 EVENT_EFFECTS_FULL_UPDATE = 131153 EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED = 131152 EVENT_ENABLE_SIEGE_AIM_ABILITY = 131305 EVENT_ENABLE_SIEGE_FIRE_ABILITY = 131303 EVENT_ENABLE_SIEGE_PACKUP_ABILITY = 131307 EVENT_END_CRAFTING_STATION_INTERACT = 131461 EVENT_END_FAST_TRAVEL_INTERACTION = 131425 EVENT_END_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_INTERACTION = 131422 EVENT_END_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM_INTERACTION = 131298 EVENT_END_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE_INTERACTION = 131300 EVENT_END_SIEGE_CONTROL = 131302 EVENT_END_SOUL_GEM_RESURRECTION = 131332 EVENT_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_GAINED = 131127 EVENT_ENLIGHTENED_STATE_LOST = 131128 EVENT_ENTER_GROUND_TARGET_MODE = 131434 EVENT_EXPERIENCE_GAIN = 131148 EVENT_EXPERIENCE_UPDATE = 131149 EVENT_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_NETWORK_LINK_CHANGED = 131420 EVENT_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_NETWORK_UPDATED = 131419 EVENT_FAST_TRAVEL_NETWORK_UPDATED = 131423 EVENT_FEEDBACK_REQUESTED = 131451 EVENT_FEEDBACK_TOO_FREQUENT_SCREENSHOT = 131452 EVENT_FINESSE_RANK_CHANGED = 131154 EVENT_FISHING_LURE_CLEARED = 131471 EVENT_FISHING_LURE_SET = 131470 EVENT_FORWARD_CAMPS_UPDATED = 131246 EVENT_FORWARD_CAMP_RESPAWN_TIMER_BEGINS = 131242 EVENT_FRIEND_ADDED = 327681 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_LEVEL_CHANGED = 327685 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_UPDATED = 327687 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_VETERAN_RANK_CHANGED = 327686 EVENT_FRIEND_CHARACTER_ZONE_CHANGED = 327684 EVENT_FRIEND_DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGED = 327688 EVENT_FRIEND_NOTE_UPDATED = 327689 EVENT_FRIEND_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGED = 327683 EVENT_FRIEND_REMOVED = 327682 EVENT_FULLSCREEN_MODE_CHANGED = 327733 EVENT_GAMEPAD_PREFERRED_MODE_CHANGED = 65554 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_ACTIVATED = 131429 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_DEACTIVATED = 131430 EVENT_GAME_CAMERA_UI_MODE_CHANGED = 131428 EVENT_GAME_CREDITS_READY = 327732 EVENT_GAME_FOCUS_CHANGED = 131433 EVENT_GLOBAL_MOUSE_DOWN = 65545 EVENT_GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP = 65546 EVENT_GRAVEYARD_USAGE_FAILURE = 131327 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_ERROR = 131164 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_FIND_REPLACEMENT_NOTIFICATION_NEW = 131167 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_FIND_REPLACEMENT_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131168 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_JUMP_DUNGEON_NOTIFICATION_NEW = 131165 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_JUMP_DUNGEON_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131166 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_LFG_JOINED = 131163 EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_STATUS_UPDATE = 131162 EVENT_GROUP_CAMPAIGN_ASSIGNMENTS_CHANGED = 131270 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_ACCEPT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 131191 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_RECEIVED = 131184 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_REMOVED = 131185 EVENT_GROUP_INVITE_RESPONSE = 131186 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_CONNECTED_STATUS = 131188 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_IN_REMOTE_REGION = 131190 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED = 131194 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT = 131193 EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_ROLES_CHANGED = 131189 EVENT_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE = 131187 EVENT_GROUP_SUPPORT_RANGE_UPDATE = 131192 EVENT_GROUP_TYPE_CHANGED = 131195 EVENT_GROUP_UPDATE = 131196 EVENT_GUEST_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131265 EVENT_GUILD_BANKED_MONEY_UPDATE = 131212 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_DESELECTED = 131481 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_ITEMS_READY = 131482 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_ITEM_ADDED = 131483 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_ITEM_REMOVED = 131484 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_OPEN_ERROR = 131485 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_SELECTED = 131480 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_TRANSFER_ERROR = 131486 EVENT_GUILD_BANK_UPDATED_QUANTITY = 131487 EVENT_GUILD_CLAIM_KEEP_CAMPAIGN_NOTIFICATION = 327729 EVENT_GUILD_CLAIM_KEEP_RESPONSE = 327728 EVENT_GUILD_DATA_LOADED = 327701 EVENT_GUILD_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED = 327715 EVENT_GUILD_HISTORY_CATEGORY_UPDATED = 327722 EVENT_GUILD_HISTORY_RESPONSE_RECEIVED = 327723 EVENT_GUILD_INVITES_INITIALIZED = 327719 EVENT_GUILD_INVITE_ADDED = 327720 EVENT_GUILD_INVITE_REMOVED = 327721 EVENT_GUILD_KEEP_CLAIM_UPDATED = 327724 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_BID_START = 131528 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_BID_STOP = 131529 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_PURCHASE_START = 131530 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_CONSIDER_PURCHASE_STOP = 131531 EVENT_GUILD_KIOSK_ERROR = 131488 EVENT_GUILD_LEVEL_CHANGED = 327705 EVENT_GUILD_LOST_KEEP_CAMPAIGN_NOTIFICATION = 327731 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_ADDED = 327706 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_LEVEL_CHANGED = 327711 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_UPDATED = 327709 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_VETERAN_RANK_CHANGED = 327712 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_CHARACTER_ZONE_CHANGED = 327710 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_NOTE_CHANGED = 327708 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGED = 327704 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_RANK_CHANGED = 327713 EVENT_GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVED = 327707 EVENT_GUILD_MOTD_CHANGED = 327714 EVENT_GUILD_NAME_AVAILABLE = 327726 EVENT_GUILD_RANKS_CHANGED = 327716 EVENT_GUILD_RANK_CHANGED = 327717 EVENT_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP_CAMPAIGN_NOTIFICATION = 327730 EVENT_GUILD_RELEASE_KEEP_RESPONSE = 327727 EVENT_GUILD_SELF_JOINED_GUILD = 327702 EVENT_GUILD_SELF_LEFT_GUILD = 327703 EVENT_GUILD_TRADER_HIRED_UPDATED = 327725 EVENT_GUI_HIDDEN = 65543 EVENT_HELP_INITIALIZED = 131443 EVENT_HELP_SEARCH_RESULTS_READY = 131444 EVENT_HERALDRY_CUSTOMIZATION_END = 131512 EVENT_HERALDRY_CUSTOMIZATION_START = 131511 EVENT_HERALDRY_FUNDS_UPDATED = 131514 EVENT_HERALDRY_SAVED = 131513 EVENT_HIDE_BOOK = 131418 EVENT_HIDE_OBJECTIVE_STATUS = 131251 EVENT_HIGH_FALL_DAMAGE = 131103 EVENT_HOT_BAR_RESULT = 131262 EVENT_IGNORE_ADDED = 327690 EVENT_IGNORE_NOTE_UPDATED = 327693 EVENT_IGNORE_ONLINE_CHARACTER_CHANGED = 327692 EVENT_IGNORE_REMOVED = 327691 EVENT_IMPACTFUL_HIT = 131105 EVENT_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED_NOTIFICATION = 131276 EVENT_IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST_NOTIFICATION = 131277 EVENT_INCOMING_FRIEND_INVITE_ADDED = 327694 EVENT_INCOMING_FRIEND_INVITE_NOTE_UPDATED = 327696 EVENT_INCOMING_FRIEND_INVITE_REMOVED = 327695 EVENT_INPUT_LANGUAGE_CHANGED = 65548 EVENT_INSTANCE_KICK_TIME_UPDATE = 131133 EVENT_INTERACTABLE_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_PICK = 131450 EVENT_INTERACTABLE_LOCKED = 131449 EVENT_INTERACT_BUSY = 131076 EVENT_INTERFACE_SETTING_CHANGED = 131435 EVENT_INVENTORY_BAG_CAPACITY_CHANGED = 131233 EVENT_INVENTORY_BANK_CAPACITY_CHANGED = 131234 EVENT_INVENTORY_BOUGHT_BAG_SPACE = 131220 EVENT_INVENTORY_BOUGHT_BANK_SPACE = 131221 EVENT_INVENTORY_BUY_BAG_SPACE = 131217 EVENT_INVENTORY_BUY_BANK_SPACE = 131218 EVENT_INVENTORY_CLOSE_BUY_SPACE = 131219 EVENT_INVENTORY_FULL_UPDATE = 131205 EVENT_INVENTORY_IS_FULL = 131227 EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEM_DESTROYED = 131225 EVENT_INVENTORY_ITEM_USED = 131226 EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE = 131208 EVENT_INVENTORY_SLOT_LOCKED = 131215 EVENT_INVENTORY_SLOT_UNLOCKED = 131216 EVENT_ITEM_LAUNDER_RESULT = 131231 EVENT_ITEM_ON_COOLDOWN = 131360 EVENT_ITEM_REPAIR_FAILURE = 131230 EVENT_ITEM_SLOT_CHANGED = 131175 EVENT_JUMP_FAILED = 131363 EVENT_JUSTICE_BEING_ARRESTED = 131527 EVENT_JUSTICE_BOUNTY_PAYOFF_AMOUNT_UPDATED = 131516 EVENT_JUSTICE_FENCE_UPDATE = 131524 EVENT_JUSTICE_GOLD_PICKPOCKETED = 131522 EVENT_JUSTICE_GOLD_REMOVED = 131519 EVENT_JUSTICE_INFAMY_UPDATED = 131515 EVENT_JUSTICE_ITEM_PICKPOCKETED = 131521 EVENT_JUSTICE_LIVESTOCK_SLAIN = 131526 EVENT_JUSTICE_NOW_KOS = 131517 EVENT_JUSTICE_NO_LONGER_KOS = 131518 EVENT_JUSTICE_NPC_SHUNNING = 131525 EVENT_JUSTICE_PICKPOCKET_FAILED = 131523 EVENT_JUSTICE_STOLEN_ITEMS_REMOVED = 131520 EVENT_KEEPS_INITIALIZED = 131295 EVENT_KEEP_ALLIANCE_OWNER_CHANGED = 131288 EVENT_KEEP_END_INTERACTION = 131294 EVENT_KEEP_GATE_STATE_CHANGED = 131292 EVENT_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM_UPDATE = 131291 EVENT_KEEP_INITIALIZED = 131296 EVENT_KEEP_OWNERSHIP_CHANGED_NOTIFICATION = 131289 EVENT_KEEP_RESOURCE_UPDATE = 131287 EVENT_KEEP_START_INTERACTION = 131293 EVENT_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK_CHANGED = 131290 EVENT_KEYBINDINGS_LOADED = 65551 EVENT_KEYBINDING_CLEARED = 65550 EVENT_KEYBINDING_SET = 65549 EVENT_KILL_LOCATIONS_UPDATED = 131245 EVENT_LEADER_UPDATE = 131132 EVENT_LEAVE_CAMPAIGN_QUEUE_RESPONSE = 131281 EVENT_LEAVE_RAM_ESCORT = 131311 EVENT_LEVEL_UPDATE = 131125 EVENT_LINKED_WORLD_POSITION_CHANGED = 131236 EVENT_LOCKPICK_BROKE = 131448 EVENT_LOCKPICK_FAILED = 131446 EVENT_LOCKPICK_SUCCESS = 131447 EVENT_LOGOUT_DEFERRED = 131364 EVENT_LOGOUT_DISALLOWED = 131365 EVENT_LOOT_CLOSED = 131321 EVENT_LOOT_ITEM_FAILED = 131183 EVENT_LOOT_RECEIVED = 131182 EVENT_LOOT_UPDATED = 131320 EVENT_LORE_BOOK_ALREADY_KNOWN = 131416 EVENT_LORE_BOOK_LEARNED = 131412 EVENT_LORE_BOOK_LEARNED_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 131413 EVENT_LORE_COLLECTION_COMPLETED = 131414 EVENT_LORE_COLLECTION_COMPLETED_SKILL_EXPERIENCE = 131415 EVENT_LORE_LIBRARY_INITIALIZED = 131411 EVENT_LOW_FALL_DAMAGE = 131104 EVENT_LUA_ERROR = 65540 EVENT_LUA_LOW_MEMORY = 65541 EVENT_MAIL_ATTACHED_MONEY_CHANGED = 131388 EVENT_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_ADDED = 131386 EVENT_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_REMOVED = 131387 EVENT_MAIL_CLOSE_MAILBOX = 131394 EVENT_MAIL_COD_CHANGED = 131389 EVENT_MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE = 131381 EVENT_MAIL_NUM_UNREAD_CHANGED = 131382 EVENT_MAIL_OPEN_MAILBOX = 131393 EVENT_MAIL_READABLE = 131383 EVENT_MAIL_REMOVED = 131390 EVENT_MAIL_SEND_FAILED = 131385 EVENT_MAIL_SEND_SUCCESS = 131384 EVENT_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHED_ITEM_SUCCESS = 131391 EVENT_MAIL_TAKE_ATTACHED_MONEY_SUCCESS = 131392 EVENT_MANAGER = userdata:397E9400 (meta 397E9708} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:397E9850 RegisterForAllEvents() = function:397D5AB8 RegisterForEvent() = function:397D5A20 RegisterForPostEffectsUpdate() = function:397E9638 RegisterForUpdate() = function:397E9688 UnregisterForAllEvents() = function:397D5A68 UnregisterForEvent() = function:397E95A0 UnregisterForPostEffectsUpdate() = function:397E97F8 UnregisterForUpdate() = function:397E95F0 EVENT_MAP_PING = 131240 EVENT_MEDAL_AWARDED = 131244 EVENT_MISSING_LURE = 131472 EVENT_MONEY_UPDATE = 131209 EVENT_MOUNTED_STATE_CHANGED = 131199 EVENT_MOUNT_FAILURE = 131203 EVENT_MOUNT_INFO_UPDATED = 131197 EVENT_MOUSE_REQUEST_ABANDON_QUEST = 131371 EVENT_MOUSE_REQUEST_DESTROY_ITEM = 131368 EVENT_MOUSE_REQUEST_DESTROY_ITEM_FAILED = 131369 EVENT_NEW_MOVEMENT_IN_UI_MODE = 131432 EVENT_NON_COMBAT_BONUS_CHANGED = 131500 EVENT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 131222 EVENT_NO_INTERACT_TARGET = 131077 EVENT_OBJECTIVES_UPDATED = 131248 EVENT_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETED = 131095 EVENT_OBJECTIVE_CONTROL_STATE = 131249 EVENT_OPEN_BANK = 131357 EVENT_OPEN_FENCE = 131260 EVENT_OPEN_GUILD_BANK = 131478 EVENT_OPEN_STORE = 131253 EVENT_OPEN_TRADING_HOUSE = 131489 EVENT_OUTGOING_FRIEND_INVITE_ADDED = 327697 EVENT_OUTGOING_FRIEND_INVITE_REMOVED = 327698 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_ON_COOLDOWN = 131536 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_OUT_OF_POSITION = 131534 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_STATE_UPDATED = 131535 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_SUSPICIOUS = 131537 EVENT_PICKPOCKET_TOO_FAR = 131533 EVENT_PLATFORMS_LIST_LOADED = 393247 EVENT_PLATFORM_ACHIEVEMENT_TRIGGERED = 393242 EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED = 131072 EVENT_PLAYER_ALIVE = 131323 EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE = 131380 EVENT_PLAYER_DEACTIVATED = 131073 EVENT_PLAYER_DEAD = 131322 EVENT_PLAYER_DEATH_INFO_UPDATE = 131326 EVENT_PLAYER_DEATH_REQUEST_FAILURE = 131325 EVENT_PLAYER_EMOTE_FAILED_PLAY = 131543 EVENT_PLAYER_IN_PIN_AREA_CHANGED = 131241 EVENT_PLAYER_NOT_SWIMMING = 131334 EVENT_PLAYER_REINCARNATED = 131324 EVENT_PLAYER_STATUS_CHANGED = 327700 EVENT_PLAYER_STUNNED_STATE_CHANGED = 131158 EVENT_PLAYER_SWIMMING = 131333 EVENT_PLAYER_TITLES_UPDATE = 131147 EVENT_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_OFFER = 131336 EVENT_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_OFFER_REMOVED = 131337 EVENT_PLEDGE_OF_MARA_RESULT = 131335 EVENT_POIS_INITIALIZED = 131237 EVENT_POI_DISCOVERED = 131238 EVENT_POI_UPDATED = 131239 EVENT_POWER_UPDATE = 131123 EVENT_PREFERRED_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED = 131275 EVENT_PROFILE_CARD_DIALOG_CLOSED = 393234 EVENT_PROFILE_CARD_DIALOG_OPENED = 393233 EVENT_PROFILE_DURANGO_SIGNED_OUT = 393220 EVENT_PROFILE_EMAIL_ID_RECEIVED = 393243 EVENT_PROFILE_LOGIN_REQUESTED = 393217 EVENT_PROFILE_LOGIN_RESULT = 393218 EVENT_PROFILE_NOT_LINKED = 393221 EVENT_PROFILE_ORBIS_SIGNED_OUT = 393219 EVENT_PROFILE_SAVELOAD_FAIL = 393231 EVENT_PROFILE_SAVELOAD_REQUESTED = 393230 EVENT_PROFILE_SAVELOAD_SUCCESSFUL = 393232 EVENT_QUEST_ADDED = 131079 EVENT_QUEST_ADVANCED = 131090 EVENT_QUEST_COMPLETE = 131093 EVENT_QUEST_COMPLETE_ATTEMPT_FAILED_INVENTORY_FULL = 131094 EVENT_QUEST_COMPLETE_DIALOG = 131089 EVENT_QUEST_CONDITION_COUNTER_CHANGED = 131085 EVENT_QUEST_LIST_UPDATED = 131083 EVENT_QUEST_LOG_IS_FULL = 131084 EVENT_QUEST_OFFERED = 131080 EVENT_QUEST_OPTIONAL_STEP_ADVANCED = 131091 EVENT_QUEST_POSITION_REQUEST_COMPLETE = 131100 EVENT_QUEST_REMOVED = 131092 EVENT_QUEST_SHARED = 131081 EVENT_QUEST_SHARE_REMOVED = 131082 EVENT_QUEST_SHOW_JOURNAL_ENTRY = 131097 EVENT_QUEST_TIMER_PAUSED = 131087 EVENT_QUEST_TIMER_UPDATED = 131088 EVENT_QUEST_TOOL_UPDATED = 131086 EVENT_QUEUE_FOR_CAMPAIGN_RESPONSE = 131280 EVENT_QUICK_REPORT_ALREADY_REPORTED = 131459 EVENT_QUICK_REPORT_TICKET_SENT = 131458 EVENT_RAID_LEADERBOARD_DATA_CHANGED = 131143 EVENT_RAID_LEADERBOARD_PLAYER_DATA_CHANGED = 131144 EVENT_RAID_PARTICIPATION_UPDATE = 131141 EVENT_RAID_REVIVE_COUNTER_UPDATE = 131140 EVENT_RAID_SCORE_NOTIFICATION_ADDED = 131145 EVENT_RAID_SCORE_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED = 131146 EVENT_RAID_TIMER_STATE_UPDATE = 131142 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_COMPLETE = 131135 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_FAILED = 131136 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_NEW_BEST_SCORE = 131137 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_RESET_BEST_SCORE = 131138 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_UPDATE = 131139 EVENT_RAID_TRIAL_STARTED = 131134 EVENT_RAM_ESCORT_COUNT_UPDATE = 131310 EVENT_RANK_POINT_UPDATE = 131159 EVENT_REASON_HARDWARE = 0 EVENT_REASON_SOFTWARE = 1 EVENT_RECIPE_ALREADY_KNOWN = 131464 EVENT_RECIPE_LEARNED = 131463 EVENT_REMOTE_SCENE_STATE_CHANGE = 327734 EVENT_REMOVE_ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP = 131437 EVENT_REMOVE_TUTORIAL = 131439 EVENT_REQUIREMENTS_FAIL = 131106 EVENT_RESEND_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_RESULT = 393229 EVENT_RESURRECT_FAILURE = 131330 EVENT_RESURRECT_REQUEST = 131328 EVENT_RESURRECT_REQUEST_REMOVED = 131329 EVENT_RETICLE_HIDDEN_UPDATE = 131431 EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED = 131118 EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_PLAYER_CHANGED = 131119 EVENT_REVENGE_KILL = 131426 EVENT_RIDING_SKILL_IMPROVEMENT = 131198 EVENT_SAVE_DATA_COMPLETE = 393249 EVENT_SAVE_DATA_START = 393248 EVENT_SAVE_GUILD_RANKS_RESPONSE = 327718 EVENT_SCREENSHOT_SAVED = 131366 EVENT_SCREEN_RESIZED = 65537 EVENT_SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT_INVITE = 131407 EVENT_SCRIPTED_WORLD_EVENT_INVITE_REMOVED = 131408 EVENT_SCRIPT_ACCESS_VIOLATION = 65555 EVENT_SECURE_RENDER_MODE_CHANGED = 65556 EVENT_SELECT_FROM_USER_LIST_DIALOG_RESULT = 393250 EVENT_SELL_RECEIPT = 131257 EVENT_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_INFO = 131338 EVENT_SHOW_BOOK = 131417 EVENT_SHOW_GUI = 65542 EVENT_SHOW_REMOTE_BASE_SCENE = 327735 EVENT_SHOW_SUBTITLE = 131114 EVENT_SHOW_TREASURE_MAP = 131474 EVENT_SIEGE_BUSY = 131318 EVENT_SIEGE_CONTROL_ANOTHER_PLAYER = 131319 EVENT_SIEGE_CREATION_FAILED_CLOSEST_DOOR_ALREADY_HAS_RAM = 131312 EVENT_SIEGE_CREATION_FAILED_NO_VALID_DOOR = 131313 EVENT_SIEGE_FIRE_FAILED_COOLDOWN = 131315 EVENT_SIEGE_FIRE_FAILED_RETARGETING = 131316 EVENT_SIEGE_PACK_FAILED_INVENTORY_FULL = 131314 EVENT_SIEGE_PACK_FAILED_NOT_CREATOR = 131317 EVENT_SKILLS_FULL_UPDATE = 131374 EVENT_SKILL_FORCE_RESPEC = 131379 EVENT_SKILL_LINE_ADDED = 131376 EVENT_SKILL_POINTS_CHANGED = 131375 EVENT_SKILL_RANK_UPDATE = 131377 EVENT_SKILL_XP_UPDATE = 131378 EVENT_SLD_SAVE_LOAD_ERROR = 393216 EVENT_SLOT_IS_LOCKED_FAILURE = 131223 EVENT_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH_COMPLETED = 131469 EVENT_SMITHING_TRAIT_RESEARCH_STARTED = 131468 EVENT_SOCIAL_DATA_LOADED = 327680 EVENT_SOCIAL_ERROR = 327699 EVENT_SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGE_FAILURE = 131232 EVENT_SPAM_WARNING = 131367 EVENT_STABLE_INTERACT_END = 131202 EVENT_STABLE_INTERACT_START = 131201 EVENT_START_FAST_TRAVEL_INTERACTION = 131424 EVENT_START_FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_INTERACTION = 131421 EVENT_START_KEEP_GUILD_CLAIM_INTERACTION = 131297 EVENT_START_KEEP_GUILD_RELEASE_INTERACTION = 131299 EVENT_START_SOUL_GEM_RESURRECTION = 131331 EVENT_START_WAIT_SPINNER = 393240 EVENT_STATS_UPDATED = 131129 EVENT_STEALTH_STATE_CHANGED = 131155 EVENT_STOP_WAIT_SPINNER = 393241 EVENT_STORE_FAILURE = 131259 EVENT_STUCK_BEGIN = 131501 EVENT_STUCK_CANCELED = 131502 EVENT_STUCK_COMPLETE = 131507 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS = 131504 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_INVALID_LOCATION = 131506 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_IN_COMBAT = 131505 EVENT_STUCK_ERROR_ON_COOLDOWN = 131503 EVENT_STYLE_LEARNED = 131465 EVENT_SYNERGY_ABILITY_CHANGED = 131170 EVENT_SYSTEM_HELP_OPENED = 393237 EVENT_SYSTEM_MENU_CLOSED = 393239 EVENT_SYSTEM_MENU_OPENED = 393238 EVENT_TARGET_CHANGED = 131116 EVENT_TELVAR_STONE_UPDATE = 131214 EVENT_TITLE_UPDATE = 131160 EVENT_TRACKING_UPDATE = 131096 EVENT_TRADE_ACCEPT_FAILED_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY = 131356 EVENT_TRADE_CANCELED = 131347 EVENT_TRADE_CONFIRMATION_CHANGED = 131348 EVENT_TRADE_ELEVATION_FAILED = 131350 EVENT_TRADE_FAILED = 131354 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_ACCEPTED = 131345 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_CANCELED = 131344 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_CONSIDERING = 131340 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_DECLINED = 131343 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_FAILED = 131339 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_REMOVED = 131341 EVENT_TRADE_INVITE_WAITING = 131342 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_ADDED = 131349 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_ADD_FAILED = 131351 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_REMOVED = 131352 EVENT_TRADE_ITEM_UPDATED = 131353 EVENT_TRADE_MONEY_CHANGED = 131346 EVENT_TRADE_SUCCEEDED = 131355 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_AWAITING_RESPONSE = 131493 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_CONFIRM_ITEM_PURCHASE = 131496 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_ERROR = 131497 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_OPERATION_TIME_OUT = 131498 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_PENDING_ITEM_UPDATE = 131492 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_RESPONSE_RECEIVED = 131494 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_SEARCH_COOLDOWN_UPDATE = 131499 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_SEARCH_RESULTS_RECEIVED = 131495 EVENT_TRADING_HOUSE_STATUS_RECEIVED = 131491 EVENT_TRAIT_LEARNED = 131462 EVENT_TRIAL_FEATURE_RESTRICTED = 131542 EVENT_TUTORIALS_RESET = 131442 EVENT_TUTORIAL_HIDDEN = 131440 EVENT_TUTORIAL_SYSTEM_ENABLED_STATE_CHANGED = 131441 EVENT_UI_ERROR = 131359 EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_ADDED = 131475 EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_REMOVED = 131476 EVENT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_UPDATED = 131477 EVENT_UNIT_CREATED = 131120 EVENT_UNIT_DEATH_STATE_CHANGED = 131122 EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED = 131121 EVENT_UNIT_FRAME_UPDATE = 131117 EVENT_UNLOCKED_DYES_UPDATED = 131510 EVENT_UNSPENT_CHAMPION_POINTS_CHANGED = 131538 EVENT_UPDATE_BUYBACK = 131255 EVENT_UPDATE_GUI_LOADING_PROGRESS = 65544 EVENT_VETERAN_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED = 131161 EVENT_VETERAN_POINTS_GAIN = 131150 EVENT_VETERAN_POINTS_UPDATE = 131151 EVENT_VETERAN_RANK_UPDATE = 131126 EVENT_VIBRATION = 131532 EVENT_WEAPON_SWAP_LOCKED = 131224 EVENT_WEB_BROWSER_CLOSED = 393236 EVENT_WEB_BROWSER_OPENED = 393235 EVENT_WEREWOLF_STATE_CHANGED = 131157 EVENT_ZONE_CHANGED = 131235 EVENT_ZONE_CHANNEL_CHANGED = 131113 EVENT_ZONE_COLLECTIBLE_REQUIREMENT_FAILED = 131404 EVENT_ZONE_SCORING_CHANGED = 131243 EVENT_ZONE_UPDATE = 131124 EXTRACTION_FILTER = -2 EnchantItem() = function:3986A260 EndCurrentItemPreview = function: Private EndHeraldryCustomization() = function:39888B00 EndInteractCameraSpin() = function:39863F08 EndInteraction() = function:39861008 EndItemPreview = function: Private EndItemPreviewSpin = function: Private EndLooting() = function:39872228 EndPendingInteraction() = function:398690C8 EquipItem() = function:398615A8 EsoStringVersions = table:8228CEC8 firstTable 100 = 1 1003 = 2 1004 = 2 1005 = 2 101 = 1 1014 = 1 1015 = 1 1018 = 1 1019 = 2 102 = 1 1020 = 2 1021 = 3 1022 = 3 1023 = 1 1024 = 1 1025 = 1 1026 = 1 1027 = 1 1031 = 1 1032 = 1 1033 = 1 1034 = 1 1035 = 1 1036 = 1 1037 = 1 1038 = 1 1039 = 1 104 = 1 1040 = 1 1041 = 1 1042 = 1 1043 = 1 1044 = 1 1045 = 1 1046 = 1 1047 = 1 1048 = 1 1049 = 1 1050 = 1 1051 = 1 1055 = 1 1057 = 1 106 = 1 1068 = 2 1070 = 2 1071 = 1 1072 = 1 1073 = 1 1074 = 1 1075 = 1 1076 = 1 1077 = 2 1078 = 1 108 = 1 1097 = 2 1105 = 1 1119 = 1 112 = 1 1122 = 2 1123 = 1 1124 = 2 1125 = 2 1135 = 1 1136 = 1 1137 = 1 1138 = 1 1139 = 1 1140 = 1 1141 = 2 1142 = 2 1143 = 3 1147 = 2 1148 = 3 1149 = 3 1150 = 4 1151 = 4 1152 = 4 1153 = 1 1154 = 1 1183 = 1 1184 = 1 1185 = 1 120 = 1 1213 = 1 1216 = 1 1218 = 3 1219 = 1 1220 = 1 1221 = 4 1249 = 1 125 = 1 1258 = 1 1259 = 3 126 = 1 1260 = 1 1262 = 1 1263 = 1 1264 = 1 1265 = 1 1269 = 1 127 = 1 1284 = 1 1285 = 2 1286 = 2 1287 = 1 1288 = 2 1289 = 2 1290 = 1 1291 = 1 1292 = 1 1293 = 1 1295 = 1 1307 = 1 1308 = 1 1309 = 1 1334 = 1 1336 = 1 1337 = 1 1352 = 1 1375 = 1 1376 = 1 1377 = 3 1378 = 3 1379 = 3 138 = 1 1380 = 3 1381 = 2 1382 = 2 1383 = 1 1394 = 3 1407 = 1 1408 = 1 1464 = 1 1472 = 1 1484 = 1 1485 = 1 1486 = 1 1496 = 2 1502 = 1 1503 = 1 151 = 1 152 = 1 1529 = 1 1532 = 1 1533 = 1 1544 = 1 1549 = 1 1564 = 1 157 = 1 161 = 2 1619 = 2 1620 = 1 1630 = 2 1642 = 1 1646 = 1 1647 = 1 1648 = 1 1652 = 1 1655 = 2 1656 = 2 1657 = 2 1658 = 3 1659 = 2 1660 = 2 1661 = 3 1662 = 3 1663 = 2 1664 = 2 1673 = 1 1688 = 1 169 = 2 1695 = 1 1719 = 1 1737 = 1 1749 = 1 1750 = 1 1751 = 1 1752 = 1 1753 = 1 1754 = 1 1755 = 1 1756 = 1 1757 = 1 1758 = 1 1759 = 1 1760 = 1 1761 = 1 1772 = 1 1790 = 1 1791 = 1 1797 = 2 1798 = 1 1799 = 1 1804 = 2 1810 = 1 1817 = 1 1818 = 1 1819 = 1 1820 = 1 1821 = 1 1822 = 1 1823 = 1 1824 = 1 1825 = 1 1826 = 1 185 = 1 1857 = 1 1858 = 1 186 = 1 1861 = 1 1865 = 1 1866 = 1 188 = 1 1885 = 1 1886 = 1 1891 = 1 1892 = 1 1904 = 1 1906 = 1 1907 = 1 192 = 2 1993 = 1 1994 = 1 1995 = 1 1996 = 1 1997 = 1 1998 = 1 1999 = 1 200 = 2 2000 = 1 2001 = 1 2002 = 1 2003 = 1 2008 = 1 2009 = 1 201 = 2 2010 = 1 2011 = 1 2012 = 1 2013 = 1 202 = 2 2057 = 1 2058 = 1 206 = 2 2087 = 1 2088 = 1 2093 = 5 2094 = 3 2097 = 1 2109 = 1 211 = 1 2110 = 1 2111 = 1 2112 = 1 2113 = 1 2114 = 1 2115 = 1 2116 = 1 2117 = 1 2118 = 1 2119 = 1 212 = 2 2120 = 2 2121 = 1 2122 = 1 2123 = 1 2124 = 1 2125 = 1 2126 = 1 2127 = 1 2128 = 1 2129 = 1 2130 = 1 2198 = 1 2215 = 1 2226 = 2 2227 = 2 2229 = 1 226 = 1 2267 = 1 227 = 1 228 = 1 2286 = 1 2288 = 1 2299 = 1 2310 = 1 2311 = 1 2312 = 5 2313 = 5 2314 = 4 2315 = 5 2316 = 1 2317 = 1 2318 = 1 2319 = 1 2320 = 4 2321 = 4 2322 = 1 2323 = 1 2324 = 1 2325 = 1 2326 = 2 2327 = 4 2328 = 4 233 = 1 2335 = 1 2337 = 1 2346 = 2 2348 = 1 2349 = 1 2350 = 1 2351 = 1 2352 = 1 2353 = 1 2354 = 1 2366 = 2 2367 = 2 237 = 4 2373 = 1 2387 = 1 2388 = 1 2389 = 1 2390 = 1 2394 = 4 2395 = 1 2398 = 1 2418 = 1 2419 = 1 2425 = 1 2428 = 1 2429 = 1 2433 = 1 2434 = 1 2435 = 1 2444 = 1 2458 = 1 2459 = 2 2460 = 1 2484 = 2 2486 = 1 2495 = 3 2496 = 1 2497 = 1 2498 = 1 2499 = 1 2501 = 1 2503 = 2 2510 = 2 2511 = 2 2512 = 4 2513 = 3 2518 = 1 2519 = 1 2541 = 1 2542 = 1 2543 = 1 2544 = 1 2545 = 1 2546 = 1 2547 = 1 2548 = 1 2549 = 1 2550 = 1 2551 = 1 2552 = 1 2555 = 2 2556 = 2 2557 = 2 2558 = 2 2559 = 2 2560 = 2 2561 = 2 2562 = 2 2563 = 2 2564 = 2 2566 = 1 2568 = 1 257 = 1 2570 = 1 259 = 3 2591 = 1 260 = 1 2601 = 1 2605 = 1 2607 = 3 2609 = 3 261 = 1 2618 = 2 2619 = 4 2620 = 2 2622 = 1 2626 = 1 2627 = 1 2630 = 2 2631 = 1 2632 = 2 2635 = 1 264 = 1 2644 = 1 265 = 1 2659 = 1 266 = 1 2660 = 1 2665 = 1 2667 = 1 267 = 1 2673 = 2 2682 = 1 2686 = 2 2694 = 1 2695 = 1 2704 = 1 273 = 3 2744 = 1 2745 = 1 2746 = 1 275 = 3 2780 = 1 2781 = 1 2782 = 1 2783 = 1 2784 = 1 2785 = 1 2786 = 1 2788 = 1 2792 = 1 2802 = 2 2803 = 3 2804 = 3 2805 = 2 2806 = 3 2807 = 3 2808 = 2 2809 = 3 2810 = 3 2811 = 2 2812 = 2 2813 = 2 2814 = 2 2815 = 3 2816 = 2 2817 = 2 2818 = 2 2819 = 3 282 = 2 2820 = 2 2821 = 1 2822 = 1 2823 = 1 2824 = 1 2826 = 1 2829 = 1 283 = 4 2838 = 1 285 = 1 2856 = 1 2861 = 2 2862 = 1 2866 = 1 2868 = 1 2877 = 1 2879 = 1 2896 = 1 2904 = 1 2906 = 1 2907 = 1 2908 = 1 2909 = 1 291 = 6 2910 = 1 2914 = 1 2915 = 1 2916 = 3 2917 = 3 292 = 1 2920 = 1 2921 = 1 2926 = 1 2927 = 1 293 = 2 2936 = 1 2939 = 1 294 = 1 2940 = 1 2941 = 1 2943 = 1 295 = 5 2956 = 4 2957 = 1 296 = 4 2960 = 1 2968 = 1 2989 = 1 2990 = 1 2997 = 2 300 = 1 3024 = 1 3025 = 1 303 = 1 305 = 1 3057 = 1 3059 = 1 3061 = 1 3063 = 1 3065 = 1 3067 = 1 3069 = 1 307 = 1 3071 = 1 3073 = 1 3074 = 1 3077 = 1 3078 = 1 309 = 1 3091 = 2 3093 = 2 3097 = 1 3098 = 1 3102 = 1 3104 = 1 3106 = 1 3108 = 1 3110 = 1 3114 = 1 3116 = 2 3117 = 1 3121 = 1 3122 = 1 3187 = 1 3188 = 1 3189 = 1 3192 = 3 3193 = 2 3194 = 1 3197 = 1 3218 = 2 3226 = 4 3227 = 3 3231 = 1 3236 = 2 3237 = 3 3259 = 1 3261 = 1 3271 = 1 3272 = 2 3273 = 1 3274 = 1 3276 = 1 3277 = 1 3278 = 1 3279 = 1 3284 = 2 3301 = 1 3303 = 1 3305 = 2 3307 = 2 3308 = 1 3314 = 1 3315 = 2 3317 = 3 3318 = 3 3320 = 3 3322 = 1 3326 = 1 3327 = 1 3328 = 3 333 = 1 3330 = 1 3334 = 5 3335 = 6 3336 = 5 3337 = 5 3338 = 4 3339 = 5 3353 = 1 3368 = 2 3369 = 2 3370 = 2 3376 = 1 3378 = 2 3379 = 2 3388 = 1 3393 = 1 3394 = 1 3395 = 2 3399 = 1 3400 = 1 3407 = 3 3409 = 1 3414 = 1 3416 = 1 3422 = 1 3424 = 1 3425 = 1 3426 = 1 3437 = 1 345 = 2 3453 = 2 3460 = 1 3461 = 1 3462 = 1 3463 = 1 3464 = 1 3472 = 3 3473 = 1 348 = 1 3482 = 1 3488 = 3 3489 = 2 349 = 1 3490 = 3 350 = 1 3506 = 1 3507 = 1 3508 = 1 351 = 1 3512 = 1 3513 = 1 3514 = 1 3516 = 1 352 = 1 3520 = 1 3528 = 1 3538 = 1 3542 = 1 3544 = 1 3547 = 1 3571 = 1 3574 = 1 358 = 4 359 = 1 360 = 4 3619 = 1 362 = 4 3623 = 1 3624 = 1 364 = 4 3645 = 1 366 = 4 3661 = 1 3663 = 1 3680 = 1 3709 = 1 371 = 1 3710 = 1 3711 = 1 3715 = 1 3718 = 1 374 = 1 3775 = 1 3785 = 1 3786 = 1 3787 = 1 379 = 1 3794 = 1 3795 = 1 380 = 1 3805 = 2 3806 = 1 3807 = 1 3808 = 1 381 = 1 3812 = 1 383 = 3 3831 = 1 384 = 3 385 = 2 3858 = 1 3864 = 1 3865 = 1 3866 = 1 3868 = 1 3876 = 1 3879 = 1 3889 = 1 3899 = 1 390 = 2 3900 = 1 3901 = 1 3902 = 1 3903 = 1 3904 = 1 3908 = 1 391 = 2 3915 = 1 392 = 1 394 = 2 3940 = 3 395 = 2 3955 = 1 3956 = 1 396 = 1 3962 = 1 3963 = 1 3964 = 1 3965 = 1 3974 = 1 3985 = 2 4008 = 1 4018 = 1 4019 = 1 4031 = 1 4047 = 1 4055 = 1 4064 = 2 4065 = 2 4066 = 1 4067 = 2 4068 = 1 4069 = 1 4090 = 1 4091 = 2 4092 = 2 4094 = 1 4101 = 1 4102 = 1 4109 = 1 4159 = 1 4160 = 1 4161 = 2 4181 = 1 4185 = 2 4201 = 1 4204 = 1 4205 = 1 4206 = 1 4219 = 2 4221 = 2 4222 = 1 4223 = 2 4238 = 1 4240 = 1 4251 = 3 4271 = 1 4272 = 1 4273 = 1 4274 = 1 4300 = 1 4301 = 1 4340 = 1 4347 = 3 4354 = 1 4388 = 1 4389 = 1 4402 = 1 4403 = 1 4404 = 1 4406 = 1 4407 = 1 4454 = 1 4463 = 2 4464 = 1 4465 = 1 448 = 2 4483 = 1 4489 = 1 449 = 1 4491 = 1 4497 = 1 4498 = 1 450 = 1 4504 = 1 4505 = 1 4506 = 2 451 = 2 452 = 1 453 = 1 4536 = 2 454 = 1 4549 = 1 4550 = 2 4557 = 1 4558 = 1 4561 = 1 4565 = 1 4566 = 2 4574 = 1 4575 = 1 4577 = 1 4580 = 1 4586 = 1 4587 = 1 459 = 1 461 = 2 4629 = 2 4639 = 1 464 = 1 466 = 2 4668 = 1 4669 = 2 467 = 1 4679 = 1 468 = 1 4695 = 1 470 = 1 4706 = 1 471 = 1 4714 = 1 4716 = 1 472 = 3 4727 = 1 4736 = 1 4737 = 1 4738 = 1 4753 = 1 4765 = 1 4767 = 1 4772 = 3 4784 = 1 4788 = 1 4791 = 1 4798 = 1 4826 = 2 4831 = 1 4850 = 1 4865 = 1 4866 = 1 4869 = 1 4871 = 2 4872 = 1 4873 = 4 4880 = 1 4885 = 1 4887 = 1 4888 = 3 4900 = 1 4907 = 1 4908 = 1 4916 = 1 4929 = 1 4931 = 1 4932 = 2 4933 = 1 4934 = 1 4936 = 1 4937 = 1 4954 = 2 4962 = 1 4963 = 1 497 = 2 4980 = 1 4981 = 1 4983 = 2 4985 = 1 4986 = 1 4989 = 1 4992 = 1 4995 = 3 5028 = 1 5029 = 1 5030 = 1 5031 = 1 5032 = 1 5033 = 1 5047 = 1 5048 = 1 5053 = 1 5054 = 1 5055 = 1 5067 = 1 5076 = 2 5079 = 1 5080 = 1 5094 = 1 5103 = 1 5104 = 1 511 = 2 5111 = 2 5112 = 2 5113 = 2 5115 = 1 5116 = 2 5117 = 3 5121 = 1 5148 = 1 5151 = 2 5163 = 1 5164 = 1 5177 = 4 5178 = 4 5179 = 4 5180 = 4 5181 = 5 5182 = 5 5183 = 4 5185 = 1 5196 = 1 5197 = 2 521 = 1 5213 = 2 5214 = 1 5215 = 1 5218 = 1 522 = 1 5221 = 1 5222 = 1 5240 = 2 5251 = 3 5256 = 3 5257 = 2 5260 = 2 5261 = 1 5266 = 1 5267 = 1 5268 = 3 5269 = 3 5272 = 1 5273 = 1 5291 = 1 5308 = 1 5323 = 1 5348 = 1 5349 = 1 5350 = 1 5358 = 1 5359 = 1 5362 = 1 5363 = 1 5367 = 1 5369 = 1 5371 = 1 5373 = 1 5375 = 1 5384 = 1 5407 = 1 5424 = 2 5439 = 2 5444 = 2 5445 = 2 5446 = 1 5447 = 1 5448 = 1 5449 = 2 545 = 1 5450 = 2 5451 = 1 5452 = 1 5453 = 1 5455 = 1 5463 = 3 5464 = 1 5467 = 1 5468 = 1 5474 = 1 5477 = 1 548 = 1 5491 = 1 5493 = 1 5496 = 2 5498 = 2 5506 = 2 5507 = 2 5508 = 1 5510 = 1 5527 = 1 5529 = 2 554 = 1 555 = 1 5553 = 1 556 = 1 557 = 1 558 = 1 559 = 1 560 = 1 561 = 1 562 = 1 563 = 1 564 = 1 565 = 1 566 = 1 567 = 1 568 = 1 569 = 1 570 = 1 571 = 1 572 = 1 573 = 1 574 = 1 575 = 1 576 = 1 584 = 2 585 = 1 59 = 1 593 = 1 598 = 1 601 = 1 602 = 1 65 = 1 670 = 1 681 = 1 682 = 1 685 = 2 686 = 1 697 = 5 698 = 5 703 = 3 704 = 2 705 = 2 706 = 2 707 = 2 708 = 2 709 = 3 710 = 3 712 = 1 713 = 1 714 = 1 715 = 1 716 = 1 717 = 1 718 = 2 719 = 2 720 = 2 73 = 1 733 = 1 737 = 1 739 = 1 741 = 2 742 = 1 743 = 1 77 = 2 781 = 2 782 = 2 783 = 2 784 = 2 785 = 2 786 = 2 788 = 1 789 = 1 790 = 1 791 = 1 792 = 1 793 = 1 794 = 1 795 = 1 796 = 1 797 = 1 798 = 1 799 = 1 800 = 1 801 = 1 802 = 1 803 = 1 804 = 1 805 = 1 806 = 1 808 = 1 809 = 1 81 = 1 810 = 1 811 = 1 812 = 1 813 = 1 814 = 1 815 = 1 816 = 1 817 = 1 818 = 1 819 = 1 820 = 1 821 = 1 83 = 1 923 = 1 924 = 1 929 = 1 93 = 1 930 = 1 933 = 1 949 = 1 95 = 2 953 = 1 955 = 1 96 = 1 98 = 2 99 = 1 EsoStrings = table:8228CF40 firstTable 1 = 10 = Low 100 = Magelight Lighting 1000 = Grand Alliance War 1001 = Repeatable 1002 = Daily 1003 = Solo 1004 = Group 1005 = Trial 1006 = Solo 1007 = Group 1008 = Trial 1009 = Group Delve 101 = Displays the lights associated with the Magelight ability. Disabling this may improve performance. 1010 = Say 1011 = Yell 1012 = Incoming Whispers 1013 = Outgoing Whispers 1014 = Zone 1015 = Group 1016 = Emote 1017 = System 1018 = Guild 1 1019 = Guild 2 102 = Friendly NPCs 1020 = Guild 3 1021 = Guild 4 1022 = Guild 5 1023 = Officer 1 1024 = Officer 2 1025 = Officer 3 1026 = Officer 4 1027 = Officer 5 1028 = Zone - English 1029 = Zone - French 103 = Displays the name of friendly creatures and non player characters as overhead text. 1030 = Zone - German 1031 = Monster Say 1032 = Monster Yell 1033 = Monster Whisper 1034 = Monster Emote 1035 = Experience 1036 = Tel Var Stones 1037 = Rank Points 1038 = Alliance Points 1039 = Gained Effect 104 = Friendly Players 1040 = Lost Effect 1041 = Direct Damage 1042 = Damage over Time 1043 = Direct Heal 1044 = Heal over Time 1045 = Power Energize 1046 = Power Drain 1047 = Dodge/Parry/Miss 1048 = Block/Absorb/Defend 1049 = Resist 105 = Displays the name of friendly players as overhead text. 1050 = Other 1051 = Death 1052 = Channels 1053 = Guilds 1054 = Combat 1055 = Cyrodiil 1056 = Dungeon 1057 = Veteran Dungeon 1058 = Trial 1059 = Imperial City 106 = Enemy NPCs 1060 = Damage 1061 = Tank 1062 = Healer 1063 = Regular 1064 = Medium 1065 = Large 1066 = You must select a role. 1067 = You must select a role for each location. 1068 = Don't Show 1069 = Automatic 107 = Displays the name of enemy creatures and non player characters as overhead text. 1070 = Always Show 1071 = Simple 1072 = Intermediate 1073 = Advanced 1074 = Master 1075 = Impossible 1076 = Trivial 1077 = Trivial 1078 = Search 1079 = Talk 108 = Enemy Players 1080 = Harvest 1081 = Disarm 1082 = Use 1083 = Read 1084 = Take 1085 = Destroy 1086 = Repair 1087 = Inspect 1088 = Repair 1089 = Unlock 109 = Displays the name of enemy players as overhead text. 1090 = Open 1091 = Examine 1092 = Fish 1093 = Reel In 1094 = Pack Up 1095 = Steal 1096 = Steal From 1097 = Pickpocket 1098 = Trespass 1099 = Talk in Guild Chat 11 = High 110 = Self 1100 = Invite Members 1101 = Remove Members 1102 = Promote Members 1103 = Demote Members 1104 = Edit Message of the Day 1105 = Read Member Notes 1106 = Edit Member Notes 1107 = Claim Alliance Resources 1108 = Release Alliance Resources 1109 = Read Officer Chat 111 = Displays the name of your character as overhead text. 1110 = Talk in Officer Chat 1111 = Edit About Us 1112 = Edit Recruitment 1113 = Deposit in Guild Bank 1114 = Withdraw from Guild Bank 1115 = Buy from Guild Store 1116 = Sell in Guild Store 1117 = Edit Guild Permissions 1118 = Use Battle Standards 1119 = Hire Guild Traders 112 = Nameplates 1120 = Edit Guild Heraldry 1121 = Withdraw Gold from Guild Bank 1122 = Guild 1123 = Bank 1124 = Sales 1125 = Campaign 1126 = Alliance War 1127 = Roster 1128 = Customization 1129 = Unlocks 113 = Enables the overhead name system that appears above creatures, non player characters and players. 1130 = Deposits 1131 = Withdrawals 1132 = Purchases 1133 = Hired Trader 1134 = Ownership 1135 = <<1>> promoted <<2>> to <<3>>. 1136 = <<1>> demoted <<2>> to <<3>>. 1137 = <<1>> created the guild. 1138 = <<1>> joined the guild. 1139 = <<1>> left the guild. 114 = This setting will not take effect until the game is restarted. 1140 = <<1>> kicked <<2>> from the guild. 1141 = <<1>> deposited <<2>> <>. 1142 = <<1>> withdrew <<2>> <>. 1143 = <<1>> sold <<3>> <> to <<2>> for <<5>>. <<6>> in taxes collected. 1144 = <<1>> claimed <<2>> in <<3>> campaign. 1145 = Guild lost <<1>> in <<2>> campaign. 1146 = <<1>> released <<2>> in <<3>> campaign. 1147 = <<1>> edited guild's heraldry for <<2>>. 1148 = <<1>> deposited <<2>>. 1149 = <<1>> withdrew <<2>>. 115 = This setting must be applied and may result in a load screen. 1150 = Lost bid to hire <<1>>. <<2>> refunded. 1151 = <<1>> bid <<2>> to hire <<3>>. 1152 = <<1>> hired <<3>> for <<2>>. 1153 = <<1>> picked up a battle standard. 1154 = <<1>> put down a battle standard. 1155 = <<1>> edited Message of the Day text. 1156 = <<1>> edited the About Us text. 1157 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Store! 1158 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Store. 1159 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Bank! 116 = Settings 1160 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Bank. 1161 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Standard! 1162 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Standard. 1163 = You have reached enough members to unlock the Guild Tabard! 1164 = Guild no longer has enough members to use the Guild Tabard. 1165 = You have reached enough members to unlock hiring Guild Traders! 1166 = Guild no longer has enough members to hire Guild Traders. 1167 = Gamertag 1168 = Online ID 1169 = UserID 117 = Controls 1170 = Speed 1171 = Carry Capacity 1172 = Stamina 1173 = Normal 1174 = Hardcore 1175 = Special Events 1176 = None 1177 = Player Level 1178 = Veteran Level 1179 = Majority control of Cyrodiil unlocks the gates to Imperial City. 118 = Add-Ons 1180 = Unlocking the gates requires control of |cffffff<<1>>|r home keeps. 1181 = Unlocking the gates requires control of |cffffff<<1>>|r home keeps and at least |cffffff1|r enemy keep. 1182 = The gates of Imperial City are open to all alliances. 1183 = Online 1184 = Away 1185 = Do Not Disturb 1186 = Offline 1187 = Friend Invite 1188 = Guild Invite 1189 = Campaign Ready 119 = Quit 1190 = Resurrect Available 1191 = Group Invite 1192 = Trade Invite 1193 = Share Quest 1194 = Pledge of Mara 1195 = Customer Service 1196 = Leaderboard 1197 = Guild MotD 1198 = Collections 1199 = Grouping Tools 12 = Adjust Brightness 120 = Add-Ons 1200 = Points Reset 1201 = Spice Ingredients 1202 = Flavoring Ingredients 1203 = Objectives 1204 = Alliance War Objectives 1205 = Battles 1206 = Quests 1207 = Resources 1208 = Forward Camp Ranges 1209 = Forward Camps 121 = Name 1210 = Wayshrines 1211 = Group Members 1212 = Transit Lines 1213 = Imperial City Entrances 1214 = All Alliances 1215 = My Alliance 1216 = Template A 1217 = Southpaw 1218 = Hardcore 1219 = Attack on Button 122 = Enabled 1220 = Template B 1221 = Template C 1222 = Weapon Swap Right Stick 1223 = Weapon Swap Face Button 1224 = Invalid 1225 = Easy 1226 = Medium 1227 = Hard 1228 = Suspicious 1229 = Too Far 123 = Notes 1230 = Aware 1231 = Inventory Full 1232 = Upstanding 1233 = Disreputable 1234 = Notorious 1235 = Fugitive 1236 = Enforcer 1237 = Criminal 1238 = Purchase Successful 1239 = You do not have enough crowns to make this purchase. 124 = Author 1240 = You do not have enough room in your inventory to make this purchase. 1241 = We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist. 1242 = You already own this item! 1243 = We're sorry, you cannot purchase this item. 1244 = Cannot complete the purchase at this time. Please try again later. 1245 = We're sorry, this product doesn't seem to exist. 1246 = You already own this item! 1247 = We're sorry, you cannot purchase this item at this time. 1248 = We're sorry, you cannot purchase that item at this time. 1249 = You've already fully unlocked this item. 125 = Configure for: 1250 = Invalid 1251 = DLC 1252 = Mount 1253 = Vanity Pet 1254 = Costume 1255 = Trophy 1256 = Upgrade 1257 = Service 1258 = Not Collected 1259 = ESO Plus Unlocked 126 = All Characters 1260 = Collected 1261 = Invalid 1262 = Ceremonial 1263 = Cheers and Jeers 1264 = 1265 = Emotion 1266 = Entertainment 1267 = Food and Drink 1268 = Give Directions 1269 = Perpetual 127 = Allow out of date add-ons 1270 = Physical 1271 = Poses and Fidgets 1272 = Prop 1273 = Social 1274 = View All 1275 = View Purchased 1276 = View Not Purchased 1277 = None 1278 = NA 1279 = EU 128 = Required Add-Ons: <<1>> 1280 = North America 1281 = Europe 1282 = 1283 = 1284 = Could not find a player named \"<<1>>\" to invite. 1285 = <<1>> accepted your invitation. 1286 = <<1>> declined your group invitation. 1287 = <<1>> is ignoring you. You cannot extend a group invitation. 1288 = <<1>> is considering another invite. You cannot extend a group invitation. 1289 = <<1>> is already in a group. You cannot extend a group invitation. 129 = Dependency 1290 = This group is already full. 1291 = You cannot invite yourself. 1292 = Only group leaders can invite others to group. 1293 = <<1>> is a member of another alliance. 1294 = You have invited <<1>> to the group. 1295 = Account type is not set to allow group creation. 1296 = Failed to join the group. 1297 = You don't have a group. 1298 = Your group is too big for <<1>>. 1299 = Your level is too low to queue for <<1>>. 13 = The middle logo above should be barely visible. 130 = <<1>>, <<2>> 1300 = Your level is too high to queue for <<1>>. 1301 = Your group has too much level variance for <<1>>. 1302 = You must be the group leader to add your group to the queue. 1303 = One or more group members could not queue for <<1>>. 1304 = You've already queued for <<1>>. 1305 = You're now solo queued because you left a group in the queue. 1306 = You've been removed from the queue for <<1>> because your level is too high. 1307 = Target is immune. 1308 = You are busy. 1309 = You can't do that while dead. 131 = This add-on is enabled for all your characters. 1310 = The target is out of range. 1311 = You cannot do that while recalling. 1312 = You're too close to other siege engines. 1313 = You cannot place this here. 1314 = You're too close to an enemy keep. 1315 = Over the siege limit. 1316 = You must be near a friendly keep. 1317 = Too close to other deployed mercenaries. 1318 = Invalid location 1319 = This must be placed on land. 132 = This add-on is not enabled for any of your characters. 1320 = Can't be placed on this structure. 1321 = This terrain is not flat enough. 1322 = Not close enough to enemy keep door. 1323 = You're too close to another friendly Forward Camp. 1324 = You must have a valid empty Soul Gem. 1325 = You don't have enough inventory space to add a filled Soul Gem. 1326 = You must have a valid filled Soul Gem. 1327 = You are mounted. 1328 = Graveyards are not usable inside dungeons. 1329 = Not enough space to create siege engine. 133 = This add-on is enabled for some of your characters. 1330 = You do not meet the requirements to do that. 1331 = All nearby doors are currently under attack by rams. 1332 = All nearby doors are already destroyed. 1333 = Over the mercenary limit. 1334 = Your alliance has reached the maximum number of Forward Camps. 1335 = Your alliance has reached the maximum number of Battle Standards. 1336 = Your must be wearing the tabard of the guild for which you are placing a Battle Standard. 1337 = A Battle Standard belonging to your guild already has already been placed. 1338 = You are too close to a capture point. 1339 = You do not have permission to use Battle Standards for that guild. 134 = Reload UI 1340 = Battle Standards are currently disabled. 1341 = You must be wearing the tabard of the guild for which you are placing a forward camp. 1342 = A forward camp belonging to your guild has already been placed. 1343 = You do not have permission to use forward camps for that guild. 1344 = No weapons to swap to. 1345 = Cannot weapon swap while changing gear. 1346 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid character name. 1347 = Unable to create character:\nUnknown error. 1348 = Unable to create character:\nName already in use. 1349 = Unable to create character:\nName too short. 135 = View EULA 1350 = Unable to create character:\nName too long. 1351 = Unable to create character:\nServer locked. 1352 = Unable to create character:\nNo global character data. 1353 = Unable to create character:\nNo template creation allowed. 1354 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid template. 1355 = Unable to create character:\nYou must select a template. 1356 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid class. 1357 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid race. 1358 = Unable to create character:\nYou must select a race from an alliance that matches the selected template. 1359 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid hair option. 136 = AddOn End User License Agreement 1360 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid hair tint. 1361 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid skin tint. 1362 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid adornment option. 1363 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid head marking option. 1364 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid body marking option. 1365 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid eye tint. 1366 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid age. 1367 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid eyebrow. 1368 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid gender. 1369 = Unable to create character:\nInvalid model data. 137 = <<1>> 1370 = Unable to create character:\nNo free character slots. 1371 = Unable to create character:\nNo valid entitlements. 1372 = Unable to create character:\nYou must choose an alliance. 1373 = Unable to create character:\nSave failure. 1374 = Unable to create character:\nCharacter list not received. 1375 = Invalid Name 1376 = Duplicate Name 1377 = Too few characters. 1378 = Too many characters. 1379 = No adjacent punctuation characters. 138 = UserID: 1380 = Must end with a letter. 1381 = No more than two of the same letter in a row. 1382 = Four hyphens, apostrophes, or spaces at most. 1383 = Name cannot start with a space. 1384 = There was a system error. 1385 = Cannot currently change name. 1386 = No numbers. 1387 = Invalid characters. 1388 = 1389 = Female 139 = ex. Queen Ayrenn or @Ayren1234 1390 = Male 1391 = Internal error 1392 = Unknown player 1393 = Recipient's Inbox is full 1394 = You cannot send mail to that recipient. 1395 = Not enough gold 1396 = Invalid attached item 1397 = This mail is lacking a subject, body, or attachments. 1398 = You cannot send gold as Cash On Delivery. 1399 = You must attach at least one item for Cash on Delivery mail. 14 = Reset Keyboard Bindings to Defaults 140 = UI Error 1400 = Please wait: processing prior request. 1401 = You cannot send mail to yourself. 1402 = Sending mail is currently disabled. 1403 = Mail not open. 1404 = Too many items attached. 1405 = Recipient not found. 1406 = User Canceled 1407 = Your inventory is full. 1408 = Your inventory is full. 1409 = That item is no longer available. 141 = Dismiss Error 1410 = You are unable to loot <<1>> because it is unique and you already have one. 1411 = At least one item could not be looted because it's unique and you already have one. 1412 = Invalid slot number 1413 = You can't place items in weapon attack slots. 1414 = You don't know that ability. 1415 = You can't put that item in that slot. 1416 = You don't have that item. 1417 = You can't swap these in combat. 1418 = This ability is from an inactive skill line. 1419 = You haven't unlocked that collectible. 142 = <<1>> 1420 = You may only use Werewolf abilities right now. 1421 = You don't know that ability. 1422 = That ability can't be upgraded further. 1423 = Invalid progression line 1424 = You can't purchase more upgrades for that ability. Your level isn't high enough. 1425 = You don't have enough gold to upgrade that. 1426 = You've already morphed this ability. You must respec first. 1427 = You haven't progressed this ability enough to morph it. 1428 = You haven't morphed this ability yet. 1429 = This ability doesn't have a valid upgrade. 143 = <<1>> 1430 = You don't have any skill points. 1431 = Your skill ability purchases have been reset. 1432 = Your attribute purchases have been reset. 1433 = You don't have enough gold. 1434 = Your morphs have been reset. 1435 = You can't fast travel because you're engaged in combat. 1436 = You can't fast travel because there isn't a valid fast travel path to the desired destination. 1437 = You can't fast travel because the starting keep's alliance differs from yours. 1438 = You can't fast travel because the starting keep is currently under attack. 1439 = You can't fast travel because the destination keep's alliance differs from yours. 144 = <<1>> 1440 = You can't fast travel because the destination keep is currently under attack. 1441 = You can't fast travel because the destination keep has at least one resource in enemy hands. 1442 = You can't fast travel because you're too far away from the starting keep. 1443 = Your fast travel attempt failed. 1444 = You must talk to a keep travel master. 1445 = You can't fast travel because you're carrying a Scroll. 1446 = You can't fast travel. 1447 = You can't fast travel because the starting keep has too few resources in allied hands. 1448 = Character 1449 = Combat 145 = Error 1450 = Crafting 1451 = Crash 1452 = Items 1453 = MonsterNPC 1454 = Quest 1455 = TextLocalization 1456 = UI 1457 = Visuals 1458 = Other 1459 = That item cannot be sold. 146 = • <<1>> 1460 = Cannot sell items when you're at the money cap 1461 = You don't need that quest item. 1462 = You can only buy one of those. 1463 = You don't need that many quest items. 1464 = You don't meet the purchase requirements. 1465 = You can only have one of those items. 1466 = You can't afford that item. 1467 = You need more Alliance Points to buy that. 1468 = You need more Inspiration Points to buy that. 1469 = You need more Tel Var Stones to buy that. 147 = • 1470 = This hookpoint is not active. 1471 = You do not have enough stable space to purchase this mount. 1472 = You can't sell stolen items here. 1473 = Fences only deal with stolen items. 1474 = That item is worthless. 1475 = You have reached your daily limit for selling stolen goods. 1476 = You already have that collectible. 1477 = <<1>> has declined your resurrection. 1478 = <<1>> is already considering a resurrection. 1479 = You can't resurrect <<1>>. You're already attempting to resurrect someone with a Soul Gem. 148 = • 1480 = You can't resurrect <<1>>. You don't have a filled Soul Gem. 1481 = You can not resurrect <<1>>. You do not have any revives remaining for this instance. 1482 = You must have a valid Soul Gem to charge your weapon. 1483 = This weapon is already fully charged. 1484 = You must have valid repair kit to repair this item. 1485 = This item is already at full durability. 1486 = You cannot afford to repair this item. 1487 = Item Laundered 1488 = Invalid request. 1489 = This item is not stolen. 149 = web browser 1490 = You cannot afford to launder this item. 1491 = You do not have enough room in your inventory to do that. 1492 = That item may not be laundered at a fence. 1493 = You have reached your daily limit for laundering stolen goods. 1494 = You cannot mount right now. 1495 = You cannot mount in this location. 1496 = You need <<1>> more open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>. 1497 = You can not swap mounts while an inventory item is locked. 1498 = You have not yet obtained a mount to ride. 1499 = <<1>> is too busy to pledge with. 15 = Are you sure you want to reset your keyboard keybinds to default settings? 150 = email client 1500 = <<1>> can't begin Ritual of Mara with a player who is dead. 1501 = Beginning Ritual of Mara with <<1>>. 1502 = <<1>> has been joined with you in the Ritual of Mara. 1503 = <<1>> has declined your Ritual of Mara request. 1504 = The Ritual of Mara has been cancelled. 1505 = <<1>> is not eligible for the Ritual of Mara. 1506 = You are too far away from <<1>> to perform the Ritual of Mara. 1507 = You must be part of the same alliance to perform the Ritual of Mara. 1508 = You already have a trade invite pending. 1509 = <<1>> is ignoring you. 151 = Open URL 1510 = You must respond to your current trade invite first. 1511 = You are already trading. 1512 = You must have a target to trade with. 1513 = You cannot trade with yourself. 1514 = You must be closer to trade. 1515 = You can only trade with your own alliance. 1516 = Your target is already trading. 1517 = Your trade invite failed. 1518 = You are too busy to trade. 1519 = You don't have enough gold to complete that trade. 152 = This will open |c76BCC3<>|r in your default <<2>> outside of the game. Are you sure you want to continue? 1520 = Your trade partner no longer has enough gold to complete this trade. 1521 = You have too much gold to complete this trade. 1522 = Your trade partner has too much gold to complete this trade. 1523 = You are unable to trade for <> because it's unique and you already have one. 1524 = You don't have enough empty slots to accept the offered items. 1525 = That item is locked. 1526 = That item is bound. 1527 = There are no open trade slots. 1528 = You are already trading <>. 1529 = That item is stolen. 153 = Open 1530 = Trading is currently disabled 1531 = You can't make anything with these materials. 1532 = You can't use these additives with these materials. 1533 = Your inventory is full. 1534 = You already have that unique item. 1535 = You are not trained in that craft. 1536 = You are missing crafting components. 1537 = You don't meet the requirements to craft that. 1538 = Your rank is too low to craft that. 1539 = Interrupted 154 = Dialogs 1540 = You can't afford to craft that. 1541 = You must be at a crafting station to craft. 1542 = You are not trained to craft in that racial style. 1543 = That item is not researchable. 1544 = You must be at a crafting station to research this. 1545 = You must research an item. 1546 = You cannot research an item that's locked. 1547 = You are not trained in the correct craft to research that. 1548 = Your rank is too low to research that. 1549 = Your inventory is full. 155 = Exit 1550 = Item cannot be reforged. 1551 = You are not trained in that craft. 1552 = This item is already in that style. 1553 = Your rank is too low to reforge that. 1554 = You are not trained in that racial style. 1555 = That is not a valid racial style for this item. 1556 = You are missing the racial crafting component. 1557 = You can't afford to reforge that. 1558 = You cannot reforge an item that is locked. 1559 = This item can't be refined. 156 = Character logout in <<1>> seconds. 1560 = You must be at a crafting station to refine this. 1561 = You don't have enough to refine. 1562 = You aren't trained in the correct craft to refine that. 1563 = Your rank is too low to refine that. 1564 = Your inventory is full. 1565 = Error <<1>>\nNo error. 1566 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while waiting for the realm directory service. 1567 = Error <<1>>\nFailed to obtain a list of realms from the directory service. 1568 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while trying to obtain server connection information. 1569 = Error <<1>>\nError <<1>>\nFailed to obtain server connection information. 157 = You cannot logout while in combat. 1570 = Error <<1>>\nServer is currently full. Please try again later. 1571 = Error <<1>>\nServer is currently full. Please try again later. 1572 = Error <<1>>\nServices are busy. Please try again later. 1573 = Error <<1>>\nServices are busy. Please try again later. 1574 = Error <<1>>\nLogin failed. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 1575 = Error <<1>>\nServer is currently unavailable. Please try again later. 1576 = Error <<1>>\nYou are not entitled to play on this realm. 1577 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout without a response from the authentication service. Please check the server's status at the Service Alerts page: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 1578 = Error <<1>>\nLogin failed. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 1579 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout attempting to cancel login. 158 = You can't access this right now. 1580 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to cancel login. 1581 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while sending Access Code submission. 1582 = Error <<1>>\nYou have provided the incorrect Access Code too many times. Your Account has been locked for 10 minutes. 1583 = Error <<1>>\nYou have provided incorrect credentials too many times. Your client has been locked for 10 minutes. 1584 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to server. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support:\n\nhelp.elderscrollsonline.com 1585 = Error <<1>>\nConnection to the server has been lost. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 1586 = Error <<1>>\nConnection to the server has timed out. 1587 = Error <<1>>\nThis account is already logged in. 1588 = Error <<1>>\nProtocol mismatch. 1589 = Error <<1>>\nThe realm has been shutdown. 159 = 1590 = Error <<1>>\nBooted from server. 1591 = Error <<1>>\nLost connection due to inactivity. Please log in again to reconnect. 1592 = Error <<1>>\nIP address mismatch. 1593 = Error <<1>>\nTransfer Failed. Please try to reconnect. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 1594 = Error <<1>>\nBandwidth cap reached. 1595 = Error <<1>>\nInvalid session id. 1596 = Error <<1>>\nAccount name mismatch. 1597 = Error <<1>>\nServer data not ready. 1598 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to the lobby. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 1599 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to lobby-e. 16 = Reset Gamepad Bindings to Defaults 160 = 1600 = Error <<1>>\nPending connection for account on global lobby router. 1601 = Error <<1>>\nYou have been dropped from the server because you hit the message rate limit. Please avoid excessive messaging (i.e. spamming). 1602 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 1603 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 1604 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 1605 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 1606 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 1607 = Error <<1>>\nFailed transfer. 1608 = Error <<1>>\nInsufficient permissions for world. 1609 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter is currently locked. 161 = Gamepad (Beta) 1610 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter requires a rename. 1611 = Error <<1>>\nThe server is either down, or you are not entitled to play on this realm. 1612 = Error <<1>>\nUnable to connect to server. 1613 = Error <<1>>\nFailed to log in dev. 1614 = Error <<1>>\nLogin Service has failed. 1615 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter is still in game. Please try again. Should the problem persist, contact Customer Support: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/. 1616 = Error <<1>>\nCharacter currently unavailable. 1617 = Error <<1>>\nTimeout while waiting for character list. 1618 = Email address format is invalid. 1619 = That User ID has either already been linked to a different Sony Entertainment Network account or this Sony Entertainment Network account has already been linked to another User ID. Please enter a different User ID or the User ID associated with this Sony Entertainment Network account. 162 = Select 1620 = That User ID has either already been linked to a different Xbox Live account or this Xbox Live account has already been linked to another User ID. Please enter a different User ID or the User ID associated with this Xbox Live account. 1621 = Connection to server timed out. Please try again later. 1622 = That email address has already been used to create an account. Please choose a different email to create a new account. 1623 = Invalid transfer sku 1624 = That account does not exist. Please enter a valid ESOTU account. 1625 = Incorrect UserID or Password. 1626 = That account has been deactivated. Please contact customer service at <<1>> or link to a different account. 1627 = Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process. 1628 = That account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information or link to a different account. 1629 = Connection to server timed out. Please try again later. 163 = Back 1630 = Unable to connect to the PlayStation™Network. Please confirm you are connected to the PlayStation™Network or try again later. 1631 = Unable to connect to the Xbox Live. Please confirm you are connected to Xbox Live or try again later. 1632 = The servers are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later. 1633 = Your account has been suspended. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 1634 = Your account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 1635 = Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process. 1636 = Game Account Not Found 1637 = Your account has been suspended. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 1638 = Your account has been permanently banned. Contact customer service at <<1>> for more information. 1639 = Your account must be verified in order to continue to play. Check the email you used to create an ESO account for instruction on how to complete the verification process. 164 = Options 1640 = Your account has restricted authentication. Please contact customer service at <<1>>. 1641 = The servers are temporarily down for maintenance. Please try again later. 1642 = Could not connect to XBL. 1643 = Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 1644 = Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 1645 = Could not connect to Xbox Live. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 1646 = Could not connect to The PlayStation™Network. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 1647 = Could not connect to The PlayStation™Network. Please try again later or contact customer service at <<1>>. 1648 = You must be logged into a Sony Entertainment Network account to play ESO. 1649 = You Must Be Signed In To An Xbox Live Profile To Play ESOTU 165 = Back (Saving) 1650 = Unable to connect to Xbox Live. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection. 1651 = ESO servers are down for maintenance. Please try again later or visit <<1>> for more information 1652 = Unable to connect to PlayStation™Network. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection. 1653 = Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection. 1654 = Patch required. Please download and install to access online features. 1655 = Selected user profile age does not meet the requirements for playing this game. 1656 = Selected user profile is a guest account. 1657 = You do not currently have network connectivity. This title requires Xbox Live and a network connection. 1658 = You do not currently have network connectivity. This title requires a Sony Entertainment Network Account and a network connection. 1659 = The Xbox Live Account selected does not have Multiplayer privileges. Please select an account with Xbox Live Gold, or update your permissions. 166 = Accept 1660 = A user profile was not selected. 1661 = The Sony Entertainment Network account selected does not have realtime multiplayer privileges. Please select another account, or update your permissions. 1662 = Selected Sony Entertainment Network sub-account does not have access to user-generated content. 1663 = Patch required. Please download and install to access online features. 1664 = The Xbox Live Account selected does not have user-generated content privileges. Please select another account, or update your permissions. 1665 = There is not enough free space to create save data. Please free up additional space. 1666 = This crafting skill is currently frozen. When you gain inspiration, this skill will neither increase nor decrease. 1667 = This crafting skill is currently set to level up. When you gain inspiration, this skill will increase. 1668 = This crafting skill is currently set to level down. When you gain inspiration, this skill will decrease, allowing you to train other skills higher. 1669 = Local transfer successful. 167 = Invert Y 1670 = Remote transfer initiated. 1671 = You lack the correct permissions to transfer there. 1672 = Your attempted transfer failed. 1673 = Your attempted jump failed because you don't have an assigned Alliance War campaign yet. 1674 = Your attempted jump failed because the destination Alliance War campaign is disabled. 1675 = Your attempted jump failed because you have not unlocked that difficulty level. 1676 = Your attempted jump failed. 1677 = Your attempted jump failed because your veteran rank is not high enough. 1678 = Your attempted jump failed because your destination does not allow social jumps. 1679 = Jump failed. Instance is full. 168 = Templates 1680 = Jump failed. Existing jump in progress. 1681 = No free instances available, please try later. 1682 = You do not meet the requirement to jump there. 1683 = You do not have the collectible needed to jump there. 1684 = Account not found. 1685 = You have already invited this player to be your friend. 1686 = You have already listed this player as your friend. 1687 = This account is already ignored. 1688 = Social systems are busy. Please try later. 1689 = You can't add your own account as a friend. 169 = Gamepad Mode (Beta) 1690 = You can't ignore your own account. 1691 = You can't lead any additional guilds. 1692 = You can't join another guild without leaving one first. 1693 = Could not find the specified guild 1694 = You're not the guild leader. 1695 = This guild is full. 1696 = This player is already a member of this guild. 1697 = You are not a member of this guild. 1698 = That guild name is already in use. 1699 = Invalid guild name 17 = Are you sure you want to reset your gamepad keybinds to default settings? 170 = Switches controls and the interface to be utilized by a gamepad. 1700 = You are not permitted to invite members to this guild. 1701 = You are not permitted to kick members from this guild. 1702 = You are not permitted to kick the leader from this guild. 1703 = You cannot promote this player. 1704 = You cannot demote this player. 1705 = You cannot set the Message of the Day. 1706 = You cannot set the guild description. 1707 = An error has occurred with the social request. 1708 = You are being ignored by that account. 1709 = You can't add any more friends. 171 = Camera Sensitivity 1710 = You can't ignore any more accounts. 1711 = That was an unrecognized request. 1712 = That account cannot have any more friends. 1713 = You must wait longer before using that operation. 1714 = Social and display name functions are disabled on this server. 1715 = Character not found. 1716 = You are not grouped. 1717 = Cannot jump to yourself. 1718 = No suitable location found to jump to. 1719 = You cannot jump to that player right now. 172 = Vibration 1720 = You cannot jump while in combat. 1721 = Not in same group. 1722 = Can't mix alliances. 1723 = Not been invited. 1724 = Not online. 1725 = You do not have permission to edit guild member notes. 1726 = You do not have permission to use the guild bank. 1727 = You do not have permission to edit recruitment information. 1728 = You do not have permission to sell via the guild store. 1729 = You do not have permission to buy from the guild store. 173 = Third Person FOV 1730 = You do not have permission to claim a keep. 1731 = Cannot jump out of this area. 1732 = No guild leader rank defined. 1733 = No recruit rank defined. 1734 = You do not have permission to edit guild ranks. 1735 = The guild could not be deleted because its claimed keep could not be released. 1736 = You must be veteran rank <<1>> to jump to that location. 1737 = This area is not accessible via jumping. 1738 = You must be in the same group to travel to that location. 1739 = You cannot jump within the same campaign. 174 = First Person FOV 1740 = You do not have permission to enter that campaign. 1741 = This player is already leading another guild. 1742 = You are not allowed to promote players. 1743 = You are not allowed to demote players. 1744 = That is not a valid guild rank. 1745 = You are not allowed to have that many guild ranks. 1746 = You are not allowed to have that few guild ranks. 1747 = Only the guild leader rank can edit permissions. 1748 = A guild rank must be empty before it can be deleted. 1749 = Only the guild leader rank can edit heraldry. 175 = First Person Head Bob 1750 = Guild leader permissions cannot be modified. 1751 = You don't have permission to modify heraldry. 1752 = Not enough gold in the Guild Bank. 1753 = You cannot edit heraldry information while guild banks are disabled. 1754 = You must wait longer before editing heraldry again. 1755 = You don't have enough money to buy a tabard. 1756 = You don't have room for a tabard. 1757 = Your guild has not created its heraldry yet. 1758 = That is not a valid heraldry standard. 1759 = You don't have enough money to buy a standard. 176 = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/gamepad/gp_gold.dds|t Gold Purchased 1760 = You don't have room for a standard. 1761 = You don't have permission to use the guild's battle standard. 1762 = Heraldry is currently disabled. 1763 = You don't have enough alliance points to buy a forward camp. 1764 = You don't have room for a forward camp. 1765 = The player you invited can't join another guild without leaving one first. 1766 = You can't social jump while being arrested. 1767 = You cannot jump to that player. 1768 = Invited 1769 = Recruit 177 = |t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_crown.dds|t Crown Purchased 1770 = Member 1771 = Officer 1772 = Guildmaster 1773 = You are already queued for that campaign. 1774 = You don't have permission to queue for that campaign. 1775 = Unable to queue for campaign: internal error. 1776 = You are already in that campaign. 1777 = Unable to queue for campaign: invalid group. 1778 = No one in your group is assigned to that campaign. 1779 = You are already in that campaign. 178 = Player Voice 1780 = Unable to queue for campaign: invalid campaign. 1781 = Only the group leader can queue for a campaign. 1782 = Unable to login to campaign: internal error. 1783 = Invalid campaign destination. 1784 = The destination is full. 1785 = Players not all online. 1786 = The campaign is full. 1787 = Your faction does not control the Imperial City. 1788 = The destination is not active yet. 1789 = Campaigns are disabled on this server. 179 = Assign a Skill 1790 = Your level is not high enough to queue for a campaign. 1791 = A group member's level is not high enough to queue for a campaign. 1792 = You are not queued for that campaign. 1793 = Unable to leave queue: internal error. 1794 = You are not queued for anything. 1795 = Unable to leave queue: invalid campaign. 1796 = Only the group leader can leave a campaign queue. 1797 = Opposing alliance character already assigned to this campaign. 1798 = You do not meet the requirements to join this campaign. 1799 = Campaigns are disabled on this server. 18 = Interface 180 = None 1800 = You do not meet the level requirement to join this campaign. 1801 = Not a member of a guild. 1802 = Item no longer exists. 1803 = Item cannot be stored in the Guild Bank. 1804 = Your guild bank is full. 1805 = Bank currently unavailable. 1806 = Not interacting with the Guild Bank. 1807 = Invalid item. 1808 = Not a member of any guild. 1809 = Waiting on previous request. 181 = \"<<1>>\" 1810 = Your guild must have at least <<1>> members to enable depositing to the Guild Bank. 1811 = You do not have permission to withdraw. 1812 = You do not have permission to deposit. 1813 = You do not have that much gold to deposit. 1814 = You can not add that much gold to your guild bank. 1815 = You can not withdraw that much gold from your guild bank. 1816 = You cannot deposit stolen items. 1817 = You are not a member of the guild. 1818 = Not enough gold in the Guild Bank. 1819 = A bid has already been placed at another location. 182 = <<1>> 1820 = New bid must be higher than the current bid. 1821 = You do not have guild permissions. 1822 = You are not a member of a guild. 1823 = Bidding has already closed for this time slot. 1824 = This Guild Trader is currently unavailable. 1825 = This Guild Trader is already hired. 1826 = Your Guild needs <<1>> members to hire Guild Traders. 1827 = Your Guild may only hire one Guild Trader at a time. 1828 = Guild store not opened. 1829 = You are not a member of that guild. 183 = Save Name 1830 = You can not put any more items up for sale. 1831 = Wait for prior item to complete. 1832 = Could not find specified item. 1833 = You can not sell bound items to other players. 1834 = You can not afford this posting fee. 1835 = Too many searches in rapid succession. 1836 = Only Backpack items can be posted. 1837 = You must select a valid guild. 1838 = No permission. 1839 = Guild too small for new posts. 184 = Controller Disconnected 1840 = Cannot afford that item. 1841 = Please wait for your current search to complete. 1842 = Please wait for your current listings request to complete. 1843 = Please wait for your current request to complete before switching guilds. 1844 = Please wait for the initial guild store status update. 1845 = Please wait for your current purchase request to complete. 1846 = You cannot buy your own items. 1847 = Please wait for your current cancellation request to complete. 1848 = You cannot post an item for free. 1849 = You cannot post an item for more than <<1>> gold. 185 = The connection to the controller has been lost or has been disconnected. Please reconnect the controller for <<1>>. 1850 = You cannot sell stolen items to other players. 1851 = Not a member of any guild. 1852 = You must be in a campaign to claim a keep. 1853 = You must be in Cyrodiil to claim a keep. 1854 = Keeps are not claimable yet. 1855 = That keep does not exist. 1856 = That keep is not claimable. 1857 = |cffffff<<1>>|r is already claimed by another guild in your alliance. 1858 = A member of your guild is presently claiming another keep. 1859 = Guild operations are currently disabled. 186 = The connection to the controller has been lost or has been disconnected. Please reconnect controller for <<1>>. 1860 = You are not a member of that guild. 1861 = This guild has not granted you permission to claim ownership. 1862 = Keep claim failed. 1863 = You are not allowed to do that right now. 1864 = Your alliance does not own that keep. 1865 = You may only claim ownership for a guild that matches your character's alliance. 1866 = This guild already has ownership of another location. 1867 = You are not a member of that guild. 1868 = You do not have permission to do that. 1869 = Keep release failed. 187 = <<1>> Continue 1870 = Guild operations are currently disabled. 1871 = You are not allowed to do that right now. 1872 = Invalid release operation. 1873 = That guild does not have a keep claimed. 1874 = That guild does not own this keep. 1875 = That keep does not exist. 1876 = Disabled on trial accounts. 1877 = Whispering disabled on Trial accounts. 1878 = Trial accounts may only whisper to friends. 1879 = Guilds disabled on trial accounts. 188 = Failed to find a user with that account name. Please try again later. 1880 = 1881 = 1882 = Harvest Nodes 1883 = Merchants 1884 = Trainers 1885 = Group 1886 = NPC Followers 1887 = 1888 = 1889 = Enabled 189 = <<1>>\n\n 1890 = Disabled 1891 = Out of Date 1892 = Dependency 1893 = 1894 = No Key 1895 = Backspace 1896 = Tab 1897 = Enter 1898 = Ctrl 1899 = Alt 19 = Custom Scale 190 = Invalid Name 1900 = Command 1901 = Shift 1902 = Left Windows 1903 = Right Windows 1904 = Pause 1905 = Caps Lock 1906 = Esc 1907 = Space 1908 = Page Up 1909 = Page Down 191 = Inventory Capacity 1910 = End 1911 = Home 1912 = Insert 1913 = Delete 1914 = Print Screen 1915 = Scroll Lock 1916 = 0 1917 = 1 1918 = 2 1919 = 3 192 = <<1>>/<<2>> 1920 = 4 1921 = 5 1922 = 6 1923 = 7 1924 = 8 1925 = 9 1926 = A 1927 = B 1928 = C 1929 = D 193 = Validating Name 1930 = E 1931 = F 1932 = G 1933 = H 1934 = I 1935 = J 1936 = K 1937 = L 1938 = M 1939 = N 194 = Please wait... 1940 = O 1941 = P 1942 = Q 1943 = R 1944 = S 1945 = T 1946 = U 1947 = V 1948 = W 1949 = X 195 = Waiting... 1950 = Y 1951 = Z 1952 = NumPad 0 1953 = NumPad 1 1954 = NumPad 2 1955 = NumPad 3 1956 = NumPad 4 1957 = NumPad 5 1958 = NumPad 6 1959 = NumPad 7 196 = 1960 = NumPad 8 1961 = NumPad 9 1962 = Num Lock 1963 = NumPad Asterisk 1964 = NumPad Dash 1965 = NumPad Slash 1966 = NumPad Period 1967 = NumPad Plus 1968 = NumPad Enter 1969 = F1 197 = 1970 = F2 1971 = F3 1972 = F4 1973 = F5 1974 = F6 1975 = F7 1976 = F8 1977 = F9 1978 = F10 1979 = F11 198 = Accept 1980 = F12 1981 = F13 1982 = F14 1983 = F15 1984 = F16 1985 = F17 1986 = F18 1987 = F19 1988 = F20 1989 = F21 199 = Decline 1990 = F22 1991 = F23 1992 = F24 1993 = - 1994 = = 1995 = [ 1996 = ] 1997 = \\ 1998 = ; 1999 = ' 2 = English 20 = Adjusts the scale of the interface, including all windows and the Heads Up Display. 200 = Yes 2000 = , 2001 = . 2002 = / 2003 = ` 2004 = Left Arrow 2005 = Right Arrow 2006 = Up Arrow 2007 = Down Arrow 2008 = LMB 2009 = RMB 201 = No 2010 = MMB 2011 = MB4 2012 = MB5 2013 = LMB + RMB 2014 = Mousewheel Down 2015 = Mousewheel Up 2016 = < 2017 = D-Pad Up 2018 = D-Pad Down 2019 = D-Pad Left 202 = Cancel 2020 = D-Pad Right 2021 = Start 2022 = Back 2023 = Left Stick 2024 = Right Stick 2025 = Left Shoulder 2026 = Right Shoulder 2027 = Gamepad Button 1 2028 = Gamepad Button 2 2029 = Gamepad Button 3 203 = Create 2030 = Gamepad Button 4 2031 = Left Trigger 2032 = Right Trigger 2033 = Left Stick Up 2034 = Left Stick Down 2035 = Left Stick Left 2036 = Left Stick Right 2037 = Right Stick Up 2038 = Right Stick Down 2039 = Right Stick Left 204 = Exit 2040 = Right Stick Right 2041 = Left + Right Shoulders 2042 = Left + Right Triggers 2043 = Left + Right Sticks 2044 = RB + Button 1 2045 = RB + Button 2 2046 = RB + Button 3 2047 = RB + Button 4 2048 = LB + Button 1 2049 = LB + Button 2 205 = Remove 2050 = LB + Button 3 2051 = LB + Button 4 2052 = LB + LS 2053 = LB + RS 2054 = LB + D-Pad Left 2055 = LT + Button 1 2056 = Button 1 + Button 4 2057 = Button 2 + Button 3 2058 = Button 1 + Button 4 2059 = Hold Left Shoulder 206 = Confirm 2060 = Hold Right Shoulder 2061 = Hold Gamepad Button 1 2062 = Hold Gamepad Button 2 2063 = Hold Gamepad Button 3 2064 = Hold Gamepad Button 4 2065 = Hold Left Trigger 2066 = Hold Right Trigger 2067 = Hold D-Pad Up 2068 = Hold D-Pad Down 2069 = Hold D-Pad Left 207 = Cancel 2070 = Hold D-Pad Right 2071 = Hold Start 2072 = Hold Back 2073 = Hold Left Stick 2074 = Hold Right Stick 2075 = Hold Touchpad 2076 = Touchpad Touch 2077 = Touchpad Press 2078 = Touchpad Swipe Up 2079 = Touchpad Swipe Down 208 = Save 2080 = Touchpad Swipe Left 2081 = Touchpad Swipe Right 2082 = 2083 = 2084 = Minimum 2085 = Low 2086 = Medium 2087 = High 2088 = Ultra-High 2089 = PS4 209 = OK 2090 = XB1 2091 = Custom 2092 = Windowed 2093 = Windowed (Fullscreen) 2094 = Fullscreen 2095 = Low 2096 = Medium 2097 = High 2098 = Low 2099 = Medium 21 = This option can only be changed when logged into the world with a character. 210 = <<1>> 2100 = High 2101 = Ultra 2102 = Off 2103 = Art 2104 = Verbose 2105 = Animation 2106 = Instance 2107 = 2108 = 2109 = Log In 211 = Enter character name or UserID. 2110 = Save Error 2111 = Load Error 2112 = There is not enough free space to save. Do you want to continue without saving? 2113 = The auto save file cannot be used because the data is corrupted. Do you want to overwrite it? Selecting \"no\" will disable saves. 2114 = The auto save file failed to load correctly. Would you like to try again? 2115 = The auto save file failed to save correctly. Would you like to try again? If not, saving will be disabled. 2116 = The auto save's storage device has been removed. Saving will be disabled and game progress may be lost. 2117 = No save was created so game progress will not be saved. Continue without saving? 2118 = No save device was selected so game progress will not be saved. Continue without saving? 2119 = You already have save data on this storage device. Do you want to overwrite it? 212 = <<1>> 2120 = The Xbox Live Account selected does not have Multiplayer privileges. Please select an account with Xbox Live Gold, or update your permissions. 2121 = Cannot Enter World - Game Install In Progress 2122 = Installation Progress: <<1>> % 2123 = Loading Profile Failed 2124 = Full Name 2125 = Loading Profile 2126 = Currently Loading Profile 2127 = Level <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> 2128 = Veteran Rank <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> 2129 = In <<1>> 213 = By: <<1>> 2130 = Logging in 2131 = Launch Game 2132 = Lancer le jeu 2133 = Spiel starten 2134 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID is now Level <<1>> in $TITLE_NAME! 2135 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a atteint le niveau <<1>> dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2136 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat in $TITLE_NAME die <<1>>. Stufe erreicht! 2137 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID created a new character in $TITLE_NAME! 2138 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a créé un nouveau personnage dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2139 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat in $TITLE_NAME einen neuen Charakter erstellt! 214 = <> <<2>> 2140 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID created $STORY_COUNT new characters in $TITLE_NAME! 2141 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a créé $STORY_COUNT nouveaux personnages dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2142 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat in $TITLE_NAME $STORY_COUNT neue Charaktere erstellt! 2143 = Created <<1>> <<2>>! 2144 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID joined a guild in $TITLE_NAME! 2145 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a rejoint une guilde dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2146 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID ist in $TITLE_NAME einer Gilde beigetreten! 2147 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID joined $STORY_COUNT guilds in $TITLE_NAME! 2148 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a rejoint $STORY_COUNT guildes dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2149 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID ist in $TITLE_NAME $STORY_COUNT Gilden beigetreten! 215 = Log Out 2150 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID's guild in $TITLE_NAME now has <<1>> members! 2151 = La guilde de $USER_NAME_OR_ID dans $TITLE_NAME compte désormais <<1>> membres ! 2152 = Die Gilde von $USER_NAME_OR_ID aus $TITLE_NAME hat nun <<1>> Mitglieder! 2153 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID's guild in $TITLE_NAME added members! 2154 = La guilde de $USER_NAME_OR_ID dans $TITLE_NAME a accueilli de nouveaux membres ! 2155 = Die Gilde von $USER_NAME_OR_ID aus $TITLE_NAME hat neue Mitglieder aufgenommen! 2156 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has reached a riding speed skill of <<1>> in $TITLE_NAME! 2157 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a atteint la vitesse d'équitation <<1>> dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2158 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat die <<1>>. Stufe der Geschwindigkeit für Reittiere in $TITLE_NAME erreicht! 2159 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has reached a riding stamina skill of <<1>> in $TITLE_NAME! 216 = Reset to Defaults 2160 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a atteint la Vigueur d'équitation <<1>> dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2161 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat die <<1>>. Stufe der Ausdauer für Reittiere in $TITLE_NAME erreicht! 2162 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has reached a riding capacity skill of <<1>> in $TITLE_NAME! 2163 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a atteint la capacité d'équitation de <<1>> dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2164 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat die <<1>>. Stufe der Tragkraft für Reittiere in $TITLE_NAME erreicht! 2165 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID's character is the Emperor of Tamriel in $TITLE_NAME! 2166 = Le personnage de $USER_NAME_OR_ID est Empereur de Tamriel dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2167 = Ein Charakter von $USER_NAME_OR_ID wurde in $TITLE_NAME zum Kaiser Tamriels gekrönt! 2168 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has killed the Patrolling Horror - <<1>> in $TITLE_NAME! 2169 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a tué la patrouille horrifique : <<1>> dans $TITLE_NAME ! 217 = Are you sure you want to reset this options panel to its default settings? 2170 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat in $TITLE_NAME einen Schrecken besiegt: den <<1>>! 2171 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has gained 100 Tel Var Stones in $TITLE_NAME! 2172 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a gagné 100 pierres de Tel Var dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2173 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat sich 100 Tel'Var-Steine in $TITLE_NAME erarbeitet! 2174 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has gained 1000 Tel Var Stones in $TITLE_NAME! 2175 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a gagné 1 000 pierres de Tel Var dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2176 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat sich in $TITLE_NAME 1.000 Tel'Var-Steine erarbeitet! 2177 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has gained 10000 Tel Var Stones in $TITLE_NAME! 2178 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a gagné 10 000 pierres de Tel Var dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2179 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat sich in $TITLE_NAME 10.000 Tel'Var-Steine erarbeitet! 218 = Are you sure you want to reset all options panels to their default settings? 2180 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has gained 100000 Tel Var Stones in $TITLE_NAME! 2181 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a gagné 100 000 pierres de Tel Var dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2182 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat sich in $TITLE_NAME 100.000 Tel'Var-Steine erarbeitet! 2183 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has killed 1 player in the Imperial City in $TITLE_NAME! 2184 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a tué 1 joueur dans la cité impériale dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2185 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat in $TITLE_NAME einen Spieler innerhalb der Kaiserstadt getötet! 2186 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has killed 50 players in the Imperial City in $TITLE_NAME! 2187 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a tué 50 joueurs dans la cité impériale dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2188 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat in $TITLE_NAME 50 Spieler innerhalb der Kaiserstadt getötet! 2189 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has killed 100 players in the Imperial City in $TITLE_NAME! 219 = Reset 2190 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a tué 100 joueurs dans la cité impériale dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2191 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat in $TITLE_NAME 100 Spieler innerhalb der Kaiserstadt getötet! 2192 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has completed <<1>> quests in Wrothgar in $TITLE_NAME! 2193 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a complété <<1>> quêtes dans Wrothgar dans $TITLE_NAME 2194 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat in $TITLE_NAME die Quest „<<1>>“ in Wrothgar abgeschlossen! 2195 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID has killed <<1>> in $TITLE_NAME! 2196 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID a tué <<1>> dans $TITLE_NAME ! 2197 = $USER_NAME_OR_ID hat <<1>> in $TITLE_NAME besieg! 2198 = Invite To Play 2199 = Invite To Join Game 22 = Calibrate 220 = Defaults 2200 = Hey, come join me in game. 2201 = Gameplay 2202 = All Nameplates 2203 = All Health Bars 2204 = Your Nameplate 2205 = Your Health Bar 2206 = Friendly NPC Nameplates 2207 = Friendly NPC Health Bars 2208 = Friendly Player Nameplates 2209 = Friendly Player Health Bars 221 = Off 2210 = Enemy NPC Nameplates 2211 = Enemy NPC Health Bars 2212 = Enemy Player Nameplates 2213 = Enemy Player Health Bars 2214 = Enable Voice Chat 2215 = ESO Store 2216 = Glow 2217 = Lock Combat Values 2218 = Combat Distance 2219 = Non-Combat Distance 222 = On 2220 = Vibration 2221 = Audio/Video 2222 = Target Glow Intensity 2223 = Interactables Glow Intensity 2224 = Voice 2225 = Camera 2226 = First Person Rotation Speed 2227 = Third Person Rotation Speed 2228 = Login Failed 2229 = Account Creation/Linking Failed 223 = Disabled 2230 = An unexpected internal error has occurred. Please contact customer service at <<1>> 2231 = Group Members 2232 = Talked To 2233 = Traded With 2234 = Killed or Killed By 2235 = ex. Ayren1234 2236 = There is no player with that name. 2237 = You cannot communicate with that player. 2238 = You cannot communicate with other players. 2239 = 224 = , 2240 = 2241 = /logout 2242 = /camp 2243 = /quit 2244 = /script 2245 = /chatlog 2246 = /invite 2247 = /jumptoleader 2248 = /jumptogroupmember 2249 = /jumptofriend 225 = Equipped 2250 = /jumptoguildmember 2251 = /reloadui 2252 = /fps 2253 = /latency 2254 = /stuck 2255 = /bug 2256 = /feedback 2257 = /help 2258 = /chat 2259 = /played 226 = <<1>> 2260 = You cannot use /stuck in this location. Please contact customer service via /help. 2261 = Guild <<1>> 2262 = Officer <<1>> 2263 = You do not have a guild <<1>>. 2264 = You don't have permission to talk in guild chat for <<1>>. 2265 = You don't have permission to talk in officer chat for <<1>>. 2266 = /say /s 2267 = /group /g /party /p 2268 = /yell /y 2269 = /zone /z 227 = (Unique-Equipped) 2270 = /enzone /enz 2271 = /frzone /frz 2272 = /dezone /dez 2273 = /tell /t /w /whisper 2274 = /reply /respond /r 2275 = /guild1 /g1 2276 = /guild2 /g2 2277 = /guild3 /g3 2278 = /guild4 /g4 2279 = /guild5 /g5 228 = (Unique) 2280 = /officer1 /o1 2281 = /officer2 /o2 2282 = /officer3 /o3 2283 = /officer4 /o4 2284 = /officer5 /o5 2285 = /emote /e /me 2286 = Chat Tab Options 2287 = Chat Color Options 2288 = Tab Name 2289 = Filters 229 = (Use from Quickslot) 2290 = Guild Channels 2291 = Font Size: 2292 = Background Color: 2293 = Window Options 2294 = Color Options 2295 = To change Combat Log filters, use the buttons labeled <<1>>, <<2>>, and <<3>> on the Combat Log. 2296 = <<1>>: 2297 = <<1>> to <<2>>: 2298 = Say 2299 = Group 23 = General 230 = Bound 2300 = Yell 2301 = Zone 2302 = Zone - English 2303 = Zone - French 2304 = Zone - German 2305 = Tell 2306 = Emote 2307 = NPC 2308 = Social 2309 = Chat 231 = Trash 2310 = You have joined the <<1>> (/<<2>>) channel. 2311 = You have left the <<1>> (/<<2>>) channel. 2312 = <<3>><<1>> says: <> 2313 = <<3>><<1>> whispers: <> 2314 = <<1>> <<2>>: <> 2315 = <<3>><<1>> yells: <> 2316 = <<3>><<1>> zone: <> 2317 = <<3>><<1>> zone - English: <> 2318 = <<3>><<1>> zone - French: <> 2319 = <<3>><<1>> zone - German: <> 232 = <<1>> 2320 = To <<1>>: <> 2321 = <<1>> <> 2322 = <> whispers: <<2>> 2323 = <> says: <<2>> 2324 = <> yells: <<2>> 2325 = <> <<2>> 2326 = <<3>>[<<1>>] <> 2327 = <<1>> <<2>>: <> 2328 = <<1>> <<2>>: <> 2329 = You have played <<1>> for <<2>>. 233 = <<2>> <<1>> 2330 = Your group is now a large group. 2331 = Your group is no longer a large group. 2332 = New Tab 2333 = Remove Tab: <<1>>? 2334 = Reset tab <<1>> to defaults? 2335 = A server shutdown has been scheduled. The server will shutdown in <<1>>. 2336 = The server shutdown has been canceled. 2337 = The server shutdown has been rescheduled. The server will shutdown in <<1>>. 2338 = The server will shut down now. 2339 = The server will shut down in <<1>>. 234 = (<<1>>) 2340 = Show Timestamps 2341 = Hide Timestamps 2342 = Lock Window 2343 = Unlock Window 2344 = Make Non-Interactive 2345 = Make Interactive 2346 = Create New Tab 2347 = Remove Tab 2348 = Options 2349 = Whisper 235 = (<<1>>) (Unique) 2350 = Invite to Group 2351 = Remove from Group 2352 = Ignore 2353 = Add to Friends 2354 = Report for Spam 2355 = Report Player 2356 = Quick Report 2357 = Report Chat Spam 2358 = Report Botting 2359 = Cancel 236 = (<<1>>) (Unique-Equipped) 2360 = A ticket has been submitted. 2361 = You have already reported this player. 2362 = Logging Chat to Logs\\ChatLog.txt 2363 = No longer logging chat. 2364 = Complete Quest. 2365 = Never mind. 2366 = Quests: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 2367 = Purchase 2368 = How many <> do you wish to buy? 2369 = Travel to <<1>>? 237 = (<<1>> Armor) 2370 = You have recently recalled. You must pay a fee to recall again this soon.\n\nPay the fee and travel to <<1>>? 2371 = You have recently recalled. You must pay a fee to recall again this soon.\nHowever, you can't afford the fee to travel to <<1>>. 2372 = You can't afford to travel to <<1>>. 2373 = You must wait <<2>> to recall again. 2374 = Goodbye. 2375 = New stolen item 2376 = This is a new item. 2377 = Stolen item 2378 = Click here to move an item to an empty Bank slot 2379 = Click here to move item to empty Backpack slot 238 = (<<1>> Armor) (Unique) 2380 = Click here to buy an item from the store 2381 = Click here to sell an item 2382 = Click here to buy back the item you sold 2383 = Switch to ascending sort 2384 = Switch to descending sort 2385 = Split Stack 2386 = Split 2387 = Are you sure you want to split <> into two stacks? 2388 = Name 2389 = Value 239 = (<<1>> Armor) (Unique-Equipped) 2390 = Damage 2391 = Armor 2392 = Status 2393 = Active 2394 = Inventory Space: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>> 2395 = Inventory Space: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>> 2396 = Bank Space: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>> 2397 = Bank Space: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>> 2398 = View Quickslots 2399 = Retrieving Items... 24 = Combat 240 = <<1>> 2400 = Items 2401 = Quickslots 2402 = Currency 2403 = Price 2404 = Condition 2405 = Cost 2406 = <<1>>% 2407 = Cost 2408 = Buy 2409 = Sell 241 = <<1>> (Unique) 2410 = Repair 2411 = Buy Back 2412 = Use 2413 = Equip 2414 = Unequip 2415 = Add to Mail 2416 = Remove from Mail 2417 = Take 2418 = Deposit 2419 = Withdraw 242 = <<1>> (Unique-Equipped) 2420 = Add to Offer 2421 = Remove from Offer 2422 = Sell 2423 = Launder 2424 = Buy 2425 = Buy Multiple 2426 = Buy 2427 = Take 2428 = Split Stack 2429 = Destroy 243 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 2430 = Link in Chat 2431 = Mark as Junk 2432 = Unmark as Junk 2433 = Enchant 2434 = Charge 2435 = Add to Quickslot 2436 = Remove from Quickslot 2437 = Convert to Imperial Style 2438 = Repair 2439 = Add 244 = <<1>> (<<2>>) (Unique) 2440 = Remove 2441 = Get Help 2442 = Research 2443 = Stack All Items 2444 = Remove 2445 = Add to Empty Slot 2446 = Add to Ultimate Slot 2447 = Add to Slot <<1>> 2448 = You recently upgraded a riding skill. You can train again in <<1>>. 2449 = Each day you can upgrade a riding skill for |cffffff<>|r|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t. 245 = <<1>> (<<2>>) (Unique-Equipped) 2450 = <<1>> 2451 = You cannot sheathe weapons during combat. 2452 = You cannot swap items during combat. 2453 = Item cannot be equipped 2454 = Item cannot be equipped in that slot 2455 = No item found to unequip 2456 = No item found to destroy 2457 = That's more than you have of that item 2458 = Your inventory is full. 2459 = You need <<1>> additional open inventory <<1[/slot/slots]>>. 246 = <<1>> (<<2>> Armor) 2460 = Your bank is full. 2461 = Enchantments can't be equipped. 2462 = You're not high enough level to equip that item. 2463 = Your Veteran Rank is not high enough to equip that item. 2464 = Your class isn't allowed to equip that item. 2465 = You can't equip that type of armor. 2466 = You can equip only one of that item, and you already have one equipped. 2467 = This item already has a unique enchantment installed. You can't add another. 2468 = You can't equip that type of weapon 2469 = You can't put quest items in the Bank 247 = <<1>> (<<2>> Armor) (Unique) 2470 = You cannot trade quest items. 2471 = You can only trade items from your backpack. 2472 = You cannot stack items in the Guild Bank. 2473 = You can only carry one of that item, and already have one in your backpack. 2474 = You can only deposit one of that item, and already have one in your bank. 2475 = You may not deposit that item in your bank. 2476 = You are not a member of that guild. 2477 = You already have this unique item. 2478 = Select Guild Bank 2479 = Choose a guild to view its bank: 248 = <<1>> (<<2>>) (Unique-Equipped) 2480 = Select Guild Store 2481 = Choose a guild to view its store: 2482 = Claim |cffffff<<1>>|r in the name of: 2483 = <<1>> 2484 = No items found. Modify your search and try again. 2485 = You don't have enough gold. 2486 = Item Enchantment 2487 = Reset 2488 = Install Enchantment 2489 = Equipped 249 = Known <<1>> 2490 = APPAREL 2491 = ACCESSORIES 2492 = WEAPONS 2493 = <<1>> 2494 = Empty 2495 = Skills 2496 = Are you sure you want to refund all your skill points? 2497 = <<1>> 2498 = Unclaimed 2499 = Upgrade Level: <<1>> 25 = Output 250 = <<1>> 2500 = Your alliance must control this keep to claim it. 2501 = You must be a member of a guild to claim a keep. 2502 = Level <<1>> 2503 = <<1>> is under attack! 2504 = Guild Owner: 2505 = N/A 2506 = Time to next level: |cffffffN/A|r 2507 = Time to next level: |cffffff<<1>>|r 2508 = Maximum Level 2509 = Enemy Controlled 251 = Enchantment 2510 = <> is open! 2511 = <> is closed. 2512 = You earned <<2>> Experience and <<3[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>> for capturing <<1>>! 2513 = You earned <<2>> Experience and <<3[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>> for defending <<1>>! 2514 = Level <<1>> 2515 = Click to view <<1>>. 2516 = The <<1>> controls the link from <<2>> to <<3>>. 2517 = The <<1>> lost the link from <<2>> to <<3>>. 2518 = You cannot use the fast travel network while carrying an Elder Scroll. 2519 = The forces of <<1>> have captured <<2>> from <<3>>! 252 = <<1>> Upgrade 2520 = (<<4>>) The forces of <<1>> have captured <<2>> from <<3>>! 2521 = (<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has been crowned emperor! 2522 = (<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has been deposed as emperor! 2523 = (<<1>>) Player <<2>> of <<3>> has abdicated their claim to emperor! 2524 = (<<1>>) Player <<4>> has claimed <<2>> for <<3>>! 2525 = (<<1>>) <<3>> has lost their claim to <<2>>! 2526 = (<<1>>) Player <<4>> has relinquished the claim of <<3>> on <<2>>! 2527 = (<<1>>) <<2>> has gained access to Imperial City! 2528 = (<<1>>) <<2>> has lost access to Imperial City! 2529 = Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 253 = Can only be applied to an item of level <<1>> or more. 2530 = Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 2531 = Recent Aldmeri vs. Daggerfall Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 2532 = Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 2533 = Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 2534 = Recent Ebonheart vs. Aldmeri Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 2535 = Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 2536 = Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 2537 = Recent Daggerfall vs. Ebonheart Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 2538 = Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Small)|r 2539 = Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Medium)|r 254 = Required armor type: <<1>> 2540 = Recent All Alliance Conflict |c7fa4c5(Large)|r 2541 = <<1>> of <<2>> has taken <<3>> from <<4>>. 2542 = <<1>> of <<2>> has picked up <<3>>. 2543 = <<1>> of <<2>> has secured <<3>> at <<4>>. 2544 = <<1>> of <<2>> has returned <<3>> to <<4>>. 2545 = <<1>> has returned to <<2>>. 2546 = <<1>> of <<2>> has dropped <<3>>. 2547 = (<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has taken <<3>> from <<4>>. 2548 = (<<4>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has picked up <<3>>. 2549 = (<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has secured <<3>> at <<4>>. 255 = Required weapon type: <<1>> 2550 = (<<5>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has returned <<3>> to <<4>>. 2551 = (<<3>>) <<1>> has returned to <<2>>. 2552 = (<<4>>) <<1>> of <<2>> has dropped <<3>>. 2553 = <<2[1/$d]>> <> 2554 = <<1[/$d alliance point/$d alliance points]>> 2555 = You bought <<2[1/$d]>> <> for <<3>>, <<4>>, and <<5>>. 2556 = You bought <<2[1/$d]>> <> for <<3>>, and <<4>>. 2557 = You bought <<2[1/$d]>> <> for <<3>>. 2558 = You bought <<2[1/$d]>> <> for <<3>>, and <<4>>. 2559 = You bought <<2[1/$d]>> <> for <<3>>. 256 = Required equip type: <<1>> 2560 = You bought <<2[1/$d]>> <>. 2561 = You sold <<2[1/$d]>> <> for <<3>>. 2562 = You sold <<2[1/$d]>> <>. 2563 = You bought back <<2[1/$d]>> <> for <<2>>. 2564 = You bought back <<2[1/$d]>> <>. 2565 = Mail 2566 = From: 2567 = Received: 2568 = <<1>> <<1[day/days]>> 2569 = < 1 day 257 = Level 2570 = |cff0000Returned:|r <<1>> 2571 = This mail was sent Cash On Delivery. You may take the attachments and pay the indicated price, or return this mail to the sender at no cost. 2572 = You have no mail. 2573 = Your inbox is full. Delete some mail to receive more. 2574 = Received 2575 = Expires In: 2576 = From 2577 = Subject 2578 = Reply 2579 = You can't afford to accept the C.O.D. charges. 258 = |t40:40:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|tRank 2580 = Previous 2581 = Next 2582 = To: 2583 = Subject: 2584 = Postage: 2585 = C.O.D. 2586 = You must set the Cash on Delivery amount 2587 = Do you really want to destroy the attachments? 2588 = Do you really want to destroy the attached gold? 2589 = Do you really want to destroy the attachments and attached gold? 259 = Armor 2590 = You have no unread messages. 2591 = You have <<1>> unread <<1[message/messages]>>. 2592 = <<1>> 2593 = Item already attached 2594 = Item is bound 2595 = Item is locked 2596 = Item not found 2597 = You may not have more than one of each unique item. 2598 = Clear 2599 = You cannot attach any more items. 26 = Master Volume 260 = Damage 2600 = RE: <<1>> 2601 = Undeliverable: <<1>> 2602 = You must pay a postage fee to send attached items. This fee is based on the value of the items and the COD price. 2603 = Attachments Changed 2604 = Your pending mail attachments have changed. 2605 = |cffc100 Completed: <<1>> - <<2>> (+<<3>> XP) 2606 = |cffc100 Discovered: <<1>> - <<2>> 2607 = <<1>> Discovered 2608 = Map Updated 2609 = Level Up 261 = Adds |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>>. 2610 = You are now Level <<1>>! 2611 = Veteran Rank Level Up 2612 = You are now veteran rank <<1>>! 2613 = <<1>> 2614 = You are enlightened 2615 = Champion Points gained at an accelerated rate. 2616 = You are no longer enlightened 2617 = New 2618 = <<1>> can now be morphed 2619 = <<1>> Increased to Rank <> 262 = Adds <<1>> <<2>>. 2620 = <<1>> increased to <<2>> 2621 = Gained <<1>> skill <<1[point/points]>> 2622 = Skyshard Absorbed 2623 = Pieces Collected <<1>>/<<2>> 2624 = Skill line gained: <<1>> 2625 = <<1>> wants to trade. 2626 = Submit Offer 2627 = Cancel Offer 2628 = <<1>> has invited you to trade. 2629 = You've invited <<1>> to trade. 263 = Only fits in an enchantment slot 2630 = Trade invite declined. 2631 = Trade invite canceled. 2632 = Trade canceled. 2633 = Trade complete. 2634 = Trade failed. 2635 = Trade failed, insufficient gold. 2636 = YOUR OFFER 2637 = <<1>>'s OFFER 2638 = Ready 2639 = <> 264 = Only fits in Toughness slot 2640 = Take 2641 = Take All 2642 = <<1[1 pt/$d pts]>>. 2643 = points 2644 = Achievement Points: |cffffff<<1>> 2645 = Achievement Points Earned 2646 = Completed 2647 = You have earned the <<1>> achievement . 2648 = Achievement Unlocked 2649 = [Guild] <> has earned the <<2>> achievement. 265 = Only fits in Ammo slot 2650 = <<1>>/<<2>> 2651 = <<1>> 2652 = <<1>>: <<2>> 2653 = General 2654 = All Collections 2655 = All Collectibles 2656 = Show Unlocked 2657 = Show Locked 2658 = Filter By 2659 = Search 266 = Only fits in Precision slot 2660 = No matching collectibles found. 2661 = Quickslot 2662 = Purchased in Crown Store 2663 = Lore Library 2664 = Books: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 2665 = <<1>> |cffffff<<2>>/<<3>>|r 2666 = You already know <<1>>. 2667 = You added <<1>> to your lore library. 2668 = Lorebook Discovered 2669 = <<1>> Added to Library 267 = Only fits in Launch Velocity slot 2670 = Collection Completed 2671 = Found all lorebooks in <<1>> 2672 = Read 2673 = Turn Page 2674 = Previous Page 2675 = Next Page 2676 = <<1>> increases constantly as long as this resource is controlled. 2677 = Mousewheel 2678 = <<1>> 2679 = <<1>> 268 = Enchantment slot 2680 = Abandon 2681 = Share 2682 = Focus on this quest. 2683 = Show on map 2684 = Interface Options 2685 = Trade 2686 = <<1>> Campaign Bonuses 2687 = Friends 2688 = Your Group 2689 = Grouping Tools 269 = Precision Notch 2690 = Cancel Search 2691 = Searching for Members... 2692 = Group Members: 2693 = <<1>>/<<2>> 2694 = Soul Reservoir: 2695 = The total number of souls your group has left in the Soul Reservoir for this Trial. 2696 = Preferred Roles: 2697 = <<1>>. <<2>> 2698 = Character Name 2699 = Class 27 = Adjusts the volume of all sound in the game. 270 = Range Notch 2700 = Lvl 2701 = Roles 2702 = Invite a player or use the Grouping Tools to organize or join a group. 2703 = Group Leader 2704 = Roles are used by the group finder to create balanced groups. Some activities do not require specific roles.\n\nDamage – Focuses on dealing damage against enemies that pose a threat.\nHealer – Heals and protects allies, keeping them alive throughout battle.\nTank – Absorbs damage from enemies and prevents allies from being attacked. 2705 = Disabled 2706 = Kick From Group 2707 = Leave Group 2708 = Promote to Leader 2709 = Travel to Leader 271 = Toughness Notch 2710 = Unable to Travel 2711 = This group's leader is located in a different version of |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nWould you like to travel to their version, which will place you at the wayshrine nearest to them? 2712 = This group's leader is located in |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nWould you like to travel to their zone, which will place you at the wayshrine nearest to them? 2713 = This group's leader is located in |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\nYou are unable to travel to this player because they are in a locked area. You can unlock this area by purchasing |cffffff<<2>> (<<3>>)|r, available in the Crown Store! 2714 = Find Members 2715 = Join a Group 2716 = For activity type: 2717 = In Location 2718 = None Available 2719 = Start Search 272 = Ammo Notch 2720 = You must be group leader to use the grouping tools. 2721 = Current Campaign: 2722 = <<1>> (Campaign <<2>>) 2723 = (<<1>> - <<2>>) <<3>> 2724 = (<<1>>) <<2>> 2725 = You have joined a group for <<1>>. 2726 = Dungeon Mode: 2727 = Normal 2728 = Veteran 2729 = Your group leader has chosen this as the mode of group dungeons. 273 = <<1>> 2730 = Dungeon difficulty changed to Normal. 2731 = Dungeon difficulty changed to Veteran. 2732 = Estimated: 2733 = Actual: 2734 = |cffffff<<1>>|r group ready. Role:|t32:32:<>|t|cffffff<<3>>|r\nYou will travel there in |cffffff<<4>>|r. 2735 = Removing from area... 2736 = You are not in your group’s instance. 2737 = You are no longer in a group. 2738 = Color Picker 2739 = Opacity 274 = <<1>> 2740 = New 2741 = Current 2742 = |cff0000You don't have enough inspiration points to learn that recipe 2743 = |cff0000That item has no slots available 2744 = <<1>> receives<<3[ 1/ $d]>> <>. 2745 = You receive<<2[ 1/ $d]>> <>. 2746 = You receive <<1>> gold. 2747 = Warning: <> is a bind-on-pickup item. Are you sure you want to loot it? 2748 = Warning: This contains one or more bind-on-pickup items. Are you sure you want to loot all? 2749 = <> 275 = <<1>> (|cffffff<<2>>|r second cooldown) 2750 = <<1>> / <<2>> 2751 = Empty Slot 2752 = Offline 2753 = Dead 2754 = This quest is meant to be completed by yourself. 2755 = This quest is meant to be completed by a 4 player group. 2756 = This quest is meant to be completed by a 12 player trial group. 2757 = Level <<1>> 2758 = Repeatable 2759 = <<1>> 276 = <<1>> 2760 = Skills 2761 = Stats 2762 = Inventory 2763 = Quests 2764 = Lore Library 2765 = Cadwell's Almanac 2766 = Leaderboards 2767 = World Map 2768 = Mail 2769 = Guilds 277 = (This enchantment cannot be replaced.) 2770 = Notifications 2771 = Group 2772 = Collections 2773 = <<1>> <<2>> 2774 = Background 2775 = You are ready to train a riding skill. Visit a stable master to train. 2776 = Alliance Rank 2777 = Bounty 2778 = Commit Points 2779 = <<1>>/<<2>> 278 = Enchantment 2780 = Attribute Points: 2781 = Health Idle Regen: 2782 = Health Combat Regen: 2783 = Magicka Idle Regen: 2784 = Magicka Combat Regen: 2785 = Stamina Idle Regen: 2786 = Stamina Combat Regen: 2787 = Spell Power: 2788 = Focus Rating 2789 = Magicka Max: 279 = <<1>> Enchantment 2790 = Spell Critical: 2791 = Attack Power: 2792 = Pierce Rating 2793 = Stamina Max: 2794 = Critical Strike: 2795 = Weapon Resistance 2796 = Spell Resistance: 2797 = Health Max: 2798 = Critical Resistance: 2799 = Craft: 28 = Sound 280 = Multi-Effect Enchantment 2800 = Rank: 2801 = <<1>> 2802 = Affects the amount of Damage you can take before dying. 2803 = When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Health every two seconds. 2804 = When in combat, you recover <<1>> Health every two seconds. 2805 = Affects how many Magicka abilities you can cast and how effective those abilities will be. Stave Weapon damage is based on your Maximum Magicka. 2806 = When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Magicka every two seconds. 2807 = When in combat, you recover <<1>> Magicka every two seconds. 2808 = Affects how many Stamina abilities you can use and how effective those abilities will be. Sword, shield, axe, mace, bow and dagger Weapon Damage is based on your Maximum Stamina. 2809 = When not in combat, you recover <<1>> Stamina every two seconds. 281 = <<1>> 2810 = When in combat, you recover <<1>> Stamina every two seconds. 2811 = Affects how much Damage or Healing your Magicka-based abilities and weapons cause. 2812 = Makes your spell attacks bypass your target's spell resist. 2813 = Gives your Magicka-based abilities and weapons a chance to do Critical Damage. 2814 = Affects how much Damage you deal with physical attacks. 2815 = Makes your physical attacks bypass your target's armor. 2816 = Gives your Physical Attacks a chance to do Critical Damage. 2817 = Decreases the amount of Damage you take from Physical Attacks. 2818 = Decreases the amount of Damage you take from Magical Attacks. 2819 = Decreases the damage you will take when you are the victim of a Critical Strike. 282 = <<1>> 2820 = Affects how much Damage or Healing your Stamina-based abilities and weapons cause. 2821 = Resistance 2822 = Reduces the Damage you take from Spells. 2823 = Reduces the Damage you take from Physical Attacks. 2824 = Affects how much Damage or Healing your Stamina-based abilities and weapons cause. 2825 = Attributes Reset 2826 = <<1>> 2827 = Updates 2828 = Background Information 2829 = Guildmaster: 283 = Created by: |cffffff<<1>>|r 2830 = Members Online: 2831 = Add Rank 2832 = Save 2833 = Cancel 2834 = Founded: 2835 = Guild Bank is enabled.\n\nVisit a Banker to access the contents of the guild's bank. 2836 = Guild Bank is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. You may still withdraw items from the guild bank.|r 2837 = Guild Store is enabled. 2838 = Guild Store is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. You may still purchase from the store and cancel your listings. 2839 = Guild Heraldry is enabled. 284 = Represents: |cffffff<<1>>|r 2840 = Guild Heraldry is disabled.\n\n|cff0000Unlocked with <<1>> members. 2841 = |t24:24:<>|t (<<2>>) <<3>> 2842 = Guild Trader 2843 = Confirm Changes 2844 = Save the changes to your guild's ranks? 2845 = Accept 2846 = Decline 2847 = Ignore Player 2848 = Report Spamming 2849 = Delete 285 = Value 2850 = Open Leaderboard 2851 = <<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. Click the <> to the right learn more about it. 2852 = Click for more information. 2853 = Edit 2854 = Cancel 2855 = Save 2856 = \"<>\" 2857 = Show my location 2858 = Browse maps 2859 = Go up a floor 286 = Quest Item 2860 = Go down a floor 2861 = Left-click to toggle guide arrows. Right-click to show the options menu. 2862 = Mark on map 2863 = Abandon 2864 = Share 2865 = Show on Map 2866 = Show Details 2867 = Sharing quest with your group. 2868 = Complete one: 2869 = Optional Steps: 287 = Collectible 2870 = Hints: 2871 = *<<1>> 2872 = •<<1>> 2873 = <<1>> 2874 = Your quest log is full 2875 = You do not meet the requirements for this quest 2876 = You have reached the maximum number of daily quests for today 2877 = You can only have one Grand Alliance War quest at a time 2878 = |cff0000Tracker full: Cease tracking a quest to make room 2879 = Are you sure you want to abandon <<1>>? 288 = Locked 2880 = Abandon 2881 = (<<1>>) 2882 = Complete 2883 = Group Options 2884 = Leader: 2885 = Layout Options 2886 = Four columns 2887 = Two columns 2888 = Only show my group 2889 = You must be in a group to do that. 289 = Item not ready yet 2890 = You must be the group leader to do that. 2891 = That person is not a member of your group. 2892 = Group leader changed to <<1>>. 2893 = <<1>> has disbanded the group. 2894 = You have been removed from the group. 2895 = <<1>> wants to group. Do you accept? 2896 = Some Dungeons only allow groups of <<1>> or fewer to enter. Inviting this player will convert this group to a large group and prevent access.\nAre you sure you want to extend this invitation? 2897 = Guild MOTD: <> 2898 = Loot 2899 = Apply 29 = Enables game sounds. 290 = Item can only be used from a quickslot. 2900 = Yes 2901 = No 2902 = <<1>> gold 2903 = <<1>> Tel Var Stones 2904 = [<<1>>] <<2>> 2905 = |cFF0000[<<1>>]|r <<2>> 2906 = Intimidate 2907 = Persuade 2908 = <>: <<2>> / <<3>> 2909 = Completed: <> 291 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds |cffffff<<2>>|r <<3>> 2910 = Failed: <>: <<2>> / <<3>> 2911 = Failed: <> 2912 = |cffc100Quest Completed: <> 2913 = |cffc100Quest Accepted: <> 2914 = Completed: <<1>> 2915 = Started: <<1>> 2916 = <<1>> 2917 = Completed: <<1>> 2918 = Veteran Rank 2919 = Champion Point 292 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds |cffffff<<2>>|r% <<3>> 2920 = <<1>>/<<2>> XP 2921 = <<1>>/<<2>> XP 2922 = Champion Rank 2923 = <<1>>/<<2>> XP 2924 = You gain <<1>> experience. 2925 = Discovered: <>. You gain <<2>> experience. 2926 = Your character is enlightened and will earn experience towards a <<1>> Champion point at an accelerated rate until <> reaches <<2>> XP. 2927 = Your character is enlightened and will earn experience towards a <<1>> Champion point at an accelerated rate into the next level. 2928 = Your character is enlightened. 2929 = You gain <<1[1 Alliance Point/$d Alliance Points]>>. 293 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds <<2>> <<3>> 2930 = You gain <<1[1 Rank Point/$d Rank Points]>>. 2931 = <<1>> 2932 = <<1>> <<2>> 2933 = You gain <<1>> Tel Var Stones. 2934 = Group Leader 2935 = Group <<1>> 2936 = Keep Score Bonuses (<<1[1 Keep/$d Keeps]>> Held) 2937 = Hold all home keeps 2938 = +<<1>> Keep Score 2939 = Defensive Elder Scroll Bonuses (<<1>> Defensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> Held) 294 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) Adds <<2>>% <<3>> 2940 = +<<1>> Enemy Defensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> 2941 = Offensive Elder Scroll Bonuses (<<1>> Offensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> Held) 2942 = Hold the <<1>> 2943 = +<<1>> Enemy Offensive <<1[Elder Scrolls/Elder Scroll/Elder Scrolls]>> 2944 = Stuck 2945 = Stuck 2946 = Moving to a safe location... 2947 = You can only use /stuck once every <<1>>. Please try again in <<2>>. 2948 = You are already in the process of being moved. 2949 = You cannot use /stuck while in combat. 295 = (<<1[1 item/$d items]>>) <<2>> 2950 = Skill Points: |cffffff<<1>>|r 2951 = Skyshards: |cffffff<<1>>/3|r 2952 = Active Abilities 2953 = Passive Abilities 2954 = Ultimate Abilities 2955 = Morph Ability 2956 = Select an ability that you wish to morph |cffffff<<1>>|r into: 2957 = Morphing this ability will cost 1 skill point. 2958 = Purchase Ability 2959 = Are you sure you want to purchase 296 = Part of the <<1>> set (<<2>>/<<3>> items) 2960 = This will cost |cffffff1|r skill point. 2961 = Upgrade Ability 2962 = Are you sure you want to upgrade |cffffff<<1>>|r? 2963 = Upgrading this ability will cost |cffffff1|r skill point 2964 = Morph 2965 = Unlock 2966 = Upgrade 2967 = Skills Reset 2968 = <<1>> 2969 = <<1>> 297 = Crafted 2970 = Your alliance must hold your own Elder Scroll before you can capture an enemy Elder Scroll. 2971 = Your alliance already holds this Elder Scroll. 2972 = There is no Elder Scroll to interact with here. 2973 = You're already carrying an Elder Scroll. 2974 = This is not a valid capture location for an Elder Scroll. 2975 = This is a capture location for an enemy Elder Scroll. 2976 = You can only capture an Elder Scroll at a keep in your home territory. 2977 = There's already an Elder Scroll here. 2978 = You can only return this Elder Scroll to its starting temple. 2979 = You've been awarded a medal: <<1>> 298 = <<1>>/<<2>> 2980 = The <> event is starting. You have <<2>> to decide. Would you like to join? 2981 = The <> event is starting which will grant you the [<>] quest. You have <<3>> to decide. Would you like to join? 2982 = <<1>> is starting the <<2>> event. You have <<3>> to decide. Would you like to join? 2983 = <<1>> is starting the <<2>> event which will grant you the [<>] quest. You have <<4>> to decide. Would you like to join? 2984 = Not Bound 2985 = Press a key or click in the box below to set the <<1>> bind for <<2>>. 2986 = Primary 2987 = Secondary 2988 = Special Keys: 2989 = First Bind 299 = Makes a level |cffffff<<1>>|r potion 2990 = Second Bind 2991 = Third Bind 2992 = Fourth Bind 2993 = Bindings 2994 = Bind 2995 = Unbind 2996 = This is already the <<1>> bind for <<2>>. 2997 = Setting this bind will unbind it from <<1>>. 2998 = This is already bound to <<1>> and it cannot be unbound. 2999 = Load Keyboard Defaults 3 = German 30 = Music 300 = Makes a |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|trank |cffffff<<1>>|r potion. 3000 = Load Gamepad Defaults 3001 = In-World 3002 = Items 3003 = Tutorials 3004 = Nameplates 3005 = Healthbars 3006 = Indicators 3007 = Chat Bubbles (Beta) 3008 = Heads-Up Display 3009 = Performance 301 = An ingredient for crafting in the |cffffff<>|r style. 3010 = Tooltips 3011 = Ability Bar 3012 = Controls the visibility of the Ability Bar. When automatic display is selected, the Ability Bar will only appear in useful situations like combat and targeting an enemy. 3013 = Soul Reservoir 3014 = Controls the display of the soul reservoir. When automatic display is selected, the soul reservoir will only appear in useful situations like when the soul count changes. 3015 = Incoming Requests 3016 = Alerts 3017 = Chat Settings 3018 = Notifications 3019 = Chat Colors 302 = Used to create Shields, Staffs, and Bows of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3020 = <<1>> (Incoming) 3021 = <<1>> (Outgoing) 3022 = Text Size 3023 = Adjusts the size of messages in the chat window. 3024 = Minimum Transparency 3025 = Adjusts the amount of transparency to which the chat window will fade when not in use. 3026 = Adjusts the color of messages that are said locally. 3027 = Adjusts the color of messages that are yelled. 3028 = Adjusts the color of incoming whispers. 3029 = Adjusts the color of outgoing whispers. 303 = Used to create Shields, Staffs, and Bows of |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|trank |cffffff<<1>>|r to |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|trank |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3030 = Adjusts the color of group messages. 3031 = Adjusts the color of the zone chat channel text. 3032 = Adjusts the color of the English zone chat channel text. 3033 = Adjusts the color of the French zone chat channel text. 3034 = Adjusts the color of the German zone chat channel text. 3035 = Adjusts the color of non player character messages. 3036 = Adjusts the color of emote messages. 3037 = Adjusts the color of system messages. 3038 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 1. 3039 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 1. 304 = Used to create Light Armor of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3040 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 2. 3041 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 2. 3042 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 3. 3043 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 3. 3044 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 4. 3045 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 4. 3046 = Adjusts the color of general messages from the guild associated with guild slot 5. 3047 = Adjusts the color of officer specific messages from the guild associated with guild slot 5. 3048 = Show leaderboard notifications of guild members and friends. 3049 = Global 305 = Used to create Light Armor of |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|trank |cffffff<<1>>|r to |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|trank |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3050 = First Person 3051 = Third Person 3052 = Reset to Default 3053 = Healthbars 3054 = Enables the healthbar system that appears above creatures, non player characters and players. 3055 = Self 3056 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above your character. 3057 = Friendly NPCs 3058 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above friendly non player characters. 3059 = Friendly Players 306 = Used to create Medium Armor of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3060 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above friendly players. 3061 = Enemy NPCs 3062 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy non player characters. 3063 = Enemy Players 3064 = Controls the display of the overhead healthbar above enemy players. 3065 = Alliance Indicators 3066 = Controls the display of an alliance icon above players that signifies their alliance association. 3067 = Group Members 3068 = Displays a group member icon above players that are in your group. 3069 = Resurrectable Players 307 = Used to create Medium Armor of |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|trank |cffffff<<1>>|r to |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|trank |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3070 = Displays a resurrectable icon above friendly players that are dead. 3071 = Followers 3072 = Displays a follower icon above creatures and non player characters that are following your character. 3073 = Auto Loot 3074 = Automatically takes all items when looting corpses and containers. 3075 = Auto Loot Stolen Items 3076 = If this option is off, auto-loot will not steal items; they must be manually taken. Otherwise, auto-loot will work on owned items the same way it works on unowned items. Note that this will still incur a bounty if you're seen. 3077 = Consolidate Area Loot 3078 = Combines the items of all nearby corpses into one window when bringing up a loot window. 3079 = Quest Tracker 308 = Used to create Heavy Armor and Metal Weapons of level |cffffff<<1>>|r to level |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3080 = Displays the Quest Tracker on the right side of the Heads Up Display. 3081 = Compass Quest Givers 3082 = Controls the display of quest givers on the compass. 3083 = Compass Active Quests 3084 = Controls the display of active quests on the compass. 3085 = Quest Givers 3086 = Displays an icon both in the world and on your compass for quest givers. 3087 = This setting only applies when the Quest Givers Indicators setting is enabled. 3088 = In world indicators over quest objects will still show up for all quests. Indicators that guide you through passageways and doors will only show up for your focused quest. 3089 = In world indicators over quest objects will still show up for all quests. Indicators that guide you through passageways and doors will not show up. 309 = Used to create Heavy Armor and Metal Weapons of |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|trank |cffffff<<1>>|r to |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|trank |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3090 = <<1>>ms 3091 = Double Tap Speed 3092 = Adjusts the length of the time period in which you must press the movement key twice, before having your character perform the dodge. 3093 = Double Tap to Dodge 3094 = Allows you to double tap a movement key to dodge in that direction. 3095 = Ground Targeting Range Lock 3096 = When enabled, ground targeted abilities cannot be aimed beyond their maximum range. 3097 = Prevent Attacking Innocents 3098 = Prevents your attacks and spells from damaging innocents. 3099 = Battle Level 31 = Enables game music. 310 = An ingredient for crafting armor with an intrinsic trait. 3100 = Automatically adjusts the stats of your character to be competitive with other players in the Alliance War. 3101 = This setting may only be changed in locations that do not use Battle Levels. 3102 = Combat Cues 3103 = Displays certain visual effects on creatures and non player characters, calling out behaviors that are applied to and from them. 3104 = Target Glow 3105 = Displays a glow around your target. The color of the glow represents their disposition towards you. 3106 = Glow Intensity 3107 = Adjusts the intensity of the glow around your target. 3108 = Interactables Glow 3109 = Displays a glow around certain interactable objects. 311 = An ingredient for crafting weapons with an intrinsic trait. 3110 = Glow Intensity 3111 = Adjusts the intensity of the glow around interactable objects. 3112 = Glow Thickness 3113 = Adjusts the thickness of target and interactable glows. 3114 = Active Combat Tips 3115 = Controls the display of helpful combat tips at the bottom of the Heads Up Display. When automatic display is chosen, it will only be shown when necessary to learn the core mechanics of combat. 3116 = Tutorials 3117 = Enables helpful tutorial alerts. 3118 = Reset Tutorials 3119 = Profanity Filter 312 = Unknown Recipe 3120 = Filters out profanity in all player-written text in chat, email subjects and bodies, guild messages, and more. 3121 = Hide Helmet 3122 = Causes your character's helmet to not be displayed so that other players can see your character's face. Properties of the hidden helmet will still impact your character's stats. 3123 = Hide Mount Stamina Upgrade 3124 = Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in stamina to everybody, even though the stamina upgrade is still applied. 3125 = Hide Mount Speed Upgrade 3126 = Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in speed to everybody, even though the speed upgrade is still applied. 3127 = Hide Mount Capacity Upgrade 3128 = Determines if this character's mount will appear as though not upgraded in capacity to everybody, even though the capacity upgrade is still applied. 3129 = HUD Cursor On Entry 313 = Bait 3130 = Displays the cursor on the Heads Up Display whenever you are typing. 3131 = Framerate 3132 = Enables an indicator on the interface showing the game's framerate in real time. Higher values indicate a smoother experience. 3133 = Latency 3134 = Enables a network latency indicator on the interface. Higher values can result in decreased responsiveness while playing. 3135 = Framerate/Latency Position Lock 3136 = Locks the Framerate and Latency indicators to their current position on the interface. 3137 = Reset Position 3138 = Displays a chat bubble above a player's head when they are speaking. 3139 = Fade Rate 314 = Book 3140 = Controls how quickly a chat bubble will fade after appearing. 3141 = Only Known Players 3142 = Only displays a chat bubble or players that are in any of your guilds, in your contact list, or in your group. 3143 = Self 3144 = Displays a dialogue bubble for yourself when you speak. 3145 = /say 3146 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /say. 3147 = /yell 3148 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /yell. 3149 = /tell 315 = Increases Quality from <<1>> to <<2>> 3150 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /tell. 3151 = /group 3152 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /group. 3153 = /emote 3154 = Determines if chat bubbles are shown when spoken in /emote. 3155 = Very Slow 3156 = Slow 3157 = Average 3158 = Fast 3159 = Very Fast 316 = Already in your library. 3160 = FPS: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3161 = <<1>>+ 3162 = Frames per second. Higher values indicate a smoother experience. 3163 = Your latency to the server in milliseconds. Higher values can result in decreased responsiveness while playing. 3164 = Resume 3165 = Keybindings 3166 = More Info 3167 = <<1>> 3168 = <> 3169 = Alliance 317 = Use to add to your lore library. 3170 = Name 3171 = Kills 3172 = Deaths 3173 = Damage 3174 = Healing 3175 = Score 3176 = Medals 3177 = <<1>> x 3178 = Rules: 3179 = Available Medals: 318 = Upgrade 3180 = <<1>>: <<2>> 3181 = Medal earned: <<1>> 3182 = Leave Battleground 3183 = (<<1>> points to win) 3184 = Scores 3185 = Information 3186 = Click for information on this Battleground. 3187 = Flags held by <<1>> 3188 = Areas held by <<1>> 3189 = Death Banners held by <<1>> 319 = Unlocked 3190 = <<1>> has been captured by <<2>>! 3191 = <<1>> is gaining control of <<2>>! 3192 = <<1>> has been assaulted! 3193 = <<1>> has taken <<2>>! 3194 = <<1>> has been dropped by <<2>>! 3195 = <<1>> has been returned! 3196 = <<1>> starts in... 3197 = <<1>> wins. 3198 = Restarting... 3199 = Paused 32 = Music Volume 320 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3200 = <<1>> 3201 = <<1>> Flag 3202 = <<1>> Base 3203 = Flag Held by <<1>> 3204 = Flag Unclaimed 3205 = Neutral Base 3206 = Neutral 3207 = Death Banner Held by <<1>> 3208 = Unclaimed Death Banner 3209 = <<1>> Return 321 = This increases your inventory capacity by |cffffff<<1>>|r slots, though it can’t exceed the maximum size available from Pack Merchants. 3210 = <<1>> 3211 = Here 3212 = Here (<> <>) 3213 = Here (<>) 3214 = Here (<> <> + <>) 3215 = Here |cff0000(|r<> <>|cff0000)|r 3216 = Here |cff0000(|r<>|cff0000)|r 3217 = Here |cff0000(|r<> <> |cff0000+|r <>|cff0000)|r 3218 = Wayshrine 3219 = Wayshrine (<>) 322 = This increases your bank capacity by |cffffff<<1>>|r slots, though it can’t exceed the maximum size available from Bankers. 3220 = Release 3221 = No Valid Soul Gems Found 3222 = No <<1>> found. 3223 = Costs |cffffff1|r <<1>> 3224 = Choose Revive Location 3225 = Join Queue 3226 = Automatically Reviving... 3227 = Join the respawn queue? 3228 = <<1>> wants to resurrect you. 3229 = Waiting for the battle to end... 323 = \"<<1>>\" 3230 = Your equipped items have lost durability. 3231 = Revive at Entrance 3232 = Lives: <<1>> 3233 = Revive 3234 = Started: <<1>> Trial 3235 = Failed: <<1>> Trial 3236 = Completed: <<1>> 3237 = Final Score: <<1>>\nTotal Time: <<2>> 3238 = |t64:64:<<1>>|t<<2>> Points Rewarded 3239 = Your current score is <<1>> points. 324 = <<1>> 3240 = New Best Score for Weekly (<<1>>) 3241 = New Best Score for <<1>> 3242 = Help 3243 = Tutorials 3244 = Customer Support 3245 = Enter a keyword 3246 = Filter by: 3247 = No matching tutorials found. 3248 = Loading... 3249 = Sell All Junk 325 = <<1>> 3250 = Are you sure you want to sell all items marked as junk from your inventory? 3251 = Sell 3252 = Destroy All Junk 3253 = Are you sure you want to destroy all items marked as junk from your inventory? 3254 = Destroy 3255 = Repair all your damaged equipment? 3256 = You cannot afford to repair all of your equipment. 3257 = You are now flagged for PvP combat. 3258 = You are no longer flagged for PvP combat. 3259 = <>: <<2>> / <<3>> 326 = Adjust the area so that the corners are still visible on your screen. 3260 = <> 3261 = Completed: <<1>> 3262 = <<1>> has logged on. 3263 = <<1>> has logged on with <<2>>. 3264 = <<1>> has logged off. 3265 = <<1>> has logged off with <<2>>. 3266 = <<1>> added to Ignore List. 3267 = <<1>> removed from Ignored List. 3268 = Busy processing social requests. Please try again in a few seconds. 3269 = You are set to: <<1>> 327 = Adjust 3270 = Friends Online: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r 3271 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to be your friend. 3272 = You have been invited to join <>|cffffff<<2>>|r by |cffffff<<3>>|r. 3273 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3274 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r, with your group. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 3275 = Entering Cyrodiil... 3276 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to resurrect you. Expires in <<2>>. 3277 = |cffffff<<1>>|r has invited you to join a group. 3278 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to trade with you. 3279 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to share |cffffff<<2>>|r. 328 = Adjust Screen 3280 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. 3281 = Notifications (<<1>>) 3282 = You have |cffffff<<1>>|r pending <<1[notification/notifications]>>. 3283 = You do not have any notifications. 3284 = You Have No Pending Notifications 3285 = <<1>> 3286 = Toggles between your Primary and Backup Weapon Sets. 3287 = Unlocked at Level <<1>> 3288 = Cannot weapon swap in your current state. 3289 = You do not have weapons equipped in both weapon sets. 329 = Adjusting Screen... 3290 = <<1>> 3291 = Your equipment is damaged. 3292 = +<<1>>% 3293 = +<<1>> 3294 = <<1>> Aiming Arrow Length 3295 = <<1>> Scatter Reduction 3296 = <<1>> Range 3297 = <<1>> Max HP 3298 = Toughness 3299 = <<1>> HP 33 = Adjusts the volume of music. 330 = Accept 3300 = Siege Bonus: <<1>> 3301 = <<1>> (<<2>> / <<3>>) 3302 = <<1>> 3303 = <<1>> 3304 = Cast Time 3305 = <<1[$d second/$d seconds]>> 3306 = Channel Time 3307 = <<1[$d second/$d seconds]>> 3308 = Instant 3309 = Target 331 = Back 3310 = Ground 3311 = Cone 3312 = Area 3313 = Cost 3314 = <<1>> <<2>> 3315 = None 3316 = Range 3317 = <<1>> meters 3318 = <<1>> - <<2>> meters 3319 = Radius 332 = Calibrate Brightness 3320 = <<1>> meters 3321 = Area 3322 = <<1>> x <<2>> meters 3323 = Duration 3324 = <<1[$d second/$d seconds]>> 3325 = No Duration 3326 = Passive 3327 = Self 3328 = <<1>> cooldown 3329 = |cff0000<<1>>|r remaining 333 = This may be an unusually long load time. 3330 = Requires: <> 3331 = Bronze Rank 3332 = Silver Rank 3333 = Gold Rank 3334 = |cffffff<<1>>|r 3335 = |cffffff<<1>>|r% 3336 = |cffffff<<1>>|r Damage 3337 = |cffffff<<1>>|r Magic Damage 3338 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<2>> Damage 3339 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[meter/meters]>> 334 = General 3340 = <<1>> 3341 = <<1>>% 3342 = <<1>> Damage 3343 = <<1>> Magic Damage 3344 = <<1>> <<2>> Damage 3345 = <<1>> <<1[meter/meters]>> 3346 = Requires 1 Skill Point 3347 = <<1>> : |cffffff<<2>> / <<3>>|r 3348 = Skyshards can be found throughout the world. Collecting three Skyshards grants an extra skill point. 3349 = |cffffff<<1>>|r 335 = User Interface Shortcuts 3350 = |cffffff<<1>>|r% 3351 = <<1>> 3352 = <<1>> 3353 = <<1[/$d/$d]>> 3354 = <<1>> 3355 = <> 3356 = <<1>> 3357 = <><<2[// ($d)]>> 3358 = <<1>> (dead) 3359 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 336 = Siege 3360 = Map Ping: <<1>> 3361 = Group Rally Point 3362 = Your Set Destination 3363 = <<1>> 3364 = Level <<1>> <<2>> (Player) 3365 = Level <<1>> 3366 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 3367 = <<1>> 3368 = Requires <<1>> 3369 = <<1>> |c7fa4c5(Above)|r 337 = Notifications 3370 = <<1>> |c7fa4c5(Below)|r 3371 = Undiscovered Quest 3372 = Alliance Owner: |c7fa4c5<<1>> 3373 = <<1>>: |c7fa4c5<<2>> 3374 = Access: <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> 3375 = No Alliances 3376 = Guild Owner: |c7fa4c5<> 3377 = Under Attack! 3378 = Left-click to travel here. 3379 = This keep is inaccessible. 338 = Movement 3380 = Your alliance does not own this keep. 3381 = This keep is under attack. 3382 = This keep has too many resources under enemy control. 3383 = This keep is not connected to your current keep. 3384 = Your current keep is under attack. 3385 = Your current keep has too many resources under enemy control. 3386 = Left-click to respawn here. 3387 = You cannot respawn here. 3388 = You are at this keep. 3389 = Left-click to fast travel here. 339 = Combat 3390 = Left-click to recall to here. 3391 = Left-click to open the Crown Store. 3392 = Cost to Recall: 3393 = Elder Scroll Type: |c7fa4c5Offensive|r 3394 = Elder Scroll Type: |c7fa4c5Defensive|r 3395 = Elder Scroll Stolen! 3396 = Only the <<1>> can use this link 3397 = Forward Camp 3398 = Left-click to respawn here. 3399 = |c7fa4c5<<1>> : Siege Weapons (<<2>> / <<3>>) 34 = Sound Effects 340 = Targeting 3400 = |c7fa4c5<<1>> : Siege NPC (<<2>> / <<3>>) 3401 = <<1>> 3402 = Level <<1>> 3403 = <<1>> 3404 = <> stored in player inventory 3405 = <> stored in the bank 3406 = Unclaimed 3407 = Unknown 3408 = Traits 3409 = ? 341 = Interaction 3410 = Craft (<>|t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t) 3411 = Craft 3412 = Extract 3413 = Clear Selections 3414 = Requires Solvent Proficiency <<1>> 3415 = Unknown Potion 3416 = A potion with unknown effects. 3417 = Creation 3418 = Solvent 3419 = Reagents 342 = Camera 3420 = Solvent 3421 = Reagents 3422 = Makes A Level <<1>> Potion 3423 = Makes a|t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|trank <<1>> potion 3424 = No solvents or reagents found. 3425 = No solvents found. 3426 = No reagents found. 3427 = Alchemical reaction yielded no results. 3428 = Traits Discovered 3429 = You have discovered the following traits: 343 = User Interface 3430 = <<1>> 3431 = Options 3432 = Use <<1>> 3433 = <> |cffffff(<<2>>)|r 3434 = <> 3435 = You have not learned any cooking recipes. 3436 = You have not learned any brewing recipes. 3437 = No recipes found that match your filters 3438 = Ingredients 3439 = To Create 344 = General 3440 = The number of ingredients you have in your inventory and account bank. 3441 = Requires Recipe Improvement <<1>> 3442 = Requires Recipe Quality <<1>> 3443 = Cook 3444 = Brew 3445 = Have Ingredients 3446 = Have Skills 3447 = Use to learn recipe. 3448 = <> 3449 = <>, <> 345 = < 1 minute ago. 3450 = <>, <>, <> 3451 = <>, <>, <>, <> 3452 = <>, <>, <>, <>, <> 3453 = Discovered trait <<2>> on <> 3454 = Learned the <<1>> crafting style. 3455 = Learned the <<1>> <<2>> crafting style. 3456 = Finished researching trait <<1>> for <<2>> 3457 = You learned how to make <> 3458 = Recipe already known. 3459 = Unknown Runestone 346 = <<1>> ago. 3460 = No runestones found. 3461 = No Aspect runestones found. 3462 = No Essence runestones found. 3463 = No Potency runestones found. 3464 = No Glyphs to extract. 3465 = Rune Phrase 3466 = Glyph to Extract 3467 = Creation 3468 = Extraction 3469 = Requires Potency Improvement <<1>> 347 = <> LEFT 3470 = Requires Aspect Improvement <<1>> 3471 = Translation 3472 = ? 3473 = <<1>> 3474 = Can only be applied to an item between |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t |cffffff<<1>>|r and |cffffff<<2>>|r 3475 = Can only be applied to a |t32:32:EsoUI/Art/UnitFrames/target_veteranRank_icon.dds|t |cffffff<<1>>|r item. 3476 = Unknown Glyph 3477 = Unknown Effects 3478 = Runes Translated 3479 = You have translated the following runes: 348 = <<1>> mo. 3480 = Gained inspiration: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3481 = Gained inspiration: |cffffff<<1>>|r |c7fa4c5(+ <<2>>)|r 3482 = Type 3483 = Material 3484 = Style 3485 = Trait 3486 = |cffffff<<1>>|r (|cffffff<<2>>|r Traits) 3487 = <<1>> 3488 = |cffffff<<2>>|r - |cffffff<<3>>|r <> 3489 = |cffffff<<2>>|r (|cffffff1|r <>) 349 = <<1>> d. 3490 = |cffffff<<2>>|r (|cffffff1|r <>) 3491 = Set Weapons 3492 = Set Apparel 3493 = Have items 3494 = Have knowledge 3495 = Creation 3496 = Improvement 3497 = Research 3498 = Refine 3499 = Deconstruct 35 = Toggle sound effects such as footsteps and attack sounds. 350 = <<1>> h. 3500 = No Materials Found 3501 = No Styles Found 3502 = No Weapon Types Found 3503 = No Armor Types Found 3504 = Learn the <<1>> Crafting Style to Unlock 3505 = Research <<1>> <<2>> Traits to Unlock 3506 = Research to Unlock 3507 = |cff00000|r 3508 = Learn Style to Unlock 3509 = Requires Metalworking <<1>> 351 = <<1>>m 3510 = Requires Woodworking <<1>> 3511 = Requires Tailoring <<1>> 3512 = Trait Line 3513 = <> 3514 = Trait Progress 3515 = Unknown 3516 = Researching… 3517 = Researchable 3518 = Researching: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 3519 = Researching: |cff0000<<1>>/<<1>>|r 352 = <<1>> s. 3520 = |cffffff<<1>>|r Available (|t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Mounts/timer_icon.dds|tTakes |cffffff<<2>>|r) 3521 = |cff00000|r Traits Researchable 3522 = The <<1>> trait line is already being researched. 3523 = All traits researched. 3524 = All <<1>> research slots are in use. 3525 = Research Trait from Item 3526 = Research Trait 3527 = Select an item from which to research the trait. 3528 = Researching an item will destroy it. This process will take |cffffff<<1>>|r. 3529 = Refine 353 = <<1>> month 3530 = Deconstruct 3531 = Refine Material 3532 = Deconstruct Weapon 3533 = Deconstruct Apparel 3534 = Raw Materials 3535 = No materials to refine. 3536 = No weapons to deconstruct. 3537 = No apparel to deconstruct. 3538 = Minimum of |cffffff<<1>>|r needed. 3539 = You lack the skill to recover all the materials from this item. 354 = <<1>> day 3540 = Improve 3541 = Attempt Item Improvement 3542 = You have <>% chance to improve <> by applying <> <>.\n\n|cff0000If this attempt fails, <> will be destroyed in the process!|r\n\nAre you sure? 3543 = Chance 3544 = Improve 3545 = No weapons to improve. 3546 = No apparel to improve. 3547 = Chance <<1>>% 3548 = Awaiting Weapon 3549 = Awaiting Apparel 355 = <<1>> hour 3550 = Improvement attempt succeeded. 3551 = Improvement attempt failed. 3552 = No usable items found. 3553 = No usable items found. 3554 = No usable items found. 3555 = Tempers Chart 3556 = Resins Chart 3557 = Tannins Chart 3558 = Convert to Imperial Style 3559 = Converting this item to the Imperial style will make it bound to your account, preventing other accounts from being able to use it.\n\nOnce converted, the item cannot be returned to its original style.\n\nAre you sure you want to convert the style of <>? 356 = <<1>> min. 3560 = Convert 3561 = Pattern 3562 = Design 3563 = Type 3564 = Background 3565 = Crest 3566 = Finalize 3567 = Style 3568 = Primary Color 3569 = Secondary Color 357 = <<1>> sec. 3570 = Color 3571 = Apply Changes (Guild Bank: <>|t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t) 3572 = Apply Changes (|cFF1919Guild Bank: <>|r|t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t) 3573 = Undo Changes 3574 = Purchase Heraldry (Guild Bank: <>|t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t) 3575 = Purchase Heraldry (|cFF1919Guild Bank: <>|r|t24:24:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t) 3576 = The Gold Coast Trading Company 3577 = Once purchased, this guild's design will show up on the guild's tabard.\n\nMembers can purchase a tabard by visiting the guild's store. 3578 = Guild Balance: 3579 = Cost: 358 = <<1[1 month/$d months]>> 3580 = Guild Cost: 3581 = Purchase 3582 = Cancel 3583 = Accept 3584 = Apply Changes 3585 = Applying changes to the guild's heraldry will update the design shown on the guild's tabard. The change will be reflected immediately and cannot be reversed.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 3586 = You are attempting to exit before applying your changes.\n\nApplying changes to the guild's heraldry will update the design shown on the guild's tabard. The change will be reflected immediately and cannot be reversed.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 3587 = Not enough gold in Guild Bank. 3588 = Tools 3589 = Saved Sets 359 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[month/months]>> 3590 = Dye Item 3591 = Bind Items 3592 = Dyeing your equipped items will bind them to your account. Once bound, you will no longer be able to trade or mail them to other players.\n\nAre you sure you want to apply your changes? 3593 = Bind Items 3594 = You are attempting to exit before applying your changes.\n\nDyeing your equipped items will bind them to your account. Once bound, you will no longer be able to trade or mail them to other players.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 3595 = Dye Items 3596 = You are attempting to exit before applying your changes.\n\nWould you like to apply your changes? 3597 = <<1>> 3598 = Stow Siege Weapon 3599 = Fire 36 = Effects Volume 360 = <<1[1 day/$d days]>> 3600 = Zoom Out Camera 3601 = The <<1>> is busy. 3602 = Cannot fire while on cooldown 3603 = Cannot fire while retargeting 3604 = The <<1>> is under another player's control. 3605 = Unable to a create siege object because the closest keep door already has a ram. 3606 = Unable to a create siege object because a keep door isn't within range. 3607 = Only the creator is allowed to pack up a siege weapon. 3608 = Requires the <<1>> crafting skill to harvest 3609 = You cannot resurrect at a keep while it's under attack. 361 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[day/days]>> 3610 = You can only resurrect at a keep your alliance owns. 3611 = You cannot resurrect in the Imperial City from the outside. 3612 = You cannot resurrect at a forward camp while it's under attack. 3613 = The forward camp has been depleted, you cannot resurrect there. 3614 = You are not in range of the forward camp so you cannot resurrect there. 3615 = You must wait for the respawn timer to expire before resurrecting at a forward camp. 3616 = +<<1>> XP 3617 = +<<1>> AP 3618 = Crafting ... 3619 = Researching ... 362 = <<1[1 hour/$d hours]>> 3620 = Refining... 3621 = Harvesting ... 3622 = Grappling ... 3623 = Destroying <<1>>... 3624 = Repairing <<1>>... 3625 = Disarming... 3626 = Fishing... 3627 = Packing Up <<1>>... 3628 = Gold 3629 = Your Total Alliance Points 363 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[hour/hours]>> 3630 = Tel Var Stones 3631 = Inspiration 3632 = Rank Points 3633 = <<1>> 3634 = Buy <> for <<2>><<3>><<4>>? 3635 = , <<1>> <<2>> 3636 = , and <<1>> <<2>> 3637 = <<1>> <<2>> 3638 = An Add-On attempted to illegally call [<<1>>]. 3639 = You must wait 30 seconds before submitting this bug. 364 = <<1[1 minute/$d minutes]>> 3640 = Screenshot saved as: <> 3641 = You have taken your revenge against <<1>>! 3642 = You have avenged the death of <<1>> by killing <<2>>! 3643 = <<1>> killed <<2>> in <<3>>. 3644 = <<1>> killed <<2>>. 3645 = <<1[/$d bonus XP!/$d bonus XP!]>> 3646 = Finesse Bonus 3647 = Hidden 3648 = Detected 3649 = Disguised 365 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[minute/minutes]>> 3650 = Danger 3651 = Suspicious 3652 = Discovered 3653 = Time until drowning 3654 = Use <<1>> 3655 = Empty 3656 = <<1>> 3657 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 3658 = <<1>> (<>) 3659 = <<1>> (requires <>) 366 = <<1[1 second/$d seconds]>> 3660 = <<1>> (will consume <>) 3661 = Lockpicks remaining: <<1>> 3662 = Lock Level: <<1>> 3663 = Force Lock (<<1>>%) 3664 = Depress Pin 3665 = <<1>> is locked, but you don't have the key or any lockpicks. 3666 = <<1>> is locked and it is too difficult to pick. 3667 = Clear the slot. 3668 = You cannot afford this upgrade. 3669 = <<1>> Wall 367 = |cffffff<<1>>|r <<1[second/seconds]>> 3670 = Upgrades Selected: 3671 = <<1>> / <<2>> 3672 = Remaining: 3673 = Cost: 3674 = Purchase 3675 = Reset 3676 = x <<1>> 3677 = Repair Kits: 3678 = Repair 3679 = Wall Upgrades: 368 = <<1>>:<<2>>:<<3>>:<<4>> 3680 = There are no available hook points. 3681 = You must have a valid filled Soul Gem to charge this weapon. 3682 = This weapon is already fully charged. 3683 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. Click to open the chat. 3684 = Use <<1>> 3685 = Abandon Quest 3686 = Bind on Pickup 3687 = Group Invite 3688 = Event Invite 3689 = Trade Invite 369 = <<1>>d <<2>>h <<3>>m <<4>>s 3690 = Destroy Augment 3691 = Purchase 3692 = Repair All 3693 = Sell Items 3694 = Destroy Items 3695 = Script Violation 3696 = Reset Skills 3697 = Quest Share 3698 = Destroy Attachments 3699 = Destroy Gold 37 = Adjusts the volume of sound effects. 370 = <<1>>d <<2>>h <<3>>m <<4>>s <<5>>ms 3700 = Fast Travel 3701 = Log Out 3702 = Quit 3703 = Large Group Conversion 3704 = Buy Multiple 3705 = Remove Tab 3706 = Reset Tab 3707 = Do you want to log out to character select? 3708 = Do you want to quit the game? 3709 = You don't have any bait. 371 = <<1>>:<<2>>:<<3>> 3710 = Need Bait 3711 = Hold to Select Bait 3712 = You cannot fish while swimming. 3713 = Empty 3714 = Guild Store 3715 = List Item 3716 = Add to Listing 3717 = Start Search 3718 = Remove from Listing 3719 = Select an item in your inventory to list it for sale. 372 = <<1>>h <<2>>m <<3>>s 3720 = Listing |cffffff<<1>>|r of |cffffff<<2>>|r 3721 = Listing |cff0000<<1>>|r of |cff0000<<2>>|r 3722 = Quantity 3723 = Total Price: 3724 = <>|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t 3725 = Search Store For 3726 = Price Range: 3727 = Level Range: 3728 = Veteran Rank Range: 3729 = Any Quality 373 = <<1>>h <<2>>m <<3>>s <<4>>ms 3730 = Normal 3731 = Fine 3732 = Superior 3733 = Epic 3734 = Legendary 3735 = All Items 3736 = Weapon 3737 = Apparel 3738 = Soul Gems & Glyphs 3739 = Crafting 374 = <<1>>:<<2>> 3740 = Food & Potions 3741 = Other 3742 = All One-Handed 3743 = All Two-Handed 3744 = All Pieces 3745 = All Traits 3746 = All Enchantments 3747 = Guild Items 3748 = Light Armor 3749 = Medium Armor 375 = <<1>>m <<2>>s 3750 = Heavy Armor 3751 = Shield 3752 = Accessory 3753 = All Accessories 3754 = All Consumables 3755 = All Materials 3756 = All Component Types 3757 = Seller: |cffffff<<1>> 3758 = <<1>> 3759 = Name 376 = <<1>>m <<2>>s <<3>>ms 3760 = Time Left 3761 = Price 3762 = Buy Item 3763 = Buy Item 3764 = Are you sure you want to buy this item? 3765 = This will cost |cffffff<>|r|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t 3766 = This will cost |cffffff<>|r|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/alliancePoints.dds|t 3767 = Items On Page: |cffffff<<1>> 3768 = Next 3769 = Previous 377 = <<1>>s <<2>>ms 3770 = Cancel Listing 3771 = Cancel Listing 3772 = Are you sure you want to cancel this listing? You will not be refunded the listing fee. 3773 = Yes 3774 = No 3775 = You don't have enough gold. 3776 = Filter by text search 3777 = Cancel Listing 3778 = Alliance War 3779 = Rank Points: <<1>> / <<2>>\n\nGain rank points by participating in activities for your alliance in Cyrodiil campaigns. 378 = <<1>>s 3780 = <<1>> <<2>> 3781 = Unassigned 3782 = Home 3783 = Guest 3784 = Name 3785 = Group Members Assigned to this Campaign 3786 = Friends Assigned to this Campaign 3787 = Guild Members in a Campaign 3788 = Aldmeri Dominion Population 3789 = Ebonheart Pact Population 379 = 0:<<1>> 3790 = Daggerfall Covenant Population 3791 = Your Home Campaign 3792 = Your Guest Campaign 3793 = <<1[$d Group Member/$d Group Members]>> 3794 = <<1[$d Friend/$d Friends]>> 3795 = <<1[$d Guild Member/$d Guild Members]>> 3796 = In Queue For: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3797 = Rules 3798 = Are you sure you wish to select |cffffff<<1>>|r as your guest campaign? While guesting this campaign: 3799 = Cost: 38 = Ambient Sounds 380 = <<1[1 second/$d seconds]>> 3800 = Balance: 3801 = Set now. 3802 = Set when current campaign ends. 3803 = Keeps required for Emperor: |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 3804 = Reigning For: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3805 = Leaderboard rankings take some time to update and may not immediately reflect your current rank. 3806 = You have joined a Trial already in progress and are not eligible to be placed in this leaderboard. 3807 = Shows how long until the Weekly Trial is over. 3808 = Shows how long until the Weekly Trial starts. 3809 = Campaign Duration Remaining: 381 = <<1>> sec. 3810 = Next Score Evaluation in: 3811 = Potential Points: 3812 = <<1>> 3813 = x<<1>> 3814 = End Of Campaign Reward Tier 3815 = Keeps Held 3816 = Outposts Held 3817 = Resources Held 3818 = Scrolls Held 3819 = Low Score Bonus 382 = <<1>>s 3820 = This bonus applies to an alliance with significantly fewer points than the leading alliance. 3821 = Low Population Bonus 3822 = This bonus is applied when an alliance continually has significantly fewer participants than competing Alliances. 3823 = Home Keep Score Bonuses 3824 = Enemy Keeps Owned Bonuses 3825 = Defensive Elder Scroll Bonuses 3826 = Offensive Elder Scroll Bonuses 3827 = Emperorship Bonuses 3828 = All Home Keeps Held 3829 = All Home Keeps Not Held 383 = <<1[/1 minute/$d minutes]>><<2[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>> 3830 = All 3831 = Enemy Keeps Held: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3832 = All home keeps must be held to gain these bonuses. 3833 = Enemy Scrolls Held: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3834 = All home scrolls must be held to gain these bonuses. 3835 = No Emperor 3836 = Emperor Within Alliance 3837 = Emperor Not Within Alliance 3838 = N 3839 = S 384 = <<1[/1 min./$d min.]>><<2[/ and 1 sec./ and $d sec.]>> 3840 = W 3841 = E 3842 = <> 3843 = Categories 3844 = All 3845 = Show More 3846 = Customer Service 3847 = Retrieving history... 3848 = Activity Log 3849 = Unknown 385 = <<1[/1 min./$d min.]>> <<2>> sec. 3850 = Last Online: |cffffff<<1>>|r 3851 = <> 3852 = <<1>> 3853 = Class 3854 = Alliance 3855 = Level 3856 = Player Status 3857 = Friends Online: 3858 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3859 = Filter By: 386 = <<1>>m <<2>>s 3860 = Add Friend 3861 = Invite to Group 3862 = Rank 3863 = Add Ignore 3864 = Add Ignore 3865 = Ignored 3866 = Stop Ignoring 3867 = There are no players in your ignore list. 3868 = Your guild may hire this trader for immediate use. Once hired, your guild's store will be made available to the general public through this trader for the next |cffffff<<1>>|r.\n\n|cffffffNOTE:|r Only one trader can be hired at a time for a guild. 3869 = Hire for Guild: 387 = Unknown 3870 = Guild Bank Balance: 3871 = Hiring Cost: 3872 = Hire 3873 = Bid for Guild: 3874 = Bidding Closes In: 3875 = New Bid: 3876 = Current Bid: 3877 = Minimum Bid: 3878 = Update Bid 3879 = Guilds may only have one bid out until bidding has closed. This guild has already placed a bid on |cffffff<<1>>|r. 388 = < 1 min 3880 = Bid rate exceeded. 3881 = Guilds must have unlocked Guild Stores to bid on a Guild Trader. This guild does not have the required |cffffff<<1>>|r members. 3882 = Guild Trader (<<1>>) 3883 = Quit Game 3884 = You are not allowed to quit at this time. You will remain logged in on the server if you force quit. 3885 = You will quit automatically in <<1>>. You will remain logged in on the server if you force quit. 3886 = Quit Now 3887 = Cancel 3888 = Logout 3889 = You will logout in <<1>>. 389 = > 1 hour 3890 = Cancel 3891 = <> 3892 = <<1>> 3893 = Mundus Stone 3894 = Accept Sign 3895 = Cancel 3896 = Those under the sign of |cffffff<>|r will have a boon that |cffffff<>|r.\n\nYou may only have one boon at a time. 3897 = <>\n<<2>> 3898 = <<1>>. <> 3899 = [<>] 39 = Toggle ambient sounds. 390 = <<1[/1 hour/$d hours]>>, <<2[/1 minute/$d minutes]>>,<<3[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>> 3900 = [<<1>>] 3901 = <<1>> 3902 = <> 3903 = <<1>> 3904 = <> 3905 = <<1>> 3906 = Trial Account 3907 = <<1>> |cC5C29EIs Ignored|r 3908 = This dungeon has been scaled to Veteran Rank <<1>>. 3909 = 391 = <<1[/1 hr/$d hrs]>>, <<2[/1 min/$d min]>>,<<3[/ and 1 sec/ and $d sec]>> 3910 = 3911 = Fast Travel 3912 = Options 3913 = Legend 3914 = Points of Interest 3915 = <<1>> <<2>> 3916 = Set Active Quest 3917 = Choose Active Quest 3918 = Travel 3919 = Choose Destination 392 = <<1[/1 hr/$d hrs]>> <<2[/1 min/$d min]>> <<3>> sec 3920 = Revive 3921 = Cannot Revive Here 3922 = Choose Revive Location 3923 = Fast Travel 3924 = Select Your Destination 3925 = Cost To Recall <<1>><> 3926 = Tasks 3927 = Choose Active Quest 3928 = Select a quest 3929 = Choose Respawn Location 393 = <<1>>h <<2>>m<<3[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 3930 = Make a Choice 3931 = Travel 3932 = Set Active Quest 3933 = Destination 3934 = Players 3935 = Alliance 3936 = Guild 3937 = Cost To Recall 3938 = Siege Weapons 3939 = Siege NPCs 394 = <<1[/1 day/$d days]>>, <<2[/1 hour/$d hours]>>, <<3[/1 minute/$d minutes]>>,<<4[/ and 1 second/ and $d seconds]>> 3940 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3941 = Elder Scroll Type 3942 = Elder Scroll 3943 = Offensive 3944 = Defensive 3945 = Press <> to travel here. 3946 = Press <> to respawn here. 3947 = Access 3948 = Only the <<1>> can use this link. 3949 = Close 395 = <<1[/1 day/$d days]>>, <<2[/1 hr/$d hrs]>>, <<3[/1 min/$d min]>>,<<4[/ and 1 sec/ and $d sec]>> 3950 = Switch Elevation 3951 = Press <<1>> to fast travel to here. 3952 = Press <<1>> to recall to here. 3953 = Use from quickslot. 3954 = Stolen 3955 = Item Created 3956 = Materials Recovered 3957 = Crafting has revealed the following traits: 3958 = Lockpicks 3959 = Difficulty 396 = <<1[/1 day/$d days]>> <<2[/1 hr/$d hrs]>> <<3[/1 min/$d min]>> <<4>> sec 3960 = Move Lockpick 3961 = Equipped 3962 = Main Hand 3963 = Off Hand 3964 = Main Hand Backup 3965 = Off Hand Backup 3966 = Request 3967 = Sort 3968 = Purchase Ability 3969 = Upgrade Ability 397 = <<1>>d <<2>>h <<3>>m<<4[/ $ds/ $ds]>> 3970 = Morph Ability 3971 = Purchase 3972 = Morph 3973 = Ability Bar 3974 = Points 3975 = Skyshards 3976 = <<1>>/<<2>> 3977 = Ability Bar 3978 = Morph 1 3979 = Morph 2 398 = [<<1>>:<<2>>:<<3>>] 3980 = Spend 1 skill point to purchase <>? 3981 = Spend 1 skill point to upgrade <>? 3982 = Choose ability to morph <> into. This costs 1 skill point. 3983 = Assign 3984 = Manage Ability Bar 3985 = (|cffffff<<2>>/<<3>>|r) <<1>> 3986 = No Abilities Available for Assignment 3987 = Ability 3988 = <<1>> 3989 = Ready 399 = <<1>>:<<2>> A.M. 3990 = <<1>> Increase 3991 = Inventory 3992 = Equipment 3993 = Choose a Hand 3994 = Actions 3995 = Capacity 3996 = One-Handed Melee 3997 = Two-Handed Melee 3998 = Destruction Staff 3999 = Restoration Staff 4 = French 40 = Ambience Volume 400 = <<1>>:<<2>> P.M. 4000 = Bow 4001 = Consumables 4002 = Quest Items 4003 = Your inventory is empty. 4004 = Equipped - More Actions 4005 = Nothing Equipped 4006 = Alliance Points 4007 = Tel Var Stones 4008 = Gold 4009 = Confirm 401 = <<1>>:<<2>> 4010 = Split 4011 = Distribute the items into a new stack 4012 = Character Attributes 4013 = Toggle View 4014 = Notifications (<<1>>) 4015 = Decline Invite 4016 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to be your friend. 4017 = Decline the Friend Invite from |cffffff<<1>>|r. 4018 = You have been invited to join |cffffff<<1>>|r by |cffffff<<2>>|r. 4019 = Decline the Invite to join |cffffff<<1>>|r from |cffffff<<2>>|r. 402 = 4020 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 4021 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r, with your group. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 4022 = Entering Cyrodiil... 4023 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to resurrect you. Expires in <<2>>. 4024 = |cffffff<<1>>|r has invited you to join a group. 4025 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to trade with you. 4026 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to share |cffffff<<2>>|r. 4027 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to join with you in Ritual of Mara. 4028 = Join |cffffff<<1>>|r in the Ritual of Mara. 4029 = Hold to Begin Ritual 403 = 4030 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. 4031 = You Have No Pending Notifications 4032 = <<1>> 4033 = The message of the day for |cffffff<<1>>|r has changed. 4034 = Notifications 4035 = Accept 4036 = Decline 4037 = Remove 4038 = Show Leaderboard 4039 = Ignore Player 404 = None 4040 = Block Player 4041 = Report Spamming 4042 = Later 4043 = <<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. Press <> to learn more about it. 4044 = Friends Online 4045 = Character 4046 = <<1>>: 4047 = Enter <<1>> 4048 = Character name or UserID. 4049 = Friends Online: 405 = Bronze 4050 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4051 = Status 4052 = Alliance 4053 = Class 4054 = Level 4055 = Friends 4056 = Ignored 4057 = Add Friend 4058 = Add Ignore 4059 = Options 406 = Silver 4060 = Options 4061 = My Options 4062 = Friends Options 4063 = Whisper 4064 = Status 4065 = Filter 4066 = None 4067 = online ID 4068 = Remove <<1>>? 4069 = Ignore <<1>>? 407 = Gold 4070 = Online 4071 = Away 4072 = Do Not Disturb 4073 = Offline 4074 = Add to Friends List 4075 = Optional Note 4076 = Send an optional message 4077 = Add to Ignore List 4078 = Notes 4079 = Save 408 = None 4080 = Add an optional note 4081 = Notes 4082 = Note Saved 4083 = Block 4084 = <<1>><<2>> 4085 = No Friends 4086 = No Ignored Players 4087 = Bank Capacity 4088 = Bank 4089 = Banked: 409 = Light 4090 = Player: 4091 = Deposited |cffffff<>|r 4092 = Withdrew |cffffff<>|r 4093 = Bank Space Bought 4094 = Accept (<><>) 4095 = Bank Funds 4096 = Player Funds 4097 = Bank Capacity 4098 = Player Capacity 4099 = Deposit Gold 41 = Adjusts the volume of ambient environmental sound. 410 = Medium 4100 = Withdraw Gold 4101 = Deposit Tel Var Stones 4102 = Withdraw Tel Var Stones 4103 = Minimum Deposit 4104 = Banking Fee 4105 = Guild Bank 4106 = Available Funds 4107 = No Permission 4108 = Guild Selection 4109 = No Items To Withdraw 411 = Heavy 4110 = No permission. (Your Guild Rank does not permit withdrawals from the Guild Bank.) 4111 = No permission. (The Guild must have <> members to deposit to the Guild Bank.) 4112 = Guild 4113 = All items repaired. 4114 = <> repaired. 4115 = No damaged items. 4116 = Nothing to sell. 4117 = Nothing to buy back. 4118 = No stolen items to sell. 4119 = No stolen items to launder. 412 = Health 4120 = Vendor 4121 = Supplies - <<1>> 4122 = Materials - <<1>> 4123 = Quick Slots - <<1>> 4124 = Collectibles - <<1>> 4125 = Alliance Points 4126 = Gold 4127 = Items Sold 4128 = Items Laundered 4129 = <<1>>/<<2>> 413 = Error: invalid mechanic 4130 = Player 4131 = Voice Chat 4132 = Communications 4133 = Group 4134 = Miscellaneous 4135 = Supplies 4136 = <<1>> 4137 = Assign 4138 = Voice Channels 4139 = Speaker History 414 = Magicka 4140 = Participants 4141 = Join Channel 4142 = Leave Channel 4143 = Enable Voice 4144 = View Participants 4145 = Participants List 4146 = Main Channels 4147 = Area 4148 = Group 4149 = <<1>> Channels 415 = Werewolf 4150 = Join this channel to chat with players around you. 4151 = Join this channel to chat with players in your group. 4152 = Join this channel to chat with players in your guild. 4153 = Join this channel to chat with officers in your guild. 4154 = <<1>> - <<2>> 4155 = All Members <<1>> 4156 = Officers 4157 = Channel 4158 = Last Heard 4159 = Participants 416 = Fervor 4160 = <<1>> - <<2>> 4161 = Your PlayStation™Network reputation restricts you from speaking in this channel. Raising your reputation will remove this restriction. 4162 = Your Xbox Live reputation restricts you from speaking in this channel. Raising your reputation will remove this restriction. 4163 = <<1>> 4164 = Please wait a moment before making another voice chat request. 4165 = Voice chat is unavailable. This could be due to routine server maintenance or a configuration issue. Visit |cffffff<<1>>|r for additional support. 4166 = Voice channel changed to <<1>> 4167 = Quests 4168 = Lore Library 4169 = Cadwell's Almanac 417 = Combo 4170 = Achievements 4171 = Race 4172 = Class 4173 = Champion Rank 4174 = <<1>> 4175 = <<1>> 4176 = Bounty 4177 = Alliance 4178 = Rank 4179 = Infamy 418 = Power 4180 = Character Sheet 4181 = Attribute Points 4182 = Grade 4183 = Change Attributes 4184 = Commit Points? 4185 = Commit Points 4186 = Confirm Changes 4187 = Cancel 4188 = Overcharged 4189 = Time Remaining 419 = Charges 4190 = No Active Effects 4191 = Remove Effect 4192 = Riding Speed 4193 = Riding Stamina 4194 = Riding Capacity 4195 = Riding Training 4196 = Ready 4197 = Name 4198 = <<1>> 4199 = Capacity 42 = User Interface 420 = Stamina 4200 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4201 = Available 4202 = Gold Offered 4203 = Add Gold 4204 = Attach Items 4205 = (Empty Slot) 4206 = Submit 4207 = Accept Trade 4208 = Accept 4209 = Add 421 = Momentum 4210 = Remove 4211 = Review 4212 = Cancel Trade 4213 = Cancel Offer 4214 = Cancel Trade 4215 = Are you sure you want to cancel the trade? 4216 = No Items Offered 4217 = Waiting for 4218 = Edit the selected rank 4219 = Membership 422 = Adrenaline 4220 = New 4221 = Guilds 4222 = Members Online: 4223 = Guildmaster: 4224 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4225 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4226 = Services: 4227 = <> <> <> 4228 = Guild Bank 4229 = Guild Heraldry 423 = Finesse 4230 = Guild Store 4231 = Guild Name 4232 = Guildmaster 4233 = Members Online 4234 = Bank 4235 = Heraldry 4236 = Store 4237 = Features 4238 = Options 4239 = Options 424 = Ultimate 4240 = Create New Guild 4241 = My Status 4242 = Add Friend 4243 = Guild Roster 4244 = Apply Changes (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 4245 = |c666666Apply Changes|r (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 4246 = Purchase Heraldry (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 4247 = |c666666Purchase Heraldry|r (Cost To Guild: <<1>><<2>>) 4248 = Customize Background 4249 = Customize Crest 425 = Mount Stamina 4250 = Feature Cost: 4251 = |t50:50:<<1>>|t<<2>> 4252 = |t50:50:<<1>>|t <<2>> 4253 = Create New 4254 = Options 4255 = Reorder 4256 = Add Rank 4257 = Edit Rank 4258 = Rename 4259 = Delete 426 = Health Bonus 4260 = Change Icon 4261 = Change Permissions 4262 = Delete Rank 4263 = Reorder Up 4264 = Reorder Down 4265 = Rename Rank 4266 = Rank: 4267 = Enter a Name for this Rank 4268 = Rank 4269 = Customize Your Guild's Heraldry With The Selected Features 427 = None 4270 = Enter Message of the Day 4271 = Change MOTD 4272 = Change About Us 4273 = Promoted to <<1>> <<2>> 4274 = Demoted to <<1>> <<2>> 4275 = \n<<1>> 4276 = Ownership 4277 = Chat 4278 = Voice 4279 = Edit 428 = Generic 4280 = Members 4281 = Alliance War 4282 = Commerce 4283 = Join Officer Channel 4284 = Join Guild Channels 4285 = Choose Alliance 4286 = 4287 = Finish 4288 = Details 4289 = Heraldry Updated 429 = Physical 4290 = Loading Data 4291 = No Items 4292 = Page <<1>> 4293 = Next 4294 = Previous 4295 = Show All 4296 = <<1>> <<2>> 4297 = |cffffff<>|r|t28:28:EsoUI/Art/currency/gamepad/gp_gold.dds|t 4298 = |cffffff<>|r|t28:28:EsoUI/Art/currency/gamepad/gp_alliancePoints.dds|t 4299 = Remove 43 = Toggle user interface sounds such as button clicks. 430 = Flame 4300 = Create Listing |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 4301 = Create Listing |cff0000<<1>>/<<2>>|r 4302 = Remove Listing 4303 = \n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to remove your listing of <<2>> for <<3>>? You will not be refunded the listing fee. 4304 = List For Sale 4305 = \n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to list <<2>> for <<3>>? 4306 = Purchase 4307 = \n<<1>> \n\nAre you sure you want to buy <<2>>? This will cost you <<3>>. 4308 = <<1>> 4309 = Guild Selection 431 = Shock 4310 = Category 4311 = Min Price 4312 = Max Price 4313 = Min Level 4314 = Max Level 4315 = Quality 4316 = Name 4317 = Cost 4318 = Listing Created 4319 = Confirm 432 = Daedric 4320 = Create Listing 4321 = Total Price 4322 = Level Type 4323 = Player Level 4324 = Veteran Rank 4325 = All 4326 = Please wait, processing prior request. 4327 = Sort By <<1>> 4328 = No permission. (The Guild must have <> members to post to the Guild Store.) 4329 = No permission. (Your Guild Rank does not permit posting to the Guild Store.) 433 = Cold 4330 = No Items Found 4331 = Item Price Range 4332 = Buy Mount 4333 = Confirm Purchase 4334 = Train 4335 = Training Cost 4336 = Trainable 4337 = Ready 4338 = You can train one riding skill per day. 4339 = You have already fully upgraded this skill. 434 = Earth 4340 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 4341 = Can only be applied to an item between <<1>>|cffffff<<2>>|r and <<1>>|cffffff<<3>>|r. 4342 = Can only be applied to a <<1>>|cffffff<<2>>|r item. 4343 = <> <<2>> 4344 = (<>) 4345 = <<1>> 4346 = Options 4347 = Options 4348 = Select trait line 4349 = Choose an item to research: 435 = Magic 4350 = <<1>> (<<2>> Traits) 4351 = <<2>> - <<3>> <> 4352 = <<2>> (1 <>) 4353 = <<2>> (1 <>) 4354 = <<1>> Available <<2>> 4355 = Confirm Research 4356 = |cff0000Researching an item will destroy it|r. This process will take |cffffff<<1>>|r. Are you sure you want to continue? 4357 = Researching 4358 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4359 = Quality 436 = Drowning 4360 = <<1>> (<<2>> <<3>>) 4361 = Text Chat 4362 = Text Chat (Pinned) 4363 = Pin Chat Window 4364 = Unpin Chat Window 4365 = Enter Text 4366 = Toggle Chat Window 4367 = Close Chat Window 4368 = Open Collection 4369 = Books 437 = Disease 4370 = |cffffff<<1>>/<<2>>|r 4371 = Details 4372 = Search 4373 = Search - <<1>> 4374 = Enter Search Text 4375 = Customer Service 4376 = Get Me Unstuck 4377 = Information about the most common issues can be found at 4378 = help.elderscrollsonline.com 4379 = Please describe the issue below. 438 = Poison 4380 = Close 4381 = You may be able to find answers more quickly with our online self-service Knowledge Base. 4382 = \nYour contact email is <<1>>. 4383 = There has been an error in your ticket submission. Please try again in a few minutes. 4384 = Submitting Ticket 4385 = Please wait while your ticket is submitted. 4386 = You can only use the unstuck functionality once every hour. Please try again in: 4387 = Teleport 4388 = Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r<>, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. \n\nPress <> to teleport to the nearest Wayshrine. 4389 = Using Get Me Unstuck will teleport you to the nearest Wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r<>, the normal cost for recalling to a Wayshrine. You will also lose |cffffff<<4>>%|r of your currently held Tel Var stones. \n\nPress <> to teleport to the nearest Wayshrine. 439 = Normal 4390 = You cannot use \"Get Me Unstuck\" in this location. Please contact customer service. 4391 = You cannot use \"Get Me Unstuck\" while in combat. 4392 = <<1>> 4393 = Submit 4394 = Ticket Submitted 4395 = Character Issue 4396 = Quest Issue 4397 = Item Issue 4398 = Report Player 4399 = Other 44 = Interface Volume 440 = Vulnerable 4400 = Customer Service Tool Disabled 4401 = The Customer Service tool is disabled in PC Gamepad mode. Please switch back to keyboard mode to report an issue. 4402 = Player Has An Inappropriate Name 4403 = Harassing Me 4404 = Cheating 4405 = Email Address 4406 = Issue Category 4407 = Issue Subcategory 4408 = Required Information 4409 = Additional Information (optional) 441 = Resistant 4410 = You must provide a contact email to submit a ticket. 4411 = Offending Character Name 4412 = Offending <<1>> 4413 = Quest Name 4414 = Item Name 4415 = You must provide a character name if you wish to report a player. 4416 = You must provide a <<1>> if you wish to report a player. 4417 = You must provide a quest name if you wish to report a quest. 4418 = You must provide an item name if you wish to report an item. 4419 = Enter email address 442 = Health 4420 = <<1>> 4421 = Thank You 4422 = Error 4423 = <<1>>\n\n<<2>>\n\n<<3>> 4424 = account.elderscrollsonline.com/terms-of-service 4425 = Terms of Use 4426 = Legal 4427 = Information about our terms of service and related documents can be found at 4428 = Name 4429 = Location 443 = Magicka 4430 = Unknown Zone 4431 = Rank 4432 = Yes 4433 = No 4434 = Accept 4435 = Group Actions 4436 = Group Roles 4437 = Current Group 4438 = Group Finder 4439 = Dungeon Difficulty 444 = Stamina 4440 = Group Members 4441 = Soul Reservoir 4442 = <<1>>|t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Death/death_soulReservoir_icon.dds|t 4443 = Roles are used by the group finder to create balanced groups. Some activities do not require specific roles. 4444 = Focuses on dealing Damage against enemies that pose a threat. 4445 = Heals and protects allies, keeping them alive throughout battle. 4446 = Absorbs damage from enemies and prevents allies from being attacked. 4447 = Invite a player or use the Group Finder to organize or join a group. 4448 = # 4449 = Normal 445 = Attack Power 4450 = Veteran 4451 = Use the group finder to join a group or fill your existing group. 4452 = <<1>> 4453 = Offline Member 4454 = Group Roles 4455 = Role Override 4456 = Queued Activities 4457 = Estimated 4458 = Actual 4459 = |cffffff<<1>>|r group ready. Role:|t64:64:<>|t|cffffff<<3>>|r\nYou will travel there in |cffffff<<4>>|r. 446 = Damage Rating 4460 = Join 4461 = Full 4462 = Server Population 4463 = Join Campaign 4464 = Set Home 4465 = Set Guest 4466 = Home Campaign 4467 = <<1>>\n\n<<2>> 4468 = This change will cost:\n<<1>> 4469 = Confirm 447 = Armor 4470 = Unassigned 4471 = |cffffff<>|r|t28:28:EsoUI/Art/currency/gamepad/gp_alliancePoints.dds|t 4472 = |cFF1919<>|r|t28:28:EsoUI/Art/currency/gamepad/gp_alliancePoints.dds|t 4473 = Group Members 4474 = Friends 4475 = Guild Members 4476 = <<1>> 4477 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 4478 = Leave Campaign 4479 = Campaigns 448 = Maximum Magicka 4480 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4481 = Queue Position 4482 = Queue Countdown 4483 = Campaign Ends 4484 = Done 4485 = Next Score Evaluation 4486 = Home Campaign 4487 = Guest Campaign 4488 = Locked 4489 = Emperor Leaderboard (<<1>>) 449 = Magicka Recovery 4490 = Leaderboard Empty 4491 = Reigning Time 4492 = Done 4493 = Keeps Required for Emperor 4494 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4495 = |t32:32:<<1>>|t<<2>> 4496 = View Bonuses 4497 = Bonus <> x <<2>> 4498 = Bonus <> 4499 = Home Keeps 45 = Adjusts the volume of sounds from interface elements, such as buttons and windows. 450 = Magicka Recovery Idle 4500 = Enemy Keeps 4501 = Defensive Scrolls 4502 = Offensive Scrolls 4503 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4504 = Join Now 4505 = Join Later 4506 = When current campaign ends 4507 = Select Guild 4508 = Claim |cffffff<<1>>|r in the name of 4509 = Subject 451 = Maximum Health 4510 = Message 4511 = From 4512 = You Have No Mail 4513 = None 4514 = None 4515 = Options 4516 = View Attachments 4517 = Loading... 4518 = This mail cannot be reported. 4519 = This mail cannot be returned to sender. 452 = Health Recovery 4520 = Received <<1>> 4521 = Expires in <<1>> 4522 = This mail was sent cash on delivery. You may take the attachments and pay the indicated price, or return this mail to the sender at no cost. 4523 = C.O.D. Free (No Funds Available) 4524 = Available 4525 = Inventory Space 4526 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4527 = Enter <<1>> 4528 = <<1>>(<<2>>) 4529 = Full 453 = Health Recovery Idle 4530 = Sending... 4531 = To 4532 = Attach Items 4533 = Add 4534 = Remove 4535 = Clear 4536 = Clear Mail 4537 = Accept 4538 = Are you sure you want to clear out the contents of this mail? 4539 = Attach Gold 454 = Healing Taken 4540 = Request Gold 4541 = Postage 4542 = Gold 4543 = Items 4544 = Enter Name 4545 = Recent Contacts 4546 = Recipient 4547 = Choose Friend 4548 = Hold to Respond 4549 = View Gamercard 455 = Dodge 4550 = View Profile 4551 = <<1>> |cC5C29EIs Blocked|r 4552 = Ability 1 4553 = Ability 2 4554 = Ability 3 4555 = Ability 4 4556 = Ability 5 4557 = Ultimate 4558 = Use Quickslot 4559 = Assign Quickslot 456 = Parry 4560 = Menu 4561 = Interact/Jump 4562 = Cycle Quest 4563 = Sheathe 4564 = Interact 4565 = Toggle Camera 4566 = Camera Distance 4567 = Sprint 4568 = Jump 4569 = Quickslot Menu 457 = Spell Resistance 4570 = Emote Menu 4571 = Cycle Enemy 4572 = Synergy 4573 = Player Interact 4574 = <<1>> |cC5C29E(Hold)|r 4575 = <<1>> |t80:40:<<2>>|t 4576 = |cC5C29E(Tap)|r <<1>> 4577 = |cC5C29E(Hold)|r <<1>> 4578 = |t80:40:<<2>>|t <<1>> 4579 = Scroll Leaderboard 458 = Block 4580 = <<1>> Rank: 4581 = Reopens In: 4582 = Closes In: 4583 = <<1>> 4584 = Character Name 4585 = Switch Campaign 4586 = Earned AP: 4587 = <> <<2>> 4588 = Best Score: 4589 = Current Score: 459 = Weapon Critical 4590 = <<1>> (Not Eligible) 4591 = Guild 4592 = Hire For Gold 4593 = Hire 4594 = Hiring 4595 = Are you sure you want to hire this trader for <<1>>? 4596 = Hire Trader 4597 = Guild Trader Acquired 4598 = Hire Cost 4599 = Bid for Gold 46 = Voice Over 460 = Resistance 4600 = Minimum Bid 4601 = Bidding closes 4602 = Bid 4603 = Bid on a Trader 4604 = Are you sure you want to update your bid for <<1>>? 4605 = Update Bid 4606 = Guild Bank Balance 4607 = Bid updated 4608 = Bidding 4609 = Trader 461 = Physical Resistance 4610 = Return 4611 = Options 4612 = Dye Options 4613 = Color Presets 4614 = Edit Color Preset 4615 = Edit Color Presets 4616 = Edit Armor 4617 = Apply the selected color preset to armor. 4618 = Discard Changes 4619 = Are you sure you want to exit?\n\nAll of your changes will be discarded. 462 = Spell Critical 4620 = Set Preset 4621 = Preset A 4622 = Preset B 4623 = Preset C 4624 = Preset D 4625 = Options 4626 = Achievements Options 4627 = Achievement Points 4628 = Rewards 4629 = Item: 463 = Critical Resistance 4630 = <> <<2>> 4631 = Title 4632 = Dye 4633 = Criteria 4634 = No achievements match your filters. 4635 = No Recent Achievement 4636 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4637 = Level 4638 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4639 = Repeatable|t32:32:EsoUI/Art/Journal/journal_Quest_Repeat.dds|t 464 = Spell Damage 4640 = Optional Steps 4641 = Hints 4642 = Options 4643 = Complete One 4644 = No Quests 4645 = <>4 Player Group 4646 = <>12 Player Group 4647 = <>Solo 4648 = <> <<2>> 4649 = <> <> <<3>> 465 = Spell Resistance 4650 = Allocate Points 4651 = <<1>><> 4652 = Available 4653 = Allocated 4654 = Next Page 4655 = Previous Page 4656 = Filter returned no results 4657 = Emotes 4658 = Use 4659 = Assign 466 = Maximum Stamina 4660 = Category 4661 = Page 4662 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4663 = <<1>> 4664 = <<1>> 4665 = Choose a slot for the selected emote: 4666 = Cannot play emote at this time. 4667 = Quantity 4668 = That Gamercard is not available at the moment. Please try again later. 4669 = That profile is not available at the moment. Please try again later. 467 = Stamina Recovery 4670 = Inventory space increased by <<1>> 4671 = Cost 4672 = Crown Store 4673 = Store 4674 = Retrieving Character Info 4675 = Please Wait... 4676 = Select Player to Friend 4677 = Select Player to Invite 4678 = Select Player to Mail 4679 = <<1>> Continue 468 = Stamina Recovery Idle 4680 = Quick Chat 4681 = Quick Chat Enabled 4682 = Quick Chat 4683 = Available Funds 4684 = Player Inventory 4685 = 4686 = 4687 = Locations 4688 = Quests 4689 = Key 469 = Miss 4690 = Filters 4691 = Current Location 4692 = You do not have any quests here. 4693 = This map does not have a key. 4694 = This quest cannot be shown on a map. 4695 = <> 4696 = Show Details 4697 = Show Alliance 4698 = Zoom 4699 = Summary 47 = Toggle voice over sound. 470 = Armor Penetration 4700 = Wood 4701 = Food 4702 = Ore 4703 = Production 4704 = Defense 4705 = Forward Camp Respawn Cooldown: <<1>> 4706 = <> 4707 = World Map: Unknown Zone 4708 = Pop-Out Map Options 4709 = Configure map 471 = Focus Rating 4710 = Force map to be square 4711 = Transparency: 4712 = Show quest list 4713 = Points of Interest 4714 = Forward Camp Areas 4715 = Player vs. Player Pins: 4716 = Set Focused: <<1>> 4717 = Remove Rally Point 4718 = Set Destination 4719 = Remove Destination 472 = Weapon Damage 4720 = Travel to Keep 4721 = Respawn at Keep 4722 = Show Information 4723 = Recall to Wayshrine 4724 = Travel to Wayshrine 4725 = Respawn at Forward Camp 4726 = Open Crown Store 4727 = <> 4728 = <<1>> is produced by <<2>>. The rate upgrades automatically as long as your alliance continues to own it. 4729 = To produce <<1>>, take control of <<2>>. 473 = Generic Resistance 4730 = <<1>> is produced for this enemy keep by <<2>>. To decrease <<1>> production, kill the workers at <<2>> or capture it for your alliance. 4731 = <<1>> is not being produced for this enemy keep because they do not control <<2>>. 4732 = You cannot recall in an Alliance War area. Visit the wayshrine to travel. 4733 = You are at this wayshrine. 4734 = You can recall to a wayshrine in <<1>>. 4735 = You can unlock this area by purchasing |cffffff<<1>> (<<2>>)|r, available in the Crown Store! 4736 = <<1>> bounty added. 4737 = Bounty cleared. 4738 = Your bounty is now <<1>> gold. 4739 = <<1>> gold removed. 474 = Physical Resistance 4740 = All stolen items removed. 4741 = You Are Now <<1>> 4742 = Fugitive From Justice 4743 = You will now be killed on sight by the law. 4744 = You will no longer be attacked by the law. 4745 = <> (<<2>>) stolen. 4746 = <<1>> gold stolen. 4747 = You've been caught pickpocketing. 4748 = Empty 4749 = They want nothing to do with you. 475 = Flame Resistance 4750 = You cannot logout while being arrested. 4751 = The mark is suspicious of you. 4752 = You are too far away to pickpocket. 4753 = You are not in position to pickpocket. 4754 = You cannot pickpocket. The mark has nothing of value. 4755 = Your total infamy. 4756 = You are considered a fugitive from the law and will be killed on sight. 4757 = You cannot deposit stolen items. 4758 = You cannot send stolen items. 4759 = You cannot trade stolen items. 476 = Shock Resistance 4760 = You cannot list stolen items. 4761 = Sale is Final 4762 = You are attempting to sell a high quality stolen item. Unlike other vendors, the Fence does not let you purchase back the items you've sold.\n\nAre you sure you want to sell <>? 4763 = <<1>>% Chance 4764 = Launder 4765 = Items Sold: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r 4766 = Items Sold: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>>|r 4767 = Items Laundered: |cffffff<<1>> / <<2>>|r 4768 = Items Laundered: |cff0000<<1>> / <<2>>|r 4769 = <<1>> 477 = Oblivion Resistance 4770 = Attributes 4771 = Level Up 4772 = |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/Stats/diminishingReturns_icon.dds|tWhen a stat is overcharged it becomes increasingly difficult to raise it further. Consider changing your equipment, skills or attributes to distribute your stats more evenly. 4773 = Riding Skill 4774 = Active Effects 4775 = <<1>>% 4776 = +<<1>> 4777 = <<1>> 4778 = Title 4779 = No Title 478 = Cold Resistance 4780 = Scaled Level 4781 = Determines the amount of Damage you can take in combat and how much Healing you can receive. Health recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. 4782 = Determines how many Magicka abilities you can cast and how effective those abilities are. Magicka recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. Staff Weapon Damage is based on Magicka. 4783 = Determines how many Stamina abilities you can use and how effective those abilities will be. Sprint, Bash, Sneak, Roll Dodge and Break Free all consume Stamina. Stamina recovers over time. That recovery is reduced during combat. Sword, shield, axe, mace, bow and dagger Weapon Damage is based on your Stamina. 4784 = <> 4785 = <<1>> 4786 = <<1>> <> 4787 = Upgrade 4788 = New Effect 4789 = Next Rank 479 = Earth Resistance 4790 = <<1>> improves from <<2>> to <<3>> 4791 = Ability Morph Available For 1 Skill Point 4792 = Unlocked at <<1>> <<2>> 4793 = Purchase for 1 Skill Point 4794 = Upgrade for 1 Skill Point 4795 = Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 4796 = Next Upgrade Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 4797 = Your riding skill stats will not apply until you have acquired and activated at least one mount. 4798 = Riding Trainer 4799 = <<1>>% 48 = Dialogue Volume 480 = Magic Resistance 4800 = <<1>> 4801 = Increases your movement speed while mounted, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r%. 4802 = Increases your stamina while mounted, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r, allowing your mount to sprint longer and take more hits before you become dismounted. 4803 = Increases your carrying capacity, up to a maximum of |cffffff<<1>>|r. 4804 = Riding Skill Increased 4805 = Your <<1>> riding skill has increased from <<2>> to <<3>>. 4806 = Your <<1>> riding skill has increased. 4807 = <<1>> (<<2>>) 4808 = Journal 4809 = Character 481 = Drowning Resistance 4810 = Skills 4811 = Champion 4812 = Crown Store 4813 = Inventory 4814 = Social 4815 = Alliance War 4816 = Map 4817 = Friends 4818 = Guilds 4819 = Mail 482 = Disease Resistance 4820 = Notifications 4821 = Help 4822 = Group 4823 = Collections 4824 = Multiplayer 4825 = Campaigns 4826 = Level 4827 = Summary 4828 = Quest Journal 4829 = <<1>> <<2>> 483 = Poison Resistance 4830 = <<1>> would like to share [<>] with you. Will you accept the quest? 4831 = Miscellaneous 4832 = Main Story 4833 = Guild 4834 = Crafting 4835 = <<1>> 4836 = <<1>> 4837 = <<1>> 4838 = <<1>> 4839 = Unknown Quest 484 = Mount Stamina 4840 = Tasks 4841 = Hint: 4842 = Abandon 4843 = Share 4844 = Show On Map 4845 = Cycle Focused Quest 4846 = Get Help 4847 = Inspiration 4848 = Alliance Points 4849 = Tel Var Stones 485 = Mount Stamina Regen Combat 4850 = Partial Skill Point 4851 = <<1>> Partial Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>> 4852 = <<1>> Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>> 4853 = <<1>> Skill <<1[Points/Point/Points]>> and <<2>> Partial Skill <<2[Points/Point/Points]>> 4854 = <<1>>/<<2>> 4855 = Create Guild 4856 = Leave Guild 4857 = Home 4858 = Roster 4859 = Ranks 486 = Mount Stamina Regen Moving 4860 = Heraldry 4861 = History 4862 = Nothing Owned 4863 = <<1>> 4864 = None Hired 4865 = Message of the Day 4866 = About Us 4867 = Enter a message of the day that you would like your guild members to see. 4868 = A message of the day is not set for this guild. 4869 = Enter information about the guild that you would like your guild members to see. 487 = Head 4870 = There is no description set for this guild. 4871 = Guilds are a great way to team up with other travelers you come across while exploring the world of Tamriel! These large, permanent groups allow players to band together, work towards common goals, and unlock special perks like Guild Stores. 4872 = Utilize ranks to make your guild as structured or free-form as you like!\nCoordinate with your guildmates and fight in large scale battles against others as part of the Alliance Wars!\nAnd much more! 4873 = Guild membership is tied to your <<1>> and is limited to 5 guilds total. All characters under your <<1>> will have access to all of your guilds.\n\nJoin an existing guild or start one of your own to invite others! 4874 = You cannot create a guild because you are already leading a guild 4875 = You cannot create a guild because you are already in <<1>> guilds 4876 = You must be at least level <<1>> to create a guild 4877 = Creating and Joining Guilds 4878 = Permissions 4879 = Logo 488 = Neck 4880 = Add Member 4881 = Promote 4882 = Demote 4883 = Remove from Guild 4884 = Remove from Guild 4885 = Are you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r? 4886 = Are you sure you want to delete rank: |cffffff<<1>>|r? 4887 = You are the Guildmaster. Leaving will assign Guildmaster to the highest ranked player that has been in the guild longest.\n\nAre you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r? 4888 = You are the last member of the guild. Leaving will disband the guild and allow others to use this guild's name. It will also destroy all items stored in the guild bank.\n\nAre you sure you want to leave: <>|cffffff<<2>>|r? 4889 = Leave Guild 489 = Chest 4890 = Disband Guild 4891 = Create Guild 4892 = Your character's alliance is <<1>>. Your guild can only fight for its designated alliance in the Alliance War. 4893 = Guild Alliance: 4894 = Guild Name: 4895 = Enter a name for your guild. 4896 = Delete Rank 4897 = Rank Name: 4898 = Copy Permissions From: 4899 = None 49 = Adjusts the volume of dialogue. 490 = Shoulders 4900 = Alliance War\nOwnership 4901 = Release 4902 = Release Ownership 4903 = Release Ownership 4904 = Releasing ownership of |cffffff<<1>>|r will result in your guild having to reclaim it. Are you sure you want to release ownership? 4905 = |cffffff<<1>>|r has recently changed ownership. You must wait |cffffff<<2>>|r before attempting to release ownership. 4906 = Claim 4907 = |cffffff<<1>>|r has recently changed ownership. You must wait <<2>> before attempting to claim it. 4908 = Add Member 4909 = Your guild may bid to hire this trader for future use. The winning guild's store will be made available to the general public through this trader for a total of |cffffff7 days|r. Hiring period does not begin until a winner has been determined at the close of bidding.\n\n|cffffffNOTE:|r Placed bids are final and the winning bid will not be refunded. Only one trader can be bid on at a time for a guild. 491 = One-Handed 4910 = Hire Guild Trader 4911 = Guilds may only hire one guild trader at a time. This guild has already hired |cffffff<<1>>|r. 4912 = Guilds must have unlocked Guild Stores to hire a Guild Trader. This guild does not have the required |cffffff<<1>>|r members. 4913 = Bid On Guild Trader 4914 = Cannot Delete Rank 4915 = You cannot delete a rank if there are players still holding that rank in the guild. Promote them or demote them to another rank first. 4916 = Purchase Heraldry 4917 = <<1>><<2>> 4918 = <<1>> 4919 = Guild 492 = Two-Handed 4920 = Browse 4921 = Sell 4922 = Listings 4923 = Guild 4924 = Buy 4925 = Cancel 4926 = Listing Fee 4927 = House Cut 4928 = Profit 4929 = Posting an item on the guild store costs <<1>>% of the posting price immediately. 493 = Off Hand 4930 = When the item sells, <<1>>% of the sale price is kept by the guild store. If the item does not sell you are not charged this fee. 4931 = Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r from <>|cffffff<<3>>|r? Once removed, this player will no longer have access to any of the Guild's features. 4932 = Are you sure you want to set <<1>> as the new Guildmaster of <>|cffffff<<3>>|r? Doing so will demote you to <<4>>. 4933 = <<1>> joined <<2>>. 4934 = <<1>> left <<2>>. 4935 = You have been removed from <<1>>. 4936 = You have invited |cffffff<<1>>|r to join |cffffff<<2>>|r. 4937 = Repair All (<><>) 4938 = <<1>> 4939 = Unlocked 494 = Waist 4940 = Locked 4941 = <><<2>>: <<3>> 4942 = <<1>>: <<2>><> 4943 = Ten of these items can be refined into |cffffff<<1>>|r to |cffffff<<2>>|r <>. 4944 = <<1>> 4945 = Friends 4946 = Edit Note 4947 = Travel to Player 4948 = Invite to Group 4949 = Send Mail 495 = Legs 4950 = Add Friend 4951 = Invite to <<1>> 4952 = Whisper 4953 = Whisper 4954 = UserID 4955 = Location 4956 = There are no players in your friends list. 4957 = Remove Friend 4958 = Ignore 4959 = Stop Ignoring 496 = Feet 4960 = Edit Note 4961 = Type a note here 4962 = Add Friend 4963 = Send an optional message 4964 = Request 4965 = Type a custom message here 4966 = Add Ignore 4967 = Remove Friend 4968 = Are you sure you want to remove |cffffff<<1>>|r from your friends list? 4969 = Remove 497 = Appearance 4970 = Ignore Friend 4971 = Are you sure you want to ignore <<1>>? 4972 = Ignore 4973 = <<1>> 4974 = Your friends completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r. 4975 = Your guild mates completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r. 4976 = Your friends and guild mates completed |cffffff<<1>>|r with a score of |cffffff<<2>>|r. 4977 = Friends: 4978 = Guildmates: 4979 = <<1>> 498 = Ring 4980 = Your attributes have been refunded; you will need to go set them again. 4981 = Your skill points have been refunded; you will need to go set them again. 4982 = Ritual Of Mara 4983 = By accepting the pledge of Mara you will receive a ring inscribed with <<1>>'s character <<3>>. When you wear the ring and group with <<3>> you will gain <<2>>% bonus experience.\n\nDo you pledge commitment to <<3>>? 4984 = Ritual of Mara Completed 4985 = You have been joined with <<1>> (<<2>>) 4986 = |cffffff<<1>>|r wants to join with you in the Ritual of Mara. 4987 = Join |cffffff<<1>>|r in the Ritual of Mara. 4988 = Begin Ritual 4989 = Increase your Inventory size by <<1[$d more slot/$d more slots]>>? 499 = Hand 4990 = You can't afford to increase the size of your Inventory. 4991 = Buy Bag Space 4992 = Increase your Bank size to <<1>> more slots? 4993 = You can't afford to increase the size of your Bank. 4994 = Buy Bank Space 4995 = Buy Bank Space (<><>) 4996 = Inventory Capacity Increased 4997 = Your inventory capacity has increased from <<1>> to <<2>>. 4998 = Bank Capacity Increased 4999 = Your bank capacity has increased from <<1>> to <<2>>. 5 = Unknown 50 = Plays in Background 500 = Main Hand 5000 = Unlocked once your character reaches the first Veteran Rank. 5001 = Only the group leader may change the mode of group dungeons. 5002 = Cannot change dungeon mode while party is already in a dungeon. 5003 = Cannot change dungeon mode while in a group created by the grouping tools. 5004 = Are you sure you want to disband the group? 5005 = Are you sure you want to leave the group? 5006 = This player is already in your group. 5007 = You have blocked that player. 5008 = Invite Player 5009 = Invite Friend 501 = Head 5010 = Leave Group 5011 = Disband Group 5012 = This setting is used in determining the type of adventure you will have in group dungeons.\n\nChoosing Veteran Mode will unlock a new chapter in the dungeon, continuing where the story previously left off with completely new content.\n\nWhen joining a group, only the group leader's setting will be used. 5013 = <<1>> 5014 = Any Dungeon 5015 = Any Veteran Dungeon 5016 = Choosing \"Any Dungeon\" is the quickest way to find a dungeon group. 5017 = Choosing \"Any Veteran Dungeon\" is the quickest way to find a veteran dungeon group. 5018 = This is a <<1>> player activity. 5019 = Status 502 = Neck 5020 = Queued 5021 = Not Queued 5022 = Join Queue 5023 = Leave Queue 5024 = Unlocked at Level <<1>>. 5025 = Locked after Level <<1>>. 5026 = Unlocked at Veteran Rank <<1>>. 5027 = Locked after Veteran Rank <<1>>. 5028 = Not all group members meet the location's level requirements. 5029 = You can only add locations that are of the same group size. 503 = Chest 5030 = Only one location can be selected when a party already exists. 5031 = Party is already full for this location. 5032 = Party is too large for this location. 5033 = No <> are available. 5034 = You can only select Alliance War choices while in an AVA location. 5035 = You must be in an AVA location to queue for Alliance War. 5036 = You must be in <<1>> to queue for it. 5037 = Only the group leader can join the queue. 5038 = You must select a role before joining the Group Finder. 5039 = You can unlock this with |cffffff<<1>> (DLC)|r from the Crown Store. 504 = Shoulders 5040 = Cross alliance groups cannot queue together for AVA. 5041 = Leave Queue 5042 = Are you sure you want to leave the queue? 5043 = Travel Now 5044 = Hide 5045 = Find Replacement 5046 = A group member has left your |cffffff<<1>>|r group. 5047 = Confirm 5048 = Confirm Points (<<1>> <<2>>) 5049 = <<1>> 505 = Main Hand 5050 = <<1>> 5051 = Zoom In 5052 = Zoom Out 5053 = Redistribute 5054 = Cancel Redistribute 5055 = Available: 5056 = Earned: 5057 = <<1>>/<<2>> 5058 = Spent Points: 5059 = Gained 1 Champion Point 506 = Off Hand 5060 = <<1>> Point 5061 = <<1>> 5062 = <<1>> 5063 = Warrior 5064 = Thief 5065 = Mage 5066 = Champion Progression Unlocked 5067 = Clear 5068 = |cffffff<<1>>|r% 5069 = Next Point 507 = Waist 5070 = Upgrade for 1 |t32:32:<>|t 5071 = Requires 1 |t32:32:<>|t 5072 = You cannot spend more than <<1>> points in constellations under the |t32:32:<>|t<<3>>. 5073 = Unlocks at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 5074 = Unlocked at <<1>> Rank <<2>> 5075 = Redistribute Points 5076 = You are attempting to redistribute the points spent in ALL Constellations. Any pending changes you currently have will be reverted.\n\nYou will be charged <<1>> <<2>> if you commit your changes. You will not be charged if you do not confirm your changes. 5077 = Cancel Redistribute 5078 = Are you sure you want to cancel? All your changes will be reverted. 5079 = Confirm Changes 508 = Wrist 5080 = Are you sure you want to commit your points? 5081 = <<1>> 5082 = Balance 5083 = Redistribution Cost 5084 = You have exited the Champion Screen without committing all your points. 5085 = You do not currently know <<1>>. 5086 = Steal 5087 = Steal All 5088 = Store 5089 = Store (<<1>>) 509 = Legs 5090 = Loot 5091 = Bank 5092 = Buy Backpack Upgrade 5093 = View Stable 5094 = Inspect Keep 5095 = Travel to another keep 5096 = Travel to a wayshrine 5097 = Soul Healing 5098 = Bind Corpse Summoner 5099 = Guild Bank 51 = Allows game audio to continue playing in the background, even when the game window is not in focus. 510 = Feet 5100 = Guild Store 5101 = Guild Store (<<1>>) 5102 = -<<1>>- 5103 = You will receive: 5104 = Someone is using that. 5105 = You are in combat 5106 = You must wait a few seconds to attempt to pick another lock. 5107 = You cannot abandon the main quest. 5108 = Claim ownership of <<1>>. 5109 = Release ownership of <<1>>. 511 = Appearance 5110 = Create Spellcrafting Tablet 5111 = Bid on Guild Trader 5112 = Hire Guild Trader 5113 = [Pay] Here's <<1>> gold. Clear my bounty. 5114 = [Pay] Here's <<1>> gold. Clear my bounty. 5115 = [Pay] Here's <<1>> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty. 5116 = [Flee in <<1>> sec] I won't pay the bounty. 5117 = <<1>> [<<2>> <>] 5118 = You don't have enough gold 5119 = You need the Intimidate Perk before you can choose this option 512 = Ring 1 5120 = You need the Persuasion Perk before you can choose this option 5121 = Bidding closed while traders change ownership. 5122 = The message of the day for <>|cffffff<<2>>|r has changed. 5123 = <<1>> accepted. 5124 = <<1>> declined. 5125 = Friend Invite 5126 = Guild Invite 5127 = Group Invite 5128 = Share Quest 5129 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 513 = Ring 2 5130 = You may now enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r, with your group. Expires in |cffffff<<2>>|r. 5131 = More Info 5132 = Hold to Interact 5133 = Filled 5134 = Hold to Resurrect (<> <>) 5135 = Hold to Resurrect (<> <> + <>) 5136 = Hold to Resurrect |cff0000(|r<> <>|cff0000)|r 5137 = Hold to Resurrect |cff0000(|r<> <> |cff0000+|r <>|cff0000)|r 5138 = Being Resurrected... 5139 = Resurrection Pending... 514 = Trinket 1 5140 = Respond 5141 = <<1>> 5142 = Send Whisper 5143 = Invite to Trade 5144 = Invite to Group 5145 = Remove from Group 5146 = Not Group Leader 5147 = Add as Friend 5148 = You are already friends. 5149 = <<1>> wants to trade. 515 = Trinket 2 5150 = <<1>> wants to group. 5151 = <<1>> wants to share the quest <<2>> with you 5152 = <<1>> wants to join with you in the Ritual of Mara. 5153 = Join <<1>> in the Ritual of Mara. 5154 = <<1>> wants to be your friend 5155 = <<1>> wants you to join <<2>> 5156 = A customer service agent is requesting to chat with you. 5157 = Player is Ignored 5158 = Player is Blocked 5159 = Cancel 516 = Ranged 5160 = Move Forward 5161 = Move Backward 5162 = Toggle Walk / Run 5163 = Move Left 5164 = Move Right 5165 = Jump 5166 = Autorun 5167 = Roll Dodge 5168 = Use Synergy 5169 = Attack 517 = Hands 5170 = Block 5171 = Sprint 5172 = Crouch 5173 = Interrupt 5174 = Weapon Swap 5175 = Weapon Swap To Set 1 5176 = Weapon Swap To Set 2 5177 = Ability 1 5178 = Ability 2 5179 = Ability 3 518 = Class 1 5180 = Ability 4 5181 = Ability 5 5182 = Ultimate Ability 5183 = Quickslot Item 5184 = Toggle Mount 5185 = Sheathe/Unsheathe 5186 = Select 5187 = Mouse Steer 5188 = Activate 5189 = Zoom Camera Out 519 = Class 2 5190 = Zoom Camera In 5191 = Toggle Fullscreen Mode 5192 = Take Screenshot 5193 = Start Chat 5194 = Start Chat Slash 5195 = Reply to Whisper 5196 = UI On/Off 5197 = Character Windows 5198 = Crown Store 5199 = Inventory 52 = Speaker Setup 520 = Class 3 5200 = Character 5201 = Skills 5202 = Champion 5203 = Quest Journal 5204 = Collections 5205 = Map 5206 = Group 5207 = Friends 5208 = Guilds 5209 = Alliance War 521 = Main Hand Backup 5210 = Mail 5211 = Notifications 5212 = System 5213 = Help 5214 = Interact With Environment 5215 = Interact With Player 5216 = Accept Notification 5217 = Decline Notification 5218 = Padlock Target 5219 = Mouse Freelook 522 = Off-Hand Backup 5220 = Cycle Preferred Enemy Target 5221 = Cycle Focused Quest 5222 = First/Third Person 5223 = Fire Siege Weapon 5224 = Exit Siege Weapon 5225 = Stow Siege Weapon 5226 = Primary Action/Accept 5227 = Secondary Action 5228 = Tertiary Action 5229 = Decline/Negative/Abandon Action 523 = Age 5230 = View Quickslots (From Inventory) 5231 = Show On Map (From Quest Journal) 5232 = Cycle Focused Quest (From Quest Journal) 5233 = Report a Player 5234 = Stack All Items 5235 = Primary Dialog Action 5236 = Secondary Dialog Action 5237 = Negative/Decline Dialog Action 5238 = Close Dialog 5239 = Help 524 = Body 5240 = Toggle In-Game Cursor 5241 = Toggle Gamepad Mode 5242 = Command Pet 5243 = <<1>> (<<2>>s) 5244 = Report 5245 = Report Mail Spam 5246 = You are reporting |cffffff<<1>>|r. 5247 = Report Player 5248 = This will send a report without opening a ticket.\n\n|cffffffPlease note:|r Abuse of these reports may result in disciplinary action to your account. 5249 = If you would like to report this player for a non spam-related issue, this will open the Ticket Creation page. 525 = Face 5250 = <<1>> 5251 = <<1>> |cffffff<<2>>|r <>? 5252 = Pay 5253 = Give Gold 5254 = Destroy Item 5255 = Destroy Item 5256 = Do you really want to destroy<<2[// $d]>> <>? 5257 = Do you really want to destroy<<2[// $d]>> <>? Type <<3>> to confirm. 5258 = DESTROY 5259 = <<1>><> 526 = Body Type 5260 = Player Gold 5261 = Banked Gold 5262 = Player Tel Var Stones 5263 = Banked Tel Var Stones 5264 = Deposit 5265 = Withdraw 5266 = Deposit Funds 5267 = Withdraw Funds 5268 = Banked: |cffffff<>|r 5269 = Player: |cffffff<>|r 527 = Features 5270 = How much gold would you like to deposit? 5271 = How much gold would you like to withdraw? 5272 = Deposit Funds 5273 = Withdraw Funds 5274 = Deposit 5275 = Withdraw 5276 = Banking Fee: |cffffff<>|r 5277 = Minimum Deposit: |cffffff<>|r 5278 = No Rankings Found 5279 = # 528 = Upper Body 5280 = Name 5281 = Alliance 5282 = Class 5283 = All Classes 5284 = <<1>> Rank: |cffffff<<2>>|r 5285 = -- 5286 = Not Ranked 5287 = Not Recorded 5288 = Alliance War 5289 = Points 529 = Lower Body 5290 = Overall 5291 = Current Earned AP: |cffffff<<1>>|r 5292 = Reopens In: |cffffff<<1>>|r 5293 = Closes In: |cffffff<<1>>|r 5294 = Scoring Closed 5295 = Scoring Open 5296 = Scoring Not Available 5297 = <<1>> 5298 = Best Score: |cffffff<<1>>|r 5299 = Weekly 53 = Sets the audio output to Stereo, Mono, or Surround. This setting should match your speaker setup. 530 = Face Type 5300 = Weekly (<<1>>) 5301 = Reopens In: |cffffff<<1>>|r 5302 = Closes In: |cffffff<<1>>|r 5303 = Score 5304 = Current Score: |cffffff<<1>>|r 5305 = Current Score: |cffffff<<1>> (Not Eligible)|r 5306 = No Score 5307 = Your selected costume will not appear until you remove your current disguise. 5308 = Apply Changes 5309 = Randomize 531 = Hair 5310 = Undo Changes 5311 = Show Locked 5312 = Sort by Rarity 5313 = Sort by Hue 5314 = Dye 5315 = Clear Color 5316 = Dye All 5317 = Copy Color 5318 = Set Fill 5319 = Clear Color 532 = Features 5320 = Cannot sample non-dyed color. 5321 = No dyes found that match your filters 5322 = <<1>> 5323 = Right-Click to view Achievement. 5324 = View Achievement 5325 = Unlocked by the <<1>> Achievement 5326 = Unlocked via Hidden Achievement 5327 = Unlocked via Hidden Achievement 5328 = Unlocked by the <<1>> Achievement 5329 = In Progress 533 = Face 5330 = Title: 5331 = <<1>> 5332 = <<1>> 5333 = Dye: 5334 = <<1>> 5335 = <<1>>: 5336 = Recent Achievements 5337 = <<1>> 5338 = All Achievements 5339 = Show Earned 534 = Eyes 5340 = Show Unearned 5341 = Achievements 5342 = Objectives 5343 = <<1>> 5344 = <<1>> 5345 = <<1>> - <<2>> 5346 = Alliance Points 5347 = <<1>> 5348 = Travel to Campaign 5349 = Are you sure you want to leave your current location and travel to the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r? 535 = Brow 5350 = Enter Campaign 5351 = Overview 5352 = Scoring 5353 = Bonuses 5354 = Emperorship 5355 = Current Emperor 5356 = No Emperor 5357 = Imperial Keep Status 5358 = Emperor Leaderboard - <<1>> 5359 = Enter Campaign 536 = Mouth 5360 = Group 5361 = Solo 5362 = You are attempting to enter the Cyrodiil campaign, |cffffff<<1>>|r. Would you like to enter as a group or solo? 5363 = Please wait... 5364 = Leaving queue... 5365 = Entering Cyrodiil... 5366 = Solo Queue Position: |cffffff<<1>>|r 5367 = Solo Access Available. Expires in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 5368 = Group Queue Position: |cffffff<<1>>|r 5369 = Group Access Available. Expires in |cffffff<<1>>|r. 537 = Ears 5370 = Queue Paused: Group member offline. 5371 = After entering this campaign, you will be restricted from changing it again for a period of time. 5372 = Home Campaign Locked 5373 = Your home campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered recently.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to change it again. 5374 = Guest Campaign Locked 5375 = Your guest campaign is currently locked since it has been changed and entered within the past 24 hours.\n\nYou must wait |cffffff<<1>>|r before being able to change it again. 5376 = Set Guest Campaign 5377 = World effects will not apply outside of Cyrodiil. 5378 = Leaderboard ranking will be disabled. 5379 = Alliance Points gained will not count towards campaign rewards. 538 = Nose 5380 = Set Home Campaign 5381 = Are you sure you wish to set your home campaign to |cffffff<<1>>|r? 5382 = This change is free, however, future changes will incur a cost in Alliance Points. 5383 = Campaigns 5384 = Travel to Campaign 5385 = Leave Queue 5386 = Claim Ownership 5387 = You don't meet the requirements to buy this. 5388 = You must face the player you wish to commit to. 5389 = You must be near a Shrine of Mara. 539 = Voice 5390 = Your level isn't high enough to use this item 5391 = You cannot use this item while swimming. 5392 = This item is locked. 5393 = This item is bound to you. 5394 = Passive abilities can't be placed in Action Bars. 5395 = That action button cannot be moved. 5396 = You can only place weapon abilities in that action slot. 5397 = You can only place ultimate abilities in that action slot. 5398 = You can only place normal abilities in that action slot. 5399 = You can only place that ability in the certain action slots. 54 = Footsteps Volume 540 = Eye Height 5400 = Invalid slot 5401 = Banking is disabled. See forums for details. 5402 = Guild banking is disabled. See forums for details. 5403 = Guild stores are disabled. See forums for details. 5404 = Campaigns are disabled on this server. 5405 = Only enchantments can be placed in slots. 5406 = Enchantments cannot be added to enchantments. 5407 = This enchantment requires an item with a higher Power rating. 5408 = This enchantment requires a different item equip type. 5409 = You need more souls to enchant that item. 541 = Eye Size 5410 = This enchantment requires a different item armor type. 5411 = This enchantment requires a different item weapon type. 5412 = This enchantment requires a different slot type. 5413 = Invalid enchantment. 5414 = This upgrade's level is too high for this siege weapon. 5415 = You cannot modify this enchantment. 5416 = You cannot use this enchantment on a siege of this type. 5417 = You can't do that while dead. 5418 = You can't do that while in combat. 5419 = You can't do that while reviving. 542 = Eye Separation 5420 = You can't do that while swimming. 5421 = You can't do that while in werewolf form. 5422 = Your paws are too clumsy. 5423 = You can't do that while stunned. 5424 = You can't summon a vanity pet in an Alliance War location. 5425 = You have too much money to take these attachments. 5426 = That person is busy. 5427 = <<1>> - \"<<2>>\" 5428 = Rename 5429 = Enter New Nickname 543 = Eye Angle 5430 = Set Active 5431 = Put Away 5432 = Rename 5433 = Go to Collection Book 5434 = Collection Updated 5435 = <<1>> added to <<2>> 5436 = <<1>> has been updated with the <<2>> collectible. 5437 = Collectible is not ready yet. 5438 = Locked Content 5439 = Entrance to this zone requires the |cffffff<<1>>|r DLC. DLC game packs can be purchased from the Crown Store, or unlocked with an ESO Plus membership available <<2>>. 544 = Mouth Height 5440 = at https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/store 5441 = on the PlayStation®Store 5442 = on the Xbox Store 5443 = Open Crown Store 5444 = Charge Weapon 5445 = Charge 5446 = Select a Soul Gem to charge this weapon. 5447 = Charging this weapon will consume the Soul Gem. 5448 = You do not have any filled Soul Gems to charge this weapon. 5449 = Enchant Item 545 = Lip Fullness 5450 = Enchant 5451 = Select an enchantment to apply to this item. 5452 = Enchanting this item will consume the enchantment. 5453 = You do not have any enchantments that can be applied to this item. 5454 = Deconstruction yielded no results. 5455 = Can only be applied to an item between levels |cffffff<<1>>|r and |cffffff<<2>>|r 5456 = Can only be applied to a level |cffffff<<1>>|r item. 5457 = Repair Item 5458 = Repair 5459 = Select a Repair Kit to repair this item. 546 = Mouth Curve 5460 = Repairing this item will consume the Repair Kit. 5461 = You do not have any Repair Kits to repair this item. 5462 = No items to repair. 5463 = Using stuck will teleport you to the nearest wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r<>, the normal cost for recalling to a wayshrine. 5464 = Using stuck will teleport you to the nearest wayshrine. You will be charged |cffffff<<1>>|r<>, the normal cost for recalling to a wayshrine. You will also lose |cffffff<<3>>%|r of your currently held Tel Var stones. 5465 = <<1>> 5466 = <<1>> 5467 = Inbox 5468 = Send 5469 = Attachments 547 = Nose Height 5470 = (No subject) 5471 = (No message) 5472 = C.O.D. Fee: 5473 = Sent Gold: 5474 = Take Attachments 5475 = Delete 5476 = Report Player 5477 = Return to Sender 5478 = Send 5479 = Send Gold 548 = Nose Width 5480 = Enter Subject 5481 = Delete Mail 5482 = Are you sure you want to delete this mail? Once deleted, you will no longer have access to it. 5483 = Delete 5484 = Pay C.O.D. 5485 = Taking this item will require you to pay the COD amount. Are you sure? 5486 = Return to Sender 5487 = Are you sure you want to return this mail to |cffffff<<1>>|r? You will no longer have access to the attachments. 5488 = Return 5489 = Clear Mail 549 = Ear Height 5490 = Are you sure you want to clear out the contents of this mail? 5491 = <> 5492 = (Data not available) 5493 = Leaderboard Notifications 5494 = Invert Y-Axis 5495 = Inverts the vertical direction in which the mouse moves the camera. 5496 = Rotation Speed 5497 = Adjusts the sensitivity of the mouse when moving the camera in 3rd person mode. 5498 = Rotation Speed 5499 = Adjusts the sensitivity of the mouse when moving the camera in 1st person mode. 55 = Adjusts the volume of footsteps. 550 = Ear Size 5500 = Field of View 5501 = Adjusts the field of view while in 1st person mode. 5502 = Head Bob 5503 = Adjusts the magnitude of head bob while moving in 1st person view. 5504 = Smoothing 5505 = Smoothens the motion of the camera when looking around in the world. 5506 = Horizontal Position 5507 = Adjusts the base horizontal position while in 3rd person mode. 5508 = Horizontal Offset 5509 = Additional horizontal offset while in 3rd person mode. 551 = Eyebrow Height 5510 = Vertical Offset 5511 = Additional vertical offset while in 3rd person mode. 5512 = Field of View 5513 = Adjusts the field of view while in 3rd person mode. 5514 = Field of View Changes 5515 = Allows field of view changes from sprinting and ability use. 5516 = Siege Weaponry 5517 = Controls the camera mode used when aiming Siege Weapons. Free Mode provides a more open feel while aiming, while Constrained Mode limits the camera to the area at which you are aiming. 5518 = Subtitles 5519 = Determines if subtitles will be displayed for NPCs or not. 552 = Eyebrow Angle 5520 = Loot History 5521 = Provides a visual history of loot, rewards and currency you've acquired as you play. 5522 = Default Soul Gem 5523 = Your default soul gem will be used first when reviving yourself or another player. 5524 = Subtitles 5525 = Crowns 5526 = Excessive Message Warning 5527 = You are sending a lot of messages rapidly. Be advised that continuing to do so may drop you from the server. 5528 = <<1>> 5529 = online ID 553 = Chin Height 5530 = Xbox Live gamertag 5531 = UserID 5532 = Your Tutorials Have Been Reset 5533 = Reset Tutorials 5534 = Are you sure you want to reset tutorials? 5535 = Scales from level <<1>> to <<2>>. 5536 = Scales from <><<2>> to <><<3>>. 5537 = Toggle Recap 5538 = Death Recap 5539 = Recent Damage 554 = Chin Size 5540 = Hints 5541 = No Hints Available 5542 = <<1>> 5543 = <<1>>'s <<2>> 5544 = <> |cffffff<<2>>|r|u10:0::|u<<3>> 5545 = <> |cffffff<<2>>|r|u10:0::|u<<3>>'s <<4>> 5546 = dmg 5547 = <<1>> 5548 = Tel Var Stones: 5549 = -<<1>> 555 = Jaw Size 5550 = x 5551 = <<1>> 5552 = .<<1>> 5553 = <>: |cffffff<<2>>|r 5554 = <<1>> 5555 = 556 = Forehead Slope 557 = Nose Shape 558 = Nose Length 559 = Eye Squint 56 = Display 560 = Eyebrow Skew 561 = Eyebrow Depth 562 = Ear Tip Flare 563 = Ear Rotation 564 = Cheekbone Size 565 = Cheekbone Height 566 = Waist Size 567 = Torso Size 568 = Neck Size 569 = Leg Size 57 = Graphics 570 = Hip Size 571 = Hand Size 572 = Gut Size 573 = Foot Size 574 = Posterior Dimensions 575 = Arm Size 576 = Chest Size 577 = Tooth/Fang Size 578 = Tail Size 579 = Height 58 = Ability 580 = Mouth Width 581 = Hair Style 582 = Hair Color 583 = Skin Color 584 = Adornment 585 = Head Marking 586 = Body Marking 587 = Eye Color 588 = Age 589 = Eyebrows 59 = Texture Quality 590 = Voice 591 = No Gear 592 = Novice Gear 593 = Veteran Gear 594 = None 595 = Breton 596 = Redguard 597 = Orc 598 = Dunmer 599 = Nord 6 = Input Language Changed to: <<1>> 60 = Controls the quality of textures used in the world by changing the size of textures used. Higher settings will provide more detail on objects, character models and the environment, but require more video memory to run smoothly. 600 = Argonian 601 = Altmer 602 = Bosmer 603 = Khajiit 604 = Unique 605 = Thieves Guild 606 = Dark Brotherhood 607 = Malacath 608 = Dwemer 609 = Ancient Elf 61 = View Distance 610 = Imperial 611 = Barbaric 612 = Bandit 613 = Primal 614 = Daedric 615 = Trinimac 616 = Ancient Orc 617 = Daggerfall Covenant 618 = Ebonheart Pact 619 = Aldmeri Dominion 62 = Adjusts the distance at which certain objects in the game will no longer be visible. Increasing this will provide a richer and more realistic environment at the expense of performance. 620 = Mercenary 621 = Craglorn 622 = Glass 623 = Xivkyn 624 = 625 = Draugr 626 = Maormer 627 = Akaviri 628 = Imperial 629 = Yokudan 63 = Gamma Adjustment 630 = Reach Winter 631 = Unused 0 632 = Unused 1 633 = Unused 2 634 = Unused 3 635 = Unused 4 636 = Unused 5 637 = Unused 6 638 = Unused 7 639 = Unused 8 64 = Adjusts the overall gamma (brightness) setting of the game with no impact to performance. Change this setting if the game appears too bright or dark on your display. 640 = Unused 9 641 = Local Campaign 642 = Home Campaign 643 = Home and Local Campaign 644 = Low 645 = Medium 646 = High 647 = Full 648 = Overall 649 = Class 65 = Shadow Quality 650 = Alliance 651 = None 652 = Wood 653 = Food 654 = Ore 655 = None 656 = Lumbermill 657 = Farm 658 = Mine 659 = Production 66 = Determines the quality of shadows seen in the world. Higher settings increase the shadow's draw distance, sharpness and the number of objects in the world that cast shadows. Decreasing this quality may help improve performance. 660 = Defense 661 = Gold 662 = Alliance Points 663 = Tel Var Stones 664 = None 665 = Trebuchet 666 = Ballista 667 = Ram 668 = Universal Siege 669 = Catapult 67 = Distortion 670 = Forward Camp 671 = Monster 672 = Oil 673 = Battle Standard 674 = Enemy 675 = Ally 676 = Self 677 = None 678 = Weapon 679 = Apparel 68 = Causes certain objects in the world to display distortion effects in their vicinity. Disabling this may improve performance. 680 = Enchantment 681 = Food 682 = Trophy 683 = Siege 684 = Potion 685 = Motif 686 = Tool 687 = Ingredient 688 = Additive 689 = Drink 69 = Depth of Field 690 = Costume 691 = Disguise 692 = Tabard 693 = Lure 694 = Raw Material 695 = Container 696 = Soul Gem 697 = Weapon Glyph 698 = Armor Glyph 699 = Lockpick 7 = Current Keyboard Layout: <<1>> 70 = Simulates the photographic effect that causes distant objects to appear out of focus based on the distance they are from objects in the foreground. Does not impact conversation scenes. 700 = Weapon Booster 701 = Armor Booster 702 = Enchantment Booster 703 = Jewelry Glyph 704 = Spice 705 = Flavoring 706 = Recipe 707 = Poison 708 = Reagent 709 = 71 = Bloom 710 = Solvent 711 = Collectible 712 = Raw Material 713 = Material 714 = Raw Material 715 = Material 716 = Raw Material 717 = Material 718 = Temper 719 = Tannin 72 = Increases the intensity of the glow surrounding light sources. Toggling this off will increase performance. 720 = Resin 721 = Style Material 722 = Armor Trait 723 = Weapon Trait 724 = Alliance War Repair 725 = Trash 726 = Tablet 727 = Mount 728 = Potency Runestone 729 = Aspect Runestone 73 = Graphics Quality 730 = Essence Runestone 731 = Fish 732 = Crown Repair 733 = Treasure 734 = Crown Item 735 = All 736 = Weapon 737 = Apparel 738 = Consumable 739 = Materials 74 = Sets the overall graphics quality of the game, adjusting all advanced options below. 740 = Miscellaneous 741 = Slottable Items 742 = Quest 743 = Buyback 744 = Junk 745 = Damaged Equipment 746 = Collectible 747 = No trait 748 = Powered 749 = Charged 75 = Display Mode 750 = Precise 751 = Infused 752 = Defending 753 = Training 754 = Sharpened 755 = Weighted 756 = Intricate 757 = Ornate 758 = Sturdy 759 = Impenetrable 76 = Sets the game's primary display mode. 760 = Reinforced 761 = Well-fitted 762 = Training 763 = Infused 764 = Exploration 765 = Divines 766 = Ornate 767 = Intricate 768 = Healthy 769 = Arcane 77 = Resolution 770 = Robust 771 = Ornate 772 = Nirnhoned 773 = Nirnhoned 774 = Special 775 = Aspect 776 = Essence 777 = Potency 778 = Bind On Pickup 779 = Bind On Equip 78 = Specifies the overall resolution in which the game will run. Increasing the resolution will provide a higher fidelity image at the expense of performance. The resolution chosen should match the aspect ratio of your monitor. 780 = Backpack Bind On Pickup 781 = Worn 782 = Normal 783 = Fine 784 = Superior 785 = Epic 786 = Legendary 787 = None 788 = Befouled Weapon 789 = Berserker 79 = <<1>>x<<2>> 790 = Charged Weapon 791 = Reduce Armor 792 = Disease Resistant 793 = Flame Weapon 794 = Fire Resistant 795 = Frost Resistant 796 = Frost Weapon 797 = Damage Shield 798 = Health 799 = Health Regen 8 = Lua is reaching its memory limit. You should consider disabling some addons and reloading the UI. 80 = <<1>>x<<2>> (Wide) 800 = Magicka 801 = Magicka Recovery 802 = Poison Resistant 803 = Poisoned Weapon 804 = Stamina 805 = Stamina Regen 806 = Reduce Power 807 = Absorb Health 808 = Shock Resistant 809 = Absorb Stamina 81 = SubSampling Quality 810 = Absorb Magicka 811 = Damage Health 812 = Reduce Spell Cost 813 = Reduce Feat Cost 814 = Increase Bash Damage 815 = Reduce Block And Bash 816 = Increase Potion Effectiveness 817 = Reduce Potion Cooldown 818 = Increase Physical Damage 819 = Increase Spell Damage 82 = Determines the resolution in which the game will render the world. The interface is not affected by this setting. Decreasing the quality may help improve performance. 820 = Decrease Physical Damage 821 = Decrease Spell Damage 822 = Other 823 = None 824 = Aldmeri Dominion 825 = Ebonheart Pact 826 = Daggerfall Covenant 827 = Opaque 828 = do not translate 829 = Axe 83 = Vertical Sync 830 = Mace 831 = Sword 832 = Sword 833 = Axe 834 = Mace 835 = do not translate 836 = Bow 837 = Healing Staff 838 = Rune 839 = Dagger 84 = Helps to eliminate tearing artifacts by synchronizing the framerate with the refresh rate of your monitor. 840 = Flame Staff 841 = Frost Staff 842 = Shield 843 = Lightning Staff 844 = do not translate 845 = One-Handed Melee 846 = Two-Handed Melee 847 = Bow 848 = Destruction Staff 849 = Restoration Staff 85 = Ambient Occlusion 850 = Alchemy 851 = Amulet 852 = Axe 853 = Bait 854 = Blacksmith 855 = Bow 856 = Chest 857 = Clothier 858 = Consumable 859 = Costume 86 = Provides improvements to lighting by displaying subtle differences in shadow transparency along the edges and seams of objects. Disabling this will increase performance. 860 = Dagger 861 = Enchanting 862 = Feet 863 = Glyphs 864 = Hammer 865 = Hands 866 = Head 867 = Legs 868 = Potion 869 = Provisioning 87 = Anti-Aliasing 870 = Ring 871 = Shield 872 = Shoulders 873 = Siege 874 = Spellcrafting 875 = Staff 876 = Material 877 = Soul Gem 878 = Sword 879 = Tool 88 = Smoothens the edges of objects in the world. Disabling this option may increase performance at the expense of displaying a harsher edge to objects. 880 = Trait Gem 881 = Trophy 882 = Waist 883 = Woodworking 884 = Weapons 885 = Heavy Armor 886 = Medium Armor 887 = Light Armor 888 = Jewelry 889 = 89 = Sunlight Rays 890 = Helmet 891 = Glove 892 = Boot 893 = Legs 894 = Breastplate 895 = Belt 896 = Shoulder 897 = Sword 898 = Mace 899 = Axe 9 = Graphics Options 90 = Causes the sun to display rays of light depending on its angle relative to the camera. Disabling this may improve performance. 900 = Dagger 901 = Staff 902 = Shield 903 = Bow 904 = Audio 905 = Video 906 = Camera 907 = Interface 908 = Gameplay 909 = Social 91 = Grass 910 = Debug 911 = Cinematic 912 = High 913 = Medium 914 = Low 915 = do not translate 916 = Off 917 = On 918 = Injured 919 = All 92 = Displays additional grass in the world, giving the environment a richer and more realistic appearance. Disabling this may improve performance. 920 = None 921 = Enemy 922 = Ally 923 = Don't Show 924 = Always Show 925 = Automatic 926 = Off 927 = On 928 = Focused 929 = Don't Show 93 = Water Reflection Quality 930 = Always Show 931 = Automatic 932 = Trials 933 = Solo 934 = Free 935 = Constrained 936 = |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t Gold Purchased 937 = |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_crown.dds|t Crown Purchased 938 = Normal 939 = Silver 94 = Determines the quality of reflections shown on the surface of water. Decreasing this setting may increase performance, but may cause distortion artifacts in the reflections that are displayed. 940 = Gold 941 = None 942 = Capture the Flag 943 = Deathmatch 944 = Capture Point 945 = Capture Area 946 = Assault 947 = Death Banner 948 = <<1>> has left the group. 949 = <<1>> has been kicked from the group. 95 = Maximum Particle Systems 950 = Class 951 = Weapon 952 = Armor 953 = World 954 = Guild 955 = Alliance War 956 = Racial 957 = Craft 958 = Champion 959 = You cannot destroy items while crafting. 96 = Determines the total number of particle systems that are shown in the world at any given time. Decreasing this setting will reduce the number of particle systems shown, but may improve performance. 960 = Default 961 = Mono 962 = Stereo 963 = 2.1 964 = Quad 965 = 4.1 966 = 5.0 967 = Surround 968 = 7.1 969 = Common 97 = This setting will only be applied after you logout or change locations. 970 = Uncommon 971 = Rare 972 = Red 973 = Yellow 974 = Green 975 = Blue 976 = Purple 977 = Brown 978 = Grey 979 = Off 98 = Particle Suppression Distance 980 = Low 981 = Medium 982 = High 983 = Ultra 984 = PS4 985 = XB1 986 = Off 987 = Low 988 = Medium 989 = High 99 = Adjusts the distance at which non critical particles are no longer visible. Increasing this will show more of these types of particles, further out in the world at the expense of performance. 990 = Group 991 = Main Quest 992 = Guild 993 = Crafting 994 = Dungeon 995 = Raid 996 = Alliance War 997 = Class 998 = QA Test 999 = Group Alliance War ExecuteChatCommand() = function:3985C480 ExecutePatternedChatCommand() = function:398B9BA0 ExecuteTradingHouseSearch() = function:3986CB98 ExtractEnchantingItem() = function:3985EC10 ExtractOrRefineSmithingItem() = function:39886AA0 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED = 12 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_DESTINATION_KEEP_ALLIANCE = 5 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_DESTINATION_KEEP_ALLIED_RESOURCE = 7 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_DESTINATION_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK = 6 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_INTERACT_REQUIREMENT = 10 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_INVALID_DESTINATION_WAYPOINT = 9 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_NO_VALID_PATH = 2 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_ORIGIN_KEEP_ALLIANCE = 3 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_ORIGIN_KEEP_ALLIED_RESOURCE = 14 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_ORIGIN_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK = 4 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_PLAYER_CARRYING_ARTIFACT = 11 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_PLAYER_IN_COMBAT = 1 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_FAILED_PLAYER_TOO_FAR_AWAY_FROM_ORIGIN_KEEP = 8 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_PENDING_REMOTE_JUMP_REPSONSE = 13 FAST_TRAVEL_KEEP_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_ACTIVE = 0 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_INACTIVE = 2 FAST_TRAVEL_LINK_IN_COMBAT = 1 FCB_PUSH_DIRECTION_DOWN = 1 FCB_PUSH_DIRECTION_UP = -1 FEEDBACK_TYPE_INVALID = 0 FEEDBACK_TYPE_QUEST = 1 FENCE_GAMEPAD = table:7E940A38 (meta 7E93F010} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:7E93F2A8 (meta 397F1208} sceneName = gamepad_store FENCE_KEYBOARD = table:7E939868 (meta 77A3A820} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:7E939368 (meta 397F1208} modeBar = table:7E93A1C8 (meta 398A0720} firstTable firstMeta buttonData = table:7E93A290 firstTable 1 = table:7E93A400 2 = table:7E93A8F0 label = userdata:7E9393D0 (meta 39801FE0} menuBar = userdata:7E939380 (meta 7E939450} FENCE_LAUNDER_GAMEPAD = table:7E941158 (meta 7E93E0C8} FENCE_MANAGER = table:70D8DC78 (meta 7F389A50} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:7E939930 firstTable FenceClosed = table:7E939A70 firstTable 1 = table:7E939AE8 firstTable 1() = function:7E939A48 3 = false 2 = table:7E940C00 firstTable 1() = function:7E940BD8 3 = false FenceEnterLaunder = table:7E939F70 firstTable 1 = table:7E939F98 firstTable 1() = function:7E939F48 3 = false 2 = table:7E941020 firstTable 1() = function:7E940FF8 3 = false FenceEnterSell = table:7E939EA8 firstTable 1 = table:7E939ED0 firstTable 1() = function:7E939E80 3 = false 2 = table:7E940F70 firstTable 1() = function:7E940F48 3 = false FenceInventoryUpdated = table:7E939D18 firstTable 1 = table:7E939D40 firstTable 1() = function:7E939CF0 3 = false 2 = table:7E940E10 firstTable 1() = function:7E940DE8 3 = false FenceLaunderSuccess = table:7E939C50 firstTable 1 = table:7E939C78 firstTable 1() = function:7E939C28 3 = false 2 = table:7E940D60 firstTable 1() = function:7E940D38 3 = false FenceOpened = table:7E939958 firstTable 1 = table:7E9399D0 firstTable 1() = function:7E9398E0 3 = false 2 = table:7E940B50 firstTable 1() = function:7E940B00 3 = false FenceSellSuccess = table:7E939B88 firstTable 1 = table:7E939BB0 firstTable 1() = function:7E939B60 3 = false 2 = table:7E940CB0 firstTable 1() = function:7E940C88 3 = false FenceUpdated = table:7E939DE0 firstTable 1 = table:7E939E08 firstTable 1() = function:7E939DB8 3 = false 2 = table:7E940EC0 firstTable 1() = function:7E940E98 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:78E94170 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 laundersUsed = 0 sellsUsed = 0 totalLaunders = 110 totalSells = 110 FENCE_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:4EDEDD90 (meta 78D8C658} FENCE_SCENE = table:7E93A038 (meta 7DB3BD48} FENCE_SELL_GAMEPAD = table:7E94A120 (meta 7E93D2F8} FISHING_GAMEPAD = table:78E6AA40 (meta 7E4AA0D0} firstTable firstMeta menu = table:78E6AAB8 (meta 7BEBEBC0} firstTable actionLabel = userdata:78E6AA38 (meta 39801FE0} actionLayerName = RadialMenu activateOnShow = true animation = userdata:77A6AED0 (meta 3981BF40} control = userdata:7B288000 (meta 397EAE80} directionInputs = table:7BEBECD8 enableMouse = true entries = table:77A6AE98 firstTable entryPool = table:77A6ADD0 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:78E6AB30 firstTable m_Factory() = function:77A6AD28 m_Free = table:77A6AE70 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:77A6AD00 onClearCallback() = function:3EAF4E00 onSelectionChangedCallback() = function:78E6AA68 selectIfCentered = true selectedBackground = userdata:78E6A9E8 (meta 398062A0} setupFunction() = function:78E6ABA8 virtualMouseX = 0 virtualMouseY = 0 menuControl = userdata:7B288000 (meta 397EAE80} FISHING_KEYBOARD = table:802A8590 (meta 7E4AA0D0} firstTable menu = table:802A8608 (meta 7BEBEBC0} firstTable actionLabel = userdata:802A8588 (meta 39801FE0} actionLayerName = RadialMenu activateOnShow = true animation = userdata:7D953740 (meta 3981BF40} control = userdata:77B0B2C0 (meta 397EAE80} directionInputs = table:7BEBECD8 enableMouse = true entries = table:7D953708 firstTable entryPool = table:7D953640 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:802A8630 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7D953598 m_Free = table:7D9536E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7D953570 onClearCallback() = function:7D953360 onSelectionChangedCallback() = function:802A86F8 selectIfCentered = true selectedBackground = userdata:70D571B8 (meta 398062A0} setupFunction() = function:802A86A8 unselectedBackground = userdata:802A8538 (meta 398062A0} virtualMouseX = 0 virtualMouseY = 0 menuControl = userdata:77B0B2C0 (meta 397EAE80} FISHING_MANAGER = table:78E9CCF0 (meta 7E4AA400} firstTable firstMeta FOCUSED_QUEST_TRACKER = table:82E3FF48 (meta 82E3BCB0} firstTable firstMeta MAX_TRACKED = 25 assistedData = table:80B4E508 (meta 77DAE888} firstTable arg1 = 11 header = userdata:94552A38 (meta 94553C88} firstMeta firstIndex headerText = Maelstrom Arena m_ChildConditionControls = table:80B4E830 firstTable 1 = userdata:94553E30 (meta 94555080} 2 = 1 m_Data = table:80B4E508 (meta 77DAE888} m_ObjectKey = 1 m_StepDescriptionControls = table:80B4EA20 firstTable m_TreeNode = table:80B4E688 (meta 398BEB78} isComplete = false level = 50 trackType = 1 assistedQuestCompleted = false assistedTexture = userdata:82E3F328 (meta 82E3F8B0} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:7BA1C710 GetKeybind() = function:7BA1C3A0 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C760 HideKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5F8 IsEnabled() = function:7BA1C508 OnClicked() = function:7BA1C828 SetCallback() = function:7BA1C800 SetClickSound() = function:7BA1C530 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5A8 SetCustomKeyText() = function:7BA1C580 SetEnabled() = function:7BA1C490 SetKeyFont() = function:7BA1C6E8 SetKeybind() = function:7BA1C7B0 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:7BA1C4E0 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:7BA1C648 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:7BA1C670 SetNameFont() = function:7BA1C6C0 SetNormalTextColor() = function:7BA1C698 SetState() = function:7BA1C4B8 SetText() = function:7BA1C558 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:7BA1C738 SetupStyle() = function:7BA1C620 ShowKeyIcon() = function:7BA1C5D0 UpdateEnabledState() = function:7BA1C418 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:82E3F690 (meta 82E3F9F0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} keyBackdrops = table:91031280 firstTable 1 = userdata:910312F8 (meta 91030FC8} firstMeta firstIndex key = 83 leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:82E3F328 (meta 82E3F8B0} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybind = ASSIST_NEXT_TRACKED_QUEST keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:82E3F398 (meta 82E3F5B0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:7B9AB658 IsSelected() = function:7B9AB5E0 RefreshTextColor() = function:7B9AB630 SetEnabled() = function:7B9AB608 SetSelected() = function:7B9AB5B8 enabled = true mouseover = false mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:77994238 (meta 398AF370} selected = false background = userdata:82E3FBB0 (meta 82E3FED0} firstMeta firstIndex bottom = userdata:82E3FE40 (meta 398062A0} center = userdata:82E3FEA0 (meta 398062A0} fadeTimeline = userdata:82E42378 (meta 82E423D8} firstMeta firstIndex control = userdata:82E3FBB0 (meta 82E3FED0} top = userdata:82E3FDE0 (meta 398062A0} conditionPool = table:82E40248 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:42AD1580 customResetBehavior() = function:82E40060 m_Active = table:82E40270 firstTable 1 = userdata:94553E30 (meta 94555080} firstMeta firstIndex entryType = 2 isGroupCreditShared = false m_TreeNode = table:80B4EB50 (meta 398BEB78} firstTable m_Control = userdata:94553E30 (meta 94555080} m_Expanded = true m_OffsetY = 2 m_OwningTree = table:82E409C0 (meta 7E6B8598} firstTable m_InitialAnchor = table:82E40440 (meta 7E6B9CD0} firstTable data = table:82E40468 firstTable m_OffsetX = 10 m_OffsetY = 5 m_Root = table:80B4E108 (meta 398BEB78} firstTable m_Child = table:80B4E688 (meta 398BEB78} firstTable m_Expanded = true m_OwningTree = table:82E409C0 (meta 7E6B8598} m_Showing = true m_relativePoint = 6 m_Parent = table:80B4E688 (meta 398BEB78} m_Showing = true m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:82E40298 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 5 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainerQuestContainerQuestCondition parent = userdata:82E3F278 (meta 82E422A0} templateName = ZO_QuestCondition dirtyEvents = table:82E3FFC0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 headerPool = table:82E40178 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:77DBE710 customResetBehavior() = function:82E40088 m_Active = table:80B4E268 firstTable 1 = userdata:94552A38 (meta 94553C88} m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:82E401C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 5 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainerQuestContainerTrackedHeader parent = userdata:82E3F278 (meta 82E422A0} templateName = ZO_TrackedHeader isMouseInside = false stepDescriptionPool = table:82E40318 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:77DBB348 customResetBehavior() = function:82E40038 m_Active = table:82E40340 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:82E40368 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_FocusedQuestTrackerPanelContainerQuestContainerQuestStepDescription parent = userdata:82E3F278 (meta 82E422A0} firstMeta firstIndex fadeTimeline = userdata:82E42150 (meta 82E421B0} firstMeta firstIndex control = userdata:82E3F278 (meta 82E422A0} isFaded = false templateName = ZO_QuestStepDescription timerControl = userdata:82E3DDD8 (meta 397EAE80} tracked = table:80B4E360 firstTable 1 = table:80B4E508 (meta 77DAE888} trackerControl = userdata:82E3F278 (meta 82E422A0} trackerPanel = userdata:82E3CA78 (meta 397F1208} treeView = table:82E409C0 (meta 7E6B8598} FOCUSED_QUEST_TRACKER_FRAGMENT = table:82E3A498 (meta 7BA300C8} FONT_STYLE_NORMAL = 0 FONT_STYLE_OUTLINE = 2 FONT_STYLE_OUTLINE_THICK = 3 FONT_STYLE_SHADOW = 1 FONT_STYLE_SOFT_SHADOW_THICK = 5 FONT_STYLE_SOFT_SHADOW_THIN = 4 FORCE_INIT_SMOOTH_STATUS_BAR = true FRAGMENT_GROUP = table:77A6C368 firstTable FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED = table:7E492A30 firstTable 1 = table:8F209810 (meta 8F209390} 2 = table:8F2098B0 (meta 8F209540} 3 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED_UNIFORM_BLUR = table:91D60DD8 firstTable 1 = table:8F209810 (meta 8F209390} 2 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 3 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} FRAME_TARGET_CRAFTING_GAMEPAD = table:7D91A4F0 firstTable 1 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 2 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD = table:91D60E38 firstTable 1 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 2 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 3 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_LEFT = table:7D91A490 firstTable 1 = table:8F209AE0 (meta 8F209390} 2 = table:8F209B80 (meta 8F209540} firstTable UpdateTarget() = function:8F1FBED0 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:8F209BA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true id = 4 state = hidden 3 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_OPTIONS = table:91D60E98 firstTable 1 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 2 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_RIGHT = table:3EACAA60 firstTable 1 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 2 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 3 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} FRAME_TARGET_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL = table:7E492A90 firstTable 1 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 2 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} 3 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} GAMEPAD_DRIVEN_UI_NO_KEYBIND_BACKGROUND_WINDOW = table:70D2E190 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 6 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 7 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 8 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 9 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} GAMEPAD_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW = table:78E6A990 MOUSE_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW = table:77A6C390 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} MOUSE_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW_NO_COMBAT_OVERLAY = table:77A6C3B8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 5 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} MOUSE_DRIVEN_UI_WINDOW_NO_KEYBIND_STRIP = table:78E6A910 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 2 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 4 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 5 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_GAMEPAD = table:3EAF4D68 firstTable 1 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F206C70 (meta 78D9A440} 3 = table:78C734C0 (meta 71F1B3A8} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_GAMEPAD_CURRENT = table:3EACA9F0 firstTable 1 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 3 = table:8F206C70 (meta 78D9A440} 4 = table:78C734C0 (meta 71F1B3A8} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_KEYBOARD = table:3EAF4CB8 firstTable 1 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_KEYBOARD_CURRENT = table:3EAF4D08 firstTable 1 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 3 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} READ_ONLY_EQUIPPED_ITEMS = table:7D91A540 firstTable 1 = table:4D9273E8 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:80B4EF00 (meta 8F20AC78} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_AVA = table:8F20A0C8 (meta 8F209D88} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_CHAMPION = table:8F20A1B8 (meta 8F209D88} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_INVENTORY = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_JOURNAL = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_LOOT = table:8F20A168 (meta 8F209D88} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_MAP = table:8F20A028 (meta 8F209D88} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_SKILLS = table:8F209F88 (meta 8F209D88} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_SOCIAL = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} FRAME_EMOTE_FRAGMENT_SYSTEM = table:8F20A118 (meta 8F209D88} FRAME_PLAYER_FRAGMENT = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_CENTERED_FRAGMENT = table:8F2098B0 (meta 8F209540} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_FRAGMENT = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} FRAME_TARGET_BLUR_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} FRAME_TARGET_CENTERED_FRAGMENT = table:8F209810 (meta 8F209390} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} FRAME_TARGET_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_FRAGMENT = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} FRAME_TARGET_LEFT_BLUR_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:8F209B80 (meta 8F209540} FRAME_TARGET_LEFT_GAMEPAD_FRAGMENT = table:8F209AE0 (meta 8F209390} FRAME_TARGET_STANDARD_RIGHT_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} FRAMING_SCREEN_AVA = 6 FRAMING_SCREEN_CHAMPION = 9 FRAMING_SCREEN_DEFAULT = 0 FRAMING_SCREEN_INVENTORY = 2 FRAMING_SCREEN_JOURNAL = 3 FRAMING_SCREEN_LOOT = 8 FRAMING_SCREEN_MAP = 4 FRAMING_SCREEN_SKILLS = 1 FRAMING_SCREEN_SOCIAL = 5 FRAMING_SCREEN_SYSTEM = 7 FRIENDS_LIST = table:91B14AE0 (meta 78E7F5F8} FRIENDS_LIST_ENTRY_SORT_KEYS = table:7B318040 firstTable alliance = table:70D3B170 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName class = table:7B318108 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName displayName = table:7B318068 firstTable formattedZone = table:70D49E08 firstTable tiebreaker = displayName level = table:70D4A238 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = veteranRank normalizedLogoffSort = table:7D9189B0 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = displayName status = table:7B318090 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = normalizedLogoffSort veteranRank = table:2B10A568 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = displayName FRIENDS_LIST_FRAGMENT = table:6A0985E8 (meta 78D8C658} FRIENDS_LIST_MANAGER = table:70D499A8 (meta 7B317FA0} FRIENDS_LIST_SCENE = table:8052A750 (meta 3987DBF0} FRIENDS_ONLINE = table:7DE3A338 (meta 7DE3A038} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:7DE39560 (meta 397F1208} FRIENDS_ONLINE_FRAGMENT = table:4EDC9E28 (meta 78D8C658} FRIEND_DATA = 1 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_CHARACTER_FRAMING_BLUR = 1 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_NONE = 0 FULLSCREEN_EFFECT_UNIFORM_BLUR = 2 FULLSCREEN_MODE_FULLSCREEN_EXCLUSIVE = 2 FULLSCREEN_MODE_FULLSCREEN_WINDOWED = 1 FULLSCREEN_MODE_WINDOWED = 0 FastTravelToNode() = function:3986E3B8 FindFirstEmptySlotInBag() = function:39869FD0 FireTutorialHiddenEvent() = function:398764D8 FlashHealthWarningStage() = function:39863870 FormatAchievementLinkTimestamp() = function:398639E0 FormatFloatRelevantFraction() = function:398677A0 FormatIntegerWithDigitGrouping() = function:3988B030 FormatTimeMilliseconds() = function:3988A710 FormatTimeSeconds() = function:3988A6C8 GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_FOOTER_FRAGMENT = table:7E93E788 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_ACHIEVEMENTS_FRAGMENT = table:7E93E320 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_ACTION_LAYER_FRAGMENT = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY = table:4CC45E00 (meta 7E4294F8} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_FRAGMENT = table:4CC65608 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_ROOT_SCENE = table:91D56B88 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_APPLY_ENCHANT_FRAGMENT = table:80B9AC18 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_AVA_BROWSER = table:78C6C430 (meta 783AB8A0} GAMEPAD_AVA_CAMPAIGN_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:80286980 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:91B15078 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7E92FCA8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:783A1978 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:80287ED0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_AVA_FRAGMENT = table:70D26168 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_AVA_ROOT_SCENE = table:78384530 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_BANKING = table:7F381F90 (meta 70D42A70} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = false addListTriggerKeybinds = false bankedBag = 2 carriedBag = 1 control = userdata:3EADFC60 (meta 7F3818F8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:7EC01750 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:78E63090 (meta 7F380810} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:7F37F9E0 firstTable 1 = userdata:78E627D0 (meta 7F380340} 10 = userdata:7F3A14E0 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:7F3A1638 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:7F3A15C8 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:7F3A0EF8 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:7F3A16B0 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:7F3A0F68 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:78E62AA8 (meta 78E62650} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:78E63098 firstTable 1 = table:78E62AE8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:78E62B60 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:78E62BD8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:78E62A28 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:78E62860 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:78E61450 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:78E5F540 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:78E5F528 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:7F3A1550 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 tabBar = table:7F380838 (meta 7BEA6EE8} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 animationEnabled = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:7F37ED98 firstTable control = userdata:78E627D0 (meta 7F380340} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:7F381878 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:7F380838 (meta 7BEA6EE8} dataIndexToControl = table:7F37E6C0 firstTable dataList = table:7F37EE70 firstTable dataTypes = table:7F37DB68 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:7F37CC78 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:7F37CDC8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:7F37CDF0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:7F37CE18 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerHeaderContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate parent = userdata:78E62848 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:7BEC8DD0 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:7F3802F0 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:7F37D340 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:7F37D390 firstTable 1 = table:7F37D3E0 firstTable callback() = function:7F37D4A0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_SHOULDER 2 = table:7F37D4F0 firstTable callback() = function:7F37CC00 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER leftIcon = userdata:78E614D0 (meta 397F7458} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:7F37E820 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:7F37ECD8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:7F37E648 firstTable prePadding = table:7F3803D0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:7F37ED00 firstTable rightIcon = userdata:78E61550 (meta 397F7458} scrollControl = userdata:78E62848 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:7F37E670 firstTable templateList = table:7F37EE98 firstTable universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:7F37E6E8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:7F37E698 firstTable owner = table:7F381F90 (meta 70D42A70} currencyType = 1 depositKeybindStripDescriptor = table:7B342F40 dirty = true eventTable = table:7F3818A8 firstTable 131205() = function:7F381880 131208() = function:7F381880 131209() = function:7F382080 131210() = function:7F381AE0 131211() = function:7F381AB0 131214() = function:7F381A80 header = userdata:78E63090 (meta 7F380810} headerFragment = table:7F3817F0 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:7F3804D8 control = userdata:7D927648 (meta 7F3A0F70} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:78E63090 (meta 7F380810} dirtyEvents = table:7F381818 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:7F380860 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:7F381450 firstTable 1 = table:7F381478 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7F3806E8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:7F3804B0 firstTable 1 = table:7F380788 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7F37FD20 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden isInitialized = false lists = table:7F37C468 firstTable Main = table:7F37BF98 (meta 4E015478} firstTable _fragment = table:7B342F18 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:7B33C6E8 control = userdata:7F380408 (meta 7F37CE40} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:7F37C878 (meta 7F37BBA0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:7F37BCF0 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:7F37BF98 (meta 4E015478} dirtyEvents = table:7B342F90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:7B342FB8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:7B343008 firstTable 1 = table:7B343030 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7B3417D0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:7B341958 firstTable 1 = table:7B341980 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7B3430F0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:7F37BE88 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:7B343658 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:7B343680 firstTable 1 = table:7B3436A8 firstTable 1() = function:7B343608 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:7B343730 firstTable 1 = table:7B343758 firstTable 1() = function:7B343708 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:7F378CF8 firstTable control = userdata:7F37C878 (meta 7F37BBA0} dataIndexToControl = table:7F378EB0 firstTable dataList = table:7F378D70 firstTable dataTypes = table:7B31D968 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:7F37C038 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:7F37BFC0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:7F37BFE8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:7B31D478 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:7F37C8D8 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:7B31CEF8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:7B31D1F0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7B343590 customFactoryBehavior() = function:7B343510 customResetBehavior() = function:7B343568 m_Active = table:7B31D0F0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:7B31D4A0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadBankingTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:7F37C8D8 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:7F37C010 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:7F37BB48 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:7F37BEF0 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:7F378DE8 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:7F378E38 firstTable prePadding = table:7F378DC0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:7F378E10 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:7F37C8D8 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:7F378E60 firstTable templateList = table:7F378D98 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:7F378ED8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:7F378E88 firstTable mainKeybindStripDescriptor = table:7B342F40 firstTable 1 = table:7B33C768 firstTable callback() = function:7B343140 enabled() = function:7B33C878 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:7B33C828 2 = table:7B342F68 firstTable callback() = function:7B338B78 enabled() = function:7B338B50 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name() = function:7B338B00 visible() = function:7B338B28 3 = table:7B338BA0 firstTable callback() = function:7B338600 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_STICK name = Stack All Items visible() = function:7B3385D8 4 = table:7B32A8F8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:398AE3A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 mode = 1 onStateChangedCallback() = function:7F3814A0 scene = table:7F381FE0 (meta 7DB3BD48} spinnerKeybindStripDescriptor = table:7B3389A0 firstTable 1 = table:7B33C768 2 = table:7F380C48 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:7F380C20 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 telvarStoneBankFee = 0 telvarStoneMinDeposit = 0 updateCooldownMS = 0 withdrawKeybindStripDescriptor = table:7B342F40 GAMEPAD_BANKING_FRAGMENT = table:80BB9FF0 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_BANKING_SCENE = table:7F381FE0 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_BANKING_WITHDRAW_DEPOSIT_GOLD_FRAGMENT = table:7DE3ABD0 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:7DE3ADC0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_BOOK_SET_FRAGMENT = table:7E93B900 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_FRAGMENT = table:7DE39B58 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_SCENE = table:2B13CDF0 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_BUY_BAG_SPACE_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_buy_bag_space GAMEPAD_BUY_BANK_SPACE_FRAGMENT = table:7DE3A1A0 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_BUY_BANK_SPACE_SCENE = table:7B3291E0 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_BUY_BANK_SPACE_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_buy_bank_space GAMEPAD_CADWELL_FRAGMENT = table:7E93ECA8 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_CAMPAIGN_LEADERBOARD_FRAGMENT = table:4D8FE078 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_CHAMPION_PERKS_SCENE = table:2B12BFD0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:6A0B8D10 firstTable StateChange = table:6A0B7320 firstTable 1 = table:4227B310 firstTable 1() = function:70D3E6D8 3 = false dirtyEvents = table:42275B68 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:42277240 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} firstTable firstMeta actionLayerName = MouseUIMode allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:77B255F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} firstTable firstMeta baseScene = table:7DE45440 (meta 7DE45350} firstTable firstMeta allowEvaluateTransitionComplete = true dirtyEvents = table:7DE3D410 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7DE3D438 firstTable 1 = table:80BA01B8 (meta 7F031810} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:80BA01E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = shown 10 = table:420C81E0 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:8F1E1418 (meta 3981BF40} animationKey = 5 animationOnStop() = function:420C8390 animationReverseOnStop() = function:420C83E0 conditional() = function:420C8438 control = userdata:78B3A7F8 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:420C8258 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:420C8368 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = shown 11 = table:71D22880 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:94580DA0 (meta 3981BF40} animationKey = 6 animationOnStop() = function:71D228A8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:91E31200 conditional() = function:91E31258 control = userdata:8E710430 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:71D228F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:71D22920 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = shown 12 = table:783A06F8 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:8F1E17F8 (meta 3981BF40} animationKey = 7 animationOnStop() = function:6F058B40 animationReverseOnStop() = function:8F1F00C0 conditional() = function:6F058FC8 control = userdata:8F1EF878 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:783A23C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:783A3A00 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = shown 13 = table:8F201668 (meta 7DB3F888} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:8F201EA0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hideOnSceneHidden = true sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = shown 14 = table:8F1F9840 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:8E5615E0 (meta 3981BF40} animationKey = 8 animationOnStop() = function:8F1F98B8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:8F1F9908 conditional() = function:8F1F9960 control = userdata:8F1F95E8 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:8F1F9868 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:8F1F9890 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = shown 15 = table:70B98FF0 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:7F3AC448 (meta 3981BF40} animationKey = 9 animationOnStop() = function:70B99068 animationReverseOnStop() = function:70B990B8 callbackRegistry = table:70B99188 firstTable conditional() = function:70B99110 control = userdata:70B98EF0 (meta 70B996D8} firstMeta firstIndex dirtyEvents = table:70B99018 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:70B99040 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = shown 16 = table:70B96E00 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:720B3420 (meta 3981BF40} animationKey = 10 animationOnStop() = function:70B96E78 animationReverseOnStop() = function:70B96EC8 callbackRegistry = table:70B96F98 firstTable conditional() = function:70B96F20 control = userdata:70B8DF98 (meta 70B974E8} firstMeta firstIndex dirtyEvents = table:70B96E28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:70B96E50 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = shown 2 = table:80B43DA0 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animationOnStop() = function:80B43E18 animationReverseOnStop() = function:80B31CB8 callbackRegistry = table:80B43EE0 firstTable conditional() = function:80B43E90 control = userdata:80B39830 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:80B43DC8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:80B43DF0 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable firstMeta hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = hidden 3 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:783926F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = shown suppressFadeTimeline = userdata:78392728 (meta 3981BF40} 4 = table:7DE001D8 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:9103F5F0 (meta 3981BF40} animationKey = 1 animationOnStop() = function:7DE00250 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7DE002A0 conditional() = function:7DE002F8 control = userdata:7DDF6EE0 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:7DE00200 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:7DE00228 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = shown 5 = table:82E3A498 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:9104AB40 (meta 3981BF40} animationKey = 2 animationOnStop() = function:77DAB828 animationReverseOnStop() = function:82E40E30 conditional() = function:77DAB768 control = userdata:82E3E058 (meta 82E40100} firstMeta firstIndex dirtyEvents = table:82E36F48 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:77DAB800 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = shown 6 = table:796D53A8 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:91047290 (meta 3981BF40} animationKey = 3 animationOnStop() = function:796D5558 animationReverseOnStop() = function:796D53D0 callbackRegistry = table:77922BF8 firstTable conditional() = function:4CE469F8 control = userdata:783FD848 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:796D5420 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:796D5530 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = shown 7 = table:77922908 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animation = userdata:7253F6F0 (meta 3981BF40} animationKey = 4 animationOnStop() = function:77922AF8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:77922B48 conditional() = function:77922BA0 control = userdata:77DB4918 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:77922980 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:779229A8 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = shown 8 = table:7DE1D7A0 (meta 7DE1D6B0} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:3EAD8B88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = shown 9 = table:4CC69898 (meta 7BA300C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = true animationOnStop() = function:4CC69AD0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4CC69B20 callbackRegistry = table:4CC69E10 firstTable conditional() = function:4CC69DC0 control = userdata:7EB71B90 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:4CC698C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 hiddenReasons = table:4CC69980 (meta 7BEA6E70} firstTable hideDuration = 0 sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} showDuration = 250 state = hidden name = hud sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = shown wasShownInGamepadPreferredMode = false callWhen = table:70924BB0 firstTable hudui = table:7B3B6218 firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7DE3BF98 firstTable SceneStateChanged = table:7DE3C300 firstTable 1 = table:7DE3C348 firstTable 1() = function:7DE3B860 3 = false 2 = table:7DE3D638 firstTable 1() = function:7DE3C940 3 = false 3 = table:80283BB0 firstTable 1() = function:802772D8 3 = false 4 = table:80284A70 firstTable 1() = function:802845C8 3 = false currentScene = table:7DE45440 (meta 7DE45350} dirtyEvents = table:70924AE8 firstTable exitUIModeOnChatFocusLost = false fireCallbackDepth = 0 hudSceneName = hud hudUISceneHidesAutomatically = true hudUISceneName = hudui initialized = false numTopLevelShown = 0 previousScene = table:7DE3D5D8 (meta 93C867A0} firstTable firstMeta allowEvaluateTransitionComplete = true dirtyEvents = table:91D59AB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7F03A0A8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:420C81E0 (meta 7BA300C8} 11 = table:71D22880 (meta 7BA300C8} 12 = table:783A06F8 (meta 7BA300C8} 13 = table:8F201668 (meta 7DB3F888} 14 = table:8F1F9840 (meta 7BA300C8} 15 = table:70B98FF0 (meta 7BA300C8} 16 = table:70B96E00 (meta 7BA300C8} 2 = table:80B43DA0 (meta 7BA300C8} 3 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 4 = table:7DE001D8 (meta 7BA300C8} 5 = table:82E3A498 (meta 7BA300C8} 6 = table:796D53A8 (meta 7BA300C8} 7 = table:77922908 (meta 7BA300C8} 8 = table:7DE1D7A0 (meta 7DE1D6B0} 9 = table:4CC69898 (meta 7BA300C8} name = hudui sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden wasShownInGamepadPreferredMode = false previousSceneStack = table:70924B60 firstTable sceneGroups = table:70924B38 firstTable allianceWarSceneGroup = table:4EDE8AB8 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:4EDE8B30 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:4EDE8128 firstTable 1 = campaignOverview 2 = campaignBrowser state = scene_group_hidden contactsSceneGroup = table:7F041470 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:80B97260 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:7F041498 firstTable 1 = friendsList 2 = ignoreList state = scene_group_hidden gamepad_market_scenegroup = table:7D91B390 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:7D91B3B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:91D49C98 firstTable 1 = gamepad_market 2 = gamepad_market_preview 3 = gamepad_market_bundle_contents 4 = gamepad_market_purchase state = scene_group_hidden groupSceneGroup = table:8028DE90 (meta 398C2970} firstTable firstMeta activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:7F03DBE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:7F03DC08 firstTable 1 = groupList 2 = groupingToolsKeyboard state = scene_group_hidden guildsSceneGroup = table:6F0341F8 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:6F034270 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:6F03B3B8 firstTable 1 = guildHome 2 = guildRoster 3 = guildRanks 4 = guildHeraldry 5 = guildHistory 6 = guildCreate state = scene_group_hidden helpSceneGroup = table:4EDEA228 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:4EDEA2A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:4EDEA2C8 firstTable 1 = helpTutorials 2 = helpCustomerSupport state = scene_group_hidden helpSceneGroupGamepad = table:6F053A68 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:6F053AE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:6F053BF0 firstTable 1 = helpTutorialsCategoriesGamepad 2 = helpTutorialsEntriesGamepad state = scene_group_hidden journalSceneGroup = table:4D9062A0 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:4D906318 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:4D904708 firstTable 1 = questJournal 2 = cadwellsAlmanac 3 = loreLibrary 4 = achievements 5 = leaderboards state = scene_group_hidden mailSceneGroup = table:4EDCD468 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:4EDCD4E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:4EDCD508 firstTable 1 = mailInbox 2 = mailSend state = scene_group_hidden tradingHouseGamepadSceneGroup = table:6A0AEBB8 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 dirtyEvents = table:8050A5A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:7F040EB8 firstTable 1 = gamepad_trading_house 2 = gamepad_trading_house_create_listing state = scene_group_hidden sceneStack = table:70924B88 firstTable scenes = table:70924B10 firstTable achievements = table:8D38EE28 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:8D38EF68 firstTable StateChange = table:8D38EF90 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:8D38EEA0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:8D38EEC8 firstTable 1 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:77FD7258 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:4CC59488 (meta 8F20A3E0} 2 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 20 = table:70B9CB60 (meta 8F20A5B8} 21 = table:6F0300B0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 22 = table:6A1F11C0 (meta 78D8C658} 23 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D901910 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 4 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 6 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} name = achievements sceneGroup = table:4D9062A0 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden achievementsGamepad = table:4CC3DBC8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:4CC3DE20 firstTable StateChange = table:4CC3DE48 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:4CC3DC40 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4CC3DC68 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:7E93E320 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 19 = table:942379C0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:7E93E788 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = achievementsGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden alchemy = table:7E438990 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E438A58 firstTable StateChange = table:7E438A80 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E4389B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E4389E0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} 11 = table:77A3E248 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 12 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:6F0617D8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 9 = table:77FDE468 (meta 78D8C658} interactionInfo = table:7E4388D8 firstTable End() = function:7E438900 interactTypes = table:7E438950 firstTable type = Alchemy Station name = alchemy sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden bank = table:70C47450 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7248FF70 firstTable StateChange = table:7248FF98 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7248BAB8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7248FEF0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:720C7410 (meta 8F20A5B8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:7EBF80D0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} 9 = table:4D9015A8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable interactionInfo = table:2A9EC900 name = bank sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden bookSetGamepad = table:78E954A0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:78E95568 firstTable StateChange = table:78E95590 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78E954C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78E954F0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:7E93B900 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = bookSetGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden cadwellGamepad = table:78F3EC40 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:71C29A10 firstTable StateChange = table:71C29AC0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:91CE1C30 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77ADEF00 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:7E93ECA8 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:802724F0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:802A0100 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = cadwellGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden cadwellsAlmanac = table:783A72B0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:783A72D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:8028A1F8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:3EB00E68 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:4CC59488 (meta 8F20A3E0} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:70B9CB60 (meta 8F20A5B8} 21 = table:8028A220 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 22 = table:6A1F11C0 (meta 78D8C658} 23 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D901910 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = cadwellsAlmanac sceneGroup = table:4D9062A0 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden campaignBrowser = table:91AE16B8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:91AE1AE0 firstTable StateChange = table:91AE1B08 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:91AE16E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:91AE1708 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D8F8750 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:80B23F80 (meta 8F20A3E0} 19 = table:4EDCF258 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:4EDCF9A8 (meta 78D8C658} 21 = table:78C6BF60 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 22 = table:7E42D038 (meta 8F20A5B8} 23 = table:8F20A0C8 (meta 8F209D88} 24 = table:8E9D7E50 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 27 = table:4EDED608 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = campaignBrowser sceneGroup = table:4EDE8AB8 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden campaignOverview = table:78C5AF98 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:78C5B0B0 firstTable StateChange = table:78C5B0D8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78C5B010 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78C5B038 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4EDCE9F8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 16 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:80B23F80 (meta 8F20A3E0} firstTable 19 = table:4EDCF258 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:783875A0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 21 = table:4EDCF9A8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 22 = table:783A8B28 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 23 = table:7E42D038 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 24 = table:8F20A0C8 (meta 8F209D88} firstTable 25 = table:8E9D7E50 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 26 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 27 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 28 = table:4EDED608 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = campaignOverview sceneGroup = table:4EDE8AB8 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden championPerks = table:7F05DAB8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:80B9F9F0 firstTable StateChange = table:7F0462F8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7F05DBA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7F0669B8 firstTable 1 = table:7B319D20 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:7F057730 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 11 = table:7F057DD8 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 12 = table:77FD7188 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 13 = table:8F20A1B8 (meta 8F209D88} firstTable 14 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 15 = table:42B71218 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 2 = table:8F20BC78 (meta 4D92E078} firstTable firstMeta 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 6 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 7 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 8 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 9 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} name = championPerks sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden collectionsBook = table:71C35B28 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:71C35918 firstTable StateChange = table:71C35940 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:71C35B50 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:71C358C8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:80B243C0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 16 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 17 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:7D948FD8 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 19 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:7252AF70 (meta 8F20A3E0} firstTable 21 = table:783A5FA0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 22 = table:8ECBE2D8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 23 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = collectionsBook sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden dyeing = table:7B2981F0 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7B297320 firstTable StateChange = table:7B298578 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7B298218 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7B298240 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:4D926D10 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 11 = table:77A3E1F8 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:720CC120 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 9 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} interactionInfo = table:4CC61298 firstTable End() = function:4CC612C0 interactTypes = table:4CC612E8 firstTable type = Dyeing Station name = dyeing sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden dyeing_gamepad = table:7EB87820 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:71D1CCA8 firstTable StateChange = table:7DD7E348 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:420B9C28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:420B90B8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:80BCF0D0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 12 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 13 = table:802724F0 (meta 78D8C658} 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 15 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:4CC61298 name = dyeing_gamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden enchantGamepad = table:919E9218 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:919E8FE0 firstTable StateChange = table:919E9008 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:919E9290 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:783B83C0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:80B9AC18 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = enchantGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden enchanting = table:7F399DC8 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7F399E90 firstTable StateChange = table:7F399EB8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7F399DF0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7F399E18 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} 11 = table:4DF0E4B8 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 12 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:6F061218 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 9 = table:77FDE468 (meta 78D8C658} interactionInfo = table:7F399D38 firstTable End() = function:7F399D60 interactTypes = table:7F399D88 firstTable type = Enchanting Station name = enchanting sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden fence_keyboard = table:7E93A038 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E93A100 firstTable StateChange = table:7E93A128 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E93A060 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E93A088 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:720C7460 (meta 8F20A5B8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} 9 = table:4EDEDD90 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable interactionInfo = table:8BFAB460 name = fence_keyboard sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden friendsList = table:8052A750 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:8052A7F0 firstTable StateChange = table:8052A818 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:8052A778 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:8052A7A0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:6A0985E8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:77A63EA0 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4EDCA610 (meta 8F20A3E0} firstTable 19 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:8BC46FA0 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 21 = table:4EDC9E28 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 22 = table:71F1B220 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 23 = table:782C9B88 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 24 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:80B97238 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = friendsList sceneGroup = table:7F041470 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gameMenuInGame = table:7B8D3CB8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7B8D3CE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7B8D3D08 firstTable 1 = table:7B8D3B00 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 5 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 6 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 7 = table:7E42CD70 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 8 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 9 = table:783A06F8 (meta 7BA300C8} name = gameMenuInGame sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepadCollectionsBook = table:78323618 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:78323750 firstTable StateChange = table:78323778 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78323690 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:783238C8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:7E42F7F0 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:8F20C1D8 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepadCollectionsBook sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepadInteract = table:94237898 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:94237B70 firstTable StateChange = table:942378C0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:94237910 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:94237B48 firstTable 1 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:4D8F1950 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 12 = table:3EB00DE8 (meta 8F20A5B8} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:94237738 firstTable End() = function:94237848 interactTypes = table:942377F8 firstTable type = Interact name = gamepadInteract sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepadTrade = table:792B59A0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:792B5B58 firstTable StateChange = table:792B5B80 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:792B5A18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:792B5A40 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F20D6A8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 12 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 13 = table:802735A8 (meta 78D8C658} 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 15 = table:7F03A170 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 16 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepadTrade sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_alchemy = table:91D56B88 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:91D56C68 firstTable StateChange = table:91D56C90 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:91D56BB0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:91D56BD8 firstTable 1 = table:91D56678 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:4CC65608 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 19 = table:91A24688 (meta 91A24610} firstTable firstMeta 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:91D56AE8 firstTable End() = function:91D56B10 interactTypes = table:91D56B60 firstTable type = Alchemy Station name = gamepad_alchemy sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_banking = table:7F381FE0 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7F380E68 firstTable StateChange = table:7F3814F0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7F382058 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7F381C40 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:80BB9FF0 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:8F20A320 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:2A9EC900 firstTable interactTypes = table:2A9EC978 firstTable type = Banking name = gamepad_banking sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_buy_bag_space = table:2B13CDF0 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:2B13CF08 firstTable StateChange = table:2B13CF30 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:2B13CE68 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:2B13CE90 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:7DE39B58 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:2A9EE540 firstTable interactTypes = table:2A9EE568 firstTable type = Buy Bag Space name = gamepad_buy_bag_space sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_buy_bank_space = table:7B3291E0 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7B329208 firstTable StateChange = table:7B329518 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7B329568 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7B328418 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:80BB9FF0 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:7DE3A1A0 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:2A9EC900 name = gamepad_buy_bank_space sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_campaign_root = table:78384530 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:783845D0 firstTable StateChange = table:783845F8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78384558 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78384580 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:70D26168 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:80290FD0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:802724F0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 19 = table:71F1B1F8 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_campaign_root sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_championPerks_root = table:2B12BFD0 (meta 3987DBF0} gamepad_enchanting_creation = table:78E78018 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:78E78178 firstTable StateChange = table:78E781A0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78E78090 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78E780B8 firstTable 1 = table:78E77C08 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:7E926FD8 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:6A083228 (meta 8533B968} 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:91A24688 (meta 91A24610} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:78E77EF0 firstTable End() = function:78E77FB0 interactTypes = table:78E77FD8 firstTable type = Enchanting Station name = gamepad_enchanting_creation sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_enchanting_extraction = table:78E78368 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:78E78490 firstTable StateChange = table:78E784B8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78E783E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78E78408 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:7E926FD8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 14 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:6A083228 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 19 = table:91A24688 (meta 91A24610} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:78E77B78 firstTable End() = function:78E77BA0 interactTypes = table:78E77BC8 firstTable type = Enchanting Station name = gamepad_enchanting_extraction sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_enchanting_mode = table:78E77D08 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:78E77DE8 firstTable StateChange = table:78E77E10 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78E77D30 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78E77D58 firstTable 1 = table:78E77C08 (meta 78D8C658} 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:7E926FD8 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:4228D088 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:78E77B78 name = gamepad_enchanting_mode sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_friends = table:7DE32370 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7DE32398 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7DE323C0 firstTable 1 = table:7DE31990 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 15 = table:2B137008 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:77A39EE0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:7E449988 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} name = gamepad_friends sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_groupList = table:77992418 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:721276A8 firstTable StateChange = table:721276D0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77992440 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:72127630 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:80292D70 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:8E9DDEB8 (meta 78D8C658} 16 = table:7E449988 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:8F209F88 (meta 8F209D88} 18 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 19 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_groupList sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_guild_bank = table:4D90C760 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:4D90CD30 firstTable StateChange = table:4D90CD58 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:4D90C7D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4D90C800 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:80BB8788 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 18 = table:7E92FD00 (meta 77FCDF20} firstTable firstMeta 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:2A9EC9A0 name = gamepad_guild_bank sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_guild_bank_error = table:80B2DDB8 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:80B2DED0 firstTable StateChange = table:80B2DEF8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:80B2DE30 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:80B2DE58 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:4CC82D68 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:2A9EC9A0 name = gamepad_guild_bank_error sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_guild_home = table:80523F68 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:80524030 firstTable StateChange = table:80524058 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:80523F90 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:80523FB8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:8051BDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:7E449988 (meta 78D8C658} 16 = table:77A39EE0 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_guild_home sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_guild_hub = table:80516DF0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:80516EC0 firstTable StateChange = table:80516EE8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:80516E18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:80516E40 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:8051CEE8 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:7E449988 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:802724F0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_guild_hub sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_ignored = table:7DE372B0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7DE372D8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7DE37300 firstTable 1 = table:7DE36C38 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 15 = table:2B137008 (meta 8533B968} 16 = table:77A39EE0 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:7E449988 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} name = gamepad_ignored sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_inventory_item_actions = table:84EE8648 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:8E703620 firstTable StateChange = table:8E703648 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:8E703390 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:8E7035C8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:80BC1110 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_inventory_item_actions sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_inventory_item_filter = table:84EE85A8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:84EE82A8 firstTable StateChange = table:84EE82D0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:84EE8620 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:84EE8250 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:80BC1110 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_inventory_item_filter sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_inventory_root = table:84EE81B0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:84EE84E0 firstTable StateChange = table:84EE8508 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:84EE8228 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:84EE8460 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:80BC1110 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_inventory_root sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_leaderboards = table:4EDDB480 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:4EDDB940 firstTable StateChange = table:4EDDB968 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:4EDDB4F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4EDDB520 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:7E44ADD0 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:720C2850 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:80284CD0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 19 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_leaderboards sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_loreReaderInteraction = table:7E444430 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E444A20 firstTable StateChange = table:7E444A48 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E444458 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E444480 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:4D9055A8 (meta 78D8C658} 12 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} 13 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_loreReaderInteraction sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_loreReaderInventory = table:7E444340 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E4447F0 firstTable StateChange = table:7E444818 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E444368 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E444390 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209810 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 13 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} 14 = table:4D9055A8 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_loreReaderInventory sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_loreReaderLoreLibrary = table:7E4443B8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E444908 firstTable StateChange = table:7E444930 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E4443E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E444408 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:4D9055A8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} firstTable 16 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_loreReaderLoreLibrary sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_market = table:6A09A7E8 (meta 7E6C9EB0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:6A09A810 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77A3E180 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209AE0 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 13 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 15 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:91A245C0 (meta 78D9A208} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_market sceneGroup = table:7D91B390 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_bundle_contents = table:80282F60 (meta 7E6C9EB0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:80282F88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:42269118 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209AE0 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 13 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 15 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:91A245C0 (meta 78D9A208} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_market_bundle_contents sceneGroup = table:7D91B390 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_locked = table:42269140 (meta 7E6C9EB0} firstTable firstMeta dirtyEvents = table:42269168 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4DF0E3F0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209AE0 (meta 8F209390} firstTable 12 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 13 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 15 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:91A245C0 (meta 78D9A208} firstTable 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_market_locked sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_pre_scene = table:80282BA8 (meta 7E6C9EB0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:80282C20 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:6A09A798 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_market_pre_scene sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_preview = table:77A3E1A8 (meta 7E6C9EB0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77A3E1D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:80282F38 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209AE0 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 13 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 15 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:91A245C0 (meta 78D9A208} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_market_preview sceneGroup = table:7D91B390 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_market_purchase = table:4DF0E418 (meta 7E6C9EB0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:4DF0E440 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7D91B368 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 13 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 15 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:91A245C0 (meta 78D9A208} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_market_purchase sceneGroup = table:7D91B390 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden gamepad_notifications_root = table:7DCCD7C8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:91AAEC20 firstTable StateChange = table:91AAEC48 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7DCCD6B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7DCCCD88 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:7DE3AE10 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 18 = table:42255400 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_notifications_root sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_options_panel = table:6F055230 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:6F055320 firstTable StateChange = table:6F055348 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:6F0552A8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:6F0552D0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:8F20A118 (meta 8F209D88} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 18 = table:7D953478 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 19 = table:80284CD0 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:7DB5F2F0 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 21 = table:78D82B58 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_options_panel sceneGroup = table:7F4EEAC0 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 callbackRegistry = table:6F054890 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7F4EEB38 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:6F054928 firstTable state = scene_group_hidden sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_options_root = table:4EDC72F0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:4EDC7340 firstTable StateChange = table:4EDC71E8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:4EDC71C0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:6F056790 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:8F20A118 (meta 8F209D88} 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 18 = table:7D953478 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:80284CD0 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:7DB5F2F0 (meta 7B9A92C8} 21 = table:78D82B58 (meta 8533B968} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_options_root sceneGroup = table:7F4EEAC0 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_player_emote = table:7E44EAF8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:8BC464E8 firstTable StateChange = table:8D384130 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:8BFB6EE0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4CC66D10 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:7E926340 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:80284CD0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_player_emote sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_provisioner_options = table:7B33FFE0 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7B340110 firstTable StateChange = table:7B340138 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7B340058 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7B340080 firstTable 1 = table:7B33FBC8 (meta 78D8C658} 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:7E93A308 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:4CC438A8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 17 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 18 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:7B33FF28 firstTable End() = function:7B33FF50 interactTypes = table:7B33FFA0 firstTable type = Provisioner Station name = gamepad_provisioner_options sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_provisioner_root = table:7B33FD80 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7B33FE60 firstTable StateChange = table:7B33FE88 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7B33FDA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7B33FDD0 firstTable 1 = table:7B33FBC8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:7E93A308 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:7E93AED8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:91A24688 (meta 91A24610} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:7B33FCC8 firstTable End() = function:7B33FCF0 interactTypes = table:7B33FD40 firstTable type = Provisioner Station name = gamepad_provisioner_root sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_quest_journal = table:784012B0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:91CE9688 firstTable StateChange = table:91CE96B0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:783334D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:82E36DC8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:8D380118 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:80281010 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_quest_journal sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_quest_journal_options = table:796CEAC8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:91CE8A70 firstTable StateChange = table:91CE8A98 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:91CEB330 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:91CE8A48 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:8D380118 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:784045B8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 17 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 18 = table:802724F0 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:802735A8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 21 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_quest_journal_options sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_quickslot = table:7BE85368 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7BE85408 firstTable StateChange = table:7BE85430 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7BE85390 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7BE853B8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:80BA1FD0 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_quickslot sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_skills_line_filter = table:7E4B3DC0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E4B3E80 firstTable StateChange = table:7E4B3EA8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E4B3DE8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E4B3E10 firstTable 1 = table:7E4B3B40 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 15 = table:3EACACA8 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 16 = table:8F209F88 (meta 8F209D88} firstTable 17 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 18 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} name = gamepad_skills_line_filter sceneGroup = table:7E4B4198 (meta 398C2970} firstTable activeScene = 1 callbackRegistry = table:7E4B43B0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E4B4210 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 scenes = table:7E4B4320 firstTable state = scene_group_hidden sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_skills_root = table:7E4B3C40 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E4B3D10 firstTable StateChange = table:7E4B3D38 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E4B3C68 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E4B3C90 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:3EACACA8 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:8F209F88 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_skills_root sceneGroup = table:7E4B4198 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_creation = table:7F39D758 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7F39E488 firstTable StateChange = table:7F39EB78 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7F39D898 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7F39DA18 firstTable 1 = table:3EAE4850 (meta 78D8C658} 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:6F05FDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:6F03CC60 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:70D82A10 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 19 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:91A24688 (meta 91A24610} 21 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:7F39D038 firstTable End() = function:7F39D230 interactTypes = table:7F39D560 firstTable type = Smithing Station name = gamepad_smithing_creation sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_creation_options = table:7F39AFE0 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7F39B890 firstTable StateChange = table:7F39BB40 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7F39B2D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7F39B420 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:6F05FDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} 14 = table:4226DDC8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:7F39AB18 firstTable End() = function:7F39ACA0 interactTypes = table:7F39AF38 firstTable type = Smithing Station name = gamepad_smithing_creation_options sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_deconstruct = table:78E5FD30 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:78E70588 firstTable StateChange = table:78E70678 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78E60710 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78E62130 firstTable 1 = table:3EAE4850 (meta 78D8C658} 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:6F05FDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:6F05CBF8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:6F05BD00 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 19 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:91A24688 (meta 91A24610} 21 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:7F3A0548 firstTable End() = function:7F3A1AC0 interactTypes = table:7F39FD18 firstTable type = Smithing Station name = gamepad_smithing_deconstruct sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_improvement = table:78E717F0 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:78E74BA8 firstTable StateChange = table:78E74C70 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78E71A30 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78E74108 firstTable 1 = table:3EAE4850 (meta 78D8C658} 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:6F05FDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:4DF17BF8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:7B3206F8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 19 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:91A24688 (meta 91A24610} 21 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:78E708E8 firstTable End() = function:78E70A20 interactTypes = table:78E71350 firstTable type = Smithing Station name = gamepad_smithing_improvement sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_refine = table:3EADC318 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7F39C890 firstTable StateChange = table:7F39CA50 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:3EAF4608 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78C829D8 firstTable 1 = table:3EAE4850 (meta 78D8C658} 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:6F05FDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:6F05F160 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:6F05DF60 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 19 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:91A24688 (meta 91A24610} 21 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:3EAE72C0 firstTable End() = function:3EAF4168 interactTypes = table:3EAF61F0 firstTable type = Smithing Station name = gamepad_smithing_refine sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_research = table:78E78F80 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:78E79810 firstTable StateChange = table:78E799B0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78E79158 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78E79348 firstTable 1 = table:3EAE4850 (meta 78D8C658} 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:6F05FDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} 15 = table:72538758 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 18 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:78E760F8 firstTable End() = function:78E78A50 interactTypes = table:78E78C60 firstTable type = Smithing Station name = gamepad_smithing_research sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_research_confirm = table:7253E438 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E44E4E0 firstTable StateChange = table:4DF05C70 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:4DF0A0B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4DF05DE8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:6F05FDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} 14 = table:802A79E8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:7253DE20 firstTable End() = function:7253DEA0 interactTypes = table:7253E210 firstTable type = Smithing Station name = gamepad_smithing_research_confirm sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_smithing_root = table:3EAE5900 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:3EAE5E48 firstTable StateChange = table:3EAE5F90 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:3EAE5A78 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:3EAE5BF8 firstTable 1 = table:3EAE4850 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} firstTable firstMeta 12 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} firstTable 13 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} firstTable 14 = table:6F05FDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable firstMeta 15 = table:7D93A280 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} firstTable firstMeta 18 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} firstTable firstMeta 19 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} firstTable firstMeta 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} firstTable 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} firstTable 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} firstTable firstMeta 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} interactionInfo = table:3EAE5420 firstTable End() = function:3EAE5588 interactTypes = table:3EAE57E8 firstTable type = Smithing Station name = gamepad_smithing_root sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_stats_root = table:91A200F0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:91A201B8 firstTable StateChange = table:91A201E0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:91A20118 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:91A20140 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} firstTable 12 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} firstTable 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 15 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 16 = table:8F206C70 (meta 78D9A440} firstTable firstMeta 17 = table:78C734C0 (meta 71F1B3A8} firstTable firstMeta 18 = table:7E925620 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 19 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:802724F0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 21 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 22 = table:80525B68 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 23 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_stats_root sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_store = table:8ED4E050 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:8ED4E140 firstTable StateChange = table:8ED5F7F0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:8ED4E078 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:8ED5F778 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:80BB9F50 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:8F20AFB8 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:8BFAB460 firstTable interactTypes = table:8BFAB4D8 firstTable type = Store name = gamepad_store sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_trading_house = table:77A42220 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:804F2218 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:804F2450 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 15 = table:91A220F0 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:79299218 name = gamepad_trading_house sceneGroup = table:6A0AEBB8 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_trading_house_create_listing = table:4228F220 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:77A3E8A0 firstTable StateChange = table:77A3E8C8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77A3EA88 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:6A080310 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 15 = table:8535B180 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 16 = table:3EB02D90 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:79299218 firstTable End() = function:79299240 interactTypes = table:79299268 firstTable type = TradingHouse name = gamepad_trading_house_create_listing sceneGroup = table:6A0AEBB8 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gamepad_worldMap = table:4CE40390 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:71C41CB8 firstTable StateChange = table:71C41CE0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7B8CF0B0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:71C41C90 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} 12 = table:7B8CEFC0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 13 = table:4EDE90B8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 14 = table:8F20A028 (meta 8F209D88} firstTable 15 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_worldMap sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden gammaAdjust = table:77B06648 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77B06670 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77B067C0 firstTable 1 = table:7DB62758 (meta 809C4898} firstTable firstMeta name = gammaAdjust sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden groupList = table:709E7050 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:709E79F8 firstTable StateChange = table:709E7A20 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:709E7980 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:709E79A8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:919ED3C8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:77A63EA0 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4EDC8838 (meta 8F20A3E0} 19 = table:4EDC78D8 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:4EDC6FC8 (meta 78D8C658} 21 = table:6F056CB8 (meta 78D8C658} 22 = table:6F0562B0 (meta 78D8C658} 23 = table:8F20B7D0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 24 = table:8BC46FF0 (meta 8F20A5B8} 25 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 26 = table:71F15D48 (meta 78D8C658} 27 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 28 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 29 = table:6A09A860 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = groupList sceneGroup = table:8028DE90 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden groupingToolsGamepad = table:7212D6A0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:70925B38 firstTable StateChange = table:70925B60 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:70925AE8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4D88E8B0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 15 = table:8E9DDEB8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:7E449988 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:7DE37E20 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 18 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 19 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = groupingToolsGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden groupingToolsKeyboard = table:709E0E78 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:709E0AA8 firstTable StateChange = table:709E0AD0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:709E0EF0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:709E09E8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} firstTable firstMeta 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} firstTable firstMeta 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} firstTable firstMeta 14 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:77B25690 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:77A63EA0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 18 = table:4EDC8838 (meta 8F20A3E0} firstTable firstMeta 19 = table:4EDC78D8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} firstTable firstMeta 20 = table:4EDC6FC8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 21 = table:6F056CB8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 22 = table:6F0562B0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 23 = table:6F02F9E0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable firstMeta 24 = table:8BC46FF0 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable firstMeta 25 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} firstTable firstMeta 26 = table:71F15D48 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 27 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 28 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 29 = table:6A09A860 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} firstTable 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} firstTable firstMeta 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} firstTable firstMeta 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} firstTable firstMeta 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} firstTable firstMeta 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} firstTable firstMeta name = groupingToolsKeyboard sceneGroup = table:8028DE90 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden guildBank = table:7B263058 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7B263178 firstTable StateChange = table:7B2631A0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7B2630D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7B2630F8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:720C7410 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:7EBF8150 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} 9 = table:4D900A30 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable interactionInfo = table:2A9EC9A0 firstTable interactTypes = table:2A9ECA18 firstTable type = GuildBanking name = guildBank sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden guildCreate = table:77A54D20 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:77A54DC0 firstTable StateChange = table:77A54DE8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77A54D48 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77A54D70 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:6F063D38 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 16 = table:6F054E00 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:4CC42038 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 18 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 19 = table:720CC0A0 (meta 78D9A208} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:8E9D73F0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 21 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 22 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = guildCreate sceneGroup = table:6F0341F8 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden guildHeraldry = table:6A080578 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:6A080648 firstTable StateChange = table:6A080670 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:6A0805A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:6A0805C8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:6F054E00 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:6F0621D8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:77A63EA0 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:6F063568 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:4CC42038 (meta 8F20A5B8} 21 = table:7839BF08 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 22 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 23 = table:720CC0A0 (meta 78D9A208} 24 = table:8E9D73F0 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 27 = table:80BB6028 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = guildHeraldry sceneGroup = table:6F0341F8 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden guildHistory = table:77A50048 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:77A50210 firstTable StateChange = table:77A50238 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77A50070 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77A501C0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:6F054E00 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:6F0644C0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 18 = table:77A63EA0 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:6F063568 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:4CC42038 (meta 8F20A5B8} 21 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 22 = table:720CC0A0 (meta 78D9A208} 23 = table:8E9D73F0 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:80BB6028 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = guildHistory sceneGroup = table:6F0341F8 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden guildHome = table:77A39600 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:77A396F0 firstTable StateChange = table:77A39718 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77A39678 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77A396A0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:6F054E00 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:6F054768 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:77A63EA0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:6F063568 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:4CC42038 (meta 8F20A5B8} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 21 = table:7839D8B0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 22 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 23 = table:720CC0A0 (meta 78D9A208} 24 = table:8E9D73F0 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 27 = table:80BB6028 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = guildHome sceneGroup = table:6F0341F8 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden guildKioskBidGamepad = table:91A0F938 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7BE9D3F0 firstTable StateChange = table:7BE9C580 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:91A186B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:91A18800 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:7E4A8160 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 18 = table:7E449988 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:80B98E30 firstTable interactTypes = table:80B965C8 firstTable type = Bid On Kiosk name = guildKioskBidGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden guildKioskPurchaseGamepad = table:7252F740 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:70D3B0C0 firstTable StateChange = table:70D39FB0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:70D49D40 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:70D49D90 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:8051CBA8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:80B9C5F8 firstTable interactTypes = table:8051B5E0 firstTable type = Purchase Kiosk name = guildKioskPurchaseGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden guildRanks = table:42284B20 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:42284C18 firstTable StateChange = table:42284C40 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:42284B98 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:42284BC0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:6F054E00 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:6F0671C8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:77A63EA0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:6F063568 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:4CC42038 (meta 8F20A5B8} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 21 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 22 = table:720CC0A0 (meta 78D9A208} 23 = table:8E9D73F0 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:80BB6028 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = guildRanks sceneGroup = table:6F0341F8 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden guildRoster = table:77A533A0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:77A53440 firstTable StateChange = table:77A53468 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77A533C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77A533F0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:6F054E00 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:6F053830 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:77A63EA0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:6F063568 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:4CC42038 (meta 8F20A5B8} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:42269190 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 21 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 22 = table:720CC0A0 (meta 78D9A208} 23 = table:8E9D73F0 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:80BB6028 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = guildRoster sceneGroup = table:6F0341F8 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden helpCustomerServiceGamepad = table:2B146E80 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7251A088 firstTable StateChange = table:7251AC20 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:2B147068 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:2B147BD8 firstTable 1 = table:72521D20 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} name = helpCustomerServiceGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden helpCustomerSupport = table:7E493950 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E493B98 firstTable StateChange = table:7E493BC0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E49C3B8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E493B20 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4EDEBF30 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4DF262F0 (meta 8F20A3E0} firstTable 19 = table:7E42CD20 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:783A1028 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 21 = table:8E9E2110 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 22 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 23 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4EDCF458 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = helpCustomerSupport sceneGroup = table:4EDEA228 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden helpLegalDocsGamepad = table:8F5D8180 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7EB85C10 firstTable StateChange = table:70C512E8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:8BC507D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:8BC50D38 firstTable 1 = table:9422A858 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} name = helpLegalDocsGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden helpRootGamepad = table:72532F30 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:72533188 firstTable StateChange = table:725331B0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:72532FA8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:72532FD0 firstTable 1 = table:725344E0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} name = helpRootGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden helpTutorials = table:7839E800 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7839E828 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7DE2E288 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4EDED160 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:4DF262F0 (meta 8F20A3E0} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:7E42CD20 (meta 8F20A5B8} 21 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 22 = table:7DE2E2B0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 23 = table:8E9E2110 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:4EDCF458 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = helpTutorials sceneGroup = table:4EDEA228 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden helpTutorialsCategoriesGamepad = table:77B003E0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:77B18EF8 firstTable StateChange = table:77B19048 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77B0E8A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77B17708 firstTable 1 = table:77FF33E8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} name = helpTutorialsCategoriesGamepad sceneGroup = table:6F053A68 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden helpTutorialsEntriesGamepad = table:4CC4CF28 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:4CC58178 firstTable StateChange = table:4CC5AA80 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:8535FD28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4CC4BF98 firstTable 1 = table:91E21A30 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 11 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 12 = table:8F209C48 (meta 8F209390} 13 = table:8F209CE8 (meta 8F209540} 14 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:802724F0 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 18 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 7 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 8 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 9 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} name = helpTutorialsEntriesGamepad sceneGroup = table:6F053A68 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden hud = table:7DE45440 (meta 7DE45350} hudui = table:7DE3D5D8 (meta 93C867A0} ignoreList = table:2B1318F8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:2B1319E8 firstTable StateChange = table:2B131A10 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:2B131970 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:2B131998 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:77A63EA0 (meta 78D8C658} 16 = table:4EDCAF18 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4EDCA610 (meta 8F20A3E0} 19 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:8BC46FA0 (meta 8F20A5B8} 21 = table:4EDC9E28 (meta 78D8C658} 22 = table:4DF0E468 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 23 = table:782C9B88 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:80B97238 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = ignoreList sceneGroup = table:7F041470 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden interact = table:94229600 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:94229678 firstTable StateChange = table:942296A0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:94229628 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:94229650 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 2 = table:4D8F3ED8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 3 = table:3EB00DE8 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 4 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 5 = table:422691E0 (meta 78D9A208} firstTable interactionInfo = table:94229538 firstTable End() = function:942295B0 interactTypes = table:94229560 firstTable type = Interact name = interact sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden inventory = table:853591E8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable allowEvaluateTransitionComplete = true callbackRegistry = table:853592B8 firstTable StateChange = table:853592E0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:85359210 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:85359238 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:4D927148 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:4D922170 (meta 8F20AC78} firstTable 17 = table:4D9225D0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 18 = table:77931738 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 19 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:7DE0AAB8 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 21 = table:709E3D88 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 22 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 23 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F209810 (meta 8F209390} firstTable 9 = table:8F2098B0 (meta 8F209540} firstTable name = inventory sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden wasShownInGamepadPreferredMode = false leaderboards = table:6F066170 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:6F066940 firstTable StateChange = table:6F066968 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:6F066690 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:6F0668C8 firstTable 1 = table:4EDF11C0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} 11 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 12 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 13 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 14 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 15 = table:4D906730 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 17 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:4CC59488 (meta 8F20A3E0} 21 = table:70B9CB60 (meta 8F20A5B8} 22 = table:783A8368 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 23 = table:6A1F11C0 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:4D901910 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 4 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 5 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 6 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 7 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 8 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 9 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} name = leaderboards sceneGroup = table:4D9062A0 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden lockpick = table:91D5FD90 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:91D5FE58 firstTable StateChange = table:91D5FE80 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:91D5FE08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:91D5FE30 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 11 = table:7B26DDC0 (meta 8F20A768} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:4D923EE8 (meta 78D8C658} 9 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} interactionInfo = table:91D61EE8 name = lockpick sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden lockpick_gamepad = table:91D5FF08 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:91D514E8 firstTable StateChange = table:91D51510 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:91D5FF80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:91D514C0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:4D923EE8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 12 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} firstTable firstMeta 13 = table:7B26DDC0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} interactionInfo = table:91D61EE8 firstTable interactTypes = table:91D61F10 firstTable type = Lockpick name = lockpick_gamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden loot = table:7EB8AE98 (meta 8F5DF8A8} firstTable firstMeta callbackRegistry = table:7EB8B4E0 firstTable StateChange = table:7EB8B508 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7EB8B258 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7EB8B490 firstTable 1 = table:70B96E00 (meta 7BA300C8} 10 = table:7DE001D8 (meta 7BA300C8} 11 = table:82E3A498 (meta 7BA300C8} 12 = table:796D53A8 (meta 7BA300C8} 13 = table:77922908 (meta 7BA300C8} 14 = table:7DE1D7A0 (meta 7DE1D6B0} 15 = table:4CC69898 (meta 7BA300C8} 16 = table:420C81E0 (meta 7BA300C8} 17 = table:71D22880 (meta 7BA300C8} 18 = table:783A06F8 (meta 7BA300C8} 19 = table:8F201668 (meta 7DB3F888} 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:8F1F9840 (meta 7BA300C8} 21 = table:70B98FF0 (meta 7BA300C8} 22 = table:8F20A168 (meta 8F209D88} firstTable 3 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 7 = table:7EB8AC98 (meta 7EB88820} firstTable firstMeta 8 = table:80B43DA0 (meta 7BA300C8} 9 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} name = loot sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden lootGamepad = table:4207ED70 (meta 8F5DF8A8} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:4207EE38 firstTable StateChange = table:4207EE60 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:4207EDE8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4207EE10 firstTable 1 = table:70B98FF0 (meta 7BA300C8} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:7E93BB20 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 2 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = lootGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden lootInventoryGamepad = table:42083E50 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:42083F18 firstTable StateChange = table:42083F40 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:42083EC8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:42083EF0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:7E93BF50 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 12 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 13 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = lootInventoryGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden loreLibrary = table:7E43D050 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E43D290 firstTable StateChange = table:7E43D2B8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E43D0C8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E43D218 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D905E10 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:4CC59488 (meta 8F20A3E0} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:70B9CB60 (meta 8F20A5B8} 21 = table:78399D88 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 22 = table:6A1F11C0 (meta 78D8C658} 23 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D901910 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = loreLibrary sceneGroup = table:4D9062A0 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden loreLibraryGamepad = table:77FCD238 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:77FCD300 firstTable StateChange = table:77FCD328 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77FCD260 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77FCD288 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:70D3F948 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = loreLibraryGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden loreReaderInteraction = table:7E4442C8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E4446D8 firstTable StateChange = table:7E444700 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E4442F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E444318 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:4D9055A8 (meta 78D8C658} 9 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} name = loreReaderInteraction sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden loreReaderInventory = table:7E443FA8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E4444F8 firstTable StateChange = table:7E444520 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E444200 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E444228 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} 11 = table:4D9055A8 (meta 78D8C658} 12 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 13 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F209810 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} name = loreReaderInventory sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden loreReaderLoreLibrary = table:7E444250 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7E4445C0 firstTable StateChange = table:7E4445E8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7E444278 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7E4442A0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9055A8 (meta 78D8C658} 12 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 13 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = loreReaderLoreLibrary sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden mailInbox = table:4DF1D040 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:4DF1D110 firstTable StateChange = table:4DF1D138 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:4DF1D068 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4DF1D090 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:4D924370 (meta 8F20A3E0} 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D924B60 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 18 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 19 = table:4CC41FE8 (meta 8F20A5B8} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:792BE168 (meta 792BE000} 21 = table:78398988 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 22 = table:8E9D8CF8 (meta 78D8C658} 23 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4EDCBE20 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = mailInbox sceneGroup = table:4EDCD468 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden mailManagerGamepad = table:70D9AD58 (meta 7E6C9EB0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:70D9B048 firstTable StateChange = table:70D9B070 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:70D9ADD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:70D9ADF8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:3EACE1F0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 16 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 17 = table:80284CD0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 19 = table:792BE168 (meta 792BE000} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:7EBF81A0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 21 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = mailManagerGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden mailSend = table:7B28D788 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7B28D8D0 firstTable StateChange = table:7B28D8F8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7B28D800 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7B28D828 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:4D924370 (meta 8F20A3E0} firstTable 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D9247F8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 18 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 19 = table:4CC41FE8 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:2AA02408 (meta 78D8C658} 21 = table:7EB836B8 (meta 7EB830C8} firstTable 22 = table:792BE168 (meta 792BE000} firstTable firstMeta 23 = table:78395DA0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 24 = table:8E9D8CF8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 25 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 26 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 27 = table:4EDCBE20 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = mailSend sceneGroup = table:4EDCD468 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden mainMenuGamepad = table:91AAE990 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:91AAEFD8 firstTable StateChange = table:91AAF000 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:91AAEA08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:91AAEB58 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 15 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 16 = table:8F206C70 (meta 78D9A440} 17 = table:78C734C0 (meta 71F1B3A8} 18 = table:7E494550 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable 19 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 21 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = mainMenuGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden market = table:7F03B788 (meta 7E6C9EB0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:8029C130 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77B06830 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 11 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 12 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 13 = table:8F20B498 (meta 8F20B2E8} firstTable firstMeta 14 = table:8F20C188 (meta 4D92B2F0} firstTable firstMeta 15 = table:77FD71D8 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 16 = table:91A245C0 (meta 78D9A208} 17 = table:4D8B0E70 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 18 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 4 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 5 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 6 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 7 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 8 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 9 = table:8F20C420 (meta 8F20C270} firstTable firstMeta name = market sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden marketAnnouncement = table:77B06858 (meta 7E6C9EB0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:93C8AEC0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7EBF80A8 firstTable name = marketAnnouncement sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden notifications = table:77EAE0D0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:77EAE170 firstTable StateChange = table:77EAE198 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77EAE0F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77EAE120 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:4EDCE0A0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4EDCD8A8 (meta 8F20A3E0} firstTable 18 = table:783A1C98 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 19 = table:7E42CFE8 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:8F20A078 (meta 8F209D88} 21 = table:8E9E1530 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 22 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 23 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = notifications sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden playerSubmenu = table:91AAECA8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:71B5FC00 firstTable StateChange = table:71B5FC28 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:91AAECD0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:91AAEE20 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 15 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 16 = table:8F206C70 (meta 78D9A440} 17 = table:78C734C0 (meta 71F1B3A8} 18 = table:7E494550 (meta 7B9A92C8} 19 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 20 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 21 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = playerSubmenu sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden provisioner = table:7B331798 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7B3318B0 firstTable StateChange = table:7B3318D8 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7B331810 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7B331838 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} 11 = table:8F20A348 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 12 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:3EADB060 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 9 = table:77FDE468 (meta 78D8C658} interactionInfo = table:7B3316E0 firstTable End() = function:7B331708 interactTypes = table:7B331758 firstTable type = Provisioner Station name = provisioner sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden questJournal = table:783FB3D0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:783FB4E8 firstTable StateChange = table:783FB510 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:783FB448 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:783FB470 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:78C57D98 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:8F209FD8 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 19 = table:4CC59488 (meta 8F20A3E0} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:70B9CB60 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 21 = table:6F0321F0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 22 = table:6A1F11C0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 23 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 24 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D901910 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = questJournal sceneGroup = table:4D9062A0 (meta 398C2970} sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden repairGamepad = table:78E6B1C0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:78E6B3C8 firstTable StateChange = table:78E6B3F0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78E6B238 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:78E6B260 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:7E941618 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = repairGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden screenAdjust = table:8F1F3A58 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:8F1F3B60 firstTable StateChange = table:8F1F3B88 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:8F1F3A80 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:8F1F3AA8 firstTable 1 = table:8F1F38B8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 10 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 11 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 12 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 13 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:8F1F3A08 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 6 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 7 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 8 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 9 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} name = screenAdjust sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden screenAdjustIntro = table:8F1F5208 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:8F1F5310 firstTable StateChange = table:8F1F5338 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:8F1F5230 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:8F1F5258 firstTable 1 = table:8F1F50B8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 2 = table:8F1F3A08 (meta 78D9A208} firstTable name = screenAdjustIntro sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden show_market = table:91D49CC0 (meta 7E6C9EB0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:70D4A160 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:720C7FD0 firstTable 1 = table:8F20C6A8 (meta 4D92AF58} firstTable firstMeta name = show_market sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} sendStateChanges = true state = hidden siegeBar = table:70C3E218 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:70C3DC98 firstTable StateChange = table:70C3E268 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:70C3E240 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:70C3DC20 firstTable 1 = table:720CC050 (meta 78D9A208} firstTable 2 = table:70C46268 (meta 70C460B0} firstTable firstMeta 3 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 4 = table:420C81E0 (meta 7BA300C8} 5 = table:71D22880 (meta 7BA300C8} 6 = table:7DE001D8 (meta 7BA300C8} name = siegeBar sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden siegeBarUI = table:70C4CC88 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:70C3D710 firstTable StateChange = table:70C3D738 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:70C40758 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:70C3D6C0 firstTable 1 = table:70C46268 (meta 70C460B0} 2 = table:720CC050 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 4 = table:420C81E0 (meta 7BA300C8} 5 = table:71D22880 (meta 7BA300C8} 6 = table:7DE001D8 (meta 7BA300C8} name = siegeBarUI sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden skills = table:93C8ACE8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:93C8AD10 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:93C8AD38 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} 16 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 17 = table:4D9229A0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 18 = table:4D92ABD8 (meta 8F20A208} firstTable firstMeta 19 = table:8F209F88 (meta 8F209D88} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:7DE3B438 (meta 8F20A3E0} firstTable 21 = table:420BCDF8 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 22 = table:7DE3D588 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 23 = table:42B746F0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 24 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 25 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F2096A8 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F209748 (meta 8F209540} name = skills sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden smithing = table:919F03A0 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:919F04B8 firstTable StateChange = table:919F04E0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:919F0418 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:919F0440 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 11 = table:802A2AC0 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 12 = table:4D9273E8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 13 = table:80B4EF00 (meta 8F20AC78} firstTable firstMeta 14 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:6F0604F8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 9 = table:77FDE468 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable interactionInfo = table:919F02E8 firstTable End() = function:919F0310 interactTypes = table:919F0360 firstTable type = Smithing Station name = smithing sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden soulGemItemChargerGamepad = table:77FD08F8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:77FD0A10 firstTable StateChange = table:77FD0A38 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:77FD0970 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:77FD07E0 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209978 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F209A18 (meta 8F209540} 13 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 14 = table:805020E8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable 15 = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} 16 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 17 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = soulGemItemChargerGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden stables = table:7EC16560 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7EC15838 firstTable StateChange = table:7EC15860 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:4207B228 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7EC157E8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 11 = table:720C7460 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} 9 = table:7E42CDF0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable interactionInfo = table:7EC16410 firstTable End() = function:7EC164D0 interactTypes = table:7EC16520 firstTable type = Stable name = stables sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden stats = table:8F20B7A8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7F049A68 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:8F20C200 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:8F201640 (meta 7DB374B8} 13 = table:8F206F08 (meta 71F1B2B8} 14 = table:4D927FA0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 15 = table:7DE3B680 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:8F209F88 (meta 8F209D88} 17 = table:420BCDA8 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 18 = table:709E3D30 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 19 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 20 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F209810 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F2098B0 (meta 8F209540} name = stats sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden store = table:71D15268 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:80C7FE30 firstTable StateChange = table:4CC925E0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:71D15020 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:71D0FD28 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:720C7460 (meta 8F20A5B8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 12 = table:783947A8 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 13 = table:7EB838E8 (meta 7EB830C8} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:4D928830 (meta 78D8C658} 9 = table:4EDE85D8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable interactionInfo = table:8BFAB460 name = store sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden trade = table:7EC0AD90 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:7EC0B0B8 firstTable StateChange = table:7EC0B0E0 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7EC0AE08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7EC0B040 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 11 = table:85350E18 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 12 = table:2AA02408 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 13 = table:7EB837D0 (meta 7EB830C8} firstTable firstMeta 14 = table:3EB00D98 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 15 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 16 = table:8F20AFE0 (meta 8F20A768} firstTable 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:4D925C88 (meta 78D8C658} 9 = table:4EDCC6A0 (meta 8F20A3E0} firstTable name = trade sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden tradinghouse = table:802A13C0 (meta 7DB3BD48} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:802A13E8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:802A10F8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:7D939A78 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 11 = table:7EB835F0 (meta 7EB830C8} firstTable 12 = table:3EB02D90 (meta 8F20A5B8} 13 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:4D928330 (meta 78D8C658} 9 = table:4D9266B0 (meta 78D8C658} interactionInfo = table:79299218 name = tradinghouse sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden treasureMapInventory = table:7D922BA0 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7D922C18 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7D922C40 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} 11 = table:4D902F70 (meta 78D8C658} 12 = table:3EB02D40 (meta 8F20A5B8} 13 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 14 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F209810 (meta 8F209390} 9 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} name = treasureMapInventory sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden treasureMapInventoryGamepad = table:7EC0B3B8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:3EAD8900 firstTable StateChange = table:3EAD8928 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:7EC0B1F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:3EAD88D8 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:8F209810 (meta 8F209390} 12 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 13 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} 14 = table:4D902F70 (meta 78D8C658} 15 = table:3EB02D40 (meta 8F20A5B8} 16 = table:8F209F38 (meta 8F209D88} 17 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = treasureMapInventoryGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden treasureMapQuickSlot = table:7D922C90 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable dirtyEvents = table:6A0B3228 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:7EC0B368 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} 11 = table:4D9214F0 (meta 7DB37240} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:4D902F70 (meta 78D8C658} 9 = table:3EB02D40 (meta 8F20A5B8} name = treasureMapQuickSlot sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden treasureMapQuickSlotGamepad = table:3EAD89C8 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:3EAD8740 firstTable StateChange = table:3EAD8768 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:78E66AE8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:3EAD8718 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 11 = table:4D902F70 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 12 = table:3EB02D40 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 13 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} 14 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 5 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 6 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 7 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = treasureMapQuickSlotGamepad sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden worldMap = table:42B44758 (meta 3987DBF0} firstTable callbackRegistry = table:4CE415C8 firstTable StateChange = table:71C2B180 firstTable dirtyEvents = table:71C2B1D0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 fragments = table:4CE41570 firstTable 1 = table:77B255C8 (meta 78D9A208} 10 = table:4EDEB7C8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 11 = table:4CB87AF0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 12 = table:4EDEA638 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 13 = table:8F20A028 (meta 8F209D88} 14 = table:70B9CBB0 (meta 8F20A5B8} firstTable 15 = table:7DF18100 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 16 = table:8E9E5028 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable 17 = table:4E0353A0 (meta 78D8C658} 18 = table:4D926140 (meta 78D8C658} 2 = table:8F20B9F0 (meta 8F20B840} 3 = table:8F20CA08 (meta 78D8C658} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20C968 (meta 8F20A918} 6 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 7 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} 8 = table:8F209080 (meta 8F208EC8} 9 = table:7B8CEFC0 (meta 78D8C658} name = worldMap sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden topLevelWindows = table:70925E58 firstTable state = hidden 10 = table:8F20B200 (meta 8F20B050} 11 = table:7F057DD8 (meta 7B9A92C8} 12 = table:8F20BF00 (meta 4D92B6A8} 13 = table:4D9293A8 (meta 78D8C658} 14 = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} 15 = table:8F20A1B8 (meta 8F209D88} 16 = table:8F2092A8 (meta 8F2090F8} 2 = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} 3 = table:802AF8C0 (meta 78D9A208} 4 = table:7D949028 (meta 78D9A208} 5 = table:8F20B498 (meta 8F20B2E8} 6 = table:8F20B758 (meta 8F20B580} 7 = table:7B319D20 (meta 78D8C658} 8 = table:8F20C9B8 (meta 8F20AAC8} 9 = table:8F20AF68 (meta 8F20AD68} name = gamepad_championPerks_root sceneManager = table:70924AC0 (meta 70923560} state = hidden GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_BOOK = table:783235F0 (meta 783222D8} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = false categoryKeybindStripDescriptor = table:7978B010 firstTable 1 = table:7978B038 firstTable callback() = function:7978B060 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward visible() = function:7978B0B0 2 = table:7978B0D8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:398AE3A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 3 = table:7978B878 firstTable callback() = function:7978B938 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:7978B9B8 firstTable callback() = function:7978BA78 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 categoryList = table:7978B278 firstTable fragment = table:91707C10 (meta 8533B968} keybind = table:7978B010 list = table:91707FC8 (meta 4E015478} titleText = Collections collectionKeybindStripDescriptor = table:7978B250 collectionList = table:7978B228 firstTable fragment = table:42B62600 (meta 8533B968} headerText = Collections keybind = table:7978B250 firstTable 1 = table:7978B2A0 firstTable callback() = function:7978B418 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:7978B3F0 sound = Click visible() = function:7978B440 2 = table:7978B468 firstTable callback() = function:7978B528 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Actions visible() = function:7978B558 3 = table:7978B5A8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:7978B580 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:3988D2C0 4 = table:42B62E70 firstTable callback() = function:42B62F30 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 5 = table:42B62FB0 firstTable callback() = function:42B63070 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 list = table:7978C0F8 (meta 4E015478} control = userdata:80C6F1D0 (meta 78323918} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:78323AE0 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:78323B10 (meta 91707C80} owner = table:783235F0 (meta 783222D8} dirty = true header = userdata:78323B10 (meta 91707C80} headerData = table:42B63128 firstTable headerFragment = table:78322EE0 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:917064C0 control = userdata:78323AF8 (meta 78322D20} dirtyEvents = table:78322F08 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:78323140 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:783231B8 firstTable 1 = table:783231E0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:78323018 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:91706238 firstTable 1 = table:91706260 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:91706388 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden lists = table:91707CF8 firstTable Collection = table:7978C0F8 (meta 4E015478} Main = table:91707FC8 (meta 4E015478} firstTable _fragment = table:91707C10 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:917076A8 control = userdata:91707D70 (meta 91707F00} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:91707DC8 (meta 91708090} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:91708470 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:91707FC8 (meta 4E015478} dirtyEvents = table:79787668 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:91707C38 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:79787690 firstTable 1 = table:79787708 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:91707658 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:7978ABA0 firstTable 1 = table:7978AC18 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7978AC40 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:91707E68 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:91707AB0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:91707AD8 firstTable 1 = table:91707B00 firstTable 1() = function:91707A60 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:91707B88 firstTable 1 = table:91707BB0 firstTable 1() = function:91707B60 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:917080E0 firstTable control = userdata:91707DC8 (meta 91708090} dataIndexToControl = table:91708298 firstTable dataList = table:91708158 firstTable dataTypes = table:917080B8 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate = table:91706FD8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:91707000 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:91707028 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:91707050 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:91707DE0 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:91707480 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:917074A8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:91707A38 customFactoryBehavior() = function:91707990 customResetBehavior() = function:91707A10 m_Active = table:917074D0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:917074F8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:91707DE0 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:917082E8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:91708310 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:78323068 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:783230E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:91707DE0 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:79788408 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:79788430 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:91706F60 customFactoryBehavior() = function:78323108 customResetBehavior() = function:91706F38 m_Active = table:79788458 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:79788480 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadCollectionsMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:91707DE0 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:91708040 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:78323708 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:91707ED0 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:917081D0 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:91708220 firstTable prePadding = table:917081A8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:917081F8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:91707DE0 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:91708248 firstTable templateList = table:91708180 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:917082C0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:91708270 firstTable onStateChangedCallback() = function:78323990 scene = table:78323618 (meta 3987DBF0} updateCooldownMS = 0 GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_FRAGMENT = table:7E42F7F0 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_COLLECTIONS_BOOK_SCENE = table:78323618 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_COMBO_BOX_DROPDOWN = table:7798ED58 (meta 82282520} GAMEPAD_CONTACTS = table:2B136F00 (meta 2B135978} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:2B1321F0 (meta 397F1208} footerData = table:2B136F28 firstTable data1HeaderText = Friends Online: GAMEPAD_CONTACTS_FRAGMENT = table:2B137008 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_RESULTS = table:7EC01790 (meta 70D750A8} GAMEPAD_CRAFTING_RESULTS_FRAGMENT = table:7E4A5998 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_DEFAULT_POST_PADDING = 16 GAMEPAD_DIALOGS = table:7BA299B0 firstTable BASIC = 1 CENTERED = 5 COOLDOWN = 3 PARAMETRIC = 2 STATIC_LIST = 6 TRANSACTION = 4 GAMEPAD_DYEING_CONVEYOR_FRAGMENT = table:7EB867D8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:8D3813B8 control = userdata:8BC47A10 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:8BC46A78 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:8D3813F0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:8D381468 firstTable 1 = table:8D381490 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:8BC46B38 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:8D3812C8 firstTable 1 = table:8D381340 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:8D381368 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden GAMEPAD_DYEING_FRAGMENT = table:80BCF0D0 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_DYEING_RIGHT_RADIAL_FRAGMENT = table:84EFD810 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:84EFD598 animationReverseOnStop() = function:8ED44370 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:77B2B958 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:84EFD838 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_DYEING_RIGHT_SWATCHES_FRAGMENT = table:8ED443A0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:84EFD8D8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:84EFD930 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:8BC46880 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:84EFD8B0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_DYEING_SCENE = table:7EB87820 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_DYEING_SET_PRESET_CONVEYOR_FRAGMENT = table:8D392678 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:84EFD790 control = userdata:792AB850 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:8D3926A0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:8D3926C8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:8D392740 firstTable 1 = table:7EB86800 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7EB86828 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:8ED44708 firstTable 1 = table:8D392540 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:8D392568 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden GAMEPAD_EMOTES_FRAGMENT = table:7E926340 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING = table:78E71150 (meta 78E643B0} firstTable firstMeta activeSlot = -1 containerControl = userdata:78E6F6C8 (meta 3980C1B0} control = userdata:78E654F0 (meta 397F1208} creationCraftingBar = table:78E74B58 (meta 8D395178} firstTable control = userdata:78E6E348 (meta 397EAE80} dataList = table:78E74D80 firstTable 1 = table:78E74DF8 firstTable control = userdata:78E74EB8 (meta 78E75128} emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_slot.dds inventory = table:78E741E8 (meta 78E647E8} owner = table:78E71150 (meta 78E643B0} slot = table:78E75208 (meta 7F387668} slotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_slot.dds slotIconDrag = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_drag.dds slotIconNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_negative.dds soundPlaced = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Placed soundRemoved = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Removed type = 3 2 = table:78E752A8 firstTable control = userdata:78E74E30 (meta 78E75648} emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_slot.dds inventory = table:78E741E8 (meta 78E647E8} owner = table:78E71150 (meta 78E643B0} slot = table:78E75738 (meta 7F387668} slotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_slot.dds slotIconDrag = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_drag.dds slotIconNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_negative.dds soundPlaced = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Placed soundRemoved = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Removed type = 2 3 = table:78E757D8 firstTable control = userdata:78E758C8 (meta 78E75B88} emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_slot.dds inventory = table:78E741E8 (meta 78E647E8} owner = table:78E71150 (meta 78E643B0} slot = table:78E75710 (meta 7F387668} slotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_slot.dds slotIconDrag = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_drag.dds slotIconNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_negative.dds soundPlaced = Enchanting_AspectRune_Placed soundRemoved = Enchanting_AspectRune_Removed type = 1 dataTypes = table:78E74B80 firstTable ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneCraftingSlot = table:78E74BD0 firstTable pool = table:78E74C48 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:78E74DA8 firstTable 1 = userdata:78E74EB8 (meta 78E75128} 2 = userdata:78E74E30 (meta 78E75648} 3 = userdata:78E758C8 (meta 78E75B88} m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:78E74CE8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelRuneSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneCraftingSlot parent = userdata:78E6E3B0 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneCraftingSlot setupFunction() = function:78E64608 slotCenterControl = userdata:78E6E3B0 (meta 397EAE80} slotSpacing = 231 creationSlotAnimation = table:78E75D88 (meta 7F3879D8} firstTable firstMeta bursts = table:78E75F68 firstTable slots = table:78E75DB0 firstTable 1 = table:78E75208 (meta 7F387668} 2 = table:78E75738 (meta 7F387668} 3 = table:78E75710 (meta 7F387668} extractionCraftingBar = table:78E75FE0 (meta 8D395178} firstTable control = userdata:78E6E410 (meta 397EAE80} dataList = table:78E764B8 firstTable 1 = table:78E76508 firstTable control = userdata:78E765D0 (meta 78E76968} inventory = table:78E741E8 (meta 78E647E8} owner = table:78E71150 (meta 78E643B0} slot = table:78E76A48 (meta 78E64A40} dataTypes = table:78E76008 firstTable ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneExtractionSlot = table:78E76058 firstTable pool = table:78E760D0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:78E764E0 firstTable 1 = userdata:78E765D0 (meta 78E76968} m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:78E76170 firstTable m_NextControlId = 1 m_NextFree = 2 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerSlotCenterZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneExtractionSlot parent = userdata:78E6E478 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneExtractionSlot setupFunction() = function:78E64630 slotCenterControl = userdata:78E6E478 (meta 397EAE80} slotSpacing = 231 extractionSlot = table:78E76A48 (meta 78E64A40} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:78E765D0 (meta 78E76968} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:78E76920 (meta 3981BF40} key = 1 slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 templateName = ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneExtractionSlot craftingInventory = table:78E741E8 (meta 78E647E8} dropCallout = userdata:78E767D0 (meta 398062A0} emptyTexture = itemInstanceId = 713780008 nameLabel = userdata:78E76908 (meta 39801FE0} owner = table:78E71150 (meta 78E643B0} previousGlyph = 0 slotType = 25 extractionSlotContainer = userdata:78E6E410 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:78E6E530 (meta 78E78780} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:78E786E0 firstTable 1 = userdata:78E6E978 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:78E6F318 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:78E6F450 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:78E6F3E8 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:78E6F520 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:78E6F4B8 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:78E6F588 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:78E6E610 (meta 78E6E808} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:78E6E618 firstTable 1 = table:78E6E678 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:78E6E6F0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:78E6E768 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = false maxLines = 3 width = 390 4 = userdata:78E6E5A0 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:78E6EA50 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:78E6EC98 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:78E6F2B0 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:78E6F248 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:78E6F380 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 headerData = table:78E78910 firstTable data1HeaderText = Capacity data1Text() = function:78E788E8 titleText = Enchanting inventory = table:78E741E8 (meta 78E647E8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:78E6F930 (meta 78E6FC78} customDataSortFunction() = function:78E74B30 customExtraDataFunction() = function:78E74AE0 dirty = true filterType = -1 itemCounts = table:78E742B0 firstTable list = table:78E742D8 (meta 4E015478} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:78E6FA90 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:78E74470 firstTable control = userdata:78E6F930 (meta 78E6FC78} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:78E74400 (meta 3981BF40} noItemsLabel = userdata:78E6FAF8 (meta 39801FE0} owner = table:78E741E8 (meta 78E647E8} scrollList = table:78E742D8 (meta 4E015478} dataIndexToControl = table:78E74628 firstTable dataList = table:78E744E8 firstTable dataTypes = table:78E74448 firstTable ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryWithTwoSubLabelsTemplate = table:78E74678 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:78E746A0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:78E746C8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:78E746F0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelContainerInventoryScrollItem parent = userdata:78E6F990 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryWithTwoSubLabelsTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryWithTwoSubLabelsTemplateWithHeader = table:78E74790 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:78E747B8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:78E74980 customFactoryBehavior() = function:78E748D8 customResetBehavior() = function:78E74958 m_Active = table:78E747E0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:78E74858 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelContainerInventoryScrollItemWithHeader parent = userdata:78E6F990 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryWithTwoSubLabelsTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:78E74300 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:78E74420 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:78E6FAF8 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:78E74560 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:78E745B0 firstTable prePadding = table:78E74538 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:78E74588 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:78E6F990 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:78E745D8 firstTable templateList = table:78E74510 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:78E74650 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:78E74600 firstTable noRunesLabel = userdata:78E6FAF8 (meta 39801FE0} owner = table:78E71150 (meta 78E643B0} verticalScrollCraftEntryType = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryWithTwoSubLabels verticalScrollCraftEntryTypeTemplate = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryWithTwoSubLabelsTemplate verticalScrollCraftEntryTypeWithHeaderTemplate = ZO_GamepadSubMenuEntryWithTwoSubLabelsTemplateWithHeader keybindEnchantingStripDescriptor = table:78E76B18 firstTable 1 = table:78E76B78 firstTable callback() = function:78E76C18 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:78E76BA0 visible() = function:78E76BF0 2 = table:78E76C40 firstTable callback() = function:78E76C90 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:78E76C68 visible() = function:78E76CB8 3 = table:78E76CE0 firstTable callback() = function:78E76DA0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Clear Selections visible() = function:78E76DC8 4 = table:78E76FB8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:78E76FE0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_EXIT order = -10000 visible() = function:78E77008 5 = table:78E77030 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:78E77058 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -10000 visible() = function:78E77080 6 = table:78E77180 firstTable callback() = function:78E76B40 enabled() = function:78E77380 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 7 = table:78E77290 firstTable callback() = function:78E77350 enabled() = function:78E77380 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 keybindModeStripDescriptor = table:78E76AF0 firstTable 1 = table:78E76E18 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:78E76DF0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select order = -500 2 = table:78E76E58 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:398AE3A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 modeList = table:78E711C8 (meta 4E015478} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:78E6F870 (meta 397EAE80} animationEnabled = true centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:78E71570 firstTable control = userdata:78E6F720 (meta 78E71328} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:78E714B0 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:78E711C8 (meta 4E015478} dataIndexToControl = table:78E774E8 firstTable 1 = userdata:78E71BC8 (meta 78E72130} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:85D70658 dataIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:78E71F50 (meta 398062A0} icon = userdata:78E71EC8 (meta 78E72008} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:69E403B0 ClearIcons() = function:69E40360 Hide() = function:69E40338 SetMaxAlpha() = function:69E403D8 Show() = function:69E40310 iconTextures = table:78E72F48 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_menuIcon_create.dds key = 1 label = userdata:78E71E48 (meta 39801FE0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:78E71FD8 (meta 39801FE0} statusIndicator = userdata:78E720B0 (meta 78E720E0} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:69E403B0 ClearIcons() = function:69E40360 Hide() = function:69E40338 SetMaxAlpha() = function:69E403D8 Show() = function:69E40310 templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate 2 = userdata:78E72FF8 (meta 78E73458} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:85D70658 dataIndex = 2 highlight = userdata:78E73200 (meta 398062A0} icon = userdata:78E73178 (meta 78E732B8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:69E403B0 ClearIcons() = function:69E40360 Hide() = function:69E40338 SetMaxAlpha() = function:69E403D8 Show() = function:69E40310 iconTextures = table:78E741A8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_menuIcon_deconstruct.dds key = 2 label = userdata:78E730F8 (meta 39801FE0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 stackCountLabel = userdata:78E73288 (meta 39801FE0} statusIndicator = userdata:78E733B0 (meta 78E733B8} firstMeta firstIndex AddIcon() = function:69E403B0 ClearIcons() = function:69E40360 Hide() = function:69E40338 SetMaxAlpha() = function:69E403D8 Show() = function:69E40310 templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate dataList = table:78E773A8 firstTable 1 = table:78E77588 (meta 7BEBEA00} 2 = table:78E77680 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:78E776A8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_menuIcon_deconstruct.dds mode = 2 numIcons = 1 text = Extraction dataTypes = table:78E71548 firstTable ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate = table:78E717A0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:78E71778 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:78E717C8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:78E77560 firstTable 1 = userdata:78E71BC8 (meta 78E72130} 2 = userdata:78E72FF8 (meta 78E73458} m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:78E71818 firstTable m_NextControlId = 2 m_NextFree = 5 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadEnchantingTopLevelContainerModeScrollZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate parent = userdata:78E6F780 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:78E711F0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:78E71520 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:78E6F8D0 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:78E77420 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:78E77470 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 prePadding = table:78E773F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:78E77448 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false scrollControl = userdata:78E6F780 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:78E77498 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 selectedData = table:78E77588 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:78E775B0 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_menuIcon_create.dds mode = 1 numIcons = 1 text = Creation selectedIndex = 1 targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:78E773D0 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadItemEntryTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:78E774C0 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:78E77510 firstTable userdata = 78E71BC8 = true 78E72FF8 = true onSelectedDataChangedCallback() = function:78E77E78 resultTooltip = userdata:78E6FD88 (meta 78E703A8} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:78E6FF08 (meta 398062A0} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:78E6FFC0 (meta 78E70E38} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:93D5DE10 HasControls() = function:93D5DE38 Initialize() = function:93D5DBE0 LayoutBagItem() = function:93D5DE88 LayoutItem() = function:93D5DE60 LayoutTradeItem() = function:93D5DEB0 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:93D5DD48 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:93D5DCF8 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:93D5DD70 OnUpdate() = function:93D5DDC0 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:93D5DD20 ResetToTop() = function:93D5DDE8 SetInputEnabled() = function:93D5DC80 SetMagnitude() = function:93D5DD98 animation = userdata:78E70E88 (meta 78E70EB8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:78E6FFC0 (meta 78E70E38} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:78E70020 (meta 3980C1B0} scrollChild = userdata:78E70090 (meta 397EAE80} scrollIndicator = userdata:78E70270 (meta 398062A0} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:78E70E70 (meta 3981BF40} tooltip = userdata:78E70108 (meta 78E704E8} useFadeGradient = true tip = userdata:78E70108 (meta 78E704E8} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:8BE7B590 AcquireSection() = function:93D58B40 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:93D58B90 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:93D58BB8 AcquireStatusBar() = function:93D58C08 AddAbilityDescription() = function:3EA27EA8 AddAbilityName() = function:3EA27E30 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:3EA27EF8 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:3EA27E58 AddAbilityStats() = function:3EA27E80 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:3EA27ED0 AddBaseStats() = function:4D8AF160 AddColorSwatch() = function:823817E0 AddConditionBar() = function:4D8AF188 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:86208FD0 AddControl() = function:823816A0 AddCreator() = function:4D8AF230 AddCustom() = function:82381718 AddDimensionedControl() = function:823816C8 AddEnchant() = function:8BE805D0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:8620AA70 AddFlavorText() = function:4D8AF208 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:8BE7CB78 AddItemBagCounts() = function:6E9D92A8 AddItemTitle() = function:4D8AF0C0 AddLine() = function:823816F0 AddMaterialLevels() = function:6E9D9280 AddOnUseAbility() = function:70CF31D8 AddSection() = function:93D58B18 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:82381808 AddSet() = function:4D8AF1E0 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:82381740 AddStatValuePair() = function:93D58BE0 AddStatusBar() = function:93D58C30 AddTexture() = function:823817B8 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:82385398 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:82382788 AddTopLineToTopSection() = function:4D8AF138 AddTopSection() = function:4D8AF110 AddTrait() = function:8BE83620 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:4D8AF0E8 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:93D66290 ApplyPadding() = function:93D66268 ApplyStyles() = function:8237C1E0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:82381768 ClearLines() = function:93D58FA8 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:823854F8 FormatLabel() = function:93D63218 FormatTexture() = function:93D63240 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:82384EA0 GetFontString() = function:93D631F0 GetHeightProperty() = function:8237F6C0 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:82384EF0 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:82382738 GetNextSpacing() = function:82380E58 GetNumControls() = function:823827B0 GetParent() = function:93D63128 GetPoolKey() = function:82382828 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:82384EC8 GetProperty() = function:93D631A0 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:93D631C8 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:823853C0 GetStyle() = function:93D58FD0 GetStyles() = function:8237B6E0 GetWidthProperty() = function:82382C70 HasControls() = function:823827D8 Initialize() = function:93D58C80 InitializeStaticPools() = function:8EF26E98 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:8237F180 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:82380E08 IsVertical() = function:8237F158 LayoutAbility() = function:778950A0 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:8F115CB0 LayoutAchievement() = function:6E9DBFF0 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:6E9DC018 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:6E9DC098 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:6E9DBFA0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:8F115CD8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:8BE79E60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:8BE7DB40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:8BE7DAF0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:8D4EAEC8 LayoutAvABonus() = function:6E9DDE80 LayoutAvARepair() = function:70CF34E0 LayoutBagItem() = function:77889F40 LayoutBook() = function:70CF3508 LayoutBooster() = function:6E9D81D0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:8BE82E68 LayoutCadwells() = function:6E9D9F28 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:78D7BD20 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:8D4EAE78 LayoutCollectible() = function:7DB55620 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:8237EC58 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:8BE7EB00 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:8BE7EB28 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:8BE79E38 LayoutFriend() = function:823864B0 LayoutGenericItem() = function:6E9D92D0 LayoutGlyph() = function:6E9D81F8 LayoutGroupFinder() = function:4F114BD8 LayoutGroupRole() = function:7DC208E8 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:4F114BB0 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:82388968 LayoutGuildMember() = function:69E47040 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:7788A8F8 LayoutIngredient() = function:8BE79E88 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:70CEE210 LayoutItem() = function:862026C0 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:7788AD48 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:77889670 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:8F11B318 LayoutLure() = function:70CF3530 LayoutMaterial() = function:8BE7BE08 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:6E9DBFC8 LayoutNotification() = function:79655EC8 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:8F117598 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:7788A588 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:7788A328 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:7788A7E8 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:7788A1F0 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:8BE78F98 LayoutQuestItem() = function:7788AC20 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:8BE82E90 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:8BE78F70 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:8BE7BDE0 LayoutReagent() = function:8BE78FC0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:7788AA10 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:4CC05700 LayoutSiege() = function:70CF0F50 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:778950C8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:70CF0FA0 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:8BE7EB50 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:8BE82E40 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:8BE7BDB8 LayoutTool() = function:70CF0F78 LayoutTradeItem() = function:7788A078 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:6E9D81A8 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:8BE7DB18 ReleaseSection() = function:93D58B68 Reset() = function:8237F130 SetClearOnHidden() = function:93D58CF8 SetNextSpacing() = function:82380E30 SetOwner() = function:93D58EC0 SetPoolKey() = function:82382800 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:82385370 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:8BE83448 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:82382760 SetStyles() = function:93D66D80 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:8237C208 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:8237C230 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:82381678 colorPool = table:78E70788 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:78E70D20 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:78E707D8 sourcePool = table:8EF28848 (meta 7BA120F8} contentsControl = userdata:78E70188 (meta 397EAE80} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:78E6FF08 (meta 398062A0} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:78E70510 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:78E70CD0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:78E70600 sourcePool = table:8EF1C370 (meta 7BA120F8} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:78E70B30 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:78E70D48 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:78E70B80 sourcePool = table:93D618C8 (meta 7BA120F8} statValuePairPool = table:78E708C0 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:78E70D70 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:78E70910 sourcePool = table:82381858 (meta 7BA120F8} statValueSliderPool = table:78E709F8 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:78E70D98 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:78E70A48 sourcePool = table:82385480 (meta 7BA120F8} statusBarPools = table:78E70C68 firstTable styleNamespace = table:8D393410 styles = table:78E70C90 firstTable 1 = table:4DF18B00 texturePool = table:78E70650 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:78E70CF8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:78E706A0 sourcePool = table:82385550 (meta 7BA120F8} vertical = true runeSlotContainer = userdata:78E6E348 (meta 397EAE80} runeSlots = table:78E74DD0 firstTable 1 = table:78E75710 (meta 7F387668} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:78E758C8 (meta 78E75B88} craftingInventory = table:78E741E8 (meta 78E647E8} dropCallout = userdata:78E75AA8 (meta 398062A0} dropCalloutTextureNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_drag.dds emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_slot.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone03_slot.dds itemInstanceId = 713780008 nameLabel = userdata:78E75B50 (meta 39801FE0} owner = table:78E71150 (meta 78E643B0} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_AspectRune_Removed placeSound = Enchanting_AspectRune_Placed runeType = 1 slotType = 25 2 = table:78E75738 (meta 7F387668} firstTable control = userdata:78E74E30 (meta 78E75648} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:78E75600 (meta 3981BF40} key = 2 slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 templateName = ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneCraftingSlot craftingInventory = table:78E741E8 (meta 78E647E8} dropCallout = userdata:78E75540 (meta 398062A0} dropCalloutTextureNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_drag.dds emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_slot.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone02_slot.dds itemInstanceId = 713780008 nameLabel = userdata:78E755E8 (meta 39801FE0} owner = table:78E71150 (meta 78E643B0} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Removed placeSound = Enchanting_EssenceRune_Placed runeType = 2 slotType = 25 3 = table:78E75208 (meta 7F387668} firstTable control = userdata:78E74EB8 (meta 78E75128} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:78E750E0 (meta 3981BF40} key = 1 slotType = 25 stackCount = 0 templateName = ZO_GamepadEnchantingRuneCraftingSlot craftingInventory = table:78E741E8 (meta 78E647E8} dropCallout = userdata:78E75020 (meta 398062A0} dropCalloutTextureNegative = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_negative.dds dropCalloutTexturePositive = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_drag.dds emptySlotIcon = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_slot.dds emptyTexture = EsoUI/Art/Crafting/Gamepad/gp_crafting_runestone01_slot.dds itemInstanceId = 713780008 nameLabel = userdata:78E750C8 (meta 39801FE0} owner = table:78E71150 (meta 78E643B0} pendingRemoveSound = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Removed placeSound = Enchanting_PotencyRune_Placed runeType = 3 slotType = 25 skillInfo = userdata:7F38E140 (meta 78E651D0} firstMeta firstIndex glowContainer = userdata:78E64F78 (meta 397EAE80} increaseAnimation = userdata:78E77830 (meta 3981BF40} name = userdata:7F3A1D28 (meta 39801FE0} rank = userdata:7F3A2388 (meta 78E77B00} firstMeta firstIndex lineRank = 50 xpBar = table:78E652E8 (meta 398C4028} firstTable level = 50 onAnimationFinishedCallback() = function:78E65360 onLevelChangedCallback() = function:77FDE9C8 statusBar = userdata:7F38E5A0 (meta 78E650E0} firstMeta firstIndex gloss = userdata:78E64C50 (meta 397FFB50} max = 211320 skillIndex = 4 skillType = 8 slotAnimation = table:78E76210 (meta 3EAFC8A8} firstTable bursts = table:78E76440 firstTable slots = table:78E76238 firstTable slotCreationAnimationName = gamepad_enchanting_creation GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_CREATION_SCENE = table:78E78018 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_EXTRACTION_SCENE = table:78E78368 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_FRAGMENT = table:7E926FD8 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:6A083228 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_MODE_FRAGMENT = table:4228D088 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_ENCHANTING_MODE_SCENE_ROOT = table:78E77D08 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_EXCLUDE_DEADZONE = false GAMEPAD_FENCE_FRAGMENT = table:80BB9FA0 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false control = userdata:7E93F2A8 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:80BB9FC8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_FQT_ANIMATION_FADE_IN_MS = 300 GAMEPAD_FQT_ANIMATION_FADE_OUT_MS = 2000 GAMEPAD_FQT_BACKGROUND_MAX_ALPHA = 0.5 GAMEPAD_FQT_TEXT_MIN_ALPHA = 0.3 GAMEPAD_FRIENDS_LIST_SCENE = table:7DE32370 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_GENERIC_FOOTER = table:854B37B0 (meta 89F04F38} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:78D883D8 (meta 39876F80} controls = table:854B8368 firstTable 1 = userdata:7BA2FC00 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:8533DD58 (meta 39801FE0} 3 = userdata:4BEF2888 (meta 39801FE0} 4 = userdata:854B4C28 (meta 39801FE0} 5 = userdata:854B4C70 (meta 39801FE0} 6 = userdata:854B4CC0 (meta 39801FE0} 7 = userdata:7BEA9818 (meta 78D974A0} firstMeta firstIndex animation = userdata:4E013B70 (meta 398062A0} currentRotation = 0 lastAnimationUpdate = 0 GAMEPAD_GENERIC_FOOTER_FRAGMENT = table:7E449988 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_GRID_NAV1 = 1 GAMEPAD_GRID_NAV2 = 2 GAMEPAD_GRID_NAV3 = 3 GAMEPAD_GRID_NAV4 = 4 GAMEPAD_GRID_NAV8 = 8 GAMEPAD_GROUPING_TOOLS_FRAGMENT = table:7DE37E20 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_GROUPING_TOOLS_LOCATION_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:7DE388F8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:6F05C878 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7E941CD8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:7BD36068 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:7DE38BB0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GROUPING_TOOLS_SCENE = table:7212D6A0 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_GROUP_DATA = table:8E9DDE40 (meta 8E9DDA60} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:8E9DDD68 (meta 397F1208} footerData = table:8E9DE2A0 firstTable data1HeaderText = Group Members data1Text = 0/4 data3HeaderText = Status headerData = table:8E9DE1C0 firstTable titleText = Group GAMEPAD_GROUP_DATA_FRAGMENT = table:8E9DDEB8 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_GROUP_LFG_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:7DE2A770 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:91D6E7C8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:42270790 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation dirtyEvents = table:7DE26F30 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GROUP_LIST_FRAGMENT = table:77A35B48 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:420B3DA0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4228BD38 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation dirtyEvents = table:77A36918 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GROUP_MEMBERS_FRAGMENT = table:7DE348D8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:6F05C1E0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7D93D4A0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation dirtyEvents = table:7DE37340 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GROUP_MENU = table:7965B678 (meta 72664A30} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = false control = userdata:7965FF18 (meta 8D4E9B80} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:8620AC88 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:8E9E04B0 (meta 86208368} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:86208D08 firstTable 1 = userdata:42B76978 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:70CF3368 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:8D4E8BE8 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:70CF3440 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:8F118FC8 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:8F118F60 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:8F119030 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:71F12AB8 (meta 42561BA8} 4 = userdata:4E03AA08 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:80C27320 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:8F110958 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:70CF32F8 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:70CF32E0 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:70CF33D0 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 2 owner = table:7965B678 (meta 72664A30} dirty = true header = userdata:8E9E04B0 (meta 86208368} headerFragment = table:77892EB8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:71ED5BA8 control = userdata:91AB4E60 (meta 7DB593B8} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:8E9E04B0 (meta 86208368} dirtyEvents = table:79656E28 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:79656F08 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:7788EEC0 firstTable 1 = table:7788EFD0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:72654D40 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:72654F00 firstTable 1 = table:85D73E78 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:862015B8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden lists = table:86208498 firstTable Main = table:86206EB8 (meta 4E015478} menuEntries = table:862075D8 firstTable 1 = table:86207728 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 selectedIconTint = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} text = type = 1 unselectedIconTint = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} 2 = table:86207BF0 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:86207CB8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_menuIcon_currentGroup.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} text = Current Group type = 2 unselectedIconTint = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} 3 = table:86207DA8 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:86207D30 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_menuIcon_groupFinder.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} text = Group Finder type = 3 unselectedIconTint = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} 4 = table:862098C0 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true header = Dungeon Difficulty heightScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:86209938 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/gp_LFG_menuIcon_normalDungeon.dds normalIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/gp_LFG_menuIcon_normalDungeon.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} text = type = 4 unselectedIconTint = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} veteranIcon = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/gp_LFG_menuIcon_veteranDungeon.dds 5 = table:86209990 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:862099B8 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_menuIcon_invitePlayer.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} text = Invite Player type = 5 unselectedIconTint = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} 6 = table:86209A10 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true iconsNormal = table:86209A38 firstTable 1 = EsoUI/Art/LFG/Gamepad/LFG_menuIcon_invitePlayer.dds numIcons = 1 selectedIconTint = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} text = Invite Friend type = 6 unselectedIconTint = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} 7 = table:86201F20 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 selectedIconTint = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} text = Leave Group type = 7 unselectedIconTint = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} 8 = table:86201F60 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 selectedIconTint = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} text = Disband Group type = 8 unselectedIconTint = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} updateCooldownMS = 0 GAMEPAD_GROUP_MENU_FRAGMENT = table:80292D70 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_GROUP_ROLES_BAR = table:782C1A90 (meta 8E9E5838} firstTable firstMeta buttons = table:782C6B90 firstTable 1 = userdata:71ECF938 (meta 71F14A08} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:91AABF18 icon = userdata:91BCD898 (meta 398062A0} pressedFrame = userdata:91BC61E0 (meta 397EF288} selectedFrame = userdata:8ECCA2D0 (meta 397EF288} 2 = userdata:71ECE1E8 (meta 8ECCD940} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:709EB820 icon = userdata:71ECF8C0 (meta 398062A0} pressedFrame = userdata:71ECEA00 (meta 397EF288} selectedFrame = userdata:71ECF920 (meta 397EF288} 3 = userdata:8ECCDA08 (meta 782BE110} firstMeta firstIndex data = table:709DD2B8 icon = userdata:782BE250 (meta 398062A0} pressedFrame = userdata:782BB578 (meta 397EF288} selectedFrame = userdata:782BE268 (meta 397EF288} control = userdata:71ECFAA0 (meta 397EAE80} isActivated = false isLockedFromSearch = false isManuallyDimmed = false movementControllerHorizontal = table:782C4AB0 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onPressedCallback() = function:782C4190 onSelectedCallback() = function:782BEFC0 onUnselectedCallback() = function:782C3F70 roles = table:782C6DD8 firstTable 1 = table:82249A58 firstTable button = userdata:8ECCDA08 (meta 782BE110} isSelected = true 2 = table:782C8CB8 firstTable button = userdata:71ECF938 (meta 71F14A08} isSelected = false 4 = table:782C60F0 firstTable button = userdata:71ECE1E8 (meta 8ECCD940} isSelected = true GAMEPAD_GROUP_ROLES_FRAGMENT = table:6A1EC550 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = table:6A1E8C80 (meta 7E6B9CD0} firstTable data = table:6A1EC500 firstTable 1 = 3 3 = 3 4 = 0 5 = 0 animationOnStop() = function:71ED1710 callbackRegistry = table:91BC6110 firstTable StateChange = table:91BC76E0 firstTable 1 = table:91BC7B90 firstTable 1() = function:91BC4758 3 = false control = userdata:71ECFAA0 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:6A1EC7F8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:6A1EC8D0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:6A1ECE08 firstTable 1 = table:6A1F01E8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 470 yOffset = 0 2 = table:6A1F3B30 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 470 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:42B76748 firstTable 1 = table:42B72F38 firstTable xEndOffset = -470 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:42B74A68 firstTable xEndOffset = -470 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden GAMEPAD_GROUP_SCENE = table:77992418 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK = table:4D90C738 (meta 4D91FCE0} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = false addListTriggerKeybinds = false bankedBag = 3 carriedBag = 1 control = userdata:4D919B48 (meta 4D90CC18} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:4D926AC0 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:4EDDAAA8 (meta 4D90D5A0} owner = table:4D90C738 (meta 4D91FCE0} currencyType = 1 depositKeybindStripDescriptor = table:4D90E218 firstTable 1 = table:4D90E738 firstTable callback() = function:4D90E920 enabled() = function:4D90E8C0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:4D90E888 visible() = function:4D90E8E8 2 = table:4D90E0E0 3 = table:4D90E958 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:398AE3A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 dirty = true eventTable = table:4D90CBC8 firstTable 131205() = function:4D90C8D0 131208() = function:4D90C8D0 131209() = function:4D90CA68 131212() = function:4D90CAE8 131479() = function:4D90C828 131480() = function:4D90C920 131481() = function:4D90C948 131482() = function:4D90C970 131483() = function:4D90C8A8 131484() = function:4D90C8A8 131485() = function:4D90C880 131486() = function:4D90C8F8 131487() = function:4D90C8A8 327703() = function:4D90CBA0 327706() = function:4D90CB78 327707() = function:4D90CB78 327713() = function:4D90CB48 327716() = function:4D90CB18 327717() = function:4D90CB18 header = userdata:4EDDAAA8 (meta 4D90D5A0} headerFragment = table:4D90CE90 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:4D90D470 control = userdata:4D926A78 (meta 4D909728} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:4EDDAAA8 (meta 4D90D5A0} dirtyEvents = table:4D90CEB8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:4D90CEE0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:4D90CF58 firstTable 1 = table:4D90CF80 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:4D90D0F8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:4D90D280 firstTable 1 = table:4D90D2F8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:4D90D338 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden isInitialized = false lists = table:4D90F218 firstTable Main = table:4D90F568 (meta 4E015478} firstTable _fragment = table:4D90ABB0 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:4D90E060 control = userdata:4D90F290 (meta 4D90F4A0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:4D90F2F0 (meta 4D90F718} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:4D90F8C0 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:4D90F568 (meta 4E015478} dirtyEvents = table:4D909C70 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:4D909C98 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:4D909D10 firstTable 1 = table:4D909D38 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:4D90DA18 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:4D90DD88 firstTable 1 = table:4D90DE00 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:4D90DF28 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:4D90F408 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:4D90A9B0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:4D90A9D8 firstTable 1 = table:4D90AA50 firstTable 1() = function:4EDD8B18 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:4D90AAD8 firstTable 1 = table:4D90AB50 firstTable 1() = function:4D90AAB0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:4D90FBC8 firstTable control = userdata:4D90F2F0 (meta 4D90F718} dataIndexToControl = table:4D90CFA8 firstTable dataList = table:4D90FC40 firstTable dataTypes = table:4D90FBA0 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:4D90CFF8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:4D90D020 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:4EDD8AF0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:4EDD8B68 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GuildBankTopLevel_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:4D90F308 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:4EDD8E08 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:4EDD8B90 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:4EDD8D70 customFactoryBehavior() = function:4EDD8CC8 customResetBehavior() = function:4EDD8D48 m_Active = table:4EDD8BB8 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:4EDD8C30 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GuildBankTopLevel_GamepadMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:4D90F308 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:4D90F5E0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:4D90F930 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:4D90F470 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:4D90F590 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:4D90F658 firstTable prePadding = table:4D90FC90 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:4D90F5B8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:4D90F308 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:4D90F680 firstTable templateList = table:4D90FC68 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:4D90CFD0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:4D90F6A8 firstTable mode = 1 onStateChangedCallback() = function:4D90CCE0 scene = table:4D90C760 (meta 7DB3BD48} telvarStoneBankFee = 0 telvarStoneMinDeposit = 0 updateCooldownMS = 0 withdrawKeybindStripDescriptor = table:4D90E1F0 firstTable 1 = table:4D90E240 firstTable callback() = function:4D90E418 enabled() = function:4D90E3B8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:4D90DA68 visible() = function:4D90E3E0 2 = table:4D90E0E0 firstTable callback() = function:4D90E1A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guild visible() = function:4D90E1C8 3 = table:4D90E698 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:398AE3A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_ERROR = table:80B2DD40 (meta 80B24B68} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:4D90EB80 (meta 397F1208} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_ERROR_FRAGMENT = table:4CC82D68 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_ERROR_SCENE = table:80B2DDB8 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_FRAGMENT = table:80BB8788 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_SCENE = table:4D90C760 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_GUILD_BANK_WITHDRAW_DEPOSIT_GOLD_FRAGMENT = table:7E9419C8 (meta 7B9A92C8} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:7E9419F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_GUILD_HOME = table:80527710 (meta 80522C88} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = false control = userdata:80523620 (meta 80527760} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:80524898 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:805248C8 (meta 80528070} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:80527FC0 firstTable 1 = userdata:80524D30 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:805257C0 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:80525918 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:805258A8 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:80525A00 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:80525990 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:80525A70 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:805249C0 (meta 80524BB8} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:805249C8 firstTable 1 = table:80524A28 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:80524AA0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:80524B18 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:80524940 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:80524E20 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:805250A8 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:80525748 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:805256D8 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:80525830 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 owner = table:80527710 (meta 80522C88} dirty = true header = userdata:805248C8 (meta 80528070} headerData = table:80523CF8 firstTable headerFragment = table:80527878 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:80527EA8 control = userdata:805248B0 (meta 80525AA0} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:805248C8 (meta 80528070} dirtyEvents = table:805278F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:80527918 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:80527990 firstTable 1 = table:805279B8 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:80527B30 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:80527CB8 firstTable 1 = table:80527D30 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:80527D70 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden lists = table:805280E8 firstTable Main = table:80528428 (meta 4E015478} firstTable firstMeta _fragment = table:80516F70 (meta 8533B968} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:80523B50 control = userdata:80527D68 (meta 80528360} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:80528160 (meta 805284F0} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:80528B78 (meta 3981BF40} firstMeta firstIndex ApplyAllAnimationsToControl() = function:3981BEB8 ClearAllCallbacks() = function:3981C2B8 GetAnimation() = function:3981C348 GetAnimationOffset() = function:3981BB60 GetAnimationTimeline() = function:3981BD70 GetAnimationTimelineOffset() = function:3981BCA0 GetDuration() = function:3981B9B8 GetFirstAnimation() = function:3981C388 GetFirstAnimationTimeline() = function:3981BDB8 GetFullProgress() = function:3981BCE8 GetHandler() = function:3981BE98 GetLastAnimation() = function:3981C3D0 GetLastAnimationTimeline() = function:3981BE08 GetNumAnimationTimelines() = function:3981C418 GetNumAnimations() = function:3981C300 GetParent() = function:3981BE58 GetPlaybackLoopsRemaining() = function:3981B750 GetProgress() = function:3981B9D8 InsertAnimation() = function:3981BA80 InsertAnimationFromVirtual() = function:3981BAC8 InsertAnimationTimeline() = function:3981BBA8 InsertAnimationTimelineFromVirtual() = function:3981BBF8 InsertCallback() = function:3981C228 IsPlaying() = function:3981B7F0 IsPlayingBackward() = function:3981B888 PlayBackward() = function:3981B958 PlayForward() = function:3981B918 PlayFromEnd() = function:3981B9F8 PlayFromStart() = function:3981B830 PlayInstantlyToEnd() = function:3981B8D0 PlayInstantlyToStart() = function:3981BA38 SetAnimationOffset() = function:3981BB18 SetAnimationTimelineOffset() = function:3981BC50 SetCallbackOffset() = function:3981C270 SetHandler() = function:3981BE78 SetPlaybackLoopCount() = function:3981B700 SetPlaybackLoopsRemaining() = function:3981B7A0 SetPlaybackType() = function:3981B6B8 SetProgress() = function:3981BD30 Stop() = function:3981B998 scrollList = table:80528428 (meta 4E015478} dirtyEvents = table:805279E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:80520D10 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:80520D88 firstTable 1 = table:80516F98 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:6A0AFB48 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:805289F0 firstTable 1 = table:80516FC0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:804EFE70 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:805282C8 (meta 397EAE80} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:397EAE38 ClearAnchors() = function:397EA5B0 CreateControl() = function:397EB438 GetAlpha() = function:397EA528 GetAnchor() = function:397EA630 GetBottom() = function:397E9F50 GetCenter() = function:397E9F90 GetChild() = function:397EA0B8 GetClampedToScreen() = function:397EA808 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:397EAC78 GetControlAlpha() = function:397EA568 GetDesiredHeight() = function:397E9EA0 GetDesiredWidth() = function:397E9E58 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:397EADA8 GetDimensions() = function:397E9DB8 GetDrawLayer() = function:397EA930 GetDrawLevel() = function:397EA9B0 GetDrawTier() = function:397EA870 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:397EAA88 GetHandler() = function:397EA3E8 GetHeight() = function:397E9E38 GetHitInsets() = function:397EABE8 GetId() = function:397EB658 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:397EB548 GetInheritsScale() = function:397EB5D8 GetLeft() = function:397EA038 GetName() = function:397EA178 GetNamedChild() = function:397EA0F8 GetNumChildren() = function:397EA3A0 GetOwningWindow() = function:397E89E8 GetParent() = function:397EA320 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:397EB6E0 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:397EAD10 GetRight() = function:397E9F10 GetScale() = function:397EA4A8 GetScreenRect() = function:397EA670 GetTop() = function:397EA078 GetType() = function:397EA1B8 GetWidth() = function:397E9DF8 IsChildOf() = function:397EA138 IsControlHidden() = function:397EA278 IsHandlerSet() = function:397EA428 IsHidden() = function:397EA238 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:397EB3F0 IsMouseEnabled() = function:397EB360 IsPointInside() = function:397EA6B0 RegisterForEvent() = function:397EADF8 SetAlpha() = function:397EA4E8 SetAnchor() = function:397EA5F0 SetAnchorFill() = function:397EA6F0 SetClampedToScreen() = function:397EA7C0 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:397EAC28 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:397EAD58 SetDimensions() = function:397E9198 SetDrawLayer() = function:397EA8F0 SetDrawLevel() = function:397EA970 SetDrawTier() = function:397EA8B0 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:397EAA30 SetHandler() = function:397EA9F0 SetHeight() = function:397EA010 SetHidden() = function:397EA1F8 SetHitInsets() = function:397EABA8 SetId() = function:397EB620 SetInheritAlpha() = function:397EB500 SetInheritScale() = function:397EB590 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:397EB3A8 SetMouseEnabled() = function:397EA850 SetMovable() = function:397EB478 SetParent() = function:397EA360 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:397EB4B8 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:397EB690 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:397EACC8 SetScale() = function:397EA468 SetShapeType() = function:397EAAE0 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:397EA730 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:397EA778 SetWidth() = function:397E9FD0 StartMoving() = function:397EAB20 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:397EAB60 ToggleHidden() = function:397EA2C0 UnregisterForEvent() = function:397EAE18 alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:80509F60 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:80509F88 firstTable 1 = table:8050D6D8 firstTable 1() = function:80528760 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:80527F50 firstTable 1 = table:6A0AF440 firstTable 1() = function:80527F28 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:80528C38 firstTable control = userdata:80528160 (meta 805284F0} dataIndexToControl = table:80528DF0 firstTable dataList = table:80528CB0 firstTable dataTypes = table:80528C10 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:80528E40 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:80528E68 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:80528E90 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:80528EB8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadGuildHomeTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:805281C8 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:804F6AD0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:804F6AF8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable firstMeta customAcquireBehavior() = function:80507218 customFactoryBehavior() = function:804FE428 customResetBehavior() = function:805053C0 m_Active = table:804F6B20 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:804FE478 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadGuildHomeTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:805281C8 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:805284A0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:80528BE8 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable firstMeta accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:80528330 (meta 39801FE0} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:39801F90 AnchorToBaseline() = function:398014E0 ClearAnchorToBaseline() = function:398019C8 ClearAnchors() = function:398019A8 CreateControl() = function:39801C50 DidLineWrap() = function:398013A8 GetAlpha() = function:39801968 GetAnchor() = function:39801AD0 GetBottom() = function:398015E8 GetCenter() = function:39801608 GetChild() = function:398016C8 GetClampedToScreen() = function:39801BB0 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:39801EB0 GetColor() = function:397FFF50 GetControlAlpha() = function:39801988 GetDesiredHeight() = function:39801568 GetDesiredWidth() = function:39801548 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:39801F30 GetDimensions() = function:39801A70 GetDrawLayer() = function:39801848 GetDrawLevel() = function:39801888 GetDrawTier() = function:398017E8 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:39801DD0 GetFontHeight() = function:398013E8 GetHandler() = function:398018C8 GetHeight() = function:39801528 GetHitInsets() = function:39801E70 GetHorizontalAlignment() = function:397FFDA0 GetId() = function:39801D50 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:39801CD0 GetInheritsScale() = function:39801D10 GetLeft() = function:39801588 GetModifyTextType() = function:39801450 GetName() = function:39801728 GetNamedChild() = function:398016E8 GetNumChildren() = function:398016A8 GetNumLines() = function:39801260 GetOwningWindow() = function:39801A30 GetParent() = function:39801668 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:39801D90 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:39801EF0 GetRight() = function:398015C8 GetScale() = function:39801928 GetScreenRect() = function:39801AF0 GetStringWidth() = function:39801408 GetStyleColor() = function:397FFCE0 GetText() = function:397FFD30 GetTextDimensions() = function:398012A0 GetTextHeight() = function:39801328 GetTextWidth() = function:398012E8 GetTop() = function:398015A8 GetType() = function:39801748 GetVerticalAlignment() = function:397FFEA8 GetWidth() = function:39801A90 IsChildOf() = function:39801708 IsControlHidden() = function:398017A8 IsHandlerSet() = function:398018E8 IsHidden() = function:39801788 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:39801C30 IsMouseEnabled() = function:39801BF0 IsPointInside() = function:39801B10 RegisterForEvent() = function:39801F50 SetAlpha() = function:39801948 SetAnchor() = function:39801AB0 SetAnchorFill() = function:39801B30 SetClampedToScreen() = function:39801B90 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:39801E90 SetColor() = function:397FFF30 SetDesaturation() = function:397FFF90 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:39801F10 SetDimensions() = function:39801A50 SetDrawLayer() = function:39801828 SetDrawLevel() = function:39801868 SetDrawTier() = function:39801808 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:39801DB0 SetFont() = function:397FFF10 SetHandler() = function:398018A8 SetHeight() = function:39801648 SetHidden() = function:39801768 SetHitInsets() = function:39801E50 SetHorizontalAlignment() = function:397FFE88 SetId() = function:39801D30 SetInheritAlpha() = function:39801CB0 SetInheritScale() = function:39801CF0 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:39801C10 SetLineSpacing() = function:398011D0 SetMaxLineCount() = function:39801218 SetModifyTextType() = function:39801498 SetMouseEnabled() = function:39801BD0 SetMovable() = function:39801C70 SetNewLineX() = function:397FFE30 SetParent() = function:39801688 SetPixelRoundingEnabled() = function:39801A10 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:39801C90 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:39801D70 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:39801ED0 SetScale() = function:39801908 SetShapeType() = function:39801DF0 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:39801B50 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:39801B70 SetStyleColor() = function:397FFD50 SetText() = function:397FFCC0 SetVerticalAlignment() = function:397FFEF0 SetWidth() = function:39801628 SetWrapMode() = function:397FFDF0 StartMoving() = function:39801E10 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:39801E30 ToggleHidden() = function:398017C8 UnregisterForEvent() = function:39801F70 WasTruncated() = function:39801368 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:80528D28 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:80528D78 firstTable prePadding = table:80528D00 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:80528D50 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:805281C8 (meta 3980C1B0} firstMeta firstIndex AddFilterForEvent() = function:3980C160 ClearAnchors() = function:3980BA80 CreateControl() = function:3980BD18 GetAlpha() = function:3980BA40 GetAnchor() = function:3980BAC0 GetBottom() = function:3980C3E8 GetCenter() = function:3980C408 GetChild() = function:3980C4C8 GetClampedToScreen() = function:3980BC78 GetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:3980C080 GetControlAlpha() = function:3980BA60 GetDesiredHeight() = function:3980BEE0 GetDesiredWidth() = function:3980BEC0 GetDimensionConstraints() = function:3980C100 GetDimensions() = function:3980BE60 GetDrawLayer() = function:3980B888 GetDrawLevel() = function:3980B7F0 GetDrawTier() = function:3980C5E8 GetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:3980BFA0 GetHandler() = function:3980B920 GetHeight() = function:3980BEA0 GetHitInsets() = function:3980C040 GetId() = function:3980BE18 GetInheritsAlpha() = function:3980BD98 GetInheritsScale() = function:3980BDD8 GetLeft() = function:3980BF00 GetName() = function:3980C528 GetNamedChild() = function:3980C4E8 GetNumChildren() = function:3980C4A8 GetOwningWindow() = function:3980BBD8 GetParent() = function:3980C468 GetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:3980BF60 GetResizeToFitPadding() = function:3980C0C0 GetRight() = function:3980BF40 GetScale() = function:3980B980 GetScreenRect() = function:3980BAE0 GetScrollExtents() = function:3980B9B8 GetScrollOffsets() = function:3980B8D8 GetTop() = function:3980BF20 GetType() = function:3980C548 GetWidth() = function:3980BE80 IsChildOf() = function:3980C508 IsControlHidden() = function:3980C5A8 IsHandlerSet() = function:3980B940 IsHidden() = function:3980C588 IsKeyboardEnabled() = function:3980BCF8 IsMouseEnabled() = function:3980BCB8 IsPointInside() = function:3980BB00 RegisterForEvent() = function:3980C120 RestoreToExtents() = function:3980BB48 SetAlpha() = function:3980BA20 SetAnchor() = function:3980BAA0 SetAnchorFill() = function:3980BB20 SetClampedToScreen() = function:3980BC58 SetClampedToScreenInsets() = function:3980C060 SetDimensionConstraints() = function:3980C0E0 SetDimensions() = function:3980BBF8 SetDrawLayer() = function:3980C628 SetDrawLevel() = function:3980B8A8 SetDrawTier() = function:3980C608 SetExcludeFromResizeToFitExtents() = function:3980BF80 SetFadeGradient() = function:3980BB90 SetHandler() = function:3980B810 SetHeight() = function:3980C448 SetHidden() = function:3980C568 SetHitInsets() = function:3980C020 SetHorizontalScroll() = function:3980B7A8 SetId() = function:3980BDF8 SetInheritAlpha() = function:3980BD78 SetInheritScale() = function:3980BDB8 SetKeyboardEnabled() = function:3980BCD8 SetMouseEnabled() = function:3980BC98 SetMovable() = function:3980BD38 SetParent() = function:3980C488 SetResizeHandleSize() = function:3980BD58 SetResizeToFitDescendents() = function:3980BE38 SetResizeToFitPadding() = function:3980C0A0 SetScale() = function:3980B960 SetScrollBounding() = function:3980B9D8 SetShapeType() = function:3980BFC0 SetSimpleAnchor() = function:3980BC18 SetSimpleAnchorParent() = function:3980BC38 SetVerticalScroll() = function:3980B840 SetWidth() = function:3980C428 StartMoving() = function:3980BFE0 StopMovingOrResizing() = function:3980C000 ToggleHidden() = function:3980C5C8 UnregisterForEvent() = function:3980C140 selectedCenterOffset = table:80528DA0 firstTable templateList = table:80528CD8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:80528E18 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:80528DC8 firstTable updateCooldownMS = 0 GAMEPAD_GUILD_HOME_FRAGMENT = table:8051BDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_GUILD_HOME_SCENE = table:80523F68 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_GUILD_HOME_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_guild_home GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB = table:80515028 (meta 80511ED8} GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_FRAGMENT = table:8051CEE8 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_GUILD_HUB_SCENE = table:80516DF0 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_GUILD_INFO = table:80B98B58 (meta 80B9BAD8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:80517878 (meta 397F1208} initialized = true GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_BID_FRAGMENT = table:7E4A8160 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_GUILD_KIOSK_PURCHASE_FRAGMENT = table:8051CBA8 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_HEADER_DEFAULT_PADDING = 80 GAMEPAD_HEADER_SELECTED_PADDING = -40 GAMEPAD_IGNORED_LIST_SCENE = table:7DE372B0 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_INCLUDE_DEADZONE = true GAMEPAD_INTERACTION = table:94238000 (meta 70B96CD8} GAMEPAD_INTERACT_FRAGMENT = table:4D8F1950 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_INVENTORY = table:8E70E028 (meta 7B095530} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = false control = userdata:8535AB40 (meta 8E70E078} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:7257C098 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:724A14E0 (meta 420B5848} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:8E70E6D8 firstTable 1 = userdata:85364BF8 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:420B5498 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:420B5598 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:420B5528 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:420B5680 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:420B5610 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:420B56F0 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:7B0959B8 (meta 85364A78} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:7B0959C0 firstTable 1 = table:7B095A20 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:7B095A48 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:853649D8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:7B095938 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:4CC8EA70 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:4CC8ECF8 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:420B5420 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:420B5408 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:420B54B0 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 owner = table:8E70E028 (meta 7B095530} dirty = true header = userdata:724A14E0 (meta 420B5848} headerFragment = table:8E70E190 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:8E70E7C0 control = userdata:91E1DBF8 (meta 420B5720} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:724A14E0 (meta 420B5848} dirtyEvents = table:8E70E208 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:8E70E230 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:8E70E2A8 firstTable 1 = table:8E70E2D0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:8E70E448 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:8E70E5D0 firstTable 1 = table:8E70E648 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:8E70E688 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden lists = table:8E70CC78 firstTable Main = table:8E70D370 (meta 4E015478} firstTable _fragment = table:84EE74E8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:84EE7C90 control = userdata:8E70E680 (meta 8E70D2A8} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:8E70CCF0 (meta 8E70D520} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:8E70DFE0 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:8E70D370 (meta 4E015478} dirtyEvents = table:84EE7560 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:84EE7588 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:84EE7848 firstTable 1 = table:84EE7870 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:84EE79D0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:84EE7A20 firstTable 1 = table:84EE7A98 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:84EE7BA8 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:8E70D210 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:84EE7338 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:84EE7360 firstTable 1 = table:84EE7388 firstTable 1() = function:84EE72E8 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:84EE7410 firstTable 1 = table:84EE7488 firstTable 1() = function:84EE73E8 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:8E70D838 firstTable control = userdata:8E70CCF0 (meta 8E70D520} dataIndexToControl = table:8E70D9F0 firstTable dataList = table:8E70D8B0 firstTable dataTypes = table:8E70D810 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:8E70CD60 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:8E70E370 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:8E70D4B0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:8E70DC70 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:8E70CD58 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:8E70DF10 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:8E70DF38 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:84EE72C0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:84EE7218 customResetBehavior() = function:84EE7298 m_Active = table:8E70DF60 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:8E70DE10 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadInventoryTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:8E70CD58 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:8E70D3E8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:8E70E000 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:8E70D278 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:8E70D928 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:8E70D978 firstTable prePadding = table:8E70D900 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:8E70D950 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:8E70CD58 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:8E70D9A0 firstTable templateList = table:8E70D8D8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:8E70DA18 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:8E70D9C8 firstTable trySetClearNewFlagCallback() = function:8E703738 updateCooldownMS = 0 GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:80BC1110 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ITEM_ACTIONS_SCENE = table:84EE8648 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ITEM_FILTER_SCENE = table:84EE85A8 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_INVENTORY_ROOT_SCENE = table:84EE81B0 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_ALCHEMY = 0 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_AMULET = 1 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_AXE = 2 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_BAIT = 3 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_BLACKSMITH = 4 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_BOW = 5 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_CHEST = 6 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_CLOTHIER = 7 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_CONSUMABLE = 8 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_COSTUME = 9 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_DAGGER = 10 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_ENCHANTING = 11 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_FEET = 12 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_GLYPHS = 13 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_HAMMER = 14 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_HANDS = 15 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_HEAD = 16 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_HEAVY_ARMOR = 35 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_JEWELRY = 38 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_LEGS = 17 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_LIGHT_ARMOR = 37 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_MEDIUM_ARMOR = 36 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_POTION = 18 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_PROVISIONING = 19 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_RING = 20 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SHIELD = 21 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SHOULDERS = 22 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SIEGE = 23 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SOUL_GEM = 27 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SPELLCRAFTING = 24 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_STAFF = 25 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_STYLE_MATERIAL = 26 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_SWORD = 28 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_TOOL = 29 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_TRAIT_GEM = 30 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_TROPHY = 31 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_WAIST = 32 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_WEAPONS = 34 GAMEPAD_ITEM_CATEGORY_WOODWORKING = 33 GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS = table:4EDDB458 (meta 4EDD09D8} GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_FRAGMENT = table:7E44ADD0 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_LIST_FRAGMENT = table:720C2850 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARDS_SCENE = table:4EDDB480 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_LEADERBOARD_LIST = table:4EDB9800 (meta 6F057578} firstTable firstMeta conditionResults = table:4EDBAF08 firstTable container = userdata:6F050998 (meta 397EAE80} contentHeader = userdata:4EDB2D20 (meta 4EDBB480} contentHeaderData = table:4EDBA128 firstTable data1HeaderText = data2HeaderText = Overall Rank: data3HeaderText = titleText = titleTextAlignment = 1 control = userdata:6F050998 (meta 397EAE80} currentSortKey = rank currentSortOrder = true emptyRow = userdata:4EDB6D28 (meta 397EAE80} emptyRowMessage = userdata:4EDB6D88 (meta 39801FE0} emptyText = No Rankings Found filterDropdown = table:4EDB48B8 (meta 809C0CD0} firstTable deactivatedCallback() = function:4EDB9D00 keybindStripDescriptor = table:4EDB4BF0 firstTable 1 = table:4EDB4C40 firstTable callback() = function:4EDB4D00 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back 2 = table:4EDB4D50 firstTable callback() = function:4EDB4E10 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select alignment = 1 m_active = false m_container = userdata:4EDB47A8 (meta 4EDB4AB0} firstMeta firstIndex comboBoxObject = table:4EDB48B8 (meta 809C0CD0} m_comboBox = table:4EDB48B8 (meta 809C0CD0} m_dropdown = table:7798ED58 (meta 82282520} m_focus = table:4EDB4E38 (meta 8EF24D38} firstTable active = false control = userdata:4EDB47A8 (meta 4EDB4AB0} data = table:4EDB4E60 firstTable directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:4EDB4FC0 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:8EF24CE8 m_font = ZoFontGamepad27 m_highlightColor = table:39885C50 (meta 398AF370} m_highlightFont = ZoFontGamepad36 m_highlightedIndex = 1 m_isDropdownVisible = false m_itemTemplate = ZO_ComboBox_Item_Gamepad m_name = ZO_LeaderboardList_GamepadContainerContentHeaderDropdownFilterDropdown m_normalColor = table:398802E0 (meta 398AF370} m_openDropdown = userdata:4EDB4828 (meta 398062A0} m_selectedColor = table:4EDB6210 firstTable 1 = 0.40000003576279 2 = 0.40000003576279 3 = 0.40000003576279 4 = 1 m_selectedItemData = table:4EDB9AB8 firstTable name = All Classes m_selectedItemText = userdata:4EDB48B0 (meta 39801FE0} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:398BFFB0 m_sortedItems = table:4EDB4B78 firstTable 1 = table:4EDB9AB8 2 = table:4EDB5428 firstTable classId = 1 name = Dragonknight 3 = table:4EDB89B8 firstTable classId = 2 name = Sorcerer 4 = table:4EDB86C8 firstTable classId = 3 name = Nightblade 5 = table:4EDB3510 firstTable classId = 6 name = Templar m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 filterSwitcher = table:4EDBB900 (meta 8EF24D38} firstTable active = false control = userdata:4EDB2D20 (meta 4EDBB480} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:4EDBA188 firstTable 10 = userdata:4EDB4458 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:4EDB4580 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:4EDB4520 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:4EDB4648 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:4EDB45E8 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:4EDB2DA8 (meta 4EDBB860} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:4EDBB6C0 firstTable 1 = table:4EDBB720 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:4EDBB748 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold36 3 = table:4EDBB7C0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 3 = userdata:4EDB4328 (meta 397EAE80} 4 = userdata:4EDB2D90 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:4EDB42C0 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:4EDB43F0 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:4EDB4390 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:4EDB44B8 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 3 data = table:4EDBB928 firstTable 1 = table:4EDB90F0 firstTable activate() = function:4EDB9A50 callback() = function:4EDB9118 deactivate() = function:4EDB9A78 highlight = userdata:4EDB4730 (meta 397EF288} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:4EDB9150 (meta 3981BF40} 2 = table:4EDB36E0 firstTable callback() = function:4EDB3708 highlight = userdata:4EDB62C0 (meta 397EF288} highlightFadeAnimation = userdata:4EDB9D38 (meta 3981BF40} directionalInputEnabled = true movementController = table:4EDBB8D8 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onFocusChangedFunction() = function:4EDB37F0 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:8EF24CE8 filtersFocalArea = table:4EDBA010 (meta 83FD76F8} firstTable activateCallback() = function:4EDB9F98 deactivateCallback() = function:4EDB9FE8 keybindDescriptor = table:4EDB4098 firstTable 1 = table:4EDB40C0 firstTable callback() = function:4EDB4180 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select 2 = table:4EDB4220 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:4EDB41D0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 manager = table:4EDB9800 (meta 6F057578} nextFocus = table:4EDBA088 (meta 83FD94C0} firstTable activateCallback() = function:4EDBA038 deactivateCallback() = function:4EDBA060 keybindDescriptor = table:4EDB7DE8 firstTable 1 = table:4EDB7E10 firstTable callback() = function:4EDBA310 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sort 2 = table:4EDBA388 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:4EDBA338 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 manager = table:4EDB9800 (meta 6F057578} nextFocus = table:4EDBA100 (meta 78D97B08} firstTable activateCallback() = function:4EDBA0B0 deactivateCallback() = function:4EDBA0D8 keybindDescriptor = table:4EDB3840 manager = table:4EDB9800 (meta 6F057578} previousFocus = table:4EDBA088 (meta 83FD94C0} previousFocus = table:4EDBA010 (meta 83FD76F8} headersContainer = userdata:4EDB6588 (meta 397EAE80} headersFocalArea = table:4EDBA088 (meta 83FD94C0} keybindStripDescriptor = table:4EDB3840 firstTable 1 = table:4EDB3868 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:4EDB3A08 enabled() = function:4EDB39B8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Console_Menu_Forward 2 = table:4EDB3A98 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:4EDB3A48 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:3988D2C0 3 = table:4EDBA550 firstTable callback() = function:4EDBA610 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 4 = table:4EDB3BE8 firstTable callback() = function:4EDBA6D0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER list = userdata:4EDB65E0 (meta 4EDB6990} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:4EDB6B68 firstTable animation = userdata:4EDB6C08 (meta 4EDB6C38} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:4EDB65E0 (meta 4EDB6990} autoSelect = false categories = table:4EDB6BB8 firstTable contents = userdata:4EDB6938 (meta 3980C1B0} controlHeight = 80 data = table:4EDB6A58 firstTable dataTypes = table:4EDB6940 firstTable 1 = table:4EDBB2A8 firstTable height = 80 pool = table:4EDBB1E0 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:4EDBB208 firstTable m_Factory() = function:4EDBB138 m_Free = table:4EDBB280 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:3989F2A0 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:4EDBB0E8 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:4EDB67B0 (meta 398062A0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:4EDB6640 (meta 4EDB6810} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:4EDB67E0 (meta 3981D540} areaOver = false targetAlpha = 0.5 timeline = userdata:4EDB67C8 (meta 3981BF40} selectionCallback() = function:4EDB9DF0 selectionTemplate = ZO_GamepadInteractiveSortFilterDefaultHighlight timeline = userdata:4EDB6BF0 (meta 3981BF40} upButton = userdata:4EDB6750 (meta 398062A0} useFadeGradient = true visibleData = table:4EDBB2E8 firstTable listFragment = table:4EDBA820 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:4EDBA9E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4EDBAA40 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:4EDBAE30 firstTable StateChange = table:4EDBAE58 firstTable 1 = table:4EDBAE80 firstTable 1() = function:4EDBAE08 3 = false control = userdata:6F050AF8 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:4EDBA898 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden masterList = table:6F05AE20 firstTable movementController = table:4EDB9DC8 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 optionTemplateGroups = table:4EDBAEE0 firstTable 1 = table:4EDBAF30 firstTable headerFunction() = function:6A1F6978 options = table:4EDBAFA8 firstTable 1 = table:4EDBAFD0 firstTable buildFunction() = function:6A1F6F68 conditionFunction() = function:3988D280 2 = table:4EDBB048 firstTable buildFunction() = function:6A1F7058 conditionFunction() = function:6A1F7030 panelFocalArea = table:4EDBA100 (meta 78D97B08} searchEdit = userdata:4EDB63A0 (meta 4EDB6470} firstMeta firstIndex defaultTextEnabled = true searchProcessor = table:4EDB9E68 (meta 7BA29F18} firstTable cache = false data = table:4EDB9E90 firstTable processors = table:4EDB9F08 firstTable 1() = function:4EDB9F30 sortFunction() = function:4EDB9E40 sortHeaderGroup = table:4EDB99B0 (meta 7BEAAA40} sortKeys = table:6F050C00 firstTable alliance = table:6F054790 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = rank characterName = table:6F0551B0 firstTable class = table:6F052EC8 firstTable tiebreaker = rank displayName = table:6F051D80 firstTable points = table:6F0562D8 firstTable isNumeric = true tiebreaker = rank rank = table:6F050D50 firstTable isNumeric = true GAMEPAD_LEFT_DIALOG_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_LEFT_DIALOG_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_LEFT_DIALOG_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:4CC0C048 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_LEFT_DIALOG_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:82380AD8 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:8224B800 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:7BEC1530 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_LOOT_HISTORY_FRAGMENT = table:70B98FF0 (meta 7BA300C8} GAMEPAD_LOOT_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:7E93BF50 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_LOOT_PICKUP_FRAGMENT = table:7E93BB20 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_LORE_LIBRARY_FRAGMENT = table:70D3F948 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_LORE_READER_INTERACTION_SCENE = table:7E444430 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_LORE_READER_INVENTORY_SCENE = table:7E444340 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_LORE_READER_LORE_LIBRARY_SCENE = table:7E4443B8 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_MAIL_INBOX_FRAGMENT = table:4DF12738 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:4DF12788 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4DF127E0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:4DF12AD0 firstTable StateChange = table:4DF12AF8 firstTable 1 = table:4DF12B20 firstTable 1() = function:4DF12A80 3 = false control = userdata:70D92D18 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:4DF12760 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_MAIL_MANAGER_FRAGMENT = table:3EACE1F0 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_MAIL_SEND_FRAGMENT = table:4DF12BF8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:4DF12C48 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4DF12CA0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:4DF12F90 firstTable StateChange = table:4DF12FB8 firstTable 1 = table:4DF12FE0 firstTable 1() = function:4DF12F40 3 = false control = userdata:70D959B8 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:4DF12C20 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_MENU_SOUND_FRAGMENT = table:796642A0 (meta 79663F68} GAMEPAD_MOVABLE_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_MOVABLE_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_MOVABLE_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:8EF20B38 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_MOVABLE_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:8EF20B88 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_1_2_3_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:77A39EE0 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_1_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:70D4A3B8 (meta 7BD63A20} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_2_3_4_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:80284CD0 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_2_3_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:802724F0 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_2_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:7DE3C520 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable ClearFocus() = function:78D99E70 ClearHighlight() = function:78D9A5D0 FadeRightDivider() = function:78D9A1E0 Mixin() = function:78D99EC0 ResetOnHidden() = function:78D9A580 ResetOnHiding() = function:78D9A558 SetFocus() = function:78D9A5A8 SetHighlightHidden() = function:78D9A1B8 TakeFocus() = function:78D99E48 allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:7B31E0C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7B31E0F0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:3EA1E518 (meta 3EA1E988} dirtyEvents = table:7DE3C678 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_NAV_QUADRANT_4_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:802735A8 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS = table:7DCCD7A0 (meta 7DCD09F8} GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_FRAGMENT = table:7DE3AE10 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_NOTIFICATIONS_SCENE = table:7DCCD7C8 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_OPTIONS = table:7DB56268 (meta 7DC25188} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = false addListTriggerKeybinds = false control = userdata:42E70A80 (meta 7DB56460} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:42E70B20 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:42E70BE8 (meta 809C47F8} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:8533AFD8 firstTable 1 = userdata:42E72C08 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:42E73678 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:42E737D0 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:42E73760 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:42E738B8 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:42E73848 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:42E73928 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:42E70CE0 (meta 42E72A88} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:42E70CE8 firstTable 1 = table:42E70D48 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:42E70DC0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:42E70DE8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:42E70C60 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:42E72CF8 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:42E72F70 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:42E73600 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:42E73590 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:42E736E8 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 owner = table:7DB56268 (meta 7DC25188} controlTable = table:7DB562B0 firstTable currentCategory = -1 dirty = true header = userdata:42E70BE8 (meta 809C47F8} headerFragment = table:78D82B58 (meta 8533B968} isGamepadOptions = true lists = table:7E6D7EE8 firstTable Main = table:7DB565C8 (meta 4E015478} panelNames = table:7DB56328 firstTable updateCooldownMS = 0 GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:7DB5F2F0 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_PANEL_SCENE = table:6F055230 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_OPTIONS_ROOT_SCENE = table:4EDC72F0 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE = table:70D581D0 (meta 4DF1F758} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = true assignLabel = userdata:7EBF75A8 (meta 39801FE0} categoryKeybindStripDescriptor = table:7251B380 firstTable 1 = table:7251DD30 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:725424E0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Use visible() = function:91D5F2A0 2 = table:7E4BAFD0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:7F3AC0A8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Assign visible() = function:7E4BAB58 3 = table:7E49C8E0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:91E14730 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:3988D2C0 control = userdata:7252D9E0 (meta 7EB6B310} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:4DF1F808 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:77B036B8 (meta 7D950940} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:720A38F8 firstTable 1 = userdata:70D2A038 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:71D23530 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:4CC4CA20 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:4CC4C9B0 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:4CC4CB08 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:4CC4CA98 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:4DF21D90 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:77B037B0 (meta 70D5E4B0} 4 = userdata:77B03730 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:70D2A128 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:7E48DE68 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:71D234B8 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:71D234A0 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:71D235A0 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 owner = table:70D581D0 (meta 4DF1F758} dirty = true emoteAssignmentKeybindStripDescriptor = table:7251B4A0 firstTable 1 = table:7092A288 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:7D94AC88 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Assign order = -500 2 = table:70D5DF88 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:78E96D70 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 emoteListGridControl = userdata:7EBF7770 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:77B036B8 (meta 7D950940} headerFragment = table:7F3AC0D8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:91D6D900 control = userdata:77A68668 (meta 91A23F48} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:77B036B8 (meta 7D950940} dirtyEvents = table:91D6D770 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:91D6B630 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:91A22CF0 firstTable 1 = table:91A21B80 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:720C9048 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:720C91F0 firstTable 1 = table:720C4178 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:720C1C68 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden keybindStripDescriptor = table:7E48FAA8 firstTable 1 = table:720A7308 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:77A6D0A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select order = -500 sound = Console_Menu_Forward visible() = function:7D953B90 2 = table:720A85F8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:398AE3A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 lists = table:7D94CEC8 firstTable Main = table:7E4B7A00 (meta 4E015478} firstTable _fragment = table:7F3A8CD8 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:8D38C350 control = userdata:7EB783D0 (meta 7E4B8D10} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:77A6D040 (meta 7E4A90E8} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:7E49F330 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:7E4B7A00 (meta 4E015478} dirtyEvents = table:7F3A58E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:4CC545A8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:91D6F4B8 firstTable 1 = table:4DF136E0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:720C4910 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:91E146E0 firstTable 1 = table:4CC55408 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:4CC58B18 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:8D382758 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:78E96FC0 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:78E96218 firstTable 1 = table:7E440538 firstTable 1() = function:2B140F88 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:4CC42B98 firstTable 1 = table:7F3AE180 firstTable 1() = function:7E436A58 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:7E49B510 firstTable control = userdata:77A6D040 (meta 7E4A90E8} dataIndexToControl = table:70D56E58 firstTable dataList = table:7E491108 firstTable dataTypes = table:7E49C400 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:77B022D0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:77B01A78 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:77AFEA80 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:77FD9C48 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:77A6D058 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:77AFEB10 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:77FF44F8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:77FDDD28 customFactoryBehavior() = function:4DF17330 customResetBehavior() = function:77FDDBF8 m_Active = table:77FF3A90 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:77FE28E0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadPlayerEmoteTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:77A6D058 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:7E4A9A00 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:7E49FF28 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:7E4B9470 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:70D5D350 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:70D5D818 firstTable prePadding = table:7E48E490 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:70D5D450 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:77A6D058 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:70D58D70 firstTable templateList = table:8ED49748 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:77B02740 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:70D57CD0 firstTable onStateChangedCallback() = function:79298DA0 radialControl = userdata:792A60F8 (meta 397EAE80} scene = table:7E44EAF8 (meta 3987DBF0} selectedEmoteNameLabel = userdata:792A60E0 (meta 39801FE0} updateCooldownMS = 0 GAMEPAD_PLAYER_EMOTE_SCENE = table:7E44EAF8 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_PLAYER_PROGRESS_BAR_NAME_LOCATION = table:7DB40910 (meta 7DB3FA40} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:7DB40E70 (meta 397EAE80} location = userdata:7DB3B2F8 (meta 7DB404B0} locationHeader = userdata:7DB3B368 (meta 39801FE0} username = userdata:7DB405E8 (meta 7DB40828} usernameHeader = userdata:7DB40908 (meta 39801FE0} GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER = table:7B33F600 (meta 7B33B730} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:7B33C648 (meta 397F1208} mainSceneName = gamepad_provisioner_root optionDataList = table:7B3411E0 firstTable 1 = table:7B341230 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = false dataSource = table:7B33B628 firstTable header = Options optionName = Have Ingredients enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Have Ingredients 2 = table:7B341208 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = false dataSource = table:7B33B6B8 firstTable optionName = Have Skills enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Have Skills optionList = table:7B3401D8 (meta 4E015478} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:7B33E0A8 (meta 397EAE80} animationEnabled = true centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:7B340CC0 firstTable control = userdata:7B33DF40 (meta 7B340388} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:7B340C00 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:7B3401D8 (meta 4E015478} dataIndexToControl = table:7B340E78 firstTable dataList = table:7B340D38 firstTable dataTypes = table:7B340C98 firstTable ZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplate = table:7B340EC8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:7B340EF0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:7B340F18 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:7B340F40 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerOptionsListScrollZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplate parent = userdata:7B33DFA8 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:80B72818 ZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplateWithHeader = table:7B341020 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:7B341048 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7B3411B8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:7B341110 customResetBehavior() = function:7B341190 m_Active = table:7B341070 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:7B3410E8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadProvisionerTopLevelContainerOptionsListScrollZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:7B33DFA8 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadLeftCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:80B72818 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:7B340250 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:7B340C70 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:7B33E110 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:7B340DB0 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:7B340E00 firstTable prePadding = table:7B340D88 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:7B340DD8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:7B33DFA8 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:7B340E28 firstTable templateList = table:7B340D60 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:7B340EA0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:7B340E50 firstTable resultTooltip = userdata:7B33E218 (meta 7B33E858} firstMeta firstIndex icon = userdata:7B33E3A0 (meta 398062A0} lastContentHeight = 0 scrollTooltip = userdata:7B33E458 (meta 7B33F2E8} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:93D5DE10 HasControls() = function:93D5DE38 Initialize() = function:93D5DBE0 LayoutBagItem() = function:93D5DE88 LayoutItem() = function:93D5DE60 LayoutTradeItem() = function:93D5DEB0 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:93D5DD48 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:93D5DCF8 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:93D5DD70 OnUpdate() = function:93D5DDC0 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:93D5DD20 ResetToTop() = function:93D5DDE8 SetInputEnabled() = function:93D5DC80 SetMagnitude() = function:93D5DD98 animation = userdata:7B33F338 (meta 7B33F368} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:7B33E458 (meta 7B33F2E8} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:7B33E4C0 (meta 3980C1B0} scrollChild = userdata:7B33E530 (meta 397EAE80} scrollIndicator = userdata:7B33E710 (meta 398062A0} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:7B33F320 (meta 3981BF40} tooltip = userdata:7B33E5A8 (meta 7B33E998} useFadeGradient = true tip = userdata:7B33E5A8 (meta 7B33E998} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:8BE7B590 AcquireSection() = function:93D58B40 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:93D58B90 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:93D58BB8 AcquireStatusBar() = function:93D58C08 AddAbilityDescription() = function:3EA27EA8 AddAbilityName() = function:3EA27E30 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:3EA27EF8 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:3EA27E58 AddAbilityStats() = function:3EA27E80 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:3EA27ED0 AddBaseStats() = function:4D8AF160 AddColorSwatch() = function:823817E0 AddConditionBar() = function:4D8AF188 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:86208FD0 AddControl() = function:823816A0 AddCreator() = function:4D8AF230 AddCustom() = function:82381718 AddDimensionedControl() = function:823816C8 AddEnchant() = function:8BE805D0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:8620AA70 AddFlavorText() = function:4D8AF208 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:8BE7CB78 AddItemBagCounts() = function:6E9D92A8 AddItemTitle() = function:4D8AF0C0 AddLine() = function:823816F0 AddMaterialLevels() = function:6E9D9280 AddOnUseAbility() = function:70CF31D8 AddSection() = function:93D58B18 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:82381808 AddSet() = function:4D8AF1E0 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:82381740 AddStatValuePair() = function:93D58BE0 AddStatusBar() = function:93D58C30 AddTexture() = function:823817B8 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:82385398 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:82382788 AddTopLineToTopSection() = function:4D8AF138 AddTopSection() = function:4D8AF110 AddTrait() = function:8BE83620 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:4D8AF0E8 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:93D66290 ApplyPadding() = function:93D66268 ApplyStyles() = function:8237C1E0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:82381768 ClearLines() = function:93D58FA8 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:823854F8 FormatLabel() = function:93D63218 FormatTexture() = function:93D63240 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:82384EA0 GetFontString() = function:93D631F0 GetHeightProperty() = function:8237F6C0 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:82384EF0 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:82382738 GetNextSpacing() = function:82380E58 GetNumControls() = function:823827B0 GetParent() = function:93D63128 GetPoolKey() = function:82382828 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:82384EC8 GetProperty() = function:93D631A0 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:93D631C8 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:823853C0 GetStyle() = function:93D58FD0 GetStyles() = function:8237B6E0 GetWidthProperty() = function:82382C70 HasControls() = function:823827D8 Initialize() = function:93D58C80 InitializeStaticPools() = function:8EF26E98 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:8237F180 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:82380E08 IsVertical() = function:8237F158 LayoutAbility() = function:778950A0 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:8F115CB0 LayoutAchievement() = function:6E9DBFF0 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:6E9DC018 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:6E9DC098 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:6E9DBFA0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:8F115CD8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:8BE79E60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:8BE7DB40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:8BE7DAF0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:8D4EAEC8 LayoutAvABonus() = function:6E9DDE80 LayoutAvARepair() = function:70CF34E0 LayoutBagItem() = function:77889F40 LayoutBook() = function:70CF3508 LayoutBooster() = function:6E9D81D0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:8BE82E68 LayoutCadwells() = function:6E9D9F28 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:78D7BD20 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:8D4EAE78 LayoutCollectible() = function:7DB55620 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:8237EC58 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:8BE7EB00 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:8BE7EB28 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:8BE79E38 LayoutFriend() = function:823864B0 LayoutGenericItem() = function:6E9D92D0 LayoutGlyph() = function:6E9D81F8 LayoutGroupFinder() = function:4F114BD8 LayoutGroupRole() = function:7DC208E8 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:4F114BB0 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:82388968 LayoutGuildMember() = function:69E47040 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:7788A8F8 LayoutIngredient() = function:8BE79E88 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:70CEE210 LayoutItem() = function:862026C0 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:7788AD48 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:77889670 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:8F11B318 LayoutLure() = function:70CF3530 LayoutMaterial() = function:8BE7BE08 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:6E9DBFC8 LayoutNotification() = function:79655EC8 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:8F117598 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:7788A588 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:7788A328 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:7788A7E8 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:7788A1F0 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:8BE78F98 LayoutQuestItem() = function:7788AC20 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:8BE82E90 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:8BE78F70 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:8BE7BDE0 LayoutReagent() = function:8BE78FC0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:7788AA10 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:4CC05700 LayoutSiege() = function:70CF0F50 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:778950C8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:70CF0FA0 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:8BE7EB50 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:8BE82E40 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:8BE7BDB8 LayoutTool() = function:70CF0F78 LayoutTradeItem() = function:7788A078 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:6E9D81A8 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:8BE7DB18 ReleaseSection() = function:93D58B68 Reset() = function:8237F130 SetClearOnHidden() = function:93D58CF8 SetNextSpacing() = function:82380E30 SetOwner() = function:93D58EC0 SetPoolKey() = function:82382800 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:82385370 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:8BE83448 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:82382760 SetStyles() = function:93D66D80 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:8237C208 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:8237C230 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:82381678 colorPool = table:7B33EC38 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:7B33F1D0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7B33EC88 sourcePool = table:8EF28848 (meta 7BA120F8} contentsControl = userdata:7B33E628 (meta 397EAE80} firstInLine = true icon = userdata:7B33E3A0 (meta 398062A0} innerSecondaryDimension = 390 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:7B33E9C0 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:7B33F180 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7B33EAB0 sourcePool = table:8EF1C370 (meta 7BA120F8} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 0 paddingTop = 0 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 0 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 390 sectionPool = table:7B33EFE0 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:7B33F1F8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7B33F030 sourcePool = table:93D618C8 (meta 7BA120F8} statValuePairPool = table:7B33ED70 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:7B33F220 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7B33EDC0 sourcePool = table:82381858 (meta 7BA120F8} statValueSliderPool = table:7B33EEA8 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:7B33F248 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7B33EEF8 sourcePool = table:82385480 (meta 7BA120F8} statusBarPools = table:7B33F118 firstTable styleNamespace = table:8D393410 styles = table:7B33F140 firstTable 1 = table:4DF18B00 texturePool = table:7B33EB00 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:7B33F1A8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7B33EB50 sourcePool = table:82385550 (meta 7BA120F8} vertical = true savedVars = table:82703378 (meta 82704238} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:8EB58690 default = table:82704210 firstTable haveIngredientsChecked = false haveSkillsChecked = false GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_FRAGMENT = table:7E93A308 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:4CC438A8 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_OPTIONS_SCENE = table:7B33FFE0 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_RECIPELIST_FRAGMENT = table:7E93AED8 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_PROVISIONER_ROOT_SCENE = table:7B33FD80 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_QUAD3_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_QUAD3_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_QUAD3_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:80C1E160 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_QUAD3_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:80C1CC30 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_FRAGMENT = table:8D380118 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:784045B8 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_OPTIONS_SCENE = table:796CEAC8 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_QUEST_JOURNAL_ROOT_SCENE = table:784012B0 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_QUICKSLOT = table:4CC8A390 (meta 4CC91168} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:71D0D0F0 (meta 397F1208} entryControls = table:4CC89CE8 firstTable header = userdata:4CC8E0B8 (meta 82E4A818} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:82E4A798 firstTable 1 = userdata:77B8D530 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:4CC8BB60 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:4CC8B688 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:4CC8BC40 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:4CC8B768 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:4CC8B6F8 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:4CC8B7D8 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:77B8D4B8 (meta 4CC8DB10} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:77B8D4C0 firstTable 1 = table:4CC8D980 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:4CC8D9F8 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:4CC8DA70 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:4CC8E130 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:4CC8D248 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:4CC8CDC8 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:4CC8BAF0 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:4CC8BA80 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:4CC8BBD0 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 radialControl = userdata:4CC8ADD0 (meta 397EAE80} radialMenu = table:4CC8A458 (meta 7BEBEBC0} firstTable firstMeta actionLayerName = RadialMenu activateOnShow = true activeCount = userdata:4CC8AF58 (meta 39801FE0} activeIcon = userdata:4CC8AEF8 (meta 4CC8A038} firstMeta firstIndex animData = table:4CC8A430 firstTable sparkle = userdata:4CC8AFD0 (meta 398062A0} sparkleTimeLine = userdata:4CC8A160 (meta 3981BF40} translateTimeLine = userdata:4CC8A130 (meta 3981BF40} control = userdata:4CC8ADD0 (meta 397EAE80} directionInputs = table:7BEBECD8 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 enableMouse = true entries = table:4CC89E60 firstTable entryPool = table:4CC89FC0 (meta 3987B130} firstTable m_Active = table:82E4B198 firstTable m_Factory() = function:4CC8A550 m_Free = table:4CC8A060 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:4CC8A528 onSelectionChangedCallback() = function:4CC8A408 selectIfCentered = true selectedBackground = userdata:4CC8AE98 (meta 398062A0} setupFunction() = function:4CC89D10 virtualMouseX = 0 virtualMouseY = 0 GAMEPAD_QUICKSLOT_FRAGMENT = table:80BA1FD0 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_QUICKSLOT_SCENE = table:7BE85368 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_QUICKSLOT_SELECTED_TOOLTIP_FRAGMENT = table:7E924E68 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:7E91B460 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7E925CB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation dirtyEvents = table:7E924F28 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_RAID_LEADERBOARDS = table:4D91C738 (meta 4D9135F8} GAMEPAD_RAID_LEADERBOARD_FRAGMENT = table:4D91C760 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_REPAIR_KITS_FRAGMENT = table:7E941618 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TOOLTIP = GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TOOLTIP GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:5320F268 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TOOLTIP_DARK_BACKGROUND_FRAGMENT = table:5320F2B8 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_SETTINGS_DATA = table:77AD5B50 firstTable 0 = table:77ACDC58 firstTable 1 = table:77ACDD28 firstTable header = 5524 panel = 0 settingId = 0 system = 19 10 = table:77ACD0A8 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 15 system = 11 2 = table:77ACDDE8 firstTable header = 23 panel = 0 settingId = 1 system = 11 3 = table:77ACD790 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 2 system = 11 4 = table:77ACD850 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 3 system = 11 5 = table:77ACD910 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 16 system = 11 6 = table:77ACD938 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 7 system = 11 7 = table:77ACD4A8 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 5 system = 11 8 = table:77ACD568 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 9 system = 11 9 = table:77ACCFE8 firstTable panel = 0 settingId = 11 system = 11 1 = table:77AD5B78 firstTable 1 = table:42B51548 firstTable panel = 1 settingId = 26 system = 5 2 = table:77AC9F28 firstTable panel = 1 settingId = 49 system = 5 3 = table:77AD5BB8 firstTable header = 56 panel = 1 settingId = 38 system = 5000 2 = table:77AD8188 firstTable 1 = table:77AD8228 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 1 system = 15 2 = table:4D895C10 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 3 system = 15 3 = table:77AD5A28 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 12 system = 2 4 = table:77AD5AE8 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 7 system = 2 5 = table:783397B8 firstTable panel = 2 settingId = 8 system = 2 3 = table:77ACCB58 firstTable 1 = table:77ACCD08 firstTable header = 3008 panel = 3 settingId = 8 system = 3 10 = table:77ACBEC8 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 3 system = 0 11 = table:77ACBEF0 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 5 system = 0 12 = table:77ACB868 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 7 system = 0 13 = table:77ACB928 firstTable header = 4680 panel = 3 settingId = 0 system = 14 14 = table:77ACB0F0 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 3 system = 14 15 = table:77ACB1B0 firstTable header = 3006 panel = 3 settingId = 14 system = 0 16 = table:77ACB270 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 15 system = 0 17 = table:77ACB298 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 16 system = 0 18 = table:77ACAC18 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 17 system = 0 19 = table:77ACACD8 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 2 system = 3 2 = table:77ACC6B0 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 9 system = 3 20 = table:77ACA580 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 4 system = 13 21 = table:77ACA640 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 0 system = 13 22 = table:77ACA700 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 1 system = 13 23 = table:77ACA728 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 2 system = 13 24 = table:77AC9E40 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 3 system = 13 3 = table:77ACC770 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 0 system = 9 4 = table:77ACC830 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 7 system = 3 5 = table:77ACC858 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 13 system = 3 6 = table:77ACC2B8 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 14 system = 3 7 = table:77ACC378 firstTable header = 3005 panel = 3 settingId = 9 system = 0 8 = table:77ACBD48 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 11 system = 0 9 = table:77ACBE08 firstTable panel = 3 settingId = 1 system = 0 4 = table:78339878 firstTable 1 = table:77AC9F00 firstTable header = 161 panel = 4 settingId = 5 system = 15 10 = table:77AD0248 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 1 system = 6 11 = table:77ACF888 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 0 system = 6 12 = table:77ACF948 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 2 system = 6 13 = table:77ACFA08 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 3 system = 6 14 = table:77ACFA30 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 6 system = 13 15 = table:77ACF3C8 firstTable header = 3003 panel = 4 settingId = 32 system = 10 16 = table:77ACF488 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 39 system = 10 2 = table:77AD31B8 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 4 system = 15 3 = table:77AD3278 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 0 system = 15 4 = table:78339938 firstTable header = 24 panel = 4 settingId = 1 system = 7 5 = table:77AD18E0 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 6 system = 7 6 = table:77AD19A0 firstTable header = 3002 panel = 4 settingId = 5 system = 13 7 = table:77AD1A60 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 7 system = 13 8 = table:77AD1A88 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 8 system = 13 9 = table:77AD0188 firstTable panel = 4 settingId = 9 system = 13 5 = table:77ACD168 firstTable 1 = table:77ACD190 firstTable panel = 5 settingId = 15 system = 3 GAMEPAD_SETTING_CAMERA_SENSITIVITY = 3 GAMEPAD_SETTING_GAMEPAD_PREFERRED = 5 GAMEPAD_SETTING_GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE = 4 GAMEPAD_SETTING_INVERT_X = 2 GAMEPAD_SETTING_INVERT_Y = 1 GAMEPAD_SETTING_VIBRATION = 0 GAMEPAD_SKILLS = table:7E4B1EA0 (meta 7E4AE9C0} firstTable firstMeta activateOnShow = true addListTriggerKeybinds = false control = userdata:7E4B06A0 (meta 7E4B1EF0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:7E4B0738 (meta 397EAE80} header = userdata:7E4B07B8 (meta 7E4B2800} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:7E4B2750 firstTable 1 = userdata:7E4B0C18 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:7E4B1678 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:7E4B17C8 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:7E4B1758 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:7E4B18A8 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:7E4B1838 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:7E4B1918 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:7E4B08A8 (meta 7E4B0AA0} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:7E4B08B0 firstTable 1 = table:7E4B0910 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:7E4B0988 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:7E4B0A00 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:7E4B0830 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:7E4B0D08 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:7E4B0F80 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:7E4B1608 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:7E4B1598 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:7E4B16E8 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 owner = table:7E4B1EA0 (meta 7E4AE9C0} dirty = true header = userdata:7E4B07B8 (meta 7E4B2800} headerFragment = table:7E4B2008 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:7E4B2638 control = userdata:7E4B0750 (meta 7E4B1948} firstMeta firstIndex header = userdata:7E4B07B8 (meta 7E4B2800} dirtyEvents = table:7E4B2080 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:7E4B20A8 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:7E4B2120 firstTable 1 = table:7E4B2148 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7E4B22C0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:7E4B2448 firstTable 1 = table:7E4B24C0 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7E4B2500 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden lists = table:7E4B2878 firstTable Main = table:7E4B2BA8 (meta 4E015478} firstTable _fragment = table:7E4B3630 (meta 8533B968} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:7E4B3A70 control = userdata:7E4B24F8 (meta 7E4B2AE0} firstMeta firstIndex list = userdata:7E4B2930 (meta 7E4B2C70} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:7E4B2E58 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:7E4B2BA8 (meta 4E015478} dirtyEvents = table:7E4B36A8 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 inAnimation = ConveyorInSceneAnimation offsets = table:7E4B36D0 firstTable ConveyorInSceneAnimation = table:7E4B3748 firstTable 1 = table:7E4B3770 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7E4B37B0 firstTable xEndOffset = 0 xStartOffset = 390 yOffset = 0 ConveyorOutSceneAnimation = table:7E4B3800 firstTable 1 = table:7E4B3878 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 2 = table:7E4B3988 firstTable xEndOffset = -390 xStartOffset = 0 yOffset = 0 outAnimation = ConveyorOutSceneAnimation state = hidden active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:7E4B2A48 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:7E4B3450 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:7E4B3478 firstTable 1 = table:7E4B34A0 firstTable 1() = function:7E4B3400 3 = false TargetDataChanged = table:7E4B3540 firstTable 1 = table:7E4B35B8 firstTable 1() = function:7E4B3518 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:7E4B2F18 firstTable control = userdata:7E4B2930 (meta 7E4B2C70} dataIndexToControl = table:7E4B30D0 firstTable dataList = table:7E4B2F90 firstTable dataTypes = table:7E4B2EF0 firstTable ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate = table:7E4B3120 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:70D59E68 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:7E4B3148 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:7E4B3170 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate parent = userdata:7E4B2948 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader = table:7E4B3200 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:7E4B3228 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7E4B33D8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:7E4A0D68 customResetBehavior() = function:7E4B33B0 m_Active = table:7E4B3250 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:7E4B32C8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_GamepadSkillsTopLevelMaskContainerMainListScrollZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:7E4B2948 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate setupFunction() = function:3EA23D18 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:7E4B2C20 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:7E4B2EC8 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:7E4B2AB0 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:7E4B3008 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:7E4B3058 firstTable prePadding = table:7E4B2FE0 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:7E4B3030 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:7E4B2948 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:7E4B3080 firstTable templateList = table:7E4B2FB8 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:7E4B30F8 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:7E4B30A8 firstTable trySetClearNewFlagCallback() = function:7E4B3AF0 updateCooldownMS = 0 GAMEPAD_SKILLS_BUILD_PLANNER_FRAGMENT = table:7E4B3F48 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:7E4B3FE8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7E4B4040 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:7E4B40D0 firstTable StateChange = table:7E4B40F8 firstTable 1 = table:7E4B4120 firstTable 1() = function:7E4B4098 3 = false control = userdata:7E4B1C08 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:7E4B3FC0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_SKILLS_FRAGMENT = table:3EACACA8 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_SKILLS_LINE_FILTER_SCENE = table:7E4B3DC0 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_SKILLS_LINE_PREVIEW_FRAGMENT = table:919E8130 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:7B31E060 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7B31E090 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:7E4AFA88 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:7F3756F8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_SKILLS_ROOT_SCENE = table:7E4B3C40 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_CREATE_FRAGMENT = table:6F03CC60 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_FLOATING_FRAGMENT = table:70D82A10 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_OPTIONS_FRAGMENT = table:4226DDC8 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_OPTIONS_SCENE = table:7F39AFE0 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_CREATION_SCENE = table:7F39D758 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_DECONSTRUCT_FLOATING_FRAGMENT = table:6F05BD00 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_DECONSTRUCT_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:6F05CBF8 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_DECONSTRUCT_SCENE = table:78E5FD30 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_FRAGMENT = table:6F05FDC8 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_FLOATING_FRAGMENT = table:7B3206F8 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:4DF17BF8 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_IMPROVEMENT_SCENE = table:78E717F0 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_MODE_FRAGMENT = table:7D93A280 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_REFINE_FLOATING_FRAGMENT = table:6F05DF60 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_REFINE_INVENTORY_FRAGMENT = table:6F05F160 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_REFINE_SCENE = table:3EADC318 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_CONFIRM_FRAGMENT = table:802A79E8 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_CONFIRM_SCENE = table:7253E438 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_RESEARCH_FRAGMENT = table:72538758 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_RESEARCH_SCENE = table:78E78F80 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_SMITHING_ROOT_SCENE = table:3EAE5900 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_SOCIAL_DIALOGS = table:91BC7C30 (meta 91BC7708} firstTable firstMeta GAMEPAD_SOUL_GEM_ITEM_CHARGER_FRAGMENT = table:805020E8 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_SPINNER_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL = 2 GAMEPAD_SPINNER_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 1 GAMEPAD_STATS = table:720AEED0 (meta 720BE698} GAMEPAD_STATS_BOUNTY_DISPLAY = table:720B2068 (meta 7E4B4D08} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:720B2060 (meta 77B126A8} firstMeta firstIndex currencyArgs = table:720AE4D0 firstTable 1 = table:720AE510 firstTable amount = 0 isUsed = true notEnough = true type = 1 numUsedCurrencies = 1 options = table:77B12680 type = 1 currencyOptions = table:77B12680 firstTable customTooltip = 2777 font = ZoFontGamepadHeaderDataValue iconSide = 8 isGamepad = true showTooltips = true nextUpdateTime = 0 playerOwesGold = true GAMEPAD_STATS_CHARACTER_INFO_PANEL_FRAGMENT = table:80525B68 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_STATS_FRAGMENT = table:7E925620 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_STATS_ROOT_SCENE = table:91A200F0 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_STORE_SCENE_NAME = gamepad_store GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_ABILITY_MODIFIERS = 2 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_ALTERNATE_INTERACT = 4 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT = 0 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_MODIFIERS_VARIANT = 3 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_REUSE_ME1 = 6 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_REUSE_ME2 = 7 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_SOUTHPAW = 1 GAMEPAD_TEMPLATE_WEAPON_TRICKS = 5 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIPS = table:69E3EEB8 (meta 4255CF58} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:79664C40 (meta 397F1208} dialogControl = userdata:86202778 (meta 397F1208} tooltips = table:69E41FA0 firstTable GAMEPAD_LEFT_DIALOG_TOOLTIP = table:7BEAFC80 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:79657848 (meta 397EAE80} bgFragment = table:4CC0C048 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:7DC2DA78 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7DC2DAD0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:79657848 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:4CC0C0C0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden bgType = 1 control = userdata:796615C8 (meta 4CC0BFD0} darkBgControl = userdata:79664540 (meta 397EAE80} darkBgFragment = table:82380AD8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:7BEAFD50 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7BEAFDA8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:79664540 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:7DB59C78 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:8F116FF8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:80C1E640 animationReverseOnStop() = function:80C1E698 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:796615C8 (meta 4CC0BFD0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:8D4EB400 (meta 823837A0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomRail = userdata:8BE79F48 (meta 397EAE80} statusLabel = userdata:8224C440 (meta 39801FE0} statusLabelValue = userdata:6E9DC7A0 (meta 7965F920} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:7965F7B8 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 tip = userdata:42E679C0 (meta 8EF21BA0} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:93D5DE10 HasControls() = function:93D5DE38 Initialize() = function:93D5DBE0 LayoutBagItem() = function:93D5DE88 LayoutItem() = function:93D5DE60 LayoutTradeItem() = function:93D5DEB0 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:93D5DD48 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:93D5DCF8 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:93D5DD70 OnUpdate() = function:93D5DDC0 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:93D5DD20 ResetToTop() = function:93D5DDE8 SetInputEnabled() = function:93D5DC80 SetMagnitude() = function:93D5DD98 animation = userdata:8237CCE0 (meta 7DC2D8E8} firstMeta firstIndex baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:4BEF7C40 (meta 3980C1B0} scrollChild = userdata:7BD35F78 (meta 397EAE80} scrollIndicator = userdata:8237D338 (meta 398062A0} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:8EF21BD8 (meta 3981BF40} tooltip = userdata:4CC079B8 (meta 7DB59BB0} firstMeta firstIndex useFadeGradient = true dirtyEvents = table:7BEAFCA8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden headerContainerControl = userdata:79661560 (meta 397EAE80} headerControl = userdata:7BD38C60 (meta 4CC0C150} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:7BEB5AC0 firstTable 1 = userdata:77895F48 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:79657B58 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:79657CC8 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:79657C50 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:79657710 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:79657D48 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:79657790 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:42E76298 (meta 778920A0} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:7965F3A0 firstTable 1 = table:7965F9F0 firstTable 2 = table:77891F88 firstTable 3 = table:77892000 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:9197A910 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:85D7D0C8 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:7965BE10 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:79658FB8 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:79658F40 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:79657BD0 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 8 GAMEPAD_LEFT_TOOLTIP = table:8224B828 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:72659240 (meta 397EAE80} bgFragment = table:8224B800 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:4BEE33C0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7265DB68 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:72659240 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:8224B878 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden bgType = 1 control = userdata:79663518 (meta 8224B7D8} darkBgControl = userdata:726581E8 (meta 397EAE80} darkBgFragment = table:7BEC1530 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:8EF1A170 animationReverseOnStop() = function:8EF1A1C8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:726581E8 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:7BEC1558 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:8224B850 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:8EF19FB0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:8EF1A008 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:79663518 (meta 8224B7D8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:79663530 (meta 78D93DB8} firstMeta firstIndex bottomRail = userdata:79664CD0 (meta 397EAE80} statusLabel = userdata:79663598 (meta 39801FE0} statusLabelValue = userdata:79663600 (meta 80C1A610} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:79663608 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 tip = userdata:72659910 (meta 39881358} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:93D5DE10 HasControls() = function:93D5DE38 Initialize() = function:93D5DBE0 LayoutBagItem() = function:93D5DE88 LayoutItem() = function:93D5DE60 LayoutTradeItem() = function:93D5DEB0 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:93D5DD48 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:93D5DCF8 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:93D5DD70 OnUpdate() = function:93D5DDC0 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:93D5DD20 ResetToTop() = function:93D5DDE8 SetInputEnabled() = function:93D5DC80 SetMagnitude() = function:93D5DD98 animation = userdata:8224B698 (meta 7DB5DBF0} firstMeta firstIndex baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:72659978 (meta 3980C1B0} scrollChild = userdata:726599E8 (meta 397EAE80} scrollIndicator = userdata:726591E8 (meta 398062A0} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:8224B680 (meta 3981BF40} tooltip = userdata:72659A60 (meta 398956F8} firstMeta firstIndex useFadeGradient = true dirtyEvents = table:93D5B710 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 8 GAMEPAD_MOVABLE_TOOLTIP = table:4CC0A0E0 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:9197CD78 (meta 397EAE80} bgFragment = table:8EF20B38 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:4CC0A1A8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4CC0A200 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:9197CD78 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:8EF20BB0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden bgType = 1 control = userdata:854AB1B8 (meta 8EF20B10} darkBgControl = userdata:39878030 (meta 397EAE80} darkBgFragment = table:8EF20B88 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:4CC09FE8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4CC0A040 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:39878030 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:8EF20C18 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:4CC0A108 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:7BEABBC8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7BEAB9B8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:854AB1B8 (meta 8EF20B10} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:3EA21208 (meta 7BECAC48} firstMeta firstIndex bottomRail = userdata:82389E30 (meta 397EAE80} statusLabel = userdata:82387EF0 (meta 39801FE0} statusLabelValue = userdata:5320F7A0 (meta 42E70450} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:8224BE30 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 tip = userdata:3EA269E8 (meta 7DC1F2F8} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:93D5DE10 HasControls() = function:93D5DE38 Initialize() = function:93D5DBE0 LayoutBagItem() = function:93D5DE88 LayoutItem() = function:93D5DE60 LayoutTradeItem() = function:93D5DEB0 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:93D5DD48 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:93D5DCF8 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:93D5DD70 OnUpdate() = function:93D5DDC0 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:93D5DD20 ResetToTop() = function:93D5DDE8 SetInputEnabled() = function:93D5DC80 SetMagnitude() = function:93D5DD98 animation = userdata:7DB60B88 (meta 7DC1F398} firstMeta firstIndex baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:8EF27868 (meta 3980C1B0} scrollChild = userdata:8EF278D8 (meta 397EAE80} scrollIndicator = userdata:9197CD20 (meta 398062A0} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:8EF196D8 (meta 3981BF40} tooltip = userdata:7BD61B00 (meta 7BECAD38} firstMeta firstIndex useFadeGradient = true dirtyEvents = table:4CC0A180 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 8 GAMEPAD_QUAD3_TOOLTIP = table:80C1DDC0 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:7DC20618 (meta 397EAE80} bgFragment = table:80C1E160 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:80C1DE50 animationReverseOnStop() = function:80C1DEA8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:7DC20618 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:80C1E1D8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden bgType = 1 control = userdata:70CECE28 (meta 80C1E0E8} darkBgControl = userdata:7BEBFA08 (meta 397EAE80} darkBgFragment = table:80C1CC30 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:82245190 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7DC24588 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:7BEBFA08 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:82245168 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:7DB5A0A8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:7DB59CB0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:80C1DE10 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:70CECE28 (meta 80C1E0E8} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:70CECE88 (meta 7BEABB58} firstMeta firstIndex bottomRail = userdata:7DB61CA0 (meta 397EAE80} statusLabel = userdata:70CECEF0 (meta 39801FE0} statusLabelValue = userdata:70CECF60 (meta 7BA3C030} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:3EA23CC8 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 tip = userdata:7DB61EC8 (meta 7DC2C280} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:93D5DE10 HasControls() = function:93D5DE38 Initialize() = function:93D5DBE0 LayoutBagItem() = function:93D5DE88 LayoutItem() = function:93D5DE60 LayoutTradeItem() = function:93D5DEB0 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:93D5DD48 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:93D5DCF8 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:93D5DD70 OnUpdate() = function:93D5DDC0 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:93D5DD20 ResetToTop() = function:93D5DDE8 SetInputEnabled() = function:93D5DC80 SetMagnitude() = function:93D5DD98 animation = userdata:85D77620 (meta 82244FD8} firstMeta firstIndex baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:7DB61F30 (meta 3980C1B0} scrollChild = userdata:7DB61FA8 (meta 397EAE80} scrollIndicator = userdata:7DC20600 (meta 398062A0} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:69E3F748 (meta 3981BF40} tooltip = userdata:83FDAAB8 (meta 85D774B0} firstMeta firstIndex useFadeGradient = true dirtyEvents = table:80C1DDE8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden headerContainerControl = userdata:7DC24B40 (meta 397EAE80} headerControl = userdata:7DC253F8 (meta 80C1DCF8} resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 8 GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TOOLTIP = table:8EF1F1A0 firstTable autoShowBg = true bgControl = userdata:72655590 (meta 397EAE80} bgFragment = table:5320F268 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:3989D978 animationReverseOnStop() = function:3989D9D0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:72655590 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:5320F2E0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden bgType = 1 control = userdata:72657798 (meta 5320F1F0} darkBgControl = userdata:69E45B58 (meta 397EAE80} darkBgFragment = table:5320F2B8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:3989D7B8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:3989D810 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:69E45B58 (meta 397EAE80} dirtyEvents = table:5320F348 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden defaultAutoShowBg = true fragment = table:8EF1F1C8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false alwaysAnimate = true animationOnStop() = function:8EF1F218 animationReverseOnStop() = function:8EF1F270 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:72657798 (meta 5320F1F0} firstMeta firstIndex container = userdata:726577F8 (meta 69E3DAE0} firstMeta firstIndex bottomRail = userdata:39877828 (meta 397EAE80} statusLabel = userdata:72656760 (meta 39801FE0} statusLabelValue = userdata:726567D0 (meta 72657800} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 dontUseMaxLinesForAdjusting = true fonts = table:398A0410 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 1 tip = userdata:72655AD0 (meta 8224A5F8} firstMeta firstIndex ClearLines() = function:93D5DE10 HasControls() = function:93D5DE38 Initialize() = function:93D5DBE0 LayoutBagItem() = function:93D5DE88 LayoutItem() = function:93D5DE60 LayoutTradeItem() = function:93D5DEB0 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:93D5DD48 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:93D5DCF8 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:93D5DD70 OnUpdate() = function:93D5DDC0 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:93D5DD20 ResetToTop() = function:93D5DDE8 SetInputEnabled() = function:93D5DC80 SetMagnitude() = function:93D5DD98 animation = userdata:93D5E5D0 (meta 8EF194C0} firstMeta firstIndex baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:72655B38 (meta 3980C1B0} scrollChild = userdata:72655BA8 (meta 397EAE80} scrollIndicator = userdata:72655538 (meta 398062A0} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:8224B8B0 (meta 3981BF40} tooltip = userdata:726553D0 (meta 69E3DBD0} firstMeta firstIndex useFadeGradient = true dirtyEvents = table:8EF1F1F0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden headerContainerControl = userdata:72660780 (meta 397EAE80} headerControl = userdata:72660858 (meta 8EF19650} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:3989D8B0 firstTable 1 = userdata:72660940 (meta 397EAE80} 10 = userdata:80C1EB10 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:80C1EC80 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:80C1EC08 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:7DB583C0 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:7DB5C2C0 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:80C1ED00 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:726603D8 (meta 72660570} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:72655F50 firstTable 1 = table:726603E0 firstTable 2 = table:72660458 firstTable 3 = table:726604D0 firstTable forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:726608D8 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:7265F198 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:7265DF40 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:80C1F080 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:80C1F008 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:80C1EB88 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 resetScroll = true scrollIndicatorSide = 2 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ABILITY_UPGRADE = 6 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_ACTIVE = 4 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_FAILED = 3 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_GENERAL_COLOR_1 = 0 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_GENERAL_COLOR_2 = 1 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_GENERAL_COLOR_3 = 7 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_INACTIVE = 5 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_COLOR_SUCCEEDED = 2 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_DARK_BG = 2 GAMEPAD_TOOLTIP_NORMAL_BG = 1 GAMEPAD_TRADE = table:792B5978 (meta 792A7708} GAMEPAD_TRADE_FRAGMENT = table:8F20D6A8 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE = table:720CFBC8 (meta 3EADA3A0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:42275568 (meta 720CFC18} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:720CFBC8 (meta 3EADA3A0} eventCallbacks = table:78C826C8 firstTable fragment = table:80B97BE8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:80B97C10 animationReverseOnStop() = function:8028A960 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:8028A6B0 firstTable StateChange = table:8028A6D8 firstTable 1 = table:7253B118 firstTable 1() = function:8028A9B8 3 = false control = userdata:42275568 (meta 720CFC18} dirtyEvents = table:8028A700 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden itemList = table:720CFD30 (meta 4E015478} keybindStripDescriptor = table:78C82740 firstTable 1 = table:70D724A8 firstTable callback() = function:70D724D0 enabled() = function:78C826F0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:7BE9D8F0 2 = table:7BE9D918 firstTable callback() = function:7BE9D940 enabled() = function:78C826F0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Submit sound = Console_Menu_Forward 3 = table:7BE9D968 firstTable callback() = function:7BE9D990 enabled() = function:7BE9D9E0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guild visible() = function:7BE9D9B8 4 = table:726633C8 5 = table:724A55E8 firstTable callback() = function:70D72470 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 6 = table:78C82790 firstTable callback() = function:80B97978 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER alignment = 1 listControl = userdata:6A0ACA40 (meta 720CFE90} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:6A0B7B98 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:720CFD30 (meta 4E015478} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:6A08B258 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:6A0B7AB0 firstTable TargetDataChanged = table:6A0B7AD8 firstTable 1 = table:7F3A5558 firstTable 1() = function:6A0B7A60 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:6A0B77C0 firstTable control = userdata:6A0ACA40 (meta 720CFE90} dataIndexToControl = table:6A0B7978 firstTable dataList = table:6A0B7838 firstTable dataTypes = table:6A0B7798 firstTable ZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseComboboxTemplateWithHeader = table:72537488 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:725375D8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7F38C880 customFactoryBehavior() = function:7F38C7D8 customResetBehavior() = function:7F38C858 m_Active = table:72537600 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:72537628 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Browse_GamepadListScrollZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseComboboxTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:42275308 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseComboboxTemplate setupFunction() = function:7F3A5580 ZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseSliderTemplate = table:77B28FA0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false pool = table:77B28FC8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:77B28FF0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:78C826A0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Browse_GamepadListScrollZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseSliderTemplate parent = userdata:42275308 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadGuildStoreBrowseSliderTemplate setupFunction() = function:77B28F78 ZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplate = table:70D72530 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false pool = table:70D72558 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:7E428BD0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:7E428BF8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Browse_GamepadListScrollZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplate parent = userdata:42275308 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplate setupFunction() = function:70D72508 ZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplateWithHeader = table:7E428C48 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:7E428C70 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:7F38C630 customFactoryBehavior() = function:70D72600 customResetBehavior() = function:70D72680 m_Active = table:7E428C98 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:7E428CC0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Browse_GamepadListScrollZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:42275308 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadPriceSelectorTemplate setupFunction() = function:7F38C728 ZO_Gamepad_Dropdown_Item_FullWidth = table:7F38C920 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false pool = table:7F38C948 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:7F38C970 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:7E428C20 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_TradingHouse_Browse_GamepadListScrollZO_Gamepad_Dropdown_Item_FullWidth parent = userdata:42275308 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_Gamepad_Dropdown_Item_FullWidth setupFunction() = function:7F38C8F8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:720CFD58 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:720CFEE0 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:2B121FF8 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:6A0B78B0 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:6A0B7900 firstTable prePadding = table:6A0B7888 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:6A0B78D8 firstTable scrollControl = userdata:42275308 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:6A0B7928 firstTable templateList = table:6A0B7860 firstTable universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:6A0B79A0 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:6A0B7950 firstTable priceSelectorKeybindStripDescriptor = table:80B97A80 firstTable 1 = table:80B97B48 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:80B97B20 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1000 2 = table:80B97B70 firstTable callback() = function:80B97BC0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:80B97B98 alignment = 1 GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_FRAGMENT = table:80B97BE8 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_MANAGER = table:42275230 (meta 3EADBE48} firstTable firstMeta GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_RESULTS = table:6A0B9AF8 (meta 80BB8CD0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:78E8E768 (meta 397F1208} currentTimePriceKey = price eventCallbacks = table:802AAA60 firstTable 131494() = function:802AABB0 131495() = function:7253BF20 131499() = function:802AAC00 footer = table:78E8B728 firstTable control = userdata:7F37AC70 (meta 397EAE80} nextButton = userdata:6A0B9AF0 (meta 397F7458} pageNumberLabel = userdata:78E634E0 (meta 39801FE0} previousButton = userdata:6A0B9AD8 (meta 397F7458} fragment = table:78E8B7E8 (meta 78D8C658} guildItemsCachedForDisplay = table:78E8CF88 firstTable initialSortKey = price itemList = table:802AEFD8 (meta 4E015478} keybindStripDescriptor = table:91D4BA80 firstTable 1 = table:91D4BAF8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:91D4BB20 enabled() = function:91D4BA28 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sort 2 = table:91D4BB50 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:91D4BB78 enabled() = function:91D4B9D8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name = Select 3 = table:802AAC28 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:7B322C40 enabled() = function:91D4BA28 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guild visible() = function:7B322C68 4 = table:7B322C90 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:7B322CE0 enabled() = function:91D4BA28 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name() = function:7B322CB8 5 = table:7B322D10 firstTable callback() = function:7B3277E8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 6 = table:7B327810 firstTable callback() = function:78E88908 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER 7 = table:78E88958 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:78E88930 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 sound = Console_Menu_Back visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 listControl = userdata:80BB8D80 (meta 77B16308} sortHeaderGroup = table:6A0B9B70 (meta 7BEAAA40} sortOptions = table:80BB8C58 firstTable price = 2 time = 1 toggleTimePriceKey = time GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_BROWSE_RESULTS_FRAGMENT = table:78E8B7E8 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:78E88AA8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:802AAAB0 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:802AAB30 firstTable StateChange = table:802AAB58 firstTable 1 = table:802AAB80 firstTable 1() = function:3EAD7478 3 = false control = userdata:78E8E768 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:78E8B810 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_CREATE_LISTING_FRAGMENT = table:8535B180 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_FRAGMENT = table:91A220F0 (meta 8533B968} GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_LISTINGS = table:6A096B88 (meta 7D9212B8} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:8029EDF8 (meta 397F1208} currentTimePriceKey = time eventCallbacks = table:2B10B058 firstTable 131494() = function:2B10B080 fragment = table:7DE45E20 (meta 78D8C658} initialSortKey = time itemList = table:804F91B0 (meta 4E015478} keybindStripDescriptor = table:7DE4E850 firstTable 1 = table:77A5BDE8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:77A5BF38 enabled() = function:6A096B40 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Sort sound = TradingHouse_StartSearch 2 = table:77A5BF60 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:77A5C0D8 enabled() = function:6A096B40 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY name() = function:77A5C0B0 visible() = function:77A5C100 3 = table:77A5C128 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:77A5C278 enabled() = function:6A096B40 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guild visible() = function:77A5C2A0 4 = table:77A5C2C8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:77A5C440 enabled() = function:6A096B40 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_STICK name() = function:77A5C418 sound = TradingHouse_StartSearch 5 = table:77A5C468 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:398AE3A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 6 = table:77A5C640 firstTable callback() = function:7DE45A68 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 7 = table:7DE45AE8 firstTable callback() = function:7DE45BA8 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER listControl = userdata:3EAEFEB0 (meta 804F8EE8} sortHeaderGroup = table:6A096AA0 (meta 7BEAAA40} sortOptions = table:42291050 firstTable name = table:422919A8 firstTable name = table:42291A20 firstTable tiebreaker = time time = table:42291870 firstTable price = table:422914C0 firstTable name = table:42291560 firstTable price = table:42291538 firstTable tiebreaker = name time = table:42291898 firstTable name = table:42291498 firstTable time = table:42291910 firstTable tiebreaker = name toggleTimePriceKey = price GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_LISTINGS_FRAGMENT = table:7DE45E20 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:7DE45EC0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7DE45F18 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:7DE45E48 firstTable StateChange = table:7DE45E70 firstTable 1 = table:77A5C6B8 firstTable 1() = function:7DE462E0 3 = false control = userdata:8029EDF8 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:7DE45E98 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_SELL = table:80298EF0 (meta 3EAE6680} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:3EAE69D0 (meta 2B111838} eventCallbacks = table:70D316C0 firstTable fragment = table:70D31838 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:3EAEFEE0 animationReverseOnStop() = function:3EAEFF38 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:3EAF0350 firstTable StateChange = table:3EAF0378 firstTable 1 = table:3EAF03A0 firstTable 1() = function:3EAF0300 3 = false control = userdata:3EAE69D0 (meta 2B111838} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:80298EF0 (meta 3EAE6680} dirtyEvents = table:2B1119A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden itemList = table:2B111A38 (meta 721332B0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:3EAF1B68 (meta 2B1114B8} dataBySlotIndex = table:2B111208 firstTable inventoryType = 1 isDirty = true itemFilterFunction() = function:70D31698 list = table:2B111440 (meta 5320EC00} selectedDataCallback() = function:2B111950 template = ZO_TradingHouse_Sell_Item_Gamepad triggerKeybinds = table:77A56AC8 firstTable 1 = table:77A56AF0 firstTable callback() = function:70D22340 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_TRIGGER 2 = table:2B111318 firstTable callback() = function:77A56538 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_TRIGGER useTriggers = true keybindStripDescriptor = table:70D31810 firstTable 1 = table:70D318B0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:70D31A28 enabled() = function:70D31AA0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name() = function:70D31A00 visible() = function:70D31A78 2 = table:70D31AC8 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:70D31AF0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_TERTIARY name = Guild visible() = function:70D31B18 3 = table:70D31B40 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:398AE3A0 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 listControl = userdata:3EAF1B68 (meta 2B1114B8} messageControl = userdata:80298B08 (meta 39801FE0} messageControlTextNoGuildPermission = No permission. (The Guild must have 50 members to post to the Guild Store.) messageControlTextNoPlayerPermission = No permission. (Your Guild Rank does not permit posting to the Guild Store.) GAMEPAD_TRADING_HOUSE_SELL_FRAGMENT = table:70D31838 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_TREASURE_MAP_INVENTORY_SCENE = table:7EC0B3B8 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_TREASURE_MAP_QUICK_SLOT_SCENE = table:3EAD89C8 (meta 3987DBF0} GAMEPAD_TYPE_NONE = 0 GAMEPAD_TYPE_PS4 = 2 GAMEPAD_TYPE_XBOX = 1 GAMEPAD_UI_MODE_FRAGMENT = table:77B25618 (meta 78D9A208} GAMEPAD_VENDOR_FRAGMENT = table:80BB9F50 (meta 7B9A92C8} GAMEPAD_VENDOR_SCENE = table:8ED4E050 (meta 7DB3BD48} GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_DIED = 1 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_FALL_DAMAGE_HIGH = 6 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_FALL_DAMAGE_LOW = 5 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_KILLED = 0 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_KNOCKED_BACK = 3 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_STAGGERED = 4 GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_TRIGGER_STUNNED = 2 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_DESTRUCTION_STAFF = 4 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_ONE_HANDED_MELEE = 1 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_RESTORATION_STAFF = 5 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_TWO_HANDED_BOW = 3 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_TWO_HANDED_MELEE = 2 GAMEPAD_WEAPON_CATEGORY_UNCATEGORIZED = 0 GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_CHOICE_FRAGMENT = table:4CE414A0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:7DF272E8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7DD7B630 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:7DD6D0B0 firstTable StateChange = table:7DD6FDD8 firstTable 1 = table:7DD70320 firstTable 1() = function:4CE40200 3 = false control = userdata:4CE3DE40 (meta 7DF26A98} dirtyEvents = table:4CE414C8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_FILTERS = table:42AD2A80 (meta 71ECFDF0} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:7B25D5E0 (meta 397F1208} currentPanel = table:94561318 (meta 79792258} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:42AD2FE8 (meta 397EAE80} list = table:945618C0 (meta 5320EC00} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:82E41F28 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:94561D58 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:94561D80 firstTable 1 = table:94561DF8 firstTable 1() = function:94561D30 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:94562578 firstTable control = userdata:7B25CF60 (meta 94561A20} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:945624B8 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:945618C0 (meta 5320EC00} dataIndexToControl = table:826F9498 firstTable 1 = userdata:945624A0 (meta 94562C00} 2 = userdata:94566A60 (meta 94565A90} 3 = userdata:94562E28 (meta 945673C0} dataList = table:826F9EB0 firstTable 1 = table:826F9698 (meta 7BEBEA00} 2 = table:826FA698 (meta 7BEBEA00} 3 = table:826FAB40 (meta 7BEBEA00} dataTypes = table:94562550 firstTable ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate = table:94561E58 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:94561E80 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:77EAF6A8 firstTable 1 = userdata:945624A0 (meta 94562C00} 2 = userdata:94566A60 (meta 94565A90} 3 = userdata:94562E28 (meta 945673C0} m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:94561F20 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 7 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate parent = userdata:78413B40 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:80B72818 ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader = table:94562418 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:94562440 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:945643D8 customFactoryBehavior() = function:94562270 customResetBehavior() = function:945643B0 m_Active = table:94560790 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:945622C0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvEListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:78413B40 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplate setupFunction() = function:945623C8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:945618E8 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:94562528 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:71ED00F8 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:826F9F28 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:826F9F78 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false prePadding = table:826F9F00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:826F9F50 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false scrollControl = userdata:78413B40 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:826F78D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 selectedData = table:826F9698 (meta 7BEBEA00} selectedIndex = 1 targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:826F9ED8 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:826F9470 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:77EAF680 firstTable userdata = 945624A0 = true 94562E28 = true 94566A60 = true mapFilterType = 1 mapMode = 2 modeVars = table:7F049510 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:826F9E60 firstTable 1 = table:826F9698 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:826F9670 firstTable mapPinGroup = 1 name = Objectives onSelect() = function:77EA3F50 refreshFunction() = function:7DF13FB0 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Objectives 2 = table:826FA698 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:826F9710 firstTable mapPinGroup = 8 name = Wayshrines onSelect() = function:826F9040 refreshFunction() = function:7DF141F8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Wayshrines 3 = table:826FAB40 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:826FA9F0 firstTable mapPinGroup = 9 name = Group Members onSelect() = function:826F9010 refreshFunction() = function:7DF13ED8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Group Members pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:826F9E88 firstTable savedVars = table:9455D688 (meta 9455D5C0} imperialPvPPanel = table:94578CD0 (meta 7979CA50} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:4CE39948 (meta 397EAE80} list = table:94578648 (meta 5320EC00} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:4CE39B00 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:9457A3E8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:94571E48 firstTable 1 = table:94577B58 firstTable 1() = function:9457A3C0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:94579D30 firstTable control = userdata:4CE399A0 (meta 94578588} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:94578680 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:94578648 (meta 5320EC00} dataIndexToControl = table:94579920 firstTable 1 = userdata:945790D8 (meta 9457BF58} 2 = userdata:9457E448 (meta 9457D688} 3 = userdata:9457C188 (meta 9457EFD0} dataList = table:94579C28 firstTable 1 = table:9457B3F8 (meta 7BEBEA00} 2 = table:9457B7E0 (meta 7BEBEA00} 3 = table:9457CDE0 (meta 7BEBEA00} dataTypes = table:94579D08 firstTable ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate = table:94577BB8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:94579648 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:94579970 firstTable 1 = userdata:945790D8 (meta 9457BF58} 2 = userdata:9457E448 (meta 9457D688} 3 = userdata:9457C188 (meta 9457EFD0} m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:945796E8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 3 m_NextFree = 4 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate parent = userdata:4CE39A00 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:80B72818 ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader = table:94579DA8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:94579EF8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:94579BB0 customFactoryBehavior() = function:94579B08 customResetBehavior() = function:94579B88 m_Active = table:94579998 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:94579858 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainImperialPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:4CE39A00 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplate setupFunction() = function:94579710 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:797A0910 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:94579CE0 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:4CE39B68 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:945796C0 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:945798A8 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false prePadding = table:94579698 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:94579880 firstTable 1 = false 2 = false 3 = false scrollControl = userdata:4CE39A00 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:945798D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 selectedData = table:9457B3F8 (meta 7BEBEA00} selectedIndex = 1 targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:94579C50 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 2 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:945798F8 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:94579948 firstTable userdata = 945790D8 = true 9457C188 = true 9457E448 = true mapFilterType = 3 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:94579BD8 firstTable 1 = table:9457B3F8 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:94579A68 firstTable mapPinGroup = 1 name = Objectives onSelect() = function:945799C0 refreshFunction() = function:7DF13FB0 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Objectives 2 = table:9457B7E0 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:9457B690 firstTable mapPinGroup = 9 name = Group Members onSelect() = function:9457B5E8 refreshFunction() = function:7DF13ED8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Group Members 3 = table:9457CDE0 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:9457B498 firstTable mapPinGroup = 3 name = Battles onSelect() = function:9457B948 refreshFunction() = function:7DF13DE8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Battles pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:94579C00 firstTable savedVars = table:9455D688 (meta 9455D5C0} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:9455D728 default = table:94551818 firstTable 1 = table:94552088 firstTable filters = table:945513D8 firstTable 1 = table:94551498 firstTable 2 = table:9455CB58 firstTable 1 = false 11 = 1 6 = false 3 = table:9455CC18 firstTable height = 550 keepSquare = true mapSize = 2 point = 128 relPoint = 128 width = 488 x = 0 y = 0 2 = table:9455CC40 firstTable filters = table:9455CCB8 firstTable 1 = table:9455CD78 firstTable 2 = table:9455CDA0 firstTable 1 = false 11 = 1 6 = false 3 = table:9455CE60 firstTable mapSize = 1 3 = table:9455CE88 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:9455CF48 firstTable 2 = table:9455CFC0 firstTable 1 = false 11 = 1 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 7 = false 8 = false mapSize = 1 4 = table:9455D110 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:9455D1D0 firstTable 1 = table:9455D290 firstTable 2 = table:9455D2B8 firstTable 11 = 1 2 = false 3 = false 3 = table:9455D378 firstTable mapSize = 1 5 = table:9455D3A0 firstTable allowHistory = false filters = table:9455D460 firstTable 2 = table:9455D4D8 firstTable 1 = false 11 = 1 3 = false 8 = false 3 = table:9455D598 firstTable mapSize = 1 userMode = 2 keybindStripDescriptorNoSelect = table:4CE39178 firstTable 1 = table:4CE391F0 firstTable callback() = function:4CE392B0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY 2 = table:4CE39350 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:796D6520 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 keybindStripDescriptorSelect = table:4CE393F0 firstTable 1 = table:4CE39430 firstTable callback() = function:797A0898 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select sound = Click 2 = table:797A0958 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:796D6520 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 pvePanel = table:94561318 (meta 79792258} pvpPanel = table:94567E18 (meta 7B25D558} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:4CE396F8 (meta 397EAE80} list = table:945664E0 (meta 5320EC00} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:4CE39890 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true callbackRegistry = table:945696E8 firstTable SelectedDataChanged = table:94569710 firstTable 1 = table:94569788 firstTable 1() = function:945696C0 3 = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:94568BA8 firstTable control = userdata:4CE39748 (meta 94566768} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:945675E8 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:945664E0 (meta 5320EC00} dataIndexToControl = table:94569860 firstTable 1 = userdata:94569390 (meta 9456B6C8} 2 = userdata:9456FC50 (meta 9456EE70} 3 = userdata:9456EBF0 (meta 9456B468} 4 = userdata:945702D0 (meta 94572100} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:85D70658 dataIndex = 4 highlight = userdata:94571D50 (meta 398062A0} icon = userdata:94571B10 (meta 9456F8C8} key = 4 label = userdata:9456B4A0 (meta 39801FE0} numInfoLabelsUsed = 0 optionEnabledIcon = userdata:945720D0 (meta 398062A0} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 5 = userdata:94572328 (meta 94571298} 6 = userdata:94573180 (meta 94575058} 7 = userdata:94575280 (meta 94575D30} 8 = userdata:945761B8 (meta 94574260} dataList = table:9456ADD8 firstTable 1 = table:94568E68 (meta 7BEBEA00} 10 = table:9456DEC0 (meta 7BEBEA00} 2 = table:945692E0 (meta 7BEBEA00} 3 = table:9456C5A8 (meta 7BEBEA00} 4 = table:9456C9F8 (meta 7BEBEA00} 5 = table:9456CD60 (meta 7BEBEA00} 6 = table:9456D2C0 (meta 7BEBEA00} 7 = table:9456D650 (meta 7BEBEA00} 8 = table:9456D9B8 (meta 7BEBEA00} 9 = table:9456DD20 (meta 7BEBEA00} dataTypes = table:796E7FE8 firstTable ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate = table:945697E8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasEditControl = false hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:94569810 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:94568C20 firstTable 1 = userdata:94569390 (meta 9456B6C8} 2 = userdata:9456FC50 (meta 9456EE70} 3 = userdata:9456EBF0 (meta 9456B468} 4 = userdata:945702D0 (meta 94572100} 5 = userdata:94572328 (meta 94571298} 6 = userdata:94573180 (meta 94575058} 7 = userdata:94575280 (meta 94575D30} 8 = userdata:945761B8 (meta 94574260} m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:945698B0 firstTable m_NextControlId = 8 m_NextFree = 9 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate parent = userdata:4CE397A0 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate setupFunction() = function:80B72818 ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader = table:945688C0 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = true headerSetupFunction() = function:8533B4C0 parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:945688E8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:9456AD10 customFactoryBehavior() = function:9456B1D8 customResetBehavior() = function:9456ACE8 m_Active = table:94568C48 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:94568938 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapFilters_GamepadMainPvPListScrollZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader parent = userdata:4CE397A0 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplate setupFunction() = function:945698D8 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = true dirtyEvents = table:94569BB0 firstTable enabled = true fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 isMoving = false jumping = false lastContinousTargetOffset = 1 maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = true movementController = table:796E7FC0 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 noItemsLabel = userdata:4CE398F0 (meta 39801FE0} onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:9456AE50 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:9456AEA0 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false prePadding = table:9456AE28 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:9456AE78 firstTable 1 = false 10 = false 2 = false 3 = false 4 = false 5 = false 6 = false 7 = false 8 = false 9 = false scrollControl = userdata:4CE397A0 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:9456AEC8 firstTable 1 = 0 10 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 selectedData = table:94568E68 (meta 7BEBEA00} selectedIndex = 1 targetSelectedIndex = 1 templateList = table:9456AE00 firstTable 1 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 10 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterComboBoxTemplateWithHeader 2 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 3 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 4 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 5 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 6 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 7 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 8 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate 9 = ZO_GamepadWorldMapFilterCheckboxOptionTemplate universalPostPadding = 16 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:9456AEF0 firstTable validGradientDirty = false validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:94569888 firstTable userdata = 94569390 = true 9456EBF0 = true 9456FC50 = true 945702D0 = true 94572328 = true 94573180 = true 94575280 = true 945761B8 = true mapFilterType = 2 pinFilterCheckBoxes = table:9456AD88 firstTable 1 = table:94568E68 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:94568D18 firstTable mapPinGroup = 1 name = Objectives onSelect() = function:94568C70 refreshFunction() = function:7DF13FB0 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Objectives 2 = table:945692E0 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:94569190 firstTable mapPinGroup = 8 name = Wayshrines onSelect() = function:945690E8 refreshFunction() = function:7DF141F8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Wayshrines 3 = table:9456C5A8 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:9456C458 firstTable mapPinGroup = 9 name = Group Members onSelect() = function:945690B8 refreshFunction() = function:7DF13ED8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Group Members 4 = table:9456C9F8 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:9456C8A8 firstTable mapPinGroup = 3 name = Battles onSelect() = function:9456C828 refreshFunction() = function:7DF13DE8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Battles 5 = table:9456CD60 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:9456CC10 firstTable mapPinGroup = 5 name = Resources onSelect() = function:9456CA20 refreshFunction() = function:7DF149C8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Resources 6 = table:9456D2C0 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:9456D170 firstTable mapPinGroup = 12 name = Imperial City Entrances onSelect() = function:94569058 refreshFunction() = function:7DF13C20 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Imperial City Entrances 7 = table:9456D650 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:9456D500 firstTable mapPinGroup = 7 name = Forward Camps onSelect() = function:9456D310 refreshFunction() = function:9456D2E8 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Forward Camps 8 = table:9456D9B8 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:9456D868 firstTable mapPinGroup = 6 name = Forward Camp Ranges onSelect() = function:9456D678 refreshFunction() = function:7DF13E70 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Forward Camp Ranges 9 = table:9456DD20 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false currentValue = true dataSource = table:9456DBD0 firstTable mapPinGroup = 10 name = Transit Lines onSelect() = function:9456D9E0 refreshFunction() = function:7DF14910 showSelectButton = true dependentComboBox = 11 enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 text = Transit Lines pinFilterOptionComboBoxes = table:9456ADB0 firstTable 1 = table:9456DEC0 (meta 7BEBEA00} firstTable alphaChangeOnSelection = false dataSource = table:94569330 firstTable callback() = function:9456C798 comboItems = table:9456DE70 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 2 mapPinGroup = 11 onSelect() = function:94569358 optionsEnumStringName = SI_MAPTRANSITLINEALLIANCE refreshFunction() = function:7DF14910 showSelectButton = true enabled = true fontScaleOnSelection = true header = Show Alliance heightScaleOnSelection = true numIcons = 0 savedVars = table:9455D688 (meta 9455D5C0} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_FILTERS_FRAGMENT = table:797A0AD0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:797A0D30 animationReverseOnStop() = function:797A0D88 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:797A11A0 firstTable StateChange = table:797A11C8 firstTable 1 = table:797A11F0 firstTable 1() = function:797A1150 3 = false control = userdata:7B25D5E0 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:797A0AF8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_HEADER_FRAGMENT = table:4EDE90B8 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INFO = table:8620D608 (meta 82E3DC88} firstTable firstMeta baseHeaderData = table:42B4C520 firstTable tabBarEntries = table:7832C268 control = userdata:7BE96720 (meta 397F1208} fragment = table:79790778 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:797907C8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:79790820 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:79790878 firstTable StateChange = table:797908A0 firstTable 1 = table:797908C8 firstTable 1() = function:7978F3B0 3 = false control = userdata:77E98928 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:797907A0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden header = userdata:7BE967C8 (meta 80C784B8} tabBarEntries = table:7832C268 firstTable 1 = table:709EB8E8 2 = table:4E0360C8 3 = table:71C41B58 usesRightSideContent = true GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:71C44328 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:7BA2DB48 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4CE3EE10 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:7B266798 firstTable StateChange = table:4CE3ECE8 firstTable 1 = table:4CE3C300 firstTable 1() = function:71C420F0 3 = false control = userdata:7BE96720 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:7B2667C0 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEEP_INFO = table:4CB6D5F8 (meta 4CB6BE70} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:4CB6C1B8 (meta 397F1208} defenseButtonData = table:4CB6E748 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceDefense_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceDefense_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceDefense_down.dds defenseFragment = table:4CB6E6F8 (meta 7B26F310} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:4CB6E720 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:4CB6D5F8 (meta 4CB6BE70} state = hidden upgradePath = 2 dirtyEvents = table:4CB6D670 firstTable externalFragments = table:4CB6E268 firstTable SUMMARY_FRAGMENT = table:4CB7FFC0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:4CB80010 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4CB80068 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:4CB800E8 firstTable StateChange = table:4CB80110 firstTable 1 = table:4CB80188 firstTable 1() = function:4CB800C0 3 = false control = userdata:4CB7E778 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:4CB7FFE8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden UPGRADE_FRAGMENT = table:77937630 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:77937680 animationReverseOnStop() = function:779376D8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:779377B0 firstTable StateChange = table:779377D8 firstTable 1 = table:77937800 firstTable 1() = function:77937730 3 = false control = userdata:77935B18 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:77937658 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden fireCallbackDepth = 0 foodButtonData = table:4CB6E418 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_foodFarm_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_foodFarm_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_foodFarm_down.dds foodKeepResourceTypeFragment = table:4CB6E3C8 (meta 79789290} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:4CB6E3F0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:4CB6D5F8 (meta 4CB6BE70} resourceType = 2 state = hidden header = userdata:4CB6C5C8 (meta 4CB6D6E8} firstMeta firstIndex controls = table:4CB6D698 firstTable 1 = userdata:4CB6C960 (meta 4CB6D960} 10 = userdata:4CB6D270 (meta 39801FE0} 11 = userdata:4CB6D390 (meta 39801FE0} 12 = userdata:4CB6D330 (meta 39801FE0} 13 = userdata:4CB6D450 (meta 39801FE0} 14 = userdata:4CB6D3F0 (meta 39801FE0} 15 = userdata:4CB6D4B0 (meta 39801FE0} 2 = userdata:4CB6C698 (meta 4CB6C890} firstMeta firstIndex SetText() = function:7B9AB9E8 fonts = table:4CB6C6A0 firstTable 1 = table:4CB6C700 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepadBold48 2 = table:4CB6C778 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad36 3 = table:4CB6C7F0 firstTable font = ZoFontGamepad27 forceUpdate = true maxLines = 3 4 = userdata:4CB6C630 (meta 397EAE80} 5 = userdata:4CB6CA30 (meta 397EAE80} 6 = userdata:4CB6CC58 (meta 397EAE80} 7 = userdata:4CB6D210 (meta 39801FE0} 8 = userdata:4CB6D1B0 (meta 39801FE0} 9 = userdata:4CB6D2D0 (meta 39801FE0} layout = 1 tabBar = table:4CB6D7B0 (meta 7BEA6EE8} firstTable active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 animationEnabled = false centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:4CB6DC20 firstTable control = userdata:4CB6C960 (meta 4CB6D960} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:4CB6DB60 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:4CB6D7B0 (meta 7BEA6EE8} dataIndexToControl = table:4CB6DDD8 firstTable dataList = table:4CB6DC98 firstTable dataTypes = table:4CB6DBF8 firstTable ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate = table:4CB6E0C8 firstTable equalityFunction() = function:7BD40C80 hasHeader = false parametricFunction() = function:80B727A0 pool = table:4CB6E0F0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable m_Active = table:4CB6E118 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:4CB6E140 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapKeepInfo_GamepadContainerHeaderTabBarScrollZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate parent = userdata:4CB6C9C8 (meta 3980C1B0} templateName = ZO_GamepadTabBarTemplate setupFunction() = function:7BEC8DD0 defaultSelectedIndex = 0 directionalInputEnabled = false dirtyEvents = table:4CB6D828 firstTable enabled = true entryAnchors = table:4CB6DE78 firstTable 1 = 4 2 = 4 fireCallbackDepth = 0 fixedCenterOffset = 0 headerDefaultPadding = 80 headerSelectedPadding = -40 hideUnselectedControls = true isMoving = false keybindStripDescriptor = table:4CB6DEC8 firstTable 1 = table:4CB6DF18 firstTable callback() = function:4CB6DF40 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_SHOULDER 2 = table:4CB6DF90 firstTable callback() = function:4CB6E050 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER leftIcon = userdata:4CB6CCC8 (meta 397F7458} maxOffset = 40 minOffset = 0 mode = false movementController = table:4CB6DBD0 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 onActivatedChangedFunction() = function:4CC0B140 onPlaySoundFunction() = function:7BD5DB78 postPadding = table:4CB6DD10 firstTable postSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:4CB6DD60 firstTable prePadding = table:4CB6DCE8 firstTable preSelectedOffsetAdditionalPadding = table:4CB6DD38 firstTable rightIcon = userdata:4CB6CD38 (meta 397F7458} scrollControl = userdata:4CB6C9C8 (meta 3980C1B0} selectedCenterOffset = table:4CB6DD88 firstTable templateList = table:4CB6DCC0 firstTable universalPostPadding = 0 universalPrePadding = 0 unseenControls = table:4CB6DE00 firstTable validGradientDirty = true validateGradient = true visibleControls = table:4CB6DDB0 firstTable keepNameLabel = userdata:4CB6D5F0 (meta 39801FE0} keepUpgrade = table:4CB6E8E0 (meta 4CB6BD30} firstTable firstMeta oreButtonData = table:4CB6E528 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_oreMine_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_oreMine_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_oreMine_down.dds oreKeepResourceTypeFragment = table:4CB6E4D8 (meta 79789290} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:4CB6E500 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:4CB6D5F8 (meta 4CB6BE70} resourceType = 3 state = hidden productionButtonData = table:4CB6E638 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceProduction_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceProduction_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_resourceProduction_down.dds productionFragment = table:4CB6E5E8 (meta 7B26F310} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:4CB6E610 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:4CB6D5F8 (meta 4CB6BE70} state = hidden upgradePath = 1 resourceUpgrade = table:4CB6E908 (meta 4CB6BDD0} firstTable firstMeta summaryButtonData = table:4CB6E290 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_keepSummary_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_keepSummary_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_keepSummary_down.dds woodButtonData = table:4CB6E308 firstTable highlight = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_woodMill_over.dds normal = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_woodMill_up.dds pressed = EsoUI/Art/WorldMap/map_AVA_tabIcon_woodMill_down.dds woodKeepResourceTypeFragment = table:4CB6E2B8 (meta 79789290} firstTable firstMeta allShowHideTimeUpdates = false dirtyEvents = table:4CB6E2E0 firstTable fireCallbackDepth = 0 keepInfoObject = table:4CB6D5F8 (meta 4CB6BE70} resourceType = 1 state = hidden worldMapKeepInfoBGFragment = table:4CB6E980 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:4CB6EA20 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4CB6EA78 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation control = userdata:4CB6C158 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:4CB6E9F8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden worldMapKeepInfoFragment = table:4CB6EAD0 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:4CB6EB20 animationReverseOnStop() = function:4CB6EB78 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:4CB6EC20 firstTable StateChange = table:4CB6EC48 firstTable 1 = table:4CB6EC70 firstTable 1() = function:4CB6EBD0 3 = false control = userdata:4CB6C1B8 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:4CB6EAF8 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEEP_INFO_FRAGMENT = table:4CB6EAD0 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEEP_SUMMARY = table:4CB7FEA0 (meta 4CB7E528} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:4CB7E778 (meta 397F1208} fragment = table:4CB7FFC0 (meta 78D8C658} rowLayout = ZO_WorldMapKeepSummaryRow_Gamepad rowPool = table:4CB80448 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:4CB80550 m_Active = table:4CB80470 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:4CB804E8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapKeepSummary_GamepadUpgradeRow parent = userdata:4CB7E778 (meta 397F1208} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeepSummaryRow_Gamepad GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEEP_UPGRADE = table:779367D0 (meta 779357E8} firstTable firstMeta barControl = userdata:77935CC0 (meta 77935FC0} barLabel = userdata:779360D8 (meta 39801FE0} buttonLayout = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeButton_Gamepad buttonPool = table:77937338 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:779373F0 m_Active = table:77937360 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:77937388 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgrade_GamepadUpgradeButton parent = userdata:77935B18 (meta 397F1208} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeButton_Gamepad control = userdata:77935B18 (meta 397F1208} currentLevelLabel = userdata:77935C70 (meta 39801FE0} directionalMovementSound = Horizontal_List_Item_Selected focusX = 1 focusY = 1 fragment = table:77937630 (meta 78D8C658} horizontalMovementController = table:77936820 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 levelLayout = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeLevel_Gamepad levelPool = table:77937208 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customFactoryBehavior() = function:77937310 m_Active = table:77937230 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:779372A8 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgrade_GamepadUpgradeLevel parent = userdata:77935B18 (meta 397F1208} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeepUpgradeLevel_Gamepad rowMajor = true scrollTooltip = userdata:77936510 (meta 77937048} firstMeta firstIndex AddMoney() = function:8F113418 AppendAvAObjective() = function:8F113060 AppendMapPing() = function:8F1133F0 AppendQuestCondition() = function:8F1133C8 AppendQuestEnding() = function:8F113378 AppendUnitName() = function:8F1132F8 AppendWayshrineTooltip() = function:42559B38 ClearLines() = function:93D5DE10 HasControls() = function:93D5DE38 Initialize() = function:93D5DBE0 LayoutBagItem() = function:93D5DE88 LayoutGroupHeader() = function:8BE793B0 LayoutIconStringLine() = function:8BE79348 LayoutIconStringRightStringLine() = function:8BE7BF68 LayoutItem() = function:93D5DE60 LayoutKeepUpgrade() = function:42559B60 LayoutLargeIconStringLine() = function:8BE79B10 LayoutStringLine() = function:8BE79500 LayoutTradeItem() = function:93D5DEB0 OnEffectivelyHidden() = function:93D5DD48 OnEffectivelyShown() = function:93D5DCF8 OnScrollExtentsChanged() = function:93D5DD70 OnUpdate() = function:93D5DDC0 RefreshDirectionalInputActivation() = function:93D5DD20 ResetToTop() = function:93D5DDE8 SetInputEnabled() = function:93D5DC80 SetMagnitude() = function:93D5DD98 animation = userdata:77937098 (meta 779370C8} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:77936510 (meta 77937048} baseMagnitude = 0.4 directionalInputActivated = false inputEnabled = true magnitude = 1 maxFadeGradientSize = 256 scroll = userdata:77936578 (meta 3980C1B0} scrollChild = userdata:779365E8 (meta 397EAE80} scrollIndicator = userdata:779367C8 (meta 398062A0} scrollValue = 0 timeline = userdata:77937080 (meta 3981BF40} tooltip = userdata:77936660 (meta 77936870} firstMeta firstIndex AcquireItemImprovementStatusBar() = function:8BE7B590 AcquireSection() = function:93D58B40 AcquireStatValuePair() = function:93D58B90 AcquireStatValueSlider() = function:93D58BB8 AcquireStatusBar() = function:93D58C08 AddAbilityDescription() = function:3EA27EA8 AddAbilityName() = function:3EA27E30 AddAbilityNewEffects() = function:3EA27EF8 AddAbilityProgressBar() = function:3EA27E58 AddAbilityStats() = function:3EA27E80 AddAbilityUpgrades() = function:3EA27ED0 AddBaseStats() = function:4D8AF160 AddColorSwatch() = function:823817E0 AddConditionBar() = function:4D8AF188 AddConditionOrChargeBar() = function:86208FD0 AddControl() = function:823816A0 AddCreator() = function:4D8AF230 AddCustom() = function:82381718 AddDimensionedControl() = function:823816C8 AddEnchant() = function:8BE805D0 AddEnchantChargeBar() = function:8620AA70 AddFlavorText() = function:4D8AF208 AddItemAbilityScalingRange() = function:8BE7CB78 AddItemBagCounts() = function:6E9D92A8 AddItemTitle() = function:4D8AF0C0 AddLine() = function:823816F0 AddMaterialLevels() = function:6E9D9280 AddOnUseAbility() = function:70CF31D8 AddSection() = function:93D58B18 AddSectionEvenIfEmpty() = function:82381808 AddSet() = function:4D8AF1E0 AddSimpleCurrency() = function:82381740 AddStatValuePair() = function:93D58BE0 AddStatusBar() = function:93D58C30 AddTexture() = function:823817B8 AddToPrimaryDimension() = function:82385398 AddToSecondaryDimension() = function:82382788 AddTopLineToTopSection() = function:4D8AF138 AddTopSection() = function:4D8AF110 AddTrait() = function:8BE83620 AddTypeSlotUniqueLine() = function:4D8AF0E8 ApplyLayoutVariables() = function:93D66290 ApplyPadding() = function:93D66268 ApplyStyles() = function:8237C1E0 BasicTextureSetup() = function:82381768 ClearLines() = function:93D58FA8 CreateMetaControlPool() = function:823854F8 FormatLabel() = function:93D63218 FormatTexture() = function:93D63240 GetDimensionWithContraints() = function:82384EA0 GetFontString() = function:93D631F0 GetHeightProperty() = function:8237F6C0 GetInnerPrimaryDimension() = function:82384EF0 GetInnerSecondaryDimension() = function:82382738 GetNextSpacing() = function:82380E58 GetNumControls() = function:823827B0 GetParent() = function:93D63128 GetPoolKey() = function:82382828 GetPrimaryDimension() = function:82384EC8 GetProperty() = function:93D631A0 GetPropertyNoChain() = function:93D631C8 GetSecondaryDimension() = function:823853C0 GetStyle() = function:93D58FD0 GetStyles() = function:8237B6E0 GetWidthProperty() = function:82382C70 HasControls() = function:823827D8 Initialize() = function:93D58C80 InitializeStaticPools() = function:8EF26E98 IsPrimaryDimensionFixed() = function:8237F180 IsSecondaryDimensionFixed() = function:82380E08 IsVertical() = function:8237F158 LayoutAbility() = function:778950A0 LayoutAbilityMorph() = function:8F115CB0 LayoutAchievement() = function:6E9DBFF0 LayoutAchievementCriteria() = function:6E9DC018 LayoutAchievementRewards() = function:6E9DC098 LayoutAchievementSummary() = function:6E9DBFA0 LayoutActionBarAbility() = function:8F115CD8 LayoutAlchemyBase() = function:8BE79E60 LayoutAlchemyPreview() = function:8BE7DB40 LayoutArmorTrait() = function:8BE7DAF0 LayoutAttributeInfo() = function:8D4EAEC8 LayoutAvABonus() = function:6E9DDE80 LayoutAvARepair() = function:70CF34E0 LayoutBagItem() = function:77889F40 LayoutBook() = function:70CF3508 LayoutBooster() = function:6E9D81D0 LayoutBuyBackItem() = function:8BE82E68 LayoutCadwells() = function:6E9D9F28 LayoutChampionConstellation() = function:78D7BD20 LayoutChampionSkillAbility() = function:8D4EAE78 LayoutCollectible() = function:7DB55620 LayoutCollectibleFromLink() = function:8237EC58 LayoutEnchantingCraftingItem() = function:8BE7EB00 LayoutEnchantingPreview() = function:8BE7EB28 LayoutEnchantingRune() = function:8BE79E38 LayoutFriend() = function:823864B0 LayoutGenericItem() = function:6E9D92D0 LayoutGlyph() = function:6E9D81F8 LayoutGroupFinder() = function:4F114BD8 LayoutGroupRole() = function:7DC208E8 LayoutGroupTooltip() = function:4F114BB0 LayoutGuildKioskInfo() = function:82388968 LayoutGuildMember() = function:69E47040 LayoutImprovedSmithingItem() = function:7788A8F8 LayoutIngredient() = function:8BE79E88 LayoutInlineGlyph() = function:70CEE210 LayoutItem() = function:862026C0 LayoutItemStatComparison() = function:7788AD48 LayoutItemWithStackCount() = function:77889670 LayoutItemWithStackCountSimple() = function:8F11B318 LayoutLure() = function:70CF3530 LayoutMaterial() = function:8BE7BE08 LayoutNoAchievement() = function:6E9DBFC8 LayoutNotification() = function:79655EC8 LayoutPendingEnchantedItem() = function:8F117598 LayoutPendingItemCharge() = function:7788A588 LayoutPendingItemChargeOrRepair() = function:7788A328 LayoutPendingItemRepair() = function:7788A7E8 LayoutPendingSmithingItem() = function:7788A1F0 LayoutProvisionerRecipe() = function:8BE78F98 LayoutQuestItem() = function:7788AC20 LayoutQuestRewardItem() = function:8BE82E90 LayoutQuestStartOrFinishItem() = function:8BE78F70 LayoutRawMaterial() = function:8BE7BDE0 LayoutReagent() = function:8BE78FC0 LayoutResearchSmithingItem() = function:7788AA10 LayoutRidingSkill() = function:4CC05700 LayoutSiege() = function:70CF0F50 LayoutSkillLineAbility() = function:778950C8 LayoutSoulGem() = function:70CF0FA0 LayoutStoreItemFromLink() = function:8BE7EB50 LayoutStoreWindowItem() = function:8BE82E40 LayoutStyleMaterial() = function:8BE7BDB8 LayoutTool() = function:70CF0F78 LayoutTradeItem() = function:7788A078 LayoutVendorTrash() = function:6E9D81A8 LayoutWeaponTrait() = function:8BE7DB18 ReleaseSection() = function:93D58B68 Reset() = function:8237F130 SetClearOnHidden() = function:93D58CF8 SetNextSpacing() = function:82380E30 SetOwner() = function:93D58EC0 SetPoolKey() = function:82382800 SetPrimaryDimension() = function:82385370 SetProvisionerResultItem() = function:8BE83448 SetSecondaryDimension() = function:82382760 SetStyles() = function:93D66D80 SetupPrimaryDimension() = function:8237C208 SetupSecondaryDimension() = function:8237C230 ShouldAdvanceSecondaryCursor() = function:82381678 colorPool = table:77936AC8 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:77936F30 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:77936B18 sourcePool = table:8EF28848 (meta 7BA120F8} contentsControl = userdata:779366E0 (meta 397EAE80} firstInLine = true innerSecondaryDimension = 345 isPrimaryDimensionCentered = false isPrimaryDimensionFixed = false isSecondaryDimensionFixed = true labelPool = table:779368E8 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:77936EE0 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:779369D8 sourcePool = table:8EF1C370 (meta 7BA120F8} layoutRootAnchor = 3 maxSecondarySizeOnLine = 0 numControls = 0 paddingBottom = 0 paddingLeft = 0 paddingRight = 30 paddingTop = 32 primaryCursor = 0 primaryCursorDirection = 1 primaryDimension = 32 secondaryCursor = 0 secondaryCursorDirection = 1 secondaryDimension = 375 sectionPool = table:77936D40 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:77936F58 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:77936D90 sourcePool = table:93D618C8 (meta 7BA120F8} statValuePairPool = table:77936B68 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:77936F80 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:77936BB8 sourcePool = table:82381858 (meta 7BA120F8} statValueSliderPool = table:77936C08 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:77936FA8 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:77936C58 sourcePool = table:82385480 (meta 7BA120F8} statusBarPools = table:77936E78 firstTable styleNamespace = table:42559CB0 styles = table:77936EA0 firstTable 1 = table:42555C80 texturePool = table:77936A28 (meta 7BA12328} firstTable activeObjects = table:77936F08 firstTable customAcquireBehavior() = function:77936A78 sourcePool = table:82385550 (meta 7BA120F8} vertical = true useFadeGradient = true selector = userdata:77936400 (meta 397EAE80} sideContent = userdata:779364B0 (meta 397EAE80} symbolParams = table:77935770 firstTable FIRST_SECTION_OFFSET_X = 39 FIRST_SECTION_OFFSET_Y = 50 SYMBOL_PADDING_X = 10 SYMBOL_PADDING_Y = 0 SYMBOL_SECTION_OFFSET_X = 0 SYMBOL_SECTION_OFFSET_Y = 20 timeContainer = userdata:77936128 (meta 397EAE80} timeUntilNextLevelLabel = userdata:779361E0 (meta 39801FE0} verticalMovementController = table:779367F8 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEY = table:42AD48B8 (meta 42AD3590} firstTable firstMeta columns = table:42ADA758 firstTable 1 = userdata:7DCD6158 (meta 397EAE80} 2 = userdata:42AD8880 (meta 397EAE80} 3 = userdata:7DCD6170 (meta 397EAE80} 4 = userdata:91CE3D70 (meta 397EAE80} control = userdata:42AD47C0 (meta 397F1208} directionalMovementSound = Horizontal_List_Item_Selected dirty = true focusX = 1 focusY = 1 fragment = table:91CE3F08 (meta 78D8C658} firstTable allShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:7979E480 animationReverseOnStop() = function:7979E4D8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:7979E558 firstTable StateChange = table:7979E580 firstTable 1 = table:7979E5A8 firstTable 1() = function:7979DE68 3 = false control = userdata:42AD47C0 (meta 397F1208} dirtyEvents = table:7979E458 firstTable duration = 200 fireCallbackDepth = 0 state = hidden headerPool = table:77E9B2A0 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:91CE3D78 m_Active = table:78F36238 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:78F36260 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapKey_GamepadMainHeader parent = userdata:42AD87F0 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_GamepadMenuEntryHeaderTemplate horizontalMovementController = table:7978D2D0 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 2 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 keybindStripDescriptor = table:77E98640 firstTable 1 = table:91CE3EE0 firstTable callback() = function:78F360D8 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Close sound = Console_Menu_Back 2 = table:78F36100 firstTable callback() = function:78F361C0 ethereal = true keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_LEFT_STICK sound = Console_Menu_Back alignment = 1 noKeyLabel = userdata:42AD8840 (meta 39801FE0} scrollTargetPos = 0 symbolParams = table:42AD3568 firstTable HEADER_OFFSET_X = 69 HEADER_OFFSET_Y = 70 MAX_SYMBOLS_PER_COLUMN = 7 SYMBOL_OFFSET_Y = 25 TARGET_SECTIONS_PER_COLUMN = 2 TARGET_SYMBOLS_PER_COLUMN = 6 symbolPool = table:91CE3DC8 (meta 7BA120F8} firstTable customResetBehavior() = function:91CE3D78 m_Active = table:91CE3DF0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:7BA12148 m_Free = table:91CE3E68 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:7BA12170 name = ZO_WorldMapKey_GamepadMainSymbol parent = userdata:42AD87F0 (meta 397EAE80} templateName = ZO_WorldMapKeySymbol_Gamepad verticalMovementController = table:42AD8848 (meta 7BA1E250} firstTable accelerationMagnitudeFactor = 3 accumulationPerSecondForChange = 8 allowAcceleration = true debt = 0 direction = 1 lastMagnitude = 0 magnitudeQueryFunction() = function:8533C670 numTicksToStartAccelerating = 5 totalAccumulation = 0 GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEY_COLUMN_WIDTH = 420 GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_KEY_FRAGMENT = table:91CE3F08 (meta 78D8C658} GAMEPAD_WORLD_MAP_LOCATIONS = table:42ACD9B0 (meta 796DFB80} firstTable firstMeta control = userdata:796DFC58 (meta 397F1208} data = table:77EA3F28 (meta 797A1CE0} firstTable firstMeta mapData = table:77E99A98 firstTable 1 = table:80C76498 10 = table:80C6D7B0 11 = table:71ECC388 12 = table:77EA1BF8 13 = table:7B263768 14 = table:71B61C60 15 = table:4CE2F0C8 16 = table:4CE30CE0 17 = table:7978EEB8 18 = table:77ADA9B8 19 = table:77E9A568 2 = table:71B61B80 20 = table:80C6D6F0 21 = table:709DE720 22 = table:71B65790 23 = table:80C6A3D8 24 = table:77E99AC0 25 = table:4CE2F488 26 = table:80C68770 27 = table:4CE2F188 3 = table:80C68798 4 = table:80C76578 5 = table:77AC1AC0 6 = table:4CE30DC8 7 = table:80C6A400 8 = table:80C765A0 9 = table:7BD4C4D0 hasLocationInfo = true keybindStripDescriptor = table:42AD3178 firstTable 1 = table:7978DBF0 firstTable callback() = function:7091E728 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY name = Select visible() = function:77EA8560 2 = table:77EA86A0 firstTable alignment = 1 callback() = function:796D6520 keybind = UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE name = Back order = -1500 visible() = function:3988D2C0 alignment = 1 list = table:42ACD6E0 (meta 5320EC00} firstTable firstMeta active = false additonalMaxBottomOffset = 0 additonalMinBottomOffset = 0 alignToScreenCenter = true alignToScreenCenterAnchor = userdata:42ACE458 (meta 397EAE80} alignToScreenCenterExpectedEntryHalfHeight = 25 animationEnabled = true centerDampingFactor = 0 commitHistoryDictionary = table:532152D8 firstTable control = userdata:42ACE310 (meta 42ACD218} firstMeta firstIndex focusedChangedAnimation = userdata:42ACD348 (meta 3981BF40} scrollList = table:42ACD6E0 (meta 5320EC00} dataIndexToControl = table:78F44E88 firstTable 1 = userdata:42AE2420 (meta 42AD7DC8} firstMeta firstIndex GetHeight() = function:85D70658 dataIndex = 1 highlight = userdata:80C6BEC8 (meta 398062A0} icon = userdata:80C6BA