function ZO_Pregame_HasPlayedVideos() return GetCVar("HasPlayedPregameVideo") ~= "0" end function ZO_Pregame_ShouldSkipVideos() -- only skip if the cvar is set, _and_ the player has seen the videos at least once return GetCVar("SkipPregameVideos") ~= "0" and ZO_Pregame_HasPlayedVideos() end ZO_PREGAME_CHARACTER_COUNT = 0 ZO_PREGAME_FIRED_CHARACTER_CONSTRUCTION_READY = false ZO_PREGAME_CHARACTER_LIST_RECEIVED = false ZO_PREGAME_HAD_GLOBAL_ERROR = false local QUEUE_VIDEO = false local g_currentStateName = nil local g_currentStateData = nil local g_previousState = nil local loadingUpdates = false -- We don't want to show the video or the chapter upsell when we're logging out, only when we're logging in local shouldTryToPlayChapterOpeningCinematic = false local shouldTryToShowChapterInterstitial = false function Pregame_ShowScene(sceneName) SCENE_MANAGER:Show(sceneName) ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseAllDialogsExcept("HANDLE_ERROR", "HANDLE_ERROR_WITH_HELP") end function AttemptQuickLaunch() if GetCVar("QuickLaunch") == "1" then local acctName = GetCVar("AccountName") local acctPwd = GetCVar("AccountPassword") if acctName ~= "" and acctPwd ~= "" then PregameLogin(acctName, acctPwd) end end end function AttemptToFireCharacterConstructionReady() if not ZO_PREGAME_FIRED_CHARACTER_CONSTRUCTION_READY and IsPregameCharacterConstructionReady() and ZO_PREGAME_CHARACTER_LIST_RECEIVED then ZO_PREGAME_FIRED_CHARACTER_CONSTRUCTION_READY = true CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks("OnCharacterConstructionReady") end end local AttemptToPlayIntroCinematic do function AttemptToPlayIntroCinematic() SetVideoCancelAllOnCancelAny(true) local videoDataId = GetOpeningCinematicVideoDataId() ZO_PlayVideoAndAdvance(PlayVideoById, videoDataId, QUEUE_VIDEO, VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION_FOR_SKIP) end end local g_sharedPregameStates = { ["CharacterSelect_FromIngame"] = { OnEnter = function() -- Let the character list receipt determine the state to go to. RequestCharacterList() end, OnExit = function() end }, ["CharacterSelect_PlayCinematic"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() return false end, OnEnter = function() if not ZO_PREGAME_IS_CHARACTER_SELECT_CINEMATIC_PLAYING then AttemptToPlayIntroCinematic() ZO_PREGAME_IS_CHARACTER_SELECT_CINEMATIC_PLAYING = true if IsInGamepadPreferredMode() then --Stops extra button presses from modifying the options scene, like restoring options defaults or logging out GAMEPAD_OPTIONS:SetGamepadOptionsInputBlocked(true); end end end, GetStateTransitionData = function() return "CharacterSelect_FromCinematic" end, OnExit = function() end, }, ["CharacterSelect_FromCinematic"] = { OnEnter = function() ZO_PREGAME_IS_CHARACTER_SELECT_CINEMATIC_PLAYING = false if IsInGamepadPreferredMode() then GAMEPAD_OPTIONS:SetGamepadOptionsInputBlocked(false) end end, OnExit = function() end }, ["PlayChapterOpeningCinematic"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() return false end, OnEnter = function() AttemptToPlayIntroCinematic() SCENE_MANAGER:ShowBaseScene() end, GetStateTransitionData = function() return "WaitForGameDataLoaded" end, OnExit = function() end, }, ["WaitForGameDataLoaded"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() local loaded, total = GetDataLoadStatus() return loaded == total end, OnEnter = function() SuppressWorldList() RegisterForLoadingUpdates() -- Make sure we aren't showing a scene here if we -- didn't show the cinematic before switching to this scene SCENE_MANAGER:ShowBaseScene() end, OnExit = function() end, GetStateTransitionData = function() return "ChapterUpgradeInterstitial" end }, ["CharacterCreateFadeIn"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() return false end, OnEnter = function() ZO_CharacterCreate_FadeIn() end, GetStateTransitionData = function() return "CharacterCreate" end, OnExit = function() end, }, ["CharacterCreate"] = { OnEnter = function() ZO_CHARACTERCREATE_MANAGER:SetCharacterMode(CHARACTER_MODE_CREATION) local characterCreate = SYSTEMS:GetObject(ZO_CHARACTER_CREATE_SYSTEM_NAME) characterCreate:Reset() characterCreate:InitializeForCharacterCreate() if IsInGamepadPreferredMode() then Pregame_ShowScene("gamepadCharacterCreate") else Pregame_ShowScene("gameMenuCharacterCreate") -- PEGI update currently only needs to be shown on PC if DoesPlatformRequirePregamePEGI() and not HasAgreedToPEGI() then ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("PEGI_COUNTRY_SELECT") end end end, OnExit = function() ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseDialog("CHARACTER_CREATE_CREATING") SetCharacterCameraZoomAmount(-1) -- zoom all the way out when leaving this state end }, ["CharacterCreate_Barbershop"] = { OnEnter = function() if IsInGamepadPreferredMode() then Pregame_ShowScene("gamepadCharacterCreate") else Pregame_ShowScene("gameMenuCharacterCreate") end end, OnExit = function() ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseDialog("CHARACTER_CREATE_CREATING") SetCharacterCameraZoomAmount(-1) -- zoom all the way out when leaving this state end }, ["ChapterUpgrade"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() return false end, OnEnter = function() if IsInGamepadPreferredMode() then Pregame_ShowScene("chapterUpgradeGamepad") else Pregame_ShowScene("chapterUpgradeKeyboard") end end, GetStateTransitionData = function() return "CharacterSelect" end, OnExit = function() end, }, ["ChapterUpgradeInterstitial"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() if not shouldTryToShowChapterInterstitial then return true end return not CHAPTER_UPGRADE_MANAGER:ShouldShow() end, OnEnter = function() if IsInGamepadPreferredMode() then Pregame_ShowScene("chapterUpgradeGamepad") else Pregame_ShowScene("chapterUpgradeKeyboard") end end, GetStateTransitionData = function() return "WaitForCharacterDataLoaded" end, OnExit = function() end, }, ["WaitForCharacterDataLoaded"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() return IsPregameCharacterConstructionReady() end, OnEnter = function() end, GetStateTransitionData = function() if ZO_PREGAME_CHARACTER_COUNT > 0 then return "CharacterSelect" else return "CharacterCreateFadeIn" end end, OnExit = function() end, }, ["BeginLoadingIntoWorld"] = { OnEnter = function() if IsInGamepadPreferredMode() then ZO_CharacterSelect_Gamepad_ShowLoginScreen() else SCENE_MANAGER:ShowBaseScene() ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("REQUESTING_CHARACTER_LOAD") end end, OnExit = function() end }, ["ScreenAdjustIntro"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() return not IsConsoleUI() or GetCVar("PregameScreenAdjustEnabled") ~= "1" end, OnEnter = function() SCENE_MANAGER:Show("screenAdjust") SetCVar("PregameScreenAdjustEnabled", "false") end, OnExit = function() end, GetStateTransitionData = function() return "GammaAdjust" end, }, ["GammaAdjust"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() return not ZO_GammaAdjust_NeedsFirstSetup() end, OnEnter = function() SCENE_MANAGER:Show("gammaAdjust") end, OnExit = function() SetCVar("PregameGammaCheckEnabled", "false") end, GetStateTransitionData = function() if IsInGamepadPreferredMode() or not DoesPlatformSelectServer() then return "ShowEULA" else return "ServerSelectIntro" end end, }, ["PlayIntroMovies"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() return ZO_Pregame_ShouldSkipVideos() end, OnEnter = function() -- If you haven't played the videos, you can't skip them until they finish... local skipMode if IsConsoleUI() then skipMode = VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_ALLOW_SKIP else skipMode = ZO_Pregame_HasPlayedVideos() and VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_ALLOW_SKIP or VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_NO_SKIP end -- TODO: Determine if these videos need localization or subtitles... SetVideoCancelAllOnCancelAny(false) PlayVideo("Video/Bethesda_logo.bik", QUEUE_VIDEO, skipMode) ZO_PlayVideoAndAdvance(PlayVideo, "Video/ZOS_logo.bik", QUEUE_VIDEO, skipMode) end, GetStateTransitionData = function() return "ShowHavokSplashScreen" end, OnExit = function() end, }, ["ShowLegalSplashScreen"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() return ZO_Pregame_ShouldSkipVideos() end, OnEnter = function() SCENE_MANAGER:Show("copyrightLogosSplash") end, GetStateTransitionData = function() return "AccountLoginEntryPoint" end, OnExit = function() end, }, ["ShowHavokSplashScreen"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() return ZO_Pregame_ShouldSkipVideos() end, OnEnter = function() SimpleLogoSplash_ShowWithTexture("EsoUI/Art/Login/") end, GetStateTransitionData = function() return "ShowDMMVideo" end, OnExit = function() end, }, ["ShowDMMVideo"] = { ShouldAdvance = function() local serviceType = GetPlatformServiceType() return serviceType ~= PLATFORM_SERVICE_TYPE_DMM or ZO_Pregame_ShouldSkipVideos() end, OnEnter = function() local skipMode = ZO_Pregame_HasPlayedVideos() and VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_ALLOW_SKIP or VIDEO_SKIP_MODE_NO_SKIP ZO_PlayVideoAndAdvance(PlayVideo, "Video/jp_DMM_logo.bik", QUEUE_VIDEO, skipMode) end, GetStateTransitionData = function() -- The keyboard and gamepad flows begin to diverge here return "ShowLegalSplashScreen" end, OnExit = function() end, }, ["Disconnect"] = { OnEnter = function() SetCVar("QuickLaunch", "0") PregameDisconnect() end, OnExit = function () end, } } local g_keyboardPregameStates = {} function PregameStateManager_AddKeyboardStates(externalStates) for key, value in pairs(externalStates) do g_keyboardPregameStates[key] = value end end local g_gamepadPregameStates = {} function PregameStateManager_AddGamepadStates(externalStates) for key, value in pairs(externalStates) do g_gamepadPregameStates[key] = value end end function PregameStateManager_GetState(stateName) local state if IsInGamepadPreferredMode() then state = g_gamepadPregameStates[stateName] else state = g_keyboardPregameStates[stateName] end if not state then state = g_sharedPregameStates[stateName] end return state end function PregameStateManager_SetState(stateName, ...) local newPregameState = PregameStateManager_GetState(stateName) internalassert(newPregameState, "missing state for " .. stateName) local stateArgs = { ... } -- Because GetTransitionData returns the next state as the first argument, insert state name into this table. -- The actual arguments passed to OnEnter will be adjusted to account for it. table.insert(stateArgs, 1, stateName) if g_currentStateData then g_currentStateData.OnExit() end g_previousState = g_currentStateName local foundState = false while not foundState do g_currentStateName = stateName local shouldAdvance = (newPregameState.ShouldAdvance == nil) or newPregameState.ShouldAdvance() if shouldAdvance then if newPregameState and newPregameState.GetStateTransitionData then stateArgs = { newPregameState.GetStateTransitionData() } stateName = stateArgs[1] newPregameState = PregameStateManager_GetState(stateName) internalassert(newPregameState, "missing state for " .. stateName) else foundState = true end else foundState = true end end g_currentStateData = newPregameState newPregameState.OnEnter(select(2, unpack(stateArgs))) CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks("OnPregameEnterState", g_currentStateName) end function PregameStateManager_ReenterLoginState() if PregameStateManager_GetCurrentState() == "AccountLogin" then CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks("OnPregameEnterState", "AccountLogin") else PregameStateManager_SetState("AccountLogin") end end function PregameStateManager_AdvanceState() local currentStateData = PregameStateManager_GetState(g_currentStateName) if currentStateData and currentStateData.GetStateTransitionData then PregameStateManager_SetState(currentStateData.GetStateTransitionData()) else -- If there are no transition data, then we're not going anywhere...we'll be locked in the current state. -- Do not call this if you're not on a state with transition data internalassert(false, string.format("Non-advancable state: %s", tostring(g_currentStateName))) end end -- this will only advance the state if we are currently in the state passed in function PregameStateManager_AdvanceStateFromState(state) if g_currentStateName == state then PregameStateManager_AdvanceState() end end function PregameStateManager_GetCurrentState() return g_currentStateName end function PregameStateManager_GetPreviousState() return g_previousState end local function OnCharacterListReceived(_, characterCount, maxCharacters, mostRecentlyPlayedCharacterId) ZO_PREGAME_CHARACTER_LIST_RECEIVED = true ZO_PREGAME_CHARACTER_COUNT = characterCount local isPlayingVideo = false if shouldTryToPlayChapterOpeningCinematic then local highestUnlockedChapter = GetHighestUnlockedChapter() local highestSeenOpening = tonumber(GetCVar("HighestChapterOpeningCinematicSeen")) if highestUnlockedChapter > highestSeenOpening then SetCVar("HighestChapterOpeningCinematicSeen", highestUnlockedChapter) ZO_SavePlayerConsoleProfile() -- Play intro movie PregameStateManager_SetState("PlayChapterOpeningCinematic") isPlayingVideo = true end end if not isPlayingVideo then -- Go to character create/select as necessary after we have our data -- If we are already at CharacterSelect when we get the character list, then we don't need to move -- This could happen when we rename or delete a character if PregameStateManager_GetCurrentState() ~= "CharacterSelect" then PregameStateManager_SetState("WaitForGameDataLoaded") elseif characterCount == 0 then -- However, if we delete our last character then we need to switch to CharacterCreate -- so we can create a new character. We also want to avoid CharacterCreateFadeIn since -- that won't transition very nicely between CharacterSelect and CharacterCreate -- We are also assuming here that we already have character data since we were at character select PregameStateManager_SetState("CharacterCreate") end end -- if this hasn't been fired yet, then fire it (could have been a reload or coming from in-game) AttemptToFireCharacterConstructionReady() if DoesPlatformSupportDisablingShareFeatures() then -- re-enabled when the character list is loaded EnableShareFeatures() end end -- Debugging must be at character select already to use this. local function SetupUIReloadAfterLogin() RequestCharacterList() return "CharacterSelect" -- Return an invalid state, allow the character list receipt to figure out what state to advance to end local initialStateOverrideFn --= SetupUIReloadAfterLogin -- normally this is nil, it can be set to a custom function to allow the reload to drop into a desired state function UnregisterForLoadingUpdates() if loadingUpdates then EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_AREA_LOAD_STARTED) EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_SUBSYSTEM_LOAD_COMPLETE) EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_LUA_ERROR) loadingUpdates = false end end local function OnAreaLoadStarted() ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseAllDialogs(true) end function IsPlayingChapterOpeningCinematic() return PregameStateManager_GetCurrentState() == "PlayChapterOpeningCinematic" end function IsInCharacterSelectCinematicState() return PregameStateManager_GetCurrentState() == "CharacterSelect_PlayCinematic" end function IsInCharacterCreateState() return PregameStateManager_GetCurrentState() == "CharacterCreate" end local function OnCharacterSelected(_, characterId) PregameStateManager_SetState("BeginLoadingIntoWorld") end function PregameIsFullyLoaded() return GetNumLoadedSubsystems() == GetNumTotalSubsystemsToLoad() end function AttemptToAdvancePastChapterOpeningCinematic() if PregameIsFullyLoaded() then PregameStateManager_AdvanceStateFromState("PlayChapterOpeningCinematic") end end function AttemptToAdvancePastCharacterSelectCinematic() if PregameIsFullyLoaded() then PregameStateManager_AdvanceStateFromState("CharacterSelect_PlayCinematic") end end local function OnSubsystemLoadComplete(_, subSystem) if subSystem == LOADING_SYSTEM_GAME_DATA or subSystem == LOADING_SYSTEM_SHARED_CHARACTER_OBJECT then AttemptToFireCharacterConstructionReady() -- LOADING_SYSTEM_GAME_DATA loads before LOADING_SYSTEM_SHARED_CHARACTER_OBJECT so if we hit either -- of those then the game data is loaded if subSystem == LOADING_SYSTEM_GAME_DATA then PregameStateManager_AdvanceStateFromState("WaitForGameDataLoaded") elseif subSystem == LOADING_SYSTEM_SHARED_CHARACTER_OBJECT then PregameStateManager_AdvanceStateFromState("WaitForCharacterDataLoaded") end end if PregameIsFullyLoaded() then if IsPlayingChapterOpeningCinematic() then AttemptToAdvancePastChapterOpeningCinematic() end CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks("PregameFullyLoaded") UnregisterForLoadingUpdates() end end local function OnLuaErrorWhileLoading(_) -- Errors triggered during a loading screen will prevent some loading -- subsystems from completing, so the loading screen will never go away unless -- we do something. Let's immediately disconnect and bail back to the initial -- screen to handle this. We're calling lua code to handle errors in lua code, -- so we may still end up in the situation where our error recovery code never -- gets called, but the list of places where that could happen are very low; -- basically just this function. EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_LUA_ERROR) ZO_PREGAME_HAD_GLOBAL_ERROR = true PregameDisconnectOnLuaError() end function RegisterForLoadingUpdates() if not loadingUpdates then EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_AREA_LOAD_STARTED, OnAreaLoadStarted) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_SUBSYSTEM_LOAD_COMPLETE, OnSubsystemLoadComplete) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_LUA_ERROR, OnLuaErrorWhileLoading) loadingUpdates = true end end local function OnShowPregameGuiInState(_, desiredState) SetGuiHidden("pregame", false) if initialStateOverrideFn then desiredState = initialStateOverrideFn() end if desiredState and desiredState ~= "" then PregameStateManager_SetState(desiredState, true) end end function PregameStateManager_PlayCharacter(charId, loadOption) if type(loadOption) == "string" then PregameStateManager_SetState(loadOption) else --We will need to revisit this once the tutorial gate is integrated into the build CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks("OnCharacterLoadRequested") SelectCharacterForPlay(charId, loadOption) end end do local g_currentVideoPregameState = nil local function OnVideoPlaybackComplete() EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE) EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_ERROR) if not ZO_PREGAME_HAD_GLOBAL_ERROR then PregameStateManager_AdvanceStateFromState(g_currentVideoPregameState) end end function ZO_PlayVideoAndAdvance(playVideoFunction, ...) if playVideoFunction then g_currentVideoPregameState = PregameStateManager_GetCurrentState() EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE, OnVideoPlaybackComplete) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_ERROR, OnVideoPlaybackComplete) playVideoFunction(...) end end end function PregameStateManager_ClearError() ZO_PREGAME_HAD_GLOBAL_ERROR = false end local function OnDisplayNameReady() shouldTryToPlayChapterOpeningCinematic = true shouldTryToShowChapterInterstitial = true end local function OnDisconnectedFromServer() local FORCE = true ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseAllDialogs(FORCE) if IsInGamepadPreferredMode() then ZO_Gamepad_DisplayServerDisconnectedError() else ZO_Keyboard_DisplayServerDisconnectedError() end local NUM_FLASHES_BEFORE_SOLID = 7 FlashTaskbarWindow("DISCONNECTED", NUM_FLASHES_BEFORE_SOLID) end local function OnGamepadPreferredModeChanged() if IsAnyVideoPlaying() then -- Allow the video to finish. All states that play a video should be -- able to be used in either keyboard or gamepad flows, to properly -- shuffle the player on to the next state return end local FORCE_CLOSE = true ZO_Dialogs_ReleaseAllDialogs(FORCE_CLOSE) if not IsAccountLoggedIn() then PregameStateManager_SetState("AccountLoginEntryPoint") elseif not IsPregameCharacterConstructionReady() then PregameStateManager_SetState("WaitForCharacterDataLoaded") elseif PregameStateManager_GetCurrentState() == "CharacterCreate" or GetNumCharacters() == 0 then PregameStateManager_SetState("CharacterCreate") else local wasLoadingIntoWorld = PregameStateManager_GetCurrentState() == "BeginLoadingIntoWorld" MoveCameraToCurrentCharacter() PregameStateManager_SetState("CharacterSelect") if wasLoadingIntoWorld then -- pop up the loading dialog. -- this needs to happen as a transition from character select so the input-appropriate version of that scene is visible in the background PregameStateManager_SetState("BeginLoadingIntoWorld") end end end function ZO_RegisterForSavedVars(systemName, version, defaults, callback) local function OnReady() local savedVars = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("ZO_Pregame_SavedVariables", version, systemName, defaults) callback(savedVars) end local function OnAddonLoaded(_, name) if name == "ZO_Pregame" then EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(systemName, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED) if IsAccountLoggedIn() then OnReady() end end end EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(systemName, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, OnAddonLoaded) -- Every time we log in, we need a new saved vars for that account EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(systemName, EVENT_DISPLAY_NAME_READY, OnReady) end EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_DISPLAY_NAME_READY, OnDisplayNameReady) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_CHARACTER_LIST_RECEIVED, OnCharacterListReceived) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_SHOW_PREGAME_GUI_IN_STATE, OnShowPregameGuiInState) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_CHARACTER_SELECTED_FOR_PLAY, OnCharacterSelected) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_GAMEPAD_PREFERRED_MODE_CHANGED, OnGamepadPreferredModeChanged) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("PregameStateManager", EVENT_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SERVER, OnDisconnectedFromServer)