ZO_INTERACTION_SYSTEM_NAME = "interact" --Interaction Manager --------------------- ZO_InteractionManager = ZO_CallbackObject:Subclass() function ZO_InteractionManager:New(...) local manager = ZO_CallbackObject.New(self) manager:Initialize(...) return manager end function ZO_InteractionManager:Initialize() ZO_SceneManager_Leader.AddBypassHideSceneConfirmationReason("ARRESTED") EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("InteractWindow", EVENT_INTERACTION_ENDED, function(_, ...) self:OnInteractionEnded(...) end) end function ZO_InteractionManager:OnBeginInteraction(interaction) -- If we are interacting already, and the call comes from switching interactions, we need to make sure the previous interact -- scene takes care of what it needs to before moving on to another interact scene. This is currently how it works, -- but is not the ideal solution since there are implications of how InteractScene works that by happenstance work with this flow if(self.currentInteraction and (interaction.type ~= self.currentInteraction.type) and self.currentInteraction.OnInteractSwitch) then self.currentInteraction.OnInteractSwitch() end self.currentInteraction = interaction end function ZO_InteractionManager:EndInteraction(interaction) if(self.currentInteraction == interaction) then self:TerminateClientInteraction(interaction) self.currentInteraction = nil end end function ZO_InteractionManager:OnInteractionEnded(interactType, cancelContext) -- The intention here is to account for situations where the interaction got ended in code but Lua hadn't been aware of it -- For example, if combat kicked the player out of an interact -- For now this will only fire the callback if the interact that was cancelled was the same interact that this manager thought should be running -- This is an edge case, the standard flow should have the owning scene starting and ending explicitly wherever possible if self.currentInteraction and self.currentInteraction.interactTypes and self.currentInteraction.OnInteractionCanceled then if ZO_IsElementInNumericallyIndexedTable(self.currentInteraction.interactTypes, interactType) then self.currentInteraction.OnInteractionCanceled(cancelContext) end end end function ZO_InteractionManager:TerminateClientInteraction(interaction) local interactTypes = interaction.interactTypes if(interactTypes) then for i = 1, #interactTypes do EndInteraction(interactTypes[i]) end end end function ZO_InteractionManager:IsInteracting(interaction) if interaction == nil then return self.currentInteraction ~= nil else return self.currentInteraction and (self.currentInteraction.type == interaction.type) end end function ZO_InteractionManager:ShowInteractWindow(bodyText) local sceneName = SYSTEMS:GetRootSceneName(ZO_INTERACTION_SYSTEM_NAME) if IsUnderArrest() then PushActionLayerByName("SceneChangeInterceptLayer") --Bypass any hide confirmations with the arrested reason local DONT_PUSH = false SCENE_MANAGER:Show(sceneName, DONT_PUSH, nil, nil, ZO_BHSCR_ARRESTED) self:FireCallbacks("Shown") else SCENE_MANAGER:ShowWithFollowup(sceneName, function(allowed) if allowed then self:FireCallbacks("Shown") else -- If we're trying to bring up the conversation window but we rejected the request, we want to end that conversation -- However, we don't want to end conversations if we were rejected by an already ongoing conversation local isNotAlreadyInConversationInteractScene = true if self.currentInteraction then for _, interactType in ipairs(self.currentInteraction.interactTypes) do if interactType == INTERACTION_CONVERSATION then isNotAlreadyInConversationInteractScene = false break end end end if isNotAlreadyInConversationInteractScene then EndInteraction(INTERACTION_CONVERSATION) end end end) end end function ZO_InteractionManager:IsShowingInteraction() local obj = SYSTEMS:GetObject(ZO_INTERACTION_SYSTEM_NAME) if obj then return SCENE_MANAGER:IsShowing(obj.sceneName) end --if the object doesn't exist then it won't be showing return false end -- function wrappers as this manager function is called from -- multiple files. Now just redirects it to the proper object ------------------------------------------------------------- function ZO_InteractionManager:SelectChatterOptionByIndex(optionIndex) local obj = SYSTEMS:GetObjectBasedOnCurrentScene(ZO_INTERACTION_SYSTEM_NAME) obj:SelectChatterOptionByIndex(optionIndex) end function ZO_InteractionManager:SelectLastChatterOption(optionIndex) local obj = SYSTEMS:GetObjectBasedOnCurrentScene(ZO_INTERACTION_SYSTEM_NAME) obj:SelectLastChatterOption() end -- Globals ------------------------------------------------------------- INTERACT_WINDOW = ZO_InteractionManager:New()