--[[ Menubar usage notes: A bar of buttons that resize when you mouse over them and act like a radio button group. Create a control that inherits from ZO_MenuBarTemplate, and use ZO_MenuBar_AddButton to add buttons to it. * ZO_MenuBar_AddButton takes a table describing the states of the new button: buttonData = { descriptor = Something that uniquely describes the button you want to add (among all the buttons you will add). Used for removal, auto-selection, etc... normal = Path to the image to use for the control when it's in its normal state (unpressed, not moused over) pressed = Path to the image to use for the control when it's in its pressed state (the user has pressed LMB while over the control, the highlight is shown when the button is pressed/clicked) disabled = Path to the image to use for the control when it's in its disabled state (the control cannot be clicked on/doesn't respond to mouseover: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) highlight = Path to the image to use for the control when the mouse is over it, or its clicked callback = A function to call when the user clicks the control (LMB down->up while still inside the control), the callback receives this table as an argument statusIcon = Path to the image, or function returning the potential path, to use for the control to denote status of the contents the button links to } Example: local menuBar = CreateControlFromVirtual("testBar", GuiRoot, "ZO_MenuBarTemplate") menuBar:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT, GuiRoot, TOPRIGHT, -25, 25) local fancyButton = { descriptor = "fancy", normal = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_weapons_up.dds", pressed = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_weapons_down.dds", disabled = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_weapons_disabled.dds", highlight = "EsoUI/Art/Inventory/inventory_tabIcon_weapons_over.dds", callback = function() ...do stuff... end, statusIcon = function() return "EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/new_icon.dds" end, } local newControl = ZO_MenuBar_AddButton(menuBar, fancyButton) NOTE: The actual control that was added is returned by this function. Do whatever you want to it. * If you want to set up the bar to use different button templates, padding, anchoring styles, etc...use: Example: local barData = { initialButtonAnchorPoint = RIGHT, -- LEFT is default, buttons will be laid out left-to-right, RIGHT is opposite buttonTemplate = "desiredTemplate", -- default uses internal template buttonPadding = 16, -- 0 is default, negatives are fine, this is xOffset on the anchors normalSize = 32, -- 32 is default, size of the buttons when they are unpressed downSize = 50, -- 50 is default, size of the buttons when they are moused over/clicked...changes sizes smoothly. animationDuration = 180 -- 180 is default, duration in milliseconds of the resize animation } ZO_MenuBar_SetData(menuBar, barData) NOTE: Calls to ZO_MenuBar_SetData after buttons have been added is not supported. If the template changes midstream, you're really doing something wrong. Stop that. If you want to create a tab that does not show up on the tab bar, but is selectable programmatically (Ex. trading house sellable items tab) You must set the "hidden" value to false, but you must also set "ignoreVisibleCheck" to true. this will cause the button to not show up on the tab bar, but if you were to select it using ZO_MenuBar_SelectDescriptor --]] --[[ Menu Button Object --]] local ADJUST_SIZE_INSTANT = true local ADJUST_SIZE_ANIMATED = false local MenuBarButton = ZO_Object:Subclass() function MenuBarButton:New(...) local object = ZO_Object.New(self) object:Initialize(...) return object end function MenuBarButton:Initialize(button) self.m_button = button self.m_image = button:GetNamedChild("Image") self.m_highlight = button:GetNamedChild("ImageHighlight") self.m_statusIcon = button:GetNamedChild("Status") self.m_state = BSTATE_DISABLED self.m_highlightHidden = true self.m_image:SetDimensions(32, 32) -- start out at some default size... end function MenuBarButton:Reset() if self.m_anim then self.m_anim:GetTimeline():Stop() end self.m_highlightHidden = true self.m_statusIcon:SetHidden(true) self.m_locked = false self:SetState(BSTATE_DISABLED, ADJUST_SIZE_INSTANT) local onResetCallback = self.m_buttonData.onResetCallback if onResetCallback then onResetCallback(self.m_button) end end function MenuBarButton:UpdateTexturesFromState() local state = self.m_state local buttonData = self.m_buttonData local texture if(state == BSTATE_NORMAL) then texture = buttonData.normal elseif(state == BSTATE_PRESSED) then texture = buttonData.pressed elseif(state == BSTATE_DISABLED) then texture = buttonData.disabled end self.m_image:SetTexture(texture) self.m_highlight:SetHidden(self.m_highlightHidden) end local legalStates = { [BSTATE_NORMAL] = true, [BSTATE_PRESSED] = true, [BSTATE_DISABLED] = true, } function MenuBarButton:GetState() return self.m_state end function MenuBarButton:SetState(state, adjustSizeInstant) if legalStates[state] and state ~= self.m_state then self.m_state = state self:UpdateTexturesFromState() if adjustSizeInstant then local normalSize, downSize = self:GetAnimationData() if state == BSTATE_PRESSED then self.m_image:SetDimensions(downSize, downSize) else self.m_image:SetDimensions(normalSize, normalSize) end if self.m_anim then local timeline = self.m_anim:GetTimeline() timeline:Stop() if state == BSTATE_PRESSED then timeline:SetProgress(0) else timeline:SetProgress(1) end end else if state == BSTATE_PRESSED then self:SizeUp() else self:SizeDown() end end local buttonData = self.m_buttonData if state == BSTATE_NORMAL then if buttonData.onButtonStateNormal then buttonData.onButtonStateNormal(self.m_button) end elseif state == BSTATE_PRESSED then if buttonData.onButtonStatePressed then buttonData.onButtonStatePressed(self.m_button) end elseif state == BSTATE_DISABLED then if buttonData.onButtonStateDisabled then buttonData.onButtonStateDisabled(self.m_button) end end end end function MenuBarButton:SetHighlightHidden(hidden) if hidden ~= self.m_highlightHidden then self.m_highlightHidden = hidden self:UpdateTexturesFromState() end end function MenuBarButton:CreateAnim(sizingUp) if not self.m_anim then self.m_anim = CreateSimpleAnimation(ANIMATION_SIZE, self.m_image) local normalSize, downSize, duration = self:GetAnimationData() self.m_anim:SetStartAndEndHeight(normalSize, downSize) self.m_anim:SetStartAndEndWidth(normalSize, downSize) self.m_anim:SetDuration(duration) if sizingUp then self.m_anim:GetTimeline():PlayInstantlyToStart() else self.m_anim:GetTimeline():PlayInstantlyToEnd() end end end local SIZING_UP = true function MenuBarButton:SizeUp() self:CreateAnim(SIZING_UP) self.m_anim:GetTimeline():PlayForward() end local SIZING_DOWN = false function MenuBarButton:SizeDown() self:CreateAnim(SIZING_DOWN) self.m_anim:GetTimeline():PlayBackward() end function MenuBarButton:SetData(owner, buttonData) self.m_buttonData = buttonData self.m_menuBar = owner self.m_highlight:SetTexture(buttonData.highlight) self:SetState(BSTATE_NORMAL, ADJUST_SIZE_INSTANT) self:RefreshStatus() end function MenuBarButton:MouseEnter() if self.m_state ~= BSTATE_PRESSED and self.m_state ~= BSTATE_DISABLED then self:SetHighlightHidden(false) self:SizeUp() end return self.m_state ~= BSTATE_DISABLED end function MenuBarButton:MouseExit() if self.m_state ~= BSTATE_PRESSED and self.m_state ~= BSTATE_DISABLED then self:SetHighlightHidden(true) self:SizeDown() end return self.m_state ~= BSTATE_DISABLED end function MenuBarButton:Press(adjustSizeInstant) if self.m_state ~= BSTATE_DISABLED then self:SetState(BSTATE_PRESSED, adjustSizeInstant) end end function MenuBarButton:UnPress(adjustSizeInstant) if self.m_state ~= BSTATE_DISABLED then self.m_highlightHidden = true -- batch update, don't allow texture update from this self:SetState(BSTATE_NORMAL, adjustSizeInstant) end end function MenuBarButton:SetEnabled(enabled, adjustSizeInstant) if enabled then if self.m_state == BSTATE_DISABLED then if MouseIsOver(self.m_button) then self.m_state = BSTATE_NORMAL zo_callHandler(self.m_button, "OnMouseEnter") else self:SetState(BSTATE_NORMAL, adjustSizeInstant) end end else if self.m_state ~= BSTATE_DISABLED then if MouseIsOver(self.m_button) then zo_callHandler(self.m_button, "OnMouseExit") end self.m_highlightHidden = true self:SetState(BSTATE_DISABLED, adjustSizeInstant) end end end function MenuBarButton:SetLocked(locked) self.m_locked = locked end local PLAYER_DRIVEN = true local CODE_DRIVEN = false function MenuBarButton:Release(upInside, skipAnimation, playerDriven) if self.m_locked then return end if self.m_state ~= BSTATE_DISABLED then if upInside then self.m_menuBar:SetClickedButton(self, skipAnimation) local buttonData = self.m_buttonData if buttonData.callback then buttonData:callback(playerDriven) end local clickSound = buttonData.clickSound or self.m_menuBar:GetClickSound() if clickSound and playerDriven then PlaySound(clickSound) end else self:UnPress(skipAnimation) end end end function MenuBarButton:RefreshStatus() local buttonData = self.m_buttonData if buttonData.statusIcon then local textureFile if type(buttonData.statusIcon) == "function" then textureFile = buttonData.statusIcon() else textureFile = buttonData.statusIcon end if textureFile then self.m_statusIcon:SetTexture(textureFile) self.m_statusIcon:SetHidden(false) return end end self.m_statusIcon:SetHidden(true) end function MenuBarButton:GetDescriptor() return self.m_buttonData and self.m_buttonData.descriptor end function MenuBarButton:GetControl() return self.m_button end function MenuBarButton:GetAnimationData() local normalSize, downSize, animationDuration = self.m_menuBar:GetAnimationData() normalSize = self.m_buttonData.overrideNormalSize or normalSize downSize = self.m_buttonData.overrideDownSize or downSize return normalSize, downSize, animationDuration end --[[ Menu Bar Controller Object --]] local INDEX_BUTTON = 1 local INDEX_POOL_KEY = 2 local INDEX_DESCRIPTOR = 3 local MenuBar = ZO_Object:Subclass() function MenuBar:New(...) local object = ZO_Object.New(self) object:Initialize(...) return object end function MenuBar:Initialize(control) self.m_buttons = {} self.m_control = control self.m_point = LEFT self.m_relativePoint = RIGHT self.m_buttonPadding = 0 self.m_clickSound = SOUNDS.MENU_BAR_CLICK end function MenuBar:GetClickSound() return self.m_clickSound end function MenuBar:SetClickSound(clickSound) self.m_clickSound = clickSound end function MenuBar:ClearClickSound() self.m_clickSound = nil end local function IsVisible(buttonData) if buttonData.hidden then return false else return not buttonData.visible or buttonData.visible(buttonData) end end local function IsEnabled(buttonData) return not buttonData.enabled or buttonData.enabled(buttonData) end local function GetBarPadding(buttonData) return buttonData.barPadding end function MenuBar:SelectFirstVisibleButton(skipAnimation) for i, button in ipairs(self.m_buttons) do local buttonControl = button[INDEX_BUTTON] local isVisible = IsVisible(buttonControl.m_object.m_buttonData) if isVisible then self:SelectDescriptor(button[INDEX_DESCRIPTOR], skipAnimation) return end end end function MenuBar:SelectLastVisibleButton(skipAnimation) for i = #self.m_buttons, 1, -1 do local button = self.m_buttons[i] local buttonControl = button[INDEX_BUTTON] local isVisible = IsVisible(buttonControl.m_object.m_buttonData) if isVisible then self:SelectDescriptor(button[INDEX_DESCRIPTOR], skipAnimation) return end end end function MenuBar:UpdateButtons(forceSelection) self.m_barPool:ReleaseAllObjects() local lastVisibleButton local lastDivider local lastDividerPadding for i, button in ipairs(self.m_buttons) do local buttonControl = button[INDEX_BUTTON] buttonControl:ClearAnchors() local buttonData = buttonControl.m_object.m_buttonData local isVisible = IsVisible(buttonData) buttonControl:SetHidden(not isVisible) if buttonData.enabled ~= nil then self:SetDescriptorEnabled(buttonData.descriptor, IsEnabled(buttonData)) end if isVisible then if lastDivider and lastDividerPadding then buttonControl:SetAnchor(self.m_point, lastDivider, self.m_relativePoint, lastDividerPadding) elseif lastVisibleButton then local previousButtonExtraPadding = buttonData.previousButtonExtraPadding or 0 buttonControl:SetAnchor(self.m_point, lastVisibleButton, self.m_relativePoint, self.m_buttonPadding + previousButtonExtraPadding) else buttonControl:SetAnchor(self.m_point, nil, self.m_point, 0, 0) end lastVisibleButton = buttonControl buttonControl.m_object:RefreshStatus() end local barPadding = GetBarPadding(buttonData) if barPadding then -- create a bar control and place it next to lastVisibleButton -- make sure the next button control is next to the newly created bar lastDivider = self.m_barPool:AcquireObject() lastDivider:SetAnchor(self.m_point, lastVisibleButton, self.m_relativePoint, barPadding) lastDividerPadding = barPadding else lastDivider = nil lastDividerPadding = nil end end if self.m_clickedButton and not IsVisible(self.m_clickedButton.m_buttonData) then if forceSelection then local SKIP_ANIM = true self:SelectFirstVisibleButton(SKIP_ANIM) else self:ClearSelection() end end end function MenuBar:AddButton(buttonData) local button, key = self.m_pool:AcquireObject() local onInitializeCallback = buttonData.onInitializeCallback if onInitializeCallback then onInitializeCallback(button) end button.m_object:SetData(self, buttonData) table.insert(self.m_buttons, { button, key, buttonData.descriptor }) -- update constants if order changes! self:UpdateButtons() return button end function MenuBar:ButtonControlIterator() local buttons = {} for _, button in ipairs(self.m_buttons) do table.insert(buttons, button[INDEX_BUTTON]) end return ipairs(buttons) end function MenuBar:GetButtonControl(descriptor) local buttonObject = self:ButtonObjectForDescriptor(descriptor) if buttonObject then return buttonObject:GetControl() end end function MenuBar:ClearButtons() self.m_clickedButton = nil self.m_lastClickedButton = nil self.m_pool:ReleaseAllObjects() self.m_barPool:ReleaseAllObjects() self.m_buttons = {} end function MenuBar:SetAllButtonsEnabled(enabled, skipAnimation) if self.allEnabled ~= enabled then self.allEnabled = enabled for i, button in ipairs(self.m_buttons) do local buttonControl = button[INDEX_BUTTON] buttonControl.m_object:SetEnabled(self.allEnabled, skipAnimation) if enabled and buttonControl.m_object == self.m_clickedButton then self:SetClickedButton(buttonControl.m_object, skipAnimation) else buttonControl.m_object:SetLocked(not enabled) end end end end function MenuBar:GetSelectedDescriptor() return self.m_clickedButton and self.m_clickedButton:GetDescriptor() end function MenuBar:GetLastSelectedDescriptor() return self.m_lastClickedButton and self.m_lastClickedButton:GetDescriptor() end function MenuBar:SetClickedButton(buttonObject, skipAnimation) if self.m_clickedButton then self.m_clickedButton:SetLocked(false) self.m_clickedButton:UnPress(skipAnimation) self.m_lastClickedButton = self.m_clickedButton self.m_clickedButton = nil end if buttonObject then self.m_clickedButton = buttonObject self.m_clickedButton:SetLocked(true) self.m_clickedButton:Press(skipAnimation) end end function MenuBar:RestoreLastClickedButton(skipAnimation) if self.m_lastClickedButton then self:SetClickedButton(self.m_lastClickedButton, skipAnimation) end end function MenuBar:SetData(data) if self.m_pool ~= nil then return end if data.initialButtonAnchorPoint and data.initialButtonAnchorPoint == RIGHT then self.m_point = RIGHT self.m_relativePoint = LEFT else self.m_point = LEFT self.m_relativePoint = RIGHT end self.m_pool = ZO_ControlPool:New(data.buttonTemplate or "ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate1", self.m_control, "Button") self.m_pool:SetCustomResetBehavior(function(control) control.m_object:Reset() end) self.m_barPool = ZO_ControlPool:New(data.barTemplate or "ZO_MenuBarPaddingBarTemplate", self.m_control, "PaddingBar") self.m_buttonPadding = data.buttonPadding or 0 self.m_normalSize = data.normalSize or 32 self.m_downSize = data.downSize or 50 self.m_animationDuration = data.animationDuration or 180 end function MenuBar:ButtonObjectForDescriptor(descriptor) for _, data in ipairs(self.m_buttons) do if data[INDEX_DESCRIPTOR] == descriptor then return data[INDEX_BUTTON].m_object end end end function MenuBar:SelectDescriptor(descriptor, skipAnimation, reselectIfSelected) local buttonObject = self:ButtonObjectForDescriptor(descriptor) if buttonObject then if IsVisible(buttonObject.m_buttonData) or buttonObject.m_buttonData.ignoreVisibleCheck then if (self.m_clickedButton and (self.m_clickedButton.m_buttonData == buttonObject.m_buttonData)) and not reselectIfSelected then return end self:SetClickedButton(nil, skipAnimation) -- reset -- TODO: use xml api? if not skipAnimation then buttonObject:MouseEnter() end buttonObject:Release(true, skipAnimation, CODE_DRIVEN) return true end end return false end function MenuBar:ClearSelection() self:SetClickedButton(nil, ADJUST_SIZE_INSTANT) -- reset end function MenuBar:SetDescriptorEnabled(descriptor, enabled) local buttonObject = self:ButtonObjectForDescriptor(descriptor) if(buttonObject) then local currentState = buttonObject:GetState() if(enabled and currentState == BSTATE_DISABLED) then buttonObject:SetState(BSTATE_NORMAL, ADJUST_SIZE_INSTANT) elseif(not enabled) then buttonObject:SetState(BSTATE_DISABLED, ADJUST_SIZE_INSTANT) end end end function MenuBar:GetAnimationData() return self.m_normalSize, self.m_downSize, self.m_animationDuration end --[[ XML/External API for Menu Button --]] function ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnInitialized(self) self.m_object = MenuBarButton:New(self) end function ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseEnter(self) return self.m_object:MouseEnter() end function ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseExit(self) return self.m_object:MouseExit() end function ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnPress(self, button) if button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_LEFT then self.m_object:Press() end end function ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseUp(self, button, upInside) if button == MOUSE_BUTTON_INDEX_LEFT then self.m_object:Release(upInside, ADJUST_SIZE_ANIMATED, PLAYER_DRIVEN) end end function ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_GetData(self) return self.m_object.m_buttonData end --[[ XML/External API for Menu Bar --]] function ZO_MenuBar_OnInitialized(self) self.m_object = MenuBar:New(self) end function ZO_MenuBar_SetData(self, data) self.m_object:SetData(data) end function ZO_MenuBar_AddButton(self, buttonData) return self.m_object:AddButton(buttonData) end function ZO_MenuBar_GenerateButtonTabData(name, descriptor, normal, pressed, highlight, disabled, customTooltipFunction, alwaysShowTooltip, playerDrivenCallback) return { activeTabText = name, categoryName = name, descriptor = descriptor, normal = normal, pressed = pressed, highlight = highlight, disabled = disabled, CustomTooltipFunction = customTooltipFunction, alwaysShowTooltip = alwaysShowTooltip ~= false, callback = function(tabData, playerDriven) if playerDriven then playerDrivenCallback(tabData) end end, } end function ZO_MenuBar_GetButtonControl(self, descriptor) return self.m_object:GetButtonControl(descriptor) end function ZO_MenuBar_UpdateButtons(self, forceSelection) return self.m_object:UpdateButtons(forceSelection) end function ZO_MenuBar_ButtonControlIterator(self) return self.m_object:ButtonControlIterator() end function ZO_MenuBar_ClearButtons(self) self.m_object:ClearButtons() end function ZO_MenuBar_SelectDescriptor(self, descriptor, skipAnimation, reselectIfSelected) return self.m_object:SelectDescriptor(descriptor, skipAnimation, reselectIfSelected) end function ZO_MenuBar_SelectFirstVisibleButton(self, skipAnimation) return self.m_object:SelectFirstVisibleButton(skipAnimation) end function ZO_MenuBar_SelectLastVisibleButton(self, skipAnimation) return self.m_object:SelectLastVisibleButton(skipAnimation) end function ZO_MenuBar_SetDescriptorEnabled(self, descriptor, enabled) self.m_object:SetDescriptorEnabled(descriptor, enabled) end function ZO_MenuBar_GetSelectedDescriptor(self) return self.m_object:GetSelectedDescriptor() end function ZO_MenuBar_GetLastSelectedDescriptor(self) return self.m_object:GetLastSelectedDescriptor() end function ZO_MenuBar_ClearSelection(self) self.m_object:ClearSelection() end function ZO_MenuBar_SetAllButtonsEnabled(self, enabled, skipAnimation) self.m_object:SetAllButtonsEnabled(enabled, skipAnimation) end function ZO_MenuBar_SetClickSound(self, clickSound) self.m_object:SetClickSound(clickSound) end function ZO_MenuBar_ClearClickSound(self) self.m_object:ClearClickSound() end function ZO_MenuBar_RestoreLastClickedButton(self, skipAnimation) self.m_object:RestoreLastClickedButton(skipAnimation) end --ZO_LabelButtonBar function ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton_OnMouseEnter(self) local buttonData = ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_GetData(self) if ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseEnter(self) or buttonData.alwaysShowTooltip then InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, self, BOTTOM, 0, -10) if buttonData.CustomTooltipFunction then buttonData.CustomTooltipFunction(InformationTooltip) else local name = buttonData.categoryName if type(buttonData.categoryName) == "number" then name = GetString(buttonData.categoryName) end SetTooltipText(InformationTooltip, zo_strformat(SI_MENU_BAR_TOOLTIP, name)) end end end function ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton_OnMouseExit(self) local buttonData = ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_GetData(self) if ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseExit(self) or buttonData.alwaysShowTooltip then ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip) end end function ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplateWithTooltip_OnMouseEnter(self) if ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_OnMouseEnter(self) then local buttonData = ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplate_GetData(self) if buttonData.tooltip then InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, self, BOTTOM, 0, -10) SetTooltipText(InformationTooltip, zo_strformat(SI_MENU_BAR_TOOLTIP, GetString(buttonData.tooltip))) end end end function ZO_MenuBarButtonTemplateWithTooltip_OnMouseExit(self) ZO_MenuBarTooltipButton_OnMouseExit(self) end