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ABILITY_TYPE_DISABLECLIENTTURNING = 108 ABILITY_TYPE_DISABLEITEMSETS = 103 ABILITY_TYPE_DISARM = 67 ABILITY_TYPE_DISORIENT = 32 ABILITY_TYPE_DISPEL = 44 ABILITY_TYPE_DODGE = 56 ABILITY_TYPE_EXHAUSTED = 54 ABILITY_TYPE_FACETARGET = 106 ABILITY_TYPE_FEAR = 27 ABILITY_TYPE_FILLSOULGEM = 80 ABILITY_TYPE_FIRETRIGGER = 71 ABILITY_TYPE_FLIGHT = 31 ABILITY_TYPE_FOLLOWWAYPOINTPATH = 104 ABILITY_TYPE_FREECAST = 59 ABILITY_TYPE_FREEINTERACT = 63 ABILITY_TYPE_GRANTABILITY = 76 ABILITY_TYPE_HARDDISMOUNT = 99 ABILITY_TYPE_HEAL = 2 ABILITY_TYPE_HIDE = 77 ABILITY_TYPE_HOTBARSLOTOVERRIDE = 112 ABILITY_TYPE_IMMUNITY = 19 ABILITY_TYPE_INTERACTREFUSALOVERRIDE = 39 ABILITY_TYPE_INTERCEPT = 20 ABILITY_TYPE_INTERRUPT = 51 ABILITY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ABILITY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 115 ABILITY_TYPE_JUMP = 35 ABILITY_TYPE_KNOCKBACK = 17 ABILITY_TYPE_LEAP = 72 ABILITY_TYPE_LEVITATE = 48 ABILITY_TYPE_LIGHTHEAVYATTACKOVERRIDE = 93 ABILITY_TYPE_LINKTARGET = 100 ABILITY_TYPE_LOSMOVEPOSITION = 107 ABILITY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 115 ABILITY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ABILITY_TYPE_MISDIRECT = 58 ABILITY_TYPE_MODIFYCOOLDOWN = 47 ABILITY_TYPE_MODIFYDURATION = 55 ABILITY_TYPE_MOUNT = 38 ABILITY_TYPE_MOUNTBLOCK = 97 ABILITY_TYPE_MOVEPOSITION = 16 ABILITY_TYPE_NOAGGRO = 43 ABILITY_TYPE_NOKILL = 42 ABILITY_TYPE_NOLOCKPICK = 79 ABILITY_TYPE_NONCOMBATBONUS = 87 ABILITY_TYPE_NONE = 0 ABILITY_TYPE_NONEXISTENT = 41 ABILITY_TYPE_NOSEETARGET = 88 ABILITY_TYPE_OFFBALANCE = 53 ABILITY_TYPE_PACIFY = 49 ABILITY_TYPE_PARRY = 68 ABILITY_TYPE_PATHLINE = 69 ABILITY_TYPE_PERSISTENTRADIUS = 98 ABILITY_TYPE_PHASETHROUGH = 23 ABILITY_TYPE_PLAYERFLIGHT = 115 ABILITY_TYPE_PREVENTHEALING = 114 ABILITY_TYPE_RANDOMBRANCH = 96 ABILITY_TYPE_RECALL = 75 ABILITY_TYPE_REFLECTION = 21 ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER = 6 ABILITY_TYPE_REMOVETYPE = 12 ABILITY_TYPE_REPAIR = 113 ABILITY_TYPE_RESOURCETAP = 111 ABILITY_TYPE_RESURRECT = 3 ABILITY_TYPE_REVEAL = 73 ABILITY_TYPE_REWINDTIME = 92 ABILITY_TYPE_SEESTEALTH = 30 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ACTION_RESULT_STAGGERED = 2470 ACTION_RESULT_STUNNED = 2020 ACTION_RESULT_SWIMMING = 3010 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_DEAD = 2050 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_NOT_IN_VIEW = 2070 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_NOT_PVP_FLAGGED = 2391 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_OUT_OF_RANGE = 2100 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_PLAYING_TRIBUTE = 3500 ACTION_RESULT_TARGET_TOO_CLOSE = 2370 ACTION_RESULT_TAUNTED = 2392 ACTION_RESULT_UNEVEN_TERRAIN = 2900 ACTION_RESULT_WEAPONSWAP = 2450 ACTION_RESULT_WRECKING_DAMAGE = 8 ACTION_RESULT_WRONG_WEAPON = 2380 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_BLOCK = 4 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_HEAVY_ATTACK = 6 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 6 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_LIGHT_ATTACK = 5 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 6 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_NORMAL_ABILITY = 0 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_OTHER = 3 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_ULTIMATE = 2 ACTION_SLOT_TYPE_WEAPON_ATTACK = 1 ACTION_TYPE_ABILITY = 1 ACTION_TYPE_CHAMPION_SKILL = 6 ACTION_TYPE_COLLECTIBLE = 7 ACTION_TYPE_CRAFTED_ABILITY = 3 ACTION_TYPE_DEPRECATED1 = 4 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userdata:000001F6C3DE9B70 (meta 000001F6C020ADD8} icon = userdata:000001F6C3DF9BA0 (meta 000001F6C024FFE0} supressionTime = 0 tip = userdata:000001F6C3DF9B30 (meta 000001F6C01F8998} tipText = userdata:000001F6C3DF9C10 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} ACTIVE_QUEST_TOOL_MONITOR_SYSTEM = table:000001F6C3DFB788 (meta 000001F6C3DFA408} firstTable firstMeta prompt = userdata:000001F6C3DFB778 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_BACKUP = 2 ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_ITERATION_END = 2 ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_MAIN = 1 ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_MAX_VALUE = 2 ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTIVE_WEAPON_PAIR_NONE = 0 ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_COMPLETE = 3 ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_FORMING_GROUP = 5 ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS = 2 ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_ITERATION_END = 5 ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_MAX_VALUE = 5 ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_NONE = 0 ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_QUEUED = 1 ACTIVITY_FINDER_STATUS_READY_CHECK = 4 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_CAMPAIGN_MISMATCH = 18 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_CANNOT_QUEUE_IN_BATTLEGROUND = 22 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_DEPRECATED_REUSE_ME = 1 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_DESTINATION_NO_LONGER_VALID = 16 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_DLC_LOCKED = 6 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_ERROR_GROUP_FINDER = 33 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_GROUP_OR_INSTANCE_FULL = 25 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_GROUP_STRUCTURE_CHANGED = 20 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_GROUP_TOO_LARGE = 3 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_INCOMPATIBLE_GROUP = 9 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_INCOMPATIBLE_REGION = 10 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_INVALID_LEVEL = 4 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_IN_TRIBUTE_MATCH = 30 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_ITERATION_END = 34 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_LOCATION_RESTRICTION = 5 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_LOCKED_QUEUE = 34 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_MAX_VALUE = 34 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_MEMBERS_OFFLINE = 14 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_MEMBER_LOCATION_NOT_VALID = 17 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_MEMEBER_CANCELED_READY_CHECK = 19 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NEW_SEARCH_INITIATED = 21 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NOT_GROUP_LEADER = 2 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 7 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NO_ACTIVITIES_SELECTED = 8 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_NO_GROUP = 11 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_ON_QUEUE_COOLDOWN = 12 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_QUEUE_BUSY = 23 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_QUEUE_FULL = 24 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_QUEUE_TTL_EXPIRED = 15 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_REQUEST_QUEUED = 26 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_REQUEST_QUEUE_FAILURE = 27 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_TRIBUTE_ACCESS_DENIED = 31 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_TRIBUTE_CASUAL_LFG_DISABLED = 32 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_TRIBUTE_COMPETITIVE_LFG_DISABLED = 28 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_TRIBUTE_INVALID_AREA = 29 ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED_INTERNAL_ERROR = 13 ACTIVITY_TRACKER = table:000001F6C2EFDF28 (meta 000001F6C2EFDC60} firstTable firstMeta container = userdata:000001F6C2EFDD80 (meta 000001F6C01F8998} control = userdata:000001F6C2EFDCC8 (meta 000001F6C2EFB470} firstMeta firstIndex owner = table:000001F6C2EFDF28 (meta 000001F6C2EFDC60} currentStyle = table:000001F6C6FF0228 fragment = table:000001F6C2EFE550 (meta 000001F6C09B5B98} headerLabel = userdata:000001F6C2EFDDF8 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} styles = table:000001F6C6FF0188 firstTable gamepad = table:000001F6C6FF0858 firstTable CONTAINER_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF0B10 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF0B58 firstTable 1 = 9 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 FONT_HEADER = ZoFontGamepadBold27 FONT_SUBLABEL = ZoFontGamepad34 HEADER_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF1180 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF11C8 firstTable 1 = 9 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 SUBLABEL_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF12A8 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF12F0 firstTable 1 = 9 2 = userdata:000001F6C2EFDDF8 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} 3 = 12 4 = 0 5 = 10 6 = 0 SUBLABEL_PRIMARY_ANCHOR_OFFSET_Y = 10 TEXT_TYPE_HEADER = 1 TOP_LEVEL_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF09E8 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF0A30 firstTable 1 = 9 2 = userdata:000001F612D37740 (meta 000001F612D388B0} 3 = 12 4 = 0 5 = 20 6 = 0 keyboard = table:000001F6C6FF0228 firstTable CONTAINER_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF0608 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF0650 firstTable 1 = 3 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 CONTAINER_SECONDARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF0730 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF0778 firstTable 1 = 9 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 FONT_HEADER = ZoFontGameShadow FONT_SUBLABEL = ZoFontGameShadow HEADER_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF0CA8 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF0CF0 firstTable 1 = 9 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 HEADER_SECONDARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF13D0 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF1418 firstTable 1 = 3 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 SUBLABEL_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF1058 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF10A0 firstTable 1 = 9 2 = userdata:000001F6C2EFDDF8 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} 3 = 12 4 = 0 5 = 2 6 = 0 SUBLABEL_PRIMARY_ANCHOR_OFFSET_Y = 2 SUBLABEL_SECONDARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF14F8 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF1540 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = userdata:000001F6C2EFDDF8 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} 3 = 6 4 = 10 5 = 2 6 = 0 TEXT_TYPE_HEADER = 0 TOP_LEVEL_PRIMARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF03B8 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF0400 firstTable 1 = 3 2 = userdata:000001F612D37740 (meta 000001F612D388B0} 3 = 6 4 = 0 5 = 10 6 = 0 TOP_LEVEL_SECONDARY_ANCHOR = table:000001F6C6FF04E0 (meta 000001F6C04195F8} firstTable data = table:000001F6C6FF0528 firstTable 1 = 8 2 = userdata:000001F6C02A63B8 (meta 000001F6C01FE860} 3 = 8 4 = 0 5 = 10 6 = 1 subLabel = userdata:000001F6C2EFD408 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} ACTIVITY_TRACKER_FRAGMENT = table:000001F6C2EFE550 (meta 000001F6C09B5B98} ACT_SETTING_ALWAYS = 2 ACT_SETTING_AUTO = 1 ACT_SETTING_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ACT_SETTING_ITERATION_END = 2 ACT_SETTING_MAX_VALUE = 2 ACT_SETTING_MIN_VALUE = 0 ACT_SETTING_OFF = 0 ADDITIONAL_CONTENT_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ADDITIONAL_CONTENT_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 0 ADDITIONAL_CONTENT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 0 ADDITIONAL_CONTENT_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ADDITIONAL_CONTENT_TYPE_VO = 0 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_EMPTY = 2 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_FISHING_NODE = 3 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_HOUSE_BANK = 9 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_HOUSE_INSTANCE_DOOR = 11 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_INSTANCE_TYPE = 4 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_IN_HIDEYHOLE = 8 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_ITERATION_END = 11 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_LOCKED = 1 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_MAX_VALUE = 11 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_MIN_VALUE = 0 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_NONE = 0 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_PICKPOCKET_CHANCE = 6 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_REQUIRES_KEY = 5 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_WEREWOLF_ACTIVE_WHILE_ATTEMPTING_TO_CRAFT = 7 ADDITIONAL_INTERACT_INFO_WEREWOLF_ACTIVE_WHILE_ATTEMPTING_TO_EXCAVATE = 10 ADDONS_FRAGMENT = table:000001F6C27FFFD8 (meta 000001F6C09B48F8} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001F6C27FFE28 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001F6C2804E50 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001F6C2800060 firstTable StateChange = table:000001F6C2804DA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2804DF0 firstTable 1() = function:000001F6C2800020 4 = false control = userdata:000001F6C2804998 (meta 000001F6C2802928} duration = 200 state = hidden ADDON_STATE_DEPENDENCIES_DISABLED = 5 ADDON_STATE_DISABLED = 3 ADDON_STATE_ENABLED = 2 ADDON_STATE_ERROR_STATE_UNABLE_TO_LOAD = 6 ADDON_STATE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ADDON_STATE_ITERATION_END = 6 ADDON_STATE_MAX_VALUE = 6 ADDON_STATE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ADDON_STATE_NO_STATE = 0 ADDON_STATE_TOC_LOADED = 1 ADDON_STATE_VERSION_MISMATCH = 4 ADD_ON_MANAGER = table:000001F6C2802598 (meta 000001F6C0E88090} firstTable firstMeta advancedErrorCheck = userdata:000001F6C2803AA8 (meta 000001F6C27FC728} firstMeta firstIndex label = userdata:000001F6C27FC790 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} toggleFunction() = function:000001F6C2800AC0 automaticallyColorRows = true characterDropdown = table:000001F6C2803F68 (meta 000001F6C06A2568} firstTable horizontalAlignment = 0 m_container = userdata:000001F6C2804360 (meta 000001F6C2804040} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001F6C2803F68 (meta 000001F6C06A2568} m_containerWidth = 225 m_disabledColor = table:000001F6C0AC6558 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_dropdown = userdata:000001F6C06A25D0 (meta 000001F6C06F5078} m_dropdownObject = table:000001F6C069EC30 (meta 000001F6C06A44F0} m_enableMultiSelect = false m_font = ZoFontGame m_height = 250 m_highlightColor = table:000001F6C06A23F0 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_multiSelectItemData = table:000001F6C2803DA0 firstTable m_name = ZO_AddOnsCharacterSelectDropdown m_normalColor = table:000001F6C069A718 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_openDropdown = userdata:000001F6C2804258 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} m_scroll = userdata:000001F6C06AA020 (meta 000001F6C06A2648} m_selectedColor = table:000001F6C2803E48 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001F6C28041D8 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:000001F6C0424290 m_sortedItems = table:000001F6C2803FB0 firstTable m_sortsItems = false m_spacing = 0 control = userdata:000001F6C2804998 (meta 000001F6C2802928} firstMeta firstIndex object = table:000001F6C2802598 (meta 000001F6C0E88090} currentSortDirection = true currentSortKey = strippedAddOnName list = userdata:000001F6C2803B08 (meta 000001F6C2806C38} primaryKeybindDescriptor = table:000001F6C2804C70 firstTable callback() = function:000001F6C2804CB8 enabled() = function:000001F6C2804938 keybind = ADDONS_PANEL_PRIMARY name() = function:000001F6C28048F8 refreshSavedKeybindsLabelFunction() = function:000001F6C2802AD0 secondaryKeybindDescriptor = table:000001F6C2804CF8 firstTable callback() = function:000001F6C2804730 keybind = ADDONS_PANEL_SECONDARY name = Clear Unused Keybinds sizerLabel = userdata:000001F6C2801EE0 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} sortCallback() = function:000001F6C2801C00 sortKeys = table:000001F6C2801A80 firstTable addOnFileName = table:000001F6C2801AC8 firstTable strippedAddOnName = table:000001F6C2801B10 firstTable tiebreaker = addOnFileName ADVANCED_STATS_FRAGMENT = table:000001F6C3D59BA0 (meta 000001F6C09B48F8} ADVANCED_STATS_FRAGMENT_GROUP = table:000001F6440E5BD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C3D59BA0 (meta 000001F6C09B48F8} firstTable allowShowHideTimeUpdates = false animationOnStop() = function:000001F6C3D59BE8 animationReverseOnStop() = function:000001F6C3D59DC8 animationTemplate = FadeSceneAnimation callbackRegistry = table:000001F6C3D59ED8 firstTable StateChange = table:000001F6C3D59F20 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C3D59F68 firstTable 1() = function:000001F6C3D59E58 4 = false control = 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10 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_COLD_RESIST = 40 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CRITICAL_CHANCE = 25 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CRITICAL_DAMAGE = 23 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CRITICAL_HEALING = 22 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CRITICAL_PERCENT = 21 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_CRITICAL_RESIST = 34 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_DISEASE_DAMAGE = 11 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_DISEASE_RESIST = 33 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_DODGE_COST = 4 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_EARTH_DAMAGE = 12 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_EARTH_RESIST = 39 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_FIRE_DAMAGE = 13 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_FIRE_RESIST = 31 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_FROST_RESIST = 36 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_GENERIC_DAMAGE = 20 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_GENERIC_RESIST = 42 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_HEALING_DONE = 43 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_HEALING_DONE_BONUSES = 51 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_HEALING_TAKEN = 44 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_HEALING_TAKEN_BONUSES = 50 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_ITERATION_BEGIN = 0 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_ITERATION_END = 51 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_MAGIC_DAMAGE = 14 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_MAGIC_RESIST = 41 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_MAX_VALUE = 51 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_MIN_VALUE = 0 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_MONSTER_KILL_XP = 47 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_NONE = 0 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_OBLIVION_DAMAGE = 15 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_OBLIVION_RESIST = 38 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DAMAGE = 16 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_PHYSICAL_PENETRATION = 28 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_PHYSICAL_RESIST = 35 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_PLAYER_KILL_XP = 48 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_POISON_DAMAGE = 17 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_POISON_RESIST = 37 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SHOCK_DAMAGE = 18 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SHOCK_RESIST = 32 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SNEAK_COST = 5 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SNEAK_SPEED_REDUCTION = 6 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SPELL_PENETRATION = 26 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SPELL_RESIST = 30 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SPRINT_COST = 24 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_SPRINT_SPEED = 9 ADVANCED_STAT_DISPLAY_TYPE_ULTIMATE_REGEN_COMBAT = 46 AG = table:000001F6B9F57BF0 firstTable AlignMainPanel() = function:000001F69F1B38C8 Animate() = function:000001F6B9F42288 BagsLockCount = -16 CHOICE_SHOW_ITEM_LEVEL_ALWAYS = 1 CHOICE_SHOW_ITEM_LEVEL_LOW = 2 CHOICE_SHOW_ITEM_LEVEL_NEVER = 3 CheckSkillId() = function:000001F6B9F9D738 ClearAvailableEquipmentCache() = function:000001F6B9F9D3F8 ClearAvailableEquipmentCachePlain() = function:000001F69F1B6AE0 CommitEditProfileDialog() = function:000001F6BA015048 ComputeItemUsageMap() = function:000001F69F202B88 CreateButtonBarLabel() = function:000001F69F1A9378 CreateButtonBarPanel() = function:000001F69F1A9328 CreateSettingsPage() = function:000001F6BA12C340 DepositItem() = function:000001F6BA02AB40 DoTransfer() = function:000001F6BA02AAA0 DrawBuild() = function:000001F69F205AF0 DrawButton() = function:000001F69F1AA788 DrawGearBarButtons() = function:000001F6BA02B6D8 DrawInventory() = function:000001F69F1AA550 DrawMenu() = function:000001F69F1AA510 DrawSetButtonsUI() = function:000001F69F203770 DrawSkillBarButtons() = function:000001F69F1A93C0 EquipItem() = function:000001F6B9FA1D30 ForceUpdateWeaponStats() = function:000001F6BA0160E0 GetAbility() = function:000001F69F202AB8 GetAvailableEquipmentCache() = function:000001F6B9F9D490 GetBaseAbilityId() = function:000001F6B9F9FEF0 GetButton() = function:000001F69F2037C8 GetIdTypeAndLink() = function:000001F69F1AA6F0 GetItemBorderColor() = function:000001F6BA0152C0 GetItemFromBag() = function:000001F6B9F9FD48 GetItemLocation() = function:000001F6BA015230 GetKey() = function:000001F6B9F42400 GetSetIcon() = function:000001F6BA01B600 GetSkill() = function:000001F6B9F9FEA8 GetSkillFromBar() = function:000001F6BA01B648 GetSoulgem() = function:000001F69F203808 HandleCursorDropped() = function:000001F69F1B3CB8 HandleCursorPickup() = function:000001F69F1B3D08 HandleInventorySlotUpdate() = function:000001F6B9F9D378 HandleOnUpdate() = function:000001F6B9FA1F20 HideEditPanel() = function:000001F69F205AB0 HideMain() = function:000001F69F1B3E08 HideSwapMessage() = function:000001F69F1B3958 InBulkMode = false InitEditProfileDialog() = function:000001F6BA0150C8 InitPositions() = function:000001F69F1B3AE0 Initialize() = function:000001F6B9F9DAB0 InitializeEditProfileDialog() = function:000001F6BA015088 InsertItemInGearSet() = function:000001F69F1AA730 IsBagsLocked() = function:000001F6B9FA1EE0 IsBuildEmpty() = function:000001F6B9F9D8B8 IsItemLinkMythic() = function:000001F6B9F9FDD8 IsItemMythic() = function:000001F6B9F9FE18 IsProfileEmpty() = function:000001F6B9F9D8F8 JOB_TYPE_DEPOSIT_GEAR = 2 JOB_TYPE_EQUIP_GEAR = 7 JOB_TYPE_LOAD_SKILL_BAR = 5 JOB_TYPE_MESSAGE = 10 JOB_TYPE_PREPARE_TOON = 11 JOB_TYPE_SHOW_SWAP_MSG = 6 JOB_TYPE_START_BULK_MODE = 8 JOB_TYPE_STOP_BULK_MODE = 9 JOB_TYPE_UNEQUIP_GEAR = 1 JOB_TYPE_UPDATE_UI = 4 JOB_TYPE_WITHDRAW_GEAR = 3 Jobs = table:000001F6B9F96778 firstTable LoadBar() = function:000001F69F202B48 LoadChampionPoints() = function:000001F69F1B01B8 LoadGear() = function:000001F6B9F9FE58 LoadItem() = function:000001F6B9F9FD90 LoadNextProfile() = function:000001F6B9F9D940 LoadNextSet() = function:000001F69F1B0240 LoadOutfit() = function:000001F69F202C28 LoadOutfitOrStyle() = function:000001F69F1B0178 LoadPendingSet() = function:000001F6B9F9D630 LoadPreviousProfile() = function:000001F6B9F9D990 LoadPreviousSet() = function:000001F69F1B0290 LoadProfile() = function:000001F6B9F9D818 LoadProfileByBindID() = function:000001F6B9F9D878 LoadSet() = function:000001F69F1B02E0 LoadSetInternal() = function:000001F6BA02A9D0 LoadSkill() = function:000001F69F202B00 LockBags() = function:000001F6B9FA1E60 MAXSLOT = 16 MENU_TYPE_GEAR = 1 MENU_TYPE_SKILLS = 2 MODE_GEAR = Gear MODE_SKILL = Skill MenuAction() = function:000001F69F1B3F58 MoveGearSet() = function:000001F6B9FA1DC8 MoveGearSetAll() = function:000001F6B9FA1D80 NextEventTime = 0 OUTFIT_KEEP = -1 OUTFIT_NONE = 0 OnAddOnLoaded() = function:000001F6B9F9DB20 OnDragReceive() = function:000001F6BA01B698 OnHideInventory() = function:000001F69F1B3A58 OnHideSkills() = function:000001F69F1B39D8 OnPlayerCombatState() = function:000001F6B9F9D670 OnScreenResized() = function:000001F6B9F9DA68 OnShowInventory() = function:000001F69F1B3A18 OnShowSkills() = function:000001F69F1B3998 PrepareToon() = function:000001F6B9FA1E20 RepairInStore() = function:000001F6BA015EC0 RepairItemInStore() = function:000001F6BA0154E0 ResetPositions() = function:000001F69F1B3B78 SetCallout() = function:000001F6BA015300 SetConnect() = function:000001F6BA015358 SetElementAnchor() = function:000001F69F1B3A98 SetGearConnection() = function:000001F6BA0153B0 SetOptions() = function:000001F6BA0164B8 SetSetLock() = function:000001F6BA015450 SetSetName() = function:000001F6BA015498 SetSkillConnection() = function:000001F6BA015400 SetupInventoryCallback() = function:000001F6BA015198 SetupMainPanel() = function:000001F6BA02B740 SetupProfileCombo() = function:000001F69F202BD8 ShowAdvancedOptionsDialog() = function:000001F6BA015148 ShowButton() = function:000001F69F1B3C58 ShowEditProfileDialog() = function:000001F6BA015108 ShowIconMenu() = function:000001F69F1B3BC0 ShowMain() = function:000001F69F1B3D98 ShowSettings() = function:000001F6BA12CA60 StorePosition() = function:000001F69F1B3B30 Swap() = function:000001F69F1B3F08 SwapItemInCache() = function:000001F6B9F9D528 SwapMessage() = function:000001F69F1B3EB8 ToggleDebug() = function:000001F6B9F9DA28 ToggleProfile() = function:000001F6B9F9D9E0 ToggleSet() = function:000001F69F1B01F8 Tooltip() = function:000001F69F1B3FB8 TooltipSet() = function:000001F69F1B4048 UnalignMainPanel() = function:000001F69F1B3910 Undress() = function:000001F6BA02AA58 UnequipItem() = function:000001F6BA02AB90 UnlockBags() = function:000001F6B9FA1EA0 UpdateAndChargeItem() = function:000001F6BA015F10 UpdateChargedWeapons() = function:000001F6BA016050 UpdateCondition() = function:000001F6B9F42370 UpdateEditPanel() = function:000001F6BA014FE0 UpdateGearBorder() = function:000001F6B9F42440 UpdateItemLinks() = function:000001F6BA014F28 UpdatePoisonedWeapons() = function:000001F6BA015FF0 UpdateRepair() = function:000001F6B9F422D0 UpdateSetButtons() = function:000001F6B9F42490 UpdateSwapMessage() = function:000001F69F1B3E60 UpdateUI() = function:000001F6BA014F80 UpdateWeaponStats() = function:000001F6BA016098 WithdrawItem() = function:000001F6BA02AAF0 account = table:000001F6C70B88D0 (meta 000001F6C70B87B0} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:000001F6C70B8990 ResetToDefaults() = function:000001F6C70B8B80 default = table:000001F6B9F57CC8 accountVariableVersion = 2 account_defaults = table:000001F6B9F57CC8 firstTable Integrations = table:000001F6B9F55D28 firstTable Champion = table:000001F69F1D5798 firstTable UseCPSlots = false Inventory = table:000001F6B9F9B8B8 firstTable UseFCOIS = false QuickSlot = table:000001F6B9F98610 firstTable UseGMQSB = false Styling = table:000001F69F2342D8 firstTable UseAlphaStyle = false option = table:000001F6B9F57DB8 firstTable 1 = true 10 = true 11 = true 12 = false 13 = true 14 = true 15 = 3 16 = false 17 = false 2 = true 3 = true 4 = true 5 = true 6 = true 7 = true 8 = true 9 = true positions = table:000001F6B9F9FA20 firstTable AG_Panel = table:000001F6B9F634F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 128 4 = 128 AG_SetButtonBg = table:000001F6B9F88798 firstTable 1 = -260 2 = -100 3 = 2 4 = 8 AG_SwapMessageBg = table:000001F6B9F7C658 firstTable 1 = -260 2 = 0 3 = 2 4 = 8 AG_UI_ButtonBg = table:000001F6B9F9E148 firstTable 1 = 10 2 = 10 3 = 3 4 = 3 author = mesota characterVariableVersion = 1 displayname = AlphaGear 2 getNumberOfVisibleSetButtons() = function:000001F60E06E3C8 getShowItemLevel() = function:000001F6BA12D0C0 getShowItemLevelName() = function:000001F60E06E348 handleAssignGearSetToBuild() = function:000001F69F1AA4D0 handleBuildIconChanged() = function:000001F69F1D7F00 handlePostChangeGearSetItems() = function:000001F69F1D7EB8 handlePreChangeGearSetItems() = function:000001F69F1D7E70 handleRemoveGearSetFromBuild() = function:000001F69F1D7F40 init = true initSetData() = function:000001F6B9F9D780 isAutoChargeWeapons() = function:000001F6BA12A4F8 isAutoRepairAtStores() = function:000001F6BA121900 isCloseWindowOnMove() = function:000001F6BA1307B0 isDebug = false isLoadLastBuildOfProfile() = function:000001F6BA1302B0 isLockUI() = function:000001F6BA130830 isMarkSetItemsInBag() = function:000001F6BA130630 isShowActiveSet() = function:000001F6BA1305B0 isShowChangeNotification() = function:000001F6BA130530 isShowGearIcon() = function:000001F6BA1303B0 isShowItemCondition() = function:000001F6BA1306B0 isShowItemQuality() = function:000001F6BA130730 isShowMainButton() = function:000001F6BA130230 isShowRepairCost() = function:000001F6BA130430 isShowSetButtons() = function:000001F6BA130330 isShowWeaponIcon() = function:000001F6BA1304B0 layoutControl() = function:000001F6B9F78DB8 markerInventories = table:000001F6B9F967C0 firstTable 1 = userdata:000001F6C32C78C8 (meta 000001F6C33005C0} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:000001F6C3327C18 firstTable animation = userdata:000001F6C3327D40 (meta 000001F6C3327D98} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001F6C32C78C8 (meta 000001F6C33005C0} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:000001F6C3327CA8 firstTable contents = userdata:000001F6C32C7940 (meta 000001F6C02671D0} data = table:000001F6C3327BD0 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001F6C3327B88 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C3328070 firstTable height = 52 hideCallback() = function:000001F6C32BFA88 pool = table:000001F6C3327F68 (meta 000001F6C04288A8} firstTable m_Active = table:000001F6C3327FB0 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001F6C3327E68 m_Free = table:000001F6C3328028 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000001F6C2DC4440 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001F64EE02870 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001F6C32C6130 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false isScrollBarEthereal = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001F6C32C79B8 (meta 000001F6C32C6188} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001F6C32FFA98 (meta 000001F6C02A4058} targetAlpha = 0.5 timeline = userdata:000001F6C32FE660 (meta 000001F6C02A2E48} timeline = userdata:000001F6C3327D10 (meta 000001F6C02A2E48} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:000001F6C32C82F0 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} useFadeGradient = true useScrollbar = true visibleData = table:000001F6C3327C60 firstTable yDistanceFromEdgeWhereSelectionCausesScroll = 150 2 = userdata:000001F6C3304D78 (meta 000001F6C2D62E50} firstMeta firstIndex activeControls = table:000001F6C332CAF8 firstTable animation = userdata:000001F6C332CC20 (meta 000001F6C332CC78} firstMeta firstIndex scrollObject = userdata:000001F6C3304D78 (meta 000001F6C2D62E50} autoSelect = false buildDirection = 1 categories = table:000001F6C332CB88 firstTable contents = userdata:000001F6C3304DA8 (meta 000001F6C02671D0} data = table:000001F6C332CAB0 firstTable dataTypes = table:000001F6C332CA68 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C332CF50 firstTable height = 52 hideCallback() = function:000001F6C32BFA88 pool = table:000001F6C332CE48 (meta 000001F6C04288A8} firstTable m_Active = table:000001F6C332CE90 firstTable m_Factory() = function:000001F6C332CD48 m_Free = table:000001F6C332CF08 firstTable m_NextControlId = 0 m_NextFree = 1 m_Reset() = function:000001F6C2DC4440 selectable = true setupCallback() = function:000001F64EE029F0 deselectOnReselect = true downButton = userdata:000001F6C3304FA8 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} hideScrollBarOnDisabled = true highlightLocked = false isScrollBarEthereal = false mode = 1 offset = 0 scrollbar = userdata:000001F6C3304E20 (meta 000001F6C273D0A8} firstMeta firstIndex alphaAnimation = userdata:000001F6C3305038 (meta 000001F6C02A4058} targetAlpha = 0.5 timeline = userdata:000001F6C3305008 (meta 000001F6C02A2E48} timeline = userdata:000001F6C332CBF0 (meta 000001F6C02A2E48} uniformControlHeight = 52 upButton = userdata:000001F6C2E15400 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} useFadeGradient = true useScrollbar = true visibleData = table:000001F6C332CB40 firstTable yDistanceFromEdgeWhereSelectionCausesScroll = 150 3 = userdata:000001F6C1468F28 (meta 000001F6C1469608} 4 = userdata:000001F6C1462D98 (meta 000001F6C1463468} name = AlphaGear onClickResetPositions() = function:000001F6BA12CA20 pendingSet = -1 plugins = table:000001F6B9F57C38 firstTable AlphaStyle = table:000001F69F1CF1B0 firstTable GetStyles() = function:000001F69F1CF450 LoadStyle() = function:000001F69F1CF490 STYLE_KEEP = -1 isAddonReady() = function:000001F69F1CF290 useAddon() = function:000001F69F1CF328 CPSlots = table:000001F69F1CD098 firstTable CPS_KEEP = $$KEEPCPS$$ GetCPSProfiles() = function:000001F69F1CD368 HOSTS = table:000001F69F1CD1B8 firstTable Users = table:000001F69F1CD200 firstTable UsersAccount = table:000001F69F1CD248 firstTable LoadCPSProfile() = function:000001F69F1CD290 LoadCPSSlots() = function:000001F69F1CD3B0 isAddonReady() = function:000001F69F1CD328 useAddon() = function:000001F69F1CD410 CSPS = table:000001F6B9FAC598 firstTable GROUP_ID_KEEP = -1 GetCPSGroups() = function:000001F6B9FAC858 LoadCPSGroup() = function:000001F6B9FAC810 isAddonReady() = function:000001F6B9FAC650 useAddon() = function:000001F6B9FAC6E8 FCOIS = table:000001F69F1CCA58 firstTable applyChangeSet() = function:000001F69F1CD048 computeChangeCore() = function:000001F69F1CD000 computeChanges() = function:000001F69F1CCF68 computeSingleChange() = function:000001F69F1CCFB8 getFCOISGearSetMarkerIconsList() = function:000001F69F1CABF8 getFCOISIconId() = function:000001F69F1CCCE8 isAddonReady() = function:000001F69F1CCB10 isFCOISMarkerIconsEnabled() = function:000001F69F1CCB80 onAssignGearSetToBuild() = function:000001F69F1CCE40 onChangeBuildIcon() = function:000001F69F1CCEE0 onPostChangeGearSet() = function:000001F69F1CCDF0 onPreChangeGearSet() = function:000001F69F1CCD68 onRemoveGearSetFromBuild() = function:000001F69F1CCE90 setFCOISIconId() = function:000001F69F1CCD28 updateInventoryList() = function:000001F69F1CCBC0 setAutoChargeWeapons() = function:000001F6BA127898 setAutoRepairAtStores() = function:000001F6BA12D080 setCloseWindowOnMove() = function:000001F6BA1307F0 setLoadLastBuildOfProfile() = function:000001F6BA1302F0 setLockUI() = function:000001F6BA130870 setMarkSetItemsInBag() = function:000001F6BA130670 setNumberOfVisibleSetButtons() = function:000001F6BA12C9E0 setShowActiveSet() = function:000001F6BA1305F0 setShowChangeNotification() = function:000001F6BA130570 setShowGearIcon() = function:000001F6BA1303F0 setShowItemCondition() = function:000001F6BA1306F0 setShowItemLevel() = function:000001F60E06E308 setShowItemLevelName() = function:000001F60E06E388 setShowItemQuality() = function:000001F6BA130770 setShowMainButton() = function:000001F6BA130270 setShowRepairCost() = function:000001F6BA130470 setShowSetButtons() = function:000001F6BA130370 setShowWeaponIcon() = function:000001F6BA1304F0 setdata = table:000001F6945C80E8 (meta 000001F6945C7F78} firstTable firstMeta GetInterfaceForCharacter() = function:000001F6945C81A8 ResetToDefaults() = function:000001F6945C8398 default = table:000001F6B9F4B090 setdata_defaults = table:000001F6B9F4B090 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C70B8C70 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C70B8D60 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C70B9090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C70B97C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C70B9860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C70B9900 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C70B99A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C70B9A40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F78490 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945B8CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C70B9130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C70B91D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C70B92B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C70B9358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C70B9270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C70B94D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C70B9578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C70B9618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C70B8DF0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C70B9048 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C70B9000 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C70B8F80 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C70B8DA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6945C0F40 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945C10B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945C13D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945C1768 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945C1B88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945C1C28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945C1CC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945C1D68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945C1E08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945C1EA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945C1478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945C1540 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945C1628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945C16C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945C15E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945C1848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945C18E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945C1988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945C1148 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945C1368 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945C1320 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945C12D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945C1100 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6945C1F48 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945C20C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945C23E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945C2770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945C2B90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945C2C30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945C2CD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945C2D70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945C2E10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945C2EB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945C2480 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945C2548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945C2630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945C26D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945C25E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945C2850 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945C28F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945C2990 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945C2150 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945C2370 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945C2328 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945C22E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945C2108 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6945C2F50 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945C30C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945C33E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945C3778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945C3B98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945C3C38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945C3CD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945C3D78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945C3E18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945C3EB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945C3488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945C3550 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945C3638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945C36D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945C35F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945C3858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945C38F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945C3998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945C3158 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945C3378 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945C3330 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945C32E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945C3110 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6945C3F58 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945C40D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945C43F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945C4780 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945C4BA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945C4C40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945C4CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945C4D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945C4E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945C4EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945C4490 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945C4558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945C4640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945C46E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945C45F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945C4860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945C4900 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945C49A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945C4160 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945C4380 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945C4338 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945C42F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945C4118 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6945C4F60 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945C50D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945C53F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945C5788 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945C5BA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945C5C48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945C5CE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945C5D88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945C5E28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945C5EC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945C5498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945C5560 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945C5648 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945C56E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945C5600 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945C5868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945C5908 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945C59A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945C5168 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945C5388 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945C5340 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945C52F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945C5120 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6945C5F68 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945C60E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945C6400 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945C6790 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945C6BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945C6C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945C6CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945C6D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945C6E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945C6ED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945C64A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945C6568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945C6650 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945C66F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945C6608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945C6870 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945C6910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945C69B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945C6170 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945C6390 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945C6348 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945C6300 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945C6128 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6945C6F70 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945C70E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945C7408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945C7798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945C7BB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945C7C58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945C7CF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945C7D98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945C7E38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945C7ED8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945C74A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945C7570 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945C7658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945C76F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945C7610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945C7878 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945C7918 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945C79B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945C7178 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945C7398 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945C7350 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945C7308 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945C7130 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6945B8D90 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945B8F08 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C70B8B28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945B95B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945B99D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945B9A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945B9B10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945B9BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945B9C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945B9CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945B92E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945B9388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945B9470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945B9510 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945B9428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945B9690 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945B9730 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945B97D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945B8F98 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945B91F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945B91A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945B9128 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945B8F50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6945B9D90 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945B9F08 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945B9238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945BA5E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945BAA08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945BAAA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945BAB48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945BABE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945BAC88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945BAD28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945BA320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945BA3C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945BA4A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945BA548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945BA460 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945BA6C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945BA768 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945BA808 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945B9F98 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945BA1B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = 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firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945BB770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945BB810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945BAFD0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945BB1F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945BB1A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945BB160 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945BAF88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6945BBDD0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945BBF48 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945BA228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945BC638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945BCA58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945BCAF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945BCB98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945BCC38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945BCCD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945BCD78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945BC348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945BC410 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945BC4F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945BC598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945BC4B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945BC718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945BC7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945BC858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945BBFD8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945BC1F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945BC1B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945BC168 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945BBF90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6945BCE18 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945BCF90 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945BD2B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945BD640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945BDA60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945BDB00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945BDBA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945BDC40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945BDCE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945BDD80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945BD350 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945BD418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945BD500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945BD5A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945BD4B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945BD720 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945BD7C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945BD860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945BD020 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945BD240 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945BD1F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945BD1B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945BCFD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6945BDE20 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945BDF98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945BE2B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945BE648 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945BEA68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945BEB08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945BEBA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945BEC48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945BECE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945BED88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945BE358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945BE420 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945BE508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945BE5A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945BE4C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945BE728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945BE7C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945BE868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945BE028 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945BE248 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945BE200 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945BE1B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945BDFE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6945BEE28 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945BEFA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945BF330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945BF6C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945BFAE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945BFB80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945BFC20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945BFCC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945BFD60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945BFE00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945BF3D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945BF498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945BF580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945BF620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945BF538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945BF7A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945BF840 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945BF8E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945BF0A0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945BF2C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945BF278 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945BF230 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945BEFE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6945BFEA0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6945C0018 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6945BC268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6945C0760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6945C0B80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6945C0C20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6945C0CC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6945C0D60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6945C0E00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6945C0EA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6945C0498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6945C0538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6945C0620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6945C06C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6945C05D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6945C0840 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6945C08E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6945C0980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6945C00A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6945C02C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6945C0280 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6945C0238 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6945C0060 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 lastset = false setamount = 16 setupActiveSet() = function:000001F6BA0163E0 setupAutoClose() = function:000001F6BA016310 setupAutoRepairAtStores() = function:000001F6BA016428 setupGearIcon() = function:000001F6BA0161A8 setupItemCondition() = function:000001F6BA016278 setupItemQuality() = function:000001F6BA0162C8 setupLockUI() = function:000001F6BA016360 setupMainButton() = function:000001F6BA016128 setupMarkSetItems() = function:000001F6BA016238 setupSetButtons() = function:000001F6BA016168 setupShowItemLevel() = function:000001F6BA016470 setupWeaponIconsAndCharge() = function:000001F6BA0161F0 showItemLevel() = function:000001F6B9F42328 storeProfile() = function:000001F6B9F9D7D0 version = v6.17.0 AGAdvancedBuildDialog = userdata:000001F60E077520 (meta 000001F6C020ADD8} AGAdvancedBuildDialogAccept = userdata:000001F60E07E198 (meta 000001F60E07E808} AGAdvancedBuildDialogAcceptKeyLabel = userdata:000001F60E07E288 (meta 000001F60E07EC30} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:000001F6C0AFA730 (meta 000001F6C041B358} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001F60E07E198 (meta 000001F60E07E808} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE408 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:000001F6C06ED608 GetKeybind() = function:000001F6C06ED500 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:000001F6C06EE5C8 GetKeybindButtonNarrationData() = function:000001F6C06EE608 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:000001F6C06ED570 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE488 HideKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDD40 IsEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED938 OnClicked() = function:000001F6C06EE688 SetCallback() = function:000001F6C06EE588 SetClickSound() = function:000001F6C06ED978 SetCooldown() = function:000001F6C06EE710 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDCC0 SetCustomKeyText() = function:000001F6C06EDC80 SetEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED730 SetKeyFont() = function:000001F6C06EE3C8 SetKeybind() = function:000001F6C06EE508 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:000001F6C06EE648 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED8F8 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:000001F6C06EDDC0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:000001F6C06EDE00 SetNameFont() = function:000001F6C06EE388 SetNormalTextColor() = function:000001F6C06EE348 SetState() = function:000001F6C06ED8B8 SetText() = function:000001F6C06EDC40 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE448 SetupStyle() = function:000001F6C06EDD80 ShowKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDD00 UpdateEnabledState() = function:000001F6C06ED6F0 callback() = function:000001F6C0974690 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001F60E07E288 (meta 000001F60E07EC30} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001F60E07E210 (meta 000001F60E07EEB0} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:000001F6C0AE23C0 IsSelected() = function:000001F6C0AE2300 RefreshTextColor() = function:000001F6C0AE2380 SetEnabled() = function:000001F6C0AE2340 SetSelected() = function:000001F6C0AE22C0 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:000001F6C0AFA5B8 (meta 000001F6C041B358} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 AGAdvancedBuildDialogAcceptNameLabel = userdata:000001F60E07E210 (meta 000001F60E07EEB0} AGAdvancedBuildDialogBG = userdata:000001F60E075B78 (meta 000001F6C0204D08} AGAdvancedBuildDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001F60E075BA8 (meta 000001F6C024FFE0} AGAdvancedBuildDialogCancel = userdata:000001F60E07CBE8 (meta 000001F60E07CD30} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE408 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:000001F6C06ED608 GetKeybind() = function:000001F6C06ED500 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:000001F6C06EE5C8 GetKeybindButtonNarrationData() = function:000001F6C06EE608 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:000001F6C06ED570 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE488 HideKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDD40 IsEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED938 OnClicked() = function:000001F6C06EE688 SetCallback() = function:000001F6C06EE588 SetClickSound() = function:000001F6C06ED978 SetCooldown() = function:000001F6C06EE710 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDCC0 SetCustomKeyText() = function:000001F6C06EDC80 SetEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED730 SetKeyFont() = function:000001F6C06EE3C8 SetKeybind() = function:000001F6C06EE508 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:000001F6C06EE648 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED8F8 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:000001F6C06EDDC0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:000001F6C06EDE00 SetNameFont() = function:000001F6C06EE388 SetNormalTextColor() = function:000001F6C06EE348 SetState() = function:000001F6C06ED8B8 SetText() = function:000001F6C06EDC40 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE448 SetupStyle() = function:000001F6C06EDD80 ShowKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDD00 UpdateEnabledState() = function:000001F6C06ED6F0 callback() = function:000001F6C0974690 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001F60E07CCD8 (meta 000001F60E07CF28} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:000001F6C0AFA730 (meta 000001F6C041B358} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001F60E07CBE8 (meta 000001F60E07CD30} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001F60E07CC60 (meta 000001F60E07CFC8} AGAdvancedBuildDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:000001F60E07CCD8 (meta 000001F60E07CF28} AGAdvancedBuildDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:000001F60E07CC60 (meta 000001F60E07CFC8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:000001F6C0AE23C0 IsSelected() = function:000001F6C0AE2300 RefreshTextColor() = function:000001F6C0AE2380 SetEnabled() = function:000001F6C0AE2340 SetSelected() = function:000001F6C0AE22C0 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:000001F6C0AFA5B8 (meta 000001F6C041B358} selected = false AGAdvancedBuildDialogContent = userdata:000001F60E078110 (meta 000001F6C01F8998} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentBuildLabel = userdata:000001F60E078140 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSHostDropdown = userdata:000001F60E07A730 (meta 000001F60E07C630} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001F60E07C398 (meta 000001F6C06A2568} firstTable horizontalAlignment = 0 m_container = userdata:000001F60E07A730 (meta 000001F60E07C630} m_containerWidth = 360 m_disabledColor = table:000001F6C0AC6558 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_dropdown = userdata:000001F6C06A25D0 (meta 000001F6C06F5078} m_dropdownObject = table:000001F6C069EC30 (meta 000001F6C06A44F0} m_enableMultiSelect = false m_font = ZoFontGame m_height = 250 m_highlightColor = table:000001F6C06A23F0 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_multiSelectItemData = table:000001F60E07C700 firstTable m_name = AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSHostDropdown m_normalColor = table:000001F6C069A718 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_openDropdown = userdata:000001F60E07AF80 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} m_scroll = userdata:000001F6C06AA020 (meta 000001F6C06A2648} m_selectedColor = table:000001F60E07C510 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001F60E07A8D0 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:000001F6C0424290 m_sortedItems = table:000001F60E07C5A0 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSHostDropdownBG = userdata:000001F60E07A7B0 (meta 000001F6C0204D08} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSHostDropdownBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001F60E07A840 (meta 000001F6C024FFE0} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSHostDropdownOpenDropdown = userdata:000001F60E07AF80 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSHostDropdownSelectedItemText = userdata:000001F60E07A8D0 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSHostLabel = userdata:000001F60E07AF50 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSProfileDropdown = userdata:000001F60E07DAF8 (meta 000001F60E07DF50} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001F60E07DD48 (meta 000001F6C06A2568} firstTable horizontalAlignment = 0 m_container = userdata:000001F60E07DAF8 (meta 000001F60E07DF50} m_containerWidth = 360 m_disabledColor = table:000001F6C0AC6558 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_dropdown = userdata:000001F6C06A25D0 (meta 000001F6C06F5078} m_dropdownObject = table:000001F6C069EC30 (meta 000001F6C06A44F0} m_enableMultiSelect = false m_font = ZoFontGame m_height = 250 m_highlightColor = table:000001F6C06A23F0 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_multiSelectItemData = table:000001F60E07DDE8 firstTable m_name = AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSProfileDropdown m_normalColor = table:000001F6C069A718 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_openDropdown = userdata:000001F60E07DD38 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} m_scroll = userdata:000001F6C06AA020 (meta 000001F6C06A2648} m_selectedColor = table:000001F60E07DEC0 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001F60E07DCA8 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:000001F6C0424290 m_sortedItems = table:000001F60E07CDB8 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSProfileDropdownBG = userdata:000001F60E07DB80 (meta 000001F6C0204D08} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSProfileDropdownBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001F60E07DC10 (meta 000001F6C024FFE0} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSProfileDropdownOpenDropdown = userdata:000001F60E07DD38 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSProfileDropdownSelectedItemText = userdata:000001F60E07DCA8 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentCPSProfileLabel = userdata:000001F60E07C4D0 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentFCOISLabel = userdata:000001F60E076130 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentFCOISSetMarkerIconDropdown = userdata:000001F60E0799B8 (meta 000001F60E0784F8} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001F60E079C28 (meta 000001F6C06A2568} firstTable horizontalAlignment = 0 m_container = userdata:000001F60E0799B8 (meta 000001F60E0784F8} m_containerWidth = 360 m_disabledColor = table:000001F6C0AC6558 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_dropdown = userdata:000001F6C06A25D0 (meta 000001F6C06F5078} m_dropdownObject = table:000001F6C069EC30 (meta 000001F6C06A44F0} m_enableMultiSelect = false m_font = ZoFontGame m_height = 250 m_highlightColor = table:000001F6C06A23F0 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_multiSelectItemData = table:000001F60E07AE50 firstTable m_name = AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentFCOISSetMarkerIconDropdown m_normalColor = table:000001F6C069A718 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_openDropdown = userdata:000001F60E079C18 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} m_scroll = userdata:000001F6C06AA020 (meta 000001F6C06A2648} m_selectedColor = table:000001F60E078558 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001F60E079B80 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:000001F6C0424290 m_sortedItems = table:000001F60E079CB8 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentFCOISSetMarkerIconDropdownBG = userdata:000001F60E079A48 (meta 000001F6C0204D08} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentFCOISSetMarkerIconDropdownBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001F60E079AE0 (meta 000001F6C024FFE0} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentFCOISSetMarkerIconDropdownOpenDropdown = userdata:000001F60E079C18 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentFCOISSetMarkerIconDropdownSelectedItemText = userdata:000001F60E079B80 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentOutfitDropdown = userdata:000001F60E079218 (meta 000001F60E077040} firstMeta firstIndex m_comboBox = table:000001F60E076BB8 (meta 000001F6C06A2568} firstTable horizontalAlignment = 0 m_container = userdata:000001F60E079218 (meta 000001F60E077040} m_containerWidth = 360 m_disabledColor = table:000001F6C0AC6558 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_dropdown = userdata:000001F6C06A25D0 (meta 000001F6C06F5078} m_dropdownObject = table:000001F6C069EC30 (meta 000001F6C06A44F0} m_enableMultiSelect = false m_font = ZoFontGame m_height = 250 m_highlightColor = table:000001F6C06A23F0 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_isDropdownVisible = false m_multiSelectItemData = table:000001F60E077110 firstTable m_name = AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentOutfitDropdown m_normalColor = table:000001F6C069A718 (meta 000001F6C041B358} m_openDropdown = userdata:000001F60E076638 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} m_scroll = userdata:000001F6C06AA020 (meta 000001F6C06A2648} m_selectedColor = table:000001F60E076D30 firstTable 1 = 1 2 = 1 3 = 1 4 = 1 m_selectedItemText = userdata:000001F60E0765A8 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} m_sortOrder = true m_sortType = table:000001F6C0424290 m_sortedItems = table:000001F60E076FB0 firstTable m_sortsItems = true m_spacing = 0 AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentOutfitDropdownBG = userdata:000001F60E076488 (meta 000001F6C0204D08} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentOutfitDropdownBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001F60E076518 (meta 000001F6C024FFE0} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentOutfitDropdownOpenDropdown = userdata:000001F60E076638 (meta 000001F6C021B1B0} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentOutfitDropdownSelectedItemText = userdata:000001F60E0765A8 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGAdvancedBuildDialogContentOutfitLabel = 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GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:000001F6C06ED570 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE488 HideKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDD40 IsEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED938 OnClicked() = function:000001F6C06EE688 SetCallback() = function:000001F6C06EE588 SetClickSound() = function:000001F6C06ED978 SetCooldown() = function:000001F6C06EE710 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDCC0 SetCustomKeyText() = function:000001F6C06EDC80 SetEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED730 SetKeyFont() = function:000001F6C06EE3C8 SetKeybind() = function:000001F6C06EE508 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:000001F6C06EE648 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED8F8 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:000001F6C06EDDC0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:000001F6C06EDE00 SetNameFont() = function:000001F6C06EE388 SetNormalTextColor() = function:000001F6C06EE348 SetState() = function:000001F6C06ED8B8 SetText() = function:000001F6C06EDC40 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE448 SetupStyle() = function:000001F6C06EDD80 ShowKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDD00 UpdateEnabledState() = function:000001F6C06ED6F0 callback() = function:000001F6C0974690 customButtonIndex = 2 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001F69F1B5D50 (meta 000001F60E075B10} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001F69F1B5D20 (meta 000001F60E077480} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:000001F6C0AE23C0 IsSelected() = function:000001F6C0AE2300 RefreshTextColor() = function:000001F6C0AE2380 SetEnabled() = function:000001F6C0AE2340 SetSelected() = function:000001F6C0AE22C0 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:000001F6C0AFA5B8 (meta 000001F6C041B358} selected = false rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 AGEditProfileDialogAcceptNameLabel = userdata:000001F69F1B5D20 (meta 000001F60E077480} AGEditProfileDialogBG = userdata:000001F6BA129360 (meta 000001F6C0204D08} AGEditProfileDialogBGMungeOverlay = userdata:000001F6BA1293D8 (meta 000001F6C024FFE0} AGEditProfileDialogCancel = userdata:000001F6BA127278 (meta 000001F60E075818} AGEditProfileDialogCancelKeyLabel = userdata:000001F6BA12D948 (meta 000001F6B9FAF030} firstMeta firstIndex bottomOffset = 3 edgeFileColor = table:000001F6C0AFA730 (meta 000001F6C041B358} leftOffset = -5 owner = userdata:000001F6BA127278 (meta 000001F60E075818} firstMeta firstIndex AdjustBindingAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE408 GetGamepadKeybind() = function:000001F6C06ED608 GetKeybind() = function:000001F6C06ED500 GetKeybindButtonDescriptorReference() = function:000001F6C06EE5C8 GetKeybindButtonNarrationData() = function:000001F6C06EE608 GetKeyboardKeybind() = function:000001F6C06ED570 GetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE488 HideKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDD40 IsEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED938 OnClicked() = function:000001F6C06EE688 SetCallback() = function:000001F6C06EE588 SetClickSound() = function:000001F6C06ED978 SetCooldown() = function:000001F6C06EE710 SetCustomKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDCC0 SetCustomKeyText() = function:000001F6C06EDC80 SetEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED730 SetKeyFont() = function:000001F6C06EE3C8 SetKeybind() = function:000001F6C06EE508 SetKeybindButtonDescriptor() = function:000001F6C06EE648 SetKeybindEnabled() = function:000001F6C06ED8F8 SetKeybindEnabledInEdit() = function:000001F6C06EDDC0 SetMouseOverEnabled() = function:000001F6C06EDE00 SetNameFont() = function:000001F6C06EE388 SetNormalTextColor() = function:000001F6C06EE348 SetState() = function:000001F6C06ED8B8 SetText() = function:000001F6C06EDC40 SetUsingCustomAnchors() = function:000001F6C06EE448 SetupStyle() = function:000001F6C06EDD80 ShowKeyIcon() = function:000001F6C06EDD00 UpdateEnabledState() = function:000001F6C06ED6F0 callback() = function:000001F6C0974690 customButtonIndex = 1 enabled = true keyLabel = userdata:000001F6BA12D948 (meta 000001F6B9FAF030} keybindEnabled = false nameLabel = userdata:000001F6BA127348 (meta 000001F69F1B5BA8} rightOffset = 5 topOffset = -2 AGEditProfileDialogCancelNameLabel = userdata:000001F6BA127348 (meta 000001F69F1B5BA8} firstMeta firstIndex GetTextColor() = function:000001F6C0AE23C0 IsSelected() = function:000001F6C0AE2300 RefreshTextColor() = function:000001F6C0AE2380 SetEnabled() = function:000001F6C0AE2340 SetSelected() = function:000001F6C0AE22C0 enabled = true mouseoverEnabled = true normalColor = table:000001F6C0AFA5B8 (meta 000001F6C041B358} selected = false AGEditProfileDialogContent = userdata:000001F6B9F9DB88 (meta 000001F6C01F8998} AGEditProfileDialogContentIndexBG = userdata:000001F6BA124C10 (meta 000001F6C0204D08} AGEditProfileDialogContentIndexLabel = userdata:000001F6BA124B68 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGEditProfileDialogContentNameBG = userdata:000001F6B9F9DC78 (meta 000001F6C0204D08} AGEditProfileDialogContentNameLabel = userdata:000001F6B9F9DC00 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGEditProfileDialogContentProfileName = userdata:000001F6B9FAF870 (meta 000001F6C022E678} AGEditProfileDialogContentProfileSortKey = userdata:000001F6BA1271A8 (meta 000001F6C022E678} AGEditProfileDialogDivider = userdata:000001F6B9FB0968 (meta 000001F6C024FFE0} AGEditProfileDialogModalUnderlay = userdata:000001F6BA12C428 (meta 000001F6C024FFE0} AGEditProfileDialogTitle = userdata:000001F6BA129408 (meta 000001F6C0240F90} AGFont = userdata:000001F6B9FB3FA0 (meta 000001F6C02B4B68} AGFontBig = userdata:000001F6B9FB4030 (meta 000001F6C02B4B68} AGFontBold = userdata:000001F6B9FB4000 (meta 000001F6C02B4B68} AGFontSmall = userdata:000001F6B9FB3FD0 (meta 000001F6C02B4B68} AGIntDlg = table:000001F60E08AB80 firstTable Commit() = function:000001F60E08B0A8 CommitChampionPointIntegration() = function:000001F60E08B028 CommitInventoryIntegration() = function:000001F60E08AC68 CommitStyleIntegration() = function:000001F6B9FB20C8 Initialize() = function:000001F60E088320 Setup() = function:000001F60E0882D8 SetupAlphaStyleCombo() = function:000001F6B9FB2048 SetupCPSCombos() = function:000001F60E08ACA8 SetupChampionPointIntegration() = function:000001F60E08AFE8 SetupCommons() = function:000001F60E08B068 SetupFCOISSetMarkerIconCombo() = function:000001F60E08ABC8 SetupInventoryIntegration() = function:000001F60E088860 SetupOutfitCombo() = function:000001F60E08AD10 SetupStyleIntegration() = function:000001F6B9FB2088 currentBuildName = No Build currentBuildNr = -1 selection = table:000001F60E08AC20 firstTable newCPSHostName = newCPSSlotName = newIconId = 0 oldIconId = 0 outfit = 0 styleId = 0 useOutfit = true AGLang = table:000001F6BA0156B0 firstTable msg = table:000001F6BA0156F8 firstTable ActionBar1Text = Action-Bar 1 ActionBar2Text = Action-Bar 2 ActionBarNText = Action-Bar <<1>> BindLoadNextProfile = Load next profile BindLoadNextSet = Load next build BindLoadPreviousProfile = Load previous profile BindLoadPreviousSet = Load previous build BindLoadProfile = Load profile BindToggleProfile = Toggle last two profiles BindToggleSet = Toggle last two builds Button = table:000001F6BA015740 firstTable Gear = |t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|t Equip item\n|t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/rmb.dds|t Remove item Skill = |t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|t Equip skill\n|t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/rmb.dds|t Remove skill Clear = Clear Copy = Copy CurrentlyEquipped = <<1>> is still equipped EquipmentHeader = Equipment Panel FailedToMoveItem = Failed to move <<1>> FromBank = Withdraw gear set FromBankAll = Withdraw all gear sets GearHeader = Gear Head = table:000001F6BA0158B8 firstTable Gear = Gear Skill = Skills Icon = |t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|tChoose icon Insert = Insert currently equipped Integrations = table:000001F6BA01D4C0 firstTable Champion = table:000001F6BA01B4C0 firstTable Title = Champion Point Manager UseCPSlots = Use Champion Point Slots Inventory = table:000001F6BA01D5B0 firstTable FCOIS = table:000001F6BA01B380 firstTable GearMarkerIconLabel = Marker icon NoGearMarkerIconEntry = -None- Title = Inventory Manager UseFCOIS = Use FCO Item Saver QuickSlot = table:000001F6BA01B560 firstTable Title = Quickslot Manager UseGMQSB = Use Greymind Quick Slot Bar Styling = table:000001F6BA01B420 firstTable Title = Style Manager UseAlphaStyle = Use AlphaStyle ItemIsStolen = <<1>> is stolen. Deposit not allowed. ItemsNotRepairedMsg = Not enough gold for <<1>> Items. ItemsRepairedMsg = <<1>> Items repaired. Total repair cost: <<2>> gold. KeepOutfitItemLabel = Keep Current Outfit LoadSetBinding = Load Build Lock = If the buld is locked, all empty slots will be unequipped.\nIf the build is unlocked, all empty slots will be ignored.\n\n|t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|t Lock/unlock MovingSet = Moving set <<1>>... MsgNoPreviousProfile = No profile to toggle. MsgNoPreviousSet = You did not equip a second build. NotEnoughMoneyForRepairMsg = Not enough money to repair gear. NotEnoughSpace = |cFFAA33AlphaGear|r |cFF0000Not enough bag-space...|r NotEnoughSpaceInBackPack = Not enough space in backpack for <<1>> NotEnoughSpaceInBank = Not enough space in bank for <<1>> NotFound = <<1>> |cFF0000was not found...|r NumVisibleSetButtons = Number of Build Buttons to Show OptionWidth = 300 Options = table:000001F6BA01D350 firstTable 1 = Show UI button 10 = Show item quality as color 11 = Close window on movement 12 = Lock all AlphaGear elements 13 = Automatic weapon charge 14 = Auto repair armor at stores 15 = Show item level marker 16 = 17 = Auto load last build of profile 2 = Show build buttons 3 = Show repair icon 4 = Show repair cost 5 = Show weapon charge icon(s) 6 = Show weapon swap message 7 = Show equipped build 8 = Mark build items in inventory 9 = Show item condition in percent OutfitLabel = Outfit Paste = Paste ReassignHint = Please resave this skill with Shift + Click or drag it from the skill window to get the correct tooltip. ResetPositions = Reset Positions Selector = table:000001F6BA01D2B0 firstTable Gear = |t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|t Equip entire gear\n|t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/rmb.dds|t More options Skill = |t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|t Equip all skills\n|t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/rmb.dds|t More options Set = |t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|t Equip build\n|t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/rmb.dds|t Edit build SetChangeQueuedMsg = Build <<1>> (<<2>>) will be equipped when out-of-combat. SetConnector = table:000001F6BA015870 firstTable 1 = |t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|t Connect gear with build\n|t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/rmb.dds|t Remove connection 2 = |t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|t Connect actionbar 1 with build\n|t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/rmb.dds|t Remove connection 3 = |t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|t Connect actionbar 2 with build\n|t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/rmb.dds|t Remove connection SetPart = \n|cFFAA33Part of build: <>|r SetsHeader = Profiles/Builds SettingsDesc = Configure AlphaGear UI, Auto-Repair and Auto-Recharge. ShowItemLevelChoices = table:000001F6BA015828 firstTable 1 = Always 2 = Only low items 3 = Never ShowMainBinding = Show/hide AlphaGear Window SoulgemUsed = <> |cFFAA33was recharged.|r ToBank = Deposit gear set ToBankAll = Deposit all gear sets ToolTipSkillIcon = |t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/lmb.dds|t Choose Icon\n|t16:16:AlphaGear/asset/rmb.dds|t Reset Icon UIHeader = User Interface UneqipAllBinding = Unequip entire gear Unequip = Unequip armor UnequipAll = Unequip entire gear WeaponsHeader = Weapons AGSkills17 = table:000001F6BA016570 firstTable 14890 = 0 15540 = 22149 15957 = 15957 16536 = 16536 17874 = 15957 17878 = 15957 18342 = 18342 18718 = 18718 18866 = 18866 18929 = 18929 19109 = 18718 19123 = 18718 19976 = 15957 19979 = 15957 19982 = 15957 20245 = 20245 20251 = 20245 20252 = 20245 20299 = 0 20319 = 20319 20323 = 20319 20328 = 20319 20492 = 20492 20496 = 20492 20499 = 20492 20657 = 20657 20660 = 20657 20668 = 20657 20779 = 29059 20803 = 23806 20805 = 23806 20816 = 23806 20917 = 20917 20919 = 20919 20930 = 20917 20944 = 20917 21007 = 21007 21014 = 21007 21017 = 21007 21114 = 21114 21157 = 21157 21726 = 21726 21729 = 21726 21732 = 21726 21752 = 21752 21755 = 21752 21758 = 21752 21761 = 21761 21763 = 21761 21765 = 21761 21776 = 21776 21970 = 0 22004 = 21776 22006 = 21776 22057 = 22057 22095 = 22057 22110 = 22057 22138 = 22138 22139 = 22138 22144 = 22138 22149 = 22149 22161 = 22149 22178 = 22178 22180 = 22178 22182 = 22178 22223 = 22223 22226 = 22223 22229 = 22223 22234 = 22234 22237 = 22234 22240 = 22234 22250 = 22250 22253 = 22250 22256 = 22250 22259 = 22265 22262 = 22265 22265 = 22265 22304 = 22304 22314 = 22304 22327 = 22304 23182 = 23182 23200 = 23182 23205 = 23182 23210 = 23210 23213 = 23210 23231 = 23210 23234 = 23234 23236 = 23234 23277 = 23234 23304 = 23304 23316 = 23304 23319 = 23304 23492 = 23634 23495 = 23634 23634 = 23634 23670 = 23670 23674 = 23670 23678 = 23670 23709 = 22149 23713 = 22149 23716 = 22149 23719 = 22149 23722 = 22149 23726 = 22149 23736 = 20492 23740 = 20492 23744 = 20492 23770 = 20492 23774 = 20492 23778 = 20492 23782 = 22138 23783 = 22138 23784 = 22138 23785 = 22138 23787 = 22138 23788 = 22138 23792 = 22138 23793 = 22138 23794 = 22138 23806 = 23806 23809 = 23806 23811 = 23806 23813 = 23806 23816 = 23806 23819 = 23806 23822 = 20319 23825 = 20319 23828 = 20319 23831 = 23806 23834 = 20319 23838 = 20319 23842 = 20319 23846 = 20319 23851 = 20319 23856 = 20319 23864 = 22149 23869 = 22149 23870 = 22149 23882 = 20657 23884 = 20657 23886 = 20657 23888 = 20657 23893 = 20657 23898 = 20657 23907 = 20657 23911 = 20657 23915 = 20657 23916 = 23806 23924 = 23806 23968 = 22234 23969 = 22234 23970 = 22234 23983 = 22234 23984 = 22234 23985 = 22234 23996 = 22234 23997 = 22234 23998 = 22234 24044 = 21752 24052 = 21752 24063 = 21752 24080 = 22057 24101 = 22057 24110 = 22057 24129 = 22057 24139 = 22057 24147 = 22057 24155 = 22057 24156 = 22057 24157 = 22057 24158 = 24158 24160 = 21726 24163 = 24158 24165 = 24158 24167 = 21726 24171 = 21726 24174 = 21726 24177 = 21726 24180 = 21726 24184 = 21726 24187 = 21726 24195 = 21726 24198 = 22250 24201 = 22250 24204 = 22250 24207 = 22250 24210 = 22250 24213 = 22250 24216 = 22250 24219 = 22250 24222 = 22250 24288 = 21752 24295 = 21752 24301 = 21752 24308 = 21752 24314 = 21752 24320 = 21752 24326 = 24326 24328 = 24326 24330 = 24326 24371 = 24371 24574 = 24371 24578 = 24371 24584 = 24584 24589 = 24584 24595 = 24584 24613 = 24613 24636 = 24613 24639 = 24613 24785 = 24785 24804 = 24785 24806 = 24785 24828 = 24828 24834 = 24828 24842 = 24828 25091 = 25091 25255 = 25255 25260 = 25255 25267 = 25255 25352 = 25352 25375 = 25375 25377 = 25375 25380 = 25375 25411 = 25411 25484 = 18342 25493 = 18342 26114 = 26114 26158 = 26158 26188 = 26188 26209 = 26209 26768 = 26768 26792 = 26114 26797 = 26114 26800 = 26158 26804 = 26158 26807 = 26209 26821 = 26209 26858 = 26188 26869 = 26188 26971 = 26158 26973 = 26158 26975 = 26158 26977 = 26158 26980 = 26158 26983 = 26158 26986 = 26158 26989 = 26158 26992 = 26158 26995 = 26209 27001 = 26209 27007 = 26209 27013 = 26209 27024 = 26209 27030 = 26209 27036 = 26209 27040 = 26209 27043 = 26209 27046 = 26188 27059 = 26188 27090 = 26188 27102 = 26188 27112 = 26188 27122 = 26188 27145 = 26188 27156 = 26188 27167 = 26188 27179 = 26114 27182 = 26114 27186 = 26114 27189 = 26114 27193 = 26114 27197 = 26114 27201 = 26114 27204 = 26114 27207 = 26114 27211 = 21761 27219 = 21761 27227 = 21761 27243 = 22265 27249 = 22265 27255 = 22265 27261 = 22265 27269 = 22265 27275 = 22265 27281 = 22265 27288 = 22265 27295 = 22265 27303 = 21776 27304 = 21776 27306 = 21776 27307 = 21776 27309 = 21776 27311 = 21776 27313 = 21776 27316 = 21776 27324 = 21776 27334 = 22304 27340 = 22304 27342 = 22304 27346 = 22304 27349 = 22304 27352 = 22304 27368 = 22304 27372 = 22304 27376 = 22304 27388 = 22223 27392 = 22223 27396 = 22223 27401 = 22223 27407 = 22223 27413 = 22223 27419 = 22223 27423 = 22223 27427 = 22223 27493 = 22178 27497 = 22178 27501 = 22178 27506 = 22178 27510 = 22178 27514 = 22178 27520 = 22178 27526 = 22178 27530 = 22178 27534 = 21761 27549 = 21761 27558 = 21761 27569 = 21761 27578 = 21761 27587 = 21761 27706 = 27706 28025 = 28025 28279 = 28279 28297 = 28297 28302 = 28302 28304 = 28304 28306 = 28306 28308 = 28025 28311 = 28025 28341 = 27706 28348 = 27706 28365 = 28365 28379 = 28379 28385 = 28385 28418 = 28418 28448 = 28448 28536 = 28536 28541 = 0 28549 = 0 28567 = 28567 28591 = 28591 28607 = 28607 28613 = 28613 28719 = 28719 28727 = 28727 28800 = 28800 28858 = 28858 28869 = 28869 28876 = 28876 28879 = 28879 28882 = 28882 28967 = 28967 28988 = 28988 29004 = 29004 29012 = 29012 29032 = 29032 29037 = 29037 29043 = 29043 29059 = 29059 29061 = 29061 29062 = 29062 29071 = 29071 29091 = 29091 29173 = 29173 29224 = 29071 29338 = 29338 29375 = 29375 29387 = 29387 29388 = 29388 29389 = 29389 29391 = 29391 29397 = 29397 29399 = 29399 29415 = 29415 29420 = 29420 29422 = 29422 29424 = 29424 29430 = 29430 29439 = 29439 29451 = 29451 29455 = 29455 29457 = 29457 29460 = 29460 29462 = 29462 29463 = 29463 29468 = 29468 29473 = 29473 29475 = 29475 29482 = 28418 29489 = 28418 29552 = 29552 29556 = 29556 29639 = 29639 29663 = 29663 29665 = 29665 29667 = 29667 29668 = 29668 29686 = 29686 29687 = 29687 29738 = 29738 29742 = 29742 29743 = 29743 29769 = 29769 29773 = 29773 29791 = 29791 29804 = 29804 29825 = 29825 29833 = 27706 29839 = 27706 29844 = 27706 29849 = 27706 29855 = 27706 29861 = 27706 29867 = 27706 29874 = 27706 29881 = 27706 29889 = 24828 29899 = 24828 29909 = 24828 29919 = 24828 29929 = 24828 29939 = 24828 29949 = 24828 29961 = 24828 29973 = 24828 29995 = 24584 30004 = 24584 30012 = 24584 30022 = 24584 30033 = 24584 30043 = 24584 30056 = 24584 30064 = 24584 30072 = 24584 30083 = 28025 30085 = 28025 30087 = 28025 30089 = 28025 30092 = 28025 30095 = 28025 30098 = 28025 30103 = 28025 30107 = 28025 30152 = 24371 30157 = 24371 30162 = 24371 30167 = 24371 30172 = 24371 30177 = 24371 30182 = 24371 30188 = 24371 30194 = 24371 30201 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86131 = 86122 86132 = 86122 86133 = 86122 86135 = 86135 86136 = 86135 86137 = 86135 86138 = 86135 86139 = 86135 86140 = 86135 86141 = 86135 86142 = 86135 86143 = 86135 86144 = 86135 86145 = 86135 86146 = 86135 86148 = 86148 86149 = 86148 86150 = 86148 86151 = 86148 86152 = 86148 86153 = 86148 86154 = 86148 86155 = 86148 86156 = 86148 86157 = 86148 86158 = 86148 86159 = 86148 86161 = 86161 86162 = 86161 86163 = 86161 86164 = 86161 86165 = 86161 86166 = 86161 86167 = 86161 86168 = 86161 86169 = 86161 86170 = 86161 86171 = 86161 86172 = 86161 86175 = 86175 86176 = 86175 86177 = 86175 86178 = 86175 86179 = 86175 86180 = 86175 86181 = 86175 86182 = 86175 86183 = 86175 86184 = 86175 86185 = 86175 86186 = 86175 86189 = 86189 86190 = 86189 86191 = 86191 86192 = 86191 86193 = 86193 86194 = 86193 86195 = 86195 86196 = 86195 86269 = 83216 86272 = 83216 86275 = 83216 86278 = 83216 86281 = 83216 86284 = 83216 86287 = 83216 86291 = 83216 86295 = 83216 86316 = 83272 86319 = 83272 86322 = 83272 86325 = 83272 86329 = 83272 86333 = 83272 86337 = 83272 86341 = 83272 86345 = 83272 86360 = 83600 86365 = 83600 86370 = 83600 86383 = 83600 86388 = 83600 86393 = 83600 86398 = 83600 86404 = 83600 86410 = 83600 86421 = 83552 86423 = 83552 86425 = 83552 86428 = 83552 86441 = 83552 86454 = 83552 86467 = 83552 86471 = 83552 86475 = 83552 86481 = 83619 86483 = 83619 86485 = 83619 86506 = 83619 86508 = 83619 86510 = 83619 86530 = 83619 86532 = 83619 86534 = 83619 86582 = 83465 86584 = 83465 86586 = 83465 86597 = 83465 86600 = 83465 86603 = 83465 86614 = 83465 86617 = 83465 86620 = 83465 88158 = 0 88174 = 0 88176 = 0 88178 = 0 90284 = 0 92163 = 0 93593 = 86009 93769 = 85536 93770 = 85536 93771 = 85536 93772 = 85536 93773 = 85536 93774 = 85536 93775 = 85536 93776 = 85536 93777 = 85536 93778 = 86009 93791 = 86009 93802 = 85578 93803 = 85578 93804 = 85578 93805 = 85578 93806 = 85578 93807 = 85578 93808 = 85578 93809 = 85578 93810 = 85578 93835 = 0 93836 = 0 93837 = 0 93875 = 85552 93876 = 85552 93877 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table:000001F6BA0F7710 firstTable UseAlphaStyle = false option = table:000001F6BA10D6A0 firstTable 1 = true 10 = true 11 = true 12 = false 13 = true 14 = true 15 = 3 16 = false 17 = false 2 = true 3 = true 4 = true 5 = true 6 = true 7 = true 8 = true 9 = true positions = table:000001F6C681E8C0 firstTable AG_Panel = table:000001F6C6885B88 firstTable 1 = 1172 2 = 338 3 = -0.38828125 4 = -0.4809027778 5 = 12 AG_SetButtonBg = table:000001F6C6885B40 firstTable 1 = 1636.9997558594 2 = 1331 3 = -0.3123047829 4 = -0.0409722222 5 = 12 AG_SwapMessageBg = table:000001F6C6885BD0 firstTable 1 = 509.9997558594 2 = 19 3 = 0.2832030296 4 = 0.0465277778 5 = 3 AG_UI_ButtonBg = table:000001F6C68148E0 firstTable 1 = 1841.9998779297 2 = 303.0619506836 3 = -0.2687500477 4 = 0.2312930213 5 = 9 version = 2 Reorx2 = table:000001F6C68015C8 firstTable AccountWide = table:000001F6C67EFF00 firstTable Integrations = table:000001F6BA10A970 firstTable Champion = table:000001F6C67EB330 firstTable UseCPSlots = false Inventory = table:000001F6C67EB2E8 firstTable UseFCOIS = false QuickSlot = table:000001F6C67D8080 firstTable UseGMQSB = false Styling = table:000001F6C67EB378 firstTable UseAlphaStyle = false option = table:000001F6BA10A928 firstTable 1 = true 10 = true 11 = true 12 = false 13 = true 14 = true 15 = 3 16 = false 17 = false 2 = true 3 = true 4 = true 5 = true 6 = true 7 = true 8 = true 9 = true positions = table:000001F6C67E1A80 firstTable AG_Panel = table:000001F6BA10D160 firstTable 1 = 944.9998779297 2 = 298.4999389648 3 = -0.4769531727 4 = 0.4916666667 5 = 9 AG_SetButtonBg = table:000001F6BA10D118 firstTable 1 = 2194.9997558594 2 = 450 3 = -0.0943360329 4 = 0.3472222222 5 = 9 AG_SwapMessageBg = table:000001F6BA10A8E0 firstTable 1 = 2194.9997558594 2 = 530 3 = -0.0585938454 4 = 0.4013888889 5 = 9 AG_UI_ButtonBg = table:000001F6BA10D0D0 firstTable 1 = 453.8051757812 2 = 9.9115142822 3 = 0.1889863968 4 = 0.0277163294 5 = 3 version = 2 AGX2_Character = table:000001F6BA10A370 firstTable Default = table:000001F6BA10A3B8 firstTable Reorx = table:000001F6C6887BA0 firstTable Dougan = Redhammer = table:000001F6C6868148 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6868698 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6868788 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6868AF8 firstTable id = 4616796758926711762 link = |H0:item:71156:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:500:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6C6869098 firstTable id = 17663639142 link = |H0:item:47719:370:50:26582:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6C6869138 firstTable id = 17663639132 link = |H0:item:47714:370:50:26582:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6C68691D8 firstTable id = 25825277553 link = |H0:item:71273:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:13:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6C6869278 firstTable id = 25651764399 link = |H0:item:22205:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:8:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6C6869318 firstTable id = 17405384570 link = 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table:000001F6BA137178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA137218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA1372B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA137358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA1373F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA137498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA136B38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA136C78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA136D18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA136DB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA136E58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA136EF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA136F98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA137038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA1370D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA1376C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA137948 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA1379E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA137858 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA137538 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA137A88 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA137B78 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA137EE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA138488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA138528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA1385C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA138668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA138708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA1387A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA137E48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA137F88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA138028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA1380C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA138168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA138208 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA1382A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA138348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA1383E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA1389D8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA138C58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA138CF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA138B68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA138848 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA138D98 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA138E88 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA1391F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA139798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA139838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA1398D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA139978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA139A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA139AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA139158 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA139298 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA139338 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA1393D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA139478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA139518 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA1395B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA139658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA1396F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA139CE8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA139F68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA13A008 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA139E78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA139B58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA13A0A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA13A198 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA13A508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA13AAA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA13AB48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA13ABE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA13AC88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA13AD28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA13ADC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA13A468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA13A5A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA13A648 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA13A6E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA13A788 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA13A828 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA13A8C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA13A968 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA13AA08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA13AFF8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA13B278 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA13B318 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA13B188 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA13AE68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA13B3B8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA13B4A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA13B818 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA13BDB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA13BE58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA13BEF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA13BF98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA13C038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA13C0D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA13B778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA13B8B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA13B958 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA13B9F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA13BA98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA13BB38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA13BBD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA13BC78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA13BD18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA13C308 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA13C588 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA13C628 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA13C498 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA13C178 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68699A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6869A98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6869E08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C686A3A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C686A448 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C686A4E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C686A588 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C686A628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C686A6C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6869D68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6869EA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6869F48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6869FE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C686A088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C686A128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C686A1C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C686A268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C686A308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C686A8F8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C686AB78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C686AC18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C686AA88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C686A768 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C686ACB8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C686ADA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C686B118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C686B6B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C686B758 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C686B7F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C686B898 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C686B938 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C686B9D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C686B078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C686B1B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C686B258 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C686B2F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C686B398 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C686B438 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C686B4D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C686B578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C686B618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C686BC08 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C686BE88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C686BF28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C686BD98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C686BA78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C686BFC8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C686C0B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C686C428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C686C9C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C686CA68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C686CB08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C686CBA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C686CC48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C686CCE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C686C388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C686C4C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C686C568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C686C608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C686C6A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C686C748 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C686C7E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C686C888 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C686C928 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C686CF18 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C686D198 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C686D238 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C686D0A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C686CD88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C686D2D8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C686D3C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C686D738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C686DCD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C686DD78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C686DE18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C686DEB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C686DF58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C686DFF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C686D698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C686D7D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C686D878 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C686D918 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C686D9B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C686DA58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C686DAF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C686DB98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C686DC38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C686E228 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C686E4A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C686E548 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C686E3B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C686E098 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C686E5E8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C686E6D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C686EA48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C686EFE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C686F088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C686F128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C686F1C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C686F268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C686F308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C686E9A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C686EAE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C686EB88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C686EC28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C686ECC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C686ED68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C686EE08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C686EEA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C686EF48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C686F538 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C686F7B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C686F858 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C686F6C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C686F3A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C686F8F8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C686F9E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C686FD58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA131228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA1312C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA131368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA131408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA1314A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA131548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C686FCB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C686FDF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C686FE98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C686FF38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C686FFD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6870078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA131048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA1310E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA131188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA131778 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA1319F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA131A98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA131908 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA1315E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA131B38 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA131C28 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA131F98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA132538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA1325D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA132678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA132718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA1327B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA132858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA131EF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA132038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA1320D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA132178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA132218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA1322B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA132358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA1323F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA132498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA132A88 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA132D08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA132DA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA132C18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA1328F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA132E48 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA132F38 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA1332A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA133848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA1338E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA133988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA133A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA133AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA133B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA133208 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA133348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA1333E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA133488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA133528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA1335C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA133668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA133708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA1337A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA133D98 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA134018 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA1340B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA133F28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA133C08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6BA13C6C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA13CC18 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6BA13CD08 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA13D258 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6BA147E58 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6BA149168 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6BA14A478 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6BA14B788 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6BA14CA98 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6BA14DDA8 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6BA14F0B8 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6BA13E568 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6BA13F878 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6BA140B88 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6BA141F08 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6BA143218 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6BA144528 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6BA145838 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6BA146B48 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6BA1508C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6BA150968 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6BA150A08 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6BA150AA8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6BA150B48 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6BA150BE8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6BA150C88 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6BA150D28 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6BA150DC8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6BA150E68 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6BA1503C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6BA150F08 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6BA150468 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6BA150508 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6BA1505A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6BA150648 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6BA1506E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6BA150788 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6BA150828 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Durz = gra = Bagrat = table:000001F6C6887BE8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6887C30 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FCC878 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6814D28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6846B28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6846BC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6846C68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C688A238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C688A2D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C688A378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6886410 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6814DC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6814E68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C681F940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C681F9E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C681FA80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C683CB78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C683CC18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C683CCB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FCA8C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68501B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6850258 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FCAA58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C688A3C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA10C058 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA10C148 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA10C4B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6830148 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68301E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6830288 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6830328 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68303C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6830468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA10C418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA10C558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA10C5F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA10C698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA10C738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA10C7D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA10C878 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA10C918 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA10C9B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6830698 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6830918 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68309B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6830828 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6830508 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6830A58 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6830B48 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6830EB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6831458 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68314F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6831598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6831638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68316D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6831778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6830E18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6830F58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6830FF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6831098 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6831138 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68311D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6831278 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6831318 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68313B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68319A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6831C28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6831CC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6831B38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6831818 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6831D68 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6831E58 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68321C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C683D458 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C683D4F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C683D598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C683D638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C683D6D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C683D778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6832128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6832268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6832308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C683D098 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C683D138 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C683D1D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C683D278 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C683D318 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C683D3B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C683D9A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C683DC28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C683DCC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C683DB38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C683D818 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C683DD68 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C683DE58 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C683E1C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C683E768 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C683E808 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C683E8A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C683E948 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C683E9E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C683EA88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C683E128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C683E268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C683E308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C683E3A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C683E448 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C683E4E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C683E588 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C683E628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C683E6C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C683ECB8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C683EF38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C683EFD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C683EE48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C683EB28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C683F078 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C683F168 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C683F4D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C683FA78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C683FB18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C683FBB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C683FC58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C683FCF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0F4088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C683F438 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C683F578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C683F618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C683F6B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C683F758 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C683F7F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C683F898 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C683F938 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C683F9D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0F42B8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0F4538 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0F45D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0F4448 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0F4128 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0F4678 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0F4768 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0F4AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0F5078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0F5118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0F51B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0F5258 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0F52F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0F5398 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0F4A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0F4B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA0F4C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0F4CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0F4D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0F4DF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0F4E98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0F4F38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0F4FD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0F55C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0F5848 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0F58E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0F5758 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0F5438 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0F5988 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0F5A78 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0F5DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0F6388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0F6428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0F64C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0F6568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0F6608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0F66A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0F5D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0F5E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA0F5F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0F5FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0F6068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0F6108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0F61A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0F6248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0F62E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0F68D8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0F6B58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0F6BF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0F6A68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0F6748 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68502F8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68503E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68504D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C681EB20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C681EBC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C681EC60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C681ED00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C681EDA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C681EE40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6850430 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67D77E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67D7880 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67D7920 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67D79C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67D7A60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67D7B00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67D7BA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67D7C40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C681F070 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C681F2F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C681F390 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = 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firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6832BE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6833090 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C683C050 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C683C0F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68330D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6833048 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C683C190 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C683C280 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C683C5F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68002A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6800340 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68003E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6800480 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6800520 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68005C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C683C550 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C683C690 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C683C730 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C683C7D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C683C870 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C683C910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68000C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6800160 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6800200 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68007F0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6800A70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6800B10 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6800980 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6800660 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6800BB0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6800CA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6801010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6950160 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6950200 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C69502A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6950340 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C69503E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6950480 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6800F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68010B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6801150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68011F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6801290 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6801330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68013D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6801470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C69500C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C69506B0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6950930 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C69509D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6950840 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6950520 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6950A70 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6950B60 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6950ED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6951470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6887F38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6887FD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6888078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6888118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68881B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6950E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6950F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6951010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C69510B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6951150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C69511F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6951290 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6951330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C69513D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68883E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6888668 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6888708 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6888578 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6888258 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68887A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6888898 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6888C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68891A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6889248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68892E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6889388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6889428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68894C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6888B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6888CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6888D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6888DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6888E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6888F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6888FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6889068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6889108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67E01E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67E0468 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67E0508 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67E0378 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6889568 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67E05A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67E0698 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67E0A08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67E0FA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67E1048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67E10E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67E1188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67E1228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C67E12C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67E0968 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67E0AA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67E0B48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67E0BE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67E0C88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67E0D28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67E0DC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67E0E68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67E0F08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67E14F8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67E1778 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67E1818 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67E1688 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C67E1368 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67E18B8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA10AE38 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA10B1A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA10B748 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA10B7E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA10B888 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA10B928 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA10B9C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA10BA68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA10B108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA10B248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA10B2E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA10B388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA10B428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA10B4C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA10B568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA10B608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA10B6A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA10BC98 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA10BF18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA10BFB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA10BE28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA10BB08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6BA0F6C98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0F71E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C67EB890 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67EBDE0 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C67F2780 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C67F3A90 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C67F4DA0 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C688BE78 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C688D188 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C688E498 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C688F7A8 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C67ED0F0 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C67EE400 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C67EF710 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6810DB0 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C68120C0 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C68133D0 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C67F0160 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C67F1470 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6BA104FE8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6BA105088 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6BA105128 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6BA1051C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6BA105268 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6BA105308 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6BA1053A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6BA105448 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6BA1054E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6BA105588 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6BA104AE8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6BA105628 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6BA104B88 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6BA104C28 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6BA104CC8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6BA104D68 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6BA104E08 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6BA104EA8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6BA104F48 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Fuzzfoot = Pouchfiller = table:000001F6C6919DC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C691A318 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C691A408 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C691A778 firstTable id = 17296939898 link = |H0:item:56496:370:50:45868:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:4:1:1:0:255:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6C691AD18 firstTable id = 25438616286 link = |H0:item:110992:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6C691ADB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C691AE58 firstTable id = 19693727898 link = |H0:item:44221:60:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:6:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6C691AEF8 firstTable id = 14352626781 link = |H0:item:55959:287:50:26583:276:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:15:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = 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firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6927630 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C69279A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6927F40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6927FE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6928080 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6928120 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C69281C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6928260 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6927900 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6927A40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6927AE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6927B80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6927C20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6927CC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6927D60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6927E00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6927EA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6928490 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6928710 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C69287B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6928620 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6928300 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6928850 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6928940 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6928CB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6929250 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C69292F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6929390 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6929430 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C69294D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6929570 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6928C10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6928D50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6928DF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6928E90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6928F30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = 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table:000001F6C6929F20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C692A060 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C692A100 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C692A1A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C692A240 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C692A2E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C692A380 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C692A420 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C692A4C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C692AAB0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C692AD30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C692ADD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C692AC40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C692A920 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C692AE70 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C692AF60 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C692B2D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C692B870 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C692B910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C692B9B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C692BA50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C692BAF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C692BB90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C692B230 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C692B370 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C692B410 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C692B4B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C692B550 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C692B5F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C692B690 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C692B730 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C692B7D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C692BDC0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C692C040 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C692C0E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C692BF50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C692BC30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C692C180 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C692C270 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C692C5E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C692CB80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C692CC20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C692CCC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C692CD60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C692CE00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C692CEA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C692C540 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C692C680 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C692C720 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C692C7C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C692C860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C692C900 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C692C9A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C692CA40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C692CAE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C692D0D0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C692D350 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C692D3F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C692D260 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C692CF40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C691B628 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C691B718 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C691BA88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C691C028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C691C0C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C691C168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C691C208 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C691C2A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C691C348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C691B9E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C691BB28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C691BBC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C691BC68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C691BD08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C691BDA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C691BE48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C691BEE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C691BF88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C691C578 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C691C7F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C691C898 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C691C708 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C691C3E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C691C938 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C691CA28 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C691CD98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C691D338 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C691D3D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C691D478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C691D518 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C691D5B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C691D658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C691CCF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C691CE38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C691CED8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C691CF78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C691D018 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C691D0B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C691D158 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C691D1F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C691D298 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C691D888 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C691DB08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C691DBA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C691DA18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C691D6F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C691DC48 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C691DD38 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C691E0A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C691E648 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C691E6E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C691E788 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C691E828 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C691E8C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C691E968 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C691E008 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C691E148 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C691E1E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C691E288 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C691E328 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C691E3C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C691E468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C691E508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C691E5A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C691EB98 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C691EE18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C691EEB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C691ED28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C691EA08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C691EF58 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C691F048 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C691F3B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C691F958 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C691F9F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C691FA98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C691FB38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C691FBD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C691FC78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C691F318 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C691F458 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C691F4F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C691F598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C691F638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C691F6D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C691F778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C691F818 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C691F8B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C691FEA8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6920080 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6920240 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6920038 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C691FD18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C69202E0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C69203D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6920740 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6920CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6920D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6920E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6920EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6920F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6921000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C69206A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C69207E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6920880 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6920920 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C69209C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6920A60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6920B00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6920BA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6920C40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6921230 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C69214B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6921550 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C69213C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C69210A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C69215F0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C69216E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6921A50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6921FF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6922090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6922130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C69221D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6922270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6922310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C69219B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6921AF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6921B90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6921C30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6921CD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6921D70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6921E10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6921EB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6921F50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6922540 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C69227C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6922860 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C69226D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C69223B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6922900 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C69229F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6922D60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6923300 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C69233A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6923440 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C69234E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6923580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6923620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6922CC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6922E00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6922EA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6922F40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6922FE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6923080 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6923120 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C69231C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6923260 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6923850 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6923AD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6923B70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C69239E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C69236C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6923C10 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6923D00 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6924070 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6924610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C69246B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6924750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C69247F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6924890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6924930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6923FD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6924110 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C69241B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6924250 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C69242F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6924390 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6924430 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C69244D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6924570 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6924B60 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6924DE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6924E80 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6924CF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C69249D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C692D490 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C692D9E0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C692DAD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C692E020 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C6938C10 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C6939F20 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C693B230 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C693C540 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C693D850 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C693EB60 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C693FE70 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C692F330 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C69306A0 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C69319B0 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6932CC0 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C6933FD0 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C69352E0 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C69365F0 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C6937900 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C6A41688 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C6A41728 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C6A417C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C6A41868 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C6A41908 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C6A419A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C6A41A48 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C6A41AE8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C6A41B88 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C6A41C28 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C6A41188 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C6A41CC8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C6A41228 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C6A412C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C6A41368 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C6A41408 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C6A414A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C6A41548 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C6A415E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Heals = for = Things = table:000001F6C67EACC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67EAD10 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67EAE00 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67EAEE8 firstTable id = 26428502564 link = |H0:item:23723:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:15:0:1:0:350:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6C6815B68 firstTable id = 26527816954 link = |H0:item:110782:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:30:0:1:0:9700:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6C6815C08 firstTable id = 24281240234 link = |H0:item:87345:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7:0:1:0:9700:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6C6815CA8 firstTable id = 4834858081110368432 link = |H0:item:69278:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:15:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6C6815D48 firstTable id = 4876936459824729932 link = |H0:item:69277:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:6:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6C6815DE8 firstTable id = 4626740467210410941 link = |H0:item:69277:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6C6815E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67EAE48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67EAF88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67EB028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68157A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6815848 firstTable id = 20742574242 link = |H0:item:59648:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F6C68158E8 firstTable id = 27372036034 link = |H0:item:110775:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:30:0:1:0:8650:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F6C6815988 firstTable id = 4616796758927085094 link = |H0:item:136161:366:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:9700:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F6C6815A28 firstTable id = 25459758952 link = |H0:item:59519:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:9325:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F6C6815AC8 firstTable id = 27296717614 link = |H0:item:103773:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:2:0:1:0:9700:0|h|h Set = table:000001F6C68160B8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6816338 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68163D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6816248 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6815F28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0F9588 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0F9678 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0F99E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0F9F88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0FA028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0FA0C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0FA168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0FA208 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0FA2A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0F9948 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0F9A88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA0F9B28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0F9BC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0F9C68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0F9D08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0F9DA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0F9E48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0F9EE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0FA4D8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0FA758 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0FA7F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0FA668 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0FA348 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0FA898 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0FA988 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0FACF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0FB298 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0FB338 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0FB3D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0FB478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0FB518 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0FB5B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0FAC58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0FAD98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA0FAE38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0FAED8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0FAF78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0FB018 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0FB0B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0FB158 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0FB1F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0FB7E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0FBA68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0FBB08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0FB978 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0FB658 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0FBBA8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0FBC98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0FC008 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0FC5A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0FC648 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0FC6E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0FC788 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0FC828 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0FC8C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0FBF68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0FC0A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA0FC148 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0FC1E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0FC288 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0FC328 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0FC3C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0FC468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0FC508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0FCAF8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0FCD78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0FCE18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0FCC88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0FC968 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0FCEB8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0FCFA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0FD318 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0FD8B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0FD958 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0FD9F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0FDA98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0FDB38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0FDBD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0FD278 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0FD3B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA0FD458 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0FD4F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0FD598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0FD638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0FD6D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0FD778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0FD818 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0FDE08 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0FE088 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0FE128 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0FDF98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0FDC78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0FE1C8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0FE2B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0FE628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0FEBC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0FEC68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0FED08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0FEDA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0FEE48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0FEEE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0FE588 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0FE6C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA0FE768 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0FE808 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0FE8A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0FE948 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0FE9E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0FEA88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0FEB28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0FF118 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0FF398 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0FF438 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0FF2A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0FEF88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0FF4D8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0FF5C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0FF938 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0FFED8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0FFF78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA100018 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA1000B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA100158 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA1001F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0FF898 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0FF9D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA0FFA78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0FFB18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0FFBB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0FFC58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0FFCF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0FFD98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0FFE38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA100428 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA1006A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA100748 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA1005B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA100298 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA1007E8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA1008D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA100C48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA1011E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA101288 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA101328 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA1013C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA101468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA101508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA100BA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA100CE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA100D88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA100E28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA100EC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA100F68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA101008 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA1010A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA101148 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA101738 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA1019B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA101A58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA1018C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA1015A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6816478 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6816568 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68168D8 firstTable id = 4616796758926916994 link = |H0:item:114547:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:300:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6C6816E78 firstTable id = 4719723511281632991 link = |H0:item:97013:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6C6816F18 firstTable id = 27009176899 link = |H0:item:105256:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:2:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6C6816FB8 firstTable id = 4820512005578370973 link = |H0:item:69390:363:50:45883:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:5:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6C6817058 firstTable id = 4782397950397671138 link = |H0:item:69389:363:50:45883:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:15:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6C68170F8 firstTable id = 25377609100 link = |H0:item:93721:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:25:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6C6817198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6816838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6816978 firstTable id = 4616796758927175033 link = |H0:item:92267:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7:0:1:0:400:0|h|h 3 = table:000001F6C6816A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6816AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6816B58 firstTable id = 4616796758927175284 link = |H0:item:135442:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:15:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F6C6816BF8 firstTable id = 4842917415442465150 link = |H0:item:96979:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F6C6816C98 firstTable id = 26426504117 link = |H0:item:106186:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:30:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F6C6816D38 firstTable id = 27301912535 link = |H0:item:76458:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F6C6816DD8 firstTable id = 27296717614 link = |H0:item:103773:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:2:0:1:0:9700:0|h|h Set = table:000001F6C68173C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6817648 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68176E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6817558 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6817238 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6817788 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6817878 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6817BE8 firstTable id = 4616796758926916994 link = |H0:item:114547:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:300:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6C6818188 firstTable id = 21033374732 link = |H0:item:72110:369:50:26580:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:3:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6C6818228 firstTable id = 27147449837 link = |H0:item:68830:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:37:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6C68182C8 firstTable id = 26476593005 link = |H0:item:71310:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:37:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6C6818368 firstTable id = 4834858081110372391 link = |H0:item:69165:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6C6818408 firstTable id = 4880590214273181752 link = |H0:item:69165:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:5:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6C68184A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6817B48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6817C88 firstTable id = 4616796758927173705 link = |H0:item:143368:311:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:94:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 3 = table:000001F6C6817D28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6817DC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6817E68 firstTable id = 26711056309 link = |H0:item:94509:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F6C6817F08 firstTable id = 4616796758927174883 link = |H0:item:86576:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F6C6817FA8 firstTable id = 26426504117 link = |H0:item:106186:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:30:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F6C6818048 firstTable id = 27238267550 link = |H0:item:106227:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:30:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F6C68180E8 firstTable id = 4616796758927085086 link = |H0:item:136151:366:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h Set = table:000001F6C68186D8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6818958 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68189F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6818868 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6818548 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6818A98 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6818B88 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6818EF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6819498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6819538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68195D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6819678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6819718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68197B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6818E58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6818F98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6819038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68190D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6819178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6819218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68192B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6819358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68193F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68199E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6819C68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6819D08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6819B78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6819858 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6819DA8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6819E98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C681A208 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C681A7A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C681A848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C681A8E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C681A988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C681AA28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C681AAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C681A168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C681A2A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C681A348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C681A3E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C681A488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C681A528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C681A5C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C681A668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C681A708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C681ACF8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C681AF78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C681B018 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C681AE88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C681AB68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C681B0B8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C681B1A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C681B518 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C681BAB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C681BB58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C681BBF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C681BC98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C681BD38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C681BDD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C681B478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C681B5B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C681B658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C681B6F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C681B798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C681B838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C681B8D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C681B978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C681BA18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C681C008 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C681C288 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C681C328 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C681C198 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C681BE78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C681C3C8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C681C4B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C681C828 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C681CDC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C681CE68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C681CF08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C681CFA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C681D048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C681D0E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C681C788 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C681C8C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C681C968 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C681CA08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C681CAA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C681CB48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C681CBE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C681CC88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C681CD28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C681D318 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C681D598 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C681D638 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C681D4A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C681D188 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C681D6D8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C681D7C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C681DB38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C681E0D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C681E178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C681E218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0F7B48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0F7BE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0F7C88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C681DA98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C681DBD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C681DC78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C681DD18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C681DDB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C681DE58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C681DEF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C681DF98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C681E038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0F7EB8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0F8138 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0F81D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0F8048 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0F7D28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0F8278 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0F8368 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0F86D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0F8C78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0F8D18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0F8DB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0F8E58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0F8EF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0F8F98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0F8638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0F8778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA0F8818 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0F88B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0F8958 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0F89F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0F8A98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0F8B38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0F8BD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0F91C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0F9448 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0F94E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0F9358 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0F9038 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = 1 profiles = table:000001F6BA101AF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA102048 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6BA102138 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA102688 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C680B0E8 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C680C3F8 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C680D708 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C680EA18 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C680FD28 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C6851730 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C6852A40 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6BA103998 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C6802B78 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C6803E88 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6805198 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C68064A8 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C68077B8 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C6808AC8 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C6809DD8 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C6867A68 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C6867B08 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C6867BA8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C6867C48 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C6867CE8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C6867D88 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C6867E28 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C6867EC8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C6867F68 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C6868008 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C6853D50 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 setdata = table:000001F6C6853E40 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6854390 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C685EF20 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C68603A8 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C68616B8 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C68629C8 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C6863CD8 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C6864FE8 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C68662F8 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C68556A0 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C68569B0 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C6857CC0 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6858FD0 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C685A2E0 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C685B5F0 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C685C900 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C685DC10 firstTable lastset = false 20 = table:000001F6C68680A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C6867608 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C68676A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C6867748 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C68677E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C6867888 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C6867928 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C68679C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Iszara = af = Mirel = table:000001F6B9F76008 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F760A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F79200 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F80880 firstTable id = 26659141923 link = |H0:item:71110:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:500:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6B9F89E40 firstTable id = 24758778673 link = |H0:item:51796:23:38:26588:23:40:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6B9FA9DD0 firstTable id = 24758778679 link = |H0:item:51799:23:38:26588:23:40:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6B9F8B4B0 firstTable id = 25553484895 link = |H0:item:71307:4:38:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:21:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6B9F8CED8 firstTable id = 24523701559 link = |H0:item:71262:4:44:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:21:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6B9F8FC00 firstTable id = 26130551356 link = |H0:item:71262:4:26:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:21:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6B9F97030 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F7F478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F815E0 firstTable id = 25825277552 link = |H0:item:71111:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:500:0|h|h 3 = table:000001F6B9F81E70 firstTable id = 24725869524 link = |H0:item:49140:23:22:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:0:0|h|h 4 = table:000001F6B9F816D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F83018 firstTable id = 24762128883 link = |H0:item:49128:23:38:26588:23:40:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F6B9F84C88 firstTable id = 24758778670 link = |H0:item:51782:23:38:26588:23:40:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F6B9F82878 firstTable id = 24758778674 link = |H0:item:51801:23:38:26588:23:40:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F6B9F86760 firstTable id = 24924036091 link = |H0:item:48874:369:50:26588:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F6B9F89538 firstTable id = 24758778678 link = |H0:item:51798:23:38:26588:23:40:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h Set = table:000001F6B9F98278 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F47060 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F6FD80 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F98538 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F980E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA046BC8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA048B70 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA04DB60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA05DFF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA05E610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA06C908 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA06D0E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA06E8A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA070E48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA049940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0497B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA04DAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6133A8408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA061F78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0642D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0644C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA05B470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA05DE20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA06F5D0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA06CF30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA06D060 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1A7A30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA070790 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FFCE58 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FFD0F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA00B6F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA011E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA011730 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0117D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA011870 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA011910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA00FA60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FFFB90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA054B00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FF3D78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FF8DE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FF9D68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FFAF98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA011C40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA011CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA011D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA00DB00 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA00BB90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA00BC30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA00DC90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA00FB00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA00BCD0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA00BDC0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA000AB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA05D558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA05D5F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA05C7E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA05C888 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA05C928 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA05C9C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA000A10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA000B50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA000BF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FFDDC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FFDE68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FFDF08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FFDFA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA05D418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA05D4B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA047DE0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FCF4F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA047E70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA047E28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA047C50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FCEEC8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FCEFB8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FCF058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FCDE28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FCD7A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FCD840 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FCD8E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FCD980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FCDA20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FCEC60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FCF0F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FCE598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FCE638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FCE6D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FCE778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FCE7C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FCDCE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FCDD88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FCD4F0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FCD060 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FCD0A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FCD538 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FCD360 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FCD0F0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FCC438 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FCC4D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FCB7B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9E06270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9E06B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9E07B20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9E06CF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9E0D5E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FCC148 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FCC578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FCC5C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FCBAF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FCBB98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FCBC38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FCB5D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FCB670 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FCB710 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9E10B00 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9ED2F78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9EDA4D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9E100B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9E0FDB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9EDB788 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9EDA838 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9E0E230 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6133A7138 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6133A71D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6133A7278 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6133A7318 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9ED8AB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9ED8B50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9ED7910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9E06E60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9EDE828 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0431A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FCB850 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9EDEE18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9EDEEB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9EDEF58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9EDEFF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9ED8C38 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9E071B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9E07200 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9ED8C80 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9ED8BF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9E0ACA8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FCCA80 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FCCB20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FC80E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FC8180 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FC8220 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FC6C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FC6CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FC6D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FCAEE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FCCBC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FCCC60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9E0AD48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FC86A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FC8748 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FC87E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FC8888 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FC88D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FC6E40 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FC59F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FC5A90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FC6E88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FC6DF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FF2B28 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1CA0F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1D0268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F86398 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FAAC28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FAACC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F94CF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F94D98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F94E38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1CBCD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FF2C68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FA9C68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FAB128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FAB500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FAC8D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FB1EA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FAF4E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FB0078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F94F20 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F6F520 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F974A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F6F430 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F94ED8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F97540 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F8F7E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F8F8D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F82B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F80308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F803A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F80448 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F804E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F79568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F8F830 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F8F970 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F85E68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F85F08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F85FA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F86048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F82988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F82A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F82AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F76E50 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F769D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F76A78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F76FE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F79608 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F76B18 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F76C08 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FB8588 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F60E080D40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F60E080DE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FC7418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FC74B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FC7558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FC75F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FB84E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FB8628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FB86C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FB6248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FB62E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FB6388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FB6428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F60E080C00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F60E080CA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FB5E60 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68814F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FB5EF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FB5EA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FB5CD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FB5F38 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6880F68 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6881008 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1B46B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1B5440 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F207018 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F207BC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F207F90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA02C510 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6880C58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68810A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68810F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6881E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6881F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0227D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA012060 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0157E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1B4448 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA02F000 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0302D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA031F20 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA02F818 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F207E98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1AC610 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1AC768 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1AFE80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1D7F80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F2304A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F41FA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F42628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F45838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F47620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1AF238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1AFFB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1B0398 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1AAF48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1B0600 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1AFDA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1D1858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1D59B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1D7E28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F47A00 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F2026E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F4CA80 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F47C40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F47808 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F4CCC8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F4AFB0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F541C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F69618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F69858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F6CDE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F6CFF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F57F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1B5688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F53188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F525C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F57BA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F57E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F59820 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F5CC90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F60F10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F635A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F63EA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F232110 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1D0D50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1D0D98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F232158 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F62190 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA02B500 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA02B5F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F202CD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA023910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0239B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA023A50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA023470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA023510 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0235B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA02B638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F202D78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F202E18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F202EB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F202830 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F2028D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F202970 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F202A10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA023870 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA023698 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6880190 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6880230 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68800A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA023650 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68802D0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FD0C60 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FD0CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FCFEE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FCFF88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FD0028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FD0070 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FD1D70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FD1E10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FD09A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FD0D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FD0DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FD0288 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FD0328 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FD03C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FD0468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FD0508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FCFE48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FD1EF8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FD1438 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA047038 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FD1F40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FD1EB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6B9FC5B30 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FC5B78 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6B9FC5348 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FC5390 firstTable 10 = table:000001F60E06E8B0 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6BA12A670 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6BA127EB8 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6BA125288 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6BA1214A0 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6B9FADC60 firstTable 16 = table:000001F69F1CE160 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6B9FC1488 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6B9FBCEF8 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6B9FBA980 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6B9FB72A0 firstTable 6 = table:000001F60E081708 firstTable 7 = table:000001F60E0825F8 firstTable 8 = table:000001F60E075498 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6BA12D560 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6B9F46D08 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6B9F46620 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6B9F466C0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6B9F46760 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6B9FA08A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6B9FA0948 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6B9FA09E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6B9FA0A88 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6B9FA0B28 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6B9F9DCF0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6B9F6F890 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6B9F9DD90 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6B9F6F930 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6B9F6F9D0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6B9F6FA70 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6B9F46AE0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6B9F46B80 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6B9F46C20 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6B9F46CC0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Morna = Stormbinder = table:000001F6C69534B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6953A08 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6953AF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6953E68 firstTable id = 20812676834 link = |H0:item:56496:370:50:26844:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7:1:1:0:211:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6C6954408 firstTable id = 20296979435 link = |H0:item:44123:251:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:6:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6C69544A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6954548 firstTable id = 20779881448 link = |H0:item:69278:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:24:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6C69545E8 firstTable id = 20777605080 link = |H0:item:69277:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:24:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6C6954688 firstTable id = 20777605069 link = |H0:item:69277:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:24:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6C6954728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6953DC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6953F08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6953FA8 firstTable id = 24381062811 link = |H0:item:50614:370:50:45868:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:15:1:1:0:390:0|h|h 4 = table:000001F6C6954048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C69540E8 firstTable id = 27631047092 link = |H0:item:86761:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:6:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F6C6954188 firstTable id = 25473045947 link = |H0:item:86758:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:6:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F6C6954228 firstTable id = 24989958090 link = |H0:item:80740:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F6C69542C8 firstTable id = 29190420999 link = |H0:item:86827:359:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:6:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F6C6954368 firstTable id = 29005617339 link = |H0:item:86906:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:6:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h Set = table:000001F6C6954958 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6954BD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6954C78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6954AE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C69547C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C695D158 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C695D248 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C695D5B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C695DB58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C695DBF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C695DC98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C695DD38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C695DDD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C695DE78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C695D518 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C695D658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C695D6F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C695D798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C695D838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C695D8D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C695D978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C695DA18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C695DAB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C695E0A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C695E328 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C695E3C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C695E238 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C695DF18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C695E468 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C695E558 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C695E8C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C695EE68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C695EF08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C695EFA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C695F048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C695F0E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C695F188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C695E828 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C695E968 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C695EA08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C695EAA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C695EB48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C695EBE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C695EC88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C695ED28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C695EDC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = 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table:000001F6C695FE58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C695FEF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C695FF98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68900B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6890150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6890740 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68909C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6890A60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68908D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68905B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6890B00 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6890BF0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6890F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6891500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68915A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6891640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68916E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6891780 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6891820 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6890EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6891000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68910A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6891140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68911E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6891280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6891320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68913C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6891460 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6891A50 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6891CD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6891D70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6891BE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68918C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6891E10 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6891F00 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6892270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6892810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68928B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6892950 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68929F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6892A90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6892B30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68921D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6892310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68923B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6892450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68924F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6892590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6892630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68926D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6892770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6892D60 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6892FE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6893080 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = 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firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6894A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6894B10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6894BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6894C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6894CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6894D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA047420 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0556C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA055760 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0120A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA016520 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6954D18 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6954E08 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6955178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6955718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C69557B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6955858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C69558F8 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2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6957298 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6957108 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6956DE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6957338 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6957428 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6957798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6957D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6957DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6957E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6957F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6957FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6958058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C69576F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6957838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C69578D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6957978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6957A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6957AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6957B58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6957BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6957C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6958288 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6958508 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C69585A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6958418 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C69580F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6958648 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6958738 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6958AA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6959048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C69590E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6959188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6959228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C69592C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6959368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6958A08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6958B48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6958BE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6958C88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6958D28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6958DC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6958E68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6958F08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6958FA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6959598 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6959818 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C69598B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6959728 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6959408 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6959958 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6959A48 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6959DB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C695A358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C695A3F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C695A498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C695A538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C695A5D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C695A678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6959D18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6959E58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6959EF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6959F98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C695A038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C695A0D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C695A178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C695A218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C695A2B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C695A8A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C695AB28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C695ABC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C695AA38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C695A718 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C695AC68 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C695AD58 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C695B0C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C695B668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9EDE670 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA046B00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA046B48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9EE0870 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9EE0910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C695B028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C695B168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C695B208 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C695B2A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C695B348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C695B3E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C695B488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C695B528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C695B5C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9EE0B40 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firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA04D678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA04D718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA04D7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA04D858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C695BA88 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C695BD08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C695BDA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C695BC18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C695B8F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C695BE48 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C695BF38 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C695C2A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C695C848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C695C8E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C695C988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C695CA28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C695CAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C695CB68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C695C208 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C695C348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C695C3E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C695C488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C695C528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C695C5C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C695C668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C695C708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C695C7A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C695CD98 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C695D018 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C695D0B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C695CF28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C695CC08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6BA0557A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9EDF730 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6B9EDF820 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9EDF868 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C689F988 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C68A0D00 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C68A2010 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C68A3320 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C68A4630 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C68A56C0 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C68A69D0 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C6896290 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C68975A0 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C68988B0 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6899BC0 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C689AD48 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C689C058 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C689D368 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C689E678 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C68A81E0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C68A8280 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C68A8320 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C68A83C0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C68A8460 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C68A8500 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C68A85A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C68A8640 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C68A86E0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C68A8780 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C68A7CE0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C68A8820 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C68A7D80 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C68A7E20 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C68A7EC0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C68A7F60 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C68A8000 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C68A80A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C68A8140 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Nimriel = Fernbrook = table:000001F6BA1056C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA105C18 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA105D08 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA106078 firstTable id = 4616796758926839871 link = |H0:item:123065:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:49:0:1:0:498:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6BA106618 firstTable id = 26499201061 link = |H0:item:68849:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:13:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6BA1066B8 firstTable id = 26373485531 link = |H0:item:68845:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:13:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6BA106758 firstTable id = 4616796758926826461 link = |H0:item:122984:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:49:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6BA1067F8 firstTable id = 4616796758926830243 link = |H0:item:122983:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:49:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6BA106898 firstTable id = 4616796758926844497 link = |H0:item:122983:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:49:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6BA106938 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA105FD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA106118 firstTable id = 4616796758926851254 link = |H0:item:123067:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:49:0:1:0:500:0|h|h 3 = table:000001F6BA1061B8 firstTable id = 4616796758926826924 link = |H0:item:123069:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:49:0:1:0:133:0|h|h 4 = table:000001F6BA106258 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA1062F8 firstTable id = 27207356443 link = |H0:item:95013:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F6BA106398 firstTable id = 27686443643 link = |H0:item:68843:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:13:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F6BA106438 firstTable id = 25061210593 link = |H0:item:68847:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:13:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F6BA1064D8 firstTable id = 27381936179 link = |H0:item:94609:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F6BA106578 firstTable id = 26362731302 link = |H0:item:68844:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:13:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h Set = table:000001F6BA106B68 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA106DE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA106E88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA106CF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA1069D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67FA218 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67FA308 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67FA678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67FAC18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67FACB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67FAD58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67FADF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67FAE98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C67FAF38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67FA5D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67FA718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67FA7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67FA858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67FA8F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67FA998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67FAA38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67FAAD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67FAB78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67FB168 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67FB3E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67FB488 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67FB2F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C67FAFD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67FB528 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67FB618 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67FB988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67FBF28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67FBFC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67FC068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67FC108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67FC1A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C67FC248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67FB8E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67FBA28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67FBAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67FBB68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67FBC08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67FBCA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67FBD48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67FBDE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67FBE88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67FC478 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67FC6F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67FC798 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67FC608 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C67FC2E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67FC838 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67FC928 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67FCC98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67FD238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67FD2D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67FD378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67FD418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67FD4B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C67FD558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67FCBF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67FCD38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67FCDD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67FCE78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67FCF18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67FCFB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67FD058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67FD0F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67FD198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67FD788 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67FDA08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67FDAA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67FD918 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C67FD5F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67FDB48 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67FDC38 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67FDFA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67FE548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67FE5E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67FE688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67FE728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67FE7C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C67FE868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67FDF08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67FE048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67FE0E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67FE188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67FE228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67FE2C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67FE368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67FE408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67FE4A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67FEA98 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67FED18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67FEDB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67FEC28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C67FE908 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67FEE58 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67FEF48 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67FF2B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67FF858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67FF8F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67FF998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67FFA38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67FFAD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C67FFB78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67FF218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67FF358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67FF3F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67FF498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67FF538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67FF5D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67FF678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67FF718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67FF7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67FFDA8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6840100 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68401A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67FFF38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C67FFC18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6840240 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6840330 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68406A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6840C40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6840CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6840D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6840E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6840EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6840F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6840600 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6840740 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68407E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6840880 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6840920 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68409C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6840A60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6840B00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6840BA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6841190 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6841410 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68414B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6841320 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6841000 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6841550 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6841640 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68419B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6841F50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6841FF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6842090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6842130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68421D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6842270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6841910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6841A50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6841AF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6841B90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6841C30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6841CD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6841D70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6841E10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6841EB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68424A0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6842720 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68427C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6842630 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6842310 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA106F28 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA107018 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA107388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA107928 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA1079C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA107A68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA107B08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA107BA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA107C48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA1072E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA107428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA1074C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA107568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA107608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA1076A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA107748 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA1077E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA107888 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA107E78 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA1080F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA108198 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA108008 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA107CE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA108238 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA108328 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA108698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA108C38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA108CD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA108D78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA108E18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA108EB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA108F58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA1085F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA108738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA1087D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA108878 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA108918 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA1089B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA108A58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA108AF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA108B98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA109188 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA109408 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA1094A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA109318 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA108FF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA109548 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA109638 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA1099A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA109F48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA109FE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA10A088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA10A128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA10A1C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA10DC40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA109908 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA109A48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA109AE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA109B88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA109C28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA109CC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA109D68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA109E08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA109EA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA10DE70 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA10E0F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA10E190 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA10E000 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA10DCE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA10E230 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA10E320 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA10E690 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA10EC30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA10ECD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA10ED70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA10EE10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA10EEB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA10EF50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA10E5F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA10E730 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA10E7D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA10E870 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA10E910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA10E9B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA10EA50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA10EAF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA10EB90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA10F180 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA10F400 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA10F4A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA10F310 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA10EFF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA10F540 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA10F630 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA10F9A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA10FF40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA10FFE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA110080 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA110120 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA1101C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA110260 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA10F900 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA10FA40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA10FAE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA10FB80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA10FC20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA10FCC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA10FD60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA10FE00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA10FEA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA110490 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA110710 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA1107B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA110620 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA110300 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA110850 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA110940 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA110CB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA111250 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA1112F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA111390 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA111430 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA1114D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA111570 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA110C10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA110D50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA110DF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA110E90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA110F30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA110FD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA111070 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA111110 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA1111B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA1117A0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA111A20 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA111AC0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA111930 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA111610 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA111B60 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA111C50 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA111FC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA112560 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA112600 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA1126A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA112740 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA1127E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA112880 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA111F20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA112060 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA112100 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA1121A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA112240 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA1122E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA112380 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA112420 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA1124C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA112AB0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA112D30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA112DD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA112C40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA112920 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA112E70 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA112F60 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA1132D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA113870 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA113910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA1139B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA113A50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA113AF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA113B90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA113230 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA113370 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA113410 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA1134B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA113550 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA1135F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA113690 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA113730 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA1137D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67F9E58 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67FA0D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67FA178 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67F9FE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA113C30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C6842860 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6842DB0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C6842EA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68433F0 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C6829280 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C682A590 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C682B8A0 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C682CBB0 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C682DEC0 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C682F1D0 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C67D8B18 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C6844700 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C6845A10 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C67D0598 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C67D18A8 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C67D2BB8 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C67D3EC8 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C67D51D8 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C67D64E8 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C67DA328 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C67DA3C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C67DA468 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C67DA508 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C67DA5A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C67DA648 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C67DA6E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C67DA788 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C67DA828 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C67DA8C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C67D9E28 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C67DA968 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C67D9EC8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C67D9F68 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C67DA008 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C67DA0A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C67DA148 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C67DA1E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C67DA288 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Nordish = Chef = table:000001F6C6A41D68 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A422B8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A423A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A42718 firstTable id = 27459526612 link = |H0:item:97614:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8:0:1:0:317:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6C6A42CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A42D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A42DF8 firstTable id = 16912068692 link = |H0:item:69278:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:23:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6C6A42E98 firstTable id = 25256933449 link = |H0:item:69277:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:7:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6C6A42F38 firstTable id = 24194298822 link = |H0:item:69275:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:8:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6C6A42FD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A42678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A427B8 firstTable id = 27470452428 link = |H0:item:7347:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:20:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 3 = table:000001F6C6A42858 firstTable id = 26492107989 link = |H0:item:71164:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:400:0|h|h 4 = table:000001F6C6A428F8 firstTable 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link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A4D988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A4DA28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A4DAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A4DB68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A4D208 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A4D348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A4D3E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A4D488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A4D528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A4D5C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A4D668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A4D708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A4D7A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A4DD98 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A4E018 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A4E0B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A4DF28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A4DC08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A4E158 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A4E248 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A4E5B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A4EB58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A4EBF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A4EC98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A4ED38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A4EDD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A4EE78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A4E518 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A4E658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A4E6F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A4E798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A4E838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A4E8D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A4E978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A4EA18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A4EAB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A4F0A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A4F328 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A4F3C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A4F238 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A4EF18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A4F468 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A4F558 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A4F8C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A4FE68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A4FF08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A4FFA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A50048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A50158 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A501F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A4F828 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A4F968 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A4FA08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A4FAA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A4FB48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A4FBE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A4FC88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A4FD28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A4FDC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A50428 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A506A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A50748 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A505B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A50298 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A507E8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A508D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A50C48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A511E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A51288 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A51328 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A513C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A51468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A51508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A50BA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A50CE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A50D88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A50E28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A50EC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A50F68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A51008 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A510A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A51148 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A51738 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A519B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A51A58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A518C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A515A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A51AF8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A51BE8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A51F58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A524F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A52598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A52638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A526D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A52778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A52818 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A51EB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A51FF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A52098 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A52138 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A521D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A52278 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A52318 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A523B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A52458 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A52A48 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A52CC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A52D68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A52BD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A528B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A52E08 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A52EF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A53268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A53808 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A538A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A53948 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A539E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A53A88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A53B28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A531C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A53308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A533A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A53448 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A534E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A53588 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A53628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A536C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A53768 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A53D58 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A53FD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A54078 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A53EE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A53BC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A54118 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A54208 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A54578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A54B18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A54BB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A54C58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A54CF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A54D98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A54E38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A544D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A54618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A546B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A54758 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A547F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A54898 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A54938 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A549D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A54A78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A55068 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A552E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A55388 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A551F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A54ED8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A435C8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A436B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A43A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A43FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A44068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A44108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A441A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A44248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A442E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A43988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A43AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A43B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A43C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A43CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A43D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A43DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A43E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A43F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A44518 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A44798 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A44838 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A446A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A44388 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A448D8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A449C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A44D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A452D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A45378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A45418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A454B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A45558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A455F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A44C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A44DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A44E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A44F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A44FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A45058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A450F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A45198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A45238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A45828 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A45AA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A45B48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A459B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A45698 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A45BE8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A45CD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A46048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A465E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A46688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A46728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A467C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A46868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A46908 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A45FA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A460E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A46188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A46228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A462C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A46368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A46408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A464A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A46548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A46B38 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A46DB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A46E58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A46CC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A469A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A46EF8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A46FE8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A47358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A478F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A47998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A47A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A47AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A47B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A47C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A472B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A473F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A47498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A47538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A475D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A47678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A47718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A477B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A47858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A47E48 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A480C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A48168 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A47FD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A47CB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A48208 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A482F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A48668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A48C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A48CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A48D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A48DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A48E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A48F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A485C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A48708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A487A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A48848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A488E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A48988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A48A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A48AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A48B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A49158 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A493D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A49478 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A492E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A48FC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A49518 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A49608 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A49978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A49F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A49FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A4A058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A4A0F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A4A198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A4A238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A498D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A49A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A49AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A49B58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A49BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A49C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A49D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A49DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A49E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A4A468 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A4A6E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A4A788 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A4A5F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A4A2D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A4A828 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A4A918 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A4AC88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A4B228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A4B2C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A4B368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A4B408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A4B4A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A4B548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A4ABE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A4AD28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A4ADC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A4AE68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A4AF08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A4AFA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A4B048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A4B0E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A4B188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A4B778 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A4B9F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A4BA98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A4B908 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A4B5E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A4BB38 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A4BC28 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A4BF98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A4C538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A4C5D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A4C678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A4C718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A4C7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A4C858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A4BEF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A4C038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A4C0D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A4C178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A4C218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A4C2B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A4C358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A4C3F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A4C498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A4CA88 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A4CD08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A4CDA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A4CC18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A4C8F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C6A55428 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A55978 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C6A55A68 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A55FB8 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C6A60BB8 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C6A61EC8 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C6A631D8 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C6A644E8 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C6A657F8 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C6A66B08 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C6A67E18 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C6A572C8 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C6A585D8 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C6A598E8 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6A5ABF8 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C6A5BF08 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C6A5D218 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C6A5E528 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C6A5F838 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C6A69628 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C6A696C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C6A69768 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C6A69808 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C6A698A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C6A69948 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C6A699E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C6A69A88 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C6A69B28 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C6A69BC8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C6A69128 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C6A69C68 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C6A691C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C6A69268 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C6A69308 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C6A693A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C6A69448 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C6A694E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C6A69588 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Reorx = Holybeard = table:000001F6B9F8A118 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F8A668 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F8A758 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F8A840 firstTable id = 24691839683 link = |H0:item:79870:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:183:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6B9F853A0 firstTable id = 21121728089 link = |H0:item:53445:370:50:26582:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6B9F85440 firstTable id = 21121728073 link = |H0:item:53440:370:50:26582:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6B9F854E0 firstTable id = 17712870987 link = |H0:item:69278:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:23:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6B9F85580 firstTable id = 16396580446 link = |H0:item:69277:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:23:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6B9F85620 firstTable id = 16532806337 link = |H0:item:69277:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:23:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6B9F856C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F8A7A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F8A8E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F8A980 firstTable id = 25381532395 link = |H0:item:71156:364:50:54484:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:467:0|h|h 4 = table:000001F6B9F84FE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F85080 firstTable id = 25878920736 link = |H0:item:94855:364:50:0:0:0:18:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F6B9F85120 firstTable id = 21121728253 link = |H0:item:53431:370:50:26582:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F6B9F851C0 firstTable id = 21121728167 link = |H0:item:53450:370:50:26582:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F6B9F85260 firstTable id = 26980954699 link = |H0:item:94990:364:50:0:0:0:18:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F6B9F85300 firstTable id = 21121728068 link = |H0:item:53439:370:50:26582:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:7:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h Set = table:000001F6B9F83508 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F83788 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F83828 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F83698 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F83378 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA041640 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA041730 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA041AA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9E0B1C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9E0B268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9E0B308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9E0B3A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9E0B448 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9E0B4E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA041A00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA041B40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA041BE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9E0AE08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9E0AEA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9E0AF48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9E0AFE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9E0B088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9E0B128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9E0B718 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9E0B998 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F868F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9E0B8A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9E0B588 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F86990 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F86A80 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F86DF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F87390 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F87430 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F874D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA12F538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA12F5D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA12F678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F86D50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F86E90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F86F30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F86FD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F87070 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F87110 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F871B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F87250 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F872F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA12F8A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA12FB28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA12FBC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA12FA38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA12F718 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA12FC68 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA12FD58 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA1300C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA122F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA122FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA123068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA123108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA1231A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA123248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA130028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA130168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA122AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA122B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA122C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA122CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA122D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA122DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA122E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA123478 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA1236F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F582A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA123608 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA1232E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F58340 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F58430 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F587A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F58D40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F58DE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F58E80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F58F20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F58FC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F59060 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F58700 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F58840 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F588E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F58980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F58A20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F58AC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F58B60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F58C00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F58CA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA01B878 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA01BAF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA01BB98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA01BA08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F59100 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA01BC38 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA01BD28 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA01C098 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA01C638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA01C6D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA01C778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA01C818 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA01C860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA01D750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA01BFF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA01C138 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA01C1D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA01C278 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA01C318 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA01C3B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA01C458 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA01C4F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA01C598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA01D980 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA01DC00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA01DCA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA01DB10 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA01D7F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA01DD40 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA01DE30 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA01E1A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA01E740 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA01E7E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA01E880 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA01E920 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1AC910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1AC9B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA01E100 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA01E240 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA01E2E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA01E380 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA01E420 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA01E4C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA01E560 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA01E600 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA01E6A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1ACBE0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1ACE60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1ACF00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1ACD70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1ACA50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1ACFA0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1AD090 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1AD400 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1AD9A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1ADA40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1ADAE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1ADB80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1ADC20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FF4860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1AD360 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1AD4A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1AD540 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1AD5E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1AD680 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1AD720 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1AD7C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1AD860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1AD900 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FF4A90 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FF4D10 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FF4DB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FF4C20 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FF4900 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F838C8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F839B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F729E8 firstTable id = 24691839683 link = |H0:item:79870:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:182:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6B9F72F88 firstTable id = 4719723511281632991 link = |H0:item:97013:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6B9F73028 firstTable id = 4612172977524750775 link = |H0:item:34576:5:23:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:4:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6B9F730C8 firstTable id = 25480240299 link = |H0:item:97773:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:20:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6B9F73168 firstTable id = 25543425574 link = |H0:item:97772:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:20:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6B9F73208 firstTable id = 25543932424 link = |H0:item:97772:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:20:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6B9F732A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F83C88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F72A88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F72B28 firstTable id = 25381532395 link = |H0:item:71156:364:50:54484:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:376:0|h|h 4 = table:000001F6B9F72BC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F72C68 firstTable id = 25878920736 link = |H0:item:94855:364:50:0:0:0:18:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F6B9F72D08 firstTable id = 4842917415442465150 link = |H0:item:96979:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F6B9F72DA8 firstTable id = 4709228423686698429 link = |H0:item:96997:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F6B9F72E48 firstTable id = 26980954699 link = |H0:item:94990:364:50:0:0:0:18:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F6B9F72EE8 firstTable id = 4850729857874694355 link = |H0:item:96994:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h Set = table:000001F6B9F73390 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F5DB28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F5DBC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F5DA38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F73348 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F5DC68 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F5DD58 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F5E0C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F5B078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F5B118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F5B1B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F5B258 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F5B2F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F5B398 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F5E028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F5E168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F5AC18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F5ACB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F5AD58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F5ADF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F5AE98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F5AF38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F5AFD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F230540 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F2307C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F230860 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F2306D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F5B438 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F69F230900 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F2309F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F230D60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1D6378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1D6418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1D64B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1D6558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1D65F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1D6698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F230CC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F230E00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F230EA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1D5FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1D6058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1D60F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1D6198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1D6238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1D62D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1D68C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F2064D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F206570 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1D6910 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1D6738 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F69F206610 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F206700 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F206A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1A5290 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1A5330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1A53D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1A5470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1A5510 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1A55B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F2069D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F206B10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F206BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F206C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F206C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1A5010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1A50B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1A5150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1A51F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1A57E0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9ED45A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9ED4640 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1A5970 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1A5650 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9ED46E0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9ED47D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9ED4B40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FB2780 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FB2820 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FB28C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FB2960 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FB2A00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FB2AA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9ED4AA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9ED4BE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9ED4C80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9ED4D20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9ED4DC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9ED4E60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FB25A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FB2640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FB26E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FB2CD0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FB2F50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F986D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FB2E60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FB2B40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F98770 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F98860 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F98BD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA02BA50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA02BAF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA02BB90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA02BC30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA02BCD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA02BD70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F98B30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F98C70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F98D10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F98DB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F98E50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F98EF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F98F90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F99030 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA02B9B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA02BFA0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA02C220 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA02C2C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA02C130 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA02BE10 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA02C360 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA06FBC0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA06FF30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0704D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F5ED50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F5EDF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F5EE90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F5EF30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F5EFD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA06FE90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA06FFD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA070070 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA070110 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0701B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA070250 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0702F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA070390 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA070430 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F5F200 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F5F480 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F5F520 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F5F390 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F5F070 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F5F5C0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F5F6B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FF79A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FF7F48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FF7FE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FF8088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FF8128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FF8170 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA041050 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F5F6F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FF7A48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FF7AE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FF7B88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FF7C28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FF7CC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FF7D68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FF7E08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FF7EA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA041280 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA041500 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0415A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA041410 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0410F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = 1 profiles = table:000001F6B9FF4E50 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FF53A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6B9FF5490 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FF59E0 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6B9ED1A00 firstTable 11 = table:000001F60E06F1B0 firstTable 12 = table:000001F60E0704C0 firstTable 13 = table:000001F69F1B1020 firstTable 14 = table:000001F69F1B2330 firstTable 15 = table:000001F69F1B3640 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6BA052048 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6BA06B6D0 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6B9E097F0 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6B9F65570 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6B9F9EF30 firstTable 6 = table:000001F69F1D32A0 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6B9EDC8F0 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6BA012E50 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6BA014160 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6BA053858 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6BA0538F8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6BA053998 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6BA053A38 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6BA053AD8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6BA053B78 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6BA053C18 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6BA053CB8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6BA026290 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6BA026330 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6BA053358 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6BA0263D0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6BA0533F8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6BA053498 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6BA053538 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6BA0535D8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6BA053678 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6BA053718 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6BA0537B8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Rexus = Caelia = table:000001F6C68F1E28 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68F2378 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68F2468 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68F27D8 firstTable id = 26925798499 link = |H0:item:71137:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:337:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6C68F2D78 firstTable id = 24153675490 link = |H0:item:80588:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:6:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6C68F2E18 firstTable id = 27203157976 link = |H0:item:108222:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:6:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6C68F2EB8 firstTable id = 25480237283 link = |H0:item:97773:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:20:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6C68F2F58 firstTable id = 25652622766 link = |H0:item:108185:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:6:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6C68F2FF8 firstTable id = 25651778592 link = |H0:item:108185:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:6:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6C68F3098 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68F2738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68F2878 firstTable id = 24577955776 link = |H0:item:79702:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:289:0|h|h 3 = table:000001F6C68F2918 firstTable id = 28982276946 link = |H0:item:71143:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:471:0|h|h 4 = table:000001F6C68F29B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68F2A58 firstTable id = 25232301364 link = |H0:item:59426:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F6C68F2AF8 firstTable id = 25481125411 link = |H0:item:97807:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:20:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F6C68F2B98 firstTable id = 25509590775 link = |H0:item:97851:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:20:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F6C68F2C38 firstTable id = 17753881057 link = |H0:item:59438:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F6C68F2CD8 firstTable id = 25428866683 link = |H0:item:108221:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:6:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h Set = table:000001F6C68F32C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68F3548 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68F35E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68F3458 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68F3138 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68FCF08 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68FCFF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68FD368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68FD908 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68FD9A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68FDA48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68FDAE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68FDB88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68FDC28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68FD2C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68FD408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68FD4A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68FD548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68FD5E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68FD688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68FD728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68FD7C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68FD868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68FDE58 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68FE0D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68FE178 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68FDFE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68FDCC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68FE218 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68FE308 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68FE678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68FEC18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68FECB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68FED58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68FEDF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68FEE98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68FEF38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68FE5D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68FE718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68FE7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68FE858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68FE8F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68FE998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68FEA38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68FEAD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68FEB78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68FF168 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68FF3E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68FF488 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68FF2F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68FEFD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68FF528 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68FF618 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68FF988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68FFF28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68FFFC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6900068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6900178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6900218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C69002B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68FF8E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68FFA28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68FFAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68FFB68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68FFC08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68FFCA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68FFD48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68FFDE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68FFE88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C69004E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6900768 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6900808 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6900678 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6900358 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C69008A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6900998 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6900D08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C69012A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6901348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C69013E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6901488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6901528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C69015C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6900C68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6900DA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6900E48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6900EE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6900F88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6901028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C69010C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6901168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6901208 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C69017F8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6901A78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6901B18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6901988 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6901668 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6901BB8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6901CA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6902018 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C69025B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6902658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C69026F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6902798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6902838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C69028D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6901F78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C69020B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6902158 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C69021F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6902298 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6902338 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C69023D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6902478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6902518 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6902B08 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6902D88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6902E28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6902C98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6902978 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6902EC8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6902FB8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6903328 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C69038C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6903968 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6903A08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6903AA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6903B48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6903BE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6903288 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C69033C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6903468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6903508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C69035A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6903648 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C69036E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6903788 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6903828 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6903E18 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6904098 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6904138 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6903FA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6903C88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C69041D8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C69042C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6904638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6904BD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6904C78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6904D18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6904DB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6904E58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6904EF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6904598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C69046D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6904778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6904818 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C69048B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6904958 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C69049F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6904A98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6904B38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6905128 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C69053A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6905448 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C69052B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6904F98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68F3688 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68F3778 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68F3AE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68F4088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68F4128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68F41C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68F4268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68F4308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68F43A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68F3A48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68F3B88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68F3C28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68F3CC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68F3D68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68F3E08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68F3EA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68F3F48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68F3FE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68F45D8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68F4858 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68F48F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68F4768 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68F4448 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68F4998 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68F4A88 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68F4DF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68F5398 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68F5438 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68F54D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68F5578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68F5618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68F56B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68F4D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68F4E98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68F4F38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68F4FD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68F5078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68F5118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68F51B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68F5258 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68F52F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68F58E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68F5B68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68F5C08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68F5A78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68F5758 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68F5CA8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68F5D98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68F6108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68F66A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68F6748 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68F67E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68F6888 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68F6928 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68F69C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68F6068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68F61A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68F6248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68F62E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68F6388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68F6428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68F64C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68F6568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68F6608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68F6BF8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68F6E78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68F6F18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68F6D88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68F6A68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68F6FB8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68F70A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68F7418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68F79B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68F7A58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68F7AF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68F7B98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68F7C38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68F7CD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68F7378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68F74B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68F7558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68F75F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68F7698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68F7738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68F77D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68F7878 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68F7918 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68F7F08 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68F8188 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68F8228 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68F8098 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68F7D78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68F82C8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68F83B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68F8728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68F8CC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68F8D68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68F8E08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68F8EA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68F8F48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68F8FE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68F8688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68F87C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68F8868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68F8908 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68F89A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68F8A48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68F8AE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68F8B88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68F8C28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68F9218 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68F9498 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68F9538 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68F93A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68F9088 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68F95D8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68F96C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68F9A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68F9FD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68FA078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68FA118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68FA1B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68FA258 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68FA2F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68F9998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68F9AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68F9B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68F9C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68F9CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68F9D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68F9DF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68F9E98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68F9F38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68FA528 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68FA7A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68FA848 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68FA6B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68FA398 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68FA8E8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68FA9D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68FAD48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68FB2E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68FB388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68FB428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68FB4C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68FB568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68FB608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68FACA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68FADE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68FAE88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68FAF28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68FAFC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68FB068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68FB108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68FB1A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68FB248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68FB838 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68FBAB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68FBB58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68FB9C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68FB6A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68FBBF8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68FBCE8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68FC058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68FC5F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68FC698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68FC738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68FC7D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68FC878 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68FC918 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68FBFB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68FC0F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68FC198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68FC238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68FC2D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68FC378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68FC418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68FC4B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68FC558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68FCB48 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68FCDC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68FCE68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68FCCD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68FC9B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C69054E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6905A38 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C6905B28 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6906078 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C6910C78 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C6911F88 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C6913298 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C69145A8 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C69158B8 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C6916BC8 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C6917ED8 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C6907388 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C6908698 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C69099A8 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C690ACB8 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C690BFC8 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C690D2D8 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C690E5E8 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C690F8F8 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C69196E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C6919788 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C6919828 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C69198C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C6919968 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C6919A08 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C6919AA8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C6919B48 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C6919BE8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C6919C88 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C69191E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C6919D28 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C6919288 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C6919328 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C69193C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C6919468 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C6919508 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C69195A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C6919648 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Silerva = Oakshade = table:000001F6B9F74C60 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F74CA8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F74D98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F69940 firstTable id = 24539347290 link = |H0:item:71144:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:84:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6B9F55F10 firstTable id = 25343447977 link = |H0:item:58479:370:50:26588:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6B9F55FB0 firstTable id = 25343447912 link = |H0:item:58478:370:50:26588:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6B9F56050 firstTable id = 22219259645 link = |H0:item:69390:363:50:45883:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:23:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6B9F560F0 firstTable id = 24766117946 link = 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link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA05CC88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA05CD28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FFC770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1A3C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1A3D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1A3DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1A3E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1A33F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1A3490 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1A3530 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1A35D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA05CF58 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA05A878 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA05A918 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA05D0E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA05CDC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA05A9B8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA05AAA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA05AB90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9ED3A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9ED3AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9ED3B58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9ED3BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9ED3C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9ED3D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA05AAF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA05AC30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA05D130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA061C38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA061CD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA061D78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA061E18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9ED38D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9ED3978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F54450 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F546D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0294C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F545E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F542C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA029568 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA029658 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9EDA8D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FF9108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FF91A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FF9248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FF92E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FF9388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FF9428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA029928 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9EDA978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9EDAA18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9EDAAB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9EDAB58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9EDABF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9EDAC98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9EDAD38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FF9068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FF9510 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA06F178 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA06F218 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FF9558 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FF94C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA06F2B8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F60E0877E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F60E087B58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FAFCE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FAFD88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FAFE28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FA0140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FA01E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FA0280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F60E087AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F60E087BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA06F300 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA06F348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FAF9C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FAFA68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FAFB08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FAFBA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FAFC48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FA04B0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F741F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F74298 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F74108 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FA0320 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F74338 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F74428 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F74510 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F527F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F52898 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F52938 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F529D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F52A78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F52B18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F74470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F745B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F61308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F613A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F61448 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F614E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F61588 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F526B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F52758 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F4C330 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F4C5B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F4C650 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F4C4C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F4C1A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1AF6A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1AF798 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1AFB08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA030A58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F5C0B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F5C150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F5C1F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F5C290 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F5C330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1AFA68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1AFBA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA0305F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA030698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA030738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0307D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA030878 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA030918 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0309B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F5C560 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FFFFF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA000098 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F5C5A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F5C3D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA000138 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA000228 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA000310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F443F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F44498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F44538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F445D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F44678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FABF08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA000270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F7FDA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F7FE40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F7FEE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F7FF80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F44178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F44218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F442B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F44358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FAC138 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FAC3B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FAC400 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FAC2C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FABFA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F4B168 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F4B258 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F4B5C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F45C40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F45CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F45D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F45E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F45EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F45F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F4B528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F47D08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F47DA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F47E48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F47EE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F47F88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F48028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F480C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F48168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F46048 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F42DD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F42E70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F46090 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F46000 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F42F10 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F42F58 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1B0A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1A9BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1A9C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1A8058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1A80F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1A8198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1A8238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1B0998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1B0AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1B0B20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1A9838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1A98D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1A9978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1A9A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1A9AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1A9B58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1A8468 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA02FF60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA030000 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1A84B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1A82D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0300A0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA030190 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA02CCF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA021648 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0216E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA021788 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA01EC10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA01ECB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA01ED50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0301D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA02CD90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA02CE30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA02CED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA021328 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0213C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA021468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA021508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0215A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA01EF80 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FFEEA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FFEF40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FFEDB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA01EDF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FFEFE0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FFF0D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FFF1B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA06DF70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA06E010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA06E0B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA06E150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA06E1F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA05E938 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FFF118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FFF258 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FFD598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FFD638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FFD6D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FFD778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA06DD90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA06DE30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA06DED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA05EB68 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA0648A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA064948 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA05ECF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA05E9D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA0649E8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA064AD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA063980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA062720 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA0627C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA062860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA062900 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0629A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA062A40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0638E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA063A20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA063AC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA063B60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA063C00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA063CA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA063D40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0625E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA062680 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA043718 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA043998 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA043A38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0438A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA043588 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9EDBAF8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9EDBBE8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9EDBF58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9E0D978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9E0DA18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9E0DAB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9E0DB58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9E0DBF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9E0DC98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9EDBEB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9ED3088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9ED3128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9ED31C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9ED3268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9ED3308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9ED33A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9ED3448 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9ED34E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9E0DD80 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F60E081230 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F60E0812D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9E0DDC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9E0DD38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F60E081370 firstTable Gear = table:000001F60E0813B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA130C88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F8B980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F231910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F2319B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F231A50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F231AF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F231B90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA130BE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA130D28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F8B520 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F8B5C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F8B660 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F8B700 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F8B7A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F8B840 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F8B8E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F231DC0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1AAA38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1AAAD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1AA948 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F231C30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1AAB78 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1AAC68 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1AA2A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA02A838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA02A8D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA02A978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA002400 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA0024A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA002540 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1AACB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1AA340 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1AA3E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1AA480 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA02A518 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA02A5B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA02A658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA02A6F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA02A798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA002770 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FFC4F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FFC598 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0027B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0025E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6B9F6B500 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F6B548 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6B9F6B638 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F6B680 firstTable 10 = table:000001F69F1AB6F0 firstTable 11 = table:000001F69F1A74D0 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6BA020930 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6B9FFBA48 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6B9F492E8 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6BA049C28 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6B9F93C68 firstTable 2 = table:000001F69F207830 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6BA002D28 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6B9ED72F0 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6BA021048 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6BA0506F0 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6B9FACB88 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6B9F6E2B0 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6B9E0EC18 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6B9F8EF10 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6B9F8EFB0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6B9F8F050 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6B9F8F0F0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6B9F8F190 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6B9F8F230 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6B9F8F2D0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6B9F8F370 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6B9F8F410 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6B9F89FD8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6B9F8E590 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6B9F8A078 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6B9F8EAB0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6B9F8EB50 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6B9F8EBF0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6B9F8EC90 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6B9F8ED30 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6B9F8EDD0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6B9F8EE70 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Talsi = Deadwater = table:000001F6C67DAA08 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67DAF58 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67DB048 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67DB3B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67DB958 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67DB9F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67DBA98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67DBB38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67DBBD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C67DBC78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67DB318 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67DB458 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67DB4F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67DB598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67DB638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67DB6D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67DB778 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67DB818 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67DB8B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67DBEA8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67DC128 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67DC1C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67DC038 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C67DBD18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6825E58 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6825F48 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68262B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6826858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68268F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6826998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6826A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6826AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6826B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6826218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6826358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68263F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6826498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6826538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68265D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6826678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6826718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68267B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6826DA8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6827028 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68270C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6826F38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6826C18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6827168 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6827258 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68275C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6827B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6827C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6827CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6827D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6827DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6827E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6827528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6827668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6827708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68277A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6827848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68278E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6827988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6827A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6827AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68280B8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6828338 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68283D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6828248 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6827F28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6828478 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6828568 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6828650 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6833A68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6833B08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6833BA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6833C48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6833CE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6833D88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68285B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68286F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6833608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68336A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6833748 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68337E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6833888 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6833928 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68339C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6833FB8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6834238 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68342D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6834148 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6833E28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6834378 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6834468 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68347D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6834D78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6834E18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6834EB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6834F58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6834FF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6835098 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6834738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6834878 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6834918 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68349B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6834A58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6834AF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6834B98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6834C38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6834CD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68352C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6835548 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68355E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6835458 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6835138 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6835688 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6835778 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6835AE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6836088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6836128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68361C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6836268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6836308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68363A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6835A48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6835B88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6835C28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6835CC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6835D68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6835E08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6835EA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6835F48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6835FE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68365D8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6836858 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68368F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6836768 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6836448 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6836998 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6836A88 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6836DF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6837398 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6837438 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68374D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6837578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6837618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68376B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6836D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6836E98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6836F38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6836FD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6837078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6837118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68371B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6837258 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68372F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68378E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6837B68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6837C08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6837A78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6837758 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6837CA8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6837D98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6838108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68386A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6838748 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68387E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6838888 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6838928 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68389C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6838068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68381A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6838248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68382E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6838388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6838428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68384C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6838568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6838608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6838BF8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6838E78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6838F18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6838D88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6838A68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67DC268 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67DC358 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67DC6C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67DCC68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67DCD08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67DCDA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67DCE48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67DCEE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C67DCF88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67DC628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67DC768 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67DC808 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67DC8A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67DC948 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67DC9E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67DCA88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67DCB28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67DCBC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67DD1B8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67DD438 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67DD4D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67DD348 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C67DD028 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67DD578 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67DD668 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67DD9D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67DDF78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67DE018 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67DE0B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67DE158 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67DE1F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C67DE298 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67DD938 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67DDA78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67DDB18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67DDBB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67DDC58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67DDCF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67DDD98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67DDE38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67DDED8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67DE4C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67DE748 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67DE7E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67DE658 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C67DE338 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67DE888 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67DE978 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C67DECE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C67DF288 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C67DF328 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C67DF3C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C67DF468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C67DF508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C67DF5A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67DEC48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C67DED88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C67DEE28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C67DEEC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67DEF68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C67DF008 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C67DF0A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C67DF148 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C67DF1E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C67DF7D8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C67DFA58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C67DFAF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C67DF968 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C67DF648 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C67DFB98 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C67DFC88 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6820368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6820908 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68209A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6820A48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6820AE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6820B88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6820C28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C67DFCD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6820408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68204A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6820548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68205E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6820688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6820728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68207C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6820868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6820E58 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68210D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6821178 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6820FE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6820CC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6821218 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6821308 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6821678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6821C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6821CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6821D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6821DF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6821E98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6821F38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68215D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6821718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68217B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6821858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68218F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6821998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6821A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6821AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6821B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6822168 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68223E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6822488 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68222F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6821FD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6822528 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6822618 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6822988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6822F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6822FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6823068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6823108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68231A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6823248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68228E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6822A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6822AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6822B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6822C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6822CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6822D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6822DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6822E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6823478 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68236F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6823798 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6823608 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68232E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6823838 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6823928 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6823C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6824238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68242D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6824378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6824418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68244B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6824558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6823BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6823D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6823DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6823E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6823F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6823FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6824058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68240F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6824198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6824788 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6824A08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6824AA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6824918 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68245F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6824B48 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6824C38 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6824FA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6825548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68255E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6825688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6825728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68257C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6825868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6824F08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6825048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68250E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6825188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6825228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68252C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6825368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6825408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68254A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6825A98 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6825D18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6825DB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6825C28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6825908 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C6838FB8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6839508 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C68395F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6839B48 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C684FA60 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C67E2E88 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C67E4198 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C67E54A8 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C67E67B8 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C67E7AC8 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C67E8DD8 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C683AE58 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C68474F0 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C6848800 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6849B10 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C684AE20 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C684C130 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C684D440 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C684E750 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C67EA5E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C67EA688 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C67EA728 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C67EA7C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C67EA868 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C67EA908 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C67EA9A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C67EAA48 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C67EAAE8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C67EAB88 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C67EA0E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C67EAC28 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C67EA188 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C67EA228 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C67EA2C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C67EA368 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C67EA408 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C67EA4A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C67EA548 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Thaik = Mirel = table:000001F69F1DFAA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1DFFF0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1E00E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1E0450 firstTable id = 20270684509 link = |H0:item:73169:362:50:26844:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:300:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F69F1E09F0 firstTable id = 25203971509 link = |H0:item:72891:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F69F1E0A90 firstTable id = 25301013477 link = |H0:item:111008:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F69F1E0B30 firstTable id = 25338352948 link = |H0:item:16145:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:20:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F69F1E0BD0 firstTable id = 25474069389 link = |H0:item:110951:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:1:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F69F1E0C70 firstTable id = 25481427865 link = |H0:item:97772:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:20:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F69F1E0D10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1E03B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1E04F0 firstTable id = 25509591240 link = |H0:item:97814:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:20:0:1:0:300:0|h|h 3 = table:000001F69F1E0590 firstTable id = 25972505987 link = |H0:item:100260:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:5:0:1:0:299:0|h|h 4 = table:000001F69F1E0630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1E06D0 firstTable id = 20195999543 link = |H0:item:72888:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F69F1E0770 firstTable id = 20249957827 link = |H0:item:72900:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F69F1E0810 firstTable id = 22401054694 link = |H0:item:72904:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F69F1E08B0 firstTable id = 20207875449 link = |H0:item:72898:362:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:11:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F69F1E0950 firstTable id = 25455727731 link = |H0:item:110987:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:1:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h Set = table:000001F69F1E0F40 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1E11C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1E1260 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1E10D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1E0DB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1EAB80 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1EAC70 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1EAFE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1EB580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1EB620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1EB6C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1EB760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1EB800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1EB8A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1EAF40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1EB080 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1EB120 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1EB1C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1EB260 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1EB300 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1EB3A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1EB440 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1EB4E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1EBAD0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1EBD50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1EBDF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1EBC60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1EB940 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1EBE90 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1EBF80 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1EC2F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1EC890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1EC930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1EC9D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1ECA70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1ECB10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1ECBB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1EC250 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1EC390 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1EC430 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1EC4D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1EC570 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1EC610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1EC6B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1EC750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1EC7F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1ECDE0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1ED060 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1ED100 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1ECF70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1ECC50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1ED1A0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1ED290 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1ED600 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1EDBA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1EDC40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1EDCE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1EDD80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1EDE20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1EDEC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1ED560 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1ED6A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1ED740 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1ED7E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1ED880 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1ED920 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1ED9C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1EDA60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1EDB00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1EE0F0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1EE370 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1EE410 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1EE280 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1EDF60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1EE4B0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1EE5A0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1EE910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1EEEB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1EEF50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1EEFF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1EF090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1EF130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1EF1D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1EE870 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1EE9B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1EEA50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1EEAF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1EEB90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1EEC30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1EECD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1EED70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1EEE10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1EF400 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1EF680 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1EF720 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1EF590 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1EF270 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1EF7C0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1EF8B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1EFC20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1F01C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1F0260 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1F0300 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1F03A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1F0440 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1F04E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1EFB80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1EFCC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1EFD60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1EFE00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1EFEA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1EFF40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1EFFE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1F0080 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1F0120 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1F0710 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1F0990 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1F0A30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1F08A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1F0580 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1F0AD0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1F0BC0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1F0F30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1F14D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1F1570 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1F1610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1F16B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1F1750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1F17F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1F0E90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1F0FD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1F1070 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1F1110 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1F11B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = 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table:000001F69F1E1DA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1E1E40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1E1EE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1E1F80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1E2020 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1E16C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1E1800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1E18A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1E1940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1E19E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1E1A80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1E1B20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1E1BC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1E1C60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1E2250 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1E24D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1E2570 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1E23E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1E20C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1E2610 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1E2700 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1E2A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1E3010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1E30B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1E3150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1E31F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1E3290 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1E3330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1E29D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1E2B10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1E2BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1E2C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1E2CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1E2D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1E2E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1E2ED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1E2F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1E3560 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1E37E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1E3880 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1E36F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1E33D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1E3920 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1E3A10 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1E3D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1E4320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1E43C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1E4460 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1E4500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1E45A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1E4640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1E3CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1E3E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1E3EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1E3F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1E4000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1E40A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1E4140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1E41E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1E4280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1E4870 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1E4AF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1E4B90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1E4A00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1E46E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1E4C30 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1E4D20 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1E5090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1E5630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1E56D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1E5770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1E5810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1E58B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1E5950 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1E4FF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1E5130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1E51D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1E5270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1E5310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1E53B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1E5450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1E54F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1E5590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1E5B80 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1E5E00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1E5EA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1E5D10 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1E59F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1E5F40 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1E6030 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1E63A0 firstTable 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= 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1E7020 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1E6D00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1E7250 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1E7340 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1E76B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1E7C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1E7CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1E7D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1E7E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1E7ED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1E7F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1E7610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1E7750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1E77F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1E7890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1E7930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1E79D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1E7A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = 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table:000001F69F1EA450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1EA4F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1EA590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1E9C30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1E9D70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1E9E10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1E9EB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1E9F50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1E9FF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1EA090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1EA130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1EA1D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1EA7C0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1EAA40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1EAAE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1EA950 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1EA630 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F69F1F30F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1F3640 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F69F1F3730 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1F3C80 firstTable 10 = table:000001F69F1FE810 firstTable 11 = table:000001F69F1FFB20 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C68EB2D8 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C68EC5E8 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C68ED8B0 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C68EEBC0 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C68EFED0 firstTable 2 = table:000001F69F1F4F90 firstTable 3 = table:000001F69F1F62A0 firstTable 4 = table:000001F69F1F75B0 firstTable 5 = table:000001F69F1F88C0 firstTable 6 = table:000001F69F1F9BD0 firstTable 7 = table:000001F69F1FAEE0 firstTable 8 = table:000001F69F1FC1F0 firstTable 9 = table:000001F69F1FD500 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C68F1748 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C68F17E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C68F1888 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C68F1928 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C68F19C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C68F1A68 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C68F1B08 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C68F1BA8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C68F1C48 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C68F1CE8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C68F1248 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C68F1D88 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C68F12E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C68F1388 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C68F1428 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C68F14C8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C68F1568 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C68F1608 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C68F16A8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Thraag = Hardnose = table:000001F6BA026470 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0269C0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA026AB0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA026E20 firstTable id = 21033374679 link = |H0:item:72024:370:50:5366:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:3:1:1:0:227:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6BA0273C0 firstTable id = 21978379656 link = |H0:item:71865:370:50:26588:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:30:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6BA027460 firstTable id = 21033374722 link = |H0:item:72109:370:50:26580:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:3:1:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6BA027500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0275A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA027640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0276E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = 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skill = table:000001F6BA027C30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA027AA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA027780 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F51D60 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FA3A70 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FA3DE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FA4380 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FA4420 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FA44C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FA4560 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FA4600 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FA46A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FA3D40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FA3E80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FA3F20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FA3FC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FA4060 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FA4100 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FA41A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FA4240 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FA42E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FA48D0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FA4B50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FA4BF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FA4A60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FA4740 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FA4C90 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FA4D80 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FA50F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FA5690 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FA5730 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FA57D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FA5870 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FA5910 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FA59B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FA5050 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FA5190 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FA5230 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FA52D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FA5370 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FA5410 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FA54B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FA5550 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FA55F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FA5BE0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FA5E60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FA5F00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FA5D70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FA5A50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FA5FA0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FA6090 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FA6400 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FA69A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FA6A40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FA6AE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FA6B80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FA6C20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FA6CC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FA6360 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FA64A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FA6540 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FA65E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FA6680 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FA6720 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FA67C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FA6860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FA6900 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FA6EF0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FA7170 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FA7210 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FA7080 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FA6D60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FA72B0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FA73A0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FA7710 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FA7CB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FA7D50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FA7DF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FA7E90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FA7F30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FA7FD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FA7670 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FA77B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FA7850 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FA78F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FA7990 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FA7A30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FA7AD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FA7B70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FA7C10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FA8200 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FA8480 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FA8520 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FA8390 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FA8070 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FA85C0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FA86B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FA8A20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FA8FC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FA9060 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FA9100 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FA91A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FA9240 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FA92E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FA8980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9FA8AC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9FA8B60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FA8C00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FA8CA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FA8D40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FA8DE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FA8E80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FA8F20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FA9510 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FA9790 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FA9830 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FA96A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FA9380 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FA98D0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9FA99C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9FA9AA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1B87F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1B8890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1B8930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1B89D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1B8A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1B8B10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9FA9A08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1B82F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1B8390 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1B8430 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1B84D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1B8570 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1B8610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1B86B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1B8750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1B8D40 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1B8FC0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1B9060 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1B8ED0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1B8BB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1B9100 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1B91F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1B9560 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1B9B00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1B9BA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1B9C40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1B9CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1B9D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1B9E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1B94C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1B9600 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1B96A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1B9740 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1B97E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1B9880 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1B9920 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1B99C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1B9A60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1BA050 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1BA2D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1BA370 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1BA1E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1B9EC0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA027CD0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA027DC0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA028130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0286D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA028770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA028810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0288B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA028950 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0289F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA028090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0281D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA028270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA028310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0283B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA028450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0284F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA028590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA028630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA028C20 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA028EA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA028F40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA028DB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA028A90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA028FE0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0290D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA0291B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA017D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA017E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA017ED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA017F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA018010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0180B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA029118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA017890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA017930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0179D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA017A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA017B10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA017BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA017C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA017CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0182E0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA018560 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA018600 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA018470 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA018150 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0186A0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA018790 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA018B00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0190A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA019140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0191E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA019280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA019320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0193C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA018A60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA018BA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA018C40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA018CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA018D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA018E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA018EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA018F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA019000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0195F0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA019870 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA019910 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA019780 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA019460 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0199B0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA019AA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA019E10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA01A3B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA01A450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA01A4F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA01A590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA01A630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA01A6D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA019D70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA019EB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA019F50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA019FF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA01A090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA01A130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA01A1D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA01A270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA01A310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA01A900 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F4CFE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F4D080 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F4CEF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA01A770 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F4D120 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F4D210 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F4D580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F4DB20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F4DBC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F4DC60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F4DD00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F4DDA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F4DE40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F4D4E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F4D620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F4D6C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F4D760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F4D800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F4D8A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F4D940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F4D9E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F4DA80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F4E070 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F4E2F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F4E390 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F4E200 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F4DEE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F4E430 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F4E520 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F4E890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F4EE30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F4EED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F4EF70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F4F010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F4F0B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F4F150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F4E7F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F4E930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F4E9D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F4EA70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F4EB10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F4EBB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F4EC50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F4ECF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F4ED90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F4F380 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F4F600 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F4F6A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F4F510 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F4F1F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F4F740 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F4F830 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F4FBA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F50140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F501E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F50280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F50320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F503C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F50460 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F4FB00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F4FC40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F4FCE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F4FD80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F4FE20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F4FEC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F4FF60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F50000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F500A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F50690 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F50910 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F509B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F50820 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F50500 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F50A50 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F50B40 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F50EB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F51450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F514F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F51590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F51630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F516D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F51770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F50E10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F50F50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F50FF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F51090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F51130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F511D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F51270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F51310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F513B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F519A0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F51C20 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F51CC0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F51B30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F51810 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F69F1BA410 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1BA960 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F69F1BAA50 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1BAFA0 firstTable 10 = table:000001F69F1C5B30 firstTable 11 = table:000001F69F1C6E40 firstTable 12 = table:000001F69F1D8F70 firstTable 13 = table:000001F69F1DA280 firstTable 14 = table:000001F69F1DB590 firstTable 15 = table:000001F69F1DC8A0 firstTable 16 = table:000001F69F1DDBB0 firstTable 2 = table:000001F69F1BC2B0 firstTable 3 = table:000001F69F1BD5C0 firstTable 4 = table:000001F69F1BE8D0 firstTable 5 = table:000001F69F1BFBE0 firstTable 6 = table:000001F69F1C0EF0 firstTable 7 = table:000001F69F1C2200 firstTable 8 = table:000001F69F1C3510 firstTable 9 = table:000001F69F1C4820 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F69F1DF3C0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F69F1DF460 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F69F1DF500 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F69F1DF5A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F69F1DF640 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F69F1DF6E0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F69F1DF780 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F69F1DF820 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F69F1DF8C0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F69F1DF960 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F69F1DEEC0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F69F1DFA00 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F69F1DEF60 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F69F1DF000 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F69F1DF0A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F69F1DF140 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F69F1DF1E0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F69F1DF280 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F69F1DF320 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Titus = Vesuius = table:000001F6C6A69D08 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A6A258 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A6A348 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A6A6B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A6AC58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A6ACF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A6AD98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A6AE38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A6AED8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A6AF78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A6A618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A6A758 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A6A7F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A6A898 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A6A938 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A6A9D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A6AA78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A6AB18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A6ABB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A6B1A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A6B428 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A6B4C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A6B338 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A6B018 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A74E58 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A74F48 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A752B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A75858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A758F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A75998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A75A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A75AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A75B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A75218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A75358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A753F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A75498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A75538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A755D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A75678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A75718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A757B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A75DA8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A76028 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A760C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A75F38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A75C18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A76168 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A76258 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A765C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A76B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A76C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A76CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A76D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A76DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A76E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A76528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A76668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A76708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A767A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A76848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A768E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A76988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A76A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A76AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A770B8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A77338 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A773D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A77248 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A76F28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A77478 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A77568 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A778D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A77E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A77F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A77FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A78058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A780F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A78198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A77838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A77978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A77A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A77AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A77B58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A77BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A77C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A77D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A77DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A783C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A78648 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A786E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A78558 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A78238 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A78788 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A78878 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A78BE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A79188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A79228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A792C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A79368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A79408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A794A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A78B48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A78C88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A78D28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A78DC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A78E68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A78F08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A78FA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A79048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A790E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A796D8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A79958 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A799F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A79868 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A79548 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A79A98 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A79B88 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A79EF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A7A498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A7A538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A7A5D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A7A678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A7A718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A7A7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A79E58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A79F98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A7A038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A7A0D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A7A178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A7A218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A7A2B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A7A358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A7A3F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A7A9E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A7AC68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A7AD08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A7AB78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A7A858 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A7ADA8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A7AE98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A7B208 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A7B7A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A7B848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A7B8E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A7B988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A7BA28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A7BAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A7B168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A7B2A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A7B348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A7B3E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A7B488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A7B528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A7B5C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A7B668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A7B708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A7BCF8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A7BF78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A7C018 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A7BE88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A7BB68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A7C0B8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A7C1A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A7C518 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A7CAB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A7CB58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A7CBF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A7CC98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A7CD38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A7CDD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A7C478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A7C5B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A7C658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A7C6F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A7C798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A7C838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A7C8D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A7C978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A7CA18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A7D008 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A7D288 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A7D328 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A7D198 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A7CE78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A6B568 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A6B658 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A6B9C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A6BF68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A6C008 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A6C0A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A6C148 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A6C1E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A6C288 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A6B928 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A6BA68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A6BB08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A6BBA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A6BC48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A6BCE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A6BD88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A6BE28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A6BEC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A6C4B8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A6C738 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A6C7D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A6C648 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A6C328 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A6C878 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A6C968 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A6CCD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A6D278 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A6D318 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A6D3B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A6D458 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A6D4F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A6D598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A6CC38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A6CD78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A6CE18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A6CEB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A6CF58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A6CFF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A6D098 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A6D138 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A6D1D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A6D7C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A6DA48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A6DAE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A6D958 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A6D638 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A6DB88 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A6DC78 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A6DFE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A6E588 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A6E628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A6E6C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A6E768 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A6E808 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A6E8A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A6DF48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A6E088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A6E128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A6E1C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A6E268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A6E308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A6E3A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A6E448 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A6E4E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A6EAD8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A6ED58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A6EDF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A6EC68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A6E948 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A6EE98 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A6EF88 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A6F2F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A6F898 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A6F938 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A6F9D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A6FA78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A6FB18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A6FBB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A6F258 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A6F398 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A6F438 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A6F4D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A6F578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A6F618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A6F6B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A6F758 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A6F7F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A6FDE8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A70068 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A70178 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A6FF78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A6FC58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A70218 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A70308 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A70678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A70C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A70CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A70D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A70DF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A70E98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A70F38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A705D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A70718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A707B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A70858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A708F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A70998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A70A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A70AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A70B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A71168 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A713E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A71488 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A712F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A70FD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A71528 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A71618 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A71988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A71F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A71FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A72068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A72108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A721A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A72248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A718E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A71A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A71AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A71B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A71C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A71CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A71D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A71DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A71E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A72478 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A726F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A72798 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A72608 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A722E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A72838 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A72928 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A72C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A73238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A732D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A73378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A73418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A734B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A73558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A72BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A72D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A72DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A72E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A72F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A72FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A73058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A730F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A73198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A73788 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A73A08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A73AA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A73918 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A735F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A73B48 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A73C38 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A73FA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A74548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A745E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A74688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A74728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A747C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A74868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A73F08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A74048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A740E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A74188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A74228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A742C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A74368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A74408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A744A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A74A98 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A74D18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A74DB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A74C28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A74908 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C6A7D3C8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A7D918 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C6A7DA08 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A7DF58 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C6A88B60 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C6A89E70 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C6A8B180 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C6A8C490 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C6A8D7A0 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C6A8EAB0 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C6A8FDC0 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C6A7F268 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C6A805F0 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C6A81900 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6A82C10 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C6A83F20 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C6A85230 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C6A86540 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C6A87850 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C6A91638 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C6A916D8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C6A91778 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C6A91818 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C6A918B8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C6A91958 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C6A919F8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C6A91A98 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C6A91B38 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C6A91BD8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C6A91138 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C6A91C78 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C6A911D8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C6A91278 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C6A91318 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C6A913B8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C6A91458 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C6A914F8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C6A91598 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Ulrik = Corpse = Caller = table:000001F6B9F9DE30 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F9DE78 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F9CB50 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F9C5C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F9B5B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F9B650 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F9B6F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F9AB98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F9AC38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F9ACD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F9C528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F9C668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F9C708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F9C7A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F9BF18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F9BFB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F9C058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F9C0F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F9C140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F9ADC0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F979F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F97A98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F9AE08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F9AD78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F69F204C10 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F2044F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F204598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F1B5148 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F1B51E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F1B5288 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F1B4CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F1B4D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F1B4E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F2040A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F204638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F2046D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F204CB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F2034F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F203598 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F203638 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F2036D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F203720 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F1B4F18 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA025F40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA025FE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F1B4F60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F1B4ED0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA026080 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA025978 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA025A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA024698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA024738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0247D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA023FD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA024070 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA024110 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA025590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA025AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA025B58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA026120 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA024D60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA024E00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA024EA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA024F40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA024F88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0241F8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA022118 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0221B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA024240 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0241B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA022258 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA021CC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA021D68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9FF85B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9FF8650 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9FF86F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FF6648 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9FF66E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9FF6788 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA01FE80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA021E08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA021EA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA0222F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9FF89B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9FF8A50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9FF8AF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9FF8B90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9FF8BD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9FF6870 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9FF4298 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9FF4338 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9FF68B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9FF6828 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9FF43D8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA054588 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA054628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA00E990 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA00EA30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA00EAD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA00E4D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA00E578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA00E618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA054368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA0546C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA054768 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FF4478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA00ED58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA00EDF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA00EE98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA00EF38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA00EF80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA00E700 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA00CEA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA00CF40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA00E748 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA00E6B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA00CFE0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA00CA80 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA00CB20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA00B488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA00B528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA00B5C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA00AF60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA00B000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA00B0A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA00C858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA00CBC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA00CC60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA00D080 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA00C320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA00C3C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA00C460 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA00C500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA00C548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA00B188 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA00A7E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA00A880 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA00B1D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA00B140 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA00A920 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA009AF8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA009B98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA008E18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA008EB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA008F58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA007B20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA007BC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA007C60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA009828 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA009C38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA009CD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA00A9C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA0091D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA009278 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA009318 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA0093B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA009400 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA007D48 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA007228 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0072C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA007D90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA007D00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA007368 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA006CE0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA006D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0059A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA005A48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA005AE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA0054E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA005588 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA005628 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA0068E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA006E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA006EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA007408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA005F88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA006028 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0060C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA006168 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA0061B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA005710 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA004938 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA0049D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA005758 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA0056C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F97B38 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F964F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F96590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F7EB08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F7EBA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F7EC48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F7E5A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F7E648 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F7E6E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F96220 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F96630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F966D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F97BD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F7EFC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F7F060 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F7F100 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F7F1A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F7F1E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F7E7D0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F7DC88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F7DD28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F7E818 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F7E788 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F7DDC8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F7D630 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F7D6D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F7C188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F7C228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F7C2C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F7BA60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F7BB00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F7BBA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F7D238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F7D770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F7D810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F7DE68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F7C770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F7C810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F7C8B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F7C950 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F7C998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F7BC88 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F7ACC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F7AD68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F7BCD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F7BC40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F7AE08 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F7A5B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F7A650 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F78EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F78F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F79000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F70A88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F70B28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F70BC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F7A450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F7A6F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F7A790 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F7AEA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F79C30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F79CD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F79D70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F79E10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F79E58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F70CB0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F6FFD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F70070 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F70CF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F70C68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F70110 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F6EA28 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F6EAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9F6A228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9F6A2C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9F6A368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9F68798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9F68838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9F688D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F6CC88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F6EB68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F6EC08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F701B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F6C298 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F6C338 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F6C3D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F6C478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F6C4C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9F689C0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9F576E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9F57780 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9F68A08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9F68978 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F57820 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F57290 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F57330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F2018C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F201968 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F201A08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F201218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F2012B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F201358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F57090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F573D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F57470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9F578C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F2021A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F202240 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F2022E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F202380 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F2023C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F201440 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F200540 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F2005E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F201488 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F2013F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F69F200680 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6B9F48CE0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6B9F48D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F237DA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F237E40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F237EE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F237758 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F2377F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F237898 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9F473A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6B9F48E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6B9F48EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F200720 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6B9F45050 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6B9F450F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9F45190 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9F45230 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9F45278 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F237980 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F235740 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F2357E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F2379C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F237938 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F69F235880 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F234428 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F2344C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F69F232E50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F69F232EF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F69F232F90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F232608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F2326A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F232748 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F2341C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F234568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F234608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F235920 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F233968 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F233A08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F233AA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F233B48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F233B90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F232830 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F1D7238 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F1D72D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F232878 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F2327E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1D7378 firstTable Gear = table:000001F69F1D6DD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F69F1D6E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA02D490 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA02D530 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA02D5D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F69F205770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F69F205810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F69F2058B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F69F1D5E00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F69F1D6F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F69F1D6FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F69F1D7418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F69F1D1468 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F69F1D1508 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F69F1D15A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F69F1D1648 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F69F1D1690 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F69F205998 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F69F204AD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F69F204B70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F69F2059E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F69F205950 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6BA004A78 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA004AC0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6BA004618 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA004660 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6B9E06540 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6BA00F350 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6B9FFB460 firstTable 13 = table:000001F69F1B78B8 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6B9FA1998 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6B9FA9FD8 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6B9F88F40 firstTable 2 = table:000001F69F1A6A50 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6BA06D320 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6BA05F328 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6BA05B088 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6BA04C398 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6BA042A30 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6B9ED9E68 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6B9E0C6C8 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6B9F764E0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6B9F76580 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6B9F757D8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6B9F75878 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6B9F75918 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6B9F759B8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6B9F75A58 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6B9F75AF8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6B9F75B98 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6B9F75C38 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6B9F77A08 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6B9F74BC0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6B9F77AA8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6B9F76120 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6B9F761C0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6B9F76260 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6B9F76300 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6B9F763A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6B9F76440 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Valie = Spellbound = table:000001F6C68CD7B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68CDD00 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68CDDF0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68CE160 firstTable id = 4740469869768659214 link = |H0:item:123809:364:50:26845:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:50:0:1:0:406:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6C68CE700 firstTable id = 4641669146466163934 link = |H0:item:123827:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:50:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 11 = table:000001F6C68CE7A0 firstTable id = 4616796758926861522 link = |H0:item:91854:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:23:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 12 = table:000001F6C68CE840 firstTable id = 4703856922837691450 link = |H0:item:91754:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:23:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 13 = table:000001F6C68CE8E0 firstTable id = 4626305833699938790 link = |H0:item:91753:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:23:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 14 = table:000001F6C68CE980 firstTable id = 4614923483170737640 link = |H0:item:91753:363:50:45884:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:257:24:0:1:0:0:0|h|h 15 = table:000001F6C68CEA20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68CE0C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68CE200 firstTable id = 4633519068064839615 link = |H0:item:123767:364:50:54484:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:50:0:1:0:395:0|h|h 3 = table:000001F6C68CE2A0 firstTable id = 4640439351300510997 link = |H0:item:123792:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:50:0:1:0:388:0|h|h 4 = table:000001F6C68CE340 firstTable id = 4660945981892844317 link = |H0:item:123735:364:50:26580:370:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:50:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 5 = table:000001F6C68CE3E0 firstTable id = 25429348492 link = |H0:item:94539:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 6 = table:000001F6C68CE480 firstTable id = 4619263461724074877 link = |H0:item:123762:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:50:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 7 = table:000001F6C68CE520 firstTable id = 4616796758926861516 link = |H0:item:91793:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:23:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 8 = table:000001F6C68CE5C0 firstTable id = 27996591737 link = |H0:item:95204:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:67:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h 9 = table:000001F6C68CE660 firstTable id = 4706303585317573161 link = |H0:item:123758:363:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:50:0:1:0:10000:0|h|h Set = table:000001F6C68CEC50 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68CEED0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68CEF70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68CEDE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68CEAC0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68D88A0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68D8990 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68D8D00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68D92A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68D9340 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68D93E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68D9480 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA015A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68D9578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68D8C60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68D8DA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68D8E40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68D8EE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68D8F80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68D9020 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68D90C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68D9160 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68D9200 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68D97A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68D9A28 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68D9AC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68D9938 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68D9618 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68D9B68 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68D9C58 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68D9FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68DA568 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68DA608 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68DA6A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68DA748 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68DA7E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68DA888 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68D9F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68DA068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68DA108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68DA1A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68DA248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68DA2E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68DA388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68DA428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68DA4C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68DAAB8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68DAD38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68DADD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68DAC48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68DA928 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68DAE78 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68DAF68 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68DB2D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68DB878 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68DB918 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68DB9B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68DBA58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68DBAF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68DBB98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68DB238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68DB378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68DB418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68DB4B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68DB558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68DB5F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68DB698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68DB738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68DB7D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68DBDC8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68DC048 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68DC0E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68DBF58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68DBC38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68DC188 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68DC278 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68DC5E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68DCB88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68DCC28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68DCCC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68DCD68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68DCE08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68DCEA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68DC548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68DC688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68DC728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68DC7C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68DC868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68DC908 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68DC9A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68DCA48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68DCAE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68DD0D8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68DD358 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68DD3F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68DD268 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68DCF48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68DD498 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68DD588 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68DD8F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68DDE98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68DDF38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68DDFD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68DE078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68DE118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68DE1B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68DD858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68DD998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68DDA38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68DDAD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68DDB78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68DDC18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68DDCB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68DDD58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68DDDF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68DE3E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68DE668 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68DE708 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68DE578 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68DE258 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68DE7A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68DE898 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68DEC08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68DF1A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68DF248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68DF2E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68DF388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68DF428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68DF4C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68DEB68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68DECA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68DED48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68DEDE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68DEE88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68DEF28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68DEFC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68DF068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68DF108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68DF6F8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68DF978 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68DFA18 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68DF888 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68DF568 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68DFAB8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68DFBA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68DFF18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68E0518 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68E05B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68E0658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68E06F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68E0798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68E0838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68DFE78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68DFFB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68E0058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68E0158 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68E01F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68E0298 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68E0338 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68E03D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68E0478 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68E0A68 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68E0CE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68E0D88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68E0BF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68E08D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68CF010 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68CF100 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68CF470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68CFA10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68CFAB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68CFB50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68CFBF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68CFC90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68CFD30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68CF3D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68CF510 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68CF5B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68CF650 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68CF6F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68CF790 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68CF830 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68CF8D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68CF970 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68CFF60 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68D0238 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68D02D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68CFFA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68CFDD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68D0378 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68D0468 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68D07D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68D0D78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68D0E18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68D0EB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68D0F58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68D0FF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68D1098 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68D0738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68D0878 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68D0918 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68D09B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68D0A58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68D0AF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68D0B98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68D0C38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68D0CD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68D12C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68D1548 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68D15E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68D1458 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68D1138 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68D1688 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68D1778 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68D1AE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68D2088 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68D2128 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68D21C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68D2268 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68D2308 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68D23A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68D1A48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68D1B88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68D1C28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68D1CC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68D1D68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68D1E08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68D1EA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68D1F48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68D1FE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68D25D8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68D2858 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68D28F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68D2768 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68D2448 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68D2998 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68D2A88 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68D2DF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68D3398 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68D3438 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68D34D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68D3578 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68D3618 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68D36B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68D2D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68D2E98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68D2F38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68D2FD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68D3078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68D3118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68D31B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68D3258 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68D32F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68D38E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68D3B68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68D3C08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68D3A78 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68D3758 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68D3CA8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68D3D98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68D40C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68D4660 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68D4700 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68D47A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68D4840 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68D48E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68D4980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6B9EDE708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68D4160 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68D4200 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68D42A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68D4340 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68D43E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68D4480 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68D4520 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68D45C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68D4BB0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68D4E30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68D4ED0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68D4D40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68D4A20 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68D4F70 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68D5060 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68D53D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68D5970 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68D5A10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68D5AB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68D5B50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68D5BF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68D5C90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68D5330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68D5470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68D5510 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68D55B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68D5650 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68D56F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68D5790 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68D5830 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68D58D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68D5EC0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68D6140 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68D61E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68D6050 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68D5D30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68D6280 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68D6370 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68D66E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68D6C80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68D6D20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68D6DC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68D6E60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68D6F00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68D6FA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68D6640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68D6780 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68D6820 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68D68C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68D6960 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68D6A00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68D6AA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68D6B40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68D6BE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68D71D0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68D7450 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68D74F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68D7360 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68D7040 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68D7590 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68D7680 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68D79F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68D7F90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68D8030 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68D80D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68D8170 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68D8210 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68D82B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68D7950 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68D7A90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68D7B30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68D7BD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68D7C70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68D7D10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68D7DB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = 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firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C68E52E8 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C68E65F8 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C68E7908 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C68E8C18 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C68E9F28 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C6885590 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F60E083E78 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F60E083EC0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F60E07B448 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F60E07B4E8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F60E07B588 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F60E07B5D0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6B9F71070 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6B9F71340 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6B9F71ED0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6B9F74AB8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F60E088210 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6B9F73AC0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F60E088258 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F60E0858F8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F60E085998 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F60E085A38 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F60E085A80 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F60E083D38 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F60E083DD8 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Zanath = Dralas = table:000001F6C68A88C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68A8E10 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68A8F00 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68A9270 firstTable id = 24953494855 link = |H0:item:79706:364:50:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:14:0:1:0:232:0|h|h 10 = table:000001F6C68A9810 firstTable id = 24191482041 link = 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= table:000001F6C68B4408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68B44A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68B4548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68B45E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68B3C88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68B3DC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68B3E68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68B3F08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68B3FA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68B4048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68B40E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68B4188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68B4228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68B4818 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68B4A98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68B4B38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68B49A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68B4688 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68B4BD8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68B4CC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68B5038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0610B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA061158 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0611F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA061298 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA061338 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0613D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68B4F98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68B50D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68B5178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68B5218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68B52B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68B5358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68B53F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA046788 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA061018 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0551B8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA055438 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6BA055480 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA055348 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA055028 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0558A0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA055990 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA055D00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6BA0562A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6BA056340 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6BA0563E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6BA056480 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6BA056520 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6BA0565C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA055C60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA055DA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA055E40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA055EE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA055F80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA056020 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6BA0560C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6BA056160 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6BA056200 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6BA0566A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6BA056738 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68B5828 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6BA0566F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6BA056660 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68B58C8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68B59B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68B5D28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68B62C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68B6368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68B6408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68B64A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68B6548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68B65E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68B5C88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68B5DC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68B5E68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68B5F08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68B5FA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68B6048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68B60E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68B6188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68B6228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68B6818 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68B6A98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68B6B38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68B69A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68B6688 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68B6BD8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68B6CC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68B7038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68B75D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68B7678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68B7718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68B77B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68B7858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68B78F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68B6F98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68B70D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68B7178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68B7218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68B72B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68B7358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68B73F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68B7498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68B7538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68B7B28 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68B7DA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68B7E48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68B7CB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68B7998 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68B7EE8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68B7FD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68B8348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68B88E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68B8988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68B8A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68B8AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68B8B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68B8C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68B82A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68B83E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68B8488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68B8528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68B85C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68B8668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68B8708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68B87A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68B8848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68B8E38 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68B90B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68B9158 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68B8FC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68B8CA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68B91F8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6BA0467D8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6BA054C60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6B9EDFC30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6B9EDFCD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6B9EDFD70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6B9EDFE10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6B9EDFEB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6B9EDFF50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6BA054BC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6BA054D00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA054DA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6BA054E40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6BA054EE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6BA054F80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6B9EDFA50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6B9EDFAF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6B9EDFB90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9EE0180 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6B9EE0400 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6B9EE04A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6B9EE0310 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6B9EDFFF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68AA120 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68AA210 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68AA580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68AAA38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68AAAD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68AAB78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68AAC18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68AACB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68AAD58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68AA4E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68AA620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6BA015AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6B9FF3E60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68AA718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68AA7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68AA858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68AA8F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68AA998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68AAF88 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68AB208 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68AB2A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68AB118 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68AADF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68AB348 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68AB438 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68AB7A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68ABD48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68ABDE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68ABE88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68ABF28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68ABFC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68AC068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68AB708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68AB848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68AB8E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68AB988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68ABA28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68ABAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68ABB68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68ABC08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68ABCA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68AC298 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68AC518 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68AC5B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68AC428 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68AC108 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68AC658 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68AC748 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68ACAB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68AD058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68AD0F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68AD198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68AD238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68AD2D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68AD378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68ACA18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68ACB58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68ACBF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68ACC98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68ACD38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68ACDD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68ACE78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68ACF18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68ACFB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68AD5A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68AD828 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68AD8C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68AD738 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68AD418 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68AD968 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68ADA58 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68ADDC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68AE368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68AE408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68AE4A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68AE548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68AE5E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68AE688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68ADD28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68ADE68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68ADF08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68ADFA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68AE048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68AE0E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68AE188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68AE228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68AE2C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68AE8B8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68AEB38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68AEBD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68AEA48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68AE728 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68AEC78 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68AED68 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68AF0D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68AF678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68AF718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68AF7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68AF858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68AF8F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68AF998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68AF038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68AF178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68AF218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68AF2B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68AF358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68AF3F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68AF498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68AF538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68AF5D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6B9EDE758 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68AFE00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68AFEA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68AFD10 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68AFA38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68AFF40 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68B00D0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68B03F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68B0998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68B0A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68B0AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68B0B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68B0C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68B0CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68B0030 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68B0498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68B0538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68B05D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68B0678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68B0718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68B07B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68B0858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68B08F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68B0EE8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68B1168 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68B1208 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68B1078 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68B0D58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68B12A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68B1398 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68B1708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68B1CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68B1D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68B1DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68B1E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68B1F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68B1FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68B1668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68B17A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68B1848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68B18E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68B1988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68B1A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68B1AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68B1B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68B1C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68B21F8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68B2478 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68B2518 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68B2388 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68B2068 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68B25B8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C68B26A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68B2A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C68B2FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C68B3058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C68B30F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C68B3198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C68B3238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C68B32D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C68B2978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C68B2AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C68B2B58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C68B2BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C68B2C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C68B2D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C68B2DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C68B2E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C68B2F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C68B3508 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C68B3788 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C68B3828 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C68B3698 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C68B3378 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C68B9340 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68B9890 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C68B9980 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C68B9ED0 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C68C46A8 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C68C59B8 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C68C6CC8 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C68C7FD8 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C68C92A0 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C68CA5B0 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C68CB8C0 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C68BB1E0 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C68BC4F0 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C68BD800 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C68BE7A8 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C68BFAB8 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C68C0E50 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C68C2160 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C68C3470 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C68CD0D0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C68CD170 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C68CD210 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C68CD2B0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C68CD350 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C68CD3F0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C68CD490 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C68CD530 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C68CD5D0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C68CD670 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C68CCBD0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C68CD710 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C68CCC70 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C68CCD10 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C68CCDB0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C68CCE50 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C68CCEF0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C68CCF90 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C68CD030 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Reorx2 = table:000001F6C6A91D18 firstTable Gor = la = Laperd = table:000001F6C6AE1E60 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AE23B0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AE24A0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AE2810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AE2DB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AE2E50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AE2EF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AE2F90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AE3030 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AE30D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AE2770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AE28B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AE2950 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AE29F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AE2A90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AE2B30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AE2BD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AE2C70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AE2D10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AE3300 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AE3580 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AE3620 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AE3490 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AE3170 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AECF40 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AED030 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AED3A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AED940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AED9E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AEDA80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AEDB20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AEDBC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AEDC60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AED300 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AED440 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AED4E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AED580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AED620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AED6C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AED760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AED800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AED8A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AEDE90 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AEE110 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AEE1B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AEE020 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AEDD00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AEE250 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AEE340 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AEE6B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AEEC50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AEECF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AEED90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AEEE30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AEEED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AEEF70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AEE610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AEE750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AEE7F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AEE890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AEE930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AEE9D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AEEA70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AEEB10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AEEBB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AEF1A0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AEF420 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AEF4C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AEF330 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AEF010 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AEF560 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AEF650 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AEF9C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AEFF60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AF0000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AF00A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AF01A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AF0240 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AF02E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AEF920 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AEFA60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AEFB00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AEFBA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AEFC40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AEFCE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AEFD80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AEFE20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AEFEC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AF0510 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AF0790 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AF0830 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AF06A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AF0380 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AF08D0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AF09C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AF0D30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AF12D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AF1370 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AF1410 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AF14B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AF1550 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AF15F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AF0C90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AF0DD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AF0E70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AF0F10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AF0FB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AF1050 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AF10F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AF1190 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AF1230 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AF1820 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AF1AA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AF1B40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AF19B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AF1690 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AF1BE0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AF1CD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AF2040 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AF25E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AF2680 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AF2720 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AF27C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AF2860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AF2900 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AF1FA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AF20E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AF2180 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AF2220 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AF22C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AF2360 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AF2400 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AF24A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AF2540 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AF2B30 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AF2DB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AF2E50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AF2CC0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AF29A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AF2EF0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AF2FE0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AF3350 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AF38F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AF3990 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AF3A30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AF3AD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AF3B70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AF3C10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AF32B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AF33F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AF3490 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AF3530 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AF35D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AF3670 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AF3710 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AF37B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AF3850 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AF3E40 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AF40C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AF4160 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AF3FD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AF3CB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AF4200 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AF42F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AF4660 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AF4C00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AF4CA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AF4D40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AF4DE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AF4E80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AF4F20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AF45C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AF4700 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AF47A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AF4840 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AF48E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AF4980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AF4A20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AF4AC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AF4B60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AF5150 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AF53D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AF5470 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AF52E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AF4FC0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AE36C0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AE37B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AE3B20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AE40C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AE4160 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AE4200 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AE42A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AE4340 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AE43E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AE3A80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AE3BC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AE3C60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AE3D00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AE3DA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AE3E40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AE3EE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AE3F80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AE4020 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AE4610 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AE4890 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AE4930 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AE47A0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AE4480 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AE49D0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AE4AC0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AE4E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AE53D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AE5470 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AE5510 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AE55B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AE5650 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AE56F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AE4D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AE4ED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AE4F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AE5010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AE50B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AE5150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AE51F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AE5290 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AE5330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AE5920 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AE5BA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AE5C40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AE5AB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AE5790 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AE5CE0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AE5DD0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AE6140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AE66E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AE6780 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AE6820 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AE68C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AE6960 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AE6A00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AE60A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AE61E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AE6280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AE6320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AE63C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AE6460 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AE6500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AE65A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AE6640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AE6C30 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AE6EB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AE6F50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AE6DC0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AE6AA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AE6FF0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AE70E0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AE7450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AE79F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AE7A90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AE7B30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AE7BD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AE7C70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AE7D10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AE73B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AE74F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AE7590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AE7630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AE76D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AE7770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AE7810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AE78B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AE7950 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AE7F40 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AE81C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AE8260 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AE80D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AE7DB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AE8300 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AE83F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AE8760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AE8D00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AE8DA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AE8E40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AE8EE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AE8F80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AE9020 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AE86C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AE8800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AE88A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AE8940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AE89E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AE8A80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AE8B20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AE8BC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AE8C60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AE9250 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AE94D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AE9570 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AE93E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AE90C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AE9610 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AE9700 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AE9A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AEA010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AEA0B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AEA150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AEA1F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AEA290 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AEA330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AE99D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AE9B10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AE9BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AE9C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AE9CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AE9D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AE9E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AE9ED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AE9F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AEA560 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AEA7E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AEA880 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AEA6F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AEA3D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AEA920 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AEAA10 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AEAD80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AEB320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AEB3C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AEB460 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AEB500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AEB5A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AEB640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AEACE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AEAE20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AEAEC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AEAF60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AEB000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AEB0A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AEB140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AEB1E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AEB280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AEB870 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AEBAF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AEBB90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AEBA00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AEB6E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AEBC30 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AEBD20 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AEC090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AEC630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AEC6D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AEC770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AEC810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AEC8B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AEC950 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AEBFF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AEC130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AEC1D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AEC270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AEC310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AEC3B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AEC450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AEC4F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AEC590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AECB80 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AECE00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AECEA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AECD10 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AEC9F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C6AF5510 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AF5A60 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C6AF5B50 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AF60A0 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C6B00CA0 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C6B01FB0 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C6B032C0 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C6B045D0 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C6B058E0 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C6B06BF0 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C6B07F00 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C6AF73B0 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C6AF86C0 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C6AF99D0 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6AFACE0 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C6AFBFF0 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C6AFD300 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C6AFE610 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C6AFF920 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C6B09710 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C6B097B0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C6B09850 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C6B098F0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C6B09990 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C6B09A30 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C6B09AD0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C6B09B70 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C6B09C10 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C6B09CB0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C6B09210 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C6B09D50 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C6B092B0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C6B09350 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C6B093F0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C6B09490 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C6B09530 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C6B095D0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C6B09670 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Thingtaker = Holybeard = table:000001F6C6B09DF0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B0A340 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B0A430 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B0A7A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B0AD40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B0ADE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B0AE80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B0AF20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B0AFC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B0B060 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B0A700 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B0A840 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B0A8E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B0A980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B0AA20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B0AAC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B0AB60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B0AC00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B0ACA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B0B290 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B0B510 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B0B5B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B0B420 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B0B100 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B14F40 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B15030 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B153A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B15940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B159E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B15A80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B15B20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B15BC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B15C60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B15300 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B15440 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B154E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B15580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B15620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B156C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B15760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B15800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B158A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B15E90 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B16110 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B161B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B16020 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B15D00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B16250 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B16340 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B166B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B16C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B16CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B16D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B16E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B16ED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B16F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B16610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B16750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B167F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B16890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B16930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B169D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B16A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B16B10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B16BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B171A0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B17420 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B174C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B17330 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B17010 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B17560 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B17650 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B179C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B17F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B18000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B180A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B18140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B181E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B18280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B17920 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B17A60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B17B00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B17BA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B17C40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B17CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B17D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B17E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B17EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B184B0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B18730 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B187D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B18640 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B18320 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B18870 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B18960 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B18CD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B19270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B19310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B193B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B19450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B194F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B19590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B18C30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B18D70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B18E10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B18EB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B18F50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B18FF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B19090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B19130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B191D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B197C0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B19A40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B19AE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B19950 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B19630 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B19B80 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B19C70 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B19FE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B1A580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B1A620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B1A6C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B1A760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B1A800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B1A8A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B19F40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B1A080 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B1A120 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B1A1C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B1A260 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B1A300 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B1A3A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = 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table:000001F6C6B1B430 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B1B4D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B1B570 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B1B610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B1B6B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B1B750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B1B7F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B1BDE0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B1C060 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B1C100 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B1BF70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B1BC50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B1C1A0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B1C290 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B1C600 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B1CBA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B1CC40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B1CCE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B1CD80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B1CE20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B1CEC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B1C560 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B1C6A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B1C740 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B1C7E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B1C880 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B1C920 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B1C9C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B1CA60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B1CB00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B1D0F0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B1D370 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B1D410 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B1D280 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B1CF60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B0B650 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B0B740 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B0BAB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B0C050 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B0C0F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B0C190 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B0C230 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B0C2D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B0C370 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B0BA10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B0BB50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B0BBF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B0BC90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B0BD30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B0BDD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B0BE70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B0BF10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B0BFB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B0C5A0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B0C820 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B0C8C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B0C730 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B0C410 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B0C960 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B0CA50 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B0CDC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B0D360 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B0D400 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B0D4A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B0D540 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B0D5E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B0D680 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B0CD20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B0CE60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B0CF00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B0CFA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B0D040 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B0D0E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B0D180 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B0D220 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B0D2C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B0D8B0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B0DB30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B0DBD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B0DA40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B0D720 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B0DC70 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B0DD60 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B0E0D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B0E670 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B0E710 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B0E7B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B0E850 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B0E8F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B0E990 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B0E030 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B0E170 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B0E210 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B0E2B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B0E350 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B0E3F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B0E490 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B0E530 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B0E5D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B0EBC0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B0EE40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B0EEE0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B0ED50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B0EA30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B0EF80 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B0F070 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B0F3E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B0F980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B0FA20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B0FAC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B0FB60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B0FC00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B0FCA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B0F340 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B0F480 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B0F520 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B0F5C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B0F660 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B0F700 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B0F7A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B0F840 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B0F8E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B0FED0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B101C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B10260 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B10060 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B0FD40 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B10300 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B103F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B10760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B10D00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B10DA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B10E40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B10EE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B10F80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B11020 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B106C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B10800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B108A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B10940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B109E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B10A80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B10B20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B10BC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B10C60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B11250 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B114D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B11570 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B113E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B110C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B11610 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B11700 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B11A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B12010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B120B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B12150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B121F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B12290 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B12330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B119D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B11B10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B11BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B11C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B11CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B11D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B11E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B11ED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B11F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B12560 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B127E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B12880 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B126F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B123D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B12920 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B12A10 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B12D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B13320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B133C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B13460 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B13500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B135A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B13640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B12CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B12E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B12EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B12F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B13000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B130A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B13140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B131E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B13280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B13870 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B13AF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B13B90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B13A00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B136E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B13C30 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B13D20 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B14090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B14630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B146D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B14770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B14810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B148B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B14950 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B13FF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B14130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B141D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B14270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B14310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B143B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B14450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B144F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B14590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B14B80 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B14E00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B14EA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B14D10 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B149F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C6B1D4B0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B1DA00 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C6B1DAF0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B1E040 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C6B28C48 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C6B29F58 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C6B2B268 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C6B2C578 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C6B2D888 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C6B2EB98 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C6B2FEA8 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C6B1F350 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C6B206D8 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C6B219E8 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6B22CF8 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C6B24008 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C6B25318 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C6B26628 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C6B27938 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C6B31730 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C6B317D0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C6B31870 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C6B31910 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C6B319B0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C6B31A50 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C6B31AF0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C6B31B90 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C6B31C30 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C6B31CD0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C6B31230 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C6B31D70 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C6B312D0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C6B31370 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C6B31410 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C6B314B0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C6B31550 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C6B315F0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C6B31690 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Uesp = Dragonknight = table:000001F6C6AB9E40 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ABA390 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6ABA480 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ABA7F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6ABAD90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6ABAE30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6ABAED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6ABAF70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6ABB010 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6ABB0B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6ABA750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6ABA890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6ABA930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6ABA9D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6ABAA70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6ABAB10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6ABABB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6ABAC50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6ABACF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6ABB2E0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6ABB560 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6ABB600 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6ABB470 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6ABB150 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AC4F98 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AC5088 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AC53F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AC5998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AC5A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AC5AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AC5B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AC5C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AC5CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AC5358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AC5498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AC5538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AC55D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AC5678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AC5718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AC57B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AC5858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AC58F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AC5EE8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AC6168 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AC6208 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AC6078 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AC5D58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AC62A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AC6398 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AC6708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AC6CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AC6D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AC6DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AC6E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AC6F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AC6FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AC6668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AC67A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AC6848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AC68E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AC6988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AC6A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AC6AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AC6B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AC6C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AC71F8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AC7478 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AC7518 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AC7388 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AC7068 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AC75B8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AC76A8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AC7A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AC7FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AC8058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AC80F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AC8198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AC8238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AC82D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AC7978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AC7AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AC7B58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AC7BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AC7C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AC7D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AC7DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AC7E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AC7F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AC8508 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AC8788 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AC8828 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AC8698 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AC8378 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AC88C8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AC89B8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AC8D28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AC92C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AC9368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AC9408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AC94A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AC9548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AC95E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AC8C88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AC8DC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AC8E68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AC8F08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AC8FA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AC9048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AC90E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AC9188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AC9228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AC9818 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AC9A98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AC9B38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AC99A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AC9688 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AC9BD8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AC9CC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ACA038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6ACA5D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6ACA678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6ACA718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6ACA7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6ACA858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6ACA8F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AC9F98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6ACA0D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6ACA178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6ACA218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6ACA2B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6ACA358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6ACA3F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6ACA498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6ACA538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6ACAB28 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6ACADA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6ACAE48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6ACACB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6ACA998 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6ACAEE8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6ACAFD8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ACB348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6ACB8E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6ACB988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6ACBA28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6ACBAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6ACBB68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6ACBC08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6ACB2A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6ACB3E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6ACB488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6ACB528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6ACB5C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6ACB668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6ACB708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6ACB7A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6ACB848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6ACBE38 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6ACC0B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6ACC158 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6ACBFC8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6ACBCA8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6ACC1F8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6ACC2E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ACC658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6ACCBF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6ACCC98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6ACCD38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6ACCDD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6ACCE78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6ACCF18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6ACC5B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6ACC6F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6ACC798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6ACC838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6ACC8D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6ACC978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6ACCA18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6ACCAB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6ACCB58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6ACD148 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6ACD3C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6ACD468 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6ACD2D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6ACCFB8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6ABB6A0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6ABB790 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ABBB00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6ABC0A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6ABC140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6ABC1E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6ABC280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6ABC320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6ABC3C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6ABBA60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6ABBBA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6ABBC40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6ABBCE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6ABBD80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6ABBE20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6ABBEC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6ABBF60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6ABC000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6ABC5F0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6ABC870 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6ABC910 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6ABC780 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6ABC460 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6ABC9B0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6ABCAA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ABCE10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6ABD3B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6ABD450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6ABD4F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6ABD590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6ABD630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6ABD6D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6ABCD70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6ABCEB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6ABCF50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6ABCFF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6ABD090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6ABD130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6ABD1D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6ABD270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6ABD310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6ABD900 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6ABDB80 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6ABDC20 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6ABDA90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6ABD770 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6ABDCC0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6ABDDB0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ABE120 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6ABE6C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6ABE760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6ABE800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6ABE8A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6ABE940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6ABE9E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6ABE080 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6ABE1C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6ABE260 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6ABE300 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6ABE3A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6ABE440 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6ABE4E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6ABE580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6ABE620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6ABEC10 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6ABEE90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6ABEF30 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6ABEDA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6ABEA80 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6ABEFD0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6ABF0C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ABF430 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6ABF9D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6ABFA70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6ABFB10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6ABFBB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6ABFC50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6ABFCF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6ABF390 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6ABF4D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6ABF570 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6ABF610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6ABF6B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6ABF750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6ABF7F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6ABF890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6ABF930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6ABFF20 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AC0218 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AC02B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AC00B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6ABFD90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AC0358 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AC0448 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AC07B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AC0D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AC0DF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AC0E98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AC0F38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AC0FD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AC1078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AC0718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AC0858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AC08F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AC0998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AC0A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AC0AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AC0B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AC0C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AC0CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AC12A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AC1528 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AC15C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AC1438 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AC1118 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AC1668 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AC1758 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AC1AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AC2068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AC2108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AC21A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AC2248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AC22E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AC2388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AC1A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AC1B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AC1C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AC1CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AC1D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AC1DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AC1E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AC1F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AC1FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AC25B8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AC2838 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AC28D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AC2748 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AC2428 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AC2978 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AC2A68 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AC2DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AC3378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AC3418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AC34B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AC3558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AC35F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AC3698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AC2D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AC2E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AC2F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AC2FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AC3058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AC30F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AC3198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AC3238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AC32D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AC38C8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AC3B48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AC3BE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AC3A58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AC3738 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AC3C88 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AC3D78 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AC40E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AC4688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AC4728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AC47C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AC4868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AC4908 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AC49A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AC4048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AC4188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AC4228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AC42C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AC4368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AC4408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AC44A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AC4548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AC45E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AC4BD8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AC4E58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AC4EF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AC4D68 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AC4A48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C6ACD508 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ACDA58 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C6ACDB48 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6ACE098 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C6AD8C98 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C6AD9FA8 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C6ADB2B8 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C6ADC5C8 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C6ADD8D8 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C6ADEBE8 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C6ADFEF8 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C6ACF3A8 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C6AD0728 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C6AD1A38 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6AD2D48 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C6AD4058 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C6AD5368 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C6AD6678 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C6AD7988 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C6AE1780 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C6AE1820 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C6AE18C0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C6AE1960 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C6AE1A00 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C6AE1AA0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C6AE1B40 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C6AE1BE0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C6AE1C80 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C6AE1D20 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C6AE1280 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C6AE1DC0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C6AE1320 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C6AE13C0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C6AE1460 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C6AE1500 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C6AE15A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C6AE1640 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C6AE16E0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Necromancer = table:000001F6C6A91EA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A923F8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A924E8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A92858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A92DF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A92E98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A92F38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A92FD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A93078 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A93118 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A927B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A928F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A92998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A92A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A92AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A92B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A92C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A92CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A92D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A93348 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A935C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A93668 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A934D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A931B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A9CF88 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A9D078 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A9D3E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A9D988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A9DA28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A9DAC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A9DB68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A9DC08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A9DCA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A9D348 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A9D488 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A9D528 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A9D5C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A9D668 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A9D708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A9D7A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A9D848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A9D8E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A9DED8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A9E158 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A9E1F8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A9E068 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A9DD48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A9E298 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A9E388 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A9E6F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A9EC98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A9ED38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A9EDD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A9EE78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A9EF18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A9EFB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A9E658 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A9E798 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A9E838 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A9E8D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A9E978 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A9EA18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A9EAB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A9EB58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A9EBF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A9F1E8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A9F468 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A9F508 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A9F378 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A9F058 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A9F5A8 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A9F698 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A9FA08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A9FFA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AA0048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AA0150 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AA01F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AA0290 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AA0330 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A9F968 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A9FAA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A9FB48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A9FBE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A9FC88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A9FD28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A9FDC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A9FE68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A9FF08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AA0560 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AA07E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AA0880 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AA06F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AA03D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AA0920 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AA0A10 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AA0D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AA1320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AA13C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AA1460 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AA1500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AA15A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AA1640 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AA0CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AA0E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AA0EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AA0F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AA1000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AA10A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AA1140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AA11E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AA1280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AA1870 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AA1AF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AA1B90 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AA1A00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AA16E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AA1C30 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AA1D20 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AA2090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AA2630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AA26D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AA2770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AA2810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AA28B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AA2950 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AA1FF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AA2130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AA21D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AA2270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AA2310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AA23B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AA2450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AA24F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AA2590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AA2B80 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AA2E00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AA2EA0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AA2D10 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AA29F0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AA2F40 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AA3030 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AA33A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AA3940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AA39E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AA3A80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AA3B20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AA3BC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AA3C60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AA3300 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AA3440 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AA34E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AA3580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AA3620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AA36C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AA3760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AA3800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AA38A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AA3E90 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AA4110 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AA41B0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AA4020 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AA3D00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AA4250 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6AA4340 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AA46B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6AA4C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6AA4CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6AA4D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6AA4E30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6AA4ED0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6AA4F70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6AA4610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6AA4750 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6AA47F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6AA4890 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6AA4930 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6AA49D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6AA4A70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6AA4B10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6AA4BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6AA51A0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6AA5420 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6AA54C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6AA5330 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6AA5010 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A93708 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A937F8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A93B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A94108 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A941A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A94248 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A942E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A94388 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A94428 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A93AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A93C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A93CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A93D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A93DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A93E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A93F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A93FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A94068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A94658 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A948D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A94978 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A947E8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A944C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A94A18 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A94B08 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A94E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A95418 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A954B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A95558 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A955F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A95698 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A95738 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A94DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A94F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A94FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A95058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A950F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A95198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A95238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A952D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A95378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A95968 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A95BE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A95C88 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A95AF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A957D8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A95D28 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A95E18 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A96188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A96728 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A967C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A96868 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A96908 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A969A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A96A48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A960E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A96228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A962C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A96368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A96408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A964A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A96548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A965E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A96688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A96C78 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A96EF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A96F98 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A96E08 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A96AE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A97038 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A97128 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A97498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A97A38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A97AD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A97B78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A97C18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A97CB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A97D58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A973F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A97538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A975D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A97678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A97718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A977B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A97858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A978F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A97998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A97F88 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A98208 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A982A8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A98118 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A97DF8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A98348 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A98438 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A987A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A98D48 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A98DE8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A98E88 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A98F28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A98FC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A99068 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A98708 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A98848 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A988E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A98988 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A98A28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A98AC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A98B68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A98C08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A98CA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A99298 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A99518 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A995B8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A99428 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A99108 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A99658 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A99748 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A99AB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A9A058 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A9A0F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A9A198 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A9A238 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A9A2D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A9A378 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A99A18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A99B58 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A99BF8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A99C98 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A99D38 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A99DD8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A99E78 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A99F18 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A99FB8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A9A5A8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A9A828 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A9A8C8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A9A738 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A9A418 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A9A968 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A9AA58 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A9ADC8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A9B368 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A9B408 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A9B4A8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A9B548 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A9B5E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A9B688 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A9AD28 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A9AE68 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A9AF08 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A9AFA8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A9B048 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A9B0E8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A9B188 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A9B228 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A9B2C8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A9B8B8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A9BB38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A9BBD8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A9BA48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A9B728 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A9BC78 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6A9BD68 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6A9C0D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6A9C678 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6A9C718 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6A9C7B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6A9C858 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6A9C8F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6A9C998 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6A9C038 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6A9C178 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6A9C218 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6A9C2B8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6A9C358 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6A9C3F8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6A9C498 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6A9C538 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6A9C5D8 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6A9CBC8 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6A9CE48 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6A9CEE8 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6A9CD58 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6A9CA38 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C6AA5560 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AA5AB0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C6AA5BA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6AA60F0 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C6AB0CF0 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C6AB2000 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C6AB3310 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C6AB4620 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C6AB5930 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C6AB6C40 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C6AB7F50 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C6AA7400 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C6AA8710 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C6AA9A20 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6AAAD30 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C6AAC040 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C6AAD350 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C6AAE660 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C6AAF970 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C6AB9760 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C6AB9800 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C6AB98A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C6AB9940 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C6AB99E0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C6AB9A80 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C6AB9B20 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C6AB9BC0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C6AB9C60 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C6AB9D00 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C6AB9260 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C6AB9DA0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C6AB9300 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C6AB93A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C6AB9440 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C6AB94E0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 6 7 = table:000001F6C6AB9580 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 7 8 = table:000001F6C6AB9620 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 8 9 = table:000001F6C6AB96C0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 9 setamount = 16 version = 1 Nightblade = table:000001F6C6B31E10 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B32360 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B32450 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B327C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B32D60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B32E00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B32EA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B32F40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B32FE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B33080 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B32720 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B32860 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B32900 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B329A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B32A40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B32AE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B32B80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B32C20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B32CC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B332B0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B33530 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B335D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B33440 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B33120 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B3CEF0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B3CFE0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B3D350 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B3D8F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B3D990 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B3DA30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B3DAD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B3DB70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B3DC10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B3D2B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B3D3F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B3D490 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B3D530 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B3D5D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B3D670 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B3D710 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B3D7B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B3D850 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B3DE40 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B3E0C0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B3E160 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B3DFD0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B3DCB0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B3E200 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B3E2F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B3E660 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B3EC00 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B3ECA0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B3ED40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B3EDE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B3EE80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B3EF20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B3E5C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B3E700 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B3E7A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B3E840 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B3E8E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B3E980 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B3EA20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B3EAC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B3EB60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B3F150 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B3F3D0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B3F470 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B3F2E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B3EFC0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B3F510 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B3F600 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B3F970 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B3FF10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B3FFB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B40050 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B400F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B401F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B40290 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B3F8D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B3FA10 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B3FAB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B3FB50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B3FBF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B3FC90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B3FD30 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B3FDD0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B3FE70 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B404C0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B40740 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B407E0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B40650 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B40330 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B40880 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B40970 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B40CE0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B41280 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B41320 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B413C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B41460 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B41500 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B415A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B40C40 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B40D80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B40E20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B40EC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B40F60 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B41000 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B410A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B41140 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B411E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B417D0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B41A50 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B41AF0 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B41960 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B41640 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B41B90 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B41C80 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B41FF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B42590 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B42630 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B426D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B42770 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B42810 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B428B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B41F50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B42090 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B42130 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B421D0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B42270 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B42310 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B423B0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B42450 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B424F0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B42AE0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B42D60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B42E00 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B42C70 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B42950 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B42EA0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B42F90 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B43300 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B438A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B43940 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B439E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B43A80 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B43B20 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 15 = table:000001F6C6B43BC0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B43260 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 2 = table:000001F6C6B433A0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 3 = table:000001F6C6B43440 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 4 = table:000001F6C6B434E0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 5 = table:000001F6C6B43580 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 6 = table:000001F6C6B43620 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 7 = table:000001F6C6B436C0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 8 = table:000001F6C6B43760 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 9 = table:000001F6C6B43800 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 Set = table:000001F6C6B43DF0 firstTable gear = 0 icon = table:000001F6C6B44070 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 lock = 0 outfit = -1 skill = table:000001F6C6B44110 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 text = table:000001F6C6B43F80 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 Skill = table:000001F6C6B43C60 firstTable 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 16 = table:000001F6C6B441B0 firstTable Gear = table:000001F6C6B442A0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B44610 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 10 = table:000001F6C6B44BB0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 11 = table:000001F6C6B44C50 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 12 = table:000001F6C6B44CF0 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 13 = table:000001F6C6B44D90 firstTable id = 0 link = 0 14 = table:000001F6C6B44E30 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1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 currentProfileId = 1 lastset = false profiles = table:000001F6C6B454C0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B45A10 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 1 setdata = table:000001F6C6B45B00 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C6B46050 firstTable 10 = table:000001F6C6B50C50 firstTable 11 = table:000001F6C6B51F60 firstTable 12 = table:000001F6C6B53270 firstTable 13 = table:000001F6C6B54580 firstTable 14 = table:000001F6C6B55890 firstTable 15 = table:000001F6C6B56BA0 firstTable 16 = table:000001F6C6B57EB0 firstTable 2 = table:000001F6C6B47360 firstTable 3 = table:000001F6C6B48670 firstTable 4 = table:000001F6C6B49980 firstTable 5 = table:000001F6C6B4AC90 firstTable 6 = table:000001F6C6B4BFA0 firstTable 7 = table:000001F6C6B4D2B0 firstTable 8 = table:000001F6C6B4E5C0 firstTable 9 = table:000001F6C6B4F8D0 firstTable lastset = false 10 = table:000001F6C6B596C0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 10 11 = table:000001F6C6B59760 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 11 12 = table:000001F6C6B59800 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 12 13 = table:000001F6C6B598A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 13 14 = table:000001F6C6B59940 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 14 15 = table:000001F6C6B599E0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 15 16 = table:000001F6C6B59A80 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 16 17 = table:000001F6C6B59B20 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 17 18 = table:000001F6C6B59BC0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 18 19 = table:000001F6C6B59C60 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 19 2 = table:000001F6C6B591C0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 2 20 = table:000001F6C6B59D00 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 20 3 = table:000001F6C6B59260 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 3 4 = table:000001F6C6B59300 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 4 5 = table:000001F6C6B593A0 firstTable currentBuild = 1 name = Profile 5 6 = table:000001F6C6B59440 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ANIMATION_ALPHA = 2 ANIMATION_COLOR = 8 ANIMATION_CUSTOM = 9 ANIMATION_DESATURATION = 16 ANIMATION_INSTANT = true ANIMATION_INVALID = -1 ANIMATION_ITERATION_BEGIN = -1 ANIMATION_ITERATION_END = 16 ANIMATION_MANAGER = userdata:000001F6C02EFF80 (meta 000001F6C02A0BA8} firstMeta firstIndex CreateTimeline() = function:000001F6C02A09F8 CreateTimelineFromVirtual() = function:000001F6C02A0A98 ANIMATION_MAX_VALUE = 16 ANIMATION_MIN_VALUE = -1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_INVALID = -1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_ITERATION_BEGIN = -1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_ITERATION_END = 2 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_LOOP = 1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_MAX_VALUE = 2 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_MIN_VALUE = -1 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_ONE_SHOT = 0 ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_PING_PONG = 2 ANIMATION_ROTATE3D = 11 ANIMATION_SCALE = 1 ANIMATION_SCROLL = 4 ANIMATION_SIZE = 5 ANIMATION_TEXTURE = 3 ANIMATION_TEXTUREROTATE = 6 ANIMATION_TEXTURESLIDE = 7 ANIMATION_TRANSFORMOFFSET = 12 ANIMATION_TRANSFORMROTATION = 13 ANIMATION_TRANSFORMSCALE = 14 ANIMATION_TRANSFORMSKEW = 15 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false icon = /esoui/art/icons/emote_alinorallemande.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C256CFE0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C256D170 firstTable antiquityId = 102 description = An ancient dance, eh? Judging by the spacing and the painstaking notation, it's definitely a High Elf creation. Ugh. We're so stuffy! Remind me to show you some real dancing once I grease the rear axle of my chair! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Alinor Allemande needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 4 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2167 zoneId = 1011 103 = table:000001F6C256D720 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2551458 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 103 difficulty = 0 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_stoneware_bottle_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C256DD68 firstTable name = Gabrielle's Bottle of Proving needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 1 quality = 0 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2298 zoneId = 0 104 = table:000001F6C256DDB0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2551458 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 104 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/adr_compcoronet.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C256E870 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C256E900 firstTable antiquityId = 104 description = When Ysgramor set sail from Atmora to avenge the Night of Tears, he sent out a call for warriors to join him. Those who answered his call won everlasting renown as the Five Hundred Companions. One of those mighty heroes likely wore this very headpiece! displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Companion's Coronet needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2170 zoneId = 1160 105 = table:000001F6C256E948 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2551458 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 105 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/mrk_atmoran.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C256E780 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C256E7C8 firstTable antiquityId = 105 description = The skalds say that Ysgramor and his companions were the first to wear the blue war-paint so many Nords still favor today. Supposedly Ysgramor slew so many frost giants that he was covered in their blue blood. The rest of his foes fled the field! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ysgramor's Chosen Body Marking needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2171 zoneId = 1160 106 = table:000001F6C256D7A8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2551458 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 106 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/mrf_atmoran.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C256F148 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C256E8B8 firstTable antiquityId = 106 description = An important discovery! No one remembered what markings Ysgramor and his Five Hundred Companions wore on their faces. The spiral designs are symbols of death. The Atmorans wore them to show that they sought a glorious end in battle! displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Ysgramor's Chosen Face Marking needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2172 zoneId = 1160 107 = table:000001F6C256F218 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2551458 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 107 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/adr_dwemercrown.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C256D7F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C256F058 firstTable antiquityId = 107 description = An excellent example of Dwemer craftsmanship. The geometric etchings likely symbolize wisdom and authority; the white stones, nobility. This crown would have been worn by a Dwarven architect or other high ranking artisan. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Dwemer Crown needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2173 zoneId = 1160 108 = table:000001F6C256F0A0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2551458 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 108 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/mrk_dwemergold.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2570318 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2570360 firstTable antiquityId = 108 description = I love the Dwarves dearly, but the word narcissistic hardly captures the brazen vanity of their culture. They adorned practically everything with stylized faces that presumably match their own. This vivid tattoo follows that theme brilliantly. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Dwemer Body Marking needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2174 zoneId = 1160 109 = table:000001F6C25703A8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2551458 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 109 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/mrf_dwemergold.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C25703F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C25701D0 firstTable antiquityId = 109 description = A simple design, but one imbued with great symbolic importance. We rarely find a Dwarven pillar, forge, or animunculus that lacks a bearded face. I think we can safely infer that such facial ornamentation conveyed a sense of skill, wisdom, or authority. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Dwemer Face Marking needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2175 zoneId = 1160 111 = table:000001F6C2570218 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 112 = table:000001F6C2571B08 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 113 = table:000001F6C25732E0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 114 = table:000001F6C2573328 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 115 = table:000001F6C2574C50 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 116 = table:000001F6C25765B8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 117 = table:000001F6C2577460 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 118 = table:000001F6C2578500 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 119 = table:000001F6C25793A0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 120 = table:000001F6C257A268 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 121 = table:000001F6C257A2F8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 122 = table:000001F6C257B0E0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 123 = table:000001F6C257D1A8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 124 = table:000001F6C257E058 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 125 = table:000001F6C257EEA8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 126 = table:000001F6C257F0E8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 127 = table:000001F6C2580410 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 128 = table:000001F6C2581C18 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 129 = table:000001F6C2582A68 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 130 = table:000001F6C25838B0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 131 = table:000001F6C2584710 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 132 = table:000001F6C2585690 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 133 = table:000001F6C2586798 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 134 = table:000001F6C25855E8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 135 = table:000001F6C2588510 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 136 = table:000001F6C25894A0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 137 = table:000001F6C258A380 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 138 = table:000001F6C2587608 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 139 = table:000001F6C258C310 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 140 = table:000001F6C258D340 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} 141 = table:000001F6C258DBE0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2514190 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 141 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_figurine_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C258E240 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C258E350 firstTable antiquityId = 141 description = How odd. This figure of an Elven woman bears hallmarks of Aldmeri depictions of Mara, but it's too rudimentary. Was it the work of a child? Maybe it was unfinished. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000001F6C258D448 firstTable antiquityId = 141 description = That's Nedic sculpting, actually. Devotional idols were common, though I've never seen one depicting an Elven Divine before. Her pose suggests she's in a lover's embrace. It's clear that there's another piece to this figure. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000001F6C258E140 firstTable antiquityId = 141 description = You were right! This new figure fits snugly with the Mara, but I never expected her lover to be a Man! Is he meant to be Lorkhan? I don't think I've ever seen evidence of Aldmeri culture being welcomed with such open ... arms. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Manmer Coupled Idol needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2189 zoneId = 3 142 = table:000001F6C258E9D0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2514190 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 142 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_portrait_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C258EAA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C258EC00 firstTable antiquityId = 142 description = I'm intrigued by the religious overtones in this depiction of Rislav smiting his brother Dorald. I'd always assumed the appellation \"Rislav the Righteous\" was ascribed to him by historians, but this panel dates to the time of his rule. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000001F6C2590160 firstTable antiquityId = 142 description = Your penchant for assumption is intolerable, Reginus. Dorald was a priest of the Alessian Order who attempted to impose a theocracy on the Colovians. Rislav's defiance of the Empire was seen as the rebuke of a tyrannical cult. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000001F6C2590408 firstTable antiquityId = 142 description = So Dorald's hirsute appearance is symbolic, as a stand in for Marukh. I suppose Rislav's unlikely victory over Emperor Gorieus's legions were viewed as divine favor. Did you notice Queen Belene's resemblance to Gabreille in the coronation panel? displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Rislav Tryptic Panel needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2190 zoneId = 3 143 = table:000001F6C258FED8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2514190 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 143 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_trinket.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C258FF78 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C258FFC0 firstTable antiquityId = 143 description = Direnni scholars have long held the belief that Prince Aiden's brilliance as a strategist was what carried the day for his vastly outnumbered forces, but a controversial theory speculates that the Direnni army's movements on the battlefield bordered on prophetic and attributes their success to superior methods of communication. The enchantments on this case suggest it is an anchor for some form of teleportation. If only I had another to test the idea. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Phynastic Scroll Case needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2191 zoneId = 3 144 = table:000001F6C25907D0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2513470 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 144 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_case_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2590DC8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2590F28 firstTable antiquityId = 144 description = Unfinished wood block, stained black with ink. Circa 2300 of the First Era. Took a rubbing of the carved face. It is a diatribe calling citizens of Wayrest to demand secession from the Alessian Empire, citing prejudice against Elven heritage. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000001F6C2590F70 firstTable antiquityId = 144 description = An expert, if dry, assessment, Ugron. This sort of vague, incendiary language smacks of propaganda meant to weaponize the populace for private interest. It strains credulity that Wayrest endured a thousand years of oppression before revolting. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000001F6C2591C50 firstTable antiquityId = 144 description = Then you might find Lost Orsinium and The Pig Children enlightening. You'd be surprised the number of indignities people are willing to suffer. The emphasis on increasing Imperial tithes does support your assertion money was behind this movement. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Secession Stamp Block needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2192 zoneId = 19 145 = table:000001F6C2591E28 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2513470 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 145 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_figurine_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2591EA8 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2592008 firstTable antiquityId = 145 description = This wooden figure appears to be an Orc, but its features are greatly exaggerated to appear menacing. Based on the deliberate defacement and hostile appearance, I believe the Nedes did not have a friendly relationship with local Orc clans. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000001F6C2592050 firstTable antiquityId = 145 description = It depends on the clan. There's ample evidence of harmony between Nedes and Orcs in Craglorn. But you're right—clans in Stormhaven tended to take a more offensive posture against non-Orc neighbors and each other. We hadn't learned the value of unity yet. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000001F6C2591228 firstTable antiquityId = 145 description = I believe the metal objects protruding from this effigy was stabbed into the figure with ritual intent, for cursing, if you will, but I've found no evidence of spellcraft. It might have been used in prayers to Daedra though, or simply just cathartic. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Nedic Hex Totem needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2193 zoneId = 19 146 = table:000001F6C25925B8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2513470 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 146 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_portrait_002.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2592690 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C25926D8 firstTable antiquityId = 146 description = A palatial portrait of the Direnni royal family! This likely would have hung in the halls of the Adamantine Tower at the heights of their rule. I'd love to know more of who's depicted here, but there's a lack of distinguishing features. In fact, the family resemblance borders on simulacra. It's hard to believe a royal artist would be so lazy. Though, despite mingling with Nedes, only pureblooded Direnni rose to power. That would mean ... ew, no. Maybe they really did reproduce through sorcery? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Direnni Palatial Art needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2194 zoneId = 19 147 = table:000001F6C2592720 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2515AE8 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 147 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_seal_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C258B540 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2557310 firstTable antiquityId = 147 description = It's remarkable how little the Tamrith house seal has changed over the course of centuries. It makes this hard to date, but it's real and it's old. Impressive, since these were widely counterfeited during King Ranser's war to falsify correspondence. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000001F6C258B610 firstTable antiquityId = 147 description = The telltale mark of authenticity here is the inscription. It's written in Aldmeris, signifying pride in their Elven heritage. Breton nobility ceased the practice around the time that High Rock joined the Alessian Empire. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000001F6C258B658 firstTable antiquityId = 147 description = The inscription appears to be: \"By Arkay's grace we live and die, but there is no end to the Tamrith line.\" I'd say they were tempting fate with that credo, but they've made good on their word thus far. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = House Tamrith Official Seal needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2195 zoneId = 20 148 = table:000001F6C25927A8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2515AE8 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 148 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_coin_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2593B10 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2593A18 firstTable antiquityId = 148 description = Now these are quite hard to come by. Yric Flowdys had these gold coins specially minted to commemorate the completion of Northpoint's construction in c.1E 900. Only a few hundred were stamped and most remain in private collections. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000001F6C2593A60 firstTable antiquityId = 148 description = Incorrect. Those figures were a deliberate attempt by unscrupulous archeologists to inflate their value. My own research suggests Flowdys circulated these coins through all Northpoint's trade to spread word of his new trade port. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000001F6C258B448 firstTable antiquityId = 148 description = The archeologist weren't the only ones. These coins are a little on the light side. The difference in gold weight wouldn't have been noticeable without finer instruments than were commonly employed by traders in the middle-First Era. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Northpoint Founding Coin needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2196 zoneId = 20 149 = table:000001F6C2594890 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2515AE8 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 149 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_painting_001.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2594970 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C25949B8 firstTable antiquityId = 149 description = It's so rare to find Ayleid architectural art still intact! The Alessian Order took a special glee in wiping out Elven culture. I think the only reason there's any left at all was because they were more interested in wiping out the Elves themselves. This beautiful relief pictures the legendary Spire of Erokii while it still stood. Now the inglorious ruins are simply known as Doomcrag. One day I'll convince someone to carry me to the summit to study the spire's remains. displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Spire of Erokii Frieze needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2197 zoneId = 20 150 = table:000001F6C2594A00 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2516838 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 150 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_tool_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2595E98 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2595810 firstTable antiquityId = 150 description = The tip of this spade-shaped tool forks like the tongue of a serpent, but the only sharpened edge sits along a slot at the base, facing the handle. I can't help but liken it to the cheese servers of Wayrest, but religious engravings suggest otherwise. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000001F6C2595DA0 firstTable antiquityId = 150 description = It's safe to say that the serpent imagery throughout this piece represents the First Serpent, Satakal, in Redguard mythology, best known for devouring itself. Modern devotees are said to shed their skin in gruesome rituals with winding daggers. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000001F6C2595DE8 firstTable antiquityId = 150 description = Testing on a moist—but firm—cheddar, showed that even this long-dull edge can slice a layer thin enough for light to pass through, suggesting that the flensing rituals of Satakal were more restrained in earlier eras. Self-consumption remains unconfirmed. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Satakal Skinrazer needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2198 zoneId = 104 151 = table:000001F6C2594A90 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2516838 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 151 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/quest_cartographers_gloves.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2596210 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2596360 firstTable antiquityId = 151 description = What exquisite steel. Dark whorls of gray flow through a sea of silver like the Ra Gada themselves. I've seen the stylistic elements etched in this metal worn by members of the Crowns in Sentinel, but this nominal gauntlet is clearly ceremonial. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000001F6C25963A8 firstTable antiquityId = 151 description = Not necessarily. Stories of the Firehide clan's battles with the Yokudans in Alik'r persist in the oral tradition. They describe warriors for whom war was a dance and could turn aside a blade with two fingers. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000001F6C254D318 firstTable antiquityId = 151 description = This steel is nearly as strong as orichalcum, but it still wouldn't survive the full force of a blow. If there's truth to the stories of Yokudan's catching swords with their fingers, it wasn't due to the strength of their armor. displayName = Ugron gro-Thumog loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Na-Totambu Two-Finger Gauntlet needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2199 zoneId = 104 152 = table:000001F6C25976A8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2516838 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 152 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_stickwithstring.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2597748 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2597790 firstTable antiquityId = 152 description = I'm amazed this glass rod has survived intact for thousands of years. It's light as a feather and remarkably hard, thanks to the magicka still clinging to it. It vibrates when stuck into sand. After some experimenting, I determined the intensity would rise and fall in proximity to water. Ancient Elves must have used these to travel safely across the Alik'r Desert. Well, as safely as would be possible, there would still need to be water within a half-day's travel for this to detect it. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = false name = Hegathe Divining Rod needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 0 numRecovered = 0 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2200 zoneId = 104 153 = table:000001F6C2598018 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2517E00 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 153 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/crafting_gems_carnelian.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C25985F0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2598748 firstTable antiquityId = 153 description = What could rightly be confused for an ugly, ruddy gemstone appears to be a lacquered clod of reddish-brown dirt. The insignia of the Knights of St. Pelin is pressed into the surface. This could be a relic of the late Pelin's martyrdom. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000001F6C2598790 firstTable antiquityId = 153 description = I think the symbolism is clear, but my research indicates that these were carried by the entire Bangkorai Garrison in the decades following his self-sacrifice. Given their penchant for bloodletting rites, these were likely created by the knightly order. displayName = Reginus Buca loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000001F6C2599470 firstTable antiquityId = 153 description = I can confirm that the dirt within the lacquer is from Bangkorai and that the blood soaked into it came from the same person, but I can't identify who that would have been. Unfortunately, this new information could support either theory. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = St. Pelin's Clod needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 1 requiresLead = false rewardId = 2201 zoneId = 92 154 = table:000001F6C2599648 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2517E00 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 154 difficulty = 2 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_figurine_001.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2599690 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C25997E8 firstTable antiquityId = 154 description = This tree root has been shaped, by unconventional means, into the appearance of a woman with stag horns and cloven feet. The wood is unmarred by tool marks and the bark remains intact. This was likely a work of magic by a local wyrd. displayName = Verita Numida loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true 2 = table:000001F6C2599830 firstTable antiquityId = 154 description = This root is similar to the one Verita studied, though it depicts a scaled woman similar to a Lamia, but retaining more human qualities than any of the beastfolk I've seen. I can't tell if these figures are different aspects of one woman or several. displayName = Gabrielle Benele loreEntryIndex = 2 unlocked = false 3 = table:000001F6C2599878 firstTable antiquityId = 154 description = Another figure, another animal. This one is a wolf woman with six breasts. My theory was that these figures were representations of Hircine, but this latest one casts doubt on that. Perhaps these are totemic Divines, like the Atmorans worshiped? displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 3 unlocked = false name = Wyrd Root Figure needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 2 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2202 zoneId = 92 155 = table:000001F6C2599DD8 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C2517E00 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 155 difficulty = 3 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_trinket.dds isRepeatable = false leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C2599E58 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C2599FA8 firstTable antiquityId = 155 description = For such a far flung and advanced civilization, we know very little about Dwemer daily life. While they were notoriously reclusive, it's presumed that they engaged in some form of commerce, if only with each other. This bar of Dwarven metal is more than a simple ingot. It has a band of beautiful blue crystal through it with the name Arkngthamz-Phng inlaid and a series of Dwarven numerals. These could represent the volume, or weight, or identifier, or its harmonic resonance, or even a secret code! displayName = Amalien loreEntryIndex = 1 unlocked = true name = Dwemer Trade Bar needsCombination = false numDigSites = 0 numGoalsAchieved = 0 numLoreEntriesAcquired = 1 numRecovered = 1 quality = 3 requiresLead = true rewardId = 2203 zoneId = 92 156 = table:000001F6C2599FF0 (meta 000001F6C24E9A30} firstTable antiquityCategoryData = table:000001F6C25115E8 (meta 000001F6C24E3FC8} antiquityId = 156 difficulty = 1 hasLead = false icon = /esoui/art/icons/justice_stolen_unique_bendu_oles_sextant.dds isRepeatable = true leadExpirationTimeS = 45.142513275146 loreEntries = table:000001F6C259ACA0 firstTable 1 = table:000001F6C254D510 firstTable antiquityId = 156 description = A bit rusty, but still in good condition. Late First-Era by the look of it. These appear to be modeled after the designs of the Dwemer observatory found on Stros M'kai. The Hunding name is inscribed, but this device is far younger than that bloodline. displayName = Reginus Buca lore