ZO_GridSquareEntryData_Shared = ZO_EntryData:Subclass() function ZO_GridSquareEntryData_Shared:New(...) return ZO_EntryData.New(self, ...) end -- If these are set for one data entry in a list for a given data type, they must be set for all entries in that list for that data type -- Otherwise they will not be reset when the control gets recycled function ZO_GridSquareEntryData_Shared:SetIconDesaturation(desaturation) self.iconDesaturation = desaturation end function ZO_GridSquareEntryData_Shared:SetIconSampleProcessingWeight(type, weight) if not self.textureSampleProcessingWeights then self.textureSampleProcessingWeights = {} end self.textureSampleProcessingWeights[type] = weight end function ZO_GridSquareEntryData_Shared:SetIconSampleProcessingWeightTable(typeToWeightTable) self.textureSampleProcessingWeights = typeToWeightTable end function ZO_GridSquareEntryData_Shared:SetIconColor(color) self.iconColor = color end