local function PlaceCursorInInventory(bagId, cursorType) -- If the cursor contains a store item, just let that system handle it... if cursorType == MOUSE_CONTENT_STORE_ITEM then PlaceInInventory(bagId, 0) return end if cursorType == MOUSE_CONTENT_QUEST_ITEM then if bagId == BAG_BANK then ZO_Alert(UI_ALERT_CATEGORY_ERROR, SOUNDS.NEGATIVE_CLICK, GetString(SI_INVENTORY_ERROR_NO_QUEST_ITEMS_IN_BANK)) end -- can't really move quest items anywhere, so return no matter what return end -- If we are moving from the Craft Bag we need to prompt the transfer dialog local sourceBag = GetCursorBagId() if sourceBag == BAG_VIRTUAL then if bagId == BAG_BACKPACK then local sourceSlotIndex = GetCursorSlotIndex() ZO_TryMoveToInventoryFromBagAndSlot(sourceBag, sourceSlotIndex) end -- no support for going from Craft bag directly to a bag other than backpack return end -- Should not auto-stack, that's what right click is for as of now. -- This is only called after all cursor data has been checked. TryPlaceInventoryItemInEmptySlot(bagId) end local dropHandlers = { ["inventory"] = function(landingArea, cursorType) PlaceCursorInInventory(landingArea.bagId, cursorType) end, ["store"] = function(landingArea, cursorType) PlaceInStoreWindow() end, } -- Allow calling from external systems (the inventory system will once again begin using this -- to auto-drop into inventory (bank/bag) when the split stack menu item is chosen. function ZO_InventoryLandingArea_DropCursor(landingArea) local cursorType = GetCursorContentType() local handler = dropHandlers[landingArea.descriptor] if handler and (cursorType ~= MOUSE_CONTENT_EMPTY) then handler(landingArea, cursorType) end end function ZO_InventoryLandingArea_DropCursorInBag(bagId) PlaceCursorInInventory(bagId, GetCursorContentType()) end function ZO_InventoryLandingArea_SetHidden(landingArea, hidden, hintTextStringId) landingArea:SetHidden(hidden) if not hidden then -- It's assumed that landing areas are children of a ZO_ScrollListContents control that hold ZO_ListInventorySlots -- which is how the offsets are determined when there are icons present in the list. -- The right offset is determined from the scrollbar. local scrollList = landingArea:GetParent():GetParent() landingArea:ClearAnchors() local iconOffset = 0 if ZO_ScrollList_HasVisibleData(scrollList) then -- Don't adjust for icon offset for now, just allow the landing area to take up the full area of the window -- iconOffset = landingArea.iconOffset end landingArea:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, scrollList, TOPLEFT, iconOffset, 0) landingArea:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, scrollList, BOTTOMRIGHT, 0, 0) landingArea.hintTextStringId = hintTextStringId end end function ZO_InventoryLandingArea_Initialize(landingArea, descriptor, bagId, customOffset) local newParent = landingArea:GetParent():GetNamedChild("Contents") landingArea:SetParent(newParent) landingArea.bagId = bagId landingArea.descriptor = descriptor landingArea.iconOffset = customOffset or 50 end