--[[ A utility object that wraps alpha animation behavior. This makes it easier to control fade in and fade out on a single control that may need to stop or restart an animation before it fully finishes. Rather than making local variables to represent the different animations that could play on the control, this allows you to wrap the control and just call FadeIn, FadeOut on this object...internally the ZO_AlphaAnimation object tracks its own state so it knows which animations to stop or reuse, and knows the current alpha of the control being managed. Here are some usage notes: - Simple utility to play a one-shot animation on a control. - The control is force-shown before the animation starts, and its alpha can be forced to 1. - The control is NOT hidden when the fade out completes...we can add that if necessary - ...and along those lines: after the animation has completed the control REMAINS SHOWN and the animation is released. NOTE: The alpha animations can be told to use the Control's current alpha, rather than forcing it to 1 or 0 before beginning the animation. This will also scale the duration of the animation appropriately. For example, let's say the Control has alpha .25 and we want to play a fade out with a duration of 2 seconds. Setting the fade option to ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_USE_CURRENT_ALPHA will cause the animation to last .5 seconds and fade from .25 to 0 alpha. --]] local ALPHA_OPAQUE = 1 local ALPHA_TRANSPARENT = 0 local function OnAnimationStopped(animation, control) -- The callback is called after releasing the animation and resetting the control so that it can actually spawn another -- animation if necessary. The animation is not passed in because it has already been released. if animation.callback then animation.callback(control) animation.callback = nil end end ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_USE_CURRENT_ALPHA = 1 ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_FORCE_ALPHA = 2 ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_USE_CURRENT_SHOWN = 1 ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_FORCE_SHOWN = 2 local function InitializeAnimationParams(control, delay, duration, fadeOption, shownOption, forcedAlpha) delay = delay or 0 delay = zo_abs(delay) duration = duration or 1 duration = zo_abs(duration) local currentAlpha = control:GetAlpha() if fadeOption == ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_FORCE_ALPHA then control:SetAlpha(forcedAlpha) currentAlpha = forcedAlpha end if shownOption == ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_FORCE_SHOWN then control:SetHidden(false) end return delay, duration, currentAlpha end --[[ Interface to obtain the animation object that is linked to the control --]] function ZO_AlphaAnimation_GetAnimation(control) return control.m_fadeAnimation end ZO_AlphaAnimation = ZO_InitializingObject:Subclass() function ZO_AlphaAnimation:Initialize(animatedControl) if animatedControl then self.m_animatedControl = animatedControl self.m_fadeTimeline = nil self.minAlpha = ALPHA_TRANSPARENT self.maxAlpha = ALPHA_OPAQUE -- Link the control to this animation object animatedControl.m_fadeAnimation = self end end function ZO_AlphaAnimation:GetControl() return self.m_animatedControl end function ZO_AlphaAnimation:SetMinMaxAlpha(minAlpha, maxAlpha) self.minAlpha = minAlpha self.maxAlpha = maxAlpha end ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_PREVENT_CALLBACK = 1 function ZO_AlphaAnimation:Stop(stopOption) if self.m_fadeTimeline then if stopOption == ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_PREVENT_CALLBACK then self.m_fadeTimeline.callback = nil end self.m_fadeTimeline:Stop() end end function ZO_AlphaAnimation:IsPlaying() if self.m_fadeTimeline then return self.m_fadeTimeline:IsPlaying() end return false end local function GetOrCreateFadeAnimation(self, control) if self.m_fadeTimeline then return self.m_fadeTimeline:GetFirstAnimation() else local fade fade, self.m_fadeTimeline = CreateSimpleAnimation(ANIMATION_ALPHA, control) return fade end end function ZO_AlphaAnimation:FadeIn(delay, duration, fadeOption, callback, shownOption) self:Stop() fadeOption = fadeOption or ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_USE_CURRENT_ALPHA shownOption = shownOption or ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_FORCE_SHOWN local control = self.m_animatedControl local currentAlpha delay, duration, currentAlpha = InitializeAnimationParams(control, delay, duration, fadeOption, shownOption, self.minAlpha) local fade = GetOrCreateFadeAnimation(self, control) fade:SetDuration(duration - (currentAlpha * duration)) fade:SetAlphaValues(currentAlpha, self.maxAlpha) fade:SetHandler("OnStop", OnAnimationStopped) fade.callback = callback self.m_fadeTimeline:SetAnimationOffset(fade, delay) self.m_fadeTimeline:SetPlaybackType(ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_ONE_SHOT, 0) self.m_fadeTimeline:PlayFromStart() end function ZO_AlphaAnimation:FadeOut(delay, duration, fadeOption, callback, shownOption) self:Stop() fadeOption = fadeOption or ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_USE_CURRENT_ALPHA shownOption = shownOption or ZO_ALPHA_ANIMATION_OPTION_FORCE_SHOWN local control = self.m_animatedControl local currentAlpha delay, duration, currentAlpha = InitializeAnimationParams(control, delay, duration, fadeOption, shownOption, self.maxAlpha) local fade = GetOrCreateFadeAnimation(self, control) fade:SetDuration(currentAlpha * duration) fade:SetAlphaValues(currentAlpha, self.minAlpha) fade:SetHandler("OnStop", OnAnimationStopped) fade.callback = callback self.m_fadeTimeline:SetAnimationOffset(fade, delay) self.m_fadeTimeline:SetPlaybackType(ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_ONE_SHOT, 0) self.m_fadeTimeline:PlayFromStart() end function ZO_AlphaAnimation:PingPong(initial, final, duration, loopCount, callback) self:Stop() local control = self.m_animatedControl local fade = GetOrCreateFadeAnimation(self, control) fade:SetDuration(duration) fade:SetAlphaValues(initial, final) fade:SetHandler("OnStop", OnAnimationStopped) fade.callback = callback self.m_fadeTimeline:SetAnimationOffset(fade, 0) self.m_fadeTimeline:SetPlaybackType(ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_PING_PONG, loopCount or LOOP_INDEFINITELY) self.m_fadeTimeline:PlayFromStart() end function ZO_AlphaAnimation:SetPlaybackLoopsRemaining(loopCount) self.m_fadeTimeline:SetPlaybackLoopsRemaining(loopCount or LOOP_INDEFINITELY) end function ZO_AlphaAnimation:SetPlaybackLoopCount(loopCount) self.m_fadeTimeline:SetPlaybackLoopCount(loopCount) end function ZO_AlphaAnimation:GetPlaybackLoopsRemaining() return self.m_fadeTimeline:GetPlaybackLoopsRemaining() end