----------------------------------------------------- -- Global helper functions used for screen narration ----------------------------------------------------- --Helper function for determining if something is a narratable object function ZO_IsNarratableObject(narration) if narration and narration.IsInstanceOf and narration:IsInstanceOf(ZO_NarratableObject) then return true end return false end --Helper function for appending a narration to a table of narratable objects function ZO_AppendNarration(destination, narration) if narration then if ZO_IsNarratableObject(narration) then table.insert(destination, narration) else ZO_CombineNumericallyIndexedTables(destination, narration) end end end --Given a grid list entry, returns the narration text from the entry's object. Intended to be used for entries that inherit from ZO_Tile function ZO_GetNarrationTextForGridListTile(entryData) if entryData and entryData.dataEntry then if entryData.dataEntry.control then return entryData.dataEntry.control.object:GetNarrationText() end end end --Generates narration text for a toggle control. The header and enabled parameters are optional --If nothing is passed in for enabled, assume true function ZO_FormatToggleNarrationText(name, isChecked, header, enabled) local isCheckedText if enabled == nil or enabled then isCheckedText = isChecked and GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_TOGGLE_ON) or GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_TOGGLE_OFF) else --If the toggle is disabled, narrate that instead of the on/off state isCheckedText = GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_TOGGLE_DISABLED) end if header then return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_TOGGLE_WITH_HEADER_FORMATTER, name, isCheckedText, header)) else return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_TOGGLE_FORMATTER, name, isCheckedText)) end end --Generates narration text for a radio button control. The header parameter is optional function ZO_FormatRadioButtonNarrationText(name, isChecked, header) local isCheckedText = isChecked and GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_TOGGLE_ON) or GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_TOGGLE_OFF) if header then return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_RADIO_BUTTON_WITH_HEADER_FORMATTER, name, isCheckedText, header)) else return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_RADIO_BUTTON_FORMATTER, name, isCheckedText)) end end do internalassert(TEXT_TYPE_MAX_VALUE == 5) local NUMERIC_ONLY_TEXT_TYPES = { [TEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC] = true, [TEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC_UNSIGNED_INT] = true, } --Generates narration text for an edit control. The name parameter is optional. function ZO_FormatEditBoxNarrationText(editControl, name) if editControl then local narration = SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(name) local textType = editControl:GetTextType() --Use a slightly different string if the edit control is numeric (meaning it only accepts numbers) if NUMERIC_ONLY_TEXT_TYPES[textType] then narration:AddNarrationText(GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_NUMERIC_EDIT_BOX)) else narration:AddNarrationText(GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_EDIT_BOX)) end local valueText = editControl:GetText() --Default to using the current value text of the edit box, and then fall back to the default text if necessary if valueText ~= "" then --If this is a password field, narrate that instead of the actual value if editControl:IsPassword() then narration:AddNarrationText(GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_EDIT_BOX_PASSWORD)) else narration:AddNarrationText(valueText) end else narration:AddNarrationText(editControl:GetDefaultText()) end narration:AddNarrationText(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_EDIT_BOX_INPUT_CHARACTER_LIMIT, editControl:GetMaxInputChars())) return narration end end end --Generates narration text for a spinner. function ZO_FormatSpinnerNarrationText(name, value) if name then return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_SPINNER_FORMATTER, name, value)) else return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_SPINNER_FORMATTER_UNNAMED, value)) end end --Generates narration text for a vertical spinner. function ZO_FormatVerticalSpinnerNarrationText(name, value) if name then return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_VERTICAL_SPINNER_FORMATTER, name, value)) else return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_VERTICAL_SPINNER_FORMATTER_UNNAMED, value)) end end --Generates narration text for a slider function ZO_FormatSliderNarrationText(sliderControl, name) local min, max = sliderControl:GetMinMax() local value = sliderControl:GetValue() return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_SLIDER_FORMATTER, name, value, min, max)) end --Default function for getting the narration text for a dropdown entry in a parametric list function ZO_GetDefaultParametricListDropdownNarrationText(entryData, entryControl) return entryControl.dropdown:GetNarrationText() end --Default function for getting the narration text for an edit box control in a parametric list function ZO_GetDefaultParametricListEditBoxNarrationText(entryData, entryControl) return ZO_FormatEditBoxNarrationText(entryControl.editBoxControl) end --Default function for getting the narration text for a toggle in a parametric list function ZO_GetDefaultParametricListToggleNarrationText(entryData, entryControl) local isChecked = ZO_GamepadCheckBoxTemplate_IsChecked(entryControl) return ZO_FormatToggleNarrationText(entryData.text, isChecked) end --Function for getting a table of narratable objects for sublabels defined in a shared gamepad entry function ZO_GetSharedGamepadEntrySubLabelNarrationText(entryData, entryControl) local narrations = {} if entryData.subLabelsNarrationText then if type(entryData.subLabelsNarrationText) == "function" then local narration = entryData.subLabelsNarrationText(entryData, entryControl) ZO_AppendNarration(narrations, narration) else ZO_AppendNarration(narrations, SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(entryData.subLabelsNarrationText)) end elseif entryData.subLabels then for _, subLabelTextProvider in ipairs(entryData.subLabels) do local subLabelText if type(subLabelTextProvider) == "function" then subLabelText = subLabelTextProvider() else subLabelText = subLabelTextProvider end ZO_AppendNarration(narrations, SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(subLabelText)) end end return narrations end --Function for getting a narratable object for stack count defined in a shared gamepad entry function ZO_GetSharedGamepadEntryStackCountNarrationText(entryData, entryControl) local narration = SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject() if entryData.stackCount then if entryData.stackCount > 1 or entryControl.alwaysShowStackCount then narration:AddNarrationText(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_STACK_COUNT_FORMATTER, entryData.stackCount)) end end return narration end --Function for getting a table of narratable objects for the narration for status indicators in a shared gamepad entry function ZO_GetSharedGamepadEntryStatusIndicatorNarrationText(entryData, entryControl) local narrations = {} if entryControl then if entryControl.statusIndicator and entryControl.statusIndicator.GetNarrationText then ZO_AppendNarration(narrations, entryControl.statusIndicator:GetNarrationText()) end if entryControl.subStatusIcon and entryControl.subStatusIcon.GetNarrationText then ZO_AppendNarration(narrations, entryControl.subStatusIcon:GetNarrationText()) end end return narrations end --Function for getting a narratable object for a progress bar, given a min, max and current value function ZO_GetProgressBarNarrationText(barMin, barMax, barValue) if barMax > barMin then local range = barMax - barMin local percentage = (barValue - barMin) / range percentage = string.format("%.2f", percentage * 100) return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_PROGRESS_BAR_PERCENT_FORMATTER, percentage)) end end --Function for getting a narratable object for a progress bar in a shared gamepad entry function ZO_GetSharedGamepadEntryProgressBarNarrationText(entryData) local barMax = entryData.barMax if barMax then local barMin = entryData.barMin or 0 local barValue = entryData.barValue or 0 return ZO_GetProgressBarNarrationText(barMin, barMax, barValue) end end --Function for grabbing the default narration for a gamepad entry function ZO_GetSharedGamepadEntryDefaultNarrationText(entryData, entryControl) local narrations = {} ZO_AppendNarration(narrations, SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(entryData.text)) ZO_AppendNarration(narrations, ZO_GetSharedGamepadEntrySubLabelNarrationText(entryData, entryControl)) ZO_AppendNarration(narrations, ZO_GetSharedGamepadEntryProgressBarNarrationText(entryData)) ZO_AppendNarration(narrations, ZO_GetSharedGamepadEntryStackCountNarrationText(entryData, entryControl)) ZO_AppendNarration(narrations, ZO_GetSharedGamepadEntryStatusIndicatorNarrationText(entryData, entryControl)) return narrations end --Function for getting a narratable object for a vertex of a triangle picker, given a name and a value function ZO_GetTrianglePickerVertexNarrationText(name, value) local percentage = string.format("%d", value * 100) return SCREEN_NARRATION_MANAGER:CreateNarratableObject(zo_strformat(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_TRIANGLE_PICKER_PERCENT_FORMATTER, name, percentage)) end do local function CreateKeybindNarrationData(info, keybind) local data = { name = info.text, keybindName = ZO_Keybindings_GetNarrationStringFromKeys(keybind, KEY_INVALID, KEY_INVALID, KEY_INVALID, KEY_INVALID), enabled = info.enabled, } return data end --Function for getting a table of keybind narration info for each direction that has info specified in the parameters function ZO_GetDirectionalInputNarrationData(leftInfo, rightInfo, upInfo, downInfo) local narrationData = {} local shouldNarrateGamepad = ZO_Keybindings_ShouldShowGamepadKeybind() if leftInfo then local keybind = shouldNarrateGamepad and KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT or KEY_LEFTARROW table.insert(narrationData, CreateKeybindNarrationData(leftInfo, keybind)) end if rightInfo then local keybind = shouldNarrateGamepad and KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT or KEY_RIGHTARROW table.insert(narrationData, CreateKeybindNarrationData(rightInfo, keybind)) end if upInfo then local keybind = shouldNarrateGamepad and KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP or KEY_UPARROW table.insert(narrationData, CreateKeybindNarrationData(upInfo, keybind)) end if downInfo then local keybind = ZO_Keybindings_ShouldShowGamepadKeybind() and KEY_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN or KEY_DOWNARROW table.insert(narrationData, CreateKeybindNarrationData(downInfo, keybind)) end return narrationData end end do local DEFAULT_LEFT_TEXT = GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_DIRECTIONAL_INPUT_PREVIOUS) local DEFAULT_RIGHT_TEXT = GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_DIRECTIONAL_INPUT_NEXT) local DEFAULT_DOWN_TEXT = GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_DIRECTIONAL_INPUT_PREVIOUS) local DEFAULT_UP_TEXT = GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_DIRECTIONAL_INPUT_NEXT) --Helper function for getting keybind narration info specifically for horizontal directional input. --If nothing is specified for leftText or rightText, we will fall back to "Previous" and "Next" respectively --If nothing is specified for leftEnabled or rightEnabled, we will fall back to true function ZO_GetHorizontalDirectionalInputNarrationData(leftText, rightText, leftEnabled, rightEnabled) local leftInfo = { text = leftText or DEFAULT_LEFT_TEXT, enabled = leftEnabled == nil and true or leftEnabled, } local rightInfo = { text = rightText or DEFAULT_RIGHT_TEXT, enabled = rightEnabled == nil and true or rightEnabled, } return ZO_GetDirectionalInputNarrationData(leftInfo, rightInfo) end --Helper function for getting keybind narration info specifically for vertical directional input. --If nothing is specified for upText or downText, we will fall back to "Next" and "Previous" respectively --If nothing is specified for upEnabled or downEnabled, we will fall back to true function ZO_GetVerticalDirectionalInputNarrationData(upText, downText, upEnabled, downEnabled) local upInfo = { text = upText or DEFAULT_UP_TEXT, enabled = upEnabled == nil and true or upEnabled, } local downInfo = { text = downText or DEFAULT_DOWN_TEXT, enabled = downEnabled == nil and true or downEnabled, } local NO_LEFT_INFO = nil local NO_RIGHT_INFO = nil return ZO_GetDirectionalInputNarrationData(NO_LEFT_INFO, NO_RIGHT_INFO, upInfo, downInfo) end --Helper function for getting keybind narration info specifically for combined vertical and horizontal directional input. --If nothing is specified for the text values, the corresponding keybind will have no name --If nothing is specified for the enabled values, we will fall back to true function ZO_GetCombinedDirectionalInputNarrationData(leftText, rightText, upText, downText, leftEnabled, rightEnabled, upEnabled, downEnabled) local leftInfo = { text = leftText, enabled = leftEnabled == nil and true or leftEnabled, } local rightInfo = { text = rightText, enabled = rightEnabled == nil and true or rightEnabled, } local upInfo = { text = upText, enabled = upEnabled == nil and true or upEnabled, } local downInfo = { text = downText, enabled = downEnabled == nil and true or downEnabled, } return ZO_GetDirectionalInputNarrationData(leftInfo, rightInfo, upInfo, downInfo) end end --Helper function for getting keybind narration info specifically for horizontal directional input for elements that are numeric in nature. --If leftEnabled or rightEnabled are not specified, we will assume enabled is true function ZO_GetNumericHorizontalDirectionalInputNarrationData(leftEnabled, rightEnabled) return ZO_GetHorizontalDirectionalInputNarrationData(GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_DIRECTIONAL_INPUT_DECREASE), GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_DIRECTIONAL_INPUT_INCREASE), leftEnabled, rightEnabled) end --Helper function for getting keybind narration info specifically for vertical directional input for elements that are numeric in nature. --If upEnabled or downEnabled are not specified, we will assume enabled is true function ZO_GetNumericVerticalDirectionalInputNarrationData(upEnabled, downEnabled) return ZO_GetVerticalDirectionalInputNarrationData(GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_DIRECTIONAL_INPUT_INCREASE), GetString(SI_SCREEN_NARRATION_DIRECTIONAL_INPUT_DECREASE), upEnabled, downEnabled) end